A Research Project On AMUL India Pvt. LTD: Acknowledgement
A Research Project On AMUL India Pvt. LTD: Acknowledgement
A Research Project On AMUL India Pvt. LTD: Acknowledgement
Research Project
AMUL India Pvt. Ltd
First of all I would endow my regards and thanks to God and our
parents with whose grace and good wishes I am able to complete
this project work. This project would have not been completed
without the help and guidance of decided bond of people and
thus as a token of appreciation to their efforts in making this
project a success, I would like to express my gratitude and
thanks to their contributions.
The Project Report revolves around the Amul Products specially
Ice Cream which explores the various aspects of Ice cream
market. The certain objectives were predefined and the task was
to accomplish them. This report also provides the survey
analysis about the nature of retailer prescription, consumer
satisfaction, marketing strategy and the key factors over which a
company should have a strong hold to survive with a long-term
The whole process during the entire report making program was
well planned and the data was initially collected about the
reputed Retailers & Distributors and the respective executives
of concerned areas. Finally it was a great experience at the
corporate level being interacted with different distributors and
consumers and it makes practically aware about the strategies
development process and their break up in goals and defining
policies to achieve them and handle different difficult situations.
List of Content
Serial No. Topic Page No.
1 Executive Summary 4
2 Introduction 6-15
Literature Review
Need of Study
3 Company Profile 16-29
4 Research Methodology 30-36
5 SWOT Analysis 37-40
6 Data Collection and 41-47
7 Findings 48
8 Conclusions 49
9 Bibliography 49
India accounts for over half the total milk output of Asia. India
is located amidst major milk deficit countries in Asia and Africa.
Major importers of milk and dairy products are Bangladesh,
China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Japan, UAE, Oman, and other gulf countries, all
located close to India.
There is vast potential for the export of dairy products, the cost
of milk production in India being the lowest. Given recent high
skimmed milk powder. The major factor influencing production
and export of milk products would be the newer uses that may
be developed through R&D support. Milk proteins are being
utilized increasingly replacing animal and vegetable proteins in
special bakery products and instant foods. Through the
application of membrane
process, milk proteins isolates are being produced. There is
scope for introducing
newer plants adopting newer processes by the dairy industry in
the country.
This project is very important for the market point of view that
what is going on in current scenario. It can also be important
because it is in the
infrastructure the growth rate is not satisfactory. Market growth
historically was stunted by Government policies. Till 1997, ice
cream manufacture was reserved for small-scale has witnessed
the 138% growth in last year and 100% growth in this year. The
growth rate could have been even higher but due to poor
infrastructure the growth rate is not satisfactory. Market growth
historically was stunted by Government policies.
Till 1997, ice cream manufacture was reserved for small-scale
sector. The leading players were unable to invest adequately to
develop an infrastructure of ice cream for storage and
distribution. Erratic supply and shortage of power in most parts
of the country have been the major factors limiting growth of a
ice cream market.
desserts (which use edible oil fat instead of milk fat) were
technically not reserved for small scale. Amul ice cream,
manufactured by the largest milk-producing co-operative was
introduced in Mumbai market in 1996, intensifying the
competition. In 1997, the sector was de-reserved from small
scale, based on the recommendations of the Abid Hussain
Committee report, on grounds of hygiene and technology.
Removal of licensing restrictions
major consumption centers from which supplies are sent to
distributors or directly to retailers.
The retail network for ice cream consists of Exclusive ice cream
parlors which may be company owned or Franchise outlets
Other retail outlets like provision stores, hotels and restaurants;
and Push carts, which are controlled through dealers. Retail
margins are high, at around 15-21%.
The awareness of Amul Ice cream is good enough. But there is
even now enough work to be done by the company.as many
retailers even now asked that does the amul manufacture the ice
cream? So the first strategy of Amul Ice cream should be to
create brand awareness through advertising. Amul as a brand has
its goodwill but its ice cream is not popular. When we inquired
about Amul Ice Cream we got response from the retailer about
the Amul Butter.
milk is perishable, farmers were compelled to sell it for
whatever they were offered. Often, they had to sell cream and
ghee at throwaway prices. In this situation, the one who gained
was the private trader. Gradually, the realization dawned on the
farmers that the exploitation by the trader could be checked only
if marketed their milk themselves.
An Overview
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is
India's largest food products marketing organization. It is a state
level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to
provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the
interest of consumers by providing quality products which are
good value for money.
Members: 12 district cooperative milk producers'
No. of Producer Members: 2.28 million
No. of Village Societies: 11,132
Total Milk handling capacity: 6.7 million litres per day Milk
collection (Total - 10-11): 2.36 billion litres
Milk collection (Daily Average): 5.48 million litres
Milk Drying Capacity: 567 metric Tons per day Cattlefeed
manufacturing Capacity:1495 Mts per day
Annual Turnover 2019-20 was 38550 after growing 17%
compared to last years turnover
Total milk procurement by our Member Unions averaged 51.13
lakh kilograms per day, a marginal decline from 52.35 lakh
kilograms per day, achieved in 2010-2011. However, the good
monsoons experienced during last year and the better
procurement prices on offer are expected to encourage higher
milk production and procurement in the current year.
During the year, your Federation's sales registered a growth of 5
percent increase to reach Rs. 2,881.96 crores including
consignment sales of sizable edible oil business. This year, the
sale of Amul Milk in pouches increased by 34 percent in value
terms. A notable development in the area of Rs.62.95 crores.
The dairy line grew by about 18% despite the loss of a liquid
milk in pouches has been the successful launch of Amul Milk in
the Delhi market during November 2003. Within under 60 days
of launch, we had achieved sales of 1 lakh liters per day. UHT
Milk has grown in both value and volume terms by 60 percent,
which shows that it has really come upon the high growth stage.
Amul ice cream achieved a sales value growth of 11 percent,
and has come out as the undisputed market leader. Amul and
Sagar brand pure ghee sales in value increased by 17 per cent
over the previous year. Despite intense competition, sales value
of Amul Butter grew by 19 percent and that of milk powders has
firmed up further. The sales of the Amul Cheese range increased
by 13 percent. Products like Flavoured Milk, Amul Fresh
Cream, Paneer, Mithaimate, Softy Mix, and fresh curd
demonstrated their potential to become dominant brands in the
coming few years.
During the year, the major development on the distribution front
was the development an alignment of four distribution
highways-those of Fresh Products, Chilled Products, Frozen
Products and Ambient Products.
distribution front was the development a alignment of four
distribution highways-those of Fresh Products, Chilled Products,
Frozen Products and Ambient Products. This is a significant
achievement because it allows us to develop synergies among all
our product lines and to leverage these highways to introduce
and distribute new products as per market demand. I take
pleasure in declaring that no other organization in India has been
able to develop this kind of channel
synergy so far.
Another major initiative undertaken during the year was the
Time-based Military Technique (TMT) of distribution. This has
been deployed to effect a nationally synchronized mass
distribution of our products with the objective of achieving total
channel penetration on a single day. I am pleased to declare that
this initiative has proved to be very successful. Most of our
products launched or re-launched through this technique have
seen significant gains in distribution and availability.
the opening of several new milk markets and 3 separate Milk
Sales Offices at Mumbai, New Delhi and Boisar, the number of
Milk Area Delivery Agents has increased. 95 Milk Area
Distribution Agents also visited Anand for Amul Yatra.
Distributors have further enhanced their infrastructures in terms
of installation of cold storage arrangements, enhanced bank
guarantee limits with Federation and introduced good quality
delivery vehicles. An objective evaluation was done in the form
of distributor renewal and Performance appraisal.
Federation and compliance to the same by our Distributors, a
pilot initiative of Distribution Audit was undertaken for 70
Wholesale Distributors. With one of the strongest cold chain
distribution network in the country today, Federation today
owns 13 state-of-the-art cold rooms at various depot locations.
The Rs. 525 Crore organization Ice cream market today has a
numbers of the homegrown brands like vadilal, Cream bell,
Milk Food and Mother Dairy who have grabbed large share of
ice cream pie in their respective regions. Milk food is planning
to open 30 of its ‘café 100’ parlous in the state of Delhi, Punjab
and Haryana .HLL kwality walls a market leader in yesteryears
is already not too sure how to gain back its lost ground and cut
down its losses, there are many more who are seeking entry to
take and an early positioning in the market that is expected to
grow faster than any other milk products.
The Swiss company, Nestle SA, is already taking vadilal’s for
manufacturing and marketing Hagen dazs ice cream in India.
Managing branded coffee cafés chains may not be as difficult as
Amul Product Range:-
1 Amul Butter
2 Amul Lite Low Fat Breadspread
3 Amul Cooking Butter
Cheese Range:
1 Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese
2 Amul Processed Cheese Spread
3 Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese
4 Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese
5 Amul Emmental Cheese
6 Amul Gouda Cheese
7 Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese) Frozen and Tinned
8 Utterly Delicious Pizza
1 Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio,
2 Amul Amrakhand
3 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns
4 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix
5 Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix
Pure Ghee:
. Amul Pure Ghee Sagar Pure Ghee
. Amul Cow Ghee
Infant Milk Range:
1 Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months)
2 Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 ( 6 months above)
3 Amulspray Infant Milk Food
Milk Powders:
1 Amul Full Cream Milk Powder
2 Amulya Dairy Whitener
3 Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder
4 CondenseSagar Tea and Coffee Whitener
Sweetened Milk:
Amul Mithaimate Sweetened Condensed Milk
Fresh Milk:
1 Amul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat
2 Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat
3 Amul Shakti Standardised Milk 3% fat
4 Amul Smart Double Toned Milk 1.5% fat
Curd Products:
1 Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd)
2 Amul Butter Milk
3 Amul Lassee
8 Milk Bars (Chocobar, Mango Dolly, Raspberry Dolly,
Shahi Badam Kulfi, Shahi Pista Kulfi, Mawa Malai Kulfi,
Green Pista Kulfi)
9 Cool Candies (Orange, Mango) 10 Amul prolife sugar free
probiotic 10 Cassatta
11 Tricone Cones (Butterscotch, Chocolate)
12 Megabite Almond Cone
13 Frostik - 3 layer chocolate Bar
14 Fundoo Range - exclusively for kids
15 SlimScoop Fat Free Frozen Dessert (Vanilla, Banana,
Mango, Pineapple)
16 Health : Isabcool
17 Stamina candy
Brown Beverage:
1 Nutramul Malted Milk Food
Milk Drink:
1 Amul Shakti Flavoured Milk
1 Understanding the problem
2 Rephrasing the problem into meaningful terms from an
analytical point of view.
The research design is developed to collect the relevant
information with minimum of efforts, time and money.
Marketing Research Objectives:
1 To undertake a prior market study before doing owns
research to know who are the major distributors and retailers in
given area and also to know about the consumer behaviour today
Amul Products.
2 Type of Study: Descriptive.
3 Research Area: Meerut
4 Source of Information: Primary Data.
5 Data Collection Instrument: Questionnaires & Personal
A Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from
a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure
adopted in selecting items for the sample. The main constitution
of the sampling design is as below-
1. Sampling Unit
2. Sample Size
3. Sampling Procedure
A sampling framework i.e. developed for the target population
that will be sampled i.e. who is to be surveyed.
● Distributors
● Consumers
Non-Probability Sampling
It is a purposive sampling which deliberately chooses the
particular units of the universe for constituting a sample on the
basis that the small mass that they so select out of a huge one
will be typical or representative of the whole.
Judgment sampling:
To select population members who are good prospects for
accurate information?
day till the final day on the field. During the whole period a list
of different distributors and consumers scattered around whole
of the Meerut gets visited on the regular basis. The main task is
to analyze the market potential, study of the market share of the
company and analyzing the consumer’s preferences.
The survey process is not complete without consulting the
Distributor & Consumers. The distributors are the key nodes that
make the chain moving effectively. So the response made by
them is also an essential criterion to involved and reaching for
certain decisions.
There are several ways of collecting appropriate data that differ
considerably in the context of money costs, time, and other
resources at the disposal of the researcher. The tools used for
data collection are as:
Primary Data
The primary data are those data, which are collected afresh and
for the first time. And happen to be original in character. The
primary data to be collected for the study are-
Questionnaire – A set of questionnaire is prepared for the cause
of collecting different information related to the pre-determined
objectives. The questionnaire had been prepared for the retailers.
The format of questionnaire was structured and non-disguised.
Direct Personal Interview – Under this method of collecting data
there is face-to-face context with the person from whom the
information is obtained. The data collected are from the
Secondary Data
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they
refer the data, which have already been collected and analyzed
by someone else. When the researcher utilizes secondary data,
then he has to look into various sources from where he can
obtain them, IN this case he is certainly not confronted with the
problems that are usually associated with the collection of
original data. Secondary data may either be published data or
unpublished data. Usually published data are available in:
1 Various publications of the central, state and local
2 Various publications of foreign government or of
international bodies and their subsidiary organization;
3 Technical and trade journals:
4 Books, magazines and newspapers; Reports and
publications of various associations connected with business and
industry, banks, stock, exchanges etc.;
5 Reports prepared by research scholars, universities,
economists etc. In different fields, and
6 Public records and statistics, historical documents, and
other sources of published information. The sources of
unpublished data are many; they may be found in diaries, letters,
unpublished biographies and autobiographies and also may be
available with scholars and research .workers, trade associations,
labor bureaus and other public/private individuals and
The data collected from the various efforts and sources are
presented tabular form and as shown distinctively from the next
● Customer is most comfortable buying Ice Cream in the
Value for Money segment and Amul is well present in this
● Amul has built up a formidable image as a brand in which
generations of consumers have placed their trust. This can be
used to its advantage while introduction of ice creams.
Retailers who are currently stocking more than two brands. This
is in Amul’s favor, as earlier it had to overcome this problem in
the Mumbai market.
● Kwality Walls product differentiation strategy has been
very well received by the consumers and Mother Dairy is also
pushing up its advertising pitch.
● Cream bell is also planning to double the number of push
carts in Delhi NCR.
Way forward
As the 10-year contract between Amul and IBM was due for a
renewal, so were the existing objectives and solutions. The
current focus revolves around enhancing technology in supply
chain to build greater resilience. Another key objective is to add
a layer of artificial intelligence and machine learning to make
the supply chain more cost effective and position Amul for
faster growth over the coming years.
Statistical inferences
1) Coding
2) Editing
3) Tabulation
Editing was the procedure that improves the quality of data for
coding with the stage was ready for tabulation
Tabulation was a part of the technical procedure where in the
classified data are put in the form of tables.
cream dairy
10 Amul cool I like only Yes
Dahi Nestle No
10 Milk Prag Yes
9 Milk Parag No
8 Amul dhai , Motherdai Yes
milk ry
10 Milk Parag No
8 Milk Mother Yes
10 amul butter vadilal Yes
10 Milk Prag Yes
8 Milk Anchal Yes
8 Amul butter Homemad No
10 Amul butter Parag Yes
8 Amul butter Homemad No
9 Cheese Go cheese Yes
8 Butter Mother No
08 Amul butter I don't Yes
10 Chocolate Mother Yes
Cone dairy