Deep Learning in Mental Health Outcome Research: A Scoping Review

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Su et al.

Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Translational Psychiatry


Deep learning in mental health outcome research:

a scoping review
Chang Su1, Zhenxing Xu1, Jyotishman Pathak1 and Fei Wang1

Mental illnesses, such as depression, are highly prevalent and have been shown to impact an individual’s physical
health. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been introduced to assist mental health providers, including
psychiatrists and psychologists, for decision-making based on patients’ historical data (e.g., medical records, behavioral
data, social media usage, etc.). Deep learning (DL), as one of the most recent generation of AI technologies, has
demonstrated superior performance in many real-world applications ranging from computer vision to healthcare. The
goal of this study is to review existing research on applications of DL algorithms in mental health outcome research.
Specifically, we first briefly overview the state-of-the-art DL techniques. Then we review the literature relevant to DL
applications in mental health outcomes. According to the application scenarios, we categorize these relevant articles
into four groups: diagnosis and prognosis based on clinical data, analysis of genetics and genomics data for
understanding mental health conditions, vocal and visual expression data analysis for disease detection, and
estimation of risk of mental illness using social media data. Finally, we discuss challenges in using DL algorithms to
improve our understanding of mental health conditions and suggest several promising directions for their applications
in improving mental health diagnosis and treatment.

Introduction To better understand the mental health conditions and

Mental illness is a type of health condition that changes provide better patient care, early detection of mental health
a person’s mind, emotions, or behavior (or all three), and problems is an essential step. Different from the diagnosis of
has been shown to impact an individual’s physical other chronic conditions that rely on laboratory tests and
health1,2. Mental health issues including depression, measurements, mental illnesses are typically diagnosed
schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder based on an individual’s self-report to specific ques-
(ADHD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), etc., are tionnaires designed for the detection of specific patterns of
highly prevalent today and it is estimated that around 450 feelings or social interactions3. Due to the increasing
million people worldwide suffer from such problems1. In availability of data pertaining to an individual’s mental
addition to adults, children and adolescents under the age health status, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
of 18 years also face the risk of mental health disorders. learning (ML) technologies are being applied to improve
Moreover, mental health illnesses have also been one of our understanding of mental health conditions and have
the most serious and prevalent public health problems. been engaged to assist mental health providers for improved
For example, depression is a leading cause of disability clinical decision-making4–6. As one of the latest advances in
and can lead to an increased risk for suicidal ideation and AI and ML, deep learning (DL), which transforms the data
suicide attempts2. through layers of nonlinear computational processing units,
provides a new paradigm to effectively gain knowledge from
complex data7. In recent years, DL algorithms have
demonstrated superior performance in many data-rich
Correspondence: Fei Wang ([email protected])
Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Medicine, New application scenarios, including healthcare8–10.
York, NY, USA

© The Author(s) 2020

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Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 2 of 26

In a previous study, Shatte et al.11 explored the appli- different connection architectures. The simplest ANN
cation of ML techniques in mental health. They reviewed architecture is the feedforward neural network (FNN),
literature by grouping them into four main application which stacks the neurons layer by layer in a feedforward
domains: diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, public manner (Fig. 1a), where the neurons across adjacent
health, as well as research and clinical administration. In layers are fully connected to each other. The first layer of
another study, Durstewitz et al.9 explored the emerging the FNN is the input layer that each unit receives one
area of application of DL techniques in psychiatry. They dimension of the data vector. The last layer is the output
focused on DL in the studies of brain dynamics and layer that outputs the probabilities that a subject
subjects’ behaviors, and presented the insights of belonging to different classes (in classification). The
embedding the interpretable computational models into layers between the input and output layers are the hid-
statistical context. In contrast, this study aims to provide a den layers. A DFNN usually contains multiple hidden
scoping review of the existing research applying DL layers. As shown in Fig. 2a, there is a weight parameter
methodologies on the analysis of different types of data associated with each edge in the DFNN, which needs to
related to mental health conditions. The reviewed articles be optimized by minimizing some training loss measured
are organized into four main groups according to the type on a specific training dataset (usually through back-
of the data analyzed, including the following: (1) clinical propagation17). After the optimal set of parameters are
data, (2) genetic and genomics data, (3) vocal and visual learned, the DFNN can be used to predict the target
expression data, and (4) social media data. Finally, the value (e.g., class) of any testing data vectors. Therefore, a
challenges the current studies faced with, as well as future DFNN can be viewed as an end-to-end process that
research directions towards bridging the gap between the transforms a specific raw data vector to its target layer by
application of DL algorithms and patient care, are layer. Compared with the traditional ML models, DFNN
discussed. has shown superior performance in many data mining
tasks and have been introduced to the analysis of clinical
Deep learning overview data and genetic data to predict mental health condi-
ML aims at developing computational algorithms or tions. We will discuss the applications of these methods
statistical models that can automatically infer hidden further in the Results section.
patterns from data12,13. Recent years have witnessed an
increasing number of ML models being developed to
analyze healthcare data4. However, conventional ML Recurrent neural network
approaches require a significant amount of feature engi- RNNs were designed to analyze sequential data such as
neering for optimal performance—a step that is necessary natural language, speech, and video. Given an input
for most application scenarios to obtain good perfor- sequence, the RNN processes one element of the
mance, which is usually resource- and time-consuming. sequence at a time by feeding to a recurrent neuron. To
As the newest wave of ML and AI technologies, DL encode the historical information along the sequence,
approaches aim at the development of an end-to-end each recurrent neuron receives the input element at the
mechanism that maps the input raw features directly into corresponding time point and the output of the neuron at
the outputs through a multi-layer network structure that is previous time stamp, and the output will also be provided
able to capture the hidden patterns within the data. In this to the neuron at next time stamp (this is also where the
section, we will review several popular DL model archi- term “recurrent” comes from). An example RNN archi-
tectures, including deep feedforward neural network tecture is shown in Fig. 1b where the input is a sequence
(DFNN), recurrent neural network (RNN)14, convolutional of words (a sentence). The recurrence link (i.e., the edge
neural network (CNN)15, and autoencoder16. Figure 1 linking different neurons) enables RNN to capture the
provides an overview of these architectures. latent semantic dependencies among words and the syn-
tax of the sentence. In recent years, different variants of
Deep feedforward neural network RNN, such as long short-term memory (LSTM)18 and
Artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed with the gated recurrent unit19 have been proposed, and the main
intention of mimicking how human brain works, where difference among these models is how the input is map-
the basic element is an artificial neuron depicted in ped to the output for the recurrent neuron. RNN models
Fig. 2a. Mathematically, an artificial neuron is a non- have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in var-
linear transformation unit, which takes the weighted ious applications, especially natural language processing
summation of all inputs and feeds the result to an acti- (NLP; e.g., machine translation and text-based classifica-
vation function, such as sigmoid, rectifier (i.e., rectified tion); hence, they hold great premise in processing clinical
linear unit [ReLU]), or hyperbolic tangent (Fig. 2b). An notes and social media posts to detect mental health
ANN is composed of multiple artificial neurons with conditions as discussed below.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 3 of 26

a b

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5


Input image Convolutional layer Pooling layer Fully connected layer

d Encoder Decoder

Input unit
Hidden neuron
Output neuron
Compressed- Recurrent neuron

Fig. 1 Examples of deep neural networks. a Deep feedforward neural network (DFNN). It is the basic design of DL models. Commonly, a DFNN
contains multiple hidden layers. b A recurrent neural network (RNN) is presented to process sequence data. To encode history information, each
recurrent neuron receives the input element and the state vector of the predecessor neuron, and yields a hidden state fed to the successor neuron.
For example, not only the individual information but also the dependence of the elements of the sequence x1 → x2 → x3 → x4 → x5 is encoded by
the RNN architecture. c Convolutional neural network (CNN). Between input layer (e.g., input neuroimage) and output layer, a CNN commonly
contains three types of layers: the convolutional layer that is to generate feature maps by sliding convolutional kernels in the previous layer; the
pooling layer is used to reduce dimensionality of previous convolutional layer; and the fully connected layer is to make prediction. For the illustrative
purpose, this example only has one layer of each type; yet, a real-world CNN would have multiple convolutional and pooling layers (usually in an
interpolated manner) and one fully connected layer. d Autoencoder consists of two components: the encoder, which learns to compress the input
data into a latent representation layer by layer, whereas the decoder, inverse to the encoder, learns to reconstruct the data at the output layer. The
learned compressed representations can be fed to the downstream predictive model.

Convolutional neural network from DFNN, where only fully connected layers are con-
CNN is a specific type of deep neural network originally sidered, there are typically three types of layers in a CNN:
designed for image analysis15, where each pixel corre- a convolution–activation layer, a pooling layer, and a fully
sponds to a specific input dimension describing the image. connected layer (Fig. 1c). The convolution–activation
Similar to a DFNN, CNN also maps these input image layer first convolves the entire feature map obtained from
pixels to the corresponding target (e.g., image class) previous layer with small two-dimensional convolution
through layers of nonlinear transformations. Different filters. The results from each convolution filter are
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 4 of 26

a b
yj Sigmoid ReLU Tanh

w1 w3
x1 x3
Fig. 2 Technical details of neural networks. a An illustration of basic unit of neural networks, i.e., artificial neuron. Each input xi is associated with a
weight wi. The weighted sum of all inputs Σwixi is fed to a nonlinear activation function f to generate the output yj of the j-th neuron, i.e., yj = f(Σwixi).
b Illustrations of the widely used nonlinear activation function.

activated through a nonlinear activation function in the supervision information. In the studies of mental health
same way as a DFNN. A pooling layer reduces the size of outcomes, the use of autoencoder has resulted in desir-
the feature map through sub-sampling. The fully con- able improvement in analyzing clinical and expression
nected layer is analogous to the hidden layer in a DFNN, image data, which will be detailed in the Results section.
where each neuron is connected to all neurons of the
previous layer. The convolution–activation layer extracts Methods
locally invariant patterns from the feature maps. The The processing and reporting of the results of this
pooling layer effectively reduces the feature dimension- review were guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for
ality to avoid model overfitting. The fully connected layer Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines21. To
explores the global feature interactions as in DFNNs. thoroughly review the literature, a two-step method was
Different combinations of these three types of layers used to retrieve all the studies on relevant topics. First, we
constitute different CNN architectures. Because of the conducted a search of the computerized bibliographic
various characteristics of images such as local self-simi- databases including PubMed and Web of Science. The
larity, compositionality, and translational and deformation search strategy is detailed in Supplementary Appendix 1.
invariance, CNN has demonstrated state-of-the-art per- The literature search comprised articles published until
formance in many computer vision tasks7. Hence, the April 2019. Next, a snowball technique was applied to
CNN models are promising in processing clinical images identify additional studies. Furthermore, we manually
and expression data (e.g., facial expression images) to searched other resources, including Google Scholar, and
detect mental health conditions. We will discuss the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE
application of these methods in the Results section. Xplore), to find additional relevant articles.
Figure 3 presents the study selection process. All articles
Autoencoder were evaluated carefully and studies were excluded if: (1)
Autoencoder is a special variant of the DFNN aimed at the main outcome is not a mental health condition; (2) the
learning new (usually more compact) data representa- model involved is not a DL algorithm; (3) full-text of the
tions that can optimally reconstruct the original data article is not accessible; and (4) the article is written not in
vectors16,20. An autoencoder typically consists of two English.
components (Fig. 1d) as follows: (1) the encoder, which
learns new representations (usually with reduced Results
dimensionality) from the input data through a multi- A total of 57 articles met our eligibility criteria. Most of
layer FNN; and (2) the decoder, which is exactly the the reviewed articles were published between 2014 and
reverse of the encoder, reconstructs the data in their 2019. To clearly summarize these articles, we grouped
original space from the representations derived from the them into four categories according to the types of data
encoder. The parameters in the autoencoder are learned analyzed, including (1) clinical data, (2) genetic and
through minimizing the reconstruction loss. Auto- genomics data, (3) vocal and visual expression data, and
encoder has demonstrated the capacity of extracting (4) social media data. Table 1 summarizes the character-
meaningful features from raw data without any istics of these selected studies.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 5 of 26

Records identified through Records identified through other

Identification sources
database searching:
PubMed (n = 1,606) (n = 7)
Web of Science (n = 2,376)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 2,261)

Articles excluded after title review

(n = 1,727)

Records for abstract screen

(n = 534)

Articles excluded after abstract review

(n = 358)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility

(n = 176)

Studies (n = 119) excluded after full text

review for the reasons:
- Irrelevant (n = 69)
- Not deep learning (n = 31)
- Not available for download (n = 13)
- Not in English (n = 6)

Studies included for analysis

(n = 57)

Studies (n = 23) of
clinical data analysis: Studies of vocal and
Studies of genetic data Studies of social media
visual expression data
- Neuroimages (n = 12) analysis data analysis
- EEG data (n = 4) (n = 4) (n = 12)
(n = 18)
- EHRs (n = 7)

Fig. 3 PRISMA flow diagram: deep learning in mental health outcome research. In total, 57 studies, in terms of clinical data analysis, genetic
data analysis, vocal and visual expression data analysis, and social media data analysis, which met our eligibility criteria, were included in this review.

Clinical data and DBN models were to obtain a deep hierarchical

Neuroimages representation of the neuroimages. Different patterns
Previous studies have shown that neuroimages can were discovered between ADHDs and controls in the
record evidence of neuropsychiatric disorders22,23. Two prefrontal cortex and cingulated cortex. Also, several
common types of neuroimage data analyzed in mental studies analyzed sMRIs to investigate schizophrenia32–36,
health studies are functional magnetic resonance imaging where DFNN, DBN, and autoencoder were utilized. These
(fMRI) and structural MRI (sMRI) data. In fMRI data, the studies reported abnormal patterns of cortical regions and
brain activity is measured by identification of the changes cortical–striatal–cerebellar circuit in the brain of schizo-
associated with blood flow, based on the fact that cerebral phrenia patients, especially in the frontal, temporal, par-
blood flow and neuronal activation are coupled24. In sMRI ietal, and insular cortices, and in some subcortical regions,
data, the neurological aspect of a brain is described based including the corpus callosum, putamen, and cerebellum.
on the structural textures, which show some information Moreover, the use of DL in neuroimages also targeted at
in terms of the spatial arrangements of voxel intensities in addressing other mental health disorders. Geng et al.37
3D. Recently, DL technologies have been demonstrated in proposed to use CNN and autoencoder to acquire
analyzing both fMRI and sMRI data. meaningful features from the original time series of fMRI
One application of DL in fMRI and sMRI data is the data for predicting depression. Two studies31,38 integrated
identification of ADHD25–31. To learn meaningful infor- the fMRI and sMRI data modalities to develop predictive
mation from the neuroimages, CNN and deep belief models for ASDs. Significant relationships between fMRI
network (DBN) models were used. In particular, the CNN and sMRI data were observed with regard to ASD
models were mainly used to identify local spatial patterns prediction.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 A summary of the selected studies in this review.

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

Clinical data
Neuroimage data
Kuang and He., DBN fMRI 449 Subjects (ADHD-200a) Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.407–0.809 The model is the first time
2014 status and subtype that the DL method has been
used for the discrimination of
ADHD with fMRI data.
Kuang et al., DBN fMRI 492 Subjects (ADHD-200 )a
Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.344–0.718 The study verified that there is
201426 status and subtype difference between ADHD
and control in the prefrontal
cortex and cingulated cortex.
Ulloa et al., 2015 35
DFNN sMRI 198 Schizophrenia subjects, Human annotation Prediction of ACC = 0.75; Baseline The model classified
191 HCs schizophrenia ACC = 0.70 neuroimaging data in an
online fashion using purely
synthetic data.
Pinaya et al., DBN sMRI 143 Schizophrenia subjects, Human annotation Prediction of ACC = 0.736; Baseline The DBN highlighted
201633 (source 32 first-episode psychosis, based on SCID-I schizophrenia ACC = 0.681 differences between classes,
code availablek) 191 HCs especially in the frontal,
temporal, parietal, and insular
cortices, and in some
subcortical regions, including
the corpus callosum,
putamen, and cerebellum.
Farzi et al., 2017 27
DBN fMRI 336 Subjects (ADHD-200 )a
Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.637–0.698; The deep model captured
Baseline ACC = relationships from multiple
0.352–0.642 features, including FMRI
features, diagnosis status,
ADHD measures, secondary
symptoms, age, gender, etc.
Zou et al., 2017 28
3D CNN fMRI 239 ADHDs, 429 TDCs Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.657; Baseline The 3D CNN architecture can
ACC = 0.615 detect physiologically

Page 6 of 26
meaningful 3D local patterns
from fMRI data.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

Geng and Xu, Autoencoder fMRI 24 MDDs, 24 HCs Not specified Prediction of ACC = 0.95; Baseline The model automatically
201737 and CNN depression ACC = 0.71 learned meaningful features
from the origin time series of
the fMRI.
Zou et al., 201730 3D CNN fMRI and sMRI 239 ADHDs, 429 TDCs Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.692; Baseline The study found that brain
ACC = 0.615 functional and structural
information are
complementary. The low-level
features and high-level
features from fMRI and sMRI
are useful for the detection
of ADHD.
Sen et al., 2018 31
Autoencoder fMRI and sMRI 279 ADHDs, 491 HCs Human annotation Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.643–0.673; Combining multimodal
(ADHD-200a); 538 ASDs and and ASD Baseline ACC = features can yield good
573 HCs (ABIDEb) 0.500–0.516 classification accuracy for
diagnosis of ADHD and
Aghdam et al., DBN fMRI and sMRI 116 ASDs, 69 TDCs (ABIDE Human annotation Prediction of ASD ACC = 0.656 (1) There were significant
201838 b
) relationships between rs-fMRI
and sMRI; (2) Increasing the
depth of DBN can help
improve diagnostic
Matsubara et al., DFNN fMRI 50 Schizophrenia subjects, Diagnosis of psychiatric ACC = 0.766; Baseline The study modeled joint
201936 49 BDs, and 122 HCsc disorder ACC = 0.720 distribution of rs-fMRI data,
class labels, and remaining
frame-wise variabilities.
Pinaya et al., Autoencoder sMRI 35 Schizophrenia subjects, Human annotation Identification of ACC = 0.639 to 0.707; There are distinct patterns of
201934 40 HCs (NUSDASTd); 83 abnormal brain Baseline ACC = 0.569 neuroanatomical deviations
ASDs, 105 HCs (ABIDEb) structural patterns in to 0.637 for the two diseases
neuropsychiatric (schizophrenia and ASD).

Page 7 of 26
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

and ASD)
Electroencephalogram data
Mohan et al., DFNN 6.25-sec EEG 116 University students PHQ-9 score and Prediction of 19 Out of 20 testers The profound outcome of this
201744 DASS-21 depression were detected correctly study showed the signals
collected from central (C3 and
C4) region are marginally
higher compared other brain
Acharya et al., CNN 5-min EEG 15 Depressed Human annotation Prediction of ACC = 0.935 (left The study found that the EEG
201843 subjects, 15 HCs based on specific depression hemisphere) and 0.960 signals from the right
questions and (right hemisphere) hemisphere are more
physical distinctive in depression than
examination those from the left
Zhang et al., CNN 1000 Hz EEG 20 subjects Cross-task mental Cross-task mental ACC = 0.889 (1) Spectral changes of EEG
201845 workload workload assessment hemispheric asymmetry
assessment provide effective information
to distinguish different mental
workload tasks. (2) Different
time periods can provide
different hemispheric EEG
activities, and selection of an
appropriate time window is
essential for extracting
hemispheric asymmetry
Li et al., 201946 CNN 1-sec EEG 24 Mild depression, 24 HCs BDI-II Prediction of mild ACC = 0.856 They found that the spectral
depression information of EEG played a
major role and the temporal
information of EEG provided a

Page 8 of 26
statistically significant
improvement to accuracy.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

Electronic health records

Pham et al., DeepCare (LSTM Longitudinal EMRs 11,000 Patients ICD-10 Prediction of the future F-score = 0.754; Baseline The LSTM architecture
201751 (source based model) diagnosis code mental outcomes F-score = 0.679 appropriately captured
code available l) disease progression by
modeling the illness history
but also the medical
Geraci et al., DFNN Clinical notes 366 Patients Human annotation Prediction of youth Sensitivity = 0.935, The model identified
201753 depression Specificity = 0.68, individuals who meet the
Positive predictive inclusion–exclusion criteria for
value = 0.77 depression research.
Rios and CNN Clinical notes 1000 Neuropsychiatric Human annotation Prediction of psychiatric NMMAE = 0.856 The CNN scheme showed
Kavuluru, 201756 notese symptom severity superiority in extract text
features and the predictive
performance is better than
many traditional text
classification methods.
Tran and CNN and Clinical notes 1000 Neuropsychiatric Human annotation Prediction of 11 mental F-score = 0.631; Baseline Both the CNN and RNN
Kavuluru, 201758 attention- notese health conditions (e.g., F-score = 0.598 architectures achieved
based RNN ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, desirable prediction
dementia, performances.
depression, etc.)
Choi et al., 201850 DFNN Structured EHRs SD: 2546, HC: 817,405 ICD-10 Prediction of AUC = 0.683; Baseline The model is able to address
diagnosis code suicide death AUC = 0.688 the imbalance classification
Lin et al., 2018 52
DFNN Clinical biomarkers and 257 MDD treatment HRSD Prediction of AUC = 0.823; Baseline The model achieved better
genetic biomarkers (SNPs) responders, 164 MDD antidepressant AUC = 0.816 performance than the logistic
treatment non-responders response and remission regression classifier.
Dai and CNN Clinical notes Clinical notes of psychiatric Human annotation Prediction of positive MAE = 0.539; Baseline The CNN models provided
Jonnagaddala, disorder subjects: Absent: valence symptom MAE = 0.583 comparable solutions without

Page 9 of 26
92, Mild: 252, Moderate: severity sophisticated preprocessing
156, Severe: 149e on the text data.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

Genetic data
Laksshman et al., CNN Whole exome 1000 Subjectsf Not specified Differentiating bipolar AUC = 0.65; Baseline The 1D convolution captured
201771 sequencing data disorder patients with AUC = 0.62 correlation of neighboring
healthy controls loci. The model achieved a
winning predictive
performance of 0.65 AUC,
compared with traditional
methods ranging from 0.5 to
0.55. This revealed that the
model might be picking up
complex patterns across the
Khan and Wang, ncDeepBrain Genome sequencing data - Not specified Identification of non- ACC = 0.82; Baseline The model was trained for
201767 (source (DFNN based) coding variants ACC = 0.71 scoring the non-coding
code availablem) associated with mental variants for prioritization.
Khan et al., 201868 iMEGES Genome sequencing data - Not specified Prioritization of AUC = 0.57 The model integrated the
(source code (DFNN based) susceptibility genes for (schizophrenia) and ncDeepBrain score, general
availablem) mental disorders 0.58 (ASD) gene scores, and disease-
specific scores to prioritize
susceptibility genes for mental
Wang et al., Deep structured Regulatory network PsychENCODE Consortium Not specified Prediction of psychiatric ACC = 0.729; Baseline The model provided insights
201869 phenotype dataset g phenotypes from ACC = 0.681 about intermediate
network (DSPN) genotype and phenotypes and their
expression connections to high-level
phenotypes (disease traits).
Vocal and visual expression data
Chao et al., 201584 CNN and LSTM Voice and visual data 84 Subjects (AVEC dataset) Human annotation Prediction of MAE = 8.7 Face appearance features
depression severity were extracted by CNN. The

Page 10 of 26
deep-learned appearance
features, combined with audio
and face shape features, were
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

fed to a LSTM to capture long-

term sequence features.
Yang et al., 201685 LSTM and Elicited speech voice data 13 BDs, 13 UDs, and 13 HCs Human annotation Prediction of mood ACC = 0.769; Baseline The denoising autoencoder
autoencoder (Chi-Mei mood dataset) disorder ACC = 0.498 adopted emotion domain
data to the speech data space
to generate emotion profiles
(EPs). The LSTM characterized
the temporal evolution of the
EP sequence with respect to
eliciting emotional videos.
Ma et al., 201676 CNN and LSTM Voice data (AVEC dataset) PHQ-8 score Prediction of F-score = 0.52 The model incorporated
depression short-term temporal and
spectral correlations by a 1D
CNN, captured middle-term
correlations by 1D max-
pooling, and extracted long-
term correlations with LSTM.
Huang et al., LSTM and Elicited speech voice data 15 BDs, 15 UDs, and 15 HCs Human annotation Prediction of mood ACC = 0.733 The denoising autoencoder
201786 autoencoder (Chi-Mei mood dataset) disorder adopted emotion domain
data to the speech data space
to generate emotion profiles
(EPs). The LSTM characterized
the temporal evolution of the
EP sequence with respect to
eliciting emotional videos.
Su et al., 2017 90
LSTM and Elicited video data 12 BDs, 12 MDDs, and 12 Human annotation Classification of mood ACC = 0.677; Baseline The study modeled the long-
autoencoder HCs (Chi-Mei mood disorders ACC = 0.556 term variation among
dataset) different mood disorders
types by LSTM.
Jaiswal et al., CNN Facial expression RGBD 4 ADHDs, 22 ASDs, 11 Not specified Prediction of ADHD ACC = 0.96 (condition The study established the
201792 data (A RGB-D image is ADHD + ASDs, and 18 HCs and ASD vs. HC) and 0.93 (ADHD relationship between facial

Page 11 of 26
simply a combination of a + ASD vs. ASD only) expression/gestures and
color image and its neurodevelopmental
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

corresponding depth conditions such as ADHD

image.) and ASD.
Cho et al., 201793 CNN Thermal images 8 Healthy adultsh Human annotation Recognition of ACC = 0.846 (no stress The model identified
(source code psychological stress vs. stress) and 0.565 (no psychological stress level by
availablen) level (mental overload) stress vs. low-level stress using a low-cost thermal
vs. high-level stress) camera, which tracks the
person’s breathing patterns.
Yang et al., 201779 CNN and DFNN Voice and visual data 189 Segments of clinical PHQ-8 score Prediction of MAE = 5.4 The study proposed a
interview (AVEC dataset) depression multimodal approach: two
CNNs were introduced to
encode audio and video data,
respectively. Then a fully
connected DNN was used to
combine the two channel
feature maps to predict PHQ-8
Gupta et al., DFNN Voice and visual data 300 Video samples (AVEC Valence, arousal, Affective prediction Correlation coefficient ρ The DFNN incorporated
201794 dataset) and dominance between the true and depression severity as the
ratings by human predicted ratings: parameter, linking the effects
annotation 0.21–0.51 of depression on subjects’
affective expressions.
He and Cao, CNN Voice data 300 Video samples (AVEC BDI-II Prediction of MAE = 8.2; Baseline The model consists of four
201877 dataset) depression MAE = 10.4 CNNs, one for extracting
audio features from raw
waveform, one for extracting
texture features from
spectrogram images, and two
for modeling handcraft
Dawood et al., CNN and LSTM Video collected 862 Videos of AS, 545 Not specified Prediction of ACC = 0.901 The model takes the power of
201881 by webcam videos of TDC depression CNN to learn facial expression

Page 12 of 26
features from images (frame’s
response map) and LSTM to
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

learn from series of temporal

data (sequence of
response maps).
Song et al., 201882 CNN Video data 30 Depressed subjects, 77 PHQ-8 score Prediction of MAE = 5.01; The model transformed
non-depressed subjects, depression and Baseline = 4.4 behavior signals to spectrum
and 35 subjects for depression severity maps to capture long-term
development (AVEC series information. Then CNN
dataset) was used to extract spectral
Zhu et al., 201883 CNN Video data 340 Videos from BDI-II Prediction of MAE = 7.6; Baseline The model introduced two
292 subjects (AVEC dataset) depression MAE = 8.2 CNNs, one pre-trained for
modeling the static facial
appearance and the other
modeling the optical flow
images extracted from
different frames.
Prasetio et al., CNN Facial image Female: 87 high stress, 129 Human annotation Stress recognition ACC = 0.959; Baseline The features were from facial
201891 low stress, and 175 neutral; ACC = 0.890 images and fed to a CNN to
Male: 134 high stress, 212 identify stress.
low stress, and 237 neutral
Jan et al. 201887 CNN (only Voice and visual data 300 Videos (AVEC dataset) BDI-II Prediction of MAE = 6.7 (Unimodal) The deep-learnt features
for image depression severity and 6.1 (Bimodal); showed significant
Baseline MAE = 8.0 improvement on prediction.
(Unimodal) and 6.4
Harati et al. LSTM Audio of interview during 13 Subjects HRMD score Prediction of AUC = 0.80 The model extracted emotion
201889 Deep Brain Stimulation depression severity features from patients’ clinical
treatment audio utterances.
Huang et al. CNN and LSTM Elicited speech voice data 15 BDs, 15 UDs, and 15 HCs Human annotation Short-term detection of ACC = 0.756; Baseline The CNN was used to
201980 (Chi-Mei mood dataset) mood disorders ACC = 0.622 generate an emotion profile
(EP) of each elicited speech

Page 13 of 26
response. The LSTM was used
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

to characterize temporal
evolution of EPs of patients
Su et al., 201988 Autoencoder Voice and visual data 13 BDs, 13 UDs, and 13 HCs Human annotation Prediction of mood ACC = 0.692; Baseline Autoencoder generated
and LSTM (Chi-Mei mood dataset) disorder ACC = 0.498 bottleneck features of the
facial expression and speech
response. LSTM modeled the
temporal information of all
elicited responses. The model
is able to overcome
misdiagnosis of bipolar
disorder as unipolar disorder.
Social media data
Lin et al., 201498 CNN and DFNN Sina Weibo posts 11,074 Subjects of stress, Pattern matching Stress detection ACC = 0.756–0.844 There are relationships
12,230 subjects of no stress in tweets between users’ stress and
their tweeting content, social
engagement, and behavior
Lin et al., 2014 99
Denoising Hashtag-labeled tweets 3634 Tweets of affection User-labeled Stress detection ACC = 0.823; Baseline Detection results were
autoencoder stress, 3966 tweets of work hashtag ACC = 59.7 improved by using deep
stress, 5747 tweets with neural network models.
social stress, 13,973 tweets
of physiological stress,
14,543 tweets of other
stress, and 14,931 tweets of
no stress
Gkotsis et al., CNN and DFNN Reddit posts 538,245 Posts related to 11 Human annotation Identification of posts ACC = 0.911 (binary (1) The most common
2017106 mental themes, 476,388 related to mental illness classification) and 0.714 misclassification is depression;
non-mental health postsi (multiclass (2) Some of the themes are
classification); Baseline highly inter-related and not
ACC = 0.908 (binary always distinguishable as
classification) and 0.708 separate and exclusive classes.

Page 14 of 26
(multiclass classification)
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

Li et al., 2017100 RNN Tencent Weibo posts 29,232 Posts of Human annotation Prediction of MSE = 0.19; Baseline The model incorporated
124 students, containing adolescent stress MSE = 0.25 relationships of stressor events
122 study-related and improved the prediction
stressor events of stress in adolescent.
Lin et al., 2017101 CNN Sina Weibo posts, 11,074 Subjects of stress, Pattern matching Stress detection ACC = 0.916 Users stress state is closely
Tencent Weibo posts, and 12,230 subjects of no stress in tweets related to that of his/her
Twitter posts; social friends in social media.
Sadeque et al., GRU Reddit posts 136 Depressed subjects, Self-declaration of Prediction of early F-score = 0.64; Baseline The RNN captured sequential
2017104 752 HCs depression in posts depression F-score = 0.40 information from texts with
sequential property.
Cong et al., LSTM The Reddit Self-reported 9000 Depressed subjects, Self-declaration of Prediction of F-score = 0.60; Baseline The model reduced data
2018102 Depression Diagnosis 107,000 HCs depression in posts depression F-score = 0.44 imbalance and enhanced
(RSDD) dataset classification capacity.
Coppersmith LSTM Social media posts 418 Users with suicide Self-declaration of Prediction of AUC = 0.94 The LSTM captured contextual
et al., 2018107 attempts; number of HC depression in posts suicidal risk information between words
not specified and better obtained nuances
of language related to mental
Du et al, 2018108 CNN and RNN Twitter posts 1,962,766 Tweets Suicide-related Identification of suicide- ACC = 0.74 (CNN) and CNN- and RNN-based model
keywords related psychiatric 0.72 (RNN); Baseline obtained better performance
matching stressors ACC = 0.703 at identifying suicide-related
tweets and psychiatric
stressors, respectively.
Ive et al., 2018 103
GRU Social media posts 538,245 Posts related to 11 Human annotation Classification of media ACC = 0.76 RNN has the intrinsic ability of
mental themes, 476,388 text related to considering input in its
non-mental health posts mental health sequence and the hierarchical
structure is beneficial for the
analysis of health-related
online text.

Page 15 of 26
Fraga et al., RNN Reddit posts 261,511 Posts and 1,256,669 Keywords Analysis of four – (1) Interaction patterns are
2018105 comments from 105,878 matching subreddits (anxiety, very similar across the
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116
Table 1 continued

Authors, year Used Data Study cohort Outcome Aims Performance Findings
deep model assessment

users related to depression, bipolar, depression, and subreddits and interactions

44,541 users related to suicide) related to are centered around content
SuicideWatch, 43,321 users mental health disorders rather than users; (2) the four
related to anxiety, 13,939 subreddits share a common
users related to BDj language.
Alambo et al., RNN Reddit posts 4992 Posts of 500 users Human annotation Prediction of – This study generated a gold
2019109 suicidal risk standard dataset of suicide
posts with their risk levels and
formed a basis for the next
step of constructing
conversational agents that
elicited suicide-related natural
conversation on basis of

ACC accuracy, ADHD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ASD autism spectrum disorder, AUC area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AVEC Audio-Visual Emotion recognition Challenge, BD bipolar disorder,
BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory II, CNN convolutional neural network, DASS-21 Depression Anxiety stress scale, DBN deep belief network, DFNN deep feedforward neural network, GRU gated recurrent unit network, HC
healthy control, HRSD Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, LSTM long short-term memory network, MAE mean absolute error, MSE mean squared error, NMMAE normalized macro mean absolute error, PHQ-8 Patient Health
Questionnaire eighth version, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire ninth version, RNN recurrent neural network, SCID-I Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism, TDC typical developing
control, UD unipolar depression
ADHD-200 dataset,
ABIDE dataset,
NUSDAST dataset,
PsychENCODE Consortium dataset,

Page 16 of 26
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 17 of 26

Challenges and opportunities The aforementioned from the input EEG signals. They found that the EEG
studies have demonstrated that the use of DL techniques signals from the right hemisphere of the human brain are
in analyzing neuroimages can provide evidence in terms more distinctive in terms of the detection of depression
of mental health problems, which can be translated into than those from the left hemisphere. The findings pro-
clinical practice and facilitate the diagnosis of mental vided shreds of evidence that depression is associated with
health illness. However, multiple challenges need to be a hyperactive right hemisphere. Mohan et al.44 modeled
addressed to achieve this objective. First, DL architectures the raw EEG signals by DFNN to obtain information
generally require large data samples to train the models, about the human brain waves. They found that the signals
which may pose a difficulty in neuroimaging analysis collected from the central (C3 and C4) regions are mar-
because of the lack of such data39. Second, typically the ginally higher compared with other brain regions, which
imaging data lie in a high-dimensional space, e.g., even a can be used to distinguish the depressed and normal
64 × 64 2D neuroimage can result in 4096 features. This subjects from the brain wave signals. Zhang et al.45 pro-
leads to the risk of overfitting by the DL models. To posed a concatenated structure of deep recurrent and 3D
address this, most existing studies reported to utilize MRI CNN to obtain EEG features across different tasks. They
data preprocessing tools such as Statistical Parametric reported that the DL model can capture the spectral
Mapping (, Data Pro- changes of EEG hemispheric asymmetry to distinguish
cessing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI40, and fMRI different mental workload effectively. Li et al.46 presented
Preprocessing Pipeline41 to extract useful features before a computer-aided detection system by extracting multiple
feeding to the DL models. Even though an intuitive types of information (e.g., spectral, spatial, and temporal
attribute of DL is the capacity to learn meaningful features information) to recognize mild depression based on CNN
from raw data, feature engineering tools are needed architecture. The authors found that both spectral and
especially in the case of small sample size and high- temporal information of EEG are crucial for prediction of
dimensionality, e.g., the neuroimage analysis. The use of depression.
such tools mitigates the overfitting risk of DL models. As
reported in some selected studies28,31,35,37, the DL models Challenges and opportunities EEG data are usually
can benefit from feature engineering techniques and have classified as streaming data that are continuous and are of
been shown to outperform the traditional ML models in high density. Despite the initial success in applying DL
the prediction of multiple conditions such as depression, algorithms to analyze EEG data for studying multiple
schizophrenia, and ADHD. However, such tools extract mental health conditions, there exist several challenges.
features relying on prior knowledge; hence may omit One major challenge is that raw EEG data gathered from
some information that is meaningful for mental outcome sensors have a certain degree of erroneous, noisy, and
research but unknown yet. An alternative way is to use redundant information caused by discharged batteries,
CNN to automatically extract information from the raw failures in sensor readings, and intermittent communica-
data. As reported in the previous study10, CNNs perform tion loss in wireless sensor networks47. This may
well in processing raw neuroimage data. Among the challenge the model in extracting meaningful information
studies reviewed in this study, three29,30,37 reported to from noise. Multiple preprocessing steps (e.g., data
involve CNN layers and achieved desirable performances. denoising, data interpolation, data transformation, and
data segmentation) are necessary for dealing with the raw
EEG signal before feeding to the DL models. Besides, due
Electroencephalogram data to the dense characteristics in the raw EEG data, analysis
As a low-cost, small-size, and high temporal resolution of the streaming data is computationally more expensive,
signal containing up to several hundred channels, analysis which poses a challenge for the model architecture
of electroencephalogram (EEG) data has gained sig- selection. A proper model should be designed relatively
nificant attention to study brain disorders42. As the EEG with less training parameters. This is one reason why the
signal is one kind of streaming data that presents a high reviewed studies are mainly based on the CNN
density and continuous characteristics, it challenges tra- architecture.
ditional feature engineering-based methods to obtain
sufficient information from the raw EEG data to make
accurate predictions. To address this, recently the DL Electronic health records
models have been employed to analyze raw EEG Electronic health records (EHRs) are systematic collec-
signal data. tions of longitudinal, patient-centered records. Patients’
Four articles reviewed proposed to use DL in under- EHRs consist of both structured and unstructured data:
standing mental health conditions based on the analysis of the structured data include information about a patient’s
EEG signals. Acharya et al.43 used CNN to extract features diagnosis, medications, and laboratory test results, and the
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 18 of 26

unstructured data include information in clinical notes. Challenges and opportunities Although DL has
Recently, DL models have been applied to analyze EHR achieved promising results in EHR analysis, several
data to study mental health disorders48. challenges remain unsolved. On one hand, different from
The first and foremost issue for analyzing the structured diagnosing physical health condition such as diabetes, the
EHR data is how to appropriately handle the longitudinal diagnosis of mental health conditions lacks direct
records. Traditional ML models address this by collapsing quantitative tests, such as a blood chemistry test, a buccal
patients’ records within a certain time window into vec- swab, or urinalysis. Instead, the clinicians evaluate signs
tors, which comprised the summary of statistics of the and symptoms through patient interviews and question-
features in different dimensions49. For instance, to esti- naires during which they gather information based on
mate the probability of suicide deaths, Choi et al.50 patient’s self-report. Collection and deriving inferences
leveraged a DFNN to model the baseline characteristics. from such data deeply relies on the experience and
One major limitation of these studies is the omittance of subjectivity of the clinician. This may account for signals
temporality among the clinical events within EHRs. To buried in noise and affect the robustness of the DL model.
overcome this issue, RNNs are more commonly used for To address this challenge, a potential way is to
EHR data analysis as an RNN intuitively handles time- comprehensively integrate multimodal clinical informa-
series data. DeepCare51, a long short-term memory net- tion, including structured and unstructured EHR infor-
work (LSTM)-based DL model, encodes patient’s long- mation, as well as neuroimaging and EEG data. Another
term health state trajectories to predict the future out- way is to incorporate existing medical knowledge, which
comes of depressive episodes. As the LSTM architecture can guide model being trained in the right direction. For
appropriately captures disease progression by modeling instance, the biomedical knowledge bases contain massive
the illness history and the medical interventions, Deep- verified interactions between biomedical entities, e.g.,
Care achieved over 15% improvement in prediction, diseases, genes, and drugs 59. Incorporating such informa-
compared with the conventional ML methods. In addi- tion brings in meaningful medical constraints and may
tion, Lin et al.52 designed two DFNN models for the help to reduce the effects of noise on model training
prediction of antidepressant treatment response and process. On the other hand, implementing a DL model
remission. The authors reported that the proposed DFNN trained from one EHR system into another system is
can achieve an area under the receiver operating char- challenging, because EHR data collection and representa-
acteristic curve (AUC) of 0.823 in predicting anti- tion is rarely standardized across hospitals and clinics. To
depressant response. address this issue, national/international collaborative
Analyzing the unstructured clinical notes in EHRs efforts such as Observational Health Data Sciences and
refers to the long-standing topic of NLP. To extract Informatics ( have developed common
meaningful knowledge from the text, conventional NLP data models, such as OMOP, to standardize EHR data
approaches mostly define rules or regular expressions representation for conducting observational data
before the analysis. However, it is challenging to enu- analysis60.
merate all possible rules or regular expressions. Due to
the recent advance of DL in NLP tasks, DL models have
been developed to mine clinical text data from EHRs to Genetic data
study mental health conditions. Geraci et al.53 utilized Multiple studies have found that mental disorders, e.g.,
term frequency-inverse document frequency to repre- depression, can be associated with genetic factors61,62.
sent the clinical documents by words and developed a Conventional statistical studies in genetics and genomics,
DFNN model to identify individuals with depression. such as genome-wide association studies, have identified
One major limitation of such an approach is that the many common and rare genetic variants, such as single-
semantics and syntax of sentences are lost. In this nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), associated with mental
context, CNN54 and RNN55 have shown superiority in health disorders63,64. Yet, the effect of the genetic factors
modeling syntax for text-based prediction. In parti- is small and many more have not been discovered. With
cular, CNN has been used to mine the neuropsychiatric the recent developments in next-generation sequencing
notes for predicting psychiatric symptom severity56,57. techniques, a massive volume of high-throughput genome
Tran and Kavuluru58 used an RNN to analyze the his- or exome sequencing data are being generated, enabling
tory of present illness in neuropsychiatric notes for researchers to study patients with mental health disorders
predicting mental health conditions. The model by examining all types of genetic variations across an
engaged an attention mechanism55, which can specify individual’s genome. In recent years, DL65,66 has been
the importance of the words in prediction, making the applied to identify genetic risk factors associated with
model more interpretable than their previous CNN mental illness, by borrowing the capacity of DL in iden-
model56. tifying highly complex patterns in large datasets. Khan
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 19 of 26

and Wang67 integrated genetic annotations, known brain work, most articles reviewed are to predict mental health
expression quantitative trait locus, and enhancer/pro- disorders based on two public datasets: (i) the Chi-Mei
moter peaks to generate feature vectors of variants, and corpus, collected by using six emotional videos to elicit
developed a DFNN, named ncDeepBrain, to prioritized facial expressions and speech responses of the subjects of
non-coding variants associated with mental disorders. To bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, and healthy con-
further prioritize susceptibility genes, they designed trols;72 and (ii) the International Audio/Visual Emotion
another deep model, iMEGES68, which integrates the Recognition Challenges (AVEC) depression dataset73–75,
ncDeepBrain score, general gene scores, and disease- collected within human–computer interaction scenario.
specific scores for estimating gene risk. Wang et al.69 The proposed models include CNNs, RNNs, auto-
developed a novel deep architecture that combines deep encoders, as well as hybrid models based on the above
Boltzmann machine architecture70 with conditional and ones. In particular, CNNs were leveraged to encode the
lateral connections derived from the gene regulatory temporal and spectral features from the voice signals76–80
network. The model provided insights about intermediate and static facial or physical expression features from the
phenotypes and their connections to high-level pheno- video frames79,81–84. Autoencoders were used to learn
types (disease traits). Laksshman et al.71 used exome low-dimensional representations for people’s vocal85,86
sequencing data to predict bipolar disorder outcomes of and visual expression87,88, and RNNs were engaged to
patients. They developed a CNN and used the convolu- characterize the temporal evolution of emotion based on
tion mechanism to capture correlations of the neighbor- the CNN-learned features and/or other handcraft fea-
ing loci within the chromosome. tures76,81,84–90. Few studies focused on analyzing static
images using a CNN architecture to predict mental health
Challenges and opportunities Although the use of status. Prasetio et al.91 identified the stress types (e.g.,
genetic data in DL in studying mental health conditions neutral, low stress, and high stress) from facial frontal
shows promise, multiple challenges need to be addressed. images. Their proposed CNN model outperforms the
For DL-based risk c/gene prioritization efforts, one major conventional ML models by 7% in terms of prediction
challenge is the limitation of labeled data. On one hand, accuracy. Jaiswal et al.92 investigated the relationship
the positive samples are limited, as known risk SNPs or between facial expression/gestures and neurodevelop-
genes associated with mental health conditions are mental conditions. They reported accuracy over 0.93 in
limited. For example, there are about 108 risk loci that the diagnostic prediction of ADHD and ASD by using the
were genome-wide significant in ASD. On the other hand, CNN architecture. In addition, thermal images that track
the negative samples (i.e., SNPs, variants, or genes) may persons’ breathing patterns were also fed to a deep model
not be the “true” negative, as it is unclear whether they are to estimate psychological stress level (mental overload)93.
associated with the mental illness yet. Moreover, it is also
challenging to develop DL models for analyzing patient’s Challenges and opportunities From the above sum-
sequencing data for mental illness prediction, as the mary, we can observe that analyzing vocal and visual
sequencing data are extremely high-dimensional (over five expression data can capture the pattern of subjects’
million SNPs in the human genome). More prior domain emotion evolution to predict mental health conditions.
knowledge is needed to guide the DL model extracting Despite the promising initial results, there remain
patterns from the high-dimensional genomic space. challenges for developing DL models in this field. One
major challenge is to link vocal and visual expression data
with the clinical data of patients, given the difficulties
Vocal and visual expression data involved in collecting such expression data during clinical
The use of vocal (voice or speech) and visual (video or practice. Current studies analyzed vocal and visual
image of facial or body behaviors) expression data has expression over individual datasets. Without clinical
gained the attention of many studies in mental health guidance, the developed prediction models have limited
disorders. Modeling the evolution of people’s emotional clinical meanings. Linking patients’ expression informa-
states from these modalities has been used to identify tion with clinical variables may help to improve both the
mental health status. In essence, the voice data are con- interpretability and robustness of the model. For example,
tinuous and dense signals, whereas the video data are Gupta et al.94 designed a DFNN for affective prediction
sequences of frames, i.e., images. Conventional ML from audio and video modalities. The model incorporated
models for analyzing such types of data suffer from the depression severity as the parameter, linking the effects of
sophisticated feature extraction process. Due to the recent depression on subjects’ affective expressions. Another
success of applying DL in computer vision and sequence challenge is the limitation of the samples. For example,
data modeling, such models have been introduced to the Chi-Mei dataset contains vocal–visual data from only
analyze the vocal and/or visual expression data. In this 45 individuals (15 with bipolar disorder, 15 with unipolar
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 20 of 26

disorder, and 15 healthy controls). Also, there is a lack of extract low-level and middle-level representations from
“emotion labels” for people’s vocal and visual expression. texts, images, and comments based on psychological and
Apart from improving the datasets, an alternative way to art theories. They further extended their work with a
solve this challenge is to use transfer learning, which hybrid model based on CNN by integrating post content
transfers knowledge gained with one dataset (usually and social interactions101. The results provided an
more general) to the target dataset. For example, some implication that the social structure of the stressed
studies trained autoencoder in public emotion database users’ friends tended to be less connected than that of
such as eNTERFACE95 to generate emotion profiles (EPs). the users without stress.
Other studies83,84 pre-trained CNN over general facial
expression datasets96,97 for extracting face appearance Challenges and opportunities The aforementioned
features. studies have demonstrated that using social media data
has the potential to detect users with mental health
problems. However, there are multiple challenges
Social media data towards the analysis of social media data. First, given
With the widespread proliferation of social media that social media data are typically de-identified, there is
platforms, such as Twitter and Reddit, individuals are no straightforward way to confirm the “true positives”
increasingly and publicly sharing information about their and “true negatives” for a given mental health condition.
mood, behavior, and any ailments one might be suffering. Enabling the linkage of user’s social media data with
Such social media data have been used to identify users’ their EHR data—with appropriate consent and privacy
mental health state (e.g., psychological stress and suicidal protection—is challenging to scale, but has been done in
ideation)6. a few settings110. In addition, most of the previous
In this study, the articles that used DL to analyze social studies mainly analyzed textual and image data from
media data mainly focused on stress detection98–101, social media platforms, and did not consider analyzing
depression identification102–106, and estimation of suicide the social network of users. In one study, Rosenquist
risk103,105,107–109. In general, the core concept across these et al.111 reported that the symptoms of depression are
work is to mine the textual, and where applicable gra- highly correlated inside the circle of friends, indicating
phical, content of users’ social media posts to discover that social network analysis is likely to be a potential
cues for mental health disorders. In this context, the RNN way to study the prevalence of mental health problems.
and CNN were largely used by the researchers. Especially, However, comprehensively modeling text information
RNN usually introduces an attention mechanism to spe- and network structure remains challenging. In this
cify the importance of the input elements in the classifi- context, graph convolutional networks112 have been
cation process55. This provides some interpretability for developed to address networked data mining. Moreover,
the predictive results. For example, Ive et al.103 proposed a although it is possible to discover online users with
hierarchical RNN architecture with an attention mental illness by social media analysis, translation of
mechanism to predict the classes of the posts (including this innovation into practical applications and offer aid
depression, autism, suicidewatch, anxiety, etc.). The to users, such as providing real-time interventions, are
authors observed that, benefitting from the attention largely needed113.
mechanism, the model can predict risk text efficiently and
extract text elements crucial for making decisions. Cop-
persmith et al.107 used LSTM to discover quantifiable Discussion: findings, open issues, and future
signals about suicide attempts based on social media directions
posts. The proposed model can capture contextual Principle findings
information between words and obtain nuances of lan- The purpose of this study is to investigate the current
guage related to suicide. state of applications of DL techniques in studying mental
Apart from text, users also post images on social health outcomes. Out of 2261 articles identified based on
media. The properties of the images (e.g., color theme, our search terms, 57 studies met our inclusion criteria and
saturation, and brightness) provide some cues reflecting were reviewed. Some studies that involved DL models but
users’ mental health status. In addition, millions of did not highlight the DL algorithms’ features on analysis
interactions and relationships among users can reflect were excluded. From the above results, we observed that
the social environment of individuals that is also a kind there are a growing number of studies using DL models
of risk factors for mental illness. An increasing number for studying mental health outcomes. Particularly, multi-
of studies attempted to combine these two types of ple studies have developed disease risk prediction models
information with text content for predictive modeling. using both clinical and non-clinical data, and have
For example, Lin et al.99 leveraged the autoencoder to achieved promising initial results.
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 21 of 26

Data bias prediction, Zhu et al.83 pre-trained CNN on the public

DL models “think to learn” like a human brain relying face recognition dataset to model the static facial
on their multiple layers of interconnected computing appearance, which overcomes the issue that there is no
neurons. Therefore, to train a deep neural network, there facial expression label information. Chao et al.84 also pre-
are multiple parameters (i.e., weights associated links trained CNN to encode facial expression information. The
between neurons within the network) being required to transfer scheme of both of the two studies has been
learn. This is one reason why DL has achieved great demonstrated to be able to improve the prediction
success in the fields where a massive volume of data can performance.
be easily collected, such as computer vision and text
mining. Yet, in the health domain, the availability of large- Diagnosis and prediction issues
scale data is very limited. For most selected studies in this Unlike the diagnosis of physical conditions that can be
review, the sample sizes are under a scale of 104. Data based on lab tests, diagnoses of the mental illness typically
availability is even more scarce in the fields of neuroi- rely on mental health professionals’ judgment and patient
maging, EEG, and gene expression data, as such data self-report data. As a result, such a diagnostic system may
reside in a very high-dimensional space. This then leads to not accurately capture the psychological deficits and
the problem of “curse of dimensionality”114, which chal- symptom progression to provide appropriate therapeutic
lenges the optimization of the model parameters. interventions118,119. This issue accordingly accounts for
One potential way to address this challenge is to reduce the limitation of the prediction models to assist clinicians
the dimensionality of the data by feature engineering to make decisions. Except for several studies using the
before feeding information to the DL models. On one unsupervised autoencoder for learning low-dimensional
hand, feature extraction approaches can be used to obtain representations, most studies reviewed in this study
different types of features from the raw data. For example, reported using supervised DL models, which need the
several studies reported in this review have attempted to training set containing “true” (i.e., expert provided) labels
use preprocessing tools to extract features from neuroi- to optimize the model parameters before the model being
maging data. On the other hand, feature selection that is used to predict labels of new subjects. Inevitably, the
commonly used in conventional ML models is also an quality of the expert-provided diagnostic labels used for
option to reduce data dimensionality. However, the fea- training sets the upper-bound for the prediction perfor-
ture selection approaches are not often used in the DL mance of the model.
application scenario, as one of the intuitive attributes of One intuitive route to address this issue is to use an
DL is the capacity to learn meaningful features from “all” unsupervised learning scheme that, instead of learning to
available data. The alternative way to address the issue of predict clinical outcomes, aims at learning compacted yet
data bias is to use transfer learning where the objective is informative representations of the raw data. A typical
to improve learning a new task through the transfer of example is the autoencoder (as shown in Fig. 1d), which
knowledge from a related task that has already been encodes the raw data into a low-dimensional space, from
learned115. The basic idea is that data representations which the raw data can be reconstructed. Some studies
learned in the earlier layers are more general, whereas reviewed have proposed to leverage autoencoder to
those learned in the latter layers are more specific to the improve our understanding of mental health outcomes. A
prediction task116. In particular, one can first pre-train a constraint of the autoencoder is that the input data should
deep neural network in a large-scale “source” dataset, then be preprocessed to vectors, which may lead to informa-
stack fully connected layers on the top of the network and tion loss for image and sequence data. To address this,
fine-tune it in the small “target” dataset in a standard recently convolutional-autoencoder120 and LSTM-
backpropagation manner. Usually, samples in the “source” autoencoder121 have been developed, which integrate
dataset are more general (e.g., general image data), the convolution layers and recurrent layers with the
whereas those in the “target” dataset are specific to the autoencoder architecture and enable us to learn infor-
task (e.g., medical image data). A popular example of the mative low-dimensional representations from the raw
success of transfer learning in the health domain is the image data and sequence data, respectively. For instance,
dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer117. The Baytas et al.122 developed a variation of LSTM-
authors introduced Google’s Inception v3 CNN archi- autoencoder on patient EHRs and grouped Parkinson’s
tecture pre-trained over 1.28 million general images and disease patients into meaningful subtypes. Another
fine-tuned in the clinical image dataset. The model potential way is to predict other clinical outcomes instead
achieved very high-performance results of skin cancer of the diagnostic labels. For example, several selected
classification in epidermal (AUC = 0.96), melanocytic studies proposed to predict symptom severity
(AUC = 0.96), and melanocytic–dermoscopic images scores56,57,77,82,84,87,89. In addition, Du et al.108 attempted
(AUC = 0.94). In facial expression-based depression to identify suicide-related psychiatric stressors from users’
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 22 of 26

posts on Twitter, which plays an important role in the integration. In particular, one can model each modality with
early prevention of suicidal behaviors. Furthermore, a specific network and combine them by the final fully
training model to predict future outcomes such as treat- connected layers, such that parameters can be jointly
ment response, emotion assessments, and relapse time is learned by a typical backpropagation manner. In this review,
also a promising future direction. we found an increasing number of studies have attempted
to use multimodal modeling. For example, Zou et al.28
Multimodal modeling developed a multimodal model composed of two CNNs for
The field of mental health is heterogeneous. On one hand, modeling fMRI and sMRI modalities, respectively. The
mental illness refers to a variety of disorders that affect model achieved 69.15% accuracy in predicting ADHD,
people’s emotions and behaviors. On the other hand, which outperformed the unimodal models (66.04% for fMRI
though the exact causes of most mental illnesses are modal-based and 65.86% for sMRI modal-based). Yang
unknown to date, it is becoming increasingly clear that the et al.79 proposed a multimodal model to combine vocal and
risk factors for these diseases are multifactorial as multiple visual expression for depression cognition. The model
genetic, environmental, and social factors interact to influ- results in 39% lower prediction error than the unimodal
ence an individual’s mental health123,124. As a result of models.
domain heterogeneity, researchers have the chance to study
the mental health problems from different perspectives, Model interpretability
from molecular, genomic, clinical, medical imaging, phy- Due to the end-to-end design, the DL models usually
siological signal to facial, and body expressive and online appear to be “black boxes”: they take raw data (e.g., MRI
behavioral. Integrative modeling of such multimodal data images, free-text of clinical notes, and EEG signals) as input,
means comprehensively considering different aspects of the and yield output to reach a conclusion (e.g., the risk of a
disease, thus likely obtaining deep insight into mental mental health disorder) without clear explanations of their
health. In this context, DL models have been developed for inner working. Although this might not be an issue in other
multimodal modeling. As shown in Fig. 4, the hierarchical application domains such as identifying animals from
structure of DL makes it easily compatible with multimodal images, in health not only the model’s prediction perfor-
mance but also the clues for making the decision are
important. For example in the neuroimage-based depres-
Unimodality Unimodality sion identification, despite estimation of the probability that
a patient suffers from mental health deficits, the clinicians
would focus more on recognizing abnormal regions or
patterns of the brain associated with the disease. This is
really important for convincing the clinical experts about
the actions recommended from the predictive model, as
well as for guiding appropriate interventions. In addition, as
discussed above, the introduction of multimodal modeling
leads to an increased challenge in making the models more
interpretable. Attempts have been made to open the “black
box” of DL59,125–127. Currently, there are two general
directions for interpretable modeling: one is to involve the
systematic modification of the input and the measure of any
resulting changes in the output, as well as in the activation
of the artificial neurons in the hidden layers. Such a strategy
is usually used in CNN in identifying specific regions of an
image being captured by a convolutional layer128. Another
way is to derive tools to determine the contribution of one
or more features of the input data to the output. In this
case, the widely used tools include Shapley Additive
Prediction Explanation129, LIME127, DeepLIFT130, etc., which are able
to assign each feature an importance score for the specific
Fig. 4 An illustration of the multimodal deep neural network. prediction task.
One can model each modality with a specific network and combine
them using the final fully-connected layers. In this way, parameters of Connection to therapeutic interventions
the entire neural network can be jointly learned in a typical According to the studies reviewed, it is now possible to
backpropagation manner.
detect patients with mental illness based on different
Su et al. Translational Psychiatry (2020)10:116 Page 23 of 26

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