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Online shopping is one of the most ideal choices for a good business. In fact, it is the most popular form
of online marketing (Bourlakis et al., 2008). Whether it's clothing, electronics or pets, online shopping
systems are becoming more and more popular every day. Hundreds of websites and applications are
created every year to meet the growing demand for effective marketing strategies. (Bashir et al., 2019)
Many websites are open every day to meet people's growing demand for comfort and convenience.
online shopping becomes simple and convenient for people to shop their favorite products on the
Internet, . People need to click the mouse to complete the entire purchase process. Online shopping
makes shopping easier and life easier. There are many reasons that can change a customer's purchase of
a shopping mall system on the Internet. The company's ability to compare your products with
competitors' products in terms of price, color, size, and quality when shopping online.(Kavitha, 2017)
Through online shopping, customers can easily compare prices, and many major retailers provide
alternative links and recommend their customers to similar products. What once again contributed to
the diversity of available products? The process of purchasing products through online stores has
become very simple. The company provides customer service by sending emails after purchase and
tracking after purchase to respond to their inquiries. If consumers have any instructions on the use or
effects of the product, they can also visit their website. The impact of technology on online shopping has
completely changed the entire shopping industry.

The main focus of the study is the majority of young Internet users. Most of the requested products and
services are only applicable to this market segment. 24/7 retailers regularly visit online stores to
facilitate shopping for customers all over the world. (Kavitha, 2017)
Tricks to trade such as cash on delivery and special discounts for online shopping can easily attract
people. Recently in Asia, especially in Pakistan and India, the practice of online shopping on a
comfortable bed has been introduced. India seems to have accelerated this practice, with several
fashion, furniture and food websites, as well as registrations with well-known companies such as and
For Pakistan, the transition has been difficult. Usually, people don’t even trust what is in front of them,
and expect to buy something online and be content with it is a bit difficult. However, young people in
Pakistan have many mature ideas and slowly start to do business online, even if they are just ordering
food online. As a country and individual, we have become a lot of scammers online and on mobile
phones, and we will definitely check any suspicious online programs. This recent trend has led
researchers to believe that the only reason why young people are turning to online shopping is not just
their age. Other factors include making online marketing one of the fastest growing markets in Pakistan
and contributing to the success of the IT industry. These are the studies that are expected to be carried
out(Abdul Rehman et al., 2015). Through digital commerce and online communication, companies
organize a variety of advertising activities such as advertising, product development, product
development information, promotion, customer service, customer feedback and more. Online shopping
is used as a way to communicate with e-commerce, to increase or enhance value, quality and
attractiveness of delivering customer benefits and better satisfaction, to make online advertising easier
and more popular on a daily basis.(FULLTEXT01.Pdf, n.d.)

according to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) communication policy (2001),When email is
used in both web browsers, online shopping is the third most popular activity on the Internet. So far,
more than 627 million people around the world have traded online, including the world’s largest online
retailers including Germans and British. Books, air tickets/reservations, clothes/video shoes/games and
other electronic products are the most popular items on the Internet. (ACNielsen Report on Global
Consumer Attitudes towards Online Shopping, 2007).(FULLTEXT01.Pdf, n.d.). Not only is it profitable, but
online shopping is also risky. Hackers prohibit online shopping due to card fraud, lack of privacy, risk of
inability to deliver, and lack of product and service warranty. Relevant departments formulate policies to
reduce the risk of commercial fraud in e-business.(FULLTEXT01.Pdf, n.d.). In Liao and Cheung (2000)
words: In early 1995, the United Kingdom introduced “fraud-free online shopping.” Two years later,
Europe and Singapore launched a secure online e-commerce (SET) company because of lower
transaction and search costs compared to other types of shopping. Online shoppers can buy faster and
more, and can order products and services at cheaper prices. (Cuneyt and Gautam 2004)
(FULLTEXT01.Pdf, n.d.)

In the twenty-first century, business and commerce has expanded so much that many services have
taken place, and online shopping is increasing all over the world. (Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen,
Lervik, & Cha, 2001) Globally, e-commerce has taken in about $2.29 trillion dollar market(John, 2018)
and is expected to reach $4 billion by 2020(eMarketer, 2016) due to double-digit global sales (15%) and
regulation (13%)9 eMarketer, 2018) in the form of all e-commerce transactions as business-to-business
(B2B), company to company (B2C). (Zuroni & Goh, 2012).(Rahman et al., 2018)
The Asia Pacific region is driving the growth of online shopping compared to mature markets such as the
US, UK, Japan and European countries. Asia pacific recorded massive growth, especially in China. In
2016, the Asia Pacific region generated $1 billion in online sales and majority came from china consisting
about $899 billion(eMarketer, 2016). Popular and popular among a group of customers who are looking
for a more practical plan in terms of information, quality, price and options. Like other Asian citizens,
young people in Bangladesh are experimenting with innovative shopping methods that have made this
online business popular in Bangladesh.(Rahman et al., 2018)
Unlike the physical store, all the goods in the online store are described in the text, as well as in the
photos, as well as in the multimedia files. Many online stores will provide links for more information
about their products. On the other hand, some online customers are an adventurous explorer, fun
seeker, shopping lover, and some are technology muddler, hate waiting for the product to ship. As a
result, online shopping practices (user behavior when searching, purchasing, and using products) have
become a testing ground for an increasing number of researchers who are aware of the nature of online
shopping.(Rahman et al., 2018)

The ultimate goal of a business is to provide products and services that will help customers. A business
that meets the needs of a successful customer is more successful than its competitors, because satisfied
buyers tend to buy more. Also in Bangladesh, online shopping has started fast and may increase rapidly
in the near future, due to the penetration of the internet in rural areas. However, it is also true that
people from Bangladesh have traditionally maintained their attitude towards shopping due to the new
pace of life and the fast pace of life, their reliance on online shopping will increase. Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to understand the attitude of consumers towards online shopping, their
potential, dislike and level of satisfaction.(Rahman et al., 2018)

1.1 Problem Formulation:

There are many people who tend to shop online, but there are still many who aren’t. This research is
being carried out to find out the main reasons for the change in consumers' buying habits so that they
can shop online. This will allow you to find out where you should focus from the website to make
transactions easier and safer for the customers.

1.2 Problem Statement:

To examine the consumer buying behavior and changes in online buying determined by the following
five factors:

 Trust

 Convenience

 Time

 Product Variety

 Privacy


In the past decade, online shopping has become one of the retail trends of upper class
consumers. Akroush and Al-Debei (2015) reviewed the factors affecting online shopping to
determine customer behavior and guide customers to purchase specific products. Al-Debei,
Akroush and Ashouri (2015) Determine the perceived benefits of online shopping as an
incentive for consumers to shop online. In another review, Chung and Austria (2012) described
the impact of social media messages on online shopping. Buyers focus on products advertised
on social media platforms. On the contrary, Huang, Schrank and Dubinsky (2014) Studied the
influence of brand identity on online shopping. It is essential that online shoppers are attracted
to branded products when they shop online. Another study by Machleit and Eroglu (2010)
describes the emotional state of online product purchases. Basically, website design, product
diversification, website layout and user efficiency have led to an increase in online purchases of
specific websites.

It is understandable that recent website design and layout guide online shoppers to purchase
products from this aspect by changing shopping habits. Here, Mohammed (2014) studied the
purchasing intentions of young and adult consumers to determine the factors that affect their
purchasing patterns. According to the decision, young adult consumers are mainly guided by
the information, prices and product diversity provided by the website. If there is a high-quality
product with a reasonable price as well as a reasonable price, young people will eagerly buy the
product and review the given details. Critical analysis of the potential buyers ’purchasing
behavior shows that online and commercial security, website promotion through social media,
and regional and all-encompassing localities affect purchasing behavior in the Internet
(Panitapu, 2015). In addition, Wu (2013) examined the unique type of relationship between
customer identities and customer behavior in relation to online shopping. In analysis, it is clear
that the concept of online shopping, display and branding of business has a huge impact on
online shoppers.

In previous research, it was found that online marketers on e-commerce sites use important
techniques to identify customers' online shopping behaviors. By introducing customer-centric
marketing strategies, the learning of customer behavior can be improved so that online
retailers can make some decisions based on customer behavior on e-commerce platforms
(Ajzen, 2011). The regulation reflects an understanding of the importance and benefits of
products that influence people's purchasing decisions for online shoppers. Convincingly,
The Theory of Behavioral Planning (TPB) can promote understanding that the market where you
accept practice is guided by three main concepts, namely behavioural beliefs, control beliefs and
normative beliefs (Madden, Ellen, and Ajzen, 2012). behaviourl beliefs lead to the buyer’s final
decision, while other two beliefs reflect the buyer’s behavior when choosing products online. (Godin,
2.1 Online Shopping
Online shopping is one of the most convenient ways to shop in the right place. It is actually a popular
way of online shopping in the internet community (Bourrakis et al., 2008). One advantage of online
shopping is that it provides customers with complete information so that they can compare products
and price. The more choice is the easiest way to find what you are looking for on the Internet ((Butler
and Peppard, 1998)).It has been found that online shopping now provides satisfaction to modern
buyers((Yu and Wu, 2007)).

2.2 Consumer Buying Behavior

“Consumer behavior can be described as the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and
the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas
to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society”.
(Kuester, 2012). The behavior of each customer varies from person to person, depending on
Product choice. These choices are influenced by their buying habits, which in turn are influenced by the
following factors:
Psychological and social factors that affect the purchase decision process. (Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S.,
Online shopping behavior (also known as online shopping behavior) is the process of purchasing a
product or service from a website on the Internet. So The system has five components, similar to
procedures related to business practices(Liang Nalai 2000). Magee (2003) pointed out that the increase
in the number of consumers Online has become more than popular with general Internet users. This is
obvious to others
Internet users are increasingly adapting to the idea of online shopping. In 2011, the total global e-
commerce market grew to 961 billion US dollars or 690 billion euros. The record is 20% higher, and sales
are expected to reach 1-billion-euro mark by 2013. Growth is higher In Asia pacific as Compare mature
markets such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Europe. In 2011 Asia
Pacific,Accounting for 130% loss, it is China's largest donation. on the Internet Current sales are an
important part of any economy. There is a clear and growing trust consumer shop online all over the
world. ( AadWeening, 2012).Haubl and Trifts (2000) pointed out that customers seem to use a two-part
process to achieve this goal Purchase decision. First of all, buyer screen a large set of products to find
the market subsets, This will satisfy their needs. After that, this guide will be thoroughly reviewed after
the product is passedUse it to decide which product to buy based on certain characteristics. Haubl &
Trifts also Discover that the website provides user interaction and helps create in-depth products
Comparison has a better impact on popularity and performance and popularity Decided to buy. Pakistan
is a world that is slowly adopting online shopping through the Internet. Advertising does not play an
effective role in Pakistan. According to Nilsson (2010), another factor is that Pakistanis have had bad
experiences with online shopping in past. Most online retailers of Pakistan buys clothes or equipment

2.3 Trust
In the bigning, Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, in 1995, defined trust as: “The concept “trust” is defined
as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the
expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of
the ability to monitor or control that other party.” Thereafter Doney and Cannon (1997) redefined
trust as the “perceived credibility and benevolence of a target of trust.” Lewis and Weigert in
1985 further defined trust as “the understanding of a risky course of action on the confident
expectation that all persons involved in the action will act competently and dutifully”.
Mayer,Davis and Schoorman’s (1995) research is one of the most popular top-notch studies on the link
between trust and e-commerce, but they look forward to those who predict that trust is great to be
intention to take a risk and perception towards the trustee’s characteristics. Lee ad colleagues here in
2001 said When you are shopping online, there are two important ways of gaining risk. the first is
Related to the purchased product or service. This may include loss of work, time,Money, opportunities
and risks of all stocks. The second risk is related to online transaction. This includes security,
confidentiality and no documents. Among them, the impact of extinction risk Money, product issues,
and concerns about privacy and security are important(Senecal 2000; Borchers 2001; Bhatnagar et al.
As per Lee and Turban (2001), one of the most common reasons not to shop There is a lack of trust
online. Because online shopping is a fairly new medium, people don’t have Rich experience, online
shopping is a challenge faced by many consumers. Rotter In 1971, discovered that in a new
environment, people rely on their own tendencies and tendencies Believe. In a retail store, the person
mainly depends on the salesperson, which depends on his expertise Level, similarity and similarity with
customer tastes(Doney and Cannon, 1997).But when shopping online, there is no salesperson, only
search and help buttons, eliminating people’s trust in the shopping experience (LohseAnd Spiller, 1998).
Bao, Zhou and Su (2003) pointed out that one of the traditional aspects, threats Demise is the main
factor that determines consumer consumption. trust, become oneCustomers can find the display of the
shortcomings of online shopping Risk disposal in turn has a significant impact on online shopping
behavior. Of course understandable The risk describes the size of the shopping cart as Compared with
increasing profits and purchases, People often want to avoid making mistakes (Mitchell, 1998).

2.4 Convenience
Copeland discover idea of convenience in 1923 and was welcomed by buyers Many times easy-to-reach
shops get liked immediately Good. Bucklin (1963) and Brown (1989) also pointed out that thecovinience,
when used rules in the "covinience” domain, is a classifications related to minor risks There was almost
no participation at the time of purchase. Seiders (2000) proposed four methods Retailers provide
customers with access to:
1. Access: Ability of customer to reach the retailer
2. Search: Ability to identify and select products that they want
3. Possession: Ability to obtain the product of desire
4. Transaction: Ability to amend or effect transactions

Convenience is one of the key factors that motivate online marketers.(Ahmad, 2002; Jayawardhena et
al., 2007), some predetermined studies, such asAs the customer’s responsibility for customer
satisfaction, activities affect variability(Colwell et al., 2008; Seiders et al., 2007), or as one of the active
fact of service quality. (Hu et al., 2009; Kim and Park, 2012; Prasad and Aryasri, 2009; udo et al.,
2010). Donthu and Garcia (1999) found that online shoppers are more sought afterQuality and diversity
in customer identity analysis Shop. According to Li et al. (1999), consumers prefer online shopping are
less experienced, but more covinience oriented.
These customers believe that convinience is the most important factor in making purchasing decisions.
Many of them have some time restrictions, and buy products without hesitation without contacting
them. According to Wang (et al., 2005),convinience is one of the most influential aspects of online
shopping readiness. You can shop online at any time of the day as compared to
Traditional shop. Online shop is open 24/7 (Hofacker, 2001; Wang et al., 2005). Not just Customers are
looking for products and they also want to shop online. There are some online The website provides 24-
hour online customer service, so even in normal operation, Customers can get help or support and ask
questions to provide their customers with covinience (Hermes, 2000). According to Berry et al. (2002)
and Sieders et al. (2007), service convenience is one of the keys. It involves the customer’s effort and
time as well as Learn about it when occupying or using the service. Service convenience activities are
effortless because they reduce physical, emotional and mental activities that Encourage customers to
purchase products and services online (Berry et al., 2002).

2.5 Time
One of the problems people face is time pressure. This illustrates the point
Settle and Alreck (1991) how much you see yourself as a person = f has no time to act
Task in daily life. The perceived pressure may increase two different
Source, situational and personal. The most talked about is situational, and it’s
Easy to identify. People usually find that their hands are also very busy and the workload is also heavy
Things to do, but not enough time to do it. such a man Identify potential stress by criticizing the factors
involved and document their problems And work pressure, family and other relationships (Lavin, 1993).
Settle and Alreck (1991) pointed out that people who feel transient or stressed for a period of time will
feel the same way because they have put themselves there. This can be a choice or imagination,
because full-time work and energetic ability and willingness show Human nature is eternal. For those
who suffer from time pressure, online marketing advertised as a lifeguard is a good strategy to counter
those who are suffering from self-pressure. Those who have time pressure conditions will accept any
method that reduces them Work when they meet their needs on time. Anyway, try to promote online
shopping For those under pressure, they may not be able to work for them themselves Desire and
attitude. They may need more work, of course Want to improve their service level. So try to promote
what can really be Lowering their activity level will not receive a positive response (Alreck, 1988).

2.6 Product Variety

Online shopping in the U.S. has grown steadily Impact and total sales price, more research is needed
Cost each individual program. To buy more products online, customers must first
Satisfied with the products and services they purchased. Able to understand What customers want on
the website, it’s important for reserches to open and edit Metrics can capture the feelings and behavior
of online retailers carry out. (Straub and Watson, 2001). There are many analyst (Lian and Lin, 2008;
Peterson, Balasubramanian, and Bronnenberg 1997; Bhatnager, Misra and Rao 2000; Liao and
Cheung, 2001) Who insists on having different types of products and different types of range when
They are sold online. The product can be any quality available product or service type
sell. Generally, the products purchased online are the same as those purchased in a physical store.
Customers make purchasing decisions from anywhere based on the following factors
The provider who provides the best value for the product (Keeney 1999). Other items included
Customizable products, their overall value and market value (Zhu & Kraemer 2002; Jarvenpaa& Todd
1997; Szymanski &Hise 2000; Keeney 1999; Torkzadeh&Dhillon 2002).
analyst like Szymanki and Hise (2000), Ahn et al. (2004), and Athanassopoulos et al (2001)
discover varity of product is a major factor in online buying to satisfy custonmer.
According to Arnold, Handelman, and Tiger (1996) in online shopping price, product variety and product
quality most dominating and influential perceptions.

2.7 Privacy
As per research of Bélanger et al. (2002), Privacy and e-commerce can be defined as readiness Sharing
personal information on the Internet for business-related transactions. In order to keep people's
awareness of privacy simple, many websites have privacy policies (McGinity, 2000). There are also some
private companies that can be found, Research and display the privacy policy of online shopping, such as
TRUSTe (Ranganathan and Ganapathy, 2002). However, many employees are still worried of
misuse their personal information (Brown & Muchira 2004; Hair et al. 1995). Business Harris's 1998 of
999 customers shows that confidentiality is the biggest obstacle Prevent them from shopping online
(Green et al. 1998). IBM International Review Consumer Confidentiality revealed that approximately
80% of US respondents believe it is missing Control the personal information they provide to the
company, 78% refused to provide their personal information on the grounds that it was inappropriate in
that situation, 54% decided not to continue to purchase and allowed their personal information to be
collected during the transaction (Bélanger et al. 2002). As per Vellido, Lisboa and Meehan (2000),
Among the nine items they found related to consumers' perceptions of online shopping, consumer risk
perceptions were the most common. it described the users who brought the material online and the
users who did not bring the material online. According to Flavián and Guinalíu (2006) Online security is
defined as the customer's belief that his financial data will be protected and will not be compromised,
will not be protected, and will not be used by unauthorized persons. Even today, the security of e-
commerce is still the guiding principle of online shopping. (Park and Kim, 2003; Elliot and Fowell, 2000;
Liao and Cheung, 2001; Szymanski and Hise, 2000).

According to Smith et al. (1996) there are four factors of online privacy:
1. Unauthorized use of personal information by a secondary party
2. Improper access of any information that is digitally stored
3. Collection of personal information of any individual
4. Errors in the personal information that has already been collected.
(Abdul Rehman et al., 2015)

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