List of Publications Horst R. Thieme: Schrift 157 (1977), 141-154

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Horst R. Thieme

School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1804

Diplomarbeit (Master’s thesis)

Ein a-priori-Modell aus der mathematischen Theorie der Epidemien (An a priori model
from the mathematical theory of epidemics). Universität Münster (Germany) 1973
Dissertation (Ph.D. thesis)
Die räumliche Ausbreitung einer Epidemie in einer Population von suszeptiblen In-
dividuen (The spatial spread of an epidemic in a population of susceptible individuals).
Universität Münster (Germany) 1976 (see [1], [2] in the subsequent list)
Habilitationsschrift (habilitation thesis)
Lineare und nicht lineare Erneuerungssätze (Linear and nonlinear renewal theorems).
Universität Heidelberg (Germany) 1982 (see [11], [12], [13] in the subsequent list)
Mathematics in Population Biology. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2003
(with Hal L. Smith) Dynamical Systems and Population Persistence, AMS, Providence

Refereed Publications
[1] A model for the spatial spread of an epidemic. J. Math. Biology 4 (1977), 337-351
[2] The asymptotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear integral equations. Math. Zeit-
schrift 157 (1977), 141-154
[3] Asymptotic estimates of the solutions of nonlinear integral equations and asymptotic
speeds for the spread of populations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 306 (1979), 94-121
[4] Density-dependent regulation of spatially distributed populations and their asymp-
totic speed of spread. J. Math. Biology 8 (1979), 173-187
[5] On a class of Hammerstein integral equations. Manuscr. math. 29 (1979), 49-84
[6] On the boundedness and the asymptotic behaviour of the non-negative solutions to
Volterra-Hammerstein integral equations. Manuscr. math. 31 (1980), 379-412
[7] Local stability in epidemic models for heterogeneous populations. Mathematics in
Biology and Medicine (V. Capasso, E. Grosso, S.L. Paveri-Fontana, eds.), 185-189.
Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 57. Springer 1985
[8] (with O. Diekmann, H. Heijmans) On the stability of the cell size distribution. J.
Math. Biology 19 (1984), 227-248

[9] Renewal theorems for linear discrete Volterra equations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 353
(1984), 55-84
[10] Renewal theorems for linear periodic Volterra integral equations. J. Integral Equations
7 (1984), 253-277
[11] Renewal theorems for some mathematical models in epidemiology. J. Integral Equa-
tions 8 (1985), 185-216
[12] (with O. Diekmann, H. Heijmans) On the stability of the cell size distribution. II.
Time-periodic developmental rates. Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Vol. 12 A (1986), Special Issue ’Advances in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equa-
tions’ Vol. 3, 491-512
[13] (with H.W. Hethcote) Stability of the endemic equilibrium in epidemic models with
subpopulations. Math. Biosciences 75 (1985), 205-227
[14] (with Clément, Ph.; Diekmann, O.; Gyllenberg, M.; Heijmans, H.J.A.M.) Perturba-
tion theory for dual semigroups. I. The sun-reflexive case. Math. Annalen 277 (1987),
[15] Well-posedness of physiologically structured population models for Daphnia magna
(How biological concepts can benefit by abstract mathematical analysis). J. Math.
Biology 26 (1988), 299-317
[16] Asymptotic proportionality (weak ergodicity) and conditional asymptotic equality of
solutions to time-heterogeneous sublinear difference and differential equations. J.
Differential Equations 73 (1988), 237-268
[17] (with Ph. Clément, O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans) Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups. II. Time-dependent perturbations in the sun-reflexive
case. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 109 A (1988), 145-172
[18] (with K. Schumacher) Some theoretical and numerical aspects of modeling dispersion
in the development of ectotherms. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 15
(1988), 565-594
[19] (with V. Capasso) A threshold theorem for a reaction diffusion epidemic system.
Differential Equations and Applications (R. Aftabizadeh, ed.) Ohio Univ. Press,
[20] (with Ph. Clément, O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans) A Hille-Yosida
theorem for a class of weakly⋆ continuous semigroups. Semigroup Forum 38 (1989),
[21] (with Ph. Clément, O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans) Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups. III. Nonlinear Lipschitz continuous perturbations in the
sun-reflexive case. Proceedings of the meeting Volterra Integro-Differential Equations
in Banach Spaces and Applications, Trento 1987. Longman 1989
[22] (with H.J. Bremermann) A competitive exclusion principle for pathogen virulence. J.
Math. Biology 27 (1989), 179-190
[23] (with J.A.P. Heesterbeek) How to estimate the efficacy of periodic control of an in-
fectious plant disease. Math. Biosciences 93 (1989), 15-19

[24] (with Ph. Clément, O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans) Perturbation
theory for dual semigroups. IV. The intertwining formula and the canonical pairing.
Proceedings on the meeting Semigroup Theory and Applications, Trieste 1987. Marcel
Dekker 1989
[25] (with H.L. Smith) Quasiconvergence and stability for strongly order preserving semi-
flows. SIAM J. Math. Analysis 21 (1990), 673-692
[26] (with H.L. Smith) Monotone semiflows in scalar non-quasi-monotone functional dif-
ferential equations. J. Math. Analysis and Applications 150 (1990), 289-306
[27] ”Integrated semigroups” and integrated solutions to the abstract Cauchy problem. J.
Math. Analysis and Applications 152 (1990), 416-447
[28] Semiflows generated by Lipschitz perturbations of non-densely defined operators. Dif-
ferential and Integral Equations 3 (1990), 1035-1066
[29] Analysis of age-structured population models with an additional structure. Mathe-
matical Population Dynamics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Rut-
gers Univ. 1989 (O. Arino, D.E. Axelrod, M. Kimmel, eds.). Lecture Notes in Pure
and Applied Mathematics 131, 115-126. Marcel Dekker 1991
[30] (with S. Busenberg and K.L. Cooke) Demographic change and persistence of
HIV/AIDS in a heterogeneous population. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 51 (1991), 1030-
[31] (with H.L. Smith) Convergence for strongly order preserving semiflows. SIAM J.
Math. Anal. 22 (1991), 1081-1101
[32] (with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg) Perturbation theory for dual semigroups V. Varia-
tion of constants formulas. Semigroup Theory and Evolution Equations (Ph. Clément,
E. Mitidieri, B. de Pagter, eds.), 107-123. Proceedings of the 2nd International Con-
ference in Delft, Sep. 1989. Marcel Dekker 1991
[33] (with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg) Semigroups and renewal equations on dual Ba-
nach spaces with application to population dynamics. Delay Differential Equations
and Dynamical Systems (S. Busenberg, M. Martelli; eds.), 116-120. Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1475, Springer 1991
[34] (with H.L. Smith) Strongly order preserving semiflows generated by functional differ-
ential equations. JDE 93 (1991), 332-363
[35] (with S. Busenberg and M. Iannelli) Global Behavior of an age-structured S-I-S model.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (1991), 1065-1080
[36] Stability change of the endemic equilibrium in age-structured models for the spread
of S-I-R type infectious diseases. Differential Equations Models in Biology, Epidemi-
ology and Ecology (S. Busenberg, M. Martelli, eds.), 139-158. Proceedings of the
International Conference in Claremont, Jan. 1990. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics
92, Springer 1991
[37] Convergence results and a Poincaré-Bendixson trichotomy for asymptotically autono-
mous differential equations. J. Math. Biol. 30 (1992), 755-763
[38] Epidemic and demographic interaction in the spread of potentially fatal diseases in
growing populations. Math. Biosci. 111 (1992), 99-130

[39] (with O. Diekmann and M. Gyllenberg) Perturbing semigroups by solving Stieltjes
renewal equations. Diff. Integral Equations 6 (1993), 155-181
[40] Persistence under relaxed point-dissipativity (with applications to an endemic model)
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24 (1993), 407-435
[41] (with C. Castillo-Chavez) How may infection-age dependent infectivity affect the dy-
namics of HIV/AIDS? SIAM J. Appl. Math. 53 (1993), 1447-1479
[42] (with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, J.A.J. Metz) The ’cumulative’ formulation of
(physiologically) structured population models. Evolution Equations, Control Theory,
and Biomathematics (Ph. Clément, G. Lumer; eds.), 145-154. Lecture Notes in Pure
and Applied Mathematics 155. Marcel Dekker 1994
[43] Asymptotically autonomous differential equations in the plane. Rocky Mountain J.
Math. 24 (1994), 351-380
[44] Asymptotically autonomous differential equations in the plane. II. Stricter Poincaré-
Bendixson type results. Differential Integral Equ. 7 (1994), 1625-1640
[45] (with C. Castillo-Chavez) Asymptotically autonomous epidemic models. Mathemati-
cal Population Dynamics: Analysis of Heterogeneity Vol. One: Theory of Epidemics
(O. Arino, D. Axelrod, M. Kimmel, M. Langlais; eds.), 33-50. Wuerz 1995
[46] (with K. Mischaikow and Hal L. Smith) Asymptotically autonomous semiflows: chain
recurrence and Lyapunov functions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), 1669-1685
[47] (with O. Diekmann and M. Gyllenberg) Perturbing evolutionary systems by step
responses and cumulative outputs. Diff. Int. Eq. 8 (1995), 1205-1244
[48] (with Zhilan Feng) Recurrent outbreaks of childhood diseases revisited: the impact of
isolation. Math. Biosci. 128 (1995), 93-130
[49] Positive perturbations of dual and integrated semigroups. Advances in Mathematical
Sciences and Applications 6 (1996), 445-507
[50] (with T. Matsumoto, S. Oharu) Nonlinear perturbations of a class of integrated semi-
groups. Hiroshima Math. J. 26 (1996), 433-473
[51] On commutative sums of generators. Rendiconti Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste 28 (1997),
Suppl., 421-451
[52] Remarks on resolvent positive operators and their perturbation. Discrete and Con-
tinuous Dynamical Systems 4 (1998), 73-90
[53] (with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, J.A.J. Metz) On the formulation and analysis of
general deterministic structured population models. I. Linear theory. J. Math. Biol.
36 (1998), 349 - 388
[54] Quasi-compact semigroups via bounded perturbation. Advances in Mathematical
Population Dynamics: Molecules, Cells and Man (O. Arino, D. Axelrod, M. Kimmel;
eds.), 691-711. World Scientific, 1997
[55] Balanced exponential growth of operator semigroups. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 223
(1998), 30-49

[56] Positive perturbation of operator semigroups: Growth bounds, essential compactness,
and asynchronous exponential growth. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
4 (1998), 735-764
[57] (with N. Navarova) Remarks on an environmental control problem. Mathematical
Models in Medical and Health Sciences (M.A. Horn, G. Simonett, G.F. Webb; eds.),
267-279. Vanderbilt University Press, 1998
[58] (with P. van den Driessche) Global stability in cyclic epidemic models with disease
fatalities. (Proceedings of the conference on Differential Equations with Applications
to Biology.) Fields Inst. Comm. 21 (1999), 459-472
[59] Uniform weak implies uniform strong persistence also for non-autonomous semiflows.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 2395-2403
[60] (with O. Diekmann and M. Gyllenberg) Lack of uniqueness in transport equations
with a nonlocal nonlinearity. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 10 (2000), 581 - 591
[61] Uniform persistence and permanence for non-autonomous semiflows in population
biology. Math. Biosci. 166 (2000), 173-201
[62] (with Zhilan Feng) Endemic models with arbitrarily distributed periods of infection.
I. General theory SIAM J. Appl. Math. 61 (2000), 803-833
[63] (with Zhilan Feng) Endemic models with arbitrarily distributed periods of infection.
II. Fast disease dynamics and permanent recovery. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 61 (2000),
[64] (with Jinling Yang) On the complex formation approach in modeling predator prey
relations, mating and sexual disease transmission, Proceedings of the Conference on
Nonlinear Differential Equations. Electron. J. Diff. Eqn. Conf. 5 (2000), 255-283
[65] Balanced exponential growth for perturbed operator semigroups. Advances in Math-
ematical Sciences and Applications 10 (2000), 775-819
[66] (with X.-Q. Zhao) A nonlocal and delayed predator-prey reaction-diffusion model.
Nonlinear Analysis RWA 2 (2001), 145-160
[67] (with O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H. Huang, M. Kirkilionis, J.A.J. Metz) On the
formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. II.
Nonlinear theory. J. Math. Biol. 43 (2001), 157-189
[68] Disease extinction and disease persistence in age structured epidemic models. Non-
linear Analysis 47 (2001), 6181-6194
[69] (with Hal L. Smith) Stable coexistence and bi-stability for competitive systems on
ordered Banach spaces. J. Diff. Eqn. 176 (2001), 195-222
[70] The transition through stages with arbitrary length distributions, and applications in
epidemics, Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Dis-
eases : Models, Methods and Theory ( C. Castillo-Chavez with S. Blower, P. van den
Driessche, D. Kirschner, and A.-A. Yakubu, eds.), 45-84. Springer, 2002
[71] (with Hauke Voßeler) A Stieltjes type convolution for integrated semigroups of strong
bounded variation and Lp solutions to the abstract Cauchy problem. Diff. Integral
Eqn. 15 (2002), 1171-1218

[72] (with Jinling Yang) An endemic model with variable re-infection rate and application
to influenza. Math. Biosci. 180 (2002), 207-235
[73] (with André M. de Roos, Lennart Persson) Emergent Allee effects in top predators
feeding on structured prey populations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270 (2003), 611618
[74] (with Maia Martcheva) Progression age enhanced backward bifurcation in an epidemic
model with super-infection. J. Math. Biol. 46 (2003), 385-424
[75] (with X.-Q. Zhao) Asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves for integral equa-
tions and delayed reaction-diffusion models. JDE 195 (2003), 430-470
[76] (with J.I. Vrabie) Relatively compact orbits and compact attractors for a class of
nonlinear evolution equations. J. Dynamics Differential Eqn. 15 (2003), 731-750
[77] (with Hauke Voßeler) Semilinear perturbations of Hille Yosida operators. Mathemat-
ical Modelling of Population Dynamics (R. Rudnicki, ed.), 87-122. Banach Center
Publ. 63, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2004
[78] (with P. Magal) Eventual compactness for semiflows generated by nonlinear age-
structured models. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 3 (2004), 695-727.
[79] (with Jimmy P. Mopecha) Competitive dynamics in a model for river blindness with
cross protection. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 11 (2003), 339-376
[80] (with Maia Martcheva) A Metapopulation Model with Discrete Size Structure. Nat.
Resource Mod. 18 (2005), 379-413
[81] (with Azmy S. Ackleh and Ben G. Fitzpatrick) Rate distributions and survival of the
fittest: a formulation on the space of measures. Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B 5 (2005),
[82] (with Steve M. Baer, Bob W. Koii, Yuri A. Kuznetsov) Multiparametric bifurcation
analysis of a basic two-stage population model, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66 (2006),
[83] (with Jürgen Voigt) Stochastic semigroups: their construction by perturbation and
approximation, Positivity IV - Theory and Applications (M.R. Weber, J. Voigt, eds.),
135-146, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden 2006
[84] (with Mats Gyllenberg and Timothy Lant) Perturbing evolutionary systems on dual
spaces by cumulative outputs, Differential and Integral Equations 19 (2006), 401-436
[85] (with Maia Martcheva and Thanate Dhirasakdanon) Kolmogorov’s differential equa-
tions and positive semigroups on first moment sequence spaces, J. Math. Biol. 53
(2006), 642-671, erratum, J. Math. Biol. 56 (2008), 577-578
[86] Pathogen competition and coexistence and the evolution of virulence. Mathematics
for Life Sciences and Medicine. (Y. Takeuchi, Y. Iwasa, K. Sato, eds.), 123-153,
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2007
[87] (with Stanley H. Faeth, Karl P. Hadeler) An apparent paradox of horizontal and
vertical disease transmission, J. Biol. Dynamics 1 (2007), 45-62
[88] (with Timothy Lant) Markov transition functions and semigroups of measures, Semi-
group Forum 74 (2007), 337-369

[89] (with Timothy Lant) Perturbation of transition functions and a Feynman-Kac formula
for the incorporation of mortality, Positivity 11 (2007), 299-318
[90] (with T. Dhirasakdanon and P. van den Driessche), A sharp threshold for disease
persistence in host metapopulations, J. Biol. Dynamics 1 (2007), 363-378
[91] (with Maia Martcheva) Infinite ODE systems modeling size-structured metapopula-
tions, macroparasitic diseases, and prion proliferation, Structured Population Models
in Biology and Epidemiology (P. Magal, S. Ruan, eds.), 51-113, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1936, Springer 2008
[92] Differentiability of convolutions, integrated semigroups of bounded semi-variation, and
the non-homogeneous Cauchy problem, J. Evolution Equations 8 (2008), 283-305
[93] (with Abdessamad Tridane and Yang Kuang) An epidemic model with post-contact
prophylaxis of distributed length. I. Thresholds for disease persistence and extinction,
J. Biological Dynamics 2 (2008), 221-239
[94] (with Karl P. Hadeler) Monotone dependence of the spectral bound on the transition
rates in linear compartment models, J. Math. Biology 57 (2008), 697-712
[95] (with Abdessamad Tridane and Yang Kuang) An epidemic model with post-contact
prophylaxis of distributed length. II. Stability and oscillations if treatment is fully
effective, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3 (2008), 267-293
[96] (with Thanate Dhirasakdanon, Zhun Han, Roy Trevino) Species decline and extinc-
tion: synergy of infectious disease and Allee effect? J. Biol. Dynamics 3 (2009),
[97] (with Thanate Dhirasakdanon) Persistence of vertically transmitted parasite strains
which protect against more virulent horizontally transmitted strains, Modeling and
Dynamics of Infectious Diseases (Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, J. Wu, eds.), 187-215, World Sci-
entific, Singapore 2009
[98] (with Jürgen Voigt), Relatively bounded extensions of generator perturbations, Rocky
Mountain J. Math. 39 (2009), 947-969
[99] Spectral bound and reproduction number for infinite dimensional population structure
and time-heterogeneity, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70 (2009), 188-211
[100] Distributed susceptibility: a challenge to persistence theory in infectious disease mod-
els, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. B 12 (2009), 865-864
[101] (with Thanate Dhirasakdanon) Stability of the endemic coexistence equilibrium for
one host and two parasites, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 5 (2010),
[102] Global stability of the endemic equilibrium in infinite dimension: Lyapunov functions
and positive operators, J. Differential Eqns. 250 (2011), 3772-3801
[103] (with Stephen Gourley and Pauline van den Driessche) Stability and persistence in a
model for bluetongue dynamics, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 71 (2011), 1280-1306
[104] D. A. Jones, G. Röst, H.L. Smith, H. R. Thieme, Spread of phage infection of bacteria
in a petri dish, SIAM J. Applied Math. 72 (2012), 670-688

[105] Hal. L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Persistence of bacteria and phages in a chemostat, J.
Math. Biol. 64 (2012), 951-979
[106] Don A. Jones, Hal L. Smith, and Horst R. Thieme, Spread of Viral Infection of
Immobilized Bacteria, Networks and Heterogeneous Media 8 (2013), 327-342
[107] H.L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Persistence and global stability for a class of discrete time
structured population models, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. 33 (2013), 4627 - 4646
[108] Hal. L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, A reaction-diffusion system with time-delay modeling
virus plaque formation, Canadian Appl. Math. Quart. 19 (2011), 385-399
[109] H.L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Chemostats and epidemics: competition for nutrients/hosts,
Math. Biosci. Eng. 10 (2013), 1635-1650
[110] S.A. Gourley, G. Röst, H.R. Thieme, Uniform persistence in a model for bluetongue
dynamics, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46 (2014), 1160-1184
[111] Wen Jin, H.R. Thieme, Persistence and extinction of diffusing populations with two
sexes and short reproductive season, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -
B 19 (2014), 3209-3218
[112] G. Fan, Y. Lou, H.R. Thieme, J. Wu, Stability and persistence in ODE models for
populations with many stages, Math. Biosci. Engin. 12 (2015), 661 - 686
[113] G. Fan, H.R. Thieme, H. Zhu, Delay differential systems for tick population dynamics,
J. Math. Biol. 71 (2015), 1017-1048
[114] W. Jin, H.L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Persistence versus extinction for a class of discrete-
time structured population models, J. Math. Biology 72 (2016), 821-850
[115] W. Jin, H.R. Thieme, An extinction/persistence threshold for sexually reproducing
populations: the cone spectral radius, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 21 (2016), 447-
470, doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2016.21.447
[116] Don A. Jones, Hal L. Smith, and Horst R. Thieme, Spread of phage infection of
bacteria in a petri dish, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems B 21 (2016), 471-496,
[117] A. Ackleh, J. Cleveland, H.R. Thieme, Selection-mutation differential equations: Long-
time behavior of measure-valued solutions, J. Diff. Eqn. 261 (2016), 1472-1505
[118] Spectral radii and Collatz-Wielandt numbers for homogeneous order-preserving maps
and the monotone companion norm, Ordered Structures and Applications (M. de Jeu,
B. de Pagter, O. van Gaans, M. Veraar, eds.), 415-467 Birkhäuser 2016
[119] W. Jin, H.L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Persistence and critical domain size for diffusing
populations with two sexes and short reproductive season, J. Dynamics and Differen-
tial Equations 28 (2016), 689-705
DOI 10.1007/s10884-015-9434-1
[120] Eigenfunctionals of homogeneous order-preserving maps with applications to sexually
reproducing populations, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 28 (2016), 1115-1144
[121] Eigenvectors of homogeneous order-bounded order-preserving maps, Disc. Cont. Dyn.
Systems B 22 (2017), 1073 - 1097
[122] G. Fan, H.L. Smith, H.R. Thieme, Competition in the chemostat with time-dependent
differential removal rates, Vietnam J. Math. 45 (2017) 153-178, DOI 10.1007/s10013-

[123] From homogeneous eigenvalue problems to two-sex population dynamics, J. Math.
Biol. 75 (2017), 783-804, DOI 10.1007/s00285-017-1114-9
[124] Piotr Gwiazda, Anna Marciniak-Czochra, H.R. Thieme, Measures under the flat norm
as ordered normed vector space, Positivity 22 (2018), 105-138, DOI 10.1007/s11117-
017-0503-z; Correction: Positivity 22 (2018), 139-140
[125] Alex P. Farrell, James P. Collins, Amy L. Greer, H.R. Thieme, Times from infection
to disease-induced death and their influence on final population sizes after epidemic
outbreaks, Bull. Math. Biol. 80 (2018) 1937-1961
[126] Alex P. Farrell, James P. Collins, Amy L. Greer, H.R. Thieme, Do fatal infectious
diseases eradicate host species? J. Math. Biology 77 (2018), 2103-2164
(DOI: 10.1007/s00285-018-1249-3)
[127] Odo Diekmann, Klaus Dietz, Thomas Hillen, H.R. Thieme, Karl-Peter Hadeler: His
legacy in mathematical biology, J. Math. Biol. 77 (2018), 1623-1627
[128] Khalaf M. Alanazi, Z. Jackiewicz, H.R. Thieme, Numerical simulations of the spread
of rabies in two-dimensional space, Applied Numerical Mathematics 135 (2019), 87-98
[129] Khalaf M. Alanazi, Z. Jackiewicz, H.R. Thieme, Numerical simulations of the spread
of rabies in a spatially distributed fox population. Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation (in press)
[130] Rachel Jennings, Yang Kuang, H.R. Thieme, Jianhong Wu, Xiaotian Wu, How ticks
keep ticking in the adversity of host immune reactions. J. Math. Biol. 78 (2019),
[131] Khalaf Alanazi, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, H.R. Thieme, Spreading speeds of rabies with
territorial and diffusing rabid foxes, Disc. cont. dyn. sys. B 25 (2020), 2143-2183
doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2019222
[132] Discrete-time population dynamics on the state space of measures, Math. Biosci.
Engin. 17 (2020), 1168-1217
doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020061
[133] Alex P. Farrell, Horst R. Thieme, Predator — prey/host — parasite: a fragile ecoepi-
demic system under homogeneous infection incidence, DCDS B 26 (2021), 217-267
[134] Persistent discrete-time dynamics on measures, Progress on Difference Equations and
Discrete Dynamical Systems (Stephen Baigent, Saber Elaydi and Martin Bohner,
eds.), 59-100, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 341, Springer Nature
Switzerland AG, 2020

Papers accepted for publication, refereed

[135] Discrete-time dynamics of structured populations via Feller kernels, Disc. Cont. Dyn.
Sys. B, 29 pages

Papers submitted for publication, refereed

[136] Discrete-time population dynamics of spatially distributed semelparous two-sex pop-

Non-refereed publications
[1] Some mathematical considerations of how to stop the spatial spread of a rabies epi-
demic. Biological Growth and Spread (W. Jäger, H. Rost, P. Tautu, eds.), 310-319.
Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 38. Springer 1980
[2] Global asymptotic stability in epidemic models. Proceedings Equadiff 82 (H.W.
Knobloch, K. Schmitt, eds.), 608-615. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1017. Springer
[3] A differential-integral equation modeling the dynamics of populations with a rank
structure. The Dynamics of Physiologically Structured Populations. (Metz, J.A.J.;
Diekmann, O.; eds.). Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 68, 496-511. Springer 1986
[4] (with C. Castillo-Chavez) On the role of variable infectivity in the dynamics of the
human immunodefiency virus epidemic. Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to
AIDS Epidemiology (C. Castillo-Chavez, ed.). Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 83,
157-176. Springer 1989
[5] (with S. Busenberg and M. Iannelli) Dynamics of an age-structured epidemic model.
Dynamical Systems (Liao Shan-Tao, Ye Yan-Qian, Ding Tong-Ren, eds.), 1 -19. World
Scientific 1993
[6] Eigenvectors and eigenfunctionals of homogeneous order-preserving maps,
[7] Comparison of spectral radii and Collatz- Wielandt numbers for homogeneous maps,
and other applications of the monotone companion norm on ordered normed vector
spaces, (arXiv:1406.6657)

Book reviews
Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics, by Josef Hofbauer and Karl Sigmund,
Bull. Math. Biol. 61 (1999), 799-805
Spatial Deterministic Epidemics, by Linda Rass and John Radcliffe, AMS, 2003, Math.
Biosci 202 (2006), 218-225
Perturbations of Positive Semigroups with Applications, by Jacek Banasiak and Luisa
Arlotti, Springer 2006, SIAM Review 49 (2007), 355-360

Special issues and conference proceedings edited

(with M. Martelli, K.L. Cooke, E. Cumberbatch, Betty Tang) Differential Equations
and Applications to Biology and Industry, Proc. of the Claremont International Conference
dedicated to the memory of Stavros Busenberg, World Scientific 1996
(with Suzanne Lenhart) Modeling and Control of Natural Resources, Natural Resource
Modeling 18 Issue 3 (Fall 2005)
(with Suzanne Lenhart) Dynamic Aspects of Competition, Adaptation, and Patchiness
in Ecology, Natural Resource Modeling 18 Issue 4 (Winter 2005)
(with Jim Cushing) J. Biol. Dynamics 2 (2008) Issue 2 (on the occasion of the 60th
birthday of Hal L. Smith)

(with Odo Diekmann, Klaus Dietz, Thomas Hillen) J. Math. Biol. 77 (2018) Issues
6-7 (in memory of Karl-Peter Hadeler)


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