Issue 07 Kobold Quarterly Fall 2008

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Kobold Quarterly 7 3
4 Kobold Quarterly 7

6 Editorial
Fair Games and Fun Ones

From the Mines

12 Monster Spectacular

Monsters of Osirion
by Phillip Larwood
Creatures of the desert, from the Pathfinder campaign!

18 Horrors of Steam & Iron
by Richard Pett
On the Cover
More monsters, from the darkest pits of feudal Hell. William O’Connor’s second cover for

KQ shows us that treachery and a kiss

Kobold Diplomacy will get you a lot further than just a
Sandy Petersen: the Marching Giant kiss.
Is he the greatest living tabletop game designer? Maybe.

Ecology of the Centaur
by Wolfgang Baur Cartoons by Stan!

Trampling all before them. Bolt & Quiver 42

10’ by 10’ Toon 67


Monster Magic

Black Art of Undead Creation

by Ross Byers
Book Reviews 52


Arcane Power

Powder Burn: Spells of the Gun

by John Flemming
by Cynthia Ward and Pierce Watters

Flashing Blades
Sky Above, Earth Below

48 The Hard-Knock Life
Dwarven Airships
by Ben McFarland
by John Baichtal
Gear for Your PC

56 Tools of the Trade: Thieves Gear

The Free City
Courtesans of Zobeck 70
by Matthew Cicci by Wolfgang Baur

Cthulhu’s Tribute

57 The Garnet Codex

by Stan!

Dungeon Design

The Plague Paradigm

by Derek Kagemann
Kobold Quarterly 7 5
Fair Games
& Fun Ones
s may be a bit of an odd confession for a game the world, spinning up
designer, but I’ve always found that having a
Edito r ial

a plot, and hatching

great set of mechanics is not enough to keep some monsters for new
your players happy. You also need a great setting, and and deadly challenges
you need a great story, or it’s just not worth it. Players is the DM’s joy, and hearing cries of dismay is sweet
will forgive you for bad mechanics much faster than they music. But really, he wants the heroes to triumph and
forgive a boring plot or a dumb setting. their story to grow his shared world.
Let me speak in defense of rules first. The rules of a Now it’s possible for a bad set of rules to get in the way
game exist to provide a sense of fairness to play. If baseball of having a good time on game night. Good mechanics
or chess rules were arbitrary or favored the home team, are like good editing, or good layout: you don’t notice
no one would play. Both sides in a competitive game them, they have done their job.
must feel they have an fair chance of winning. When rules and mechanics hog the spotlight, they have
That’s not actually an argument in favor of strong rules failed. They are no longer enabling roleplayers to get on
in RPGs, of course. There’s no fairness between the DM with having a good time. instead, those rules become
and the players; the DM does control the environment, the entertainment for rules hounds and power gamers
the monsters, and the NPCs. He could wipe the party out to bend and twist to suit themselves. And everyone else
with a TPK rather easily and at any time. Despite many wonders why they bother with RPGs when they could be
efforts to teach DMs to “play fair” with the players at the playing board games or reading a decent book.
table... Well, killer DMs still exist, and even good DMs So, what’s my point here?
fudge die rolls both in player’s favor and against it (I am Just as Kobold Quarterly strives to entertain with
certainly guilty as charged, especially at conventions). articles that inspire players and DMs alike, we hope
So, why don’t great rules make for great entertainment you take a step back to appreciate the part of the game
in RPGs? Why aren’t great rules enough? that isn’t about the dice so much. (I know, I know, but
The White Wolf folks had it right when they called the dice are so shiny!). It’s about having a good time as
their games the Storyteller system. All games are much as it is about mastering the rules and finding the
entertainment, and RPGs more than most depend just as loopholds. The rule that should be engraved on every
much on story as they do on competition. “Competitive DM screen is ‘If you’re the only one having fun, you’re
RPG” is right up there with “jumbo shrimp” and doing it wrong”. The equivalent for players is simple:
“friendly fire” in the Oxymoron Hall of Fame. Rules “If you are more worried about your stats than your
foster competition, but there’s no real competition in character’s goals, you’re doing it wrong.”
RPGs. I just know I’m going to get mail telling me I’ve got
Now, RPGs do provide a shared sense of heroism and it wrong. But tell me what you think! Are rules really
achievement. Who hasn’t been thrilled to slay a dragon or the most important element of a game session? Would
an arch-devil? But it’s not as if the DM is secretly hoping sword & sorcery without the world’s most popular set of
for a TPK every week. The DM is entertained when his mechanics still be great?
adventure makes the players sweat it out, but they find a Direct your couriers, message spells, sealed letters,
way to overcome everything he throws at them. and email to [email protected] or to Kobold
And in that sense, every DM is a game designer. His Letters, PO Box 2811, Kirkland, WA 98083.
role is to keep others entertained on game night; building

Kobold in Chief

6 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 7
From the Mines
Dispatches and Complaints
Kobol d L etters

Hurrah, Not Too Angsty some subscribers have said, 4th players
I’ve just read my first issue of KQ - have plenty of support elsewhere. So
issue 6 - and loved it, you’ll definitely I wouldn’t mind all that much if you
be getting a subscription from me. stuck with 3.5.
David Cook’s article on Tieflings was Maybe try to give some hints to help
quite enjoyable, without going into me stat things up for 4th, without get-
the “I’m an angsty race” theme that the ting yourself in license-related trouble.
tiefling is typically dragged into. ~James Geluso
The standout article to me, has got Bakersfield, Calif. I would imagine that there would be
to be the “Ecology of the Phantom more 4th and less 3rd as time goes by. 
Fungus.” It’s a monster that I typically The magazine is going out on a bit of a Whatever he does I will continue to
avoid having anything to do with, limb this issue, with 4E material that support the magazine.  If I use the idea
and that article convinced me in one our lawyers tell us is permissible under of a crab diviner in my 4e campaign, it
read to base a section of my upcoming US copyright law. Overall, though, I will take 2 minutes to convert over to
campaign around it. think we’re more likely to cover 3E and a mechanic that works in the new sys-
But I put 4E or not 4E in the subject Pathfinder material than 4E material, tem.  The important part, the creative
line, and you may be thinking: what unless we get a lot of requests and queries awesomeness, is edition-proof.  So stop
does that have anything to do with for the newer edition. threatening to cancel your subscrip-
it? My upcoming campaign will be a I’m still waiting on the new GSL. If tions and embrace having two good
4E campaign. It really doesn’t matter that allows for more 4E content, I’ll be versions of a great game.
which way KQ goes - continuing to happy to provide some. As you point out, ~Thom Little
support 3E, or supporting 4E - as long though, there’s just no way that a small Nashville, Tennessee
as you’re publishing articles that are (but fierce!) magazine like KQ can take
this enjoyable. on WotC. While nobody loves the edition wars, the
~David Knight magazine needs to find a way to please
Disappointed by Edition Wars both sides (a tough gig). It seems that the
Thanks, that’s the approach we’re I read the letters in the most recent editions have polarized the community,
hoping to continue this issue, with both Kobold Quarterly and was disap- and players who enjoy both editions are
Pathfinder and 4E content in the same pointed to see the edition warriors at rare.
set of pages. We’ll know soon enough if work.  I play and enjoy both 3.5 and
that flies. 4th editions.  4th may lack some of the Getting with the Times
simulationist feeling of 3rd, but people I’m writing you in response to your
4E Support Right Here! who play it have fun.  It has the biggest request for letters from 4E support-
You said you wanted the 4e supporters tabletop rpg company in the world ers. I subscribed to KQ for its first
to write in, and, well, I’m one. I pretty behind it.  4e is designed to be easily year, assuming it would convert to 4E
much wasn’t playing three months ago; entered into by a novice while 3.5 will upon the new edition’s release. When
now, with 4th out, I’m DMing two be the province of highly experienced I learned this wasn’t going to happen,
new campaigns and playing in another. gamers unwilling to give up their style I declined to renew my subscription. I
I’d like to see your stuff in Fourth. of play.  Which one of these styles do did the same with Pathfinder. While
The idea of having both 3rd and 4th you think is likely to grow and which I enjoyed both publications, I am
stats for the same content would have one is likely to shrink slowly? excited about 4E and not content to
been great, but apparently that’s not al- I hope Mr. Baur chooses to publish dwell in the past indefinitely.
lowed, which is kind of jerky. And like aticles for both editions of the game.  So, I would be pleasantly surprised if
KQ got with the times and converted.
It’s nice to have a real paper magazine
You can write to us at [email protected] or send paper mail to dedicated to my favorite hobby. Since
Kobold Quarterly, PO Box 2811, Kirkland, WA 98083 KQ and Paizo seem joined at the hip,

8 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 9
I don’t anticipate this happening any- and online gaming, or at least trying to Call for Demi-Humans
time soon, but there you go. draw the new crowds in from the more
I am stationed in Iraq and only a few
~Keoki Young successful electronic counterparts. The
hours ago I happened to come across
mechanics seems much more coin
your new issue in the PX. I love your
Thanks for your take on it, Keoki! We operated — healing surges feel like
magazine already and would like to
figured we would convert to 4E as well, pumping in fresh quarters and magic
thank you, as it has given me some
and when we learned that was not pos- feels almost too accessible, with so
details and some ideas for my own
sible, we declined to go whole-hog in much of it being blasted around that it
ongoing game, which I have already
supporting it. feels almost mundane. If I was going to
begun to work into the storyline.
We’re not exactly dwelling in the past, write a pen & paper version of Gaunt-
Also, I was wondering if anyone
but taking the best elements of it and the let this is how I’d go about it.
has some insight as to how to set up
best of the new, as you can see this very I understand the rationale of giving
demi-human characters without them
issue. characters more options and things to
seeming overly powerful. I myself
do each round, but never really saw
Backpedaling e-Dragon? often play a Kitsune-Bito (Japanese fox
this as a problem. For example, the
folk) when I’m not the DM, and often
I saw in the recent issue of Kobold previous imbalance of a fighter being
bump heads with other DMs about my
Quarterly that you asked 4E support- more powerful than a wizard in early
character and abilities. Not to mention
ers to send in letters. Since I never con- levels was naturally remedied when the
that I know about a dozen players who
sidered sending in a letter of support roles were reversed in later on.
would like to creat demi-human char-
one way or another before I thought it Of course all these issues are really
acters but don’t really have anything to
might be good to do so now. non-issues. RPGs have always fun-
use for guidance, other than a standard
I see that WotC has decided to back- damentally been what you make of
halfling template.
pedal on the GSL and have adopted them. The point I’m really trying to
SPC. Hetherington, Pat
a more collegial tone with third party make is that great adventures and great
United States Army
publishers, but don’t fall for it. WotC stories make great roleplaying, and
may need the third party support, but nothing about this is really mechan-
Thanks for your email, and I think I
3.5 and Pathfinder players deserve a ics driven. Mechanics almost seem less
smell a challenge to the freelancers out
quality magazine like Kobold Quar- important that well referenced and
there. Anyone want to give demi-humans
terly to support their games. 4E play- indexed work.
like the kitsune a set of parameters?
ers have e-Dragon and e-Dungeon. I think it’s more important to have
- Mark Gedak a quality magazine out at the moment
Serious Comics
than arguments over specific editions
and contents. I don’t play previous edi- KQ#2 was another issue well worth the
As witnessed by our first official
tions at the moment but am more than cover price. I’ll keep buying them for
Pathfinder content and our 4E Ecology
willing to buy a magazine that covers sure.
material, KQ is happy to work both sides
them because it’s still a wealth of source Regarding your solicitation for a
of the fence this issue. We’ll see if that
material and ideas. It’s a real treat full page comic, why not get some-
continues after the new GSL arrives, but
just to read something like Kobold thing that has more of serious feel to
for now, we’re all for a dual track.
Quarterly and I will continue to pick it? Something like a Prince Valiant
These Are Non-Issues it up, wherever your dice fall, but I’m for gaming. I read plenty of “funny”
really hoping that you’ll keep the print comics in this genre, but none that are
Great job on a lovely new gaming
version around for a long time yet! in a serious storytelling vein. I know
magazine! It’s such a nice feeling to
~Dan Barton it would only come out 4 times a year
have something tangible in your hands
but it could still be done. Do we really
to read, rather than reading from a
Thanks, Dan! I think we’re done with our need another goof-ball comic that semi
screen. I know I’m not alone in feel-
Edition Wars discussion here in the letters makes fun of gaming? I would like to
ing this way, nor would I be first to
pages, but we agree that RPGs are really read some serious serial fiction in the
comment on the importance of smell
what you make of them. KQ will con- genre instead.
(either new game, or aging tome). To
tinue to support the world’s most popular ~Tom Cibelli
me these things are an important part
of the roleplaying experience. roleplaying games, in any edition.
We’re still looking for a full-page comic,
I’m still evaluating the 4th Edition
but you make a good point. There’s a lot
game really, having only played a few
of great humor strips out there. Is there
month’s worth of sessions. My initial
anyone who knows of a more serious
thoughts are that this version is trying
comic about gaming and sword-and-
to bridge the gap between pen & paper
sorcery fantasy? Let us know!
10 Kobold Quarterly 7
Fall 2008 Volume 2, Issue 3

product names are trademarks owned by the companies that publish those
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status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. Pathfinder
and the Pathfinder Chronicles are trademarks of Paizo LLC and are used by
permission. Open Design, Free City of Zobeck, Kobold Quarterly, KQ, Kobold
™ Magazine, and the Kobold logo are trademarks of Open Design LLC.

Subscriptions: Please subscribe at, or send a

check or money order to PO Box 2811, Kirkland WA, 98083, USA.
PDF subscriptions are US$16 per year, €11 in Europe. Paper and PDF
Kobold-in-Chief: Wolfgang Baur combined subscriptions are US$36 per year in the United States,
Reviewers: Cynthia Ward, Pierce Watters US$40 in Canada, €40 in Europe, and US$60 elsewhere.
Cover Design: Richard Clark
Consulting Editor: Jeff Grubb Back Issues: Visit to pick up back issues of
Assistant Editor: Scott Gable Kobold Quarterly. Single paper issues of Kobold Quarterly are $7.99
Page Layout: Wolfgang Baur plus shipping. Single PDF issues are $5.99 and are available at
Ad Manager: EP Healy

Advertising: Contact the staff at [email protected] for

Contributing Authors: John Baichtal, Wolfgang Baur, Ross current rates. All ads are subject to approval, and KQ reserves the right
Byers, Matthew Cicci, John Flemming, Jeremy Jones, Derek to reject any ad for any reason.
Kagemann, Phillip Larwood, Richard Pett, and Stan!
Cartographer: Sean Macdonald Open Game Content: The Open content in this issue is the spell statistics
Cover Artist: William O’Connor in “Powder Burn” and the “Black Art of Undead Creation” articles, and the
monster statistics in “Monsters of Osirion” and “Horrors of Steam & Iron”.
All other material is Product Identity. No other portion of this work may
Contributing Artists: Darren Calvert, Lucas Haley, Michael
be reproduced in any form without permission.
Jaecks, Jennifer Lynn Kagemann, Mates Laurentiu/AvatarArt,
Pat Loboyko, Luis Guaragña, and Stan! Submissions and Design: Each issue of Kobold Quarterly supports Open
Design, an RPG design community. Article queries are accepted from
KQ Logo Design: Shelly Baur freelancers, from KQ subscribers, and from Open Design members. To
become a member, visit and donate to support the
Kobold Quarterly™ is published four times a year by Open Design LLC. No part Open Design community.
of this magazine may be reproduced (except for review purposes) without
the prior written consent of the publisher. Material published herein may Printed in the U.S.A.
not necessarily reflect the opinions of Open Design, its owner and patrons,
or its contributors, who are not liable for opinions expressed herein. Most ©2008 Open Design LLC

Kobold Quarterly 7 11
Monster Spectacular


by Phillip Larwood
Art by Michael Jaecks

Nethys was once of a single mind, land of ancient mysteries, liv- Asakku
ing god-kings, and powerful
but he saw into the Great Beyond sorceries, Osirion is the birth-
Accompanied by an eerie howling wind is
and his mind fragmented, a creature of rusty black feathers with the
place of many of the creatures found face of a beautiful, androgynous human-
trying to encompass all that he throughout Golarion. Yet while with- oid. Vast wings like those of a vulture
witnessed. From out of the roiling ered mummies and regal sphinxes are sprout from where its arms should be
chaos that were his thoughts, both readily associated with the Inner while a yellow asp emerges from its back
Sea’s oldest kingdom, other creatures
two minds emerged with one prowl the searing deserts or lurk in the
as a tail, whipping about with frenetic
dedicated to the principles of abandon. The creature’s eyes are as black
mysterious peaks as well—creatures as a moonless night and utterly bereft
arcane magic and the other to born of magic and nature and even the of compassion, and its taloned feet are
the perversion of its fundamental will of the gods. stained with the blood of countless shred-
laws. None can say which These creatures range from the ded corpses.
dreaded asakku, spirits of air given
mind is the greater or which fleshy form that drive men mad with
Dwelling in Osirion’s barren moun-
will triumph, but when Nethys tains, asakku are a race of savage and
their winds; to the deathtrap ooze and reclusive outsiders originally from the
emerged from his sanctuary, the the sandwalker, two quite different Great Beyond. At some point after
study of magic became a constant creatures born from the twisted minds the starstone created the Inner Sea
balancing act between the two. of Osirion’s artisan-wizards to guard and bathed the world in darkness they
noble tombs and pharaonic pyramids. left their home plane and arrived on
Finally, there comes the torthune, a Golarion, setting aside their wind-like
—Harkhoun the Mighty, in creature that serves Nethys in the Great forms and adopting a form of flesh
The Tenets of Magic Beyond and exemplifies the dueling and feathers in mockery of the world’s
aspects of the god of magic. birds.
12 Kobold Quarterly 7
Tormentors of mind and body, asakku revel in perform- Maddening winds (Su) Creatures within a 30-foot radius
ing foul and despicable acts, driving men insane with their of an asakku are assaulted by a vortex of maddening wind.
Any creature listening to the strains of this wind must make
maddening winds, and pulling apart victims’ bodies with a DC 19 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. A
their wicked claws. These irredeemable qualities have drawn new save must be made every round that a creature remains
the attention of Pazuzu and other paragons of evil, and have within the radius, but a successful save renders a creature
earned the asakku a dreadful reputation. immune to the wind’s effects for 24 hours.
A creature reduced to 0 Wisdom slips into a comatose-
like nightmare from which it cannot awaken. An asakku can
Asakku CR 7 dismiss or resume its aura as a fee action. Maddening winds
Always CE Medium outsider (native) is a sonic mind-affecting effect to which deaf creatures and
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Spot +15, Listen +15 other asakku are immune. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Aura deflecting winds, maddening winds Poisonous Lash (Su) The asp-like tail of an asakku is
coated with powerful supernatural venom that it can deliver
Defense with a strike: injury, Fortitude DC 18, initial and secondary
AC 19; touch 13, flat-footed 16 damage 1d6 Intelligence. Creatures affected by this poison
(+3 Dex, +6 natural) appear feverish and can’t focus their thoughts. The save DC
hp 60 (8d8+24) is Constitution-based.
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +8 Summon Elemental (Sp) Once per day, a group of three or
DR 5/good, Resist cold 10, fire 10, SR 17 more asakku can spend a full-round action to summon a NE
large air elemental with maximum hit points and a +2 morale
bonus to attack and damage rolls. This ability is equivalent
Offense to a 9th-level spell and the asakku must be within 30 feet of
Speed 20 ft., fly 70 ft. (good) each other to use it
Melee 2 claws +11 (1d6+3) and
tail +9 (1d4+1 plus poisonous lash)
Special Attacks poisonous lash, summon elemental
Like most outsiders, asakku have no need to eat or sleep,
Tactics yet they enjoy the taste of flesh and blood and dine on such
Before Combat An asakku takes to the air if possible, using fare whenever possible. While they have no natural place in
its deflecting winds aura to make normal ranged attacks the world, they are slowly becoming an apex predator in the
against it difficult. Asakku aeries will collectively summon one
or more air elementals to attack their foes. mountainous regions of Osirion, Katapesh, Rahadoum, and
During Combat An asakku lets its maddening aura take Thuvia; fighting over territory with griffons, manticores, and
hold of the minds of its opponents while staying out of melee sphinxes; and keeping the number of savage humanoids in
combat. Once all of its opponents are affected by its aura, it the highlands in check.
attacks with its claws and tail, hoping to incapacitate them
While they are often mistaken for harpies, asakku hate the
with its mind-numbing poison.
Morale An asakku typically flees when reduced to less than comparison and go out of their way to destroy anyone who
15 hit points. makes such a statement as well as any harpy they encoun-
ter. As such, harpies are one of the few evil flying creatures
Statistics asakku won’t willingly associate with. Some believe that the
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 21 harpy colony at Al-Bashir was first formed to provide the
Base Atk +8; Grp +11
harpies safety in numbers against asakku.
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack
(claw)B, Multiattack A typical asakku is 6 feet tall and weighs 120 pounds.
Skills Bluff +16, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (nature) +14,
Knowledge (the planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen Habitat & Society
+15, Sense Motive +13, Spot +15, Survival +13 (+15 above Asakku are petty, squabbling, selfish creatures, yet they are
ground or on other planes)
Languages Abyssal and Common (or a regional language
more likely to be found in aeries of 6 –12 members than
such as Osiriani) alone. While asakku hate one another and battles for domi-
nance are common, they have a better chance of fending off
Ecology attacks when in a group and can secure better holdings, such
Environment tropical mountains and hills as keeps and townhouses, which are inevitably fouled and
Organization solitary or aerie (2–12) ruined by their presence.
Treasure standard
Asakku often work with demons such as vrocks and hid-
Advancement by character class (sorcerer or rogue)
Level Adjustment —
eous flying monsters such as kuchrima or
gargoyles when the pay is reasonable and
SPECIAL ABILITIES they get the chance to spill blood. They are
Deflecting winds (Su) An asakku is constantly surrounded also one of the favored servants of Pazuzu,
by a maelstrom of buffeting winds. Anyone making a ranged allying with cultists of the demon prince
attack against an asakku takes a –8 penalty to his or her
to commit acts of atrocity throughout the
attack rolls. An asakku can dismiss or resume its aura as a
free action. desert lands.

Kobold Quarterly 7 13
Before Combat A deathtrap ooze hides in trap form until it
strikes, often remaining in trap form until a creature tries to
disable it.
During Combat A deathtrap ooze lashes out in trap form
then reverts to its normal form, grabbing and crushing foes
until they are dead.
Morale A deathtrap ooze fights until destroyed.

Str 18, Dex 1, Con 24, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +6; Grp +14
Feats Improved Natural Attack (slam)B
Skills —
Languages none

Environment any (typically tombs)
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Advancement 10–12 HD (Large); 13–21 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment —

Special Abilities
Acid (Ex) The acid of a deathtrap ooze is identical to that
of an ochre jelly and dissolves only flesh. Any melee hit or
constrict attack deals acid damage.
Constrict (Ex) A deathtrap ooze deals automatic slam and
acid damage with a successful grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a deathtrap ooze
must hit with a slam attack. It can then attempt to start
a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
Deathtrap Ooze and can constrict.
Trap Form (Ex) A deathtrap ooze can take the form of a
Falling from the ceiling, a deadly scything blade is connected Medium or Large size trap. The trap must be mechanical in
to a long stone beam. Even as it strikes, the trap undergoes a nature and have no more than a single moving part. Typical
startling transformation, melting and shifting until it collapses traps include scything blades, piercing rods, and solid blocks
of crushing stone. While in trap form, a deathtrap ooze is
altogether in a puddle of glistening, viscous orange goop. indistinguishable from the trap it is emulating and uses the
Created during Osirion’s First Age by wizards using statistics of a typical trap of its kind, including hardness and
captured ochre jellies, deathtrap oozes were designed to the Search DC to locate it. It retains its own attack bonus but
protect burial chambers and other secure areas. Their unique deals damage typical of the trap it is disguised as (such as
2d8 for a scything blade).
abilities allow them to remain sealed in these areas for hun-
If a creature searching for traps succeeds on the check to
dreds of years, hibernating in trap form until they sense an locate the deathtrap ooze by 10 or more he can determine
intruder. that the trap is somehow different from normal and can make
a DC 19 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check (if he possesses
Deathtrap Ooze CR 8 the skill) to identify the trap as a deathtrap ooze.
Always N Large ooze As soon as a deathtrap ooze takes any damage in trap form
Init -5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Spot +0, Listen +0 it loses cohesion and reverts to its normal form. Assuming
trap form takes 1 minute, while resuming ooze form is a move
action. While in trap form a deathtrap ooze can hibernate
Defense indefinitely.
AC 4, touch 4, flat-footed 4
(–1 size, –5 Dex)
hp 112 (9d10+63)
Fort +10, Ref –2, Will –2 A deathtrap ooze is an ambush predator that can stay in the
Immune critical hits, flanking, gaze attacks, illusions, same location for days or even years waiting for their next
mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, meal. Because of its unique abilities, a deathtrap ooze is
generally not found in natural aboveground locations and
Offense does not move around as other oozes do. When forced to do
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. so, it hunts in much the same manner as an ochre jelly, but
Melee slam +9 (2d6+6 plus 1d6 acid) it takes trap form when at rest.
Special Attacks acid, constrict, improved grab, trap form A deathtrap ooze appears as a particularly large, dark-col-
14 Kobold Quarterly 7
ored ochre jelly or a Medium or Large mechanical trap made
out of wood or stone. A given deathtrap ooze will always
assume the same type of trap.

Habitat & Society

Many creatures use deathtrap oozes as guardians in place of
regular oozes because of their propensity for staying in one
location and for doubling as traps. As such, deathtrap oozes
are gradually spreading beyond the tombs of Osirin nobles
and can now be found throughout southern Golarion.

Scuttling forward is a monstrous apparition the size of an
elephant. Four grasping claws reach forward to grapple prey
while two gleaming stingers emerge from its back. Dark
black spots serve as the creature’s eyes, and its mouthparts
quiver in anticipation of a coming meal. It might have once
been a scorpion, but now it is something far worse.
Sandwalkers were originally created from monstrous scor-
pions by Osirian mages during the Second Age. The armies
of ancient Osirion used the monsters as elite shock troops
and gladiatorial beasts, but their burrowing ability and sheer
size made them difficult both to keep and maintain. At some
point toward the end of the Second Age, several sandwalkers
escaped into the wilds and have since spread throughout the
desert, terrorizing travelers and butchering pack animals.

Sandwalker CR 11
Usually NE Huge magical beast
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Listen Languages none (but can understand Common or Osiriani)
+3, Spot +7
Defense Environment temperate and tropical deserts
AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 23 Organization solitary
(–2 size, +1 Dex, +15 natural) Treasure standard
hp 126 (12d10+60) Advancement 13–24 HD (Huge); 25–36 HD (Gargantuan)
Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +5 Level Adjustment —

Offense Special Abilities

Speed 50 ft., burrow 20 ft. Constrict (Ex) A sandwalker deals automatic claw damage
Melee 4 claws +18 (2d6+8) and with a successful grapple check.
2 stings +16 (1d8+4 plus poison) Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a sandwalker must hit
Special Attacks constrict, improved grab, poison, sand wave with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a
free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it wins
Tactics the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Before Combat A sandwalker normally begins combat buried Poison (Ex) Sandwalkers can poison foes with their wicked
below the sand, erupting to attack when it senses a Medium- stingers: injury, Fortitude DC 23, initial and secondary
size or bigger creature with its tremorsense ability. damage 1d6+1 Con. The saving throw is Constitution-based
During Combat A sandwalker uses its claws to pin and crush and includes a +2 bonus from the Ability Focus feat.
foes and its stingers to poison them. If surrounded by a large Sand Wave (Su) Once per hour, a sandwalker can focus
group of foes or severely injured, it uses its sand wave ability. its tremorsense ability outwards in a 20-foot radius blast of
Morale A sandwalker fights to the death. sonic energy that travels through the ground. The blast deals
8d6 sonic damage and creatures in the area are knocked
Statistics prone. A DC 21 Reflex save halves the damage and prevents
Str 27, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10 creatures from falling over. In sandy regions the sand wave
visibly ripples the sand, forming miniature waves that expand
Base Atk +12; Grp +28
outward from the sandwalker’s body. The save DC for this
Feats Ability Focus (poison), Improved Initiative, Improved ability is Constitution-based.
Natural Attack (claw)B, Multiattack, Stealthy
Skills (Ex) A sandwalker gains a +4 racial bonus on Climb,
Skills Climb +15, Hide +3 (+15 when buried beneath the Hide, and Spot checks. While buried below the sand, its Hide
sand), Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +7 bonus increases to +16.
Kobold Quarterly 7 15
Sandwalkers are still fairly rare throughout the deep
deserts of Osirion, Thuvia, Rahadoum, and Qadira, but
in recent times they have increased in numbers. Sand-
walkers favor loose soil or sand, which they dig through
to hide themselves from potential prey. They ignore
lone humanoids unless hungry but relish the taste of
horses and camels, and they have been known to de-
molish campsites to devour every pack animal present.
Although they do not like the taste of humanoids,
sandwalkers are malicious and kill intelligent creatures
for the sheer joy of it. In these cases, they leave the
corpses for jackals and giant ants to feast on.
Brass dragons view sandwalkers as delicacies, and
wyrm and great wyrm brass dragons will burrow into
the desert sands to extract them from their burrows.
A typical sandwalker resembles a giant scorpion with
four claws and two stingers. It is drab yellow or pale
red in color and over 30 feet long. It weighs more than
20,000 pounds.

Habitat & Society

Sandwalkers are solitary creatures and have the same
breeding habits as monstrous scorpions. While they are
generally violent towards other creatures (including oth-
ers of their own kind), they have been known to strike
up bargains with savage humanoids and other creatures
that can provide them with camels and horses.
Sandwalkers drag their meals down into the deep
burrows where they dwell. Often the pack animals
they drag into their burrows carry treasure, either from
merchant caravans or passing travelers such as adventur-
ers and pilgrims.

Torthune Torthune CR 12
Flying silently through the air is a tall lean humanoid figure of Always N Medium outsider
grayish flesh with long thin arms. A featureless ovoid serves as Init +8; Senses darkvision 120 ft., true seeing; Listen +21,
the creature’s head while a large golden eye stares out from the Spot +29
center of its chest, the orb glowing with pale amber light.
When disassembled, a torthune appears rather different.
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21; 20% miss chance when
A swirling jumble of body parts hurtles through the air, the disassembled (blur)
parts forming a chaotic scramble of bits and pieces that look like (+4 Dex, +11 natural)
they could be reassembled given enough time. Floating in the hp 147 (14d8+84)
center of this mass of gray body parts is a large golden orb that Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +13
glows with pale yellow light. The sphere looks around constantly DR 10/adamantine and magic; Immune critical hits, poison;
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, sonic 10; SR 25
like a giant roving eye.
The torthune are a race of bizarre outsiders that hail from Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
the Great Beyond and serve Nethys. Like Nethys, the Melee 2 slams +16 (1d8+2 plus 3d6 discorporating touch)
torthune have two sides represented by their forms. In their Special Attacks discorporating touch, eye of power
reassembled forms, the torthune are calm and calculating Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th)
creatures that safeguard magical lore and protect magical At will—invisibility, shield
3/day—baleful polymorph (DC 20), magic missile, minor
sites from harm. In their disassembled forms, the torthune globe of invulnerability, plane shift, quickened dispel magic
become violent and unpredictable and more often than not 1/day—delayed blast fireball (DC 22), legend lore, spell turning
use their powers to destroy magical works and spellcasters.
16 Kobold Quarterly 7
Tactics Magical Flight (Su) A torthune’s flight is
Before Combat A torthune uses invisibility, minor globe magical but cannot be dispelled. It does not
of invulnerability, shield, and spell turning on itself before function in an antimagic field or similar area.
combat and relies on its all-seeing gaze to scout out the Reassemble (Su) As a move action,
battlefield. a torthune that succeeds on a DC 30
During Combat A torthune typically leads off with a Concentration check can reassemble its
quickened dispel magic and delayed blast fireball before disparate parts and regain its true form. If it
resorting to its other spell-like abilities. When reduced to succeeds it loses its blur and eye of power
half hit points or when it fails a Concentration check, it abilities but gains access to its spell-like
disassembles and uses its eye of power until all its opponents abilities. Every round that a torthune wishes
are destroyed or scattered, mopping up those who survive to stay assembled it must make a DC 25
with its discorporating touch. Concentration check at the start of its round
Morale A torthune ordered to protect a site or creature by (this counts as a free action).
Nethys fights to the death, otherwise it flees via flight or plane Torthune constantly struggle against the
shift once reduced to less than 30 hit points. chaotic magical forces seeking to tear them
asunder but sometimes find it expedient
to unleash the fury that lurks within their
Statistics disassembled forms. When not rushed or
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 23, Int 23, Wis 18, Cha 21 threatened a torthune usually takes 10 on
Base Atk +14; Grp +16 its Concentration checks to maintain its
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved reassembled form.
Initiative, Quicken Spell-like Ability (dispel magic)
Skills Bluff +22, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +26, Gather Ecology
Information +22, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (arcana)
+23, Knowledge (history) +23, Knowledge (religion) +23, When Nethys turned his attention to the world of Golarion,
Knowledge (the planes) +23, Listen +21, Search +22, Sense he forged an entire race of living constructs, enigmatic and
Motive +21, Spellcraft +25, Spot +29 inscrutable agents known as the torthune, to serve his every
Languages telepathy 100 ft. (torthune cannot speak)
whim. The torthune guarded his sanctums and temples as
Ecology well as the magical artifacts he had accumulated during his
Environment any travels.
Organization solitary When Nethys was exposed to the madness of the void his
Treasure none close connection to the torthune forced a radical metamor-
Advancement 15–33 HD (Medium); 34–52 HD (Large) phosis on them. In that moment they became outsiders and
Level Adjustment — their bodies were torn apart. Only after Nethys balanced
the two sides of his personality did the torthune regain their
Special Abilities forms, and like their master, they struggle against the chaos
All-Seeing Gaze (Su) A torthune has 120 ft. darkvision and
sees as if under the effects of a permanent true seeing spell. and fury seeking to overwhelm them every day.
A torthune also gains a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. A Torthune have no mouths and do not need to breathe, eat,
torthune’s vision cannot be affected by dispel magic, but or sleep. They communicate solely through telepathy, their
it loses its true seeing ability when in an antimagic field or
similar effect.
voices monotonous while reassembled and constantly shift-
Blur (Su) A disassembled torthune’s constantly revolving ing in volume and tone while disassembled.
form makes it difficult to target with attacks. Attacks against a
disassembled torthune suffer a 20% miss chance. Habitat & Society
Discorporating Touch (Su) A strike from the torthune’s fists Torthune live in isolation and have no society to speak of.
or body vaporizes an opponent’s flesh; blood, flesh, and
muscles separate into their component parts in a form of They are rarely encountered together unless guarding an
rough disintegration. This attack inflicts 3d6 damage, though important magical location or artifact and do not communi-
a successful DC 23 Fortitude save halves the damage. The cate with one another except by necessity.
save is Constitution-based. A torthune is normally found in its reassembled form un-
Eye of Power (Su) Once every 4 rounds, a disassembled
torthune can unleash a devastating blast of magical energy
less unconscious or otherwise disabled. Most torthune are
that warps time and space in the vicinity, potentially withering embarrassed by their disassembled forms and do not will-
and transporting foes against their will. This blast of chronal ingly disassemble themselves except during battle.
and magical energy takes the form of a 60 ft. cone and deals An unusual sect of torthune known as the Conclave of the
10d6 damage. Creatures and loose objects in the path of the
cone are also teleported 10d10 feet away from their starting
Eye lives in an eye-studded tower in the Barrier Mountains
positions in a random direction. A DC 22 Reflex save halves above Osirion. These torthune wear long black and white
the damage and negates the random teleporting effect. The robes in homage to Nethys and are thought to watch over
save DC is Charisma-based. the use of magic in Golarion for their master (though they
Immunity to Critical Hits (Ex) While disassembled a almost never act to stop anything they witness). They are
torthune is immune to critical hits. Against a reassembled
torthune a critical hit does no harm other than to force it to also thought to possess abilities unusual among their race,
immediately disassemble. including the ability to cast spells.
Kobold Quarterly 7 17
Monster Spectacular

    of 
Iron & Stea
Flesh is Weak &Iron Relentless
By Richard Pett
Art by Pat Loboyko

‘Ashen faced, she watched as the creature ripped her

screaming brother apart; unyielding iron tearing Standard Monster Variations
weak flesh, machinery following its instruction The basic monster books make a good starting point for many
interesting variations on standard fantasy monsters. You do
mindlessly—like a waterwheel obeying the force
not need to make sweeping changes to those complex stat
of water. Having completed its first instruction, blocks to enable a monster to be truly different, simply add
the iron golem moved toward her with the steady, a flavorsome description and some new powers and you can
relentless tread of its kind.’ have, to all intents and purposes, a new monster.

ampaign settings like a certain pulp lightning train Animated Objects
setting, the Iron Kingdoms, and our own Free City Animated objects make great steampunk-type (steam-
of Zobeck allow, or even assume, slightly higher punkesque?) monsters; they are essentially an object given
levels of technology than standard fantasy settings. These life—any object, which comes in handy in many situations.
settings offer a great avenue to explore and populate with Use your imagination to clothe and arm these animated
creatures a bit beyond the usual, and they allow us to use creatures, such as the following two examples.
our imaginations to create twisted, rusted, and stitched
things that wander the desolate alleyways and furnaces of The Flailing Spines of Thresk
these kingdoms. Steampunk books have added to this genre A gateway carved to resemble an ivy-strangled dragon—its
of industrial fantasy. twelve spined tails guard the garden beyond, and the stings
Such monsters offer a change of pace to standard fantasy they deliver stay in the wound until the limb falls away as
campaigns, and the deploying such creatures may give your rust, its iron barbs impossible to remove.
players a shock—imagine a naga sheathed in iron, a clock-
work-faced minotaur or an alchemical-blooded wyvern— The Iron Bell of the Storm
even when the mechanics are not wildly different. These This enormous bell plays host to a score of iron spiders, and
familiar base monsters suddenly become new foes, and your its steam-powered tolling causes confusion, which its chil-
players have to deal with their new abilities quickly or face dren use to advantage to attack those of the flesh.
the consequences.
18 Kobold Quarterly 7
The Leastlings Once a victim escapes a grapple with children dare each other to touch the
Made entirely of thousands of animat- a hateful piston choker that has been thing.
ed needles, these manlike forms work reduced to 0 hit points, the creature’s The Weeping Man is a flesh golem
for the assassin’s guild of the Free City, attacks cease. bound in copper twine and lashed to a
delivering poison on their fingers and If the construct is destroyed, the crea- great copper rod engraved with leaping
with a shake of their head. ture reverts to a standard choker. quicklings. He stands as mute guardian
Award the CR of both creatures if they above the Barrow of the Callous King.
Hateful Piston Choker are destroyed. Sometimes his endless wait wearies
The asthmatic gasping paused, but I still him, and he sobs quietly to himself in
see nothing in the cavern walls until Furnace Gargoyle the rain.
suddenly a thing lurched from above, I The two amber eyes blinked in the dark The body and laboratory of the
turned to see the twisted face of a choker, from across the pool. Suddenly, I felt a Callous King lies in rest beneath the
its dislocated limbs grasping for me. Now bat arc past me, glancing upward. When innocuous fields, protected from
in the light, however, I could see that this I looked back across the holy pool, the eyes storms by the Weeping Man. The
thing had a passenger; melted into its had gone. Callous King, a lich, is awaiting a time
back was a hunch of black steel arrayed I think my next sensation was one of when the stars are right to begin his
with ribbed plates. touch—a feeling on the back of my neck true quest—the unmaking of all things
as the hairs rose and I realized that I using its Engine of Decay, a machine it
This variation uses a standard choker had underestimated the creature with created centuries ago…
with the additions below. The damaged amber eyes. I turned just as the creature
mind that captured the poor creature attacked—its mouth drawn open to The Betraying Timepiece of Valash
has grafted an animated object onto its reveal an inner blaze of white-hot fire, its The timepiece is vast; it sits at the heart
back and forearms, giving the creature limbs wrapped in tight steel bonds. of the great Umorelis Cathedral and
incredible strength: remorselessly calls out the time. Half a
Using a standard gargoyle as a base, dozen black figures of knights—their
Relentless Constriction (Ex) The crea- this creature simply adds two addi- gilt and jewels hidden beneath centu-
ture carries the equivalent of a tiny ani- tional powers to the original, and as a ries of pigeon dirt—patrol in a tight
mated object on its back; this animated result, increases its CR to 6. circle in the cathedral, slowly rising
object is grafted onto the choker itself from the ground floor on cogged plat-
and made of steel (hardness 10). The White-hot bite (Ex) The bite of the forms on a great iron rail to reach the
animated object will never leave the Furnace Gargoyle deals an additional spire at midnight and descend again.
choker but can be attacked separately 1d6 fire damage with each successful The interior of the cathedral is a
(if so, use the standard tiny object stat hit. vast cobweb of brass and steel and
block). The object greatly increases the Cage exoskeleton (Ex) The steel tattoo clockwork cogs. Planets, stars, and
choker’s strength (increase the choker’s armor of the furnace gargoyle acts as impossible creatures from beyond race
strength to 20 and, accordingly, its banded mail armor, giving the gargoyle across these heavens—some battle
Climb skill to +15). The creature’s at- AC 21 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +6 armor). the knights, others aid them on their
tacks become: As a result, the gargoyle’s fly speed is way to heaven. Heaven appears in an
reduced, and its ability to perform incredible ceiling mural painted by
Melee 2 tentacles +8 melee (1d3+5) maneuvers whilst flying is hampered— Grecan and which shows Heaven as
Grapple +7 it now has fly 40 ft. (poor). a vast cornucopian land the knights
reach daily. Some claim to have seen
Constrict (Ex) A hateful piston choker Golems holy men climb up into the painting
deals 1d3+5 points of damage with a and vanish.
Golems make perfect steampunk
successful grapple check against a Large The Timepiece is no mere clock,
monsters. With simple alterations,
or smaller creature. Because it seizes however; it is the defense mechanism
even standard golems can become
its victim by the neck, a creature in for the city itself. The knights are iron
something memorable. The golem
the choker’s grasp cannot speak or cast golems, and the iron angels, stars,
itself is simply a framework that holds
spells with verbal components. and impossible creatures are animated
the abilities and elements that make a
If the animated object has not been objects held in temporary sleep. All
satisfying monster.
destroyed, any grappled creature is still the objects will animate to defend the
subject to attack after the choker is re- city if it is in need. The secret codex
The Weeping Man
duced to 0 hit points or less. The con- detailing this defense is literally hidden
The scarecrow in the field at the top of
strict attack continues but is reduced within the stars and objects within the
the hill has been there for centuries—
to +2 and delivers only 1d3+2 damage. cathedral itself and was known only by
never moving, never changing. Local
Kobold Quarterly 7 19
Beheading Frenzy (Ex) If the creature
hits and paralyses an infant it has been
stalking, it will make a coup-de-grace
attack upon that child the round
after, using its scythe and ignoring
any other attacks upon it. If the attack
kills the child consider the infant to be
Screaming Choir (Su) As soon as the
beheaded spawn children see a living
child about to be attacked, they begin
to wail and scream as a free action.
All creatures (other than the mohrg)
within a 30-foot spread must succeed
on a DC 12 Will save or be affected
as though by a confusion spell for 1d2
rounds. This is a sonic mind-affecting
compulsion effect. The choir cannot
affect a creature that successfully saves
for 24 hours. The save DC is charisma-
the holy fathers who ruled the city and This mohrg, demented by its centuries
who passed the secret from mouth to of confinement beneath the legendary Increase the CR of this mohrg to 9.
mouth. Iron Golem Graveyard, goes by the
Tragically, the line was broken five nickname of the Whispering Cleaver Gynosphinx—
centuries ago when assassination killed within the city. It hunts purely for the Caustic Queen
the secret and its keeper. pleasure, and children are its chosen Her once great form was a shadow, an
The secret was lost until today, when prey. emaciation, a ghost of flesh hung on
it fell into the wrong hands. An insane The Cleaver will carefully choose a ancient bones. Her flesh was mangy, gray,
archon and its ice devil master have victim, using its ring of invisibility to and covered in sores, her wings flaccid,
unlocked the riddle. The “defenders” stalk the rooftops of the city, favoring bald. Her face sagged with the lines of a
stir, and the final chimes will soon ring especially those poorest areas where thousand thousand years.
for the city… such infants are more numerous. It She lifted her wings to reveal her
beheads the poor infants it slays and children. Feeding at her dozen teats
Scything Mohrg has taken to wearing the heads like a were wasps—millions of angry swol-
The thing on the gable came from grotesque skirt or scarf about its waist. len wasps—their bodies ruptured with
nowhere, becoming visible at the last These heads have become spawn of the the chemicals that spilled from her. The
moment and taking the three boysin creature but cannot carry out any phys- chemicals they fed upon…
the square below by surprise. The boys ical attacks, they simply sob quietly by
screamed, and a dreadful screaming day, and scream when the mohrg finds The Caustic Queen is beyond ancient.
choir of children’s heads wailed in answer another victim. She is as old as the sand and the sun
from the creature itself—the heads of the They say the Whisperer has the soul and was legend before the first stone
killer’s poor victims were slung about the of a machine, having shared the night- were set upon one another in the cities
rotting waist of the mohrg itself. mares of the dead golems for countless of men. She has spent her ageless days
A great scythe swung from a huge, years, and that it carries out its grisly travelling, seeking knowledge, diver-
insectoid iron arm grafted onto its back. harvest mechanically. sion, amusement, to keep her mind
There was something golem-like about The mohrg fights with its slam and from the torpidity of madness.
the thing, as though the creature had a tongue attacks; however, it also has the She has lived a thousand lives, and
sickness of metal that further cursed the following extra special attacks, which it countless names follow her—the Caus-
things body. Its viscera glowed a hideous uses in any round when it can make a tic Queen, the Witch of the Stinging
orange with the rot of rust from its partly full attack: Swarm, Mistress of Alchemy, Lady of
iron frame. Wasps. She came from the desert in a
It leapt to the ground and doffed its hat Melee slam +12 melee (1d6+7) and sandstorm, they say; her children cling-
to reveal one final horror – its head wore tongue +12 melee touch (paralysis) and ing to her for protection. She dwells in
a crown of nails. large scythe +12 (2d6+7)
20 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 21
for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is

Increase the CR of the gynosphinx
to 12 to take into account the Caus-
tic Queen’s increased powers and
the presence of her children.

New Monsters
Devil, Automata (Castigas)
This creature is slender, almost emaci-
ated. Its skin erupts in barbs and
sharp nails and coils of wire, which
have been threaded through its flesh.
Chains are buried under blisters and
scabs. The eyelids—both front and
back pairs—of this infernal hor-
ror have been sewn back with wire,
whilst six arms ending in large grasp-
ing hands erupt from its shoulders.
The creature’s back is broad and
massive and there is something
insectoid in its appearance. Its head
the Free City now, a bibliolater—a worshipper of books and is a black mass ending in two huge
alchemy. Her palace is filled with tomes and manuscripts, mandibles. By its side, it carries a huge coiled whip, which
scripts and journals. squirms like a snake—eager to be used, the whip curls toward
She is a creature of elemental grace, an alchemic thing the creature’s stomach, which opens up like a huge iron vice
changed by her worship at the altar of knowledge. Yet there filled with spines.
are still those desperate enough, foolish enough, to seek
answers to questions that should not be asked, looking for There is a corner of Hell known simply as the Forge. Here,
those who worship the Queen and who whisper her name in black chimneys rise a mile high from a dead land of choking
the night. air and red poison hills. The Machine, a greater devil who
never sleeps and never lets his subjects know rest, rules this
The Caustic Queen uses a gynosphinx as a base creature, land. His overseers consist of thousands upon thousands of
with the following additional power and set of followers: imps who whip and punish the workers. The imps them-
selves are kept in check by hordes of chain devils, who in
Caustic Soul (Ex) Rot runs through the Queen’s veins, turn answer to the automata—the managers of this infer-
along with the fire and fury of elemental acid. This blood nal place. Automata devils are chain devils who have been
boils, and if her flesh is cut, her blood bubbles from her. granted this special reward.
Any creature which makes a successful melee attack on the Automata devils are part living machine, part devil. The ma-
Queen must make a DC 18 Reflex save or take 2d6 acid chine part knows only that toil must never end, and they are
damage as the hellish blood spurts from her. Those that fail merciless in their judgment, wanting only for the Forge to
their save suffer a further 1d6 damage the round after. This continue. The devil part comes in when punishments need
damage is doubled if a critical hit is made and if the Queen to be created or modified.
is reduced to 0 hp by any blow.
The Children A dozen wasp swarms worship the Queen CR 11
and are with her at all times. Use the standard statistics for a Always LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful)
wasp swarm but add the following ability: Init +1; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., see in
darkness; Listen +11, Spot +17
Acrid Blindness (Ex) When one of the Queen’s swarms
Aura fear (5 ft.)
takes to the air, all those caught within the swarm must
make a further save (in addition to the distraction save) or Defense
be struck down choking and retching due to the acidity Armor Class 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20
in the air. The save DC is 11, those that fail are nauseated (+11 natural, -1 size)

22 Kobold Quarterly 7
hp 95 (10d8+50) automata devil’s whip are thrown into its stomach maw,
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +11 freeing the whip for the next attack. The maw is a mass of
DR 10/good; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, fire 10; SR 21 churning gears with serrated edges, clockwork gears, and
whirling blades. Opponents drawn into the maw face an
Offense automatic grapple attack as a free action, which does not
provoke an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check,
Spd 40 ft.
the automata devil it establishes hold and can lacerate.
Melee whip +18/+13/+8 (1d4+4 plus entangle plus demented
Summon Devil (Sp) Once per day the automata devil can
punishment) and
attempt to summon 1 chain devil with a 40% chance of
bite +16 (1d8+9) and success. The ability is the equivalent of a 4th level spell.
maw +16 (2d6+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks demented punishment, entangle, fear aura, Heart of Rust [template]
punishing embrace, spell-like abilities, summon devil The grating noise set my nerves on edge once more—it was near
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; Charisma-based): us now, this thing of corrosion and rot. The night had been long
At will— greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of object sonly), but we never had a chance of escape—how could we escape
charm person (DC 13), suggestion (DC 15)
from a thing that never slept? It came now like a sick animal—
1/day— mind fog (DC 17), summon devil
dragging its rusting carcass along the cobbles, metal grating on
Special Attacks stone. At last, the two heads of the horror appeared and as it
Statistics smiled, a foul metallic scratching noise filled the chamber.
Str 28, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +10; Grapple +23 Heart of rust is a template that can be added to any cor-
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Multiattack, Persuasive poreal creature. Creatures created become things of rusted,
Skills Appraise +13, Bluff +17, Concentrate +8, Intimidate
+17, Listen +11, Search +15, Spot +17
jagged metal whose touch corrodes.
Languages Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
Combat Gear whip Size and Type The creature’s type changes to construct with
the appropriate augmented subtype.
Hit Dice Hit Dice become d10s. The creature is only part
Ecology construct, it so retains its Con score.
Environment Hell
Armor Class The creature gains +5 natural armor bonus as
Organization solitary, punishment (2-4), or chain gang (5-10) its skin is made of jagged hard metal.
Treasure standard Special Attacks A heart of rust creature retains all its special
Advancement 11-20 HD (large); 21-30 HD (Huge) attacks and gains those described here:
Level Adjustment —
Corroding Touch (Ex) On a successful touch attack, any
Combat metal the victim has corrodes, falling to pieces and becoming
useless immediately. All non-magic metallic objects are
Automata devils like to dominate, and like bone devils, their destroyed, and the creature is able to destroy up to a 10
role is to monitor others, and they are often found in charge ft. cube of metal instantly. Magic weapons and items made
of prisoners or, more often, infernal factories. of metal must succeed in a reflex save (DC 10+ ½ per
An automata devil’s weapons, as well as its natural weapon, creature’s Hit Dice + Dex modifier) or melt.
Jagged Flesh (Ex) The creature’s hide is covered in sharp
are treated as evil and lawful for the purposes of overcoming
rusted edges, creatures making a successful natural or touch
damage reduction. attack against a heart of rust creature must make a reflex
save (DC10 +1/2 per Hit Dice of the creature + Dex modifier)
All-Around Vision (Ex) A castigas literally has eyes in the or suffer 1d6 damage.
back of its head and cannot be flanked. Splintered Limbs (Ex) The jagged edges of the creature’s
Demented Punishment (Su) The whip wielded by an natural attacks make wounds worse; add 2 to all damage to
automata devil extrudes tiny hairlike filaments, which cause any successful natural attacks by the creature.
excruciating agony. Targets are entangled by the whip are
affected by a symbol of pain; this only affects the entangled Abilities as the base creature
creature. The save DC is 17 (and is Charisma based). This Skills as the base creature
attack can only be used every other round by each whip. Feats as the base creature
Entangle (Ex) A castigas’ whip entangles foes much like a
net. A whip has 15 hit points. If it hits, the target and automata
Environment same as the creator
devil make opposed Strength checks; if the automata devil
wins, the whip drags the opponent into its punishing embrace. Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-4)
Fear Aura (Su) Automata devils radiate fear in a 5 ft. radius. Treasure standard
Affected creatures must make a DC 14 Will save or be Alignment usually neutral
affected as though by a fear spell. A creature that saves Advancement —
cannot be affected by the same automata devil’s fear aura, Level Adjustment —
other devils are immune to the effect. Challenge Rating same as base creature +2
Lacerate (Ex) An automata devil deals automatic maw
damage with a successful grapple check.
Punishing Embrace (Ex) Creatures grappled by the

Kobold Quarterly 7 23
Sample — Heart of Rust Ettin CR 8 This heart of rust sample creature uses an ettin as the base
Usually NE Large giant creature. The ettin retains its own will and intelligence and
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +10, Spot +10 all derivative traits (such as collecting treasure).

Defense COMBAT
AC 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19 A heart of rust ettin lives in mortal fear of the master who
(-1 Dex, +11 natural, -1 size) created it, and generally, it will obey that master’s orders. If
hp 75 (10d10+20)
no master is present it will revert to type and use its cun-
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +5
ning in combat, preferring to ambush its victim rather than
Offense charging into a straight fight. Once battle has started, the
Spd 40 ft. ettin fights furiously until all its enemies are dead.
Melee 2 morning stars +12 (2d6+6) and
slam +12 (1d4+8 plus corroding touch) Corroding Touch (Ex) On a successful touch attack, any
Ranged javelin +5 (1d8+6) metal the victim has corrodes, falling to pieces and becoming
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. useless immediately. All non-magic metallic objects are
Special Attacks corroding touch, splintered limbs destroyed, and the creature is able to destroy up to a 10 ft.
cube of metal instantly. Magic weapons and items made of
metal must succeed in a DC 14 Reflex save or melt.
Statistics Jagged Flesh (Ex) The creature’s hide is covered in sharp
Str 23, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 11 rusted edges, creatures making a successful natural or touch
Base Atk +7; Grp +17 attack against a heart of rust creature must make a DC 14
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack Reflex save or suffer 1d6 damage.
Skills Listen +10, Search +1, Spot +10 Splintered Limbs (Ex) The jagged edges of the creature’s
Languages Common natural attacks make wounds worse; add 2 to all damage to
SQ jagged flesh, superior two-weapon fighting any successful natural attacks by the creature.
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A heart of rust ettin
Ecology fights with a magically-hardened bone (hardness as steel)
Environment as its creator morning star or javelin in each hand, but will also revert to
Organization solitary, pair or gang (3-4) using its slam attack against any heavily armored fighters.
Treasure standard Because each of its heads controls an arm, the heart of rust
ettin does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for
Advancement —
attacking with two weapons or slams.
Level Adjustment —
24 Kobold Quarterly 7
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All trademarks are property of Paizo Publishing®, LLC. ©2008 Paizo. All Rights Reserved Kobold Quarterly 7 25
Soul of Steam [Template] Defense
I could hear it above the din of the workshop—an AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 11
(+1 Dex, +13 natural, -1 size)
asthmatic breath-gulping and hissing through the hp 66 (7d10+14)
steam of the building. The floor, slick with oil, had Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6
thwarted any attempted escape, and now I faced Immune paralysis, sleep
the thing—a dragon of iron, an anger of twisted Offense
metal with a heart of boiling steam held within a Spd 10 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor); volatile acceleration
tightly bound metal boiler. Its barbed tail arched Melee +10 sting (1d6+4 p[lus poison) and
+10/+10 talons (2d6+4) and
over its back as steam erupted from its maw. +10 bite (2d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Soul of steam is a template that can be added to any corpo- Special Attacks breath of steam, improved grab, poison,
real creature that has been transformed into a creature that is scalding death, volatile acceleration
part flesh and part engine. A soul of steam creature uses all
of the base creature’s statistics except as noted here: Statistics
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +7; Grp +15
Size and Type The creature’s type changes to construct;
however, it retains its Intelligence. Feats Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Flyby Attack,
Hit Dice Change to d10s. Since it is only a part construct, the
creature retains its Con score. Skills Listen +10, Search +1, Spot +10
Speed Decrease the creature’s base speed by 10 (minimum Languages Draconic
10 ft.). The creature is capable of making a sudden explosive
burst of speed using its volatile acceleration ability. Ecology
Armor Class The creature gains +5 natural armor bonus as Environment same as creator
its skin is made of metal. Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-4)
Treasure standard
Special Attacks A soul of steam retains all the base Advancement —
creature’s special attacks and gains the following: Level Adjustment —

Breath of Steam (Ex) A soul of steam creature is able to The template is applied here to a wyvern. The creature
belch forth a cone of scalding hot vapor as a special attack:
20 ft. cone, once every 2d4 rounds, steam damage 3d6, retains its rather stupid and aggressive nature.
Reflex save DC (10 + ½ Hit Dice + Dex modifier) halves.
Scalding Death (Ex) In death (after being reduced to 0 Combat
hit points), a soul of steam creature erupts into a furious The creature still likes to dive from above but has learnt to
explosion of steam as its core engine is breached. This death
fume engulfs a 20 ft. radius with steam, everything within the utilize its volatile acceleration attack to surprise lone figures
area must make a reflex save (as above) or take 3d6 steam on the edge of combat.
Volatile Acceleration (Ex) Creatures with this template are Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, the soul of steam
able to accelerate in a sudden rush to make a charge attack wyvern must hit with its talons. It can then attempt to start
(providing it was more than 20 ft. from its opponent at the a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
start of the round). This rush enables the creature to make a opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it enables a hold and
double move as a move-equivalent action. The creature can stings.
make this move only once every 1d4 rounds. Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 17, initial and secondary
damage 2d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Abilities as the base creature Breath of Steam (Ex) The soul of steam wyvern can belch
Skills as the base creature forth a cone of scalding hot vapor as a special attack: 20 ft.
Feats as the base creature. cone, once every 2d4 rounds, steam damage 3d6, DC 14
Environment same as the creator Reflex save halves.
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-4) Scalding Death (Ex) In death (after being reduced to 0
hit points), the soul of steam wyvern erupts into a furious
Treasure standard
explosion of steam as its core engine is breached. This death
Alignment usually neutral fume engulfs a 20 ft. radius with steam, everything within the
Advancement — area must make a reflex save (DC 14) or take 3d6 steam
Level Adjustment — damage.
Challenge Rating same as base creature +2 Volatile Acceleration (Ex) The soul of steam wyvern can
make a sudden rush of acceleration enabling the creature to
Sample Soul of Steam Wyvern CR 8 make a charge attack (providing it was more than 20ft. from
Usually N Large dragon its opponent at the start of the round). This rush enables the
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; creature to make a double move as a move-equivalent action.
Listen +10, Spot +10 The wyvern can make this move once every 1d4 rounds.
26 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 27
Kobold Diplomacy

the Marching
Interview by Jeremy L. C. Jones

Our favorite genius and madman speaks to our lowly kobold diplomats

andy Petersen started his career responsiveness in gamemastering, and ing’s update of RuneQuest (Petersen’s
by designing Call of Cthulhu collaboration with a clearly identified preferred home game), does a fine job
(CofC) for Chaosium in 1981. leader, Petersen has brought as much of identifying Petersen’s place in the
And, without ever fully leaving the to the gaming table as to the computer gaming industry’s pantheon.
dice, Chaosium, or Cthulhu behind, screen. And he does it by putting other “Johannes Brahms said of Beethoven,
he has moved throughout the gaming people’s fun first. ‘You can’t have any idea what it’s like
industry from Avalon Hill to Microsoft “There are three aspects to game always to hear such a giant marching
Game Studios, from tabletop to com- design that secretly thrill me,” said behind you.’ That is how any RPG de-
puter games, and back again.  Petersen. “First is that by its nature, I signer worth his salt feels about Sandy
“Sandy Petersen is one of the all-time am required to work with a bunch of Petersen,” said Hite.
greats,” said Matt Forbeck, novelist and extremely smart, extremely creative “At a time when most of us were still
designer of Marvel Heroes Battle Dice people who all love games. I would filling graph paper holes with blue
and Mutant Chronicles: Second Edition happily be trapped in an elevator with dragons and 1d4 bugbears, he created
Roleplaying Game.  “As the designer almost any of them – they’re fun folks a masterpiece of meshed setting and
of Call of Cthulhu, Sandy created the to hang with.   system, the greatest RPG of all time:
most innovative roleplaying game “Second is that I spend my whole Call of Cthulhu. Then, five years later,
since Dungeons & Dragons. In Call of day trying to think of ways to get he created the second-most influential
Cthulhu, it’s not a matter of if you’ll someone else to have fun. Third is that RPG of all time, the Ghostbusters RPG,
triumph—in the end, you can’t—but it makes me a ‘cool guy’ among my which introduced the dice pool engine
how much you can do before you go kids’ friends, so instead of hiding from to RPG design. Add two of the all-time
mad or die.  the old man they don’t mind playing great supplements, Shadows of Yog-So-
“To top off that landmark achieve- games with me, letting me know what thoth and Trollpak, and you have quite
ment in tabletop games, Sandy then they’re doing, and in general view me a giant marching behind you.”
went on to bring stories and atmo- as someone they want to impress and
sphere to the first-person shooter genre keep on the good side of, as opposed to 
with levels for Doom, Doom II, and seeing me as one of the elderly repres-
Quake, as well as Warchief. His work sive aspects of society.” Jones: What is at the heart of a good
has consumed more of my hours than I Kenneth Hite, who has contrib- game?
care to admit, and I never regretted any uted heavily to Steve Jackson Game’s Petersen: Two of the core elements of
of them.” GURPS and more recently worked a good game are, first, that the player is
An advocate of intuition in design, as a designer on Mongoose Publish- making interesting decisions that mat-
ter; second is that the player is getting
28 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Diplomacy
to see new stuff – not necessarily in the the pattern that there are interludes Petersen: There are two parts to col-
form of new art, but that he’s making which are extremely rigidly orchestrat- laboration – other developers, and the
new decisions or learning new tech- ed by a gamemaster, interspersed with players themselves. I try to remember
niques as the game unfolds. New art longer periods in which the players are that the players create part of the game
can be part of it, too. left to run things on their own as much experience too. I’m not a fan of the
Jones: How has your understanding as possible. “lone auteur” theory of design. I feel
of designing games changed over time? I want GMs to be enablers, not that the addition of extra brains on a
Petersen: Since I’m viewing this blockers or bottlenecks. The only limit project can only be helpful, so long as
from the inside, it’s kind of hard to to freedom should be the players’ imag- one person remains in charge (to pre-
identify. Also, part of the issue here is ination and their ability to hurt one vent design-by-committee). One way
[that] designing games isn’t a wholly another’s gameplay. If a player thinks of of creating this is to have each devel-
logical process, and should not be. something cool not in the rules, I want oper be in charge of his own part of the
You are making something fun – not my GMs to facilitate the action. game, and to have him actually have
something rational -- and you are try- I like to have a couple pages of rules power over that part so he can give his
ing to enhance the pleasure of a non- at least – I find that rules give struc- muse full reign.  
rational being (a human!). Therefore, ture to the freeform and actually give Because of my seniority, I find myself
some of the element has to be based players more opportunities to come almost always the senior partner in
on intuition and feel – the “yeah, that up with interesting combinations. Of a collaboration. I don’t think this is
would be fun!” emotion I get when I course, too many rules are hard to always a good thing, you understand.
see a game feature that may defy logical remember.   It’s just how things turn out.
analysis. Jones: Is there a link between im- Jones: Are the strategies and satis-
For example, the game Shadows Over provisation and innovation in game factions different for designing video
Camelot logically is just a card game design? games than they are for RPGs?
with boardgame elements. And the Petersen: I’m not sure there is a Petersen: [With video games] you
card play is really just putting together close link between improvisation and have to work with a much larger team
simplistic poker hands. But the feel I innovation, but maybe I am under- for a much longer period of time.
get when I play the game gives me the standing the question differently than Video games are more frustrating for a
illusion that I am one of the doomed what you meant. I see improvisation longer period of time than RPGs. And
knights in the service of King Arthur, as the result of inability to predict an you can’t rely on the player to manu-
struggling to keep away the darkness outcome. I don’t mean this negatively. facture some of the fun - you have to
for just another few years.   When running a free-form, I know cover all the bases. 
If we were to classify design deci- that some situation or conflict will Jones: A question from the KQ
sions into Small, Medium, or Big, I occur that takes me by surprise. I need forums, has anything ever happened
would say that most of my Medium to have enough tools within the game in a game you were running that af-
and Medium-Large decisions are done to improvise a solution. Therefore, I fected a game you were designing?
intuitively. For instance, choosing to always try to include a “tool set” within Petersen: Every time something
include the Sioux as one of the three the rules to let me improvise.  goes wrong in a game, I try to remem-
nations portrayed in The Warchiefs was [For instance,] when designing ber it, so I can fix it, or leave that bit
intuitive. I wanted the Sioux because I The Warchiefs, the programmers put out of the next game. When something
thought they were cool. Rationalizing together a long laundry list of differ- goes gloriously right I then slavishly try
this decision came later. Big decisions ent aspects of powers - cost, duration, to imitate that experience next time,
(like the nature of a game itself ) and range, target, effects, etc.. Then I was not always to the same effect.
Small decisions (like whether Sioux able to mix and match the various Basically, my antennae are always out
mounted bowmen should have 100 or aspects together - like designing a hero when I run a game. I try to be very
150 hit points) are generally made logi- in Champions, for instance - to custom- sensitive to what is going on so it will
cally and rationally — or at least that is design the power for use in-game. This enter into my next production. This
the idea. It does not always work out. was far superior to having me come basically happens every single game I
Jones: In a freeform game, where up with a power, and then having the play.
is the balancing point between GM programmer simply hard-code it. By Jones: What is the most important
and players? How much is too much having my laundry list, I could change element to designing monsters?
freedom? How few is too few rules?  powers on the fly when they didn’t Petersen: The monster must evoke
And what fills the “hole” where those seem to be working out, adjusting it as some kind of emotional response –
rules used to be? we tested. fear, laughter, curiosity, etc. I also like
Petersen: It depends on the game’s Jones: What role does collabora- the monster to inspire a gamemaster,
size. But generally my freeforms follow tion play in game design? fellow developer, or player to interact

Kobold Quarterly 7 29
after the fight is over. For example, end” but to me and I believe to most of
since I play Runequest, at the end of the players it felt “right” to end then.
a fight there are usually wounded A cinematic example is the film
enemies. I generally have these guys “Glory”, which climaxes on a freeze-
bargain for their lives, offer ransom. frame of the main characters charging
Sometimes their friends even con- into the Confederate fort into a hail of
tact the players and offer to make a fire. Probably most of them die. Maybe
deal. The otherwise simple encounter all of them die. But seeing them die
becomes a more complex series of isn’t the point. Seeing them charge is
choices.  the point.
Jones: How do you design a game  Jones: What is it about Cthulhu
to maintain a sense of action?  Are that resonates with you?
you deliberate or intuitive with Petersen: I first read the story “The
pacing? Call of Cthulhu” when I was eight
Petersen: Pacing is the hardest thing years old. Some time after reading this
to pull off in a game. In a computer tale, I loaned my copy of the book to
game, I try to keep the action level very a friend. He didn’t return it for four
with the monster and imply a whole high all the time. I figure the player can years. I forgot who had borrowed it so
background. For example, the ogres pause the game if he needs to take a basically I had no access to Lovecraft’s
in World of Warcraft are funny, can- break. In a freeform or table-top RPG work during that time, so it became
nibalistic monsters. A few are friendly, I try to get a sense of the players’ ennui the Great Lost Thing of my life. When
most are hostile. They have their own and balance it against how frantic the book was finally returned, I trea-
invented culture that makes players they are in trying to finish the game. sured it, and soon was trying to find
want to interact with them. They are a Sometimes I finish a freeform [game] other sources for Lovecraft – which was
great success as a monster. early because it looks like it’s coming to abominably difficult at the time.
On the other hands, the gnolls in a close. Sometimes I need to extend it.      At the age of 14, I got a library card
World of Warcraft are pretty much just A good example is the terrific Call of for the local campus library, which gave
enemies that players kill. There is no Cthulhu scenario I ran on June 6, 2006 me access to the old, valuable Arkham
interesting culture or background or in Dreieichenhain, Germany. I had House editions of H. P. Lovecraft
humor. They’re not even particularly a team of excellent, inspired players, in- [HPL]. The library didn’t know how
scary. I view them as a failure.  cluding some new people who’d never valuable they were (nor did I), so I was
Jones: What is the key to exciting played any RPG before. able to check them out and read them
encounters? At the very end of the game, the again and again and again. Eventu-
Petersen: Giving the player an inter- players found themselves on the front ally they figured out these books were
esting decision that matters. Example: lawn of the hotel of the damned, rare and locked them up. At the age of
in D&D, being ambushed by a group backed into a little circle while undead 17, Ballantine finally came out with a
of wolves doesn’t really offer the players horrors gathered around them from nearly-complete treasury of Lovecraft
any choices. The players have to drive all corners of the horizon. It was just in paperback and I bought them all.
off the wolves. They might make a few before sunrise. I looked at the situation So basically I spent much of my
tactical decisions, but that’s about it. and decided that that was where I was formative years seeking after Cthulhu,
On the other hand, encountering an going to end the game. I told them viewing him as a rare and inaccessible
evil wizard and his minions can give the credits were rolling – the curtains treasure, which it was a privilege to get
the party more options. Do they fight? closed on their little embattled group. my hands on (on the few occasions
Flee? Offer to serve the wizard? Try to We would never know if they managed I did). Because of this I cannot view
buy something off him? Offer to sell to hold off the hordes of the damned Cthulhu or the Mythos dispassionately.
something to him? Go on a quest for until sunrise, or whether there would It remains one of the most substantive
him? ever be a sunrise, or which of them parts of my life.
Another key is to have the encoun- would survive. I felt that all that was My career as a game designer began
ter give the players an opportunity to actually anticlimax. The peak of the with the game Call of Cthulhu and that
interact. For instance, in my previous game had already hit. It was time to has led to my career in video games.
example of the evil wizard if your evil end. So we didn’t actually have a “true” Ultimately, Cthulhu is the founder of
wizards only ever attack when players resolution to the adventure! It ended my family’s feast and success. I own
meet them, then you have in effect cut up being one of the best games I’d ever an original oil painting of him, which
off their possibility of choices. run. To an outside observer, it might hangs on my living room wall. I owe it
I try to extend the choice option even feel lame that we ended before “the all to Cthulhu.

30 Kobold Quarterly 7
Jones: What was your role in the into the modern times.
original game, Call of Cthulhu?  How Jones: Another forum question:
has CoC evolved?  And is there a what did you think the benefits of the
“sweet spot” for you in its evolution? Call of Cthulhu experience system
Petersen: I wrote the rulebook first would be?
to last. It was edited by Lynn Willis, Petersen: The experience system (roll
of course, and Chaosium also added a 1d100 higher than the skill to increase
1920s sourcebook (which I also con- your ability by 1d6) was taken from the
tributed towards). But all the rules, the Basic Role Playing system, which I was
monsters, the spells, the gaming hints, assigned to use by the folks at Chao-
the original scenarios were all from me. sium. So actually Steve Perrin invented
I then was hired by Chaosium and ed- it, not me. I love the system though, and
ited or often helped write every Call of use it in all my homebrew designs.
Cthulhu expansion that came out from Its advantages are 1) it is easy to design
1981 to 1988. a character (just divvy up points among
My original idea was that it was a the various skills). 2) It’s easy to expand
Jones: Another question from the horror RPG. That was my focus. Some (just add new skills). 3) It’s easy to tell
KQ forum: What Lovecraft piece Chaosium personnel didn’t respect what a character can do at a glance. Even
most inspires you, and why? HPL as a writer and were under- a person who doesn’t know the game can
Petersen: It’s hard to pick out one whelmed by the horror topic, so to look at a Basic Role Playing character
that most inspires me. Probably the them, the interesting aspect in HPL’s and tell what he’s about: “94% Sneak.
top ones are “The Dunwich Hor- writing was the setting – the 1920s. 75% Hide. 84% Switchblade. This guy
ror,” “The Call of Cthulhu,” and “The For this reason, the game was originally is a mugger, right?” Try that with mod-
Shadow Over Innsmouth.” Not that set by default in the 1920s. That was ern D&D.
they are my favorites, but because they not (and is not) an important aspect of
open up such vistas of possibility and the game to me, and I have been happy <
speculation. to see Cthulhu brought more and more

Kobold Quarterly 7 31
the BlackArt
of Undead
As I am, so you shall be.
By Ross Byers
Art by Mates Laurentiu/AvatarArt

othing gets the villagers run-
ning quite like the scrabbling
of corpse-hands digging their even a 1st-level character
way free from their graves. Undead are access to undead minions,
a staple of storytelling, especially in if only temporarily. These spells behave Creating Undead
fantasy RPGs where undead seem- much like summoning spells, but they Not all types of undead can be created
ingly lie in wait behind every rock. animate corpses instead of conjure re- by the work of mortals. For instance,
Presented here is everything you need inforcements from thin air. Unlike the only a vampire can bring about another
to expand your use of undead—to original animate dead, these spells have vampire, and only a life left unfinished
bring their creation in line with that of a greater range than touch, allowing a can rise as a ghost. However, the requi-
constructs. Using these options, char- necromancer to raise allies from across sites for creating many types of undead
acters have the rules to be able to create the battlefield, even from within their are still within mortal reach and some
permanent undead creatures, and each graves! are detailed below.
creature can be created in unique way.. Undead are significantly less expen-
Always wanted to develop elaborate Changing the Game sive to create than constructs, and
funeral rites to create a mummy? This Implementing these elements in your fittingly, there is a limit to how many
framework supports your story, with game should be simple: introduce undead a character can control at one
a method that breaks down a set of the new feats for permanent undead time.
three simple spells into a more flexible creation and the spells for temporary Despite the market prices listed
system with two methods of creating animation while removing the exist- below, undead servants and soldiers—
undead: temporary animation and ing spells animate dead, create undead, and the corpses to make them—are not
permanent creation. This brings un- and create greater undead. If another available for purchase in most civilized
dead creation in line with the creation effect requires one of these spells, such areas. These prices are listed primarily
of constructs and gives necromancers as with the creation of a flesh golem, as they reflect the time needed to create
more options, especially options to cre- substitute the new animate dead of the an undead. Of course, if a necromancer
ate undead that match their Challenge appropriate level. were to charge for his services, these
Rating. The Create Undead feat (see sidebar) costs are a good guideline.
Few things surpass the drama of a should also be substituted for Craft The market prices and costs to create
necromancer stirring fresh corpses to Wondrous Item in the process for do not include any costs for obtain-
life in mid-combat. New spells give becoming a lich. ing remains to work with. While these
32 Kobold Quarterly 7
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Radiance Kobold Quarterly 7 33

New Feats requires a soul, rather than a corpse. unliving shade.
The remains of a once-living creature CL 5th, Create Undead, deeper dark-
Create Undead [Item contains the residue of a soul as long ness, desecrate; Market Price 400 gp;
Creation] as the creature in question has not Cost to Create 200 gp + 16 XP
Prerequisite: Spell Focus
(Necromancy) or the ability to
been restored to life or been previously
rebuke undead, caster level 1st animated as an undead. A soul can also Creating a Mummy
Benefit: You can create any undead be secured using trap the soul, magic The creation of a mummy requires
provided the prerequisites are met.
Creating an undead requires one
jar, or similar magic. an intact humanoid corpse. The body
day for every 1,000 gp of its market must be embalmed or preserved, re-
price, 1/25 of its cost to create in XP, Creating a Zombie quiring a DC 15 Heal check. The tra-
and raw materials costing half that
price (see individual monster entries
A zombie requires an intact, or nearly ditional method is via organ removal,
for details). intact, fleshy corpse. A dismembered drying, and wrapping, but other
Completing the undead’s creation corpse can be stitched back together preservation methods are possible.
drains the appropriate XP from the
creator and requires the casting of
with a DC 15 Heal check, but all body CL 7th, Create Undead, death ward,
any spells on the final day. parts must come from the same corpse. cause fear, bestow curse; Market Price
The creator must cast the spells Caster level equal to half the HD 1,000 gp; Cost to Create 500gp + 40
personally but may do so using a
of the zombie, Create Undead, gentle XP
scroll or similar device.
As most undead are Evil, creating repose; Market Price 50 gp/HD; Cost
an undead creature is almost always to Create 25 gp and 2 XP/HD Creating a Wraith
an Evil act.
The creation of a wraith requires a soul.
A newly created undead has
average hit points for its Hit Dice.
Creating a Skeleton Twisting the soul into a wraith requires
Mindless undead created using The creation of a skeleton requires an an elaborate ritual that suffuses the soul
this feat are automatically under the intact skeleton. If flesh remains on with the essence of darkness and evil.
creator’s control. Free-willed undead
are not controlled, though the the bones, it may be left to rot away CL 7th, Create Undead, darkness,
creator can attempt to gain control naturally or be stripped from the enervation, gaseous form; Market Price
using some other method at the bones with a DC 5 Heal or Profession 1,000 gp; Cost to Create 500gp + 40
moment of creation.
A character can control up to 4 (butcher) check. XP
HD of created, mindless undead per Caster level equal to half the HD of
level. If you exceed this number, the skeleton, Create Undead, cause fear; Creating a Spectre
all the newly created creatures
fall under your control, and any
Market Price 50 gp/HD; Cost to Cre- Creating a spectre requires a soul. The
previously created undead over ate 25 gp and 2 XP/HD soul is forced to relive the moment of
this limit are released from your its death over and over while being
control. (The caster chooses which
creatures are released.) Any undead
Creating a Ghoul exposed to vast amounts of negative
commanded by virtue of a command The creation of a ghoul requires an in- energy. Eventually, its pain and misery
or rebuke undead ability do not tact or nearly intact humanoid corpse. force it to arise as a spectre.
count toward this limit.
It becomes imbued with the unnatural CL 9th, Create Undead, magic jar,
Negative Energy Infusion hunger that characterizes these undead feeblemind, bestow curse; Market Price
[General] horrors. 1,400 gp; Cost to Create 700 gp + 56 XP
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Necromancy) CL 3rd, Create Undead, ghoul touch,
Benefit: Each corporeal undead you
create with an animation spell gains
animate dead I; Market Price 250 gp; Creating a Mohrg
a +2 profane bonus to AC and a Cost to Create 125 gp + 10 XP The creation of a mohrg requires a
+4 bonus to Strength. Incorporeal humanoid corpse. While the corpse is
undead you create with an animation
spell gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity
Creating a Ghast only partially animated, it is imbued
instead. The creation of a ghast is exactly like with an utter hatred of the living
creating a ghoul, but it requires a through unspeakable ritualized torture
materials are available cheaply through stronger bond to the negative energy that converts its entrails into a hid-
practices such as grave robbing, obtain- plane. eously oversized tongue.
ing them should not be overlooked. In CL 5th, Create Undead, ghoul touch, CL 10th, Create Undead, raise dead,
the case of deceased individuals who animate dead I; Market Price 500 gp; speak with dead, symbol of pain; Market
are well fitted to a particular type of Cost to Create 250 gp + 20 XP Price 1,500 gp; Cost to Create 750 gp
undead, such as cannibals for ghouls, + 60 XP
or mass murderers for mohrgs, the GM Creating a Shadow
may lower the creation costs, at his or The creation of a shadow requires Creating a Devourer
her discretion. a soul. The soul is merged with its Creating a devourer requires the body
Creating incorporeal undead usually shadow-plane duplicate, creating an of a medium humanoid. Animat-

34 Kobold Quarterly 7
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creature to obey or understand.
The spell animates one of the
creatures from the 1st-level list on the
accompanying table. You choose which
kind of undead to animate, and you
can change that choice each time you
cast the spell.
To animate a particular type of
undead, the correct remains must be
available for each creature created.
Remains must be mostly intact. A soul
is present in any corporeal remains
for which the creature has not been
resurrected or previously animated as
an undead. A soul can also be obtained
from trap the soul, magic jar, or similar
Unlike most spells, line of effect is
not required to animate the remains, as
long as their location is known. This al-
ing this body as a devourer requires physical changes persist after the end- lows a body to be animated in its grave.
an elaborate ritual, binding the new ing of the spell (the skin does not reap- An animated undead cannot sum-
undead to either the Astral Plane or the pear on a body temporarily animated mon or otherwise conjure another
Ethereal Plane. During this ritual, the as a skeleton, for instance.) creature, create spawn, or use any tele-
body grows tall and gaunt, leaving the Undead controlled with an anima- portation or planar travel abilities.
Devourer’s distinctive chest cavity. tion spell do not count against a When you use an animation spell
At the completion of the ritual, character’s normal limit of 4 HD/level to create an Air, Chaotic, Earth, Evil,
the devourer may be provided with of controlled undead. Fire, Good, Lawful, or Water subtype
an essence from a soul trapped using creature, it is a spell of that type.
other means (such as magic jar or trap New Spells Within the area of a desecrate spell,
the soul), or via the sacrifice of a living Animate Dead I the duration of animate dead I is
creature. The devourer can be created Necromancy (Animation) doubled.
without a trapped essence but will be Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Arcane Material Component: A
unable to use its spell-like abilities until Components: V, S, M/DF fistful of graveyard soil or a fragment of
it can trap an essence for itself. Casting Time: 1 round a tombstone.
CL 13th; Craft Undead, magic jar, Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
planar binding (any), enlarge person, Effect: One or more animated undead Animate Dead II
enervation, spectral hand; Market Price Duration: 1 round/level (D) Necromancy (Animation)
2,000 gp; Cost to Create 1,000 gp + Targets: Corpses, no two of which can Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 3
80 XP be more than 30 feet apart [See below] This spell functions like animate dead I,
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) except that you can animate one crea-
New Sub-school Spell Resistance: No ture from the 2nd-level list or 1d3 of
Necromancy (Animation) the same option from the 1st-level list.
An animation spell infuses the remains This spell temporarily infuses the
of a once-living creature with nega- remains of a once-living creature with Animate Dead III
tive energy, temporarily granting it a negative energy, animating it in a Necromancy (Animation)
semblance of life. An animated undead mockery of its former life. The result- Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 4
creature persists until it is destroyed ing undead creature acts immediately, This spell functions like animate dead
or until the effect ends. A destroyed on your turn. It attacks your oppo- I except that you can animate one
undead cannot be animated again. nents to the best of its ability. If you creature from the 3rd-level list or 1d3
Animation effects usually require ap- can communicate with the creature, creatures of the same kind from the
propriate remains to create an undead you can direct it not to attack, to at- 2nd-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same op-
creature, as noted in the spell descrip- tack particular enemies, or to perform tion from the 1st level list.
tion. Unless specifically noted, gross other actions within the limits of the

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Kobold Quarterly 7 37
Table 1: Undead Animation
Spell Level Undead Remains Required Alignment
Animate Undead I ghoul humanoid corpse CE
1d4 skeletons (1 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
skeleton (2-3 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
1d3 zombies (2 HD) appropriate corpse NE
zombie (4 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead II skeleton (4-5 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
zombie (6 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead III ghast humanoid corpse CE
shadow humanoid soul CE
skeleton (6-7 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
wight humanoid corpse LE
zombie (8-10 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead IV skeleton (8-9 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
zombie (12-14 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead V skeleton (10-11 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
wraith humanoid soul LE
zombie (15-16 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead VI skeleton (12-14 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
zombie (18-10 HD) appropriate corpse NE
Animate Undead VII skeleton (15-17 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
spectre humanoid soul LE
Animate Undead VIII mohrg humanoid corpse CE
greater shadow humanoid soul CE
skeleton (18-20 HD) appropriate corpse or skeleton NE
Animate Undead IX devourer humanoid corpse NE
dread wraith humanoid or giant soul LE

Animate Dead VI Animate Dead VIII

Animate Dead IV
Necromancy (Animation) Necromancy (Animation)
Necromancy (Animation)
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 7 Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 9
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 5
This spell functions like animate dead This spell functions like animate dead
This spell functions like animate dead
I except that you can animate one I except that you can animate one
I, except that you can animate one
creature from the 6th-level list or 1d3 creature from the 8th-level list or 1d3
creature from the 4th-level list or 1d3
creatures of the same kind from the creatures of the same kind from the
creatures of the same kind from the
5th-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same 7th-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same
3rd-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same
option from a lower level list. option from a lower level list.
option a lower level list.

Animate Dead VII Animate Dead XI

Animate Dead V
Necromancy (Animation) Necromancy (Animation)
Necromancy (Animation)
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8 Level: Clr 9
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
This spell functions like animate dead This spell functions like animate dead
This spell functions like animate dead
I except that you can animate one I except that you can animate one
I except that you can animate one
creature from the 7th-level list or 1d3 creature from the 9th-level list or 1d3
creature from the 5th-level list or 1d3
creatures of the same kind from the creatures of the same kind from the
creatures of the same kind from the
6th-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same 8th-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same
3rd-level list, or 1d4+1 of the same
option from a lower level list. option from a lower level list.
option from a lower level list.
38 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 39

of the

Horse Raiders without Mercy

By Wolfgang Baur
Art by Joanna Barnum and Kathy Barker
else’s war for little more than oats and
The bow was impossibly thick: his huge hands and the half-horse cheese. When roused to anger, though,
affixed the string. “Shoot for dis- they burn out entire villages and sack
made of layered yew and horn,
small towns, before returning to the
decorated with an ebony handle, tance?” asked the centaur. great plains, richer and avenged.
and strung with a tiger-striped The elf stared and then laughed. There, out in the extensive grasslands
bowstring wound of horsehair as “Your bow is bigger than mine; far to the east of Zobeck and high
thick as a reed. The Rothenian elf I confess it. But I still think you in the hills, the larger bands of cen-
smell bad.” The centaur smiled taurs make their own lives as hunters,
pulled on it again to string it and
bandits, and nomads, owing fealty to
barely bent the tips of the bow. and pulled an arrow from his no one and nothing—fiercely inde-
“It’s not made for two-legs,” quiver, fully four feet long. pendent, willing to die rather than
rumbled Atropos. “It takes a real be settled in any village, serving only

archer to string a steppe bow.” entaurs are strange, half-human their chiefs and khans. Humans and
wanderers with no home or na- elves do not understand the centaurs’
Taking the bow back from the tion. On the Rothenian plains, nomadic ways and fear their violent
elf, the centaur stepped through they are friends and rivals to the elves, tempers and wild passions. Centaurs
the string, leaning 1,000 pounds half-foolish and half-wise when moved think humans and elves are fools to live
of muscle and bone into the by drink or rage. The centaur clans are in huts of wood or stone when they
recurved spring, and grunted. small, sometimes of little more than could live free while moving across the
a dozen or so, and all too often, they great grasslands. These horsefolk would
Slowly, the wood bent beneath serve as mercenaries, fighting someone not—could not—live any other way.
40 Kobold Quarterly 7
History of the Centaurs The centaurs are true nomads,
retreating to hills and Rothenian high
The origins of the centaurs are unclear;
meadows in summer and returning to
Table: Centaur Lore
they can claim many fathers. Most cen-
lower elevations when the meadows are Characters with some knowledge
taur priests near civilized lands claim
bare and the lure of rustling, banditry, of nature can learn more about the
their people were born of divine will
and raiding grow strong. They are centaur. When a character makes
and favor. Or perhaps it was Perun the
currently divided into those who live a successful skill check, reveal
Thunderer, who watches over the no-
free in the Eastern grasslands and those the following lore, including the
mads of the great eastern steppes where
who hunt and serve as mercenaries in information from lower DCs.
the Rothenian elves claim dominion
human lands.
over the riverbeds and plateaus and
where the centaurs rule the grasslands Nature
Centaur Medicine DC Result
beneath their hooves from the Ruby
Centaurs have a long tradition of
Sea to the borders of Trollheim. 10 Centaurs have the strengths
healing and medicine, derived from
The centaur legends themselves claim of both human and horse, and live in
both herbal and divine sources. This
that they are the true sons and daugh- nomadic clans.
medicine is mostly meant for horses
ters of the wind and sky gods and that 15    Centaurs use lances and
and centaurs and is remarkable in its
both humans and horses are their lesser enormous composite bows and can
ability to save even abused horses from
cousins. According to this tale, humans trample foes underfoot with ease.
the brink of starvation, strangles, or
were made first, but their two legs and They are surprisingly good at stealth
spongy hoof.
small size marked them out as runts and woodcraft for their size.
The centaurs dose themselves with
and weaklings, and they were ulti- 20    Centaurs worship nature gods,
the painkilling, hypnotic ridegrass be-
mately rejected by Perun as too slow a thunder god, and the god of wine.
fore long journeys when a courier must
and too weak to survive a nomad’s life. They are terrible, violent drunks and
travel without pauses for food or sleep.
Horses were the god’s second attempt: are much stronger than a typical
Ridegrass seems to have no effect what-
fast and strong and able to live by graz- human, able to tear apart small foes.
ever on two-legged creatures, though
ing anywhere on the wide plains. But 25 Centaurs fear confined spaces
horses, mules, oxen, griffons, hippog-
in time, their failings were clear as well, and steep slopes; they cannot climb
riffs, and pegasi can all benefit from
for they moved as a herd. The horses walls or cliffs, and even stairs are
it, gaining a +4 bonus to Endurance
bred not heroes but followers, and difficult. They rarely enter towns,
checks for a day after consuming it.
lacked the cunning of a hunter and the preferring the open road. They make
Centaur medicine also extends to
clever hands of a smith or archer. excellent mercenary scouts.
draughts for sleeping, poultices for
Mocked by his wife for failing twice,
healing both plagues and poison, and
Perun the Thunderer decided to make
cures for curing impotence. The last of
the third time count for all, and he
these, they claim, is made with centaur successful opposed Diplomacy check;
saw that the previous failings could
blood to help the two-legged, for “cen- if it fails, that centaur will not give the
be mended with the right match of
taurs never suffer from this condition.” presumptuous two-legs a ride under
human hands and equine speed and
The only diseases they cannot cure any but life-threatening circumstances.
power, so the centaurs were his third
in themselves or in horses are rabies The major exception to this is the
attempt at making a race to rule the
and lycanthropy. Centaur healers are centaur paladin and certain knights,
grasslands. This is a story they tend to
experts at the treatment of lycanthropy who deliberately take on human or hal-
keep to themselves most of the time
in its various forms, and though they fling riders to help them with weapons,
but which they all believe in their
cannot cure it, they can moderate the armor, and horseshoes—not to men-
hearts to be entirely true.
frequency and length of such shape- tion stairs and ladders. When a centaur
The stories that centaurs tell more
shifting and prevent the need to feed paladin reaches 5th level, he may
freely are the tales of their arrival from
on fresh blood and flesh. summon such a groom. The groom is a
the East, riding and pillaging along
the hills to the River Argent, where 2nd-level fighter, and in many cases is
Centaur Grooms and Riders mute or at least unobtrusive. Halflings
they first met the ambassadors of the
Court of the Shadow Fey. Unwilling Centaurs attract attention as mounts are especially prized as grooms, as they
to fight the fey in the dark forests and because of their resemblance to horses, weigh less and require less fodder than
warned of disaster by the priests of but this is deceptive. Most centaurs a human groom.
Perun if they failed to carve out a home consider it a bit presumptuous to even
for themselves, many of the centaurs be asked to carry a rider, though the Anatomy and Appearance
took to roaming a very particular set of question comes up often. Asking a Centaurs’ human halves tend to be
pastures and grasslands. centaur to ride on her back requires a well muscled and longhaired with a bit

Kobold Quarterly 7 41
of a mane down their spine that fuses Both centaur men and women typi- are rarely seen outside the circles of
with their equine half. As half-horse, cally have a mane of black hair running a clan group. Centaur goods are the
they come in all the colors and varieties down their back as well as a crop of goods of nomads: lightweight and
of horseflesh, from bays and blacks human hair. Their horse bodies have few in number. The heaviest goods
to chestnuts and grays. Even zebra- a variety of coloring, though they run of a centaur clan are the winter tents,
centaurs have been reported on wide to dun and chestnut on the Rothenian heavy cloth panels that can be rigged
savannahs. plains, and more black and greys in the with any stout wooden pole to create
Centaurs are unlike their horse forests near Zobeck and the Arbonesse. a shelter for young foals and centaur
cousins in that they are omnivores and Centaurs live for 35 to 60 years, at women.
hunters, rather than herbivores and which point they can no longer roam Clothing: Centaur garments are
herd animals. Nevertheless, they rarely with their families. Elder centaurs simple: a harness for weaponry and
eat much meat (and never horseflesh). tend to die on their feet, collapsing wineskins and a travelling pack slung
Centaurs preferr vegetables, roots, nuts, along the line of march. A clan may sit over the back (never called saddlebags).
and (most of all) grains, such as rye, with a dying elder for days, striving to In times of war, they wear leather
oats, and millet. They eat spring lambs make their passing peaceful. Centaur armor and iron helmets but little else.
and slow-cooked stews on major occa- burials on the plains are a matter of Some clans wear colorful woven vests
sions, such as victories in battle and the cutting the thick sod into grass bricks, and long cloaks, but these are primarily
marriages between major bloodlines of then stacking them around a fallen for winter and the rainy season. Cen-
their chiefs. centaur warrior or matron in a cairn. taur women frequently wear sashes that
Centaurs human halves are deeply The size of the mound built around a cover one breast, a tradition they claim
muscled, but their faces are not quite centaur bears some relationship to the to have taught to the Amazons.
human; they are long and horselike, clan’s love and respect for that centaur. Horseshoes: Centaur hooves are
with large and flaring nostrils that Winter burials are perforce limited to small and tough. Some wear spiked
permit breathing deeply in a gallop. mounds of snow when the steppe is horseshoes in battle but rarely wear
The human torso is almost entirely frozen. them for travel. In cities, they prefer
lungs; the large livers and the multi- felt hoof coverings on stony streets.
chambered stomachs and intestines Magic & Equipment Steppe Lances: These Large reach
are contained in the equine portion of Centaur magic is druidic, and they are 2 lances are unusual only in that they
their body. Their enormous hearts lie powerful followers of both martial and are decorated with banners and tassels.
between the two, somewhat forward earthy traditions. While a few centaurs The tassels for the deadliest warriors are
from their position in a horse, and thrive as merchants, ever practical in the scalps and shrunken heads of their
often protected by a “belly band” of trading among the clans, most males defeated foes. Centaurs use their lances
typically centaur armor. are warriors first, and female centaurs primarily for the charge, and then, they
trample foes.
Nomad Bows: These 7- or 8-foot
long, recurved composite bows are
meant for use by centaurs; almost no
one else can make them, and finding
one anywhere but in centaur hands is
cause for a fight with any clan that sees
it. They are made of layered woods,
sinew, and horn and have a draw of at
least 200 pounds.
For this reason,
they have excep-
tional range and
penetrating power,
making them able
to punch through
even the thickest
These horse bows
have a 30/60 range
and damage of
1d12 plus Strength

42 Kobold Quarterly 7
modifier. However, stringing one Society of the Centaurs or drink from the desert oases of Hat-
requires a Strength of at least 18, and apesh and Siwal. These wanderers don’t
Centaur society can be divided into
the bow is too large for any size Small always return to the steppes, but those
three main kinds of clans: the steppe
creature to use. Size Medium creatures who do have learned the arts of many
nomads, the mercenary companies,
suffer a -5 equipment penalty with a lands, strange sorceries, or tricks of
and the bandits. Each of these has
weapon too large for them. healing which they share in the winter
some kinship with the others, and all
A well-made nomad bow never sells camps or the summer gatherings.
three share a fondness for direct elec-
for less than 1,000 gp, and most have Those summer gatherings are when
tion of their kings and war leaders. It
names and histories from their makers the captains, khans, and chiefs decide
is, above all, a meritocracy, where a
and wielders. A stolen bow with a long whether any clan or tribe has suf-
king can be deposed by the will of his
history may often be recognized by fered such an insult that they must
other centaurs who see it in the hands be avenged. These occasions are rare
of a non-centaur. (perhaps twice a generation or so), but
Clans, Hordes, Captains, and Kings
Livestock, Tents, and Campsites: invariably, the entire centaur nation
While a herd of centaurs might seem
Centaurs measure wealth in goats and will sweep off the plains that summer
like an accurate term, they prefer to
sheep, which they use for leather, wool, to destroy all border settlements, burn
call themselves “clans” for groups up
and meat, and the making of panniers, crops, and run riot against the defenses
to a dozen or so, and a horde for any
blankets, and tents. The last is especial- of the offending nation. The trolls, the
greater number. Clans are led by a
ly important—a woolen tent is a sign Osmanli, the slavers of Harkasa, the
powerful male (a stallion, chief, khan,
of adulthood. “Leaving the tent” is a prince of Doresh and others have all
or captain). When enough clans gather,
way of speaking of a colt or foal reach- learned this lesson well, so few dare to
they sometimes choose to send a group
ing maturity, and “joining tents” is the wipe out a centaur band.
of young warriors on a yearlong or
typical euphemism for two centaurs
two-year “bandit year” to raid the
who marry or who sire foals. Two-Legged Allies
elven redoubts or to try the defenses
Centaur tents are held up by ropes The best friends and allies of the cen-
of the Osmanli sultan or to strike west
and a single tent pole. They provide taurs among humanoids are humans,
against the lands near Zobeck. During
excellent shelter from wind, snow, halflings, and elves; dwarves and ko-
this bandit year, the young warriors
and rain, but there is a certain wooly bolds distrust centaurs as too big and
learn both the rudiments of stealth and
smell about them, permeated with too dangerous, respectively. Among
raiding and the tactics that make them
the smokiness of cook fires. In winter, humans, the attitude is similar, but the
successful on the plains.
the centaurs may build a wall of snow Kariv wanderers and the centaurs often
In practice, many of those on their
around their tent for greater warmth; share a road, rustle livestock together,
bandit year spend only a short time
their winter camps are matters of tradi- or raid a small hamlet for food. The
raiding, then hire their services to some
tion and the same herd of centaurs may Kariv understand the hardships of
respected caravan master and serve
return to the same camp year after year the road, and their smiths will always
as guards. This way, they visit distant
or may circulate among two or three shoe a centaur for free (the practice
cities on the islands off the coast of Ar-
favored sites. is considered to bring good luck). In
bonesse or cross the snows of Trollheim
return, centaurs often act as scouts and

Kobold Quarterly 7 43
defenders for Kariv wanderers who The Charge: A centaur charge is dan-
may face danger from human, goblin, gerous because it is wild and reckless;
or other bandits. More than once has a it begins with a volley of enormous
Kariv caravan been rescued by centaur clothyard arrows from their bows and
information or lances, and centaur then turns into a rumbling approach as
bandits never rob the Kariv (they con- the centaurs put away bow and quiver
sider the practice ill-fated). and lower their steppe lances to strike
Elves and centaurs are a more with a 20-foot reach. If the shock of
complex mix. Elves consider centaurs the lances does not break a group of
uncouth, foul smelling, and boorish defenders (rare, but dwarven pike and
but find them oddly charming for other well-trained troops can with-
their honesty, directness, and superb stand it), there follows the trampling
woodcraft and archery. Though few of hooves and the use of long, wicked
elves admit it, centaur archery is su- falchions.
perior to their own in raw power and A lethal centaur charge is always
in distance. The difference in accuracy directed against opposing troops
lies in the elves’ favor, but as many and armed defenders; a rush against
have pointed out, “one centaur arrow is women, children, or old men will
worth three of the elves’.” always end with centaurs carrying away
slaves and hostages for ransom. These
Cults and Religion are not unknown, but rare.
Centaurs of Zobeck and the surround- The Slow Burn: Centaurs, when
ing lands, west to Arbonesse, and east they are truly angry, use their bows as
to the Rothenian plains are worship- instruments of revenge rather unlike
pers of many gods, from the Sun God elven archery. They fire from up to
to the harsh spirits of wind and ice. 300 yards (180 squares), raining down
Most follow Perun, and they are invari- death in the form of large, fiery arrows
ably drawn to the primal gods: war, that set peasant huts or granaries to
fertility, love, healing, and death, and burning. In some cases, they poison
have little patience for complex theol- their arrows by rolling them in dung,
ogy or subtle worship of magic, knowl- to bring on the blood rotting sickness
edge, or abstract codes of behavior. in foes (see table below).
Their favorite divine patron in the The Standard Raid: Centaurs are
Free City is Porevit, the Green God in happy to take anything that other
his aspect of god of wine and fertil- races do not value enough to protect
ity. Centaurs are notorious for raiding properly; this is often livestock but also
wineries and brewer’s shipments and grains, cloth, and coin. A standard raid
for sacking them entirely. begins just before dawn or at night,
with centaurs shooting sentries with ar-
Centaur Tactics and Combat rows enchanted with silence 15’ radius
Centaurs are creatures of both the and, then, galloping to the attack in
overwhelming charge and the steady two groups; one is a diversion, meant
fire-and-retreat schools of warfare; in to draw defenders away from the object
both cases, their mass and speed make of the raid, whether that be a corral,
them dangerous. barn, or a storehouse for grain.

Blood Rotting Sickness Level 6 Disease

Any cut from centaur arrows taints the Attack: +9 vs. Fortitude
blood and leaves victims feverish and Endurance improve DC 23
weak. maintain DC 19
worsen DC 18 or lower
The target is Initial Effect The target The target Final State
cured. loses one healing surge permanently The target is
that it cannot regain loses one point immobilized.
until cured. of Constitution.
44 Kobold Quarterly 7
Centaur Trample (Centaur Racial Power) Centaur Racial Traits
You rear up and smash foes beneath your hooves, knocking them Average Height: 5’ 0˝ – 5’ 6˝ (at the horse shoulder),
sprawling. 7’ to 7’ 6” at the human head
Encounter • Standard Action Average Weight: 750–1,200 lb.
Effect: You make a normal move, stepping into enemy Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
squares (drawing an opportunity attack) and make a Reflex Size: Large Speed: 8 squares
attack against the foe for 1d6 + Strength on a successful Vision: Low-light Languages: Common, Elven
attack. You must end your turn in an unoccupied square. Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics (cannot climb walls)
Increase the extra damage to 2d6 at 11th level and to 3d6 at Centaur Leap: When you are jumping vertically, divide
21st level. your Athletics check result by 6 instead of 10 (round down)
to determine the height you jump in feet. With a running
Rothenian Centaur Bandit  Lvl 5 Brute start of 2 squares, divide by 3 instead of 5.
Large natural beast (mount) XP 200 When you are jumping horizontally, divide your Athletics
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision check result by 6 instead of 10 (round down) to determine
HP 80; Bloodied 40 the distance you jump in squares. With a running start of 2
AC 17; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 13 squares, divide by 3 instead of 5.
Speed 8
m Lance (standard; at-will) • Weapon, Reach 2
Rothenian Centaur Chief  Lvl 7 Elite Artillery
+8 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6 damage. Large natural beast (mount) XP 600
M Thundering Lance (standard; encounter) • Weapon Initiative +5 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
+8 vs. AC; 3d12+6 damage; attack must be made as part of a HP 156; Bloodied 77
charge action. AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 16
Saves +2 to all
M Falchion (standard; at-will) • Weapon, Reach Action Points 1
Speed 8
+8 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage.
M Lance (standard; at-will) • Weapon, Reach 2
R Nomad’s Longbow (standard; at will) • Weapon +14 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage.
+ 9 vs. AC; 1d12 + damage.
r Nomad’s Longbow (standard; at will) • Weapon
M Trample (standard; at-will)
+ 9 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage.
A centaur can move up to its speed and enter enemies’
spaces. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and RCrippling Shot (standard; recharge 5 6) • Weapon
the centaur must end its move in an unoccupied space. +12 vs. Reflex; 2d12+5 damage; and the target is slowed
When it enters an enemy’s space, the centaur makes a (save ends).
trample attack: +6 vs. Reflex, 1d10+4 damage, target is
M Falchion (standard; at-will) • Weapon, Reach
knocked prone.
+14 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage.
Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 3rd level or
higher; at-will) • Mount Spellseeker Shot (immediate reaction) • Weapon
The centaur grants its rider a +5 bonus to damage rolls on The centaur chief fires a standard longbow shot immediately
charge attacks. Foes knocked prone are pushed 2 squares. before a centaur is targeted with a ranged spell. If the shot
hits, the spell fails.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Skills +12 Athletics, +7 Healing, +7 Nature, +7 Stealth Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Str 19 (+6) Dex 20 (+7) Wis 12 (+3) Skills +14 Athletics, +7 Healing, +7 Nature, +12 Stealth
Con 20 (+7) Int 8 (+1) Cha 10 (+1) Str 20 (+7) Dex 20 (+7) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 20 (+7) Int 8 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
Equipment leather armor, lance, falchion, nomad bow, 30
arrows Equipment leather armor, lance, falchion, nomad’s bow, arrows

Rothenian Centaur Bandit Tactics Rothenian Centaur Chief Tactics

The centaur tactics are those of nomads and horse archers: Unlike his followers, a Rothenian centaur chief will al-
fire, move, and fire again, until your enemy is dead. They most never charge into combat, unless his quiver is empty.
prefer not to engage in melee with an unbloodied foe, but Instead, he strikes from a distance with shots intended to
once they sense weakness, they charge en masse to strike cripple and harass a foe.
with their lances and then trample foes underfoot. A Rothenian centaur chief often has magical arrows as
Centaurs are easy to provoke with taunts; they will charge well, able to create burst fire or other effects.
and engage foes who challenge them to combat. When a chief is slain, his followers retreat in disarray.
Kobold Quarterly 7 45
Powder Burn
Spells of the Gun
By John Flemming

s alchemy progressed and
science became a true and You imbue an outfit of regular cloth-
respected force, firearms and ing, a vest, robe, or similar item worn
explosives became the weapons of on the body or torso with magical
choice. They gave soldiers a power to qualities. While worn, any piercing
rival or surpass the magic of old. One damage dealt to the wearer from at-
clever alchemist, however, saw that the tacks is converted into nonlethal dam-
true power in these new devices lay not age; slashing and bludgeoning damage
in diverging from the ancient mysti- is unaffected.
cism but in embracing them. Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Rgr 1
Sol Vallatie was a master alchemist Blunderbuss Burst
Components: V, DF/F
and weaponsmith who crafted fine Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 move action
explosives and firearms of all sorts. He Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Range: Personal
also dabbled in the arcane arts and de- Components: V, S, M
Target: You
veloped several spells designed specifi- Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Duration: 1 min./level
cally for these new weapons. Though Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw: None
most of Sol’s spells were lost through Target: One firearm weapon
Spell Resistance: Yes
the course of time, a few survived. Duration: up to 1 min./level (D)
As time passed, practitioners of Saving Throw: Will partial (object);
You gain temporary insight and clarity
the arcane improved on Sol’s works see text
of vision. While this spell is in effect
and created their own spells. Though Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
all range penalties for attacks, spot
there is no true book of Sol’s spells, checks, and similar abilities are reduced
most spells of this sort are credited to This spell is cast on a firearm as it is
by half. This does not extend the range
him. Rarely found scribed in standard being fired. You do not need to declare
of any spell or weapon, nor allow an
spellbooks, these spells are instead a readied action to do this but must see
attack to go beyond the maximum for
often found as single spells engraved that the weapon is being used.
that weapon.
into the stock of a masterwork musket If the saving throw succeeds, the
Deadeye can be made permanent with
or carved into the filigree of an elegant weapon is fired normally, but it deals
a permanency spell, requiring a mini-
powder horn. an additional half of its rolled damage
mum caster level 11th and 1500 XP.
Any spellcaster encountering these to the weapon wielder. If the saving
throw fails, the weapon deals its full Arcane Focus: a small glass lens
engravings must first decipher them by
using read magic or by making a Spell- damage to the weapon wielder and is
destroyed. Heart Seeker
craft check (DC 20 + the spell level). Transmutation [Evil]
A magical weapon receives a second
saving throw to avoid destruction; see Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8
Barrier Cloth Components: V, S, DF/F
Abjuration the standard rules for damaging magic
items, and grant a saving throw bonus Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Clr 2, Pal 1 Range: Touch
Components: V, DF equal to 2 + one-half its creator’s caster
level (round down). In such a case, Area: One firearm bullet
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: See text
Range: Touch if this second save is successful, the
weapon still deals its full damage to Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Target: Vestment, robe, or clothing Spell Resistance: Yes
touched the weapon wielder but is otherwise
Duration: 10 min./level unharmed.
Material Component: a small metal By touching a single bullet, or touch-
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, ing the weapon into which it is loaded,
object) hammer and a cork
you bestow upon the bullet limited
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) animation and a ravenous otherworldly
46 Kobold Quarterly 7
hunger. The ammunition remains po- You must be able to see and designate
tent for only a single round. If the bul- which firearms or explosives are and Spells of the Gun
let successfully deals damage to a target can choose to affect multiple items on
Firearms include pistols, muskets,
during this time, it will immediately a given creature. In this case, the target rifles, and similar weapons that
burrow deep into the target dealing makes a separate save for each item expel a projectile through the use
1d4 points of Constitution damage. affected. This spell imparts no special of gunpowder. Explosives include
A successful Fortitude saving throw knowledge of how many firearms or bombs, grenades, and any device
reduces the damage to 1 point. explosives a creature carries, and it that uses gunpowder to create an
Even if the save is successful, the reveals no hidden or unseen items. explosive effect. Deadeye, barrier
cloth, momentary reload, and wall of
target will be sickened for 2d4 rounds This spell has no effect on unloaded powder can be used in campaigns
after the initial save (-2 on all attacks, ammunition or powder. without firearms.
damage rolls, saves, skill checks, and Material Component: a pinch of The following spells are all
ability checks). After this period, the damp gunpowder attributed to Sol Vallatie though
target must make another save as the there is some doubt that he could
bullet reaches their heart. On a failed Momentary Reload have created them all.
save the bullet consumes the heart, and Transmutation Bard Spells
the target dies instantly; on a successful Level: Brd 3, Clr 4, Rgr 3 1st—Deadeye: cuts range penalty by half
save the bullet shatters, and the target Components: V, S
2nd—Misfire: weapons fail to fire
suffers another 1d4 Con damage. Casting Time: 1 standard action
During the period of sickness, a suc- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) 3rd—Momentary reload: allows
reloading a firearm as a swift action
cessful dispel magic will end the spell Target: One creature/level, no two of
and destroy the bullet. A dispel evil cast which can be more than 30 ft. apart. Cleric Spells
on the target expels the bullet and ends Duration: 1 round/level 1st—Deadeye: reduces range
the spell, but the bullet makes a save Saving Throw: Fort negates (harmless) penalties by half
using the caster’s base Will bonus. Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Misfire: ruins gunpowder in weapons
Arcane Focus: a piece of fresh raw and explosives
meat The transmuted creature is able to 2nd—Barrier cloth: worn clothing
reload a handheld projectile weapon as converts piercing damage to non-
Misfire a swift action, regardless of the normal lethal damage
Transmutation [water] loading time. If reloading the weapon 4th—Momentary reload: reload a
Level: Clr 1, Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 would normally provoke an attack of firearm as a swift action
Components: V, S, M opportunity, it still does so. 7th—Heart seeker: bullet burrows
Casting Time: 1 standard action The spell does not grant the affected into target inflicting Constitution
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels ) targets additional attacks, but those damage and possible death
Target: One or more firearms or ex- with sufficient base attack bonus or feat Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
plosives, no two of which can be more that allows additional attacks can make 2nd—Misfire: weapons fail to fire
than 15 ft apart any normally allowed additional attack 3rd—Blunderbuss burst: a single
Duration: Instantaneous after reloading. firearm explodes, damaging wielder
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) This spell affects the ability to reload 4th—Wall of powder: creates an
Spell Resistance: Yes (object) crossbows, firearms, and similar weap- opaque wall of combustible powder.
ons. The affected creature must have 7th—Musket brigade: conjured array
This spell will affect any firearm or the available ammunition to load the of muskets deal 1d6/level (10d6
explosive, causing the powder within weapon and be able to reach it under max)
the weapon to become fouled, damp, normal circumstances. 8th—Heart seeker: bullet burrows
and ruined. Firearms affected can- into target inflicting Constitution
not be used until reloaded, explosives Musket Brigade damage and possible death
affected become useless. Although the Conjuration (Creation) Paladin Spells
effect on the weapon’s ammunition is Level: Sor/Wiz 7 1st—Barrier cloth: worn clothing
permanent, a firearm can be reloaded Components: V, F converts piercing damage to non-
using normal rules. Casting Time: 1 full-round action lethal damage
For every two caster levels beyond Range: 60 ft. Ranger Spells
1st, you may affect an additional Area: 12 60-ft. lines 1st—Deadeye: reduces range
weapon—two at 3rd level, three at 5th Duration: Instantaneous penalties by half
level, four at 7th level, and a maximum Saving Throw: Reflex half 3rd—Momentary reload: reload a
of five at 9th level. Spell Resistance: No firearm as a swift action

Kobold Quarterly 7 47
When this spell is cast, a row of twelve Casting Time: 1 standard action If the wall suffers 1 hp of fire or
muskets or rifles appear hovering in Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) electrical damage it bursts into flames,
front of the caster. They must form Effect: Opaque wall of black powder dealing 1d4 hp fire damage for every 2
a straight, contiguous line with one up to 10 ft./level long and 20 ft. high (S) caster levels to anyone within 20 feet
firearm directly in front of the caster. Duration: Concentration + 1 round/ (maximum 5d4) with a Reflex save for
These are real firearms and are blocked level (see text) half damage.
by barriers; firearms that cannot be Saving Throw: Reflex half; see text Creatures and objects within 5 feet
placed are lost. The caster must have Spell Resistance: Yes of the wall when it explodes suffer an
line of effect to each firearm. additional 1 hp fire damage per caster
When the caster completes the spell, A curtain of continuously falling level (maximum +20) with no save al-
the conjured firearms fire simultane- fine black powder appears where you lowed for this additional damage. If the
ously, creating a burst of bullets that designate. The wall is 1 foot thick and wall of powder is adjacent to a building
originates from the line of firearms, blocks all types of sight. While in ef- when it combusts, each 10 ft. section
and each firearm damages everything fect, the wall blocks arrows, crossbow of structure suffers damage.
in a 60 foot line. The firearms must bolts, thrown weapons, and normal While the wall must be vertical, you
have line of effect. Any creature, object, ranged weapons. (A giant–thrown can shape it in any continuous path
or structure struck by this burst suffers boulder, a siege engine projectile, and along the ground that you like. It is
1d6 points of piercing damage per other massive ranged weapons are not possible to create cylindrical or square
caster level up to a maximum of 10d6; affected.) Gasses, gaseous breath weap- walls to enclose specific points.
a successful Reflex save halves damage. ons, creatures in gaseous form, and The wall has no hardness or hit
The area of effect extends in a horizon- incorporeal creatures may pass through points and cannot be destroyed by
tal plane and cannot be angled up or the barrier freely. A corporeal creature conventional means; it is dispersed by
down. The conjured firearms vanish may push through the wall of powder as strong winds or rain. Wall of powder
after firing. a standard action. does not function underwater, and any
Arcane Focus: a loaded musket or that The wall remains for as long as you wind or weather effect (including gust
must be fired as the spell is completed. concentrate on it and for 1 round/ level of wind spell) that has a chance to ex-
after. In addition, if you concentrate tinguish protected flames has the same
Wall of Powder on maintaining the wall you may, as a chance to dispel wall of powder.
Conjuration (Creation) standard action, cause the wall to spon- Material Component: a pinch of
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 taneously combust as if it were exposed gunpowder.
Components: V, S, M to flame (see below). <


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48 Kobold Quarterly 7
Flashing Blades

The Hard-Knock Life

Rogues Got it Rough
by John Baichtal

he classic fantasy thief, as he’s houses, fences, training, and so on.
typically played, tends to focus In return, it expects a cut of each
on the fun and glamorous side member’s earnings, a pretense of their
of being a rogue. Imagine Fritz Leiber’s loyalty, and judiciousness in their
Grey Mouser relaxing in his favorite business.
tavern, brawling, wenching, robbing, In some respects, a rogues guild
and dueling to his heart’s content. is more egalitarian than any other
He never needs an honest job or fears medieval guild. Trade guilds such as to death” to lower-middle class. The or-
being imprisoned, and anytime some- goldsmiths unions expect applicants dinary cutpurse inhabits the bottom of
thing untoward happens, it is surely to purchase apprenticeships or else be the heap. Too cowardly or weak to be
the prelude to another adventure. related to a current member. Thieves a full-blown mugger, he lives precari-
But is it realistic? Perhaps, a touch guilds, on the other hand, tend to ously on the coppers and silvers he col-
more realism could add to the fun. allow anyone to join as long as they lects while hoping desperately to avoid
Rogues shouldn’t have it too easy. have the earning potential to catch the detection by guards and guild alike.
guildmaster’s eye. Most PC rogues live much more
Every One For their part, the local authorities comfortably, mainly due to adventur-
of Them an Adventurer accommodate the guild. Yes, that’s ing income. Ironically, this cash influx
Historically, most people were rogues right; the town guard wants there to usually keeps them out of trouble with
because of a lack of opportunity. It was be a rogues guild. If you are a guard the guild. Very few adventuring thieves
a dirty, dangerous, and poverty-strick- captain, would you rather exercise a risk crime sprees in their home city—
en life. Some became thieves due to limited amount of control over the they don’t need the money. With steel-
the realities facing their race or social underworld via a guild than have no laden companions and magical and
class. Others took to crime when their control whatsoever? Besides, the town’s clerical support, adventuring presents
once well-to-do family fell suddenly on fat cats appreciate a source of safe and fewer risks and greater rewards than a
hard times. Still others were simply too reasonably priced pleasures such as solo burglary job.
wicked or lazy to live any other way. brothels and games of chance. Usually, In any case, most PC rogues are
Perhaps more than with other classes, an unspoken agreement protects every- too independent to join a guild. To
this “back story” provides critical infor- one; the rogues keep the serious crime have their hard-earned loot tithed and
mation on creating a player-character down to a minimum, usually directed their behavior regulated by some self-
rogue. Did your character choose to be at other underworld elements, and they appointed superior goes against their
a burglar to avoid the life of a simple steer clear of certain sensitive targets. whole philosophy. Unfortunately, this
servant? Do they smuggle to maintain From the guildmaster’s perspec- means the guild will always be harass-
the family trade? Do they simply scrape tive, the guild maximizes his income ing them to join. If they’re bottom
and filch to stave off hunger? by controlling the underworld. He feeders, the attempts will amount to
One thing every rogue has in com- encourages profitable activities while bullying and robbery (“dues”) while
mon is a spirit of adventure. Anyone discouraging unprofitable ones. Ideally, more skillful rogues find themselves
can be a peon or a servant; not every- all thieves in the guild’s territory are under a more subtle pressure, but pres-
one, however, dares risk the rack—or members, but in practice, the guild sure nonetheless.
even the noose—simply to live his or simply doesn’t want most possible ap- Characters in the middle of the spec-
her own life. plicants and can’t recruit some others. trum have it particularly difficult be-
cause the guild controls the infrastruc-
No Place like Home Guildless, Like It or Not ture that supports illicit activity: fences,
In most fantasy settings, the local So not every rogue is a member of the smuggling routes, and safe houses.
thieves guild plays the most important guild. Some decline to join; others are How can an independent burglar flip
role in the life of a thief. The guild too pathetic to be asked. The vast ma- his ill-gotten goods if all the fences in
survives by serving as a gatekeeper and jority of guildless ne’er-do-wells live a town refuse to deal with him? How can
a quartermaster for its members—safe very modest life ranging from “starving a card sharp do business without access
Kobold Quarterly 7 49
to the most lucrative gambling dens? two oft-quoted sureties. Kings have no
Higher-level rogues usually have internal staff for raising money; instead
their own contacts for moving illicit they employ freelancers who are scarce-
merchandise, or work at the behest ly better than thugs and extortionists
of a powerful patron: visualize Conan to collect funds from the citizenry.
climbing up the walls of a merchant’s So why wouldn’t the taxman stop
villa to steal a fabulous gem at the by the inn and interrupt the victori-
behest of a sly-faced Stygian. ous adventurers’ celebratory dinner?
Surely the king would like a share in
A Loner, But Not Lonely the spoils. But somehow, PCs always
While rogues are (sometimes grudg- seem to get out of taxes. Perhaps the
ingly) accepted in adventuring circles, adventurers have curried favor with the
the fact remains no one in their right king thanks to all their perilous quests.
mind trusts a thief. Possibly they are simply too formi-
I’m reminded of a Bill Willingham dable, and the taxman doesn’t dare
illustration for the old module B2: approach them.
Keep on the Borderlands. A group Nevertheless, none of this applies to
of adventurers have caught the party the vast majority of rogues. Imagine
thief filching treasure and have turned being a middle class burglar, living
him upside down, causing a torrent comfortably on his earnings. Along
of loot to pour out of his pockets and comes a bully to take away all you’ve
pouches. won. Unless you’re a deadly swordsman
Many lawful characters see the party or affiliated with the guild, there’s not a
thief as being a selfish and faithless whole lot you can do.
shirker who occasionally helps out with Some rogues disguise their occupa-
a lock or trap but spends the rest of the tions by assuming a “cover” occupa-
time avoiding fights and pinching trea- tion like tailor or merchant. But what
sure. And these are his friends! Imagine happens if the rogue gets successful? If
what ordinary citizens—to say nothing the taxman arrives and sees 1,000 gold
of guards and other authority figures— in furnishings in the tailor’s hut, he’s
think of our rogue. It goes without going to haul out his manacles. Avoid-
saying that most people will consider a ing taxation is a crown offense, which
rogue merely an unhanged criminal. brings us to…
But there are those who not only
like rogues but also depend on them You Are So Totally Busted!
for business. Call it a thieves’ support PC thieves rarely suffer any kind of
network. Imagine seedy taverns and real punishment in the course of their
unsavory eating houses catering to his careers—let’s face it, beheading a player
or her palate. Crooked jewelers and dry character just isn’t fun for anyone.
goods dealers willing to flip illicit mer- Nevertheless, from a more realistic
chandise. Craftsmen who make rogues’ viewpoint, capture and punishment is
specialized equipment, rooming houses a strong possibility for most rogues.
whose operators look kindly upon job- While every campaign reflects a
less rascals shooting dice and plotting different vision of justice and judi-
larceny in their apartments. cial mercy, it’s possible to paint some
Of course, many of these gray busi- generalizations. First, investigative and
nesses, often gathered together in a punitive magic prices itself out of the
slum, rogue’s quarter, or other shady capabilities of most guardsmen, not
district, become affiliated with one or counting capital offenses or crimes
more thieves guilds, thus limiting the against the state. This means that most
options of unaffiliated brethren. petty thieves are unlikely to suffer the
more hideous fates wizards come up
Fury of a Cheated Taxman with—withering limbs, planar exile,
One factor of medieval life often over- polymorphing, and so on. Unfortu-
looked in fantasy games is one of the nately, the mundane punishments

50 Kobold Quarterly 7
available to lawgivers more than suffice. Finally, major offenders and incor- Ordinary citizens hope their children
First time offenders of minor crimes rigibles usually end up on the gallows. and grandchildren look out for them
can expect a simple beating at the But don’t forget other punishments like but adventurers in general and rogues
hands of a guardsman. If you’re caught fines, hard labor, forced service (the old in particular often have, how shall I
a second time, things start getting “quest” song-and-dance), or exile. put it, fragmented familial relations.
nasty. Spending a few hours in the One punishment you won’t find is And in the medieval era, there is no
pillory is no laughing matter. It’s one imprisonment. In medieval times, jails safety net. If you grow old you had bet-
thing to have a rotten tomato thrown and prisons were solely for holding ter hope that you have family that will
at your head. What if someone throws convicts prior to corporal punishment look out for you.
a rock, or physically punches you? or execution—the incarceration was The worst case scenario—besides not
Contrary to renaissance faire reenact- not in itself the punishment. Excep- making it to middle age! —would be
ments, a pillory experience is likely to tions were made for special prisoners to continue to have to “work.” Such an
deal the character some serious injuries like nobles or clerics who could not be unfortunate is destined for a pauper’s
along the way, along with abject hu- punished through normal means but grave.
miliation. Next comes flogging, which were a threat to the authorities.
typically leaves the victim horribly So You Still Want
injured and permanently scarred. Gray Foxes To Be a Rogue?
Many minor crimes like brawling or So what happens when rogues grow No PC and precious few NPCs have
pickpocketing carry this punishment. old? True, few adventurers and even an easy time of it, but arguably, rogues
Repeated minor offenses could result in fewer thieves live to old age, but it have it the worst of all. No other class
a painful and highly visible brand such could happen! For humans living on is as persecuted, or as despised. But
as the letter “T” on the cheek—ruining a subsistence diet, middle age is in the perhaps that’s why they’re so likeable.
any chance of legitimate employment 30s. The over-the-hill thief better pray The ultimate underdogs, they survive
and guaranteeing perpetual harassment he’s got a lot of money salted away, or only through stealth, skill, charm, and
from town guardsmen wherever you maybe he’s in a position of authority in caution. They live free, and make their
go. The penultimate punishment is the guild. Could be he’s gone legit with own fortunes. They need no one else’s
mutilation, and the classic example is his earnings and opened a tavern or help but Luck and the gods of shadow.
cutting off a thief ’s hand. rooming house. <

Kobold Quarterly 7 51
Book Reviews
All tomes read by candlelight
by Cynthia Ward and Pierce Watters

The comrades-in-arms barely arrive The prose can get clumsy and the ex-
in Dertosal, city of thieves, before position clunky, but the pace picks up
they’re imprisoned on trumped-up as the plot progresses, leaving Infernal
murder and burglary charges. Freed Sorceress an enjoyable romp for fans of
secretly, the two are charged with find- good, old-fashioned pulp-style sword-
ing the true thief-murderer. But, in and-sorcery.
tracking the beautiful, fiendish sorcer- -C.W.
ess who stole the treasure and slew the
goldsmith, Ferret and Raker discover The Pirate King
that she’s part of a complicated plot- R. A. Salvatore
one that threatens to engulf all of Wizards of the Coast, October 2008
Iberia in war. Hard Cover, $27.95
While clearly inspired by heroic 352 pages
fantasy’s most famous duo, Fafhrd and
the Gray Mouser, Ferret and Raker are Trouble brews in the city of Luskan.
distinctly different characters. This is Long ruled by the Arcane Brother-
especially apparent in their investiga- hood, a mighty collection of wizards,
Infernal Sorceress tive skills, which allow them to counter now dominated by the litch, Archmage
by Gary Gygax deadly schemes more intricate than any Arcane, Arklem Greeth, Luskan seethes
Introduction by Erik Mona encountered by Leiber’s duo. While on the edge of rebellion. Luskan is also
Paizo Publishing, July 2008 they’re not as accomplished in inves- home to the five High Captains, lords
Trade Paperback, $12.99 tigation as Magister Setne (and aren’t of the sea. Or, are they pirates?
258 pages meant to be), Ferret and Raker are The Pirate King is the second book
good at detection and deduction. And in a new trilogy by New York Times
ungeons & Dragons co-creator
D they’re fun to spend time with as they bestselling author, R.A. Salvatore. The
Gary Gygax (1938-2008) wrote several investigate, fight, and drink their way first book in the trilogy, The Orc King,
fantasy novels, the best-known of across Iberia. chronicled the efforts of dark elf Drizzt
which, set in the Greyhawk milieu, Do’Urden and his band of hearties in
feature Gord the Rogue. Three other their efforts to find a lasting peace with
novels, set in the Dangerous Journeys the orc Kingdom of Many Arrows and
milieu of AErth, feature the AEgyptian its half-orc king, Obould VI.
wizard-detective, Magister Setne In- Now, Drizzt, one of the most popular
hetep. The last of these, 1993’s Death characters in modern fantasy literature,
in Delhi (scheduled for re-release in and his sidekick, the halfling Regis,
late 2008), was believed to be the last lend their minds, their magic, and
Gygax novel. their strong fighting arms to Drizzt’s
Fortunately, that belief was in error. old friend, Deudermont, Captain of
Shortly before his death, Gygax pre- the Sea Sprite, Deudermont’s friend
sented Planet Stories with an unpub- the powerful wizard Robillard, and
lished novel. Set on AErth, Infernal a young lord, Brambleberry, in their
Sorceress doesn’t feature Magister Setne. efforts to rid Luskan of Arlem Greeth.
Instead, it introduces new characters, And, there are the High Captains to
including its pair of leads, the lanky deal with as well.
daggerman/magician Ferret and the This latest effort by fan favorite R. A.
burly swordsman Raker. Salvatore offers a balanced mix of fight-
52 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 53
ing, magic, intrigue, and betrayal as the REH’s S&S reincarnation tales about
dark elf fights against evil with occa- a modern man remembering his past
sional musings on the outcome of dif- life as a barbarian.  Violent in action,
ficult moral decisions in a world where emotion, and narrative vigor, this grim,
choices are rarely black and white, but relentless story shows why REH is an
mostly gray. Many lives are, indeed, in important figure in both fantasy and
transition, in the Forgotten Realms. horror.
A rousing adventure! Some of the other fiercely dark stories
-P.W. include “The Hills of the Dead,” in
which Puritan wanderer Solomon Kane
finds a lost African city; “The Horror
from the Mound,” in which a cowboy
fights a monster with Conan-esque
ferocity; “People of the Dark,” another The Wolfman by Nicholas Pekearo
S&S reincarnation story; “The Cairn grabbed me by the throat like a shot of
on the Headland,” in which a modern cheap whiskey. It burned all the way
man and his barbaric previous incar- down but ended with a pleasant glow.
nation oppose a god; “The House of This is not just another Wolfman
Arabu,” in which a barbarian dooms story. Marlowe Higgins, dishonorably
a city; “The Man on the Ground,” in discharged Vietnam vet, wanders the
which hatred transcends death; “Black United States, in and out of trouble
Canaan,” in which voodoo practitio- and always on the move. Every full
ners foment an uprising; “Worms of moon, Marlowe transforms, and he
the Earth,” in which barbarian king kills someone.
Bran Mak Morn calls down a weird After many years of struggling with
doom on a Roman governor; and the deaths he causes, Higgins settles
“Pigeons From Hell,” a haunted-plan- in the little town of Evelyn, and even
tation tale ranked as one of the best makes friends, of a sort, with one of
The Horror Stories horror stories of the 20th century. the local police detectives, Daniel
of Robert E. Howard Horror can reveal an author’s fears.  Pearce. Marlowe has finally found
by Robert E. Howard REH had enormous issues with race; a way to make peace with his inner
nor was he a proto-feminist.  But, werewolf. While working as a cook in
Illustrated by Greg Staples
while disturbing, his attitudes toward a local diner, he scans the newspapers
Ballantine Books, October 2008
gender and race were mainstream views every day, looking for unsolved crimes.
Trade Paperback, $18.00
in his lifetime.  And, a suicide at thirty, When he finds one, he sets his were-
560 pages
he never had a chance to outgrow his wolf self on the scent and on the night
prejudices. of the full moon, tracks down and kills
Because Conan the barbarian creator
In his too-brief career, REH es- a miscreant. Thus Marlowe is able to
Robert E. Howard (1906-1936) is the
tablished the ground rules of sword- live with his own crimes.
father of sword-and-sorcery, some read-
and-sorcery; created one of the most Of course, he pays for this, as the
ers may be surprised by a book called
famous characters of Twentieth Cen- soul of each victim becomes part of
The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard. 
tury fiction; became an inspiration for him. They haunt him internally with
But REH, like most pulp fictioneers,
fantasy roleplaying games; and inspired visions of their pasts. They drive him
wrote in many genres; and in this col-
innumerable men and women of many with their cravings and needs and
lection you’ll find sea stories, Westerns,
races to write fantasy and/or horror.  Marlowe Higgins becomes a little bit
ghost stories, Oriental adventures,
The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard of each of them. But this, he can live
boxing stories, werewolf tales, Cthulhu
shows why his fiction was-and remains- with. Then a serial killer comes to town
Mythos stories, historical fiction, weird
so inspiring. and tracking him is not the easy task
poetry, and S&S. Horror is less a genre
-C.W. Higgins imagines.
than it is an emotion, an effect, an
approach. And, whatever their genre, The Wolfman is a rough and gritty
this generous collection’s 56 stories, 22
The Wolfman novel. It is the story of a driven, des-
short poems, and four uncompleted by Nicholas Pekearo perate and not completely likeable man
tales are horror. Tor Books, May 2008 who has to live with horrors beyond his
The compilation hits its stride with Hardcover, $23.95 control. It is highly recommended.
“The Children of the Night,” one of 288 pages -P.W.

54 Kobold Quarterly 7
Design your own races.�
fantasy. Moth alternates between lies and
Create your own spells.�
truths, secrets and revelations. And, in Develop your own powers.�
the author’s most delicate balancing act, No classes.�
the plot pivots on a climax which cuts so No levels.�
quickly to the finish, some readers may
think it’s not in the novel. No one to blame�
But the strong denouement makes the but yourself�
brief climax work, and leaves The Engine’s if you fail.�
Child as one of the year’s finest novels of
SF or fantasy (your call!).

City of Time
by Eoin McNamee
The Engine’s Child Random House, June 2008
by Holly Phillips Hardcover, $16.99
336 pages
Del Rey Books, November 2008
InThe Navigator, we met young Owen
Trade Paperback, $15.00
whose father died mysteriously, sending
384 pages
Owen’s mother into a deep depression
Raised in the poverty-wracked shoreline
and forcing Owen to fend for himself. He
slum known as the tidal, Moth rose to
meets a young girl, Cati whose father, The
become a dedicant, a scholar/priest-in-
Sub-Commandant, is the Watcher for
training. But, despite her vows, she’s
the Resisters, a band of folk assembled to
taken a lover-and she has other secrets.
battle the evil and deadly-cold Harsh who Coming this fall, The�
She serves the scheming Lady Vashmarna,
seek to control time for themselves.
whose demesne is power and light. And Karma Roleplaying System�
In City of Time, Cati has become the
she is helping the tidal-dwellers build a
Watcher. She and Owen witness strange
brings you a unique single-�
secret, quasi-living engine.
events and try to awaken the Resisters die framework that allows�
The engine is intended to power a ship. you to have complete�
from their eternal sleep. They only suc-
The ship is intended to explore their control of your game. Visit�
ceed in awakening two, Dr. Diamond
largely unknown world (to which humans
and Wesley. Wesley belongs to a sort of the�Karma�page at�
fled-or were exiled-after a long-ago, myste-
rious catastrophe on the lost homeworld).
Baker Street Irregulars, called the Rag- to�
gies. Something is stopping them from learn more�
To create the engine, Moth taps the
awakening the others, and the moon is
mundab, the god-like power native to the
moving closer to the Earth causing floods
new world. Using the mundab releases ter-
and earthquakes.
rifying shadow beings and destroys a vital
Owen, Cati, and Dr. Diamond search-
bridge-effects that arouse both the govern-
for Hadima, The City of Time to bring
ment and the orthodox religion against
back a tempod to halt this latest attempt
the mundab-venerating tidal-dwellers. Can
to destroy Owen’s world. Wesley battles
Moth and her co-conspirators finish their
the minions of the Harsh along with a
engine and embark on their voyage of
Raggie girl, Silkie, who awakened on her
discovery before civilization crumbles?
own, and the female Resister warrior,
The Engine’s Child, the beautifully
Pieta. The intrepid band encountersmany
written Del Rey debut novel from ac-
marvels as they travel to Hadima. Cati
claimed short story author Holly Phillips,
becomes a doggie werewolf in one of the
is an unusual entry in the steampunk
genre. Neither an alternate history nor
most enjoyable plot twists, and she runs
the streets and sewers and rooftops with a
For every�
an imaginary-world fantasy, The Engine’s
band of young dog-folk.
Child is set on an alien world colonized
This YA novel is very readable if not
This is a delicate balancing act, and it’s
not the only one in the book. The plot
completely satisfying. The logic is a bit
twisted and sometimes things just hap- there are�
and the third-person viewpoints alternate
between Moth and Lady Vashmarna. The
pen. But young readers will identify with
Owen and his struggles against the Harsh. consequences.�
genre balances between science fiction and
< Kobold Quarterly 7 55�
Tools of the Trade
By Matthew Cicci

ogues. Masters of deception, each ace gives its wielder a spell-like
masters of stealth, masters of effect and a 24-hour skill bonus. Flip-
diplomacy . . . masters of get- ping them face up activates the cards.
ting themselves into trouble. No other
adventurer finds himself in as many Ace of Pentacles
precarious situations as the rogue. many are bordered with
The pentacles suit represents wealth
These cads frequently argue that such raven feathers. These items
and treasure. Using this card immedi-
danger comes with the turf; after all, originated in Brazdurn, the Tow-
ately casts knock centered on a locked
they serve as their party’s scout, trap- ered City, as a result of the escalating
item within range. In addition, the
finder, diplomat, and any other hon- struggle between the city watch and the
user gains a +2 bonus on all Open
orific they think they can lay claim to. Dagger Dare thieves’ guild. Tired of
Lock checks for 24 hours.
While often times this is true, it would losing able bodies to the intelligent and
be foolish to disregard most rogues’ organized militia, guildmaster Harz
Ace of Cups
notorious ability to seek out trouble all Lavmir commissioned the first slowfall
The cups suit represents water and
on their own. capes. They proved a smashing success
its calming, soothing, and cleansing
From gambling in dens of vice to by increasing the increased mobility of
properties. Activating this card casts
fencing stolen goods at the dock, his thieves — and by leading to a direct
enthrall. The spell takes effect the mo-
rogues stir up hornet’s nests of all increase in Harz’s coffers.
ment the user starts speaking. The user
types. Knowing this, most of these dar- Slowfall capes allow their wearers to
gains a +2 bonus to all Bluff checks for
ing souls are storehouses of odds and enact feather fall as needed. In addi-
24 hours.
ends that may serve them well when tion, they allow the wearer to glide.
they least expect it. A rogue often has Any long jump made from a height is
Ace of Staves
something his party needs even before granted a +10 bonus and the wearer
The staves suit represents prophecy
they know they need it. Rogues under- does not require the 20-foot running
and divination. Use of this card allows
stand the benefit of a good tool. start. For each foot of distance cleared,
the wielder to read minds as per detect
Below are some items that just might the wearer descends a foot.
thoughts. The user is also granted a +2
save your rogue if (see also: when) he Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Craft
bonus to all Sense Motive checks for
gets into a tight situation. Wondrous Item, feather fall, jump;
24 hours.
Price 4,700 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Ironmind Chew Ace of Swords
A stimulant concocted by dwarven
Springjack Boots
The swords suit represents war and
alchemists, ironmind chew is a gummy The life of a second-story man is
power. Expenditure of this card results
mixture of herbs and underground fraught with danger. These enterpris-
in pyrotechnics being cast on a chosen
fungus. It bolsters the dwarves’ defense ing thieves must rely on agility and
fire source within range. The user also
against magic-using foes but has balance to circumvent the ever-present
gains a +2 to all Intimidate checks for
recently found popularity among many danger of falling to one’s death. Out of
24 hours.
guildhalls looking to outwit wizardly such concern came the carefully crafted
Each card is consumed upon use. All
interrogators. springjack boots. These boots rely on
spell effects operate as if cast by a 3rd
Ironmind chew is an alchemical sub- a series of springs and carefully molded
level caster.
stance and provides its user with a +5 grooves to grant the wearer a +2 bonus
Faint transmutation, enchantment,
alchemical bonus to Will saving throws to Balance and Jump checks. They cost
divination, and transmutation, respec-
against mind-affecting effects for 1 100 gp.
tively; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Items,
hour. Each dose costs 50 gp. Buyers beware, though! Early itera-
knock, enthrall, detect thoughts, &
tions of these boots suffer from poor
pyrotechnics; Price 380 gp; Weight –
Rogue’s Aces design. Squeaky springs and poorly
Slowfall Cape padded soles penalize the wearer with a
These colorful tarot cards have long
-2 to Move Silently checks. If discov-
bailed the daring out of hazardous situ- Slowfall capes are often made of
ered by an alert buyer, these versions
ations. This set of four cards is keyed durable, dark cotton and decorated
can often be purchased for 50 gp.
to the classical meanings of their suit; with an avian motif; for example,
56 Kobold Quarterly 7
The Garnet
by Stan!
Art by Luis Guaragña

“When faced with the incongru- Scholars remain divided,

ous or inexplicable, most men however, on what weight
will fall back on stark denials to lend such unverifiable
and slavish repetition of mean- sources. After all, it seems
ridiculous to imagine
ingless platitudes. It is easier for future historians treating
them to trust what they’ve been the spray-painted wall of
told than to believe what their a subway terminal with
eyes tell them. In my travels I the same scholarly weight
have found that the world rarely as an index of articles
that appeared in the
works the way we think it does, New York Times in 2007.
and that truth is often found in seen the Garnet Codex first hand and
But, given the scarcity and brevity of how many of them misidentify it as a
the unlikeliest of places.” artifacts from some periods—not to book rather than a series of cave wall
—Reginald Garnet, mention the frequency with which carvings.
13th Earl of Eastonshire propaganda becomes confused with
truth as the centuries pass—it seems Carstensz Pyramid
The Weight odd that academia chooses to wholly The cave containing the codex lies
of Scholarly Opinion discount some artifacts simply because on the side of the tallest mountain in
The pages of history textbooks, espe- they provide information that in some Oceania, on the Indonesian half of the
cially those focusing on the ancient way contradicts information found in island of New Guinea. This mountain,
world, proclaim facts and assertions other sources or conflicts with accepted called Puncak Jaya in Indonesian, is
that are based in large part on just a historical timelines. better known as Carstensz Pyramid.
few spare details gleaned from a mere The Garnet Codex is a perfect Over 16,000 feet tall, it is the highest
handful of diaries, poems, scrolls, offi- example of a document that could point between the Himalayas and the
cial records, and other bits of antiquity. rewrite our presumptions about history Andes and the highest island peak in
From this relatively small collection and anthropology if its contents were the world. It is also more than 9,000
of sources, historians and sociologists broadly accepted in scholarly circles. miles (most of which are covered by
present to us extraordinarily detailed The codex is similar in format, style, the Pacific Ocean) from the sites on
descriptions of what life was like in and content to the accepted Pre- the Yucatan Peninsula where the other
centuries and millennia past. Columbian Mayan documents housed Mayan codices were found.
For that matter, not all of these in museums in Madrid, Paris, and It is the extreme distance between
historical records come in the form of Dresden. However, the fact that the the sites and the practical impossibil-
books. Some are inscribed on statuary Garnet Codex is made from completely ity that Pre-Columbian peoples could
or carved into the walls of royal tombs. different materials and delves deeply traverse the intervening oceans that
Others are painted onto pottery or into subjects not covered in the other leads most scholars to completely
cave walls. Any bit of decoration or codices has led academics and schol- discount the Garnet Codex as a hoax.
even desecration can provide insights arly organizations to exclude it from However, carbon dating and other
into the details of life in a former the lists of sources for reliable data. In scientific examination of the site reveal
age. For example, archaeologists have point of fact, most of them decry it as a that the carvings were made more than
recently discovered writing on the walls hoax and a fake created using modern 1,200 years ago—meaning that this
of ancient Pompeii that can best be technology. document pre-dates the Dresden, Paris,
described as graffiti. This is especially disappointing and Madrid codices by more than 700
given how few academics have actually years.
Kobold Quarterly 7 57
Some anthropologists cite this as years and led the culture across the of which translation one uses. Still oth-
proof that the Garnet Codex is actually Pacific to discover and settle what ers have imperfect images—either re-
a relic of a heretofore unknown an- is now Central America. This ruler productions with mistakes in them, or
cient, Pre-Tongan Polynesian culture. was seemingly immortal, though this scratched or otherwise marred photo-
However, its contents conflict with that version of the codex indicates that graphs—so that they present a different
assessment, and point strongly toward he would die from time to time only version of the codex than what one sees
a connection between these cave carv- to rise again on the night of the next when standing in the cave itself.
ings and the Mayan civilization. full moon, rejuvenated and filled with The only accurate reproductions of
new divinely-inspired projects for the the Garnet Codex are the 10 original
The Garnet Codex people to enact. volumes made and bound on the site
Discovered in 1933 by Sir Reginald In the 1980s, during an effort to cre- using rubbings taken directly from the
Garnet, a world-traveling adventurer ate a comprehensive collection of cave cave wall itself. In recent years, while
whose exploits made headlines on four art, a software glitch resulted in the the Indonesian government allows
continents. Sir Garnet was explor- discovery of a third possible transla- scientists and other properly accredited
ing Carstensz Pyramid in search of tion. When the carvings were ordered individuals to visit the site, touching
the missing link (local legends told of based on a complicated hieroglyphic the carvings (even to take rubbings)
humanoid creatures that lived there, code referencing the Mayan astrologi- has been strictly forbidden.
similar to yeti and the wild men of cal calendar, the codex told the story of Of the 10 original volumes, the fate
Borneo). He found no missing links, a god (or otherworldly creature) that of only three is known with any cer-
but in a cave halfway up the peak, he visited the culture and revealed the tainty. One still belongs to the Garnet
found the carvings that would eventu- secrets of the universe. It includes what family and is in their private collection
ally be his only lasting claim to fame. seem to be instructions for bringing (though they occasionally lend it out to
The codex consists of a series of fifty the god back again or going to visit exhibitions honoring the family). An-
rectangular carvings. Each individual him in his otherworldly realm. This other is in the rare books collection of
carving is identical in size and shape to version has come to be known as the a small private college in New England.
the pages in the other codices, and the MIT Translation. And the final one was sold at auction
hieroglyphs are reminiscent of (and in The disparity among these various less than four months ago after being
some cases identical to) those used by interpretations of the Garnet Codex discovered in the attic of an artist who
the Maya. Even in the broadest sense, has only led its detractors to further accompanied Lord Garnet on many
the codex’s meaning remains uncertain dismiss it. After all, they say, it can’t expeditions. That sale is suspected to be
as the few scholars who take the Garnet be all these things, so why should they from the estate of the very person who
Codex seriously cannot manage agree believe it’s actually any of them and not took the rubbings in the first place.
on the order in which the carvings are just a complete and clever multi-level The remaining seven volumes have
meant to be read. forgery. dropped from public knowledge. Some
If each column is read top to bot- are rumored to have been destroyed
tom, the carvings seem to be passing The Codex in Print in fires, or lost with ships sunk during
along information similar to that given Whether or not the Garnet Codex gets WWII. But others simply seem to have
by the other codices—astrological the academic respect it deserves, it at disappeared without a trace.
calendars, religious rituals, and the least has been recognized as a piece of
history of a few select rulers. (This art worthy of commemoration. Over The Garnet Codex in Play
interpretation has come to be known the past 75 years, there have been no There are as many ways to use the
as the Garnet Translation.) However, a fewer than 10 different books contain- Garnet Codex in your campaign as
clerical error led to the archival photos ing photographs or reproductions of there are possible translations for the
of the codex being sorted incorrectly. the cave carvings. These can be found mysterious hieroglyphs. It can reveal
And when this misarranged grouping in libraries, galleries, and private collec- important background information,
was sent to the University of Chicago tions around the world. be a source of mystic knowledge, or
for additional study, a new translation However, each of these books is simply point the way to a climactic
was discovered. imperfect in one way or another. Some encounter.
When the carvings are read right to were printed with several of the pho-
left across the rows (what is now called tographs flipped, so that they contain The Truth Is in There: The tale told by
the Brody Translation), the Garnet mirror images of the carvings rather the codex can represent the secret his-
Codex appears to be a detailed history than accurate reproductions. Others tory of the ancients, describing truths
of the culture, including a visitation have the order of the carvings incor- that governments have striven to cover
by the Gods, and a single all-powerful rect, making it impossible to read the up for centuries. It could detail early
man who ruled for more than 400 carvings in the proper order regardless man’s interactions with space aliens,

58 Kobold Quarterly 7
or dimensional travelers, or even the Losing Your Grip: The Garnet Codex appropriate to the setting. Perhaps this
gods themselves. It could describe the could also represent information that is a relic of an ancient goblin, kobold,
enclave of a long lost race or give direc- mortal man was never meant to know. or orc culture. Perhaps it explains the
tions to a legendary city of gold. It might contain the details of an im- origins of a newly discovered race of
Alternatively, the Garnet Codex could pending Armageddon, or be filled with dragon men or guards the gate to the
be the hoax that the experts have said prognostications so accurate that they City of the Dead.
it is all along, but the reality of who put Nostradamus to shame. It could Of course, the codex might not be
is perpetuating the hoax and what even describe the unsettling secrets of named after a British nobleman, but
their motives are could have profound how the universe really works—unveil- given that “garnet” is a semi-precious
implications on the campaign. ing dark gods, creatures from beyond stone, it still could be a family name of
time, or realities beyond imagination. some distinction. Indeed, rather than
Ancient Secrets: The carvings may This is particularly effective if you being named after the discoverer, the
instead hold the secrets to unlock long are using the Sanity rules as found in Garnet Codex could have gotten its
lost powers or supernatural abilities. At the OGL rules or other games and name because the images are found
the very least, it could be a spellbook campaign settings. carved into a wall of solid garnet.
filled with rituals and spells long for-
gotten by modern occultists. Perhaps, Fantasty Settings: Although the The Air of Mystery: The best thing
it provides instructions for travel to Garnet Codex is described in thor- about the Garnet Codex, or any other
other worlds or dimensions and de- oughly modern terms, with just a little inexplicable relic from the past, is
scribes the dangers one will find there. modification it can also fit right in to that it can be imbued with whatever
In a less fantastic campaign, the a medieval fantasy setting, too. After meaning best suits the needs of your
codex might contain ancient recipes for all, what better place to find such a campaign and characters. It is the over-
miracle drugs or chemical compounds mysterious message than carved into whelming sense of awe and mystery
that have immeasurable value to the wall of an ancient dungeon or in that makes it alluring and the promise
modern industry. Or maybe they reveal the depths of a treasure room guarded of it leading to riches and fame that
the alchemical secret for turning base by a dragon? will grab your players’ attention and
metals into gold. The first change required is to link propel your plots forward.
the codex to a culture or race more <

Kobold Quarterly 7 59
The Plague Paradigm:
How Epidemic Disease Shapes a Campaign

by Derek Kagemann
Art by Jennifer Lynn Kagemann

he world’s most popular role- bat an eye at the emergence of another. from the initial outbreak. Panic sets in
playing game is inherently The local government is willing to immediately as powerful nobles suc-
medieval in its sensibilities, let the outbreak run its course so long cumb to what was once thought to be
and disease is a constant threat. When as it doesn’t spread beyond the borders a disease of peasants and beggars. Rich
soldiers march to war, more of them of the afflicted area. As far as they are merchants and aristocrats flee from the
will die from sickness than combat. secretly concerned, the disease is doing city, occasionally escaping the plague
Villagers don’t drink purified water or the city a service by winnowing out an but more often delivering it with them
use flush toilets. When chamberpots overpopulated criminal area (and kill- to a new locale.
are emptied, out the window they go. ing off those despicable, disease-ridden
Not only are there an abundance of half-orcs). A coordinated response The Role of the Temple
disease-carrying vermin in a fantasy would require the channeling of valu- So why don’t the clerics just step in and
campaign, but heroes and peasants able resources away from other areas of heal everyone? For starters, let’s keep
alike must also contend with the statecraft. Let’s keep in mind that there in mind that the church has its own
pestilences inflicted by dire rats, mum- are wars to fund, roads to build, fleets politics and objectives. The interests
mies, demons, and sorcerers. Indeed, to manage, and peasants to feed. of the dominant faith more often than
all of our own world’s ancient fears The disease spreads at an exponential not coincide with those of the state,
and misapprehensions of disease are rate, but the majority of the popula- but the primary function of any temple
embodied as real and present threats in tion remains blissfully unaware of the is to serve and enforce the interests of
a gritty campaign, and a few curative burgeoning epidemic. Cities are by no a specific deity. These objectives can
magics are not quite in the same league means a unified entity. They are com- and will diverge from the cause of the
as modern medicine. partmentalized into relatively isolated common good, and a cleric who fails to
For an authentic campaign, disease neighborhoods, each supported by a act in accordance with the tenets of his
must be given its proper place on the full range of shops and services. These faith will ultimately be stripped of his
grand stage. Pandemic outbreaks span social islands are further insulated by standing and spell-casting abilities.
continents and have the capacity to the dictates of race, social class, and Additionally, clerics powerful enough
annihilate entire populations. In the economics. to cure disease typically form the
process, cultural norms are reinvented, Most city-dwellers live without ever administrative structure of the church.
economic conditions redefined, and straying more than a few hundred feet Like state authorities, they have duties
communities displaced. Society is from their home. Without newspapers and responsibilities that often preclude
turned on its head. or posted bills of mortality to accurate- them from direct ministrations. The
And here’s how it happens… ly report events on a city-wide scale, prices charged for high-level clerical
residents remain ignorant of most services offset the great inconvenience
Epidemic Outbreak happenings outside of their immedi- of an upper echelon official stepping
A virulent disease emerges in a notori- ate area. Rumors and hearsay trickle away from pressing duties.
ously poor and violent dockside neigh- through the city, but those frightening During a crisis, business must go on
borhood of a major metropolitan city. exaggerations of impending doom are as normal or the temple structure will
Most area residents dismiss the disease commonplace and easily dismissed. begin to deteriorate. The prevalence of
as yet another malady peculiar to the The contagion spreads rapidly to ad- one illness will not preclude the per-
half-orc population—an impoverished joining quarters of the city. Eventually, sistent occurrences of endemic mala-
group occupying the lowest social the extraordinary number of fatali- dies and recurrent clientele, who will
strata. After all, diseases like cholera, ties becomes noticeable even to the continue to demand temple resources.
dysentery, and smallpox are common common folk. Worse still, the disease The patrician of the church must un-
enough, so the general populace doesn’t emerges in areas of the city far removed derstand these factors and mete out the

60 Kobold Quarterly 7
church’s resources accordingly. The local lord will ready his army,
More to the point, temples are not and carefully assess the available food
pay and pray entities. They are built supplies. Riders secure villages not yet
with very specific priorities in mind. contaminated by plague. Their reports
These tenets do not necessarily include suggest mass hysteria, food hoarding,
an automatic “save the world” princi- and witch hunts as villagers search for
ple. What does the God of Magic care scapegoats to blame. Plague-carrying
of plagues? While a proven believer undead walk openly in the worst-
might be given consideration during a affected areas, and destroying them
time of need, a temple would extend will require the diversion of even more
little courtesy to an adherent of a com- clerical resources, for fear of the un-
peting sect. Resources must be rationed dead overrunning the living. Certainly
for the survival of the church. far too many bodies lie in the fields
Though competition for adherents without proper burial already.
exists among the different faiths, espe- In response to the panic and slow
cially in a world where the power of a collapse, the pious priests of the Sun
deity waxes and wanes according to the God offer their services freely to the
size of its following, not every person afflicted. Within hours, the temple is able cures can be concocted.
is a pious one. There will always be flooded with the sick, driving away all The plague expands. People lose
those who fail to respond to the call for other visitors. Church revenue plum- faith in the benevolence of the gods,
healing, and among them, plague will mets while the remaining funds are and cults celebrating death and plague
continue to fester. Even in the face of rapidly depleted paying panic prices for emerge overnight, some backed by for-
an organized temple response, epidem- healing herbs, clean linens, and burial midable powers. Followers of the God
ic diseases will infect new hosts faster shrouds. The clerics labor relentlessly of the Dead walk the streets, preaching
than existing hosts can be cured. to heal the masses but there are simply the divine purity of death, and agents
Also, magical cures by no means too many. of the Goddess of Night and Magic
impart immunity against disease. Exhausted, their scroll and potion report the city’s growing weakness back
Natural recovery strengthens the body’s reservoirs tapped, the initial momen- to their dark mistress.
immune system and imparts a strong tum of their work subsides. Worse,
resistance against future infection. clerics begin to fall ill, and the temple Signs of the End
Those cured by way of clerical inter- itself becomes a hotbed of infection. The pandemic spreads well beyond the
vention have no such defense against Wild rumors begin to spread. There is borders of any single kingdom, afflict-
the microbial hotbed festering outside talk that the church will soon charge ing countless towns and cities. Rulers
the temple doors. outrageous prices for its services, that implement increasingly draconian mea-
only a select few will continue to be sures to contain the spread of disease
Pandemic Escalation healed—even that the temple is re- as starvation and lawlessness tear the
While city authorities deliberate, the sponsible for the sickness. realm apart.
disease emerges within the surrounding The enemies of the Sun God are For example, families suspected
rural thorps and hamlets where there is more than happy to exacerbate matters. of harboring plague are boarded
insufficient clerical presence to imple- They sow discord and embellish idle up within their homes. Corpses are
ment a cure. Seeking relief, wagonloads gossip into powerful accusations. The burned or interred in mass graves, piled
of plague victims stream toward the next day, a mob arrives and burns the high with lime. Fuming braziers are
central city, many dying before they temple to the ground. Clerics of the left to burn in the streets in the hopes
ever reach help. Unwilling to allow the God of the Sun ministering to the sick that the stench of coal and brimstone
disease-ridden refugees entry into the on the streets are openly assaulted. will cleanse the air of the offending
city, the guard turn them away at the Fearing the mob, the other temples miasma. Dogs and other animals sus-
gate. shut their doors and prepare for the pected of carrying the plague are killed
The local rulers begin to sweat. No worst. en masse, and adventuring groups are
longer confined to the city’s unde- Other workers of divine magic are paid exorbitant fees to eliminate larger
sirables, the ravages of sickness are sequestered as auguries are cast to di- disease-bearing menaces.
undermining the area’s labor force and vine the cause of the disease or its cure. Trade dwindles. Import drops sharply
food supply. Inflated bread prices will Clerical resources are stretched to their as trade partners prove unwilling to
quickly lead to riots. The city could breaking point, and mundane healers risk exposure, and trade vessels sus-
very well shut down if the plague is not find their arts are woefully inadequate. pected of harboring plague are turned
contained. Many patients die long before any suit- away at every port. In most cases, such

Kobold Quarterly 7 61
embargoes are enacted too late and the rate. Ultimately, the invading armies fatalism. This sensibility is reflected in
disease finds a fresh foothold in new are forced to withdraw back to their the culture and its expressions of art.
and distant cities. homelands—bringing along their sick Ornate chandeliers and other decora-
Tribes of demihumans and monsters and wounded. tions are crafted from human bones.
infringe on human settlements as the Then, just as suddenly as it emerged, These discomforting sights mirror the
outer reaches of civilization deterio- the pandemic dies away. A few areas unease of the survivors who appropri-
rate. Though many are immune to the remain relatively unscathed, while ate the homes and belongings of the
disease, a few are natural reservoirs other regions are barren of life—the recently dead.
for future outbreaks, able to carry and disease burned through every available Opportunities abound in the pan-
transmit the disease without suffering host. Powerful families and societal demic’s wake. The kingdom is rife
any ill effects. The military is spread far elites have been scattered to the winds, with instability as power structures
too thin to combat incursions by such making room for new factions. Wealth fall back into place. Areas that were
opportunistic creatures. Decimated by sees a grand redistribution. Demand once civilized and largely explored are
disease, the remnants of the army are for workers skyrockets in the cities, now abandoned with new, unknown
occupied containing riots, enforcing drawing in poor peasants from the obstacles. Evil entities and organiza-
order, and holding vital positions and surrounding countryside and shap- tions that have had an opportunity to
supply lines. ing them into the next generation of grow and run rampant must again be
A power vacuum emerges, and the skilled artisans. reined in. The ruling government has
weakened kingdom is ripe for invasion With their faith in the old ways chal- learned its lesson—at least for the time
by forces previously too weak to con- lenged, the people look for new hopes being—and is eager to restore the king-
test the area. Though the conquering and ideas to guide them. Temples that dom’s borders and tamp any lingering
armies face little resistance, they pro- weathered the crisis by walking that bastions of disease.
vide a veritable smorgasbord of fresh fine line of compassion and restraint Though the campaign map may
hosts for the disease. The occupying begin to emerge as the dominant look familiar, the landscape is forever
forces loot and pillage, seizing infected religions. At the same time, there is changed.
slaves and tainted goods. Casualties an emergence of morbidity, a sense of Adventurers wanted. <
to the disease mount at a staggering familiarity with death that verges on

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62 Kobold Quarterly 7
Ships of Fantasy

Guide to
Dwarven Airships
by Ben McFarland
Art by Darren Calvert
Maps by Sean Macdonald

orn by chance in the laboratory patriarchs saw the invention’s utility
of a dwarven alchemist, the to simplify reconnaissance in the steep
liftgas airships became an icon hills and mountainous terrain of their and absolute control over the winds
of the race’s ingenuity and innovation. holdings and to save time carrying and weather.
First discovered by Klaudus Erdogant loads up and down the steepest passes. An airship-mage’s spell lists often
as he tested alchemical creations, the They demanded additional research. At include:
airship would prove to be both his the Archpatriarch’s request, Erdogant’s 1st Level: color spray, feather fall, grease,
greatest achievement and his ulti- widow sold his notes to Onderval magic missile, sleep
mate downfall. While working with Templeforge, a renowned dwarven 2nd Level: gust of wind, pyrotechnics,
a waxy, greasy-grey mineral, he found engineer, who reworked the airship scare, touch of idiocy
that boiling water slowly dissolved it designs, integrating steam-powered 3rd Level: deep slumber, greater feather
into a lye-like paste and released large propellers. Templeforge collaborated fall, haste, stinking cloud, windwall
amounts of a gas that was both flam- with master alchemists, developing 4th Level: black tentacles, mass reduce
mable and lighter than air. special treatments that made the person, shout, solid fog
Despite its apparent potential as a airships’ bladders fire resistant and 5th Level: cloudkill, cone of cold, fabri-
weapon, the gas proved difficult to frames strong, sleek, and lightweight. cate, symbol of pain, wall of force
transport and weaponize effectively. The industry flourished; the dwarves 6th+ Level: control weather, symbol of
With a little experimentation, however, had found an appealing and elegant fear, mass hold person, reverse gravity
Klaudus discovered that, by filling method for patrolling their lands and
treated silk balloons, he could lift ma- transporting goods to distant markets Greater Feather Fall
terials into the sky without the use of while avoiding brigands. Transmutation
arcane energies and leave them aloft for After hundreds of tests, a few more Level Bard 3, Sor/Wiz 3
hours or days. accidents, and careful redesigning, Components V
Klaudus’ first airships were simple the rather distinctive liftgas merchant Casting Time 1 immediate action
floating laboratory toys, but he soon marine air corps (or LMMAC) took to Range Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. level)
built larger, single-dwarf vehicles. A set the skies. Target one living creature or object/
of black-painted single- and two-dwarf level, no two more than 50 ft. apart.
balloons were later used in the Siege Airship Crews Duration special, see text
of Latorne to lift an entire dwarven Saving Throw Will, harmless.
irship captains are fighters, marshals,
engineering company onto the city Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
experts, and occasionally bards. The
gate, resulting in the lowering of the Specially designed to save airship crews
qualities needed to command a crew
drawbridge and the infiltration of the and cargo in emergencies, this spell
through a thunderstorm more than
hard-bitten Ironcrag Exiles mercenary allows creatures and objects to fall
1000 feet off the ground while keep-
company into the streets of Latorne. normally until they are within 300 feet
ing on course and then negotiate a
The newfound possibility of a stealthy of the ground, at which point the spell
profitable sale at the port of call are
form of transport led to further begins to act in all respects as feather
uncommon and demand both a force-
experiments. fall—each target gently floating 60 feet
ful personality and a variety of talents.
Unfortunately, Klaudus was a better per round per level.
An airship-mage, or aeromancer, is a
alchemist than an airship engineer or
master of utility spells with a special-
pilot, and he died in a burning crash rewmembers are a strange mix of
ized repertoire of combat magic. Shun-
while demonstrating a new prototype commoners, experts, fighters, and
ning electrical and fire-based spells,
to his clan patriarchs and potential rogues, along with the odd bard or
they prefer force-based evocations,
sponsors. Despite the tragedy, the traveling priest. Lightly armored, wear-
enchantments, necromantic effects,
Kobold Quarterly 7 63
Table 1: Airship Maneuvers
Damn the Ballistae
Prerequisite Skill Focus (Profession
Maneuver Weather DC Retry? Failed Result (airship pilot))
Landing or Benefit You can use your airship
— 10 Sometimes Possible damage
Unusual as a weapon, ramming a stationary
Landing or High +3 per category If failed by 4d10 hp dam- object without a Profession (airship
Unusual Winds above moderate four or less age* per category pilot) check and attempting to ram
an enemy airship with an opposed
Landing If failed by 6d10 hp damage
Storm +10 Profession (airship pilot) check. You
or Unusual four or less to hull
must be traveling twice as fast as
Careful +1 per 10 ft. less
— No Possible damage your target, or both airships must be
Navigation than 2x ship width
traveling towards one another. If you
+1 per 10% If failed by
Damaged — Possible damage win, your airship collides with the
damage four or less
opponent’s craft. Such a crash dam-
ages both crafts (or craft and object)
ing goggles and climbing harnesses, row canyons. When the space being
at 1d10 points of damage per 5 mph
they favor repeating crossbows—less traversed is less than twice the width of
of movement: for example, an airship
reloading reduces accidents when repel- the airship, the pilot makes a check for
traveling 60 mph would cause 12d10
ling pirates or hungry creatures. careful navigation.
damage to both itself and its target.
Crews form tight-knit social groups, Profession (airship pilot) checks
Normal Ramming a stationary object
creating a very loyal extended surro- failed by four or less may be retried;
is considered unusual movement, and
gate family. Some rarely visit “dirtside” the DC for each retry is increased by 3.
ramming a moving, piloted, functional
at all, spending literally years aloft A second failure indicates half move-
airship is not possible.
or alighting only on mountain peaks ment rate and no possible turning. A
in the Ironcrags and other dwarven check failed by five or more requires a
Lucky and Good
holdings. Conservative dwarves dislike second check at the same DC. Subtract
Prerequisite Instinctive Pilot
these self-imposed exiles, calling them this second result from the DC and
Benefit When you fail a Profession
“stoneless.” multiply it by 10 to indicate the total
(airship pilot) check, you may imme-
hit point damage inflicted as the vessel
diately retry. You may use this benefit
Skills of the Air crashes. A negative result indicates
only once per check and must take the
Many nautical skills are important on the pilot aborted the maneuver before
second result, regardless of its success
an airship, such as Balance, Climb, and damaging the airship. The pilot must
or failure.
Use Rope. Profession (airship pilot) is move the vessel for 5 rounds before
unique to airships. trying again. Aeronautical Gear
Airship pilots use the Profession For instance, Ludor attempts to land
Airship crews are an inventive lot by
(airship pilot) skill to handle difficult Die Fledermaus, a Colossal airship, in a
necessity, and have their own preferred
situations. This skill covers landing thunderstorm with moderate winds; he
ways of fighting the cold of altitude
in difficult weather, navigating tight must make a DC 20 Profession (airship
and the risks of speedy flight far above
spaces, and controlling a damaged pilot) check. He gets a 14, failing. He
Mother Earth.
dirigible. Five ranks of the Knowledge makes a second check to determine any
(nature) or Survival skill provides a +2 damage. This roll is a 7, causing 130
Templeforge’s Codex of Aeromantic
synergy bonus to Profession (airship points of damage and increasing DCs
Ingenuity: Considered the seminal
pilot) checks. by +1 until repaired.
work on airship design, an engineer or
*If maximum damage on a die is pilot referencing this tome for 10 min-
rolled, subtract 1 and roll again, add- Feats
utes in a non-combat situation, while
ing to the result. This damage is in Just as the gear of airship crews is
piloting, repairing or constructing an
addition to any from a failed check relatively rare dirtside, so are the feats
airship receives a +3 competence bonus
and is inflicted to the central portion of the better pilots.
to the next piloting or repair check;
surrounding the gas bladders. Unusual Cost: 1,500 gp.
movement includes docking with a Instinctive Pilot
tower or another airship while aloft, Prerequisite Skill Focus (Profession
Folding Ballista: These clever con-
dragging ropes close to rooftops, or (airship pilot))
traptions fold up into a bundle about
hovering over a position in strong Benefit You gain a +3 competence
15 inches around and six feet long.
winds. Careful navigation refers to bonus to Profession (airship pilot)
Unfolded and locked into place in two
flying between towers or down nar- checks.
64 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 65
used as a melee weapon, it bursts and +2 bonus to climbing checks involving
Using Airships
is consumed on the first hit, doing 1d6 an unknotted rope. Cost: 25gp.
in your Campaign
Airships stretch your campaign plus 1d6 acid to the target and 1d6
to strange locales and interesting acid to the wielder. Cost: 150 gp. The Templeforge
settings without having to introduce
magical organizations. Created by
craftsmen, maintained by engineers,
Feathervest: This is a fine vest of heavy The Dragon-class ships are the largest
and piloted by specialists, they’re silk bearing the emblem of a trading dwarven airships currently known; the
not magical, allowing any culture to company or noble on the back, such as Templeforge Cloud-dragon is an exem-
support them.
Airships add another possibility for
crossed hammers or a dragon. It feels plar of the type.
pirates, travel, new arrivals, and rare light and soft to the touch, as if it were All airships are large but relatively
products. Their high speeds mean made of downy feathers. If dropped, it delicate. For simplicity’s sake, their
less time traveling, and their three-
floats gently to the floor. Crews often weight is given as two numbers, one
dimensional movement makes the
whole world their port-of-call. have someone wearing one of these for the actual mass before any minimal
If airships are rare, then travel items. liftgas is pumped into the air bladders
onboard becomes a novelty, adding While worn, the vest is activated by
to a story’s distinctiveness. If they’re (which dwarven airship pilots some-
commonplace, players might plan a mental command and once per day, times call the cartage weight), the other
for them by designing characters to the wearer may cast greater feather fall. the effective tonnage when trying to
utilize them and seeking them out; Its power is considered cast by the
this can drive stories and add to the move the airship by magic or physical
overall sense of adventure. wearer. Activating the power is an im- means through the air. Its buoyancy
The airships might be a nascent mediate action that does not provoke drops below zero, of course to allow it
empire’s weapon of conquest attacks of opportunity.
or the innovation that drives a
to soar into the sky.
trading company to domination and
Moderate Transmutation; CL 5th;
colonization. Regardless, the addition Craft Wondrous Item, greater feather- Tonnage 20 (75 without liftgas)
of airships provides an exotic accent fall; Cost 5,400gp. Size 175 ft. wide (50 ft. of wings on
that keeps your players hungering
for more. either side, 75 ft. of compartments),
Stormsheen Goggles: These heavy 60 ft. tall (10 ft. for top section, 35 ft.
mirrored goggles help the wearer for central bladder, 15 ft. for bottom
rounds, their excellent gearwork elimi- maintain his vision despite blearing
nates the penalty for Medium creatures deck), 165 ft. long
rain and flashing lightning. Rain does Maneuverability clumsy (one 45 °
when aiming and reduces a Small not impair his vision, and he receives
creature’s penalty to –2. Their range turn per double move), and can hover
a +2 bonus versus any gaze attack or Engine Hit Points 50; Hardness 10
is unchanged from a standard ballista, attempt to blind him. Cost 150 gp.
but they reload in a single full-round Maximum Acceleration 20 mph, 200
action; Cost: 800 gp. ft./round
Rimebane Jacket: This heavy, hooded Top Speed 60 mph, 500 ft./round
leather coat is fur lined and well pad- 24-Hour Travel Distance 1,440 miles
Dragon’s Breath Shot: A spear with ded, providing its wearer with Resist
a hardened ceramic head, this bal- Maximum Altitude 12,000 ft.
Cold/5, +3 bonus to any Fortitude save
lista ammunition explodes with an against cold weather effects, and an
alchemist’s fire charge upon impact— Each 5 ft. square section of the outer
Armor bonus of +3. It has a maximum shell and compartments has the Hull
inflicting a ballista’s usual 3d8 damage Dex bonus of +3, with an armor check
plus an additional 2d6 fire. Crea- Point values (the hp total is for the
penalty of –2, and a spell failure of whole ship). While destroying the crew
tures within five feet of the target are 15%. Cost 250 gp.
splashed for 1d4 fire damage. If used compartments is possible, destroying
as a melee weapon, it bursts and is one such section in the central portion
Safety Harness: Thick leather web- encasing the gas bladders is enough to
consumed on the first hit, doing 1d6 bing that straps over the shoulders,
plus 2d6 fire to the target and 2d6 fire make the entire shell collapse.
around the torso, and between the legs,
to the wielder. Cost: 150 gp. this harness has a special locking clip Hull Type alchemically treated wood
that prevents sudden falls. It can also hp 2,250; Hull Points 225;
Demon’s Blood Shot: Another spear be held open with a Use Rope check
with a hardened ceramic head, this bal- Hardness 7; Resist fire/5
(DC 15), or Strength Check (DC 20) AC 8; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will – (object)
lista ammunition bursts with a highly to allow the wearer to mimic a monk’s
corrosive acid upon impact—inflicting Cargo Space 7 tons; Crew 50;
slow fall ability. An check must be Officers 6
a ballista’s usual 3d8 damage plus and made every 50 feet; failure indicates
additional 1d6 acid for 2 rounds. Crea- Hull Craft DC 20; Engine Craft DC
that the wearer has lost control and 25; Total Cost 285,000 gp
tures within five feet of the target are falls normally. The harness provides a
splashed for 1 point of acid damage. If Any dwarven airship can be roughly

66 Kobold Quarterly 7
divided into a top, middle, and bottom alongside their engines, and they can the portion that allows it to fly.
section, each of which serves a par- tell the strain placed on them by the
ticular role in buoyancy, propulsion, sound and smell of their steam. Most Service Passages These short, 4-foot
and landing. The crew quarters and engine rooms contain enough minerals round tunnels squeeze between the gas
defenses are in the port and starboard for 32 hours of constant flight. bladders, permitting crewmembers to
compartments. Rich captains use magic or a reservoir quickly move between the port and
of liftgas to heat the water; others use starboard compartments. They are
Bottom Section more dangerous and heavier oil- or only used in emergencies. Normally,
A dirigible is often specialized for the coal-fueled boilers; and the poorest crew and passengers use the ladders
region it frequents, with a boat keel for resort to wood stoves. If damaged for to ascend to the bridge and drop back
river landings, skis for ice or sand, and 15 hit points and left unattended for down.
perhaps large runners, or wheels for 20 rounds, or reduced to 0 hp, a boiler
open ground. Even enchanted clawed explodes for 10d10 fire damage in a Gas Bladder These large, specially
feet are possible, to grip battlements or 20-foot radius. A Disable Device check treated, flame-resistant bladders are
enormous tree perches. (DC 20 + damage inflicted) prevents fashioned of canvas, hide, or silk (Re-
this malfunction. sist fire/5, Hardness 3, 15 hp), and a
Cargo Bay This room is full of crates, typical airship has seven such bladders,
barrels, and bales, all secured with net- Observation Room Spotters in this each isolated from the rest.
ting. There are pulleys, ropes, and small room watch in front of and below the To launch an airship, a complex
cranes for manipulating cargo. Enough airship. A long speaking tube permits series of pipes from the engine room
minerals for 64 hours of constant flight communication with the bridge. fills each bladder in turn with the gas
are stored here, approximately one ton. that allows the airship to fly; launch-
Central Section ing from a dead stop takes at least 10
Engine Room Six small boilers pro- Encased in the specially treated and rounds and up to twice that time if the
duce the steaming water and the liftgas lacquered wood of the outer shell, this boilers are cold. Special vents release
mineral used to create the airship’s section is the bulk of the airship and the gas to permit the airship to return
lift. The airship engineers usually live to earth, descending as fast as 200 ft.

Next Issue
Kobold Quarterly brings
Legends of the Golem
Jewish mysticism and legends help
us (ahem) flesh out the golem. We
have high hopes for this one.

Medieval Medicine
What if cure light wounds and
healing surges were not the typical
another-round? Some intriguing insights
into magical healing and the weird things
that used to pass for medicine.

Plus, an ecology article, possibly some

warlock alternate class features, and a little
clockwork magic, stolen from the Tales of
Zobeck project. Maybe. If you ask nicely.

Not to mention an interview with R. A.

Salvatore, gamer and author, and his son.

Kobold Quarterly 7 67
Starboard Section the engine room and the observation
Liftgas Mineral room. a third crewman communicates
This and the port section could easily
Mined in relatively few clan warrens, to all other connected compartments.
trade positions; the occupied side is
the liftgas mineral is rare, a crumbly The navigator controls the rudders
simply a matter of taste and supersti-
grey stone that is easy to work but and propeller speeds from his wheels in
tion for the Captain.
tough to find. It costs about 650 the forward compartment. The Cap-
gp per ton. This mineral varies in tain has a chair here to observe, but
Additional Cabins Thee small cabins
quality: about 1 in 10 deposits are many prefer to pace the deck.
hold two to three passengers or officers
high-grade liftgas ore known to be
in very close, but private, quarters.
150% effective, while a poor vein Crow’s Nest This strange contraption
(about a third of all deposits) might is a cage-enclosed ladder on a spin-
Workshop New and repaired parts are
provide half the lift. ning joint. It can turn 180 degrees,
fabricated here while underway. Mas-
An Appraise check (DC 15) allowing the crewman in the observa-
terwork tools are usually available.
properly identifies the quality of a tion platform at its end to have a view
lot. unhindered by the bulk of the airship’s
Kitchen This small galley facility is
frame. The lookout stationed here
per round. very often just as hot as the engine
has a speaking tube connecting to the
If damaged by fire, each gas bladder room and much more cramped.
bridge, but must shout to be heard.
explodes in a 20-foot radius for 10d6 The 60 mph winds in the crow’s nest
damage. Every bladder lost after the Artillery Emplacement As on port
mean that protective gear is required;
second increases the ship’s effective ton- side.
even dwarves find the temperature and
nage by 11. A liftgas airship weighing wind painful after a few hours. Char-
more than 45 tons cannot fly until its Top Section
acters in the crow’s nest must make a
bladders are repaired. Housing the bridge and crow’s nest, the Fortitude check every 10 minutes, (DC
top section allows for fantastic views 15, +1 per previous check) or suffer
Port Section of the skies and distant terrain. Some 1d6 nonlethal cold damage. Those
Both port and starboard sides are con- larger airships have landing platforms wearing winter gear or a Rimebane
nected to the bottom and top sections for creatures or single-person craft atop Jacket make the check once an hour.
by cage-enclosed ladders that end at the gas bladders. Others commonly
hatches. A braided cable allows climb- use this deck for docking with other Story Seeds
ers to attach their climbing harness for airships in midair.
The Silk Wind Some speak of a
safety. The bridge makes a prime target for
high-altitude current that whisks an
boarders and pirates seeking easy access
airship to distant cities where dwarven
Crew Quarters This is a simple hall to the Captain and the ship’s rudder
craftsmanship is easily traded for fine
with triple-stacked hammocks. and controls. The ballistae in the for-
bolts of luxurious silken cloth. The
ward and rear compartments are folded
captain that charted such a current
Captain’s Quarters A tube here per- and stored unless trouble is expected.
could quickly make a fortune, swiftly
mits communication to the bridge. outpacing his competitors. He might
Bridge The captain works at the nerve
also find himself hosting a number of
Airship Mage Quarters The only center of the ship, issuing orders for
unwelcome boarding parties, as rivals
other private quarters in this section. movement and communicating with
seek to steal his newfound route. Will
Most captains won’t enter uninvited. vital compartments using a command
the party defend the captain or try to
station of labeled tubes. Two dedicated
acquire the information?
Artillery Emplacement These rooms crewman have the task of relaying
The Cloudrace Each year the clans
contain lockers for ballistae and board- orders through the tubes connected to
gather for the Cloudrace, a great race
ing weapons. In peaceful lands, most to determine the best airship pilot and
of the ballistae are folded up and stored the best airship design. Prizes are rich,
More Airships!
for easy deployment. competition is fierce, and only the
There wasn’t room for all these mas-
greatest or the most underhanded win.
Ballast Storage Stone cylinders line sive behemoths in this issue, so we
Guile is valued as much as innova-
the inner corner of the central cor- took a few of the smaller airships
tion. Can the party keep their vessel
ridors of both the Port and Starboard (the Damselfly and Drake shown on
safe while learning what skullduggery
sections. In case of emergency, they are the maps) and placed them on the
is afoot and maybe pick up a few new
a proper size and shape to be dumped Web site.
tricks along the way?
Come take a look, and expand
out a porthole and could act as impro-
your fleet!
vised artillery.
68 Kobold Quarterly 7
Kobold Quarterly 7 69
The Free City

The Courtesans of Zobeck

By Wolfgang Baur

hough it might seem to some
visitors that commerce and
clockwork are the principle The secret of the courtesans is twofold:
pasttimes of the people of Zobeck, the merchant families and the sons of
their hearts are rather more passion- the Praetors and Consuls must be kept
ate than one might suppose. Murder, occupied, and in the cold calculus of a
cults, and even lust occupy them just as merchant’s heart, it is better for them
much as their letters of credit and bills to spend their time fighting over a dispute, does not leave the woman on
of lading. Indeed, trade and lust are few worthy companions than bedding the sidelines, as is sometimes the case.
often intertwined, as traffic in flesh and every tavern slut. Young men need Instead. she has the right to turn a
marriage into wealth are common. prizes to win, and need to be guided challenger away.
For every wealthy, ambitious mer- by their elders in what constitutes a A courtesan may ask her prince to
chant prince, there may be a beauti- worthy mistress. decline a duel if she is truly content (or
ful young gutter princess, seeking to So the young blades of the city are finds the challenger unworthy), or she
ensnare him with her wiles. The search encouraged to find a mistress and keep may ask him to accept duel after duel
for pleasure drives the engines of her, as a sign of status and their own if her lover has neglected her. The man
Zobeck in rather a different direction virility. The most popular courtesans placed in such straights must either
than the temple or the counting house. may have invitations to all the great defend his name constantly. Sooner
houses, and may receive callers from or later, his luck runs out or he seeks
The Red Houses bitter mercantile rivals. Women able to another.
The courtesans of Zobeck are not keep their suitors interested are capable As a result, the men of Zobeck are
the whores of Harkesh or the crude of much, in intrigue, in politicking, quite devoted to their mistresses.
slatterns of Morgau. Yes, some do and in the act of love. Such women
sell themselves on the street in Lower are worth winning, especially when Courtesans and Consuls
Zobeck, but the courtesans are intrigu- doing so requires more than money. It The work is lucrative. Indeed, one
ers who must be won fairly, with gifts, requires courage. courtesan of Arbonesse found it worth
wits, and sometimes, with blood. her while to take up a courtesan’s fan
The courtesans generally work from
Proper Dueling and silks for more than a century, serv-
one of the Red Houses, places along A few new courtesans arrive in ing three generations of House Slygass,
the Street of Joy near the Temple of Zobeck’s heavens each year, announc- and amassing enough welath of her
Lada and the Vineyard District. There ing themselves at the Winter Festival own, it is said, to buy herself a com-
they ply their trade largely by invita- or the Green God’s Fest in the spring. pany of Rothenian hussars and a castle
tion; they open their homes for feasts Each year, just as many seem to retire to lodge them in.
of intrigue where the finest music play, or even marry into wealth, meaning The consuls of the city are expected
sung by castrati singers from Remu- that the supply of available, educated, to keep a courtesan, and only the
lus and played by musicians from the stunningly beautiful courtesans is kobold consuls flout this tradition
Porte of Elements. The largest of these always smaller than the demand from (kobold mating customs are a source
houses are the Red Faun and the Lusty rich, ambitious, and sometimes hot- of great disinterest to the rest of the
Mermaid, though many smaller ones headed young men. city, who Do Not Wish to Know). The
offer much finer pleasures, at a much So, the men ply their suits with gifts consuls choices are debated on their
higher price. of clockwork birds, with scented oils merits, and a poor choice or a failure
The rumors in the street always speak and elaborate silks from Sikkim or to value a courtesan highly can reduce
of courtesan’s parties as events of deep enchanted, numinous pearls from the a consul’s standing among his peers.
debauchery and gluttony and wild Inner Sea. And if that does not yield Female consuls are, perhaps strangely,
excess, and that may be true of some. the result they wish, they challenge the expected to acquire a consort or a cour-
But a courtesan has no reason to take honor of another. tesan as well, though some of these are
a drunkard or a dull man into her bed. And yet proper dueling in Zobeck, advisors first, lovers second.
So generally, she doesn’t. where a courtesan is the subject of <
70 Kobold Quarterly 7
Wrath of the
of the
The Lords and Ladies of the Feywild are
an ancient society built on cruel trickery
and pure magic, and now they enroach

upon the peaceful hamlet of Riverbend.


Wrath of the River-King

is a 4th Edition adventure for
4-6th level PCs.
No butterfly wings here...
only hostile eladrin knights,
bugbear hunters, and a pack of
shameless, ruthless, mocking,
spiteful, murderous fey.



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