Introduction To Sunnah and Hadith

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses different ways of categorizing hadith including by reference to authority, isnad links, and authenticity of reporters.

Hadith can be categorized as qudsi, marfu, mauquf or maqtu according to reference to a particular authority.

Hadith can be categorized as musnad, muttasil, mursal, munqati, muadal or muallaq according to the links in the isnad.

Introduction to

Sunnah and Hadith

second source of Islamic law

 Defining “Hadith” and “Sunnah”



 RIWAYAT & DERAYAT ( Analysis Rules of Hadith)

 Legal Position of Sunnah

 Importance of Hadith

 Composition of Hadith

 Categorization of Hadith

Composition of Hadith


sanad Matn
(Chain of Reporters) (Content/ Text)

Composition of Hadith
 It is widely known among Muslims all over the world that any specific
wording of the Messenger ‫ﷺ‬of Allah SWT on a given topic or theme of
subject is known as a “Hadith”. It is obligatory upon every disciple of
Islam to know, act upon and spread the Proverbs of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬as
these are the words full of wisdom which result in one`s success both
in this world and in the hereafter.
 Hadith, in general is composed of three basic components which are
given below:
 Matn/Content: It is the main passage which is the actual centre of
attraction for the reader. It normally tells about the right way of actions
in different circumstances of life.
 Isnad/Sequence of Reporters: A series of correspondents through
which Hadith has spread.
 Taraf/Introductory Text: The earlier portion of main substance
which acts as a groundwork for further lesson present in the Saying. It
usually acts as a reference towards the deeds or personality of the Holy
Prophet .‫ﷺ‬
 These are the necessary three constituents which need to be present
in any text for naming it as a Hadith.

Sunnah (‫) السنّة‬

 Literal meaning: Practice, habit.

 Technical meaning:
1. Same as Hadith.
2. Practices of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
3.That commandment which is proved by Qur’an
and sunnah.
4.Antonym of Bid'at (innovation).
5. Demanded by Shari’ah in addition to Fardh and
Wajib; on performance of which is reward and on
avoidance of which there is punishment.

Abu Bakr al-Jassas (370 H.) stated
in al-Fusool fil Usool a clearer definition,
when he said:

"The Sunnah of the Prophet

(SAW) is what he said or did in
continuous manner so that others

،ُ‫ أ َ ْو قَالَه‬،ُ‫ َما فَعَلَه‬: ‫سلَّ َم‬

َ ‫علَ ْي ِه َو‬
َ ُ‫ّللا‬َّ ‫صلَّى‬َ ِ ‫سنَّةُ النَّ ِبي‬ ُ ]
َ ‫ َويُ َد َاو َم‬، ‫ِليُ ْقت َ َدى ِب ِه فِي ِه‬
.]‫علَ ْي ِه‬

a) Every saying of a) Every deed or doing
Holy Prophet. of Holy Prophet.
b) Record of sunnah, b) Unspoken approval
prophetical and of Holy
historical elements. Prophet(SAW).
c) Khabar or c) Customs, methods
information. and ways of Holy
d) Every hadith is Prophet SAW.
piece of d) Religious and
information but spiritual color.
every information
is not hadith.
Two rules for analysis of Hadith

1. Verification of material.
1. Discuss with sanad. 2. Verification of Arabic
2. Discuss the reporter of Hadith. grammar.
3. If one hadith showing huge
3. Discuss with screening of reward like jannat on a
reporter as his education, ordinary action or huge
punishment like hell on a
piety, power of memory, self ordinary sin, hadith is weak
control, patience, internal & a/c to the law of dirayat.
4. Any tribe reference property.
external relation with others.
5. Prophecy projected words not

The field of Hadith study consists of basically 2 branches;

a) ‘ilmul Hadith riwayatan

b) ‘ilmul Hadith dirayatan

a) ‘ilmul Hadith riwayatan is that branch which consists of the mere

reciting of the Hadith with absolute precision.
An example of this would be to merely attend a class in which a
particular book of Hadith is recited to/by the Shaykh, without any
commentary. This is best reserved for those Hadith scholars who have
already acquired the commentary of Hadith books previously.

b) ‘ilmul Hadith dirayatan is that branch which discusses the rules of

narrating a Hadith, the grading of the Hadith, the reliability of the
narrators and the deduction of legislation (‫ ) أحكام‬there from etc.
An example would be attending a lesson like the one mentioned above,
which includes commentary by the Shaykh.
The subject of Hadith Terminology is also part of the study of: ‘ilmul
Hadith dirayatan

Legal Position of Sunnah
 The Sunnah cannot dispense with the Quran: Allah Almighty chose Muhammad , as His
Prophet and selected him to deliver His final message. The Quran was revealed to the
Prophet in which Allah commanded him to obey everything that was ordered of him; that is,
to convey and explain His message to the people.
Allah Almighty says what means: "…And We revealed to you the message [i.e., the Quran]
that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them…" [ 16:44]
The declaration mentioned in the verse contains two commands:
1. To propagate the speech of Allah (i.e. the Quran). This is to openly communicate the Quran
to (all) mankind as Allah Almighty has revealed to the Prophet that which means: "O
Messenger! Announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord…" [Quran: 5:67]
‘Aa’ishah is reported to have said: "Whoever says that Muhammad concealed anything that
he was commanded to communicate has forged a great lie against Allah." Then she read the
abovementioned verse. [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
Another narration is found in the book of Imaam Muslim which states: "If the Messenger of
Allah had concealed something that he was commanded to communicate, he would have
concealed the saying of the Almighty (which means): "And [remember, O Muhammad], when
you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favour: 'Keep your wife and fear Allah,' while
you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while
Allah has more right that you fear Him." [Quran: 33:37]

1) Practicable as Quran.
2) Does not say by his own will.
3) Explain what so ever revealed.
4) Who so obey Prophet.
5) If you want to love Allah.


 During the period of Holy Prophet :

 Abd Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As(R.A), Abu Huraira (R.A) 5374, Ali (R.A) and
Anas(R.A) were writing Ahadith of Holy prophet(saw).
In 99 A.H, Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz gave order to Hazrat Imam Zohri
to comply the collections of Hadith.
 Imam abu Hanifa (Kitab-ul-asar)
 Imam Malik(muatta Imam Malik)
 Sufyan sorri (kitab-ul- jamay).
 “Sihah Sittah” (literally, “the most carefully authenticated six”) are:
1) The Sahih of Bukhari. (194H - 256H)
2) The Sahih of Muslim. ( 204H- 261H)
3) The Sunan of Abu Dawud. (202H - 275H )
4) The Sunan of Tirmidhi.(209H-279H)
5) The Sunan of An-Nisa’i (214H-303H)
6) The Sunan of Ibn Majah (209H-273H)

Categorization of Hadith
 The taxonomy of the Prophetic (PBUH) axioms has
been very carefully devised according to different sets
of classifications along with their further kinds.
 Following are the five basic arrangements of
Ahadiths on the basis of particular grounds:
1. According to reference to a particular Authority
2. According to the links of Isnad
3. According to a number of reporters
4. According to nature of Matn and Isnad
5. According to Authenticity of Correspondents

Briefly discuss these classes of Hadith one by one.

i) According to Reference to a
Particular Authority
 According to careful research, Hadith is divided into four
additional kinds under this category:

1) Qudsi: meaning “Divine”. It is a Heavenly text which was

directly sent upon the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Who passed it
on to His followers Himself.
2) Marfu`: meaning “Elevated”. It has got very important
status in Islam as it was directly heard from the Messenger
(PBUH) of God Himself by His companions and was brought
3) Mauquf: meaning “Stopped”. It is a kind of command which
was directly given by Rasulullah (PBUH) to His cohorts who
forwarded it.
4) Maqtu`: meaning “Severed”. It is a form of Instruction
which is plainly described by Successor in his own words.

ii) According to the links of Isnad
 Hadith is further divided into six groups under this category:

1) Musnad: meaning “Supported”. Isnad being reported by a

well known companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) although
final narrator might not be with Him at that time.
2) Muttasil: meaning “Continuous”. The one with undisturbed
Isnad relating back to rightful friend or its heir.
3) Mursal: meaning “Hurried”. It missed a connection between
the storyteller and the Messenger (PBUH).
4) Munqati`: meaning “Broken”. Hadith with a link being absent
before it reaches the Successor of the actual narrator.
5) Mu`adal: meaning “Perplexing”. The one in which narrator
misses multiple reported in an order in Isnad of the Hadith.
6) Mu`allaq: meaning “Hanging”. It fails to spot the complete
Isnad of the Hadith.

iii) According to a number of reporters
 It is divided into two more sub-groups:
1) Mutawatir: meaning “Consecutive”.
Hadith being reported such a large number of rightful
companions that it is agreed upon as authentic.
1) Ahad: meaning “Isolated”. The one which has been
narrated by a countable number of people.

 It has been further categorized into three sub-types:

1. Mash’hur: meaning “Famous”. Hadith which is
related by more than two individuals.
2. Aziz: meaning “Rare yet Strong”. The one having
only two reporters in its Isnad.
3. Gharib: meaning “Strange”. Saying of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) with only one narrator in its Isnad.
iv) According to nature of Matn and Isnad

 It is split into two major kinds:

1. Munkar: meaning “Denounced”. A
Hadith belonging to a weak reporter.
2. Mudraj: meaning “Interpolated”. The
one having some adding up of words to the
authentic Hadith by its narrator.

v) According to Authenticity of Correspondents

 It has the following three categories:

1) Sahih: meaning “Sound”. A hadith reported by a
trustworthy reporter known for his truthfulness, knowledge,
correct way of narrations etc.
2) Hasan: meaning “Good”. The one whose reporters are
know and is clear-cut.
3) Da`if: meaning “Weak”. A hadith ranking under that of
Hasan because of failing to address the Isnad properly.
4) Maudu`: meaning “Fabricated”. Hadith having wording
opposite to the confirmed Prophetic (PBUH) traditions.

 In short, Hadith is an integral part of Islamic teachings through

which Muslims all over the world get insight about many aspects
of life. Therefore, one must know about its different kinds so as
to become able to distinguish the authentic ones from the rest
which have weak links in its key constituents.

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