Anu Bradford - The Brussels Effect - How The European Union Rules The World-Oxford University Press (2020)

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is the Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and OBSERVERS, THE
International Organization and a Director “Anu Bradford’s The Brussels Effect is essential reading for anyone interested in Europe’s place EUROPE AN UNION
for the European Legal Studies Center at
in the world. Decried as a powerless entity, vainly committed to multilateralism, Bradford IS MIRED IN A DEEP
Columbia Law School.
shows how the EU has, in fact, turned unilateral regulatory measures into a source of global
ANU BRADFORD C R I S I S. Between sluggish growth;
“In The Brussels Effect, Anu Bradford has economic clout. A timely and powerful antidote to prevailing euro-pessimism.” political turmoil following a decade
developed her brilliant and insightful theory of austerity politics; the uncertainty
of the European Union’s global power into

The Brussels Effect

Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History, surrounding Brexit; and the rise of Asian
a fascinating and thorough account of the
Director of the European Institute, Columbia University, and author of influence, the EU is seen as a declining
ways in which EU rules are transformed
Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World
into global standards through market power on the world stage.

The Brussels Effect

mechanisms. This book, like her earlier work,
will be widely read and highly influential in “This book is both timely and important. I have frequently witnessed the Brussels Effect in many
policy as well as scholarly debates.” Columbia Law professor Anu Bradford
areas, including data privacy, trade, the digital economy and consumer and food safety, where
—Gráinne de Búrca, Florence Ellinwood the EU increasingly sets global standards. Bradford describes in a detailed and engaging style HOW THE EUROPE AN UNION argues the opposite in her important new
Allen Professor of Law, New York University book The Brussels Effect. The EU remains an
why the EU is a global regulatory superpower that shapes the world in its own image. This book
“The Brussels Effect is an important book that is of great relevance, not just for an academic audience but also for businesses and policy makers RULES THE WORLD influential superpower that shapes the world
challenges us to rethink the impact of the around the world. This book clearly explains the nature of the EU’s often underappreciated in its image. By promulgating regulations
EU on the global economy. Bradford has
‘quiet influence.’” that transform the international business
made a creative and original contribution
to the literature on business regulation. Her environment, elevating standards worldwide,
well-documented and clearly written study and leading to a notable Europeanization of
shows how and why the EU has become the US Ambassador to the EU 2014-2017
many important aspects of global commerce,
world’s most influential regulator, shaping
the EU has managed to influence policy
both business practices and public policies “Finally! A book that carefully and systematically documents the European Union’s
well beyond its borders.” —David Vogel, in areas such as competition policy, data
power in the world and challenges us to rethink how we define power in the process.
Soloman P. Lee Distinguished Professor privacy, online hate speech, consumer health
The Brussels Effect is a tour de force; a study that will establish a new benchmark for
in Business Ethics at the University of
scholars and serve as a major stumbling block for prophets of European decline.” and safety, and environmental protection.
California, Berkeley, author of Trading Up

“In The Brussels Effect, Anu Bradford offers a A NNE-M A R IE S L AUG HTER The Brussels Effect shows how the EU has
perceptive analysis of the influence the EU CEO, New America
can and must have well beyond its borders. acquired such power, why multinational
With global governance being challenged, companies use EU standards as global
The Brussels Effect is filling a desperately standards, and why the EU’s role as the
needed void. It gives us yet another reason
world’s regulator is likely to outlive its
why we cannot afford to have the European
ISBN 978-0-19-008858-3
gradual economic decline, extending the
ambitions fail.” —Paul Polman,
Co-founder, IMAGINE and
1 90000
EU’s influence long into the future.

Chair, International Chamber of Commerce,

Former CEO of Unilever 9 780190 088583


The Brussels Effect

The Brussels
How the European Union
Rules the World


Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s
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Library of Congress Cataloging-​in-​Publication Data

Names: Bradford, Anu, author.
Title: The Brussels effect : how the European Union rules the world /​Anu Bradford.
Description: New York : Oxford University Press, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and
Identifiers: LCCN 2019031328 (print) | LCCN 2019031329 (ebook) | ISBN 9780190088583 (hardback) |
  ISBN 9780190088606 (epub) | ISBN 9780190088590 | ISBN 9780190088613
Subjects: LCSH: Law—​Mobility. | Law—​European influences. | Law—​European Union countries. |
  European Union—​Influence.
Classification: LCC K590.5 .B73 2020 (print) | LCC K590.5 (ebook) | DDC 341.242/​2—​dc23
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Äidille ja isälle

For mom and dad



Preface ix
Introduction: The Brussels Effect xiii


1. How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 7

2. The Brussels Effect 25

3. The Brussels Effect in Context 67

PREFACE TO PART T WO :  Case Studies 

4. Market Competition 99

5. Digital Economy 131

6. Consumer Health and Safety 171

7. Environment 207

viii Contents


8. Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 235

9. The Future of the Brussels Effect 265

Notes 289
Index 387


The idea for this book was born as a reaction to the nearly constant pub-
lic commentary about the European Union’s demise or global irrelevance that
permeates modern popular discourse. That narrative contradicted the data and
patterns I  observed in my own academic research, which provided many pro-
found examples of the EU’s global regulatory power and influence. Accurately
examining these examples affirms the EU’s continuing, even growing, global rel-
evance to the conduct of international regulatory affairs. These conflicting nar-
ratives sparked the idea to initially write an article about the mechanisms driving
the EU’s regulatory influence in an effort to correct the misperceptions about
the EU’s decline, and to advance a more informed view of the EU’s role in the
world. In that article, published in 2012 in Northwestern University Law Review,
I coined the term the “Brussels Effect”—​to capture the origins of the EU’s power
that stems from its Brussels-​based institutions and to pay tribute to, and to build
on, David Vogel’s pathbreaking work on the California Effect.
Encouraged by the debate the article generated, I  accepted the Oxford
University Press’s invitation to expand the article into a book. Much has hap-
pened since 2012, yet the EU’s influence over global markets has only grown,
despite the seemingly constant series of crises that the EU has continued to face.
This book seeks to advance a considerably more detailed and nuanced theory of
the EU’s global regulatory clout than the one initially articulated. It also broad-
ens the scope of the inquiry into new areas of regulation, new industries, and new
countries while also asking new questions, such as whether the Brussels Effect is
welfare-​enhancing and whether it will endure into the future.
The main contribution of the book is descriptive. It explains how and why
the EU has become the global regulatory hegemon unmatched by its geopolitical
rivals, without endorsing or criticizing the EU for the regulatory power it pos-
sesses. Like anyone, I hold my own normative views about the EU, and deeply
care about its destiny. My pride of the EU’s many accomplishments is as pro-
foundly felt as are my frustrations about its repeated failures. Toward the end
of the book and for the purpose of simulating discussion, I propose a normative

x Preface

stand on the Brussels Effect. However, the core argument and the overall contri-
bution of the book does not turn on my own views on the EU. The Brussels Effect
exists whether one likes it or not, and ultimately, I leave it for the reader to decide
whether the Brussels Effect is a phenomenon that advances the state of the world
or presents a cause for concern.
With this book, my hope is to engage supporters and detractors of the EU
alike. It challenges the critics’ view that portrays the EU as a powerless global
actor, and shows how such a criticism focuses on a narrow and outdated vision
of what power means today. For the most ardent supporters of the EU, the book
gives comfort that the EU matters, but also undermines the narrative that further
integration is needed for the EU’s revival and relevance. Even in the absence
of a European federation, the EU is already able to advance its interests, both
within and beyond its borders, through the Brussels Effect. Similarly, this book
is written for European and non-​European audiences alike. It hopes to speak to
the Brussels policy insiders as well as to foreign governments, companies, and
citizens with little direct experience with the EU as such—​until they notice how
pervasively and persistently the EU regulations reach their shores and affect
their daily lives.
As a result of my personal and professional journey from Europe to the
United States, today I  have the benefit of observing the EU at the same time
as an insider and as an outsider. For nearly two decades, I have studied the EU
as a European living in the United States. Being part of the American scholarly
and public conversation creates a certain distance to the debates taking place in
Brussels, affecting the way I perceive and write about the EU. Yet I will never be a
genuine outsider: I grew up in Finland; studied and worked in Belgium, France,
and Germany before moving to the United States; and wrote the bulk of this text
while living in Spain and traveling throughout Europe. When I write about the
EU regulations and institutions today, I write about something deeply familiar.
To me, EU law remains domestic law, not foreign law.
Throughout the writing process, I  benefited from rich and varied conver-
sations with an incredible group of individuals, both in the United States and
Europe. The manuscript improved immensely as a result of those conversations—​
yet all errors and deficiencies are mine alone. The book made its greatest leaps in
two manuscript conferences that took place in New York in 2018 and Madrid in
2019. I am deeply grateful to an amazing group of scholars who took the time to
read the manuscript and share a daylong conversation about it. Warmest thanks
to Alberto Alemanno, George Bermann, Katja Biedenkopf, Adam Chilton,
Marise Cremona, Grainne De Burca, Piet Eeckhout, Dan Kelemen, Suzanne
Kingston, Katerina Linos, Abe Newman, Mark Pollack, Tonya Putnam, Anne-​
Lise Sibony, Thomas Streinz, David Vogel, Maria Weimer, Jan Wouters, and Tim

Preface xi

Wu for putting aside your own projects and lending your brilliant minds to dis-
cuss the Brussels Effect with me. This is a very different and a much-​improved
book because of those conversations.
I had the opportunity to present drafts of the manuscript in various confer-
ences in Europe and the United States, including at the Council for European
Studies 26th International Conference of Europeanists in Madrid; Trade Lecture
Sessions at the WTO in Geneva; Observatory of the European Union at the IE
School of Global and Public Affairs and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in
Madrid; 10th Forum of Trans Europe Experts in Paris; EU Law Workshop at the
European University Institute in Florence; Global Governance Colloquium in
the Graduate Institute of Geneva; European Union seminar series at Princeton
University; Faculty Workshop at Columbia University; Workshop on Modeling
Convergence of the EU with the World at The City Law School, City, University
of London; and at the Duke-​Yale Foreign Relations Law Roundtable at Duke
University. I am deeply grateful for the excellent feedback I received.
I also greatly benefited from generous reading and invaluable insights from
many of my trusted colleagues. Special thanks to Rachel Brewster, Tom Ginsburg,
Katharina Pistor, Eric Posner, Dave Pozen, and Matt Waxman for your thought-
ful read and astute feedback, and to the anonymous reviewers at the Oxford
University Press who offered numerous insights that pushed the argument
further. Warm thanks also to Jessica Bulman-​Pozen, Stavros Gadinis, Kathryn
Harrigan, Bert Huang, Olati Johnson, Ben Liebman, Florencia Marotta-​Wurgler,
Sophie Meunier, Joanne Scott, Alex Wang, Jonathan Wiener, and Angela Zhang
for helpful conversations and reading suggestions. I owe deep gratitude to numer-
ous EU officials, legal and policy experts, and representatives of governments and
corporations for sharing their perspectives with me and directing me to the right
questions or sources. Of course, the arguments advanced in this book are mine
alone and cannot be attributed to these individuals or their organizations. In par-
ticular, my sincere thanks go to Julia Backmann, Matthew Bye, Riccardo Falconi,
John Frank, Tony Gardner, Bruno Gencarelli, Hans Ingels, Cyril Jacquet, Sabine
Juelicher, Michael Kefi, Esther Kelly, Nicholas Levy, Guillaume Loriot, Patrick
Robinson, Jessica Schonberg, James Stevens, Emiliano Tornese, Nicolas Veron,
Peter Zapfel, and Karolina Zazvorkova.
This book would not exist without my incredible team of research assistants.
Teaching and working with such an immensely talented and dedicated group
of students is an enormous privilege and makes this the best job in the world.
My sincere thanks to Phil Andriole, Bruna Barletta, Kelly Benguigui, David
Blackman, Andrew Brickfield, Sami Marouf Cleland, Marie-​Marie De Fays,
Pap Diouf, Haley Flora, Hui Zhen Gan, Jonah Garson, Rohan George, Rossana
Gonzalez-​Munoz, Julia Grabowska, Isabella Harris, Emily Hush, Lear Jiang,

xii Preface

Janet Kanzawa, HyunKyu Kim, Deul  Lim, Yu-​teng Lin, Ravi Kumar Mahto,
Marie Menshova, Kevin Minofu, Peter Neuboeck, Julie-​Irene A  Nkodo, Liuyi
Pan, Neeraj RS, Aakanksha Saxena, Elvira Sihvola, Eric Sliva, Alastair Smith,
Sreenidhi Srinivasan, Julia Szinovatz, Laura Weinblum, and Mitra Yazdi. Without
them, this book would have taken years more to write and would never have its
current reach. Their research allowed me to bring examples of the Brussels Effect
across Asia, Africa, and Latin America and discuss many regulations or industries
I discovered only through their research. Thank you for sharing my ambition and
going out of your way repeatedly for me. I also want to extend my warmest thanks
to my fantastic editor, Chris Lura, whose utmost care, dedication, and profession-
alism made this a far more readable book.
I want to acknowledge with gratitude the funding by various centers and
institutes at Columbia University whose support made this research possible:
Jerome A.  Chazen Institute for Global Business; Millstein Center for Global
Markets and Corporate Ownership; and Richard Paul Richman Center for
Business, Law, and Public Policy. The research also benefited from the support of
the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.1
Finally, my family. My heartfelt thanks to my three children—​Oliver, Sylvia,
and Vivian—​whose patience extended to Saturday mornings over the past two
years. My 12-​year-​old Oliver can articulate the Brussels Effect as well as anyone.
As a bicontinental citizen who is concerned for the future, he takes comfort in
how the Brussels Effect reaches him in New York City every day. My deep grati-
tude to my husband Travis, who never grew tired of discussing the Brussels Effect
or reminding me how much this insight mattered. Thank you for reading and
rereading every word of the draft manuscript and gifting me with both uncom-
promised honesty and unwavering support. You helped me see further and think
deeper, and many of the most important insights of the book can be traced to the
numerous conversations we shared.
This book is dedicated to my parents, Riitta and Lauri, who deserve my most
profound gratitude. The key elements of this book were developed while working
from my childhood home in Finland. Thank you for the countless hours of child
care, which gave me the vital space to think and write. Thank you for your tireless
support, for this project and for every past endeavor on which this project builds.
You always encouraged me to chase my own dreams, not yours or anyone else’s.
All my accomplishments, including this book, I owe to that.

Madrid, Spain
June 2019

The Brussels Effect

Reading the current news or any of a steady stream of policy analy-

ses by think tanks and government agencies, it is easy to discern a deeply held
assumption that Europe’s best days are over. Policy experts, scholars, and journal-
ists writing about Europe observe how “The Continent’s grand unity project is
failing, and its global influence is fading.”1 They describe “The European unrav-
eling”2 or document “The EU’s Fall and Decline: The Struggle Against Global
Irrelevance.”3 They refer to “The coming erosion of the European Union”4 or
explain “Why Europe no longer matters.”5 Some regret the decay of Europe, not-
ing how “The decline of Europe is a global concern,”6 while others remind how
Europe’s decline is a result of its own making given that “Europe Paves the Way
for Its Decline.”7 A narrative that emerges from this commentary is one portray-
ing the European Union (EU) as an aging and declining power that is struggling
to remain relevant.
There are several elements to the EU’s perceived weakness. A united Europe
has never been a military power, making it unfit to respond to global threats with
hard power. Its economic power is now waning as Asia’s is rising. The lingering
effects of the Euro crisis have further weakened the public’s confidence in the
European project. Aggravating these structural challenges, the EU is now fac-
ing new threats and pressures stemming from a more assertive Russia; the rise of
economic populism and Euroskepticism; increased terrorism; the refugee crises;
and, of course, the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote to leave the EU. The multitude
and the gravity of these crises may easily leave even the most ardent supporter of
the EU convinced of the inevitability of its decline.
This book advances an alternative and opposite view of the EU’s role in the
world. It argues that notwithstanding all its challenges, the EU remains an influ-
ential superpower that shapes the world in its image. The persistent narrative of
the EU’s decline overlooks an important dimension of its power that remains
unaffected by the recent crises—​the EU’s unilateral power to regulate global

xiv Introduction

markets. The EU today promulgates regulations that influence which products

are built and how business is conducted, not just in Europe but everywhere in
the world. In this way, the EU wields significant, unique, and highly penetrating
power to unilaterally transform global markets, be it through its ability to set
the standards in competition policy, environmental protection, food safety, the
protection of privacy, or the regulation of hate speech in social media. Therefore,
this book argues, regardless of any financial and political shortcomings it may
possess, the EU is, and is likely to remain, a major force in the global economy for
a long time to come.
Today, few Americans are aware that EU regulations determine the default
privacy settings on their iPhone or the type of speech that Twitter will delete as
unacceptable. Americans are hardly alone in this regard. Examples of EU’s regula-
tory influence abound across global markets. EU laws determine how timber is
harvested in Indonesia, how honey is produced in Brazil, what pesticides cocoa
farmers use in Cameroon, what equipment is installed in dairy factories in China,
what chemicals are incorporated in plastic toys in Japan, as well as how much
privacy is afforded to internet users in Latin America.
These are but a few examples of a phenomenon this book describes as the
“Brussels Effect.” The Brussels Effect refers to the EU’s unilateral power to regu-
late global markets. Without the need to use international institutions or seek
other nations’ cooperation, the EU has the ability to promulgate regulations that
shape the global business environment, leading to a notable “Europeanization”
of many important aspects of global commerce. Different from many other
forms of global influence, the EU does not need to impose its standards coer-
cively on anyone—​market forces alone are often sufficient to convert the EU
standard into the global standard as companies voluntarily extend the EU rule
to govern their worldwide operations. Under specific conditions, the Brussels
Effect leads to “unilateral regulatory globalization,” where regulations originat-
ing from a single jurisdiction penetrate many aspects of economic life across the
global marketplace.
Unpacking the determinants of unilateral regulatory globalization also reveals
why the EU—​as opposed to another great power such as the United States or
China—​has become the predominant regulator of global commerce, and why
the EU can successfully export certain regulations but not others. The EU has a
large consumer market, supported by strong regulatory institutions. Trading with
the EU requires foreign companies to adjust their conduct or production to EU
standards—​which often represent the most stringent standards globally—​or else
forgo the EU market entirely. Rarely, however, is the latter an option for multi-
national companies. In addition, these companies cannot circumvent EU rules
by moving regulatory targets to another jurisdiction because the EU primarily

Introduction xv

regulates inelastic consumer markets as opposed to more elastic capital markets

like in the United States. While capital may flee when faced with a constraining
regulatory environment, inelastic consumers will not. Further, even though the
EU regulates only its internal market, multinational corporations often have an
incentive to standardize their production globally and adhere to a single rule as
opposed to customizing their production to each individual market. This is a key
factor for how an EU regulation becomes converted into a de facto global regula-
tion. Of course, other large economies could also exercise unilateral global regu-
latory influence. However, the United States, for example, effectively cedes this
power to the EU by choosing to promulgate less-​stringent regulatory standards
across most policy domains, relegating the regulation of key areas such as data
protection largely to the markets.
By providing both a theoretical and empirical account of the EU’s unilat-
eral regulatory power, this book provides a corrective to the current discourse
that portrays the EU as a weak and declining power. The goal of this book is not
to deny the various criticisms of the EU’s weaknesses or argue that such criti-
cism lacks merit. The goal is to show that the full story is much more balanced,
and that in some very fundamental ways, the EU remains a powerful actor in
the global economy. In addition, this book also challenges the prevailing narra-
tive that views the EU as a champion of multilateral cooperation and universal
norms,8 painting a stark contrast with the United States’ unilateralism in inter-
national affairs. The Brussels Effect shows that the EU’s commitment to multi-
lateralism and universalism must be qualified. Like any great power, the EU is
willing to shape the international order to ensure that international norms reflect
its regulatory preferences—​often multilaterally but at times even more effectively
unilaterally.9 The United States is also typically associated with the pro-​market
views while the EU is seen as distrusting the markets and relying on government
institutions instead. However, through the Brussels Effect, it is the EU, and not
the United States, which best deploys the market forces to unleash its unilateral
global regulatory power. Consequently, this book demonstrates that the EU’s
greatest global influence may not be through multilateral mechanisms and politi-
cal institutions, but instead through unilateral actions, facilitated by markets and
private corporations.
Through numerous examples across different regulatory policies, this book
not only shows that the Brussels Effect exists but also that it matters. In the
global contest for influence, regulatory power is highly relevant. EU regula-
tions penetrate numerous aspects of people’s everyday lives around the world.
The Brussels Effect affects the food they eat, the air they breathe, and the prod-
ucts they produce and consume. While many traditional tools of influence have
waned in importance, the regulatory power of the EU remains more durable,

xvi Introduction

more deployable, and less easily undermined by other states. It is increasingly

difficult today to exert raw military power or even rely on economic sanctions
or conditional incentives embedded in trade or loan agreements.10 Economic
power is no longer an exclusive domain of a few relatively homogenous players
such as the United States, the EU, and Japan. Today, China and other emerg-
ing economies are growing in affluence. In a world of multiple powers and het-
erogeneous interests, exercise of unilateral economic power is rarely possible.
The persisting inability to conclude the World Trade Organization (WTO)
trade talks is one reminder that in the world where many are powerful, no
country is powerful enough to get anything done alone. Economic sanctions
are rarely successful today because embargoed nations have an easier time find-
ing alternative suppliers or markets for their products. Trade wars can easily
throw the world markets into disarray, breeding grave uncertainty and often
leading to significant economic losses to all parties, including to the nation
waging such wars. Conditional aid and other rewards traditionally used as
means of leverage by powerful nations and institutions such as the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund are decreasingly effective as coun-
tries such as China are prepared to extend aid even to rogue countries—​often
with no strings attached. Therefore, in contrast to these traditional channels
to wield influence, regulatory power is one of the few areas where unilateral-
ism still works.
This book’s thesis is also particularly relevant today given the growing con-
cerns over the future of international cooperation and global institutions. It offers
a new perspective that differs in subtle and gross ways from the prevalent view
that globalization is in retreat. While international cooperation may be in crisis,
the Brussels Effect shows how we can continue to generate international rules to
govern global markets even in the absence of multilateral cooperation. For exam-
ple, while President Trump can withdraw the United States from international
treaties and institutions, there is little that the current US administration can
do to roll back EU regulations and curtail the EU’s ability to export those rules
through the Brussels Effect—​to the United States or elsewhere. Similarly, this
book will argue that Brexit will not liberate the United Kingdom from the EU’s
regulatory leash. Roughly half of UK exports are destined for the EU, with little
expectation of change. The United Kingdom will therefore continue to need
access to the EU’s large consumer market long after Brexit. While UK companies
could, in principle, adopt one set of standards for Europe and multiple other sets
of standards for the rest of the world post-​Brexit, the Brussels Effect makes this
unlikely. This shatters the illusion of the regulatory freedom that Brexit is meant
to deliver to the United Kingdom. The Brussels Effect therefore mitigates the
declining globalization and keeps the United Kingdom tightly connected to the
EU market long after leaving the EU.

Introduction xvii

The Structure of the Book

This book proceeds in three parts. Part I, consisting of ­chapters 1–​3, develops the
theoretical foundation for the Brussels Effect. It explains how the EU evolved into
a global regulatory power and discusses the conditions under which the Brussels
Effect occurs. Part II, consisting of c­ hapters 4–​7, offers concrete evidence of the
Brussels Effect across different policy areas, industries, and jurisdictions. Part III,
consisting of ­chapters 8 and 9, examines the desirability of the Brussels Effect and
offers predictions on whether the EU’s regulatory hegemony will last. Each part
of the book also includes a short preface to help orient the reader and transition
across the book’s three parts. The preface to Part I provides an introductory defi-
nition of the Brussels Effect and a comment on the book’s theoretical positioning
and contributions to the literature. The preface to Part II briefly discusses the
structure of the case studies and the rationale for their selection, and highlights
some key takeaways that emerge from them. Finally, the preface to Part III intro-
duces the key issues to consider when assessing the desirability and the endurance
of the Brussels Effect in the final two chapters.
Chapter 1 sets the stage by discussing the EU’s emergence as a global regu-
latory power. It introduces key EU institutions and describes their role in the
regulatory process. It then explains how regulation has become a key tool to
advance European integration, giving these institutions a powerful motivation
to pursue an ambitious regulatory agenda. It also argues how the creation of the
single market was always the primary concern for the EU institutions. For a long
time, the Brussels Effect was an ancillary and largely unintended by-​product of a
regulatory agenda that was driven by internal motivations. Only more recently, a
conscious external agenda has emerged alongside this internal agenda.
Chapter 2 forms the conceptual heart of the book by laying out the condi-
tions under which a single jurisdiction exerts global regulatory authority, and
shows why the EU today is in a unique position to assume the role of a global
regulatory hegemon. These conditions explain the emergence and prevalence
of the Brussels Effect. A country’s market size is a well-​understood proxy for its
ability to exercise regulatory authority over foreign corporations and individu-
als. But market size alone does not guarantee global regulatory influence. The
state must also have the regulatory capacity as well as the political will to generate
stringent rules. Moreover, the Brussels Effect only occurs when the EU regulates
inelastic targets, such as consumer markets as opposed to capital. Unlike capital,
consumers are not able to flee to less-​regulated jurisdictions, compromising the
EU’s regulatory clout. Finally, EU standards become global only when compa-
nies’ production or conduct is non-​divisible—​in other words, when a company’s
benefits of adhering to a single standard exceed the benefits of taking advantage
of laxer standards in other markets. These conditions, taken together, explain why

xviii Introduction

the EU is the only regulatory regime that can wield unilateral regulatory influ-
ence across global markets today.
Chapter  3 places the EU’s unilateral regulatory influence in context of the
EU’s broader external influence. The Brussels Effect is not the sole manifestation
of the EU’s global regulatory power. Instead, the EU wields norm-​setting power
through a number of different channels such as trade agreements and participa-
tion in international institutions and transnational government networks. This
chapter reviews these alternative channels of the EU’s regulatory influence in an
attempt to provide context for the Brussels Effect within the broader set of tools
that the EU has at its disposal. It then compares the relative advantages and disad-
vantages of those alternative methods when contrasted with the Brussels Effect,
and discusses when these other channels of influence are likely to complement or,
alternatively, substitute the Brussels Effect.
In Part II, the book turns to the empirical evidence of the Brussels Effect.
Chapters 4–​7 illustrate the Brussels Effect by reviewing several areas of regula-
tory policy where companies are converging their global production and conduct
to EU regulations (the de facto Brussels Effect) or where foreign governments are
emulating EU regulations domestically (the de jure Brussels Effect). These case
studies include the EU’s regulation of market competition (­chapter  4), digital
economy (­chapter 5), consumer health and safety (­chapter 6), and the environ-
ment (­chapter 7). The goal is to explain why and how the EU has emerged as the
most prominent global regulator in these policy areas, and to provide concrete
examples of the manifestations of the Brussels Effect.
Part III, consisting of ­chapters 8 and 9, considers the normative implications
and reflects on the future of the Brussels Effect. Chapter  8 asks whether the
Brussels Effect is beneficial in terms of advancing people’s welfare, both in the EU
and abroad. In examining this question, the chapter engages with economic and
political criticism leveled against the Brussels Effect. It asks if the global reach of
EU regulations is costly and capable of hindering innovation, or driven by protec-
tionist motives. It also queries if the Brussels Effect should be viewed as a mani-
festation of regulatory imperialism, undercutting the power of foreign sovereigns
to make critical decisions regarding their economies and serve their citizens in
accordance with their democratically established preferences.
Chapter  9 concludes this book by looking into the future. It addresses
both external and internal challenges to EU’s regulatory hegemony and exam-
ines whether and how the Brussels Effect will persist, given these challenges.
The impending departure of the United Kingdom from the EU may appear to
weaken the EU’s regulatory power. The growing concerns over the future of mul-
tilateral institutions and international cooperation may also challenge the EU’s
ability to shape the global regulatory environment. Additional challenges loom

Introduction xix

on the horizon. These include the rise of China and other emerging powers that
will gradually erode the relative market power of the EU. Technological change
may revolutionize industrial processes, allowing for greater customization and
thereby reducing the need to produce to a single global (often European) stand­
ard. Finally, the EU’s internal political struggles may compromise its ability to
engage in effective rule-making as the anti-​EU sentiment grows. This chapter will
consider each of these challenges in turn, offering an account of not just the EU’s
regulatory power but the persistence of that power. In doing so, it also invites a
question as to whether this book will be read as describing the history or the pres-
ent in the decades to come.



Part I  of this book lays the theoretical foundation for the Brussels Effect and
sets it in the context of the EU’s broader external influence. Chapter 1 discusses
the EU’s emergence as a global regulatory power. It explains how regulation
has offered a key tool to advance European integration, giving EU institutions
a powerful motivation to pursue an ambitious regulatory agenda. Chapter  2
shows how market forces have externalized this regulatory agenda through the
Brussels Effect, leading to a significant de facto globalization of EU regulations.
Specifically, it outlines the conditions under which the Brussels Effect occurs and
shows how the EU is in a unique position to exert unilateral regulatory influence
globally today. Chapter 3 situates the Brussels Effect in the broader context of
the EU’s global regulatory influence. It reviews alternative channels of the EU’s
regulatory influence and discusses when and how these channels complement or,
alternatively, substitute the Brussels Effect.
Before proceeding with Part I, however, it will be useful to take a moment to
define the “Brussels Effect” and distinguish it from other mechanisms of global
regulatory influence. Following that definition , the rest of this preface situates the
Brussels Effect within the current scholarly debates on regulatory politics and regu-
latory races as well as the EU’s external relations and its global role—​while also
showing how the Brussels Effect relates to, and builds on, the influential scholar-
ship on the California Effect.

What Is the Brussels Effect?

The term the “Brussels Effect” refers to the EU’s unilateral ability to regulate the
global marketplace. The Brussels Effect can be unintentional, arising from a set
of enabling conditions sustained by markets rather than from the EU’s active
efforts to export its regulations. While acknowledging that other forms of the
EU’s global influence exist, this book generally reserves the term the Brussels
Effect to capture the phenomenon where the markets are transmitting the EU’s
regulations to both market participants and regulators outside the EU. In these

2 T he Brussels Effect

instances, the EU does not have to do anything except regulate its own market to
exercise global regulatory power. The size and attractiveness of its market does the
rest. Thus, in essence, the Brussels Effect emerges from market forces and multi-
national companies’ self-​interest to adopt relatively stringent EU standards glob-
ally. At the same time, the Brussels Effect is not only the result of private power: it
is the interplay between EU regulations and the market forces’ ability to external-
ize those regulations in different markets that give rise to the Brussels Effect.
Further, there are two variants of the Brussels Effect:  the “de facto Brussels
Effect” and the “de jure Brussels Effect.” The de facto Brussels Effect explains how
global corporations respond to EU regulations by adjusting their global conduct to
EU rules. No regulatory response by foreign governments is needed; corporations
have the business incentive to extend the EU regulation to govern their worldwide
production or operations. The de jure Brussels Effect—​which refers to the adop-
tion of EU-​style regulations by foreign governments—​builds directly on the de
facto Brussels Effect: after multinational companies have adjusted their global con-
duct to conform to EU rules, they have the incentive to lobby EU-​style regulations
in their home jurisdictions. This ensures that they are not at a disadvantage when
competing domestically against companies that do not export to the EU and that,
therefore, have no incentive to conform their conduct or production to costly EU
This kind of situation—​where the de facto Brussels Effect changes the incentives
of foreign multinational companies and leads them to lobby for regulatory adjust-
ment in their home markets—​illustrates the strict definition of the “de jure Brussels
Effect.” Sometimes this process alone can lead to the formal adoption of EU-​style
regulations by foreign governments. However, often the decisions of foreign govern-
ments to emulate EU regulations will be the result of multiple factors that may only
partially have their origins in the de facto Brussels Effect. As a result, the term “de
jure Brussels Effect,” less-​strictly defined, can also be used to describe a broader set
of mechanisms that transmit EU rules to foreign jurisdictions. For example, the EU
often exports its regulations to foreign jurisdictions through various economic and
political treaties and via international organizations and governmental networks.
EU regulations can also mobilize foreign consumers to support regulatory reforms
at home. These other instruments and mechanisms can facilitate, amplify, or oth-
erwise interact with the Brussels Effect, but they can also lead to the diffusion of
EU regulations on their own. Empirically, it is often difficult to separate the vari-
ous motivations that lead a foreign government to adopt an EU-​style law. For this
reason, this book adopts the less-​strict definition of the de jure Brussels Effect and
discusses the various empirical examples that stem from these varying motivations.
Between the two variants of the Brussels Effect, the de facto Brussels Effect is the
primary focus of this book and the core of the theoretical discussion in ­chapter 2. The

Theory 3

de jure Brussels Effect has been conceptually developed elsewhere: the strict defini-
tion of the de jure Brussels Effect—​the regulatory adjustment that follows from the
lobbying efforts by firms that have experienced the de facto Brussels Effect—​was
developed by David Vogel in his work on the California Effect and will therefore
not be revisited in detail in this book. The broader definition of the de jure Brussels
Effect—​including the diffusion of EU norms through international treaties and
institutions—​has similarly been extensively discussed in prior literature. However,
empirical evidence of the de jure Brussels Effect has not been extensively examined
except in narrow policy areas and with respect to selected jurisdictions. Thus, in
addition to its theoretical and empirical contribution to the understanding of the
de facto Brussels Effect, the objective of this book is to show how pervasive the de
jure emulation of EU regulations is and how the de jure Brussels Effect comple-
ments and interacts with the de facto Brussels Effect. Together, this will hopefully
offer a more comprehensive picture of the EU’s influence.
This book’s primary focus within regulatory theory is market regulation—​
typically as applicable to consumer markets. The Brussels Effect is not inherently
limited to product regulation but extends to the regulation of production processes
as well. This “product versus process” distinction is common in the literature on
trade and economic regulation but analytically less central to the Brussels Effect,
which accommodates both.2 Several examples of the Brussels Effect deal with
product regulation—​such as personal data that is available online, the presence of
certain chemicals in a product, the inclusion of hazardous material in electronics,
or certain software package that is offered by a developer. Other examples of the
Brussels Effect deal with process regulation—​such as the process of storing data,
a particular testing method (such as animal testing) of cosmetics, or the regula-
tion of greenhouse gases emitted as part of a production process. Thus, there is
nothing that inherently limits the applicability of the Brussels Effect to the regula-
tion of products as opposed to production methods. Instead, the conditions for the
Brussels Effect, described in detail in c­ hapter 2, delineate the types of regulations
that can be subject to the Brussels Effect. For example, the Brussels Effect is typi-
cally limited to “inelastic targets” and therefore rarely applicable to financial regula-
tion given the elasticity of capital. Similarly, corporations’ conduct or production
needs to be “non-​divisible” for the Brussels Effect to occur, leaving many labor
standards such as minimum wage typically outside the phenomenon. Moreover,
the Brussels Effect is tied to the EU’s ability to leverage its “market size,” making
it rarely applicable to constrain, for example, human rights violations that occur
abroad and that are typically not subject to EU’s market access.
Further, while this phenomenon is labeled the “Brussels Effect” herein and
used to explain the EU’s role as a global regulatory hegemon today, the condi-
tions for this phenomenon are generic as opposed to EU-​specific in nature. They

4 T he Brussels Effect

are designed to explain any jurisdiction’s ability to unilaterally supply rules for the
global marketplace with the help of market forces. In this sense, they are inde-
pendent from and should outlive the EU’s regulatory hegemony, explaining if
and when such a hegemony would diminish or be displaced by another unilateral
global regulator when the similar conditions might arise elsewhere. Consequently,
the Brussels Effect is more a theory of unilateral regulatory power that any juris-
diction may derive from the interplay of its size, behavior and market forces—​the
EU’s ability to do so in current times is only a powerful and underappreciated
application of that theory.

How the Brussels Effect Challenges

the Regulatory Debate
This book seeks to contribute to several scholarly debates in law, political sci-
ence, and economics. It builds on theories of regulatory competition and conver-
gence,3 including the pathbreaking work by David Vogel on the California Effect.
In addition, this book provides a corrective to the debates that portray the EU as
a weak and declining player that has acquiesced its global role to a preoccupation
with numerous existential crises. Within these debates, the Brussels Effect also
invites us to reconsider the relative roles that governments and markets play in
shaping economic outcomes. It also aims to bring a new perspective to discus-
sions on international cooperation by highlighting the power of unilateral rule-
making to transform both global markets and global politics.
The Brussels Effect challenges the critics of globalization who claim that trade
liberalization undermines domestic regulation.4 These critical voices fear that
glob­alization leads to a “race to the bottom” where countries lower their regula-
tory standards in order to improve their relative competitive position in the global
economy.5 Recently, many of the assumptions driving this influential literature have
been discredited.6 For example, fears of businesses relocating to pollution havens or
capital flights following higher levels of corporate taxation have generally not mate-
rialized. Scholars have instead shown that international trade has frequently trig-
gered a “race to the top,” whereby domestic regulations have become more stringent
as the global economy has become more integrated.7 Still, the race-​to-​the-​bottom
paradigm remains influential, shaping the debates among scholars and policy mak-
ers alike. The Brussels Effect adds to this literature by showing how the benefits of
uniform production across the global marketplace incentivizes companies to adjust
their regulatory standards upward rather than downward.
The discussion on global regulatory races mirrors the debates on regulatory
outcomes in federal systems. The “Delaware Effect” has been used to explain the
race to the bottom in corporate law within the United States: since corporations

Theory 5

can incorporate in any state irrespective of where they do business, all states have
an incentive to relax their chartering requirements in order to attract corporate tax
revenues. Delaware has won this race by being the most attractive place to incor-
porate, either from the perspective of management, shareholders, or both.8 The
“California Effect” captures an opposite phenomenon: due to its large market and
preference for stringent consumer and environmental regulations, California is, at
times, effectively able to set the regulatory standards for all other states.9 Businesses
willing to export to California must meet its standards, and the benefits from uni-
form production give these firms an incentive to apply this same (stringent) stand­
ard to their entire production.10
This book builds on the California Effect yet goes beyond it in some critical
ways. First, the Brussels Effect expands the dynamics of the California Effect from
a US federal system to a global context.11 In doing so, it uncovers and explains per-
haps the most significant example of the California Effect—​its global occurrence—​
which has been undertheorized and underestimated as an empirical phenomenon.
Second, the Brussels Effect outlines the precise conditions that allow an upward
regulatory convergence to emerge. The theory underpinning the California Effect
recognizes the importance of market size and scale economies as a source of a
jurisdiction’s external regulatory clout. Yet it fails to acknowledge factors such as
regulatory capacity and inelasticity as key components of the theory, and overlooks
factors other than scale economies that can prevent a company from producing
different varieties for different markets. Thus, the discussion of the Brussels Effect
provides a more nuanced theory of the conditions under which a single jurisdiction
can exert regulatory influence outside its borders. This more accurate and complete
understanding of the conditions underlying the Brussels Effect explains why the
EU, as opposed to any other large economy, can unilaterally supply global stan-
dards. It also makes the theory more generalizable. Assuming the specific condi-
tions outlined by the theory are met, what today amounts to the Brussels Effect
may one day be described as the “Beijing Effect.”
Finally, the literature on regulatory competition—​including the California
Effect—​focuses on a dynamic where a lax foreign regulator formally adopts the
stringent rule of the lead regulator.12 This attention to “de jure regulatory conver-
gence” fails to account for regulatory convergence that takes place in the absence
of formal changes to legal rules. In reality, this type of formal “trading up” often
fails to occur. Instead, we typically see only a “de facto regulatory convergence”
whereby much of global business is conducted under unilateral EU rules even when
other states continue to maintain their own rules. This is true, for instance, with
respect to US competition laws, privacy laws, and rules on food safety. Unilateral
regulatory globalization does not need to elicit a formal regulatory response from
another nation. The EU law governs whether other countries follow suit or not.

6 T he Brussels Effect

Seen in this light, the Brussels Effect is more about one jurisdiction’s ability to over-
ride others than it is about triggering an upward regulatory race.
The Brussels Effect also departs from the existing scholarship on the relation-
ship between regulatory convergence and regulatory power. Daniel Drezner has
argued that great-​power consensus leads to regulatory convergence whereas great-​
power disagreement leads to regulatory divergence and the emergence of rival stan-
dards.13 Which rival standard trumps the other depends on the regulatory powers’
relative ability to seek allies supporting their respective regulatory preferences.14 In
contrast to Drezner, this book shows that de facto convergence can take place in the
midst of a great-​power disagreement. When the conditions for the Brussels Effect
exist, rival standards between two equal powers fail to materialize. Instead, the out-
come of the regulatory race is predetermined: the more stringent regulator prevails.
Prevailing theories on regulatory globalization explain the emergence of regula-
tory convergence as a result of either cooperation or coercion. The Brussels Effect
adds to this theoretical discussion but differs from it because it falls between coop-
eration and coercion. It can be distinguished from political cooperation where
convergence results only after a consensus is reached between states or regulatory
authorities. It is also different from unilateral coercion, where one jurisdiction
imposes its rules on others through threats or sanctions. In contrast, unilateral reg-
ulatory globalization occurs when the law of one jurisdiction migrates into another
in the absence of the former actively imposing it or the latter willingly adopting it.
Finally, Part I’s contribution to the regulatory debate is descriptive. It shows
that the Brussels Effect is pervasive and relevant, without endorsing or criticizing
the phenomenon. The broader normative questions of whether the Brussels Effect
is desirable or not will be discussed in Part III. Part I puts this normative question
aside for the moment and focuses on articulating a descriptive theory on when and
how the Brussels Effect takes place—​and when it fails to do so.

How the EU Became a Global

Regulatory Power

Since the 1990s, the EU has embarked on an ambitious project to build a

European regulatory state. Through regulation, EU institutions have integrated
the common market by adopting common standards to protect the health and
safety of consumers and the environment, to foster competition, and to safeguard
the integrity of personal data. An important motive behind these regulations has
been to build a single market that allows for a harmonized regulatory environ-
ment and thereby frictionless trade across the member states. Over the years, this
internal goal of pursuing European integration through regulation has gained an
increasingly external dimension—​driven by the Brussels Effect—​establishing the
EU as the global regulatory hegemon. For a long time, the Brussels Effect was
an ancillary and largely unintended by-​product of a regulatory agenda that was
driven by internal motivations. Only more recently, a conscious external agenda
has emerged alongside this internal one.
This chapter discusses the EU’s evolution into a global regulatory power.
First, it briefly introduces key EU institutions and their role in the regula-
tory process. It then explains how regulation has been developed to advance
European integration, giving these institutions a powerful motivation to pursue
an ambitious regulatory agenda, while catering to the European Commission’s
bureaucratic interests in the process. Finally, it considers the internal and exter-
nal motives that have guided the EU’s regulatory rule-making.

The Key Institutions Generating EU Regulations

The EU institutions involved in the legislative and regulatory process are com-
prised of three primary players: the Council of the European Union (Council),
the European Parliament (EP), and the European Commission (Commission),

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

8 T heory

representing the interests of the individual EU member states, the European citi-
zens, and the EU as an institution, respectively. In addition, European courts play
a crucial role in the interpretation and enforcement of EU treaties, regulations,
and directives.1
The Council brings together the executive branches of the member states and
is composed of the government ministers of each member state. It forms the leg-
islative arm of the EU and meets in different configurations, depending on the
policy area being discussed. For example, when the Council considers an environ-
mental regulation, each member state sends its environmental minister. Similarly,
when the Council legislates on agricultural policy, the minister responsible for
agriculture represents each member state. These representatives are authorized
to vote on behalf of their member state, binding their respective countries to the
decisions the Council makes collectively. The Council makes decisions in accord­
ance with a simple majority, qualified majority, or unanimous vote, depending on
the subject matter.
The EP represents the EU citizenry and exercises legislative authority in
conjunction with the Council in this capacity. The EP consists of 751 mem-
bers (MEPs) who are directly elected by European citizens. Each member state
is afforded representatives in the EP roughly proportionate to its population.
For example, while Germany, as the most populous nation in the EU, is allot-
ted 96 MEPs, Malta, Estonia, Cyprus, and Luxembourg each have 6 MEPs. The
MEPs organize themselves into political groups and typically vote with their
political group as opposed to along national lines. For example, Spanish center-​
right parties align themselves with MEPs representing center-​right parties in all
other member states (European People’s Party) while the Spanish socialists align
themselves with socialists from all other member states (Progressive Alliance of
Socialists and Democrats).
The Commission functions as the EU’s executive arm and enjoys substan-
tial independent decision-​making authority. The Commission consists of the
political “College of Commissioners,” with one commissioner hailing from each
member state. Each Commissioner is assigned responsibility over a certain pol-
icy department known as a Directorate-​General (DG). Each DG focuses on a
specific policy area, such as health and food safety or competition policy. Even
though commissioners come from all twenty-eight member states, the commis-
sioners advance the common EU interest as opposed to that of their own member
state. In addition to the politically selected commissioners, the Commission has
a large bureaucratic staff of approximately thirty thousand career civil servants.
The Commission has significant agenda-​setting power through its right to
propose legislation. It remains influential throughout the legislative process, act-
ing in close cooperation with the Council and the EP, and is also in charge of the

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 9

implementation and enforcement of EU legislation. As the “guardian of the trea-

ties,” the Commission oversees the enforcement of EU law. If an individual mem-
ber state fails to implement certain regulations, the Commission has the authority
to challenge the noncomplying member state before the European Court of
Justice (ECJ or CJEU). It also negotiates treaties on behalf of the EU after receiv-
ing a mandate from the Council. In many policy areas, the Commission is a semi-​
autonomous actor, with extensive powers to engage in the legislative process and
independent regulatory activity. The Council has delegated to the Commission
significant regulatory powers in several policy areas, including competition law,
allowing the Commission to pursue its regulatory agenda largely unconstrained
by other EU institutions.
Finally, European courts play a significant role in interpreting and enforcing
EU laws and regulations. The European courts consist of the ECJ and the General
Court, both of which are composed of judges nominated by each of the member
states. The main task of the European courts is to ensure the uniform applica-
tion of EU law across member states. This uniformity is facilitated by the ECJ’s
authority to give preliminary rulings that guide national courts in EU member
states in their interpretation and application of EU law. Many key elements of
EU law, such as the concept of the primacy of EU law or “direct effect,” did not
originate in EU treaties but were later pronounced by the ECJ in its rulings.2 In
addition, the European courts are the key to ensuring that member states and EU
institutions abide by EU law, and that the rights of individuals under EU treaties
are upheld.

Promoting European Integration via Regulation

The desire to build a single market has always been a primary driver behind EU
regulation. Developing harmonized EU regulations is critical for the operation
of the single market as inconsistent product standards can hinder cross-​border
trade. If each of the twenty-eight individual member states adopted a different
national standard to protect the environment or to safeguard personal data, the
single market could not function efficiently, as companies would face a different
regulatory environment in each country. This would force companies to modify
their production and business practices from each member state to another, or
even to produce different product varieties for different member states. For this
reason, harmonized standards became a key goal for European integration early
on, serving both the specific substantive goal (such as environmental protection)
and the broader economic and political goal of achieving greater market integra-
tion. Thus, every directive and regulation—​be it on chemical safety, environmen-
tal protection, or data privacy—​typically has a dual purpose: it serves not only to

10 T heory

advance consumer or environmental protection but also advances a single market

where divergent national regulations are aligned so as to ensure free movement of
goods and services across the EU.3
The pursuit of EU-​level harmonization need not entail complete uniformity
in national standards. Acknowledging the legal and cultural heterogeneity across
member states and respecting their distinct regulatory preferences, the EU has
often opted for “minimum harmonization” and mutual recognition of national
standards. This is especially true after ECJ issued an influential judgement in
Cassis de Dijon, where the Court established the principle of mutual recogni-
tion of national regulations.4 According to this principle, member states must
recognize each other’s regulations as sufficient, as long as they equally protect
the public interest in question. Minimum harmonization calls for a common
EU standard only to the extent that is necessary to ensure the functioning of the
single market, while preserving the flexibility for member states to enact more
stringent standards domestically. This flexibility is also inherent in the directives,
which are an often-​used legislative instrument in the EU. Directives are legislative
acts that set out the goals that all member states must achieve. Yet they preserve
the freedom of member states to decide how to best achieve those goals. These
flexible instruments have been essential in securing broad support for the EU’s
regulatory agenda.
Although EU-​level regulations are the key drivers of the Brussels Effect glob-
ally, often those regulations have their origins in individual member states.5
EU member states tend to be policy innovators in areas where the EU has not
acted, and in areas where they retain authority to regulate under the EU trea-
ties. For instance, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries were the
forebearers of the EU’s environmental regulations.6 Germany regulated automo-
tive emissions before the EU by strengthening its emission standards. Sweden
and Denmark restricted antibiotics in animal feed before the EU followed suit.
Denmark and the United Kingdom had a national emissions trading scheme
before the EU decided to adopt one at the EU level. Similarly, EU regulation on
GMOs was preceded by similar regulations in Germany and Sweden. Further,
France and Denmark were frontrunners in banning BPAs in products for infants,
paving the way for the EU to do so later.7 Similarly, regulators in France and
Germany were some of the key member states that exported their privacy regula-
tion upward within the EU.8 Because these national regulations risk fragmenting
the single market, the EU is prompted to harmonize standards at the EU level in
an effort to preserve the integrity of the common market. Notably, the EU has
tended not to pursue “downward harmonization,” which would entail letting the
member states with low levels of regulation set the common standard for every-
one. Instead, as in the examples just mentioned, it has typically pursued “upward

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 11

harmonization” and regulated toward more stringent standards of its members

states—​something which, as discussed later in this chapter, has been a key factor
in extending the Brussels Effect.
There is always a risk that efforts to harmonize regulatory standards will lead
to the lowest common denominator prevailing across all states. Too often in mul-
tilateral negotiations, the least ambitious state gets to set the standard. Especially
where the consent of all states is needed, provisions get watered down as the
threat of a veto held by each state hangs over each negotiation and vote. It is also
often easier to harmonize to the least burdensome standard rather than forcing
reluctant states to adopt rules that are costly to enact and enforce. Indeed, for the
EU, there have been many incentives and pressures that could have caused it to
pursue downward harmonization. For example, there have been obvious losers
from high regulatory standards. These include individual consumers who would
have preferred lesser protections in return for lower prices. Similarly, some of the
less-​wealthy member states would arguably have benefited from less-stringent
regulations to facilitate much needed economic growth. Finally, corporate inter-
ests would typically advocate for a less-​burdensome regulatory environment, cit-
ing costs on innovation and their international competitiveness.
Yet there are several reasons why “harmonizing up” as opposed to “harmo-
nizing down” took place. First, stringent standards were often adopted to reas-
sure the European public that economic integration would not be pursued at the
expense of consumer health and safety or environmental quality. As economic
integration deepened, Europeans began to resist the liberalization agenda that
was seen as a threat to these non-​economic values.9 To defend continued eco-
nomic integration and to vest themselves with greater legitimacy, EU institutions
thus set out to expand the integration agenda to these other values, adopting
stringent standards—​in areas such as environmental protection, food safety, or
data privacy—​to ensure that economic gains from integration are not pursued
without protecting quality of life.10 Thus, upward harmonization of regulatory
standards was seen as necessary to ensure continuing political support for eco-
nomic liberalization.
Upward harmonization has also been politically more palatable among the
states that already had the highest standards in certain regulatory areas. The
Commission has thus found it easier to convince the regulatory laggards to
respond to their citizens’ demands for greater protections rather than trying to
persuade the first movers to back down and repeal their domestic protections.
The EU’s efforts to harmonize regulations on the health and safety of workers
illustrates this dynamic.11 In the early 1990s, the EU member states with high
standards—​including Belgium, Denmark, France, and Germany—​advocated
for greater EU harmonization of labor protections to protect their industries

12 T heory

that faced competition from other member states—​including Greece, Ireland,

Portugal, and Spain—​whose domestic laws contained lower labor standards. In
the end, all members (with the exception of the United Kingdom, which negoti-
ated an opt-​out) agreed to sign a Social Protocol, which was annexed to the 1992
Maastricht Treaty.12 The Protocol contains provisions, for instance, on working
conditions and equal treatment in the workplace. To persuade even the low-​
regulation member states to join the Protocol, the Commission agreed to provide
them compensation in the form of structural funds that allowed them to offset
some of the costs resulting from the adoption of higher labor standards.13
When considering the views of the various key interest groups, harmonizing
up as opposed to down also provides a fertile ground for compromise. Marrying
each standard’s economic purpose to its broader societal purpose helps build
coalitions among different stakeholders. During these harmonization efforts, for
example, non-​governmental organizations (NGOs) who advocate for environ-
mental protection have at times been able to find common ground with busi-
nesses that desire a harmonized regulatory environment. While these businesses
would often prefer laxer rules, upward harmonization remains preferable to dis-
cordant national standards, which inevitably increase costs and complexity. This
rare alignment of interests paves the way for a distinctly powerful pro-​regulation
coalition, making the two interest groups—​firms and consumers—​unlikely allies
in a quest for harmonized rules for the European and, ultimately, t​hrough the
Brussels Effect, t​ he global market. The EU also has a particularly strong incentive
to act externally when the moral and economic imperatives of the Community
coincide:  that is, when it enjoys political rents from the EU industry and the
consumer and environmental advocates at the same time.14
One example of such an alliance that resulted in foreign regulatory changes
was a coalition between EU corporations and environmental groups regarding
the EU’s Eco-​Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS), which was first intro-
duced in 1993.15 EMAS regulates public disclosure of corporations’ environmen-
tal improvement records. Already subject to the disclosure obligations, the EU
corporations teamed up with environmental NGOs to lobby for the adoption
of the same standards by US and Asian corporations. In the end, the campaign
was successful and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
adopted the European standard as a global standard in 1996.16 Similarly, in the
fight against GMOs in the mid-​1990s, Greenpeace and other environmental
and consumer NGOs mobilized overwhelming popular support from diverse
sectors. NGOs found surprising allies for their cause, including European farm-
ers, represented by Copa-​Cocega, and the European retail industry, represented
by Eurocoop and EuroCommerce.17 The conventional farming industry in the
EU was opposed to GMOs and shielded away from cultivating them. The retail

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 13

industry similarly resisted the GMOs, largely in response to the public opposi-
tion. Through the lobbying by these key stakeholders, in 2003 the EU adopted
two regulations—​one establishing a system to trace and label GMOs and one
regulating food derived from GMOs.18 Since 2003, these partnerships have per-
sisted, maintaining joint pressure on the Commission to ban all non-​authorized
GMOs in food.19
Similarly, this dual purpose behind regulations has often helped political par-
ties from the left and the right find common ground. Harmonized environmen-
tal or product safety standards across the EU allow political parties on the left
to protect consumers while also allowing parties on the right to prioritize trade
across the common market. Of course, political tensions may still remain and
interests are not always easy to align. However, this dual purpose broadens coali-
tions and increases the likelihood that the key interest groups—​which in other
political and regulatory contexts might have agendas firmly in opposition—​have
something to gain from a regulation, paving the way for a compromise that allows
stricter standards to emerge.
The EU’s tendency to harmonize standards upward has also been facilitated
by changes to treaties that enabled regulations and directives to be adopted with a
qualified majority of the Council—​requiring the support of 55% of member states
representing a minimum of 65% of the EU’s population—​as opposed to unanim-
ity. This move toward qualified majority voting can be traced to the adoption of
the 1987 Single European Act (SEA)—​a major treaty revision that paved the way
for the completion of the single market—​and has continued with each treaty revi-
sion since.20 The ability to proceed with legislation even in the absence of consen-
sus established the foundation for significant rule-making in the aftermath of the
SEA. Had the member states insisted on unanimity as the default decision-​making
rule, it is doubtful that its ambitious regulatory agenda would have emerged. The
reliance on legislative techniques, such as minimum harmonization, further fos-
tered an extensive regulatory agenda by relaxing the EU’s insistence on complete
uniformity in favor of greater flexibility in national implementation.
A qualified majority makes it easier to adopt regulations as it often silences
the laggards; the more ambitious states prevail because they do not need to con-
vince everyone to support a legislation.21 However, wealth, expertise, and issue
salience also matter. The member states eager to elevate regulatory standards in
many policy areas are often wealthier countries from Northern Europe, vested
with greater political leverage associated with their economic success. For exam-
ple, high growth rates and competitive economies in Northern Europe enhance
these countries’ ability to advocate for environmental regulations that do not
compromise economic goals. These countries are also often vested with greater
persuasive authority stemming from their experience in already regulating that

14 T heory

area domestically. These high-​regulation states also have a strong incentive to

Europeanize their standards so as to ensure that their domestic firms are not
disadvantaged when competing in the European market. Indeed, research on
Council voting suggests that the salience of issues often explains outcomes even
more than raw voting power.22 Small states are likely to intervene more selectively,
advocating for their positions on issues particularly salient to them, making their
positions more credible and influential.23
Pro-​regulation member states have also found ways to influence EU decision-​
making through their greater expertise. The Commission relies heavily on expert
groups in developing its regulatory policies, and recruits approximately half of
these experts from national governments.24 Considering that the pro-​regulatory
member states already regulate certain policy areas domestically, they often have
a higher number of technical experts at their disposal, giving them a greater
resource advantage as a result. These experts can be deployed to influence the
Commission at the early stages of policy development.
For example, Germany and the Netherlands—​both known for their progres-
sive stance on environmental regulation—​have exerted significant influence over
the EU’s environmental policy making by supplying staff power and expertise.
The German Ministry of the Environment has 900 employees, and the Federal
Environmental Agency in Germany has a further 850 experts. The Dutch environ-
mental administration employs approximately 1,500 people.25 Not surprisingly,
German and Dutch experts are omnipresent in the environmental committees
and hearings of the various European institutions including the Commission, the
Council, the EP, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of
the Regions. These resources have allowed German and Dutch experts to assume
an influential role in the committee work of the various European institutions
involved in environmental policy making.
Finally, package deals (also known as issue linkages) offer another tech-
nique to facilitate regulatory rule-making in the midst of disagreements
among member states or political groups. Package deals refer to the prac-
tice of deciding on multiple legislative proposals together in order to har-
ness support for them from a wide variety of interest groups. Such bargains
are often feasible in the EU given the breadth of the EU policies subject to
negotiation. Some member states objecting to a given regulation may still be
persuaded to support it in return for enhanced regional subsidies or addi-
tional transfers under the Common Agricultural Policy.26 A  study by Raya
Kardasheva examined package deals between the EP and the Council that use
issue linkages across multiple legislative proposals.27 Kardasheva found that
approximately 25% of all EU legislation completed between May 1999 and
April 2007 was decided with the help of a package deal.28 Issue linkages were

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 15

most common in the budgetary sphere but were also used in environmental
legislation as well as health care and consumer protection.29 The addition of
new member states to the EU through multiple rounds of EU enlargement
has further enhanced the reliance on package deals as EU institutions have
managed increasingly diverse policy preferences.30 This way, the regulatory
density in the EU has had the effect of enabling more ambitious rule-making
as the reluctant member states have been brought onboard though conces-
sions on other policy areas.

The Commission’s Pro-​regulation Agenda

The previous discussion has shown how the impetus for the EU’s ambitious
regulatory agenda has often come from the pro-​regulation member states that
have advocated upward harmonization at the EU level, yet emphasized the
Commission’s central role in promoting integration through ambitious regu-
lation. While the Commission is at times able to exercise independent regula-
tory authority, the Council and the EP’s approval is needed for legislative acts.
This grants these institutions an important role in building and extending the
European regulatory state. Yet it is within the Commission where regulations are
initiated and drafted. Consequently, the Commission’s agenda-​setting role calls
for a closer look at its powers and preferences in particular.
The Commission’s overarching task is to advance the common interest of the
EU, making it often the leading promoter of closer European integration. It is
therefore only natural that the Commission has always played a critical role in
ratcheting up regulatory standards at the EU level. It is quick to advocate for a
harmonized European solution whenever a handful of member states proceed to
regulate on their own by adopting stringent national standards. The Commission
is spurred into action whenever it detects a risk that the single market is becom-
ing more fragmented. For example, the Commission has been responsive to the
demands of frontrunners in environmental regulation for the fear that their strin-
gent national standards could distort trade between member states, thereby hin-
dering the functioning of the single market.31
The Commission has a strong ideological commitment and institutional pref-
erence for European integration.32 As more regulation typically amounts to more
integration, the growing regulatory agenda has clearly served the Commission’s
fundamental goal of furthering European integration. The Brussels Effect
itself has been important to this goal—​for one, the Brussels Effect helps the
Commission level the international playing field, thus mitigating concerns from
EU firms of their global competitiveness. This helps win broader support for fur-
ther EU regulation. For another, due to the Brussels Effect, the EU increasingly

16 T heory

becomes a global standard setter, which enhances the legitimacy and influence of
its standards, both at home and abroad.
The Brussels Effect also strengthens the Commission’s bureaucratic interests
by enhancing the impact of its regulatory activities. Regulators generally have
the incentive to generate more regulation rather than less because their success is
measured by how much of their agenda is accomplished.33 Among the EU insti-
tutions, the Commission, in particular, is widely portrayed as a “competence-​
maximizer,” constantly looking to expand its powers and increase its influence
over policy making. And when the Commission seeks to expand its competen-
cies, it tends to do so via regulation.34
To a large extent, the Commission’s tendency to govern through regulation
is a result of the EU’s small budget. The EU’s budget amounts to only around
1% of its GDP, which comes primarily as transfers from member states.35 To put
this figure in perspective, US federal government spending regularly exceeds 20%
of its GDP.36 These tight budgetary constraints restrict the Commission’s abil-
ity to pursue direct-​expenditure programs, such as large-​scale industrial policy,
innovation policy, or job creation programs at the EU level. In contrast, there
is no “regulatory budget” to limit the amount of regulations and directives the
Commission can promulgate.37 The Commission does not even need significant
funds to enforce its regulations—​it can leverage member state funds by delegat-
ing the actual implementation and enforcement to them. Thus, the only way for
the Commission to expand its influence without extensive financial resources is
to engage in regulatory activity, as regulations do not depend on the tax revenues
available to the Community institutions.
As Giandomenico Majone has noted, “since the [Commission] lacks an
independent power to tax and spend, it could increase its competencies only by
developing as an almost pure type of regulatory state.”38 In Majone’s demand-​
and-​supply model of EU regulation, the Commission is the primary actor on
the supply side due to its right of legislative initiative.39 Historically, vesting
the Commission with so much regulatory power might have been uninten-
tional:  the member states wanted to restrict the powers of the Commission
through tight budgetary discipline. Yet in the absence of traditional powers
of states to tax and spend (not to mention wage a war), the Commission has
built an empire of laws and regulations, maximizing its own influence in the
Regulatory policies, including their extension though the Brussels Effect,
are nearly costless for the Commission to pursue because the actual costs of
complying with regulations fall on the firms and individuals that the regula-
tions target. In addition, enforcement costs are borne by member state gov-
ernments whose task is to implement the regulations.41 Take, for example, the

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 17

new data protection regulation GDPR (which is discussed in more detail in

­chapter 5). With that extensive regulation, the Commission can mandate firms
to re-​redesign their products and rewrite their privacy policies. These mandates
are costless for EU institutions. Similarly, the GDPR is not enforced by the
Commission but by each individual member state’s data protection agencies,
whose staff and enforcement budgets are funded by national governments, mak-
ing the actual enforcement also a matter of member state budgets as opposed
to that of the EU.
The Brussels Effect also offers an important foreign policy instrument, com-
pensating the Commission for the lack of power it otherwise has in external
affairs. The Commission’s legal competence to act on its member states’ behalf
in foreign policy or security-​related matters outside common commercial policy
is limited.42 For instance, imposing economic sanctions requires a unanimous
decision in the European Council, making such decisions vulnerable to a veto
exercised by any member state.43 Nevertheless, the Commission is delegated with
substantial powers to implement measures necessary to create and maintain the
single market.44 In Brussels Effect, the Commission has a powerful tool to shape
global markets and the international regulatory environment, without the need
to secure unanimity in the Council.
Although the Commission has been a key institution for extending
the European regulatory state outside the EU, the other EU institutions—​
particularly the EP and the European Courts—​have also been critical, and their
role has grown in importance over time. These institutions also benefit from
the externalization of the EU’s regulatory agenda through the Brussels Effect.
Mark Pollack, for instance, argues that the Commission’s pro-​integration agenda
is shared by other institutions. Pollack analyzed six case studies involving con-
flicts with member states regarding the use of discretion by the Commission and
the ECJ. The cases represented a mix of market liberalization and social policy
issues.45 He found that almost invariably, the Commission, the Court, and the
EP behave as competence maximizers. These institutions tend to advocate for a
broad interpretation of the objectives and powers the treaties vest on EU institu-
tions, including the regulation of the single market. This, according to Pollack, is
due to their “shared organizational preference for greater European integration”
vis-​à-​vis the member states.46
This suggests that the Brussels Effect serves the interests of the EP and the
Courts similarly to those of the Commission. For example, if the Parliament
cares about the protection of personal data or privacy—​as its strong support
for the GDPR indicates—​its gains are only magnified when the GDPR pen-
etrates global markets, making the EU privacy norm a global norm. Indeed, in
a brochure published in October 2017, Future of Europe: European Parliament

18 T heory

Sets Out Its Vision, the Parliament highlights its goal to “Export European
Standards.” The document refers to the Parliament’s 2017 resolution on the
impact on international trade, which details a variety of mechanisms by which
the EU may export, monitor, and enforce the extension of European policies
Similarly, the European Courts’ pro-​integration tendencies are likely to be
reinforced by the Brussels Effect. The Brussels Effect creates market-​based incen-
tives for compliance with EU rules, including with court rulings aimed at enforc-
ing them. This enhanced compliance further helps to preserve the authority and
legitimacy of the European Courts. In some recent decisions, including a case
still pending querying whether the right to be forgotten should extend to global
domain names, the ECJ is clearly invited to consider the external effects of its rul-
ings.48 The 2009 Lisbon Treaty provided the court with a constitutional founda-
tion for external policy considerations, authorizing the court to look beyond the
single market.49 These changes in treaty framework have made the ECJ even more
conscious of the external effects of its rulings and empowered it to issue rulings
that have an effect outside of the EU’s frontiers. Regardless of how far the ECJ
will push the EU’s external powers, most commentators agree that all EU institu-
tions have obtained significant gains from entrenching their regulatory priorities
across the world.

The Emerging External Regulatory Agenda

Originally, the EU’s supranational regulatory apparatus was created to establish
and oversee an integrated, liberalized, and competitive market in Europe. The
European regulatory state was hence a response to internal challenges driven
by a political agenda that was largely inward looking. In its early decades—​
beginning in the 1960s but continuing well into the 2000s—​the EU’s external
influence can thus best be viewed as an incidental by-​product of its internal
motivations. However, more recently, a conscious external agenda has emerged
to complement the EU’s internal regulatory agenda. This shift is associ-
ated with a broader global development in the early 1990s, where the exter-
nal effects of countries’ regulatory policies began to occupy the global trade
agenda. Increased efforts to engage in “global governance” in various forms led
to increased regulatory cooperation and multilateral standard setting. Various
domestic regulations were increasingly seen as non-​tariff barriers, prompt-
ing multilateral efforts to abolish them. These negotiations culminated in the
establishment of the WTO in 1995. Partly for this reason, the external effects
of the EU’s regulatory policies became a more salient issue, both within and
outside the EU.

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 19

Internal Motives: Single Market
The EU has traditionally externalized its regulations without any active effort to
shape markets other than its own. It has been sufficient to simply generate regula-
tions to strengthen its single market, with external influences emerging as inci-
dental by-​products of this internal goal. As noted earlier, inconsistent regulations
among member states are seen to threaten the single market, prompting the need
to enact EU-​level regulations that harmonize laws across the member states. For
instance, many regulations in the environmental domain were enacted to serve
the dual purpose of protecting the environment and facilitating the single market
through harmonized environmental standards.50 Rather than aiming to provide
global environmental standards, the EU was thus concerned with the efficient
functioning and the legitimacy of the single market program.51 Advancement of
the single market also provided a solid legal basis for EU institutions to act, pro-
viding a rationale that regulation at the EU level, as opposed to the national level,
was necessary.
The internal market rationale was central, for example, in enacting the chemi-
cal safety regulation “REACH,” discussed in detail in c­ hapter  6.52 In its 2001
white paper, the Commission stated that one of the key objectives of the EU’s
new chemical policy was to “[p]‌revent fragmentation of the internal market.”53
In its first recital, the 2003 legislative proposal for REACH notes that “(1) The
free movement of substances, on their own, in preparations and in articles, is an
essential aspect of the internal market and contributes significantly to the health
and well­being of consumers and workers, and to their social and economic
interests, as well as to the competitiveness of the chemical industry; (2) The effi-
cient functioning of the internal market for substances within the Community
can be achieved only if requirements for substances do not differ significantly
from Member State to Member State.” Similarly, the 2005 Council’s Political
Agreement for a Common Position discusses REACH’s aim and scope stating
that “The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure a high level of protection of
health and the environment as well as the free circulation of substances on the
internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation.”54
The EU’s regulation of data protection similarly has its origins in the goal of
establishing a single market for the transfer of data across the common market.
Earlier statements by EU institutions make no references to the external aspects
of data protection but rather cite disparate national measures as adversely impact-
ing the single market.55 For example, the 1981 Commission Recommendation
regarding the automatic processing of personal data notes:56

Divergent data-​protection law in the EC Member States creates dispa-

rate conditions for data processing. The establishment and functioning

20 T heory

of the common market in data processing calls for extensive standard-

ization of the conditions obtaining in relation to data processing and,
therefore, to data-​protection at European level. Approximation of data-​
protection is desirable so that there can be free movement of data and
information across frontiers and in order to prevent unequal conditions
of competition and the consequent distortion of competition in the
common market.

Several other preparatory works confirm that a key goal of the EU’s data
protection regulation has always been the desire to “unleash the potential of the
Single Market.”57 The 1994 Commission white paper on “Europe and the Global
Information Society” emphasizes the risks associated with “[d]‌isparities in the
level of protection of such privacy rules [which] create the risk that national
authorities might restrict free circulation of a wide range of new services between
Member States in order to protect personal data.”58
The 2010 Commission Communication on personal data protection similarly
warns of the “divergences between the national laws implementing the Directive,
which run counter to one of its main objectives, i.e. ensuring the free flow of
personal data within the internal market,” acknowledging that private stakehold-
ers have complained about administrative costs stemming from the lack of har-
monization.59 The legislative history of the GDPR continues to stress the single
market, emphasizing the need to remove a “considerable divergence in the rules
across Member States” and to remove “the uncertainty and uneven protection
for individuals” associated with the “fragmented legal environment” in the EU’s
single market.60
These statements call into question critics’ views arguing that the EU is a
“regulatory imperialist” that is consciously seeking to externalize the single
market.61 Instead of having a deliberate external agenda, these communica-
tions illustrate how much of the EU’s rule-making stems from the internal goal
to protect the integrity of the single market. Especially early on, the external
effects of the single market were, at best, an afterthought for the EU institu-
tions that were preoccupied with the market integration goal. This internally
driven, passive externalization of EU rules has been particularly effective in
that the EU institutions have only had to generate the consensus to pursue
a goal that lies at the heart of the EU project: European integration and the
establishment of the single market. Often, EU standards have been external-
ized as a by-​product of that mission, not by EU institutions but by market
participants who need to comply with EU rules and who often decide to apply
the EU standard globally.

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 21

External Motives: Global Norm Setting

While the primary objective of European regulatory activity has clearly been to
establish the single market, this activity has had the ancillary effect of establish-
ing the EU as a global regulatory hegemon. This external dimension of the single
market was only fully realized when the EU’s trading partners, including the
United States, expressed concerns that the single market might impose costs on
third countries.62 Of course, the EU benefits from such “incidental externalities”
associated with the single market, and the EU’s internal motives are not incon-
sistent with the EU’s external motive to shape the global regulatory environment
and pursue global influence.63 The Commission, for example, likely welcomes
the EU’s newfound external regulatory power, however unintended its origin. In
addition, it appears that the EU’s internal goals have been gradually giving way
to a more multifaceted set of goals—​both internal and external—​that the EU is
pursuing in setting its regulatory policy.
While the Commission has, in its communications, demonstrated a tradi-
tional focus on strengthening the internal market, a review of these communica-
tions reveals a trend toward increased attention on the external dimension of the
single market over time. In its documents discussing the single market generally,
references to its external effects begin to emerge around 2007, with multiple pub-
lications devoted solely to this topic since. This demonstrates a significant change
compared to the 1985 white paper and a 1996 Commission communication on
the single market, both of which reflect an almost purely internal perspective.64
This indicates that the Commission is becoming more self-​conscious of the need
to externalize EU rules as well as its increased ability to do so.
In its 2007 working paper “The External Dimension of the Single Market
Review,” the Commission acknowledges that “[T]‌he EU is emerging as a global
rule maker, with the single market framework and the wider EU economic and
social model increasingly serving as a reference point in third countries as well as
in global and regional fora.”65 The Commission also recognizes that “[t]here is a
window of opportunity to push global solutions forward. The EU is in a good
position to take a lead, promoting its modern regulatory framework internation-
ally.”66 In another communication, the Commission emphasizes how the “EU
[is] being looked upon as the global standard setter in many areas such as prod-
uct safety, food safety, environmental protection, public procurement, financial
regulation, and accounting.”67 These statements point to the EU’s growing aware-
ness of its ability to shape the global regulatory environment beyond the single
At the same time as the awareness of this opportunity grew, the Commission
began to emphasize its potential for global impact. For example, in its 2007 policy

22 T heory

paper, “A Single Market for Citizens,” the European Commission envisions the
EU and its internal market to be standard setters at the international level:68

[The EU] has spurred the development of rules and standards in areas
such as product safety, the environment, securities and corporate govern­
ance which inspire global standard setting. It gives the EU the potential
to shape global norms and to ensure that fair rules are applied to world-
wide trade and investment. The single market of the future should be the
launch pad of an ambitious global agenda.

Around this same time, in a notable change from its earlier communications
on data protection regulation, the Commission also began to emphasize the
importance of promoting EU data privacy laws as a benchmark for global stan-
dards. In its 2009 communication, for example, the Commission noted that the
“Union must be a driving force behind the development and promotion of inter-
national standards for personal data protection and in the conclusion of appro-
priate bilateral or multilateral instruments.”69 These comments are in contrast to
earlier statements when the Commission simply emphasized the need to harmo-
nize standards to ensure a smoother flow of data across the common market. In a
2010 communication, the Commission defended its stringent standards, noting
that “[a]‌high and uniform level of data protection within the EU will be the best
way of endorsing and promoting EU data protection standards globally.”70 The
Commission also called for universal principles based on EU norms:

Data processing is globalised and calls for the development of universal

principles for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing
of personal data. The EU legal framework for data protection has often
served as a benchmark for third countries when regulating data protec-
tion. Its effect and impact, within and outside the Union, have been of the
utmost importance. The European Union must therefore remain a driving
force behind the development and promotion of international legal and
technical standards for the protection of personal data, based on relevant
EU and other European instruments on data protection.71

This vision of the EU as providing a benchmark for the world affected the
drafting of the GDPR. In 2017, the year before the GDPR came into force, Vera
Jourova—​the Commissioner for justice in charge of data protection—​announced
unambiguously that “we want to set the global standard.”72
Over time, the EU has also become more explicit in stating its goal to
promote its regulatory preferences through trade agreements.73 Today, the

How the EU Became a Global Regulatory Power 23

Council’s website discussing the EU’s trade policy denotes that “[o]‌ne of
the most important aspect of EU’s trade policy is that—​alongside protect-
ing European businesses and consumers—​it is promoting the EU’s principles
and values,” citing human rights and environmental regulation as examples.74
Recent EU treaty revisions also reflect a change in the mindset toward a more
externally focused Europe. For instance, the 2007 Lisbon Treaty vests the EU
with an explicit mandate to project its internal norms and values externally,
emphasizing the importance of those values in the EU’s relations with the
wider world.75
Overall, these statements point to a growing awareness of the external effects
of the single market, and the realization that this dimension presents the EU with
opportunities. The internal goals have not faded and the external motivations
seem to supplement, rather than substitute, the internal agenda of EU institu-
tions, which remains paramount. While the fundamental rationale underlying
the internal goal to strengthen the single market is well understood, it is less obvi-
ous as to why the EU would care about being a global standard setter. What does
the EU gain from being a global leader in regulatory reforms, setting benchmarks
for rules and standards worldwide?76
The economic goal of ensuring a level playing field for, and protecting the
competitiveness of, European industry likely goes a long way in explaining the
EU’s willingness to externalize its regulatory agenda. A failure to export its stan-
dards to other countries would put European firms at a competitive disadvan-
tage.77 Yet by acting as a global regulator, the EU can defend its social preferences
without compromising the competitiveness of its domestic industries. If foreign
companies adhere to EU norms on the European market, the import-​competing
industries are assured a level playing field. If the EU’s norms further spread to
third countries, the EU can ensure that its export-​oriented firms are not disad-
vantaged either. Being able to influence global standards minimizes the adjust-
ment costs for European companies, which are then able to operate in foreign
markets based on their home market rules.
Beyond the concern over the competitiveness of the European industry, the
EU may have additional incentives to project its regulatory power abroad. For
one, the EU may be motivated by a desire to obtain greater legitimacy for its
rules through globalizing them. If foreign companies and governments endorse
EU standards, those standards are seen as having a wider appeal and thus greater
legitimacy.78 One concrete benefit from this is that the EU’s trade partners are
less likely to challenge the legality of EU standards before forums like the WTO
if those standards are already replicated globally. Less tangibly, being the global
standard setter has the benefit of expanding the EU’s soft power and validating its
regulatory agenda, both at home and abroad.

24 T heory

The EU may also be motivated by a desire to replicate its own governance

model and regulatory experience abroad. The EU’s own successful experience in
creating a common market has encouraged it to pursue a global order based on
those same rules. More regulation in EU has meant more predictability and sta-
bility. This has fostered a belief that an extensive regulatory system is similarly
needed to preserve global public goods. The EU subscribes to a view that trade
liberalization fails to achieve economic goals without a simultaneous harmoniza-
tion of policies. For the EU, this offers the most efficient and universally valid
model of economic and political integration,79 and potentially a compelling rea-
son to replicate its experience abroad.
In recent years, the broader geopolitical context may have provided an addi-
tional incentive for the EU to assume the role of a global standard setter. The
WTO has become increasingly dysfunctional since the closing of the Uruguay
Round in 1995. Its inability today to effectively address regulatory barriers to
trade has left a vacuum that the EU has been uniquely positioned to fill. Also,
the US government has increasingly retreated from domestic regulation and
international institutions. The absence of US leadership in this area gives the
EU a further impetus to act. Scandals such as the Snowden revelations that
exposed extensive US government surveillance activities worldwide may have
further increased the EU’s resolve to act as the global guardian of personal data
and the right to privacy. Finally, the awareness that the EU’s role in the world
economy is declining while Asia’s is rising may have similarly contributed to the
EU’s desire to cement its rules globally at the time when the EU still has the
power to do so.
Finally, being able to set norms globally allows the EU to prove to its critics
that it remains relevant as a global economic power. Embracing the role of a
regulatory hegemon reinforces the EU’s identity and enhances the EU’s global
standing even in the times of crises where its effectiveness and relevance are
constantly being questioned. If the EU wants to exert influence, it must do so
with the means available to it. Lacking traditional means of power, the EU’s
greatest global influence is accomplished through the norms that it has the
competence to promulgate. In the absence of military power or unconstrained
economic power, the EU can exercise genuine unilateral power most effectively
by fixing the standards of behavior for the rest of the world.80 In the world
where the United States projects hard power through its military and engage-
ment in trade wars, and China economic power through its loans and invest-
ments, the EU exerts power through the most potent tool for global influence
it has—​regulation.

The Brussels Effect

Only large economies can become sources of global standards. However,

market size alone does not vest a jurisdiction with global regulatory power—​or
else the “Washington Effect” or the “Beijing Effect” would likely exist alongside
the Brussels Effect. Instead, unilateral regulatory power requires distinct political
choices made by a large economy. The EU has become a global regulator not only
because of the size of its internal market, but also because it has built an institu-
tional architecture that has converted its market size into a tangible regulatory
influence. The key stakeholders in the EU have further embraced stringent regu-
lation as a key toward a better society, giving the critical political backing for an
ambitious regulatory agenda. However, the EU does not exert global regulatory
power over any policy area it desires—​market forces successfully globalize some
EU regulations but not others, setting limits on the Brussels Effect.
This chapter lays the theoretical foundation for the Brussels Effect. It iden-
tifies the conditions for, and the mechanism through which, the externaliza-
tion of one jurisdiction’s standards unfolds. A careful examination of unilateral
regulatory authority suggests that there are five elements underlying the Brussels
Effect—​market size, regulatory capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets,
and non-​divisibility. Existing literature focuses on market size as a proxy for the
jurisdiction’s ability to exercise regulatory authority over foreign entities.1 Large
market size is, indeed, a precondition for unilateral regulatory globalization. Yet
the jurisdiction must also possess sufficient regulatory capacity to exercise global
regulatory authority. This entails having in place institutional structures that are
capable of adopting and enforcing regulations effectively. In addition, these regu-
latory institutions must promulgate stringent regulatory standards, reflecting the
preferences of key stakeholders in the jurisdiction. A global regulatory authority
is also tied to a choice of regulating inelastic targets such as consumer markets as
opposed to more elastic targets such as capital. Only stringent standards aimed
at targets that cannot flee the jurisdiction ensure that a country’s regulations will

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

26 T heory

not be constrained by market forces or other jurisdictions’ regulatory responses.

Finally, unilateral standards become global standards only when the benefits of
adhering to a single global standard are greater than the benefits of taking advan-
tage of laxer standards in lenient jurisdictions—​in other words, when a target’s
conduct or production is non-​divisible across global markets.
All of these five elements are needed for the Brussels Effect to occur. Some of
these conditions, such as market size, are rooted in jurisdictions’ historical endow-
ments and less dependent on decisions made by either political institutions or
market participants. Regulatory capacity and the willingness to promulgate strin-
gent rules typically reflect the political economy in the regulating jurisdictions
and are therefore a function of the affirmative choices made by political institu-
tions. Further, inelasticity of regulatory targets or non-​divisibility of regulations
are conditions embedded in the nature of the global economy. They are driven by
the business considerations of private companies, leaving them largely outside the
influence of regulators themselves. This suggests that the Brussels Effect emanates
as a result of a combination of bestowed market size, political decision-​making,
and market forces that drive corporate behavior.
These five elements underlying the Brussels Effect are generic conditions for
unilateral regulatory power, capable of explaining any jurisdiction’s ability (or
inability) to regulate global markets alone. Yet this chapter shows how the EU
is currently the predominant regulatory regime where these conditions exist,
explaining why the EU—​and not, for example, the United States—​wields unilat-
eral influence across a number of policy areas.

Market Size
In the global economy, power is correlated with the relative size of any given
country’s internal market.2 Existing scholarship on global regulatory influence
emphasizes the significance of market size as the proxy for economic power.
Daniel Drezner argues that global regulatory outcomes are a function of state
power, which states derive from the size and diversity of their internal market.
Large markets have a gravitational effect on producers, pulling them toward the
regulatory standards prevailing in these countries.3 Chad Damro agrees, conceiv-
ing the EU as a “Market Power Europe,” and arguing that the EU’s identity “is
crucially linked to its experience with market integration.”4 The single market
provides the foundation for the EU and is key to its ability to externalize its regu-
latory measures outside of Europe.5
Market size is a relative concept. The extent of any state’s market power
depends on the attractiveness of its consumer market compared to the alterna-
tive markets available. In the case of consumer goods, the number and affluence

The Brussels Effect 27

of potential consumers determine the benefits of market access. The opportunity

costs of forgoing those consumers are equally relevant; these costs are particularly
high when demand in the corporation’s home market or in alternative third mar-
kets is limited. Thus, the larger the market of the importing country relative to
the market of the exporting country, the more likely that companies will adjust to
the standards of the importing jurisdiction.6 Put differently, the greater the ratio
of exports to the jurisdiction relative to sales in the home and third-​country mar-
kets, the more likely the Brussels Effect will occur. At the same time, the better
the exporter’s ability to divert trade to third-​country markets or increase demand
in its home market, the less likely the Brussels Effect will occur.
A jurisdiction’s market power is enhanced when companies perceive a high
value in their access to that market. When assessing this value, foreign corpora-
tions compare the attractiveness of the consumer market to the adjustment costs
associated with market entry. The adjustment costs can consist of initial setup
costs (such as switching key components used in products), and recurring com-
pliance costs (such as incurring higher production costs to comply with more
stringent environmental standards). A foreign producer will have an incentive to
comply with the importing jurisdiction’s stringent standard whenever the ben-
efits of market access outweigh the adjustment costs. The lower the adjustment
costs relative to the benefits of market access, the more likely the producer will
adjust to the importing country’s standard and enter the market.7
Focusing on market size alone, several states could qualify as potential global
standard setters. The EU is the second largest economy in the world with a gross
domestic product (GDP) of over $17 trillion.8 The EU’s share of the global com-
bined gross national income (GNI) is over 20%.9 It is also the second largest
importer of goods and the largest importer of services.10 Of course, the United
States, China, and Japan also possess domestic markets large enough to use as
leverage. On some metrics, they have even larger economies than the EU. The
United States has an economy of over $19 trillion, making it the largest economy
in the world. China is the world’s third largest economy with a GDP of $12 tril-
lion, while Japan has an economy of nearly $5 trillion.11
The EU is also arguably the world’s most significant consumer market. With
a high proportion of affluent consumers, a large number of producers depend
on their ability to supply products and services to those consumers. The EU’s
population is 516 million, and its GDP per capita is $40,900. The United States
is relatively more affluent (GDP per capita of $59,500), but its consumer market
is smaller (population of 327  million). China, on the other hand, has a larger
consumer market (population of 1.4 billion), but its consumers are relatively less
affluent (GDP per capita of $16,700). India is almost as populous as China (pop-
ulation of 1.2 billion), but it has a considerably lower GDP per capita ($7,200).12

28 T heory

As the importance of markets such as China and India continues to grow, pro-
ducers may, over time, have the option to divert part of their exports there. Yet
given the relatively small purchasing power of consumers in those markets today,
few international firms are in a position to abandon the EU market and recoup
the forgone revenue elsewhere. The distinctly high value of market access to the
EU therefore explains why many producers are prepared to incur even significant
adjustment costs to retain their ability to sell goods and services into the EU.
The value of access to the EU’s internal market has also been growing notably
over the past several decades as new countries have joined the EU. As a result of
its 1995 enlargement, the EU grew by twenty-two million people, adding $383
billion to its GDP. With its 2004 enlargement, the EU grew by seventy-five mil-
lion people, and added $685 billion to its GDP. Its 2007 enlargement added
thirty million people and $267 billion in GDP, and its 2013 enlargement added
four million people and $81 billion.13 The EU’s various association agreements,
which extend its regulations to neighboring countries such as Georgia, Morocco,
and Turkey, have further grown the Union’s de facto market size.14 These coun-
tries largely align their regulations with those of the EU, adding to the total GDP
and consumer base covered by EU regulatory standards. This further increases
the benefits of conforming to European standards.
Though it may seem that the enlargement process inevitably enhances the
EU’s market power, there are important limits to how much the EU can grow
its market size through accession of new members without compromising the
influence tied to its market size. In their study on the optimal size of a nation,
Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore highlight the trade-​off between nation size
and preference heterogeneity among the citizens.15 The larger the market, the
cheaper the provision of public goods. For example, when additional countries
join the EU, the opportunities to trade across the single market grow, enhancing
the value of the common market. At the same time, with each new member, the
preference heterogeneity among EU member states increases as well. This com-
plicates decision-​making over optimal regulations and limits the policies the EU
can pursue. Thus, while a larger union would seem to enhance the EU’s market
power, there is actually an equilibrium point after which the EU’s market power
begins to erode as policy making becomes stymied by member states that oppose
further integration and additional regulations. Thus, there can be such a thing as
a “suboptimally large market” where the market’s ability to influence regulation
actually fails to increase with market size. In this sense, the growing internal divi-
sions within the EU suggest that the EU’s influence tied to its market size may,
indeed, already be at (or past) its peak.
Regardless, even a more static view on the EU’s current market size suggests that
the EU is an important destination for a large segment of foreign producers today.

The Brussels Effect 29

Of course, specific countries, industries, and companies vary in their depend­ence

on serving the EU market. For example, the EU is an important market for export-
ers in Russia, South Africa, China, the United States, India, and Brazil, comprising
43%, 31%, 22%, 21%, 19%, and 18% of their total exports, respectively. Conversely,
the EU is a less important destination for countries like Canada and Australia,
where only 9% and 7% of their total exports, respectively, are destined for the
EU.16 The EU is the number one export market for Russia, South Africa, India,
and the United States; the second largest export market for China, Canada, and
Brazil; and the third largest export market for Japan and South Korea.
Importance also varies by specific industries within each country. For example,
87% of US pharmaceutical exports and 36% of US organic chemicals are destined
for the EU. The EU is also an important export destination for India’s textiles
(45% of country’s textile exports), Chinese toys (40%), Korean pharmaceuticals
(78%), Russian mineral fuels (65%), Canadian aircrafts (24%), Brazilian coffee
(51%), South African fruit and nuts (74%), Japanese toys (50%), and various seeds
and fruits from Australia (64%).17 For these and many other similarly situated
producers, the EU’s market access is distinctly valuable, and so the EU’s market
size poses a powerful constraint on their business activity.
In particular, the European market is important for many American corpo-
rate giants. This is especially true in the electronics industry, which is “highly
dependent on the EU market and is crucial to the U.S.  economy.  .  .  .  It is the
U.S.’s third biggest export sector to the EU.”18 The EU is also the most important
export market for many US high-​tech companies. With 277 million active daily
users in the EU, Facebook has more customers in the EU than in the United
States. European advertising also makes up 24% of Facebook’s global advertising
revenue. In 2017, this revenue also grew by 41% in Europe, reflecting the high-
est growth rate of any region for the company.19 To provide further examples,
Google’s share of the search market in the EU is over 90% whereas most estimates
suggest that Google’s market share is around 67–​75% in the United States.20
Google also reports that its advertising revenue from EMEA (Europe, Middle
East, and Africa) amounts to 33% of its 2017 revenue, while Germany and the
United Kingdom alone contribute over $28 billion (16%) to Amazon’s total net
sales.21 All of these figures illustrate the significance of the EU’s market size as a
foundation for the Brussels Effect.
While the EU is able to leverage its market size to regulate many aspects of
economic life for such companies and industries, in cases where the EU is not
an inevitable destination market for goods, its market power is more limited.
In such instances, the Brussels Effect fails to take place. For example, a Japanese
pharmaceutical company, Takeda, decided to discontinue its development of an
insomnia drug Ramelteon for the European market after it struggled to obtain

30 T heory

a marketing authorization in the EU.22 Instead of seeking to generate additional

clinical data to meet the European regulatory requirements, the company with-
drew in 2008 its marketing authorization application submitted to the European
Medicines Agency the previous year. At the same time, Takeda continues to sell
the same insomnia drug—​under the different name of Rozerem—​in the United
States and Japan where it obtained the necessary regulatory approvals in 2005
and 2010, respectively.23 Thus, at times, the high costs of complying with the strin-
gent EU standard lead companies to abandon the EU market altogether, instead
of adjusting their global production to the EU standard.
Another example comes from the management of hazardous waste where the
EU has also failed to export its standards to other countries.24 Illegal transfers
of hazardous waste remain common as producers have considerable incentive
to evade costly regulations by finding jurisdictions that do not enforce waste
management standards. Waste is movable, and so producers have the ability and
incentive to dump it outside of Europe. This illustrates how regulatory power is
much harder to project externally in instances where the goal is to limit exports to
certain third countries versus preventing imports to one’s own market.25
In some areas, the EU’s market size is altogether irrelevant, and so the Brussels
Effect fails to occur. First, the EU has little leverage over targets of regulation
that are not subject to market access. Consider human rights, an area in which
the EU has both regulatory capacity and a strong preference to pursue high levels
of protection. However, the EU has not been particularly successful in export-
ing its human rights norms or democratic values to countries in North Africa or
the Middle East, which lie outside of its direct sphere of influence.26 For example,
signing a human rights treaty can be a condition for a trade agreement with the
EU.27 Enforcing the treaty is another matter. It is much easier for the EU to deny
market access to a product that does not meet EU standards than it is to police
international practices that involve individuals who never enter the European mar-
ket. In the end, the EU derives its power from its ability to offer conditional access
to its large and valuable market. Thus, the jurisdiction’s ability to leverage its large
market size remains the foundational condition that sustains the Brussels Effect.

Regulatory Capacity
Large market size alone does not explain a state’s ability to project its regula-
tory preferences onto others; not all states with large markets become sources
of global standards. Being a regulatory power is a conscious choice pursued by
a state rather than something inherent to its market size. The state must commit
to building institutions and vesting them with regulatory capacity to translate
its market power into tangible regulatory influence.28 Regulatory capacity refers

The Brussels Effect 31

to a jurisdiction’s ability to promulgate and enforce regulations. This requires

both regulatory expertise and resources. Without this capacity, a country cannot
effectively exert authority over market participants—​within or outside its juris-
diction. An important element of regulatory capacity is the authority to impose
sanctions in cases of noncompliance. Only those jurisdictions with the ability to
inflict significant costs by excluding noncomplying firms from their markets are
able to force regulatory adjustments and incentivize compliance.29
Regulatory capacity is often closely associated with another condition—​the
propensity to promulgate stringent rules—​as jurisdictions that have the politi-
cal will to adopt stringent regulations also often deploy that same political will
to build strong regulatory institutions. However, there are also instances where
a jurisdiction might want to impose regulation in a certain policy area but
where it simply lacks the technical expertise or the financial resources to build
the requisite regulatory capacity—​hence the preference for stringent regulation
should be considered an independent condition needed for the Brussels Effect
to occur.30
The degree of regulatory capacity sets important limits on a country’s abil-
ity to exert global regulatory authority. For instance, many Asian economies
are growing at a staggering rate, but it will take time for their GDP growth to
translate into regulatory experience and the institutional capacity necessary to
enforce norms, in particular against foreign parties.31 This is evident in the case
of China, where the country’s impact on global financial regulation has been
limited, despite its vast capital reserves and extensive holdings of US treasuries.
China’s limited influence can be traced, in part, to its lack of effective and inde-
pendent bureaucratic institutions overseeing national market rules in this area.32
Thus, acknowledging that sophisticated regulatory institutions are required to
activate the power of sizable domestic markets means that few jurisdictions aside
from the United States or the EU today have the capacity to be regulators with
global reach.33 In the United States, administrative agencies’ capacity to promul-
gate and enforce rules is well established. Similarly, the EU has seen a rise in the
role of the regulatory state, as the institutional developments that accompanied
the creation of the single market have bestowed the EU with substantial regula-
tory capacity.34
The EU has built extensive regulatory capacity, particularly since the 1986
adoption of the Single European Act (SEA), which launched the ambitious
agenda to complete the single market by 1992. To implement this goal, mem-
ber states vested the EU institutions with vast powers to formulate and enforce
market regulations, as discussed in ­chapter 1. This capacity to promulgate rules
and ensure compliance rests on EU institutions’ significant regulatory expertise,
coherence of policy making, and expansive sanctioning authority.35 The EU’s

32 T heory

conscious efforts to build its extensive regulatory machine was motivated by the
need to further the integration process and complete the single market, which
was largely done through regulation.
The internal regulatory capacity of the EU has only continued to grow since.
All key EU institutions—​the Commission, the Council, and the European
Parliament (EP)—​have experienced significant bureaucratic growth over time.
In 2016, EU institutions employed 39,715 staff members. These numbers have
grown on average by 5.2% a year since the establishment of these institutions.36
This has been continuous across all EU institutions from 1959 until 2011, at which
point EU institutions deliberately cut staff in response to the 2008 financial and
budgetary crisis under pressure to streamline. However, aside from the crisis
response, the number of EU civil servants has been steadily growing. In 1959—​
the early years of the European Economic Community—​the total staff of the EU
consisted of 2,591 staff members, with Commission staff at 1,930, EP staff at 315,
and Council staff at 264. In 2016, the Commission had the largest number of staff
(24,044), followed by the EP (6,762), and finally the Council (3,040).37 Further,
the average annual growth rates for all three institutions were similar: 5.0% for
the Commission, 6.0% for the EP, and 4.7% for the Council.
While the EU bureaucracy has exhibited steady growth over the years, it is
still relatively low in staff when compared with the breadth of the EU’s man-
date and the EU population, which has expanded to over 500 million people.
The relative size of the EU bureaucracy seems even more modest when compared
to the US federal bureaucracy. The US federal government employs over 4 mil-
lion people across the executive, legislative and judicial branches.38 According to
the Office of Personnel Management report, the federal executive branch con-
sisted of 1.87 million employees in fiscal year 2017, a figure that reflects full time
civilian employees (excluding postal service employees and uniformed military
personnel).39 For example, the Department of Agriculture and Department of
Transportation alone had over 73,000 and 53,000 employees, respectively.40 On
a per capita basis, the relative size of the US federal government is even larger
compared to the more populous EU.
Of course, a direct comparison of staff numbers between the US federal
bureaucracy and that of the EU is somewhat misleading given that EU mem-
ber states themselves are vested with significant responsibilities to implement
and enforce EU law, indirectly but substantially adding to the EU’s bureaucratic
capacity. The EU has delegated the enforcement of many key EU regulations—​
including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)—​to its member
states. The Commission is further vested with the power to bring infringement
proceedings against individual member states that fail to fully implement or
enforce EU law. This way, the Commission can ensure that the member states

The Brussels Effect 33

have the incentive to obey their mandate and thus effectively contribute to the
EU’s regulatory capacity.
Further, regardless of the metric used, the quantity of EU staff alone fails to
capture the extent of regulatory capacity vested in EU institutions. The quality
of the EU bureaucracy matters, as well. For example, the Commission has been
able to carry out its competences with the help of a bureaucracy that is distinctly
skilled and mission driven. It consists of highly educated bureaucrats that share
a mission for European integration. No fewer than 70% of Commission officials
hold a postgraduate degree, and 58% have studied in more than one country,
partially explaining why the Commission is often viewed as being composed of
a cosmopolitan, educated elite.41 Commission officials also possess significant
technical expertise, which gives their rule-making an additional layer of legiti-
macy and contributes to an aura of objectivity and neutrality that enhances their
The shared mission of Commission staff further amplifies its rule-​making
capacity. A  recent survey of Commission officials carried out by Lisbet
Hooghe reported that 72% of respondents claimed “commitment to Europe”
as a motivation for joining the Commission, with supranationalists outnum-
bering state-​centrists by more than two to one.43 An earlier survey found that
“top Commission officials appeared significantly more pro-​European than
either national elites or public opinion.”44 Rather strikingly, Hooghe’s survey
revealed that while over 40% of Europeans viewed themselves as maintain-
ing national identity only, no member of the European Commission staff sur-
veyed responded as such, with over 80% identifying themselves as European
to some degree.45 The Commission’s culture “revolve[s]‌around a teleological
vision of the EU, one that sees deeper integration as the means of achieving
broader political goals.”46 This distinct homogeneity in its mission allows the
Commission to substitute political infighting with a relatively clear and coher-
ent vision of how to deploy its competences, paving the way for more extensive
The Commission has also skillfully enhanced its expertise and resources
through the establishment of European regulatory agencies (ERAs) over the
past two decades, particularly in domains where it has had limited discretion or
power. In this way, the Commission can leverage the ERAs to expand, rather than
rival, its role in regulating the single market.47 Furthermore, by not traditionally
vesting the agencies with any general rule-​making powers, the Commission has
guarded its own rule-​setting prerogatives instead. Thus, most ERAs provide the
Commission with additional expertise, personnel, information, or financing
when needed, adding to the regulatory capacity the Commission possesses with-
out undermining its powers and control over policy making.48

34 T heory

A key feature of the EU’s regulatory capacity is its extensive sanctioning

authority, which creates an effective deterrent and induces compliance with EU
regulations.49 As the ultimate form of sanction, the Commission may deny access
to the EU market by banning a certain product or service from being offered in
its territory unless it meets the EU’s regulatory requirements. The EU further
has the authority to impose significant fines on companies that fail to obey its
regulations. For example, what makes the EU’s data protection regulation GDPR
so potent is the ability of European data protection authorities in member states
to impose a fine amounting to 4% of the company’s global turnover (revenue)
in cases of noncompliance.50 Competition violations carry an even higher pen-
alty:  the Commission can impose a fine of up to 10% of overall annual turn-
over. The Commission has also repeatedly shown its willingness to exercise this
sanctioning authority, as the recent $5 billion, $2.7 billion, and $1.7 billion fines
imposed on Google illustrate.51
The history of the EU has further been marked by a constantly expanding
regulatory agenda as the competences of EU institutions have grown signifi-
cantly over the years.52 The EU started off as an institution with a narrow focus on
integrating Western European steel and coal industries in an effort to eliminate
states’ capacities to wage war against one another. However, the establishment
of a customs union and removal of internal trade barriers soon ensued. The EU’s
competences have since grown to embrace a number of issues ranging from envi-
ronmental and consumer protections to social policy, transport, public health,
privacy, and criminal justice, to name a few.
Several reasons explain the substantial growth in the EU’s regulatory com-
petences over time. When the economic liberalization agenda grew in the after-
math of the 1986 SEA, skeptical member states’ buy-​in was obtained largely by
balancing the liberal economic agenda with extensive social protections to offset
any adverse effects of rapid economic integration.53 Therefore, the broad regula-
tory mandate of today’s EU originates from EU member states’ disagreements on
how to balance various domestic consumer or environmental protection mea-
sures with the need to guarantee economic freedoms within the common market.
The easiest way to resolve such political disagreements was not to force a choice
between an economic and social Europe—​catering to some but not other mem-
ber states—​but to expand the EU’s competences to cover both.54
The various amendments of the EU Treaties as well as the European Court
of Justice’s (ECJ) interpretation of those treaties have similarly paved the way
for more expansive EU competences and hence a broader regulatory agenda. For
example, the EU Treaties’ “harmonization article”—​Article 114 of the TFEU—​
which grants the EU the competence to harmonize member states laws to further
the establishment and functioning of the single market—​has often provided the

The Brussels Effect 35

legal basis for regulatory action, vesting the EU institutions with a relatively broad
mandate to act. For example, the ECJ found in 2006 that this harmonization
article allowed the EU to extend its capacity to regulate tobacco advertising even
though the regulation of public health was outside the competences of the EU—​
as long as discordant national regulations on tobacco advertising obstructed the
functioning of the internal market.55 Relatedly, the EU institutions have been
adamant in deploying the competences granted to them in a wide variety of ways.
For instance, while the EU Treaties do not vest the Commission with the capac-
ity to act in the corporate tax domain, the Commission has been pursuing the tax
arrangements of companies such as Apple and Starbucks by relying on its wide
powers under the Treaties’ state aid provisions.56 These provisions prohibit mem-
ber states from giving selective financial advantage to certain companies57—​as
discussed further in ­chapter 4.
Changes to the EU institutions’ voting rules have also been critical in extend-
ing the EU’s regulatory capacity. The Council’s ability to promulgate regulations
has expanded over the years, in particular as a larger set of regulations have become
subject to a qualified majority as opposed to unanimous voting.58 For example,
environmental policy has only required qualified majority voting since the 1992
Maastricht Treaty.59 This has made it easier to pass legislation, further broadening
the EU’s regulatory reach. EU institutions have acquired these increased powers
as a result of the need to further integrate the common market and maximize
gains from deeper integration. Several rounds of enlargement have increased the
heterogeneity of EU membership, making unanimous decision-​making all the
more challenging. The trend toward qualified majority voting has therefore been
essential in allowing for continued regulatory action.
Another institutional change that has contributed to the EU’s enhanced reg-
ulatory capacity is the gradual empowerment of the EP. Ever since the 1986 SEA
and the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, the EP has gained influence in the EU’s legislative
process.60 The Maastricht Treaty was particularly notable in that it introduced
a co-​decision procedure that vested the EP with the power to adopt legislation
jointly with the Council. The Lisbon Treaty made this co-​decision procedure the
default mode of legislation.61 Driven by concerns of democratic deficit in the EU,
the strengthening of the EP has sought to address the need to further legitimize
EU decision-​making by granting a greater role to an institution directly elected
by European citizens. The EP is known for its pro-​regulation stance, typically
supporting enhanced environmental regulation and consumer protection as part
of its desire to demonstrate that it fulfills its mandate to serve the interests of
European citizens. Greater European integration also tends to reinforce the role
of supranational EU institutions, including that of the EP, further explaining the
EP’s pro-​integration tendencies.62

36 T heory

The European courts have also been instrumental in expanding EU institu-

tions’ competences, adding to their regulatory capacity in the process.63 The ECJ
is often portrayed as an “activist” court that has pursued “judicial integration”
with rulings that have bestowed the EU with powers not foreseen in treaties.64
Many central concepts of EU law—​including the supremacy of EU law65 and
its direct effect66—​stem from ECJ rulings. The ECJ’s pro-​integration bias has
often protected the Commission’s prerogatives and extended the scope and depth
of the EU’s powers. This has been the case even when—​or perhaps especially
when—​the political process has been deadlocked, and the consensus toward
deeper integration among the member states has been lacking. Euroskeptic voices
have accused the ECJ of overreaching and thereby threatening the delicate bal-
ance between supranationalism and member-​state sovereignty.67 Perhaps par-
tially in response to existing (or anticipated) backlash, there are some signs that
the ECJ is retreating from its activist stance in areas such as social policy.68 Yet
both critics and supporters of the Court would agree that the ECJ’s expansionist
jurisprudence has in many instances and over several decades strengthened the
powers of EU institutions and upheld regulations that have paved the way for
greater European integration.
This gradual, yet decisive, transfer of regulatory powers from the member
states to the EU has been central to the rise of the regulatory state in Europe.
Had member states been left to their own devices, the same level of regulatory
capacity would not exist in Europe today. According to Giandomenico Majone,
this “Europeanisation of policy making” has been crucial, leading to “the almost
exponential growth [ . . . ] of the number of directives and regulations produced
by the Brussels authorities each year.”69 The EU has legitimized its extensive regu-
latory powers in several ways, including by insisting on clear statutory objectives,
transparency, public participation, and due-​process provisions in regulatory deci-
sions. This has mitigated concerns of a pro-​regulation bias in the EU, allowing EU
institutions to maximize their powers without compromising their legitimacy.70
Still, the EU’s regulatory capacity varies across different policy areas.
Ultimately, the EU can only have regulatory competence in a given area if the
member states have granted it such competence.71 The EU, over the years, has
acquired extensive regulatory capacity in all areas relating to the single market,
and these are the very regulations that carry the attributes that lend themselves
to externalization. The EU’s regulatory capacity is the greatest in areas where it
enjoys exclusive—​as opposed to merely shared or supportive—​regulatory com-
petence, such as in competition law.72 In these areas of exclusive EU competence,
member states are not permitted to make their own laws. However, there remain
important policy areas where EU member states have not transferred powers to
the EU—​including corporate taxation, culture, or education. Naturally, the EU’s

The Brussels Effect 37

global regulatory power is limited to policy areas in which the member states
have ceded either exclusive or shared regulatory competence to the EU. In those
instances, the EU enjoys the requisite regulatory capacity that can unleash the
power of the single market and convert it into concrete regulatory influence.

Stringent Regulations
The institutional competence and expertise vested in the EU’s key institutions—​
the European Commission in particular—​form the foundation of the regulatory
state in Europe. However, even significant regulatory capacity by a large market
does not guarantee regulatory influence unless such regulatory capacity is sup-
plemented with the political will to deploy it. Thus, the Brussels Effect requires
that the jurisdiction also has the propensity to promulgate stringent regulatory
The domestic preference for stringent regulation is more likely to be found in
countries with high levels of income.73 Wealthier countries can better afford pur-
suing environmental and consumer protection, even at the expense of the prof-
itability of their firms, whereas less-​wealthy countries remain more sensitive to
the costs of regulation that constrain business activity and hence limit economic
growth. This lower tolerance for the costs of stringent rules, together with their
lack of regulatory capacity, explains why emerging markets are unlikely to exercise
rule-​making power that would match their growing market size anytime soon.
But even wealthy countries differ in their predisposition to regulatory inter-
vention. Until the end of the 1980s, the United States set global norms in con-
sumer and environmental regulation, leading European firms to adjust to the
higher standards that originated from the United States.74 At that time, American
regulations also often served as benchmarks for European activists who criticized
the EU for lagging behind, for instance, in the regulation of automotive emissions,
the lead content of fuel, or chemicals harmful to the ozone layer.75 Since the 1990s,
the roles have been reversed as the EU has increasingly adopted more stringent
consumer and environmental protection standards, while the United States has
failed to follow the EU’s lead.76 The only way for the United States to supersede
EU standards today would be to adopt even higher standards itself—​something
that it does not consider to be welfare enhancing and thus in its interest.
David Vogel explains the shift in the 1990s as a result of the changes in citizens’
risk perception and decision-​makers’ increased willingness to respond to mount-
ing demands for more regulation.77 Europeans have perceived health, safety, and
environmental risks caused by businesses as credible and politically unacceptable.
This increased breadth and salience of public risk perception can partially be
traced to “triggers” that have elevated the public’s consciousness about the risks

38 T heory

they face. While Americans experienced a cascade of alarming news about vari-
ous such risks from the 1960s until the 1990s—​ranging from contaminated cran-
berries, thalidomide, mercury-​contaminated fish, or large oil spills—​some widely
published disagreements about those alarm bells had eroded their salience, tem-
pering the demand for further regulations by the 1990s. In contrast, in Europe,
alarm bells continued to ring ever more loudly—​be it with regard to concerns
of dead seals in the North Sea, “mad-​cow” disease in the United Kingdom,
HIV-​contaminated blood in France, radioactive waste following the Chernobyl
nuclear disaster, or a large-​scale chemical spill turning the Rhine River red with
toxins.78 This nurtured a “precautionary risk culture” and elevated the need for
regulation in the eyes of the public.
This shift in the citizens’ perceptions is important, but likely not the only rea-
son that caused the EU to eclipse the United States as the predominant global
regulator. An alternative explanation emphasizes the EU’s conscious decision to
accelerate its integration process and embark on a determined policy to complete
the single market by the early 1990s—​through regulation. With the adoption
of the EU’s SEA in 1986, the EU reinvigorated the integration project with the
objective of establishing a single market by the end of 1992. The SEA became
a key catalyst for regulatory reforms and further integration.79 The substantive
scope of the EU expanded to new policy areas such as the environment and
social policy. To help implement the SEA, the EU also vested its institutions
with greater ability to pass regulations through qualified majority voting. Even
the more Euroskeptic countries, including the United Kingdom, agreed to limit
their sovereignty in favor of qualified majority voting given the benefits associ-
ated with the single market program.80 These changes adopted in the early 1990s
paved the way for an ambitious agenda to pursue stringent regulations that would
serve the broader integration agenda.
In addition to leveraging the stringent regulatory agenda as a tool for promot-
ing the broader goals of European integration, two additional factors are critical
in explaining the EU’s pursuit of distinctly stringent rules:  Europeans’ greater
faith in government as opposed to markets to generate fair and efficient outcomes
(ideology); and the relative importance of public regulation over private litigation
and lower threshold for intervention by regulators in cases of uncertainty (pro-
cess). These will be discussed in turn. For any given regulatory policy, the salience
of these factors may vary, and their relative importance may change over time
or across key decision-​makers. Additionally, policy-​specific drivers for high stan-
dards also exist. These will be addressed in Part II. The discussion of these two
key factors—​ideology and process—​will, therefore, only seek to capture the more
generic background norms that explain the EU’s overall predisposition to prom­
ulgate stringent standards across many different policy areas. After reviewing

The Brussels Effect 39

these two factors, the discussion then provides some counterexamples where the
missing regulatory propensity limits the Brussels Effect.

Ideology: Markets vs. Government

Europeans are generally less trusting of markets and more comfortable with gov-
ernment intervention. The state enjoys greater public trust in the EU, and can
therefore assume a more prominent role in regulating markets.81 In contrast,
Americans tend to embrace a pro-​business, free-​market-​oriented version of capi-
talism. It is difficult to garner public support for extensive federal regulation in
the United States given the political will, in particular among conservative voters,
to protect the rights of individual states from the encroachment of the federal
government. Of course, exceptions exist in both directions, but in general, the
United States is typically more sensitive to the costs of regulatory action while
the EU emphasizes the costs of regulatory inaction to a greater degree. These dif-
ferences often lead to more stringent regulations emanating from the EU.82
EU policy makers’ preference for stringent regulation reflects their commit-
ment to a social market economy and sustainable development. Article 3 of the
Lisbon Treaty, which lists the objectives of the European Union, declares the

The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sus-
tainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth
and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming
at full employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and
improvement of the quality of the environment. It shall promote scientific
and technological advance.

The references to “sustainable development,” “balanced economic growth,”

“social market economy,” “full employment and social progress,” together with a
“high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment” are
illustrative of European values, which envision a prominent role for the govern-
ment as a steward of regulated market outcomes. These goals require sustained
government intervention, as they cannot be generated by market forces alone.
They capture the regulatory philosophy that underlies the single market, provid-
ing a constitutional foundation for the high levels of regulatory activity that is
now characteristic of policy making in Europe.
This pro-​regulation ideology is rooted in economic policies embraced by
most individual EU member states. Influential member states such as France
and Germany have a long history of favoring government intervention in the

40 T heory

economy.83 France has historically been associated with a dirigiste economic

policy with heavy state intervention in economic governance. Germany is the
country where the social market economy model originated in the 1950s and
where the state has retained its commitment to redistribute the gains of a mar-
ket economy ever since.84 Nordic countries—​Denmark, Finland, and Sweden—​
as well as the Netherlands similarly embrace strong government as part of their
commitment to the welfare state.85 These countries, together with Germany, have
incorporated environmental protection into their policies since the 1970s.86 The
prominent role of the government also comes naturally to many member states in
Eastern Europe that lived under communism and have continued to allow state-​
owned enterprises to influence economic life even after joining the EU.87 Even
the United Kingdom, which features a notably more market-​oriented political
atmosphere than the rest of the EU, has often supported regulation that removes
obstacles from trading across the single market. The United Kingdom has also
been one of the most prominent supporters of the EU’s fight against climate
change, spearheading the emissions trading system in the EU. Yet still, the United
Kingdom is arguably closer to the United States in its fear of regulatory over-
reach. The United Kingdom’s discontent with the EU’s “red tape” is, after all, one
of the primary reasons the country voted in 2016 to leave the union.
Thus, most EU member states support government intervention as a way to
ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth among their citizens, even if such
sentiments arise for varying historic reasons. Thinking in terms of the influential
literature on “varieties of capitalism,” most European countries tend to exhibit
features of a “coordinated market economy” as opposed to a “liberal market
economy.”88 In general, coordinated market economies reserve a greater role for
government regulation and non-​market institutions.89 With the exception of
common law jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom and Ireland, which are
better characterized as liberal market economies, the majority of EU member
states have structured their economies so as to allocate more rights to the state as
opposed to the individual.90
Europeans’ lesser faith in markets may stem largely from ideology, but in
some areas of regulation, it is also a function of how markets operate in prac-
tice. For instance, EU competition laws reflect a belief that markets, left to their
own devices, are likely to fail and that government intervention can improve
outcomes. Conversely, US antitrust laws reflect a much greater trust in markets’
ability to self-​correct. Partially this is because capital markets are less well devel-
oped in the EU than in the United States, making market entry more difficult.91
The contrary is often true in US capital markets where it is generally easier to
raise capital and facilitate market entry, thus enabling new entrants to act as a
more effective check on existing actors’ anticompetitive behavior. This partially

The Brussels Effect 41

explains the EU’s relative reliance on competition regulation versus the US’ reli-
ance on markets as a primary means of maintaining market competition.
The political environment in the EU has similarly been conducive to extensive
rule-making. European political elites have been ideologically less divided than
their US counterparts, and consequently are more responsive to the demands of
the general public to provide more stringent regulations.92 Parties across the ideo-
logical spectrum may differ in the extent of their support for regulation but share
a fundamental commitment to a regulated market economy, including social pro-
tections.93 It is illustrative that the Commission President Jean-​Claude Juncker—​
who represents the conservative EPP Party—​vowed during his candidacy speech
to the European Parliament: “I will not sacrifice Europe’s safety, health, social and
data protection standards or our cultural diversity on the altar of free trade.”94
Thus, even the most pro-​market, center-​right parties endorse the EU’s regulatory
agenda that balances free trade with extensive protections for its citizens.

Process: The Preference for Administrative Rule-Making

and Tendency for Precaution
The process of rule-making has also contributed to a regulatory environment that
has led to the adoption of stringent regulations in the EU. There are two dimen-
sions for this argument. First, the EU does not share the US’ reliance on private
litigation and tort liability rules to deter firms from placing unsafe or otherwise
harmful products on the market. Instead, the EU relies on the government to
promulgate, and then enforce, ex ante regulations. Second, the EU’s administra-
tive rule-making relies on a more precautionary approach to environmental and
consumer protection. This can be contrasted with the US’ administrative process,
which places a greater reliance on cost-​benefit analysis, leaving lesser ability for
promulgating regulations based on a precautionary approach.
The EU’s tendency to respond to various regulatory risks with stringent
standards partially stems from its reliance on ex ante government regulation as
opposed to ex post enforcement by private litigants. In the United States, a vigor-
ous tort law that exposes manufacturers to potentially significant liability deters
producers from placing harmful products on the market. Tort law can therefore
act as a substitute for a regulatory system, reducing the need for agency rule-
making and public enforcement.95 In the absence of similar incentives for private
parties to litigate in Europe, the EU has developed an administrative system that
relies comparatively more on stringent regulatory standards to generate the nec-
essary deterrence against harmful behavior.
In relying on the Commission and various national agencies to promulgate
regulatory rules and enforce them, the EU has opted to rely on technocratic

42 T heory

agency expertise over adjudication before generalized courts. Courts often lack
specific knowledge of health and safety matters that require evaluation of scien-
tific facts.96 The Commission has a relatively large staff divided across specialized
Directorate Generals, all of which focus on specific policy areas. This allows offi-
cials to develop considerable expertise in their area of regulation. For example,
private individuals may not even be aware that some adverse health effects that
they are experiencing are due to exposure to carcinogenic agents or materials.
Without such knowledge, they would not even know to bring a liability suit
against the manufacturer of the product containing such ingredients.97 By leaving
the regulation to the Commission, the EU mitigates some of the informational
constraints that private litigants face in activating tort liability through litigation.
Considerable scale economies also allow the EU to efficiently acquire the knowl-
edge to prepare, promulgate, and enforce regulations across the common market
that protect the rights of over five hundred million consumers.98
Whether countries rely more on private tort law or public regulation to
organ­ize their regulatory systems depends on broader features that character-
ize their legal and administrative systems. For example, the US-​style tort system
requires extensive rules of discovery, the availability of class actions, and substan-
tial monetary awards to function effectively. In the EU, discovery and collective
redress have both been historically limited. Monetary awards when fault is found
are similarly modest compared to remedies such as treble damages that US liti-
gants can obtain. These features reduce incentives to sue in the EU, making tort
law a less-​viable alternative for public action.
Addtionally, the EU is more ideologically comfortable than the United States
with administrative regulation resting on “social command” exercised by public
institutions.99 Relying on the vigilance of private individuals is foreign to most
European countries where the state has always played a key role in regulating
markets. The United States takes the opposite view. It is accustomed to limiting
the government’s ability to exert social control in favor of reserving a larger role
for private litigants. Private enforcement fits better with the US’ individualistic
tradition and culture of litigation. The United States also recognizes that govern-
ment regulation can burden even harmless activity, making the tort system more
appealing as it limits the liability to instances where actual harm has occurred.100
Finally, ex ante regulation also resonates more with Europeans who have a low
tolerance for many health and environmental risks and often opt for precaution-
ary regulation to eliminate even more distant or uncertain risks. A tort system has
the inherent characteristic of allowing the harm to materialize before any action
can be taken.101 This feature is in tension with the more precautionary attitudes
prevailing in Europe, leading the EU to embrace preventive control where regula-
tors act before harm occurs. While the EU’s regulatory process can obviously be

The Brussels Effect 43

slow at the outset, regulatory intervention is still designed to take place preventa-
tively before risks have materialized.
The reasons just mentioned illustrate why the EU primarily relies on bureau-
cratic rule-making rather than judges to generate deterrence through tort liti-
gation. Of course, administrative rule-making plays an important role in many
areas of US law, and courts are not irrelevant in the EU. Many important ECJ
rulings have emanated as preliminary references from national courts and are
hence initiated by private litigants.102 Also, private litigation may become more
important in the EU going forward. In 2018, the Commission proposed legisla-
tion that seeks to introduce an EU-​wide class action system in consumer protec-
tion cases.103 The new Directive would extend class actions to several areas of EU
regulation, including consumer protection, product liability, environment, finan-
cial regulation, health, tourism, passenger rights, and data protection. Even with
these reforms, many proposed features such as the requirement that consumers
must “opt in” as opposed to “opt out” of redress orders, more limited discovery
rights, and the unwillingness to implement contingency fees will make it unlikely
that the US-​style mass-​tort litigation culture would emerge in the EU anytime
soon. There is also little to suggest that the class action reform would lead the
Commission to rein in its rule-making and promulgate less-​stringent regulations
going forward.
The EU’s emphasis of administrative rule-making over tort liability is not
the only process-​driven reason that has contributed toward the EU’s stringent
regulations. The EU’s regulatory stringency is also explained by the different role
that cost-​benefit analysis (CBA) and precaution play in the regulatory process.
Today, the EU and the United States both share the administrative culture of
analyzing the costs and benefits of regulatory action before enacting a new regu-
lation. However, the adoption of CBA—​known as “impact assessment” in the
EU—​is more recent and hence less entrenched in the EU. When regulatory risks
are uncertain and hard to accurately quantify, the EU is more comfortable inter-
vening, even based on precaution. These reasons explain why, on balance, the EU
remains more concerned with false negatives—​instances when it erroneously
fails to intervene, allowing a harm to materialize—​than false positives—​instances
when it erroneously intervenes, limiting beneficial economic activity in an effort
to protect its citizens from a potential risk that may or may not materialize.
In the United States, CBA dates back to President Reagan’s 1981 executive
order requiring all new rules to meet the cost-​benefit test before being issued.104
Every subsequent president since, whether Democrat or Republican, has
endorsed a variant of CBA. CBA forces all US regulatory agencies to substantiate
that the benefits of intervention outweigh its costs.105 This obligation applies to
all regulations that impose compliance costs exceeding $100 million or that raise

44 T heory

significant novel policy questions.106 As a result, in all these instances, any risk
must first be quantified and found to be unreasonable before regulatory interven-
tion can be justified.107
Impact assessment is more recent in the EU, being formally introduced
in 2002.108 The EU requires an impact assessment for all Commission initia-
tives that are likely to have “significant economic, environmental or social
impacts.”109 The method underlying the impact assessment in the EU differs
from the method employed in the United States.110 While the CBA requires
US agencies to provide a primarily quantitative assessment of the anticipated
costs and benefits of a regulation and its alternatives, the Commission has
adopted a more holistic approach. It integrates various types of ex ante pol-
icy evaluations, such as CBA, cost-​effectiveness analysis, and multi-​criteria
analysis. It also conducts a more qualitative assessment of policy elements—​
including both aggregate and distributional impacts—​which cannot easily
be quantified. The Commission is further obliged to assess the impact of any
legislative proposals on the fundamental rights in the EU.111 The EU’s impact
assessment is subject to a review by the Regulatory Scrutiny Board. While the
Regulatory Scrutiny Board’s review focuses on whether the impact assessment
reflects high quality analysis, its US-​counterpart—​the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)—​additionally reviews whether a regulation
is consistent with the president’s agenda, adding a layer of political control to
the review process.112
The EU’s impact assessment and the functioning of the Regulatory Scrutiny
Board have over time evolved closer to their US counterparts.113 For example,
while the Regulatory Scrutiny Board initially could not veto proposals that did
not pass the CBA, it gained such power in 2010. It would therefore be mistaken
to exaggerate the US–​EU differences and attribute the relative stringency of EU
standards to differences in the CBA. That said, on balance, it is fair to say that
the EU subscribes to a more flexible CBA that leaves more space for regulators to
intervene with stringent standards.
The EU and the United States also differ in their relationship to scientific
evidence and precautionary regulation in the face of uncertainty.114 As of the
1990s, influential scholars, business elite, think tanks, and media in the United
States began to increasingly question what they perceived as excessive precaution
that dominated rule-making and that, in their view, had led to the enactment of
overly burdensome health and safety regulations.115 This also resulted in a change
in the public perception, which became more skeptical of the need for regula-
tion.116 Partially due to this change, US agencies began to conduct a rigorous
scientific assessment in their regulatory decision-​making as of the 1990s.117 The

The Brussels Effect 45

strict requirement to carry out a CBA and amass convincing scientific data—​or
else fail a possible judicial challenge to rule-making—elevated the administrative
hurdle for all regulations promulgated by US agencies.
In contrast, while scientific evidence remains central to regulating risk in
the EU,118 it is tempered by the EU-​wide adoption of the “precautionary prin-
ciple.” This principle dictates that precautionary regulatory action is proper even
in the absence of an absolute, quantifiable certainty of the risk, as long as there
are reasonable grounds for concern that the potentially dangerous effects may
be inconsistent with the chosen level of protection.119 The precautionary prin-
ciple emanates from Swedish and German environmental law dating back to the
1960s,120 and the Maastricht Treaty, which officially embraced the principle at the
EU level in 1992,121 largely reflecting Germany’s effort to “Germanize” European
environmental policy.122 The additional impetus for the precautionary principle
came from various food safety and environmental scandals that made the general
public eager to preempt regulatory risks with precautionary regulation. As the
public support for the precautionary principle grew, all institutions were eager to
capitalize on it and endorse precaution to earn greater legitimacy in the eyes of
the public.123
The Commission has sought to curtail the excessive reliance on the precau-
tionary principle by member states as a pretext for limiting trade from other
member states by emphasizing the importance of science as a foundation for
risk regulation.124 At the same time, the Commission is clear in its willingness to
retain the ability to defend EU-​level risk regulations vis-​à-​vis the EU’s trade part-
ners in instances where regulation was enacted in response to “potential risk” or
based on “inconclusive” or “imprecise” evidence. For instance, in its 2000 com-
munication, the Commission reserves for the EU the ability to act when faced
with a “level of risk that the public considers appropriate,”125 acknowledging citi-
zens’ fears as a legitimate basis for regulatory intervention.
In practice, the precautionary principle has become a central component
of the EU’s regulatory decision-​making. It has been systematically incorpo-
rated into key policy documents,126 providing a foundation for many regula-
tions, such as REACH, the regulation of beef hormones, and GMOs.127 The
European courts have also been consistent in endorsing the principle128 by
granting the Commission wide discretion to act based on precaution.129 The
ECJ even elevated the precautionary principle to the status of a “general princi-
ple” of EU law in its Artegodan judgment,130 further demonstrating the Court’s
strong approval of precautionary standards. This stands in stark contrast to US
courts, which have exercised relatively strict scrutiny when reviewing agencies’
regulatory measures.

46 T heory

Part II describes in detail many selected policy areas where the Brussels
Effect has already emerged. One common feature in all those areas is that the
EU has exhibited a manifest preference for stringent regulation. These include
competition policy and data protection, as well as the desire to limit hate speech
online. They also include policies to protect the health and safety of consumers
and citizens as well as the protection of the environment. These areas reflect the
prevalent view in Europe that markets fail to deliver optimal outcomes, necessi-
tating the government to step in. They also reflect the precautionary view accord-
ing to which the EU is prepared to err on the side of intervention to prevent the
harm from occurring. What they further have in common is the degree to which
the European citizens and policy makers agree on the benefits of intervention and
hence the necessity of stringent rule-making.
Yet it is important to note that there are policy areas where the EU fails to
become the source of global standards because its regulatory propensity—​the
preference for high standards—​is absent or where other economic powers prefer
even higher standards. In some instances, all or most EU member states share a
preference for low as opposed to high regulation. Often the EU’s missing regula-
tory propensity, however, reflects a preference heterogeneity across the member
states. Online gambling is an example of an area where harmonization within
the EU has failed,131 with the United Kingdom favoring legalization of online
gambling, while countries such as Germany and France resisting legalization in
an attempt to protect their state monopolies or licensing regimes on gambling.132
The lack of a sufficient consensus within the EU itself means the EU has no com-
mon regulatory position to export.133
The EU is also divided on the question of corporate tax harmonization with
countries such as Ireland (with its 12.5% corporate tax rate) opposing any step
toward tax harmonization, and countries such as France (with its 33% corporate
tax rate) endorsing common rules.134 Given the requirement for unanimity in
this area, it very unlikely that the EU could successfully harmonize tax rates or
set some minimum levels for corporate taxation. Recognizing the difficulty of
harmonizing tax rates, the EU is actively considering a proposal relating to a
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base proposition (CCCTB).135 The pur-
pose of the CCCTB would be to standardize how large companies calculate their
taxable profits and how they should allocate those profits to different parts of
their business.136 This could curtail companies’ abilities to engage in aggressive tax
planning by shifting their profits to low-​tax jurisdictions.137 Even though the pro-
posal would leave actual corporate tax rates for each member state to decide, the
CCCTB faces obstacles from countries such as Ireland. Ireland fears that profits
currently taxed there could in the future be apportioned to other EU countries,
shifting tax revenue away from the country and compromising Ireland’s attrac-
tiveness as a low-​tax jurisdiction.138

The Brussels Effect 47

The EU’s global regulatory clout is also limited in instances where other states
prefer higher standards. For example, while the EU is generally more stringent
on the regulation of food safety, the United State mandates pasteurization for
all milk and milk products, whereas the EU allows for the sale, marketing, and
distribution of raw milk.139 The United States has also acted before the EU in
regulating trans fats in food, banning partially hydrogenated oils since 2018,140
while the EU is only in the process of carrying out impact assessments and con-
sultations in preparation for a regulation of this area.141
Similarly, the United States’ Sarbanes–​ Oxley Act of 2002 (Sarbanes–​
Oxley), which sought to improve corporate responsibility in the post-​Enron
environment, is widely perceived as establishing the highest global standard for
corporate governance.142 Another manifestation of the United States’ prefer-
ence for stringent financial regulation is the Dodd–​Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.143 Where the United States opts for
stringent standards, it can become the source of global standards, assuming the
conditions for unilateral regulatory globalization are met. As the United States’
recent regulatory pursuits have predominantly targeted the financial sector, it is
unlikely that these rules will become global standards because of the elasticity of
capital. For instance, it has been debated whether the effect of Sarbanes–​Oxley
was to heighten financial regulation standards worldwide, or to cause US stock
exchanges to lose listings of foreign corporations.144 In any event, it is evident
that the EU’s ability to set global rules alone is always contingent on it preferring
the highest rule.
There may also be situations where one jurisdiction is most stringent on one
dimension of a regulation but another country most stringent on another dimen-
sion. When that is the case, the EU standard does not incorporate all other stan-
dards, ensuring compliance worldwide. In instances where the corporations are
unable to segment the markets, corporations may thus end up adhering to even
more stringent standards than any single regulator would have required. The
regulation of conflict minerals offers an example of an area where the EU and
United States have both responded with stringent, yet somewhat different, stan-
dards. Conflict minerals refer to minerals extracted in conflict zones and traded
to benefit the armed groups engaged in fighting. The US regulation is more strin-
gent in the sense that it extends liability to downstream operators in addition to
direct importers. In contrast, the EU regulation only covers direct importers.145
At the same time, the geographical scope of the EU regulation is expected to be
ultimately wider,146 covering conflict minerals extracted in all “conflict affected
and high-​risk areas” in the world.147 The EU regulation also imposes broader due
diligence requirements.148 Thus here, a multinational corporation engaged in this
field typically has to comply with at least two different regulatory regimes—​both
stringent on different dimensions—​to ensure its global compliance.

48 T heory

Another example comes from data protection. India’s new proposed data pro-
tection regulation emulates many of the provisions embedded in the EU’s data
protection regulation (GDPR) but, in some ways, goes beyond the GDPR. For
example, the Indian law, if adopted, would impose a general duty to process per-
sonal data in a fair and reasonable manner that respects the privacy of the indi-
vidual.149 This is in line with designating the data controller as a “data fiduciary”
under an Indian draft bill,150 which comes with more onerous obligations regard-
ing the processing of personal data than data controllers have under the GDPR.
The Indian draft bill also contains a generalized data localization requirement,151
under which “a data fiduciary shall ensure the storage, on a server or data centre
located in India, of at least one serving copy of personal data.” Additionally, for
certain categories of personal data that are determined by the Indian government,
these categories of data can only be processed in India.152
These examples illustrate scenarios under which corporations may face mul-
tiple cumulative regulatory standards, potentially forcing them to conform to
the combination of the most ​stringent regulations provided by different jurisdic-
tions. Consequently, this could lead to an even more forceful version of unilateral
regulatory globalization, where the global rule is racheted up by an interplay of
regulations provided by different jurisdictions, as opposed to by the EU regula-
tion alone. This amplified version of the Brussels Effect further highlights the
central role that the relative stringency of regulations plays in explaining which
jurisdiction(s) ultimately set the rules for the global marketplace.

Inelastic Targets
Stringent domestic regulations can operate as global standards only when aimed
at inelastic—​as opposed to elastic—​targets.153 “Inelastic targets” refer to products
or producers that are non-​responsive to regulatory change and hence tied to a cer-
tain regulatory regime. For example, when the EU regulates consumer health and
safety, the targets of these regulations are products sold to consumers in the EU
market. The location of the consumer within the EU, as opposed to the location
of the manufacturer, determines the application of EU regulation to the targeted
product. The inelastic nature of consumer markets does not leave producers with
a choice regarding the jurisdiction; they cannot “shop” for favorable regulations
without losing access to the regulated market. This makes the target producer
inelastic or, using another word, immobile. The EU primarily regulates inelastic
consumer markets, such as food safety or data privacy.
To illustrate the distinction between elastic and inelastic targets, consider
the capital and consumer markets. Elastic regulatory targets, such as capital, are
more mobile and thus can easily be moved to a different jurisdiction. In contrast,

The Brussels Effect 49

consumers of food, or data subjects bestowed with privacy rights, are typically
immobile. Food manufacturers or data controllers cannot choose which sets of
rules they apply to those consumers or data subjects, making it impossible to cir-
cumvent EU standards. Whenever a firm wants to sell products to the EU’s over
five hundred million consumers, it needs to comply with the EU’s consumer pro-
tection regulations; these consumers cannot simply be transferred to a jurisdic-
tion where lesser protections govern what products can be sold to them.
The examples of the Brussels Effect discussed in this book all involve inelas-
tic targets that are difficult to detach from the EU’s regulatory domain. For
example, the REACH regulation on chemical safety is indifferent as to which
company produces a restricted chemical or where the chemical is produced: as
long as a chemical product is sold on the European market, REACH applies.154
Many of the EU’s environmental regulations follow the same logic: for example,
the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive restricts the use of
hazardous substances in electronics whenever such electronics are sold on the
European market.155 The manufacturer’s location is irrelevant—​moving to a new
location will not allow the manufacturer to circumvent RoHS without losing
access to the EU market. EU competition law is similarly indifferent with respect
to the nationality of the companies regulated or the place where the anticompeti-
tive conduct occurs. As long as a firm’s conduct has an effect on the EU market,
EU competition law applies. The EU’s data protection regime, the GDPR, like-
wise applies to all companies processing personal data of data subjects residing
in the EU, regardless of where the data processing takes place or where the com-
pany processing the data is located.156 The company therefore cannot evade EU
rules by relocating its data controllers or processors outside the EU. In each of
these instances, the EU can effectively assert regulatory authority over market
participants without fear of its regulatory targets evading regulation by moving
to another jurisdiction.
This reality contrasts sharply with, for example, corporate law—​where a
global corporation has wide freedom in deciding what nationality to incorporate
in without limiting its access to global markets. Another example is maritime
law, where a shipping company can choose what flag its ships sail under without
losing access to international ports. In such cases where the regulatory regime is
determined by the location of the company’s headquarters or place of incorpora-
tion, companies have a choice over what regulations will apply to them. In those
instances, elastic regulatory targets—​here, the incorporating company—​have the
ability, and in fact the incentive, to incorporate in the jurisdiction that offers the
most favorable regulatory framework. The place of incorporation is relevant, for
example, in determining the tax regime that applies to a corporation. Similarly, a
company gearing up for an initial public offering (IPO) can choose from over a

50 T heory

hundred stock exchanges for its listing. The regulatory burden of the jurisdiction
is one relevant consideration in making that choice, given that the IPO destina-
tion determines the rules and requirements that apply to the listing and subse-
quent trading of the company’s securities.
The challenge of regulating stock markets illustrates how difficult it is to assert
jurisdiction over elastic targets such as capital. For example, Nikhil Kalyanpur
and Abraham Newman examined the number of delistings from the US stock
market following the adoption of the Sarbanes–​Oxley Act of 2002, which
introduced more stringent standards on public company accounting and inves-
tor protection.157 While many foreign companies exhibited “inelastic behavior”
in response to the new stringent rules—​retaining their US stock market listing
because the cost of exiting, relative to the regulatory burden, was too high—​a
notable number of EU-​based companies responded with “elastic behavior” and
switched their listing to the EU. The delisting was facilitated not only by the size
of the EU market but also by the EU’s credible institutional structure governing
that market, including the introduction of a common set of accounting rules and
the ability to issue Euro-​denominated bonds. This suggests that capital is, indeed,
often elastic and can move as long as a credible exit opportunity exists.
The regulation of over-​the-​counter derivatives (known as “swaps” in the
United States) presents another example of financial regulation that deals with
a highly elastic target. In the aftermath of the financial crises, both the EU and
United States proceeded to regulate the derivatives market by requiring their
central clearing. Such reliance on central counterparties (CCPs), as opposed to
private bilateral contracts for clearing, concentrates the market risk with clear-
ing houses. These specialized firms, reformers argued, are easier to regulate than
disperse market participants.158 Derivatives clearing relies on a jurisdictionally
detached financial infrastructure in that it can take place in any jurisdiction in
which parties to the contract reside or in any jurisdiction whose law the parties
choose to govern the contract. According to a study by Yesha Yadov and Dermot
Turing, traders of credit derivative contracts (credit default swaps) conduct busi-
ness four times more often with counterparties outside their own jurisdiction
than they do with counterparties in their home jurisdiction.159 The authors illus-
trate this flexibility with the following example:

[A]‌Swiss bank [. . .] enters into a fixed-​floating interest rate swap on a

notional principal amount expressed in British Pounds, where its coun-
terparty is the New York branch of a Japanese bank. Such a transaction
may be documented under New York law and supported by collateral that
includes German Government bonds held in Euroclear (which is located
in Belgium and operates under Belgian law).160

The Brussels Effect 51

The absence of a requisite geographical link between a particular clearing-

house and the parties to the transaction means that the parties have a choice as
to where to conduct their clearing activities.161 This high degree of elasticity sug-
gests that regulators like the EU’s ESMA—​the European Securities and Markets
Authority—​face a serious threat of regulatory arbitrage. The CCPs can migrate
to less-​burdensome jurisdictions without difficulty if the EU regulation hinders
their ability to offer services to their clients on a competitive basis.162 Because
there is nothing irreplaceable about the EU clearing markets that the CCPs lose
by migrating to avoid the regulation, it is unlikely the EU would be able to prom­
ulgate overly stringent regulations and maintain an active market.
The examples mentioned reinforce the argument that capital, while not per-
fectly elastic, is significantly more elastic than consumer markets.163 If the EU,
for instance, tried to harmonize corporate taxation at excessively high rates, a
number of corporations could flee its jurisdiction and incorporate elsewhere. Of
course, this migration would not come without costs. However, the EU could
only regulate to the point where the regulatory burden was less than the relatively
low cost of relocating. In contrast, an inelastic consumer market allows the EU to
regulate up to the point where the regulatory burden is less than the significantly
higher cost of exiting the European consumer market entirely.
Similarly, if the EU were to impose a tax on financial transactions, as the
Commission proposed in the wake of the Euro crises, trading activity could move
to financial centers outside the EU.164 The proposed tax would cover a broad
range of financial transactions between banks and other financial institutions,
including securities, bonds, currency transactions, and derivatives.165 It is unclear
if the proposal is politically viable,166 particularly given the EU’s recognition that
the introduction of this tax could cause EU-​based financial institutions to relo-
cate to non-​EU countries.167 This reality constrains the EU’s ability to success-
fully exert similar regulatory influence in taxing the trading of stocks, bonds, or
derivatives, as it can over more inelastic targets.168
Elasticity of targets may pose similar limits to the EU’s ability to regulate other
aspects of corporate governance, including bankers’ “bonus caps,” which the EU
has introduced.169 Of course, corporate activity may not immediately respond to
the introduction of caps in executive compensation by relocating outside the EU.
Yet the EU’s regulatory power remains constrained by the fact that, at some level,
regulation may become onerous enough to create incentives for firms to relocate
to less regulated jurisdictions.
Interestingly, the Commission has recently advocated some regulatory mea-
sures that would constrain the elasticity of capital and make it more inelastic
in practice. For example, the Commission has proposed a major corporate tax
reform that would standardize the way large corporations allocate their profits

52 T heory

to different parts of their business.170 While leaving the actual level of corporate
taxation unregulated, this reform would restrict companies’ ability to shift their
profits to low-​tax jurisdictions, limiting the de facto mobility of capital as a result.
The EU is also considering a “digital tax,” which would tax digital companies
based on where they generate advertising revenue as opposed to where they claim
their profits.171 This would similarly eliminate these firms’ ability to book profits
in low-​tax jurisdictions, forcing them to pay taxes in countries where actual value
is created or business generated. If adopted, this tax would restrain the elasticity
of corporate profits by attaching tax liability to the jurisdiction where the value is
created, revenue earned, and customers located.
While most elastic regulatory targets pertain to the regulation of capi-
tal markets, other examples can be found elsewhere. For instance, the ECJ’s
recent denial of the patentability of embryonic stem cells is unlikely to lead
to a global standard.172 Critics claim that the EU’s regulatory stringency only
drives stem cell research and business out of the EU, highlighting the elasticity
of patent protection and the mobility of the industry relying on patents.173
Stem cell research remains patentable in many parts of the world, including the
United States, where critical research activity could easily relocate in response
to the EU’s strict regulatory stance.174 Another example comes from the EU’s
approach to regulating waste management. High standards for waste disposal
are costly for domestic producers, and so producers gain little by disposing
or recycling their waste in the EU.175 Waste is movable, and illegal transfers
of hazardous waste remain common as producers have an incentive to evade
stringent regulations by finding jurisdictions that do not enforce waste man-
agement standards.176
The discussion of the elastic versus inelastic nature of regulatory targets
is closely related to the literature on regulatory races and jurisdictional com-
petition.177 The early literature argued that globalization produces a “race to
the bottom,” which leads states to lower their regulatory standards in order to
attract firms and capital. According to this view, mobile capital exploits regula-
tory arbitrage and locates to a jurisdiction where it can earn the highest rate of
return. These returns are higher when firms are not burdened by high ​corporate
tax rates or stringent labor or environmental protection standards. Other states
then respond by lowering their respective regulatory standards to avoid capital
flight.178 The result of this race is, theoretically, regulatory convergence at the
bottom. However, subsequent empirical studies have questioned the extent to
which a race to the bottom occurs in practice.179 Influential literature has further
emerged to argue that economic globalization has instead produced a “race to the
top,” where countries are elevating their regulatory standards in response to first
mover regulators’ introduction of stringent regulatory standards.180

The Brussels Effect 53

While empirical support for a global race to the bottom is limited, most would
agree that corporate relocation is more likely in instances where the firm can
freely select its regulatory jurisdictions (such as stock listing) without any need to
physically move its operations to another jurisdiction.181 In such instances, recent
research demonstrates an occurrence of “Tiebout sorting” where no race to the
top or bottom can be observed, but where firms instead sort themselves across
jurisdictions depending on their differential cost structures, heterogeneous pref-
erences, and market segments.182 Some firms are likely to prefer lower regulatory
standards, while others, in fact, prefer higher regulatory standards. Under this
assumption, (some) elastic targets are likely to move to less-​burdensome jurisdic-
tions while others stay in more stringent jurisdictions and simply absorb higher
costs. To the extent this sorting happens, certain regulatory targets are able to
constrain the Brussels Effect by exiting to less-​burdensome markets, or by threat-
ening to do so.
Focusing on inelasticity of regulatory targets helps further illustrate why we
observe the “Brussels Effect” more commonly than the “Washington Effect.”
The United States’ regulatory efforts have predominantly targeted the more
elastic financial sector in recent decades, making the United States a less likely
source of global standards. In contrast, the EU’s focus of regulating consumer
markets and the environment has reinforced its role as a global standard setter
whose regulations cannot be undermined by the elasticity of its targets. In this
sense, governments are not typically able to influence the elasticity or inelasticity
of their regulatory targets as such; elasticity is an inherent feature of the target
itself, such as capital—​which is typically elastic—​or consumer goods—​which
are typically inelastic. However, the governments do retain influence over the
choice of the types of targets they choose to regulate. Unlike the EU, the United
States has chosen to regulate elastic targets, with an unintended side effect that
it can rarely rely on markets to externalize its regulations outside its domestic

The conditions just described only ensure that the stringent jurisdiction is able
to regulate extraterritorially. The EU meeting these conditions does not, by itself,
mean that the stringent standard will actually be globalized. The Brussels Effect
is only triggered when the multinational corporation, after having converted its
products or business practices to comply with the EU standard, decides to apply
this new standard to its products or conduct worldwide. In other words, global
standards emerge only when corporations voluntarily opt to extend the regula-
tory requirements of the most ​stringent regulator to their global operations.

54 T heory

A company has the greatest incentive to adopt a global standard whenever its
production or conduct is non-​divisible across different markets. Non-​divisibility
refers to the practice of standardizing—​as opposed to customizing—​production
or business practices across jurisdictions and hence applying a uniform standard
to govern the corporation’s global conduct. Often this will occur when the ben-
efits of a uniform standard due to scale economies exceed the costs of forgoing
lower costs in less regulated markets. For example, complying with just one reg-
ulatory standard allows a corporation to maintain a single production process,
which is less costly than tailoring its production to meet divergent regulatory
standards.183 When opting for standardization, a corporation further prefers
to conform to the “leading standard,”184 which typically is the most d​ emanding
stand­ard imposed by a major jurisdiction that represents an important market for
the corporation. This leading standard is particularly attractive in that it typically
incorporates other standards as well, ensuring compliance across all markets in
which the corporation operates.
For a simple illustration of non-​divisibility, imagine someone hosting a dinner
party and inviting eight guests. Two of them do not eat red meat. One other guest
prefers red meat but happily eats everything—​as long as it is gluten-​free. The host
could prepare a tailored meal for everyone, offering options with and without red
meat and with and without gluten. However, the host is more likely to opt for
fish and keep all dishes gluten-​free to limit the time, hassle, and expense associ-
ated with customizing the dinner party experience to everyone’s distinct dietary
preferences. In the end, when faced with a variety of dietary restrictions, the most
restrictive diet wins: a gluten-​free and meat-​free dish is served. For the same rea-
son, schools often tailor their policies with a similar eye toward non-​divisibility.
While the school may only have a handful of students with a peanut allergy, the
entire school adopts a nut-​free policy to accommodate the more-​restrictive needs
of the minority.
The same principle applies for global producers serving many different mar-
kets, particularly when they cannot economically or practically tailor their pro-
duction for every market. As the Brussels Effect encourages firms to standardize
production, it also unavoidably limits the product variety that is available on
the market. In the process, it produces a variation of the “tyranny of the mar-
ket” originally described by Joel Waldfogel.185 Waldfogel argues that markets
do not produce efficient outcomes when fixed costs limit the number of prod-
uct varieties that firms can economically produce. In these instances, only the
majority’s preferences will be satisfied. Waldfogel compares this market-​driven
outcome to the outcome produced by a political process where the “tyranny of

The Brussels Effect 55

the majority” dictates electoral outcomes, challenging the pro-​market belief that
markets always deliver more efficient outcomes. Markets thus entail shortcom-
ings akin to the shortcomings associated with voting. Furthermore, with the
growth in international trade, we may increasingly witness “the tyranny of alien
majorities,” as domestic producers operating on a global marketplace adjust their
production patterns to cater to the majorities who may consist of predominantly
foreign consumers.
The Brussels Effect partially validates and partially challenges this theory. The
Brussels Effect differs from the tyranny of the market in that instead of simply
the market dictating global standards, it is the duality of both the market and the
government that gives rise to uniform production. Instead of focusing on mar-
ket actors and fixed costs as a limitation to product variety, the Brussels Effect
emphasizes government regulation and multiple factors—​law, technology, and
economics—​as drivers of non-​divisibility and hence lower product variety. This
distinction points to the tyranny of the government as much as to that of the
Whenever producers offer only the EU-​variant of the product globally, the
market does not, indeed, seem to produce optimal outcomes for all consumers.
For example, for many Americans, the Brussels Effect may represent an example
of “the tyranny of alien majorities” where the EU can dictate the products avail-
able to them. However, globally, the Brussels Effect may also be seen as a mani-
festation of the “tyranny of the regulated alien minority” more than that of the
global majority, further departing from the argument underlying the tyranny of
the market. The product varieties that are offered can be interpreted as reflecting
the stringency of government regulation as opposed to solely consumer choice.
This is so even if market forces are critical in entrenching those choices globally.
Regardless of the outcome, the Brussels Effect offers an alternative explanation
for why firms forgo product variety and cater predominantly to customers in the
most regulated jurisdictions.
Leaving aside the normative question on whether the Brussels Effect should
even be viewed as a “tyranny” of any kind, the next discussion will focus on illus-
trating different types of non-​divisibility. Non-​divisibility of a corporation’s
production or conduct comes in three primary varieties:  legal non-​divisibility,
technical non-​divisibility, and economic non-​divisibility—​the last one being
the most common variant driving the Brussels Effect. The discussion reviews the
logic underpinning each type of non-​divisibility and provides examples to illus-
trate how this feature leads businesses to standardize their production across the
global marketplace.

56 T heory

Legal Non-​divisibility
“Legal non-​divisibility” refers to legal requirements and remedies as drivers of
uniform standards. It typically manifests itself as a spillover effect that follows
from the corporation’s compliance with the laws of the most stringent juris-
diction. Global mergers provide an illustrative example in that they cannot be
consummated on a jurisdiction-​by-​jurisdiction basis. Instead, the most s​ tringent
competition jurisdiction gets to determine the worldwide fate of the transac-
tion.186 For example, when the EU requires the company to spin off an asset as
a condition for approving a merger—​like ordering a divestiture of a production
plant—​such a divestiture cannot be consummated in the EU only. For the same
reason, whenever the EU prohibits an anticompetitive merger, the transaction is
banned worldwide. Facing the EU prohibition, the only way to proceed with the
merger would require the parties to carve out enough assets from the transaction
to strip the EU of jurisdiction over the merger. Given the importance of the EU
market, such restructuring of the deal would often require a complete withdrawal
from the EU market, removing the business rationale for the merger. This makes
it all but impossible to circumvent the EU jurisdiction in practice.
Cartel remedies often have a similarly global effect. Leniency programs
designed to destabilize cartels by incentivizing cartel participants to act as
whistle-​blowers often dissolve the cartel across all jurisdictions.187 Thus, even if
the European Commission implemented a leniency program aimed at seizing
collusion that affects prices in Europe, cooperation with the Commission is likely
to also unravel the collusion in other markets. This is because the trust sustaining
the cartel among participating firms dissipates with such a defection. Similarly, if
the Commission detects and pursues a cartel following its own investigation (as
opposed to following a leniency application), the cartel participants likely aban-
don collusion worldwide. The cartel participants know that the Commission
investigation will likely alert foreign authorities to the possibility of collusion in
their markets as well, making the operation of the cartel in practice non-​divisible
whenever a major jurisdiction such as the EU proceeds to dismantle it.
While not manifesting a pure form of legal non-​divisibility, legal risks asso-
ciated with compliance errors induce companies to adopt internal policies that
govern the company’s global operations. These company-​wide policies typically
reflect the legal standards prevailing in the most demanding jurisdiction. For
example, even if price fixing remains unregulated and hence potentially benefi-
cial in some markets, most companies refrain from colluding even in those mar-
kets. Multinational corporations typically maintain a global compliance manual
that prohibits discussion of prices with competitors regardless of the jurisdic-
tion involved. This ensures that noncompliance does not accidentally spill into
company practices in markets that maintain stringent regulation on price fixing,

The Brussels Effect 57

exposing the company to legal liability. When the management can monitor
internally consistent company policies across all the markets in which the com-
pany operates, the risk-​adjusted compliance costs are lower. This need to mini-
mize compliance errors is even greater for listed companies because the stock
price is not affected only by the legal risks materializing in the listing jurisdiction.
Instead, the prospect of legal liability in any jurisdiction can destabilize a com-
pany’s operations worldwide, adversely affecting its stock price.
The tendency to deploy standardized contracts manifest forces of both legal
and economic non-​divisibility.188 When the company uses standardized clauses in
its distribution contracts across multiple markets, internal monitoring processes
are streamlined, resulting in fewer compliance failures and greater efficiencies.
For example, a global company is unlikely to negotiate its licensing agreements
or distribution agreements with numerous licensees or distributors anew in each
market. Instead, those agreements are likely to be highly standardized.
Legal non-​divisibility can further stem from the company’s choice on the place
of incorporation, which can expand the set of business operations that fall under
the legal requirements of the chosen jurisdiction. Data protection regulation in the
EU provides an example of this scenario. Since Facebook has its headquarters in
Ireland, the GDPR applies to all Facebook entities that are part of the Irish corpo-
rate structure.189 Until recently, most non-​EU users outside the United States have
been governed by the Irish corporate entity. By choosing to incorporate in Dublin,
Facebook has therefore assumed a legal obligation to offer EU’s privacy protections
to data subjects outside the EU as well, making the rights enjoyed by Facebook
users outside the EU legally non-​divisible from those enjoyed by Facebook users
in the EU. Interestingly, as will be discussed in ­chapter 5, in response to the entry
into force of the GDPR, Facebook has revised its terms and conditions, moving
users in Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East away from the EU and placing
them under its US legal structure. This allows Facebook to introduce divisibility,
limiting the rights of non-​EU users to complain about any foreign data protection
violations to the data protection officers in Ireland.190

Technical Non-​divisibility
The principle of “technical non-​divisibility” refers to the difficulty of separating
the firm’s production or services across multiple markets for technological reasons.
It often applies to the regulation of data privacy. For example, to operate in the EU,
Google has to amend its data storage and other business practices to conform to
European data protection standards. Given the difficulty of determining with cer-
tainty whether a particular user is a “European data subject,” Google cannot easily
isolate its data collection for the EU. As a result, Google adopts a strategy whereby
the company adjusts its global operations to the most ​demanding EU standard.191

58 T heory

With the entry into force of the GDPR, companies are obliged to design
their products with EU’s regulatory requirements in mind. As will be discussed
in ­chapter 5, companies including Microsoft and Apple follow this principle by
incorporating the GDPR requirements into the initial technical design of their
products, making privacy-​consistent technological solutions on behalf of the
consumer at the outset. It is, obviously, much harder to make such technically
embedded data protections divisible across jurisdictions. Whether the consumer,
as the “data subject,” operates the devices in the EU or in a third country, the con-
sumer is likely to adhere to the default settings incorporated in the device at the
development stage. Thus, the GDPR’s “privacy by design” principle, incorporated
in Article 25 of the regulation, increasingly ensures that products are designed
to a single standard, with the EU determining the default settings as the most​
stringent regulator of data protection.
A very different example of technical non-​divisibility is the EU’s general regu-
lation of food safety and GMOs in particular.192 This regulation has led to stan-
dardized production in farming industries where cross-​contamination between
crops can take place. For example, some farmers are deterred from using GMOs if
they also want to produce non-​GMO varieties for Europe due to the risks associ-
ated with cross-​pollination and the resulting “adventitious presence” of GMOs in
non-​GMOs grown in neighboring fields. This type of contamination can occur
in the growing, storage, or transportation stage of production if one fails to sepa-
rate, however inadvertently, the GMO varieties from non-​GMO varieties.193 The
same logic applies to pesticides and other chemicals used by the farming industry.
It is often difficult to ensure that pesticides used in one field do not affect crops in
adjoining fields due to the technical impossibility of preventing cross-​pollination.
Similarly, while farmers may sell different cuts of meat derived from the same
animal to multiple geographical markets, the EU’s meat safety and hygiene stan-
dards affect all markets due to the obvious impossibility to limiting the use of
growth hormones or certain sterilization methods to only one part of the animal.

Economic Non-​divisibility
Often companies are able to identify a technological solution that allows them to
produce different product varieties for different markets. However, the underly-
ing economics—​in particular, the importance of scale economies associated with
uniform production—​can make such division untenable in practice. This type of
“economic non-​divisibility” is perhaps the most common reason why manufac-
turers opt for a global standard, and is most typically exemplified in corporations’
responses to the EU’s health, environmental, and product standards. An illus-
trative example is European chemical regulation, which applies to all companies

The Brussels Effect 59

seeking to enter the EU market.194 Numerous US manufacturers, in the cases

where they would find it too costly to develop different products for different
consumer markets, choose to conform their entire global chemical production to
the EU standard.195 The scale economies associated with a single global produc-
tion process therefore often allow the EU to effectively dictate global product
standards. Other important drivers for economic non-​divisibility are related to
brand and reputation.
The benefits associated with scale economies often explain the observed pref-
erence for uniform production. When a company produces a greater quantity
of a standardized product variety for its home and (potentially multiple) export
markets, it saves costs in numerous ways.196 Standardization allows it to buy pro-
duction inputs in bulk, leading to a lower procurement cost per unit purchased.
Production costs further decline when the firm forgoes the need to adjust the
manufacturing processes and equipment used for different product varieties.
Scale economies are particularly important in the presence of high fixed costs, as
such costs often lead to a higher optimal scale, which incentives standardization
in an effort to recover those costs. For example, large firms can carry out sophisti-
cated research and development (R&D) more easily. The pharmaceutical indus-
try is the prime example of an industry where R&D is crucial, giving companies
the incentive to merge in an effort to spread their R&D expenditures across a
greater volume of sales. This leads to a higher incentive for production of largely
standardized pharmaceutical products for the global marketplace.197
We also expect to see uniform production in capital-​intensive industries, or
in industries relying on highly integrated global supply chains or inward foreign
direct investment (FDI) in technology. For example, the majority of FDI in devel-
oping countries’ automotive sectors originates from multinational corporations
that also operate in developed countries’ highly regulated markets. These multi-
nationals are unlikely to change their production processes that were engineered
to comply with the more stringent standards prevailing in the markets of major
developed countries. This allows them to take advantage of scale economies in
production and deploy similar technologies across their global or regional manu-
facturing networks.198 This helps to explain why many automobiles sold in less
regulated developing markets often meet the safety and environmental standards
that prevail in leading markets characterized by stringent regulatory standards.
The automotive sector also tends to utilize a transnational assembly line
where the different components that constitute a finished automobile are pro-
duced in multiple countries before their final assembly. Harmonized standards
across different markets allow the manufacturers to achieve greater economies
of scale as the same components and technologies can be used for cars sold in
multiple markets.199 This is an example that was first used to demonstrate the

60 T heory

“California Effect,” which refers to California’s emissions standards’ emergence as

the de facto US national standard for all US automobile manufacturing in 1990s.
The California Effect occurred precisely because it was cheaper for automobile
manufacturers to produce all cars to a single standard, distributing the costs of
complying with California standards throughout all states, including those that
placed no value on the environmental benefits of those standards.200 A similar
example comes from Europe and its stringent safety rules. Those regulations
required General Motors to retool its Corvette factory in Kentucky because the
cost of having to design and produce special parts just for the European market
would have been hard to justify.201
Economic non-​divisibility is also associated with simplification in manu-
facturing or service provision, leading to additional cost savings and safer
products.202 Adhering to a single global standard improves product quality as
the company can concentrate its resources on producing a single product (or a
smaller range of products) and focus on refining all aspects of that product. This
reduces the complexity of operations and minimizes error costs. Be it product
design, R&D, testing, inventory management, storage, marketing, or distribu-
tion, the uniform product standard streamlines those processes and reduces costs
associated with all these stages.203 The importance of scale economies associated
with quality control has driven global production patterns and company size in
industries as different as global trade in bananas or manufacturing of new phar-
maceutical products.204
The agricultural sector offers additional examples why companies choose
a uniform standard for economic reasons. For example, when the EU banned
hormone-​treated beef from its market, it became uneconomical for US meat
producers to produce both hormone and hormone-​free beef because the cost of
distributing hormone-​free beef in the existing distribution system would have
been prohibitively high and led to losses.205 Similarly, several US food processors
selling their products internationally refused to buy genetically modified corn or
soybeans in response to the EU’s strict regulation of GMOs.206 Doing so would
have required them to make special non-​GMO batches just for Europe, which was
uneconomical. Given the importance of continued access to the European mar-
ket, food processors could not ignore the EU standard and only serve countries
that accepted GMOs. For this reason, the Illinois Department of Agriculture, for
instance, asked farmers not to plant a type of corn from Monsanto that did not
have EU approval.207
There are other scale advantages for corporations to prefer harmonization of
global product offerings and incentivize them to retain that harmonization, once
established. For example, a single product allows the company to easily divert
exports to other markets whenever demand fluctuates across different markets.

The Brussels Effect 61

Offering a standardized product across markets therefore reduces the need to

accurately predict demand for each market. If the demand stagnates in one coun-
try due to economic malaise, change in consumer preferences, problems in the
distribution chain, economic sanctions, or any other reason, the company may
divert some of its products to an alternative market as long as it sells the same
product in that market. For example, if General Motors had a different product
range for each of its markets, then its decision to withdraw from India, Russia,
and South Africa would have rendered the investments it had already made
in those markets a sunk cost.208 Instead, offering the same vehicles in multiple
markets allows the company to divert the production originally aimed for those
markets to its home or other export markets. Thus, producing to a single global
standard provides the company the important ability to adjust to changing mar-
ket conditions.
Beyond the advantages due to scale, a single standard also facilitates the pres-
ervation of a global brand and reputation.209 Standardization allows for a uni-
form branding and advertising strategy, reducing costs from having to engage in
mass advertising across different markets. For example, companies like Pepsi save
millions of dollars each year by having common global branding.210 A uniform
brand name can also lead to cost savings in distribution, inventory, and pack-
aging.211 Trust in a brand and its uniform quality allows the consumer to forgo
uncertainty and reduce search costs associated with product choices in a new
market. For example, a frequent business traveler may stay loyal to the same hotel
chain across the world due to familiarity with the brand. This is one of the reasons
Hilton rooms look similar irrespective of the destination, and the services offered
are largely standardized across markets.212 This cultivates a sense of home for trav-
elers as the room and amenities remain consistent across destinations. This fea-
ture sustains consumer loyalty, leading the consumer to choose the same product
across jurisdictions.
Many global firms choose to comply with EU regulations outside the EU to
protect their global brands and reputation even in the absence of a legal obliga-
tion to do so.213 Extending the EU’s privacy protections to US customers gives
Google the opportunity to enhance the value of its global brand by conveying
that it takes the privacy of its US users as seriously as it takes that of its European
users. An opposite strategy would likely lead to a dissatisfaction by US consum-
ers, who would be aware that the company was consciously leaving its US cus-
tomers with lesser protections even though it had the ability and willingness
to offer these protections elsewhere. Similarly, a company’s brand could be tar-
nished globally if the company took advantage of lax standards on child labor or
environmental practices in some foreign jurisdictions, risking that their custom-
ers abandon the product even if these practices did not take place in their home

62 T heory

jurisdiction. For example, confectioner giant Nestlé has been plagued by reports
in Western media that it employed child labor in its supply chain in Africa and
South America.214
Activist pressures have given further impetus for companies to obey the most
demanding standards across all markets in which they operate. Industries that
produce consumer products, such as household goods or cosmetics, are common
targets of such pressures. Consumer awareness is often further increased in the
case of high-​profile regulatory failures, or whenever a brand name is involved, as
the public can relate to those products. In these instances, consumers and activ-
ists can easily call out the company for its efforts to exploit regulatory arbitrage
and take advantage of less-​burdensome obligations in some markets rather than
others. Public campaigns by non-​governmental organizations (NGOs) and other
activists can effectively expose the double standards of multinational companies,
if they, for example, continue to use or produce chemicals in the rest of the world
that they no longer use in the EU.215 As a result, many cosmetics firms protect the
reputation of their highly visible and valuable brands by conforming to European
standards worldwide.216

While multiple pressures for standardization exist, many products or

types of conduct remain divisible, limiting the Brussels Effect. When products
do not call for a uniform standard, the EU can at best achieve compliance with
its standard, but not globalization of those standards. Consider the attempts to
regulate labor standards. Labor markets are divisible as long as scale economies
do not require the producer to concentrate production into a single production
location. Adhering to one global minimum wage across jurisdictions, for instance,
entails few scale economies. A corporation can therefore maintain different stan-
dards in different jurisdictions without difficulty—​ranging from working hours
and vacation policies to retirement plans and collective labor strategies.217
Several other products are also divisible across markets, and so evade global
regulation through the Brussels Effect. DVDs have different region codes allow-
ing film distributors to segregate release dates, content restrictions, and price
across regions. Books and magazines are published in different languages in dif-
ferent jurisdictions. Patent protection, discussed earlier, is also divisible: the EU’s
ability to impose its rules on the patentability of human cells is constrained not
only by the mobility of research firms but also by the ability of these firms to
continue filing patents in other jurisdictions. Another example comes from com-
petition law. In 2007, the EU launched an antitrust investigation into whether
Microsoft’s practice of offering its Windows software with only one internet
browser, the Microsoft-​owned Internet Explorer, presented antitrust concerns. In
response, Microsoft presented Windows 7 E, a Europe-​only version of Windows

The Brussels Effect 63

that came with no internet browser.218 Similarly, in response to the EU’s com-
petition ruling banning Google from giving more prominent placement to its
own comparison-​shopping service (as opposed to its rivals’) in its search results,
Google spun off its comparison-​shopping service in Europe into a stand-​alone
unit, thus limiting the adopted remedy to the European market only.219 Finally,
Google decided to avoid complying with new domestic copyright legislation in
Spain that would have required Google to make payments to Spanish media out-
lets. Instead, Google decided to remove certain Spanish sources from its broader
News service, by simply shutting down its Google News service in Spain220—​
something the company was able to do without also shutting down Google News
in other jurisdictions.
At times, variance in consumer preferences limits the benefits of standard-
ization. In the food industry, for example, consumer preferences remain balkan-
ized by jurisdiction across numerous products.221 For example, Coca-​Cola has
different levels of sugar for the same product in different markets.222 Similarly,
McDonalds has a highly uniform brand but continues to customize its prod-
ucts and menus across different markets.223 This stands in stark contrast with the
production of drugs designed to treat illnesses, given that consumer preferences
rarely vary across the types of drugs, allowing the same drug to serve all mar-
kets.224 In addition, while the automotive industry often benefits from standard-
ized mass production, as discussed earlier, counterexamples exist showing that
the industry must also sustain some level of local preference customization.225
The examples just discussed suggest that the globalization of EU standards is
unlikely to happen whenever the costs of product diversification in some indus-
try or product category remain trivial and where the benefits of customized
production are significant. In such instances, firms are expected to make their
production divisible and take advantage of the lower standards prevailing in mar-
kets outside the EU.226 However, even in instances where differences in consumer
preferences induce companies to produce several varieties, companies often ben-
efit from standardizing the “product platform.” They may introduce variety on
some aspect of production while continuing to share standardized components
and processes across these varieties. This strategy reduces complexity, risks, and
the need for inventory, and hence lowers the costs associated with production.227

The previous discussion has argued that a single regulatory jurisdic-

tion is able to supply global standards wherever five conditions hold—​a large
domestic market, sufficient regulatory capacity, preference for stringent standards,
tendency to regulate inelastic targets, and non-​divisibility of production. All of
these conditions must be present for unilateral regulatory globalization to occur.
For example, without a large market size, corporations may abandon the market

64 T heory

of the stringent regulator and divert their trade elsewhere. In such a case, the
presence of extensive regulatory capacity or the other remaining conditions are
irrelevant. Similarly, if the jurisdiction lacks the regulatory capacity or fails to
promulgate the most stringent standard, other jurisdictions may supersede its
standards with those of their own, regardless of the presence of other conditions.
Finally, if regulatory targets are elastic or corporate conduct divisible, multina-
tional corporations may elect to move to less-​burdensome jurisdictions or forgo a
global standard in favor of customization across different markets, undercutting
the Brussels Effect regardless of the strength of other conditions.
While all necessary, these conditions may vary in their relative significance
across policy areas. For example, some policy areas are more complex to regulate—​
including the monitoring of the competitive conduct or data processing practices
of technology companies—​accentuating the importance of regulatory capacity
in the theory. Some conditions may also be more invariant across policy areas—​
such as market size or regulatory capacity—​while others are likely to be more
variant—​including non-​divisibility that depends on a range of industry-​and
firm-​specific considerations. Finally, the first three conditions are typically rel-
evant as opposed to absolute. What matters is the relative market size, relative
regulatory capacity, and the relative regulatory stringency, as compared to other
larger economies. For example, there is no absolute market size that triggers the
Brussels Effect. Instead, what matters is whether businesses can afford to forgo
a large market, which depends not merely on the size of that particular market
but also on the size of the other consumer markets that may offer an alternative
destination for their products and services.
While developed to explain the Brussels Effect and the EU’s role as a global
regulatory hegemon, the conditions discussed in this chapter are generic as
opposed to EU-​specific, and hence designed to explain any jurisdiction’s ability
to unilaterally supply rules for the global marketplace. In this sense, they should
outlive the EU’s regulatory hegemony and also help us explain if and when
such a hegemony might come to an end or be displaced by another unilateral
global regulator. These conditions could therefore explain the already mentioned
“Washington Effect” or the “Beijing Effect” alike—​as long as the United States or
China had the combination of the market power, the regulatory capacity, and the
political will to generate stringent regulations, together with the desire to pursue
inelastic targets that are non-​divisible across jurisdictions.
As will be explained in ­chapter 9, which discusses the future of the Brussels
Effect, each condition is also sustained or challenged by somewhat different
external forces, influencing their durability over time. For example, the EU’s mar-
ket power will be constrained in the coming decades by the rise of China and
other emerging economic powers. Consensus needed to promulgate stringent

The Brussels Effect 65

regulations can be harder in the future if divisions within the EU grow. At the
same time, stringent rules may become easier to generate with the departure of
the United Kingdom from the EU, which has often opposed the EU’s extensive
rule-making. Finally, a possible move toward greater divisibility of production
is likely to be caused by advances in technology. This further suggests that each
element has an independent role in explaining the emergence, or the persistence,
of the Brussels Effect.

The Brussels Effect in Context

The Brussels Effect is certainly not the only way the EU exercises global
regulatory influence. In fact, the EU wields norm-​setting power through a num-
ber of different channels, including via trade agreements and participation in
international institutions and transnational governmental networks. Many
countries and regional organizations also adopt EU regulations in other ways,
whether by engaging in legislative borrowing, replicating EU institutions, cit-
ing legal concepts and principles developed by European courts, or engaging in
“copycat” litigation in cases where the EU has acted first. EU norms can simi-
larly act as influential focal points for regulatory convergence, absent any market
effects or effort on the EU’s part, because of the EU’s perceived role as a “norma-
tive power.”
This chapter first reviews these various other channels of the EU’s global regu-
latory influence in an attempt to provide context for the de facto Brussels Effect
discussed in ­chapter 2. It also examines why EU law offers such an attractive tem-
plate for emulation, facilitating the de jure Brussels Effect in all its forms. It then
assesses the relative advantages and disadvantages of market-​driven harmoniza-
tion compared to treaty-​driven harmonization, and considers when these other
channels of influence are likely to complement, amplify, or substitute the Brussels

The EU’s Mechanisms for Global Regulatory Influence

The de facto Brussels Effect refers to the unilateral regulatory power the EU
derives from its market. However, the Brussels Effect is not the only manifes-
tation of the EU’s unilateral influence. The EU also exerts unilateral influence
over foreign actors through legislative techniques such as extraterritoriality or
territorial extension. Through these instruments, the EU seeks to directly apply
its own regulations to foreign actors. These techniques are distinct from the

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

68 T heory

market-​driven harmonization associated with the Brussels Effect or the EU’s

efforts to project its regulations via treaty-​driven harmonization, as will be dis-
cussed in this chapter.
As a threshold matter, the Brussels Effect should be distinguished from these
other unilateral mechanisms of influence. Some EU regulations are extraterrito-
rial in that they impose obligations on persons who do not have a territorial
connection to the EU.1 For example, EU competition law applies to foreign
parties even if their conduct originates abroad. As long as EU consumers are
affected, the EU can enforce its laws against these foreign parties to restore com-
petition in the EU. The EU’s Derivatives Regulation provides another example
of this kind of extraterritoriality. It contains an anti-​evasion clause that “imposes
obligations on contracts concluded between two entities established in one or
more third (non-​EU) countries, where the imposition of the obligation is nec-
essary or appropriate to prevent the evasion of the provisions contained in the
The EU, however, does not solely rely on such explicit extraterritoriality
or effects-​based jurisdiction.3 Rather, the EU also uses a legislative technique
that Joanne Scott calls “territorial extension,” whereby certain conduct or cir-
cumstances abroad establish a territorial connection to the EU.4 Territorial
extension allows the EU to regulate “activities that take place abroad but that
also impact negatively upon the EU or upon globally shared resources.”5 The
aviation regulations in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, for example, can
be considered an exercise of territorial extension under this characterization
because the regulations consider the amount of emissions a flight produces
outside of the EU as well as the third-​country measures regulating aviation
These mechanisms just mentioned, while reflecting different dynamics, offer
pathways other than the Brussels Effect for the EU to shape the global regulatory
environment unilaterally. In addition, the EU can also entrench its norms glob-
ally through cooperative mechanisms, such as via bilateral or multilateral treaties.
The EU has negotiated an extensive array of economic and political agreements
that, in their strongest form, set out the type of regulations that the EU’s trade
partners must adopt in order to secure access to the single market. These treaty
obligations, at times, lead to a direct transposition of EU laws abroad. The EU
can also shape global norms though participation in international institutions,
standard-​setting bodies, and transgovernmental networks. Finally, European
courts contribute toward externalizing EU regulations by issuing judgments that
serve as templates for foreign courts. All these mechanisms offer complementary
and, when taken together, notable avenues for the EU’s norms and regulations to
shape the global regulatory environment.7

The Brussels Effect in Context 69

Treaties and Institutions

The EU systematically exports its standards through bilateral economic and
political agreements—​this occurs most clearly in accession agreements and part-
nership treaties,8 but can also be seen in various preferential trade agreements
(PTAs). The tendency to condition market access on the adoption of EU regula-
tory standards has led Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaidis to describe the
EU not only as a power in trade but also as a power through trade.9 Essentially,
the EU trades its market access for trade partners’ commitment to adopt specific
standards embedded in bilateral or regional trade agreements. Using trade rela-
tions as the instrument, the EU is able to promote economic openness “the EU
way”—​be it through promoting democratization, rule of law, or some specific
regulatory standards that govern the trade partners’ internal market.
The EU’s bargaining power through such conditional market access is
strong­est when foreign countries are seeking to join the EU. To date, the EU has
expanded from its original six member states to the current union of twenty-​
eight countries, and is currently conducting accession negotiations with six can-
didate countries.10 As a condition for joining the EU, prospective member states
must demonstrate compliance with all EU regulations, effectively implementing
the acquis communitaire in its entirety. Doing so requires detailed negotiations
across thirty-five wide-​ranging policy fields (also called “chapters”), including, for
example: competition, development, energy, environment, fundamental rights,
and transportation. Throughout all these policy-​specific negotiations, the EU
has nearly all of the bargaining power because it controls the ultimate prize of
EU membership, allowing it to extract almost any conditions it wishes from the
accession countries.
The EU itself considers enlargement “the Union’s most successful foreign
policy instrument.”11 Some scholars have described EU enlargement as “the most
successful democracy-​promotion programme ever implemented by an interna-
tional actor,” capable of “engineering permanent change” in “every aspect of state
action” in the accession countries, driven by EU norms.12 At the same time, it is
unclear how long lasting the commitments that the EU can extract in the acces-
sion process are. The EU loses its highly asymmetrical bargaining power imme-
diately after accession takes place. While there are many successful examples
of enlargement, recent incidents of rule-​of-​law backsliding in countries such
as Hungary, Poland, and Romania demonstrate the difficulty the EU faces in
enforcing negotiated commitments once a member state has been admitted and
becomes part of the institutional structure of the EU. These examples illustrate
the limits to what the EU can accomplish through the accession process.
In addition to using the accession process to impose regulations on prospec-
tive members, the EU negotiates extensive economic partnership and association

70 T heory

agreements with third countries aimed at closer economic and political coop-
eration. With these agreements, the EU seeks to build a more stable, peaceful,
and prosperous world. To date, it has negotiated forty-nine economic partner-
ship agreements, twenty-three association agreements, and eighteen other simi-
lar agreements such as global agreements, customs unions, and others.13 The EU
has been particularly active in its engagement with its Southern and Eastern
neighbors, pursuing legislative approximation through the exporting of its acquis
communitaire.14 At first, this was done through soft obligations embedded in
Europe Agreements and Partnership and Cooperation Agreements. Later, for
the countries that were not candidates for EU accession but sought otherwise
closer economic and political ties with the EU, the EU instituted a “European
Neighborhood Policy” (ENP) in 2004.15 The ENP currently covers 16 countries
ranging from Morocco to Azerbaijan.
EU treaties consistently acknowledge that projecting the EU’s norms and val-
ues is central to the EU’s relations with the wider world.16 The Lisbon Treaty
further gives EU institutions a “transformative mandate” in their relations to the
EU’s neighboring countries.17 The ENP, in particular, rests on the idea that the
EU either exports stability to, or imports instability from, its neighboring coun-
tries.18 This need to ensure a stable political environment in its broader region
calls for the EU’s deep engagement with these countries’ economic and political
systems. In practice, this entails offering a closer economic and political relation-
ship to ENP countries in return for “concrete progress demonstrating shared
values and effective implementation of political, economic and institutional
reforms, including aligning legislation with the EU’s acquis.”19 Thus, while fall-
ing short of extending the promise of an actual EU membership, the bargaining
process remains highly asymmetrical, leaving the EU’s neighbors few options but
to comply with the EU’s existing members’ demands.
However, in practice, many of the ENP’s goals remain unfulfilled. The EU’s
record in promoting democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights, and social
cohesion has been at least a disappointment and at worst, according to some,
an “outright failure.”20 The ENP’s envisioned political, social, and institutional
reforms have largely failed to take place. Some ENP countries—​including Libya,
Syria, and Ukraine—​have been torn apart in violent conflicts and civil wars while
others—​such as Egypt—​have experienced military coups. Corruption remains
widespread across many countries in the region and rule-​of-​law reforms have
been modest or inexistent. Given the deep internal and external challenges these
countries continue to face, some commentators conclude that the EU has largely
failed to spread its values or protect its interests through the ENP.21
The EU’s attempts to export its regulatory model via treaties beyond its
immediate region take place primarily through bilateral trade agreements. The

The Brussels Effect in Context 71

EU has negotiated an extensive array of PTAs that influence the type of regula-
tions that trade partners must have in place in order to secure access to the EU’s
single market. To date, the EU has signed more than 50 PTAs of various forms,22
in addition to various other economic and political partnership treaties. Its treaty
partners comprise both large and small economies, ranging from economic pow-
erhouses such as Japan and Canada to smaller economies such as Lesotho and the
Faroe Islands; from other European countries such as Albania and Macedonia to
countries halfway across the globe, such as Chile and Madagascar. Its network of
PTAs is considerably larger compared to that of other big trade powers such as
Japan and the United States, which have signed 18 and 14 PTAs, respectively.23
The EU’s negotiated treaty obligations lead to a greater or lesser degree of
externalization of EU regulations depending on the treaty partner. In particu-
lar vis-​à-​vis less-​powerful trading partners, the EU can use its vast market size as
an asymmetric bargaining chip that allows it to demand significant changes in
treaty partners’ domestic regulatory regimes—​whether on environmental policy,
development goals, competition laws, or human rights.24 The PTAs that the EU
has negotiated over the last decade in particular reflect such a trade agenda by
incorporating extensive commitments to regulatory standards.25 Furthermore, as
most of the EU’s PTAs follow the same template, they also serve as a model for
other agreements,26 further extending the EU’s influence.
The types of regulatory standards that the EU exports through PTAs are sub-
stantively varied. For example, the EU’s failure to institute a multilateral treaty
framework on global forest governance led to a reliance on bilateral trade agree-
ments in order to export EU norms on forest management strategies.27 Other
typical PTA provisions include obligations to adopt or maintain certain human
rights and labor standards. Provisions requiring the adoption of domestic com-
petition laws are also embedded in the EU’s PTAs as a matter of course today.
However, the EU does not always require its trade partners to adopt portions
of the EU’s acquis as a condition for market access.28 Often, the EU uses PTAs
to transmit general regulatory principles or international regulatory standards as
opposed to EU-​specific regulations.29 The EU’s demands for regulatory reforms
addressed at weaker trading partners typically come with an offer of technical
expertise or financial support given the difficulty of implementing many such
reforms. However, it remains unclear if even those general provisions have led
to lasting changes in trading partners’ actual regulatory practices. At best, the
EU’s record in fostering change in recipient countries’ regulations is mixed, as
discussed further along in this chapter.
In addition to these general trade agreements that cover a substantial part of
the economy, the EU has entered into various sectoral agreements with coun-
tries near and far. For example, the EU has concluded several Sustainable Fishing

72 T heory

Partnership Agreements (SFPAs) with primarily African countries.30 Under the

SFPAs, the EU gains surplus fishing rights in these countries’ waters in exchange
for financial and technical support geared toward enhanced resource conserva-
tion and sustainability of fishing in those waters. The EU’s sectoral agreements
with its close neighbors typically aim at even deeper integration. A  number
of such sectoral agreements between the EU member states and Balkan states
explicitly call for the implementation of relevant portions of the acquis. For
example, the External Aviation Policy “implies the adoption by [EU] neighbour-
ing partners of the part of the Acquis containing the European aviation rules.”31
Similarly, the Energy Community Treaty “involves the implementation of a part
of community legislation, or acquis communautaire, in all the States parties to the
Treaty.”32 The Treaty Establishing the Transport Community likewise is based
on the progressive integration of transport markets on the basis of the relevant
acquis.33 These treaties, often as an explicit goal, seek to integrate the third states
into the common market with respect to the regulated sector.
The EU also carries notable weight in many international institutions, though
its relative clout varies, and sometimes it can only wield power through mem-
ber states or the European Central Bank (ECB).34 EU members, for example,
have a sizable voting presence in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
the World Bank (WB), and the EU has traditionally chosen the head of the IMF.
In the WTO, the EU has historically been able to advance its preferred position
together with other trade powers such as the United States and Japan. However,
as the WTO’s membership has grown and relative power has become diffuse
across the broader membership, it has become significantly harder for the EU to
influence outcomes and advance its positions.
The EU’s influence is also tied to whether the EU as a representative body
or its member states individually exercise power in any given institution. In the
WTO, the EU acts on behalf of its member states, as trade policy falls within the
EU’s exclusive competence. In contrast, in the United Nations (UN), the EU
is merely an observer, and it is formally represented only through its member
states whose actions the EU can seek to coordinate to form a common position;
however, this coordination is not always successful. In some organizations, the
EU and its member states share the stage. For example, in the informal Group of
Twenty (G-​20)—​a forum of the world’s advanced economies that seek to coor-
dinate policies to further financial stability and sustainable growth—​the EU has
a seat alongside the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
In the 35-​member Organisation for Economic Co-​operation and Development
(OECD), 21 EU member states are official members, but the EU also enjoys
full participant status, giving it the ability to directly engage with and influ-
ence the work of the OECD in the absence of member ​state consensus.35 In

The Brussels Effect in Context 73

the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the ECB and the EU’s
Single Supervisory Board have full membership alongside nine EU member
states, while the Commission and the European Banking Authority (EBA) have
observer status as well.
The EU also exerts influence in international institutions focused on
standard setting across different areas of market regulation. For example, the
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization
(WHO) formed the Codex Alimentarius Commission to implement global
food standards.36 Historically, the EU—​which petitioned for, and attained,
membership alongside its member states—​has successfully defended a number
of controversial policy positions, such as the role of the precautionary prin-
ciple in Codex decision-​making.37 The EU’s extensive influence at Codex can
be at least partially attributed to the EU’s long experience in regulating food
safety.38 Food safety is a policy area where the EU successfully established the
single market already in the 1960s. This has allowed the EU to accumulate valu-
able expertise, which it has often leveraged to shape standard setting at Codex.
Today, the EU and Codex have some specific overlap in their standards, sug-
gesting that two-​way regulatory harmonization often takes place. For example,
Codex adopted the 1999 EU standards for the detection of irradiated foods,39
while a 2008 EU regulation on food additives utilized an almost identical
definition for additives as that employed by Codex.40 Such harmonization
facilitates international trade and is one of the primary purposes of Codex as a
standard-​setting body.41
There are many examples of where the EU has successfully transmitted its
rules to foreign jurisdictions via international organizations. The EU was able
to export its motor vehicle emission control standards via UNECE—​the UN’s
Economic Commission for Europe—​not only to the broader European neigh-
borhood, but also to countries as remote as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Peru,
and Thailand.42 The relevant “Euro” standards were widely adopted over equiva-
lent United States’ “Tiers” standards, even though many viewed US standards to
be more effective, and many of the adopting countries did not even export cars
to the EU. The lack of a market-​access motive for foreign producers to emulate
the EU standard in this case is what differentiates this type of influence from the
Brussels Effect. The EU’s success in exporting its standard can thus be partially
explained by its more universally appealing policy design, which may be more
amenable to different market settings as compared with the US standard, which
was designed with US-​market idiosyncrasies in mind. In addition, given that
UNECE is mainly composed of European countries, there was a strong inclina-
tion to adopt European standards. Yet UNECE also engages actively with other
international organizations that have a geographically broader membership, and

74 T heory

utilizes this network to promote its standards—​in this case, EU standards—​

beyond Europe.
The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) ban on single-​ hull
oil tankers provides a somewhat different, yet distinctly intriguing, example.43
Compared to safer double-​hull designs, single-​hull oil tankers are more likely to
lead to oil spills in the event of collision. Following the catastrophic Exxon Valdez
oil spill of 1989 off the coast of Alaska, the United States moved in 1990 to ban
single-​hull tankers unilaterally. Yet, the United States did little to globalize the
norm. Instead, it was the EU that successfully globalized the double-​hull safety
standard that originally emanated from the United States. The EU emulated the
US standard in 2000, and subsequently set out to internationalize the standard
via the IMO, which agreed to phase out single-​hull tankers in 2001 as part of
its broader agenda to advance maritime safety. In many ways, this international
standard grew out of US unilateralism, as dangerous ships were redirected to EU
waters following the US ban. Thus, the EU had the impetus to regulate against
this externality and disseminate the double-​hull standard more broadly. As a
result, this example demonstrates the importance of international organizations
in providing a vehicle for EU influence, even where the EU is not the first mover
in pursuing such standards or regulations.
Sandra Lavenex has emphasized how the EU’s projection of its rules abroad
often takes place through its regulators’ technocratic and sector-​specific outreach,
rather than traditional diplomacy.44 This channel of policy diffusion emphasizes
the role of government networks and complements the Brussels Effect.45 The
EU’s promotion of rules through transgovernmental networks often amounts to
co-​optive as opposed to coercive influence. This co-​opting typically takes place
in the context of the Commission’s (and European Regulatory Agencies’) active
engagement in technical assistance and capacity-​building activities. In this pro-
cess, EU representatives not only lend their expertise but also often promote,
intentionally or unintentionally, the EU’s regulatory approaches as “best prac-
tice.”46 However, transgovernmental networks rarely provide a path for unilateral
policy export, but instead aim for closer regulatory alignment through coopera-
tion and dialogue.
These networks offer important channels of influence that complement the
Brussels Effect. For example, EU competition laws, discussed in ­chapter 4, have
diffused not only through the Brussels Effect, but also through the Commission’s
active role in transgovernmental networks such as the ICN and bilateral coop-
erative agreements between regulators.47 Similarly, the strong Brussels Effect
associated with the EU chemical regulation REACH, discussed in c­ hapter  6,
has been amplified by the EU’s chemical agency ECHA’s scientific and tech-
nical cooperation with its foreign counterparts.48 The EU has also used other

The Brussels Effect in Context 75

formal international organizations to promote REACH’s regulatory approach,

including the OECD, the UN’s Environmental program UNEP, the WHO, and
the FAO, in addition to informal networks such as the International Uniform
Chemical Information database and the Global Portal to Information on
Chemical Substances.49

European Courts and Foreign Litigants

European courts have also played a role in exporting EU norms, amplifying the
Brussels Effect with their “pro-​integration” rulings. At times, the courts have
given extraterritorial expression to EU legislation in their interpretations of
regulations emanating from the EU’s legislative or administrative process. For
instance, before the famous “right to be forgotten” principle was incorporated
into the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European
Court of Justice (ECJ) pronounced the principle in its decision in Google Spain
v.  Mario Costeja, C-​131/​12 (Google Spain). Since then, the principle has been
cited by plaintiffs before courts outside Europe and affirmed by courts in several
jurisdictions. The ECJ’s declared right has appeared in legal proceedings in at
least Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Mexico, Nicaragua, Japan, South
Korea, and Hong Kong.50 Russia even went so far as to codify the right to be
forgotten in 2015.51
Beyond this interpretative role, which helps diffuse EU regulations, the
European courts have provided an institutional template for regional courts.
According to Karen Alter, there are currently 11 copies of the ECJ around the
world.52 These courts combined have issued over 2,000 binding rulings, mak-
ing them active courts as opposed to institutions that only exist in name in their
founding agreements.53 The institutional emulation is particularly visible in Latin
America and the Andean Community, a regional organization established among
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The 1969 Cartagena Agreement modeled
the Andean Community after the Treaty of Rome and designed a governance
structure that closely resembles the EU institutions. The initial community insti-
tutions were complemented by the Andean Tribunal of Justice (ATJ) in 1984.54
The ATJ was closely modeled after the ECJ, both in its design features and legal
doctrines.55 It is the third-​most active international court today in terms of the
number of rulings it issues, behind the ECJ and the European Court of Human
The ATJ copied many of the institutional features of the ECJ, including the
preliminary reference procedure, which allows for national courts in member
states to ask the ATJ’s opinion in cases that require interpretation of the com-
munity law. The ATJ also established the doctrine of supremacy of Andean

76 T heory

Community law over national law, citing the ECJ’s landmark case Costa/​Enel,
which established the doctrine of supremacy in the EU.57 The ATJ has similarly
cited the ECJ in numerous other landmark cases,58 including Van Gend & Loos
on the direct effect of community law,59 as well as key cases regarding the opera-
tion of the internal market.60 However, despite the extensive emulation of the
ECJ, the ATJ does not resort to “blind mimicry” of the EU.61 Instead, it engages
in selective emulation to better serve the particular needs of the region.62
The close emulation of the ECJ by the ATJ is perhaps not surprising given the
similarities in the founding treaties and institutions. In addition, experts from the
Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), who
were tasked with evaluating the best judicial model for the Andean Community,
recommended the ECJ as a template. Many of these experts had deep connec-
tions with, and knowledge of, the EU and the ECJ, having attended European
universities, worked with major EU scholars, and participated in various pro-​
integration academic events in Europe.63 Members of the Andean Community
also consulted European experts such as ECJ Judge Pierre Pescatore and Professor
Gerard Olivier, the assistant director general of the European Commission Legal
Service,64 further adding to the near inevitability that the ECJ model would serve
as a template to follow.
In addition, some foreign courts have turned to European courts and other
institutions, citing them in support of their judicial decisions as an example of
a more established judiciary. The Colombian Constitutional Court (CCC),
for example, in a case concerning the use of the herbicide glyphosate to eradi-
cate certain illicit crops, turned to EU law and institutions in two ways. First, it
requested the official opinion of the European Food Safety Authority about the
risks involved in the use of glyphosate. Second, it cited the EU’s General Court
when analyzing the precautionary principle in the matter.65 In another case con-
cerning a controversy on GMOs, the CCC stated that “[t]‌he European Union
has taken a clear position and has become an international reference in the fight
against [GMOs], in accordance with its Resolution 1829 of 2003, which also
establishes the labeling for this type of product.”66 Further, in a case concern-
ing another health and safety matter, the CCC showed deference to the EU’s
view when ruling whether the HPV vaccine caused certain diseases in a minor. In
deciding the matter, the CCC cited the EU and took into consideration the fact
that the European Commission approved the vaccine’s commercialization based
on the European Medicines Agency’s prior approval.67
Other foreign agencies and courts regularly cite EU competition law as well,
often in support of their interpretations of domestic competition rules. For exam-
ple, the Indian Supreme Court has referred to EU law in deciding whether cer-
tain entities fall within the scope of their domestic competition law’s provisions

The Brussels Effect in Context 77

on anticompetitive agreements,68 while the Madras High Court in India has

cited the EU’s cartel settlement procedure in its decision regarding the permis-
sibility of certain settlements.69 Furthermore, the Indian competition agency, the
CCI, has referred to EU treaties, courts, and Commission white papers in its
decisions,70 citing the “maturity” of the EU’s competition regime as justification
for the use of such models.
However, it is difficult to measure the actual influence of the ECJ based on
institutional replication or citations alone. First, it is unclear how much influ-
ence these rulings have on the ground, including whether they are actually imple-
mented by governments or enforced against private parties. Second, evaluating
the relative influence of the ECJ would also require an understanding of the
extent to which these same courts may cite other foreign courts, including, for
instance, the US Supreme Court. Regardless, it is worth acknowledging that EU
courts may play a role in disseminating key EU regulations to foreign jurisdic-
tions, further entrenching the de jure Brussels Effect as a result.
Another manifestation of the EU’s external influence is the tendency of
some jurisdictions to follow the EU’s lead and engage in “copycat” litigation in
cases where the effects of some conduct—​such as anticompetitive practice—​
extend across multiple markets. Some examples of this are discussed in ­chapter 4
with regard to competition laws, including the South Korean investigation of
Microsoft, which closely followed the European Commission and General Court
rulings in a very similar case pursued under EU competition law. Several reasons
likely explain this phenomenon. First, an EU investigation has informational
value, alerting governments and private plaintiffs in other jurisdictions of the
conduct that calls for enforcement action. Second, relying on an EU investiga-
tion may lower the costs of enforcement for jurisdictions with fewer resources
by allowing other agencies to rely on the evidence that the EU has gathered. This
may allow those agencies to extract a fine and bolster their own enforcement
record without incurring significant enforcement costs. Finally, copycat litigation
may be spurred by the EU’s request for assistance in its own investigation. This
may happen, for instance, if some key evidence is located in a foreign jurisdiction.
Once the relevant evidence is gathered for the EU, the foreign agency may then
decide to use that same evidence in its own independent proceeding.
It is not always empirically possible to show that a simultaneous or subse-
quent investigation or litigation in another jurisdiction constitutes emulation of
the EU. It is plausible that a foreign jurisdiction would have acted even in the
absence of an EU enforcement action. However, often parties make explicit ref-
erences to the EU in their complaints and submissions to an agency or court,
indicating that the EU enforcement has been at least considered in the foreign
matter. Similarities in arguments or the ultimate remedies may also indicate that

78 T heory

EU decisions have been used as an inspiration for complainants, litigants, agen-

cies, or courts.
Foreign governments or courts are not the only ones to emulate the EU in
enforcement of their own legal rules and regulations. Many foreign firms also
strategically resort to the European Commission or European Courts as their
preferred forum for disputes and litigation. EU competition law has been a
particularly attractive area of EU regulation for foreign plaintiffs, as discussed
in ­chapter 4. Foreign companies have frequently complained about the conduct
of their domestic competitors to EU institutions, knowing that they have a bet-
ter chance of obtaining a favorable decision under the EU’s strict standards as
compared with their domestic competition law. For example, Microsoft was a key
complainant in the EU’s competition investigations against Google. Similarly,
the EU’s competition ruling against Intel stemmed from a complaint by Intel’s
US rival, AMD.
The examples just mentioned illustrate how the EU judicial process can exter-
nalize EU regulations either by interpreting EU regulations and giving them a
particular meaning that becomes entrenched in foreign laws; providing an insti-
tutional template that is replicated abroad; issuing rulings that get cited or even
copied by foreign courts; or providing a forum for litigation for foreign parties
that opt into EU jurisdiction. However, as already noted, while this influence
can be very concrete and real in some instances—​including the cases of copycat
litigation or rulings that EU institutions hand down against foreign parties—​it
can be more uncertain in others, including in instances of court citations where
there is less clarity that the EU’s influence is actually entrenched or implemented.

Why the EU Law Appeals as a Template

Several reasons explain foreign countries’ tendency to emulate EU law. First, the
EU’s market size and its ability to leverage its market access as a tool to extract
regulatory adjustment remains a crucial structural factor in explaining the de
jure Brussels Effect that follows the de facto Brussels Effect. As explained ear-
lier, the de facto Brussels Effect paves the way for the de jure Brussels Effect
by changing the political economy in foreign jurisdictions where multinational
companies become advocates for the local adoption of EU norms. Similarly, the
EU’s ability to leverage its market power to force a regulatory change explains
the regulatory influence the EU wields through trade treaties and economic
partnerships. Here, the underlying dynamics—​incentives stemming from the
attractiveness of market access—​are not different from the Brussels Effect,
but the regulatory adjustment is driven by treaty-​based bilateralism instead of
market-​driven unilateralism.

The Brussels Effect in Context 79

Further, the EU’s ability to influence global norms through international

organizations and transgovernmental networks rests on the EU’s overall politi-
cal influence and bargaining power coupled with its experience, expertise, and
willingness to extend technical assistance and engage in capacity building. At the
same time, it can be less clear why foreign courts would cite EU rulings, or why
legislative borrowing would take place, outside the context of the Brussels Effect.
With this in mind, the following discussion offers two additional reasons for vol-
untarily emulation of EU rules by foreign legislators, government agencies, and
courts: one driven by pragmatism and the other by normative ideas.
A pragmatic reason for emulation of EU rules is simply the ease with which EU
regulations can be copied. The civil law tradition of the EU typically promulgates
more precise and detailed rules than the common law tradition of jurisdictions
such as the United States. Such well-​defined rules serve European integration by
enhancing legal certainty and predictability. EU member states are generally less
comfortable with the less predictable case-​by-​case approach to law that is deeply
embedded in the legal tradition of the United States.71 Competition law is a good
example, with the TFEU Articles 101 and 102 offering considerably more preci-
sion than their United States counterparts, Articles 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act.
This detailed treaty template, enhanced by supporting Commission regulations,
notices, and guidelines, makes the EU competition rules easier to copy and hence
more prone to diffusion.72 Similarly, the ease of emulating the EU’s data protec-
tion regulation, the GDPR, partially explains its global diffusion. The GDPR is
comprehensive, covering all sectors of the economy and applying to private and
government entities alike, making it easier for foreign jurisdictions to emulate
when contrasted with the sector-​specific and more fragmented US regulations
on data privacy.73 In particular, the well-​specified nature of EU law is easier to
emulate in developing countries that may have less-​skilled administrative agen-
cies and judiciaries. In these low-​income countries, detailed and codified legal
norms can act as substitutes for human capital, and are thus preferred to more
flexible standards.74 Such detailed rules diminish the need for discretion and
allow for more mechanical rule-making and enforcement by agencies that lack
the technical experience and training that more complex, case-​by-​case decision-​
making requires.
EU regulations are not only more precise and hence more accessible tem-
plates, but they also have the additional advantage of being promulgated in sev-
eral languages, including French, Portuguese, and Spanish. This facilitates the
copying of EU laws, particularly in Latin America and Francophone Africa. In
addition, third countries with close cultural and historic—​or, as often is the case,
colonial—​ties tend to look to individual EU member ​state laws for guidance. For
example, environmental regulations in Latin America resemble those of the EU

80 T heory

largely because of the strong cultural and linguistic bonds between Latin America
and Europe—​coupled with the EU’s active outreach and technical assistance.75
The African courts’ tendency to copy the ECJ is similarly at least partly explained
by the close linguistic and educational ties of both anglophone and francophone
countries to the United Kingdom and France, respectively76—​the same way
that close ties of former colonies in Latin America to Spain and Portugal have
facilitated the emulation of ECJ rulings there. Ecuador, which copied Spain’s
competition laws almost word for word, provides a specific example of this copy-
cat legislation, as discussed in c­ hapter 4.77 In doing so, Ecuador indirectly emu-
lated EU competition law given that Spanish competition law is, in turn, largely
derived from EU law. This indirect leverage through the layered structure of EU
law and institutions broadens the EU’s sphere of regulatory influence. Another
indirect form of influence takes place via regional organizations in Africa and
Latin America, including the Andean Community, Economic Community of
West African States (WAEMU), and Common Market for Eastern and Southern
Africa (COMESA).78 These organizations model their institutions directly on
EU institutions, indirectly embedding EU rules into the legal systems of their
member states in the process.79
Finally, the EU has combined statutory precision with flexible drafting. EU
regulations are designed to work across many different legal systems. Their goal
is to create a cohesive single market across individual countries with diverse legal
traditions and political institutions. The regulations are drafted through a pro-
cess that thus reflects member states’ heterogeneous interests and accounts for a
wide range of legal traditions. This balancing requires legislative techniques that
achieve uniformity while preserving some degree of sovereignty. For example,
many EU regulations are drafted as directives, which lay out clear objectives but
allow for variation in implementation nationally. This flexibility embedded in
EU regulation makes for better templates for export to foreign jurisdictions with
different characteristics than those found in the EU.
These pragmatic reasons and the ease of copying may lead to greater
emulation—​at least when it comes to enacting laws on the books. However,
whether this emulation is ultimately effective and leads to actual change in
the conduct of market actors is a different question. If a foreign country
adopts EU style rules because they were drafted in an accessible language, it
is not certain the country has fully committed to actual implementation of
such rules. Adoption following a deep domestic debate or a change of actual
preferences better indicates genuine motivation to adopt similar rules. For
this reason, the change in the preferences of the domestic business interests
due to the de facto Brussels Effect may give a more lasting foundation for a
regulatory reform.

The Brussels Effect in Context 81

Yet, EU rules do not serve as global templates merely because they are detailed
and available in multiple languages. Several commentators also emphasize the
“normative appeal” of EU rules, which increases their attractiveness as a model
for emulation. If this appeal exists, the EU’s influence also rests on the quality
of its ideas and its normative power of persuasion. Ian Manners developed the
concept of “Normative Power Europe” to capture the EU’s ability to exert influ-
ence through persuasion.80 Manners argues that the EU is best conceived as a
normative power, which vests the EU with “ideational power” and the ability to
shape what is normal in international relations.81 This power can be traced to the
goals and values that gave rise to EU integration, and to the EU’s commitment to
democracy, rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms. The appeal of
these principles means the EU sets a “virtuous example,” leading to a diffusion of
its norms across the world.
The normative appeal of EU rules may explain the willingness of foreign
courts to cite and emulate EU laws and ECJ judgments, even in instances where
no Brussels Effect takes places. In analyzing the reasons for the EU institutions’
influence on other regional organizations, including their courts, Michel Levi
Coral emphasizes the perceived success and visibility of EU integration, lending
the EU experience notable credibility.82 Amadeo Arena reaches the same conclu-
sion, observing that EU principles are seen as having worked well for Europe and
therefore can serve as an example for other regions pursuing deeper integration.83
In addition to the EU model’s normative appeal, several commentators note
how the EU actively promotes the replication of its institutional structures.84 The
EU provides legal and technical expertise and financial support to many third
states implementing their rules.85 Notably, studies of the EU’s influence over
foreign courts reveal no coercion, but rather persuasion. These studies suggest
that norm recipients have embraced the EU model willingly, viewing the emula-
tion of the ECJ as a way to enhance compliance with law and deploy the courts
as a means of advancing integration in their own region.86 According to Alan
Tatham, references to ECJ rulings allow foreign courts to mitigate criticism of
their own judicial activism, lending legitimacy to local pro-​integration rulings by
referencing the “regional court par excellence in integration.”87
However, alternatively some have argued that there may be resentment asso-
ciated with the idea that the EU would be portrayed as a “normatively superior”
model for “lesser jurisdictions” to follow. Chapter 8 will address such criticisms,
which are often associated with the perception of the EU as a regulatory imperial-
ist whose norm exports, purportedly as a “benevolent hegemon,” are really a new
form of colonialism. The EU’s recent struggles, ranging from financial crises to
rule-​of-​law backsliding, also call into question whether the EU can still claim its
integration project is a “virtuous example” fit for replication abroad.

82 T heory

Comparing the Brussels Effect

to Other Forms of Influence
As the discussion has just shown, there are a number of different paths to regula-
tory convergence. These paths include the Brussels Effect and other mechanisms
of influence, and each one can prove optimal under different political–​economy
conditions. They may also operate in parallel or in sequence, amplifying or pav-
ing the way for one another. For example, the influence of European courts
often complements the Brussels Effect by extending the regulatory capacity of
EU institutions into new policy areas. Courts may also interpret the content of
EU regulations in ways that make them more amenable to diffusion. The diffu-
sion of EU regulatory influence through treaties and international institutions is
made easier where preceded by the de facto Brussels Effect, as consensus is often
easier to reach when some degree of regulatory alignment has already occurred.
However, at times the EU deploys these treaty-​driven mechanisms as substitutes
for the de facto Brussels Effect, especially when the Brussels Effect is unavailable
or undesirable.
This section discusses the relative advantages and disadvantages of market-​
driven harmonization compared to treaty-​driven harmonization. It also
explains how these two forms of influence interact. Here, the term “market-​
driven harmonization” refers to the more passive, market-​driven harmoniza-
tion of regulatory standards generated by the de facto Brussels Effect. The term
“treaty-​driven harmonization” refers to the more active, consensus-​driven har-
monization of regulatory standards achieved through negotiations or interna-
tional institutions.

Advantages of the Brussels Effect’s

Market-​Driven Harmonization
As a market-​driven harmonization, the Brussels Effect has a distinct advantage
for the EU over treaty-​driven harmonization: it entails lower contracting costs
and limited enforcement costs. In relying on markets to transmit its regulations,
the EU is not forced to seek the consent of other states. This avoids collective
action problems, expensive transfer payments, or costly coercive measures toward
countries reluctant to join a treaty or an institution. The EU can also forgo the
uncertainties associated with the treaty ratification processes. The EU’s unsuc-
cessful efforts to revive deadlocked WTO negotiations or spearhead UN-​led
processes to negotiate a global forest convention reveal the difficulties associated
with multilateral cooperation.88 These processes require extensive political capi-
tal and diplomatic efforts, yet sometimes yield no results.

The Brussels Effect in Context 83

Treaty-​driven harmonization is particularly difficult if states do not agree on

the benefits of global standards. Moreover, multilateral standard setting is difficult
even where most states agree in principle on the desirability of achieving uniform
standards. States often have different views on the particular standard that would
be optimal. Different points of convergence often entail different distributional
consequences, making some states prefer one standard over another.89 Market-​
driven harmonization solves such coordination problems:  the most ​stringent
rule becomes the point of convergence. A mutual understanding that the EU can
retain its standards at no cost—​and so, absent changing circumstances, will not
change the standard—​provides a predictable and stable equilibrium.
The existing divisions that make multilateral cooperation challenging appear
to only be growing. International law scholars increasingly lament this “stagna-
tion of international law” or “decay of consent.”90 By these terms, the commenta-
tors denote the growing inability of the traditional treaty structures to provide
effective solutions for the modern challenges to the international order, with such
mechanisms increasingly giving way to unilateral action and informal interna-
tional lawmaking.91 Joost Pauwelyn and his coauthors—​relying on the results of
a two-​year research project involving over forty scholars and thirty case studies—​
argue that formal international law is stagnating both in terms of quantity and
quality. This stagnation, they argue, is evidenced by the dramatic drop in nego-
tiation of new multilateral treaties and the increasingly thin consent underlying
those treaties that are concluded.92 Most recently, the United States’ disengage-
ment from global institutions has further deepened their malaise and, in some
cases, has compromised these institutions’ ability to function.
Treaties are not only hard to conclude but are also difficult and expensive to
enforce. When a stringent global standard is the expected product of an inter-
national treaty, there is no guarantee that the treaty will be implemented or
enforced. The treaty on the world’s marine fisheries is one of the many examples
of negotiated global standards that fails to accomplish its goals: the treaty has not
been successful in addressing the problem of overfishing and propelling sustain-
able management of fishing stocks.93 Labor standards have also been difficult to
enforce in practice despite the many negotiated ILO conventions.94 Such exam-
ples are not anomalies in the world of global standards embedded in difficult-​to-​
enforce treaties. Indeed, some commentators have noted that treaties producing
“effectively enforced international standards are the exception rather than the
In contrast, market-​driven harmonization often provides the most efficient
form of regulatory globalization because it relies on firms’ self-​interest to enforce
EU regulations globally. The EU’s unilateral regulatory agenda requires the
cooperation of foreign corporations willing to trade in its market rather than the

84 T heory

cooperation of foreign sovereigns. Instead of engaging in slow and often uncer-

tain diplomacy to endorse its standards, market-​driven harmonization allows
the EU to outsource lobbying to foreign firms who become advocates for higher
standards in their own home markets after having incurred EU compliance costs.
This way, with no active effort to externalize its rules, the EU will often witness
not only a de facto Brussels Effect but eventually a de jure Brussels Effect as well
without spending any political capital to persuade foreign governments to adopt
its regulations.
The SEC’s and US State Department’s efforts to enforce US rules on insider
trading provides a useful contrast. The efforts of these institutions to impose US
rules have been complicated by the reluctance of foreign countries, particularly
Switzerland, to cooperate with the United States due to their domestic bank
secrecy laws. The United States has had to spend extensive political capital to per-
suade Swiss authorities to cooperate with them. This has been considered worth
the effort given that Swiss banks hold approximately half of the world’s private
assets.96 The United States’ ability to curtail domestic insider trading would have
been compromised had it not secured a change in the domestic rules of a for-
eign country. Merely incentivizing foreign corporations operating in the United
States to cooperate with the US regulations would not have been sufficient to
meet this goal.
Even when the EU is effective in incorporating its standards and regulations
into international trade treaties, it is unclear whether those provisions lead to
lasting change in trading partners’ actual regulatory practices, as already noted.
At best, the EU’s record in fostering change in recipient countries’ regulations
has been mixed. One reason for this may be that the treaty provisions are at
times written in a vague manner, holding countries to a “best efforts” standard
as opposed to demanding actual results. For example, Nicolas A.  J.  Croquet
claims that the vagueness characterizing environmental provisions in the EU-​
Korea trade agreement contributed to the ineffectiveness of such provisions in
However, often the enforcement problems go beyond vague treaty draft-
ing and reflect inadequate follow-​through, ineffective monitoring, and non-​
enforcement altogether. Axel Marx and Jadir Soares’s empirical study on labor
rights provisions in trade agreements casts deep doubt on the effectiveness of
trade agreements as a tool for exporting norms and standards.98 The authors
examine two specific labor rights—​freedom of association and the right to col-
lective bargaining—​in 13 countries with which the EU has concluded a PTA
with strong labor provisions. Their analysis suggests that there is a steady decline
in the protection of these rights over time, notwithstanding treaty obligations.
While the authors are cautious not to advance a strong causal claim, their study

The Brussels Effect in Context 85

leaves them skeptical that trade agreements can effectively be utilized to ratchet
up labor protections in foreign jurisdictions.99
Even the monitoring and enforcement of unilateral trade instruments, such
as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programs, can be difficult. GSP
programs are designed to provide preferential market access to developing coun-
tries’ goods in order to facilitate their growth through trade. Both the United
States and EU deploy GSP programs, attaching various domestic reforms as con-
ditions for extending such preferences, where the breach of these conditions can
lead to their unilateral withdrawal. Yet a review of the EU’s GSP programs reveals
that it rarely enforces commitments attached to the preferences it provides. Even
though the EU holds considerable economic power over the GSP recipients—​all
of which are developing countries—​it rarely suspends GSP preferences despite
reported violations of GSP conditions.
Laura Beke and Nicolas Hachez’s case study on Myanmar illustrates this
dynamic, showing that the threat of withdrawal of GSP preferences fails to
induce effective implementation of GSP standards.100 Indeed, the EU has sus-
pended preferences on only a handful of occasions:  against Myanmar in 1997,
Belarus in 2007, Sri Lanka in 2010, and Cambodia in 2019. This has led critics
to conclude that “GSP withdrawals have the worst record of success of all EU
sanctions”101 and “have not recorded a single case of compliance yet.”102 There
are several explanations for the ineffectiveness of GSP provisions in fostering
regulatory change, including that until recently the Commission did not have
the exclusive competence to make decisions regarding the withdrawal of ben-
efits but needed to subject the contested decisions to the (often disagreeing)
Council.103 It remains unclear whether the recent 2014 GSP+ program reforms,
which emphasize reporting and monitoring, will increase the effectiveness of this
All of this suggests that the limits of exporting standards through trade agree-
ments mainly relate to the difficulty of enforcement rather than the conclusion
of agreements in the first place. However, every trade agreement also carries sub-
stantial contracting costs due to the often-​protracted negotiations. It is also con-
siderably harder to impose standards in cases where the EU is negotiating with
strong trade partners. In addition, contracting costs are high not only because of
the disagreements between the EU and its trading partners but also because of
fragmentation within the EU itself. The modern trade agreements often contain
provisions that convert them into “mixed agreements,” indicating that the com-
petence to negotiate the instrument does not rest exclusively with the EU but
rather requires member states ratification as well.105 For example, the recent EU-​
Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) almost failed
due to the multiple internal veto points within the EU, including the need for

86 T heory

ratification in Belgium alone by seven different federal, regional, and community

bodies.106 Another example comes from the failed Anti-​Counterfeiting Trade
Agreement (ACTA), which did not come into effect because the EU Parliament
rejected its consent to the agreement.107
The difficulties associated with the negotiation and enforcement of treaty-​
driven obligations suggest a rather provocative conclusion:  market-​driven
harmonization leads companies to change their behavior without foreign
governments necessarily changing the law, while treaty-​driven harmoniza-
tion may lead governments to change the law without companies necessarily
changing their behavior as a result. Of course, in reality the Brussels Effect is
often incomplete, and treaty-​driven mechanisms are not always doomed to
fail. If treaty-​driven cooperation yielded no results, the EU would likely have
abandoned multilateralism and treaty-​driven cooperation long ago. Yet, the
EU’s commitment to multilateralism and international institutions remains

Reasons That Multilateralism

and Treaty-​Driven Cooperation Persist
To be sure, the EU has not and likely never will abandon international coopera-
tion and consensus-​based instruments altogether in favor of unilateralism. The
EU’s persisting, if selective, reliance on bilateral treaties and multilateral insti-
tutions may be surprising given the many benefits embedded in market-​driven
harmonization. Yet there are certain instances where unilateralism is unavailable
or undesirable, prompting the EU to seek affirmative adoption of regulations by
foreign governments. Naturally, when the critical conditions for unilateral har-
monization are not present, no Brussels Effect takes place—​whether de facto or
de jure. In these situations, international cooperation is often the only path to
regulatory globalization.
Multilateralism can be the product of affirmative choice in addition to neces-
sity. Being itself a construct of multilateralism, the EU can be portrayed as having
an existential interest in preserving multilateralism as a foundation for governing
international relations. Multilateralism comes with certain advantages, and the
EU has at times been very skillful in harnessing these advantages to its benefit.
The EU has experienced many successes in international fora, notwithstanding
the high contracting and enforcement costs discussed earlier. The EU and its key
member states remain some of the main architects of the liberal international
order and key supporters of the institutions that form the foundation for this
order. As such, the EU has a substantial vested interest in the resilience and con-
tinuation of this order.

The Brussels Effect in Context 87

Of course, sometimes the EU’s preference for treaty-​driven harmonization

reflects its attempts to pursue its own broader economic and political goals.
This is readily apparent, for instance, in the EU’s desire to stabilize its broader
region, which it has sought to accomplish through accession negotiations and
the European Neighbourhood Policy. The EU has a deeper political agenda
when it comes to the countries in its region, and this agenda requires much
closer economic alignment and political association than the Brussels Effect can
by itself bring about. Even PTAs can be a tool for closer political engagement
and an opening for a diplomatic process that paves the way for a broader coop-
erative agenda—​eventually reaching issues such as national security, which have
remained deeply political and outside the reach of any market-​driven mechanism.
But even in instances where the EU’s goals relate to regulatory alignment
alone, multilateralism can provide both a feasible and attractive venue for cooper-
ative standard setting. The EU has been at times very successful in incorporating
its standards into international organizations, making the benefits of unilater-
alism over multilateralism less stark. The EU, itself a construction of intergov-
ernmental cooperation, has extensive experience in promulgating rules that lend
themselves to adoption by heterogeneous states. The EU is also skillful in using
its institutional structure—​a hybrid of states and a federation—​to its advantage.
In international negotiations, it can leverage the negotiating power of twenty-​
eight countries, or can use the same number as a constraint by portraying itself
as an agent who can only sign onto a certain set of policies due to the existence
of numerous domestic veto points.108 Thus, depending on the political dynamics
surrounding a particular issue, the EU may prefer to pursue treaty-​driven harmo-
nization rather than letting the Brussels Effect do the work.
The theory underlying the Brussels Effect offers predictions of when the EU
is likely to pursue treaty-​driven harmonization as opposed to rely on markets to
transmit its standards. For instance, the theory suggests that the EU is expected
to rely on cooperative instruments in situations where the Brussels Effect fails
to reach EU corporations’ important export markets. In the absence of a level
playing field, the EU’s export-​oriented firms face difficulties penetrating these
markets. Thus, when the EU is a net exporter as opposed to a net importer of
a certain product, the EU is expected to care more about the standard of the
export market than that of its home market. Further, it is precisely then that the
Brussels Effect is least likely to automatically ratchet up the standard, because net
importer countries have a smaller presence in the EU. The EU is therefore more
likely to expend diplomatic efforts to negotiate multilateral standards in areas
where it is a net exporter and rely on markets in areas where it is a net importer.
Similarly, the theory would suggest that the EU is more likely to pursue treaty-​
driven harmonization in areas where the EU has limited regulatory capacity and

88 T heory

hence a diminished ability to generate regulations. In practice, the EU has had

limited success in regulating harmful tax competition and tax avoidance due to
its need for internal unanimity. As a result, it has actively sought international
cooperation on corporate tax evasion, for example, by developing legally binding
rules based on OECD recommendations and working with international part-
ners to track non-​cooperative tax jurisdictions.109
The EU is similarly incentivized to negotiate international standards in areas
where other major jurisdictions prefer higher standards than it does. In those
instances, the Brussels Effect is unavailable to support the externalization of EU
preferences as it is not the most stringent standard. Then the EU’s best option
is to persuade such other jurisdictions to offer “mutual recognition” to the EU’s
own standards so that it may continue to adhere to its preferred standard yet trade
internationally. For example, the EU and the United States have different regula-
tions regarding trading venues for the mandatory clearing of derivatives. In 2017,
after extended negotiations, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC) issued exemptions to certain EU-​authorized trading facilities based on
a determination that new EU-​wide legal requirements satisfied the Commodity
Exchange Act (CEA) standards.110
Financial regulation, in particular, is a field where the Brussels Effect is con-
strained due to the elasticity of capital, making international standard setting typ-
ically the only feasible path toward regulatory globalization. The EU has sought
stronger international financial regulation to limit regulatory arbitrage and insta-
bility in the financial markets, especially in the aftermath of the 2008 financial
crisis.111 For example, the International Organization for Securities Commissions
(IOSCO)—​which develops international standards to govern capital markets
globally—​has provided the EU a platform to exert influence over international
standards on securities regulation.112 In the IOSCO, the EU is represented
through the financial supervisory authorities of its member states, the European
Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), and the European Commission.113
Similarly, through its member states and the ECB, the EU has wielded notable
influence over global banking regulations instituted by the BCBS.114 Given the
interconnectedness as well as the elasticity of the global financial markets, unilat-
eral influence would never accomplish the objectives achieved through multilat-
eral standard setting.
The EU is also incentivized to seek treaty-​driven harmonization to reinforce
the effect of its own standards. For example, when standards are characterized by
network effects—​thus where the benefits associated with the standard increase
with each additional country adopting the same standard—​the EU has a greater
incentive to engage in treaty making to take advantage of network externali-
ties. 115 This is demonstrated by the push for global implementation of 5G, or

The Brussels Effect in Context 89

“fifth generation” telecommunication systems, which the Commission consid-

ers critical for the digital economy and society in the next decade.116 As such,
the Commission “strongly supports international cooperation towards global
interoperability” and has signed joint declarations of 5G with Brazil, China,
Japan, and South Korea as of early 2019.117
The EU may also seek to encourage third countries to adopt its standards
in cases where it is acting out of a moral imperative. If the EU is motivated by
a moral quest to change behaviors globally—​for example, to promote human
rights—​unilateral globalization is rarely sufficient. This is particularly likely
when the issue is salient to influential domestic political groups that seek to
export an ideology or moral conviction and when they care about establishing
standards for universal conduct.118 In these policy areas, the EU often cannot
capitalize on its market access.119 The EU cannot abolish torture, free political
prisoners, solve migration crises, achieve nuclear disarmament, or control global
energy supplies by leveraging its market access. In these non-​market issues, treaty-​
driven harmonization—​although often incomplete or ineffective—​remains the
only path.
Another reason to pursue treaty-​driven harmonization is to obtain greater
legitimacy for EU regulations through globalization. If foreign companies and
governments endorse EU standards, those standards may be seen as having wider
appeal and thus greater legitimacy.120 A significant benefit of this legitimacy is
that EU trade partners will be less likely to challenge the legality of EU standards
before a forum like the WTO if those standards have been replicated globally.
Less tangibly, being the global standard setter has the benefit of expanding the
EU’s soft power and validating its regulatory agenda, both at home and abroad.
Unilateral globalization—​even that driven by markets as opposed to active gov-
ernment measures—​can be viewed as coercive given that the EU is not forced
to seek consent from foreign governments when exporting its rules. This can
lead to resentment abroad and even to accusations of “regulatory imperialism,”
as acknowledged earlier and discussed further in c­ hapter 8. Complementing the
Brussels Effect with treaty-​driven harmonization may thus mitigate the criticisms
often associated with the EU’s unilateralism.
Treaty-​driven harmonization is not necessarily an alternative for the Brussels
Effect. Instead, it may offer an important complementary mechanism even in
instances where the Brussels Effect might already exist. For example, the EU is
likely to encourage foreign countries to adopt certain standards in situations
where the actions (or inactions) of other countries produce negative externalities
that adversely impact the EU’s interests. This motivation may partially explain
the EU’s efforts to pursue bilateral treaties, regulatory cooperation agreements,
and cooperation though international institutions and government networks to

90 T heory

encourage diffusion of competition laws.121 The deterrent effect of the EU’s com-
petition laws has the potential to be compromised if anticompetitive practices
remain profitable elsewhere. This could be the case, for example, if members of a
cartel have the ability to offset any EU fines by reaping supra-​competitive profits
in markets that fail to control for their collusive practices. Climate change offers
another example, such as when China’s failure to limit its greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions directly compromises the EU’s efforts to halt climate change.122 Even
though the Brussels Effect could, under some conditions, constrain Chinese
GHG emissions with respect to production of products that are imported into
the EU, the Brussels Effect does nothing to constrain emissions that stay in China
yet contribute to the global problem.
Furthermore, in some instances the EU may pursue treaty-​driven harmoniza-
tion in order to “lock-​in” certain market-​driven EU standards by institutional-
izing them. This can be an astute way of preempting a future state of the world
where market access becomes a less-​effective tool for exerting influence. The EU
knows that its relative economic clout will inevitably diminish in the future as the
size and wealth of consumer markets in Asia and elsewhere continue to grow. The
de jure Brussels Effect is less vulnerable to these economic shifts than the de facto
Brussels Effect, providing a rationale for the EU to seek to embed its regulations
in treaties as opposed to relying on markets to sustain them indefinitely.
Finally, market-​driven and treaty-​driven harmonization can also take place
in sequence. The EU may be able to more successfully institutionalize its stand­
ard where a limited Brussels Effect has already taken place. In instances where a
number of foreign companies or governments already follow EU regulations—​
whether as a result of a de facto or de jure Brussels Effect—​the EU is better able
to reach the critical mass necessary to tip the balance in the EU’s favor in inter-
national negotiations. Thus, the Brussels Effect can facilitate the EU’s efforts to
reach an agreement on international standards that, while modeled after EU
rules, will be embedded in treaties and viewed as reflecting an international con-
sensus. The Brussels Effect may also pave the way for multilateral cooperation
by changing the underlying bargaining dynamics. For example, the threat of the
EU’s unilateralism was an important factor in harnessing international consen-
sus on regulating GHG emissions in aviation through the Carbon Offsetting
and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA),123 discussed in
­chapter 7. The participating countries were incentivized to agree on the CORSIA
to a large extent because of the prospect that, absent international agreement, the
EU was going to regulate the industry unilaterally. This example illustrates how
the EU, at times, is able to leverage unilateralism to promote multilateralism.

The Brussels Effect in Context 91

The Brussels Effect is one of many mechanisms through which the EU’s
regulations transform corporate practices and regulatory regimes around the
world. As a passive yet powerful market-​driven mechanism, the Brussels Effect
often prevails over other, more active, mechanisms through which the EU exerts
regulatory influence. However, the Brussels Effect has its limits; it may vari-
ously be absent, incomplete, or sometimes an ineffective way to exert influence.
Ultimately, the precise mechanism of regulatory influence chosen is likely to vary
across policy areas or even over time—​such as when market-​driven harmoniza-
tion gives way to more active promotion of regulations through treaties and insti-
tutions. What sets the EU apart is that, unlike in many other jurisdictions, both
market-​driven and treaty-​driven mechanisms can coexist, or even amplify one
another, maximizing the influence EU regulations have over market outcomes


Case Studies

Part II forms the empirical heart of the Brussels Effect by applying the theoreti-
cal frameworks of the previous section to its observed operation across four dis-
tinct policy areas. Chapter 4 focuses on market competition, discussing the EU’s
global influence through its competition regulation—​both de facto and de jure.
Chapter 5 focuses on the digital economy, demonstrating how the EU has exerted
influence over digital companies’ global data-​protection practices as well as their
policies regarding hate speech on their platforms, and prompted regulatory
reforms abroad. Chapter 6 turns to risk regulation, showing how the EU’s efforts
to regulate consumer health and safety—​in particular pertaining to food safety
and chemical safety—​have penetrated the global marketplace. Finally, Chapter 7
examines the global impact of the EU’s environmental regulation through exam-
ples on the control of hazardous substances and electronic waste, protection
of animal welfare, and mitigation of climate change. At times, the policy issues
included in the chapters can be overlapping, and many of the issues could easily
be examined in another chapter with alternative policy areas. For example, while
the regulation of chemical safety and regulation of GMOs are both addressed in
­chapter 6 discussing consumer health, they could equally be handled as part of
the ­chapter 7 discussion on environmental regulation.
These policy areas—​market competition, digital economy, consumer health
and safety, and the environment—​were selected because they are important EU
policy areas that illustrate the operation of the Brussels Effect in practice. While
they share many features—​including their origin in a strong EU-​level regulatory
mandate—​they also exhibit important differences. Some of them represent well-​
established areas of traditional EU regulation (such as food safety), while others are
more recent regulatory innovations (such as online hate speech). Some were driven
by largely internal motives (such as hazardous substances in electronics), while
others were promulgated from the outset with both internal and external motives
in mind (such as emissions trading). In many areas, the EU regulation consists of
mandatory rules (such as chemical safety) whereas others rely on voluntary regula-
tory instruments (such as hate speech online). Some policy areas feature extensive

94 T he Brussels Effect

Commission involvement in enforcement (such as competition policy) whereas in

others, enforcement is delegated to member states (such as data protection). All
these areas of regulation have been shaped by the Brussels Effect, even if to a dif-
ferent extent. They demonstrate both the strength of the Brussels Effect as well as
occasionally its limits, offering an opportunity to illustrate the particular features
of the theory that in most instances determine whether the Brussels Effect takes
place or not.
The four case studies that will be presented follow a standard format for clarity
in an effort to unpack occasionally dense regulatory material. Each case study first
introduces the major EU legislation in the field, followed by a brief discussion of
the political economy that underlies the legislation. Then, the discussion reviews
examples of the Brussels Effect—​both de facto and de jure—​highlighting particu-
lar companies, industries, and countries that have been shaped by the EU’s global
regulatory reach. The discussion of the de facto Brussels Effect in each case study
illustrates the conditions discussed in c­ hapter 2 in the context of actual companies
that have adjusted their global conduct or production to EU regulations—​or offers
reasons for why they have failed to do so. The discussion of the de jure Brussels
Effect in each case study provides examples of the formal adoption of EU-​style reg-
ulations by foreign governments. Empirically, it is seldom possible to disaggregate
the various motivations that lead to the de jure Brussels Effect. For this reason, the
case studies follow the less-​strict definition of the de jure Brussels Effect and discuss
empirical examples, whether they stem from the de facto Brussels Effect, various
alternate mechanisms discussed in ­chapter 3, or a combination of them.
The case studies do not systematically test the conditions underlying the de
facto Brussels Effect that were outlined in ­chapter 2. Nor do they claim that other
mechanisms of influence, such as consumer pressure, would not influence compa-
nies’ behavior alongside with the Brussels Effect. However, these case studies will
empirically illustrate how the Brussels Effect has shaped various business practices
in the presence of the conditions identified as drivers of the Brussels Effect: market
size, regulatory capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets, and non-​divisibility.
Some of the case studies will further help refine conditions themselves, such as
by elucidating their relative importance in explaining whether the Brussels Effect
occurs or not.
For example, the case studies all demonstrate the relevance of the EU’s market
size as a foundation for the theory. Examples of the Brussels Effect are always easi-
est to find among companies and countries that are most reliant on the EU as their
primary export market—​hence the multiple examples of the Brussels Effect affect-
ing African farmers’ food safety practices, Japanese and Korean electronics manu-
facturers’ product designs, or Silicon Valley IT companies’ privacy policies. While
examples of the Brussels Effect influencing, for example, Australian companies

Case Studies  95

surely exist, those are not as prevalent given that the EU rarely represents a major
export destination for them.
Further, these case studies reveal little variance in three additional conditions
underlying the Brussels Effect—​strong regulatory capacity, preference for stringent
rules, and the inelastic nature of regulation. While the EU acquired its regulatory
capacity at different times and as a result of distinct political processes in various
policy areas, these case studies suggest that the Brussels Effect occurs in policy
domains where the EU has either exclusive competence or competence it shares
with member states over the regulatory policy in question. The Brussels Effect is
further amplified if the Commission enjoys substantial autonomy (such as in com-
petition regulation), is supported by the expertise of the European Regulatory
Agencies (such as in chemical safety or food safety), or where other regulatory pow-
ers such as the United States are particularly weak regulators, enhancing the EU’s
relative regulatory capacity (such as in digital economy).
The Brussels Effect in all case studies stems from the EU’s preference for strin-
gent rules—​typically not just within the Commission that predictably favors regu-
lation but also among European consumers, citizens, activists, some critical actors
representing the industry, as well as among a group of influential member states
that had been regulatory pioneers in the field. Obviously, there are examples of pol-
icy areas—​including financial regulation—​where other jurisdictions often harbor a
preference for even more stringent rules. In these instances, no Brussels Effect takes
place. These case studies identify one exception: in the regulation of online hate
speech, some other major jurisdictions, including China, are even more restrictive
regulators of online speech, yet global companies still converge to the EU’s (“most
stringent politically acceptable”) rules.
Typically, the EU’s stringent regulations encompass other jurisdictions’ less-​
stringent standards. Regulatory standards are rarely mutually incompatible.  No
country orders companies to generate electronic waste, include harmful chemicals
in toys, cultivate GMOs, fix prices with competitors, or infringe data privacy. Thus,
by adhering to EU’s protective regulations, multinational companies can typically
ensure compliance worldwide. However, the case studies show that in a limited set
of policy areas, other jurisdictions’ standards may, indeed, be incompatible with
those of the EU. In such instances—​such as the case study discussing the EU’s ban
and China’s requirement to conduct animal testing of cosmetics—​compliance with
the EU’s stringent standard does not ensure compliance with all other markets.
Here, a more limited or partial Brussels Effect takes place as companies likely apply
the EU standard in most foreign markets but retain a separate production line for
China to meet its conflicting standard. Case studies also reveal some (rare) exam-
ples where “the Brussels Effect plus” may occur (such as in the regulation of the
digital economy). The EU may be more stringent on one dimension of a regulation,

96 T he Brussels Effect

but some other jurisdiction may be more stringent on another dimension. In such
a setting, an even stronger version of the Brussels Effect is likely to take place as
companies can operate globally only by adhering to the combination of these (two
or more) most stringent standards.
All these case studies further compound the importance of inelasticity as a
core driver of the Brussels Effect—​the discussed policy areas are all forms of con-
sumer market regulation, which make it inherently more difficult to circumvent
EU regulations through relocation or other corporate strategies as the location of
the consumer in the EU determines the applicability of EU regulation. Inelasticity
is therefore a fundamental yet simple condition in the case studies: one that shows
little variance across regulatory policies that are targeted at consumer markets. In
contrast, the Brussels Effect condition that shows the greatest variance both across
and within the individual case studies is that of non-​divisibility. Non-​divisibility is
often the single ​most salient factor explaining the variance in the occurrence of the
Brussels Effect. This is demonstrated particularly in the case studies on competition
regulation, digital economy, and food safety, which reveal many examples of prod-
uct or service divisibility that have been sufficient to prevent the Brussels Effect
from taking place—​even when all of the other conditions underlying the theory
were present. Another useful case study on the limits of the Brussels Effect is the
EU’s emissions trading scheme (ETS) and the EU’s largely unsuccessful attempts
to extend the ETS into the international aviation industry. It also provides one of
the rare counter-​examples where foreign governments have successfully reined in
the Brussels Effect.
Aggregating the numerous examples from across Africa, Asia, Latin America,
Middle East, Russia, and the United States, these case studies reveal a story of the
vastly underestimated global reach of the de jure Brussels Effect, which comple-
ments the extensive de facto Brussels Effect. They demonstrate how many coun-
tries show a particularly strong willingness to emulate the EU with some countries
explicitly acknowledging the use of the EU as a model for their own legislation
(such as Korea), while other countries emulating the EU more selectively (such as
Japan). The case studies also suggest that the Brussels Effect is not binary, but a
greater or lesser force depending on the type of regulation and the particular juris-
diction emulating EU regulations. For example, the case study on the RoHS regula-
tion demonstrates how the de jure Brussels Effect may exist in strong form in one
market (Korea) while at the same time in a weaker form in another market ( Japan).
Some countries rarely want to be seen as copying the EU, presumably as they do
not want to be seen as rule takers that are overly influenced by other powers—​in
particular if they are large powers themselves. The United States, for example, sel-
dom features in case studies on the de jure Brussels Effect despite the extensive de
facto Brussels Effect on American companies. At the same time, the de jure Brussels

Case Studies  97

Effect is more common among individual states in the United States. Finally, case
studies reveal examples of the de jure Brussels Effect that exists on paper but may be
limited in practice (such as China copying EU’s data protection regulation). This
serves as a reminder that the actual effectiveness of the de jure Brussels Effect is dif-
ficult to measure in precise terms.
While there is no separate case study dedicated to areas that do not lend them-
selves to the Brussels Effect of any kind—​those would be short case studies—​it is
important to keep in mind that the Brussels Effect is inherently limited when its
underlying conditions are weak or nonexistent. This is the case in instances where
the EU is not a significant export market for foreign companies; where it does not
have regulatory capacity to act; where it does not promulgate most stringent stan-
dards; where regulation is elastic; or where the corporate conduct or production is
divisible. The case studies included in Part II are therefore not representative of the
entire universe of economic regulation—​while the Brussels Effect has penetrated
many sectors of the economy, there remain many areas of regulation that do not
emanate from Brussels and where the EU is not setting the global standards. Also,
the case studies discussed do not represent the entire universe of regulatory policies
that are characterized by the Brussels Effect. There are additional policy areas that
lend themselves to the Brussels Effect even though there is no case study dedicated
to them. For these reasons, Part II may be viewed as alternatively overstating or
understating the prevalence of the Brussels Effect. Yet even with these limitations,
the selected case studies that follow should provide a diverse set of examples that
illuminate the theoretical claims made in Part I, and demonstrate the vast and var-
ied areas where the Brussels Effect is driving the global regulatory agenda today.

Market Competition

Competition law offers one of the most prominent examples of the

EU’s global regulatory hegemony. In 2018, the European Commission fined
Google $5 billion in a competition law case involving the company’s operat-
ing system, Android.1 This fine came on the heels of a $2.3 billion fine in 2017,
which the Commission imposed after concluding that the company manipu-
lated its search results to favor its own comparison-​shopping service to the
detriment of its rivals.2 The Commission’s third case against Google, focusing
on the company’s AdSense online advertising program, resulted in a $1.7 bil-
lion fine in 2019.3 The EU’s other enforcement targets over the last several years
include two other US-​based tech giants: Qualcomm4 and Apple.5 These promi-
nent cases against US companies are not a new phenomenon. They build on
a series of high-​profile decisions against leading US corporations—​including
Intel,6 Microsoft,7 and General Electric8—​over the past two decades. In all
these instances, the companies’ practices were also investigated by US agencies.
However, in contrast with the EU, US regulators either responded with more
modest penalties or chose not to levy any punishment at all. However, no mat-
ter what the US response, the United States has been powerless in constraining
the EU’s decisions, and the remedies imposed by the EU have led to notable
changes in the companies’ practices in the EU and at times also abroad, includ-
ing in the United States.
In addition to shaping the global marketplace through the extraterritorial
enforcement of its own competition law, the EU has been remarkably successful
in exporting its regulatory regime abroad. Today, over 130 jurisdictions have a
domestic competition law, making competition law one of the most widespread
forms of economic regulation around the world.9 A  closer look at these laws
reveals that a great majority of them have been drafted to closely resemble EU
competition law.10 This notable de jure Brussels Effect has led to a situation where

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

100 Case St udies

the majority of the global markets are covered, in practice, by a variant of EU

competition law.
The following discussion first introduces the key aspects of EU competi-
tion law. It then explains why the EU has chosen to build an extensive regu-
latory capacity in this area, illustrating how competition law forms a critical
dimension of the EU’s broader single market program. Following that, it offers
examples of the de facto and de jure Brussels Effects pertaining to competition

Major Legislation
EU competition law was enacted in 1957 as part of the EU’s founding treaties.
Article 101 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
expressly prohibits anticompetitive agreements between firms.11 Such prohibited
agreements include, for example, price-​fixing cartels between competing firms or
distribution agreements where suppliers dictate the prices for their distributors.
Article 102 of the TFEU prohibits the abuse of a dominant position.12 This pro-
vision is targeted at companies that hold significant market power and engage
in practices that reduce competition on the market. Examples of such abusive
practices would be the dominant company’s refusal to supply products to certain
competitors or predatory pricing behavior in an effort to oust competitors from
the market. The European Merger Control Regulation (EMCR) was first pro-
mulgated 30 years later, in 1990, and revised in 2004.13 The EMCR introduced
a pre-​notification obligation for all mergers and acquisitions above a certain rev-
enue threshold and vested the Commission with the power to attach conditions
or prohibit a transaction when it harms competition in the common market.
EU competition law is considerably more recent than its US counterpart. Key
US competition laws include the 1890 Sherman Act,14 which regulates anticom-
petitive agreements and monopolies; and the 1914 Clayton Act, which regulates
mergers.15 The EU and US competition laws share many similarities but also
important differences. Both jurisdictions recognize similar types of behavior as
potentially anticompetitive and structure their laws around the following catego-
ries: 1) anticompetitive agreements, 2) monopolization, and 3) control of mergers.
In addition, EU competition law regulates illegal state aid, which refers to selec-
tive advantage given by national authorities to certain but not all firms.16 The EU
and the United States differ in terms of the degree to which they tolerate market
power and therefore intervene in the conduct of a dominant company. The EU
is more likely to conclude that a company has a “dominant position” on the mar-
ket and, once dominance is established, more likely to find that the company is
abusing its dominance.17 The EU is also generally viewed as more stringent when

Market Competition 101

it comes to vertical agreements with suppliers or distributors. Merger control is

an area of historical divergence—​the EU adopted its merger control regulation
significantly later than the United States. However, today, while substantive rules
on mergers are largely aligned, the EU is more prone to challenge in particular
vertical or conglomerate mergers.
In addition to these substantive differences, the institutional features and
remedies underlying each system present an even greater divergence. For exam-
ple, whereas the US agencies have to involve courts when seeking an injunction
or another remedy, the Commission has vast administrative powers to carry out
enforcement without needing to resort to courts.18 However, the EU can be
seen as trailing the United States in terms of the remedies at its disposal when
competition infringement is established. Unlike the United States, the EU does
not levy criminal penalties but instead relies exclusively on administrative fines
and other civil remedies.19 The United States also provides for sizable dam-
ages (including treble damages), which are common, given the prevalence of
private right of action. Private enforcement is widespread in the United States,
but much more limited in Europe. Only recently has the EU promulgated a
directive to pave the way for greater private enforcement before member states
Despite its inability to deploy criminal remedies, few would dispute the char-
acterization of the EU as the most stringent competition enforcer in the world.
This is particularly consequential, given how jurisdiction works in this area of
law. Competition law has a peculiar feature among areas of economic regula-
tion, which allows several jurisdictions to intervene in the same transaction or
against the same companies, as long as their market is “affected.” As a result, the
same conduct is often investigated simultaneously by multiple countries. In such
instances, the most aggressive regulator typically prevails over more lenient ones.
In other words, where conflict exists among different sets of laws and regulators,
it is the most stringent competition law that often wins. For example, if the US
government approves a global merger but the EU bans the very same transaction,
the merger is prohibited worldwide. Facing a prohibition in one jurisdiction,
companies seeking to merge have two options: abandon the merger or abandon
their business in the jurisdiction challenging the merger. If the market of the most
aggressive regulator is relatively insignificant, the company might choose the lat-
ter. However, if this market is large, abandoning it is not often a realistic option.21
At the international level, the EU competition laws are, indeed, often the most
stringent.22 The EU also consists of a consumer market that is too large and
important to abandon. For this reason, EU competition laws have often become
the de facto global competition standards to which the more permissive US anti-
trust laws often must yield.23

102 Case St udies

Political Economy
Reasons for the differences between US and EU competition regulation are
manifold, reflecting the different political economy conditions prevailing in the
two jurisdictions. At the most fundamental or philosophical level, EU competi-
tion authorities are inherently suspicious of the markets’ ability to deliver effi-
cient outcomes and are therefore more inclined to intervene through a regulatory
process.24 While the EU is more fearful of the harmful effects of noninterven-
tion (so-​called false negatives, anticompetitive practices that the EU might fail to
regulate), the US authorities are often more mindful of the detrimental effects of
inefficient intervention (so-​called false positives, pro-​competitive practices that
the United States might erroneously restrict).25 This difference partly explains
why the EU has generally been prepared to intervene more frequently and more
This distinction between EU and US regulatory responses reflects, to some
extent, a different ideology embraced by Europeans and Americans. Europeans
place greater trust in the government whereas Americans trust the markets more.
Yet it is also a reflection of past experiences with how markets work. Europeans
remain more skeptical of the market’s ability to self-​regulate, partly due to the
fact that many European economies were for a long time characterized by a large
number of state-​owned companies. Once these companies were privatized, they
continued to enjoy market power as incumbents, which necessitated competi-
tion regulation to ensure that those incumbent privileges did not distort mar-
ket competition.26 In addition, capital markets are less well developed in the EU
than in the United States, making it harder to raise the necessary funds to enter
the market in Europe. Consequently, the threat of new entrants alone does not
always provide a sufficient check on existing market players, making government
intervention necessary.
EU competition law is driven by two primary objectives: the protection of
consumer welfare and the furthering of the single market. Competition law is
thus aimed at maximizing the welfare of European consumers and ensuring that
the common market remains open and competitive. This long-​standing tendency
to link competition law to the EU’s broader market integration agenda is perhaps
the most distinctive feature of EU competition law.27 As described by a European
parliament document: “The fundamental objective of EU competition rules is to
prevent distortion of competition. This is not however an end in itself. It is rather
a condition for achieving a free and dynamic internal market.”28 Seen this way,
competition law is an essential complement to trade liberalization, enacted to
ensure that private anticompetitive practices do not frustrate the economic gains
accomplished through the removal of public barriers, such as tariffs and quotas,
between member states.

Market Competition 103

Surely, competition law has always been a mechanism to advance consumer

welfare as such—​and not only through its contribution toward market integra-
tion.29 More competition pushes companies toward efficient allocation of their
resources, which results in lower prices and better quality products for consum-
ers.30 While the EU has, over the decades, increasingly come to embrace con-
sumer welfare as the primary goal of competition law, it has always been more
open to considering a wider range of additional policy goals, even if at the mar-
gin.31 For example, through its competition policy, the EU has advanced values
such as fairness,32 the protection of small-​and medium-​sized companies,33 and
the protection of the structure of the market and hence competition as such.34
These multiple goals set the EU apart from the United States that has tradition-
ally focused very narrowly on economic goals—​whether determined by consumer
welfare or efficiency.35 Presumably, these broader goals behind EU competition
law also allow for more bases of intervention, expanding the scope of competi-
tion enforcement compared to the scope of the law in the United States, which
only allows for an intervention on a narrow basis of consumer harm.36
Beyond these well-​established goals of EU competition law, a more skeptical
view portrays EU competition policy as a political instrument that is leveraged
not just for the benefit of consumers but deployed as a tool for protectionism.37
Protectionist competition policy can manifest itself, for example, in the form of
a biased enforcement strategy, with agencies applying more stringent standards
to acquisitions by foreign-​owned firms than companies that are locally owned.
Similarly, agencies may turn a blind eye to domestic cartels or abusive behavior
by domestic dominant companies, while pursuing the same conduct engaged in
by foreign companies.
The Commission’s 2001 decision to block the $42 billion acquisition of
Honeywell by General Electric—​a merger approved by the US Department of
Justice—​is perhaps the most well-​known of these cases of the EU’s alleged pro-
tectionism.38 In the wake of GE/​Honeywell decision, for example, US Treasury
Secretary Paul O’Neill called the Commission’s decision “off the wall,” describing
the Commission as “autocratic,” and the Department of Justice’s chief antitrust
enforcement official noted the Commission’s “divergence” from the principle
that “the antitrust laws protect competition, not competitors.”39 Members of
the US Congress expressly accused the Commission of “using its merger-​review
process as a tool to protect and promote European industry at the expense of
U.S. competitors.”40
But GE/​Honeywell does not stand alone, and similar concerns have resurfaced
repeatedly since. In the name of competition law, the Commission has repeat-
edly blocked or forced significant restructuring of mergers involving a wide
range of well-​known American firms, including Boeing, MCI WorldCom, Time
Warner, and UPS.41 These high-​profile interventions have raised concerns that

104 Case St udies

the Commission is using its merger-​review power to advance protectionist indus-

trial policy rather than competition. The concern was expressed, for example, by
C. Boyden Gray, the former US ambassador to the EU, who stated more than
ten  years ago that “there is now recognition [in the US] that the EU is being
aggressive about exporting their approach—​which tends to favour their own
native companies.”42
Today, the primary concern for the US business community is the European
Commission’s mounting competition investigations of US high-​tech compa-
nies, including Apple, Google, and Qualcomm, which critics say reflect the EU’s
attempt to offset the US’ technological edge and tilt the market in favor of their
weaker European rivals.43 A  lead lawyer by Apple accused the Commission of
choosing Apple as a “convenient target for an EU antitrust chief driven by head-
lines.”44 In 2015, President Obama described the EU’s competition investigations
into Google and Facebook as reflecting European service providers’ inability
to compete with their US counterparts, suggesting that the investigations were
motivated by the EU’s need to “carve out some of their commercial interests.”45
In 2018, President Trump reacted to the $5 billion competition fine on Google by
complaining how “American businesses were at a disadvantage in Europe”46 and
how “[Europeans] truly have taken advantage of the U.S., but not for long!”47 The
tweet by Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican from Utah, further captured the
sentiment shared by many in the United States: “The EU has a history of engag-
ing in regulatory, tax & competition actions & proposals that disproportionately
hit U.S. tech companies. This decision calls into question whether these actions
are anything more than a series of discriminatory revenue grabs.”48
However, as detailed in ­chapter 8, accusations of EU’s protectionism may be
misplaced, and there are several reasons to doubt that protectionism is driving
the EU’s competition policy agenda. First, European companies are rarely the
main beneficiaries of the Commission’s enforcement actions. In most instances,
it is other US companies (as opposed to European firms) that benefit from the
EU restricting the conduct of their US competitors. For instance, Google has no
direct European rival that would be able to gain any advantage when Google is
forced to change its business model. Further, numerous examples show that the
EU competition law also targets EU companies with a heavy hand. For example,
in a 2016 acquisition involving the world’s largest and second largest brewers, the
Commission required the Belgian acquirer Anheuser-​Busch InBev to sell practi-
cally the entire UK-​based beer business as a condition for approving AB InBev’s
over $100 billion acquisition of SABMiller.49
Of course, protectionism is often difficult to detect, let  alone systemati-
cally measure, and much of the discussion until today has relied on anecdotes
on both sides. The most substantial effort to move beyond these anecdotes and

Market Competition 105

empirically study protectionist motives underlying EU merger control comes

from an analysis conducted at Columbia University.50 This study relies on origi-
nal data that include all mergers notified to the Commission as of 1990—​the
year when EU merger control was established—​until 2014, amounting to more
than 5,000 proposed transactions in total. The analysis reveals no evidence that
the Commission has systematically used its authority for protectionist ends. If
anything, the analysis indicates that the Commission is less likely to challenge
transactions involving foreign acquirers. Obviously, it cannot be excluded that
protectionism might play an occasional role in European merger-​review cases.
However, this study suggests that there is no bias that systematically affects the
Commission’s merger-​enforcement outcomes.
A different study by other authors comparing cartel enforcement in the EU
and the United States similarly failed to detect any bias against US companies
by the Commission.51 The authors compared the tendency of the US and EU
regulators to leverage cartel fines against the EU, US, and “ROW” firms—​ROW
referring to “the rest of the world,” that is, non-​US and non-​EU firms. The
authors found that the EU is more likely to fine domestic (EU) firms and ROW
firms than US firms, and that the size of the fine does not differ according to the
nationality. The United States, by contrast, appears to target ROW firms in par-
ticular and levies significantly higher fines on foreign firms—​whether ROW or
EU—​than domestic firms. This finding further challenges the prior assumptions
that protectionist motives are driving EU competition policy.
The narrative that emerges from these studies is that the EU is a tough com-
petition regulator—​but it is tough on everyone:  US firms, EU firms, and the
firms from the rest of the world. European firms can take no comfort that their
nationality alone would give them an advantage in Commission investigations.
Most recently, the Commission resisted the persistent calls by the two most pow-
erful member states—​Germany and France—​to approve a rail merger between
the German company, Siemens, and the French company, Alstom. This merger
would have created a European champion52 with the ability to compete against
foreign—​including formidable Chinese—​rivals.53 This suggests that, if anything,
EU competition law is used as a tool to rein in EU member states’ protection-
ist tendencies. At the same time, it will be interesting to see if this policy objec-
tive will change in the near future. As a result of the Siemens/​Alstrom ruling,54
politicians from France and Germany are calling for the reassessment of EU
competition policy, given today’s geopolitical realities.55 This would, according
to them, consist of recognizing the creation of “European champions” as a legiti-
mate goal of EU competition law. Thus far, this effort has not resonated with the
Commission. Brushing off the demands to promote “European giants” to better
compete with China, Competition Commissioner Margarethe Vestager recently

106 Case St udies

suggested that the EU should “[l]‌et the Chinese be Chinese. We would be lousy
Chinese. They are much better at it.”56

De Facto Brussels Effect
Most of the conditions underlying the Brussels Effect—​market size, regulatory
capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets, and non-​divisibility—​are clearly
present in the case of competition law. The EU is an important market for many
multinational companies, and they cannot afford to forgo selling their prod-
ucts and services to the large number of relatively wealthy European consumers.
Companies like Google, which have a heavy user base in the EU, will not be able
to divert that amount of trade elsewhere because of the EU’s market size. Any
allegedly anticompetitive conduct or transaction pursued by these companies is
likely to affect the EU market and thus invite scrutiny by the Commission.
Of course, there are still numerous business practices and corporate transac-
tions taking place around the world that do not involve European markets and
hence do not fall within the purview of EU competition law. For those instances,
the EU’s market size is irrelevant. A  cartel fixing prices exclusively in Latin
America would not involve the EU market and hence would not lead the EU to
act. Similarly, a purely local or regional merger between two companies in Africa
with trivial revenue in Europe would not trigger an EU merger review. A distri-
bution agreement between a European supplier and a Japanese distributor would
also fall outside the scope of EU competition law, as long as the distributor was
only supplying products to Japanese customers. Yet, generally speaking, any com-
pany over a certain size and wishing to serve the EU market typically concludes
that the costs of compliance with EU competition law are worth it in exchange
for gaining access to over 500 million consumers. In these instances, the first con-
dition of the Brussels Effect—​market size—​is met.
Several other conditions of the Brussels Effect are typically present as well.
As already acknowledged, the EU has built tremendous regulatory capacity in
this area. Competition law is one of the most well-​established fields of EU-​level
competence, and the Commission has gained extensive experience enforcing
competition rules since 1957. The Commission enjoys an unusually high degree of
delegation in the enforcement of competition law, allowing it to often act without
the need to involve other institutions.57 This makes competition law an area where
the EU’s regulatory capacity is vast and least constrained by political checks—​
whether by the Council, European Parliament, or the individual member states.
If anything, the EU has harnessed the regulatory capacity of the member states
to further the goals of EU competition law. EU competition law coexists with 28
national competition regimes in its member states. These individual EU members

Market Competition 107

have the power to enforce not only their national law but also EU competition
rules, further adding to the regulatory capacity of the EU.58
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) exercises judicial review over the
Commission decisions, yet these judicial checks are much more limited than
those in the United States. For instance, unlike the DOJ antitrust division, which
needs to go to a federal court to enjoin a merger, the Commission is authorized
to impose remedies without pursuing litigation before European courts. In this
sense, the Commission has a lower threshold at which it will dispatch its regu-
latory capacity than its US counterparts. Many critics have suggested that this
procedure essentially renders the Commission the prosecutor, judge, and jury of
merger review throughout Europe.59 The parties do have the right to appeal the
decision to the EU’s General Court and, ultimately, the ECJ. Yet strikingly few
Commission decisions in this area are appealed: 99% of mergers reviewed by the
Commission are not challenged before the courts, making the Commission the
single most important player in worldwide merger enforcement.60
The EU’s regulatory capacity in competition law is also broad in the sense
that it comprises control of state aid. This extends the EU’s regulatory reach to
instances where EU member states provide selective advantages (subsidies) to
certain companies. For example, the EU’s state aid rules formed the basis for the
recent, controversial ruling involving the Irish government and Apple. In 2016,
the Commission ordered Ireland to reclaim €13 billion ($15 billion) in unpaid
tax revenue from Apple. According to the Commission, Apple took advantage of
a parent-​branch profit attribution scheme that attributed 90% of the profits the
company derived from its non-​US sales to Apple’s Irish subsidiaries. This resulted
in Apple paying a conspicuously low tax rate of 4% on nearly $200 billion in
profits it earned outside the United States over the past decade. But to do so,
Apple had relied on a tax ruling issued by Irish tax authorities back in 1991;  a
ruling that the Commission found to be contrary to EU state aid rules in this
case. Consequently, the Commission ordered Ireland to claw back the unpaid
taxes from Apple on grounds that it gave Apple an undue tax advantage, which
distorted competition and hence violated EU’s state aid rules. This is an interest-
ing case as it sits between competition law and tax law. The EU has no regulatory
authority over tax policy, which remains the prerogative of member states. Yet it
found a basis to act based on its powers within EU competition law.
Market size and regulatory capacity alone do not explain the EU’s global dom-
inance in competition law. Both the US and EU agencies are vested with extrater-
ritorial regulatory capacity and exert jurisdiction over a large domestic market.61
It is thus not the regulatory capacity as such that has made the EU the world’s
de facto competition enforcer. Instead, it is the EU’s sustained preference to more
stringent competition law than the United States that sets it apart. The EU harbors

108 Case St udies

a broad notion of what is prohibited under competition law. For example, as

noted in the earlier discussion comparing EU to US competition law, the EU
is generally more prone to find that a company enjoys a dominant position or
engages in anticompetitive conduct. This relative stringency of EU competition
law explains why companies that adjust their conduct to the most stringent com-
petition rules in an effort to ensure global compliance typically look to the EU.
One manifestation of the well-​known stringency of EU competition law
relates to the EU often being a “forum of choice” for foreign companies that seek
to leverage stringent EU competition regulations against their own competi-
tors. This often results from these companies’ belief that the EU is more likely
to intervene in a competition matter, or to impose more invasive remedies if a
violation is found. In particular, US producers have frequently turned to the
Commission to challenge their competitors’ practices, making Brussels the pri-
mary legal battleground for their competition disputes. For example, US-​based
United Technologies was the principal complainant in the GE/​Honeywell merger
investigation after having lost its acquisition bid to GE—​the merger that the
Commission ultimately prohibited in 2001. Two US companies, Novell and Sun
Microsystems, similarly brought charges against Microsoft in the EU in 1998,62
knowing that they were more likely to obtain remedies in the EU, which harbors
a broader notion of what constitutes anticompetitive conduct. Interestingly, as
the tables turned, it was Microsoft that lodged a competition complaint before
the European Commission against Google in 2011.63 Even though Microsoft
ultimately dropped out after reaching a settlement with Google in 2016, other
US companies, including Oracle, Kayak, Expedia, and Trip Advisor64 continued
to press the Commission to issue a decision against Google—​which it did with
heavy fines of $2.3 billion; $5 billion; and, in the most recent case, $1.7 billion.65
Similarly, the EU’s 2009 competition ruling against Intel stemmed from a com-
plaint by Intel’s US rival, AMD. Indeed, most of the high-​profile EU competition
battles today involve US companies on both sides of the dispute, each drawn to
Brussels because of the perceived stringency of EU competition rules.
Competition law is also highly inelastic. EU competition law applies as long
as allegedly anticompetitive conduct has an effect on the EU market. The nation-
ality of the company is irrelevant. It is therefore impossible to circumvent EU
competition rules by establishing or relocating a company outside the EU. As
long as EU consumers are affected, the EU has the basis to act. In merger control,
the EU’s regulatory authority is triggered as long as the merging parties generate
a specified amount of turnover (revenue) in the EU.66 Again, it is irrelevant where
the parties’ headquarters are or even where the “gravity of the merger” is. As the
companies cannot evade EU authority by relocating, the only way to escape the
EU’s regulatory review would be to carve out enough assets out of the merger

Market Competition 109

(by, for example, spinning off EU subsidiaries) so that the parties to the transac-
tion would not generate notable revenue in Europe. However, such restructuring
of the transaction would typically remove the business rationale underlying the
With other conditions fulfilled, whether or not the Brussels Effect takes
place typically turns on the question of divisibility. Here, notable differences exist
across different types of competition matters: merger review, cartel behavior, and
abuse of dominance. A prohibition by the EU of a transnational merger repre-
sents the purest example of the Brussels Effect due to the legal non-​divisibility
of such a merger. Yet in many cases against dominant companies, no de facto
Brussels Effect takes place, as companies are able to divide their conduct across
jurisdictions and limit their remedies to the EU only. The next discussion looks
at these various examples in turn.
In terms of merger control, there are several examples where the de facto
Brussels Effect has taken place. However, there are also many instances where it
has not. As discussed in c­ hapter 2, global mergers cannot be consummated on a
jurisdiction-​by-​jurisdiction basis. In this sense, mergers are legally non-​divisible.
In practice this entails that the most stringent merger-review jurisdiction gets to
determine the worldwide fate of the transaction.67 The proposed GE/​Honeywell
merger, discussed earlier in this chapter, is arguably the most famous example of
the Brussels Effect affecting large cross-​border mergers.68 When the Commission
blocked the merger, it was irrelevant that the US antitrust authorities had previ-
ously cleared the transaction: the acquisition was banned worldwide because the
merger was legally non-​divisible—​as a matter of law, it was impossible to let the
merger proceed in one market and prohibit it in another.
Although the GE/​Honeywell deal is the most prominent, there are several
other examples of the Brussels Effect globalizing EU merger control decisions.
In 1991, the EU blocked the acquisition of the Canadian company De Havilland
by the French-​Italian company Avions de Transport Régional, which had been
approved by the Canadian authorities.69 Soon thereafter, in 1996, the EU pro-
hibited a merger between the South African company Gencor and the UK-​based
Lonrho,70 even though the most significant effect on competition was felt in
South Africa. More recently in 2013, the Commission blocked the attempted
acquisition of the Dutch logistics company TNT Express by its US-​based rival
UPS.71 While its primary market was Europe, TNT Express was active in over 60
countries. The EU decision had an impact on all those markets due to the Brussels
Effect. This case is also particularly interesting for how it has evolved—​because
UPS had the merger decision overturned by the EU’s General Court in 2017,
it is now seeking $2.14 billion in damages from the EU based on that ruling.
Yet regardless of the UPS’s court victory, the UPS/​TNT Express merger cannot

110 Case St udies

be revived. Another US company, FedEx, acquired TNT Express in 2015 after

receiving the Commission’s approval.72 This example, where one rejected acquisi-
tion is quickly replaced by a different one, shows how mergers typically cannot be
reinvigorated after the Commission’s prohibition. This makes the Commission
the final arbiter of these global deals—​and the Brussels Effect immune to a court
When the EU falls short of banning a merger but requests certain commit-
ments from the merging parties as a condition for approving a merger—​such as
ordering a divestiture of a production plant—​such a divestiture cannot typically
be consummated in the EU only. That divestiture usually affects the entire global
structure of the company through the Brussels Effect. For example, in 2009,
the Commission imposed an obligation to divest one of the parties’ factories in
Japan as a condition for a merger between Panasonic and Sanyo.73 The divesti-
ture was legally non-​divisible and hence had an obvious global effect. Many
behavioral remedies similarly have an effect outside the EU. For instance, in 1997,
the EU threatened to block a merger between two US companies, Boeing and
McDonnell Douglas, even though the deal was already cleared by the US authori-
ties without conditions.74 In the end, the EU let the merger proceed subject to
extensive commitments.75 These included abandoning Boeing’s exclusive dealing
contracts with various US carriers.76 As a result, those exclusive contracts became
illegal globally. In 2011, the Commission required Intel to unbundle software and
security solutions worldwide as a condition for the merger.77 It also required Intel
to release interoperability information relevant for its chipsets and central pro-
cessing units to independent security software vendors on a royalty-​free basis.78
These examples further illustrate the significance of the Brussels Effect in the
merger-review context.
However, sometimes the practical effect of seemingly global merger remedies
can be limited to the EU. For example, when the EU approved a merger between
AOL and Time Warner in 2000, it required AOL to first sever all structural links
with German media group Bertelsmann AG.79 Previously, AOL had conducted
all its operations in Europe through two joint ventures in which Bertelsmann was
a partner. The divestiture was globally effective—​in other words, even if no other
competition agencies required such divestment, the merged entity had to sever
its links with respect to the company’s global operations. At the same time, it is
not clear the divestiture affected the merged entity’s business strategy in other
markets such as the United Sates as the divested entity was relevant for carrying
out operations only in Europe.
Cartel investigations may also have a global effect and be thereby subject to
the Brussels Effect. Whenever the EU uncovers a cartel—​whether as a result
of the Commission’s leniency program that encourages whistle-​blowing or

Market Competition 111

following its own investigation—​the cartel is likely to unravel worldwide. If one

of the participating firms acts as a whistle-​blower and chooses to collaborate with
the Commission, there is likely no trust left among the colluding firms to sustain
the cartel in other markets. In this sense, it is the trust that is non-​divisible even
if it continued to be legally, technically, or economically feasible to continue to
operate the cartel in other jurisdictions. Similarly, if the Commission detects the
cartel on its own initiative, other foreign agencies quickly learn about the cartel’s
existence and likely follow with their own investigations. These dynamics often
render cartel investigations globally non-​divisible in practice.
However, cartel enforcement rarely relies on the Brussels Effect alone. In
most of the high-​profile cartel cases, including the Air Cargo, LIBOR/​interest
rate derivatives, and Cathode Ray Tubes cases, several jurisdictions conducted
joint raids to uncover evidence of the cartel or otherwise cooperated in investiga-
tions.80 For example, in the Cathode Ray Tubes case, the EU, United States, and
Japan began near simultaneous investigations and Korea joined the EU investi-
gation two years later.81 Further, the EU and the United States acted jointly in
dismantling one of the most extensive and long lasting cartels in the world—​the
international vitamins cartel. This cartel, which lasted over ten years, entailed at
least thirteen companies fixing prices in approximately twelve product markets.82
It is estimated that the cartel affected $5 billion of commerce.83 The EU and US’
enforcement efforts, while focused on their respective markets, were ultimately
successful in ending the cartel worldwide.84
There are several reasons for why the Brussels Effect is often incomplete (or
even entirely inexistent) in cartel enforcement. First, many cartels are detected
today through leniency programs, which give the parties an incentive to report
their cartel in multiple jurisdictions at the same time to ensure that their coopera-
tion with authorities in one jurisdiction will not lead to a liability being imposed
elsewhere once the cartel’s existence is revealed. This led, for example, Lufthansa
to simultaneously disclose information about its participation in an air cargo
cartel to the United States, EU, and 15–​20 other key competition authorities.85
Second, the detection of a cartel often requires uncovering evidence in multiple
jurisdictions. The EU cannot alone conduct dawn raids in markets other than its
own, giving it the reason to engage in enforcement cooperation as opposed to
rely on unilateralism. In this sense, the EU’s regulatory capacity in cartel matters
is also more incomplete in comparison to its capacity in other competition mat-
ters. Third, in imposing the remedy, the EU only calculates the harm to its own
market, and its fines fail to recover the overcharge in other markets. To effectively
deter a cartel, these other jurisdictions need to follow with their own investiga-
tions, or else affected firms could recoup their EU-​imposed fines through over-
charges in other markets. Initiating their own investigations also allows foreign

112 Case St udies

agencies to extract a fine—​even if they are largely free riding on the investigative
efforts of the EU.
While international cooperation in cartel investigations may be common,
sometimes the remedies imposed in cartel cases by a single jurisdiction, such as
the EU, have a global character. These are the instances where the Brussels Effect
is likely to occur. For example, international maritime container shipping has
been a frequent target of cartel investigations by various national competition
authorities, often involving multiple jurisdictions and overlapping players and
practices. The remedies that result from these investigations appear to be non-​
divisible insomuch as international maritime shipping pricing represents a single
transaction across borders as any given shipment travels between continents; thus,
regulating one side of the transaction inherently regulates both. For example, in
2017 the EU settled a cartel investigation with a number of Asian, European, and
Middle Eastern shipping companies in order to change their pricing practices.86
These pricing practices extended to various shipping routes, affecting also the
many non-​EU source jurisdictions from which the carriers depart for the EU.
Here, the Brussels Effect was triggered by the technical non-​divisibility of pricing
linking the two jurisdictions—​the origin and the destination.
In addition to its merger control and cartel investigations, the EU’s enforce-
ment of its rules against dominant companies offers a particularly intriguing
area of competition law for examining the operation of the Brussels Effect. The
EU’s dominance investigations have garnered substantial attention recently. The
Commission has imposed record-​high fines and behavioral remedies against
dominant US companies, including Google; Qualcomm; Intel; and, over a
decade earlier, Microsoft.87 These cases suggest that—​while the EU is at times
able to influence the conduct of dominant companies worldwide—​in many
instances, no Brussels Effect takes place. In these latter instances, the targets of
the EU’s dominance investigations are able to deploy divisibility and limit their
compliance with the EU to the European market.
Whenever the remedies are non-​divisible, the Brussels Effect is likely to
occur. For example, in 2006, the Commission required a South African diamond
company, De Beers, to stop buying rough diamonds from a Russian company,
Alrosa.88 Even if South African or Russian authorities would not have required
such a commitment, the EU’s decision impacted their markets as well, making it
impossible to source from Alrosa worldwide.89 Yet in other instances, the Brussels
Effect fails to take place because of the existence of divisibility. For example, in
2005, Coca-​Cola committed to substantial behavioral constraints to settle an
EU competition investigation into exclusivity requirements in its distributorship
agreements, as well as certain rebates and tying programs.90 At the same time,
because PepsiCo failed to prove Coca-​Cola’s market power in the United States,

Market Competition 113

and different distributorship agreements could be made with non-​European dis-

tributors, those restrictions were irrelevant to Coca-​Cola’s US activities.91 Yet,
in other cases involving similar conduct in smaller countries such as Israel where
Coca-​Cola had greater market share, the company “agreed to restrain its con-
duct . . . in the same fashion that was required by a consent decree in the EU.”92
Recent Commission’s investigations against Google offer further illustration
of the divisibility of remedies. In the Commission’s 2018 Google Shopping inves-
tigation, Google was found to violate EU competition rules by giving preference
to Google’s own shopping service over other similar online comparison-​shopping
platforms.93 The Commission fined Google and ordered it to comply with the
principle of equal treatment by removing any bias that favored its own platform.
Google responded with a divisible remedy.94 The company established a separate
business unit to operate Google Shopping in the EU. This separate unit would
oversee an auction system where Google Shopping would compete against other
online shopping platforms in an auction for preferred advertisement placement
on Google Search—​in the EU only. As a result of this scheme, no change was
made to Google Search or Google Shopping operations in the United States.95
With the help of geolocation techniques, Google managed to ring-​fence its
European shopping business and ensure that the users who access Google sites
using a non-​European IP address will continue to be governed by its previous
business model for Google Shopping.96
Sometimes, however, it is possible to see the Brussels Effect occur with
respect to one element of a specific case, while in another part of the same case,
the Brussels Effect is absent. The 2004 Microsoft case provides an illustrative
example.97 After finding that Microsoft had abused its dominance position by
illegally withholding the interoperability information—​information necessary
to exchange and mutually use information related to software products for a
workgroup server operating system—​from its rivals, the Commission ordered
the company to disclose that information. Microsoft implemented the disclo-
sure on a worldwide basis in order to maintain a single worldwide license agree-
ment.98 This is a classic illustration of the Brussels Effect. In another aspect of the
same case, however, the Brussels Effect failed to materialize. The Commission
also found that Microsoft had been illegally tying its Windows Media Player to
its Windows operating system, foreclosing the market from other providers of
media players. The Commission ordered the company to unbundle the Windows
Media Player from its operating system and offer a version of its OS without the
company’s own media player preinstalled. This was a remedy that Microsoft only
implemented in Europe, continuing to offer a bundled version of its products in
other markets such as the United States.99 It is an equally classic illustration of,
this time, the limits of the Brussels Effect due to the absence of non-​divisibility.

114 Case St udies

Together, these examples show the critical role of non-​divisibility in determining

whether or not the Brussels Effect takes place in the end.
Beyond these major categories of competition law—​mergers, cartels, and
dominance cases—​where the EU actively pursues certain conduct or reviews a
transaction for its anticompetitive effects, corporate compliance programs can
also be affected by the Brussels Effect. Many companies are likely to draft these
(often global) programs in light of EU law as they seek to minimize compliance
errors and associated legal risks. Global compliance with the most stringent regu-
latory regime—​typically that of the EU—​minimizes these errors as well as com-
plexity that would arise if the company maintained different compliance policies
in different markets. For example, a review of Siemens’s Business Compliance
Guidelines reveals that its competition provisions are drafted to closely resemble
EU competition law.100 Similarly, ExxonMobil’s Legal Compliance Guide reflects
several EU competition law provisions, in particular its guidance on the com-
pany’s interactions with customers.101
Similarly, for reasons relating to the efficiency and simplicity of corporate
operations, firms tend to deploy standardized contract clauses across their global
network of distribution or licensing agreements. Few global companies are likely
to find it efficient to negotiate different types of agreements with multiple licens-
ees or distributors for each market in which they operate. Instead of introducing
and managing such complexity, they are likely to resort to highly standardized
contract terms. Here, the EU competition law often provides a template as com-
pliance with EU rules typically ensures compliance in other markets as well, even
if that template was at times adjusted to account for the variation in legal rules or
different distribution models across different markets. For example, companies
such as Microsoft base their agreements with distributors and licensees largely on
EU competition law, thus extending the reach of EU regulations to their world-
wide operations.102 Thus, the efficiency benefits associated with standardization
of compliance programs and corporate contracting alike often drive economic
non-​divisibility and, with that, the Brussels Effect.

De Jure Brussels Effect
The de jure Brussels Effect—​ the adoption of EU regulations by foreign
legislators—​in competition law is pervasive, and has had a significant impact on
global market competition. There has been a remarkable proliferation of com-
petition laws around the world over the past three decades. Most of these new
laws closely resemble EU competition law. In addition to this type of “legislative
borrowing,” several jurisdictions look to the EU’s actions to inform their own
enforcement activities. In particular, the EU’s competition investigations have on

Market Competition 115

several occasions triggered so-​called copycat litigations, where foreign jurisdic-

tions follow the EU’s lead and launch their own investigations vis-​à-​vis the same
companies that the EU has pursued. At times, however, these foreign jurisdic-
tions choose not to act. Instead, they willingly “free ride” on the EU’s investiga-
tions. This way, they let the EU take the lead and spend the significant initial
resources to restrict certain anticompetitive behavior, yet enjoy the benefit when
an anticompetitive transaction is prohibited or some other anticompetitive con-
duct is modified—​assuming, of course, that the EU’s remedy has a global effect.
All these examples contribute toward a greater Europeanization of the rules
according to which companies compete in the global marketplace.

Legislative Borrowing
Today, over 130 jurisdictions have a domestic competition law, making competi-
tion law one of the most widespread forms of economic regulation around the
world.103 Anecdotally, competition scholars and practitioners have suggested
that several countries look to the EU when drafting their competition laws.104
They typically emulate both the substantive EU competition rules as well as the
administrative model to enforce those rules. A  deeper analytic look at many
jurisdictions supports this conclusion, even as the specific reasons for emulating
the EU may vary across them. The following discussion reviews several examples
of countries—​both big and small, and developed and developing—​showing
that the de jure Brussels Effect has reached countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin
America alike.
To begin with the jurisdiction that most actively regulates competition law
in Africa—​South Africa—​the EU has had a palpable influence in the country’s
modern competition law, which was enacted in 1998 as part of a broader set of
reforms that brought an end to the country’s apartheid regime.105 Several areas of
South Africa’s competition law were modeled almost verbatim from EU legisla-
tion. In addition, the ECJ jurisprudence has been influential in legislative draft-
ing: notably, the controversial excessive pricing provision in the South African
Competition Act was taken directly from the ECJ’s decision in the United Brands
case.106 According to the provision, a dominant firm is prohibited from charging
an “excessive price to the detriment of consumers.”107 An “excessive price” is one
that bears no reasonable relation to, and is higher than, the economic value of the
good or service in question.108 In addition, the ECJ’s case law is routinely cited by
South African courts on matters such as abuses of dominance109 and price-​fixing
There are likely several reasons why South Africa chose to follow the EU’s
example in enacting its competition law. Among these, the frequent interactions

116 Case St udies

with the Commission’s Competition Directorate during the drafting process

are cited as instrumental.111 Some of the main architects of the new competi-
tion legislation in South Africa had also studied EU competition law, making
the EU template a familiar one to turn to for direction.112 In addition, the draft-
ers of South African competition legislation sought to depart from an orthodox
application of competition law principles in order to redress the vast economic
and social inequalities wrought by apartheid.113 In doing so, it is possible that
they viewed the EU as an appropriate model in light of the EU’s receptiveness to
embrace goals beyond a narrow focus on efficiency—​even if the goals that South
African legislators came to embrace stemmed from a different set of public policy
Several Asian economies have been similarly receptive to the EU’s influence.
Singapore’s Competition Law of 2005 provides an illustrative example. According
to the parliamentary debates, it is closely modeled after UK competition law,114
which itself is heavily influenced by EU competition law. Furthermore, the
Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS) Guidelines,
which outline how the CCCS will administer and enforce the provisions under
the Competition Act, were largely based on the relevant EU Guidelines.115 The
decision to follow the UK Competition Act in “style, approach and substance”
was made after extensively studying the competition legislation of Australia,
Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.116 Even though
the European influence was palpable, Singapore did not emulate all aspects of the
UK/​EU regime. Most notably, Singapore carved out vertical agreements from
the scope of the law, which is an important departure from the UK/​EU laws.117
This decision at least partially reflects Singapore’s small market size and limited
resources, which explains the country’s focus on more egregious anticompetitive
Singapore’s decision to emulate the text of the UK/​EU competition law has
also made UK/​EU case law an obvious template for the CCCS’s enforcement
decisions.119 For instance, in one of its major infringement decisions against
Singapore’s largest ticketing service provider “Sistic,” the CCCS relied heavily on
UK and EU case law in its reasoning. The CCCS explicitly recognized that since
Singapore’s abuse of dominance provision is modeled after the UK Act—​which
in turn was modeled after EU law—​cases from the EU and United Kingdom
would be “persuasive or useful” in assisting CCCS in reaching its decision.120 The
Competition Appeals Board agreed with this approach, emphasizing the “highly
persuasive” authority of the competition decisions of EU and UK courts.121
There are several reasons why Singapore chose to emulate the UK/​EU model
in the drafting of its competition law. For one, Singapore’s colonial history and
strong jurisprudential ties with the United Kingdom created a natural tendency

Market Competition 117

to emulate the United Kingdom.122 Second, the UK/​EU model was seen as easier
for both businesses and consumers to understand compared to the US model,
which was built over time and which requires consultation of numerous differ-
ent sources.123 The EU had also amassed significant experience in interpreting
its abuse of dominance positions given the frequent adjudication of such cases
before the ECJ.124 This experience lent credibility to using the EU as a model
for enforcement in this particular area, and the clarity of EU competition law
allowed for businesses to have more certain expectations of how the new domes-
tic law would be enforced.
Another example of the de jure Brussels Effect on competition law in Asia
can be found in India, where the Indian Competition Act of 2002 draws inspi-
ration from the EU competition law. According to the 93rd Report on the
Competition Bill from 2001, Indian law was revised with an eye on EU competi-
tion law, stating that “The new Act is more closely in tune with the Competition
Law of the European Commission. Nearly all laws deal with horizontal/​verti-
cal agreement, monopoly, abuse of dominance and regulated by Competition
Authority.”125 India’s regulation of abuse of dominance provides an illustrative
example in its similarity with Article 102 of the TFEU.126 The Indian Act defines
“dominant position” as “a position of strength, enjoyed by an enterprise, in the
relevant market, i.e. India, which enables it to operate independently of competi-
tive forces prevailing in the relevant market; or affect its competitors or consum-
ers or the relevant market in its favour.”127 This definition is similar in terms to
the one provided by the ECJ in its famous decision United Brands.128 In United
Brands, the Court references the (now) Article 102 of the TFEU and clarified
that dominant position means “a position of economic strength enjoyed by an
undertaking which enables it to prevent effective competition being maintained
on the relevant market by giving it the power to behave to an appreciable extent
independently of its competitors, customers and ultimately of its consumers.”129
The Competition Commission of India further relied on the United Brands in its
decision in HT Media Ltd. v. Super Cassettes,130 using its three-​pronged test for
excessive pricing. These examples of the de jure Brussels Effect—​together with
examples from South Africa and Singapore—​illustrate not just the external influ-
ence of EU competition law on other states’ domestic laws as they are drafted,
but also the external influence that the EU is able to exert through the deference
given to the ECJ’s interpretation of competition law.
China’s 2008 Anti-​Monopoly Law similarly draws inspiration mainly from
EU competition law, even though several other foreign models were also influen-
tial in the legislative process.131 For example, China closely followed the wording
of EU’s key provisions—​the TFEU’s Article 101 on anticompetitive agreements
and Article 102 on the abuse of dominance—​while also emulating the European

118 Case St udies

Merger Control Review.132 Interestingly, China also replicated the EU model in

exempting agriculture from the scope of its competition law, showing how even
such sector-​specific carveouts can diffuse to foreign jurisdictions.133 The EU seems
to have retained its influence beyond the initial law adoption in China: China’s
recently released draft amendments for merger rules are also heavily influenced
by the equivalent EU rules.134
Wan Jiang, an officer of China’s National Development and Reform
Committee (NDRC), noted that “In the view of legislative borrowing, it was
a more reasonable choice for China to borrow European Competition Law
for the Antimonopoly Law. When comparing relevant regulations of China
Antimonopoly Law and European Competition Law, you may find that the
two are very similar, and certain provisions therein are highly consistent with
respect to the words being used.”135 China’s former Vice Minister of Commerce,
Ma Xiuhong, referred to EU competition law as “one of the most influential
competition laws in the world,” and confirmed that “China has borrowed many
experiences of European Competition Law in various aspects for the enactment
of Antimonopoly Law.”136 Professor Li Jian similarly acknowledges that China’s
law was “deeply influenced” by EU competition law, which he attributes to the
shared civil law tradition in the EU and in China.137 That said, China has not
blindly emulated the EU. It has introduced some provisions that reflect the dif-
ferent role of the state in the economy, and declared the promotion of “socialist
market economy” as one of the goals of its anti-​monopoly law.138
These China-​specific provisions notwithstanding, the de jure Brussels Effect
in China has been extensive. It likely reflects not only China’s willingness to pro-
actively emulate the EU but also the EU’s active efforts to promote its regula-
tory model to Chinese officials. For instance, the Commission has engaged in
an active dialogue with the Chinese competition authorities, providing techni-
cal assistance and helping Chinese authorities build regulatory capacity. The EU
has worked closely with the drafters from all of the key institutions in charge
of competition policy—​including MOFCOM, NDRC, and SAIC139—​as well
as the State Council’s Legislative Affairs Office and, to some extent, some of
the Chinese courts.140 In 2004, the Ministry of Commerce of China and the
Commission’s Directorate General for Competition reached an agreement on
a structured dialogue on competition called “EU-​China Competition Policy
Dialogue.” The primary objective of this Dialogue was “to establish a permanent
forum of consultation and transparency between China and the EU in this area
and to enhance the EU’s technical and capacity-​building assistance to China in
the area of competition policy.”141 This dialogue provides a venue for the EU to
remain engaged in future regulatory developments in China, possibly further
entrenching the de jure Brussels Effect in the country.

Market Competition 119

Latin America similarly offers numerous examples of the de jure Brussels Effect.
Ecuador is among the several Latin American countries that have closely followed
the EU in the drafting of their domestic competition laws. Ecuador adopted a com-
petition law—​The Organic Act for the Regulation and Control of Market Power—​
only recently, in 2011.142 The provisions of the law track closely those of the
competition law of Spain, which is modeled after EU law. These include, for
example, articles on the abuse of dominance, cartels, and remedies.143 In addi-
tion, Ecuador has copied some of the soft law instruments promulgated by the
Commission, including the EU Guidelines on the definition of the relevant mar-
ket.144 One possible reason that the EU competition law provided an attractive
model for Ecuador was the EU’s tendency to embrace a broader set of public
policy goals in its competition law beyond a narrow focus on efficiency. This
provided a better fit given Ecuador’s constitutional commitment to “promot-
ing equitable and mutually supportive development.”145 The EU also may have
been seen as a better model for Ecuador to follow given the civil law origins of
Ecuador’s legal system.
These countries just discussed offer some illustrations of the EU’s de jure
global influence. There are many other examples around the world. According
to Evgeny Khokhlov, EU and German competition laws significantly influenced
the 2006 Russian law on the protection of competition and subsequent amend-
ments.146 Hailegabriel Feyissa argues that the Ethiopian competition law regime
is modeled after the EU, with the EU law offering the “primary material” in the
drafting of the 2003 Trade Practice Proclamation that regulates competition.147
Ana Julia Jatar similarly notes that many Latin American countries, includ-
ing Colombia and Venezuela, drew heavily on Articles 101 and 102 of the EU
Treaty when drafting their competition statutes.148 All these examples support
the conclusion that the adoption of EU competition law principles has been
As mentioned before, no single reason explains why these countries have pri-
marily, even if not exclusively, turned to the EU in their search of a regulatory
template to follow. The de facto Brussels Effect likely explains some governments’
decisions to follow the EU’s model. The more that firms around the world already
adjust their conduct to comply with EU competition rules, the more likely it is
that they support similar reforms at home. These firms prefer uniform rules and
face fewer adjustment costs if their home governments adopt a law that already,
de facto, governs their business conduct.
Competition law is also a field where other jurisdictions often have little
to gain by adopting less-​stringent competition rules compared to the EU, at
least for firms that operate internationally. Any local, more lenient rules would
often only be superseded by the EU rules, making their regulators obsolete

120 Case St udies

when it comes time to enforce them. As explained before, if the EU prohibits

an international merger, the merger is banned worldwide; it is irrelevant if the
merger is deemed acceptable by other jurisdictions. This illustrates why deviat-
ing from the EU (as the most stringent jurisdiction) brings few gains for other
jurisdictions. With respect to such international transactions where jurisdic-
tions overlap, no de jure Brussels Effect is needed for the EU’s preferred rules
to prevail. However, absent the de jure Brussels Effect, domestic competition
law continues to govern the market competition of a purely local nature. For
the EU law to influence such practices, the EU has no choice but to rely on the
de jure Brussels Effect to change the rules in foreign jurisdictions. This likely
partially explains the EU’s eagerness to export its rules to other jurisdictions
through various means.
Additional reasons have further entrenched the EU’s influence in diffusing
its competition laws abroad—​some more generic and others more competition​
policy specific.149 As briefly noted in the case of Ecuador and South Africa, the
EU’s tendency to articulate a broader range of goals—​instead of strictly limit-
ing the objective of competition law to furthering consumer welfare—​has made
EU competition law an appealing template to numerous countries.150 Developing
countries, in particular, find the EU model more accommodating of the myriad
concerns they have about the operation of the markets and the distributional
effects of competition law. Relatedly, EU competition law is perceived as a com-
promise between the operation of free markets and the government’s legitimate
authority to intervene in those markets. US competition law, in contrast, is seen
to reflect a more robust reliance on markets’ ability to self-​correct, lessening the
need for government intervention.151 Many countries are ideologically closer to
the EU in this regard.
It is not only the content of EU competition law that makes it an appealing
template for many jurisdictions, but also its form. EU competition law offers a
template that is more precise and predictable than other prominent templates
such as the United States, giving more detailed guidance for new competi-
tion regimes that are looking for clear ex ante rules that can guide their less-​
experienced agencies and courts in their decision-​making.152 This was noted as
one of the reasons why the UK/​EU model appealed to Singapore.153 This feature
is likely to make EU competition law an even more attractive template for low-​
income countries that have less-​skilled administrative agencies and judiciary.154
These countries, in particular, benefit from emulating precise rules that allow
for more mechanical rule making by agencies that lack the technical experience
required for engaging in more flexible case-​by-​case decision-​making. The EU is
also often eager to extend technical assistance to these jurisdictions, exporting
EU’s rules and interpretative approaches in the process.155

Market Competition 121

Linguistic and historical connections with the EU member states further

explain why several countries have turned to the EU in their search for a legis-
lative template to follow. EU competition statutes are published in several lan-
guages, which considerably, if unintentionally, facilitate the copying of EU laws
globally, particularly in the Spanish-​and Portuguese-​speaking Latin America and
in the Francophone parts of Africa. In addition, the EU can frequently exercise
indirect leverage in these regions through its member states’ close cultural ties
across the world, given their colonial history. This additionally helps explain why
Ecuador copied the Spanish competition laws (and thereby indirectly EU law)
almost verbatim. Similarly, Hong Kong and Singapore, former British colonies,
copied extensively from UK competition law, indirectly exporting many of the
EU’s competition provisions into their regimes.
Yet another reason why the EU template has come to prevail over that of the
United States is the EU’s tendency to leverage its preferential trade agreements
(PTAs) and other economic and political cooperation agreements as vehicles
for spreading its regulatory norms.156 By offering preferential access to its vast
consumer market, EU has significant bargaining power over its trade partners
and is therefore in a position to set conditions for signing a PTA, as discussed
in ­chapter 3. One of those conditions is typically the adoption of competition
law. The EC-​Turkey Customs Union agreement from 1995 provides an illustrative
example.157 In its Article 39, the agreement provides that “Turkey shall ensure that
its legislation in the field of competition rules is made compatible with that of the
European Community.” Examples of competition law being exported through
association agreements include countries such as Algeria, Egypt, and Georgia.
For example, Georgia undertook the obligation to approximate its future compe-
tition laws with those of the EU when it signed the Partnership and Cooperation
Agreement in 1996.158
This discussion has focused on anecdotes of the EU’s influence and the rea-
sons behind such influence. However, it is possible, and even likely, that most of
these jurisdictions were influenced by some other jurisdictions as well. A recent
research paper by scholars from Columbia University, UC Berkeley, and the
University of Chicago moves beyond these anecdotes and measures the EU’s rela-
tive influence more systematically using a novel dataset of competition statutes.159
Specifically, it examines the relative influence of EU and US competition regimes
in shaping the global regulatory landscape. Using data on dozens of competition
law provisions from 125 countries, it traces the evolution of competition regimes
from the year 1957, when the EU enacted its competition law, joining the United
States as another major competition regulator in the world, to 2010. Specifically,
the study compares the linguistic similarity of key competition provisions with
the EU and US competition laws, respectively. It further measured the substantive

122 Case St udies

similarity of those foreign laws with both the EU and the United States across all
major categories of competition law, such as anticompetitive agreements, abuse
of dominance, merger control, and remedies.
This study reveals that a vast majority of jurisdictions with competition law
regimes have laws that more closely resemble the EU competition laws than the
US antitrust laws—​both in linguistic similarity and actual substance. More spe-
cifically, it shows that the emulation of the European model of competition law
by third countries surpassed that of the United States in the 1990s, and the EU’s
“sphere of influence” in the domain of competition regulation has continued to
increase ever since. Thus, a more systematic analysis lends support to the above
anecdotes that the EU competition law has, indeed, provided the most com-
monly copied template for the world competition laws.
Among the countries whose substantive competition regulations more closely
resemble US laws are countries with strong cultural and legal ties to America,
including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand but also an important jurisdic-
tion like Japan. However, in every region of the world, there are many more coun-
tries that have laws exhibiting greater substantive resemblance with the EU than
the United States, including most of the major emerging markets, such as Brazil,
China, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, and South Korea. The measurement
of linguistic similarity reveals similar, if not identical, patterns. For instance,
EU competition law language is used in China, India, and Mexico while few
(primari­ly common law) countries resemble the United States.
In addition to copying the language and the broader substantive content of
EU competition law, most foreign jurisdictions have emulated the EU’s institu-
tional model to enforce competition law. In doing so, their enforcement relies
primarily on administrative actions brought by public authorities as opposed to
private litigants. Indeed, private enforcement of competition law is rare outside
the United States. This public enforcement regime reflects the greater involve-
ment of government in the organization of economic life generally in most
countries as compared to the United States. The notion of “private attorneys
general”—​and the large, active, plaintiff ’s bar associated therewith—​is a tradi-
tion not found in much of the world outside the United States.160 China’s Anti-​
Monopoly Law, for instance, while allowing for private actions, relies largely on a
purely administrative enforcement model.161

Copycat Litigation
There is an additional reason for why a foreign jurisdiction may find it beneficial
to align its domestic competition rules with those of the EU. After emulating
EU law, this jurisdiction can free ride on the EU’s investigations and follow the

Market Competition 123

EU’s lead in evaluating anticompetitive practices in individual cases. This way, it

is able to leverage fines or impose other remedies domestically without the need
to develop its own theories of harm, market definition, and competitive assess-
ment. All of this takes time, technical expertise, and often substantial resources.
This strategy—​known as “copycat litigation”—​is particularly appealing for less-​
experienced agencies, which lack the resources and the expertise to build the
case on their own. Replicating the EU’s reasoning and remedies will allow them
to capture regulatory gains and pursue enforcement, their limited regulatory
capacity notwithstanding. Yet even the more established competition agencies
have been known to await the EU’s—​or, in the case of countries like Canada,
the US’—​decision before acting on their own. Seen this way, the de jure Brussels
Effect facilitates free riding: different substantive rules would make free riding
harder because an independent investigation based on a different legal frame-
work might lead to a different regulatory outcome. However, replicating the
EU’s competition regime paves the way for replicating its enforcement decisions
as well.
Copycat litigation is, in most instances, likely a reflection of a sheer infor-
mational benefit that the EU investigation generates. The EU’s actions alert the
foreign agencies of a possible anticompetitive conduct, giving them an impetus
to act. It typically further articulates theories of harm or may even provide these
agencies with critical evidence that competition agencies need to effectively build
their case. This way, the main benefit of copycat litigation is that it lowers the
enforcement costs for foreign agencies and allows even less well-​resourced agen-
cies to engage in enforcement actions. However, a more sinister view suggests
that sometimes a copycat litigation may take a path that differs from the motives
that led the EU to act. Non-​EU jurisdictions may, conceivably, use an existing EU
investigation as a pretext or cover for their own vexatious, protectionist, or oth-
erwise ill-​advised investigations against a certain company. Such an investigation
could then be legitimized by pointing to an earlier EU investigation, even if that
earlier investigation proceeded on different, more legitimate grounds.
Of course, engaging in a copycat litigation is only one plausible strategy for
foreign governments. Some foreign jurisdictions may choose to forgo enforce-
ment altogether and “outsource” their enforcement entirely to the EU. This con-
stitutes a more comprehensive freeriding strategy whereby a foreign jurisdiction
benefits from the EU’s enforcement outcomes that are consistent with their own
regulatory framework without engaging in any enforcement efforts on their
own. For example, if the EU prohibits an international merger, smaller jurisdic-
tions gain little by seeking to accomplish the same outcome through a copycat
litigation. One prohibition is enough to ban the merger worldwide. The same
applies for cartels that the EU alone can detect and deter. If the EU can unravel a

124 Case St udies

global cartel, other foreign agencies see little advantage in spending their limited
enforcement resources for replicating the same (and, here, redundant) outcome.
However, in reality, cartel enforcement often requires several jurisdictions to
act, making it difficult to outsource enforcement entirely to the EU. For example,
as discussed earlier, the EU excludes foreign harm from its calculation of a cartel
fine, making it often necessary for other jurisdictions to impose a fine of their
own, or else cartels are not sufficiently deterred. Bringing their own case also
allows these jurisdictions to capture a monetary benefit by collecting a separate
fine. In the abuse of dominance cases, free riding may work as long as the authori-
ties across jurisdictions share the same competitive concerns and as long as the
EU issues a global remedy that alleviates those concerns. However, whenever
the EU’s remedy is limited to the EU, foreign jurisdictions are likely to follow the
EU’s lead and engage in copycat litigation.
There are several examples of this type of copycat litigation, even though
arguably it is difficult to always know whether another jurisdiction acts because
the EU has acted first or whether its reasons are independent, and the timing sim-
ply happens to coincide or closely track the EU’s investigation. For example, in
2005, South Korea followed closely the EU’s 2004 ruling condemning Microsoft
for an abuse of a dominant position in tying (or “bundling”) the Windows
Media Player with its operating system. This case was widely thought to have
been inspired by a similar tying case brought by the EU a few years prior. The
EU case began in 1998 with a complaint to the EU from Microsoft’s competitor,
Sun Microsystems. In 2004, the Commission held that Microsoft violated (now)
Article 102 of the EC Treaty through its bundling behavior.162 As a remedy, the
Commission required Microsoft to produce a version of its Windows operating
system without the Windows Media Player in addition to the bundled version
that Microsoft offered on the market. Shortly thereafter, the Korean competition
authorities went after Microsoft, investigating similar bundling claims. Following
complaints by Microsoft’s competitors such as Daum Communications in 2001163
and RealNetworks in 2004,164 the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC)
fined Microsoft 33 billion Won (approximately $32  million) in 2005 for abuse
of its dominant position. It ruled that Microsoft had engaged in anticompeti-
tive behavior by bundling the Windows Media Player and Windows Messenger
with Windows operating system.165 Like the Commission, the KFTC ordered
Microsoft to market two versions of Windows, one with and the other without
Windows Media Player and Windows Messenger.166 Given the close approxima-
tion of the Korean remedy with that imposed by the EU, it seems highly likely
that the KFTC used the EU’s decision as a template. Daum, the complainant in
the case, had also explicitly noted before the Korean decision that “[it] hopes that
the case of European Union affects the decision of the Fair Trade Commission.”167

Market Competition 125

Microsoft itself further drew a comparison between the EU and KFTC decision,
yet described in its 2006 press release the KFTC decision as even “harsher” than
the remedy ordered by the EU.168
The EU’s multiple investigations into Google since 2010, which have received
prominent attention worldwide, have also led to several instances of apparent
copycat litigation. Several agencies in other jurisdictions have challenged Google’s
conduct following the EU’s investigations. However, many of these jurisdictions
do not explicitly refer to the EU’s investigations, making it difficult to label them
unambiguously as “copycat litigation.” At the same time, it is unlikely that these
agencies are building their cases in disregard of what the EU has done.
For example, Russia opened a formal investigation into Google’s practices
regarding Android concomitant with, or even slightly before, the Commission
initiated its formal proceedings. In February 2015, the Russian Competition
Authority—​the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation or
FAS—​launched an investigation into Google’s business practices regarding
Android upon a complaint of Google’s biggest local competitor, Yandex NV, a
search engine. Yandex was also one of the complainants in the EU’s investigation
against Google. The opening of the investigation by the FAS in February 2015
precedes the formal initiation of proceedings by the Commission by a couple
of months. However, it was public knowledge at the time that the Commission
was already assessing Google’s practices regarding Android ahead of issuing its
formal initiation of proceedings.169 In September 2015, the FAS issued a decision
in which it found that Google had violated Russian competition laws through
its illegal practices relating to Android. It also issued a cease-​and-​decease order
and imposed a fine of approximately 440 million rubles (approximately $7.8 mil-
lion).170 With this, FAS became the “world’s first competition authority to issue
a negative assessment of Google’s practices with respect to the Android operat-
ing system.”171 Yet a more skeptical view might note that the reason that Russia
was able to complete its investigation before the EU was the lesser due process
that was afforded to Google in the process. Regardless of the reason behind the
Russia’s early decision, it seems likely that the Russian investigation into Google’s
practices was at least partially triggered by a similar investigation simultaneously
underway in the EU.
Another example of likely copycat litigation can be found in a Brazilian inves-
tigation of Google’s business practices. In October 2013, Microsoft and local
search engines, Buscapé and Bondfaro, lodged complaints against Google with
the Brazilian Competition Authority (Administrative Council for Economic
Defense or CADE). CADE stated that “it is looking into accusations that Google
has unfairly used rivals’ content, discouraged their advertisers and favored its own
product listings in search results.”172 Even after Microsoft dropped its complaint

126 Case St udies

against Google before CADE in 2015—​replicating its similar decision in the

EU—​CADE continued its investigation.173 While CADE’s initial investigation
against Google did not cover Google’s business practices with regard to Android,
this changed after the EU fined Google over abuse of dominance regarding its
Android mobile operating system in the summer of 2018. At that time, CADE’s
president, Alexandre Barreto, indicated that “what we are doing now is analyzing
the decision of the European Union to determine if we have grounds to act here.”174
This statement suggests that CADE may mirror the investigation launched and
completed by the European Commission regarding Google Android.
In addition to these Brazilian and Russian cases, another instance of possible
copycat litigation can be seen in a recent Turkish investigation of Google. In July
2015, the Turkish Competition Authority (Rekabet Kurumu or TCA) opened
an investigation into Google’s business practices regarding Android following a
complaint lodged by Yandex. Yandex stated that Google violated Turkish com-
petition rules by abusing its dominant position as it was imposing an obligation
on mobile device manufacturers to preinstall certain Google apps in their smart-
phones. In September 2018, the TCA imposed a fine of TRY 93 million (approxi-
mately $15 million) against Google for abusing its dominant position with regard
to its agreements with mobile device manufacturers for Android. This decision
came shortly after the European Commission fined Google over $5 billion for
similar practices. Commentators indicated that “the TCA’s decision shows once
again that the TCA is still following the European Commission’s footsteps to a
significant extent in evaluating anti-​competitiveness of a behavior, especially in
complex matters.”175
Finally, South Korea’s competition agency KFTC’s competition investiga-
tion into Google provides further evidence of the broad influence of the EU’s
enforcement decisions in this area. This case provides a particularly interesting
example because of the way the KFTC first cleared Google of any wrongdoing
but, following the EU’s decision, reconsidered its approach. In 2011, NHN Corp.
(the owner of South Korea’s biggest internet search engine, Naver) and Daum
Communications Corp. urged the KFTC to investigate Google’s anticompeti-
tive practices. Specifically, these companies alleged that Google was restricting
the preloading of certain mobile search window applications on smartphones.176
The KFTC dismissed their allegations in its 2013 ruling, concluding that Google’s
share of the Korean search engine market was too small to threaten competi-
tion.177 However, after the KFTC learned that the EU had issued a “statement
of objections” regarding Google’s business practices related to Android—​an
indication that the EU was suspecting anticompetitive conduct—​it decided
to take another look at Google. This led the KFTC to investigate whether the
company unfairly used Android’s dominance to restrict competition in Korean

Market Competition 127

mobile search markets.178 In 2016, a KFTC official acknowledged that “KFTC is

re-​monitoring Google, in light of the finding of antitrust violations under the EU
investigation, as well as the changed market environment for OS/​searches,” and
noted that “based on the results of the monitoring and EU’s final ruling, KFTC
will decide whether to open a formal investigation.”179
While the mounting competition investigations against Google around the
world have captured most attention, copycat litigation is not limited to Google,
the high-​tech sector, or abuse of dominance cases. Merger control offers another
area of competition law that is amenable for copycat litigation, in particular
when it comes to replicating remedies first imposed by a lead jurisdiction such
as the EU.
A recent example comes from Ecuador, where the Ecuadorian Market Power
Control Superintendence followed closely the EU’s conditional merger approval
of the AB InBev and SABMiller’s transaction in 2015.180 In order to obtain an
approval from the European Commission, AB InBev offered to divest all of
SABMiller’s business in France, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom
to a third party. However, the Commission extracted an additional commitment
from the parties, requiring AB InBev to divest SABMiller’s business in Eastern
Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia) as well.
This merger between AB InBev and SABMiller represented the most signifi-
cant transaction the Ecuadorian Market Power Control Superintendence had
to analyze to date. The merging parties’ post-​merger market share in Ecuador
exceeded 97%, making intervention inevitable. Given the lack of experience of
the Ecuadorian authority, which has only been reviewing mergers since 2011, it
closely copied the types of commitments ordered by the Commission, includ-
ing the request of the divestiture of part of AB InBev’s business in Ecuador.
Specifically, the Ecuadorian authority relied on certain concepts and words
throughout its Resolution, which are identical with those used by the European
Commission, suggesting that the EU decision was used as a model. For exam-
ple, there is a strong emphasis in having to divest certain assets or businesses as
a “package,” in order to make the sale more attractive to potential buyers and
to ensure that the buyers have sufficient assets to enter the market and operate
there efficiently. Additionally, the Ecuadorian authorities included certain con-
cepts that they had not used before and closely resembled the implementation
of the commitments that parties agreed to with the Commission. For example,
to carry out the divestiture, the Ecuadorian agency asked the parties to imple-
ment a Hold Separate commitment, together with a Hold Separate Manager
and a Monitoring Trustee. The Hold Separate commitment requested by the
Ecuadorian authorities was not even translated to Spanish, but simply listed as
“commitment #7,” which textually mentions a “Hold Separate.”181 This choice

128 Case St udies

of wording leaves little doubt that the EU decision, indeed, was employed as a
direct model by the Ecuadorian agency.
These examples illustrate some reasons for why copycat litigation—​often
emulating the EU—​can be attractive for foreign governments. At the same time,
there has been a parallel tendency for foreign companies to increasingly direct
their competition complaints to the EU, making the EU the global arbiter of
most prominent competition disputes of the day. By bringing their competi-
tion battles to the EU as opposed fighting them on their home turf, these firms
engage in so-​called forum shopping in order to take advantage of the EU’s
more stringent rules that are viewed as favoring intervention. This has made
the Commission a “hub” for global competition enforcement even without
actively seeking such a role or without the resources to pursue all complaints it
receives. A few examples of this practice—​including Microsoft complaining to
the Commission about Google’s anticompetitive behavior in 2011 after having
been the object of a similar EU complaint by two US companies, Novell and
Sun Microsystems, over a decade earlier—​were briefly discussed earlier in this
chapter.182 Both forum shopping and copycat litigation, while driven by differ-
ent actors and motivations, have the same effect of increasing the EU’s influence
through a variant of the de jure Brussels Effect and further entrenching the EU
competition rules as the global norm.

A close examination of the EU’s influence in competition law reveals

some of the most manifest examples of the Brussels Effect but also clearly
exposes its limits. The first four conditions underlying the Brussels Effect—​
market size, regulatory capacity, stringent standards, and inelastic targets—​
typically permeate all competition policy matters. Their presence alone
entails that EU competition law has a vast extraterritorial reach, and thus
reaches foreign companies as long as their conduct affects the EU market.
However, these four conditions alone do not trigger the Brussels Effect. The
condition that ultimately dictates whether the Brussels Effect occurs is that
of non-​divisibility.
The chapter’s discussion has shown how the question of non-​divisibility
explains nearly all variance in the manifestation of the Brussels Effect in com-
petition matters. Non-​divisibility acts as the trigger that leads companies to
voluntarily extend the EU regulation to govern their global operations. A closer
look into various areas of competition policy also reveals that non-​divisibility is
more common in some competition matters than others. For example, merger
prohibitions offer a showcase of non-​divisibility:  a prohibition of a transac-
tion cannot be implemented on a jurisdiction-​by-​jurisdiction basis, thus trig-
gering the Brussels Effect. At the same time, mergers that are not prohibited

Market Competition 129

but approved subject to conditions may or may not exhibit non-​divisibility,

depending on whether the conditions can be globally or locally implemented.
Cartel investigations may be non-​divisible, especially when the EU investiga-
tion is sufficient to dismantle the cartel worldwide. At the same time, foreign
agencies do not always rely on the Brussels Effect alone. Even though the EU
decision may bring the cartel to end globally, these agencies may have the incen-
tive to extract fines, which they are only able to do if they follow the EU’s inves-
tigation with one of their own. Abuse of dominance cases offer a particularly
fascinating test of the Brussels Effect. In these investigations where the EU’s
role as the global enforcer has been prominent recently, the Brussels Effect is,
perhaps surprisingly, least common. In many individual instances, the parties
have been able to circumscribe their remedies to the EU market alone, continu-
ing to offer different variants of their products in other markets. This has been
the norm, for example, in various remedies the Commission has imposed on
Google in the past few years.
While the occurrence of the de facto Brussels Effect has been inconsistent
across the types of competition matters and industries, the de jure Brussels
Effect has been persistent. Countries with different levels of economic develop-
ment, varying legal and economic systems, and political alignments have turned
to the EU when enacting their competition statutes. This influence can only par-
tially be traced to market forces and results from a combination of factors that
have made the EU an attractive model to follow. The EU has actively exported
its competition laws to jurisdictions that have often shown notable willingness
to receive the EU’s export. Foreign jurisdictions’ eagerness to copy the EU’s
enforcement decisions has further entrenched the EU’s global influence over
competition policy, as manifested by copycat litigation taking place in several
Until recently, the United States has defended its restrained approach toward
competition enforcement, even when the rest of the world has emulated the EU’s
competition statutes and copied its enforcement practices. However, even the
United States may be in the process of re-​evaluating its antitrust policy soon, as
evidenced by the recent announcement of the US government about a broad anti-
trust investigation into leading online platforms. The US agencies are believed to
be targeting Amazon, Google, and Facebook given the investigation’s focus on
“search, social media, and some retail services online.”183 Thus, even the United
States may not be able to insulate itself from the de jure Brussels Effect for much
longer, in particular if the political momentum shifts decisively toward more
regulatory intervention. Such a development has the potential to either extend
the de jure Brussels Effect or, alternatively, over time, balance it with an emerging
“Washington Effect.”

Digital Economy

The power of EU regulations to influence global markets has grown signifi-

cantly over the last two decades, particularly in the area of digital economy. Few
regulations have impacted global digital companies or their users more than the
EU’s 2016 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).1 Prompted by the entry
into force of the GDPR, consumers were flooded with e-​mails from numerous
companies, asking for their consent on the use of their personal data. Businesses
around the world were forced to quickly adjust their data collection, storage, and
usage practices in response to the EU’s regulation. In addition to the GDPR,
another impactful regulation for these companies and their users comes from the
EU’s ongoing efforts to regulate online hate speech. As a result of the establish-
ment of the Commission’s voluntary Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal
Hate Speech Online with four US IT companies—​Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,
and Microsoft2—​these and other digital companies have taken extensive mea-
sures to police the speech that appears on their platforms. Both of these regula-
tions have had enormous impact across foreign jurisdictions, and demonstrate
the global reach of the Brussels Effect.
The Commission’s drive to regulate the digital economy arises from a grow-
ing recognition of the power that these companies are amassing through their
possession of personal data and their control over conversations in social media.
This power vests these companies with extraordinary commercial advantage, con-
centrating wealth in a handful of companies in ways, and to an extent, that has
rarely been seen before. But even more disturbingly, these companies—​due to the
prominence of their platforms and the accumulation of vast data on individuals—​
have been found to influence political elections or incite crimes and abuses,3 how-
ever inadvertently. For example, in 2013, news broke on the so-​called Snowden
revelations, which showed how the US National Security Agency had engaged
in a mass surveillance campaign by harvesting Facebook data. And, in 2018, the
world learned about a “Cambridge Analytica scandal,” where a British political

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

132 Case St udies

consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, was found to have acquired Facebook

users’ private data and used it in political campaigns, influencing the election of
President Trump and the Brexit referendum alike. Most recently in 2019, a per-
petrator who carried out a hate-​motivated massacre of fifty people in a mosque
in Christchurch, New Zealand, livestreamed his killings on Facebook. This led
to millions of views on Facebook and various other online platforms where the
footage was replayed all while these companies struggled to take down the vari-
ous copies of the video appearing online. These scandals have drawn global atten-
tion to these companies’ practices as well as the EU’s relatively stringent efforts
to regulate them.
This chapter builds from these examples and focuses on two areas of regulation
that have been central to the EU’s efforts to regulate the digital economy: data
protection and the regulation of hate speech online. The discussion first reviews
the EU legislation governing data protection and explains the economic and
political drivers behind it. It then discusses some examples of both the de facto
and de jure Brussels Effect on data protection. Then, the focus turns to online
hate speech, again reviewing the regulation, the underlying economic and politi-
cal motivations, as well as examples of how the EU has drawn the line between
acceptable and unacceptable speech in the internet era—​not just in Europe but
around the world.

Digital Economy I: Data Protection

The EU sets the tone globally for privacy and data protection regulation. It has
enacted comprehensive data protection legislation that covers all sectors of the
economy and establishes privacy principles for both public and private entities.
Privacy rights are given the status of a fundamental right in the EU, further ele-
vating their significance in the EU’s treaty structures. They are enforced across
the EU member states by independent regulatory agencies, which can impose
substantial remedies for violations of those protections. EU privacy protec-
tion rules have also had notable global impact through both the de facto and
de jure Brussels Effect, making data protection a powerful manifestation of the
Europeanization of the global regulatory environment.

Major Legislation
In the EU, privacy is considered a fundamental right that cannot be contracted
away.4 Building on the 1950 European Convention of Human Rights, which rec-
ognizes the right to privacy, the 2009 Lisbon Treaty elevated data protection as
a fundamental right guaranteed by the EU institutions.5 Specifically, the Lisbon

Digital Economy 133

Treaty gave legal force to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which had
been proclaimed almost a decade earlier. The Charter affords individuals the
right to privacy, including the right to the protection of their personal data.6 The
philosophy behind the EU’s fundamental rights approach to privacy is to foster
self-​determination of individuals by granting them enhanced control over their
personal data.7
In addition to these constitutional protections, the EU sets out detailed pri-
vacy protections in its 2016 GDPR that entered into force in May 2018.8 The
GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive,9 further solidifying the pri-
vacy rights that European citizens enjoy by making those rights directly appli-
cable across all member states. The GDPR calls for lawfulness, fairness, and
transparency in processing the data.10 It also limits the quantity and purpose for
which data can be collected, and requires that all the entities—​whether private
companies or government agencies—​collecting and processing the data ensure
the integrity, security, and accuracy of the data.11 Data can further be stored
only for a limited period.12 The GDPR also adds new obligations, such as the
“right to be forgotten” that gives the data subject the right to ask for erasure of
certain data,13 and “privacy by design,” which requires manufacturers to design
their products and services with GDPR obligations in mind.14 It requires mem-
ber states to establish independent data protection authorities to guarantee the
enforcement of the protections embedded in the GDPR, together with establish-
ing a European Data Protection Board.15 The GDPR further provides for heavy
sanctions, increasing the expected deterrence effect of the regulation: noncom-
pliance with GDPR may result in administrative fines of up to €20 million or
up to 4% of the company’s total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding
financial year, whichever is higher.16
The GDPR has a broad territorial reach.17 It applies to all companies process-
ing personal data of “data subjects”—​that is, persons residing in the EU whose
personal data is being collected, held, or processed—​regardless of the company’s
location or where the data processing takes place. The GDPR thus also applies to
controllers or processors not established in the EU, as long as these actors offer
goods or services to EU residents or monitor behavior that takes place within
the EU. Non-​EU businesses processing the data of EU citizens will also have to
appoint a representative in the EU. The EU believes that its high privacy standards
are compromised if the protected data is made available in other jurisdictions. For
this reason, the EU bans the transfer of data from the EU to third countries that
fail to ensure “an adequate level of protection” of data privacy rights.18 What con-
stitutes “adequate” is defined case by case by the EU.
To complement the GDPR, the EU is also in the process of adopting a
new ePrivacy Regulation,19 with the goal of modernizing the existing 1995

134 Case St udies

ePrivacy Directive and ensuring its compatibility with the GDPR.20 The ePrivacy
Regulation imposes additional obligations on companies to safeguard European
citizens’ privacy with respect to their electronic communications, including data
transmitted via text messages and e-​mails. It will also limit the companies’ ability
to use cookies to track internet users’ online activity or send out targeted adver-
tising without an explicit user consent.21 The legislative process surrounding the
ePrivacy Regulation has been contentious, with intense lobbying coming from
both civil society groups and industry trade associations.22 On the one hand, crit-
ics of the new ePrivacy Regulation describe the law as redundant and possibly
conflicting with the obligations stemming from the GDPR. On the other hand,
supporters of the law emphasize the need to extend privacy protections to cover
modern forms of online communication such as Skype or WhatsApp.23 The new
legislation has been adopted by the European Parliament and is currently being
discussed in the Council.24
The European courts have further expanded the scope of European citizens’
privacy rights. Already prior to the entry into force of the GDPR, the ECJ issued
several rulings that extended the 1995 Data Protection Directive’s territorial
scope. One of its landmark privacy rulings is the Google Spain—​better known as
the “right to be forgotten” case—involving Google searches in Spain.25 The “right
to be forgotten” refers to the internet user’s right to demand all data on him or
her to be permanently deleted upon request. In this case, a user in Spain requested
Google to remove from its search engine results that linked him to old newspa-
per articles detailing his financial troubles. According to the complainant, the
information, while accurate, was no longer relevant since all debts were resolved.
Google refused to delink the information. Through a preliminary reference, the
ECJ was asked to rule on the scope of the privacy right and the applicability of
the then-​applicable 1995 Data Protection Directive on data processors or control-
lers such as Google.
The ECJ reaffirmed the broad scope of the right to be forgotten stemming
from Article 12 of the 1995 Data Protection Directive. According to the ECJ,
EU law requires search engines, including Google, to honor requests to make
certain content, which is not adequate, relevant, or up to date, delinked and no
longer searchable. This obligation is also not conditional on demonstrating actual
harm to the data subject.26 The Court further rejected Google’s argument that
the Article 12 should not apply to a search engine, which merely compiles infor-
mation that was already in the public domain, and therefore should not have the
obligations of a data controller. The Court also found the location of the search
engine’s headquarters or the location where the relevant processing or index-
ing of the data takes place irrelevant to the search engine’s obligations as a data
controller. Google’s data processing activities outside the EU were “inextricably

Digital Economy 135

linked”27 to the advertising and other activities of Google’s subsidiary in Spain.

The Court therefore held that Google’s data processing activities were subject to
Spanish data protection law, enacted on the basis of the EU Directive.28 Notably,
the GDPR goes even further in establishing jurisdiction over foreign data con-
trollers. GDPR reaches data controllers even when they do not have any presence
in the EU, as long as they serve EU residents or providers that process EU data.29
Google implemented the ruling by delinking the search not only from
Google.sp but also from other European sites (such as However,
Google insisted at first that the court ruling was limited to the EU’s jurisdiction
and did not require it to amend the search results globally. This meant that the
delinked data remained accessible from the United States and even from Spain if
the user conducts the search on Google’s global “” domain. However,
European regulators insisted that the removal of the search result from country-​
specific domains such as Google.sp was not enough. Following the order by the
French data protection authority (CNIL), Google agreed to block search results
also from the platform whenever the search was conducted using an
IP address located in the country where the ruling was in force. In other words,
the data would be delinked on both Google.sp and when the query
originated from Spain but would still be available when the query was made on in the United States or even on in France.30
Following these developments, in 2017, the CNIL requested for an even
broader “right to be forgotten,” which would entail mandating search engines to
delete the search results in all domains, including those accessible only outside of
the EU.31 This decision is currently pending before the ECJ, and will be discussed
further in this chapter. Regardless of how the ECJ eventually rules in the matter,
the EU’s right to be forgotten is likely to lead to significant delisting because of
the asymmetrical incentives that the regulation imposes on search engines. While
individual companies such as Google retain the authority to make decisions in
individual cases as to whether to erase information, any borderline case is likely
to result in the removal of the information from search results. Failure to erase
the information can lead to heavy fines whereas excessive delinking carries no
penalty, incentivizing erasure.32 As evidence of its responsiveness to the delink-
ing requests, Google has agreed to remove about 44% of the 2.8 million requests
it has received since the May 2014 ruling, according to its latest transparency
EU legislation and ECJ rulings are further reinforced by extensive privacy
regulation and active enforcement at the EU member state level. The regula-
tory capacity of the national data protection authorities (DPAs) is central to
the effectiveness of the GDPR as the DPAs are vested with the task of enforc-
ing the GDPR in addition to their national data protection laws. The DPAs

136 Case St udies

have further shown notable willingness to deploy their enforcement powers. For
instance, the Hamburg data protection authority in Germany fined subsidiaries
of Unilever, PepsiCo, and Adobe for “failing to properly ensure the privacy for
employee and customer data transferred to the United States.”34 France has fined
Facebook for collecting information on users with the aim of using the data in
advertising “without having a legal basis” and “unfair” tracking of people on the
internet without offering sufficient warning.35 Other examples abound, ranging
from Sweden suing American Airlines after the company transferred data from
Sweden to a US electronic reservation system without prior customer consent,36
to the Czech Republic banning Google’s efforts to expand its mapping software
program,37 to Italy fining WhatsApp for sharing data with its parent company
Facebook. Facebook also stopped showing targeted advertisements tailored to
users’ expressed sexual preferences, after the Dutch authorities challenged the
practice.38 These cases suggest that member states remain willing to actively
enforce the privacy rights of their citizens, relying on the powers vested in them
under both EU and national laws.

Political Economy
The foundation of stringent data protection in the EU can be traced back to
World War II and the atrocities by the Nazi regime.39 Nazis systematically abused
private data to identify Jews and other minority groups they oppressed. The state
surveillance and the infringement of individual rights continued under the post-
war socialist dictatorship in East Germany when the Ministry for State Security,
known as Stasi, continued the surveillance of its citizens.40 These experiences
have left Germans—​and Europeans more broadly—​suspicious of state surveil-
lance and government data collection practices that are capable of infringing on
individual rights. These suspicions, combined with a mistrust that corporations
would act in the public interest in this regard, paved the way for a robust privacy
rights regime in Germany, and later in Europe more broadly.
In addition to these historical reasons, EU data protection regulation
emerged in response to the need to integrate the European market. By adopt-
ing common European data protection standards, the EU was able to harmo-
nize conflicting national laws that were emerging as a trade barrier, inhibiting
commerce in Europe. For this reason, GDPR and its predecessor 1995 Data
Protection Directive were viewed as internal market instruments, facilitating
the creation of a digital, single market by allowing an unhindered flow of data
within the entire common market. This internal market rationale was also critical
in offering a legal basis for the EU’s capacity to regulate in this domain.41 When
the Data Protection Directive was enacted in 1995, the EU had no competence to

Digital Economy 137

enact fundamental privacy rights legislation, yet it had the competence to enact
measures to safeguard the proper functioning of the single market. Of course,
the market integration objective could also have been accomplished by adopting
common standards that provided a low (yet harmonized) level of data protec-
tion. Yet, as explained in c­ hapter 2, it was politically more feasible for the EU to
harmonize upward than downward, elevating the data protection standards in
low-​regulation member states rather than forcing high-​regulation member states
to weaken the data protection laws already governing their domestic markets.
While these internal motivations to integrate the European market pro-
vided the initial impetus for regulating data privacy, the EU’s current regula-
tory pursuits are also shaped by external motivations. Given the global nature
of data processing and the importance of cross-​border transfer of data—​not
just within the EU but across global markets—​the EU has recognized the
importance of promoting international standards for the protection of per-
sonal data.42 With the GDPR, the EU is thus also seeking to contribute to
set the global standard on data privacy with other like-​minded countries, cog-
nizant that “if we do not shape standards now, others do,”43 emphasizing also
that those alternative global standards that may emerge may be less desirable
in requiring data localization, or leveraging data protection for censorship and
state surveillance.44
These various motivations have provided a foundation for the EU’s strin-
gent data protection regulation. Yet those regulations have emerged through a
distinctly contested political process. Some member states, including Germany,
France, and Sweden, have been the most active promoters of European privacy
protections. The first data protection legislation was introduced in the state of
Hesse, Germany, in 1970.45 The German Constitutional Court also played a sig-
nificant role in the history of European data protection laws. In its landmark 1983
Census judgment (Volkszählungsurteil),46 the Court found a proposed census of
German population involving data transfers unconstitutional. In doing so, the
Court pronounced a “fundamental right to informational self-​determination,”
which later became a cornerstone of European data protection laws.47 The right
to informational self-​determination refers to the right of individuals to deter-
mine the principles governing the disclosure and use of their personal data. Any
limitation of this right must be proportionate and grounded on public interest,
for which there must be a constitutional legal basis. The ruling also set limits
regarding the purpose, accuracy, and retention of the data collected, together
with promulgating the right for the data subject to access and revise informa-
tion collected. Finally, the ruling broke new ground in requiring independence
of DPAs. These principles provided the foundation of the later-​enacted EU Data
Protection Directive and the subsequent GDPR.

138 Case St udies

The pro-​regulation member states further benefited from political support

by green parties and other liberal groups in the European Parliament, which used
data privacy issues as a means to distinguish themselves from other political par-
ties.48 The members of European Parliament (MEPs) from these groups were
steadfast advocates of tough data protection rules, initially ushering in the adop-
tion of the 1995 Data Protection Directive and subsequently providing critical
backing for the GDPR. In addition, the DPAs in individual member states were
instrumental in advocating for EU-​level regulation on data protection.49 As data
protection regulators, they felt strongly that all European citizens should benefit
from enhanced privacy protections. Yet, they may have also been at least partially
motivated by a desire to protect their own regulatory autonomy.50 Absent EU
harmonization, there was a risk that companies could locate their data processing
in member states without adequate data protection rules, thereby escaping the
DPAs’ regulatory review. This fear gave the DPAs the impetus to form transgov-
ernmental networks and lobby for the inclusion of the data privacy into the EU’s
regulatory agenda.
Lobbying for and against the adoption of the GDPR was particularly fierce,
making the legislative process highly contentious. It is telling that over three
thousand amendments were introduced in the European Parliament’s legisla-
tive process alone.51 Companies—​in particular those whose business models rely
on data collection—​advocated for self-​regulation, including voluntary industry
codes or certification mechanisms, and tried to minimize burdens for data con-
trollers. At the same time, consumer and data protection advocates pushed for
enhanced privacy protections, increasing responsibility for data controllers, and
instituting robust penalties for violations.52 Both sides agreed on one aspect: dis-
parate enforcement of data protection across the member states was problematic,
which supported the shift from a data protection directive (which grants more
leeway for member states) to data protection regulation (which achieves greater
uniformity across the member states).53
Foreign governments, companies, and business groups engaged in active lob-
bying to mitigate the costs of GDPR on their businesses. The US government
was particularly active, opposing the regulation on the grounds that it would
kill innovation and research, in addition to hindering national security coopera-
tion. Leading US companies such as Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, and NBC Universal,
as well as organizations such as TechAmerica Europe, American Chamber of
Commerce, and Japan Business Council in Europe submitted comments at the
consultation stage.54 On the civil society side, several European NGOs such
as European Digital Rights were active but also received support from for-
eign NGOs such as the Australian Cyberspace Law and Policy Center and the
American Center for Democracy & Technology.55 While the NGOs may not be

Digital Economy 139

able to declare a complete victory—​for example, they lost the battle to keep the
proposed fines for data protection violations at up to 5% of global turnover or
€100 million, whichever was higher56—​it is fair to say that what emerged from
the legislative process was an unprecedentedly stringent data protection law, with
extensive obligations imposed on data controllers, backed by severe penalties.
In addition to the member states with strong privacy protections and dedi-
cated NGOs, individual citizens have given the impetus for stringent privacy rules
in the EU. The most notorious example is an Austrian lawyer and data protection
activist, Max Schrems, who launched a case against Facebook as a 23-​year-​old law
student, requesting Facebook to hand over his personal data.57 After learning that
Facebook had amassed 1,200 pages of data on him, Schrems filed multiple com-
plaints to the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), which had jurisdiction
over Facebook. Schrems’s complaints gained momentum with the Snowden rev-
elations that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was harvesting Facebook
data as part of a mass surveillance campaign. These revelations called into ques-
tion the adequacy of a 2000 EU-​US Safe Harbor Agreement,58 which was meant
to guarantee the protection of personal data transferred between the EU and
the United States. After the Irish DPC declined to investigate the complaint
made by Schrems (due to the validity of the Safe Harbor decision at the time),
Schrems filed a lawsuit before Irish courts for judicial review of the DPC’s refusal
to investigate his complaint on its merits.59 Through a preliminary reference
from the Irish High Court, this lawsuit ultimately led to a ruling by the ECJ,
which declared the Commission’s Safe Harbor decision governing data transfers
between the EU and United States invalid.60
While Max Schrems’s activism may be unusual, his views regarding privacy
resonate broadly among Europeans. The most recent Eurobarometer survey on
European citizens’ attitudes toward privacy was carried out in 2016.61 While
the survey was conducted in the context of measuring support for the new
ePrivacy Regulation currently being debated by the EU, as opposed to GDPR,
its results are illustrative of the public attitudes toward privacy more gener-
ally. The results clearly confirm the importance that Europeans place on online
privacy. For example, over 80% of respondents say it is “important” that cook-
ies and other tools for monitoring their activities can only be used with their
permission, with 56% saying that this is “very important.” Similarly, 90% of the
respondents say that they should be able to encrypt their messages and calls to
ensure that only the intended recipient reads them. Almost as many—​89% of
respondents—​take the view that the default settings of their browser should
prevent the sharing of their information. Most respondents remain against
information sharing even if it helps companies provide new services they might
like, with 71% of respondents finding this “unacceptable.” The same survey also

140 Case St udies

confirms that Europeans take an active role in guarding their privacy by chang-
ing privacy settings on their computer and installing software to protect their
privacy. A total of 60% of the respondents have changed the privacy settings on
their internet browser by deleting the browsing history or cookies, while 40%
of the respondents avoid certain websites due to a concern that their online
activities are monitored. Additionally, 37% of the respondents have installed
software that protects them from seeing online advertisements while 27%
of respondents have installed software that prevents the monitoring of their
online activities. Unsurprisingly, active measures to enhance one’s privacy are
particularly common among young, educated, and frequent users of e-​mail,
internet, and social networks.
In contrast to their deep support among the European public, the EU data
protection rules have faced significant criticism abroad. The United States,
in particular, has been skeptical about the EU’s approach, raising a concern
that data protection legislation is disguised protectionism.62 US companies
have strongly criticized the EU’s regulatory efforts, referring to “unreason-
able restraints” on their business practices.63 These companies also criticize the
compliance costs involved, with Google recently stating that it has spent “hun-
dreds of years of human time” to achieve GDPR compliance.64 US Fortune
500 companies had spent approximately $7.8 billion on GDPR compliance by
May 2018, averaging $16 million per company. Regardless of the costs involved,
many US companies are adjusting their global business practices to reflect
European norms, making data privacy one of the most powerful examples of
the Brussels Effect.
The US criticism is not surprising considering the depth of regulatory diver-
gence between the EU and the United States in this domain. The US data pri-
vacy laws are considerably weaker and their scope restricted to the public sector
and some sensitive sectors, including health care and banking.65 The data pri-
vacy issues of the private sector are largely relegated to self-​enforcement by the
industry.66 Individual companies are allowed to create their own privacy poli-
cies, and consumers are expected to contract with those companies for the level
of privacy they want.67 Also the substance of any privacy right is more restrained.
For instance, the US courts have, to date, flatly rejected the right to be forgot-
ten, and favored free speech considerations over individual privacy.68 There is
also no independent regulatory authority with a power vested to enforce privacy
rights. Instead, it is part of a broader mandate of the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) to protect consumers and police “unfair” or “deceptive” practices affect-
ing commerce.69
This EU-​US regulatory divergence can partially be traced to the different
preexisting views that Europeans and Americans have about markets versus

Digital Economy 141

government intervention, as discussed in ­chapter 2. For example, Paul Schwartz

and Karl-​Nikolaus Peifer have contrasted the US and EU privacy regimes, empha-
sizing how the EU has created a privacy culture around rights discourse (or, as
they call it, “rights talk”) where the protection of individuals as “data subjects” is
central. In the United States, in contrast, privacy rights are part of the “market-
place discourse” where the rights of “privacy consumers” are seen in a commercial
context.70 Marketplace discourse is amenable to the idea that an individual con-
sumer can trade his or her commodity—personal data—​without strict oversight
by public institutions. In contrast, EU institutions assume a strong role in the
rights discourse where they have a central role in safeguarding the fundamental
rights of its citizens. Alex Turk has described the distinctions between the United
States and EU in a similar vein, noting how personal data is viewed as “tradable
commodity” in the United States while considered “attributes of our personali-
ties” in the EU.71
The weak regulation of data privacy in the United States might also be
explained by the economic strength and accompanying political influence of the
digital companies in the US regulatory process. The tremendous importance of
these companies to the US economic growth and innovation culture may make
US legislators and regulators less willing to challenge the business models that
are behind their economic success. In contrast, the EU does not share the same
inclination for restraint, which may partially explain why the regulatory response
in the EU has been so much more vigorous than that in the United States. The
EU’s proclivity to regulate the conduct of these companies may also reflect some
degree of resentment toward the US’ success in dominating the commercial
internet.72 By exerting control over data practices of these multinational com-
panies, the EU is staking a clear position against the US’ unregulated approach
toward digital companies, thereby countering this dominance—​even if only at
the margin.73
The politics underlying the international privacy debates have recently shifted
in the EU’s favor. As mentioned earlier, a particularly important development
was the 2013 Edward Snowden revelations regarding unauthorized NSA surveil-
lance programs. In 2018, another high-​profile scandal broke, further entrench-
ing citizens’ concerns about their privacy. That year, a British political consulting
firm, Cambridge Analytica, was found to have acquired private data obtained
from Facebook users. These unauthorized data were used in political campaigns,
including in the 2016 US presidential election and the 2016 Brexit referendum in
the United Kingdom. These scandals have fueled distrust and resentment toward
data collectors among citizens, enhancing the EU’s standing in the privacy dis-
course and bolstering its authority to advocate for stronger data protection laws

142 Case St udies

De Facto Brussels Effect
The de facto Brussels Effect is particularly strong in the domain of data privacy.
Indeed, given its extraterritorial reach, some commentators describe the GDPR
as “unashamedly global.”75 The EU is an important market for many data-​driven
businesses, including Facebook and Google. Facebook has 250 million users in
Europe,76 contributing 25% of Facebook’s global revenue.77 Google’s share of the
search market is over 90% in most EU member states, which exceeds its 67–​75%
market share in the United States.78 Abandoning the EU market is not even
remotely a commercially viable option for them. It will further be difficult for
these digital companies to circumvent the GDPR by moving their data process-
ing activities outside the EU. The GDPR’s protection of European data subjects
regardless of where the data processing takes place makes the regulation both
extraterritorial and highly inelastic.
The EU’s regulatory capacity and stringency in data privacy are also consid-
erable, further contributing to the Brussels Effect. This has been the case, espe-
cially after the GDPR bolstered the EU’s data protection regime with demanding
standards and robust sanctions that are calculated based on the global turnover
of the data processors. However, while the GDPR conveys extensive regulatory
capacity in principle, a different question is whether the DPAs across the member
states will have the resources to deploy this capacity in practice. They would need
both substantial technical expertise and monetary resources to take on powerful
multinationals whose resources vastly outweigh the modest budgets of the DPAs.
For example, the Irish DPA is responsible for enforcing GDPR against digital
companies such as Airbnb, Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft, as
these companies have their European headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.79 At the
same time, the annual budget of the Irish DPA is approximately $9  million—​
which is equivalent to the revenue that the digital companies based in Dublin
generate roughly every 10 minutes.80 Thus, the strength of the Brussels Effect may
ultimately hinge on whether the member state governments will vest their DPAs
with adequate resources to ensure the existence of the required regulatory capac-
ity. Thus far, the vast number of investigations concluded and underway in vari-
ous member states—​some of which were mentioned earlier81—​indicates that the
DPAs are not forgoing enforcement while waiting for their governments to shore
up their budgets. The following discussion also suggests that the digital compa-
nies are taking extensive measures in anticipation that the GDPR will, indeed, be
vigorously enforced against them.
Whether the Brussels Effect occurs therefore often comes down to the ques-
tion of non-​divisibility of the products and services across global users. Various
examples suggest that, for today’s global digital companies, maintaining differ-
ent data practices across global markets is often both difficult (due to technical

Digital Economy 143

non-​divisibility) and costly (due to economic non-​divisibility). It is imperative

that these companies are able to move data seamlessly across borders, in partic-
ular, as they often store their data in servers that are located in markets differ-
ent from those where they operate.82 While privacy regulations may differ from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction, these digital companies streamline their global data
management systems to reduce their compliance costs with multiple regulatory
regimes.83 Instead of creating different programs for different markets, they tend
to apply the most stringent standards across the board.84 At times, it is tech-
nologically difficult, even impossible, to separate data involving European and
non-​European citizens.85 Other times it may be feasible, but too costly, to create
special websites or data processing practices just for the EU.86 As a result, the tech-
nical or the economic non-​divisibility of the EU rules has prompted several US
companies ranging from Google to Netflix to amend their global privacy prac-
tices.87 When opting for a single global policy, these companies typically choose
to adopt the most stringent regulation so as to retain the ability to conduct busi-
ness everywhere.88 Indeed, today many multinational companies have only one
company-​wide privacy policy—​and it is that of the EU.89
A review of global companies’ privacy policies reveals the extent to which
they are choosing to adopt EU privacy policy as their company standard. Apple
recently adopted the EU’s rights discourse on privacy, alerting its customers in
the United States about their privacy protections with a notice popping up on the
screen of the iPhone, led by the following sentence: “Apple believes privacy is a
fundamental human right.” Apple also subscribes to a single global privacy policy,
which reflects the GDPR.90 Importantly, it also implements the GDPR’s Article
25 principle of “privacy by design,” which entails that they design their products
and services to comply with GDPR-​consistent privacy rules by default, minimiz-
ing the data collection through privacy-​conscious design choices at the outset.91
The company further carries out privacy impact assessments, as required by the
GDPR, across all its products, and rolls out updates required by the GDPR on its
mobile operating systems (iOS) to Apple users worldwide.92
In preparation for the entry into force of the GDPR, Facebook COO Sheryl
Sandberg announced that the company was going to “[roll] out a new privacy
center globally that will put the core privacy settings for Facebook in one place
and make it much easier for people to manage their data.” This means that
European privacy protections will de facto be extended to the company’s 2.2 bil-
lion users worldwide. The GDPR also led Facebook to assemble “the largest cross
functional team” in its history to prepare for its compliance with new EU rules.93
Facebook has clarified that while its user content language or the format for set-
tings and controls may vary across jurisdictions, “we’ll make all controls and set-
tings the same everywhere, not just in Europe.”94 Google similarly updated its
privacy policy in anticipation of the GDPR, sending its users a notice saying that

144 Case St udies

“We’re making these updates as new data protection regulations come into effect
in the European Union, and we’re taking the opportunity to make improvements
for Google users around the world.”
Airbnb also announced that its revised, GDPR-​consistent privacy policy
came into effect for all its existing users on May 25, 2018—​the day the GDPR
entered into force.95 Uber similarly follows a single privacy policy worldwide,
including its riders and drivers in all jurisdictions.96 Other companies are simi-
larly undertaking considerable investments to ensure compliance with GDPR.
A  recent PWC survey shows that GDPR readiness is a high priority for US
multinationals.97 Of the 200 respondents, 54% reported that GDPR readiness is
the highest priority on their data privacy and security agenda. Another 38% said
GDPR is one of several top priorities, while only 7% said it is not a top priority.
The GDPR’s Article 25 further pushes companies toward global compliance
by calling them to engage in “privacy by design” and “privacy by default.” These
concepts are designed to incorporate privacy considerations into the product
development through privacy-​conscious product design. They encourage compa-
nies to develop products with built-​in features that conform to strictest privacy
settings by default. Incorporating GDPR compliance into the product design is a
powerful way to globalize the EU norms. Microsoft, for instance, is developing its
products with features that help their clients maintain GDPR compliance.98 The
decision to incorporate EU data protection standards into products at the man-
ufacturing stage is perhaps the most powerful manifestation of technical non-​
divisibility, affecting everyday products such as smartphones and more peculiar
products such as domestic robots alike.99
The Brussels Effect typically occurs because of economic and technological
considerations. However, it can also occur when global businesses choose a stan-
dardized, global policy to streamline their internal corporate processes. A desire
to ensure even-​handedness in recruiting is but one example. In 2017, the Article
29 working group consisting of the European data protection regulators issued
guidelines, limiting the ability of employers to screen the social media profiles
of their potential employees unless the information on those sites would be “rel-
evant to the performance of the job.”100 This calls for a significant adjustment of
hiring practices of companies, given that a recent survey suggests that 70% of
employers review social media sites of their potential candidates before making
a hiring decision.101 A global firm hiring a multinational workforce is likely to be
discouraged from selectively reviewing some, but not other, social media profiles,
depending on the nationality of the candidate under consideration.
Global privacy policies can also be facilitated by enhanced consumer demand
to obtain matching protection that a company makes available in other jurisdic-
tions. For reputational and brand-​related reasons, the companies may find it hard

Digital Economy 145

to deny privacy protections for some consumers while allowing them for oth-
ers in another jurisdiction. For instance, Sonos, a wireless speaker company in
California, extended the GDPR protections to its customers worldwide, citing
their belief that “all Sonos owners should have the right to these protections,
[hence] we are implementing these updates globally.”102
At times, businesses have managed to limit their response to any new regula-
tions to the jurisdiction where those regulations have been instituted. At other
times, however, a broader corporate response has led to a global adjustment of
policies. For instance, Yahoo! was prosecuted before French courts for the mate-
rial that it made available on its US website because that material was accessible
to French citizens.103 While Yahoo! initially argued that it could not for technical
reasons limit the remedy to France by blocking only French residents’ access to
the site, independent experts concluded that this could be done with approxi-
mately 90% accuracy.104 Regardless of its technological ability to filter the mate-
rial across jurisdictions, in the end Yahoo! opted to forgo geographic filtering and
banned the material that was prohibited in France worldwide.105
While these examples illustrate the prevalence of the de facto Brussels Effect,
there are also numerous instances where the Brussels Effect has failed to mate-
rialize. At times companies are able to, and find it in their interest to, introduce
divisibility and limit their policy changes to a jurisdiction imposing the demand.
For example, while the European Commission and the European privacy regula-
tors have ordered Facebook to stop collecting WhatsApp data (after Facebook
acquired WhatsApp) citing both privacy and antitrust concerns, Facebook
continues to combine the data acquired through both platforms in the United
States.106 Some companies also responded to the entry into force of the GDPR by
taking down their websites in Europe as they were exploring ways to comply with
the new rules. Immediately after the GDPR took effect, the LA Times redirected
European users to a website featuring the following statement: “Unfortunately,
our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged
on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of
digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance
solutions that will provide all readers with our award-​winning journalism.”107
Facebook’s response to the entry into force of the GDPR offers an example
of legal divisibility. While the company has chosen to extend the EU protections
to all its users worldwide, as discussed, it proceeded to limit its legal liability in
the EU by introducing divisibility through changes in its corporate structure.
Specifically, Facebook moved its users in Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Middle
East away from the company’s Irish corporate structure and placed them under
its US legal structure.108 Presumably, this type of legal divisibility was designed to
limit the rights of users in these non-​EU countries to report any data protection

146 Case St udies

violations to the Irish DPA and thus reduce the company’s exposure to the
GDPR’s tough remedies with respect to those users.
Some jurisdictions’ requirements for data localization can also form an
impediment to a single global privacy policy. Data localization requirement
forces companies to store or process personal data in a particular jurisdiction.
This may compel the company to create a distinct compliance process for that
jurisdiction.109 Currently, for example, Russia and China require data localiza-
tion.110 The proposed new privacy bill in India similarly contains such a require-
ment.111 Data localization forces companies to make a choice on whether to
create separate operations for a certain market or cease operating there. For exam-
ple, Russia blocked the professional networking site LinkedIn’s Russian opera-
tions due to the company’s refusal to locate the data there.112 At the same time,
LinkedIn has given into China’s demands for data localization and continues to
operate there.113
Another example that may lead to jurisdictionally tailored privacy poli-
cies comes from the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act, which grants the
Californians the right to prevent the sale of their personal information.114 To
guarantee this right, businesses must “[p]‌rovide a clear and conspicuous link on
the business’ internet homepage, titled “Do Not Sell My Personal Information.”115
However, the same provision of the law offers the option to provide a California-​
specific website that provides this “opt out” right, allowing the businesses to con-
fine their obligation vis-​à-​vis Californians.116 However, it is unclear how many
companies choose to host a special website only for California in practice.
Perhaps the most important development regarding the divisibility of privacy
policies is currently pending before the ECJ. In 2019, the Court is expected to
rule on whether the EU courts have the authority to order that search engines
such as Google and Bing must apply the “right to be forgotten” decision to their
search domains outside of the EU. This would potentially include delinking
requested information on Google’s global “” site when accessed using
a non-​European IP address.117 In July 2017, France’s Conseil d’État, the country’s
highest administrative court, raised this question in a preliminary reference pro-
cedure to the ECJ following an appeal by Google. Google had appealed the deci-
sion by France’s privacy watchdog, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique
et des Libertés (CNIL), which had fined Google €100,000 for failing to apply the
privacy ruling across all of its global domains, including The CNIL
called for even greater extraterritorial effect for the right to be forgotten—​the
case discussed earlier in this section.118
In January 2019, the ECJ’s Advocate General Szpunar’s Opinion was released
in the case. In that Opinion, AG Szpunar proposed that search engines should
not have to apply a delisting request made within the EU to all global domains.119

Digital Economy 147

The opinion draws a distinction between searches executed from within the EU
versus those executed from outside the EU.120 While the Opinion acknowledges
that there are other areas of regulation in which EU law does have extraterritorial
effects—​such as in competition and trademark law—​and leaves open the possi-
bility that global delisting might be required in some instances, it takes the view
that the global nature of the internet makes extraterritorial effects less certain and
less well-defined.121 AG Szpunar also emphasizes the difficulty of balancing the
fundamental right to be forgotten against the legitimate interest of the public in
accessing information, especially if the applicability of EU law is global, while
the balancing exercise focuses on interests within the EU.122 The Opinion also
recognizes the political sensitivity associated with any decision that would man-
date global delisting; it could lead non-​EU countries to retaliate and prevent EU
citizens from accessing information.123
While the outcome of the pending lawsuit is uncertain, the digital companies
are bracing themselves for a potentially adverse decision. For example, Google
reported the possibility of being forced to delist content worldwide due to a
court order among “Risk Factors” in its annual report to the US Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of its obligation to give a comprehensive
summary of the financial state of the company, including the risks that it faces.124
In the end, the ECJ may or may not follow the AG Opinion. It could side with
the CNIL, and endorse the CNIL’s view that the right to be forgotten becomes
“meaningless” unless it applies universally, and hence includes the searches from
outside the EU. Otherwise, the past actions and statements regarding the privacy
subject could remain easily visible to American colleagues, or even to a “geeky
curious neighbor” who could use a non-​EU country IP address to access infor-
mation.125 Alternatively, it may accept Google’s counterargument that such an
extension of this right would create a serious risk that countries with “more egre-
gious limitations on freedom of speech” would in their turn be able to universal-
ize their restrictions.126 If so, this would lead to a situation where the internet is
strictly governed by whichever jurisdiction has the most restrictive speech regime
in the world—​something which would be a pure manifestation of the de facto
Brussels Effect, indeed.

De Jure Brussels Effect
The EU’s data protection regime has also led to a significant de jure Brussels
Effect. According to Paul Schwartz and Karl-​Nikolaus Peifer, “EU data protec-
tion has been stunningly influential: most of the rest of the world follows it.”127
Another privacy expert, Graham Greenleaf, notes that “[s]‌omething reasonably
described as ‘European standard’ data privacy laws are becoming the norm in

148 Case St udies

most parts of the world with data privacy laws.”128 To date, nearly 120 countries
have adopted privacy laws, most of them resembling the EU data protection
regime.129 These countries range from large economies and regional leaders such
as Brazil, Japan, South Africa, and South Korea to midsize economies such as
Colombia and Thailand; and even to small economies and tiny island nations
such as Bermuda.130
That countries choose to emulate EU data protection laws is not surprising.
First, many countries look up to the GDPR as the “gold standard,” providing the
highest and most widely accepted standard to follow.131 Second, given that all
large firms handling EU citizens’ data have already in practice adopted EU pri-
vacy standards, governments face little resistance in entrenching these laws within
their domestic legal frameworks. Foreign corporations affected by EU laws face
no additional compliance costs from the de jure Brussels Effect, giving them the
incentive to lobby for the EU standard at their home market as well. This way,
they can level the playing field vis-​à-​vis their domestically oriented companies
that currently do not need to comply with the GDPR.
The US market illustrates this dynamic: In October 2018, Apple’s CEO Tim
Cook called the US government to adopt a comprehensive federal EU-​style pri-
vacy law, saying that it was “time for the rest of the world” to follow the EU’s lead
and adopt a strict legal framework to protect users’ personal data. Cook described
the amount of data that companies collect of individuals “unsettling,” referring
to it as “surveillance” that can lead to an abuse of the data collected.132 Even
more strikingly, Facebook’s privacy chief, Erin Egan, joined Cook in announc-
ing Facebook’s support for a GDPR-​equivalent federal privacy law in the United
States.133 Six months later, Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s founder and chief
executive, called for the adoption of GDPR-​style laws worldwide in an op-​ed
published in the Washington Post in the following terms:134

[E]‌ffective privacy and data protection needs a globally harmonized

framework. People around the world have called for comprehensive pri-
vacy regulation in line with the European Union’s General Data Protection
Regulation, and I agree. I believe it would be good for the Internet if more
countries adopted regulation such as GDPR as a common framework.
New privacy regulation in the United States and around the world should
build on the protections GDPR provides.

Facebook’s business model relies on data collection more than that of Apple’s,
making the stakes even higher for Facebook and Zuckerberg’s statement all the
more revealing of the new reality that these companies are facing, leading them
to embrace, rather than disparage, the GDPR. In the absence of a federal law,

Digital Economy 149

companies fear the emergence of a complex patchwork of potentially conflict-

ing state privacy laws, further complicating their compliance efforts. This is one
of the primary reasons that these companies opposed California’s Consumer
Privacy Act.135 When lobbying for a federal law, the GDPR presents an attractive
template given that it already governs much of the corporate conduct by US-​
based global companies such as Apple and Facebook.
Another powerful reason for the proliferation of EU-​style privacy regimes
around the world is the countries’ desire to obtain an “adequacy decision” from
the EU.136 An adequacy decision refers to a formal determination by the EU that
a country’s data protection standards provide sufficient protections so as to safely
allow data transfers from the EU to that country. The finding of adequacy opens
the data flows between the EU and the country whose laws are deemed adequate.
European companies are also more likely to open new subsidiaries, branches, or
call or data centers in a country whose laws are considered adequate.137 To date,
the EU has recognized the following non-​EU countries as having adequate data
protection laws:  Andorra, Argentina, Canada (for commercial organizations
only), Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Israel, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand,
Switzerland, and Uruguay.138
The ECJ applies a strict standard in exercising judicial review over “adequacy”
of third countries’ data protection regimes. In its Schrems judgment, the ECJ
defined “adequate” as “essentially equivalent,” which is expected to lead to an
even closer replication of EU rules as third countries seek an adequacy decision
that withstands judicial review.139 With this, the ECJ has “effectively dictated
the rest of the world’s data protection legislation,” at least for the countries that
depend on the adequacy decision for their data transfers.140 And while the essen-
tial equivalence is only required for data transfers involving the third country and
the EU, it is difficult to imagine a country adopting a domestic privacy law that
calls for different data protection standards that would depend on whether or not
European data is involved.141 In this sense, the requirement for adequacy renders
data protection laws legally non-​divisible, with the effect that the EU data protec-
tion standard likely becomes the foundation for any domestic privacy regulation.
If a country in which a company operates has not been deemed to have an
adequate level of data protection, companies that still want to transfer data to that
country must seek approval from a competent supervisory authority for Binding
Corporate Rules (BCR). These rules set out the data protection obligations
for all the entities in that corporate group.142 If these BCRs are approved, they
function as an EU-​approved data protection law for that particular company.143
Alternatively, these companies can use “standard contractual clauses” approved
by the EU.144 These clauses allow companies to enter into a contract with EU
entities and pledge to meet the EU’s privacy rules, offering a “workaround” for

150 Case St udies

companies in instances where the country does not have adequate data protec-
tion laws. However, the future of these standard contractual clauses as a basis of
data transfers is in doubt after the privacy activist Max Schrems challenged these
clauses before the Irish DPC.145 The preliminary decision of the DPC expressed
its concerns that standard contractual clauses provided inadequate privacy guar-
antees. The case has proceeded to the ECJ via the Irish courts.146 If the ECJ invali-
dates these clauses, foreign governments are likely to expend even greater efforts
to adopt EU-​style privacy laws in order to retain open data flows between their
country and the EU.
The difficulties associated with cross-​border data transfers absent adequacy
recognition has given several countries a strong incentive to align their laws with
the GDPR. For example, Argentina and Uruguay are the two Latin American
countries that have obtained the EU’s adequacy decision. Argentina adopted
its data protection law in 2000,147 closely resembling Spain’s 1992 data privacy
law and EU data protection standards. Three years later, the country obtained
EU’s adequacy recognition. In 2016, Argentina established a working group to
study the legislative reforms that may be necessary in order for the country to
retain its adequacy status in the post-​GDPR legal environment, showing the
country’s willingness to keep updating their laws to retain conformity with the
EU.148 Uruguay similarly modeled its 2008 and 2009 data protection laws on
the EU’s data protection framework.149 The prospect of EU’s adequacy recog-
nition, which the country secured in 2012,150 was a key motivation behind the
law.151Uruguay saw the EU’s adequacy decision as important for attracting invest-
ment in the technology sector. For example, the Uruguayan Investment and
Export Promotion Institute highlighted how “[t]‌he EU recognition will open
the possibility for major European investments, in particular it will help Uruguay
boost its outsourcing industry [ . . . ] and attract more EU-​based companies look-
ing for providers of administrative, financial and other data processing services in
Latin America.152
Japan recently concluded its talks on reciprocal adequacy with the EU, which
led both parties to agree in 2018 to recognize the other’s data protection sys-
tems as equivalent.153 Japan had amended its Act on the Protection of Personal
Information (APPI) in 2015,154 in part to bring it in line with the GDPR. The
Japanese business community played a large role in supporting the new law
because their international trading operations with European companies were
already subject to significant data protection regulation, making it dramatically
less costly to comply with similar domestic rules.155 Obtaining the EU’s adequacy
decision was also seen as a boon to Japanese companies, including Toyota Motor
Corp. and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., as such a decision allows them to
transfer personal data from the EU.156

Digital Economy 151

South Korea is currently negotiating an adequacy decision with the EU.157

The country’s data privacy law, Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA),158
closely resembles that of the EU.159 According to Park Jong-​hyun, the director
of the Personal Information Protection Cooperation Division in South Korea’s
Interior Ministry, there is “90 percent or more” similarity between the EU and
South Korean privacy frameworks. However, the main objection to adequacy is
the lack of independent agency oversight under the South Korean law, which is
currently enforced by the country’s Interior Ministry, rather than an independent
agency.160 To alleviate the EU’s concerns, South Korea is considering designating
the independent Korea Communications Commission (KCC) as the oversight
authority for the EU-​Korea data transfers, and vesting it with proper sanctioning
In contrast to these jurisdictions, the US data protection laws as such do not
meet the EU standards for adequacy. At the same time, obtaining the EU’s ade-
quacy decision has been particularly important for the United States given the
extent of EU-​US data flows. According to the US Department of Commerce,
the value of annual digital services trade between the United States and the EU
is $260 billion.162 The ECIPE, a think tank, has estimated that the end to trans-
atlantic data transfers would reduce EU’s GDP by 0.4% a year.163 To resolve the
issue and create a legal basis for transatlantic data transfers, the United States
and the EU entered into a Safe Harbor agreement in 2000.164 The EU-​US Safe
Harbor Agreement consisted of a set of negotiated principles, which the EU
considered to meet the European “adequacy” standards. The US companies that
voluntarily subscribed to these standards were allowed to receive data transfers
concerning European data subjects. Over 5,000 US companies entered the Safe
Harbor agreement.165 However, following the Edward Snowden revelations
about mass surveillance by NSA in the United States,166 the ECJ struck down
the Safe Harbor agreement in October 2015 in its Schrems decision, as previ-
ously discussed.167 According to the Court, an adequacy standard required that
the non-​EU country guaranteed “a level of protection of fundamental rights and
freedoms that were essentially equivalent to that guaranteed within the EU”168—​
and the Safe Harbor data-​transfer agreement that governed EU data flows across
the Atlantic for fifteen years did not meet that standard.169
This setback led the United States and the EU to negotiate a new agreement
to govern transatlantic data transfers:  The EU-​US Privacy Shield.170 This new
agreement, which entered into force in August 2016, had 4,685 US companies as
signatories in May 2019, including major players such as Facebook, Google, and
Microsoft.171 The US Department of Commerce will monitor these companies’
compliance with the Privacy Shield, effectively ensuring that the data protec-
tion standards are equivalent to those found in EU. The Privacy Shield contains

152 Case St udies

significantly stronger privacy protections, enhanced enforcement mechanisms,172

and new safeguards related to US government access to personal data. For exam-
ple, it calls for an appointment of a US ombudsman, who remains independent of
US intelligence services and who can respond to individuals’ complaints regard-
ing misuse of personal data by US national security agencies.173
However, even the fate of the Privacy Shield is uncertain. The national privacy
regulators in EU member states were critical of the agreement as soon as it was
adopted, alleging that it does not go far enough to protect the internet users in
Europe.174 Legal challenges are also pending before European courts. Thus far,
the Privacy Shield was unsuccessfully challenged by a NGO called Digital Rights
Ireland, as the ECJ held that Digital Rights Ireland lacked standing to sue.175
La Quadrature du Net, one of the parties that applied to intervene in support
of Digital Rights Ireland, also launched its own challenge of the Privacy Shield,
which is still pending before the ECJ.176
The Privacy Shield may also falter if the United States fails in its implemen-
tation. The Privacy Shield is subject to periodic review and assessment by the
European Commission. The inaugural review in 2017 raised concerns in Europe
as the Trump administration had delayed the appointment of the independent
ombudsman as envisioned by the agreement.177 The European Parliament fur-
ther adopted a resolution in the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica saga in
2018,178 stating that the Privacy Shield arrangement does not provide an adequate
level of data protection.179 While the United States has since remedied some of
the concerns raised—​including the appointment of a permanent ombudsman for
the Privacy Shield180—​additional challenges remain. In its second review in 2019,
the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) expressed concerns, for example,
about the use of personal data transferred to the United States for national secu-
rity purposes without yielding new privacy guarantees for EU citizens.181
In addition to countries that have benefited from the EU’s adequacy decision,
a great number of countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America have followed
EU data protection standards. For example, South Africa’s 2013 data privacy law
emulates the EU’s 1995 Data Protection Directive.182 While the law was drafted
before the GDPR took effect, the South African drafters were mindful of the
GDPR, and included many of the definitions that were ultimately part of the
GDPR.183 In 2008, Senegal similarly enacted a law on the protection of personal
data, which similarly closely resembles the EU and French regulation on personal
data.184 The preamble of the law makes a reference to “the European requirements
for the transfer of personal data to third countries.” The law also establishes a
Senegalese Personal Data Protection Commission (CDP) as an independent
authority to oversee the implementation of the law, which is a key requirement
under the EU regulatory framework.

Digital Economy 153

Many Latin American countries have transplanted the concepts from

Spanish data protection law, which is based on EU law.185 Among the Latin
American countries that have been “highly inspired by the European model”186
are Columbia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and, most recently, Brazil187—​in addi-
tion to Argentina and Uruguay which, as discussed earlier, benefit from the ade-
quacy decision. An institution that has been influential in contributing in the
expansion of the European model of data privacy in Latin America is the Ibero-​
American Data Protection Network (abbreviated as RIPD for its Spanish name
[Red Iberoamericana de Protección de Data]).188 Its members include Argentina,
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.189 The purpose of the
RIPD standards is to establish common principles for the protection of personal
data, which could serve as a basis for national legislation in the region.190 RIPD
has produced model standards in 2017 that emulate EU data privacy rules.191
Some commentators describe the standards as “a carbon copy of the EU General
Data Protection Regulation.”192 The RIPD’s 2015–​2018 agenda expressly included
the promotion of the European data privacy model in Ibero-​American countries,
noting “the benefits that such adoption would bring to Spanish companies that
desire to transfer an increasing volume of personal data with such countries.”193
China is among the most important jurisdictions that have emulated the
EU’s data protection laws—​at least on its face. It recently enacted a compre-
hensive data protection law—​Cyber Security Law—​in 2017.194 The law builds
upon earlier non-​binding promulgations from the Chinese government, such
as the “Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in Public and
Commercial Service Information Systems” (GB/​Z28812-​2012), which came into
effect on February 1, 2013.195 The Cyber Security Law incorporates several GDPR
concepts into Chinese domestic law. For example, “data must be adequate, rel-
evant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are processed,”
and “the data subject must give his explicit consent” which mirror purpose limi-
tation and consent requirements from the GDPR.196 The EU influence may also
be seen in the “China-​EU Information Society Project,” a cooperation initiative
between China and the EU that took place in 2005 to 2009.197 The EU provided
funding and technical advice to the Ministry of Commerce in China as part of
the cooperation with a specific objective “to design a regulatory framework by
introducing best practices from the EU.”198 Chinese scholars also supported EU-​
style legislation in China, noting that its reliance on EU-​style government regula-
tion as opposed to US-​style self-​regulation by the industry provided a better fit
with the Chinese system.199
At the same time, it is unclear how much influence the EU has had on China’s
data protection regime in practice. China is well known for limiting its citi-
zens’ internet freedoms. The country’s engagement in “digital authoritarianism”

154 Case St udies

represents a stark departure from the internet governance and privacy principles
in the EU.200 For example, China continues to block and filter online content on
a large scale. It has prohibited several companies from operating in the country.
Many companies, including Google, have also withdrawn from China because
of the extensive censorship rules and hacking attacks.201 China’s commitment to
EU-​style data privacy is all the more questionable after reports surfaced of China’s
large-​scale deployment of the facial recognition technique that China uses for law
enforcement purposes.202 China has further implemented a social credit scheme
that rates citizens for their trustworthiness on issues such as paying taxes or com-
mitting a crime.203 An untrustworthy rating has negative consequences for the
individual, including banning him or her from buying train or airplane tickets.
Thus, China’s practice of deploying data as a tool for social control is, in practice, a
stark reminder that any de jure Brussels Effect on paper does not necessarily mean
that the EU’s regulations and principles are deployed in any meaningful way.
Finally, India presents an interesting example of a jurisdiction that is in the
process of adopting a GDPR-​style law, and which, in some respects, is expected
to be even more stringent than the GDPR. To date, India has not enacted a com-
prehensive data privacy law even though many Indian IT consulting companies,
such as Wipro204 and Infosys,205 have adopted many of the EU data protection
norms to govern their conduct. However, in 2017, an expert committee was estab-
lished to prepare a draft data protection bill. The draft Indian bill replicates many
of the key provisions embedded in the GDPR, including the right to access and
to correct data, right to data portability, and right to be forgotten.206 It also incor-
porates the privacy-​by-​design principle and requires that organizations carry out
Data Protection Impact Assessments and designate a Data Protection Officer.
The draft bill further envisions sanctions similar to those the GDPR provides.
Yet the bill also goes beyond the GDPR. Most notably, it contains a general-
ized data localization requirement, under which “a data fiduciary shall ensure the
storage, on a server or data centre located in India, of at least one serving copy of
personal data.” Additionally, certain categories of data can only be processed in
India. Data localization constitutes a significant departure from the EU data pro-
tection regime, and has met significant criticism and resistance given that it risks
disrupting the efficient flow of internet traffic and data transfers.207
These examples illustrate the extent of the de jure Brussels Effect but also
serve as a reminder of the dwindling influence of the US privacy regime. The
United States has clearly been an exception, resisting the EU’s lead in privacy
protection—​at least until very recently. The Safe Harbor agreement and the sub-
sequent Privacy Shield have introduced changes in the US domestic legal frame-
work that clearly bring the US laws closer to the EU privacy standards.208 Yet no
comprehensive legislative reform has taken place at the federal level. In February

Digital Economy 155

2012, the Obama administration published a report, Consumer Data Privacy in

a Networked World, which urges Congress to adopt a consumer privacy “bill of
rights.”209 However, the bill wilted in Congress with no legislation emerging as a
In the absence of comprehensive federal privacy law, individual states have
stepped in and regulated this area. As noted earlier, California passed a Consumer
Privacy Act in June 2018.210 The bill was initially prompted by a citizen ballot
initiative, which collected over six hundred thousand signatories, thus trigger-
ing a statewide vote.211 The group behind the ballot initiative—​Californians for
Consumer Privacy—​agreed to withdraw the ballot initiative once the Consumer
Privacy Act was adopted by the state senate. Several of the Privacy Act provisions
bear resemblance to the GDPR, including mandating data collectors to provide
notice of the categories of personal information collected and limiting the pur-
pose for such data collection;212 providing a right for citizens to know all data
that business collects of the individuals;213 and the right for citizens to request
data pertaining to them to be deleted (“right to be forgotten”).214
Notwithstanding the failed efforts to pass federal US legislation to date,
the political moment for tougher privacy laws may, however, have arrived in
the United States as well. Recent scandals, like the one involving Cambridge
Analytica, have also changed the tone in privacy discussion in the United States,
and even led to a recent landmark settlement between the FTC and Facebook,
requiring the company to to pay a $5 billion fine.215 These scandals have reduced
the public trust in IT companies’ self-​regulation, potentially catalyzing greater
demands to pursue more stringent regulation in the United States as well,
whether at the federal level or, as we are already witnessing, at the level of indi-
vidual states.216 Now that even the most influential data-​driven US companies are
calling for a federal privacy law, the momentum may be sufficient for a legislative
change. This suggests that the United States may not be able to hold out in perpe-
tuity but may need to concede that time for a robust federal data protection law
has come. This could mean that the de jure Brussels Effect will reach even its last
frontier: the United States.

Digital Economy II: Hate Speech Online

One of the most recent areas of the EU’s influence over global standards relates to
its regulation of hate speech online. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right
recognized by the EU and a core value that the EU institutions defend. However,
in the EU, the right to free speech has never been as broadly conceived as in the
United States. For reasons both historical and ideological, the EU is quick to con-
demn speech that incites hatred toward certain groups of individuals, irrespective

156 Case St udies

of whether this type of speech is prone to lead to violence. While hate speech is
an old phenomenon, its incidents have been on the rise recently. Hate speech is
also increasingly moving online, which has created the need for new regulation.
The following discussion briefly reviews the origins of the EU’s stringent
approach toward regulating hate speech and its willingness to limit the freedoms
of information technology (IT) companies, contrasting it with the United States’
relative reluctance to make internet operators liable for speech that their plat-
forms host. The comparison between the EU and the United States is particularly
interesting in this domain given the stark regulatory differences between the two
jurisdictions, and the reality that US companies are the ones most affected by
EU regulations. It then examines the recent voluntary Code of Conduct that the
EU has signed with leading IT companies and demonstrates how even this type
of voluntary approach toward regulation has allowed the EU to shape the hate
speech norms across the world through the Brussels Effect.

Major Legislation
The EU conceives illegal hate speech broadly, certainly compared with the
approach taken by the United States. Not only is speech that incites violence
banned in the EU, but also speech that incites hatred as such.217 In contrast, the
US Constitution only prohibits speech when that speech threatens and is likely to
provoke an imminent violent response.218 The United States is willing to extend
protection to hateful ideas the same way it protects other types of ideas under its
broader notion of free speech.219 The EU also condemns speech that denigrates
the dignity of a group, which the US jurisprudence does not do.220
These distinct approaches reflect differing philosophies that underlie the free
speech doctrines of the United States and the EU. The US Constitutional tra-
dition treats hate speech as an expression of racist or sexist ideas. Regardless of
how repellent some of those ideas might be to many, they are perceived as having
public utility and hence deserving of constitutional protection.221 This reflects
the United States’ steadfast commitment to free speech and its reluctance to have
the government decide which type of speech is valuable and which ideas should
be silenced. As a further manifestation of this, the United States remains the only
signatory to the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights that objects
to the Covenant’s Article 20(2) prohibition of “any advocacy of national, racial
or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or vio-
lence.”222 For the United States, Article 20(2) remains unacceptable as it infringes
on the United States’ concept of the freedom of expression.
The EU’s regulation of free speech is embedded in the Charter for Fundamental
Rights, its primary treaties, and in the secondary legislation. Article 11 of the EU’s

Digital Economy 157

Charter for Fundamental Rights recognizes that “everyone has the right to freedom
of expression.” Yet, the case law by the European courts has made it clear that this
freedom is far from absolute, and can be curtailed when non-​discrimination norms
prevail over free speech norms.223 In its judgment Feryn in 2007,224 the ECJ ruled
that mere speech could constitute an act of discrimination that violated the princi-
ple of non-​discrimination enshrined in EU Treaties.225 This stringent stance toward
speech is encapsulated in the opening line of the Advocate General Maduro’s
Opinion in Feryn—​“contrary to conventional wisdom, words can hurt.”226
The ECJ often cites the European Convention and the rulings of the European
Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in its own decisions, making the ECtHR’s
jurisprudence a part of the EU’s fundamental rights fabric. The ECtHR shares the
ECJ’s view that the right of free expression must be balanced against the need to
curtail speech that incites hatred and undermines the “equal dignity of all human
beings.”227 In its 2006 decision Erbakan v Turkey, the ECtHR ruled that it may
be necessary “in certain democratic societies to sanction or even prevent all forms
of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred based on intoler-
ance . . . , provided that any ‘formalities’, ‘conditions’, ‘restrictions’ or ‘penalties’
imposed are proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.”228 The ECtHR has
also clarified its views on the role of IT companies in disseminating hate speech,
noting that by “provid[ing] a platform for user-​generated comments [these com-
panies] assume the ‘duties and responsibilities’ associated with freedom of expres-
sion in accordance with Article 10 § 2 of the Convention where users disseminate
hate speech or comments amounting to direct incitement to violence.”229
EU law also requires member states to penalize the most severe forms of
hate speech,230 and the EU has passed directives to control racist and xenopho-
bic behaviors in the media and online.231 Even though the member states have
responded with varying national norms on hate speech, it is telling that even the
Netherlands—​the bastion of free speech in the EU—​prohibits the making of
“public intentional insults” in its criminal code. The Dutch code also prohibits
“engaging in verbal, written, or illustrated incitement to hatred, on account of
one’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or personal convictions.”232 Most promi-
nently, the Netherlands has applied its rules on hate speech in the case involv-
ing its right-​wing politician, Geert Wilders, who has targeted Muslims and Islam
in much of his political rhetoric.233 This shows that even among the European
nations most sympathetic to defending free speech, hate speech is relatively
broadly defined and strictly enforced.
Not only is the EU more willing to curtail hate speech as a phenomenon, it
is also more willing to generally regulate digital companies.234 It is therefore not
surprising that the EU has evolved into a prominent regulator of hate speech
taking place online, holding the IT companies responsible for the speech that

158 Case St udies

takes place on their platforms. In contrast, the United States is not only a strong
proponent of free speech; it also views the commercialization of the internet as
a testament to the United States’ commitment to entrepreneurship, innovation,
and free markets, all of which have been the drivers of economic success and tech-
nological progress.235 This has led to a light-​handed approach toward regulating
the online activities of the tech industry—​including online hate speech.
While maintaining a strict legal framework on hate speech in general, the EU
has chosen a participatory and voluntary approach in its efforts to police hate
speech online. In 2016, the European Commission signed a voluntary Code of
Conduct (Code) on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online with four US IT
companies:  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft.236 The Code requires
these signatories to adopt and maintain “Rules or Community Guidelines”
(Community Guidelines) that reflect the European standard of hate speech. By
signing up to the Code, these IT companies agree to “prohibit the promotion
of incitement to violence and hateful conduct on their platforms.” In addition,
they agree to assess any request to remove any such content from their platform
within 24 hours after receiving a request to do so, and proceed to remove the
content when necessary. The EU complements this voluntary code with a set of
non-​binding recommendations that it released in 2017, and another set of non-​
binding operational recommendations released in March 2018.237 These recom-
mendations contain guidelines on how IT companies can effectively prevent,
detect, and remove illegal content and how EU authorities can ensure efficient
communication with these companies regarding the content that needs to be
The EU’s voluntary approach to regulation also operates in the shadow
of binding law, which would consist of a potentially more drastic regulatory
response in the future. The EU has made it clear that it can always implement
binding legislative measures if the Code proves to be insufficient. When releasing
its recommendations in 2017, the Commission announced that it would moni-
tor the IT companies’ activities closely to “assess whether additional measures
are needed in order to ensure the swift and proactive detection and removal of
illegal content online, including possible legislative measures to complement the
existing regulatory framework.”238 The Commission confirmed the possibility of
more coercive legislation once again in April 2018 as a response to Facebook’s
involvement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.239 The prospect of binding
rules, backed by sanctions, gives firms an enhanced incentive to carry out their
self-​monitoring in ways that satisfy European regulators. Because of this threat of
a more severe regulatory response, some commentators have described the EU’s
existing regulatory approach as neither voluntary nor a product of public-​private
partnership but instead “government coercion.”240

Digital Economy 159

Furthermore, the IT companies’ incentives to comply with EU rules are

heightened by stringent regulations emerging from individual EU member states.
For example, Germany passed the Network Enforcement Act in July 2017.241
This Act gives German regulators the authority to impose fines of up to €50 mil-
lion for social media operators that fail to promptly remove illegal hate speech.
France is also contemplating new laws imposing greater responsibility on social
media companies to regulate racist and anti-​Semitic content,242 while the United
Kingdom has announced new government measures specifically tackling hate
speech online.243

Political Economy
The EU shares the United States’ commitment to the freedom of expression but
is significantly more prepared to curtail that freedom in the case of hate speech.
Unlike the United States, the EU does not view the right to hate speech as a
valuable part of public discourse. Instead, the EU views hate speech as a harm-
ful manifestation of discrimination. Curtailing hate speech is seen as the oppor-
tunity to promote democracy, equality, and citizens’ participation in society.244
The EU’s stand against hate speech is best understood in light of its history of
racist and xenophobic violence, including most prominently the incitement of
hatred by the Nazis against the Jews leading up to World War II. The burden of its
history continues to define the European approach to hate speech, heightening
its sense of the “duty of remembrance, vigilance and combat” against racist and
xenophobic sentiments.245
Many individuals and activists in the EU welcome the recent regulatory
push to make internet operators responsible for the speech their platforms
host. The rise of populist parties with anti-​migrant views has contributed to the
rise in the incidents of hate speech, particularly on social media.246 To counter
this trend, several government institutions and NGOs in Europe maintain an
active role in advocating policies and practices against hate speech. Among
those organizations that have spoken forcefully against hate speech and that
have called for increased responsibility for online platforms in censoring such
speech are the following:  The Council of Europe’s European Commission
against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI);247 the Council of Europe’s Youth
Department, which has organized the “No Hate Speech Movement” across
Europe;248 and Galop UK.249 Also, journalists in Europe—​whose profession
rests on the freedom of expression—​have advocated restrictions on that free-
dom in order to curtail hate speech. The European Federation of Journalists
(EFJ), supported by a coalition of civil society organizations, have launched
a European wide #MediaAgainstHate campaign.250 The purpose of the

160 Case St udies

campaign is to counter discrimination and hate speech in both traditional and

online media.
Beyond these organized advocacy groups, the European people share the
sentiment that hate speech stifles respectful and healthy debates in society.
A  2016 Eurobarometer survey on media pluralism and democracy inquired
into European citizens’ opinions about the diversity of views available in the
media.251 The survey was conducted among twenty-​eight thousand EU citi-
zens across the twenty-​eight member states. The results were striking—​three
in four European social media users reported having experienced abuse, hate
speech, or threats while engaging in debates online. Almost half of these citi-
zens reported feeling discouraged from engaging in social media debates as a
result.252 This suggests that the Commission’s efforts to pursue binding regu-
lation in this area would also likely receive a strong mandate from European

The Brussels Effect
The EU’s efforts to regulate hate speech online provides an interesting example
of the de facto Brussels Effect as it represents a situation in which the EU is not,
at least yet, externalizing a binding set of EU rules. Rather, this externalization
involves voluntary commitments adopted by the companies in cooperation with
the European Commission. Online hate speech is also an intriguing example of
EU’s unilateral regulatory influence because the EU is not the most stringent
regulator of online speech globally, trailing behind other large markets such as
China and Russia.
The EU’s notable market power in this area is determinative, forming the
foundation for the Brussels Effect. European consumers and revenue generated
in Europe is key to the world’s leading IT companies. The EU’s large consumer
base of 500 million potential customers makes it one of the IT companies’ “most
important overseas markets.”253 For example, the EU as a whole represents one
of the largest markets for Facebook, with 250 million users.254 Europe accounts
for around 25% of Facebook’s revenue, making Europe Facebook’s second larg-
est revenue source (behind the United States).255 The European small and
medium-​sized enterprises (SMEs) market in particular is a significant source of
advertising revenue for Facebook, with more than 60% year-​over-​year revenue
growth.256 For YouTube, five member states alone account for 14% of the com-
pany’s global users.257 In most EU member states, Google’s share of the search
market is over 90% whereas most estimates suggest that Google’s market share is
around 67–​75% in the United States.258 This likely explains, at least partially, why
Google—​after years of aligning its universal hate speech rule with the US First

Digital Economy 161

Amendment—​recently made a strategic choice to switch to a more restrictive

European style of hate speech regulation.
Considering the great business opportunities that the European market pro-
vides, it comes as no surprise that these IT companies are committed to remain-
ing in the European market even if they felt squeezed by the EU regulations.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai communicated to investors that Google is “very
committed to the region” and that Europe is an “important market for us.”259
This commitment is evidenced by the company’s plans to expand new offices in
Europe, to build an AI center on the continent, and to expand hiring of staff.260
The most recent signatory to the Code, Snapchat, also regards Europe as one of
its “core markets.”261
Regardless of its notable market power, the EU has chosen not to leverage
that power through binding rules but pursue voluntary standards instead. The
main sanction for noncompliance with the Code of Conduct is reputational. The
Commission, together with member state officials and civil society organizations,
monitors signatories’ compliance periodically and publishes the rates at which
these companies are reviewing and taking down speech that violates the Code.262
And as the discussion further along in this chapter reveals, the companies’ com-
pliance rates have been high. This suggests that even voluntary standards can
reflect sufficient regulatory capacity and hence sustain the Brussels Effect.
A review of the IT companies’ Terms of Service and Community Guidelines
shows that these companies are, indeed, complying with the Code and converg-
ing to the European standard in practice regardless of its voluntary nature. The
terms prohibit hateful speech without the need to prove violence and often use
language that closely resembles the relevant European Framework Decision.263
For example, YouTube’s definition of hate speech refers to “content promoting
violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following
attributes:  Age, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender, Nationality, Race, Immigration
Status, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Veteran Status.”264 Thus, the firms not
only ban speech that incites violence but also prohibit speech that incites hatred
as such. Interestingly, the Code seems to be influencing the global standards for
online hate speech even beyond its signatories. For example, Tumblr, which has
not signed up to the Code, has adopted a European-​style hate speech policy, urg-
ing its users not to encourage “hatred” as a separate category from encouraging
violence.265 This leads to the prohibition of a much broader set of content than
what would be proscribed under the First Amendment rules in the United States.
This voluntary approach has several advantages. Perhaps most importantly,
it allows the EU to pursue a near-​costless approach to enforcement, as the com-
panies themselves must dedicate the resources to police their own conduct.
Second, the costly monitoring obligation creates incentives for these companies

162 Case St udies

to develop technologies aimed at automatically detecting and eliminating harm-

ful speech that appears on their platforms.266 Ultimately, this could make the
policing of online hate speech more comprehensive and efficient in the future.
The EU institutions would hardly have the innovative capacity to automate their
enforcement efforts this way.
However, outsourcing the monitoring of the compliance to the targets of the
regulation themselves has certain downsides, including uncertainty over how the
Code is implemented in practice. Even when the official Terms of Service of the
IT companies mirror European standards, the lawyers within these companies
ultimately use their own judgment on what constitutes illegal hate speech. The
outcome is therefore less likely to perfectly align with the Commission’s regu-
latory approach, compared to situations where the Commission carries out the
enforcement. For example, if the Commission reaches a decision on the com-
patibility of a proposed merger with EU competition law, the outcome is clear.
Parties are left with little discretion if the Commission decides that the merger
cannot proceed or that a certain division needs to be divested. When it comes
to removing hate speech, however, each content removal decision likely reflects
the decision-​maker’s own views on freedom of expression, as well as the broader
corporate culture.267
Marvin Ammori has argued that content removal decisions in these compa-
nies inevitably take place against the backdrop of American norms regarding free
speech, given that the lawyers reviewing the content are likely to be educated
in US law schools and hence are more familiar with the principles underlying
the US free speech doctrine.268 These decision-​makers also report to executives
who are equally steeped in the American free speech tradition, and who thus
foster a corporate culture with a distinctive cultural emphasis on freedom of
expression.269 Jeffrey Rosen has advanced a similar view, describing online hate
speech policies as having “European-​style definitions,” enforced sometimes “in
an American way.”270 A  recent leak of Facebook’s internal policies provides an
example of this, showing that Facebook’s algorithms permit certain postings that
deny the Holocaust, which is strictly prohibited under European standards.271
However, even if the IT companies were currently not perfectly aligned with
European standards in their enforcement practice, they are clearly moving toward
a more expansive hate speech standard as evidenced by a more extensive review
and removal of reportedly illegal speech. The results of the periodic assessments
under the Code confirm this. The results of the latest evaluation round conducted
from November to December 2018272 reveal that IT companies were removing,
on average, 72% of all the illegal hate speech notified to them. The removal rate
has gone up significantly in each evaluation period, increasing from 28% in the
first monitoring round in 2016, from 59% in the second round in 2017, and even

Digital Economy 163

slightly from an already high removal rate of 70% in the third monitoring round
in 2018. While the Code only calls for these companies to review “the majority”
of the notifications within 24 hours, on average the companies are reviewing 89%
of notifications within that time frame, which is over double the number com-
pared to the first monitoring round.273 The IT companies are also building up
their capacity to comply by hiring more staff to review illegal content. Facebook
alone announced in 2017 that it would hire an additional 3,000 moderators to
identify hateful material on its platform, adding to the existing team of 4,500.274
Finally, new companies are joining the Code, some of the latest signatories being
Instagram, Google+,275 and Snapchat in 2018.276
Despite the (relative) success of the voluntary regulation to date, the EU
is considering abandoning the voluntary approach and introducing binding
regulation in the near future. A comprehensive “Digital Services Act” is cur-
rently being drafted by the Commission, and may possibly be introduced by the
end of 2020.277 This new Act would vest the EU with “sweeping legal powers”
to regulate hate speech as well as other illegal content and political advertis-
ing online. As a result, the removal of illegal content would become manda-
tory for social media platforms, and their failure to do so would result in fines.
The reasons for the hardening regulatory approach are likely two-​fold. First,
the severity and frequency of controversies relating to illegal online content
has reduced the public confidence in IT companies’ self-​regulation. Second,
the decision by some large member states—​including France, Germany and
the United Kingdom—​to introduce national legislation targeting online hate
speech has given the Commission a strong internal market rationale to act, as
it wants to prevent inconsistent national legislations from emerging across dif-
ferent member states.
Regardless of whether the proposed Digital Services Act will be adopted
in the end, the case of online hate speech remains particularly interesting as an
example of the Brussels Effect because of the way the EU’s regulatory capacity
has thus far been channeled to global markets through voluntary norms, leading
to notable de facto Brussels Effect. Moreover, it is also an interesting case because
the EU is not the most stringent regulator of speech online—​a condition that is
typically needed for the Brussels Effect to occur. When it comes to content that
is allowed or censored online, the EU is considerably less stringent in comparison
to countries such as China, Iran, or Russia, which maintain significantly higher
restrictions on the freedom of expression—​even if the focus of these govern-
ments’ censorship was politically unacceptable speech more than hate speech as
such. Yet IT companies do not choose to follow, for example, the more stringent
Chinese standard and minimize the content that they allow online, even though
this would guarantee their access to every market.

164 Case St udies

Instead, they are increasingly converging to the high—​yet not excessively

high—​European standard, even if this means that they could be blocked from
some significant markets, including China. These companies’ decisions on what
speech to tolerate is viewed as a reflection of their values. Being blocked from
China is costly yet something that companies choose to tolerate—​not least
because they want to ensure that the free speech standard they embrace remains
consistent with their values, brand, and corporate identity. In particular, they do
not want to be viewed as “complicit”278 in state censorship in the most speech-​
restricting nations.
In contrast, being shunned from the EU market is not a commercially viable
option, which leads these companies to tolerate the relatively stringent, yet from
a policy standpoint still acceptable, European standard. This way, regulation of
hate speech online provides an interesting example of the Brussels Effect where
the EU norms become globalized even when the EU is not the most stringent
regulator but instead can generate global norms by providing a “middle ground”
between freedom of expression and government censorship. A  more nuanced
argument would hence suggest that the Brussels Effect takes place when the EU
is the most stringent regulator that the companies respond to.
The remaining conditions underlying the Brussels Effect—​inelasticity and
non-​divisibility—​are also present in this area, which is critical for the EU’s unilat-
eral regulatory influence. The platforms for speech are inelastic in the sense that
IT companies cannot amend the IP address of Europeans that engage in online
speech—​they remain European consumers entitled to protections guaranteed by
EU laws and institutions. In other words, the IT companies cannot evade EU
rules by incorporating themselves elsewhere as EU law applies to them as long as
European citizens access the speech that violates EU law.
Unlike the regulation of conventional hate speech, regulation of online hate
speech tends to be technically or economically non-​divisible. A  review of IT
companies’ Terms of Service reveal that they tend to adopt the same definition
globally after signing the Code with the EU. Typically, the European-​style prohi-
bitions are reflected in these companies’ global Terms of Service, thereby applying
to their operations worldwide. This is despite the European Commission explic-
itly clarifying that the Code only regulates the companies’ conduct in Europe and
that “(n)either the Framework decision nor the code contain any obligations on
companies to make such content inaccessible in places where the relevant law(s)
on illegal hate speech don’t apply (for example in countries outside the EU or the
specific countr(y/​ies) in question).”279
In practice, IT companies’ international user base presents them with a
choice: companies can either adopt universal rules that apply across all their plat-
forms, or they can choose country-​specific rules to tailor to the nation where they

Digital Economy 165

operate.280 A universal rule could further reflect either the most stringent stand­
ard, suppressing speech permitted in many markets yet allowing the company to
operate in even the most speech-​restrictive nations; or, alternatively, the universal
rule could reflect the least stringent standard, which would maximize free speech
but lead to the company being excluded from several markets, making the plat-
forms unavailable to millions. If the companies instead forwent a single global
rule and tailored their free speech rules to each nation in which they operate,
they could push the outer limits of protection in each nation, retaining their free-
dom to operate across the world markets. From among these options, it appears
that IT companies are predominantly choosing a universal rule. Facebook and
Google adopted universal rules from early on. Twitter used to be the only inter-
net company to adopt purely country-​specific rules, but six months after signing
the Code, it too moved toward adopting a universal standard, prohibiting “hate-
ful conduct” in its global Terms of Service. The reasons for the globally uniform
rules are technical, economic, and even social and cultural.
In principle, IT companies could try to pursue country-​specific rules by
resorting to “geo-​blocking,” which would allow them to ban selected content by
geography.281 Geo-​blocking has emerged as a primary way to separate internet
users according to their geography. This is done through the use of geolocation
technology, which allows the service provider to determine where the user is
located based on the location of the user’s “Internet Protocol” (IP) address.282
Geo-​blocking can also be implemented through country-​specific domain names.
For example, because Germany and France have made it illegal to deny the
Holocaust, the user cannot find Holocaust-​denial sites on and Google.
fr (the German and French Google default search engines) even when those sites
would be available on
However, in practice it is often difficult to isolate European-​only data, mak-
ing geo-​blocking an inadequate tool to make the online speech “divisible” across
jurisdictions while ensuring compliance with EU standards. Rachel Whetstone,
Google’s former director of Global Communications and Public Affairs in the
EMEA region, acknowledged that legal differences between how governments
regulate freedom of expression “create real technical challenges, for example,
about how you restrict one type of content in one country but not another.”284
For instance, geo-​blocking is easy to circumvent as a user simply has to change
its account’s location settings.285 Encryption technology also allows users to
hide their locations online, meaning that it might be technically impossible to
comply with jurisdiction-specific rules without removing content worldwide.
Indeed, the difficulty of isolating European-​only data has led to court orders
that require IT companies to remove illegal content in both the specific country
and globally.286

166 Case St udies

Beyond the technical challenges to non-​divisibility, economic and other prac-

tical compliance considerations often limit the companies’ ability to tailor their
rules to each individual market. In operationalizing their Terms of Service and
Community Guidelines to police hate speech, the IT companies have to translate
their broader Terms of Service into detailed internal policy guidelines. For con-
sistency and the ease of monitoring and compliance, companies often prefer to
have a single internal policy in place.287 These internal policy guidelines contain
highly specific definitions, which hundreds of employees and contractors around
the world must adhere to when reviewing the posts in a strict 24-​hour timeline.
It would hence be complicated and costly to create country-​specific guidelines,
which must be accompanied by multiple review processes.
In addition, there are social or cultural brand-​related reasons to maintain uni-
form standards. These platforms view themselves as global operators that con-
nect people and foster global conversations that take place across jurisdictional
boundaries. A significant advantage of platforms like Facebook is one’s ability to
maintain friendships around the world, shrinking the “distance” between conver-
sations that take place. This is an important reason why Facebook has expressed
its reluctance to use geo-​blocking as it undermines its “social network model.”288
Geo-​blocking interferes with international conversations since portions of the
exchange are hidden from some participants, and the posts would only appear
in the news feeds of friends who live in countries where the geo-​blocking pro-
hibition does not apply. Hence, excessive geo-​blocking would be contrary to
Facebook’s goal of creating global rules to ensure that “people are able to com-
municate in a borderless way.”289 Furthermore, Facebook asserts that there is “one
Facebook,”290 and thus it is less willing to remove speech in one region and not
The ECJ will also have the opportunity rule on the question of divisibility as a
legal matter.291 The Austrian Supreme Court has referred to the ECJ for a prelim-
inary ruling a legal challenge regarding Facebook’s responsibility to remove hate
speech postings on its platform. The Austrian appeals court took the view that
blocking the hate speech posts in Austria alone was not enough—​they must be
deleted across the entire global platform. The Austrian Supreme Court declined
to rule either way, and instead referred the legal questions to the ECJ. The ECJ
is asked to rule on how extensive Facebook’s responsibility is, including whether
it must remove access to the content not just locally, but globally and whether it
has a duty to remove similar (but not identical) hate speech postings against the
same person as part of its obligations under EU law.292 In June 2019, Advocate
General Szpunar issued an Opinion in the case, suggesting that Facebook can
be ordered to identify all postings that are identical to a defamatory comment
that has been found illegal. This obligation can be extended to similar (yet not

Digital Economy 167

identical) comments by the same user who posted the illegal information in the
first place.293 Significantly, the Opinion further suggests that because the relevant
EU directive does not regulate the territorial scope of such an obligation, “it does
not preclude a host provider from being ordered to remove such information
worldwide.” This case presents a similar issue to the other case also currently pend-
ing before the ECJ (and discussed earlier), querying whether the “right to be for-
gotten” imposes on the internet platforms such as Google the obligation to delist
certain information worldwide. Together, these cases offer a novel—​and highly
consequential—​opportunity for the ECJ to determine how far-​reaching, indeed,
the Brussels Effect should be.

As this chapter has shown, the EU has become a significant global regula-
tor of digital companies. Through the GDPR, the EU is shaping transnational
corporate conduct and foreign government legislative activity alike, enhancing
the privacy protections enjoyed by individuals far beyond the EU. Through its
regulation of online hate speech, the EU is redrawing boundaries of acceptable
discourse similarly across jurisdictions around the world.
Data protection provides a strong example of the Brussels Effect, both de facto
and de jure. The EU represents an important market for multinational compa-
nies, ensuring that the fundamental precondition of the Brussels Effect—​market
size—​is met. The GDPR is also inelastic in that it protects the European data
subjects even if the data processing takes place outside the EU. The GDPR has
further strengthened the Brussels Effect by laying out even more stringent data
protection standards than what existed in the EU before. It has also enhanced
the EU’s regulatory capacity although—​unlike in the domain of competition law
where the Commission remains a key enforcer—​the enforcement of the GDPR
rests almost entirely on member state DPAs. The long-​term salience of the
Brussels Effect will hence depend on the effectiveness of those national regula-
tors in deploying the regulatory capacity that the EU institutions have bestowed
upon them.
While the above conditions underlying the Brussels Effect are typically pres-
ent, the occurrence of the Brussels Effect in data privacy often comes down to
the existence of non-​divisibility. This chapter has shown how most multinational
companies today maintain a global privacy policy that closely conforms to the
GDPR, likely for reasons of both technical and economic non-​divisibility as well
as to minimize complexity and compliance errors. Non-​divisibility is also driven
by these companies’ need to preserve a global brand and offer equal protections
to all their users, in particular today when data protection issues have grown in
salience and drawn global attention to the corporate practices in this regard.
While these dynamics have contributed toward non-​divisibility, this chapter has

168 Case St udies

also examined several examples where the companies have been both able and
willing to divide their conduct across various markets. Thus—​as was the case
with competition law—​data protection also highlights the importance of non-​
divisibility in explaining the variance in the manifestation of the Brussels Effect.
The de jure Brussels Effect has also been prevalent in the case of data protec-
tion, as illustrated by the number of jurisdictions across Asia, Africa, and Latin
America adopting domestic data protection laws that closely emulate the GDPR.
This extensive de jure Brussels Effect is likely driven by several forces, includ-
ing the de facto Brussels Effect, which has made multinational companies keen
advocates of the GDPR-​type laws in their home markets—​including recently
in the United States. The EU’s requirement for “adequacy” as a condition for
international data transfers has given an additional impetus for foreign govern-
ments to emulate the GDPR. The recent scandals, such as Cambridge Analytica
data breach, have exposed data privacy violations and further fueled demand for
tougher data protection laws abroad. In all those instances, the foreign govern-
ments often turn to the GDPR in their legislative drafting, given both its compre-
hensiveness as well as reputation as the “gold standard” worldwide.
In addition to imposing extensive obligations on digital companies to main-
tain users’ data privacy, the EU has put pressure on online platforms to police
content that can be viewed as hateful. It embraces a broad notion of what con-
stitutes hateful speech and does not share the US’ liberal approach toward regu-
lating the internet. It is notable how the targets of its regulation—​some of the
most powerful companies in the world—​are adhering to the EU’s rules even in
the absence of binding rules and sanctions. This example thus illustrates that
the Brussels Effect can occur even when the EU leverages its regulatory capacity
through voluntary regulation. In addition to being a form of voluntary regula-
tion, online hate speech offers an interesting variant of the Brussels Effect in that
the EU’s regulation does not present the most stringent regulatory standard—​
jurisdictions such as China and Russia are even more restrictive of online con-
versations. Indeed, China is among the few jurisdictions that have blocked, for
instance, Facebook altogether.
There are signs that some other jurisdictions are also surpassing the EU in
regulatory stringency, further testing the boundaries of the Brussels Effect. In the
wake of the recent Facebook livestreaming of a massacre that took place in two
mosques in New Zealand, Australia passed domestic legislation that orders social
media companies to “expeditiously” remove “abhorrent violent material” from
their platforms.294 Failure to do so will lead to large fines or even jail time for the
company executives. The law, hastily passed, is considerably more far-​reaching
than the online hate speech regulation in the EU, and has led to strong criticism
by IT companies.295 It remains to be seen how the Australian law will affect IT

Digital Economy 169

companies’ global conduct. While not an insignificant market, Australia dwarfs

the EU in its market size and hence the economic significance for IT companies.
This has led to speculation that the legal risks associated with the new law may
cause some IT companies to move their offices out of Australia.296 It is alterna-
tively possible that the Australian law might lead to a “Brussels Effect plus” type
of phenomenon where corporate conduct follows the combination of the most
stringent regulations around the world. In this case—​and especially if other juris-
dictions follow Australia’s example—​the EU might find further space to intensify
its own regulations, amplifying the global political momentum and enhancing
the perception of greater legitimacy associated with the regulation of online hate
speech, or the digital economy more broadly.

Consumer Health and Safety

Protection of consumer health and safety has been a long-​standing con-

cern for the EU regulators. Since the early days of the single market, the EU
has sought to harmonize many regulations that minimize risks that consumers
face from the exposure to unsafe food, dangerous substances, or defective prod-
ucts. When regulating these types of risks, the EU has always had dual goals: to
advance consumer health and safety while furthering trade within the single
market through harmonized rules. This chapter focuses on two specific areas of
regulation that have been central to the EU’s efforts to protect its citizens: food
safety and chemical safety. Both areas reflect the EU’s heightened concern for
harm that consumers may experience if the market is left unregulated, giving the
EU the impetus to intervene even on a precautionary basis to preempt such risks
from emerging in the first place.
The first part of this chapter examines the Brussels Effect through the global
impact of the EU’s food safety regulation, while the second part of the chapter
examines the Brussels Effect through the lens of chemical safety. The discussion
first introduces the EU’s key food safety regulations, and examines the underly-
ing interest group dynamics that explain the emergence of such stringent regula-
tions from the EU’s legislative process. It then offers some examples of both the
de facto and de jure Brussels Effect on food safety. Next, the chapter turns to
chemical safety, again reviewing the relevant regulation, together with the poli-
tics behind that regulation. It then illustrates the pervasiveness of the Brussels
Effect—​both de facto and de jure—​demonstrating the EU’s entrenched regula-
tory influence across the global marketplace.

Consumer Health and Safety I: Food Safety

The food industry is the largest manufacturing and employment sector in Europe,
and food affects the everyday lives of all Europeans. The EU is the world’s biggest

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

172 Case St udies

importer and exporter of foodstuffs—​a term that refers to both processed food as
well as livestock and other raw material used for food.1 According to Phil Hogan,
the EU’s commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, the EU’s success
as the biggest exporter of agri-​food products in the world rests on various regula-
tory reforms that have made the EU producers competitive in global markets but
is also explained by the “worldwide reputation of EU products as being safe, sus-
tainably produced, nutritious and of high quality.”2 Preserving this high-​quality
reputation of the European food industry is therefore of enormous economic
significance for the EU.
But beyond its economic importance, food is also often an emotional issue
among Europeans, and food production and cuisine form an important part of cul-
tural and regional identity in many parts of Europe. For instance, the Europeans’
resistance to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) does not merely reflect safety
concerns; it also stems from a desire to restrict intensive farming and limit the power
of monocultures while maintaining the vitality and diversity of the European coun-
tryside and protecting the traditional farming culture. Because of these broader
cultural and emotional attachments to food, along with the sector’s economic
importance, food safety has become a salient policy issue—​both for European pro-
ducers and consumers—​and hence an important target of EU regulations.
In the last several decades, numerous food scandals have weakened con-
sumer confidence in the food supply chain and prompted broad public sup-
port for regulatory intervention.3 Perhaps the most notorious food scandal was
the BSE—​“mad cow disease”—​crisis that originated in 1986 from the United
Kingdom, where animal meat and bone meal had been used as feed for livestock.
Once it was discovered that BSE might be transmitted to humans and cause the
fatal Creutzfeldt-​Jakob disease, the EU ordered an embargo of all British beef.4
However, BSE had already spread to livestock in other parts of Europe, further
aggravating the crisis and leading to mass slaughtering of infected cows. In the
United Kingdom alone, the crisis led to 156 people dying of Creutzfeldt-​Jakob
disease in late 1990s after eating infected beef.5 This scandal sparked widespread
criticism about existing food safety regulations and highlighted the need for
more concerted action at the EU level.6 Other notable food crises that have moti-
vated public support for strong EU-​wide regulatory action include the detec-
tion of tainted Spanish colza oil (1981), Benzene-​contaminated Perrier in the
United Kingdom (1990), carcinogenic dioxin in feed for poultry and livestock in
Belgium (1999), E. coli deaths in Germany following imports of Egyptian seeds
and beans (2011), and the revelation that horse meat was being served as beef in
burgers in several European countries (2013).
In addition to calling for new regulations after each of these individual food
safety incidents, Europeans have also expressed concerns about food safety

Consumer Health and Safety 173

relating to broader technological and environmental changes in food production.

For example, Europeans have expressed support for regulating the cultivation and
marketing of GMOs, concerned about their potentially adverse health effects.
Due to these concerns, the EU requires that all foods containing GMOs that
are sold in the EU be labeled as such. GMOs also have to go through a lengthy
approval process, including an evaluation of the risk they pose to human health
and the environment, before they can be cultivated or used in food products,
agricultural products, or feeds anywhere within the EU market.
The next discussion reviews key aspects of EU regulation pertaining to
food safety in general and GMOs in particular. It also unpacks the political
dynamics that explain the EU’s stringent regulation in this area. Additionally,
it offers several examples of the de facto and de jure Brussels Effect relating
to food safety regulations. The EU has been very successful in externaliz-
ing its food safety regulations to some industries and countries. However,
there are also several instances where the Brussels Effect has not taken place.
Food remains a subject where consumer preferences and traditions vary sig-
nificantly across the countries, limiting food producers’ ability to take advan-
tage of economic non-​divisibility in all instances. These differences among
national traditions relating to food consumption and production have also
limited foreign governments’ willingness to always emulate the EU. Given
these variances, food safety provides a particularly interesting area to examine
the relative importance of the various conditions that are required for the
Brussels Effect.

Major Legislation
Since its founding, and particularly in recent decades in response to various food
safety crises like those already discussed, the EU has enacted a broad range of food-​
related legislation. According to the Commission, “[e]‌very European citizen has
the right to know how the food he eats is produced, processed, packaged, labeled
and sold.”7 Notable regulations address the safety of food and animal feed, pro-
duction hygiene, health and welfare of animals used as food, use of food additives
such as preservatives and food colorings, food packaging, and labeling of food.8
For example, the EU bans certain contaminants that may expose consumers to
foodborne illness and restricts certain food additives due to their harmful health
effects. The EU also imposes strict limits on the maximum pesticide residue per-
mitted in food after it is harvested and enforces high standards of hygiene to be
maintained in slaughterhouses. Producers must comply with robust certification
processes that provide reliable information on compliance with food safety rules
or, for example, verify that the criteria for organic production have been met. In

174 Case St udies

addition to protecting public health, EU food regulations are aimed at providing

accurate information to the consumer. Labeling requirements include clearly stat-
ing the country of origin and providing health, nutrition, and allergy information
about the food product.9 The EU’s food safety regulations apply to domestic and
imported food alike. To better control the safety of food imports, the EU has
therefore adopted regulations that provide a legal framework for engaging with,
and monitoring of, foreign countries’ regulatory regimes, including carrying out
pre-​export inspections abroad.10
Cultivation and marketing of GMOs as well as GM food and feed have also
been subject to extensive EU regulation.11 Before GMOs can be cultivated and
marketed in the EU, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),12 in coopera-
tion with scientific bodies of the EU member states, must evaluate their safety.13
As part of this process, the importer has the burden to show that the GMO in
question will not have adverse effects on human or animal health or harm the
environment.14 After a favorable risk assessment, the Commission submits a
draft authorization decision for a committee composed of representatives of
EU member states for a vote.15 However, given the contested nature of GMOs,
member state representatives have consistently failed to vote on authorizations,
which under EU rules leads to the proposal being automatically adopted by the
Commission.16 This has entrenched the Commission’s role as the decision-​maker
but also allowed the member states to blame the Commission for unpopular
GMO authorizations.
Because of this onerous regulatory process and a high threshold for GMO
authorization, the only GMO cultivated in the EU today is Monsanto’s maize
MON810,17 which is grown primarily in Spain. Sale and marketing of GMO food
and feed is also limited. Today, a small number of GMOs are authorized for use in
food and feed in the EU.18 At the same time, the EU imports substantial quanti-
ties of GM feed, including GM soybean to feed livestock, but imports hardly any
GM food due to strong public opposition.19
As of 2015, the EU has granted more authority to its member states to regu-
late cultivation of GMOs in their territories. Today, member states have the free-
dom to individually restrict the cultivation of GMOs within their jurisdiction
even if cultivation is authorized at the EU level.20 Specifically, member states may
request to opt out of the Commission decision authorizing the cultivation of a
GMO, or may ban the sale of GM feed and food in their national market. It is
telling of the strong public concern about GMOs among EU member states that
shortly after gaining this authority, nineteen states banned the cultivation of the
only EU-​approved GMO—​Monsanto’s maize MON810—​in their territory.21
The EU has also drafted major food safety legislation to regulate the trace-
ability and labeling of GMOs to ensure that consumers and food chain operators

Consumer Health and Safety 175

can track GMOs and make informed choices about food.22 The EU regulation
calls for the labeling of most authorized foods, ingredients, and animal feeds
containing over 0.9% GMOs.23 All foods marketed in the EU that are prepack-
aged GMO food or GMO feed products must have a label indicating “genetically
modified” or “produced from genetically modified [name of the organism].”24
The EU’s labeling threshold is the strictest in the world. By comparison, in many
countries such as the United States and Japan, products may contain up to 5%
GMO material before they trigger the labeling requirement.25

Political Economy
Food has long been a salient issue in Europe, and Europeans take risks associ-
ated with food seriously. A 2010 Eurobarometer survey suggests that Europeans
remain particularly fearful of risks associated with animal infections, chemical
contamination, and new technologies such as GMOs.26 For instance, 70% of
Europeans worry about pesticide residues, antibiotics or hormones in meat, mer-
cury in fish, and dioxins in pork. Cloning of animals for food products invokes
similar levels of concern. The same survey finds that Europeans also have a rela-
tively high degree of confidence in public authorities in managing such risks, fur-
ther explaining the public support for regulatory intervention in this area.
Europeans are also particularly supportive of stringent food safety regulations
relating to food origins and traceability. In today’s market, food is increasingly
sourced from around the world, involving many producers from various jurisdic-
tions before it reaches the final consumer. But these long supply chains can also
lead to uncertainties and problems with traceability. For example, in 2013, the EU
discovered that horsemeat was being served as beef in burgers in several coun-
tries. The horsemeat in question came from a Romanian slaughterhouse, and was
sold by a Cypriot trader to a French supplier, which then passed it onto a French
food processing company, which further sold the product to British and French
supermarkets.27 A few years earlier in 2011, tainted bean sprouts originating from
Egypt killed twenty-two and further sickened two thousand people. Yet, before
the chain of liability was discovered, Spanish farmers were falsely blamed and a
trade ban was imposed on Russia, leading to substantial economic losses for both
Spanish and Russian farmers.28 Scandals like this helped catalyze European sup-
port of stringent traceability rules that can help identify the origin of a food crises
and thus facilitate a regulatory response.
The EU’s pro-​regulation view is not always shared by other countries, par-
ticularly the United States, especially when the EU has acted on “precaution”
in instances where the risks associated with food safety are harder to ascertain.
This has made food safety a frequent subject of international trade disputes. For

176 Case St udies

example, the EU has banned the importation of US beef treated with growth
hormones and maintained the ban even when faced with an adverse WTO ruling
regarding the legality of the ban.29 The EU has also banned US poultry that has
been rinsed with chlorine for sanitation purposes, similarly leading to a WTO
complaint.30 However, these high-​level trade disputes between the EU and the
United States have not restrained the EU’s tendency to regulate food safety
through stringent standards, something that has been critical for the broader
global impact of the Brussels Effect.
Another major area in food safety regulation where the EU has consistently
sought more rules and oversight than several other jurisdictions relates to the cul-
tivation and sale of GMOs.31 GMOs are regulated in widely divergent ways across
the globe. But in the EU, there is strong political support for the heavy regulation
of their use. Survey data from 2001 and 2006 shows that 62% of Europeans are
worried about the food safety risks posed by GMOs, and 71% of Europeans do
not want GMOs in their food.32 A more recent survey from 2010 suggests that
attitudes toward GMOs have not softened, confirming that a high proportion
of Europeans (70%) agrees that GM food is fundamentally unnatural, and 61%
of Europeans agree that GM food makes them feel uneasy. In addition, 61% of
Europeans disagree that the development of GM food should be encouraged.33
This strong overall support for GMO regulation in the EU masks underly-
ing variation across the member states. While less than half of the population in
countries such as Ireland (46%), Sweden (48%), and the United Kingdom (48%)
worry about GMOs, over 80% of the population in Greece and Lithuania harbor
safety concerns. In Austria, GMOs are ranked as the most serious food safety
concern (67%), together with pesticides.34 Member states’ regulatory policies are
also divided on GMOs and often reflect the composition of their domestic agri-
cultural sector and the influence of the country’s strongest agricultural organiza-
tions. For example, Spain—​the largest GMO producer in the EU—​together with
the Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia favor GMO development,
while Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, and Luxembourg remain
against their cultivation and use. The member states that are reluctant to embrace
GMOs refer to socioeconomic, ethical, or political reasons for their resistance.35
Despite some EU member states being in favor of more GMO cultivation, the
anti-​GMO movement in the EU is formidable, and it has generally shaped the
legislative agenda on GMOs. This anti-​GMO coalition includes major NGOs,
whose advocacy against GMOs has been more successful in influencing EU leg-
islation than that of the industry promoting the GMOs.36 Importantly, these
NGOs have also been able to harness the support of interest groups representing
European farmers (Copa-​Cocega) and the European retail industry (Eurocoop
and EuroCommerce). This traditional “big farm” industry has not embraced

Consumer Health and Safety 177

GMOs, preferring to focus on conventional farming while the food retailers are
opposed to GMOs because of the intensity of public resistance among their cus-
tomers. In the face of the ardent support for stringent regulation by this large
anti-​GMO coalition, the pro-​GMO coalition, which includes the large agro-​and
food-​industry groups such as Monsanto/​BASF, Syngenta, Bayer, and DuPont—​
have not been successful in changing the consumer perception and influencing
EU policy.37 For example, after the BASF’s genetically modified Amflora potato
was authorized for cultivation in the EU, the online activist network Avaaz and
Greenpeace collected one million signatures on a petition calling for a new mor-
atorium on GMO cultivation,38 forcing BASF to withdraw from the market.39
Monsanto also withdrew all of its pending applications to cultivate GMO crops
in the EU in 2013, conceding that the deep-​seated resistance in the EU toward
GMOs showed no signs of being alleviated in the foreseeable future.40
The EU’s stringent regulations of GMOs and biotechnology, more broadly,
also highlight the starkly opposing views between the EU and the United States.
The EU’s general position is against the production, use, and spreading of GMOs,
unless they are proven safe with scientific certainty.41 The EU’s regulatory regime
is based on pre-​market approval, the precautionary principle, and post-​market
control. In contrast, the United States regards GMO products as substantially
similar to products made using traditional production methods and allows them
unless they are proven unsafe. GMO products can therefore be cultivated and
marketed in the United States without extensive pre-​market safety studies.42
These differences replicate similar EU–​US divisions in many other areas of regu-
lation, where the EU tends to err on the side of caution whereas the United States
is quick to embrace new technologies and remains skeptical of government inter-
vention, in particular if any harm is uncertain or not fully substantiated.
There may, however, be additional motivations that explain the US–​EU regu-
latory divergence on GMOs. The United States is the world’s leading GMO pro-
ducer, while at the same time GMOs are hardly cultivated in the EU.43 In 2015,
the United States had 70.9 million hectares devoted to farming genetically modi-
fied crops; but the EU member state with the highest acreage of genetically modi-
fied crops, Spain, devoted only .11 million hectares.44 Biotechnology-​enhanced
production is seen as essential for the United States to remain competitive in
export markets, while the EU places cultural importance on small-​scale farm-
ing and remains skeptical of mass production technologies. Consequently, US
farmers and the biotechnology industry are influential in the US political process
regarding GMO regulation, whereas farmers producing non-​GMO crops wield
influence in the EU.
Consumer preferences are also reflected in the regulatory divergence. While
Europeans are worried about the food safety risks posed by GMOs, US consumers

178 Case St udies

have shown less concern for the issue. For example, according to an Environics
poll, 78% of Americans support agricultural biotechnology, whereas the com-
parable figure in Germany was 54%, 52% in France, 36% in Britain, and 29% in
Spain.45 US consumers are also relatively uninformed about GMOs in general.46
However, some recent surveys indicate that attitudes toward GMOs in the
United States may be hardening. For example, recent US polls suggest that con-
sumers favor mandatory GM food labeling.47 Additionally, a 2014 study found
that 72% of US consumers take the view that “avoiding genetically engineered
or modified ingredients” was a “very important” or “important” objective when
purchasing food.48 These studies suggest that US consumers’ skepticism toward
GMOs is growing, which may pave way for a regulatory change going forward.
In the past 20 years, GMOs have been the subject of a prolonged trade dis-
pute between the EU and the United States.49 From 1998 to 2004, there was a de
facto moratorium on GMO approval in place in the EU, where member states
refused to support the approval of any GMOs until the EU regulatory framework
changed.50 This moratorium made it practically impossible for GMO produc-
ers to import unapproved varieties to the EU. In response, Argentina, Australia,
Canada, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, New Zealand,
Peru, the United States, and Uruguay filed a complaint before the WTO alleg-
ing that the EU’s regulatory process was too slow, and its standards were unrea-
sonable given the scientific evidence supporting the safety of GMOs. The WTO
Dispute Settlement Body found in 2006 that the EU’s de facto moratorium vio-
lated international trade rules. Despite this finding against the EU, the EU’s trade
partners allege that the EU’s compliance with the WTO ruling has been tepid,51
and that the EU continues to be extremely slow in granting authorizations for
GMOs.52 Further, even if the EU were to grant authorizations faster, GMOs
would still have only limited access to EU markets.53 The EU’s strict requirements
on traceability and labeling of GMO products remain intact, considerably limit-
ing producers’ ability to penetrate the European market given EU consumers’
distrust of GMO foods. The EU has also tightened its regulation of GMO feed.
In 2011 the EU passed a new regulation setting a 0.1% limit of non-​authorized
GMO material in feed imported from non-​EU countries,54 basically introducing
a zero-​tolerance policy for such feed. This has exacerbated trade tensions by effec-
tively preventing animal feed imports from countries like the United States.55
There are competing arguments about the benefit or harm of the EU’s GMO
regulations for developing countries where GMOs are a significant issue given
the importance of agriculture for their economies. GMOs could increase crop
productivity and help developing nations feed their growing populations. Yet
these countries have fewer resources to manage risks associated with GMOs.
Traditional farming also retains an important cultural role in many societies,

Consumer Health and Safety 179

making many developing countries hesitant to embrace the GMOs.56 Many

African countries also rely on Europe as their main export destination, restrict-
ing their ability to use GMOs. Critics assert that the EU’s certification, label-
ing, and traceability requirements are overly burdensome for producers in these
less-​resourced countries, and effectively exclude many small-​scale farmers from
global value chains.57 At the same time, recent research demonstrates beneficial
effects of EU’s high food safety standards on African producers who earn a much
higher return from trading in the EU once standards are achieved and certifica-
tion obtained.58 For instance, using farm-​level data of 386 Ghanaian pineapple
farmers who adopted either GlobalGAP or organic certification, Kleemann et al.
found that certifications increased the farmers’ return on investment, offsetting
the costs of certification. Compliance with EU standards can hence have positive
effect for producers in Africa, allowing farmers to access high-​value export mar-
kets, improve their farming knowledge, and increase sales revenues.59
Overall, European citizens have retained their skeptical attitudes toward agri-
cultural biotechnology and remain supportive of stringent food safety regula-
tions. This has given the EU a strong mandate to continue to lead the way by
setting the most ambitious safety standards shaping the food industry. Because of
the deep interconnectedness of today’s global food production through long sup-
ply chains, EU regulations of GMOs and other food safety issues frequently lead
multinational companies and foreign jurisdictions to adopt those regulations in
order to maintain access to the EU market. The next two sections in this chapter
shine a light on how this influence is manifest both through the de facto and de
jure Brussels Effect.

De Facto Brussels Effect
The de facto Brussels Effect in the case of food safety has been pervasive in some
industries, yet largely absent in others. Three of the conditions underlying the
Brussels Effect—​regulatory capacity, regulatory stringency, and inelasticity of
food safety regulation—​are typically met in this area. With few exceptions—​
such as allowing for unpasteurized cheese—​the EU regulates food safety with
the most stringent regulatory standards in the world. Over time, the EU has also
built the institutional capacity to exercise significant regulatory authority in this
domain. Food is one of the first policy areas that fell under EU competence. The
single market on food was established in the early 1960s, a longevity that has
allowed the EU to accumulate considerable expertise in the domain. The 2002
establishment of the European Food Safety Authority, as well as national food
safety authorities, further enhances EU’s regulatory capacity.60 Food safety reg-
ulation also clearly falls under inelastic consumer protection regulation, which

180 Case St udies

ensures that the EU’s regulatory clout cannot be circumvented by moving the
regulatory targets to another jurisdiction.
There is some doubt as to whether the EU’s 2015 regulatory reform relating
to GMO cultivation enhanced or reduced the EU’s regulatory capacity and strin-
gency, and hence the pervasiveness of the Brussels Effect. That reform partially
decentralized the EU’s regulatory policy by granting the member states the right
to make their own decisions on whether to permit the cultivation of GMOs in
their territories. This new regulatory framework could be viewed as further tight-
ening the regulatory environment for GMOs in the EU, as any applicant willing
to cultivate GMOs in the EU now faces an additional hurdle in seeking for an
authorization to do so. Accordingly, the Brussels Effect could be even stronger
following this reform. However, the existence of a common EU-​wide policy has
often provided the incentive for companies to adjust globally to the EU rule.
With the introduction of potentially significant variance across the members
state regulations, the 2015 decentralization reform may remove that incentive,
weakening the Brussels Effect. Regardless of how this particular reform affects
the Brussels Effect, the effect is only limited to GMO cultivation, leaving the
regulation of GMO sales and marketing untouched.
Further, while the EU’s regulatory capacity, as well as the stringency and
inelasticity of food safety regulation are generally well established, it is less clear
that the other two conditions for the Brussels Effect are present. For example,
the EU does not represent a significant market for all major exporters, suggest-
ing that it may not have the requisite market size that would trigger the Brussels
Effect. For instance, for US farmers, the EU is the fifth largest export market
and accounts for only around 8% of total agricultural exports.61 Many US pro-
ducers can thus afford to forgo the EU market and divert their trade elsewhere
if they consider regulatory compliance to be too onerous.62 Indeed, trade statis-
tics show that US producers are increasingly turning to other markets. While
US agricultural exports to the world grew by 181% between 2000 and 2013, US
exports to the EU only grew by 1%. This has been at least partially attributed to
the EU’s stringent regulations.63 However, US farmers’ scope for trade diversion
may be narrowing as several key economies are increasingly emulating EU’s food
safety laws. For instance, Australia, Brazil, China, and Japan are following the
EU’s lead and adopting mandatory labeling schemes for GMO products.64 This
enhances the likelihood that the US farmers may, after all, experience the Brussels
Effect.65 In addition, for many African and some Latin American countries, the
EU remains the most important export destination, suggesting that the Brussels
Effect is likely to impact many of those markets.
The question of divisibility of production is a particularly convoluted one
in the case of food safety, often explaining whether or not the Brussels Effect

Consumer Health and Safety 181

takes place. In many instances, producers respond to high variance in consumer

preferences by producing different varieties for different markets. For example,
artificial dyes used to enhance the appearance of food—​such as rainbow candies
and red-​tinted salmon—​are permitted in the United States, but restricted in the
EU following the publication of studies that show these dyes trigger hyperactiv-
ity in kids.66 As a result, companies like Kraft, Coca-​Cola, Walmart, and Mars
voluntarily removed artificial dyes from their products distributed in Europe,67
but continue to use them in the United States. Similarly, M&Ms sold in the EU
contain natural coloring, but M&Ms sold to American consumers contain arti-
ficial dyes. Nestlé’s chocolate “Smarties” contain radish, lemon, and red cabbage
extracts for coloring in the EU while the equivalent (yet brighter) color is derived
from “Yellow No. 6” or “Red No. 40” in the United States.68 In each instance,
companies can conform with the two sets of standards cheaply enough to make it
economically viable to serve both markets without adopting the higher standard
(or, alternatively, without abandoning the high regulation market). These exam-
ples illustrate that the Brussels Effect is not inevitable, and will fail to emerge as
long as the gains from catering to divergent customer preferences exceed the costs
of doing so.
However, in many other contexts, companies opt for adopting the EU
standard as a single global standard, eliciting the Brussels Effect as a result. For
instance, in 2015, Kraft removed its Yellow No. 5 and Yellow No. 6 dyes from its
iconic orange Mac & Cheese dinner in favor of natural coloring agents such as
paprika and annatto, even though those dyes remain legal in the United States.69
Pepsi and Coca-​Cola also vowed to remove BVO—​a chemical that keeps citrus
flavoring from separating in beverages—​from their drinks and switch to natural
ingredients. BVO is banned in the EU because it has been linked to memory loss
and nerve disorders, yet it is considered safe by the FDA.70 Similarly, the sand-
wich chain Subway phased the bleaching chemical azodicarbonamide (ADA)
out of its bread, even though the FDA has approved its use in food, because the
EU bans it due to its carcinogenic properties.71 Wendy’s and McDonald’s have
followed Subway’s lead and also removed the chemical from their products.72 Of
course, in these instances, corporations are likely also responding to domestic
pressures to change their business practices, and not merely to economic ben-
efits associated with non-​divisibility. However, their willingness to do so is greatly
enhanced by their existing need to adjust their production in order to trade into
the EU market.
Whether global companies customize or standardize production across
global markets likely depends on a few key considerations, particularly relating to
costs and consumer preferences. For one, companies will likely decide it is worth
making products divisible when consumer preferences are sufficiently different in

182 Case St udies

major markets and where producers can hence obtain real gains from customiza-
tion. For example, there are enough Americans who prefer the bright-​colored
Smarties for Nestlé to justify producing a different color variety for the US mar-
ket. Presumably, in the case of Smarties, the costs of customization are also small,
or at least offset by gains available from greater sales resulting from the ability to
cater to the specific needs of US customers. In contrast, companies are likely to
globalize the EU standard when customization is expensive or where gains from
customization are trivial. Production to a global standard is also more likely to
emerge whenever companies sense a growing customer demand for a more strin-
gent standard emerging worldwide.73
Another important factor influencing how a company will respond to EU
regulations is operational feasibility. In some cases, if it is too expensive to convert
global production to meet EU standards, but not feasible to divide production
within existing production facilities, a company may be prompted to search for
alternative business strategies. For example, due to the EU’s stringent food hygiene
and safety standard,74 a Japanese company, The Makurazaki Marine Products
Processing Industries Cooperative, decided not to export bonito flakes (dried
tuna flakes) to France. Instead, the company decided to open a factory in the EU
to avoid having to make a Japanese factory comply with the EU regulation.75
When considering the feasibility of divisibility within food and agricultural
production, GMOs present a complex issue, presenting a particularly valuable area
to examine the operation of the Brussels Effect. Presumably, US farmers could, at
least in principle, separate their production and cultivate both GMO and non-​
GMO varieties destined for domestic and EU markets, respectively. Yet such divi-
sion can be difficult in practice for technical and economic reasons.76 GMO crops
must be segregated from the time they are planted throughout the processing and
marketing chain. This entails separating growing areas and preventing pollen drift
from GMO fields to non-​GMO fields.77 Producers and distributors must also use
separate equipment, storage areas, and shipping containers, and establish trait
identification systems that allow for the tracking of produce from the farm to the
consumer.78 These risks associated with cross-​contamination can be substantial,
especially when considering that if the economic operator makes an error any-
where in the process, the whole line is destroyed, leading to lost sales and the need
to discard the entire production as unfit for market.79 It is therefore not surprising
that some farmers choose to forgo the risks and costs of separation and converge
to the most stringent standard by either avoiding GMOs, or only cultivating EU-​
approved GMO crops—​irrespective of where these crops are sold.80
Numerous factors can contribute to commingling of GMO and non-​GMO
varieties, including “pollen flow, volunteerism, mixing during harvesting, trans-
port, storage and processing, human error and accidents.”81 If commingling

Consumer Health and Safety 183

occurs from any of these factors, the “adventitious presence” of GMOs—​a term
the food safety industry uses for the GMO content threshold that is accidental
and hence unavoidable82—​can easily cause the food product to exceed allowable
levels. Strict thresholds, including EU’s 0.9% threshold, make it harder to pro-
duce both GMO and non-​GMO crops, as such cross-​contamination can rarely
be eliminated entirely. The difficulty of creating fully divisible production in the
GMO context was also reinforced by a recent ECJ ruling. The ECJ found that
honey containing traces of GMOs due to accidental contamination from GMO
test fields 500 meters away was nonetheless considered food produced from a
GMO under EU law.83 The ruling underscores the technical difficulties and legal
risks that farmers and food processors face when attempting to divide the pro-
duction and cater to both GMO and non-​GMO markets.
Indeed, a number of recent studies have confirmed the difficulty of avoid-
ing the adventitious presence of GM traces in conventional planting seeds.84 For
example, a recent study examined whether bees transfer the pollen from geneti-
cally modified soy crops to the honey produced in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico
given the proximity of the two farming areas.85 A key concern among farmers and
exporters was that GMO transfer could “provoke rejection from European mar-
keters and consumers.”86 While the study found that Yucatan Peninsula’s honey
had “relatively low” amounts of GMO soy pollen, it still recommended measures
to prevent such contamination.87 These technical difficulties—​and subsequently
legal risks—​associated with any attempts to divide the production and separate
GMO seeds from non-​GMO seeds are important factors in explaining the reach
of the Brussels Effect in this area.
The influence and business practices of multinational food processors also
amplify the non-​divisibility of production, further entrenching the de facto
Brussels Effect. For instance, Unilever and Nestlé have pledged not to use GMOs
in any of their products, irrespective of the export destination. Gerber and Heinz
similarly exclude GMOs from all of their baby food, including baby food sold in
the US market.88 They are often reluctant to make separate batches for the EU
and United States and frequently refuse to, for example, buy corn that could lead
to marketing problems in the EU.89 Similarly, by refusing to purchase even con-
ventional grain from farmers who also plant GMO varieties, these food proces-
sors have steered some US farmers away from GMO products altogether.90 For
instance, CHS Inc., the largest farm cooperative in the United States, does not
sell seeds or buy grain that contain traits that lack approvals for export.91Archer
Daniels Midland Co, a large Chicago-​based global food processing and com-
modities trading corporation, refuses GMO crops that lack global approval. The
reason is that it is “hard to segregate crops containing unapproved traits from the
billions of identical-​looking bushels exported every year.” Stine Seed and Bayer

184 Case St udies

similarly have a policy against selling seed traits that have not been approved by
major export markets.92
The reasons for divisibility for these multinational food processors can be
at the same time economic, legal, and technical. Running separate production
lines is costly for the companies. These companies also want to avoid legal risks
associated with accidental commingling of GMO and non-​GMO varieties, espe-
cially considering the EU’s stringent rule that tolerates only small traces (0.9%)
of unauthorized GMOs. Further, these multinationals cannot guarantee that
all their suppliers have been able to carry out the separation of authorized and
unauthorized varieties for technical reasons, exposing the entire supply chain to
potential liability.
Beyond GMOs, there are several examples of the de facto Brussels Effect
affecting food safety policies of companies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
The EU represents an important export market for the farmers in these juris-
dictions, making it rarely possible for them to abandon the EU market and
divert their trade elsewhere. As a result, they have typically no option but
to comply with EU food safety regulations, however onerous and expensive
it may be. Given the high compliance costs as well as the importance of the
agricultural sector to these economies, the businesses in these countries have
at times benefited from their governments’ help in adjusting to meet the EU
regulations. And once these producers have invested in compliance with EU
regulations, they have typically extended their enhanced production methods
and facilities across their entire production line, as predicted by the de facto
Brussels Effect.
The EU is the most important destination for agricultural products from
Africa, making producers highly sensitive to the EU’s food safety regulation
and thereby allowing the EU to transform agricultural practices in the region.
The African cocoa industry provides an example of this. The EU is the world’s
biggest consumer of chocolate and the largest importer of cocoa beans. It also
has a large-​scale cocoa processing industry, making cocoa butter and powder
out of cocoa beans.93 The EU sets maximum levels for certain contaminants in
foodstuffs, including for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in cocoa and
cocoa products.94 The rationale behind regulating contaminants in food is the
concern over high toxicological levels in food and hence adverse effect on public
health.95 Some of the main health concerns are the use of pesticides, improper
fermentation, unsanitary processing methods—​like drying cocoa beans on roads
or in smoky ovens—​and the presence of cadmium, a cancer-​causing metallic sub-
stance, in cocoa exports.96 In addition to consumer health, the EU regulation of
the industry has been motivated by its desire to ensure sustainable and ethical
production of cocoa across West and Central Africa.97

Consumer Health and Safety 185

As a result of EU regulations targeting these issues, the EU’s regulatory

influence in these regions via the de facto Brussels Effect has been significant.
Cameroon, for example, is the world’s fifth largest cocoa grower. 98 Cocoa beans,
butter, and paste accounted for over 15% of the nation’s exports, second only to
petroleum as a proportion of exports.99 To preserve the country’s export oppor-
tunities, Cameroonian officials have undertaken several measures to help their
companies comply with EU’s regulatory demands, including carrying out tests,
inspections, and education campaigns to ensure the industry’s compliance with
EU rules.100 Regardless of these efforts, in 2013 the EU rejected a 2,000-​ton con-
signment of cocoa beans from Cameroon due to the presence of high levels of
harmful chemicals.101 This led Cameroonian authorities to crack down on sub-
standard cocoa processing practices and provide assistance to help the industry
meet EU standards.102 The government distributed tarpaulins free of charge, pro-
vided new or refurbished ovens for drying cocoa, and confiscated poorly dried
beans. According to Omer Gatien Maledy, the executive secretary of Cameroon’s
Cocoa and Coffee Interprofessional Board (CCIB), “[t]‌his is part of the cam-
paign to promote good practices in cocoa drying, to meet standards set by the
European Union.”103 Yet, while implemented to meet EU standards, these “good
practices” in cocoa drying have affected the entire production, and not just the
cocoa destined for the EU. These examples illustrate how domestic governments
can help amplify the de facto Brussels Effect—​not by enacting domestic law to
emulate EU rules but by offering financial and other support for their companies
so that these companies can adjust their business practices to EU regulations.
The Brussels Effect has also had a significant impact on business practices
of Kenyan companies. The Kenyan agricultural sector has adjusted to stringent
EU food safety standards by undertaking substantial investments to improve
their production standards.104 For example, throughout the early 2000s, twelve
large Kenyan agricultural companies undertook extensive modernization efforts
to protect their substantial exports to the EU. The reforms consist of major
upgrades to their existing warehouses—​including improving air-​conditioning
and ventilation systems, water purification systems, cooler systems, and other
equipment—​to meet strict standards of hygiene. Some companies even invested
in their own on-​site laboratories for product and staff health tests and hired food
technologists and scientists to carry out product testing, and provide food safety
and hygiene training and health counseling for the staff. However, as with the
example of cocoa drying in Cameroon, these refurbished facilities have presum-
ably benefited these companies’ entire production; it is doubtful that Kenyan
farmers would divide their production and retain their old warehouses and infe-
rior equipment for agricultural products destined for non-​EU markets once the
investment in new facilities is made.

186 Case St udies

African agricultural producers have also adjusted their business practices in

response to the EU’s regulation of information that food products need to con-
vey to consumers to enable them make informed choices. Usually this is done
through nutritional labeling. In addition to providing useful information to con-
sumers, harmonized rules on labeling contribute to the smooth functioning of
the internal market.105 For example, the EU has standardized the informational
requirements regarding wine labels, which affect wine producers abroad, includ-
ing in South Africa—​a country with extensive wine production and exports. The
EU regulation specifies that 85% of the wine must be of grape variety stated in the
label,106 while in South Africa the similar requirement is only 75%.107 However,
South African regulation is rendered moot in practice given the producers’ incen-
tives to adhere to the EU’s labeling requirement considering that the EU is the
primary export market for South African wine, with the United Kingdom being
the number one export market, followed by Germany and the Netherlands.108
While the EU remains a relatively more important export destination for
farmers in Africa given the region’s proximity to the EU, the EU is also a notable
importer of food and agricultural products from countries in South America.
As a result, South American producers have also at times changed their grow-
ing and distribution practices that impact their business in numerous markets.
Brazil, for example, is one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, mak-
ing many of its companies sensitive to EU’s food regulations. The Brazilian com-
pany Citrosuco—​the largest producer of orange juice in the world—​provides an
illustrative example of the Brussels Effect in Brazil. Citrosuco exports approxi-
mately 95% of its production to over 100 countries, with the EU being its biggest
export market.109 All three of the company’s Brazilian plants, located at Matão,
Catanduva, and Araras, were certified for complying with European standards
of production and authenticity. All of these plants supply orange juice for global
markets110 and regardless of the destination, the products are subject to the same
processes and regulations, conforming to the most restrictive (EU) standard.111
Another Brazilian company, JBS, is one of the global leaders of the food industry,
reaching 190 countries.112 Every JBS unit in Brazil is certified to meet European
standards, and even the products sold in Brazil follow the European food safety
The de facto Brussels Effect is also amplified globally, even if more indirectly,
through numerous industry-​wide standardization mechanisms. One of these is
GlobalGAP, a prominent independent verification system for good agricultural
practices (GAP), that certifies compliance with a number of sustainability and
food safety requirements that closely track the EU’s food safety requirements.114
Because EU retailers require producers to meet GlobalGAP certification, it has
become a de facto requirement for exporting any agri-​food products—​crops,

Consumer Health and Safety 187

livestock, and aquaculture—​into the EU market.115 Global GAP is based on

an EU standard. It began in 1997 as EurepGAP, which was initiated by several
European supermarket chains to streamline various codes of conduct that indi-
vidual retailers required of their suppliers. It has now become an important vehi-
cle for the exportation and influence of EU’s regulations around the world.
Agricultural producers in several markets produce their products in accord­
ance with the GlobalGAP standards to ensure access to EU markets, including
Agricola Famosa—​a major Brazilian producer of fruit and vegetables—​which
exports over 150,000 tons of fruit a year.116 In Japan, an apple producer, Katayama
Ringo, was the first Japanese producer to obtain a GlobalGAP certification to
sell their products in large UK supermarkets.117 Some Japanese retailers have
also introduced their own GAP system based on EurepGAP, including Aeon—​a
major retailer in Japan. Similarly, the Japanese Consumers’ Co-​operative Union
introduced its own “JGAP” standard based on EurepGAP, covering fruits and
vegetables, cereal, rice, and tea. While at first only Japanese farms that exported
produce to the EU obtained GlobalGAP certification, GlobalGAP has since
spread to other countries, such as Indonesia. This has incentivized Japanese farms
to obtain the certification even if they export to non-​EU countries. For example,
a melon farm in Shizuoka prefecture obtained GlobalGAP certification in order
to export melons to Indonesia, showing how a standard that originates from the
EU ultimately comes to govern trade between two non-​EU countries.
The food industry is globally interconnected and often relies on long sup-
ply chains that cross multiple regulatory jurisdictions. The EU’s stringent food
safety standards have transformed multinational companies’ worldwide business
practices in many instances, often because these companies want to avoid the
legal risks and economic costs associated with mistakes somewhere along these
supply chains. In many instances, the Brussels Effect occurs because of the tech-
nical difficulties or the economic costs of dividing the production destined at
different export markets. This applies to large multinational food processors and
developing country farmers alike. When Kenyan vegetable farmers respond to
EU regulation by refurbishing their facilities, providing training, or improving
hygiene standards, those improvements benefit their entire production, whether
destined for the EU or not. Similarly, if the government refurbishes ovens for
drying cocoa in Cameroon, those same new ovens are used to dry cocoa that is
destined for Latin America, Russia, or the United States. Further, if global food
processors reject GMO varieties not approved by the EU, consumers around the
world consume food that is free of those GMO varieties. These examples high-
light the EU’s ability to shape foreign agricultural markets simply by regulating
the safety of food that is sold in the EU, elevating the global food safety standards
in the process.

188 Case St udies

De Jure Brussels Effect
There is also evidence of the de jure Brussels Effect around the world as govern-
ments are emulating EU’s food safety standards. However, the diffusion of EU’s
food safety regulations is less extensive than the de jure Brussels Effect in many
other areas, such as competition law and data protection. It is also difficult to
find concrete evidence suggesting that foreign multinational companies would
lobby for regulatory change at home after first having adjusted to EU regulations
through the de facto Brussels Effect. Instead, often the EU’s global influence is
channeled through multinational standard-​setting organizations such as Codex
Alimentarius Commission, where the EU is an influential member, as discussed
in ­chapter 3. Through its participation in Codex Alimentarius, the EU has multi-
lateralized some of its food safety standards while also adjusting its own standards
to reflect various jointly agreed Codex standards.118 The EU has an additional
incentive to align its food safety standards with the Codex framework given
that the WTO requires its members to base their regulations on existing inter-
national standards, or else provide scientific evidence to justify departing from
those standards.119
In addition to its engagement in multilateral standard setting, the EU’s proac-
tive bilateral engagement with regulatory authorities in foreign countries forms
an important part of the EU’s food safety regimes, as well as an opportunity to
export EU regulations abroad. The EU has limited capacity to inspect every
product that enters into the EU on the border. In addition to the official controls
at the border, the EU seeks to ensure that the countries that export food products
to the EU have robust domestic food safety regulations and control mechanisms
in place. To facilitate this, the Commission engages in extensive capacity build-
ing and offers technical assistance to foreign regulators. The EU’s Veterinary and
Food Office (“FVO”) also carries out inspections and audits in foreign countries
as part of its mission to ensure the safety of food imports.120 This often leads to
the diffusion of EU regulations and administrative practices abroad. Foreign
governments typically welcome the EU’s assistance and inspections:  the veri-
fied compliance with EU food safety regulations not only opens their producers’
access to the EU market, but the EU’s “seal of approval” also enhances export
opportunities in other foreign markets due to the perception of high standards of
the country’s food production.121
Consequently, the de jure Brussels Effect in the food safety domain gen-
erally results from a combination of these unilateral, bilateral, and multilat-
eral diffusion mechanisms. While this is the case with respect to any area of
EU regulation, these alternative channels of influence are more prevalent in
the food safety domain—​partly because of the existence of robust multilat-
eral cooperation mechanisms in this area but also because of the EU’s more

Consumer Health and Safety 189

limited ability to rely on market-​driven mechanisms to export its rules. As

the discussion on the de facto Brussels Effect showed, multinational corpo-
rations do not always opt for a global standard or choose to advocate for
EU standards domestically. While acknowledging the multiple channels of
the EU’s influence in this industry, the discussion next turns to examining
some examples of how the de jure Brussels Effect arises with respect to food
safety in general, followed by examples relating to the regulation of GMOs
in particular.
One example where the de jure Brussels Effect is leading to changes in leg-
islation is in Brazil, one of the world’s largest developing economies and major
agricultural producers. For example, EU law has affected the regulation of the
beef industry in Brazil, including the adoption of a law, which prohibits the injec-
tion of growth hormones to promote cattle’s growth.122 The purpose of this law
was to comply with international markets, such as the EU.123 Interestingly, the
EU’s influence has been strong even though the EU does not represent the most
important export market for Brazil, with approximately 13% of Brazilian beef
exports destined for the EU, lagging behind, for example, China and Hong Kong,
which capture 25% of Brazilian beef exports.124
Brazil also offers an example of a situation where the EU’s suspension of for-
eign imports can initiate a broader regulatory reform abroad. In 2006, the EU
suspended Brazilian honey imports because harmful residues and contaminants
were detected in honey. Because of the potential loss of revenue from this sus-
pension, the EU embargo sparked a regulatory reform in Brazil,125 including the
creation of a new institution—​The Brazilian Chamber of the Productive Chain
of Honey and Bee Products—​which became known as “the Honey Chamber.”
The Honey Chamber went on to facilitate the revision of regulatory standards
and implementation of rigorous monitoring of residues in honey. In addition
to acting as a consultative forum bringing together public and private actors, it
facilitated the adoption of the National Plan for the Control of Residues and
Contaminants in Honey in 2007.126 This National Plan provides general guide-
lines and residue-​monitoring procedures tailored to the specific needs of the
honey-​producing sector. In response to this measure, the EU lifted its import ban
on Brazilian honey in 2008.
Other examples relating to issues such as food labeling, tracking, and warning
systems can be found from Asia as well as the Arab world. In Taiwan, for example,
when amending the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation in 2013, Taiwanese
Legislative Yuan referred to the EU’s General Food Law Regulation.127 Invoking
Article 7 of the EU regulation, the Taiwanese legislator called for authorities at
various levels to establish food safety monitoring and investigation mechanisms,
together with warning and control measures for risky food. Furthermore, refer-
ring to Article 18 of the EU Regulation, the Taiwanese law requires enterprises

190 Case St udies

to establish a tracking system for the sources of raw materials, semifinished prod-
ucts and finished products.128 Examples of the de jure Brussels Effect can also be
seen in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2013, the Cooperation Council for
the Arab States of the Gulf published a new food labeling standard. Many major
amendments to that standard, such as the introduction of mandatory nutrition
labeling and allergen labeling, are similar to those in EU law. In the same year,
Morocco and Algeria published a new labeling regulation comparable to the
EU’s Food Information for Consumers Regulation (FICR), following the EU
standard in establishing minimum-​type sizes for labels.129
One area of EU food regulation that is likely to lead to the de jure Brussels
Effect in several countries in the near future relates to organic food production.
The EU has, until today, relied on the “principle of equivalence” and granted
mutual recognition for products coming from countries such as the United
States, assuming those products have been certified as organic in their home mar-
kets.130 However, this has led to highly varied standards for organic products,
depending on the country of origin. For example, US standards fall below those
of the EU. To illustrate, electric goads used for driving cattle are banned under EU
organic standards while permitted under US standards. Similarly, ducks on US
organic farms do not have to be given access to a pool or lake to swim in, which
would lead to a denial of the label “organic” in the EU. Given these discrepancies,
the EU is now revising its organic regulation, which extends EU rules to non-​EU
farmers who export their organic products to the EU market.131 The new regula-
tion, expected to take effect in 2021, will forgo the principle of equivalence in
favor of the principle of conformity, requiring foreign producers to comply with
standards identical to those in force in the EU if they want to serve EU’s organic
food market. This is likely to compel reforms in many of the countries currently
exporting into the EU under equivalency rules.
The de jure Brussels Effect is also contributing to the global enactment of
new regulations relating to GMOs, with several examples from around the world
demonstrating the reach of the EU’s influence. The Brazilian honey industry, dis-
cussed earlier in the context of other food safety issues, provides another example
in the context of GMO regulation. Following the 2011 ruling by the ECJ requir-
ing that honey containing traces of pollen from GM plants must be labeled as
a GM product, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
(MAPA), Brazilian Association of Honey Exporters, and other members of the
Honey Chamber started to explore how traces of pollen from GM plants can
best be detected. The Brazilian Beekeeping Confederation complemented these
efforts by starting to identify areas free of GM crops where honey production
could be shifted. The Brazilian Beekeeping Confederation (CBA) also called on
the government to establish GMO-​free regions where honey could be produced

Consumer Health and Safety 191

without a risk of cross-​contamination of traces of pollen from GM plants.132

Ultimately, Brazil adopted even more stringent standards than those imposed by
the EU in this regard.133 Brazil’s willingness to pursue stringent domestic regu-
lation on GMOs is significant, especially considering that Brazil is the second-​
largest GM crop producer in the world.134
Similar to its impact in Brazil, EU regulation of GMOs has had notable effects
on other countries’ legislation, with several foreign governments clearly following
the EU’s lead and restricting the cultivation and marketing of GMOs. Currently,
over sixty countries require labeling of genetically modified foods.135 These
include many large economies such as Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Russia,
South Africa, and South Korea. Many are also in the process of adopting other
GMO regulations reminiscent of those of the EU. For example, South Korea has
plans to “adopt rigorous ‘EU-​style’ food testing standards in an effort to pro-
tect ‘national health security’ from genetically modified crops.”136 Various Latin
American countries have acted to limit the import and use of GMOs.137 These
include Peru, which imposed a ten-​year moratorium.138 Bolivia and Ecuador have
also banned the use of GMOs.139 However, it is difficult to ascertain concretely
the full extent to which EU law has influenced the law compared to other factors.
Nevertheless, several Latin American countries that require labeling of GMOs,
including Brazil140 and Uruguay,141 emulate the EU’s 0.9% standard as a threshold
for a GMO label.142 This suggests that the EU law has been used at least partially
as a template to follow.
Some foreign courts have also cited EU regulations in their rulings on
GMOs. For example, Colombia’s Constitutional Court held that a legislative
gap in regulating GMOs poses a serious and unacceptable risk to the consumer’s
constitutional rights to relevant product information and the right to choose his
or her food.143 The Court then called on the Congress to issue regulations on
the labeling of the GMO food item or GMO content.144 In its reasoning, the
Court examined the EU’s treatment of GMOs and explained that the “European
Union has taken a clear position and has become an international reference in the
fight against [GMOs], in accordance with its Resolution 1829 of 2003, which also
establishes the labeling for these type of products.”
Although the broad global regulation of GMOs points to the existence of
a de jure Brussels Effect in numerous jurisdictions around the world, the EU
has not been alone in exerting global regulatory influence in this domain. The
United States has also actively, and in some places successfully, exported its reg-
ulatory approach on GMOs. The United States has been particularly influential
with countries that are major producers of GM crops, such as Argentina, Brazil,
and Canada.145 For example, Canada has followed the American approach to
GMO regulation, and consumers in the two countries seem to have a similar

192 Case St udies

attitude toward GMOs. In Africa, in particular, however, there has been a

notable competition for influence between EU and US regulatory approaches.
South Africa and Egypt, for example, have followed the US approach, and both
have authorized commercial plantings of GM crops. Similarly, food shortages
have led some other African countries opposed to GMOs, including Malawi
and Kenya, to loosen their regulation. However, in other countries, such as
Zambia, where economic, environmental, public health, and protection for tra-
ditional agriculture still constitute strong reasons for opposition to GMOs, EU
influence is prevalent.146 Thus, the global regulation of GMOs is best described
in terms of a competition for influence, where the EU and the United States
are both attempting to persuade countries to adopt their respective regulatory
Given its economic might and high tolerance of GMOs, the United States
seems like an unlikely frontier for a de jure Brussels Effect. However, public opin-
ion in the United States has been moving toward more skepticism of GMOs in
recent years. A 2011 survey reported that 92% of Americans wanted the govern-
ment to require mandatory labeling of GMOs, and 55% said they would avoid
such products.148 In 2011, following California’s lead, the US Congress passed
legislation prohibiting the FDA from approving GM salmon and required label-
ing in case of approval of a GM fish. In 2016, the United States also enacted the
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard,149 which charged the US
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service with devel-
oping a national mandatory system for disclosing GMOs in foods by July 2018.150
As of 2014, three US states had already passed legislation requiring GMO food
labeling.151 They emulate aspects of EU’s GMO labeling, such the 0.9% standard
as a threshold for requiring a GMO label.152 A 2015 poll for the labeling advo-
cacy group “Just Label It!” indicated strong support among US citizens—​up to
88%—​for label requirements on GMO foods.153 In its advocacy, Just Label It! has
emphasized how the rest of the world has followed the EU’s leadership in GMO
labeling and how a “logical thought” would be that the “U.S. would begin to mir-
ror” the EU as well.154 Given these legislative developments and the shifts in US
public opinion, it is no longer inconceivable to imagine EU-​inspired regulation
emerging in the United States as well.
Thus far, this chapter has examined the EU’s global influence in shaping food
safety standards around the world. Yet food safety represents only one of many
areas of regulation where the EU has pursued stringent regulation in an attempt
to protect the health and safety of European consumers—​elevating global stan-
dards in the process through the Brussels Effect. Next, the discussion moves to
examine one of these other areas of risk regulation where the Brussels Effect has
been strongly felt in many parts of the world: chemical safety.

Consumer Health and Safety 193

Consumer Health and Safety II: Chemical Safety

One notable aspect of the EU’s consumer health regime is the regulation of the
chemicals industry. Stringent chemical regulation in the EU reflects European
citizens’ elevated concern about the potential adverse effects that unsafe
chemicals could have on humans and on the environment. These concerns,
together with the desire to harmonize regulations to facilitate trade across the
single market, drove the adoption of a broad EU regulation concerning the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (com-
monly known as REACH) in 2007.155 REACH has had a substantial impact
on the chemicals industry and chemicals regulation globally. The chemicals
industry is multinational, and the EU is an important destination market for
the vast array of chemicals and goods containing chemicals that fall within
the scope of REACH. This has given multinational companies a strong incen-
tive to align their global conduct with the EU’s strict regulatory framework
to maintain access to the European market156 and spurred regulatory reforms
around the world. The EU’s influence in this area is particularly vast given that
its regulation encompasses not just chemicals themselves but the large num-
ber of diverse goods containing chemicals including clothes, toys, cosmetics,
cleaning products, paints, and plastic bottles. The fact that the EU reaches
so many products through its chemical safety regime makes it a particularly
important area of regulation to examine the mechanism through which the
Brussels Effect arises.

Major Legislation
EU chemical safety regulations date back to the 1970s,157 but the enactment of
REACH in 2007 constituted a watershed moment in introducing the world’s
most robust regulatory framework for chemical safety. REACH is remarkable in
that it places the burden of establishing the safety of chemicals intended for the
EU market squarely on manufacturers and importers as opposed to regulators.158
This differs notably, for example, from the US regulatory approach. This obliga-
tion entails that manufacturers and importers are required to gather information
on the effects that their substances have on human health and the environment
and to provide this information to EU authorities by registering their substances
in a database.159 Substances of “very high concern” must also be replaced by suit-
able alternatives where economically and technically feasible.160 The EU further
has the authority to restrict the use of substances that pose an “unacceptable”
risk to human health or the environment.161 REACH is also guided by the
“precautionary principle,” which justifies regulatory intervention in the case of

194 Case St udies

scientific uncertainty, making the regulation applicable to an even wider range

of chemicals.162
Further contributing to REACH’s stringency is the feature that REACH
not only regulates new chemicals, but also applies to the tens of thousands of
substances already on the EU market at the time of its enactment.163 According
to the European Commission, the already existing chemicals represent 99% of
the total substances on the EU market.164 Their inclusion within REACH dra-
matically expanded the scope of the regulation, applying it to over twenty-two
thousand chemicals in total.165 This represents another departure from the US’
approach. Unlike REACH, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)—​the
US’ primary chemical regulation—​grandfathered in 95% of existing chemicals
and thus forwent any testing with respect to the vast majority of the chemicals
on the market.166 This has naturally led to a much wider set of chemicals being
restricted under REACH than under TSCA.
The differences between EU and US chemical safety regimes are vast and
extend beyond the TSCA’s decision to shield existing chemicals from a safety
review. The TSCA, enacted in 1976, has remained highly ineffective.167 The
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rarely used its regulatory author-
ity to block new substances, approving 90% of 24,000 applications submitted
between 1976 and 1994 without restriction or additional testing.168 TSCA’s
inefficacy meant that the United States largely relied on voluntary industry pro-
grams instead of decisive oversight by regulators.169 For example, the Chemical
Manufacturers Association founded a significant unilateral and preemptive self-​
regulatory program called “Responsible Care” in 1988.170 Responsible Care was
based on self-​assessment and was deliberately designed to preempt more force-
ful regulation.171 Even though there have been several attempts to reform the
TSCA—​partly prompted by REACH—the US chemical legislation continues
to trail that of the EU in terms of its scope and overall stringency.

Political Economy
The EU’s stringent chemical regulation reflects the high concern among European
citizens regarding adverse impacts that chemicals can have on health and the envi-
ronment. A 2017 Eurobarometer survey reported that 74% of Europeans worry
about the health impacts of ordinary plastic products and 87% worry about plas-
tic’s environmental impacts.172 Similarly, 84% worry about the health impacts of
chemicals in ordinary products, and 90% worry about these chemicals’ environ-
mental impacts.173 These citizens’ concerns, together with significant benefits
available from harmonized regulation to the single market,174 gave the EU a
strong impetus to act.

Consumer Health and Safety 195

REACH, in part, responded to increasing public anxiety about the long-​

term effects of chemical exposure.175 This public concern about chemical safety
had become strong in the years before REACH was enacted in 2007, elevating
the political salience of the issue. In advocating for more stringent regulation,
consumers concerned about chemical safety found support from key member
states, the European Parliament, and a handful of prominent NGOs. This coali-
tion successfully elevated the issue on the EU’s political agenda during the early
2000s. Sweden spearheaded a push for new chemicals regulation, supported by
Austria, Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands.176 A number of environmen-
tal, health, and consumer advocacy NGOs voiced support for the precaution-
ary principle.177 NGOs also called for full risk identification, public information
sharing, and a phaseout process for harmful chemicals.178 The NGOs launched
a “Chemical Awareness” campaign to generate public interest.179 These advocacy
groups received support from some parts of the business community as well. In
particular, large retailers, who sought to bolster consumer confidence and avoid
chemical scandals, supported REACH.180 Regulators also received critical back-
ing from the Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment and the
Parliament’s Environment Committee.
Despite the strong support for REACH, the political process surrounding
its adoption in 2007 was highly contentious. While the supporters of REACH
emphasized its benefits to public health, consumer safety, and the environment,
REACH’s critics claimed that the regulation would impose significant costs on
manufacturers and importers—​costs that would be passed on along their long
supply chains and, ultimately, to consumers.181 At worst, the critics claimed, the
regulation was going to impede the development of new, innovative substances
due to fears that they would not meet stringent EU requirements.182
The opposition to REACH was unsurprising given the size and scope of
the chemical industry. The European chemical industry is Europe’s third-​largest
manufacturing industry, and it employed 1.7  million people in 2006 when
REACH was enacted.183 The industry lobby was predictably active throughout
the development of REACH. Commentators have argued that this regulation
“attracted more hostility from industry than any other item of EU environmen-
tal legislation in 30 years.”184 Major chemical companies including Bayer, BASF,
and Shell Chemicals initially rejected outright the inclusion of existing chemi-
cals within the purview of the regulation.185 The industry lobby also argued for
self-​regulation or more voluntary measures and took a firm stand against the
precautionary principle, citing high costs and negative impacts on competition
and employment.186 However, as it became evident that some kind of regulatory
scheme would be adopted, the industry gradually started focusing on reducing
the burden of REACH rather than opposing the legislation outright.187

196 Case St udies

Given the global reach of European regulations, REACH also prompted

intense lobbying from the US chemical industry. With the full support of the
Bush administration, US firms engaged in “eight years of vigorous opposition,”
arguing that REACH would burden manufacturers for little gain for health and
the environment.188 In 2002, then-​Secretary of State Colin L.  Powell directed
American embassy staffs across Europe to oppose REACH, citing talking points
developed in consultation with a manufacturers’ trade group.189 The US govern-
ment filed formal comments with the Commission, opposing REACH, and EPA
officials worked to lobby EU government and business representatives against
the regulation.190 Again with close cooperation of the industry, the US govern-
ment further engaged in efforts to “educate” other countries so that they could
join the United States in raising concerns about REACH.191 In 2006, the US
Diplomatic Mission to the EU organized a joint statement from the missions of
Australia, Brazil, Chile, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South
Africa, South Korea, and Thailand, asking the European Parliament to reconsider
the regulation.192
High-​level politicians from countries with large chemical industries, such
as France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Ireland were sympathetic
to the views of the industry.193 Other important allies were business-​friendly
conservative or socialist Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and the
Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise. Their criticism of REACH
echoed that of the industry, emphasizing the regulatory costs and adverse effects
on the competitiveness of the European industry.194 Yet a relatively smaller coali-
tion of national environmental ministers, Commission officials, MEPs, and NGO
representatives worked to pass the legislation against this stern resistance.195
Ultimately, the final version of REACH reflected a compromise between
the two sides. Responding to the industry’s concern regarding regulatory costs,
the Commission reduced the costs of the regulation by estimated €10 billion by
lessening certain reporting and informational requirements.196 Some of the dilu-
tion of REACH may be attributed to US lobbying efforts, given that the revised
2003 proposal reflected many of the specific changes sought by the United
States, including the exclusion of polymers.197 Yet even with these compromises,
REACH stands as the world’s most stringent chemical regulation regime.

De Facto Brussels Effect
REACH has led to a significant de facto Brussels Effect, driving behavioral
changes in a multitude of industries worldwide.198 Many foreign chemical manu-
facturers that export a substantial amount of chemicals to the EU are switch-
ing to REACH standards globally to avoid being excluded from the EU market.

Consumer Health and Safety 197

Because manufacturers often find it cheaper to create a single product for various
markets, as opposed to numerous market-​specific versions, they have an incentive
to produce their products in accordance with the most stringent global standard,
which is REACH.199 In this context, this non-​divisibility is primarily driven by
scale economies in production rather than a legal or technical inability to pro-
duce different products: in principle, it would be possible for companies to run
two production lines involving different chemicals. This would not be legally
problematic or necessarily technically difficult. Yet this would often simply be
uneconomical for companies that would face costs by separating their produc-
tion. Another driver for global conformity to REACH is that many downstream
users of chemicals refuse to include substances in their products if the EU has
identified any such chemical as a “substance of very high concern.”200 Given
chemicals’ long and complex supply chains, even one noncompliant substance
in the supply chain may foreclose the final product from the EU market, steer-
ing export-​oriented manufacturers toward strictly EU-​compliant production
An additional reason for applying the higher EU standard uniformly is the
information-​generating feature of REACH and the sensitivity of consumers
around the world for “unsafe” products. For example, Linda Fisher, vice president
and chief sustainability officer for DuPont, was quoted as saying that her firm was
“not looking at this as a European program—​we’re buying and selling all over the
globe,” adding that “once a chemical is included on the E.U. list, manufacturers are
likely to feel pressure to abandon production . . . Linking the word “concern” to a
chemical is enough to trigger a market reaction.”201 Similarly, Johnson & Johnson
makes a reference to both US and EU regulations202 and claims that it phased
out certain ingredients due to consumer confidence, without citing any health
concerns.203 This effect is likely to be even greater when concern is associated with
items such as childrens’ toys or baby bottles.204 Thus, the reputational concerns
linked to market information are further magnifying the Brussels Effect.
Several examples illustrate how multinational companies have increas-
ingly adjusted their global production to meet REACH’s requirements. Dow
Chemical, a leader in the chemicals industry, announced all of its production to
be REACH consistent, for products sold in the EU and elsewhere.205 Hoffman-​La
Roche, a Swiss health care multinational, aims to phase out Substances of a Very
High Concern (SVHCs) from its products within 10 years of the substance’s addi-
tion to the REACH Candidate List.206 To do so, the company is identifying and
removing SVHCs used in their products on a global basis, regardless of whether
the target market is subject to REACH or not. Large cosmetics producers such
as Revlon, Unilever, and L’Oréal have similarly reformulated all their products to
be REACH compatible.207 L’Oréal, for example, acknowledges that it no longer

198 Case St udies

uses methylisothiazolinone (MI) as a preservative in certain products, citing the

European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety recommendation concern-
ing the chemical.208 L’Oréal also asserts that “[t]‌he few nanomaterials used in
certain of our products have undergone a specific safety assessment in compli-
ance with European standards.”209 The company also describes the EU standards
as a benchmark, saying that its “hair coloration products contain colorants that
have obtained regulatory approval and para-​phenylenediamine (PPD) concen-
trations that are at least 2 times less than the maximum concentration authorized
in Europe.”210
REACH’s effects have not been limited to closely impacted fields such as
chemicals manufacturing, pharmaceutical, or cosmetics industries. REACH
has also had a significant impact on textile and retail industries. When cer-
tain phthalates—​substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility and
durability—​were added to the authorization requirements under REACH,
Adidas, Nike, and Zara committed to substituting the phthalates in their prod-
ucts with less hazardous alternatives.211 Brazilian manufacturing giant Alpargatas
S.A.  likewise eliminated phthalates from its popular Havaianas sandals in
response to REACH.212 Although the EU represents less than 30% of the com-
pany’s exports, Alpargatas imposed this costly adjustment on all the products in
the Havaianas line, regardless of their export destination. H&M, a Swedish fash-
ion retailer with operations in many non-​EU countries,213 ensures compliance
with REACH and other regulations by “apply[ing] the precautionary principle”
and developing its chemical restrictions “based on the highest legal standard in
any of [its] sales countries.”214 The company’s sustainability commitment, which
any of its suppliers or business partners must sign, encourages those partners to
avoid any substances that could be “persistent, bioaccumulative or toxic” even
where there is no legal obligation to do so.215 The large furniture retailer Ikea and
toy manufacturing companies Lego and Mattel have similarly all declared their
global production to be PVC free.216
As these various examples indicate, companies rarely find it in their interest
to take advantage of lower standards in foreign markets if they seek to market
their products in the EU. However, there are also examples where the Brussels
Effect fails to reach some product lines. For instance, Estée Lauder has stated that
it uses a single safety standard for 95% of its production, suggesting that a small
portion of its production remains divisible.217 Yet counter-​examples such as this
notwithstanding, the general trend in the chemical industry continues to favor
non-​divisible production, thus explaining the prevalence of the de facto Brussels
In the United States, REACH’s impact on the $800 billion US chemical
industry has been particularly profound.218 Typically, the US industry has had no

Consumer Health and Safety 199

option but to comply with REACH in order to retain access to the EU market. In
2008, the Washington Post reported that “American manufacturers [we]re already
searching for safer alternatives to chemicals used to make thousands of consumer
goods, from bike helmets to shower curtains.”219 The article also cites Mike Walls,
the American Chemistry Council’s managing director of government and regula-
tory affairs, who noted that “90 percent of [the Council’s] members are affected
by the E.U. laws and [ . . . ] some cannot afford the cost of compliance. . . . The
E.U. standards will force many manufacturers to reformulate their products for
sale there as well as in the United States.” Given that the examples mentioned
contain numerous US-​based corporations, it is clear these predications were
borne out.
An interesting question remains whether the de facto Brussels Effect will off-
set any of the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to repeal or limit US envi-
ronmental regulations, particularly those on harmful chemicals.220 For example,
the EPA is pursuing “faster reviews” and a “less dogmatic approach to determin-
ing risk” associated with chemicals.221 The EPA is also reviewing the limits on
production of ten toxic chemicals, including the well-​known chemical asbestos
or hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) that is commonly used in adhesives,
paint strippers, solvents, cleaning products, and automobiles.222 However, if past
examples are any indication, the Brussels Effect suggests that as long as US manu-
facturers continue to export their chemical products to the EU, they are not likely
to make any adjustments to their production processes to take advantage of laxer
US regulations.

De Jure Brussels Effect
REACH has also triggered a significant de jure Brussels Effect, prompting the
adoption of REACH-​style laws in several markets. Jurisdictions that have imple-
mented or planned REACH-​like regulations include, for example, China, Japan,
Malaysia, Serbia, South Korea, Switzerland, and Turkey.223 Other nations such
as India have also proposed REACH-​like regulations.224 The EU has welcomed
such foreign emulation of REACH, declaring that the landmark legislation has
the potential to inspire new standards worldwide,225 and promising to offer tech-
nical assistance when needed. For example, following requests from Argentina,
Chile, China, and Taiwan, the EU pledged compliance support.226 In addition
to providing technical assistance, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has
engaged in frequent regulatory dialogues with its foreign counterparts, including
with those from Australia, Canada, Japan, and the United States. This collabora-
tion has led to the development of a pair of software tools—​the International
Uniform Chemical Information Database and the QSAR toolbox—​available

200 Case St udies

globally to help both regulators and manufacturers organize, assess, store, and
exchange data on chemical safety.227 The EU has further been a driving force
behind a set of multilateral chemical conventions, at times successfully elevating
global standards in the process.228 However, in these settings, the EU’s influence
has been constrained by other powerful countries, such as the United States.229
These multilateral conventions also address a more narrow set of specific chemi-
cal groups as opposed to providing an overarching regulatory regime across a
range of chemicals.230 The absence of any comprehensive global chemicals policy
therefore makes the globalization of REACH even more significant.
There are many reasons for foreign governments to emulate REACH. For
example, export-​oriented producers have the incentive to pressure their home
governments to adopt a REACH-​equivalent legislation domestically. Because
export producers already meet REACH standards due to the de facto Brussels
Effect, these companies face no additional costs in producing similar products for
their home market.231 The de jure Brussels Effect levels their playing field against
domestic competitors that are not active in the EU market and do not, therefore,
need to conform to REACH’s stringent rules. Another reason for emulation is
foreign consumer health and environmental activists, empowered by the imple-
mentation of REACH, who have embraced the EU regulation as a benchmark in
their efforts to push for legislative reform.232
The de jure Brussels Effect has been effective in varying degrees across differ-
ent jurisdictions. The United States, on the one hand, has amended its federal
chemicals regulations with some influence from REACH but still maintains a
different regulatory posture. On the other hand, South Korea implemented
legislation, K-​REACH, closely modeled on REACH. In the middle ground,
countries such as Japan and China have borrowed certain aspects of REACH to
include in their broad chemical regulation strategy.
In the United States, REACH has prompted state-​level regulatory reforms.233
These efforts acknowledge the global nature of the chemicals industry and the
existing need for US companies to comply with REACH, including collecting
the safety information relevant for their production.234 In California, for instance,
the existing informational burden imposed by REACH was seen as a compelling
reason to utilize the same data in-​state. As a result, the California Department of
Toxic Substances Control is now required to use “to the maximum extent feasi-
ble” the safety information generated in other nations in its regulation of chemi-
cal products, including, most importantly, the EU.235
The efforts by various advocacy groups to amend the TSCA—​the US federal
chemicals regulation legislation—​were for a long time considerably less success-
ful, largely due to powerful industry opposition. However, TSCA was finally
amended in 2016, largely due to waning resistance from industry as state chemical

Consumer Health and Safety 201

laws were becoming increasingly fragmented and international regulation was

expanding.236 REACH, in part, provided a catalyst for the eventual amendment
of TSCA.237 Given that many of the large US chemical manufacturers were
already complying with REACH, it was in the interest of those large manufac-
turers to support a similar regulation domestically as well. An additional impetus
to amend the TSCA was also the realization that the United States had largely
ceded the industry to the EU to regulate. Katja Biedenkopf ’s research shows how
the adoption of REACH shifted the US chemicals industry’s position from the
opposition to endorsement of TSCA reform.238 In a 2011 congressional hearing,
the president of the American Chemistry Council argued that “[w]‌e must learn
from what’s working and not working in Canada and the EU. . . . the U.S. always
has been and must remain the global leader. . . .”239 DuPont’s vice president and
chief sustainability officer similarly argued that it was not “wise to cede to the
EU or China the responsibility to set the policies that will guide commerce in
The TSCA Amendments introduced a regulatory approach more similar to
that of REACH, although TSCA still requires less information about chemi-
cals upfront. Richard Denison, a biochemist who tracks chemical safety for the
Environmental Defense Fund, argued that the two regulatory schemes could
be expected to have similar results, explaining that the EPA “now has to make
an affirmative finding that a chemical is safe in order for that chemical to go on
the market.”241 Industry commentators concluded that the TSCA Amendments
moved the United States toward a system more similar to REACH, but also had
some important differences.242 For example, while the TSCA does force the EPA
to make an affirmative determination on a new chemical before it is marketed,
it also mandates the EPA to demonstrate “unreasonable risk” in order to regu-
late a chemical.243 This stands in contrast with REACH’s approach, which forces
manufacturers and importers to demonstrate that chemical risk is adequately
Some commentators have argued that it is difficult to distinguish the influ-
ence of REACH from other economic and political factors contributing to
TSCA reform. Ondrej Filipec notes that it is “hard to determine the extent
to which [changes in US regulations] are influenced directly by the attractive-
ness of REACH and to which they could be seen as a functional and gradual
development within a single regulatory system without any foreign influence.”245
However, according to other commentators, the data produced by REACH
has proven useful and influential in many jurisdictions, including in the United
States. According to Katja Biendenkopf, the EU data generated under REACH
was part of the legislative debate on amending the TSCA.246 It was also used by
the Environmental Defense Fund to illustrate the discrepancies between the two

202 Case St udies

regulatory systems.247 Following the trend set by REACH of greater data trans-
parency, the EPA released information on more than 7,600 chemicals and made
public information on more than 100 cases of formerly confidential chemical
identities.248 Further, as discussed earlier, California uses EU data in its online
database, the Toxic Clearinghouse.249
Another potential pathway for REACH data to influence market behavior in
other jurisdictions is through private toxic tort litigation.250 For example, a coali-
tion of European agencies and research institutions created an online tool—​the
Advanced REACH tool (ART)—​to model and assess benzene exposure given
inputs such as ventilation rate and room size. While at least one US federal court
found that an expert opinion based on ART could be reliable in quantifying a
plaintiff ’s benezene exposure,251 there is no evidence yet that such testimony is
common, or that REACH data is widely or often used in private litigation. This
suggests that foreign governments, as opposed to private litigants, more often
use the data generated under REACH. An interesting question is whether this
will change as the current administration in the United States takes steps to roll
back the regulations on chemical safety, as discussed earlier, and safety advocates
increasingly turn to the courts as a defense.
The EU’s influence on South Korean chemical safety regulation provides per-
haps the best illustration of the de jure Brussels Effect. In 2013, South Korea passed
the Act on Registration and Evaluation , etc. of Chemical Substances, also known
as “K-​REACH.”252 During the drafting process, South Korea consulted closely
with EU institutions and agencies such as ECHA.253 As a result, K-​REACH
closely resembles the EU’s regulatory framework, replicating most of its registra-
tion and reporting provisions.254 While very similar in substance and language,
K-​REACH is not identical with EU’s REACH.255 For example, REACH does
not require disclosure for substances produced or imported at a rate below one
ton per year, while K-​REACH was amended to require registration for new sub-
stances imported or produced at a rate of > 100 kg annually, making K-​REACH
more stringent in this regard.256 On the other hand, K-​REACH originally did
not require the registration of existing chemicals, only new chemicals, and was
only expected to cover 2,000 substances.257 This made the K-​REACH much nar-
rower in scope than REACH, which requires registration for all existing chemi-
cals, and covers over 22,000 registered substances.258 Under recent amendments
to K-​REACH, however, all existing substances will have to be pre-​notified and
registration will be phased in through 2030, with timing depending on tonnage
manufactured or imported.259
The adoption of such similar legislation in South Korea is perhaps less sur-
prising given the significant exposure of Korean companies to REACH. A 2007
report by the Korea Trade-​Investment Promotion Agency emphasized that while

Consumer Health and Safety 203

chemicals do not take up a large proportion of Korean exports to the EU, most
of Korea’s key export products to the EU—​such as cars, wireless communication
equipment, semiconductors, and ships—​contain chemicals, bringing them into
the purview of REACH.260 In 2008, the South Korean Minister of Environment
characterized REACH as posing a “significant trade barrier” to South Korean
companies with significant economic impact, given that the EU is the country’s
second-largest export market after China.261 In the same speech, the Minister
also stated that the EU appears to have the strategic intent to use REACH as a
weapon to increase the competitiveness of EU products in the global market and
to exert industry-​wide influence.262
Legislative comments for K-​ REACH discuss the reasons for its adop-
tion, including the need to respond to the EU’s adoption of REACH and the
increasing regulation of chemical substances in other major trade partners such
as Japan.263 The Korean Ministry of Environment similarly emphasized that
K-​REACH was a “necessity” given the EU regulation—​together with Japan’s
and China’s decisions to follow with similar regulations of their own. In addition
to these external reasons, K-​REACH was also seen as key to protecting citizens’
health and the country’s ecosystem.264
Japan offers another example of the de jure Brussels Effect—​albeit of a less
exact kind. Japan has replicated some elements of REACH, but has also drawn
other elements from Canada’s chemical legislation, such as prioritization and
risk assessment.265 For example, it partly followed REACH in amending its
Chemical Substances Control Act in 2009266 to designate endocrine disruptors
as high-​risk chemicals.267 Furthermore, Japan follows REACH in how it defines
the scope of chemicals of high concern and provision of expedited review for
substances already on the market.268 However, Japanese law imposes a lesser
informational burden on the industry compared to REACH. Japan does not,
for instance, extend the need to disclose information regarding the entire supply
chain. Importantly, the government conducts risk assessment in Japan, whereas
under REACH, industries that manufacture or import chemicals in quantities
exceeding ten tons bear that responsibility.269 According to Yoshiko Naiki, the
introduction of the principle of industry responsibility was probably not neces-
sary in Japan because the safety and toxicity information was already supplied
under REACH and hence likely already publicly available for regulators outside
the EU.270
REACH has also influenced regulatory reforms in China. Katja Biedenkopf
and Dae Young Park argue that the similarities between China’s 2010 “Measures
on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances” and REACH
is evidence that China has borrowed from EU policy.271 For example, China’s
tonnage-​based notification system (that is, a system requiring different disclosures

204 Case St udies

for quantities of 1 ton, 10 tons, etc.) is similar to REACH’s structure. Thus, both
systems apply the principle of “higher volume, more data.”272 Also, the Chinese
reform, like REACH, subjects both producers and importers to annual report-
ing and record-​keeping requirements.273 Finally, Article 2 of China’s 2010 regu-
lation uses similar wording as REACH in applying the regulation to products
that release new chemical substances in their normal use—​although the Chinese
regulation is slightly narrower in scope.274
China’s regulation of various consumer products and children’s toys and rugs
also stem from the Chinese companies’ exposure to EU regulations as their key
export destination. For example, a year after the EU restricted the use of phthal-
ate plasticizers in toys, China similarly updated its own toy safety standard in
2014.275 The new Chinese safety standard presented a significant change, and
it was made with reference to the prevailing EU standards.276 China has also
released a Draft Outline for the Industry Standard of Safety Requirement of
Children’s Rugs, which restricts the use of a substance called formamaide.277 Such
material is listed by REACH as requiring “priority attention,” and categorized
by the ECHA as a harmful substance that could damage fertility or unborn chil-
dren. The new Chinese regulation further restricts the use of soluble metals in
elements in children’s’ rugs, again referring to the relevant EU standard.278
These examples show how REACH has not only shaped the business prac-
tices of private companies but how legislators around the world have enacted
laws that have entrenched the EU’s chemical safety standards into their regula-
tory frameworks. As expected, REACH has been particularly closely emulated
by governments for whom the EU remains a major export market. At the same
time, the United States has steadfastly retained its own approach, unwilling to
embrace the EU’s more precautionary regulatory model. However, given the
extent to which the de facto Brussels Effect has influenced the conduct of large
US companies, the absence of the de jure Brussels Effect in the United States
is perhaps less relevant, especially as the wide adoption of REACH across the
world makes it increasingly hard to find alternative export destinations for prod-
ucts that are not REACH compliant. As a result, only purely domestic operators
in the United States are likely to take advantage of the lax regulations prevailing
in their home market.

This chapter has examined two important areas of EU consumer health

and safety regulation: food safety and chemical safety. Food safety provides an
interesting case study to examine the prevalence and the limits of the Brussels
Effect alike. The discussion has illustrated how in some areas of food safety,
including GMO regulation, the Brussels Effect has been prevalent. This is largely
due to the technical non-​divisibility of GMO cultivation, as any accidental

Consumer Health and Safety 205

cross-​contamination of GMOs could make non-​GMO products containing even

small traces of GMOs unfit for the EU market. The Brussels Effect is enhanced by
legal non-​divisibility, especially as multinational food processors prefer to avoid
the legal risks associated with accidental cross-​contamination of GMOs and
often avoid sourcing products from farmers that cultivate both varieties.
However, in some other cases, divisibility has not been a constraint and com-
panies have customized their food products to varying consumer preferences. In
general, divisibility is more common in products where consumer preferences are
both diverse and salient and where divisibility is both technically feasible and eco-
nomically manageable. In addition, from the limited set of examples examined
in this chapter, it seems that divisibility is more likely—​and hence the Brussels
Effect less common—​with respect to processed food (such as M&Ms) where
manufacturers can better control the production processes and keep different
production lines separate. In contrast, non-​divisibility is more likely—​and hence
the Brussels Effect more common—​in the case of cultivation of crops on open
fields where the risks of commingling of EU-​compliant and non-​EU-​compliant
varieties, such as certain GMOs or pesticides, would be higher. In addition, the
Brussels Effect is more likely to occur in case of long supply chains, where even
one mistake by one actor at one stage of the supply chain may cause the entire
supply chain lose access to EU market.
Chemical industry manifests somewhat different dynamics in this regard. In
contrast to food, where manufacturers can reap significant gains from custom-
izing their production to varying consumer preferences, there are fewer gains
available from tailoring the production of chemicals in the same way. Consumers
around the world are likely to want their chemicals to be safe—​even if their will-
ingness to pay for enhanced safety may vary. Some consumers also likely care
about sustainability of chemicals while others likely place more importance on
the retail price they pay. Yet, beyond those consideration, end consumers rarely
have as deeply held preferences on the precise composition of chemicals in the
products they buy versus the food they consume. For this reason, economic con-
siderations, such as the benefits of scale economies, have been more important
drivers behind the Brussels Effect in the chemical industry. What these two areas
of regulation have in common is the salient role of multinational production pro-
cesses, globally connected industries, and long supply chains as factors that have
facilitated the de facto Brussels Effect.
In addition to influencing global business conduct, the EU has been success-
ful in exporting many of its food and chemical regulations abroad, both unilat-
erally and multilaterally. The de jure Brussels Effect has relied less on the EU’s
unilateralism in the area of food safety regulation—​where multilateral and bilat-
eral channels of diffusion have been more established—​compared to the area of

206 Case St udies

chemical safety regulation where the de jure Brussels Effect has taken place even
when these other channels have been weaker.
Despite the varying dynamics underneath each area of regulation, the EU’s
food safety and chemical safety regimes both illustrate how the Brussels Effect
can lead to higher regulatory standards around the world—​whether as a result of
companies independently adjusting their standards globally to EU rules or alter-
natively through foreign governments emulating more stringent EU regulations.
In both of these areas, multinational businesses as well as consumers far outside
the EU have felt the effects of EU regulations, both by producing and consuming
safer and more sustainable food or manufacturing and buying products contain-
ing safer chemicals.


Environmental protection is one of the policy areas where the EU’s

dedication to protect the global commons and willingness to promulgate strin-
gent regulatory standards in this regard is well known. However, in the public
discourse the EU is often best known for its commitment to multilateralism
and active backing of global environmental treaties. This chapter’s discussion
acknowledges the important role that the EU plays in multilateral environmen-
tal cooperation yet argues that its environmental goals are often most effectively
accomplished through the Brussels Effect.
After reviewing selected examples of the EU’s environmental regulation, the
discussion describes the origins of the EU’s pro-​environmental attitudes. It then
examines a few notable policy areas where the EU has successfully influenced
global environmental standards through the Brussels Effect. These include the
regulation of hazardous substances and electronic waste, the protection of ani-
mal welfare, and the mitigation of climate change through an emissions trading
system. Although each of these provides a strong example of the Brussels Effect in
environmental regulation, in fact, these areas comprise only a fraction of the EU’s
environmental policy. According to The Institute for European Environmental
Policy, the entire body of EU environmental law amounts to over 1,100 direc-
tives, regulations, and decisions.1 This illustrates the salience of environmental
law in the EU’s regulatory architecture and its significance for the operation of
the single market. Further, given the global nature of many of the environmen-
tal problems, it is not surprising that environmental law offers some of the most
prominent examples of the Brussels Effect.

Major Legislation
The EU’s regulatory capacity in environmental matters was built in parallel with
the rising environmental consciousness among the European public. Before

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

208 Case St udies

acquiring any formal competence on environmental matters, the European

Council emphasized the importance of a harmonized EU environmental policy
and called for a concrete action plan in a 1972 Paris declaration.2 The 1987 Single
European Act formally implanted environmental protection in the EU treaties,
making it a primary treaty objective and vesting the EU institutions with the
competence to undertake measures to protect the environment.3 Following this
treaty change, the locus of legislative action began to shift from member states
to the EU level.4 The EU’s regulatory capacity was further enhanced in the 1992
Maastricht Treaty, which recognized the importance of “sustainable growth” and
added the “precautionary principle” to guide decision-​making in environmental
matters. The Maastricht Treaty also acknowledged for the first time the EU’s role
in promoting measures multilaterally outside the EU.5 In the 1999 Amsterdam
Treaty, the EU institutions acquired the duty to promote sustainable develop-
ment by integrating environmental protection into all EU policy areas.6 Later,
the 2009 Lisbon Treaty made “combating climate change” a specific goal of EU
Treaties, giving EU’s climate action a strong constitutional foundation,7 together
with the recognition that sustainable development must guide the EU’s foreign
relations.8 As a result of these developments, the EU became an international
leader in environmental regulation, eclipsing the United States in the process.
To effectively carry out its new mandate, in 1990s the Commission began
to build substantial technical expertise that allowed its civil servants to engage
in complex decision-​making in environmental policy. Throughout, however, it
benefited, and continues to benefit, from outside expertise. For example, the
European Environment Agency supports the Commission’s regulatory agenda by
gathering and disseminating information about the state of the environment in
the EU.9 The European Courts have further expanded the competences of the EU
institutions in environmental policy over the years with their pro-​environment
rulings. Notably, in the landmark 2005 decision of Council v. Commission, the
Court authorized the Commission to extend criminal sanctions to environ-
mental offenses.10 Similarly, in 2018 the Court approved unprecedented action
to immediately halt the illegal deforestation of the primeval Białowieza forest
district in Poland. After Poland refused to comply with earlier injunctive actions,
the court expanded its interim powers to issue a €100,000 per day penalty against
Poland until a final judgment could be issued.11
The EU has exercised global environmental leadership in many areas of envi-
ronmental regulation. One of these areas is the management of hazardous sub-
stances and electronic waste. The EU’s regulatory efforts in this area culminated
in the adoption of the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS
Directive or RoHS 1) in 2002.12 The RoHS Directive bans the use of hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic equipment, with the goal of preventing

Environment 209

these substances from leaking into the environment when many common prod-
ucts such as household appliances and computers reach the end of their useful
life.13 The Directive applies to all products placed on the market in the EU regard-
less of whether they are produced in the EU or in non-​EU countries. In 2011, the
Directive was extended to cover all electrical and electronic equipment, including
medical devices and monitoring and control instruments (RoHS 2).14 The EU’s
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE),15 first adopted
in 2002, complements the RoHS in that it is aimed at removing e-​waste from
landfills and redirecting it to recycling.16 Both sets of directives impose upon the
manufacturer the responsibility for product management throughout the life
cycle of the product.17 These directives have therefore had a dramatic impact on
the entire electronics industry.
The EU has also taken decisive regulatory measures to advance animal wel-
fare. The first such provision in 1974 focused on governing slaughterhouses.18
Regulation in this area was expanded in a 1998 Council Directive that lays down
general rules on the protection of animals kept for farming purposes, incorpo-
rating the “five freedoms” for animals as declared in the European Convention
for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming.19 The 1999 Amsterdam Treaty
contains a Protocol on animal welfare, declaring that animals are sentient beings,
a position confirmed by the 2009 Lisbon Treaty.20 From the Lisbon Treaty’s
affirmation that animals feel pain and pleasure grew the EU Strategy for the
Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012–​2015. This Strategy implemented new
welfare standards around housing, feeding, transportation, and slaughter while
also targeting the competitiveness of European producers.21 Another prominent
example is the EU’s decision to ban animal testing for cosmetics. Since 2013, no
cosmetics tested on animals can be marketed in the EU.22
The final example discussed in this chapter concerns climate change—​in par-
ticular the EU’s emissions trading scheme (ETS). Known as a “cap-​and-​trade”
system, ETS imposes a limit on overall emissions and, within this limit, allows
companies covered by the scheme to buy and sell emission allowances as needed.
The ETS comprises 11,000 power stations and manufacturing plants in the EEA
area, reaching a total of 45% of EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.23 Initially,
climate change emerged as a policy concern at the member-​state level, including in
Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingom.24 The EU had first opposed
flexible market mechanisms such as the ETS during the 1997 Kyoto climate nego-
tiations. However, after realizing the significance of the issue for the European
integration, the Commission changed its course and argued that an EU-​wide
ETS was necessary to avoid market distortions after the United Kingdom and
Denmark had introduced national ETSs.25 Further, once the EU undertook to
fulfill its own Kyoto commitments regarding the reduction of GHG emissions

210 Case St udies

by 2008, it became a priority to convince other countries outside the EU to do

likewise, both to protect the global commons and to retain the competitiveness
of the European industry. 26
These examples ranging from electronic waste to animal welfare and climate
change are illustrative of the EU’s stringent environmental policy. They have also
provided a foundation for the EU’s global influence as they have subsequently
been externalized through the Brussels Effect. Before examining the de facto and
de jure Brussels Effect in this area, the discussion will briefly review the key politi-
cal dynamics that lie behind the EU’s environmental leadership.

Political Economy
The EU’s pro-​environmental stance, which is typically the strongest of any major
markets in the world, can be traced to a number of factors. These include pub-
lic opinion favoring stringent environmental regulation, active environmental
NGOs (ENGOs), and a wide-​reaching political consensus in favor of high lev-
els of environmental protection. Environmental regulation has also offered an
important tool for market integration, while also providing an avenue for the EU
to exert soft power by promoting norms associated with a benevolent and value-​
driven world power.
The European public has migrated strongly in favor of environmental regula-
tion over the past fifty years. The modern environmental movement in the EU
dates back to the 1960s, when an increasing awareness was emerging regarding
the deteriorating state of the environment and the threats posed by pollution
and human activities to the planet.27 The publication of a pathbreaking study,
the “Limits to Growth,” produced in 1972 by a group of prominent researchers,
further magnified concerns about the earth’s resources and the ability to sustain
economic and population growth.28 This increased awareness set the EU on a
course toward common environmental policy in the subsequent decades.
A series of specific events also catalyzed public awareness regarding envi-
ronmental damage and paved the way for stronger environmental regulation.
Particularly salient was the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, which
released extensive amounts of radioactive material over Russia, Belarus, Ukraine,
and parts of Europe.29 This had major adverse effects on human health and the
environment, impacting agricultural and ecosystems in Europe and exposing mil-
lions of Europeans to severe health risks. Another catalyst was the detection of
acid rain in many parts of Europe in the 1970s and 1980s. Acid rain is frequently a
trans-​boundary problem whereby acid pollutants—​including substances such as
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides—​emitted in one country get carried through
winds and are ultimately deposited as acid rain in another country. This became
a notable problem in Europe as it was rapidly industrializing and building power

Environment 211

plants across the continent, leading to significant environmental damage in coun-

tries such as Austria, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.30
Public opinion polls over the last three decades demonstrate the widespread
support for environmental protection among Europeans. By the late 1980s, the
Eurobarometer surveys found environmental problems to rank among the pri-
mary concerns among citizens in all member states.31 Today, public concern for
the environment is unquestionable: according to a 2017 Eurobarometer survey,
94% of Europeans felt that protecting the environment was important to them
personally.32 Europeans further associate environmental policies with economic
benefits and job creation.33 They also rank climate change as the “third most seri-
ous global problem, after poverty (28%) and international terrorism (24%).”34
The same surveys reveal that while Europeans place the blame for environmen-
tal damage on industry, they also recognize individual responsibility.35 They also
want to attribute a significant role to EU institutions and EU laws in protecting
the environment. 36 Accordingly, Europeans support an expansive role for the
government in regulating the environment:  89% agreed that the government
should set renewable energy targets, and 88% agreed that it should support efforts
to improve energy efficiency.37 Moreover, recent global opinion surveys have sug-
gested that Europeans’ pro-​environment attitudes are among the strongest in the
world. For example, in a global 2015 survey, the Pew Research Center found that
Europeans, at 87% approval, are the most supportive of their government limit-
ing GHG emissions. By contrast, in the United States, only 69% of Americans
support emission limitations, well below the global median of 78%.38
Politicians have internalized this shift in public attitudes in Europe and come
to embrace environmental goals across the political spectrum. The presence and
influence of Green parties in European and national parliaments have further
elevated the salience of environmental matters on the legislative agenda.39 The
1989 European Parliament elections became known as “green tide” elections as
the green parties in the European Parliament increased their share of votes from
2.7% to 7.7%,40 lifting them from a marginal player to a credible political force.
This was significant, as the European Parliament has always played a critical role
in supporting stronger environmental protection, calling for a common climate
change policy as early as 1986.41 By the end of the 1990s, Green parties were rep-
resented in almost 75% of national parliaments in the EU, further bolstering the
EU’s green legislative agenda.
The ENGOs have also played an active role in advocating more comprehen-
sive environmental regulations in Europe.42 A number of these NGOs have come
together to create and promote initiatives to influence legislation. Two notable ini-
tiatives are the “Greening the Treaty” initiative and the “Greening the EU Budget”
initiative.43 The Greening the Treaty initiative refers to efforts by the NGOs to
propose environmentally friendly treaty amendments whenever EU treaties are

212 Case St udies

being revisited, while the Greening the Budget initiative refers to efforts to con-
vince EU legislators to direct funds away from environmentally harmful measures.
The most significant civil society actor is a coalition of the largest ENGOs called
the “Green 10.” The group includes many of the key environmental advocacy
groups, including Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace European Unit, and
WWF European Policy Office.44 Acting as a coalition has allowed these NGOs to
pool their resources and better counter the lobbying power by business interests.45
Climate Action Network Europe has also been a critical actor in EU climate policy
since the 1980s. In an effort to gain more influence, it has formed alliances with
business lobbies such as the European Association for the Conservation of Energy
and European Wind Energy Association.46
Despite the ardent NGOs’ advocacy, many commentators argue that the
industry has more influence over policy outcomes in the EU.47 Numerous
individual companies and industry associations engage in lobbying for less
burdensome environmental measures. Indeed, some of the most active indus-
try lobbying in the EU targets the Commission’s Directorate-​General for the
Environment. Yet even the industry lobbying can lead to more, as opposed to
less, EU-​level legislation. When the industry knows that some regulation is
inevitably forthcoming, it typically supports EU-​level measures, as opposed
to divergent and potentially conflicting national regulations that would
increase their compliance costs.48 This was evident, for instance, in the EU
legislation on electronic waste where the industry organizations supported
EU-​level harmonization to correct the market distortion caused by regula-
tory differences across the member states.49 For the same reason, the EU’s
pro-​environmental policy is bolstered by the EU institutions’ efforts to use
environmental regulation as a tool for market integration.50 Common stan-
dards on environmental measures facilitate intra-​EU trade as firms can operate
in a single European market without facing different regulatory regimes that
impede cross-​border trade.
The EU’s environmental leadership and high domestic standards have also
served the EU’s aim of presenting itself as a global “soft power,” providing a con-
trast to the more traditional statecraft associated with the US’ leadership.51 For
example, the Commission President Jean-​Claude Juncker recently articulated
the EU’s commitment to mitigating climate change in his State of the European
Union address 2017 in the following terms:

I want Europe to be the leader when it comes to the fight against climate
change.  .  .  .  Set against the collapse of ambition in the United States,
Europe must ensure we make our planet great again.  .  .  .  The EU must
seize this opportunity and become a global leader . . .52

Environment 213

This vision portrays the EU as a “normative power,” wielding influence through

promoting norms that are based on values such as human rights and sustainable
development. It emphasizes the EU’s self-​identification as a righteous power that
acts in normatively justified and principled ways in the international arena.
There are numerous examples of the EU’s environmental leadership in the
international fora. Early manifestations of the EU’s efforts to facilitate interna-
tional environmental treaties can be found at the 1992 Rio Summit, where the
EU was a key actor in the UN Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED). The EU’s leadership role was significant also in the negotiations
leading up to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change,53 and more recently
in concluding the framework agreement on climate change in Paris.54 The EU’s
active engagement in international environmental cooperation reflects its ideo-
logical commitment to sustainable growth and understanding that global com-
mons cannot be protected by the EU alone. However, its global leadership also
likely reflects strategic considerations, including the desire to ensure that the
competitiveness of EU companies is not undermined by making them alone bear
the costs of environmental regulation.55 Beyond these multilateral efforts to pro-
mote environmental norms, the EU has exercised extensive unilateral influence,
as will be discussed next.

De Facto Brussels Effect
The de facto Brussels Effect has been common in many areas of environmental
regulation. This section reviews its occurrence with respect to hazardous sub-
stances and electronic waste, animal welfare, and climate change regulation.
These various examples show how the Brussels Effect manifests itself with respect
to both traditional, direct product regulation—as i​n the cases of hazardous sub-
stance and animal welfare—​as well as with respect to regulation relying on market
mechanisms—​including climate change mitigation through emissions trading.
In each of these areas, the Brussels Effect has often been amplified by the EU’s
large market size and strong regulatory mandate, and further strengthened by
the recognition of environmental protection as a constitutional obligation for
the EU institutions. In addition, the “precautionary principle”—​which allows
for regulatory intervention even in the presence of uncertainty regarding the
harm—​features prominently in the EU’s environmental policy making, further
contributing to the EU’s regulatory capacity and regulatory stringency across all
the examples that will be examined. As well, the EU’s willingness to protect the
environment with high standards is well established, with consumers and parties
across the political spectrum typically endorsing stringent environmental regula-
tion. Also, environmental regulation is typically inelastic as EU regulations apply

214 Case St udies

to all products that end up on the European market no matter where they are
produced. Thus, a multinational company is not able to circumvent EU’s strin-
gent standards by relocating production to jurisdictions with fewer environ-
mental protections as long as they want to retain the option of exporting into
the European market. Further, environmental regulation is often non-​divisible.
After an investment in compliance with the EU’s stringent environmental rules is
made, the company typically extends those same sustainability practices across its
global conduct or production.

Hazardous Substances and Electronic Waste

The 2002 enactment of both RoHS—​the Directive banning hazardous sub-
stances in electronics—​and WEEE—​the Directive regulating electronic waste
and recycling—​led to a global change in the design of electronic products, as
multinational companies who sell into the EU’s market often opted to use the
EU’s stringent standards across their global production to save production
costs.56 As a result, these two Directives have led to a number of examples of the
de facto Brussels Effect. Both Oracle and Fujitsu, two major multinational elec-
tronics companies exporting products to the EU, have made public statements
affirming that foreign manufacturers like them rarely split their production lines.
Instead, they typically prefer to comply with one set of standards and thus make
their entire production line RoHS compliant.57 According to Katja Biedenkopf ’s
research—​which included extensive industry interviews—​“the electronics indus-
try is highly globalised . . . [and] maintaining two or more separate product lines
is often undesirable and difficult.”58 As a result, most manufacturers apply the
EU’s requirements globally, making the RoHS a “de facto standard for global
material policy within the electronics industry.”59
The de facto Brussels Effect takes place notwithstanding the costs of comply-
ing with EU standards and even in instances where the EU is not a company’s
largest target market. Indeed, as The Boston Globe reported in 2006, American
companies were spending “billions of dollars to redesign their products” in
response to the RoHS Directive.60 George Wilkish, a senior quality engineer at
M/​A-​Com, Inc., a business unit of Tyco Electronics Corp., describes RoHS 1 as
“probably the biggest change in electronics in 50 years.”61 Many companies like
M/​A-​Com, which only exports 20% of its products to Europe, planned to imple-
ment the changes required by the RoHS in all their products, no matter where
they were sold.62
Surprisingly, the Brussels Effect has even reached industries to which the
RoHS does not directly apply. For example, the automotive and aerospace sec-
tors have eliminated some RoHS-​regulated substances.63 Similarly, the degree

Environment 215

of compliance with RoHS for most products is so high that companies have
reported difficulties in obtaining noncompliant products for sectors not covered
by the RoHS.64 Many companies also see compliance with the EU as a necessity
in the competitive environment where the entire marketplace is shifting toward
the EU standard. When electronics giants such as Dell and Apple advertise their
RoHS-​compliance,65 and customers have easy access to sustainable products,66 it
is difficult for smaller players not to follow.
The de facto Brussels Effect has been particularly notable among Japanese,
Taiwanese, and South Korean companies, given the prominence of these coun-
tries’ information technology and electronics industries. For example, in response
to the EU RoHS directive, Hitachi decided to phase out worldwide six chemical
substances included in about 70 of its products that were subject to EU RoHS
by March of 2005.67 The company also decided to switch to lead-​free solder
for its products produced by factories in Japan, and subsequently for its prod-
ucts produced throughout the world.68 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company—​the fourth largest semiconductor sales leader in the world69—​
similarly guarantees that all its products meet EU’s directives, including RoHS,
WEEE, and REACH.70 According to the MediaTek’s 2015 Corporate Social
Responsibility Report, the company’s environmental standards meet simultane-
ously European, Asian, and Taiwanese standards for environmental protection.71
Finally, a June 2006 Korean Science Times article reported that Korean exporters
such as Samsung complied with EU RoHS.72 At that time, the EU market took
up only one-​fifth of all Korean electronics exports,73 yet that was sufficient to
steer the industry toward the European standards. Samsung further confirms on
its website that “all [Samsung] products” are RoHS compliant as part of the com-
pany’s global compliance strategy.74

Animal Welfare
Animal welfare offers another prominent set of examples of the de facto Brussels
Effect. For example, the EU’s ban on the sale of animal-​tested cosmetics and
chemicals used for such products in particular has had a wide-​reaching impact
on corporate behavior.75 The EU is the world leader in the manufacturing of cos-
metics: of the world’s 50 leading cosmetic brands, 22 are domiciled in Europe.76
In 2017, European cosmetics and personal care retail sales were valued at €77.6
billion,77 and exports totaled €20.2 billion.78 The EU has also built significant
institutional expertise and capacity to regulate the industry, as manifested by
the creation of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods
(founded in 1991 to develop alternatives to animal testing) and the Scientific
Committee on Consumer Products.79 Thus, the EU—​which regulates both the

216 Case St udies

safety of the chemicals included in the cosmetics as well as the testing methods
employed—​has become an “undisputed regulatory hegemon” in this domain,
setting the benchmark for the entire industry.80
Japanese cosmetics firms are among those that have adjusted their global
manufacturing to conform to EU animal welfare regulations. Shiseido—​Japan’s
largest cosmetics manufacturer—​halted animal testing in 2013 to abide by the
EU ban on the sale of animal-​tested cosmetics.81 Several other Japanese cosmetics
companies, such as Kao Corp. and Kose Corp., followed suit.82 These compa-
nies are now increasingly using cultured human cells to replace animal testing on
products.83 The manufacturers are under no legal obligation to do so in Japan,
but they still refrain from animal testing as it would cost them revenue from
abroad.84 Some manufacturers are even demanding that their suppliers of ingre-
dients promise not to conduct tests on animals.85
Interestingly, while Shiseido abolished animal testing at both its domestic and
overseas laboratories, the company continues to test on animals for its products
sold in China, as Chinese laws require such testing as a condition for market
access by foreign companies.86 More generally, while broadly adhering to the
EU ban across the multiple markets, the cosmetics firms seem to be prepared to
engage in animal testing when such testing is a formal requirement for serving
a certain foreign market. According to e-​mail correspondence with Shiseido’s
Customer Care Team in March and April 2018:

Shiseido does not test its cosmetic products or ingredients on animals

except when absolutely mandated by law, or where there are absolutely no
alternative methods for guaranteeing product safety. Shiseido’s mission is
to provide safe and effective products to customers, and to comply with
the cosmetics regulations in force, while understanding and respecting the
principles behind animal protection.87

Shiseido’s decision to carry out animal testing for products destined for
China while refraining to do so for other markets shows a particularly interest-
ing variant of the Brussels Effect. In such a setting, the company cannot achieve
global compliance by adhering to EU rules alone. In other words, the EU stand­
ard fails to incorporate all other (weaker) standards as long as Chinese and EU
standards are mutually incompatible. In these rare instances, companies are
forced to divide their production to serve two (or more) markets that require
opposite behaviors.
Because of the incompatibility between EU and Chinese regulatory stan-
dards on animal testing, some European cosmetics manufactures have also opted
to produce two different varieties of their products. For the fear of legal risks in

Environment 217

the EU, they refrained from incorporating in their cosmetics sold in the EU the
ingredients they used in China because those ingredients had been tested on ani-
mals for the purpose of qualifying for the Chinese market.88 In seeking legal clar-
ity, the European Federation of Cosmetic Ingredients brought a case before the
European Court of Justice (ECJ) in 2014,89 asking the ECJ to determine whether
the EU’s Cosmetics Regulation prohibits the sale of cosmetics in the EU if an
ingredient in those cosmetics has been tested on animals for the purpose of com-
plying with a third-​country regulatory requirement. The ECJ ruled that, in such
an instance, a cosmetic product could not be marketed in the EU if the producer
relied on those animal test results to prove the safety of the product also in the
EU.90 Thus, the ruling suggests that manufacturers had to maintain two different
testing methods—​one with and the other without using animals—​yet they could
produce a single product for both European and Chinese markets. Had the ECJ
instead ruled otherwise and prohibited the use of such ingredients in the cosmet-
ics sold in the EU, the manufacturers would in practice be required to produce
two different products, or choose between selling their products in the EU or in
China. However, this question of divisibility may be moot soon as the Brussels
Effect on animal testing might be closing in on China as well: in 2014, China
abolished its requirement for domestic companies to conduct animal testing on
“ordinary” cosmetics.91
In many other areas of animal welfare, the EU’s global regulatory influence
is more difficult to trace and measure. It is not always clear if foreign producers
are adjusting their global practices given their exposure to the EU as a key export
market or whether they are changing their practices due to growing domestic
pressures. The EU institutions themselves take the view that EU regulations have
had a significant global impact. The Commission, in its report on the impact of
animal welfare measures on the competitiveness of European livestock produc-
ers, notes that “The EU animal welfare standards have had a lighthouse effect
and often represented a source of inspiration for voluntary industry initiatives on
animal welfare.”92
At times, the de facto Brussels Effect is quite evident, with producers explicitly
citing the EU measures as reasons for the change in their production practices.
For example, the Brazilian farming industry acknowledges how it is respond-
ing to the business opportunity presented by Europe’s sustainable meat market.
Leaders of the country’s pork industry have argued that the country’s producers
must start investing in animal welfare because the EU’s standards were essentially
becoming a requirement of the international market.93 Incorporating European
welfare standards would also increase the value of Brazilian pork and improve its
competitiveness on the international market.94 This is significant given that Brazil
is the world’s third-​largest pork producer and its fourth-​largest exporter.

218 Case St udies

The EU regulations on slaughtering conditions have also triggered the

Brussels Effect. In 1993, the EU passed a Council Directive on the protection
of animals at the time of slaughter or killing.95 It requires that all animals be
stunned before slaughter.96 The Directive permits only specific methods of
slaughtering that prevent unnecessary suffering, and it applies to domestic and
imported meat products alike.97 Producers looking to export meat products to
the EU must thus comply with the Slaughter Directive. Therefore, slaughter-
houses in Brazil, Thailand, Namibia, Canada, and many other countries “uti-
lise information from EFSA reports and methods of stunning that are effective
and allowed by EU legislation.”98 Once these slaughterhouses have decided to
adjust to EU regulations, it is unlikely that they would maintain multiple stun-
ning methods in practice.
The 1997 EU Directive to protect the welfare of calves by banning the use of
veal crates has also informed changes in corporate practices around the world.99
Veal crates lead to “restriction of movement,” “unsuitable flooring,” “lack of
exercise,” “social deprivation,” “inability to groom,” “stress,” and “disease.”100 The
United States has no federal legislation on veal crates and as of 2012, the major-
ity of calves were raised in crates.101 However, since the EU ban came into effect,
a growing number of states within the United States have banned or regulated
their use.102 In 2007, the American Veal Association approved a policy that the
veal industry fully transition to group housing by 2017, citing consumer concerns
about animal welfare.103 That same year, major US producers Strauss Veal and
Marcho Farms announced that they would convert their farms to group housing
by 2010. Strauss Veal described its goal as “to be 100-​percent converted to raising
calves by the European-​style, group-​raised method within the next two to three
years.”104 This quote suggests that the EU regulation has at least informed the
change, whether it provided the primary impetus for it or not. The US domestic
activist pressures have likely also been relevant, with the EU’s more stringent ani-
mal welfare regulations supplying an important argument for advocacy groups.
For example, the Humane Society highlighted that the customary produc-
tion practices used in the United States were “illegal throughout the European
The EU has similarly shaped the conditions for chicken farms around the
world with its 2007 Directive laying down minimum rules for the protection
of chickens kept for meat production (the “Broiler Directive”).106 The Broiler
Directive sets maximum stocking densities for chickens, ensuring adequate hous-
ing space. It also lays out certain requirements and inspection policies regarding
feeding, drinkers, litter, ventilation, heating, lighting, and cleaning.107 A  2005
study reported that meat exporters are adapting to the demands of European con-
sumers, with the result that “increasing proportions of chicken meat production

Environment 219

in Argentina and Thailand is now designed to comply with EU legislation and

food company standards.”108
The EU’s 2005 animal transport regulation triggered one of the most appar-
ent incidences of the Brussels Effect.109 In 2015, the ECJ ruled on a seminal case,
Zuchtvieh-​Export, regarding the treatment of animals departing from an EU
country into third countries.110 Zuchtvieh-​Export was attempting to transport
cattle via truck from Germany to Uzbekistan. However, the German customs
officials at the departure point denied clearance as the trip’s final 29-​hour leg
from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan was deemed to violate the EU’s animal transport
regulation. The ECJ determined that the Regulation applied to transport in third
states, so long as that transport began in the EU.111 This decision exemplifies a
technique identified by Joanne Scott as territorial extension,112 which enables the
EU to extend its regulatory reach into activities outside the EU when there exists
a relevant territorial connection—​in this case, Kazakhstan.113 At the same time,
this case serves as an example of a de facto Brussels Effect.114 Here, the Brussels
Effect is driven by technical non-​divisibility—​the non-​divisibility of geographic
distance in animal transport—​which obliges the transport company to obey EU
animal welfare regulations even with respect to the part of the journey that takes
place outside the EU.

Climate Change and Emissions Trading in Aviation

The EU’s efforts to externalize its emissions trading scheme (ETS) to aviation
offers a particularly fascinating case study on the extent—​but also the clear
limits—​of the Brussels Effect. The ETS forms the cornerstone of the EU’s cli-
mate change policy.115 In a particularly controversial move, the EU tried to force
international action by including aviation emissions in its ETS in 2008, and thus
sought to apply this Aviation Directive extraterritorially.116 Few countries outside
the EU had adopted effective national legislation to combat greenhouse gases
(GHG) at that time. And although the Kyoto Protocol provided that GHGs
emitted by airlines were to be regulated by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), negotiations had come to a standstill. The EU’s decision
to seek to externalize its ETS was strengthened by the 2009 failure to reach con-
sensus in the Copenhagen climate talks, after which the EU’s international lead-
ership in climate policy was severely damaged.117 This arguably prompted the EU
to resort to unilateralism and use its vast market size as leverage to force a change
Specifically, the Aviation Directive required all airlines, including foreign
ones, to buy emission permits for all their flights departing from, or landing at,
European airports. This way, airlines would not be able to limit their compliance

220 Case St udies

to the part of the journey that takes place in the European airspace, making the
scheme non-​divisible. For instance, on a flight from San Francisco to London,
only 9% of the emissions are calculated to occur in the EU airspace (29%, 37%,
and 25% of the emissions occurring over the United States, Canada, and the high
seas, respectively).119 Yet, according to the Directive, the airline was expected to
acquire emission permits for each ton of emissions emitted across the entire flight
since the point of landing was in the EU.120
The Aviation Directive qualified the EU’s unilateralism on two fronts: First,
airlines were exempted from the ETS with respect to their flights landing in the
EU (although not with respect to their flights taking off from the EU) if they
were subject to “equivalent measures” in their home jurisdiction.121 Whether
domestic climate regulation in the United States or China, for instance, would
qualify as an equivalent provision was, however, subject to the EU’s unilateral
decision.122 Second, the Directive stated that the EU could forgo extraterritorial
measures if a global agreement on reducing the GHG emissions from aviation
was negotiated. The Commission further backed up the Directive with tough
sanctions to ensure compliance: a foreign airline refusing to comply was subject
to a fine123 or, even more severely, could be banned from European airports.124
If fully enforced, the Aviation Directive would have provided one of the most
dramatic examples of the operation of the Brussels Effect. However, foreign air-
lines, supported by their governments, launched a series of concerted measures
to counter the EU’s unilateralism. United Airlines, Continental, and American
Airlines, supported by the US Air Transport Association, challenged their inclu-
sion in the ETS before UK courts, alleging that the United Kingdom’s decision
to implement the EU Directive violated international law.125 The UK Court
referred the question to the European Court of Justice. In an important victory
to the Commission, the ECJ backed the EU measure. It confirmed the validity
of the Aviation Directive with various international agreements and customary
international law.126
Yet the international resistance persisted.127 China canceled Airbus aircraft
orders and decried the alleged extrajudicial application of EU regulations, in
particular against developing countries.128 The Civil Aviation Administration
of China also banned all Chinese airlines from participating in the EU ETS in
2012.129 India similarly challenged the extraterritorial reach of the ETS. In 2011,
the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation hosted a meeting of 26 countries opposing
the Aviation Directive. The participants signed the “Delhi Declaration,” calling
on the EU to reverse its decision.130 China, India, and 21 other countries con-
vened another meeting in Moscow and signed the “Declaration on Inclusion of
International Civil Aviation in the EU-​ETS,” which “reject[ed] the EU’s move
as unilateral, and called on the EU to reverse its decision.”131 Ultimately, EU

Environment 221

member states with deep commercial interests at stake given their connection to
the Airbus persuaded the EU to change its position. The EU “froze” implementa-
tion of the Aviation Directive until the end of 2016, provided the ICAO came to
a global agreement by then.132
Against this backdrop, multilateral negotiations were revived. On October
6, 2016, the ICAO announced it had reached an agreement, called the Carbon
Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).133
CORSIA’s pilot phase will come into effect in 2021, but participation by ICAO
states will not be mandatory until 2027. Unlike the ETS, CORSIA includes
exceptions for Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States,
Landlocked Developing Countries, and States with very low levels of interna-
tional aviation activity.134 In March 2017, the ICAO also adopted “the world’s
first global design certification standard governing CO2 emissions for any indus-
try sector.” This certification standard will apply to new aircraft type designs as of
2020, and extends to aircraft type designs already in-​production as of 2023.135 As
a result of these measures, the EU agreed to forgo extraterritoriality and limit the
geographic scope of the ETS to intra-​EEA flights from 2017 onward.136
The EU’s decision to suspend the extraterritorial aspect of the ETS can be
viewed through two different lenses. On one hand, it shows the limits of the
Brussels Effect. When faced with salient and broad-​based international pres-
sure, the EU is prepared to give in. Imposition of concrete costs on EU member
states—​here the loss of Airbus sales—​proved a viable method of reining in the
Brussels Effect. On the other hand, the ETS and the aviation saga shows how the
EU can use the Brussels Effect as a way to facilitate an international agreement. It
is unclear if the political consensus for the ICAO would have ever emerged but
for the Brussels Effect and the opportunity costs associated with enduring the
costs of the EU’s unilateralism. Granted, CORSIA and The Standard represent a
“fundamental[ly] different” scheme for aviation than the EU ETS cap-​and-​trade
system.137 Yet still, it is geared at accomplishing the same policy outcome without
the EU having to face criticism of its aggressive unilateralism.

De Jure Brussels Effect
In many instances, these same areas of environmental regulation—​hazardous
substances and electronic waste, animal welfare, and climate change regulation—​
have also triggered legislative change abroad, leading to the de jure Brussels
Effect. The EU’s influence in these policy areas manifests through multiple
channels. Environmental policy has long been a subject of numerous multilat-
eral, regional, and bilateral negotiations.138 The EU has often played a key role
in these negotiations, spearheading several multilateral and regional conventions

222 Case St udies

and concluding bilateral trade agreements with strong environmental provisions.

The EU institutions also often extend technical assistance to foreign regulators,
at times exporting EU regulations in the process. The environmental movement
is also influential in many parts of the world, and NGOs (both European and
foreign) have in many instances played an active role in pushing for reforms
abroad—​often using existing EU regulations as a benchmark in their advocacy.
Thus, the narrower de jure Brussels Effect—​a legislative change following the de
facto Brussels Effect—​typically operates alongside these various other channels
through which regulatory standards become elevated outside the EU.

Hazardous Substances and Electronic Waste

Environmental regulation offers several examples of the de jure Brussels Effect
where countries around the world emulate the EU laws. RoHS and WEEE—​the
regulations geared at managing hazardous substances and electronic waste—​have
been particularly influential in this regard. Interestingly, the EU was not the first
mover in regulating electronic waste. Major electronics manufacturing countries,
Japan and Taiwan, had WEEE-​style laws in place shortly before the EU. However,
the EU’s WEEE exceeded them in scope.139 RoHS was particularly groundbreak-
ing in restricting the use of six substances in a broad range of products.140 This
made the EU law the global standard toward which businesses have converged,
both due to the de facto and de jure Brussels Effect. The Commission itself notes
that both RoHS 1 and RoHS 2 Directives “have stimulated a reduction in hazard-
ous materials all over the world: several countries, including China, Korea and
the US, have developed RoHS-​like legislation.”141
The wide emulation of EU RoHS worldwide is not as much the result of the
Commission’s proactive efforts to globalize its regulation; rather, RoHS provides
an example of an EU regulation where the internal goals associated with envi-
ronmental protection and single market dominated, and the regulation’s global
reach was largely an incidental side effect of those internal goals. In this case, an
extensive de facto Brussels Effect likely explains the emulation of RoHS by for-
eign governments to a considerable extent. Global companies already forced to
comply with RoHS have had the incentive to advocate RoHS-​type regulations in
their home markets, paving the way for the de jure Brussels Effect.
In the United States, the de jure Brussels Effect on hazardous waste manage-
ment has occurred at the state level as attempts to introduce binding federal leg-
islation have been unsuccessful.142 The EPA recognized e-​waste as a problem in
2001, but its regulatory efforts failed in 2004, largely due to disagreement among
the industry on how to allocate responsibility.143 Another contributing factor is
likely the delegation of the hazardous waste management to the states through

Environment 223

the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, relegating e-​waste as a policy

issue that states could regulate themselves compared to more salient issues such
as climate change that were seen as more compelling to include on the federal
At the same time, RoHS has inspired several US states to follow the EU’s
example.145 California offers the most far-​reaching illustration. Like the EU,
California regulates electronic waste mainly through two related statutes:  the
California RoHS146 and the California Electronic Waste Recycling Act.147
California’s RoHS was clearly modeled on the EU RoHS.148 It also explicitly
incorporates EU standards into its Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003.149
This Act, referred to as the “Cal RoHS,” bans or permits the sale of electronic
devices in California depending on how those devices are regulated under EU
RoHS Directive. For example, it does not allow the California Department of
Toxic Substances Control to prevent the sale of products, which the EU RoHS
Directive does not prohibit from sale in the EU. “Therefore, specific applica-
tions of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium that are exempt from
the EU RoHS Directive are also exempt from California RoHS regulations.”150
Rather strikingly, the Cal RoHS also states that amendments to the EU direc-
tive will be incorporated into California law.151 However, the California RoHS is
narrower in scope than its EU counterpart,152 covering only various video display
devices and cathode ray tubes.153 Interestingly, there was little industry opposi-
tion to Cal RoHS, most likely because manufacturers had already absorbed the
costs of complying with the EU RoHS.154 Some interest groups supporting the
legislation even used the existence of the EU’s laws in this area as evidence of the
feasibility of California’s plan.155
More recently, further evidence of the de jure Brussels Effect associated with
RoHS can be seen in New Jersey’s 2017 Electronic Waste Management Act,
which tasked its administrative departments to adopt rules and regulations in
line with EU’s RoHS.156 Also in 2017, Indiana added a similar requirement to
its State Code regarding Electronic Waste.157 Before those legislative enactments,
Minnesota added a reference to RoHS disclosure requirements to its code in
2007.158 Illinois’ Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act, entering into
force in April 2009, similarly invokes RoHS disclosure requirements for man-
ufacturers.159 The New  York State Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse
Act160 added a similar disclosure requirement in May 2010.161 Wisconsin and
Rhode Island Recycling laws further contain similar provisions.162
Several countries or states outside the United States have either adopted or con-
sidered similar legislation.163 These include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan,
Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, and Vietnam.164
Notably, the list includes developed and developing countries alike, indicating that

224 Case St udies

even countries that may be less well equipped to handle high compliance costs opt
for EU standards given their industry’s dependence on the EU market.165
South Korea offers perhaps the most striking example of the de jure Brussels
Effect by closely emulating RoHS and WEEE, as well as a related EU regula-
tion on End of Life Vehicles (ELV),166 which sets targets for “reuse, recycling
and recovery of the ELVs and their components” and encourages manufactures
to produce new vehicles without hazardous substances.167 South Korea passed
the Act on the Resource Circulation [also translated as “Recycling”] of Electrical
and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles in 2007.168 The Act seeks to promote
the recycling and reuse of electrical and electronic equipment as well as vehicles,
and restricts the use of hazardous materials in those products. It also requires
businesses to design and manufacture products to make recycling easier.169 On
the basis of this law, the Ministry of Environment and Korea Environment
Corporation implemented an Eco-​Assurance System for Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and Vehicles (EcoAs).170
Several sources indicate that the EU was used as a model for South Korea’s
law. The Korean Ministry of Environment website notes that “Advanced coun-
tries enforce a variety of environmental regulations on electrical & electronic
and automobile industry more strictly to serve the cause of sustainable devel-
opment, and such regulations as WEEE, RoHS are expected to influence the
export of domestic companies. Accordingly, on January 1, 2008, South Korea
implemented an Act on the Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and Vehicles for resource circulation and environmental conserva-
tion.”171 The EcoAs website, managed by the Ministry of Environment and
Korea Environment Corporation, refers to stringent EU regulations when dis-
cussing Korea’s implementation of its Act in this area.172 It also notes that the
Korean law encompasses features of EU RoHS, WEEE, and ELV.173 Notably, in
the section titled “Summary of EcoAs,” it displays the following equation: “EU
RoHS + WEEE + ELV, etc = Act on the Resource Circulation of Electrical and
Electronic Equipment and Vehicles.” Finally, in a 2014 symposium hosted by the
Korean Ministry of Environment, the deputy director of the Resource Recycling
Division of the Ministry characterized the Korean Act and the EU law as equally
restrictive, and stated that “by 2018, the Ministry plans to reach recycling rate of
57% of production, which matches the EU level.”174
Japan offers an example of more distant emulation of the EU. In 2005, the
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) issued JIS C 0950:2005, also known as “J-​MOSS.” J-​MOSS is
the Japanese Industrial Standard for Marking the presence of the specific chemi-
cal substances for electrical and electronic equipment.175 J-​MOSS is similar to,
but less stringent than, the EU RoHS. Like the EU’s RoHS, J-​MOSS regulates

Environment 225

the same six substances and has the same concentration levels. However, while
the EU’s RoHS restricts the use of these substances, J-​MOSS relies on manda-
tory labeling requirements.176 When the products’ content exceeds the values
set in J-​MOSS, the manufacturers must display the “content mark”—which is
a two-​hand clasping “R” symbol on the product and packaging—and the sub-
stance information must be disclosed in catalogs and instruction manuals, as well
as on the internet.177 According to Yoshiko Naiki, Japan did not simply mirror
RoHS but was influenced by EU RoHS in introducing its own version of the
China adopted a “RoHS 2” in 2016. On the one hand and in some dimen-
sions, the China RoHS is weaker than EU RoHS 2, while in other dimensions it
is even more stringent. The China RoHS regulates the same six hazardous sub-
stances as the EU’s RoHS 2, except that the EU added four phthalates in 2015.179
On the other hand, the China RoHS can be considered even more stringent than
the EU RoHS in that it does not exempt several electronic and electrical products
or components which qualify for EU RoHS exemptions. 180 China’s decision to
emulate the EU is not surprising given that all producers in the supply chain need
to follow RoHS to guarantee the access of the final product to the EU market. In
the case of electronic products, the component manufacturers at the beginning of
the supply chain are often based in China.181
In Latin America, the efforts to follow the EU’s lead in this area have been
less successful. The Argentine Senate passed a RoHS-​like bill in 2010,182citing the
EU as an inspiration for its content. However, the bill did not gain final approval,
and was only partially enacted in 2011. The categories and list of products covered
under the bill “are nearly verbatim (with slight modifications) to those identified
under Annex I of the European WEEE Directive.”183 According to a 2018 news
report, “[t]‌he Brazilian government has announced plans to propose a regula-
tion similar to the EU’s Directive on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances
(RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).”184 While existing exam-
ples of legislative copying in Latin America of EU RoHS, WEEE, and similar
regulations are limited, a momentum for legislative reform across Latin America
is growing. These legislative efforts might gain force with the growing tendency
for producers across global markets to meet EU regulatory standards, making it
possible that Latin America will feature examples of the de jure Brussels Effect in
the near future.

Animal Welfare
As with the de facto Brussels Effect on animal welfare standards, the EU’s influ-
ence on legislative change is often hard to disentangle from the domestic advocacy

226 Case St udies

pressures. The EU institutions, again, take the view that the EU’s animal welfare
legislation has been critical in informing regulatory reforms abroad. For example,
the European Parliament has described the EU Directive prohibiting the use of
barren battery cages for laying hens as:185

[having] led to a great improvement in hen welfare and has had much
influence around the world. Similar legislation and retail company stan-
dards are now in place in New Zealand, India, Taiwan, an Australian state,
and several states of the U.S.A. Demand from consumers for high welfare
egg products has increased in many other countries. The EU legislation,
rather than solely EU consumer attitudes, has been a major factor in this
world-​wide change, which is accelerating.186

In some other areas, foreign governments also refer to EU laws in their gov-
ernment reports and other legislative documents, suggesting that they are at least
partially emulating the EU in their own legislative endeavors. For example, the
EU’s regulation banning the confinement of sows during pregnancy has led to
the de jure Brussels Effect in several jurisdictions. The EU regulates this area by
a 2008 Council Directive laying down minimum standards for the protection of
pigs.187 The Directive prohibits the tethering of sows and sow stalls, except during
the first four weeks of pregnancy.188 Although the ban did not come into effect
until 2013,189 it was promulgated already in 2001, and since that time, a number
of other countries have moved toward similar bans. In New Zealand, for example,
sow stalls were phased out in 2015.190 The government reported that “[t]‌he new
code confirms New Zealand’s position as a world leader on animal welfare and
demonstrates the priority this Government places on it.”191 The New Zealand
pork industry publicly supported the ban, noting how “[c]onsumers prefer ges-
tation stalls are not used—​we have listened and we are making a change and
removing them.”192 New Zealand was likely also influenced by the EU’s exam-
ple: a government report on the amendment of the pig welfare legislation makes
frequent mention of EU standards and legislation as a point of comparison.193
Similarly, in Australia, sow stalls were phased out in 2017,194 and in Canada, crates
will be phased out by 2024. In the United States, many states began to ban sow
stalls after the EU legislated the ban in 2001. For example, the first US state to ban
sow stalls was Arizona in 2006. California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan,
Ohio, Oregon, and Rhode Island followed suit by 2012.195

Climate Change and Emissions Trading

In the case of the ETS, the de jure Brussels Effect was always an explicitly stated
goal of the EU. Given the inherently global nature of climate change, the de

Environment 227

facto Brussels Effect alone was never going to be sufficient to address the chal-
lenge. In particular, the de facto Brussels Effect was not going to mitigate foreign
GHG emissions that were completely local in nature. Conscious of this, the EU
chose to adopt ETS over various other regulatory mechanisms, such as carbon
tax, partly because it knew that the ETS was more likely to gain traction interna-
tionally.196 In fact, around the same time, a limited carbon trading was also being
implemented in the United States, where several states participate in a Regional
Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a regional emission trading scheme to reduce
GHGs. The United States had also advocated carbon trading as a preferred regu-
latory mechanism in international negotiations. By adopting the ETS, the EU
hoped to gain the support of the United States and thus also pave the way for
subsequent multilateral cooperation—​with the United States as its partner—​in
climate change mitigation. This strategy suggests that climate unilateralism never
constituted a permanent or preferred regulatory response for the EU. Instead, it
always hoped to inspire other jurisdictions to follow its example to ultimately
forge a joint global action to mitigate climate change.
On many metrics, the EU has been successful in this regard. The EU’s efforts
to mitigate climate change through the ETS has similarly gained noteworthy
traction abroad, inspiring other countries to develop their own ETSs. According
to data compiled by the Grantham Institute of Imperial College London, 39
national and 23 sub-​national jurisdictions have either implemented or are sched-
uled to implement carbon-​pricing instruments similar to the ETS.197 Many of
these are individual EU member states but also comprise jurisdictions such as
Australia, Switzerland, and regional schemes in Canada, China, Japan, the
United States.198
This de jure Brussels Effect has occurred despite criticism leveled against the
EU ETS. The EU has been criticized for grandfathering emission allowances,
which distorts competition.199 In addition, the number of allowances given
undermined the effectiveness of the system, preventing prices from driving the
expected reduction in emissions.200 The price of EU emission allowances further
dropped drastically during the financial crises—​from approximately €30/​tCO2
in mid-​2008 to approximately €5/​tCO2 in mid-​2013201—​casting further doubt
on the effectiveness of the EU ETS and its suitability as a global model. Finally,
the EU’s efforts to extend the coverage of its ETS to international aviation emis-
sions, and the subsequent retreat from this strategy, may be viewed as undermin-
ing the EU’s soft power to exert leadership and provide a legislative model for
foreign governments with its ETS.202
However, despite its flaws and limitations, the ETS remains unprecedented
as a system that attempts to set a price for greenhouse gas emissions in a suprana-
tional context, providing the most innovative template for others to follow.203 The
diffusion of the ETS is further motivated by the possibility of “linking” another

228 Case St udies

jurisdiction’s ETSs with the EU’s,204 assuming these foreign schemes meet the EU
ETS’s minimum conditions for linking.205 Some jurisdictions, such as Australia,
California, and Quebec tailored their ETS programs to closely resemble that of
the EU with an aim of linking those programs with the EU ETS market.206
Again, South Korea offers a prominent example of the de jure Brussels Effect.
The country adopted K-​ETS—​Korean Emissions Trading Scheme (“Act on the
Allocation and Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emission Permits”) in 2012.207 The
implementation took place three years later.208 The K-​ETS covers approximately
599 of the country’s largest emitters, which account for around 68% of national
GHG emissions.209 The Act reflects at least partially the realization that Korean
companies are affected by EU’s ETS and that the ETS can play a significant role in
developing new technologies. For example, a 2012 Korean news article mentions
the impact of EU-​ETS on Korean airlines operating flights to and from Europe. It
notes that Korean airlines might fall behind European airlines in the global com-
petition because European airlines have had a head start to innovate in an effort
to respond to the EU-​ETS, such as developing environmentally friendly fuels.210
Several sources indicate that EU-​ETS was used as a model for K-​ETS. The
2012 notice of legislation, issued by the Ministry of Environment in relation to
the enforcement decree for K-​ETS, notes that “The enforcement decree designed
the emissions trading scheme by referencing foreign examples such as the EU’s and
by reflecting both the global standard and the realities of the Korean economy.”211
The Q&A for K-​ETS, posted by the Presidential Committee for Green Growth
in May 2012, emphasizes the positive effects of the ETS by referring to the
EU: “After the EU adopted ETS, greenhouse gas emissions decreased, whereas
businesses did not flee abroad or lose their competitiveness.”212
South Korea also provides an example of the EU’s use of technical assistance
programs to further facilitate the diffusion of its regulatory models abroad. In
July 2016, the Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF) and the EU
launched a €3.5 million, three-​year cooperation project, through which the EU
would provide technical assistance for the implementation of K-​ETS and also
support policy development regarding K-​ETS. The EU will provide a consulta-
tion hotline, training workshops, and expert forums.213 Korea welcomes the EU’s
advice as an opportunity to learn from an established and experienced regula-
tor. According to a statement by vice minister of Korean MOSF: “I hope that
sharing EU’s ample experience in operating the EU ETS [for] more than 10 years
would help K-ETS to become a successful policy instrument for reducing GHGs
in Korea.”214 A  statement by Minister Counsellor [sic] of Delegation of the
European Union to the Republic of Korea expresses a similar sentiment, noting
also how this offers a path for broader emulation of ETS in the region: “[The EU-​
Korea ETS Project] aims to share the best technical expertise and lessons learned

Environment 229

over the past decade of the EU’s ETS operation, the world’s first and largest emis-
sions trading system. By assisting Republic of Korea in the implementation and
operation of its ETS, we aim to set a positive example for other countries in the
Finally, China is a particularly remarkable example of the de jure Brussels
Effect, given its role as the leading emitter of GHGs. Today, it has the second-​
largest carbon market trading scheme after the EU. China piloted a carbon trad-
ing program in different parts of the country, including in Beijing, Shanghai, and
Guangdong,216 and approved a national ETS in 2017.217 China’s willingness to
emulate the EU’s lead can be traced to different factors, including its increasing
recognition of the limits to command-​and-​control regulation and its unsuccess-
ful past experiences with emissions trading for sulfur dioxide.218 The EU has also
engaged in active dialogue with Chinese regulators, building regulatory capac-
ity and assisting local regulators with tasks such as data gathering, monitoring,
and inspections.219 Despite these efforts and concrete signs that China is taking
action, it is not yet clear that the EU ETS can be meaningfully transplanted in
China, given its tradition of government intervention with markets and a politi-
cal aversion to energy price increases.220
The ETS is not the sole example of the de jure Brussels Effect involving emis-
sions control and the EU’s efforts to mitigate climate change. The EU has also
taken extensive measures to set emissions standards for the automotive industry,
both to reduce local pollution and thereby improve air quality, and to mitigate
harmful GHGs that contribute to climate change. The EU adopted the Euro-​5
standard for passenger cars in 2009 and Euro-​6 standard in 2014. Euro-​5 pri-
marily reduces fine particulate matter produced by diesel cars, while Euro-​6’s
core objective is the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon monoxide
(CO).221 Additionally, Euro-​6 moves beyond direct human health concerns
related to pollutant exposure and addresses broader climate change objectives by
imposing limitations on carbon dioxide.222
In 2016, shortly after the EU adopted these standards, the Russian government
made Euro-​5 standard mandatory in Russia.223 It was natural for Russia to emu-
late the EU standard—​as opposed to, for example, the prevailing US standard—​
given that 69% of the total Russian car exports are destined to Europe.224 This
de jure Brussels Effect was also preceded by a significant de facto Brussels Effect,
paving the way for the domestic legal change. Indeed, many domestic compa-
nies were already producing and selling cars compatible with the Euro-​5 and even
Euro-​6 standards to ensure their access to the important EU market.225 Russian
oil refineries had similarly begun to adjust their production to EU standards. For
example, a Russian energy company Lukoil completely switched its refineries to
Euro-​5 standard in 2012, while Gazprom Neft and Rosneft started producing

230 Case St udies

some of their petrol and diesel under the EU standard in 2013.226 At the same
time, the Brussels Effect has not been complete in Russia. Some local companies
continue to produce cars that fail to meet the EU standard for domestic use—​
especially to serve the more remote parts of the country, where access to high-​
quality fuel is limited.227
South Africa provides a curious illustration of an interplay between the cor-
porate and government interests in the country’s efforts to move toward the EU’s
fuel standards. The South African government has acknowledged how several
foreign jurisdictions have tightened fuel specifications in line with those of
the EU,228 and have proposed to incorporate the EU’s fuel standards into South
African law as well. The country’s current fuel regulations, “Clean Fuels I,” are
equivalent to the Euro III fuel specifications.229 Updated “Clean Fuels II” regu-
lations, which are equivalent to Euro V specifications, were intended to become
effective in July 2017. However, the new draft regulations were rescinded as the gov-
ernment refused to pledge necessary assistance to refineries that would be forced
to upgrade their facilities to make the transition to cleaner fuel production.230
South African oil refineries acknowledge that the market is shifting toward
the European fuel standards and support the local adoption of EU standards
to keep up with the growing demand of cleaner fuels. At the same time, they
emphasize the necessity of government support to make the substantial capital
investment to upgrade their facilities.231 The industry claims that, absent such
support, the imported supply of cleaner fuels would crowd out the domestic mar-
ket whenever the new standards were adopted.232 Sasol—​a large chemicals and
energy company in South Africa—​is engaged in ongoing negotiations with the
South African government to ensure that sufficient investment is in place to make
the transition.233 In addition, SAPIA, an industry association representing the
collective interests of the South African liquid fuels industry, has established a
joint task force with the Department of Energy to resolve the impasse.234
This dialogue between the government and the key corporate players shows
how the path toward the de jure Brussels Effect can be long and complicated—​
even when commercial realities support the adoption of the EU standard,
and when such emulation is backed by the government and the industry alike.
Lobbying on the part of influential companies like Sasol and industry associa-
tions have played a crucial role in the development of fuel regulations that mirror
those prevailing in the EU by the South African government.235 Yet it is these
same companies’ inability to adjust to EU standards absent government support
that has delayed the manifestation of the de jure Brussels effect in the country.

The EU has exerted significant and growing global influence on environmental

policy over the past two decades. Given the global nature of many environmental

Environment 231

problems, it has been a policy issue in which the EU has had a keen and proac-
tive interest in externalizing its regulations. This chapter has illustrated the global
impact of the EU’s environmental regulation—​both de facto and de jure—​
through examples pertaining to management of hazardous substances in elec-
tronics, protection of animal welfare, and mitigation of climate change through
the emissions trading system. The discussion showed that the de facto Brussels
Effect has been particularly strong in the case of management of hazardous sub-
stances in electronics, revealing extensive de facto convergence among multina-
tional electronics companies on EU rules across their worldwide production. This
common de facto Brussels Effect has also paved the way for the de jure Brussels
Effect in multiple countries. The de facto Brussels Effect was similarly shown to
be prevalent in the area of animal welfare, manifested by examples ranging from
the cosmetics industry abandoning animal testing to slaughterhouses amending
the ways they stun animals before slaughter. Examples of the EU’s influence on
foreign legislative practices may be found in this area, but it often remains dif-
ficult to link the various domestic reforms to the de facto Brussels Effect given
the various additional channels, such as consumer and NGO activism, which also
drive domestic reforms in this area.
The EU’s emissions-​trading mechanism provided an alternate case study to
examine the dynamics and the limits of the Brussels Effect in environmental
regulation. While foreign governments have often had little success in curtailing
the EU’s regulatory ambitions in other areas, they were ultimately successful in
restraining the EU’s efforts to extend its ETS into international aviation unilater-
ally. This suggests that the Brussels Effect has its limits, in particular when the EU
pursues aggressive unilateralism in an area that is simultaneously economically
salient for foreign jurisdictions and politically controversial. However, the threat
of the EU’s unilateralism was sufficient to catalyze multilateral negotiations,
which eventually led to an international agreement to regulate emissions in the
aviation industry, an outcome that might not have happened without the EU’s
attempts to drive regulatory change. Further, despite the EU’s inability to foster
regulatory adjustment through the de facto Brussels Effect, it has achieved suc-
cess through the de jure Brussels Effect as several countries have since emulated
its ETS domestically. This illustrates a different relationship between the de facto
and de jure Brussels Effect: while the de facto Brussels Effect often paves the way
for the de jure Brussels Effect, the de jure Brussels Effect can also take place in the
absence of any meaningful de facto Brussels Effect, though most effectively when
the EU assumes a proactive role in its promotion.



This book has thus far focused on the theory behind the Brussels Effect as well
as its manifestation through case studies into a number of policy areas. That dis-
cussion has been purely descriptive, seeking to explain why the EU is in a unique
position to exert, both intentionally and unintentionally, global regulatory influ-
ence today. In this last part of the book, the discussion turns to the ongoing and
future impact of the Brussels Effect—​both by asking the normative question of
whether the Brussels Effect is beneficial and to whom (­chapter 8) and whether
the Brussels Effect will persist or transform in the future (­chapter 9). The discus-
sion that follows will therefore be inherently more subjective than in the previous
chapters, consisting of both value-​driven assessments on the costs and benefits
associated with the Brussels Effect as well as inevitably indeterminate predictions
on its endurance.
Chapter 8 takes on the normative charge and examines the various costs and
benefits associated with the Brussels Effect, considering whether the Brussels
Effect, on balance, advances or reduces people’s welfare—​in the EU and outside
of it. In assessing the EU’s global regulatory power from a normative standpoint,
the chapter engages with three primary strands of criticism that can be leveled
against the Brussels Effect. First, it asks whether the EU’s global regulatory reach
is costly and detrimental to innovation, imposing a cost on the society as a result.
Second, it engages with the criticism alleging that the Brussels Effect reflects the
EU’s protectionism and can hence be viewed as an industrial-​policy driven attempt
to impose costs on non-​EU companies while tilting the market in favor of its own
firms. Finally, it asks whether the Brussels Effect amounts to regulatory imperial-
ism, compromising the foreign sovereign interests and undermining the political
autonomy of their citizens.
Chapter 9 looks into the future, asking if the Brussels Effect will likely prevail as
the balance of global economic power changes, technological innovation progresses,
and the EU faces internal challenges ranging from Brexit to rising anti-​EU senti-
ments cultivated by populist Euroskeptic political parties. Specifically, the chapter
asks whether the distinct conditions underlying the Brussels Effect—​market size,

234 T he Brussels Effect

regulatory capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets, and non-​divisibility—​are

affected by the various external and internal challenges to the EU’s regulatory
hegem­ony. For example, will the Brussels Effect be undermined as the relative size
of the EU’s market diminishes as China’s grows? Will the EU’s regulatory capacity
or ability to generate stringent regulations be compromised with the rise of anti-​EU
parties and their efforts to reinstate national sovereignty and repatriate powers del-
egated to EU institutions? Will the new technologies such as additive manufactur-
ing bring an end to non-​divisibility as companies are increasingly able to customize
their production for different consumer markets, potentially allowing companies to
forgo implementing EU regulations globally? These are among the questions that
determine the staying power of the Brussels Effect. Ultimately, they also determine
whether the Brussels Effect will give way to, for example, the “Beijing Effect” or
gradually fade into history as new forces of economic regulation—​whether driven
by unilateralism, multilateralism, or overall fragmentation—​sweep into the global
marketplace in the decades to come.
Neither question—​the normative desirability of the Brussels Effect or its
endurance into the future—​is simple to answer. The welfare effects associated with
the Brussels Effect are not uniformly beneficial, and EU regulation does not make
everyone better off. Yet the Brussels Effect generates substantial welfare gains in
many areas, and can be a powerful force for change and good, not just in Europe but
around the world—​even when those welfare gains are achieved at the cost of for-
eign sovereignty and without respecting individual political autonomy. The future
of the Brussels Effect is also difficult to predict, yet the Brussels Effect may turn out
to be surprisingly resilient in the face of both external and internal threats to its
existence. The more long lasting the Brussels Effect, the more urgent the normative
conversation on its merits. And, the more consequential the welfare effects associ-
ated with the Brussels Effect, the more important the conversation of how long
lasting the Brussels Effect will be.

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial?

This book has thus far demonstrated the existence and importance of the
Brussels Effect in many areas of global regulatory policy, and revealed the power-
ful impact the EU has on global markets as a result. When considering this broad
impact, an important question arises:  Is the prevalence of the Brussels Effect
desirable or undesirable? Of course, since the Brussels Effect creates both winners
and losers, the answer to this question likely depends on whom one asks.
This chapter addresses the normative question of whether the Brussels Effect
is beneficial, specifically by asking whether it advances, rather than reduces, peo-
ple’s welfare both in the EU and outside of it. Welfare in this context should be
measured in terms of giving people access to better products and services—​“ bet-
ter” being defined as cheaper, safer, or more sustainable, depending on what peo-
ple value—​while respecting people’s political autonomy within the democratic
structures of the societies they live in.
In comparing this welfare benefit to the costs incurred to achieve it, three
broad strands of criticism can be leveled against the Brussels Effect. First, one cri-
tique that has been frequently made by businesses is that the proliferation of more
restrictive EU regulations is costly and hinders innovation. Consequently, accord-
ing to this argument, numerous consumers may become priced out of the market,
leaving them worse off than if less restrictive regulations existed. Industrial prog-
ress would also be thwarted, levying a cost on society at large. Second, another
frequent critique expressed by foreign governments and companies is that institu-
tional and ideological motivations underlying the Brussels Effect reflect the EU’s
protectionism. According to this critique, as a manifestation of industrial policy,
the EU’s regulatory practices may distort the operation of the market and thereby
deprive consumers of the gains that undistorted competition would produce.
Third, a number of scholars have suggested that the Brussels Effect may reflect
the EU’s regulatory imperialism, compromising the democratic prerogatives of
foreign sovereigns and the political autonomy of their citizens.

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

236 Assessmen t

These criticisms cannot be dismissed, and should be considered in any calculus

of net benefit. The Brussels Effect does impose real economic and political costs
that are, for some segments of society, welfare reducing. The economic costs are
both absolute and distributional, burdening less-​wealthy consumers and smaller
companies in particular. The sovereignty costs are felt in foreign jurisdictions,
regardless of whether they stem from the EU’s benevolent or sinister motives. Yet
some of these criticisms, such as accusations of prevalent protectionism, are less
well founded. And even the criticism that is more valid needs to be considered on
balance with the benefits that the Brussels Effect generates, including the ability
of the Brussels Effect to mitigate deficient regulatory capacities or offset some-
times excessive corporate influence abroad, thus enhancing rather than reducing
the welfare of foreign consumers. This chapter looks at a number of important
criticisms of the Brussels Effect, while also considering those criticisms within the
context of the benefits that the Brussels Effect entails.

Does the Brussels Effect Increase Costs

and Deter Innovation?
Undoubtedly, by raising the standards for a number of different products and
services, the Brussels Effect imposes often involuntary costs on firms and con-
sumers alike—​both in the EU and abroad. Compliance with the EU’s stringent
regulations is often costly for companies, and these companies further typically
pass these costs on to consumers, increasing the final price consumers pay. While
some consumers are prepared to pay the higher price in return for products and
services that they find safer or more environmentally sustainable, others would
trade off the costs and these other considerations differently. Excessive regulation
can also deter innovation, imposing a dynamic cost on the society at large.
Chapter 2 argued that the Brussels Effect is sustained by strong stakeholder
demand for stringent regulations. The majority of European consumers and citi-
zens support the imposition of high regulatory standards. However, this is not
true with respect to every consumer. Some European citizens who would value
access to cheaper consumer goods likely question whether enhanced product
standards justify the higher costs often associated with them. This is also true
with respect to foreign consumers, many of whom may be resentful when the
preferences of EU consumers get foisted on them, increasing the costs of prod-
ucts and services.
In addition, some European businesses view the high regulatory standards as
unsustainable for the European economy. They argue that excessive reliance on
the precautionary principle may slow economic growth and innovation,1 pric-
ing EU firms out of critical export markets.2 An illustrative example comes from

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 237

the REACH regulation, discussed in ­chapter 6. European corporations continue

to critique REACH’s high cost of compliance more than twelve years after the
regulation came into force. Tony Bastock, vice president of the chemical indus-
try’s lobby group, CEFIC, complains that compliance with REACH cripples
the industry’s ability to compete in the global market. Bastock describes a grim
future, as further deadlines pass for registering even the smallest quantities of
chemicals: “The burdens that are awaiting us are still there. And yet this monster
continues to devour the innovation of Europe.”3
The US chemical industry expresses similar concerns. Jim DeLisi, president of
Fanwood Chemical Inc., claims REACH hampers innovation with little-​known
benefits: “[w]‌hether REACH will improve human health or the environment will
not be known for years, if ever, but its ability to tie up regulators and commerce
is already clear,” calling REACH an “unproven, highly bureaucratic approach to
chemical regulation.”4 According to the US International Trade Commission
(USITC), regulatory compliance with REACH reportedly increased the costs
on US chemical exporters by more than 20%.5 The GDPR, the EU’s data pro-
tection regulation discussed in c­ hapter 5, was similarly seen as imposing a costly
burden on companies. According to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey
of 200 top executives from US companies,6 the costs of adjusting their business
practices to GDPR were high: 68% of the respondents noted that they will invest
between $1 million and $10 million to achieve GDPR compliance while another
9% expect to spend over $10 million and a further 24% under $1 million.7 Few
would expect companies to simply absorb these costs. Instead, some of them will
inevitably be passed on to consumers.
Examining specifically the dynamic costs on innovation, the Brussels Effect
can deter innovation in at least four different ways. First, by increasing the costs
of compliance, firms may have fewer resources to spend on the development of
new products. Second, by constraining certain types of business practices, some
avenues for technological and business development are curtailed or foreclosed.
Third, in policy areas where the Brussels Effect is particularly pervasive, we may
see less experimentation as harmonization pushes all market participants toward
certain conduct or production. In such a case, there is a risk that corporations and
countries converge to a wrong or inefficient standard. All these costs might halt
industrial progress and prevent or delay the development of new and potentially
welfare-​enhancing products. Finally, innovation can be hampered by entrenching
a cultural norm that discourages risk-​taking and ventures aimed at transformative
as opposed to incremental innovation. A remark by an Uber executive is illustra-
tive in this regard. Commenting on the differences between the United States’
and the EU’s regulatory philosophies with respect to the technology industry,
this executive noted how “[i]‌n Europe, the goal when dealing with tech com-
panies is for regulators to satisfy a consumer need. In the US, the goal is more

238 Assessmen t

broadly to change the world or, at least, allow it to change.”8 If the Brussels Effect
pushes all firms and jurisdictions toward the goal of “satisfying a consumer need”
as opposed to “changing the world,” arguably some products may never be devel-
oped and some progress never be realized as a result.
In addition to absolute costs, the Brussels Effect introduces distributional
costs. The costs of complying with EU regulations are often particularly, even
prohibitively, high for small-​and medium-​sized enterprises, while the large mul-
tinationals arguably have the resources to meet  almost any standard that the
EU sets. Thus, if anything, high regulatory barriers in the EU have the poten-
tial to protect and further entrench the power of already large companies that
can more easily afford to comply at the expense of small companies and entrants
struggling to meet accumulating regulatory burdens. In the end, while big mul-
tinationals such as Facebook or Google make the headlines, the real hidden cost
of the Brussels Effect is borne by the small entrants who do not have the same
capacity to engineer their products and services to meet the EU’s demands. For
example, the EU’s new copyright reform requires platform companies display-
ing copyrighted content to run filters that scan uploaded content for copyright
violations.9 These filtering systems cost $100 million to develop and run, which
can be prohibitive for small entrants yet trivial for companies such as Google.10
This distributive effect is one of the unintended consequences of EU regulations,
tilting the relative regulatory burden in favor of the large incumbents and further
cementing their dominance in the process.
These criticisms are all important, and they present genuine challenges for
regulators, businesses, and voters to consider. However, it is also true that costs to
businesses and high prices for consumers are not automatically an indication that
people’s welfare is being reduced. One way to view the high prices generated by
stringent regulation is through the lens of regulatory paternalism, which justifies
government intervention as a way to force or nudge individuals away from unwise
decisions.11 This lens suggests that while regulations may lead to higher prices,
they also reduce other kinds of costs—​both in the present, but also in the future.
For example, in the absence of stringent regulation, consumers may make deci-
sions that will lead to hidden costs they had not considered; they might choose
cheaper products because they do not have the right information on the health
costs of less safe products or a full appreciation of the long-​term societal costs of
lesser environmental protections. This might be because they do not spend the
time to educate themselves on the harmfulness of certain chemicals or consider
negative consequences associated with relinquishing control over their personal
data. They may also inappropriately discount the welfare of future generations,
opting for cheaper products today that will lead to environmental harm in the
future. These kinds of consumer choices impose a burden on the next generation

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 239

of consumers and citizens. In these instances, markets fail to produce optimal

outcomes. For these reasons, government regulation, even when it deviates from
individual preferences, should arguably at times override those preferences.
Benefits to businesses can also result, including when the Brussels Effect
harmonizes discordant regulations—​an outcome that often leads to a net ben-
efit for economic operators. From this perspective, instead of burdening cor-
porations and deterring innovation, the EU regulations reduce operating costs
by enhancing predictability and legal certainty, allowing companies to produce
products that increase consumer confidence and satisfaction. Furthermore,
despite having to shoulder burdensome compliance costs, firms may stand to
realize meaningful gains from the Brussels Effect:  firms can trade across the
entire EU based on a harmonized legal framework instead of facing conflict-
ing national regulations. Common EU rules reduce uncertainty and facilitate
planning and long-​term investment.12 For these reasons, the benefits generated
by the Brussels Effect on business could actually outweigh the costs, reducing
consumer prices.
Similarly, the effects on innovation can also be positive as EU regulations push
companies to develop products that are not only more environmentally sustain-
able but at the same time more cost efficient. For instance, it is well documented
that energy efficiency technologies often save consumers and businesses money,
providing substantial risk-​adjusted returns for those who adopt them. However,
due to many informational and behavioral market failures, consumers regularly
under-​adopt them unless regulation is in place to compel them.13 Compliance
with high standards can therefore also be an important source of cost savings and
competitiveness for firms.
In addition to considering compliance costs or incentives to innovate, firms
care about their brand and consumer confidence. They are therefore also prepared
to advocate regulation if it improves their reputation or enhances consumer con-
fidence in their products and services. While companies may not welcome all
EU rules, they understand the advantages that come with regulation. The vice
president for Microsoft, John Frank, emphasized that a company like Microsoft
is “not trying to remain unregulated.”14 Companies want customers to feel com-
fortable buying their products, and clear regulations can help accomplish that.15
For the same reason, the president of Microsoft recently called for the regulation
of facial recognition technology in the United States.16 He stressed the impor-
tance of clear rules on this area of technology, which, if left unregulated, can
unsettle consumers and be used “for ill as well as good.” Amazon similarly called
for the governments to “weigh in” after discovering an embarrassing mistake in
its facial recognition technology.17 Established rules therefore enhance consumer
confidence and can boost demand for new products.

240 Assessmen t

Reputational benefits and brand equity can also arise from compliance with
higher standards. Firms can send the markets and consumers a valuable signal by
associating themselves with high standards across many areas of regulation, be it
by listing their company in a stock exchange that holds them to more stringent
reporting requirements,18 or by adhering to high environmental, human rights,
or labor standards. In this way, firms can enhance their legitimacy, obtain reputa-
tional gains, and win over consumers whose values drive their customer behavior.19
For example, observance of EU food standards engenders customer confidence
in many parts of the world. Several domestic companies in China proclaim that
they produce their dairy products in compliance with EU standards in an effort
to send markets a signal of the safety of their products. A Chinese milk producer
Jun Le Bao announced that it is using equipment imported from European coun-
tries, and that every technical aspect of the production line complies with EU
standards.20 Similarly, the Shengmu Group produces organic infant milk powder
that complies with EU standards after having invested in a new specialized fac-
tory. The company emphasizes how EU-​compliant milk powder will be available
in China and worldwide.21 The Chinese dairy industry has also actively advo-
cated for the elevation of national standards to meet the EU standard in an effort
to further enhance consumer confidence in the domestic dairy industry.22 For
instance, the Chinese industry association, China State Farms Production Dairy
Association, embraces the EU standard, offering accreditation for domestic pro-
ducers that join the association. Many Chinese companies have thus joined the
association specifically to signal their compliance with EU standards.
Consequently, the criticism on the costliness of the Brussels Effect must
be tempered with the realization of the many economic benefits engendered
through more harmonized, predictable, and stable business environments. These
benefits have created efficiencies that are often passed on to consumers through
more reliable and sustainable products and services that may not inevitably be
more expensive. This is not to say that the Brussels Effect would not reduce some
consumers’ welfare—​it does. Subscribing to regulatory paternalism may in the
end be the only way to argue that even these consumers, against their individual
preferences, are still better off under the Brussels Effect—​even though it remains
debatable if the particular EU regulation (as opposed to some alternative regula-
tion) is optimal for them. Of course, a question remains if the EU should be mak-
ing this choice for foreign firms and consumers as well. This changes the argument
to a political, as opposed to merely economic, dimension of the Brussels Effect.
The argument over the potential for EU’s “regulatory imperialism” and the ero-
sion of foreign regulatory sovereignty will be examined in more detail later in
this chapter.

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 241

Does the Brussels Effect Reflect the EU’s Regulatory

Those skeptical of the EU’s external regulatory influence often portray the EU
as a protectionist actor, eager to impose costs on foreign firms in an effort to
protect EU firms under the guise of concern for consumer and environmental
health and safety.23 There have been several recent attempts to portray the EU
as a protectionist regulator—​especially when US-​based companies are the tar-
gets of EU regulation. The United States’ dominance of the tech sector has been
described as a “source of resentment in Europe,”24 and critics attribute the EU’s
pursuit of US tech companies to envy-​driven protectionism. There would cer-
tainly be grounds for envy: fifteen out of the world’s most valuable tech firms are
American while one is from Europe.25 It is therefore no wonder that the EU’s
enforcement actions against US tech giants are often viewed in Washington,
DC, as part of a “protectionist plot.”26 For example, as the Commission was get-
ting ready to unveil its Digital Single Market Strategy, the New York Times wryly
remarked that “Europe calls it consumer protection. Silicon Valley calls it pro-
tectionism.”27 In 2015, even President Barack Obama weighed in, suggesting that
European regulatory actions against US tech companies reflected an attempt to
give an edge to European firms lagging behind their more successful competitors
in Silicon Valley:

We have owned the Internet. Our companies have created it, expanded
it, perfected it in ways that they can’t compete. And oftentimes what is
portrayed as high-​minded positions on issues sometimes is just designed
to carve out some of their commercial interests.28

Similar comments accusing the EU of “green protectionism” have been leveled

against a range of environmental policies.29 For example, the 2009 Renewable
Energy Directive was heavily criticized for affording domestic biofuel producers
favorable access to the EU market at the expense of more sustainable foreign pro-
ducers. The European Centre for International Political Economy alleged, “[l]‌ike
other forms of green protectionism, it is not environmental ambitions or policies
that cause problems for international trade policy. It is the use of these policies
for [the EU’s] own industrial policy ambitions.”30 Similarly, the EU’s regulation
of GMOs has been labeled as “blatant trade protectionism.”31 Comparable senti-
ments have been expressed against recent environmental protections from the
insistence on importing only beef that was free of growth hormones and the regu-
lation of GMOs, to import restrictions reflecting EU forestry and land manage-
ment standards.32

242 Assessmen t

The EU firmly denies that it has a protectionist agenda. Its stated agenda aims
to cultivate a regulatory environment that guarantees a level playing field where
EU companies can compete with their foreign counterparts on equal terms.33 The
EU often emphasizes its commitment to the welfare state and the sustainability
of its economic policies. By exporting its standards to other countries, the EU can
pursue its ambitious social and environmental agenda without compromising the
competitiveness of its industries.34 However, the line between “concern for com-
petitiveness”—​that is, subjecting domestic and foreign companies to the same
rules—​and “regulatory protectionism”—​that is, favoring domestic companies at
the expense of foreign companies—​is sometimes blurry. If the EU enforces its
competition laws against a US firm, it can be difficult to determine whether the
enforcement action is motivated by industrial policy and the desire to deliver an
advantage to European firms, or whether it is driven by an objective application
of EU law that would be similarly applied, regardless of the nationality of the
target firm.
In perhaps no other domain have accusations of European protectionism
been voiced more frequently than in competition policy, where the European
Commission has issued many rulings against high-​profile US companies. In
response to these rulings, the Commission has been accused of using its com-
petition powers to advance European industrial policy objectives over compe-
tition. These accusations go back as far as the 2001 GE/​Honeywell merger35—​a
merger between two US companies that US authorities cleared but which the
Commission blocked. The US Department of Justice’s chief antitrust enforce-
ment official responded to the EU decision by accusing the Commission of
protecting competitors as opposed to competition.36 This idea that the EU is
protecting competitors and not competition became somewhat of a mantra in
the years that followed.37 Members of the US Congress similarly expressed con-
cerns, accusing the Commission of “using its merger ​review process as a tool to
protect and promote European industry at the expense of U.S.  competitors.”38
In addition to GE/​Honeywell, the Commission has blocked or forced significant
restructuring to several mergers involving a wide range of well-​known American
firms, including MCI WorldCom, Time Warner, NYSE Euronext, and UPS.39
These cases keep alive the critics’ distrust in the motives that underlie EU’s com-
petition policy.
Most recently, the EU’s competition enforcement has targeted dominant
companies, which, according to the Commission, have abused their dominant
market position. For example, in 2018, the EU imposed a $5 billion fine on
Google, accusing the company of abusive behavior involving its Android oper-
ating system.40 This record-​high fine ensued an earlier $2.3 billion fine imposed
on Google in 2017 for manipulating its search results to favor its own shopping

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 243

comparison service to the detriment of its rivals.41 A third fine of $1.7 billion fol-
lowed in 2019, after the Commission found that Google abused its search systems
to force third-​party sites to use its AdSense network.42 Other recent US corporate
giants targeted by the EU’s competition enforcement include Qualcomm43 and
Apple,44 which build on earlier adverse decisions against Intel45 and Microsoft.46
In these high-​profile cases, the EU was critiqued for advancing a protectionist
regulatory agenda.
Yet a closer look at these cases suggests that European companies are hardly the
main beneficiaries of the Commission’s competition actions, calling into question
protectionism as the EU’s motive. In most instances, the winners are other US
companies, including the ones who had filed complaints with the Commission as
affected competitors in the first place. For example, Microsoft was the company
that initially lodged a complaint against Google.47 Similarly, the main beneficiary
of the Commission’s enforcement action against Intel was another US company,
AMD, whereas Intel and Apple stood to benefit most from the Commission’s
decision against Qualcomm. While these competition actions might also benefit
some European companies seeking to enter the market in the future, the direct
and current beneficiaries are unambiguously other US companies.
Regulatory disputes in several other areas also involve US interests on both
sides, further bringing into question the allegation that EU regulations are geared
at advancing EU interests at the expense of US companies. For example, the US
music industry has leveraged EU regulations against (mostly US-​based) inter-
net platforms in the industry’s fight over liability rules concerning pirated audio
content uploaded online.48 The EU’s new Copyright Directive has presented
them with an important opportunity to seek to impose greater responsibility for
online platforms to detect and remove copyright-​infringing content posted on
their sites.49 A number of traditional US telecommunications firms have similarly
lobbied the EU regulators to subject the (mostly US-​based) internet-​based mes-
saging companies such as WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime to the same regula-
tory requirements as telecommunication companies are subject to. Facebook and
Microsoft—​the owners of these messaging companies—​have opposed any such
EU regulatory requirements proposed by their US-​based competitors.50 Given
these multiple examples where US companies leverage EU laws against other
US companies, it becomes questionable to portray the EU as a biased regulator
that is targeting US companies in an effort to offer protectionist gains for their
European competitors.
Even if the EU regulation has not been explicitly motivated by a desire to
protect EU firms, it is possible that the EU is not balancing the costs and ben-
efits of intervention in the tech sector correctly, in part because there are few
European tech giants. Specifically, the Commission may not fully internalize

244 Assessmen t

the benefits generated by the industry, given its narrow focus to maximize the
welfare of European consumers. The Commission may thus generally over-
value the benefits of intervention to consumers and undervalue the costs of
its regulations on companies. While this would not amount to direct protec-
tionism, it may still disadvantage foreign interests at the expense of European
The Commission’s enforcement record further suggests that it would be mis-
leading to portray the EU as a regulator that primarily has US companies in its
sight. While the EU’s prominent decisions against major US companies receive
much press coverage, many Commission competition decisions target EU com-
panies with the same fervor. For example, in a 2016 acquisition involving the
world’s largest and second largest brewer, the Commission required the Belgian
acquirer Anheuser-​Busch InBev to sell practically the entire UK-​based beer busi-
ness in Europe as a condition for approving the AB InBev’s over $100 billion
acquisition of SABMiller.51 In addition, the year after the Commission prohib-
ited a merger between Deutsche Börse and the American NYSE Euronext,52 it
prohibited a similar acquisition attempt by a European acquirer: the proposed
merger between the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Deutsche Börse.53 In
cases where the EU has investigated companies for receiving illegal state aid, the
EU has not only ruled against Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks, but also against
the Italian company Fiat.54 The Commission is also currently investigating poten-
tially illegal state aid granted to Alitalia and Ryanair.55 These examples suggest
that the Commission is likely just as eager to go after European companies in its
quest to protect the welfare of European consumers.
Protectionism is, nevertheless, often difficult to detect, let alone measure sys-
tematically. Any protectionist motive would hardly be cited in legislative goals or
as grounds for an enforcement decision against foreign firms. Several arguments,
however, suggest that protectionism is unlikely to be the driver of EU competition
enforcement. For example, consider the Commission’s governance structure as it
investigates mergers. The Commission’s case teams that review proposed mergers
consist of lawyers and economists from across the EU, only a few of which come
from the same nation as the target of the merger. Any final decision rests on the
vote of the entire College of Commissioners, consisting of a Commissioner from
each member state—​only one hailing from the target nation. Any decision to
challenge a welfare-​enhancing merger to protect a target nation’s economic inter-
ests would hence require the majority of the twenty-​eight Commissioners and a
multinational case team to forgo benefits to consumers across Europe to hand a
protectionist victory to a particular nation’s industry. Such a collective decision
in support of one member state’s protectionist agenda is hard to imagine under
any circumstances.56

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 245

A recent study conducted at Columbia University examined protectionist

motives underlying EU merger control using the most comprehensive data to date.57
The study, which was discussed in c­ hapter 4, examined the entire universe of over
5,000 mergers notified to the Commission between 1990 and 2014. After control-
ling for all key elements of a transaction, including the deal value and the industry in
which the merger takes place, the analysis reveals no evidence that the Commission
has systematically used its authority to protectionist ends. If anything, the results
suggest that the Commission is less likely to challenge transactions involving foreign
acquirers, and equally or more likely to challenge acquisition attempts by European
companies. This indicates that the Commission is not seeking to build European
champions or protect EU firms from being acquired by foreign companies through
its merger review powers. The analysis in the merger control area therefore calls into
question the common notion of European antitrust protectionism.
The question remains as to whether protectionism still seeps into other areas
of EU competition policy, including investigations into the behavior of domi-
nant companies or the Commission state aid decisions. Those areas are harder to
test empirically as the entire universe of unilateral conduct cases or instances of
state aid (including those that the Commission does not pursue) are not known.
However, it is the very same institution within the Commission—​the Directorate
General for Competition—​which engages in investigations across mergers, abuse
of dominance, cartels, and state aid cases alike. If protectionism were indeed
permeating into other areas of EU competition policy, there would need to be
some reason why the Commission would rein in its protectionist tendencies in
the merger area while engaging in biased enforcement elsewhere. However, it is
unclear what that reason would be and, to date, there is little evidence to support
a claim that such biased enforcement might exist in one area, but not in another.
Outside the domain of competition law, there is similarly sparse hard evi-
dence suggesting that the EU would be motivated by its desire to tilt the playing
field in favor of Europeans. For example, the Commission’s food safety decisions
seem to reflect genuine consumer preferences rather than industrial policy. The
EU’s decision to ban hormone-​treated beef hardly conveyed a protectionist ben-
efit to EU producers, as the restriction of imports of hormone-​treated beef led to
an increase in imports of non-​hormone-​treated beef from abroad.58 In addition,
several European companies, as producers of hormones themselves, lost sales fol-
lowing the ban. A similar interest group dynamic characterizes the EU’s ban on
GMOs. After the EU banned GMO-​produced soy and corn, European compa-
nies captured no tangible benefit as European farmers produce hardly any soy or
corn that could have captured the market following the ban. Instead of bolstering
production in Europe, GMO-​soy and GMO-​corn imports were simply substi-
tuted with permissible soy and corn from non-​GMO producers abroad.59

246 Assessmen t

The EU’s environmental and health regulations seem to reflect a similar pat-
tern that is hard to reconcile with any protectionist agenda. For example, while
the EU’s emissions trading scheme (ETS) was initially designed to regulate for-
eign aviation emissions as well, the ETS continued to operate in Europe even after
the EU lost the battle to fold foreign carriers into its ETS. In other words, the
EU kept the regulation in force even when its ability to enforce it against foreign
companies was compromised. Similarly, in assessing the safety of chemicals under
the REACH regulation, the nationality of the exporter of a chemical is typically
not even known to the scientific expert evaluating the safety of the chemical.60
The file containing the information used in the safety evaluation similarly does
not generally allow a precise determination as to whether the chemical in ques-
tion is predominantly produced by domestic or foreign parties, making it diffi-
cult to incorporate industrial policy considerations into the assessment. Instead,
the experts evaluate the dossiers and substances purely from the perspective of
their safety.
In the absence of compelling evidence of any systematic protectionism guid-
ing the EU’s regulatory agenda, a more plausible explanation might be that the
EU is simply a tough regulator—​whether against foreign or domestic firms. The
EU’s tough regulatory stance is also consistent with the views of the EU’s citizens
who have demanded more protective regulations, as discussed in ­chapter 2, pro-
viding an alternative motive for the EU to act. European citizens and NGOs have
been vocal in demanding more stringent consumer, environmental, and health
protections. They have similarly become increasingly distrustful of the conduct
of dominant companies and more concerned about the integrity of their per-
sonal data, leading to greater regulatory scrutiny of companies’ data protection
and competition practices.
Citizen activism also explains the EU’s efforts to externalize the single mar-
ket. Many environmental risks, such as climate change, are global in their nature,
and cannot be resolved by the EU alone. Instead, they require corporations to
adjust their practices globally and foreign governments to respond with domes-
tic regulation. Examples include a ban on importation of timber that has been
illegally harvested in foreign countries, which is critical to EU’s efforts to tackle
deforestation and preserve rain forests.61 Similarly, many health problems, such as
deadly viruses, are known to transmit easily around the globe, harming European
citizens if not contained at their source. Such concerns have given impetus for the
EU to pursue renewed action to contain health risks such as anti-​microbial resist­
ance, irrespective of their origin.62 Many Europeans have also called for the EU
to address concerns that emanate primarily from foreign practices, with lesser, if
any, territorial connections to the EU. The disregard of animal welfare in foreign
countries offends the Europeans’ sense of morality just as much as the neglect

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 247

of, or cruelty toward, animals in Europe. The 2014 WTO trade dispute between
the EU and Canada regarding an EU ban on seal products to combat what the
EU perceived as inhumane seal hunting by the Canadian Inuit is illustrative. The
WTO Appellate Body upheld the ban as “necessary to protect public morals,”
relying on the EU’s assertion that “moral concern regarding the protection of
animals is a value of high importance in the European Union.”63
If the accusations of the protectionism were well founded, they would pro-
vide a powerful basis for criticizing the Brussels Effect. However, the lack of clear
evidence of protection, together with the alternative explanation that focuses on
entrenched citizen preferences, suggest that the concerns of the EU’s regulatory
protectionism are likely misplaced or, at best, misinterpretations of a broader
regulatory scheme.

Does the Brussels Effect Amount

to Regulatory Imperialism?
The Brussels Effect can also be criticized for its tendency to undermine the regu-
latory sovereignty of other jurisdictions. In particular, many consumers in devel-
oping country markets likely view the trade-​off between product safety and cost
differently than Europeans but are denied these preferences when the Brussels
Effect steers companies toward more stringent regulation also in those markets.
These consumers lose, the argument goes, when they are forced to pay more
for various products only because they are required to adopt, however deriva-
tively, the choices made by European consumers in this regard.64 A  pertinent
example relates to the cultivation of GMO crops to alleviate hunger and pov-
erty in Sub-​Saharan Africa.65 The use of GMOs could potentially increase crop
yields in countries that desperately need access to cheap agricultural products.
Qualitative research further indicates that GMOs bring particular benefits
to women and children who value the decrease in labor associated with insect
resistant and herbicide-​tolerant GMO crops.66 However, developing countries,
including those in Africa, are reluctant to adopt GMO crops for the fear of los-
ing trade relationships with the EU.67 African farmers—​who are reliant on farm-
ing for income and subsistence—​might therefore be forced to pay the price for
European ideological luxuries.68
Some commentators go as far as to allege that the externalization of the EU’s
single market reflects “imperialistic” motives. According to these critics, the EU
is seeking to exert political and economic domination over other countries.69 This
critique has been particularly pertinent in the context of the EU’s efforts to export
its norms in its immediate neighborhood through accession and other partner-
ship treaties. The EU has significant leverage over countries that seek closer

248 Assessmen t

cooperation with the Union, or eventual membership within it.70 According to

Jan Zielonka, the EU is an empire that seeks to assert control over its neighbors,
with the help of “economic and bureaucratic imperial instruments.”71 The only
way for Europeans to maintain their current standards of life without putting
European firms at a comparative economic disadvantage, Zielonka holds, is for
the EU to export its laws and administrative practices to other countries, even
when the European model of governance imposes significant costs on them.72
Raffaella Del Satro argues in the same vein, asserting that the EU’s practice
of exporting its practices to the periphery and reproducing its normative identity
abroad is done to ingrain the EU’s imperial order in the region.73 The EU seeks
to expand its imperial order by cultivating EU-​friendly elites, which share the
interests of the core. This, she notes, is “a classical aspect of imperial relations.”74
In this endeavor, the EU may be a quasi-​benevolent exporter of norms, includ-
ing democracy and human rights, to its neighboring states. However, at the same
time, the EU is exerting a formidable form of power over those states.75
But even outside of its immediate sphere of influence, critics maintain that
the EU is engaged in a novel form of imperialism. Instead of pursuing its goals
through military and political instruments, the EU has been accused of using eco-
nomic and bureaucratic tools to dominate over countries that are dependent on
access to its vast domestic market.76 This critique has been levied against different
manifestations of the Brussels Effect. For example, in discussing the global reach
of the GDPR, Mark Scott and Laurens Cerulus describe how “Europe wants to
conquer the world all over again,” yet this time without military means but rather
through its “legal juggernaut aimed at imposing ever tougher privacy rules on
governments and companies from San Francisco to Seoul.”77 They point out that
in countries like South Africa, which base their domestic data protection legisla-
tion on the GDPR, this European legislative export risks “being viewed as yet
another diktat handed down by former colonial powers in a form of ‘data impe-
rialism.’ ”78 Lawrence A. Kogan, criticizing the EU’s extensive regulatory reach in
environmental and food safety matters, puts it bluntly:

[T]he EU has embarked upon an adventure in environmental cultural

imperialism. This is a global practice reminiscent of an earlier European
colonial era. And the fact that Europe is using “soft power” to enforce it
will hardly make it more palatable to people who will be unable to feed
themselves as a result.79

The EU counters these criticisms by arguing that it is not engaged in

coercion—​it is not using force or threats to persuade any company or govern-
ment to do anything—in particular, when the EU is exporting its rules through

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 249

the market-​driven Brussels Effect. Instead, the EU is simply asking others to play
by its rules when operating in its home market, and enforcing the norms of the
single market equally on domestic and foreign players.80 If the self-​interest of mul-
tinational corporations leads them to voluntarily adopt the EU regulation across
their global operations, the EU can hardly be accused of “imperialism.” The EU
is not compromising US sovereignty if Twitter adopts the EU’s definition of hate
speech to govern its global operations or Dow Chemical conforms to the EU’s
REACH regulation globally. Of course, these companies may be conforming to
the EU rule sometimes reluctantly, following “involuntary incentives” that stem
from the interplay of stringent EU regulation and their market-​based incentives
to globalize the EU rule. At most, some may describe the EU’s unilateralism as
“soft coercion,” but even that characterization is subject to dispute given the EU’s
passive role in how the markets transmit its rules.
In addition, the EU often defends its regulatory reach by portraying itself
as a benign global hegemon,81 whose values and policies are both normatively
desirable and universally applicable.82 This way, the EU is a champion of norms
that serve global welfare. The EU emphasizes its quest to create a rule-​based
world and offer an alternative to the more controversial and self-​serving world-
view advanced by the United States. For example, former Commission presi-
dent Jose Manual Barroso noted that “the EU’s comparative advantage lies in its
normative power or the power of its values [ . . . ]. In the post-​crisis world, when
people are looking for new ways to ensure their well-​being, peace, prosperity, the
European experience has a great deal to offer the world.”83 An American econo-
mist and Nobel laureate, Joseph Stiglitz similarly emphasizes the global appeal
of European values, calling for Europe to project its “ ‘soft power’—​the power
and influence of ideas and example,” which should become “one of the central
pillars of [the] world.” According to Stiglitz, “Europe’s success is due in part to
its promotion of a set of values that, while quintessentially European, are at the
same time global.”84
The EU’s active role in the fight against climate change serves as an example
of a regulation that is presumably driven by largely benevolent as opposed to
imperialistic motives. Climate change is a global problem that requires a global
response. The EU has a limited capacity to mitigate climate change alone if other
states continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, the
EU has led numerous efforts to conclude a new and more potent global climate
change treaty.85 Yet the difficulties associated with international treaty negotia-
tions gave the EU the imperative to act unilaterally and to establish an emissions
trading regime with extraterritorial effect.86 The EU defended its unilateral regu-
lation by arguing that it was acting in the collective interest to provide a global
public good: mitigation of climate change.87

250 Assessmen t

By emphasizing the universal benefits of its regulatory agenda, the EU often

succeeds in obscuring the de facto unilateralism that drives its implementation.
Even if the EU were able to portray itself as a benevolent, normative power that
is advancing universal values,88 skeptics point out that the notion of a normative
power has neocolonial undertones as the EU is, in the end, effectively exporting
its “standards of civilization.”89 For example, even if the EU’s efforts to generate
global action against climate change were driven by its benevolent motives, the
EU may be accused of acting as a regulatory imperialist that is imposing unjusti-
fied costs on other nations, in particular developing countries. Critics are quick to
point out that it was developed countries, such as those in the EU, which caused
the climate change problem in the first place, which may justify having developed
countries bear most of the costs of mitigating the problem as opposed to impos-
ing similar regulatory obligations on developing countries90—​doing otherwise
may not be “benevolent” and hence normatively justifiable.
Even if critics fall short of accusing the EU of a new form of “imperialism,”
many raise concerns that the Brussels Effect undermines democratic account-
ability. The EU’s ability to override domestic political processes and institutions
abroad can amount to a form of “policy laundering”91—​whereby the origins of
regulations become disguised for ordinary citizens in those countries—​or to a
form of “collusive delegation”92—​whereby regulations become insulated from
the interest groups that typically influence domestic regulatory policy. This type
of sovereignty criticism is not limited to the EU’s economically weaker trade
partners. The EU can also undermine the sovereignty of jurisdictions such as the
United States. For instance, the idea that unelected European civil servants have
the ability to block global transactions by US companies can be disconcerting
to those involved. The US government therefore has a reasonable claim that the
Brussels Effect constrains its regulatory freedom, thereby undermining US sover-
eignty. The US’ regulatory agenda becomes compromised whenever the EU rules
prevail over those promulgated by the US government, undercutting the US’
ability to make decisions regarding its economy. American citizens cannot hold
European politicians accountable for decisions they disagree with. This counter-​
majoritarian element inherent in the Brussels Effect undermines the ability of
foreign governments to serve their citizens in accordance with their democrati-
cally established preferences.
Yet even if one accepts that the Brussels Effect interferes with foreign sover-
eigns’ regulatory space, a plausible argument still exists that it does not undermine
foreign democratic interests, including the US democracy. While the EU’s regu-
latory process is not flawless nor perfectly democratic,93 it is arguably less suscep-
tible to corporate influence compared to the United States. The Brussels Effect
may thus have the effect of balancing the alleged overrepresentation of business

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 251

interests in American public life by empowering consumers.94 For instance, after

the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United95—​which opened the door
for unlimited corporate spending to influence elections after ruling that political
spending constitutes a form of free speech—​many in the United States worry
that the extent of business lobbying has distorted the democratic process. While
corporate lobbying also increasingly takes place in Brussels, business interests are
considerably less influential there, and often constrained by the influence exerted
by civil society groups.96 Thus, if regulations in countries outside the EU are too
permissive, too weakly enforced, or otherwise suboptimal, the Brussels Effect
might be a desirable means of overriding them.
It is also important to realize that foreign (non-​EU) actors do not monolithi-
cally view the Brussels Effect as sovereignty infringing: quite the contrary. Often,
foreign advocacy groups welcome the externalization of the EU single market in
particular because it allows them to raise awareness of a policy problem at home.
EU regulation can serve as an important benchmark in their efforts to influence
domestic debates on the issue.97 By referring to the EU regulation as an example
that some governments are, indeed, regulating in certain policy domains, they
can more effectively point to deficiencies in those policy domains in their own
legal systems. For example, US consumers who prefer higher levels of consumer
protection and a civil society that advocates environmental protection often seize
on EU policies and use them in their attempts to forge change in the United
The REACH regulation provides a useful illustration. US-​based NGOs,
including the Environmental Defense Fund, have used REACH to advocate for
domestic reform. For example, a Swedish-​based NGO “ChemSec,” which advo-
cates for safe chemicals, published a report “Using Reach Outside Europe,” dem-
onstrating how the European REACH regulation can be used as a model when
advocating for regulatory reform in other countries.99 Relying on this advocacy
work, the Environmental Defense Fund published a report in the United States
entitled “Across the Pond: Assessing REACH’s First Big Impact on US Chemicals
and Companies,” in which it identified particularly harmful chemicals that were
in active commerce in the United States, and called for a regulatory reform.100 In
2008, another US advocacy organization, “MomsRising,” joined various experts
and other activists in calling on the Obama administration to address “the urgent
chemical exposure crises in the US.” The cofounder of MomsRising contrasted
the US standards to those prevailing in Europe, noting—​with outrage—​that par-
ents today need to look for labels that say the product meets European regulatory
standards because they cannot trust the American standards.101
Similar arguments have been leveled at both the Food and Drug Administra­
tion (FDA) and American companies regarding the use of synthetic dyes in food.

252 Assessmen t

In 2007, UK researchers found that consuming artificial colors increased hyper-

activity in children.102 This research led to an EU warning label requirement. In
the United States, awareness of the study caused the Center for Science in the
Public Interest (CSPI) to petition the FDA to ban several artificial food colors.103
While the FDA’s Food Advisory Committee considered the UK study in its
March 2011 meeting, CSPI’s efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.104 Undeterred,
CSPI criticized the decision across multiple platforms including radio, web, and
print media, publicly shaming American companies for “marketing safer, natu-
ral dyes in Europe, but not the United States.”105 Michael Jacobson, executive
director of CSPI, lobbied US companies directly, saying, “Hey McDonald’s, hey
Mars, you’re not using dyes in Europe, but you are using them in exactly the same
products in the United States.”106 As a result, and despite the FDA’s inaction,
consumer support for regulation of synthetic dye has prompted many American
companies, including Kraft107 and Mars,108 to voluntarily remove artificial dyes
from their local products.
Even beyond the organized activists, individual consumers in weakly
regulated markets may welcome the EU’s unilateralism, hailing the EU as the
benevolent provider of global public goods in situations where their own gov-
ernments or multilateral cooperation mechanisms fail to provide them.109 For
example, some American consumers are content if web operators cannot place
cookies—​software files that track consumers’ internet searches to gather market-
ing information—​on personal computers.110 Others likely welcome the Brussels
Effect in the environmental domain, in particular at the time when the US gov-
ernment is engaged in “crude cull of environmental rules” that many believe will
leave the United States “dirtier and less safe.”111 Similarly, if multinational com-
panies producing plastic toys use safer chemicals across global markets because
of the Brussels Effect, children in developing markets benefit even if their own
governments left chemicals unregulated. Obviously, many foreign consumers are
passive beneficiaries of EU regulations. If the EU pursues global cartels, foreign
consumers benefit, as they no longer pay the overcharge for products on their
home markets. Yet few of them would know to attribute that gain to the efforts of
the Commission’s Directorate General for Competition that detected collusion
and unraveled the cartel. Similarly, foreign families exposing their teenagers to
less hateful discourse online—​thanks to the global reach of EU regulations—​are
unlikely to make a connection between the EU and the regulatory benefit they
In addition, some progressive states within the United States endorse the EU’s
leadership, voluntarily choosing to incorporate EU regulations into their own
state laws, as discussed in various examples in Part II of this book.112 For exam-
ple, the success of the EU’s RoHS directive, prohibiting the use of toxic heavy

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 253

metals in electronics, prompted a broad coalition of local governments, environ-

mental NGOs, and electronics producers to support the inclusion of RoHS in
California’s 2004 E-​Waste bill. California’s bill began with NGO advocacy at the
national level for a federal bill similar to RoHS.113 After efforts to pass a federal
regulation failed, the California state government decided to take independent
action, culminating in California’s adoption of the California RoHS Law.114
Some developing country governments similarly welcome the Brussels Effect.
The Brussels Effect presents these countries with an opportunity to outsource their
regulatory pursuits to a more resourceful and experienced agency. Developing
country competition agencies, for example, often free ride on the EU’s compe-
tition investigations, benefiting from the global effects of the EU’s decision to
ban anticompetitive mergers or force firms to amend their conduct and products
globally. Similarly, governments with the desire, but limited resources, to provide
safer products for their consumers hence benefit from the EU imposing stringent
standards that affect production patterns globally.
Thus, while the sovereignty criticism associated with the Brussels Effect is
not without merit, it is unlikely to offer a fatal normative critique to the Brussels
Effect. It is true—​and, for many, justifiably troubling—​that when the Brussels
Effect shapes the global regulatory environment, the European citizens’ prefer-
ences count more than those of non-​European citizens. Yet that criticism seems
more valid under the assumption that foreign regulators have the requisite capac-
ity and the right incentives to act—​in other words, when their regulatory capac-
ity or the willingness to exercise that capacity is not compromised by the lack of
resources or excessive corporate influence. When those conditions do not hold,
the Brussels Effect seems more benevolent in normative terms. A related argu-
ment could be made regarding international cooperation on regulation. One
could argue that instead of through the EU’s unilateralism, regulatory globaliza-
tion should take place through cooperative, consensus-​based mechanisms in the
context of international organizations. However, as discussed in ­chapter 3, those
treaty-​based mechanisms have often failed in effectiveness, making the Brussels
Effect a next-​best alternative. This way, the theory of “the second best” may offer
the best defense for the Brussels Effect:115 ideally, all governments would regulate
their own economies and coordinate, as needed, internationally. However, when
these assumptions do not hold, the Brussels Effect becomes a less objectionable,
and more necessary—​second best—​alternative.

Foreign Attempts to Constrain the Brussels Effect

As the earlier discussion suggests, the Brussels Effect produces both costs and
benefits. While many of the costs that the Brussels Effect imposes are offset by

254 Assessmen t

its benefits, because those costs and benefits are distributed in uneven ways, it is
certain the Brussels Effect will continue to be a target for criticism. However, for
those who view the Brussels Effect as detrimental to their welfare, the opportuni-
ties for challenging EU regulations can be limited. This is particularly the case for
foreign corporations and governments that cannot hold EU leaders accountable
in democratic elections.

Foreign Firms’ Response to the Brussels Effect

Given the global reach of EU regulations, foreign stakeholders have the
incentive to invest considerable resources in trying to influence regulatory
outcomes in the EU.116 As a result, lobbying activity is particularly salient in
Brussels. This is because the benefits available from the possible regulatory
capture of the Commission or another EU institution are expected to exceed
the benefits of successfully influencing any other regulatory agency with less
global clout.
Therefore, foreign firms invest heavily in the EU regulatory process through
lobbying, with the Commission and the Parliament as their primary targets. It
is difficult to quantify the extent of lobbying taking place historically in the EU
given that the EU’s transparency register was only established in 2011.117 But since
2011, a considerable number of entities—​nearly 12,000 by March 2019—​have reg-
istered, comprising corporations and civil society representatives alike.118 Out of
those registrations, over 1,000 have a head office outside the EU, most commonly
in Switzerland and the United States.119 American technology companies in par-
ticular are increasing their lobbying presence in the EU: Google and Microsoft’s
EU lobbying budget are among the five highest in the EU.120 In addition, the
Information Technology Industry Council—​a US-​based lobbying group rep-
resenting technology companies such as Apple, Facebook, and Google—​is
increasing its staff in Brussels because they recognize that the EU is “driving and
directing policy.”
EU institutions welcome lobbying as part of their commitment to consulting
stakeholders about the effect of regulations on them.121 Rather than unduly influ-
encing the regulatory process, the EU views this type of stakeholder engagement
as providing valuable information and increasing the legitimacy of EU policy
making.122 Yet critics are quick to remind that exposure to corporate lobbying can
lead to agency capture and result in welfare-​reducing outcomes.123 Foreign crit-
ics in particular emphasize how weaker lobbying regulations in Brussels—​both
regarding attorney-​client privilege and lax ethical rules permitting government
officials to utilize their influence immediately upon leaving office—​allow inter-
national lobbying firms to sidestep more stringent foreign laws. This favorable

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 255

environment for lobbyists attracts international lobbying firms and undercuts

transparency in the EU regulatory process.124
The most lobbied pieces of EU legislation are REACH and the GDPR—​two
regulations with far-​reaching, global regulatory consequences. Some commenta-
tors have referred to REACH as having “set in motion one of the most colossal
lobbying campaigns in the history of EU law-​making.”125 The consultations that
the Commission held on REACH before the regulation was enacted in 2006
garnered over 6,300 contributions by industry and civil society alike.126 Foreign
parties were distinctly active in their efforts to influence REACH, including most
notably the US corporations and government. As expected, US chemical manu-
facturers were actively involved. However, also the US civil society weighed in,
submitting a proposal in favor of REACH, backed by sixty US organizations and
over ten thousand citizens.127 Interestingly, according to a report by California
Congressman Henry A.  Waxman, the official US government’s position on
REACH was closely coordinated with US corporations, though without any
effort to also include the position advocated by US civil society interest groups.128
The global reach of EU regulations via the Brussels Effect in certain policy
domains also encourages international business groups to coordinate their EU
lobbying positions. For example, the US publishing and the music industries both
cooperated with their European counterparts in seeking to impose greater obliga-
tions on the online platforms as part of EU’s copyright reform.129 Similarly, 1,160
health-​care companies and hospitals across fifty-five countries have joined Global
Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) to coordinate global advocacy and inno-
vative health-​care initiatives.130 The action items of the group include the replace-
ment of all products including Substances of Very High Concern, as defined by the
EU’s REACH directive.131 What further facilitates the formation of transnational
interest groups and lobbying coalitions is the membership strategy of EU-​based
business associations, which welcome third-​country actors as affiliated members.132
For example, The European Chemical Industry Council (ECIC), a critical player
in the legislative process resulting in REACH, is open to non-​EU actors, repre-
senting several companies with headquarters outside the EU. Digital Europe—​an
industry association representing over thirty-five thousand technology companies
around the world, with members ranging from Amazon to Sony and from Siemens
to Cisco—​similarly welcomes EU and non-​EU members alike.133 Digital Europe
provided a coordinated voice for the IT industry in the preparation for the GDPR,
which included a joint submission as part the Commission consultation.134 These
coordinated lobbying efforts have enhanced the foreign companies’ voice—​and, at
times, their influence—​in the EU’s regulatory process.
Despite their concerted efforts, foreign companies are rarely able to mitigate
the Brussels Effect extensively through lobbying. Many EU regulations emerge

256 Assessmen t

from the EU’s regulatory process largely unscratched despite a fierce corporate
opposition. And even when foreign companies manage to win some concessions
or water down certain aspects of a regulation they oppose, their influence may be
offset by that of other interest groups. Indeed, in a recent empirical study, Andreas
Dür and his coauthors show that business interests are no more influential than
other interests in shaping EU regulations.135 They may be able to delay the enact-
ment of regulations but not prevent their adoption given the strong influence of
citizen groups and other non-​business actors in the EU’s legislative process.136
This relative lack of success through lobbying, at times, sends foreign firms to
search for alternative strategies. As a result, “if you cannot beat them, join them”
guides the response of many foreign firms after a failed attempt to stop Brussels
from regulating. The de facto Brussels Effect may lead foreign firms to turn to
their home governments to lobby for EU-​equivalent regulation at home—​akin
to what Apple and Facebook recently did by urging the US federal government to
adopt GDPR-​style federal privacy law.137 Given that these firms already have to
bear the costs of complying with EU rules, they now have the incentive to advo-
cate further externalization of the single market to their home markets: a strategy
that allows them to level the playing field with respect to their domestic, non-​
export-​oriented competitors which, absent domestic regulation, remain unaf-
fected by EU regulations. Their advocacy at times converts the de facto Brussels
Effect to the de jure Brussels Effect, as foreign governments enact legislation simi-
lar to the EU’s—​a dynamic discussed in earlier chapters.138
Another strategy available for foreign firms is to turn the EU’s regulatory
prowess to their advantage by leveraging those stringent regulations against
their own competitors. As noted earlier in this chapter and discussed in chapter
3, the EU has increasingly become a “forum of choice” for litigation by foreign
companies against other foreign companies. The Commission often provides a
hospitable forum for US producers to challenge their competitors’ practices. For
example, the REACH regulation allows interested parties to collaborate with the
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to restrict the use of certain chemicals.
This allows any producer of chemicals, including a US company, to seek denial of
its competitors’ (including other US companies’) substances in the EU.139 In the
competition law realm, US corporations have found the EU to offer a particularly
valuable legal battleground whenever they seek to halt practices of their (often
domestic) competitors, as discussed earlier in this chapter and in c­hapter  4.
These examples illustrate how some foreign firms are occasionally able to turn the
Brussels Effect to their advantage—​even if only by shifting the harmful effects of
EU regulations to their competitors.
These examples show that foreign companies adversely affected by the
Brussels Effect have limited strategies at their disposal to rein in the EU’s

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 257

regulatory power over them. These companies can—​and frequently do—​engage

in extensive lobbying of the EU institutions, and occasionally succeed on delay-
ing or weakening some aspect of a regulation they oppose. They may also urge
their own governments to try and convince the EU to amend or abandon its
regulations, as will be discussed next. Yet, on many occasions these companies
find their direct lobbying attempts frustrating and their governments unable to
reverse the EU’s regulatory agenda. This leaves these companies with few options
but to adjust their global operations to EU regulations—​however reluctantly.
After any such adjustment, these companies’ interest calculus often changes, and
they can even become advocates of EU regulation as a way to further harmonize
the global regulatory environment in which they and their competitors operate.

Foreign Governments’ Response to the Brussels Effect

Foreign companies are not the only ones who try to push back against the Brussels
Effect. Foreign governments, including the United States, are also often criti-
cal of the Brussels Effect—​whether because they view EU regulations as costly,
protectionist, or sovereignty infringing. Yet the US government, like any other
foreign government, has few ways to rein in the EU’s regulatory reach: the EU
is regulating its own market, which it has the sovereign right to do. If US firms
voluntarily change their global practices due to the de facto Brussels Effect, the
US government can find it difficult to attribute blame to the EU for the impact
on the US market that arises as a by-​product of those decisions. As a result, the
US government is often left to the role of a spectator, unable to influence the
market forces that push the companies and governments toward EU regulations.
This often leaves it resentful about the economic and political costs it faces as the
Brussels Effect reaches the US shores.
As discussed earlier, the primary concern of the US government is that EU reg-
ulations impose adjustment costs on US corporations. Another related concern
is that US consumers end up paying more for goods when producers are forced
to accommodate concerns that US consumers do not necessarily share. Second,
the US government often views EU regulations as protectionist and hence unfair.
Third, the US also resents its loss of sovereignty as the EU regulation overrides
those of its own. These interests have often led the US government to express its
opposition to EU policies. For example, prompted by the American chemicals
industry, the US government engaged in extensive efforts to curtail the REACH
regulation.140 The US government’s reaction to the EU’s interventionist competi-
tion laws has at times been equally hostile.141 This was also true for the EU’s initial
plan to subject foreign airlines to its ETS, which was vehemently opposed by US
airlines and the US government, as well as other foreign governments.142 Finally,

258 Assessmen t

the GDPR triggered fierce opposition in the United States, resulting in unprec-
edented lobbying activity by US companies and the government alike. However,
at times it is difficult for the US government to adopt a coherent government
position for or against any given EU regulation. Anthony Gardner, the former
US ambassador to the EU, remarked that he did not lobby the Commission in
competition disputes, as there were typically US companies on both sides of the
dispute, which made it difficult to distill an unambiguous US interest in any
given case.143
Even in instances where the United States has a uniform lobbying interests
and would actively want to resist the Brussels Effect, there is very little it can do
to stop the EU from regulating its domestic market. In this sense, the Brussels
Effect differs starkly from the California Effect. California cannot promulgate
regulations that are inconsistent with US federal laws absent an explicit waiver
from the federal government.144 Furthermore, each new administration inherits
the ability to reinterpret such waivers, as we are witnessing now that the Trump
administration is challenging California’s Clean Air Act waiver that has allowed
California to maintain more stringent emission standards.145 Federal preemption
thus imposes a serious limitation on the scope of the California Effect; the effect
is particularly circumscribed when the administration disagrees with California’s
regulatory choices and uses preemption to limit the state’s regulatory freedom.146
There is nothing akin to federal preemption that similarly constrains the EU’s
regulatory powers.
When US producers are forced to either comply with higher standards or
be shut out of the EU market, the US government has four potential ways to
respond:  1) try to compel the EU to change its rules by means of, for exam-
ple:  diplomacy, suing the EU in the WTO, or offering the EU some rewards
or threatening the EU with sanctions; 2) seek a cooperative solution, such as by
pursuing an international standard that reflects some combination of US and
EU preferences; 3) converge to the EU standard by replicating the EU regula-
tion domestically (the de jure Brussels Effect); or, finally, (4) do nothing and wit-
ness its businesses conform to the EU regulations through the de facto Brussels
The most controversial strategy for the United States, or any other foreign
government, would be to threaten the EU with sanctions. However, the pros-
pect of a trade war is often too costly for the countries themselves to pursue as a
strategy—​even in the present political climate where trade conflicts are rapidly
escalating. In many instances, trade sanctions would also be inconsistent with the
countries’ obligations under the WTO. In past US‒EU competition enforcement
conflicts, for instance, the United States threatened the EU with trade sanctions
unless the EU ceased its opposition to the Boeing/​McDonnell Douglas merger.148

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 259

Yet, notwithstanding the heightened rhetoric of retaliation, the competition con-

troversies led the US government to concede that “[w]‌e have no power to change
EU law.”149
Although the EU regulations generally withstand threats of retaliation, there
have been some limited instances, where a threat of sanctions has caused the EU
to retreat, or at least modify its regulatory stance. For example, the EU’s deci-
sion to include foreign airlines into its ETS provoked threats that foreign carriers
may forgo European Airbus planes in favor of the competing US-​based Boeing
planes.150 This particular threat led the EU to temporarily halt the implementa-
tion of the Aviation Directive vis-​à-​vis foreign carriers.151 In this instance, the
threat was effective given the extent of commercial interests at stake, the brazenly
unilateralist and controversial nature of the EU’s measure, and the sheer num-
ber of EU trade partners that protested the Directive. However, except in rare
cases like this one, even threats of retaliation from powerful governments such
as the United States are ineffective in compelling the EU to reverse its regulatory
Under some circumstances, international institutions could provide a venue
for foreign governments to challenge the EU regulations. The WTO prevents
countries from restricting imports from countries with less-stringent regulations
unless the importing country can, for example, provide a scientific justification
for the restriction, or if the restriction is necessary to protect public health or
related to conservation of the environment.153 Much of WTO litigation centers
on parties’ disagreement as to whether domestic regulations reflect a legitimate
exercise of domestic regulatory authority or whether they instead advance merely
protectionist goals.
The United States did resort to the WTO in challenging the EU’s prohibition
on hormone-​treated beef in 1996 and GMO food in 2003, eventually winning
its core claims in both trade disputes.154 The United States claimed that the EU’s
alleged pursuit of food safety and concern for the health of its consumers in real-
ity reflected its desire to protect its farmers from foreign competition.155 The EU
defended its measures on grounds of genuine consumer preferences, as Europeans
harbor deep skepticism of GMOs and growth-​ promoting hormones,156and
argued that scientific studies supported its health concerns.157 The WTO ruled
for the United States, requiring the EU to lift its import ban of hormone-​treated
beef and similarly approve GMO products without undue delay.158 Most recently,
the United States has challenged the EU’s import ban of US poultry that is rinsed
in chlorine—​a process that, according to the United States, makes poultry safe
for consumption.159 These challenges suggest that the WTO might impose some
limits on the EU’s regulatory pursuits in instances where those regulations are
protectionist or when they are not backed by sufficient scientific evidence.

260 Assessmen t

However, turning to the WTO does not ultimately offer a strong tool to com-
bat the impact of the Brussels Effect. Despite the occasional victories like the
ones noted for the United States, the WTO offers, at best, imperfect remedies
for foreign jurisdictions frustrated by the reach of EU regulations. The WTO
dispute settlement mechanism is characterized by weaknesses such as non-​
retroactive damages.160 In addition, the WTO system cannot compel a mem-
ber state to lift restrictive measures. It can merely authorize sanctions against a
noncompliant member state.161For instance, the EU has maintained its import
ban on hormone-​treated beef, preferring to endure US retaliation.162 The EU has
also repeatedly allowed the deadline for implementing the GMO ruling to lapse,
while the United States has suspended its retaliatory measures in anticipation of a
settlement or the EU’s future compliance.163 The difficulties that a leading world
economy like the United States has faced in obtaining the EU’s compliance sug-
gest that the EU’s weaker trading partners will find even less relief for their griev-
ances by going to the WTO. Authorizing a small developing country—​which
typically has few tools for retaliation at its disposal—​to punish its powerful trad-
ing partner thus hardly guarantees that this right will be used. Thus, the WTO’s
system of remedies, including the authorized retaliation, rarely offers an avenue
for foreign governments to effectively constrain the EU.
The WTO’s ability to constrain the Brussels Effect is further limited by its
restricted mandate. The WTO bans discrimination between importers and
domestic producers.164 To successfully challenge EU regulations before the
WTO, foreign governments would need to show that EU regulations are dis-
criminatory. Yet many of the EU regulations, while perhaps costly to foreign pro-
ducers, are not discriminatory in their nature: EU companies are subject to the
same rules. If the EU regulations have no disparate impact on foreign producers,
allegations of discrimination are difficult to maintain, and the WTO can do little
to restrain them. Further, many areas—​such as competition and privacy—​do
not fall within the purview of the WTO.165 There have been several attempts to
include competition law, among other new issue areas, under the WTO frame-
work, but all those attempts have failed.166 Expanding the scope of the WTO
to new issue areas is even more unlikely today, as the consensus among over 160
member countries is increasingly beyond reach. The WTO therefore offers, at
best, a limited avenue for foreign governments to mitigate the costs they incur
because of the Brussels Effect.
Indeed, the WTO does not only fail to adequately constrain the Brussels
Effect; at times, it may even help to facilitate it. Exported EU regulations, global-
ized through the Brussels Effect, can be viewed as contributing to the WTO’s
underlying goal of facilitating international trade by harmonizing standards.167
The WTO rules also limit the ability of the EU’s trade partners to respond to

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 261

the EU’s regulatory pursuits with unilateral retaliation.168 Had the United States,
for instance, imposed trade sanctions on the EU when faced with the EU’s data
transfer ban, it would have violated the WTO rules and subjected itself to a
WTO complaint by the EU. In this sense, the WTO can also provide a shield for,
and not only a limitation to, the Brussels Effect.169
In theory, the EU’s increasing regulatory clout and its impact on US busi-
nesses may, or at least should, lead the United States to support greater market
oversight by international institutions. Though often skeptical of international
institutions’ ability to regulate the markets, an enhanced understanding of the
Brussels Effect should awaken the United States to the benefits of international
cooperation. Such cooperation would offer the United States an opportunity to
play a shared, rather than obsolete, role in the regulation of global commerce
in many industries. This resembles the idea of “preemptive federalism,” whereby
the United States could seek international regulation as a means to preempt the
Brussels Effect. Having some influence over regulatory standards would be better
than ceding influence to the EU altogether.170 The regulation of aviation emis-
sions provides an illustrating example. Faced with the EU’s unilateralism in the
ETS, the United States was among the countries that supported the conclusion
of an international agreement—​the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme
for International Aviation (CORSIA)171—​to address the issue in a multilateral
setting, which ultimately gave the United States considerably more say over how
its aviation industry is regulated.
Given that international regulatory cooperation should typically serve US
interests more than any unilateral regulatory measure by the EU, it is surpris-
ing that the United States has deliberately turned its back to international
trade deals, including the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(TTIP).172 Existing transatlantic disagreements about regulatory standards
were always the greatest stumbling block for the negotiations.173 At the same
time, the possibility to overcome those disagreements presented the greatest
opportunity for economic gains from the TTIP for both parties. The United
States should have welcomed the chance to address divergent regulations
jointly with the EU, in particular given the alternative of the EU setting those
standards alone. The EU may also have been willing to forgo unilateralism
in certain regulatory contexts in favor of a bilateral deal. The threat of the
Brussels Effect certainly would have enhanced the EU’s bargaining power in
any such negotiations, allowing it to extract valuable gains from the United
States in return for modifying its stance on some areas of regulatory policy.
Regardless, it seems evident that making no bargain with the EU has under-
mined US interests in establishing advantageous global standards, further ced-
ing ground to the EU in this regard.

262 Assessmen t

Even a powerful country such as the United States typically gains nothing
from defending its regulatory standard, even if that country’s standard is viewed
by many as being a more desirable one than the EU’s. As a less-stringent regula-
tor, the US position simply becomes irrelevant in the fields where the de facto
Brussels Effect takes place.174 Yet still, the United States is unlikely to adopt an
EU standard domestically as a regular course of action. Regulatory change always
entails costs. Firms need to reorganize their production processes or practices in
order to comply with new and different standards.175 Governments incur costs
relating to legislating and retraining its regulators.176 And most importantly, the
United States must forgo the efficiencies that its preferred regulation would gen-
erate. When holding onto its own domestic standards, the United States can at
least ensure that its standard governs the activity that is purely domestic in nature.
And given how large the US market is, this often provides an adequate incentive
to retain its preferred regulation domestically, absent overwhelming lobbying by
domestic export-​oriented industries to the contrary.
However, in some cases, even initially reluctant governments come to embrace
EU regulations with time and adopt domestic rules that resemble those of the
EU. Once they fail to prevent the EU from furthering its regulatory agenda,
the domestic political economy may change as well, as explained earlier in the
context of discussing the de jure Brussels Effect across the many products and
services discussed herein. These governments may now face lobbying from their
own export-​oriented companies to follow the EU’s lead, offering domestic politi-
cal gains from emulating EU regulations. Sometimes EU rules also give them no
choice but to adapt. For example, in the data protection domain, governments
have the incentive to emulate EU rules to obtain adequacy decisions and hence
a reassurance that data can flow freely between countries. The governments’ eco-
nomic interests, dictated by the needs of their companies, may thus push them
toward EU rules—​even if reluctantly.

The Brussels Effect produces both costs and benefits, and there is no
unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is, overall, desirable. It imposes
economic costs on individual consumers in the EU and abroad by, at times, rais-
ing prices and preventing access to products and services that some segment of
the population would value. It may also impose political costs by constraining the
regulatory space of foreign governments and hence their ability to respond to the
demands of their citizens to whom they are politically accountable. Finally, the
Brussels Effect may, at times, impose distributional costs by transferring wealth
from new entrants to powerful incumbents that are in a better position to absorb
the costs of burdensome regulations.
Acknowledging these various costs associated with the Brussels Effect might
lead to renewed efforts to seek to mitigate them—​some of those efforts might

Is the Brussels Effect Beneficial? 263

indeed already be underway. For example, an effective implementation of the

Commission’s “Better Regulation Agenda” has the potential to reduce some
of the regulatory burdens that remain a critics’ key concern.177 In addition, the
greater incorporation of foreign stakeholders’ views as part of the impact assess-
ment process—​the EU’s variant of the US government agencies’ cost-​benefit
analysis—​could mitigate some of the criticism associated with regulatory impe-
rialism.178 Enhanced efforts to pursue international regulatory cooperation
through consensus-​based mechanisms may similarly alleviate some of the politi-
cal costs associated with unilateralism.179 Finally, a realization that the Brussels
Effect has the unintended consequence of empowering the powerful incumbents
might lead the EU to increasingly differentiate the regulatory burdens across the
companies’ ability to comply—​a policy stance that would be highly consistent
with the EU’s existing regulatory philosophy.180
At the same time, regardless of whether these various costs associated with
the Brussels Effect can or will be mitigated, it is important to acknowledge that
the Brussels Effect also generates many benefits that are felt both in the EU
and abroad. Often those benefits are diffused across a large consumer base that
experiences a cleaner environment and enhanced product safety, an enhanced
control over their personal data, and less exposure to hateful discourse online,
to name a few. Of course, everyone does not share the same preferences and
would not trust the government—​even that of their own, let alone a foreign
government—​to make the choices for them in this regard. In the end, whether
the Brussels Effect is positive or negative depends on individual preferences that
vary across policy areas, individuals’ socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds,
values, and ideologies. However, the discussion in this chapter supports a con-
clusion that, on balance, the Brussels Effect is more likely to generate net ben-
efits that are valuable—​even if not uniformly in all instances and for all the
However, the ultimate answer to the question of the desirability of the Brussels
Effect might be that it may not even matter, given that little can be done to coun-
ter it, as the many examples discussed in this chapter have shown. Regardless
of whether they like it or not, individuals, corporations and governments—​
particularly foreign ones—​can do little to rein in the Brussels Effect as long as the
fundamental criteria for its emergence exist. Whether the Brussels Effect should
be viewed positively or negatively is hence secondary to the less disputed conclu-
sion that the Brussels Effect simply exists and matters in today’s global political
economy—​it is both penetrating and pervasive across a number of policy areas,
and far more impactful than commonly appreciated. Instead, the more impor-
tant question may therefore be whether the Brussels Effect will persist and how it
might evolve going forward. This is precisely the question examined in the next

The Future of the Brussels Effect

This book has described the origin and conditions that have led to the
Brussels Effect, and shown how these conditions have established the EU as a
global regulatory hegemon with extraordinary regulatory influence over the
rest of the world. Given the significant impact that the Brussels Effect has on
the global marketplace, one remaining and important question is whether the
Brussels Effect will last, or whether it will be likely to change or diminish as the
underlying conditions evolve over time.
Several external and internal challenges to the EU’s regulatory hegemony
loom on the horizon. Among the external challenges to the Brussels Effect
include the continuing rise of China and other emerging powers, which will
gradually diminish the relative size of the EU market, thus likely challenging the
fundamental precondition for the de facto Brussels Effect. At the same time, the
growing backlash to globalization and the accompanying decline in international
cooperation has the potential to contribute toward the erosion of the de jure
Brussels Effect. With that, the EU risks losing its ability to export regulations
through multilateral treaties and institutions, further diminishing the EU’s role
as the global regulatory hegemon. Further, innovative new technologies, such
as additive manufacturing, may revolutionize industrial processes, allowing for
greater customization and localization of production. Should this happen, fewer
industries would be characterized by the non-​divisibility of production that is
critical to the de facto Brussels Effect.
In parallel with these external developments, a set of internal challenges
risk undermining the Brussels Effect from within. Among them is the impend-
ing departure of the United Kingdom from the EU—​known as Brexit—​which
threatens to reduce the EU’s regulatory influence. With the United Kingdom
leaving, both the EU’s market size and its regulatory capacity will diminish, weak-
ening the first two conditions sustaining the de facto Brussels Effect. Internal
challenges are compounded by the EU’s growing political struggles with the rise

The Brussels Effect. Anu Bradford, Oxford University Press (2020). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190088583.001.0001

266 Assessmen t

of anti-​EU parties, conceivably compromising the EU’s ability to engage in effec-

tive rule-making if and when any anti-​EU sentiment grows. This would poten-
tially weaken two other critical conditions driving the Brussels Effect—​namely
the EU’s regulatory capacity as well as its preference for stringent regulations.
This final chapter looks at these possible trajectories and assesses the abil-
ity of these external and internal challenges to compromise any of the five
conditions—​market size, regulatory capacity, stringent standards, inelastic targets,
and non-​divisibility—​sustaining the Brussels Effect. While the potential of these
developments to undermine the Brussels Effect going forward is certainly there,
there are also a number of reasons to conclude that the Brussels Effect will be,
perhaps surprisingly, resilient in the face of these developments, despite the grav-
ity of the threat they seem to pose.

External Challenges
Various external challenges have the potential to undermine the de facto and de
jure Brussels Effect in the near future. In particular, the relative decline of the
EU’s market size, the rising antiglobalization sentiment, and the emergence of
new technologies may each undercut the influence the EU exercises through the
Brussels Effect. These developments will be discussed in turn.

Could the Beijing Effect Eventually Replace the Brussels Effect?

Chapter  8 explained how foreign governments today have a limited ability to
constrain the Brussels Effect. However, this may be changing. The rise of new
powers will, over time, increase the availability of alternative export markets, pro-
viding multinational companies with an option to shift more trade away from the
EU. China in particular may increasingly be in a position to offer an alternate des-
tination for various goods if European standards make it too costly for businesses
to trade there. This development could constrain the EU’s ability to leverage its
market power and write regulations for global markets as one critical condition
for the emergence of the Brussels Effect—​market size—​would have diminished
in significance. It also raises the question whether, one day, the “Beijing Effect”
might even replace the Brussels Effect.
While the EU maintains a large role in the world economy, its relative mar-
ket size will inevitably wane as long as developing nations in Asia and elsewhere
continue to grow at relatively higher rates. Today, corporations are rarely able
to carve out the EU as a market for their products and services and divert trade
elsewhere. Even in the near future, it is difficult to imagine that genuinely mul-
tinational companies—​be it Coca-​Cola, Facebook, or General Electric—​would

The Future of the Brussels Effect 267

choose to forgo trade in Europe in order to avoid the need to comply with EU
regulations. But as demand in places like China grows, businesses’ dependence on
their access to the EU market will inevitably diminish.1
Even the most optimistic economic forecasts acknowledge that the EU’s rela-
tive share of the global GDP will significantly decline in the coming decades.
As the EU’s economic might is gradually waning, economic power is increas-
ingly shifting to fast-​growing Asia. The most significant economic growth will
occur in highly populated developing nations, such as China and India, which
have the ability to leverage their supply of lower-​cost human capital. In the after-
math of the financial crises, the EU’s GDP growth has been slow. In the period
from 2010–​2018, the EU’s growth substantially trailed behind that of the United
States.2 When compared to large developing countries such as China, the differ-
ence in growth rates becomes even more apparent.3 For example, while in 2017
the EU’s economy grew by 2.4%, China’s economy grew by 6.9%.
These trends will likely continue, gradually undermining the EU’s global mar-
ket position. For example, according to a 2010 estimate by a leading French research
institute—​The Centre d’Études Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales
(CEPII)—​the EU’s share of the global nominal GDP will dwindle down from
30% in 2008 to 24% by 2025, and to 16% by 2050.4 However, even those numbers
may be too optimistic. According to the IMF, the EU’s share of the global nomi-
nal GDP had already declined to 21.3% as of 2017,5 surpassing CEPII’s projection
for 2025 by a substantial margin. The EU’s relative economic decline is even more
evident when measured in terms of PPP-​adjusted GDP. Private accountancy firm
PwC predicts that the EU’s share of global PPP-​adjusted GDP will fall to 9% by
2050, compared to China’s 20% and India’s 15%.6 According to the CEPII projec-
tion, “the Chinese and Indian economies could grow 13-​fold between 2008 and
2050 at constant relative prices. Over the same period, the US economy would
double and Europe’s economy would inflate by 60%.”7 Regardless of the measure
used—​nominal or PPP-​adjusted GDP—​or the particular institution projecting
growth forecasts, it is clear that the EU will experience a substantial reduction in
its market power.
EU institutions are well aware of the relative decline of Europe’s economic
power in the coming decades. The European Commission’s “Global Europe
2050” report contemplates three potential futures for Europe: a Europe under
threat, a Europe where “nobody cares,” and a resurgent Europe experiencing a
renaissance. The most optimistic “European renaissance” scenario envisions an
EU that continues to enlarge and become stronger, consolidating its political,
fiscal, and military integration.8 Even under this positive scenario, the EU’s share
of the global GDP is projected to be almost halved between now and 2050. The
European Parliament’s predictions for 2030 portray a similar picture, projecting

268 Assessmen t

that the EU’s market power will experience a steady decline, leaving it with a 17–​
18% share of global nominal GDP by 2030.9
Given that the possession of large relative market size is critical to exercis-
ing unilateral regulatory influence, most would agree that the EU’s relative eco-
nomic decline has the potential to significantly undermine the Brussels Effect. As
opportunities to trade outside the EU grow, forgoing the EU market and divert-
ing trade elsewhere may become more viable. This will, inevitably, constrain the
EU’s ability to set global standards. New economic powers can therefore curtail
the EU’s rule-​setting power simply by growing, thereby offering an alternative
destination for goods and services. However, while these countries may be able
to rein in the Brussels Effect, it does not necessarily follow that they will become
sources of global standards themselves.
There is some evidence that China has increased its willingness to regulate
over the past two decades. During this time, there has been a sharp increase in
the level of regulations in competition law, consumer protection, environmental
protection, financial regulations, and food safety. In many of these areas, new
comprehensive laws have been passed in the last decade, including the Anti-​
Monopoly Law (2007),10 a revised food safety law (2015),11 a comprehensive
cybersecurity law (2016),12 and new rules surrounding environmental disclosure
(2014).13 Academics have disagreed over the cause for such an increase in regula-
tory activity, with some pointing out that much of the increase in regulations
has coincided with China’s accession to the WTO.14 Others have emphasized
several domestic scandals that have prompted China to regulate, explaining for
instance the emergence of stringent food safety standards. Greater citizen access
to information has also been cited as a motivation for the increase in China’s
willingness to promulgate new regulations.15 Some further question whether the
laws are applied equally to foreign and Chinese enterprises,16 raising questions of
industrial policy and trade protectionism as a motive driving regulatory reforms.
Nevertheless, even though China will occupy a higher share of the global
GDP in the coming decades and has moved to regulate some policy areas, the
country is unlikely to replace the EU as a source of global standards anytime
soon. China’s regulatory capacity and the willingness to elevate the protection
of consumers and the environment over the pursuit of economic growth are not
increasing at the same rate as its GDP. While China has engaged in recent efforts
to build regulatory capacity in areas such as competition law, it has by no means
overtaken the European Commission as the most ardent guardian of competitive
markets. Chinese institutions have a long way to go before they can generate and
enforce the type of regulatory policies that the EU pursues. Also, in most policies
outside competition law, the Chinese government’s enforcement mechanisms for
its regulatory measures remain underdeveloped.

The Future of the Brussels Effect 269

In addition, while China may soon be the largest consumer market, GDP per
capita—​which is a better prediction of a country’s regulatory propensity than is over-
all GDP17—​suggests that EU member states continue to fare much better against
the rising economic might of China. According to an HSBC report, in 2050, China’s
income per capita (in year 2000 USD) will be $17,372. This will remain well short
of the figure for many, if not all, EU member states, including Germany ($52,683),
France ($40,643), and Spain ($38,111).18 Affluence and social regulation are often
correlated, suggesting that domestic demand for high levels of regulation is likely to
be weak in China for some time to come.19 As long as Chinese consumers are not as
wealthy on a per capita basis, they are likely to have a lower appetite for high levels of
regulation that might compromise growth and economic development. This, how-
ever, is likely to change as China continues to grow and individual Chinese citizens
become wealthier. Yet overall GDP growth in China will also inevitably continue to
slow down, as it has done in the past several years. This may dampen China’s enthusi-
asm for burdensome regulation. As a manifestation of this, Chinese authorities have
already loosened their pollution regulations aimed at improving air quality in 2018
in an effort to reverse the economic slowdown.20
Pressures to deregulate are likely to build even more if China falls short of
the lofty projections of China’s future economic success. Capital Economics, an
independent research firm, argues that China’s past high-​paced economic growth
cannot be sustained.21 Several fundamentals underlying the Chinese economy
contribute toward the prediction that China’s economic outperformance will
come to an end.22 These include excessive debt accumulation and an unsustain-
ably high investment rate. These factors, together with the aging population, the
increasingly autocratic political system, and hostility toward reforms, may pave
the way for a sharp deceleration. Should that happen, few would expect China’s
appetite for introducing new regulations to outpace that of the EU if those regu-
lations may further dampen economic growth in China.
Yet even if the robust Chinese economic growth continues, the “Beijing
Effect” is unlikely to replace the Brussels Effect as long as Chinese growth relies
primarily on exports. The key to the EU’s regulatory influence is the dependence
of foreign firms on access to the EU market and hence the importance of the EU
as an import destination. To date, exports have fueled China’s growth, leading
to a significant trade surplus—​exceeding $500 billion in 2016.23 For this reason,
relatively fewer foreign companies have had to tailor their products to Chinese
standards, instead worrying whether Chinese imports meet their domestic stan-
dards. Of course, over time, China’s importance as a large consumer market will
also grow. But until a higher GDP per capita leads to the emergence of a mass-​
consumer market in China, the country is unlikely to become a significant source
of global standards.

270 Assessmen t

Finally, even if China were to (1)  continue on a path of rapid economic

growth; (2) balance its trade and become the most significant import destina-
tion; (3) build the necessary regulatory capacity to engage in notable regulatory
rule-making; and (4) achieve the level of consumer wealth that generates a sus-
tained demand for higher levels of regulation, it is not clear that Chinese regula-
tory state would be able to reverse the Brussels Effect. First, the EU has already
entrenched its regulations in numerous other jurisdictions through the de jure
Brussels Effect, changing the way business is conducted in a lasting way. Second,
China is among the countries that have been most eager to emulate the EU regu-
lations. As discussed in Part II, this is true with respect to data protection, food
safety, competition policy, and environmental protection. Thus, if anything, any
future “Beijing Effect” may simply entail China leveraging its market power to
globalize the EU regulations that China itself initially imported from Brussels.

Will the Retreat of Globalization Undermine

the De Jure Brussels Effect?
Today, most observers would agree that international institutions and multilat-
eral cooperation are under threat. This narrative was reinforced after the elec-
tion of President Trump in the United States, who was spurred to victory with
a populist antiglobalization campaign. President Trump is not the only such
world leader these days; his worldview resonates with many politicians who have
embraced nativist policies and advocated international disengagement and eco-
nomic protectionism. This populist turn in geopolitics poses a grave challenge to
the liberal international order and the worldview that the EU has always champi-
oned. As a result, the EU’s ability to shape the world through diplomacy, treaties,
and institutions is increasingly vanishing, posing a challenge to any treaty-​driven
de jure Brussels Effect.
While the liberal international order might be on the verge of unraveling,
the Brussels Effect challenges the view that globalization is necessarily in retreat.
International cooperation may, indeed, be in crisis. However, the Brussels Effect
shows that international norms may continue to emerge in many policy areas
even in the absence of multilateral cooperation—​those regulations may be just
increasingly generated by the EU alone. If anything, the retreat of global institu-
tions will leave a greater regulatory vacuum for the de facto Brussels Effect to fill.
The method of norm production will thereby change from treaty-​driven multilat-
eral negotiations to the EU’s market-​driven unilateralism as the de facto Brussels
Effect replaces the attempts to negotiate common standards.
To be clear, the Brussels Effect alone will not revive multilateralism and
restore institutionalized cooperation. Yet it offers a way to potentially mitigate

The Future of the Brussels Effect 271

the demise of international cooperation and institutions in some policy areas. It is

true that the United States under President Trump may withhold its cooperation
under NATO, refuse to sign trade agreements, pull the United States out of the
Paris climate accord, or walk away from the Iran nuclear deal. Yet the US antiglo-
balist stance will not undermine the global regulations that the EU produces and
passively externalizes via the Brussels Effect. The crises posed by a lack of interna-
tional cooperation are hence most acute in non-​economic areas where there are
few substitutes to multilateralism, such as the common defense and critical deter-
rence provided by NATO or the efforts of the international community to con-
tain nuclear ambitions of countries such as Iran or North Korea. However, the
EU’s unilateralism can more easily fill the void when the United States withdraws
its cooperation on international regulatory standards. In these areas, President
Trump and other nativists are—​effectively even if inadvertently—​trading global-
ization for Europeanization.
Trade treaties offer an example of how globalization may be in retreat but
where the Brussels Effect may still be able to sustain global standards. Trade
agreements today deal primarily with regulatory barriers to trade, such as the
amount of emissions that automobiles can generate before gaining market access,
or whether chlorine-​rinsed chicken or hormone-​treated beef are safe for import-
ing.24 Thus, what is at the core in modern trade deals is precisely the rules and
regulations that the EU can promulgate unilaterally.
For this reason alone, the United States’ withdrawal from the Transpacific
Partnership (TPP) seems surprising and contrary to the country’s interests. The
TPP is a proposed preferential trade agreement (PTA) among twelve Pacific
countries—​Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New
Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States. It was signed in
February 2016 but never ratified. The agreement failed to take effect because of
President Trump’s decision to withdraw the US signature in January 2017,25 lead-
ing the remaining TPP parties to go ahead with a now more modest free trade
agreement of their own.26 Yet by turning its back to the TPP, the United States
removed one of the few plausible means that it had at its disposal to counter the
unilateral globalization of many EU standards. By establishing a large enough
trade area with the rest of the TPP signatories, the United States had the poten-
tial to influence global standards or, at the minimum, provide an alternative
stand­ard that the EU would be more likely to accept through mutual recogni-
tion. Instead, by ceding this opportunity to regain regulatory influence, the US
regulators paved the way for an even deeper penetration of EU standards through
the Brussels Effect.
One of the key goals behind the TPP was the desire to influence regulatory
standards worldwide. The negotiators saw the opportunity to establish “gold

272 Assessmen t

standards,” which could then form a blueprint for future negotiations at both
multilateral and bilateral fora. Early on, the then-​vice president of United States,
Joe Biden, stated that the “goal is for high standards of Trans-​Pacific Partnership
to enter the blood stream of the global system and improve the rules and norms.”27
Stephen Harper, former prime minister of Canada, similarly hailed the TPP as a
model for future 21st-​century trade agreements,28 while Mexico’s foreign minister
Luis Videgaray recently stated that the standards and rules negotiated in the TPP
could be integrated into other regional trade agreements.29
Geographical Indications (GIs) provide an example of TPP’s proposed reg-
ulatory standards that could have potentially mitigated the Brussels Effect, had
those standards been widely accepted by countries around the world follow-
ing the success of the TPP. GIs refer to signs attached on goods that indicate
their geographic origin—​such as Parma ham, champagne from Champagne,
or Roquefort cheese—​which convey important information on the quality
of the product that is tied to certain local or regional conditions. Such pro-
tections are especially important for spirits and other alcohol, as the EU has
ensured globally that terms such as “scotch,” “ouzo,” and “cognac” are restricted
to products made in their appropriate home countries (Scotland, Greece, and
France, respectively). The EU and United States hold starkly different views
on GIs. The EU emphasizes the supremacy of GIs over trademarks by expressly
providing that parties should refuse to register a trademark if the trademark is
confusingly similar to a protected GI.30 In contrast, the United States seeks to
protect GIs through its trademark system.31 To date, the EU has been successful
in exporting its regulation of GIs outside its jurisdiction. For instance, the EU’s
recent trade agreement with Canada includes protections for Italian Asiago
cheese, Greek Kalamata olive oil, and over 150 other food products from across
the EU.32 The EU’s recent agreement with Vietnam extended GI protection to
169 products.33
The TPP offered a potential vehicle for the United States to counter the EU’s
influence by exporting its preferred regulatory model on GIs.34 Although the TPP
recognized that GIs could be protected through the trademark system (following
the US approach) or the sui generis system (following the EU approach), the TPP
reflected an emphatic shift in favor of trademarks over GIs. For example, the TPP
allowed for cancellation or opposition of a GI in cases where the “geographical
indication is likely to cause confusion with a trademark that is the subject of a
pre-​existing good faith pending application or registration.”35 This represented
a departure from the EU’s approach. Had the United States not withdrawn its
participation from the TPP, this relegation of GIs in favor of trademarks could
have gained broader international traction, offering a rival standard to the one
favored by the EU.

The Future of the Brussels Effect 273

In addition to forgoing the opportunity to counter the Brussels Effect indi-

rectly by joining the TPP and providing an alternative global regulatory stand­
ard, the United States could have potentially reined in the EU’s standard-setting
directly by prioritizing the negotiations of the Trade and Investment Partnership
(TTIP) with the EU. The TTIP is a proposed trade agreement between the
EU and the United States, which the trade partners began to negotiate in 2013.
However, upon taking office, President Trump halted the talks and initiated a
trade conflict with the EU. It is unclear if the talks will resume and lead to the
TTIP becoming effective one day.
A trade pact between the EU and the United States would be monumen-
tal. The two trade powers combined comprise half of the world’s economic
output and represent a third of the world’s trade flows. However, the creation
of such a pact is a substantial undertaking under the best of circumstances. In
addition to the rising antitrade sentiments on both sides of the Atlantic, exist-
ing transatlantic disagreements about regulatory standards—​ranging from beef
hormones to GMOs and from geographic indicators to rules governing invest-
ment arbitration—​have been viewed as stumbling blocks for the negotiations.36
Yet, instead of seeing such differences as an obstacle, the dynamics of the Brussels
Effect suggests that the United States should have enthusiastically embraced the
opportunity to address competing regulations jointly with the EU. The alterna-
tive is that the EU sets these standards alone. The TTIP would therefore offer the
best opportunity for the United States to have a say on global regulatory stan-
dards, calling into question the underlying rationale of the Trump administra-
tion’s antitrade agenda.

Will Technological Revolution Bring an End

to Non-​divisibility?
A different potential challenge to the Brussels Effect is likely to come from tech-
nological developments that make it feasible for companies to make their prod-
ucts divisible.37 Non-​divisibility of production is a key element underlying the
Brussels Effect. Yet in the future, companies may find it technologically feasible
and economically viable to produce a greater range of product varieties to serve
different markets. This may allow them to forgo a unitary global standard and
exploit lower standards in various markets, possibly reining in the EU’s de facto
regulatory reach going forward. The acknowledgment of the Brussels Effect may
further incentivize companies to develop technologies that allow for greater
divisibility at lower costs. Such a development, to the extent that it applies to a
significant number of product markets, may gradually erode the EU’s ability to
exert global regulatory clout in the future.

274 Assessmen t

One of the most notable new technologies enabling greater customization

and local production is additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing.38 Using
additive manufacturing, the same machines can produce goods with different
features simply by changing the digital file that is used to provide the blueprint.
Additive manufacturing relies less on economies of scale and thereby allows for
mass customization. In practice, this may give manufacturers the ability to con-
form to a number of different production standards without substantial addi-
tional costs and rely on more dispersed production networks. When production
is decentralized across different local markets, products can easily be tailored to
local (or even individual) demand, as logistical costs such as long-​distance trans-
port are eliminated.39 Additive manufacturing will have the potential to under-
mine the Brussels Effect in certain industries by disrupting traditional supply
chains, lowering the per-​unit costs of small production, and allowing for intricate
customization. If this happens, there will be circumstances where it is no longer
necessary, from a cost perspective, to conform all products to EU standards.
Additive manufacturing is growing quickly and is expected to continue to do
so over the next several years. Industry analysts predict that by 2020, the direct
market for additive manufacturing will grow to $20 billion, possibly reaching
$100 billion–​$250 billion by 2025.40 Additive manufacturing will have a differen-
tial impact on different industries. While it has largely been used for prototyping
to date, it is increasingly becoming a commercially viable technology for produc-
tion in high-​value industries such as the aerospace, medicine, and automotive sec-
tors.41 As the technology further improves and costs decline, its use may extend
to sectors such as energy, robotics, and consumer and retail products.
However, the costs associated with additive manufacturing suggest that the
technology may in the near future be limited to high-​value industries. There are
also several other technical and commercial limitations. Most notably, additive
manufacturing is primarily geared toward low-​volume production where there
are few scale economies and where traditional manufacturing methods are there-
fore not available.42 Currently, there are few applications that are suitable for mass
production. As soon as production volume increases, the cost advantage associ-
ated with additive manufacturing will wane. Even with low-​volume production,
additive manufacturing often remains more expensive than traditional manufac-
turing methods because of factors such as high materials costs, slow buildup rates,
and the long machining hours that result.43 As long as these limitations persist,
additive manufacturing will be unlikely to significantly curtail the Brussels Effect.
Another example of a technology aimed at a greater divisibility of production
and service provision is geo-​blocking. Geo-​blocking refers to a technology that
restricts the user’s access to internet content based on his or her geographical loca-
tion as determined by the IP address used. Geo-​blocking would therefore seem to

The Future of the Brussels Effect 275

allow for a near-​perfect divisibility of the internet, enabling service providers to

tailor their internet sites separately for each geographical market. In theory, this
technology should also offer a way to circumscribe the effects of the EU’s regula-
tion of the digital economy to European users. However, while geo-​blocking is
prevalent in certain areas, it has not been as widely adopted as early predictions
suggested. As discussed in c­ hapter 5, social media companies such as Facebook
have chosen to forgo geo-​blocking because their business model relies on “global
conversations.” A  selective removal of online speech based on a geo-​blocking
technology would compromise this idea of a “One Facebook”. Geo-blocking tech-
nology is also imperfect as users can hide their locations online, making it difficult
for IT companies to isolate European-​only data and avoid legal liability for their
failure to do so. Pending court challenges, similarly discussed in ­chapter 5, also
suggest that European Courts may restrict the use of geo-​location as a way to
limit compliance with the EU’s regulation of the digital economy.
The most common use of geo-​blocking is with regard to service providers of
copyrighted material. The largest online content providers, including Netflix,
Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Hulu, and BBC iPlayer all use geo-​blocking
to deny access to content to users from specific countries. In most cases, such
restrictions are necessary as the provider only has the license to the copyrighted
material in certain jurisdictions. Use of geo-​blocking of such services has
become widespread and remains protected by law, including by the new EU
regulation on geo-​blocking.44 Geo-​blocking has also been used in the field of
online sales of both products and services, often motivated by the opportunity
to engage in price discrimination. For instance, a 2013 report by the Australian
government concluded that techniques such as geo-​blocking were being used
to implement substantial price discrimination to the disadvantage of Australian
consumers.45 This included Australians paying 50% more on average for pro-
fessional software. Geo-​blocking could therefore, in theory, significantly limit
the use of cross-​border e-​commerce. However, in practice, many of the world’s
largest online retailers such as eBay and Amazon do not geo-​block prospec-
tive customers from foreign internet sites. For example, an American resident
can choose to shop on or, in addition to Amazon.
com. Overall, only 14% of online shopping sites have at least one country geo-​
blocked, while the rest allow access to all users irrespective of their geographic
There are several reasons for the more limited utilization of geo-​blocking than
initially predicted. One of them is consumer backlash and public outrage fol-
lowing the public learning about the price effects of geo-​blocking. Second is the
risk associated with legal exposure. For instance, the EU bans geo-​blocking in
case of sales of electronic services, as well as the sale of physical products without

276 Assessmen t

physical delivery.47 The EU also actively enforces its regulation in this area. In
2018, the European Commission fined the clothing retailer Guess €40 million
for blocking retailers from advertising and selling across borders in other EU
member states, maintaining artificially high retail prices.48 Third, the existence
of competition limits the utility derived from geo-​blocking. Price discrimination
is compromised in instances where alternative providers exist, ready to under-
cut the supra-​competitive price charged in a geo-​blocked market. Thus, com-
panies are less likely to resort to geo-​blocking when doing so would only hand
over the blocked market to their competitors. Finally, it is unlikely that devel-
oping technologies to accomplish divisibility is the best use of company talents
and resources. While many of the world’s renowned high-​tech companies would
likely have the engineering capacity to make products divisible, these companies
prefer to focus on innovating forward rather than using their talents to develop
technologies that allow them to take advantage of lower regulations in some
A third example of an emerging technological development that has the
potential to increase the divisibility of production and thereby undermine the
Brussels Effect relates to the cultivation of GMOs. The development of “Genetic
Use Restriction Technologies” (GURTs)—​also known as “terminator seeds”
or “suicide seeds”—​is a technology that might be able to prevent adventitious
presence of even the smallest amounts of GMOs.50 As discussed in ­chapter  6,
“adventitious presence” refers to GMO content that is accidental and hence
unavoidable due to commingling of GMO and non-​GMO varieties in various
stages of cultivation and processing. The risk of adventitious presence has made
it difficult to produce both GMO and non-​GMO crops as cross-​contamination
can rarely be eliminated in its entirety. This non-​divisibility of GMO produc-
tion has prompted many farmers and food processors to adhere to EU’s stringent
GMO standards, as the Brussels Effect would predict.
However, GURTs seeds have specific genetic switch mechanisms that
restrict the unauthorized use of genetic material by hampering reproduction or
the expression of a trait in a genetically modified (GM) plant. The technology is
geared precisely to avoid concerns related to commingling of different seed vari-
eties.51 Thus, GURTs may help farmers and food processors to produce to divis-
ible standards and cater to both GMO-​and non-​GMO markets. Specifically,
“GURTs could reduce or remove the need for buffer zones for gene containment
and drastically limit the eventuality of volunteer plants by preventing volun-
teer seeds from germinating . . . or from expressing the GM-​trait.”52 Sygenta—​a
global agribusiness that produces agrochemicals and seeds—​has experimented
with this technology.53 However, to date, GURTs seeds are still in the experi-
mental phase. and it is unclear when and to what extent they will transform the

The Future of the Brussels Effect 277

GMO industry and hence contain the Brussels Effect’s influence on agribusiness
in the future.
The examples discussing additive manufacturing, geo-​blocking, and GURTs
seeds illustrate how modern technology can be harnessed to revolutionize indus-
trial processes, the provision of services online, and farming technologies. If
widely adopted, they have the potential to make products more divisible, thereby
compromising the EU’s ability to globalize its standards through the erosion of
the “non-​divisibility” condition that has been critical in sustaining the Brussels
Effect. However, the discussion also shows the limits, risks, and uncertainties
associated with these technologies, suggesting that their ability to counter the
Brussels Effect will be deferred and likely limited to certain producers, markets,
and industries.

Internal Challenges
In addition to the external challenges discussed, the Brussels Effect faces another
set of challenges that are internal to the EU. Brexit presents the most visible chal-
lenge in this regard. Yet there are broader anti-​EU sentiments that may contribute
toward the erosion of the Brussels Effect due to the crises and challenges that,
many would say, are the EU’s own making. These include the rise of populist
anti-​EU parties and the general turn away from integration in an effort to restore
national sovereignty and rein in the powers of the EU. Thus, as much as the emer-
gence of the Brussels Effect was initially a product of the EU’s internal regulatory
ambitions, the greatest threat to the resilience of the Brussels Effect may, in the
end, come from within the EU itself.

Brexit and the Illusion of a Regulatory Freedom

Brexit is an unprecedented challenge to the future of the EU. Never before has a
member state chosen to leave the EU, making the Brexit process distinctly uncer-
tain and unsettling. Among its many negative implications, the United Kingdom’s
departure would seem to undermine the EU’s relative economic might and, with
that, its global regulatory clout. The United Kingdom is the second largest econ-
omy in the EU by GDP, and the third largest in terms of population. The Brussels
Effect is amplified when a jurisdiction represents a large market. Since the EU’s
market size will diminish by 15% after the United Kingdom’s departure, Brexit
will reduce the relative size of the remaining EU market versus foreign ones.54
Beyond just its size and scale, the United Kingdom has also supplied notable
regulatory capacity—​which also enhances the Brussels Effect—​to the EU institu-
tions, including a distinctly competent bureaucracy and technical expertise across

278 Assessmen t

a range of policy areas. Despite this decline in the EU’s market size and regulatory
capacity following Brexit, however, Brexit will be unlikely to dampen the Brussels
Effect. If anything, it may have the potential to make the Brussels Effect even
more salient.
The anti-​EU forces in the United Kingdom that campaigned for Brexit argued
that the departure from the EU would finally liberate the United Kingdom
from the EU’s excessive regulations, reinstating the UK’s regulatory sovereignty.
Compared to other EU member states, the United Kingdom has always been
more skeptical of regulation, emphasizing the virtues of markets and the need
to preserve the competitiveness of European firms.55 The United Kingdom has
fiercely fought against many regulations in the Council only to be outvoted by
other member states.56 This has, understandably, nurtured resentment and con-
tributed to the critics’ narrative that the EU has overreached, encroaching on
UK’s sovereignty.
Yet the dynamics driving the Brussels Effect show that the promise of restor-
ing the UK’s regulatory sovereignty post-​Brexit constitutes a false campaign
promise that the government will not be able to deliver. Instead, EU regulations
will continue to govern critical aspects of the UK’s economy. Roughly half of the
UK’s exports are destined for the EU, with little expectation of change.57 The
United Kingdom will therefore continue to rely on access to the EU’s large con-
sumer market long after Brexit. The EU is the number one destination for its
exports at least in the following key industries: pharmaceuticals (48% exports to
EU), aircraft (51%), petroleum fuels (64%), and machinery (37%).58 This high
degree of dependence on the access to the EU market means that UK companies
will continue to adhere to EU rules in the future, as the de facto Brussels Effect
suggests. While British companies could, in principle, adopt one set of standards
for the European market and multiple other sets of standards for the rest of the
world post-​Brexit, scale economies and other benefits of uniform production
make this unlikely. Thus, the Brussels Effect shatters the illusion of the regulatory
freedom that Brexit is meant to deliver to the United Kingdom.
In addition to this de facto Brussels Effect, the post-​Brexit UK will also likely
witness a significant de jure Brussels Effect. In areas such as financial regulation
and data privacy, the UK government will have a substantial incentive to retain
close regulatory alignment to ensure “equivalence” or “adequacy” of its regula-
tory regime, which remains a precondition for UK companies to do business in
the EU.59
Several key policy areas illustrate the interconnectedness of the United
Kingdom and EU economies and the incentives that this creates for UK compa-
nies and the UK government to follow the EU regulations even after the United
Kingdom leaves the EU. The following discussion describes this dynamic with

The Future of the Brussels Effect 279

examples from data protection, financial regulation, and chemical regulation.

These examples show the difficulty of dividing production across different mar-
kets, keeping the UK businesses tightly connected to the regulations emanating
from Brussels long after leaving the EU.
To begin with data protection, the importance of the digital economy and
the magnitude of the cross-​border data flows between the EU and the United
Kingdom cannot be overstated. Digital economy comprises 10% of the UK’s
GDP.60 Further, services account for 44% of the UK’s total global exports, and
about half of all trade in services is enabled by digital technologies and the associ-
ated data flows.61 The UK economy has the highest percentage of GDP attributed
to digital economy in Europe and the highest percentage of individual internet
users of any G7 economy.62 Importantly, three quarters of the UK’s cross-​border
data flows are with EU countries.63 It is therefore not surprising that both the de
facto and de jure Brussels Effect will ensure that “Brexit should not mean Brexit
when it comes to standards of data protection,” as the UK’s information commis-
sioner, Elizabeth Debham, stated in September 2016.
Beyond the revealing comments by Elizabeth Debham, several other repre-
sentatives of the UK government have affirmed that the UK’s data protection
rules continue to follow those of the EU, both de facto and de jure. For instance,
the UK’s digital minister Matt Hancock indicated in February 2017 that UK
data protection laws needed to mirror EU data protection laws even after Brexit
because “the government wants to ensure unhindered data flows after Brexit.”64
The easiest way to ensure this, according to Hancock, was to “put [the EU’s
General Directive of Privacy Regulation] into UK law in full.”65
The most compelling reason for the United Kingdom to emulate the GDPR
post-​Brexit stems from a provision of the GDPR that bans the transfer of data
from the EU to third countries that fail to ensure “an adequate level of protection”
of data privacy rights.66 Thus, in the absence of the EU reaching a determination
that the UK’s data protection laws are “adequate” post-​Brexit—​which the ECJ
has defined to mean “essentially equivalent” with the EU—​data transfers from
the EU to the United Kingdom will be forced to come to a halt.67 This provides
powerful incentives for continuing regulatory alignment. The UK government
is aware of this. The House of Lords European Union Committee denoted in its
July 2017 report that the United Kingdom is so heavily integrated with the EU
that it would be difficult for the United Kingdom to get by without an adequacy
arrangement. The Committee therefore recommends “that the Government
should seek adequacy decisions to facilitate UK–​EU data transfers after the UK
has ceased to be a member of the EU.”68
The pro-​Brexit voices, which have emphasized that the cumbersome data pro-
tection rules are an impediment for competitiveness and innovation, will likely

280 Assessmen t

be left disappointed with the UK’s inability to disentangle itself from the GDPR
post-​Brexit on purely economic grounds. However, the de jure Brussels Effect
on data protection will likely have consequences that extend beyond economic
considerations. A  particular concern for many in the United Kingdom is that
the EU’s data protection rules may be in tension with the UK’s national security
interests. The UK’s 2016 Investigatory Powers Act contains provisions on data
retention and surveillance for national security purposes.69 The UK Information
Commissioner recently acknowledged this tension, noting that “it seems likely
that the UK’s surveillance and data retention regime would be a risk for a positive
adequacy finding.”70
While EU member states can invoke the GDPR’s national security excep-
tions to justify some data collection and retention for national security purposes,
the same article is not automatically available for non-​member states that seek
positive adequacy finding by the Commission.71 To overcome this, some com-
mentators have argued that the United Kingdom could potentially obtain a
partial adequacy finding, whereby the UK rules would be found to be adequate
with respect to commercial data but not with respect to data protection in law
enforcement. Canada provides an example of a jurisdiction that has obtained an
adequacy finding from the EU just for its commercial sector. Commenting on this
option, the UK Information Commissioner noted that while “partial adequacy
is better than no adequacy,” the best way forward was to have a “unified, harmo-
nized approach across all sectors.”72 This suggests that the United Kingdom may
choose to seek full adequacy even if this potentially entails a need to change UK
surveillance and security rules.
Another example of the Brussels Effect’s constraining influence post-​Brexit
is the financial services industry. The United Kingdom is the world’s second
largest financial center.73 The industry relies heavily on access to the EU’s single
market, with 44% of the UK’s financial service exports currently going to the
EU.74 Unhindered access to the EU market has also made the United Kingdom
an attractive base for operations for non-​UK financial institutions. In 2017, 49%
of bank assets in the United Kingdom were related to non-​UK banks. 75 For these
foreign banks, the United Kingdom serves as an access point from which they
can serve the broader European market.
Financial institutions’ access to the EU market rests on an existing regime
known as “financial passporting.”76 Passporting refers to a mechanism that allows
banks to operate across the entire EU and the broader European Economic Area
(EEA) as long as they are regulated and supervised by one member state—​such as
the United Kingdom. This mutual recognition of individual member state regu-
lations rests on all EU members’ commitment to abide by a “single rulebook,”
which provides a unified regulatory framework for the EU financial sector.77

The Future of the Brussels Effect 281

Thus, alignment with the EU’s regulations is critical in sustaining the UK’s finan-
cial services industry, providing a gateway for the large EU market and thereby
allowing the United Kingdom to act as a financial capital of the world.
Upon exiting the EU, UK banks and the foreign banks registered in the
United Kingdom will lose their passporting rights.78 To retain those rights, they
would need to establish a separate subsidiary in another EU member state and
subject themselves to that member state’s regulatory regime. Alternatively, these
banks could continue to serve the EU market from the United Kingdom based
on a legal concept knows as an “equivalence regime.”79 An equivalence regime
entails the EU recognizing the UK’s regulatory regime as comparable with
that of the EU, achieving the same results as the corresponding EU rules.80 An
equivalence regime is, however, clearly an inferior regime compared to passport-
ing, offering fewer rights and greater legal risks.81 The Commission makes the
decision on equivalence in consultation with other key EU institutions such as
the European Banking Authority (EBA) and European Securities and Markets
Authority (ESMA).82 The United Kingdom would further need to keep adjust-
ing its legal framework to the European one in subsequent years, or else the
Commission could unilaterally revoke the equivalence decision. This entails that,
post-​Brexit, the UK financial industry would not be able to break free from the
EU’s financial regulations but would need to retain the “equivalence” with the
EU’s single rulebook going forward as well.
Another potential manifestation of UK-​based financial institutions’ procliv-
ity to gravitate toward EU regulation is the prospect of them relocating to the
EU altogether. Even in the absence of a mass exodus that some media reports
predicted,83 some banks and other financial institutions have relocated personnel
to other financial centers in the EU, including to Frankfurt, due to the relative
elasticity of capital.84 A decision to relocate is partly motivated by the uncertainty
associated with the entire Brexit, including the ambiguity underlying any equiva-
lence regime that is subject to a threat of a sudden revocation. Regardless, it is
evident that the financial industry in the United Kingdom is not able to escape
the Brussels Effect. Instead, it is actively opting for the EU regime—​whether
through regulatory equivalence or relocation—​showing once again the difficulty
of implementing the promised post-​Brexit regulatory freedom in practice.
Yet another example of the continuing regulatory influence that the EU will
have over the United Kingdom post-​Brexit comes from chemical regulation.
The EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals
(REACH) regulation governs not just the trade in chemicals but also the trade
in downstream industries that use chemicals within their products.85 As dis-
cussed in ­chapter  6, EU laws set the highest and hence the most burdensome
regulatory standards on the safety of chemicals in the world, impacting the global

282 Assessmen t

business practices of multinational companies as a result. For example, REACH

determines the chemicals that are permitted in a wide range of products, such as
paints, detergents, textiles, furniture, toys, and electrical appliances.
The economic significance of the chemical industry to the UK economy is
notable. The UK chemical industry is the second largest exporter to the EU after
the country’s automotive industry. It is also the country’s second largest manu-
facturing industry overall.86 When all the affected downstream industries are
added to this, the continuing role that the REACH regulation will have in the
UK economy will make the promises of the post-​Brexit regulatory freedom even
hollower in practice. It is illustrative that there are over 9,000 REACH registra-
tions made by UK companies to date.87
The REACH regulation has long been derided by the United Kingdom
as “symbolic of onerous EU regulation.”88 REACH was voted the most bur-
densome piece of legislation by UK’s small-​and medium-​sized enterprises in
2013.89 Echoing these concerns, Prime Minister David Cameron’s “Cut EU Red
Tape” campaign included making the implementation of REACH more busi-
ness friendly.90 Yet even Brexit will not free UK companies from the regulatory
burdens of REACH. UK companies will continue to produce products that are
REACH compliant in order to retain access to the EU market, given the impor-
tance of the UK–​EU trading relationship in the industry. For example, the CEO
of UK Chemical Business Association, Peter Newport, made this clear by saying
that the UK chemicals industry prefers to “remain in EU’s REACH regulation”
to guarantee access to the single market.91 The UK government acknowledges
this as well. The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee recently
warned of the costs associated with any attempt to subject the chemical indus-
try to two different sets of regulations, urging that the United Kingdom should
negotiate to remain a participant in the REACH registration system, even paying
for access if necessary.92
The examples just discussed—​data protection, financial services, and chemi-
cal safety—​suggest that UK companies will continue to be subject to many EU
rules even after the United Kingdom leaves the EU. The Brussels Effect will
similarly penetrate other areas of the UK economy, including the regulation of
pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and approvals; the regulation of pesticides and
agriculture; the regulation of vehicles, including environmental, safety, and secu-
rity standards; and the regulation of environment and renewable energy. This
lingering presence of EU regulations alone is likely to unsettle the proponents
of Brexit who are forced to concede that the promises of regulatory sovereignty
were unfounded.
However, what may be even more disconcerting for “Brexiteers” is the realiza-
tion that the United Kingdom’s departure may lead to an even stronger variant

The Future of the Brussels Effect 283

of the Brussels Effect. The departure of the United Kingdom will remove the
biggest internal constraint on the EU’s regulatory rule-making, opening the
door for more interventionist standards as the UK’s exit may allow Germany and
France to gain more influence.93 Typically, the United Kingdom has been the
voice for moderation in the EU’s regulatory pursuits, calling for restraint and
the need to balance regulation with considerations of competitiveness. After
Brexit, that important pro-​market voice will be gone, shrinking the coalition of
the pro-​market member states and possibly opening a door for pro-​regulation
states to push through an increasingly ambitious European regulatory agenda.94
This will have an effect not only on the United Kingdom itself but also on the
world beyond.
In reality, the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU will not liberate the
country from the EU’s regulatory leash, despite the belief and campaign rhetoric
of Leave campaigners. Instead, the United Kingdom may soon find itself in the
position of being bound by EU regulations without any ability to influence the
content of those regulations. As a result, with Brexit, the United Kingdom will
be ceding its role as a rule maker in return for becoming a voiceless rule taker in
an even more tightly regulated Europe.

The Rise of Anti-​EU Sentiments

Today, the EU faces a distinctive challenge as populist, anti-​EU parties are gain-
ing strength in several member states. The most relevant political divide in Europe
today is not between the right and the left, but between those who are turned
inward and those who embrace further integration. The former would scale back
the powers transferred to the EU in the name of reinstating the sovereignty of
European nations.95 Fearful of these demands, even the integrationists are grow-
ing timid in their calls for expanding EU powers at the expense of national sover-
eignty.96 More European regulation means less sovereignty. And less sovereignty
means more unpredictability and loss of control, as has been seen with the cri-
ses surrounding the common European currency or unmanaged migration. This
growing gap between these different visions within Europe for Europe in the end
presents perhaps the greatest challenge to the EU’s broader regulatory agenda.
There is a possibility that these internal struggles risk a gradual erosion of
the Brussels Effect. As multiple crises continue to linger and anti-​EU sentiments
within the EU grow,97 the EU’s ability to transfer new powers to Brussels will
likely slow down, or even come to an end. The EU’s ability to exercise its regula-
tory capacity may become compromised, as decision-​making in EU institutions
becomes increasingly deadlocked. The growing anti-​EU sentiment may also lead
to general skepticism toward (any) rules emanating from Brussels. Should these

284 Assessmen t

developments penetrate mainstream politics across a sufficient number of mem-

ber states, they have the potential to remove the two key conditions supporting
the Brussels Effect—​regulatory capacity and preference for stringent rules.
If this happens, the global regulatory influence of EU institutions would
likely wane, as they would no longer enjoy the backing of the EU citizenry, the
support of the European Parliament, and the sufficient votes by the member state
governments in the Council. Even if the Commission and the Courts remained
committed to European integration, they would not be able to pursue an ambi-
tious regulatory agenda without the support of the other institutions. Although
anti-​EU parties may not embark on an agenda of repealing existing regulations,
we still may see a drastic slowdown in new regulations that are geared at further
integrating the single market.
In addition to battling general anti-​EU sentiments, other economic and politi­
cal pressures may lead the EU to regulate less going forward. For example, the EU
may be forced to rethink the costs and benefits of regulation in the future, especially
as its economic growth slows to the point where its welfare model becomes unsus-
tainable, and its aging populations increase the financial burden on the member
states.98 This could lead the union to prioritize competitiveness and innovation,
exercising more regulatory restraint. For instance, the Commission under Jean-​
Claude Juncker has already embarked on a “better regulation” agenda, with the
goal of “doing less more efficiently.”99 As part of this agenda, the Commission
has pledged to minimize regulatory burdens. This suggests that the EU may be
willing to rein in its pro-​regulation tendencies more often than in the past. At
the same time, such a development is not inevitable. The EU has experienced
relative lack of growth and competitiveness for a few decades yet it has not
embraced deregulation as a solution to those problems. Thus, it may well be that
the EU’s proclivity to regulate remains intact even as the economic fundamentals
across the EU are struggling to sustain the European welfare state and way of
In addition to Europe’s economic trajectory, political developments may also
lead the EU to re-​evaluate some of its most stringent regulations. For example, if
incidents of terrorism become more frequent, the EU may consider rebalancing
the privacy protections embedded in the GDPR with greater surveillance and
even allow for mass retention of personal data for national security purposes.
France, for instance, has experienced multiple terrorist attacks in recent years, and
is moving to expand government surveillance powers as a result.100 Similarly, after
the 2017 terrorist attacks in London, interior ministers called for enhanced access
by law enforcement to encrypted online communications, such as WhatsApp.101
This is an area that may pose a challenge to European Courts as they have jurisdic-
tion over issues of privacy but not over national security and criminal justice.102

The Future of the Brussels Effect 285

Yet it is unclear if the courts will have a final say if political pressures for legislative
change build among the member states.
However, despite these risks, it is also plausible that the EU’s regulatory
agenda could remain largely unaffected by anti-​EU sentiments and the ongoing
crises. The broader anti-​EU sentiment is not generally focused on the regulation
of the single market. The populist parties reigning across the EU are most con-
cerned about their budgetary sovereignty, their right to organize their judiciary,
their right to control domestic media, or their ability to exert control over their
intake of refugees.103 The EU’s pursuit of tough competition policy, data protec-
tion, or food safety remain well outside their populist agendas. Thus, even if the
EU is otherwise forced to scale back on controversial issues such as Eurozone
architecture, curtailment of rule-​of-​law backsliding in Hungary and Poland, or
its role in the management of migration, the Brussels Effect may remain largely,
or even entirely, unaffected, since these are not direct threats to the EU’s regula-
tory agenda.
There is, however, a risk of collateral damage on the EU’s regulatory agenda
due to anti-​EU sentiment, even in the absence of any direct attacks on the regula-
tions underlying the Brussels Effect. This could happen if the anti-​EU parties gain
significant leverage over the European Parliament and Council decision-​making,
and adopt a general strategy to vote against anything that vests EU institutions
with power at the expense of national sovereignty. Still, any such collateral dam-
age is likely to be mitigated in areas where the Commission can govern through
non-​legislative acts—​and those powers are both vast and well entrenched.
The EU’s regulatory activity may hence continue in all policy areas where the
Commission is engaged in non-​legislative rule-making through implementation
acts or delegated rule-making. At the same time, it is possible that there will be
a slowdown in legislative acts that require the support of the Council and the
EP—​in the event those institutions will increasingly be captured by parties with
an anti-​EU platform. However, given the relative prevalence of regulatory activ-
ity undertaken by the Commission alone, even this might not lead to a significant
curtailment of the Brussels Effect.104 In 2018, there were 423 legislative acts in
total, consisting of regulations, directives, or decisions promulgated either by the
Council or by the Council and the European Parliament jointly in a legislative
process. That figure was dwarfed by the total of 1570 non-​legislative acts adopted,
of which 1417 were Commission regulations, directives, and decisions.105
The technocratic nature of EU rule-making may further contribute to
the resilience of the Brussels Effect. The Commission bureaucracy consists of
technocrats who remain focused on their assigned regulatory domain and are
unlikely to become distracted by the broader crises. This tendency insulates
many of the EU regulations from political crises raging around it. For example,

286 Assessmen t

the Commission met the day after the Brexit vote in 2016 to vote on a pesticide
(glyphosates) regulation. Some news commentators attributed this vote to the
Commission’s desire to keep the appearance of “implacable calm” when con-
fronted with the biggest crisis of its history.106 This may be true but it also shows
how the technocratic rule-making simply follows its own timetable and proce-
dures regardless of the political realities that surround it. The need to decide
on the extension of the glyphosate license was brought before the Commission
as part of the comitology proceedings where the Commission has little con-
trol over the timing. Hence, the Commission soldiers on with its technocratic
agenda even when a major political shock hits the core of its economic and
political system.
More broadly, the regulation of the single market—​including high-​profile
regulations such as the GDPR or large competition law fines against US tech
giants—​provides a welcome distraction and comfort to the public in the midst
of the crises. The EU’s ability to promulgate new regulations, at least, gives the
public a sense of normalcy and shows that Brussels is, still, fully in business. It
also gives the EU institutions the opportunity to show that they can still deliver
tangible gains to European citizens.
Finally, the result of the current crises discussed may not only be that
the Brussels Effect remains intact—​the Brussels Effect may even become
strengthened. Throughout its history, the EU’s solution to many crises has
typically been the pursuit of “more Europe,” as shown by increasing the role
of Frontex—​the EU’s Border and Coast Guard Agency—​in managing migra-
tion or ambitious expansions of Eurozone governance in response to the Euro
crises, instead of increasing the sovereign powers of member state govern-
ments.107 Thus, the EU’s expansive regulatory agenda may not only persist,
but might even grow despite the growing anti-​EU sentiment, as many of the
EU’s existing problems can be best resolved through further integration and
additional regulations.
In the same vein, the relative significance of the Brussels Effect may also grow
when compared to the EU’s other tools of global influence. As governments with
populist agendas gain prominence across the EU member states, the EU’s global
role as a “normative power” could increasingly be called into question. The EU
has traditionally assumed a prominent role in promoting human rights and rule
of law abroad. However, these efforts are now undermined by blatant violations
of those same rights among EU member states themselves, in particular by the
defiant governments in Hungary and Poland. This leaves the EU with an ever-​
greater need to rely on its regulatory power, which can more easily be insulated
from its internal struggles and therefore be employed to project the EU’s power
and relevance, at home and abroad.

The Future of the Brussels Effect 287

There are several existing and emerging threats and challenges—​both

external and internal—​that have the potential to undermine the conditions sus-
taining the Brussels Effect in the future. In particular, the EU’s relative market
size could diminish, whether due to the rise of China or the departure of the
United Kingdom. The EU’s relative regulatory capacity could weaken, whether as
a result of Brexit, due to the threat posed by populist anti-​EU parties or following
China’s relative increase in regulatory capacity. The EU’s willingness to promul-
gate stringent rules could similarly be undermined, in particular if the populists’
anti-​EU agenda leads to attempts to repatriate powers back to the member states.
The non-​divisibility of production could become less common due to technologi-
cal developments such as additive manufacturing or geo-​blocking. Further, the
weakening of the de facto Brussels Effect could be accompanied by the fading de
jure Brussels Effect as the antiglobalization sentiment hinders treaty making and
institutionalized cooperation.
However, it is unclear if any of these developments will challenge the Brussels
Effect in the immediate future. EU regulations will continue to penetrate many
critical aspects of the UK economy long after Brexit, illustrating how Brexit is
easier to execute as a slogan than as a viable policy in practice. If anything, the
UK’s departure may open greater room for the EU’s pro-​regulatory coalitions
to thrive. The retreat of the United States from global institutions and the gen-
eral backlash against globalization might also do little to undermine the Brussels
Effect. If anything, the withering multilateralism leaves a greater vacuum for the
EU’s unilateralism to fill. And the more futile the EU finds its attempts to revive
multilateral rule-making, the more likely it will focus on simply regulating its
own market and letting the Brussels Effect do the work of globalizing those rules.
China is unlikely to replace the EU as a global standard setter anytime soon and,
by the time it might be able to do so, many EU regulations will already have been
entrenched in business practices and by jurisdictions around the world—​China
included. Similarly, while technological developments may transform some indus-
tries, technical challenges and the cost of the technology and materials make it
unclear how fast and extensively technologies such as additive manufacturing can
be deployed to undermine the Brussels Effect. Finally, while political challenges
to the EU decision-​making may slow down regulatory rule-making, it is less likely
that the key regulations that propagate the Brussels Effect around the world will
become the targets of repeal by anti-​EU parties and Euroskeptic governments.
Of course, these forces and challenges combined may, over time, corrode the
most potent version of the Brussels Effect, squeezing the EU’s regulatory hegem­
ony from the outside and as well as from within. If that were to happen, the EU
may need to prepare for the world where the Brussels Effect may become less
common, forcing the EU to abandon its reliance on markets and unilateralism in

288 Assessmen t

favor of regulatory cooperation and multilateralism. Even then, many EU regu-

lations will likely survive, thanks to a combination of path dependency and the
EU’s past success to institutionalize its rules across legal regimes through treaty-​
driven mechanisms. It is also highly plausible that the EU’s regulatory machinery
simply hums along, largely unaware and unscathed, of the crises surrounding it.
The Brussels Effect is therefore not only pervasive today, but there is a convincing
argument that it will persist, extending the EU’s regulatory hegemony into the
foreseeable future.


P r efac e
1. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not con-
stitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information
contained therein.

1. Walter Russell Mead, Incredible Shrinking Europe: The Continent’s Grand Unity Project is
Failing, and its Global Influence is Fading, Wall St. J. (Feb. 12, 2019), https://www.wsj.
com/articles/incredible-shrinking-europe-11549928481 (on file with author).
2. Ana Palacio, The European Unraveling? La Nacion (Feb. 16, 2017), https://
w w w. n a c i o n . c o m / o p i n i o n / i n t e r n a c i o n a l / t h e - e u r o p e a n - u n r a v e l i n g /
3. Richard Youngs, Europe’s Decline And Fall: The Struggle Against Global
Irrelevance 1 (2010).
4. Stephen Walt, The Coming Erosion of the European Union, Foreign Policy (Aug. 18,
5. Richard Haas, Why Europe No Longer Matters, Wash. Post ( June 17, 2011), https://
AG7eCCZH_story.html?utm_term=.9bc86c66d9b4 (on file with author).
6. Tony Barber, The Decline of Europe is a Global Concern, Fin. Times, Dec. 21, 2015, at 1 (on
file with author).
7. Theodore R. Bromund, Europe Paves the Way for Its Decline, Heritage Foundation
(Oct. 9, 2018),
decline [].
8. See, e.g., Jed Rubenfeld, Commentary, Unilateralism and Constitutionalism, 79 N.Y.U.
L. Rev. 1971, 1975‒76, 2005‒06 (2004); see also Eva Pejsova, Europe: A New Player in the
Indo-Pacific, Diplomat ( Jan. 19, 2019),
player-in-the-indo-pacific/ [].

290 Notes to pages xv–8

9. See Anu Bradford & Eric A. Posner, Universal Exceptionalism in International Law, 52
Harv. Int’l L.J. 1, 53 (2011).
10. See Leslie H. Gelb, GDP Now Matters More than Force: A U.S. Foreign Policy for the Age of
Economic Power, Foreign Aff., Nov./Dec. 2010, at 35,
articles/united-states/2010-10-21/gdp-now-matters-more-force (on file with author).

p r efac e to Pa rt   O n e
1. See generally David Vogel, Trading Up:  Consumer and Environmental
Regulation in a Global Economy (1995).
2. Robert Howse & Donald Regan, The Product/Process Distinction—An Illusory Basis for
Disciplining “Unilateralism” in Trade Policy, 11 Eur. J.  Int’l. L. 249 (2000); Douglas
A. Kysar, Preferences for Processes: The Process/Product Distinction and the Regulation of
Consumer Choice, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 525 (2004).
3. See, e.g., Daniel W. Drezner, Globalization, Harmonization, and Competition:  The
Different Pathways to Policy Convergence, 12 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 841, 841–59 (2005);
Beth Simmons, The International Politics of Harmonization: The Case of Capital Market
Regulation, in Dynamics of Regulatory Change (David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan
eds., 2004), at 42, 50–52; Bruce Carruthers & Naomi Lamoreaux, Regulatory Races: The
Effects of Jurisdictional Competition on Regulatory Standards, 54 J. Econ. Lit. 52 (2016).
4. See, e.g., Ralph Nader, Preface to Lori Wallach & Michelle Sforza, Whose
Trade Organization?:  Corporate Globalization and the Erosion of
Democracy, at ix, xi (1999).
5. See Alan Tonelson, The Race to the Bottom: Why a Worldwide Worker
Surplus and Uncontrolled Free Trade Are Sinking American Living
Standards 14–15 (2002). For a general discussion of this dynamic, see Dale D.
Murphy, The Structure of Regulatory Competition: Corporations and
Public Policies in a Global Economy (2004), in particular Parts I, II, and V.
6. See David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan, Introduction to Dynamics of Regulatory
Change: How Globalization Affects National Regulatory Policies 4–5
(David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan eds., 2004).
7. See Debora L. Spar & David B. Yoffie, A Race to the Bottom or Governance from the Top?,
in Coping With Globalization 31, 31–51 (Aseem Prakash & Jeffrey A. Hart eds.,
2000); David Vogel, Trading Up and Governing Across:  Transnational Governance and
Environmental Protection, 4 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 556, 563 (1997); Vogel & Kagan, supra note
6, at 2–8; see also Elizabeth R. DeSombre, Flagging Standards: Globalization
and Environmental, Safety, and Labor Regulations at Sea (2006).
8. See John C. Coffee, Jr., The Future of Corporate Federalism: State Competition and the New
Trend Toward De Facto Federal Minimum Standards, 8 Cardozo L. Rev 759, 761–63 (1987).
9. Vogel, supra note 1.
10. Vogel & Kagan, supra note 6, at 9.
11. Vogel, supra note 6, at 562 (1997).
12. See John Braithwaite & Peter Drahos, Global Business Regulation 518–19
(2000); Beth Simmons, supra note 3, at 42, 50–52; Vogel & Kagan, supra note 6, at 14.
13. See Drezner, supra note 3, at 841.
14. Id. at 850.

C h a p t er   1
1. See Margot Horspool & Matthew Humphreys, European Union Law 39–70
(6th ed. 2010) (providing an overview of the various institutions of the European Union);

Notes to pages 8–13 291

see also Council Eur. Union,

cil/ (last visited August 10, 2019) []; Eur. Commission, (last visitedAugust 10, 2019)  [https://]; Eur. Parliament,
(last visitedAugust 10, 2019) [].
2. Case C-26/62, Onderneming van Gend & Loos v. Neth. Inland Revenue Admin., 1963
E.C.R. 3; Case C-6/64, Flaminio Costa v. E.N.E.L., 1964 E.C.R. 585.
3. Chad Damro, Market Power Europe, 19 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 682, 687 (2012).
4. Case C-120/78, Rewe-Zentral AG v. Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein, 1979
E.C.R. 00649; Stephen Weatherill, “Pre-emption, Harmonisation and the Distribution
of Competence to Regulate the Internal Market,” in The Law of the Single
European Market, Unpacking the Premises (Catherine Barnard & Joanne
Scott eds., 2002).
5. David Vogel, The Politics of Precaution:  Regulating Health, Safety,
and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States 244 (2012) [here-
inafter Vogel, Politics].
6. See Henrik Selin & Stacy D. VanDeveer, Raising Global Standards: Hazardous Substances
and E-Waste Management in the European Union, Environment, Dec. 2006, at 6, 10–11.
7. Vogel, Politics, supra note 5, at 244.
8. Abraham L. Newman, Protectors of Privacy: Regulating Personal Data
in the Global Economy 11 (2008).
9. See Ian Manners, Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, 40 J. Common
Market Stud. 235 (2002); See Vogel, Politics, supra note 5, at 237–41.
10. See, e.g., Christian Zacker, Environmental Law of the European Economic Community: New
Powers Under the Single European Act, 14 B.C. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 249, 264 (1991).
11. Daniel P. Gitterman, European Integration and Labour Market Cooperation:  A
Comparative Regional Perspective, 13 J. Eur. Soc. Pol’y 99, 106–09.
12. Treaty on European Union (Maastricht, Feb. 7, 1992), Protocol on Social Policy, 1992 O.J.
(C 191) 196,
on_european_union_en.pdf [].
13. Id.
14. See David Vogel, Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation
in a Global Economy 67 (1995).
15. See Regulation (EC) 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
25 November 2009 on the Voluntary Participation by Organisations in a Community
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), art. 1, 2009 O.J. (L 342)  1 (replacing
the original EMAS Regulation 1836/93); Walter Mattli & Ngaire Woods, In Whose
Benefit? Explaining Regulatory Change in Global Politics, in The Politics of Global
Regulation 1, 35 (Walter Mattli & Ngaire Woods eds., 2009).
16. See Mattli & Woods, supra note 15; Magali A. Delmas, The Diffusion of Environmental
Standards in Europe and in the United States: An Institutional Perspective, 35 Pol’y Sci.
91, 91 (2002).
17. Paulette Kurzer, Biased or Not? Organized Interests and the Case of Food Information
Labeling, 20 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 722 (2013); Yves Tiberghien, The Battle for the
Global Governance of Genetically Modified Organisms:  The Roles of
the European Union, Japan, Korea, and China in a Comparative Context
2016, [https://].
18. Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22
September 2003 on Genetically Modified Food and Feed, 2003 O.J. (L 268) 1; Regulation
(EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003
Concerning the Traceability and Labelling of Genetically Modified Organisms and the

292 Notes to pages 13–16

Traceability of Food and Feed Products Produced from Genetically Modified Organisms
and Amending Directive 2001/18/EC, 2003 O.J. (L 268) 24.
19. See, e.g., Letter from Friends of the Earth Europe, ARGE, Coop Italy, EuroCoop,
Greenpeace EU, VLOG, to Tonio Borg Commissioner Health and Consumer Policy,
European Commission ( July 8, 2013),
keep-zero-tolerance-of-unapproved-gmos [].
20. UK House of Commons, The Extension of Qualified Majority Voting
from the Treaty of Rome to the European Constitution, 2004, https:// [https://perma.
21. Daniel Kelemen, The Rules of Federalism: Institutions and Regulatory
Politics in the EU and Beyond 29–30 (2009); see R. Daniel Kelemen et. al., Wider
and Deeper? Enlargement and Integration in the European Union, 21 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y
647, 657 (2014).
22. See Gerald Schneider et al., Bargaining Power in the European Union: An Evaluation of
Competing Game-Theoretic Models, 58 Pol. Stud. 85, 98–99 (2010).
23. See Andreas Warntjen, Do Votes Matter? Voting Weights and the Success Probability of
Member State Requests in the Council of the European Union, 39 J. Eur. Integration
673, 676 (2017).
24. See Åse Gornitzka & Ulf Sverdrup, Access of Experts:  Information and EU Decision-
making, 34 West Eur. Pol. 48, 64 (2011).
25. The Ministry:  Tasks and Structure, German Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (last updated Mar. 25, 2019), https:// []; About
Us, Umwelt Bundesamt (last updated Mar. 7, 2018),
en/the-uba/about-us []; About RIVM, Dutch National
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (last updated May 13, 2019), https:// [].
26. See, e.g., Vogel, Politics, supra note 5, at 242. However, counter-examples of bargain-
ing failures exist as well. See, e.g., Paul Copeland, The Negotiation of the Revision of the
Working Time Directive, in EU Enlargement, the Clash of Capitalisms and the
European Social Dimension 72, 87–93, (2014).
27. See Raya Kardasheva, Package Deals in EU Politics, 57 Am. J. Pol. Sci. 858, 858 (2013).
28. See id. at 861.
29. Id.
30. See Manuele Citi & Mogens Justesen, Measuring and Explaining Regulatory Reform in
the EU: A Time-Series Analysis of Eight Sectors, 1984–2012, 53 Eur. J. Pol. Res. 709, 723
31. Tanja Börzel, Pace-Setting, Foot-Dragging, and Fence-Sitting: Member State Responses to
Europeanization, 40 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 193, 200 (2002).
32. Simon Hix, The European Union as a Polity, in Handbook of European Union
Politics, 141 (Knud Erik Jørgensen et  al. eds., 1st ed. 2006); Mark A. Pollack,
The Engines of European Integration: Delegation, Agency, and Agenda
Setting in the EU 384–85 (2003). But see, e.g., Simon Hug, Endogenous Preferences and
Delegation in the European Union, 36 Comp. Pol. Stud. 41, 67 (2003).
33. Giandomenico Majone, From the Positive to the Regulatory State: Causes and Consequences
of Changes in the Mode of Governance, 17 J. Pub. Pol’y 139, 157 (1997) [hereinafter Majone,
Causes and Consequences].
34. Giandomenico Majone, The European Commission as Regulator, in Regulating
Europe 61, 64 (Giandomenico Majone ed., 1996) [hereinafter Majone, Commission as

Notes to pages 16–20 293

Regulator]; James A. Caporaso et al., Still a Regulatory State? The European Union and the
Financial Crisis, 22 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 889, 901 (2015).
35. See Fact Check on the EU Budget, Europa,
commission/eu-budget/how-it- works/fact-check_en (last visited May 15, 2019) [https://]; EU Budget 2017: Strengthening the Economy and Responding to
Migration Challenges, Europa,
2016/factsheet-on-eu-%20budget-2017_en.pdf (last updated Dec. 10, 2016) [https://].
36. See Graphics, Congressional Budget Office,
graphics (last visited Oct. 14, 2018) [].
37. Majone, Causes and Consequences, supra note 33, at 150–51.
38. Id. at 150.
39. Majone, Commission as Regulator, supra note 34, at 64.
40. See Giandomenico Majone, The Rise of the Regulatory State in Europe, 17 W. EUR. POL.
77, 85, 98 (1994).
41. Majone, Commission as Regulator, supra note 34, at 63–64; Giandomenico Majone, From
Regulatory State to a Democratic Default, 52 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 1216, 1217 (2014).
42. Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union arts.
23–25, Mar. 30, 2010, 2010 O.J. (C 83) 47, 58 [hereinafter TFEU].
43. See id.
44. See id. art. 3(3); Single European Act art. 6, Feb. 17, 1986, 1987 O.J. (L 169) 1.
45. Pollack, supra note 32, at 14–15.
46. Id. at 384–85.
47. European Union, European Parliament, Future of Europe:  European
Parliament Sets Out Its Vision (2017),
resources/library/media/20171023RES86651/20171023RES86651.pdf [https://perma.
48. Case C-507/17, Google v. CNIL, Request for a Preliminary Ruling from the Counseil
d’État (France), 2017 O.J. (C 347) 22.
49. See, e.g., Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union art. 3, ¶ 5, May 9, 2008,
2008 O.J. (C 115) 13 [hereinafter TEU].
50. See, e.g., Case C-300/89, Comm’n v. Council (Titanium Dioxide Case), 1991 E.C.R. I-02867;
Case C-155/91, Comm’n v. Council (Directive on Waste—Legal Basis), 1993 E.C.R. I-00939.
51. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 5, at 237.
52. Council Regulation 1907/2006 of Dec. 18, 2006, Concerning the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and Creating a
Chemicals Agency, 2006 O.J. (L 396).
53. Commission White Paper: Strategy for a Future Chemicals Policy, 7, COM (2001) 88 final
(Feb. 27, 2001).
54. Political Agreement for a Council Common Position (EC) No. 15921/2005 of Dec. 19,
2005, art. 1, 2005,
political_agreement_council.pdf [].
55. Gloria González Fuster, The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as
a Fundamental Right of the EU 126 (2014).
56. Commission Recommendation 81/679 of July 29, 1981, Relating to the Council of Europe
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of
Personal Data, recital 3, 1981 O.J. (L 246/31).
57. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council:  A
European Data Protection Framework for the 21st Century, at 8, COM (2012) 43 final ( Jan.
25, 2012).

294 Notes to pages 20–22

58. Commission White Paper:  Europe and the Global Information Society, at 22 ( June 24,
1994), [https://perma.
59. Proposal for A  Comprehensive Approach on Personal Data Protection in the European
Union, at 3–4, 10, COM (2010) 609 final (Apr. 11, 2010),
content/GA/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A52010DC0609 [].
60. Commission Staff Working Paper and Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment on the
General Data Protection Regulation, at 2, SEC (2012) 73 final ( Jan. 25, 2012), https://
EN [].
61. See c­ hapter 9 discussing regulatory imperialism and other criticism of the Brussels Effect.
62. See Sieglinde Gstöhl, Political Dimensions of an Externalization of the EU’s Internal
Market 4‒5 (Dep’t of EU Int’l Relations & Diplomacy Studies, EU Diplomacy Papers No.
3/2007, 2007), http://‌aei.‌pitt.‌edu/‌9593/‌1/‌EDP_‌3-‌2007_‌Gst%‌C3%‌B6hl.‌pdf [https://].
63. According to polls, 70% of Europeans want Europe to assume this role. See Benita Ferrero-
Waldner, European Comm’r for External Relations & European Neighbourhood Pol’y,
Speech at George Bush Presidential Library Foundation and Texas A&M University EU
Center of Excellence:  The European Union:  A Global Power? (Sept. 25, 2006), http:/
&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en []; see also
European Comm’n, Taking Europe to the World 59 (2004); Alasdair R. Young
& John Peterson, The EU and the New Trade Politics, in The European Union and
the New Trade Politics 1, 2 ( John Peterson & Alasdair R. Young eds., 2007).
64. See Commission White Paper:  Completing the Internal Market, at 22 COM (85) 310
final ( June 28, 1985),
CELEX%3A51985DC0310 []; Commission on The Impact
and Effectiveness of the Single Market, COM (96) 520 final (Oct. 30, 1996), https://
da3aee83522f/language-en [].
65. Commission Staff Working Document on The External Dimension of the Single Market
Review, at 5–6, SEC (2007) 1519 (Nov. 20, 2007).
66. Id. at 8.
67. Communication on A Single Market for 21st Century Europe, at 7, COM (2007) 725 final
(Nov. 20, 2007) [hereinafter A Single Market for 21st Century Europe].
68. Communication on A Single Market for Citizens, at 7, COM (2007) 60 final (Feb. 21, 2007);
see also Reducing Emissions from the Aviation Sector, Eur. Comm’n, http://‌ec.‌europa.‌eu
/‌clima/‌policies/‌transport/‌aviation/‌index_‌en.‌htm (last updated Nov. 13, 2012) [https://].
69. Communication on An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Serving the Citizen, at 9,
COM (2009) 262 final ( June 10, 2009).
70. Communication on A Comprehensive Approach on Personal Data Protection in the EU, at
19, COM (2010) 609 final (Nov. 4, 2010).
71. Id. at 16 (original emphasis removed).
72. Mark Scott and Laurens Cerulus, Europe’s New Data Protection Rules Export Privacy
Standards Worldwide, Politico ( Jan. 31, 2018),
73. European Commission, Trade for All—Towards a More Responsible Trade and Investment
Policy, 14 October 2015,
publication/84e25462-8584-43db-bcca-da3aee83522f [].

Notes to pages 23–27 295

74. European Council, Promoting EU Value Through Trade (last updated Nov. 14, 2017),
75. See TEU art. 3 ¶5, art. 21 ¶1.
76. A Single Market for 21st Century Europe, supra note 67, at 3.
77. See, e.g., Emma Tucker, Plastic Toy Quandary that EU Cannot Duck, Fin. Times, Dec. 9,
1998, at 3.
78. Vogel, Politics, supra note 5, at 13.
79. See Jan Zielonka, Europe as a Global Actor: Empire by Example?, 84 Int’l Aff. 471, 475
80. See Zaki Laïdi, The Unintended Consequences of European Power 5 (Les Cahiers Européens
de Sciences Po. No. 5, 2007),

C h a p t er   2
1. See, e.g., Daniel W. Drezner, Globalization, Harmonization, and Competition:  The
Different Pathways to Policy Convergence, 12 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 841, 847 (2005) [herein-
after Drezner, Different Pathways]; see also, e.g., David A. Wirth, The EU’s New Impact on
U.S. Environmental Regulation, 31 Fletcher F. World Aff. 91, 96 (2007).
2. See Drezner, Different Pathways, supra note 1, at 843.
3. Daniel W. Drezner, All Politics is Global:  Explaining International
Regulatory Regimes 33–62 (2008).
4. Chad Damro, Market Power Europe, 19 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 682, 683 (2012).
5. Id. at 687.
6. See David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan, Dynamics of Regulatory Change: How
Globalization Affects national Regulatory Policies 13 (David Vogel &
Robert A. Kagan eds., 2004).
7. See Alasdair R. Young, Political Transfer and “Trading Up”? Transatlantic Trade in
Genetically Modified Food and U.S. Politics, 55 World Pol. 457, 459 (2003).
8. European Union, CIA World Factbook,
the-world-factbook/geos/ee.html (last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [
7NEU]. The GDP figure is the nominal GDP.
9. GNI, Atlas Method (Current US$), The World Bank,
indicator/NY.GNP.ATLS.CD?locations=EU-1W (last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [https://].
10. Country Comparison:  Imports, CIA World Factbook,
Publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2087rank.html (last visited Sept. 24,
2018) []. See International Trade in Services, Eurostat,
trade_in_services (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  []; U.S.
Imports of Services by Major Category, U.S. Census Bureau, https://www.census.
gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/current_press_release/exh4.pdf (last visited Sept. 24,
2018) [].
11. United States, CIA World Factbook, https://‌www.‌cia.‌gov/‌library/‌publications/‌the-‌
world-‌factbook/‌g eos/‌us.‌html (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  [
SC63]; China, CIA World Factbook, https://‌www.‌cia.‌g ov/‌library/‌publication
s/‌the-‌world-‌factbook/‌g eos/‌ch.‌html (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  [
B9YW-6X6E]; Japan, CIA World Factbook, https://‌www.‌cia.‌g ov/‌library/‌publi
cations/‌the-‌world-‌factbook/‌g eos/‌ja.‌html (last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [https://perma.
cc/E5SG-J8U8]. The GDP figures are the nominal GDP.

296 Notes to pages 27–29

12. European Union, supra note 8; United States, supra note 11; China, supra note 11; India,
CIA World Factbook, https://‌www.‌cia.‌gov/‌library/‌publications/‌the-‌world-‌factboo
k/‌geos/‌in.‌html (last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [].
13. Statistics Relating to Enlargement of the European Union, Wikipedia, https://
(last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [].
14. See Negotiations and Agreements, European Commission,
trade/policy/countries-and-regions/negotiations-and-agreements/ (last visited Sept. 24,
2018) [].
15. See generally Alberto Alesina & Enrico Spolaore, The Size of Nations (2003).
16. Bilateral trade between European Union (EU 28)  and United States of America, ITC,||14719|842||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1
|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  []; Bilateral trade
between European Union (EU 28) and Russian Federation, ITC, https://www.trademap.
org/Bilateral_TS.aspx?nvpm=1||14719|643||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept.
24, 2018)  []; Bilateral trade between European Union (EU
28)  and South Africa, ITC,||147
19|710||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  [
E5GL]; Bilateral trade between European Union (EU 28) and China, ITC, https://www.||14719|156||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last vis-
ited Sept. 24, 2018) []; Bilateral trade between European
Union (EU 28) and Canada, ITC,
=1||14719|124||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018) [
P663-8XA6]; Bilateral trade between European Union (EU 28) and Japan, ITC, https://||14719|392||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|
1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  []; Bilateral trade between
European Union (EU 28)  and India, ITC,
x?nvpm=1||14719|699||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  [https://]; Bilateral trade between European Union (EU 28)  and Brazil,
|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  []; Bilateral
trade between European Union (EU 28) and Australia, ITC,
Bilateral_TS.aspx?nvpm=1||14719|036||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24,
2018)  []; Bilateral trade between European Union (EU
28)  and Korea, Republic of, ITC,
1||14719|410||TOTAL|||2|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1 (last visited Sept. 24, 2018)  [
17. United States, supra note 16; Russia, supra note 16; China, supra note 16; India, supra note
16; Brazil, supra note 16; Canada, supra note 16; Australia, supra note 16; Korea, supra note
16; Japan, supra note 16; South Africa, supra note 16.
18. Sorin Burnete & Pilasluck Choomta, The Impact of European Union’s Newly-Adopted
Environmental Standards on Its Trading Partners, 10 Stud. in Bus. & Econ. 5, 11 (2015)
quoting Jan Ahlen, The “EU Effect” and the Export of Environmental Standards to the
U.S., (2009) (unpublished MA thesis, University of North Carolina), https://cdr.lib.unc.
edu/indexablecontent/uuid:5045f331-b321-4b5b-991b-596dc0d74b06 [https://perma.
19. Facebook, Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) 35–38 (Feb. 1, 2018).
20. Robinson Meyer, Europeans Use Google Way, Way More Than Americans Do, Atlantic
(Apr. 15, 2015),
use-google-way-way-more-than-americans-do/390612/ [].

Notes to pages 29–33 297

21. Alphabet, Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) 32 (Feb. 5, 2018);, Inc., Annual
Report (Form 10-K) 70 (Feb. 1, 2018).
22. Kevin Grogan, Takeda Gives Up on Getting European OK for Sleep Drug, Pharma Times
(Oct. 7, 2011),
european_ok_for_sleep_drug_980275 [].
23. Id.
24. Kate O’Neill, The Changing Nature of Global Hazardous Waste Management: From Brown
to Green?, in Dynamics of Regulatory Change, 156, 156–58 (David Vogel & Robert
A. Kagan eds., 2004).
25. See id. at 156–58.
26. See Jan Zielonka, Europe as a Global Actor: Empire by Example?, 84 Int’l Aff. 471, 477–
80 (2008).
27. See Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Trading Human Rights: How Preferential Trade Agreements
Influence Government Repression, 59 Int’l Org. 593 (2005).
28. See David Bach & Abraham L. Newman, The European Regulatory State and Global Public
Policy: Micro-Institutions, Macro-Influence, 14 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 827, 831 (2007).
29. See id. at 832.
30. See David Bach & Abraham L. Newman, Domestic Drivers of Transgovernmental
Regulatory Cooperation, 8 Reg. & Governance 395 (2014).
31. See Colin Kirkpatrick & David Parker, Infrastructure Regulation: Models for Developing
Asia 40–41 (Asian Dev. Bank Inst. Discussion Paper No. 6, 2004),
sites/default/files/publication/156701/adbi-dp6.pdf [];
see Xiaoye Wang, Highlights of China’s New Anti-Monopoly Law, 75 Antitrust L.J. 133,
145 (2008).
32. See Nikhil Kalyanpur & Abraham L. Newman, Mobilizing Market Power: Jurisdictional
Expansion as Economic Statecraft 8 (International Organization 2018), https://www.
expansion_as_economic_statecraft.pdf [].
33. See Sophie Meunier & Kalypso Nicolaïdis, The European Union as a Conflicted Trade
Power, 13 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 906, 907‒08 (2006).
34. See Giandomenico Majone, The Rise of the Regulatory State in Europe, in A Reader on
Regulation 77, 83–101 (1998).
35. See Bach &. Newman, supra note 28, at 831.
36. See Andreja Pegan, The Bureaucratic Growth of the European Union, 13 J. Contemp. Eur.
Res. 1208–34, 1210 (2017).
37. See id. at 1210.
38. Office of Mgmt. & Budget, Exec. Office of the President, Analytical
Perspectives:  Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2018 62 (2018),
39. Office of Personnel Mgmt., Exec. Office of the President, Sizing Up the
Executive Branch: Fiscal Year 2018 6 (2018),
sizing-up-the-executive-branch-2016.pdf [].
40. See id.
41. Hussein Kassim, John Peterson & Michael W. Bauer, The European
Commission of the Twenty-First Century 39 (2013).
42. Antonis A. Ellinas & Ezra Suleiman, The European Commission and
Bureaucratic Autonomy 10–11 (2012).

298 Notes to pages 33–35

43. See Liesbet Hooghe, Images of Europe:  How Commission Officials Conceive Their
Institution’s Role, 50 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 87, 101 (2012).
44. See Liesbet Hooghe, Several Roads Lead to International Norms, but Few via International
Socialization: A Case Study of the European Commission, 59 Int’l Org. 861, 874 (2005).
45. Id.
46. See Antonis Ellinas & Ezra S. Suleiman, Supranationalism in a Transnational
Bureaucracy: The Case of the European Commission, 49 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 924, 941
(2011); Jeremy Richardson, The Onward March of Europeanization:  Tectonic Movement
and Seismic Events, in Constructing a Policy-Making State? Policy Dynamics
in the EU 334, 340 ( Jeremy Richardson ed., 2012).
47. See Berthold Rittberger & Arndt Wonka, Introduction:  Agency Governance in the
European Union, 18 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 780, 782 (2011); Mark Thatcher, The Creation
of European Regulatory Agencies and its Limits:  a Comparative Analysis of European
Delegation, 18 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 790, 801–02 (2011); Daniel Kelemen, The Politics of
‘Eurocratic” Structure and the New European Agencies, 25 W. Eur. Pol. 93 (2002); David
Levi-Faur, Regulatory Networks and Regulatory Agencification: Towards a Single European
Regulatory Space, 18 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 810, 813 (2011).
48. John Peterson, The Commission and the New Intergovernmentalism, in The New
Intergovernmentalism:  States and Supranational Actors in the Post-
Maastricht Era 185, 197 (Bickerton et al. eds., 2015).
49. See Bach & Newman, supra note 28, at 832.
50. Regulation (EU) 679/16, art. 83, 2016 O.J. (L119) 1.
51. European Commission Press Release IP/17/1784, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google
€2.42 Billion For Abusing Dominance as Search Engine by Giving Illegal Advantage
to Own Comparison Shopping Service ( June 27, 2017),
release_IP-17-1784_en.htm []; European Commission
Press Release IP/18/4581, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google €4.34 Billion for Illegal
Practices Regarding Android Mobile Devices to Strengthen Dominance of Google’s
Search Engine ( July 18, 2018),
[]; European Commission Press Release IP/19/1770,
Antitrust:  Commission Fines Google €1.49 Billion for Abusive Practices in Online
Advertising (Mar. 20, 2019),
52. Lorna Woods & Philippa Watson, Steiner & Woods EU Law 51 (12th ed. 2014).
53. R. Daniel Kelemen, Law, Fiscal Federalism, and Austerity, 22 Ind. J.  Global Legal
Stud. 379 (2015).
54. Case C-438/05, Int’l Transp. Workers’ Fed’n v. Viking Line ABP, 2007 E.C.R. I-10779; See
Darren G. Hawkins, David A. Lake, Daniel L. Nielson & Michael J. Tierney, Delegation
Under Anarchy:  States, International Organizations, and Principal-Agent Theory, in
Delegation and Agency in International Organizations 3–38 (Darren G.
Hawkins et. al. eds., 2006)
55. Case C-376/98 Germany v Parliament and the Council (“Tobacco Advertising I”), 2000
E.C.R. 8419 and Case C-380/03 Germany v Parliament and the Council (“Tobacco
advertising II”), 2006 E.C.R. 11573.
56. See Philip Blenkinsop, EU Takes Ireland to Court for Not Claiming Apple Tax Windfall,
Reuters (Oct. 4, 2017),
[]; Simon Bowers, Starbucks and Fiat Sweetheart Tax
Deals with EU Nations Ruled Unlawful, Guardian (Oct. 21, 2015), https://www.
ruled-unlawful [].

Notes to pages 35–39 299

57. Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, June 7,
2016, 2016 O.J. (C202) 59 [hereinafter TFEU], arts. 107,108, 109.
58. Stephen C. Sieberson, Inching toward EU Supranationalism—Qualified Majority Voting
and Unanimity under the Treaty of Lisbon, 50 Va. J. Int’l L. 919 (2010).
59. Elisa Morgera, Environmental Law, in Eur. Union Law 657 (Barnard & Peers eds.,
60. See, e.g., Single European Act art. 6, Feb. 17, 1986, 1987 O.J. (L 169) 1; Treaty on European
Union art. G, Feb. 7, 1992, 1992 O.J. (C 191)  1, 5‒44; Treaty of Lisbon Amending the
Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishing the European Community, Dec.
13, 2007, 2007 O.J. (C 306) 1 [hereinafter Treaty of Lisbon].
61. TFEU art. 294.
62. George Tsebelis & Geoffrey Garret, Legislative Politics in the European Union, 1 Eur.
Union. Pol. 9 (2000); Oliver Costa & Nathalie Brack, The Role of the European
Parliament in Europe’s Integration and Parlamentarization Process, in Parliamentary
Dimensions of Regionalization and Globalization 45, 45–69 (2013).
63. Renaud Dehousse, The European Court of Justice:  The Politics of
Judicial Integration (1998).
64. R. Daniel Kelemen & Susan K. Schmidt, Introduction—the European Court of Justice
and Legal Integration: Perpetual Momentum?, 19 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 1 (2012); Judicial
Activism at the European Court of Justice (Mark Dawson et al., 2013).
65. Case C-6/64, Flaminio Costa v. E.N.E.L., 1964 E.C.R. 585.
66. Case C-26/62, Onderneming van Gend & Loos v. Neth. Inland Revenue Admin., 1963
E.C.R. 3.
67. Duncan Robinson & Alex Barker, EU’s top judge defends ECJ against charges of integration
agenda, Financial Times (Nov. 22, 2016),
11e6-a37c-f4a01f1b0fa1 (on file with author); see Keleman & Schmidt, supra note 64.
68. See, e.g., Case C-333/13, Dano v. Jobcenter Leipzig, 2014 E.C.R. 2358.
69. See Giandomenico Majone, From the Positive to the Regulatory State:  Causes and
Consequences of Changes in the Mode of Governance, 17 J. Pub. Pol’y 139, 144 (1997).
70. See id. at 163.
71. Compare TFEU, supra note 57, arts. 3–4, with id. art. 6.
72. See TFEU, 2016 O.J. (C202) 59, arts. 3, 4, and 6.
73. J. Luis Guasch & Robert W. Hahn, The Costs and Benefits of Regulation: Implications for
Developing Countries, 14 World Bank Res. Observer 137, 138 (1999); see also Euel
Elliott, James L. Regens & Barry J. Seldon, Exploring Variation in Public Support for
Environmental Protection, 76 Soc. Sci. Q. 41 (1995).
74. See, e.g., Ragnar E. Löfstedt & David Vogel, The Changing Character of Regulation:  A
Comparison of Europe and the United States, 21 Risk Analysis 399, 400‒01 (2001).
75. See David Vogel, The Politics of Precaution: Regulating Health, Safety,
and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States 10 (2012) [here-
inafter Vogel, Politics].
76. See R. Daniel Kelemen & David Vogel, Trading Places: The US and the EU in International
Environmental Politics, 43:4 Comp. Pol. Stud. 427.
77. See supra note 75 at 22–42.
78. See supra note 75 at 34–42, 235–36.
79. Single European Act, Feb. 17, 1986, 1987 O.J. (L169) [hereinafter SEA].
80. See Ian Bache & Stephen George, Politics in the European Union 160 (1st ed.
81. Mitchell P. Smith, Environmental and Health Regulation in the United
States and the European Union: Protecting Public and Planet 2 (2012).

300 Notes to pages 39–42

82. Paulette Kerzer, Transatlantic Risk Perceptions, Public Health, and Environmental
Concerns: Coming Together or Drifting Apart?, in The State of the European Union
Vol. 7: With US or Against US? European Trends in American Perspective
83. Ben Clift, Comparative Capitalism, Ideational Political Economy and French Post-Dirigiste
Responses to the Global Financial Crisis, 17 J. New Pol. Econ. 565 (2012); Ulrich Witt,
Germany’s “Social Market Economy”:  Between Social Ethos and Rent Seeking, 6 Indep.
Rev. 365 (2002).
84. See Clift, supra note 83, at 565; Witt, supra note 83, at 365.
85. Stein Kuhnle, The Beginnings of the Nordic Welfare States: Similarities and Differences, 21
Acta Sociologica 9 (1978).
86. Veit Koester, Nordic Countries’ Legislation on the Environment with
Special Emphasis on Conservation—A Survey, (1979); Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung, History of Energy and Climate Energy Policy in Germany: CUD
Perspectives 1958–2014 (2014).
87. Commission Institutional Paper on State-Owned Enterprises in the EU: Lessons Learnt and
Ways Forward in a Post-Crisis Context, No. 031, COM ( July 2016),
info/sites/info/files/file_import/ip031_en_2.pdf [].
88. See Peter A. Hall & David Soskice, Varieties of Capitalism:  The
Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage (2001).
89. Treaty of Lisbon, supra note 60, art. 1(4).
90. Katharina Pistor, Legal Ground Rules in Coordinated and Liberal Market Economies,
ECGI—Law Working Paper No. 30/2005 (2005),
files/working_papers/documents/SSRN-id695763.pdf [].
91. Kira Brecht, How US and EU Capital Markets are Different, Open Market (Oct. 29,
different []; Ines Goncalves Raposo & Alexander Lehmann,
Equity Finance and Capital Market Integration in Europe, European Union ( Jan. 2019), [
92. See Jonathan B. Wiener & Michael D. Rogers, Comparing Precaution in the United States
and Europe, 5:4 J.  of Risk Research 317, 336 (2002),
edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1985&context=faculty_scholarship [
93. Andreas Ladner, The Polarization of the European Party System—New Data, New Approach,
New Results 7 (Sept. 5, 2014) (paper presented in panel P361—“The Methodological
Challenges of Designing Cross-National Voting Advice Applications” at the ECPR
General Conference),
aff7-f6573671fd16.pdf [].
94. Jean-Claude Juncker, Candidate for President, Eur. Comm’n, Opening Statement in the
European Parliament Plenary Session, A  New Start for Europe:  My Agenda for Jobs,
Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change §6 ( July 15, 2014).
95. Susan Rose-Ackerman, Regulation and the Law of Torts, 81 Am. Econ. R. 54, 54 (1991).
96. See W. K. Viscusi, Structuring anEffective Occupational Disease Policy:  Victim
Compensation and Risk Regulation, 2 Yale J. Reg. 53 (1984); Richard Posner, Regulation
(Agencies) versus Litigation (Courts):  An Analytical Framework, in Regulation vs.
Litigation: Perspectives from Economics and Law 11, 20 (2011).
97. See Steven Shavell, Liability for Accidents, in Handbook for Law and Economics
142, 176 (Vol. 1, 2007).
98. See Steven Shavell, Liability for Harm versus Regulation of Safety, 13 J. L. Stud. 357, 369
(1984) [hereinafter Shavell, Liability for Harm].

Notes to pages 42–45 301

99. See id. at 357.

100. See Posner, supra note 96, at 14.
101. See W. Kip Viscusi, Toward a Diminished Role for Tort Liability:  Social Insurance,
Government Regulation, and Contemporary Risks to Health and Safety, 6 Yale J. Reg.
65, 71 (1989) [hereinafter Viscusi, Tort Liability].
102. See R. Daniel Kelemen, Eurolegalism: The Transformation of Law and
Regulation in the European Union 28 (2011).
103. European Commission Press Release IP/18/3041, A  New Deal for Consumers:
Commission Strengthens EU Consumer Rights and Enforcement (Apr. 11, 2018).
This proposed legislation would replace the EU’s 2009 Injunctions Directive, which
allows for representative actions to obtain injunctive relief but does not recognize
collective redress. See Directive 2009/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 23 April 2009 on Injunctions for the Protection of Consumers’ Interests,
2009 O.J. (L 110) 30.
104. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 257.
105. See 3 C.F.R. 215.
106. See Exec. Ord. No. 12,866, 3 C.F.R. 638 (1994); Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995,
Pub. L. No. 104-4, §§ 201-202 109 Stat. 48 (codified at 2 U.S.C. §§ 15031–32 (2014)).
107. See, e.g., Indus. Union Dep’t, AFL-CIO v. Am. Petroleum Inst. (The Benzene Case), 448
U.S. 607, 642–46 (1980); see also Exec. Order No. 13,563, 3 C.F.R. 215, 215 (2011). See also
Cass R. Sunstein, The Cost Benefit Revolution 4 (2018).
108. Communication from the Commission on Impact Assessment, COM (2002) 276 final
( June 5, 2002).
109. Commission Staff Working Document, Better Regulation Guidelines, at 15, SWD (2017)
350 ( July 7, 2017),
lines.pdf [].
110. See Richard Parker & Alberto Alemanno, Comparative Overview of EU and US Legislative
and Regulatory Systems: Implications for Domestic Governance & the Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership, 22 Colum. J. Eur. L., 61, 85–89 (2016).
111. Commission Staff Working Paper:  Operational Guidance on Taking Account of
Fundamental Rights in Commission Impact Assessments, SEC (2011) 567 final (May 6,
en.pdf [].
112. See id. at 87.
113. See Jonathan Wiener & Alberto Alemanno, Comparing Regulatory Oversight Bodies
Across the Atlantic: The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the US and the
Impact Assessment Board in the EU, in Comparative Administrative Law (Susan
Rose-Ackerman & Peter Lindseth eds., 2010).
114. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 261–66. For an alternative view, see Swedlow
et al., A Quantitative Comparison of Relative Precaution in the United States and Europe,
1970–2004, in The Reality of Precaution: Comparing Risk Regulation in
the United States and Europe 377, 378–79 ( Jonathan Wiener et al. eds., 2011).
115. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 4.
116. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 261–66.
117. See id. at 259.
118. See, e.g., Communication on the Precautionary Principle, at ¶ 1, COM (2000) 1 final (Feb.
2, 2000).
119. See, e.g., id.; see also Sarah Harrell, Beyond “REACH”?:  An Analysis of the European
Union’s Chemical Regulation Program Under World Trade Organization Agreements,
24 Wis. Int’l L.J. 471, 481‒89 (2007). See Case T-13/99, Pfizer Animal Health SA
v. Council, 2002 E.C.R. II-3318, ¶ 142.

302 Notes to pages 45–46

120. Ragnar E. Löfstedt, The Swing of the Regulatory Pendulum in Europe: From Precautionary
Principle to (Regulatory) Impact Analysis, 28 J. Risk & Uncertainty 237, 243–44 (2004).
121. Maastricht Treaty: Treaty on European Union, art. 1, 7 February 1992, 1992 O.J. (C191)
1, 31 I.L.M. 253.
122. See Löfstedt, supra note 120, at 243–45.
123. See Yves Tiberghien, Competitive Governance and the Quest for Legitimacy in the EU: The
Battle over the Regulation of GMOs since the mid-1990s, 31 J. Eur. Integration 389,
404–05 (2009); Giandomenico Majone, Political Institutions and the Principle of
Precaution, in The Reality of Precaution: Comparing Risk Regulation in
the United States and Europe 377, 414 ( Jonathan Wiener et al. eds., 2011).
124. Communication from the Commission on the Precautionary Principle, COM (2000) 1
final (Feb. 2, 2000); The Precautionary Principle in the 20th Century: Late
Lessons from Early Warnings 5 (Harremoes et al. eds., 2013).
125. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 268–69. See also Giandomenico Majone,
Dilemmas of European Integration 125–26 (2005).
126. See David Vogel, The Hare and the Tortoise Revisited: The New Politics of Consumer and
Environmental Regulation in Europe, 33 Brit. J. Pol. Sci. 557, 566 (2003).
127. See Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 271.
128. See Kenisha Garnett & David Parsons, Multi-Case Review of the Application of the
Precautionary Principle in European Union Law and Case Law, 37 Risk Analysis 502,
511 (2017).
129. See, e.g., Case T-70/99, Alpharma v. Council, 2002 E.C.R. II-3506; Joined Cases T-74,
T-76, T-83, T-84, T-85, T-132, T-137, T-141/00, Artegodan GmbH v.  Comm’n, 2002
E.C.R. II-4948; Case T-13/99, Pfizer Animal Health, 2002 E.C.R. II-3318.
130. Joined Cases T-74, T-76, T-83, T-84, T-85, T-132, T-137, T-141/00, Artegodan GmbH
v. Comm’n, 2002 E.C.R. II-4948, ¶ 184.
131. For an overview of the different regimes applied across the EU (14 countries), see
European Online Gambling Outlook 2017, Gambling Compliance ( Jan. 17, 2017),
online-gambling-outlook-2017 [].
132. Loi 2010-476 du 12 mai 2010 relative à l’ouverture à la concurrence et à la régulation
du secteur des jeux d’argent et de hasard en ligne [Law 2010-476 of May 12, 2010 on
the Opening Up to Competition and Regulation of the Online Gambling Industry],
[]; Taylor Wessing, Gambling Law in Germany,
Lexology ( June 7, 2017),
3533-4573-97a9-70bfd7f46d2b [].
133. A similar issue plays out when the EU must garner some level of external regulatory con-
sensus before it can begin to export its preferred regulation. See, e.g., AR Young, Europe
as a Global Regulator: The Limits of EU Influence in International Food Safety Standards,
21 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 904 (2014).
134. See Stephen Castle, Europeans Introduce Corporate Tax Plan, N.Y. Times, Mar. 17, 2011,
at B5; EU Corporate Tax Plan Deals Blow to Irish, (Mar. 16, 2011),
blow-to-irish/ []; see also Tax Wars:  New Versus Old
Europe, Economist, July 24, 2004, at 61.
135. See Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) European Comm’n,
dated-corporate-tax-base-ccctb_en []; Press Release,
European Comm’n, Commission Proposes Major Corporate Tax Reform for the EU

Notes to pages 46–47 303

(Oct. 25, 2016), [hereinafter

Tax Reform Press Release] [].
136. Jim Brunsden, Brussels Proposes Europe-Wide Corporate Tax System, (Oct. 25,
2016), (on file
with author).
137. Tax Reform Press Release, supra note 135.
138. Pat Leahy, Michael Noonan Attacks EU Body Over Corporate Tax Plans, Irish Times
(Feb. 28, 2017),
attacks-eu-body-over-corporate-tax-plans-1.2991443 [].
139. 21 C.F.R. § 1240.61 (2018); Corrigendum to Regulation 853/2004 Laying Down Specific
Hygiene Rules for Food of Animal Origin, 2004 O.J. (L 226) 22.
140. Final Determination Regarding Partially Hydrogenated Oils, 80 Fed. Reg. 34650 ( June
17, 2015).
141. European Comm’n, Report From the Commission to the European Parliament and
the Council Regarding Trans Fats in Foods and in the Overall Diet of the Union
Population, COM (2015) 619 final (Dec. 3, 2015),
food/files/safety/docs/fs_labelling-nutrition_trans-fats-report_en.pdf [https://perma.
cc/F965-VHGR]; European Comm’n, Open Public Consultation on the Initiative to
Limit Industrial Trans Fats Intakes in the EU,
open-public-consultation-initiative-limit-industrial-trans-fats-intakes-eu_en [https://].
142. Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, Pub. L.  No. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745 (codified at 15
U.S.C. §§ 7201‒7266 (2006)). See Abraham L. Newman, Protectors of
Privacy: Regulating Personal Data in the Global Economy, 146 (2008).
143. Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Pub. L. No. 111-203,
124 Stat. 1376 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 12, 15, 22, and 26 U.S.C.).
144. See, e.g., Bob Sherwood, Long Arm of the US Regulator, (Mar. 9, 2005, 6:37
PM), (on
file with author); see also John C. Coffee, Jr., Racing Towards the Top?:  The Impact of

Cross-Listings and Stock Market Competition on International Corporate Governance, 102
Colum. L. Rev. 1757 (2002).
145. Regulation 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down
Supply Chain Due Diligence Obligations for Union Importers of Tin, Tantalum and
Tungsten, Their Ores, and Gold Originating from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk
Areas, 2017 O.J. (L 130), 1 [hereinafter “Regulation 2017/821]. The substance of the regu-
lation will enter into force in 2021 per Regulation 2017/821, Art. 20(3).
146. See Sue Miller, Nate Lankford & Quinnie Lin, 3 Ways EU Conflict Minerals Rule
Differs from US Approach, Law360 (Mar. 20, 2017, 5:26 PM), https://www.law360.
[]; Cydney S. Posner, European Parliament Approves
Conflict Mineral Rules for EU, Cooley PubCo (Mar. 20, 2017), https://cooleypubco.
147. These areas must still be defined by the EU Commission. Regulation 2017/821, Art.
148. The US regulation limits the due diligence duties of importers to an initial “reasonable
country of inquiry” test whereby the company must perform due diligence only if it has
knowledge or reason to believe that a conflict mineral they employ in production comes
from a country covered by the regulation. In contrast, the EU regulation requires all
importers covered by the EU regulation to conduct due diligence.

304 Notes to pages 48–51

149. The Personal Data Protection Bill 2018 (Draft) (India), art. 4,
writereaddata/files/Personal_Data_Protection_Bill%2C2018_0.pdf [https://perma.
150. Id. at art. 3(13).
151. Id. at art 40.
152. Id. at art 40.
153. Note that this book takes some liberties in its use of the concepts “elastic” and “inelas-
tic” and departs somewhat from their traditional use in economics, such as the use of
the concept of demand elasticity (which refers to how sensitive demand of a good is to
changes in other economic variables such as price).
154. Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, of the European Parliament and of the Council of
18 December 2006 Concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Establishing a European Chemicals Agency, 2007
O.J. (L 136) 3 [hereinafter REACH].
155. Directive 2002/95/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January
2003 on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Equipment, 2003 O.J. (L 37) 19 [hereinafter RoHS Directive].
156. Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016
on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and
on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data
Protection Regulation) 2016 O.J. (L 119) 32, 33 [hereinafter GDPR].
157. Kalyanpur & Newman, supra note 32.
158. Paul L. Davies, Financial Stability and the Global Influence of EU Law, in EU Law
Beyond EU Borders:  The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law (Marise
Cermona & Joanne Scott eds.2019).
159. Yesha Yadav & Dermot Turing, The Extraterritorial Regulation of Clearinghouses, 2 J.
Fin. Reg. 21, 22 (2016).
160. Id. at 23.
161. Id.
162. Id. at 26.
163. International capital mobility is contingent on numerous factors and assumes limited
exchange controls and the ability of foreign corporations and individuals to engage in
foreign direct investment (FDI) and invest in foreign stock markets.
164. Commission Proposal for a Council Directive on a Common System of Financial Transaction
Tax and Amending Directive 2008/7/EC, COM (2011) 594 final (Sept. 28, 2011).
165. See Joshua Chaffin et al., Business Lashes Out at Trading Tax Plans, Fin. Times (London),
Sept. 29, 2011, at 1. Press Release, European Comm’n, Common Rules for a Financial
Transaction Tax—Frequently Asked Questions (Sept. 28, 2011), http://‌europa.‌eu/‌rapid/
‌press‌Releases‌Action.‌do?‌reference=‌MEMO/‌11/‌640 [].
166. Boris Groendahl & Alexander Weber, Austria Says EU Financial Transaction Tax is on
Wrong Track, Bloomberg (Sept. 5, 2018),
cles/2018-09-05/austria-says-europe-s-push-for-transaction-tax-is-on-wrong-track (on
file with author).
167. See European Comm’n, supra note 165. The financial transaction tax is an example where
the other conditions for the Brussels Effect are also missing: the EU currently lacks the
regulatory competence (or capacity) to impose this tax; the required regulatory propen-
sity is also missing, as some member states oppose the proposal. There are also alternative
markets for trading activity, reducing the EU’s leverage. Finally, the tax is also divisible in
the sense that all jurisdictions do not have to apply the same tax, but instead retain their
autonomy to regulate trade in their jurisdictions.

Notes to pages 51–54 305

168. However, a narrower proposal made by Germany and France during 2018, based on a
tax levy implemented in France, showed promise during an early 2019 meeting of the
finance ministers involved. See Alexander Weber, Germany, France Try to Jump-Start EU
Financial-Transaction Tax, Bloomberg (Dec. 3, 2018),
tax (on file with author).
169. Parliament and Council Directive 2013/36/EU, OnAccess to the Activity of Credit
Institutions and the Prudential Supervision of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms,
2013 O.J. (L 176) 338.
170. Jim Brunsden, Brussels Proposes Europe-Wide Corporate Tax System, Fin. Times (Oct.
25, 2016), (on
file with author).
171. Mehreen Khan et. al., Google, Facebook and Apple Face ‘Digital Tax’ on EU Turnover,
Fin. Times (Mar. 15, 2018),
cc62a39d57a0 (on file with author); Commission Proposal for a Council Directive on
Laying Down Rules Relating to the Corporate Taxation of a Significant Digital Presence,
COM (2018) 147 final (Mar. 21, 2018).
172. Case C-34/10, Brüstle v. Greenpeace eV., EUR-Lex62010CJ0034 (Oct. 18, 2011).
173. See Scientists Fear Stem Cell Ruling Deals Blow to EU Research, (Oct.
19, 2011),
stem-cell-ruling-deals-blow-to-eu-research/ [].
174. Mary Beth Warner, ‘German Reasoning Won Out’ in Stem Cell Ruling, Spiegel (Oct. 19,
won-out-in-stem-cell-ruling-a-792721.html [].
175. Until recently, China received and repurposed approximately 14% of the EU’s paper
waste and 20% of the EU’s plastic waste. See Paola Tamma, China’s Trash Ban Forces
Europe to Confront its Waste Problem, Politico (Feb. 21, 2018), https://www.politico.
problem/ [].
176. Eur. Envtl. Agency Report, Movements of Waste Across the EU’s
Internal and External Borders (2012), EU Exporting More Waste, Including
Hazardous Waste, Eur. Env’t Agency (Nov. 6, 2012), https://www.eea.europa.
eu/highlights/eu-exporting-more-waste-including [];
Sandra Laville, UK Worst Offender in Europe for Electronic Waste Exports—Report,
Guardian (Feb. 7, 2019),
feb/07/uk-worst-offender-in-europe-for-electronic-waste-exports-report [https://].
177. For an overview of this literature, see Bruce Carruthers & Naomi Lamoreaux, Regulatory
Races: The Effects of Jurisdictional Competition on Regulatory Standards, 54 J. Econ. Lit.
52 (2016); Vogel & Kagan, supra note 6.
178. Daniel Drezner, Globalization and Policy Convergence, 3 Int’l Studies Rev. 53, 57–58
(2001) [hereinafter Drezner, Globalization and Policy].
179. Id. at 69, 75.
180. Vogel & Kagan, supra note 6.
181. Bruce Carruthers & Naomi Lamoreaux, supra note 177, at 89–90.
182. Id. at 54. See also Charles M. Tiebout, A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures, 64 J. Pol.
Econ. 416 (1956).
183. See Drezner, Different Pathways supra note 1, at 844–45; David Lazer, Regulatory
Interdependence and International Governance, 8 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 474, 476–78

306 Notes to pages 54–60

184. Oracle’s Use of Potentially Harmful Substances, Oracle,

products/applications/green/harmful-substances-185039.html (last visited Oct. 21,
2018), [].
185. See Joel Waldfogel, The Tyranny of the Market: Why You Can’t Always
Get What You Want (2007).
186. See Anu Bradford, Antitrust Law in Global Markets, in Research Handbook on
the Economics of Antitrust Law 283, 308‒11 (Einer Elhauge ed., 2012).
187. See US Dep’t of Justice, Corporate Leniency Policy (1993) https://www. []; Leniency,
European Commission,
html (last visited Oct. 22, 2018) [].
188. See generally on the benefits of standardized contracts in Marcel Kahan and Michael
Klausner, Standardization and Innovation in Corporate Contracting (Or “The Economics
of Boilerplate”),Virginia L. Rev., Vol, 83, May 1997 No 4.
189. GDPR, supra note 156, at 48.
190. David Ingram, Exclusive:  Facebook to Put 1.5 Billion Users Out of Reach of New EU
Privacy Law, Reuters (Apr. 18, 2018),
privacy-law-idUSKBN1HQ00P [].
191. See Ryan Singel, EU Tells Search Engines to Stop Creating Tracking Databases, Wired
(Apr. 8, 2008), http://‌www.‌wired.‌com/‌threatlevel/‌2008/‌04/‌eu-‌tells-‌search/ [https://].
192. See, e.g., Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
22 September 2003 on Genetically Modified Food and Feed, 2003 O.J. (L 268).
193. See, e.g., Case C-442/09, Bablok v.  Freistaat Bayern, EUR-Lex 62009CJ0442, at
8 (Sept. 6, 2011); Charles E.  Hanrahan, Congr. Research Serv., RS21556,
Agricultural Biotechnology: The U.S.-EU Dispute 5 (2010).
194. See REACH, supra note 154, arts. 5‒7, at 37‒38.
195. Wirth, supra note 1, at 102–03; Joanne Scott, From Brussels with Love: The Transatlantic
Travels of European Law and the Chemistry of Regulatory Attraction, 57 Am. J. Comp.
L. 897, 908–20, 939–40 (2009); Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 169, 204, 217;
Henrik Selin & Stacy D. VanDeveer, Raising Global Standards: Hazardous Substances
and E-Waste Management in the European Union, Environment, Dec. 2006, at 7, 14.
196. See Theodore Levitt, The Globalization of Markets, Harv. Bus. Rev., May 1983, at
39–49 [
ENV7]; Simón Teitel, Economies of Scale and Size of Plant:  The Evidence and the
Implications for the Developing Countries, 13 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 92, 94 (1974).
197. Economies of Scale and Scope, Economist (Oct. 20, 2008), https://www.economist.
com/node/12446567 [].
198. Richard Perkins & Eric Neumayer, Does the ‘California Effect’ Operate Across Borders?
Trading- and Investing-Up in Automobile Emission Standards, 19 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y. 217,
232 (2012).
199. For a contrary view to Perkins & Neumayer’s California Effect Across Borders, see KPMG
International, The Transformation of the Automotive Industry: The
Environmental Regulation Effect (2010).
200. Lazer, supra note 183, at 490.
201. Brandon Mitchener, Rules, Regulations of Global Economy are Being Set in Brussels,
Wall St. J. (Apr. 23, 2001),
(on file with author).
202. Alan Schwartz, Statutory Interpretation, Capture and Tort Law:  The Regulatory
Compliance Defense, 2 Am. L. & Econ. Rev. 1, 17.

Notes to pages 60–63 307

203. Nat’l Research Council, State and Federal Standards for Mobile-
Source Emissions 140 (2006),; see
also Fiona Miller, The Advantages of Selling a Standardized Product Bizfluent (Sept.
26, 2017),
product.html [].
204. Mark Casson, Multinationals and World Trade 56–57 (2012).
205. Lazer, supra note 183, at 477.
206. Wirth, supra note 1, at 104.
207. See Mitchener, supra note 201.
208. See Mike Colias, General Motors Will Stop Selling Cars in India, Wall St. J. (May
18, 2017),
india-1495092601 [].
209. Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 16.
210. Warren J. Keegan, Multinational Product Planning:  Strategic Alternatives, 33 J.
Marketing 58, 59 (1969).
211. Aref A. Alashban et. al., International Brand-Name Standardization/Adaptation: Antecedents
and Consequences, 10 J. Int’l Marketing 22, 29 (2002).
212. See Marriott Set To Standardize On HSIA, Hotel Business (Dec. 7, 2002), https://www. [].
213. Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 16
214. See, e.g., Joe Sandler Clarke, Child Labour on Nestle Farms: Chocolate Giant’s Problems
Continue, Guardian (Sept. 2, 2015),
giants-problems-continue [].
215. Scott, supra note 195, at 923.
216. Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 217.
217. Of course, labor standards may be successfully exported to other jurisdictions through other
means. The argument here is only that to the extent that they are divisible, labor standards
are not amenable to the Brussels Effect. See, e.g., Brian Greenhill et al., Trade-Based Diffusion
of Labor Rights: A Panel Study, 1986–2002, 103 Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 669, 678‒80 (2009).
218. See Emil Protalinski, Windows 7 to Be Shipped in Europe Without Internet Explorer,
Arstechnica ( June 11, 2009, 2:57 PM),
219. Aiofe White, Google to Create Shopping Service Unit to Satisfy EU (Sept. 26, 2017),
ping-service-to-meet-eu-demands (on file with author);
220. Vlad Savov, Google News Quits Spain in Response to New Law, The Verge (Dec.11,
221. European Commission Report on The Single Market Review: Impact on Competition and
Scale Effects, Economies of Scale, at 15 (1997) (on file with the author) [hereinafter EU
Single Market Review].
222. See Daniel Schwartz, Why Coke is Lowering its Sugar Levels in Canada, CBC News
(Mar. 1, 2015),
in-canada-1.2961029 [].
223. EU Single Market Review, supra note 221, at 15; Maria Doriza Loukakou & Nampungwe
Beatrice Membe, Product Standardization and Adaptation in International
Marketing: A Case of McDonalds (2012) (Master’s thesis in Business Administration,
University West),
pdf [].

308 Notes to pages 63–70

224. EU Single Market Review, supra note 221, at 15.

225. See, e.g., KPMG Int’l, The Transformation of the Automotive
Industry: The Environmental Regulation Effect 16 (2010).
226. Vogel, Politics, supra note 75, at 284.
227. Knowledge@Wharton, Why Companies Are Increasingly Moving
Towards Standardization 4 (2013),
pdf [].

C h a p t er   3
1. Joanne Scott, Extraterritoriality and Territorial Extension in E.U. Law, 62 Am. J. Comp.
L. 87, 88–90 (2014).
2. Id. at 94.
3. Id.
4. Id. at 90.
5. Id. at 124.
6. Id. at 98.
7. Surely, the three forms of influence discussed here are not the only ways in which EU
rules become entrenched outside the EU. See, e.g., Katerina Linos, Diffusion Through
Democracy, 55 Am. J.  Pol. Sci. 678 (2011); see also Charles F. Sabel & Jonathan
Zeitlin, Learning from Different:  The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance
in the European Union, 14 Euro. L.J. 271 (2008); Jonathan Zeitlin, Extending
Experimentalist Governance?: The European Union and Transnational
Regulation (2015).
8. See Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament: Wider Europe—Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with Our
Eastern and Southern Neighbours, at 5, COM (2003)104 final (Mar. 11, 2003).
9. Sophie Meunier & Kalypso Nicolaidis, The European Union as a Trade Power, in
International Relations and the European Union 275, 279 (Christopher
Hill & Michael Smith eds., 2011).
10. See EU Enlargement Factsheet, European Commission,
bourhood-enlargement/sites/near/files/pdf/publication/factsheet_en.pdf [https://].
11. See Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament: Wider Europe—Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with Our
Eastern and Southern Neighbours, at 5, COM (2003)104 final (Mar. 11, 2003)
12. See Sophie Meunier & Kalypso Nicolaides, The European Union as a Conflicted Trade
Power, 13:6 J. EU Pub. Pol’y 906, 913 (2006).
13. Negotiations and Agreements, European Commission, available at http://ec.europa.
eu/trade/policy/countries-and-regions/negotiations-and-agreements/ [https://perma.
14. See generally Legislative Approximation and Application of EU Law in the
Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union:  Towards a Common
Regulatory Space? (Peter van Elsuwge & Roman Petrov eds., 2014); Nariné
Ghazaryan, The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Democratic
Values of the EU (2014).
15. “European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP),” European Union External
Action (21 Dec. 2016, 4:25 PM),

Notes to pages 70–72 309

16. Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union arts. 3(5)
& 21(1), Mar. 30, 2010, 2010 O.J. (C 83) 47, 88–89 [hereinafter TFEU].
17. See Treaty of Lisbon Amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishing
the European Community, Dec. 13, 2007, 2007 O.J. (C 306) 1, art. 8 [hereinafter Treaty
of Lisbon]; Christophe Hillion, The EU Neighborhood Competence under Article 8 TEU,
in Thinking Strategically about EU’s External Action 204 (Elvire Fabry ed.,
18. Johannes Hahn, First Vice President of the European Commission (2010–2014), Address
at Chatham House Conference: Beyond Berlin: What Does the Next Decade Hold for
the Western Balkins? ( July 10, 2018).
19. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Wider
Europe—Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern
Neighbours, at 10, COM (2003) 104 final (Mar. 11, 2003).
20. Eduard Soler i Lecha & Elina Villup, Reviewing the European Neighbourhood Policy: A
Weak Response to Fast Changing Realities, Barcelona Centre for Int’l Affairs
( June 2011),
fast_changing_realities [].
21. Judy Dempsey, Judy Asks:  Is the European Neighborhood Policy Doomed?, Carnegie
Europe (May 20, 2015),
22. Euro Comm’n, Report on Implementation of EU Free Trade Agreements 7
23. Raymond J. Ahearen, Europe’s Preferential Trade Agreements:  Status,
Content, and Implications, Congressional Research Service 2 (2011), [].
24. Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Trading Human Rights:  How Preferential Trade Agreements
Influence Government Repression, 59 Int’l Org. 593 (2005); Sophie Meunier & Kalypso
Nicolaidis, supra note 9.
25. Billy A. Melo Araujo, The EU Deep Trade Agenda:  Law and Policy 2
26. Todd Allee & Manfred Elsig, Are the Contents of International Treaties Copied-and-Pasted?
Evidence from Preferential Trade Agreements 11–12 (NCCR Working Paper No. 8, 2016),
ties-copied-and-pasted-unique-evidence-from-preferential-trade-agreements/ [https://].
27. Annalisa Savaresi, The EU External Action on Forests:  FLEGT and the Development of
International Law, in External Environmental Policy of the European
Union: EU and International Law Perspectives 149 (Elisa Morgera ed., 2012).
28. Billy A. Melo Araujo, The EU Deep Trade Agenda:  Law and Policy 226
29. Id.
30. Fisheries:  Bilaterial Agreements With Countries Outside the EU, European Com­
mission, [https://].
31. External Aviation Policy—A Common Aviaion Area with the EU’s neighbours, European
aviation_policy/neighbourhood_en [].

310 Notes to pages 72–75

32. The Energy Community Treaty, EUR-Lex,

LSU/?uri=CELEX:32006D0500 []; Council Decision
2006/500, 2006 O.J. (L 198) 15 (EC).
33. Treaty establishing the Transport Community, art. 1, 2017 OJ (L 278) 3.
34. For example, the EU is not a member of the IMF, but it coordinates the positions of its
member states. See Joachim A. Koops & Dr. Dominik Tolksdorf, The European Union’s
Role in International Economic For a Paper 4:  The IMF, European Parliament 44
STU(2015)542193_EN.pdf [].
35. The OECD and the EU, European External Action Service ( Jun. 23, 2016,
1:52 AM),
OECD%20and%20the%20EU [].
36. Food and Agriculture Org. of the United Nations, Understanding
Codex 15 (5th ed. 2018).
37. See, Sara Poli, The European Community and the Adoption of International Food Standards
within the Codex Alimentarius Commission, 10 Euro. L.J. 613 (2004).
38. In-person Interview with Sabine Juelicher, Director of Directorate-General for Health
and Food Safety, European Commission ( July 18, 2018).
39. Food:  Legislation, European Commission,
safety/irradiation/legislation_en [].
40. Pasqualina Lagana et al., The Codex Alimentarius and the European Legislation on Food
Additives, in Chemistry and Hygiene of Food Additives 27 (Maria Eufemia
Gioffré, Salvatore Parisi & Santi Delia eds., 2017).
41. Codex and the International Food Trade, Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, [https://perma.
42. Bill Canis & Richard K. Lattanzio, US and EU Motor Vehicle Standards:  Issues for
Transatlantic Trade Negotiations, Congressional Research Service (2014).
43. Mathieu Rousselin, The EU as a Multilateral Rule Exporter, (Kolleg-Forschergruppe
(KFG) The Transformative Power of Europe, Working Paper No. 48, 2012), http://userpage. [
44. Sandra Lavenex, The Power of Functionalist Extension: How EU Rules Travel, 21 J. of EU
Pub. Pol’y 885 (2014).
45. Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order (2004).
46. David Bach & Abraham L. Newman, Governing Lipitor and Lipstick: Capacity, Sequencing,
and Power in International Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Regulation, 17 Rev. Int’l. Pol.
Econ. 665, 672 (2010).
47. See Anu Bradford, Antitrust Law in Global Markets, in Research Handbook on the
Economics of Antitrust Law 283, 314–16 (Einer Elhauge ed., 2012).
48. Sandra Lavenex, supra note 44, at 894.
49. Id.
50. Giancarlo F. Frosio, The Right to Be Forgotten:  Much Ado about Nothing, 15. J.  on
Telcomm. & High Tech. L. 307, 310 (2017); Arie Reich, The Impact of the EU Court of
Justice on the Israeli Legal System (Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper, No.
18-24, 2018).
51. See Frosio supra note 50, at 6.
52. Karen J. Alter, The Global Spread of European Style International Courts, 35 W. Eur. Pol.
135, 139 (2012)
53. Id. at 140.

Notes to pages 75–79 311

54. Agreement on Andean Subregional Integration, art. 29, May 26, 1969, 8 I.L.M. 910; Karen
J. Alter & Laurence Helfer, Transplanting International Courts:  The
Law and Politics of the Andean Tribunal of Justice 10 (2017).
55. Alter & Helfer, supra note 54.
56. Karen J. Alter et. al., Transplanting the European Court of Justice: The Experience of the
Andean Tribunal of Justice, 60 Am. J. of Comp. L., 629, 631 (2012).
57. See ATJ Case 2-IP-1988 point 2, at 2–3 (May 25, 1988).
58. See, e.g., ATJ Case 2-IP-1988 (May 25, 1988); ATJ Case 3-AI-1996 (Mar. 24, 1997); ATJ
Case 2-AI-1997 (Sept. 24, 1988); ATJ Case 3-AI-1997 (Dec. 8, 1997); ATJ Case 7-AI-1998
(Nov. 12, 1999); ATJ Case 16-AI-1999 (Mar. 22, 1999); ATJ Case 51-AI-2000 (Nov. 16,
2001); ATJ Case 53-AI-2000 (Apr. 24, 2002); ATJ Case 89-AI-2000 (Sept. 28, 1001); ATJ
Case 93-AI-2000 ( Jan. 22, 2002); ATJ Case 1-AN-1997 (Feb. 26, 1998); ATJ Case 3-AN-
1997 (Mar. 9, 1998); ATJ Case 4-AN-1997 (Aug. 17, 1998); ATJ Case 24-AN-1999 (Feb. 2,
2000); ATJ Case 23-AN-2002 (Aug. 19, 2003); ATJ Case 214-AN-2005 (Nov. 17, 2006);
ATJ Case 3-AN-2006 (Mar. 21, 1997).
59. See ATJ Case 3-AI-1996 (Mar. 24, 1997).
60. See, e.g., ATJ Case 2-AI-1997 (Sept. 24, 1998) (citing Case 2-282/96 Commission v Fr.
Republic, 1997 E.C.R. I-2929 (E.C.J.) and Case 293/96 Irish Farmers Ass’n and Others
v Minister for Agric., Food and Forestry, Ir. and Attorney General, 1997 E.C.R. I-01809
61. Alter, supra note 56, at 640.
62. Id. at 633.
63. Id. at 644.
64. Id. at 645.
65. Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constitutional Court], abril 21, 2017, Sentencia T-236/17
(Colom.), [].
66. Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constitutional Court], septiembre 8, 2015, Sentencia
C-583/15 (Colom.), [
67. Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constitutional Court], junio 2, 2017, Sentencia T-365/17
(Colom.), [].
68. Competition Comm’n of In. v. Co-ordination Comm. of Artists and Technicians of W.B.
Film and Television, C.A. 6691 of 2014, Supreme Court of India, 2014.
69. Tamil Nadu Film Exhibitors Ass’n v. Competition Comm’n of India, (2015) 2 LW (Mad.)
686, 695.
70. See In Re Surinder Singh Barmi and Board of Control for Cricket in India, C.A. 61 of
2014, Supreme Court of India, 2014.
71. See, e.g., Roger Van den Bergh, The Difficult Reception of Economic Analysis in European
Competition Law, in Post-Chicago Developments in Antitrust Law, 34,
46–50 (Antonio Cucinotta et al. eds., 2002). Compare with Antitrust Guidelines for the
Licensing of Intellectual Property, U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade
Commission ( Jan. 12, 2017),
statements/1049793/ip_guidelines_2017.pdf []; and
Commission Regulation 772/2004, 2004 O.J. (L 123) 11. Contra Damien Geradin &
Einer Elhague, Global Antitrust Law and Politics, 208–32 (2007).
72. See Rafael la Porta et. al., The Economic Consequences of Legal Origin, 46 J. Econ.
Literature 285 (2008); see also Holger Spamann, Contemporary Legal Transplants: Legal
Families and the Diffusion of (Corporate) Law, 6 BYU L. Rev. 1813 (2009).
73. See Brazilian Internet Law (Law No. 13,709 of Aug. 14, 2018)  (Braz.); see also Paul M.
Schwartz, Global Data Privacy:  The EU Way, 94 NYU L.  Rev. (forthcoming 2019),

312 Notes to pages 79–82

27–29, [https://perma.

74. Hans-Bernand Schafer, Rules versus Standards in Rich and Poor Countries: Precise Legal
Norms as Substitutes for Human Capital in Low-Income Countries, 14 Sup. Ct. Econ.
Rev. 113 (2006).
75. Madeleine B. Kadas & Russel Fraker, Chapter  20:  Central and South American
Overview:  Emerging Trends in Latin America, in International Environmental
Law 366 (Roger R. Martella, Jr. & J. Brett Grosko eds., 2014).
76. Allan Tatham, “Judicial Variations on the Theme of Regional Integration”: Diffusing the
EU Model of Judicial Governance 10 (Sant’Anna Legal Stud. STALS Res. Paper 6/2015,
2015), [https://perma.
77. Compare, e.g., Article 27 of the Market Power Control and Regulation Act and Article 3
of the Spanish Competition Defense Act or the Art 11 of the Market Power Control and
Regulation Act with Article 101 of the TFEU or the Art 1 of the Spanish Competition
Defense Act.
78. See, e.g, Hailegabriel G. Feyissa, European Influence on Ethiopian Antitrust Regime:  A
Comparative and Functional Analysis of Some Problems, 3 Mizan Law Review 271, 275
(2009); see also Gabriela Mancero-Bucheli, Intellectual Property and Rules on Free Movement: A
Contradiction in the Andean Community (ANCOM), 4 L. & Bus. Rev. Am. 125 (1998).
79. WAEMU has not only emulated the EU antitrust laws, but its Court of Justice has also
held that the Treaty of Dakar (establishing WAEMU) should be interpreted with refer-
ence to the Treaty of Rome, which is the founding treaty of the European Community,
and the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU. See Advisory Opinion 3/2000/
CJ/UEMOA ( June 27, 2000).
80. Ian Manners, Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, 40 J. of Common
Market Stud. 235, 236 (2002).
81. Id. at 239, 240–41, 244.
82. Michel Leví Coral, La Unión Europea y la nueva integracion latino Americana parámet-
ros de comparación aplicados en diferentes estudios sobre los procesos de integración [The
European Union and the New Latin American Integration:  Comparison Parameters
Applied in Different Studies About Integration Processes], 11 Revista del Centro
Andino de Estudios Internacionales 217, 223 (2011).
83. Amadeo Arena, Primacy:  Three (Not So) Unshakable Certainties About a Foundational
Principle of EU Law, Conference at Columbia University (Nov. 8, 2017).
84. Leví Coral, supra note 82, at 224. See also Samuel Fernandez Illanes, El proceso de inte-
gración europeo: ¿Un ejemplo para otras regiones? [The European Integration Process: An
Example for Other Regions?], 5 Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicacion 36
pdf [].
85. Alter & Helfer, supra note 54, at 5.
86. Alter, supra note 52, at 145.
87. Tatham, supra note 76, at 11.
88. Literature and commentary on the failure of these negotiations are legion. See, e.g.,
Megan Dee, Tackling the EU’s Emerging Irrelevance in the Doha Round, Commentary
for the European Council on Foreign Relations ‘EU Performance Scorecard 2012’
(2012); Jeremy Rayner, Alexander Buck & Pia Katila (eds.), Embracing
Complexity: Meeting the International Forest Governance Challenge
(2011); Editorial Board, Global Trade After the Failure of the Doha Round, N.Y. Times
( Jan. 1, 2016),
failure-of-the-doha-round.html (on file with author).

Notes to pages 83–88 313

89. See Anu Bradford, International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO,
48 Harv. Int’l L.J. 383, 413‒22 (2007).
90. See Nico Krisch, The Decay of Consent:  International Law in an Age of Global Public
Goods, 108 Am. J. Int’l L. 1 (2014); see also Joost Pauwelyn et al., When Structures Become
Shackles: Stagnation and Dynamics in International Lawmaking, 25:3 Eur. J. Int’l L.
733 (2014).
91. Pauwelyn et al., supra note 90.
92. Id.
93. See Christopher J. Carr & Harry N. Scheiber, Dealing With a Resource Crisis: Regulatory
Regimes for Managing the World’s Marine Fisheries, 21 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 45, 53, 62,
76–79 (2002).
94. Frank Hendrickx et al., The Architecture of Global Labor Governance, 155:3 Int’l Lab.
Rev. 339 (2016).
95. See David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan, Introduction to Dynamics Of Regulatory
Change: How Globalization Affects National Regulatory Policies 23
(David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan eds., 2004).
96. See Jonathan R. Macey, Regulatory Globalization as a Response to Regulatory Competition,
52 Emory L.J. 1353, 1367–69 (2003).
97. See Nicolas A.J. Croquet, The Climate Change Norms under the EU-Korea Free Trade
Agreement:  Between Soft and Hard Law, in Global Governance through
Trade: EU Policies and Approaches 124 ( Jan Wouters et al., 2015).
98. See Axel Marx & Jadir Soares, Does Integrating Labor Provisions in Free Trade Agreements
Make a Difference? An Exploratory Analysis of Freedom of Association and Collective
Bargaining Rights in 13 EU Trade Partners, in Global Governance through
Trade: EU Policies and Approaches 158 ( Jan Wouters et al. eds., 2015).
99. See also Billy Melo Araujo, Labour Provisions in EU and US Mega-Regional Trade
Agreements: Rhetoric And Reality, 67:1 Int’l & Comp. L. Quart. 233 (2018).
100. Laura Beke & Nicolas Hachez, The EU GSP: A Preference for Human Rights And Good
Governance? The Case of Myanmar, in Global Governance through Trade: EU
Policies and Approaches 185 ( Jan Wouters et al. eds., 2015).
101. Clara Portela, European Union Sanctions and Foreign Policy:  When
and Why Do They Work?, 160 (Routledge 2010).
102. Clara Portela, Enforcing Respect for Labour Standards with
Targeted Sanctions, 7 (2018).
103. Laura Beke & Nicolas Hachez, supra note 100, at 207.
104. Commission Report on GSP 2016-2017, 19 January 2018, COM (2018) 36 final.
105. Opinion Procedure 2/15, Request for an Opinion pursuant to Article 218(11) TFEU—
Conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the
Republic of Singapore—Allocation of competences between the European Union and
the Member States, 2017 E.C.R. I-376.
106. Belgium Walloons Block Key EU CETA Trade Deal with Canada, BBC News (Oct. 25,
2016), [
ESSQ]; Eric Maurice, Belgium Green Lights Unchanged CETA, EU Observer (Oct.
28, 2016), [].
107. ACTA:  Controversial Anti-Piracy Agreement Rejected by EU, BBC ( July 4, 2012), [].
108. See Sabrina Safrin, The Un-Exceptionalism of U.S. Exceptionalism, 41 Vand.
J. Transnat’l L. 1307, 1324–27 (2008).
109. Press Release, European Comm’n, New EU Rules to Eliminate the Main Loopholes Used
in Corporate Tax Avoidance Come Into Force on 1 January (Dec. 30, 2018), https:// [].

314 Notes to pages 88–99

110. Press Release No. 7656-17, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, CFTC Approves
Exemption from SEF Registration Requirement for Multilateral Trading Facilities and
Organised Trading Facilities Authorized Within the EU (Dec. 8, 2017), https://www. []; see also
Shanny Basar, US and EU Equivalence Works Well, MarketsMedia (Sept. 26, 2018), [https://perma.
111. A Global Financial Market, European Commission,
cooperation-financial-regulation-and-capital-movements_en [
112. Pierre-Henri Conac, The European Union’s Role in International Economic Fora Paper
6: The IOSCO, European Parliament: Directorate General for Internal
Policies 12, 37 (2015).
113. Id. at 24.
114. Stefan Ingves, Chairman, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Keynote Speech at
the Institute for Law and Finance Conference: Basel III Are We Done Now? ( Jan. 29,
115. See Vogel & Kagan, supra note 95, at 13.
116. See Towards 5G, European Commission (last updated Mar. 14, 2019), https:// []; see
also, e.g., David E. Sanger et al., In 5G Race With China, U.S. Pushes Allies to Fight Huawei,
N.Y. Times, (Jan. 26, 2019) (on file with author).
117. International Cooperation on 5G, European Commission (last updated Mar. 8. 2019), [https://].
118. See Macey, supra note 96, at 1369.
119. Lavenex, supra note 48, at 895.
120. David Vogel, The Politics of Precaution:  Regulating Health, Safety,
and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States, 13 (2015).
121. Bradford, supra note 89, at 408.
122. See, e.g., A Large Black Cloud: Rapid Growth Is Exacting a Heavy Environmental Price,
Economist (Mar. 15, 2008), at 13, 17.
123. Historic Agreement Reached to Mitigate International Aviation Emissions, International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (Oct. 6, 2016),

C h a p t er   4
1. European Commission Press Release IP/18/4581 Antitrust: Commission Fines Google
€4.34 Billion for Illegal Practices Regarding Android Mobile Devices to Strengthen
Dominance of Google’s Search Engine ( July 18, 2018),
release_IP-18-4581_en.htm []. Google has appealed the
case before the European Courts. See Case T-604/18, Google & Alphabet v. Comm’n,
2018 O.J., (C 445) 21.
2. Commission Decision in Case No. AT.39740 (Google Search—Shopping), C(2017)
4444 final ( June 27, 2017)  cited in 2018 O.J. (C 9)  11,
tion/antitrust/cases/dec_docs/39740/39740_14996_3.pdf [
34ND]. Google has appealed the case before the European Courts. See Case T-612/17,
Google & Alphabet v. Comm’n, 2017 O.J. (C 369) 37.

Notes to pages 99–101 315

3. European Commission Press Release IP/19/1770, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google

€1.49 Billion for Abusive Practices in Online Advertising (Mar. 20, 2019) http://europa.
eu/rapid/press-release_IP-19-1770_en.htm [].
4. In 2018, the Commission fined Qualcomm $1.2 billion for its exclusive dealing contracts
with Apple on the computer chips market. See Summary of Commission Decision in Case
No. AT.40220 (Qualcomm—Exclusivity Payments), 2018 O.J. (C 295) 25 (No public ver-
sion of the full Decision available as of Apr. 13, 2019).
5. The Commission ordered Ireland to recover $14.5 billion in illegal state aid from Apple.
Commission Decision in Case No. SA.38373 (Ireland/Apple State Aid), 2017 O.J. (L
187) 1.
6. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/C-3/37.990 (Intel), D(2009) 3726 final
(May 13, 2009) cited in 2009 O.J. (C 227) 13. In September 2017, the European Court of
Justice overturned the fine levied by the Commission in its decision. See Case C-413/14
P, Intel v. Comm’n, Judgment of September 6, 2017 (Grand Chamber), https://eur-lex. [https://perma.
7. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/C-3/37.792 (Microsoft), C(2004) 900 final,
(Mar. 24, 2004) cited in 2007 O.J. (L 32) 23.
8. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.2220 (General Electric/Honeywell), 2004
O.J. (L 48) 1.
9. Anu Bradford et  al., Competition Law Gone Global:  Introducing the Comparative
Competition Law and Enforcement Datasets, 16 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 411 (2019).
10. Anu Bradford et  al., The Global Dominance of European Competition Law Over
American Antitrust Law (forthcoming in J. Empirical Legal Stud 2019) (on file with
11. Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, art. 101, 13
Dec. 2007, 2012 O.J. (C 326) 47 [hereinafter TFEU].
12. TFEU art. 102.
13. Council Regulation 139/2004 of Jan. 20, 2004, on the Control of Concentrations
Between Undertakings, 2004 O.J. (L 24) 1 (EC).
14. Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1–7 (2018).
15. Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 12–27 (2018). See also Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C.
§§ 41–58 (2018). While the Clayton Act was initially passed in 1914 along with the FTC
Act, the modern US Merger Control regime began in 1976, when the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Act introduced the pre-merger notification process. Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, Pub. L. 94-435, 90 Stat. 1383.
16. TFEU arts.107–09.
17. Michael S. Gal, Monopoly Pricing as an Antitrust Offences in the U.S. and the E.C.: Two
Systems of Belief About Monopoly?, 49 Antitrust Bull. 343, 345–6 (2004); Eleanor M.
Fox, EU and US Competition Law: A Comparison in Global Competition Policy
339, 344 (Edward M. Graham & J. David Richardson eds., 1997).
18. See Council Regulation 139/2004 of Jan. 20, 2004 On the Control of Concentrations
Between Undertakings, art. 8, 2004 O.J. (L 24)  1 (EC); See William E. Kovacic,
Transatlantic Turbulence:  The Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger and International
Competition Policy, 68 Antitrust L.J. 805, 851 (2001).
19. However, some EU member states employ criminal penalties in their enforcement of their
national and EU competition law.
20. Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November
2014 on Certain Rules Governing Actions for Damages Under National Law for
Infringements of the Competition Law Provisions of the Member States and of the
European Union, 2014 O.J. (L 349) 1.

316 Notes to pages 101–103

21. See Anu Bradford, Antitrust Law in Global Markets, in Research Handbook on the
Economics of Antitrust Law 283, 310 (Einer Elhauge ed., 2012).
22. Id.
23. Id. at 309.
24. See Gunnar Niels & Adriaan ten Kate, Introduction: Antitrust in the U.S. and the EU—
Converging or Diverging Paths?, 49 Antitrust Bull. 1, 11‒15 (2004).
25. See, e.g., Deborah Platt Majoras, Deputy Assistant Attorney Gen., Antitrust Div., US
Dep’t of Justice, Remarks on GE‒Honeywell:  The U.S. Decision Before the Antitrust
Law Section, State Bar of Georgia 16 (Nov. 29, 2001),
speeches/9893.pdf [].
26. Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Federal Trade Commissioner, U.S.-E.U. Convergence: Can we
bridge the Atlantic?, Remarks at the 2016 Georgetown Global Antitrust Symposium
Dinner 9 (Sept. 19, 2016),
ments/985133/ohlhausen_dinner_speech_09192016.pdf [
2LZK]; Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol, Welfare Standards in U.S. and E.U. Antitrust
Enforcement, 81 Fordham L. Rev. 2497, 2501–02 (2013).
27. Fox, supra note 17, at 340; see also Blair & Sokol, supra note 26, at 2502.
28. Stephanie Honnefelder, European Parliament Fact Sheet on the
European Union—Competition Policy (2018),
ftu/pdf/en/FTU_2.6.12.pdf [].
29. Commission Guidelines on the Application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty, ¶ 33, 2004 O.J.
(C 101) 97, 102; Commission Guidance on the Commission’s Enforcement Priorities in
Applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct by Dominant
Undertakings, ¶ 19, 2009 O.J. (C 45) 7, 9; see also Case C-94/00, Roquette Frères SA
v. Comm’n [2002] ECR I-09011, ¶ 42; Case C-52/09 Konkurrensverket v. TeliaSonera
Sverige AB [2011] ECR I-527, ¶ 22.
30. Commission Guidelines on the Application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty, ¶ 13, 2004 O.J.
(C 101) 97, 98; Commission Guidance on the Commission’s Enforcement Priorities in
Applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct by Dominant
Undertakings, ¶ 13, 2009 O.J. (C 45) 7, 8–9.
31. Fox, supra note 17, at 339–40; Alexander Italianer, European Commission Director-
General for Competition, Fighting Cartels in Europe and the US:  Different Systems,
Common Goals, Address to the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association
(Oct. 9, 2013),
[]; Nicholas Levy, Mario Monti’s Legacy in EC Merger
Control, 1 Competition Pol’y Int’l 99 (2005); see generally Ariel Ezrachi, EU
Competition Law Goals and the Digital Economy (Aug. 2018) (BEUC Discussion Paper),
and_digital_economy.pdf ? [].
32. Article 102 prohibiting abuses of dominant position contains in its illustrative list of
abuses a reference to “directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices
or other unfair trading conditions” (emphasis added). TFEU art. 102. The reference to
fairness is also found in relation to anticompetitive agreements: companies violating the
prohibition of Article 101(1) TFEU can clear the violation by demonstrating that their
conduct generates efficiencies, and that customers received a fair share of the benefits
(emphasis added). TFEU art. 101(3).
33. Blair & Sokol, supra note 26, at 2504–05.
34. Council Regulation 1/2003 of Dec. 16, 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules on
Competition Laid Down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, Recitals ¶ 9, 2003 O.J.
(L 1) 1, 2 (EC); Commission Green Paper on Vertical Restraints in EC Competition Policy,
¶ 180, COM(96) 721 final ( Jan. 22, 1997); Case C-8/08 T-Mobile Netherlands BV v. Raad

Notes to pages 103–105 317

van bestuur van de Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit [2009] ECR I-4529, ¶ 38; Case
C-501/06 P GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited v. Comm’n [2009] ECR I-9291, ¶ 63.
35. Fox supra note 17, at 340.
36. See D. Daniel Sokol, Troubled Waters Between U.S.  and European Antitrust, 115 Mich
L. Rev 955, 958 (2017). See also William E. Kovacic, U.S. Fed. Trade Comm’n Chairman,
Competition Policy in the European Union and the United States:  Convergence or
Divergence?, Remarks at Bates White Fifth Annual Antitrust Conference ( June 2, 2008),
pdf [].
37. See Anu Bradford et  al., Is E.U. Merger Control Used for Protectionism? An Empirical
Analysis, 15 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 165 (2018); Anu Bradford, International Antitrust
Enforcement and the False Hope of the WTO, 48 Harv. Int’l L.J. 383 (2007).
38. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.2220 (General Electric/Honeywell), 2004
O.J. (L 48) 1.
39. John Wilke, U.S. Antitrust Chief Chides EU for Rejecting Merger Proposal, Wall St. J.
( July 5, 2001, 12:01 AM ET), (on
file with author).
40. Id.
41. Commission Decision in Case No. IV/M.877 (Boeing/McDonnell Douglas), 1997 O.J.
(L 336)  16; Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.1741 (MCI WorldCom/
Sprint) 2003 O.J. (L 300)  1; Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.1845
(AOL/Time Warner), 2001 O.J. (L 268)  28; Commission Decision in Case No.
COMP/M.6570 (UPS/ TNT Express), C(2013) 431 final ( Jan. 30, 2013) cited in 2014
O.J. (C 137) 8.
42. Tobias Buck, How the European Union Exports Its Laws, Fin. Times ( July 9, 2007), (on file with
43. Mark Scott, E.U. Commission Opens Inquiry Into E-Commerce Sector, N.Y. Times (May
6, 2015),
commission-e-commerce-inquiry-american-tech-companies.html (on file with author).
44. Julia Fioretti, Apple Appeals Against EU Tax Ruling, Brussels Says No Cause For Lower Tax
Bill, Reuters (Dec. 18, 2016 7:12 PM)
taxavoidance-idUSKBN148007 [].
45. Interview by Kara Swisher with Barack Obama, President of the United States of America,
in Standford, Cal. (Feb. 15, 2015),
house-red-chair-obama-meets-swisher [].
46. Adam Satariano & Jack Nicas, E.U. Fines Google $5.1 Billion in Android Antitrust Case,
N.Y. Times ( July 18, 2018)
eu-android-fine.html (on file with author).
47. John Cassidy, Why Did the European Commission Fine Google Five Billion Dollars?
New  Yorker ( July 20, 2018),
why-did-the-european-commission-fine-google-five-billion-dollars [https://perma.
48. Senate Finance Committee (@SenFinance), Twitter ( Jul. 18, 2018, 8:33 AM), https:// [].
49. See Commission Decision in Case No. M.7881 (ABInBev/SABMiller) C (2016) 3212 final
(May 24, 2016).
50. Bradford et al., supra note 37.
51. Pierre Cremieux & Edward A. Snyder, Enforcement of Anticollusion Laws against Domestic
and Foreign Firms, 59 J.L. & Econ., 775 (2016).

318 Notes to pages 105–108

52. See Press Release, Alstom, Siemens and Alstom Join Forces to Create a European
Champion in Mobility (Sept. 26, 2017),
ity [].
53. See Commission Decision of 6 February 2019 in case M. 8677 Siemens/Alstom (not yet
published since last verified on Apr. 14, 2019). See also European Commission Press Release
IP/19/881, Merger:  Commission Prohibits Siemens’ Proposed Acquisition of Alstom
(Feb. 6, 2019), [https://perma.
cc/5FQY-8TCD]; Rochelle Toplensky, EU Blocks Planned Siemens-Alstom Rail Deal in
Landmark Decision, Fin. Times (Feb. 6, 2019),
29fd-11e9-88a4-c32129756dd8 (on file with author).
54. Commission Decision of 6 February 2019 in case M. 8677 Siemens/Alstom (not yet pub-
lished since last verified on Apr. 14, 2019).
55. Foo Yun Chee & John Revill, EU Antitrust Policy Under Fire After Siemens-Alstom Deal
Blocked, Reuters (Feb 6, 2019, 5:51 AM),
idUSKCN1PV12L [].
56. Mehreen Khan, A Clash of EU’s Titans Over China, Fin. Times (Apr. 2, 2019), https:// (on file with author).
57. See Council Regulation 1/2003 of December 16, 2002, on the Implementation of
the Rules on Competition Laid Down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, O.J. (2003)
(L 1)  1 (EC); and Council Regulation 139/2004 of Jan. 20, 2004, on the Control of
Concentrations Between Undertakings, 2004 O.J. (L 24) 1 (EC). See also Nicolas Petit
& Norman Neyrinck, A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union, Competition Pol’y Int’l Antitrust J. ( Jan.
2010), at 7,
Neyrinck-102-2-Lisbon.pdf [].
58. See Council Regulation 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the Implementation of the Rules
on Competition Laid Down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, O.J. (2003) (L 1) 1 (EC).
59. See, e.g., Competition Policy:  Prosecutor, Judge and Jury, Economist (Feb. 18, 2010), [https://];; Tom Fairless, EU Displaces U.S. as Top Antitrust Cop, Wall St.
J. (Sept. 3, 2015, 5:04 PM ET),
antitrust-cop-1441314254 (on file with author).
60. Bradford et al., supra note 37, at 191.
61. See, e.g., Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act of 1982 (FTAIA), 15 U.S.C. § 6a
(2018); United States v. Aluminum Co. of Am., 148 F.2d 416, 444 (2d Cir. 1945); Case
T-102/96, Gencor Ltd v. Comm’n, 1999 E.C.R. II-759, ¶¶ 73, 92, 96; see also Eleanor M.
Fox, National Law, Global Markets, and Hartford: Eyes Wide Shut, 68 Antitrust L.J.
73, 79‒86 (2000); Damien Geradin et al., Extraterritoriality, Comity, and Cooperation in
EU Competition Law, in Cooperation, Comity, and Competition Policy 21,
24‒29 (Andrew T. Guzman ed., 2011).
62. See Commission Decision of 24 May 2004, Case COMP/C-3/37.792 (Microsoft), 2007
O.J. (L 32)  23; Commission Decision of 24 March 2004, Case COMP/C-3/37.792
(Microsoft), 3‒4, C (2004) 900 final (Apr. 21, 2004).
63. See Steve Lohr, Antitrust Cry from Microsoft, N.Y. Times, Mar. 31, 2011, at B1, https://
e=PAYWALL (on file with author); Brad Smith, Adding Our Voice to Concerns About
Search in Europe, Microsoft on the Issues (Mar. 30, 2011, 9:00 PM); https://blogs.

Notes to pages 108–111 319
in-europe/ [].
64. Vlad Savov, What is Fair Search and Why Does It Hate Google So Much?, The Verge
(Apr. 12, 2013),
65. European Commission Press Release IP/17/1784, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google
€2.42 Billion For Abusing Dominance as Search Engine by Giving Illegal Advantage
to Own Comparison Shopping Service ( June 27, 2017),
release_IP-17-1784_en.htm []; European Commission
Press Release IP/18/4581, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google €4.34 Billion for Illegal
Practices Regarding Android Mobile Devices to Strengthen Dominance of Google’s
Search Engine ( July 18, 2018),
[]; European Commission Press Release IP/19/1770,
Antitrust:  Commission Fines Google €1.49 Billion for Abusive Practices in Online
Advertising (Mar. 20, 2019),
66. See Council Regulation 139/2004 of Jan. 20, 2004, on the Control of Concentrations
Between Undertakings, art. 1(2), 2004 O.J. (L 24) 1 (EC).
67. See Bradford, supra note 21, at 308–11.
68. See Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.2220 (General Electric/Honeywell),
2004 O.J. (L 48) 1. In contrast, for the position of US regulatory authorities, see Press
Release, US Dep’t of Justice, Justice Department Requires Divestitures in Merger
Between General Electric and Honeywell (May 2, 2001),
69. Commission Decision in Case No. IV/M.053 (Aerospatiale-Alenia/de Havilland), 1991
O.J. (L 334) 42.
70. Commission Decision in Case No. IV/M.619 (Gencor/Lonrho), 1997 O.J. (L 11) 30.
71. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.6570 (UPS/ TNT EXPRESS), C(2013)
431 final ( Jan. 30, 2013) cited in 2014 O.J. (C 137) 8.
72. Commission Decision in Case No. M.7630 (FedEx/TNT Express), C(2015) 9826 final
( Jan. 8, 2016) cited in 2016 O.J. (C 450) 12.
73. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.5421 (Panasonic/Sanyo) C (209) 7572
(Sept. 29, 2009) cited in 2009 O.L. (C 322) 13.
74. Boeing Co. et al., Joint Statement Closing Investigation of the Proposed Merger, 5 Trade
Reg. Rep. (CCH) ¶ 24,295 ( July 1, 1997).
75. Commission Decision in Case No. IV/M.877 (Boeing/McDonnell Douglas), 1997 O.J.
(L 336) 16,36‒38.
76. See Kovacic, supra note 18, at 838‒39.
77. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.5984 (Intel/McAfee), C(2011) 529 Final
( Jan. 26, 2011).
78. Id.
79. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/M.1845 (AOL/Time Warner), 2001 O.J. (L
268) 28.
80. See Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/39258 (Airfreight), C(2010) 7694 final
(Nov. 21, 2001)  re-adopted in Summary Commission Decision in Case No. AT.39258
(Airfreight), 2017 O.J. (C 188) 14; Commission Decision in Case AT.39924 (Swiss Franc
Interest Rate Derivatives/LIBOR), C(2014) 7605 final (Oct. 21, 2014) cited in 2015 O.J.
(C 72) 9; Commission Decision in Case AT.39924 (Swiss Franc Interest Rate Derivatives/
Bid Ask Spread Infringement), C(2014) 7602 final (Oct. 21, 2014) cited in 2015 O.J. (C
72)  14; Commission Decision in Case No. AT.39861 (Yen Interest Rate Derivatives)

320 Notes to pages 111–112

C(2015) 432 final (Feb. 4, 2015) cited in 2017 O.J. (C 305) 10; Commission Decision in
Case No. AT.39437 (TV and Computer Monitor Tubes) C(2012) 8839 final (Dec. 5,
2012) cited in 2013 O.J. (C 303) 13.
81. See Commission Decision in Case No. AT.39437 (TV and Computer Monitor Tubes)
C(2012) 8839 final (Dec. 5, 2012) cited in 2013 O.J. (C 303) 13; South Korea, Improving
International Cooperation in Cartel Investigations:  Contribution
to the OECD Global Forum on Competition (2011), http://www.oecd.
WD(2012)13&docLanguage=En []; 2008 Year-End
Criminal Antitrust Update, Gibson Dunn ( Jan. 7, 2009), https://www.gibsondunn.
com/2008-year-end-criminal-antitrust-update/ [].
82. See Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/E-1/37.512 (Vitamins), 2003 O.J. (L 6) 1.
The Commission’s decision cites the following undertakings as addressees of its decision: F.
Hoffmann-La Roche AG; BASF AG; Aventis SA (formerly Rhône-Poulenc); Lonza AG;
Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV; Merck KgaA; Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd; Eisai Co. Ltd;
Kongo Chemical Co. Ltd; Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd; Sumika Fine Chemicals Ltd;
Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd; Tanabe Seiyaku Co. Ltd. Id. ¶ 1.  The Decision further
notes that “The products with which this decision is concerned are those bulk synthetic
substances which belong to the following groups of vitamins and closely related products: A,
E, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, D3, biotin (H), folic acid (M), beta-carotene and carotinoids.” Id. ¶ 8.
83. Harry First, The Vitamins Case:  Cartel Prosecutions and the Coming of International
Competition Law, 68 Antitrust L.J. 711 (2001).
84. First, supra note 83, at 711–34.
85. Howard Bergman & D. Daniel Sokol, The Air Cargo Cartel: Lessons for Compliance, in
Anti-Cartel Enforcement in a Contemporary Age: Leniency Religion 301,
308–11 (Caron Beaton-Wells & Christopher Tran eds., 2015).
86. Commission Decision in Case No. AT.39850 (Container Shipping) C (2016) 4215 final
( July 7, 2016) cited in 2016 O.J. (C 327) 4.
87. E.g., Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/C-3/37.990 (Intel), D(2009) 3726
final (May 13, 2009) cited in 2009 O.J. (C 227) 13; Commission Decision In Case No.
COMP/C-3/37.792 (Microsoft) C(2004) 900 final (Mar. 24, 2004) cited in 2007 O.J.
(L 32) 23; see Stephen Castle, Microsoft Gets Record Fine and a Rebuke from Europe, N.Y.
Times, Feb. 28, 2008, at C3,
html (on file with author); Editorial, Europe v. U.S. Business, Wall St. J., Jan. 17, 2008,
at A16, (on file with author);
European Commission Press Release IP/18/4581 Antitrust:  Commission Fines Google
€4.34 Billion for Illegal Practices Regarding Android Mobile Devices to Strengthen
Dominance of Google’s Search Engine ( July 18, 2018),
release_IP-18-4581_en.htm []; Alex Barker & Mehreen
Khan, EU Fines Google Record €4.3bn Over Android, Fin. Times ( July 18, 2018), https:// (on file with author);
Summary of Commission Decision in Case No. AT.40220 (Qualcomm (Exclusivity
Payments) 2018 O.J. (C 269)  25; Qualcomm Fine Shows EU Antitrust Enforcers Aren’t
Daunted by Intel Ruling, MLex ( Jan. 24, 2018),
arent-daunted-by-intel-ruling [].
88. See, e.g., Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/B-2/38.381 (De Beers), C(2006) 521
final (Feb. 22, 2006) cited in 2006 O.J. (L 205) 24.
89. Andrew E. Kramer, Russia Stockpiles Diamonds, Awaiting the Return of Demand, N.Y. Times
(May 11, 2009),
html (on file with author).

Notes to pages 112–115 321

90. Commission Decision in Case COMP/A.39.116/B2 (Coca-Cola), C(2005) 1829 final

( June 22, 2005) cited in 2005 O.J. (L 253) 21.
91. PepsiCo, Inc. v. Coca-Cola Co., 315 F. 3d 101, 108 (2d Cir. 2002).
92. Michal S. Gal, Antitrust in a Globalized Economy: The Unique Enforcement Challenges
Faced by Small and Developing Jurisdictions, 33 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1, 41 (2009).
93. European Commission Press Release IP/17/1784, Antitrust: Commission Fines Google
€2.42 Billion for Abusing Dominance as Search Engine by Giving Illegal Advantage
to Own Comparison Shopping Service ( June 27, 2017),
release_IP-17-1784_en.htm [].
94. Google Europe Twitter post, Sept. 27 2017,
status/913071852146315264 []; Oliver Heckmann,
Changes to Google Shopping in Europe, Google Blog (Sept. 27, 2017), https://adwords. [https://perma.
95. Aoife White, Google to Create Shopping Service Unit to Satisfy EU, Bloomberg (Sept.
26, 2017),
split-off-shopping-service-to-meet-eu-demands (on file with author).
96. Jeff John Roberts, Google’s $2.7 Billion Fine: What it Means and What Happens Next,
Fortune [https://perma.
cc/29X8-3VUM]; Rochelle Toplensky & Richard Waters, Google Changes Shopping
Search to Sooth EU Antitrust Concerns, Fin. Times (Sept. 28, 2017), https://www. (on file with author).
97. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/C-3/37.792 (Microsoft), C(2004) 900 final,
¶ 2.1 (Mar. 24, 2004) cited in 2007 O.J. (L 32) 23.
98. Id ¶ 427.
99. Nicolas Economides & Ioannis Lianos, The Elusive Antitrust Standard on Bundling in
Europe and the United States in the Aftermath of the Microsoft Cases, 76 Antitrust L.J.
483, 484 (2009).
100. Siemens, Business Conduct Guidelines (2009),
global/en/company/sustainability/compliance.html (on file with author).
101. ExxonMobil, Antitrust and Competition Law:  Legal Compliance
Guide 7–8 (2014),
Antitrust-and-Competition-Law-Legal-Compliance-Guide.pdf [
102. Interview with John Frank, Vice President of Microsoft, in Brussels ( July 16, 2018).
103. Anu Bradford et al., supra note 9.
104. Michal S. Gal, The ‘Cut and Paste’ of Article 82 of the EC Treaty in Israel: Conditions for
a Successful Transplant, 9 Eur. J.L. Reform 467 (2007); William E. Kovacic, Merger
Enforcement in Transition: Antitrust Controls on Acquisition in Emerging Economies, 66
U. Cin. L. Rev. 1071, 1086–89 (1998).
105. Competition Act 89 of 1998, Preamble (S. Afr.).
106. Case 27/76, United Brands Co. v. Comm’n 1978 E.C.R. 207 164.
107. Competition Act 89 of 1998, § 8(a) (S. Afr.).
108. Competition Act 89 of 1998, § 1(1)(ix) (S. Afr.).
109. See the seminal South African dominance case Competition Commission and South
African Airways (Pty) Ltd (final) (18/CR/Mar01) [2005] ZACT 50 citing, inter alia,
Commercial Solvents Case 6/73 etc [1974] ECR 223; Sealink/b and Holyhead [1992] 5
CMLR 255; Virgin/British Airways OJ [2000] L30/1, [2000] CMLR 999 21.
110. See, for example, the lengthy discussion of Article 101 and the characterization of hori-
zontal and vertical agreements in Competition Commission v South African Breweries
Limited and Others (129/CAC/Apr14) [2015].

322 Notes to pages 116–117

111. David Lewis, Thieves at the Dinner Table: Enforcing Competition Rules

in South Africa 247 (2012).
112. Id. at 24–26.
113. Competition Act 89 of 1998, Preamble (S. Afr.).
114. 2004 Parliamentary Debate, at 864; Other sources confirm this view. See Kala
Andarajah & Dominique Lombardi, Competition Law in Singapore, Aug. 24, 2015, at
[]; Burton Ong, The Origins, Objectives and Structure
of Competition Law in Singapore, 29 Kluwer L. Int’l 269, 280 (2006).
115. Compare, e.g., Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore, Guidelines on
the Section 34 Prohibition 2016 (Dec. 1, 2016)  with Commission Guidelines on the
Applicability of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to
Horizontal Co-operation Agreements, 2011 O.J. (C 11).
116. Ong, supra note 114, at 280.
117. Competition Act, Third Schedule,¶ 8 (Cap. 50B, 2006 Rev. Ed.) (Sing.).
118. Robert Ian McEwin et  al., Competition Law in Singapore:  Principles
Practice & Procedures 1–5 (2007).
119. Competition Commission of Singapore Infringement Decision in Case No.
CCS/600/008/07 ( PTE Ltd.), ¶ 4.1.3 ( June 4, 2010), https://www.
ashx [].
120. Id. ¶ 4.1.3.
121. PTE Ltd. v.  Competition Commission of Singapore, App. No. 1 of
2010  ¶ 287(Competition App. Bd., May 28, 2012)  (Sing.),
pte%20ltd/sistic20appealcab20decision120june202012redacted.ashx [https://perma.
122. Ong, supra note 114, at 270.
123. Competition Commission of Singapore, 10 Years of Championing
Growth and Choice 56 (2015),
media-and-publications/publications/annual-reports/ccs-ar250811final.pdf [https://].
124. Nicholas Tan, A Big Ticket Issue for Singapore’s Biggest Ticketing Issuer, 23 Sing. Academ.
L.J. 538, 542 (2011).
125. Ninety-Third Report on the Competition Bill, 2001, Rajya Dabha Secretariat,
AUGUST 2002/SRAVANA, 1924(SAKA), 14,
Competition_Bill__2001.pdf [].
126. See The Competition Act, No. 12 of 2003, § 4, India Code (2019), https://indiacode.nic.
in/bitstream/123456789/2010/2/A2003-12.pdf []; see
also Pratibha Jane & Simone Reis, Competition Law in India—Jurisprudential Trends and
the Way Forward, Nishith Dsai Associates (Apr. 6, 2013), http://www.nishithde-
ews%5Bdir%5D=desc&cHash=d619c816715a4137798584d0af1cf9c9 [https://perma.
127. The Competition Act, No. 12 of 2003, § 4(e), India Code (2019), https://indiacode. [].

Notes to pages 117–119 323

128. Case 27/26, United Brands v. Comm’n, 1978 E.C.R, 207

129. Id. 65–66.
130. HT Media Ltd. v. Super Cassettes (2014) CCI 109.
131. See Li Jian (李剑), Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Fa Shi Shi Zhong De Ti Xi Chong Tu Yu
Hua Jie (中国反垄断法实施中的体系冲突与化解) [System Conflict and Resolution
for the Enforcement of China Antimonopoly Law], China Legal Science (2014),
132. See Wan Jiang (万江), Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Fa Yu Ou Meng Jing Zheng Fa Nei
Rong Dui Bi Biao (中国反垄断法与欧盟竞争法内容对比表) [Comparison of
Chinese Antimonopoly Law and EU Competition Law], Lexis Practical Guide
133. See TFEU Article 42; Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China, Art. 56
(promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., Aug. 30, 2007, effective
Aug. 1, 2008), 2007 Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. 68.
134. See Qian Dali (钱大立), Huang Kai (黄凯), Jian Xi Jing Ying Zhe
Ji Zhong Shen Cha Ban Fa Xiu Ding Cao An Zheng Qiu Yi Jian Gao
(简析经营者集中审查办法修订草案征求意见稿) [Brief Analysis of draft version
of Amendment to the Measure for the Undertaking Concentration Examination], Law
Review Of Corporate & Acquisitions By Llinks Law Office (Sept. 2017), [https://perma.
135. See Wan Jiang (万江), supra note 132.
136. See Li Meiying (李梅影), Fan Long Duan Fa You Wang Ming Nian Chu Tai Jiang Jie Jian
Ou Meng Jing Zheng Fa Jing Yan (反垄断法有望明年出台将借鉴欧盟竞争法经验)
[Antimonopoly Law is Expected to Be Released Next Year, Will Learn From EU
Competition Law Experience], Int’l Fin. News (Apr. 25, 2005),
cn/GB/3346561.html [].
137. See Li Jian (李剑), supra note 131.
138. See Shang Ming (尚明), Fa Zhan Zhong De Zhong Guo Jing Zheng Zheng Ce Yu
Li Fa (发展中的中国竞争政策与立法) [Competition Policies and Legislation
of the Developing China] (Apr. 27, 2005),
bc/200504/20050400081489.shtml [].
139. MOFCOM refers to China’s Ministry of Commerce, NDRC refers to China’s
National Development and Reform Commission, and SAIC refers to China’s State
Administration for Industry and Commerce.
140. See Torben Toft, Update on Competition Developments in China: EU-China Competition
Law Cooperation (Sept. 2016) (on file with Pritzker School of Law),
Toft_update_on_competition_developments_in_China.pdf [
141. See Terms of Reference of the EU-China Competition Policy Dialogue, entered on May
6, 2004 (last visited on Nov. 10, 2017). Item 2.7, downloaded via
competition/international/bilateral/china_tor_en.pdf [].
142. Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Market Power (Ley Orgánica de
Regulación y Control del Poder de Mercado), Registro Oficial Suplemento 555, Oficio
No. T.364-SNJ-11-1287, 2011.
143. For example, compare Article 27 of the Market Power Control and Regulation Act and
the Article 3 of the Spanish Competition Defense Act or the Art 11 of the Market Power

324 Notes to pages 119–124

Control and Regulation Act with Article 101 of the TFEU or the Art 1 of the Spanish
Competition Defense Act.
144. Los Metodos para la Definicion del Mercado Relevante – Junta de Regulacion de Poder
de Mercado – Registro Oficial 885 del 18 de noviembre de 2016 (Methods for Relevant
Market Definition – Market Power Board – Official Register No. 885 from November
18, 2016).
145. Republic of Ecuador, Constitution of 2008, Art. 3 (unofficial English transla-
tion [https://]).
146. Evgeny Khokhlov, The Current State of Russian Competition Law in the Context of
Harmonization with EU Competition Law, 5 J. Eur. L. & Prac. 32, 32–38 (2014).
147. Hailegabriel G. Feyissa, European Influence on Ethiopian Antitrust Regime:  A
Comparative and Functional Analysis of Some Problems, 3 Mizan L. Rev. 271 (2009).
148. Ana Julia Jatar, Symposium, Competition Policy in Latin America:  Introduction, 24
Brooklyn J. Int’l L. 357 (1998).
149. Bradford, supra note 10.
150. David Gerber, Constructing Competition Law in China: The Potential Value of European
and U.S. Experience, Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 315 (2004); William E. Kovacic,
Merger Enforcement in Transition:  Antitrust Controls on Acquisition in Emerging
Economies, U. Cin. L. Rev. 66:1071–12 (1998).
151. Gal, supra note 17, at 345–46.
152. See, e.g., Roger Van den Bergh, The Difficult Reception of Economic Analysis in European
Competition Law, in Post-Chicago Developments in Antitrust Law, 34,
46–50 (Antonio Cucinotta et al. eds., 2002).
153. See Burton Ong, The Competition Act of 2004: A Legislative Landmark on Singapore’s
Legal Landscape, J. Singapore Legal Stud. 172, 174 n 8 (2006).
154. Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Rules Versus Standards in Rich and Poor Countries: Precise Legal
Norms as Substitutes for Human Capital in Low-Income Countries, 14 Sup. Ct. Econ.
Rev. 113, 113–34 (2006).
155. See Mr. Mario Monti, EU Commissioner for Antitrust, International Co-operation and
Technical Assistance: A View from the EU, Geneva ( July 4, 2001), http://www.europa.
eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-01-328_en.pdf [].
156. See discussion in Bradford et al., supra note 10.
157. See EC-Turkey Assoc. Council Decision No 1/95 of 22 December 1995 On Implementing
The Final Phase of the Customs Union (96/142/EC), 1996 O.J. (L 35) 1, 9 art. 39.
158. Solomon Menabdishvili, Recent Developments in the Competition Law of Georgia.
Changes Resulting from the Association Agreement, 8 Y.B. Antitrust & Reg. Stud. 213
159. Bradford et al., supra note 10.
160. See Hanna L. Buxbaum, The Private Attorney General in a Global Age: Public Interests in
Private International Antitrust Litigation, 26 Yale L.J. 219, 251 (2001).
161. Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China (promulgated by the Standing
Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., Aug. 30, 2007, effective Aug. 1, 2008), 2007 Standing
Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. 68.
162. Commission Decision in Case No. COMP/C-3/37.792 (Microsoft), C(2004) 900 final,
¶ 2.1 (Mar. 24, 2004) cited in 2007 O.J. (L 32) 23.
163. Jeremy Kirk, Korea to Hear Microsoft Competition Case:  Company Protests Windows
XP-Messenger Tie-in, InfoWorld ( Jul. 8, 2005),
164. Id. at 622.

Notes to pages 124–126 325

165. David J. Silverthorn, Microsoft Tying Consumers’ Hands? The Windows Vista Problem
and the South Korea Solution, 13 Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L.  Rev. 617, 621–22
166. Id. at 622.
167. Marius Meland, Microsoft Battles South Korean Antitrust Decision, Law360 (Mar. 27,
2006), (on file with author).
168. Press Release, Microsoft Korea (한국마이크로소프트), Microsoft’s Position on the
Release of Decision by the Korean Fair Trade Commission (공정거래위원회 의결서
송부에 대한 ‘마이크로소프트의 입장’) (Feb. 24, 2006)  reprinted in Newswire.
kr (Feb. 24, 2006 6:51 PM)
169. Maria Kiselyova, Russian Competition Watchdog Opens Case Against Google, Reuters
(Feb. 20, 2015, 5:20 AM),
0LO0RJ20150220 [].
170. Press Release Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service, FAS Russia reached settle-
ment with Google (Apr. 2017),
html?id=49774 []; E. Kroh, Google Pays $7.7M Fine To
End Russian Antitrust Probe, Law360, (May 12, 2017, 5:06 PM EDT) ,https://www. (on
file with author).
171. Evgeny Khokhlov, The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service’s Case Against Google
Related to Bundling and Other Anticompetitive Practices with Respect to Android, 8 J. Eur.
Competition L. & Prac. 468, 468 (2017). See also Decision of FAS of Russia in Case
No. 1-14-21/00-11-15 (Oct. 15, 2015),
svyazi-i-informatsionnyh-tehnologiy/ad-54066-15/ []
(unofficial English translation
translation-18sep2015.pdf ).
172. Brad Haynes, Brazil Investigates Google Over Antitrust Charges, Reuters (Oct. 11, 2013,
11:37 AM),
[]; Press Release, Brazilian Administrative Council
for Economic Defense, CADE Investigates Google’s Possible Anticompetitive
Practices in the Brazilian Online Search Market, (Oct. 11, 2013),
brazilian-online-search-market [].
173. Jeff Zalesin, Brazil Continues Google Antitrust Probe Without Microsoft, Law360 (May
5, 2016),
probe-without-microsoft (on file with author).
174. Brazil: CADE considers opening probe into Google, Competition Pol’y Int’l (Aug. 20,
investigations-against-google/ [].
175. B. Balki, Google fined—this time by the Turkish Competition Watchdog, Kluwer
Competition Law Blog (Nov. 5, 2018), http://competitionlawblog.kluwercompe-
dog/ [].
176. Jung-Ah Lee, South Korean Search Portals File Phone Complaint Against Google, Wall
St. J. (Apr. 18, 2011),
64012635638314 (on file with author).
177. Youkyung Lee, South Korea’s fair trade commission clears Google after 2-year probe, NBC
News ( July 18, 2013) ,
commission-clears-google-after-2-year-6C10669675 [];

326 Notes to pages 126–132

Samuel Gibbs and agencies, Google’s South Korean offices inspected in Android antitrust
probe, Guardian ( July 21, 2016),
jul/21/google-south-korean-offices-inspected-android-antitrust-probe [https://perma.
cc/D7EC-YTKF]; see also Zach Miners, South Korea Drops Antitrust Investigation
Against Google, PCWorld ( July 18, 2013, 4:35 PM PT),
article/2044695/s-korea-drops-antitrust-investigation-against-google.html [https://].
178. Song Jung-a, South Korea Confirms Google Antitrust Probe, Fin. Times (Aug. 12, 2016, (on file with
179. Hyunsuk Cho & Sooryun Park, KFTC monitors Google regarding alleged violation of
antitrust laws, JoongAng Ilbo (Apr. 21, 2016),
[] (Translated from Korean to English).
180. Commission Decision in Case No. M.7881 (ABInBev/SABMiller) C (2016) 3212 final
(May 24, 2016).
181. Superintendencia del Poder de Mercado. Expediente No. SCPM- CRPI- 2016- 017, http://
2016/SCPM-CRPI-2016-017-06-05-2016.pdf []. See Com­
mis­sion Decision in Case No. M.7881 (ABInBev/SABMiller) C (2016) 3212 final (May 24,
2016). The Commission engaged Mazars LLP as Monitoring Trustee. Trustee Details, Case
No., M.7881 (ABInBev/SABMiller) (June 24, 2016),
mergers/cases/additional_data/m7881_2794_3.pdf [].
182. See supra note 62 and accompanying text.
183. Richard Waters, Department of Justice opens review into Big Tech’s market power, Fin.
Times, July 24, 2019, available at
8030-530adfa879c2 (on file with author).

C h a p t er   5
1. Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection
of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free
Movement of Such Data, and Repealing Directive 95/46/EC, 2016 O.J. (L 119) 1 [here-
inafter GDPR].
2. Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online, European Commission
2 (May 31, 2016),
code_of_conduct_en.pdf [] [hereinafter The Code].
3. Kevin Granville, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: What You Need to Know as Fallout
Widens, N.Y. Times (Mar. 19, 2018),
nology/facebook-cambridge-analytica-explained.html?register=google (on file with
author); Paul Mozur, A Genocide Incited on Facebook, With Posts From Myanmar’s
Military, N.Y. Times (Oct. 15, 2018),
ogy/myanmar-facebook-genocide.html (on file with author).
4. The fundamental right to privacy can be traced back to The European Convention of
Human Rights (ECHR), a treaty document drafted by the Council of Europe, which
guarantees a fundamental right to privacy; see Council of Europe, European Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, art. 8, opened for signa-
ture Nov. 4, 1950, ETS 5 [hereinafter ECHR]. The European Court of Human Rights,
which is vested with the task of enforcing the ECHR, has extended the right to privacy
to data protection; see Copland v. United Kingdom, 253 Eur.Ct.H.R. (2007). All EU

Notes to pages 132–134 327

member states are among the 47 signatories of the ECHR, making all Europeans benefi-
ciaries of its privacy rules.
5. See Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union art. 16, Oct. 26, 2012, 2012 O.J. (C
326) 1 [hereinafter TFEU].
6. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, arts. 7–8, Dec. 12, 2007, 2007
O.J. (C 303) 1 [hereinafter Charter of Fundamental Rights].
7. Orla Lynskey, The Foundations of EU Data Protection Law 11 (2015).
8. Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection
of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free
Movement of Such Data, and Repealing Directive 95/46/EC, 2016 O.J. (L 119) 1 [herein-
after GDPR].
9. Council Directive 95/46, On the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing
of Personal Data, 1995 O.J. (L 281) 31 [hereinafter Data Protection Directive].
10. GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 5(1)(a).
11. Id. at arts. 5(1)(b)–1(c).
12. Id. at art. 5(1)(d), (5)(1)(f ).
13. Id. at art. 17.
14. Id. at art. 25.
15. Id. at arts. 51, 68.
16. Id. at art. 83.
17. Slaughter and May, “New Rules, Wider Reach:  the Extra-Territorial
Scope of the GDPR” (2016),
new-rules-wider-reach-the-extraterritorial-scope-of-the-gdpr.pdf [
C9RK-CHW7]; see also Deloitte, “GDPR Top Ten: #3 Extraterritorial appli-
cability of the GDPR” (Apr. 3, 2017),
html [].
18. See GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 45.
19. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the
respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications and
repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications),
COM (2017) 10 final ( Jan. 10, 2017).
20. Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002
Concerning the Processing of Personal Data and the Protection of Privacy in the
Electronic Communications Sector, 2002 O.J. (L 201) 37.
21. Mehreen Khan, EU States Urged to Agree Online Privacy ‘Cookie Law,’ Fin. Times (Apr.
23, 2018), (on file
with author).
22. Natasha Singer, The Next Privacy Battle in Europe is Over this New Law, N.Y. Times (May
27, 2018),
tion-battle.html (on file with author).
23. Summary of the Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on the Proposal for
a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (ePrivacy Regulation), 2017 O.J.
(C 234) 3.
24. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the
Respect for Private Life and the Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Communications and
Repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications)—
Examination of the Presidency text, (COD) 2017/0003 10975/18 ( July 10, 2018), https://
INIT&from=EN [].

328 Notes to pages 134–138

25. Case C-131/12, Google Spain SL v.  Agencia Española de Protección de Datos,
ECLI:EU:C:2014:317, ?docid=
152065&doclang=en [hereinafter Google Spain].
26. Id. at 91–99.
27. Id. at 56.
28. Id. at 51–60.
29. Jennifer Daskal, Borders and Bits, 71 Vand. L.R. 179, 212 (2018).
30. Mark Scott, Google Will Further Block Some European Search Results, N.Y. Times (Feb.
11, 2016),
some-european-search-results.html (on file with author).
31. Mark Scott, French Court Refers Google Privacy Case to ECJ, Politico ( July 19, 2017), [https://].
32. Daskal, supra note 29, at 214.
33. See Transparency Report—Search Removals Under European Privacy Law, Google (May
29, 2014), [https://perma.
cc/ZF5L-KMEA] (these numbers are accurate of May 14, 2019. Google updates the fig-
ures periodically).
34. David F. Katz & Elizabeth K. Hinson, Germans Fine U.S. Companies for
Unlawful Data Transfers to States, Lexology (2016), https://www.lexology.
com/library/detail.aspx?g=743c9b6f-fc67-4479-893c-3a4384f9296e [
35. Duncan Robinson, Facebook Fined by French Regulator Over Data Protection Rules,
Fin. Times (May 16, 2017),
6027b8a20f23<<<REFC>>> (on file with author).
36. See, e.g., Gregory Shaffer, Globalization and Social Protection:  The Impact of EU and
International Rules in the Ratcheting Up of U.S. Privacy Standards, 25 Yale J. Int’l L. 1,
43 (2000).
37. Cecilia Kang, Promise by Google Ends FTC’s Privacy-Breach Probe, Wash. Post, Oct. 28,
2010, at A15.
38. Robinson, supra note 35.
39. Thomas Shaw, Privacy Law and History:  WWII-Forward The Privacy
Advisor (Mar. 1, 2013),
wwii-forward/ [].
40. Alvar C.H. Freude and Trixy Freude, Echoes of History:  Understanding German

Data Protection, Newpolitik 2 (Oct. 1, 2016),
Freude.pdf [].
41. Lynskey, supra note 7, at 46–47.
42. Communication on A Comprehensive Approach on Personal Data Protection in the EU, at 19
(COM) (2010) 609 final (Nov. 4, 2010).
43. Interview with Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International Data Flows and Protection
Unit, European Commission, Directorate General Justice and Consumers, in Brussels,
Belgium ( Jul. 17, 2018).
44. Id.
45. Id. at 47.
46. Id.
47. Shaw, supra note 39.
48. Henry Farrell & Abraham L. Newman, Of Privacy and Power:  The
Transnational Struggle over Freedom and Security 52 & 108 (2019).

Notes to pages 138–140 329

49. Abraham L. Newman, Protectors of Privacy: regulating personal data in

the global economy 11 (2008).
50. Id.
51. Lobbyplag, (last visited May 20, 2019).
52. All 168 submissions to the European Commission can be found at European
Commission, Consultation on the legal framework for the fundamental right to protec-
tion of personal data,
tion/2009/consulting_0003_en [] (last visited Oct.
28, 2018) [hereinafter GDPR Public Consultation]; compare Privacy International,
Privacy International’s Response to the European Commission
Consultation 2–4 (2009),
privacy_international_en.pdf [] with TechAmerica
Europe, TechAmerica Europe’s Response to EU Commission Consultation
on the Legal Framework for the Fundamental Right to Protection of
Personal Data 3 (2009),
tech_america_europe_en.pdf [].
53. Compare TechAmerica Europe, Id. at 3 with Privacy International, Id. at 3.
54. See GDPR Public Consultation, supra note 52.
55. Id.
56. European Parliament Legislative Resolution of 12 March 2014 on the Proposal for
a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of
Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of
such Data (General Data Protection Regulation) (COM(2012)0011 – C7-0025/2012 –
2012/0011(COD)) (Ordinary legislative procedure:  first reading), Eur. Parl. Doc.
(P7_TA(2014)0212) (2014).
57. Hannah Kuchler, Max Schrems: the Man who Took on Facebook—and Won, Fin. Times
(Apr. 5, 2018),
(on file with author).
58. Commission Decision 2000/520/EC of 26 July 2000 pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council on the Adequacy of the Protection Provided
by the Safe Harbour Privacy Principles and Related Frequently Asked Questions Issued by
the U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000 O.J. (L 215) 7 [hereinafter Safe Harbor Decision].
59. Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner, [2014] IEHC 310 (H.Ct.) (Ir.).
60. Case C-362/14, Maximillian Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner, 2015 E.C.R. 650
[hereinafter Schrems I].
61. Commission Flash Eurobarometer 443 Report—ePrivacy (Dec. 2016), http://ec.europa.
vacy/surveyKy/2124 [].
62. Henry Farrell & Abraham Newman, The Transatlantic Data War, Foreign Aff. (2015),
(on file with author).
63. See Shaffer, supra note 36, at 75; cf. Data Protection Directive, supra note 9, at arts. 17–20.
64. Ashley Rodriguez, Google Says it Spent “Hundreds of Years of Human Time” Complying with
Europe’s Privacy Rules, Quartz (Sept. 26, 2018),
hundreds-of-years-of-human-time-complying-with-gdpr/ [
65. See, e.g., Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(4) (2006); see also Shaffer, supra note 36, at

330 Notes to pages 140–143

66. See David Bach & Abraham L. Newman, The European Regulatory State and Global Public
Policy: Micro-Institutions, Macro-Influence, 14 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 827, 833 (2007).
67. Id.
68. Samuel W. Royston, The Right to be Forgotten:  Comparing the US and European
Approaches, 48 St. Mary’s L.J. 253 (2016).
69. 15 U.S.C. § 45 (a) (1) (2012).
70. Paul M Schwartz & Karl-Nikolaus Peifer, Transatlantic Data Privacy Law, 106 Geo. L. J.
115, 119 (2017).
71. Constance Chevallier-Govers, Personal Data Protection:  Confrontation Between the
European Union and the United States, in The European Union and the United
States:  Processes, Policies, and Projects 150 (Yann Echinard et  al. eds., 2013)
(quoting Alex Turk).
72. Jack Goldsmith, Emerging Threats, The Failure of Internet Freedom,
Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia(2018),
sites/default/files/content/Emerging_Threats_Goldsmith.pdf [
73. Id.
74. Franz-Stefan Gady, EU/U.S. Approaches to Data Privacy and the “Brussels Effect”:  A
Comparative Analysis, 4 Geo. J. Int’l Aff. 12–23 (2014).
75. Duncan Robinson, EU Removes Carrot but Keeps Stick in Data Laws, Fin. Times ( Jan.
20, 2016), (on file
with author).
76. There was a total of 252,070,00 users in the EU28 as of June 30, 2017; see Internet World
Stats, [].
77. Shona Ghosh, Facebook in Europe is About to Get Massively Disrupted by New Laws Meant
to Bring it to Heel, Business Insider (Apr. 10, 2018),
medium=social& [https://]
78. Robinson Meyer, Europeans Use Google Way, Way More Than Americans Do, Atlantic
(Apr. 15, 2015),
use-google-way-way-more-than-americans-do/390612/ [].
79. Adam Satariano, New Privacy rules could make this woman one of the tech’s most important
regulators, N.Y. Times (May 16, 2018),
gdpr-helen-dixon.html (on file with author).
80. Id.
81. See discussion supra page 36.
82. Legal Confusion on Internet Privacy: The Clash of Data Civilizations, Economist, June
19, 2010, at 63.
83. See Bach & Newman, supra note 66, at 29; see also Dorothee Heisenberg,
Negotiating Privacy:  The European Union, the United States, and
Personal Data Protection 119 (2005).
84. Daskal, supra note 29, at 23–34; Heisenberg, Id. at 119.
85. See Ryan Singel, EU Tells Search Engines to Stop Creating Tracking Databases, Wired
(Apr. 8, 2008), [https://].
86. See Brandon Mitchener, Standard Bearers: Increasingly, Rules of Global Economy are Set
in Brussels, Wall St. J., Apr. 23, 2002, at A1; Editorial, Regulatory Imperialism, Wall St.
J. (Oct. 26, 2007), (on file with
87. See, e.g., Legal Confusion on Internet Privacy, supra note 82; Kevin J. O’Brien, Anger in
Europe over Google and Privacy, N.Y. Times, May 17, 2010, at B5; David Scheer, For Your

Notes to pages 143–144 331

Eyes Only—Europe’s New High-Tech Role: Playing Privacy Cop to the World, Wall St.
J., Oct. 10, 2003, at A1; see also Mark Berniker, EU:  Microsoft Agrees to.NET Passport
Changes, Datamation ( Jan. 30, 2003),
php/1576901/EU-Microsoft-Agrees-to-NET-Passport-Changes.htm [
88. Daskal, supra note 29, at 232–34.
89. See, e.g., Privacy Policy & Terms, Google ( Jan. 22, 2019),
com/privacy?hl=en&gl=ZZ []; Privacy Statement,
Netflix (Apr. 24, 2019), [
TF7G-H774]; Mitchener, supra note 86.
90. See Apple Customer Privacy Policy, Apple,
91. Privacy Policy, Apple,
92. Alex Hern, Apple Launches iOS 11.3 with Raft of Privacy Features, Guardian (Mar. 29,
113-privacy-features-gdpr-data-protection [].
93. Natasha Lomas, Facebook to Roll Out Global Privacy Settings Hub—Thanks to GDPR,
TechCrunch ( Jan. 24, 2018),
to-roll-out-global-privacy-settings-hub-thanks-to-gdpr/ [];
Jim Brunsden, Tim Bradshaw & Hannah Kuchler, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg to Hold
Talks with Top EU Data Official, Fin. Times (Apr. 6, 2018),
content/88a8682a-3996-11e8-8b98-2f31af407cc8 (on file with author).
94. Hard Questions Q&A with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Newsroom (Apr. 4, 2018),
tion/ [].
95. Updates to Terms, Airbnb,
event?euid=76ed6f04-5530-5d81-7aaa-ce7e07e16be9 [].
96. Privacy Policy, Uber (May 25, 2018), [https://perma.
97. PricewaterhouseCoopers, GDPR Preparedness Pulse Survey (2016),
gdpr-series-pulse-survey.pdf [].
98. See Preparing for a New Era in Privacy Regulation, Microsoft (Apr. 16, 2018),
new-era-in-privacy-regulation-with-the-microsoft-cloud/ [
G3U6]; Brendon Lynch, Get GDPR Compliant with the Microsoft Cloud, Microsoft
on the Issues (2017),
gdpr-compliant-with-the-microsoft-cloud/ []; Rich
Sauer, Earning Your Trust with Contractual Commitments to the General Data Protection
Regulation, Microsoft on the Issues (2017),
regulation/ [].
99. Ugo Pagallo, The Impact of Domestic Robots on Privacy and Data Protection, and the
Troubles with Legal Regulation by Design, Data Protection on the Move 403
100. Opinion 2/2017 on Data Processing at Work WP 249, Article 29 Working Party ( June 8,
101. Number of Employers Using Social Media to Screen Candidates at All-Time High, Finds
Latest CareerBuilder Study, CareerBuilder ( June 15, 2017), http://press.careerbuilder.

332 Notes to pages 144–147

All-Time-High-Finds-Latest-CareerBuilder-Study [].
102. Daniel Michaels, Hot U.S. Import:  European Regulations, Wall St. J. (May 7, 2018),
growing-influence-1525685400 (on file with author).
103. The Internet: Vive La Liberté!, Economist, Nov. 25, 2000, at 75.
104. Daskal, supra note 29, at 216.
105. Jeff Pelline, Yahoo to Charge Auction Fees, Ban Hate Materials, CNET (Mar. 29 2002), (on
file with author).
106. Mark Scott, E.U. Fines Facebook $122 Million Over Disclosures in WhatsApp Deal, N.Y.
Times ( Jan. 20, 2018),
european-union-fine-whatsapp.html (on file with author).
107. Alex Hern & Martin Belam, LA Times Among US-based News Sites Blocking EU Users
due to GDPR, Guardian (May 25, 2018),
ogy/2018/may/25/gdpr-us-based-news-websites-eu-internet-users-la-times [https://].
108. David Ingram, Exclusive:  Facebook to Put 1.5 Billion Users Out of Reach of New EU
Privacy Law, Reuters (Apr. 18, 2018),
privacy-law-idUSKBN1HQ00P [].
109. Are we Looking at the New Global Standard for Data Privacy?, Reuters (May. 7, 2018),
110. Matthew Newton & Julia Summers, Russian Data Localization Laws:  Enriching
“Security” & the Economy, Henry M.  Jackson School of International
Studies (2018),
ing-security-economy/ []; Yuxi Wei, Chinese Data
Localization Law:  Comprehensive but Ambiguous, Henry M.  Jackson School of
International Studies (2018),
localization-law-comprehensive-ambiguous/ [].
111. India’s Misguided move Towards Data Localisation, Fin. Times (Sept. 29 2018), https:// (on file with author).
112. Olga Razumovskaya & Laura Mills, Russia to Block LinkedIn Over Data-Privacy Dispute,
Wall St. J. (Nov. 11, 2016),
company-loses-court-case-on-personal-data-law-1478775414 (on file with author).
113. Paul Mozur & Vindu Goel, To Reach China, LinkedIn Plays by Local Rules, N.Y. Times
(Oct. 5, 2014),
linkedin-plays-by-local-rules.html (on file with author).
114. Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.120(a) (West).
115. Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.135(a)(1) (West).
116. Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.135(b) (West).
117. Scott, supra note 30.
118. Id.
119. Court of Justice of the European Union, Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-507/17
Google v.  CNIL ( Jan. 10, 2019),
print.jsf ?docid=209688&text=&dir=&doclang=FR&part=1&occ=first&mode=req
&pageIndex=0&cid=7572825 [].
120. Id., at 46.
121. Id., at 53.
122. Id., at 59.

Notes to pages 147–149 333

123. Id., at 61.

124. Alphabet Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 5, 2018).
125. Alex Hern, ECJ to Rule on Whether “Right to Be Forgotten” Can Stretch Beyond EU,
Guardian ( July 20, 2017),
126. Id.
127. Schwartz & Peifer, supra note 70, at 122.
128. Graham Greenleaf, Asian Data Privacy Laws:  Trade & Human Rights
Perspectives 57 (2014).
129. Daniel Michaels, Hot U.S. Import:  European Regulations, Wall St. J. (May 7, 2018),
growing-influence-1525685400 (on file with author).
130. Mark Scott & Laurens Cerulus, Europe’s New Data Protection rules Export Privacy
Standards Worldwide, Politico ( Jan. 31, 2018),
[]; see also Angelica Mari, Brazilian President
Signs Data Protection Bill, ZDNet (Aug. 16, 2018),
article/brazilian-president-signs-data-protection-bill/ [
JREC]; Asina Pornwasin, Thai Data Protection Laws Must Quickly be Updated to EU
Standards: Experts, The Nation (May 25, 2018),
detail/national/30346209 [].
131. Graham Greenleaf, The Influence of European Data Privacy Standards Outside
Europe: Implications for Globalization of Convention 108, 2 Int’l Data Privacy L. 68, 75
(2012); see, e.g., María Paz Canales, Protección de datos en América Latina, urgente y nece-
saria [Data Protection in Latin America, Urgent and Necessary], Derechodigitales
( July 7, 2017),
ica-latina-urgente-y-necesaria/ [] (translation supplied).
132. Tim Cook Calls for US Federal Privacy Law to Tackle “Weaponized” Personal Data,
Guardian (Oct. 24, 2018),
oct/24/tim-cook-us-federal-privacy-law-weaponized-personal-data [
133. Mehreen Khan & Tim Bradshaw, Apple and Facebook Call for EU-style Privacy Laws
in US, Fin. Times (Oct. 24, 2018),
ab8e-6be0dcf18713 (on file with author).
134. Mark Zuckerberg, The Internetneeds new rules. Let’s start in these four areas, Wash.
Post (Mar. 30, 2019),
tkpOWaS0k_cxHWsRkrpJI_qUZDpiDLw&utm_term=.bdb2c94b7c87 (on file with
135. Meghashyam Mali, Tech Mobilizes Against California Privacy Law, TheHill ( July 1,
nia-privacy-law []; see also Daisuke Wakabayashi,
Silicon Valley Faces Regulatory Fight on Its Home Turf, N.Y. Times ( July 30, 2018), https://
(on file with author).
136. See GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 45; see also Communication from the Commission to the
European Parliament and the Council Exchanging and Protecting Personal Data in a
Globalised World (COM) (2017) 7 final ( Jan. 10, 2017).

334 Notes to pages 149–150

137. Manuel Martínez-Herrera, From Habeas Data Action to Omnibus Data Protection: The
Latin American Privacy (R)Evolution, White & Case LLP (Sept. 30, 2011), https://
latin-american-privacy-revolution [].
138. European Commission, Adequacy of the Protection of Personal Data in non-EU
Countries (last visited May 19, 2019),
countries_en [].
139. Schrems I, supra note 60.
140. Christina Lam, Unsafe Harbor:  The European Union’s Demand for Heightened Data
Privacy Standards in Schrems v. Irish Data Protection Commissioner, 40 Bos. Col. Int’l
Comp. L.R. 1, 8 (2017).
141. Id.
142. See GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 47.
143. See, e.g., IBM Controller Binding Corporate Rules, IBM (2018),
com/privacy/details/us/en/bcr.html []; Twilio
Receives Approval for Binding Corporate Rules, Commits to Highest Standard of
Data Protection, Twilio ( June 8, 2018),
144. Stephen Gardner, EU, South Korea Look to Data Transfer Privacy Deal in 2018,
Bloomberg (Nov. 20, 2017),
145. Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook Ireland Limited & anor [2017] IEHC 545
(H. Ct.) (Ir.)
146. Case C-311/18:  Reference for a Preliminary Ruling from the High Court (Ireland)
made on 9 May 2018—Data Protection Commissioner v.  Facebook Ireland Limited,
Maximillian Schrems, 2018 O.J. (C 249) 15 [hereinafter Schrems II].
147. Protección de los atos Personales [Personal Data Protection Act], Ley
25.326, Nov. 2, 2000, Boletín Oficial [B.O.] 1 (Arg.),
secyt/image/Ley%2025326.pdf [].
148. Civil Rights Association, The Future of Personal Data Protection in
Argentina:  Reflections of a Working Group at 3, 6–8 ( June 2016), https://adcdigital.
[] (translation supplied).
149. See Ley No. 18.331, Aug.11, 2008; see also Regulation No. 414/009, Aug. 31, 2009 (the
accompanying regulations to the actual data protection law).
150. Commission Implementing Decision of 21 August 2012 Pursuant to Directive 95/46/
EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Adequate Protection of
Personal data by the Eastern Republic of Uruguay with Regard to Automated Processing
of Personal Data, 2012 O.J. (L227) 11.
151. Julio César Fernández, Ley de Protección de Datos Personales (“Law for Personal Data
Protection”) 7 (2009),
pdf [] (translation supplied); see also Martínez-Herrera,
supra note 137.
152. Martínez-Herrera, supra note 137.
153. European Commission Press Release IP/18/4501, The European Union and Japan
agreed to create the world’s largest area of safe data flows ( July 17, 2018); see also Gardner,
supra note 144.

Notes to pages 150–151 335

154. Brian Yap, Multinationals Struggle to Adapt to Japan’s New Privacy Law, Bloomberg
BNA (Aug. 31, 2017),
n73014464003/ [].
155. Andrew A. Adams, Kiyoshi Murata & Yohko Orito, The Japanese Sense of Information
Privacy, 24 AI & Soc. 327 (2009).
156. See Gardner, supra note 144.
157. European Commission Press Release IP/17/4739, Press Statement by Commissioner Věra
Jourová, Mr. Lee Hyo-seong, Chairman of the Korea Communications Commission
and Mr. Jeong Hyun-cheol, Vice President of the Korea Internet & Security Agency
(Nov. 20, 2017); Alexandros Koronakis, Europe’s Privacy Culture, New Europe (Apr.
16, 2018), [https://perma.
158. Personal Information Protection Act, Act No. 11990, Sept. 30 2011, (S. Kor.), translated
by Korean Legal Information Institute,
3&chrClsCd=010203&urlMode=engLsInfoR&viewCls=engLsInfoR [https://perma.
159. Scott Warren, Security and Privacy:  A View from Asia and the Middle East, Squire
Patton Boggs (Jan. 24, 2018),
rity-and-privacy-a-view-from-asia-and-the-middle-east/ [].
160. See Gardner, supra note 144.
161. Id.
162. Penny Pritzker & Andrus Ansip, Making a Difference to the World’s Digital Economy,
U.S. Dep’t of Com. (Mar. 11, 2016),
making-difference-worlds-%20digital-economy-transatlantic-partnership [https://].
163. Duncan Robinson, EU and US Reach Deal on Data Sharing, Fin. Times (Feb. 2, 2016), (on file with
164. Commission Decision 2000/520/EC of 26 July 2000 Pursuant to Directive 95/46/
EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Adequacy of the Protection
Provided by the Safe Harbour Privacy Principles and Related Frequently Asked
Questions Issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000 O.J. (L 215) 7 [hereinafter
Safe Harbor Decision].
165. U.S.-EU Safe Harbor List, U.S. Dep’t. of Com.,
eu [].
166. Martin A. Weiss & Kristin Archick, U.S.-EU Data Privacy:  From Safe
Harbor to Privacy Shield, Congressional Research Services (2016), [].
167. See Schrems I, supra note 60.
168. Schwartz & Peifer, supra note 70, at 160 (citing Schrems I, supra note 60, at ¶73).
169. Natasha Lomas, Europe’s Top Court Strikes Down ‘Safe Harbor’ Data Transfer Agreement
with U.S., Techcrunch (Oct. 6, 2015),
top-court-strikes-down-safe-harbor-data-transfer-agreement-with-u-s/ [https://perma.
170. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 of 12 July 2016 Pursuant to
Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Adequacy
of the Protection Provided by the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (notified under document
C(2016) 4176), 2016 O.J. (L 207) 1.
171. See Privacy Shield Framework List of Companies, U.S. Dept. of Com. (last visited May
19, 2019), [].

336 Notes to pages 152–153

172. See European Commission Press Release IP/16/2461, European Commission Launches
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield:  Stronger Protection for Transatlantic Data Flows ( July 12,
173. Judicial Redress Act of 2015 § 2, PL 114-126, 130 Stat 282 (2016).
174. Mark Scott, Europe’s Privacy Watchdogs Call for Changes to U.S. Data-Transfer Deal, N.Y.
Times (Dec. 21, 2017),
us-data-privacy.html (on file with author).
175. Case T‑670/16, Digital Rights Ireland Ltd. v. Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2017:838.
176. Case T-738/16, La Quadrature du Net and Others v. Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2018:520.
177. European Data Protection Board, EU—U.S. Privacy Shield—Second Annual Joint
Review ( Jan. 22, 2019),
dpb_2ndprivacyshieldreviewreport_final_en.pdf ? [];
Barney Thompson & Mehreen Khan, Brussels Losing Patience with US Over Data-
Sharing Agreement, Fin. Times, Sept. 18, 2017,
9bb8-11e7-8cd4-932067fbf946 (last visited Oct. 29, 2018) (on file with author).
178. Natasha Lomas, Pressure Mounts on EU-US Privacy Shield After Facebook-Cambridge
Analytica Data Scandal, TechCrunch ( June 12, 2018), http://social.techcrunch.
analytica-data-scandal/ [].
179. Natasha Lomas, EU Parliament Calls for Privacy Shield to be Pulled until US Complies,
TechCrunch ( July 5 2018),
liament-calls-for-privacy-shield-to-be-pulled-until-us-complies/ [
C5D8-2Y7S]; see also European Parliament Resolution on the Adequacy of the Protection
Afforded by the EU-US Privacy Shield, Eur. Parl. Doc. B8-0305 2645(RSP) (2018),
2018-0305&language=EN [].
180. European Data Protection Board, supra note 177; Amanda Lee, US to Appoint Permanent
Privacy Shield Ombudsmen, as EU Pressure Tells, (Jan. 23, 2019),
privacy-shield-ombudsperson-following-eu-pressure/ [].
181. European Data Protection Board, supra note 177, at 6.
182. Era Gunning & Ridwaan Boda, “Is Your Organisation Ready for POPI and the
GDPR?” ENSAFRICA, Mondaq (Feb. 6, 2018),
+POPI+And+The+GDPR [].
183. Id. at 29; see also Adrian Naude, Data Protection in South Africa: The Impact of the
Protection of Personal Information Act and Recent International Developments (Dec.
2014)  (unpublished LL.M thesis, University of Pretoria),
handle/2263/46094 [].
184. Loi n° 2008-12 sur la Protection des données à caractère personnel [Law No. 2008-12 on
the Protection of Personal Data] (Sen.).
185. Ann Brian Nougréres, Data Protection and Enforcement in Latin America and in
Uruguay, in David Wright & Paul De Hert, Enforcing Privacy:  Regulatory,
Legal and Technological Approaches, 145–80, 176 (2016), at 153; Maria de
Lourdes Zamudio Salinas, El marco normative latinoamericano y la ley de protección de
datos personales del Perú [The Latin American Regulatory Framework and the Personal
Data Protection Law of Peru] 9, Revista Internacional de Protección de Datos Personales
(2010), at 10.
186. Zamudio Salinas, supra note 185.

Notes to page 153 337

187. Lei No. 13.709, de 14 de Agosto de 2018, Diário Oficial da União [D.O.U.] de
15.8.2018 (Braz.); see also Paul M. Schwartz, Global data privacy: The EU Way, 94 N.Y.U.
L. Rev. 1, 29 (2019).
188. See, e.g., Nougréres, supra note 185, at 145; Greenleaf, supra note 128, at 75; Zamudio
Salinas, supra note 185, at 10.
189. See Red Iberoamericana de proteccion de datos [Ibero-American Data Protection
Network], Miembros [Members],
idphp.php [].
190. Id.
191. Red Iberoamericana de proteccion de datos [Ibero-American Data Protection Network],
Standards for Personal Data Protection for the Ibero-American States (June 20, 2017),
pdf []; see also New Ibero-American Standards to Provide
Consistency in the Protection of Personal Data, Jones Day (Oct. 2017), http://www.jonesday.
data-10-03-2017 (on file with author); see also, Nougréres, supra note 185, at 145.
192. Magnus Franklin, Latin American Endorsement of EU Privacy Model Bolsters Brussels’
Leadership Claim, MLex Market Insight (Aug. 14, 2017), https://mlexmarketinsight.
leadership-claim [].
193. Programa de Acción de la Red Iberoamericana de Protecctón de Datos Periodo 2015–
2017 [2015–2017 Action Program of the Iberoamerican Network for Data Protection]
2 (2015),
ACCION_DE_LA_RIPD_2015-17.pdf#aqui [].
194. (中华人民共和国网络安全法)[Cyber Security Law] (promulgated by the Standing
Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., Nov. 7, 2016, effective June 1, 2017); 2016 Standing
Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. (China). For a US translation, see Creemers et al.,
Translation: Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China (Effective June 1, 2017),
New America ( June 29, 2018),
digichina/blog/translation-cybersecurity-law-peoples-republic-china/ [https://perma.
cc/L38D-2TKN]; see also Jack Wagner, China’s Cybersecurity Law: What You Need to
Know, The Diplomat ( June 1, 2017),
cybersecurity-law-what-you-need-to-know/ [].
195. See Scott Thiel & Arthur Cheuk, China’s Evolving Personal Data Privacy Landscape, DLA
Piper (Feb. 8, 2013),
chinas-evolving-personal-data-privacy-landscape/ []. The
Reference List on p. 5 expressly sets out the EU Privacy and Electronic Communications
Directive (2002/58/EC).
196. Compare Data Protection Laws of the World—China, DLA Piper, https://www.
functions/handbook.pdf ?country-1=CN [] with GDPR,
supra note 1, at art. 5(1)(b), 6(1)(b).
197. 张新宝 [Zhang Xinbao], 中国个人数据保护立法的现状与展 [The
Status Quo and Prospect of China’s Personal Data Protection Legislation],
香港中英文版《中国法律》杂志2007年第3期 [3 China Law (2007)], http:// (on file with author)
(translation supplied).
198. Id.
199. See 张新宝[Zhang Xinbao], 采取国家立法主导模式保护网络个人资料[Adopting
Nation Legislation Oriented Model for Internet Individual Data Protection], 检察日报

338 Notes to pages 153–155

[People’s Procuratorial Daily] (Oct. 27, 2003),

nese/OP-c/429899.htm [].
200. COUNTRY REPORT—CHINA, FREEDOM ON THE NET 2018 (2019), https:// [].
202. Paul Mozur, Inside China’s Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras, N.Y.
Times (Oct. 15, 2018),
lance-technology.html (on file with author).
203. Lily Kuo, China Bans 23m From Buying Travel Tickets as part of “Social Credit” System,
Guardian (Mar. 1, 2019),
bans-23m-discredited-citizens-from-buying-travel-tickets-social-credit-system [https://].
204. Policy in Action through the Information Security Management
System, Wipro Sustainability Report 2016–17 (2017), http://wiprosustainabili-
ment_system [].
205. Annual Report for 2015–16, Infosys (2016),
reports-filings/annual-report/annual/Documents/infosys-AR-16.pdf [https://perma.
206. Christopher Nilesh, The India draft bill on data protection draws inspiration from GDPR,
but has its limits, Economic Times ( July 28, 2018), https://economictimes.indiatimes.
gdpr-but-has-its-limits/articleshow/65173684.cms []
207. Mozilla Foundation, Mozilla’s Comments on the White Paper of the
Committee of Experts on Data Protection Framework for India 13 ( Jan.
31, 2018),
Srikrishna-Committee.pdf [].
208. Daskal, supra note 29, at 233.
209. See White House, Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World:  A
Framework for Protecting Privacy and Promoting Innovation in the
Global Digital Economy 1‒26 (2012),
sites/default/files/privacy-final.pdf [].
210. See, e.g., Daisuke Wakabayashi, California Passes Sweeping Law to Protect Online Privacy,
N.Y. Times ( July 30, 2018),
fornia-online-privacy-law.html (on file with author).
211. Issie Lapowsky, California Unanimously Passes Historic Privacy Bill, Wired ( June 28,
bill/ [].
212. Compare Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.110(a) (West) with GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 5(1)(b),
213. Compare Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.100(a) (West) with GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 15.
214. Compare Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.105(a) (West) with GDPR, supra note 1, at art. 17.
215. Cecilia Kang, F.T.C Approves Facebook Fine of About $5 Billion, N.Y. Times ( July 12,
2019), (on
file with author)
216. Conor Dougherty, Push for Internet Privacy Rules Moves to Statehouses, N.Y. Times
(Dec. 22, 2017),
state-legislation-illinois.html (on file with author).

Notes to pages 156–158 339

217. Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, Combating Certain Forms and Expressions
of Racism and Xenophobia by Means of Criminal Law, art. 1 2008 O.J. (L 328)  55, 56
[hereinafter Council Framework Decision].
218. Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 447 (1969); see also Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire,
315 U.S. 568, 572 (1942).
219. Eugene Volokh, No, There’s No “Hate Speech” Exception to the First Amendment,
Washington Post (May 7, 2015),
amendment/?utm_term=.e96978325c4d (on file with author).
220. Id.
221. See, e.g., Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443, 458 (2011).
222. Ira Steven Nathenson, Super-Intermediaries, Code, Human Rights, St. Thomas University
School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-09, 96–97; Senate Comm. on
Foreign Relations, Report on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
S. Exec. Rep. No. 23, 4-7 (102d Cong., 2d Sess. 1992), reprinted in 31 I.L.M. 645 (1992).
223. Case C-247/99, P Bernard Connolly v. Comm’n, 2001 E.C.R. I-1611
224. Case C-54/07, Centrum voor gelijkheid van kansen en voor racismebestrijding v. Firma
Feryn NV, 2008 E.C.R. I-05187.
225. TFEU, supra note 5.
226. Advocate General’s Opinion in Case Case C-54/07, Centrum voor Gelijkheid van
Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding v.  Firma Feryn NV (Mar. 12, 2018), http://curia. ?text=&docid=70156&pageIndex=0&do
clang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=96546 [
DVQ7-UPPV]; see also Uladzislau Belavusau, Fighting Hate Speech through EU Law,
4 Amsterdam L. Forum 20, 30 (2012).
227. Erbakan v Turkey, No. 59405/00, 56 (Eur. Ct. H.R. July 6, 2006).
228. Id.
229. European Court of Human Rights, Fact sheet on Hate Speech, 1 (Mar. 2019), [
230. Council Framework Decision, supra note 217.
231. Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010
on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administra-
tive action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services
(Audiovisual Media Services Directive), 2010 O.J. (L 95) 1.
232. Art. 137(c) & Art. 137(d), para. 1, Sr.(Neth.).
233. See, e.g., Sheena McKenzie, Geert Wilders guilty of ‘insulting a group’ after hate speech
trial, CNN (Dec. 9, 2016),
hate-speech-trial-verdict/index.html [].
234. See, e.g., European Commission, Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech
online: First results on implementation (Dec. 2016),
235. Jeffrey Eisenach, Don’t Make the Internet a Public Utility, N.Y. Times (Oct. 28, 2016),
dont-make-the-internet-a-public-utility (on file with author).
236. The Code, supra note 2; see also How the Code of Conduct helped countering illegal hate
speech online, European Commission (Feb. 2019),
info/files/hatespeech_infographic3_web.pdf [].
237. European Commission Press Release IP/18/1169, A Europe that protects: Commission
reinforces EU response to illegal content online (Mar. 1, 2018).

340 Notes to pages 158–160

238. European Commission Press Release IP/17/3493, Security Union: Commission steps up

efforts to tackle illegal content online (Sept. 28, 2017).
239. Daniel Boffey, EU Threatens to Crack Down on Facebook over Hate Speech, Guardian
(Apr. 11, 2018),
sanctions-online-hate-speech-facebook-scandal [].
240. Danielle Keats Citron, Extremist Speech, Compelled Conformity, and Censorship Creep,
93 Notre Dame L.R. 1035, 1070 (2018).
241. Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken
[Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz—NetzDG] [Network Enforcement Act], Sept. 1, 2017,
Elektronischer Bundesanzeiger [eBAnz] at 3352ff 2017 I (Ger.); see also Philip
Oltermann, Tough new German law puts free speech and tech in spotlight, Guardian
( Jan. 5, 2018),
law-puts-tech-firms-and-free-speech-in-spotlight [].
242. France to Get Tougher on Social Media Hate Speech—PM, Reuters (Mar. 19, 2018),
social-media-hate-speech-pm-idUSL8N1R14G0 []; see
also Jajer M’tiri, France Reveals New Plan to Counter Online Hate Speech, AA (Mar. 19,
hate-speech/1093371 [].
243. Ginger Hervey, Theresa May to Call for increased policing of online hate speech, Politico
(Feb. 6, 2018),
policing-of-online-hate-speech/ [].
244. Noah Feldman, Free Speech In Europe Isn’t What Americans Think, Bloomberg
(Mar. 19, 2017),
in-europe-isn-t-what-americans-think (on file with author); see also Jeffrey Rosen, The
Delete Squad, Google, Twitter, Facebook and the new global battle over the future of free
speech, New Republic (Apr. 29, 2013),
free-speech-internet-ssilicon-valley-%EF%BF%BCmaking-rules [
245. European Commission against Racism and Intolerance General Policy Recommendation
No. 15 on Combating Hate Speech, ECRI (2016), 3 (Dec. 8, 2015),
246. See Ericha Panzen, Xenophobic and Racist Hate Crimes Surge in European Union,
Human Rights Brief (Feb. 28, 2017),
racist-hate-crimes-surge-european-union/ [].
247. Supra note 245.
248. Council of Europe, No Hate Speech Youth Campaign (last visited Oct.
17, 2018), [
249. Melanie Stray, Galop UK Online Hate Crime Report 2017 (2017), http:// [https://].
250. See European Federation of Journalists, About, Media Against Hate
(last visited Oct. 17, 2018),
251. See European Commission, Media Pluralism and Democracy:  Sepcial
Eurobarometer 452 Report (Nov. 2016),
publicopinion/index.cfm/ResultDoc/download/DocumentKy/75538 [https://perma.
252. Id. at 45–48.

Notes to pages 160–161 341

253. Mark Scott, What U.S. Tech Giants Face in Europe in 2017, N.Y. Times ( Jan. 1, 2017),
254. There was a total of 253,480,00 users in the EU28 as of Dec 31, 2017; see Internet
World Stats, Internet Usage in the European Union—March 2019 (Mar. 2019),
255. Shona Ghosh, Facebook in Europe is About to get massively disrupted by new laws meant to
bring it to heel, Business Insider (Apr. 10, 2018),
medium=social& [https://].
256. Facebook Inc. (FB) Third Quarter 2017 Results Conference Call (Nov. 1, 2017),
call-transcript.pdf [] (“One of our strongest areas this
quarter was SMBs in Europe, with revenue growing more than 60% year-over-year.”);
see also Press Release, Facebook Inc. (FB) Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results
Conference Call ( Jan. 31, 2018),
257. There was a total of 141.2 million users in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland,
and Spain as of May 2016; see Statista, Countries with the Most YouTube
Users as of May 2016 (2016),
ber-of-monthly-unique-youtube-users/ []. There are
approximately 1 billion YouTube users worldwide; see Social Bakers, All YouTube
Statistics in One Place (last visited May 24, 2019),
statistics/youtube/ [].
258. Robinson Meyer, Europeans Use Google Way, Way More Than Americans Do, Atlantic
(Apr. 15, 2015),
google-way-way-more-than-americans-do/390612/ [].
259. Alphabet Q4 2017 Earnings Call (Feb. 1, 2018),
Q4_Earnings_Transcript.pdf [].
260. Id.
261. Snap Inc., Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q, Aug. 11, 2017)  (“We averaged 173  million
DAUs across the quarter, as compared to 143 million in the second quarter of 2016, an
increase of 21%. The majority of that growth continues to be driven by core markets like
North America and Europe.”).
262. The EU code of conduct on countering illegal hate speech online, European Commission,
Combatting Discrimination (last visited May 19, 2019),
xenophobia/countering-illegal-hate-speech-online_en#monitoringrounds [https://].
263. How the Code of Conduct helped countering illegal hate speech online—Factsheet,
European Commisssion (Feb. 2009),
hatespeech_infographic3_web.pdf []; see also Code of
Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online, Fourth evaluation confirms self-regulation
works, European Commission (Feb. 2009),
files/code_of_conduct_factsheet_7_web.pdf [].
264. See YouTube Help, Hate Speech (last visited May. 19, 2019),
com/youtube/answer/2801939?hl=en [].
265. Tumblr Community Guidelines (Dec. 17, 2018),
policy/en/community [].

342 Notes to pages 162–166

266. European Commission, Press Release Security Union:  Commission steps up efforts
to tackle illegal content online (Sept. 28, 2017),
IP-17-3493_en.htm [hereinafter September 28 Press Release].
267. Martin Ammori, The “New” New York Times, 127 Harv. L. Rev. 2259, 2260 (2014).
268. Id. at 2283.
269. Id.
270. Jeff Rosen, Who Decides? Civility v. Hate Speech on the Internet, ABA, 33 (Winter 2013),
insights/Insights13-2.pdf [].
271. Julia Angwin & Hannes Grassegger, Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White
Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children, ProPublica ( June 28, 2017), https://
algorithms [].
272. The exact time period was November 5 to December 14 2018 (6 weeks); see European
Commission, Code of Conduct Fourth evaluation, supra note 263.
273. European Commission Press Release IP/19/805, Countering illegal hate speech online—
EU Code of Conduct ensures swift response (Feb. 4, 2019).
274. Hannan Kuchler, Facebook defends guidelines for moderators, Fin. Times (May 22, 2017), [https://perma.
275. European Commission Press Release IP/18/261, Countering illegal hate speech online—
Commission initiative shows continued improvement, further platforms join ( Jan. 19,
276. European Commission Daily News, Snapchat joins the EU Code of Conduct to fight illegal
hate speech online, European Commission (May 7, 2018),
press-release_MEX-18-3723_en.htm [].
277. Mehreen Khan, EU draws up sweeping rules to curb illegal online content, Fin. Times,
( July 23, 2019)
(onfile with author).
278. Ammori, supra note 267, at 2279.
279. Code of Conduct—Illegal Online Hate Speech, Questions and Answers, European
Commission Question 8 ( June 2016),
code_of_conduct_hate_speech_en.pdf [].
280. Ammori, supra note 267, at 2279.
281. Angwin & Grassegger, supra note 271.
282. Nathenson, supra note 222, at 127.
283. Jeffrey Rosen, Google’s Gatekeepers, N.Y. Times (Nov. 28, 2008), http://www.nytimes.
com/2008/11/30/magazine/30google-t.html (on file with author).
284. Rachel Whetstone, Free Expression and Controversial Content on the Web, Official Google
Blog (Nov. 14, 2007),
controversial.html [].
285. Eva Galperin, Twitter Steps Down from the Free Speech Party, Electronic Frontier
Foundation (May 21, 2014),
down-free-speech-party [].
286. In May 2017, an Austrian court ordered Facebook to remove posts not just within
Austria, but globally, as merely blocking the messages in Austria, without removing
them for users abroad was not sufficient; see generally BBC News, Facebook Must Delete
Hate Postings, Austria Court Rules, BBC News (May 9, 2017),
news/world-europe-39852623 []; see also Alphabet Inc.,
Annual Report (Form 10-K, Feb. 5, 2018).
287. Ammori, supra note 267, at 2276.

Notes to pages 166–174 343

288. Angwin & Grassegger, supra note 271.

289. Id.
290. Ammori, supra note 267, at 2281 (citing interviews with Dave Willner & Monika
291. In another case involving protection of privacy and the scope of the famous “right to
be forgotten,” the ECJ is also considering whether to extend the obligation to remove
certain information from search results globally, and not just in Europe. See supra notes
117–26 and accompanying text.
292. Natasha Lomas, ECJ to Rule on Whether Facebook Needs to Hunt for Hate Speech,
TechCrunch ( Jan. 11, 2018),
whether-facebook-needs-to-hunt-for-hate-speech/ [].
293. Press Release No. 69/19, Court of Justice of the EuropeanUnion, Eva Glaswischnig-Piesczek
v. Facebook Ireland Limited (June 4, 2019),
application/pdf/2019-06/cp190069en.pdf [].
294. Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill 2019 (Cth)
295. Damian Cave, Australia Passes Law to Punish Social Media Companies for Violent Posts,
N.Y. Times Apr. 3, 2019),
(on file with author).
296. Id.

C h a p t er   6
1. Import Conditions, European Comm’n,
affairs/trade_en [] (last visited May 24, 2019).
2. George Smith, EU Remains Biggest Importer and Exporter of Agri-Food Products, New
Food Magazine ( June 8, 2018),
eu-biggest-importer-exporter/ [].
3. See, e.g. A Brief Look at Europe’s Tainted Food Scandals, Daily Sabah Europe (Aug.
11, 2017, 8:53 PM),
europes-tainted-food-scandals [].
4. European Commission Press Release, “BSE: UK Beef Embargo to be Lifted” (Mar. 8,
2006)  ( [
YUN4-8T4Q]). It should be noted that there is no scientific certainty that infected
beef did in fact transmit BSE to humans. BSE: What is It and Where Does it Come From?
Irish Times ( Jun. 11, 2015, 1:12 PM),
irish-news/bse-what-is-it-and-where-does-it-come-from-1.2245903 [
5. Rose Troup Buchanan, Mad Cow Disease in the UK: What is BSE and What Are the
Symptoms? The Indep. (Oct. 1, 2015, 2:45 PM),
symptoms-a6675351.html [].
6. Maria Weimer, Risk Regulation in the Internal Market 59 (2019).
7. Food Safety:  Overview, European Comm’n (last visited Apr. 23, 2019), https:// [].
8. See generally Food Safety in the EU, European Union (last visited Apr. 23, 2019), https:// [].
9. Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
25 October 2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, Amending

344 Notes to page 174

Regulations (EC) No 1924/2006 and (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament

and of the Council, and Repealing Commission Directive 87/250/EEC, Council
Directive 90/496/EEC, Commission Directive 1999/10/EC, Directive 2000/13/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Directives 2002/67/EC and
2008/5/EC and Commission Regulation (EC) No 608/2004, 2011 O.J. (L 304).
10. See, e.g., Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, estab-
lishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of
food safety, 2002 O.J. (L 31); Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verifica-
tion of compliance with feed and food law, animal health, and animal welfare rules, 2004
O.J. (L 165).
11. See, e.g., Directive 2001/18 on the Deliberate Release Into the Environment of Genetically
Modified Organisms, 2001 O.J. (L 106), 1; Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on Genetically Modified Food and
Feed, 2003 O.J. (L 268); Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 22 September 2003 Concerning the Traceability and Labelling
of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Traceability of Food and Feed Products
Produced from Genetically Modified Organisms and Amending Directive 2001/18/EC.
The term GMO refers to the use of biotechnology to modify the genetic make-up of living
cells and organisms in an effort to improve their properties such as resistance to diseases
or increased crop productivity. Such modified organisms are called GMOs. Food and feed
produced using GMOs are called GM food or GM feed. The EU regulates both the cul-
tivation and trading of GMOs as well as GM food and feed. See European Commission,
Press Release MEMO/15/4778, “Fact Sheet: Questions and Answers on EU’s Policies on
GMOs” (Apr. 22, 2015),
12. About EFSA, European Food Safety Auth.,
aboutefsa [] (last visited Apr. 23, 2019).
13. Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28
January 2002 Laying Down the General Principles and Requirements of Food Law,
Establishing the European Food Safety Authority and Laying Down Procedures in
Matters of Food Safety, 2002 O.J. (L 31), 13.
14. See Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 503/2013 of 3 April 2013 on
Applications for Authorisation of Genetically Modified Food and Feed in Accordance
with Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and
Amending Commission Regulations (EC) No 641/2004 and (EC) No 1981/2006, 2013
O.J. (L 157), 6.
15. Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for
control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers, 2011 O.J.
(L 55).
16. Id.
17. EU Register of Authorised GMO, European Comm’n,
dyna/gm_register/index_en_new.cfm (reviewing records for “Registered” products for
“Authorized use” of “seeds for cultivation”) (last visited Apr. 23, 2019).
18. Id.
19. European Comm’n, Press Release, supra note 11.
20. See Directive (EU) 2015/412 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March
2015 amending Directive 2001/18/EC as regards the possibility for the Member States to
restrict or prohibit the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their

Notes to pages 174–176 345

territory Text with EEA relevance, 2015 O.J. (L 68); See also European Commission, Press
Release, supra note 11.
21. Majority of EU Nations Seek Opt-Out from Growing GM Crops, Reuters (Oct. 4,
2015, 11:26 AM),
nations-seek-opt-out-from-growing-gm-crops-idUSKCN0RY0M320151004 [https://].
22. Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22
September 2003 Concerning the Traceability and Labelling of Genetically Modified
Organisms and the Traceability of Food and Feed Products Produced from Genetically
Modified Organisms and Amending Directive 2001/18/EC, 2003 O.J. (L 268); Regulation
(EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003
on Genetically Modified Food and Feed (Text with EEA relevance), 2003 O.J. (L 268).
23. Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22
September 2003 Concerning the Traceability and Labelling of Genetically Modified
Organisms and the Traceability of Food and Feed Products Produced From Genetically
Modified Organisms and Amending Directive 2001/18/EC, 2003 O.J. (L 268), 24, 26‒27.
24. Traceability and Labelling, European Comm’n,
gmo/traceability_labelling_en [] (last visited Apr. 29,
2019); Regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 22 September 2003 Concerning the Traceability and Labelling of Genetically Modified
Organisms, 2003 O.J. (L 268) 24, 26–27.
25. Koreen Ramessar, Teresa Capell, Richard M Twyman & Paul Christou, Going to Ridiculous
Lengths—European Coexistence Regulations for GM Crops, 28 Nature Biotech 133, 134
26. See European Comm’n, Special Eurobarometer 354:  Food-Related Risks
en.pdf [].
27. Joshua Chaffin & Hugh Carnegy, How Food Scares Galloped Across Europe, Fin. Times
(Feb. 11, 2013),
(on file with author).
28. Id.
29. DS 26:  European Communities—Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products
(Hormones), World Trade Org.,
cases_e/ds26_e.htm [] (last updated Apr. 12, 2016).
30. DS 389:  European Communities—Certain Measures Affecting Poultry Meat and Poultry
Meat Products from the United States, World Trade Org.,
english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds389_e.htm [] (last
updated Feb. 24, 2010).
31. Tom Delreux & Sandra Happaerts, Environmental Policy and Politics in
the European Union 186 (2016)
32. See European Comm’n, Eurobarometer 55.2:  Europeans, Science, and
Technology 40 (2001), http://‌ec.‌europa.‌eu/‌research/‌press/‌2001/‌pr0612en-‌report.‌pdf
[]; European Comm’n, Special Eurobarometer
238: Risk Issues 53 (2006),
en.pdf [].
33. See European Comm’n, Special Eurobarometer 341:  Biotechnology 31
en.pdf [].
34. European Comm’n, Eurobarometer 354: Food Related Risks 30 (2010), http:// [https://].

346 Notes to pages 176–178

35. Hans-Georg Dederer, The Challenge of Regulating Genetically Modified Organisms in the
European Union: Trends and Issues, in Contemporary Issues in Environmental
Law Japan and EU 152 (Yumiko Nakanishi, ed., 2016).
36. Tomasz Twardowski & Aleksandra Małyska, Social and Legal Determinants for Marketing
of GM Products in Poland, 29 New Biotechnology 249 (2012).
37. Tom Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 31, at 183.
38. Andrew Willis, EU Receives Anti-GMO Petition Amid Raging Legal Battle, EU Observer
(Dec. 10 2010, 9:25 AM), [https://perma.
39. James Kanter, BASF to Stop Selling Genetically Modified Products in Europe, N.Y. Times
( Jan. 16, 2012),
html (on file with author).
40. Joshua Chaffin & Jim Pickard, Monsanto to Drop Applications to Grow GM Crops in
EU, Fin. Times ( July 17, 2013),
00144feabdc0 (on file with author).
41. Tom Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 31, at 183.
42. See Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties, 57 Fed. Reg. 22,984,
22,988, 22,991 (May 29, 1992).
43. Prakash & Kelly L. Kollman, Biopolitics in the EU and the U.S.: A Race to the Bottom or
Convergence to the Top?, 47 Int’l Stud. Q. 617, 627, 629‒34 (2003).
44. What GM Crops are Currently Being Grown and Where? Royal Soc’y, https://royalso-
and-where/ [] (last visited Apr. 22, 2019).
45. Thomas J. Hoban, Public Attitudes Towards Agricultural Biotechnology, Table 1 (The Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ESA Working Paper No. 04-09,
46. Id. citing MSU Food Literacy and Engagement Poll: Wave I, Food@MSU (Aug. 17, 2017), [https://]; Brad Buck, UF Study:  Consumers see ‘Organic’ and ‘non-GM’
Food Labels as Synonymous, UF IFAS Blogs (Oct. 23, 2017),
47. U.S. Polls on GE Food Labeling, Ctr. Food Safety, https://www.centerforfoodsafety.
org/issues/976/ge-food-labeling/us-polls-on-ge-food-labeling [
W2WV-GSKQ] (last visited Apr. 22, 2019).
48. Consumer Reports Nat’l Research Ctr., Consumer Support for
Standardization and Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food 2 (2014),
pdf [].
49. DS 291:  European Communities—Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of
Biotech Products, World Trade Org.,
dispu_e/cases_e/ds291_e.htm [] (last updated Apr. 16,
2019); See also Mark A. Pollack and Gregory C. Shaffer, When Cooperation
Fails:  The International Law and Politics of Genetically Modified
Foods (2009).
50. David Langlet & Said Mahmoudi, EU Environmental Law and Policy 339–
40 (2016).
51. See Charles E. Hanrahan, Cong. Research Serv., RS21556, Agricultural
Biotechnology:  The U.S.-EU Dispute 6 (2010); see also Minutes of Meeting,
WT/DSB/M/311, at 6–7 (Mar. 15, 2012); DS 291: European Communities—Measures
Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products:  Current Status, World

Notes to pages 178–181 347

Trade Org.,

[] (last updated Apr. 16, 2019).
52. Dederer, supra note 35, at 147–48.
53. See Hanrahan, supra note 51.
54. Commission Regulation (EU) No 619/2011 of June 24, 2011, Laying Down the Methods
of Sampling and Analysis for the Official Control of Feed as Regards Presence of
Genetically Modified Material for Which an Authorisation Procedure is Pending or the
Authorisation of Which has Expired, 2011 O.J. (L 166).
55. Commission Regulation (EU) No 619/2011 of 24 June 2011 Laying Down the Methods of
Sampling and Analysis for the Official Control of Feed as Regards Presence of Genetically
Modified Material for Which an Authorisation Procedure is Pending or the Authorisation
of Which has Expired, 2011 O.J. (L 166).
56. Richard B. Stewart, GMO Trade Regulation and Developing Countries 6–7 (Pub. Law &
Legal Theory Research Paper Series, Working Paper No. 09-70, 2009).
57. See, e.g., Stewart, supra note 56, at 10; Linda Kleemann et. al., Certification and Access
to Export Markets:  Adoption and Return on Investment of Organic-Certified Pineapple
Farming in Ghana, 64 World Dev. 79 (2014); Spencer Henson, Oliver Masakure &
John Cranfield, Do Fresh Produce Exporters in Sub-Saharan Africa Benefit from GlobalGAP
Certification? 39 World Dev. 375 (2011).
58. Kleemann, supra note 57 at 87.
59. See, e.g., Andrew Graffham, Esther Karehu & James MacGregor, Fresh
Insights Number 6:  Impact of EurepGAP on Small-Scale Vegetable
Growers in Kenya (2007),
6ed915d3cfd001018/60506fresh_insights_6_EurepGapKenya.pdf; Andrew Graffham &
James MacGregor, Fresh Insights Number 5: Impact of EurepGAP on Small-
Scale Vegetable Growers in Zambia (2007),
60. EU Member States, European Food Safety Auth,
partnersnetworks/eumembers [] (last visited Oct. 27, 2018).
61. U.S.D.A., Press Release, “U.S. Farm Exports Hit Third-Highest Level on Record,” 16 Nov.
2017 (
record) [].
62. However, trade diversion may entail the producers being able to sell their crop at a lower
price in alternative export markets.
63. Katharine Gostek, Genetically Modified Organisms:  How The United States’ and the
European Union’s Regulations Affect the Economy, 24 Mich. St. Int’l L.R. 761, 787–90
64. See Prakash & Kollman, supra note 43, at 632.
65. Gostek, supra note 63, at 790–94.
66. Why M&M’s Are Made With Natural Coloring in the EU and not the U.S., WBUR
(Mar. 28, 2014),
[]; Donna McCann et. al. Food Additives and Hyperactive
Behaviour in 3-Year-Old and 8/9-Year-Old Children in the Community:  A Rendomised,
Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial, 370 Lancet 1560 (2007).
67. Robyn O’Brien, US Food Companies Have Removed Food Dyes in the UK—Why Not
Here?, Robyn O’Brien (Apr. 9, 2015),
have-removed-food-dyes-in-the-uk-why-not-here/ [].
68. WBUR, supra note 66.
69. Melissa Kravitz, 6 Foods that are Legal in the US but Banned in Other Countries, Bus.
Insider (Mar. 1, 2017, 5:49 PM),
side-us-2017-3?IR=T [].

348 Notes to pages 181–183

70. Kravitz, supra note 69.

71. Id.
72. The globalization of the EU standard in all these instances was facilitated by consumer
pressure in the United States. For example, ADA is also known as the “yoga mat chemi-
cal”—given that the same chemical is used in yoga mats—making it a catchy reference in
public campaigning against the use of ADA in food. Virginia Chamlee, Subway Wasn’t the
Only Chain to Use the ‘Yoga Mat Chemical’ in Its Bread, Eater (Aug. 8, 2016, 4:00 PM),
burger-king-wendys [].
73. See, e.g., Sarah Kobylewski & Michael E. Jacobson, Food Dyes: A Rainbow
of Risks (2010),
of-risks.pdf [; WBUR, supra note 66.
74. In France, food importers are required to acquire “EUHACCP” certification—the EU
version of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (“HACCP”)—which is a stringent
food hygiene and safety standard.
75. Tomohiro Machida, Japanese Dried Fish Flake Group Hope to Find Agreeable French
Palates, Nikkei Asian Rev. (Sept. 27, 2014, 1:00 PM),
Trends/Japanese-dried-fish-flake-group-hopes-to-find-agreeable-French-palates [https://].
76. See The Costs of GMO Labeling, Foodie Farmer (Apr. 8, 2014), https://thefoodiefarmer. [].
77. See Charles E. Hanrahan, Cong. Research Serv., RS21556, Agricultural
Biotechnology: The U.S.-EU Dispute 5 (2010).
78. See Hanrahan, supra note 51, at 5.
79. Id. at 245.
80. Id. at 469; see also David Vogel, The Politics of Precaution:  Regulation
Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United
States 86 (2012).
81. CropLife Int’l, Fact Sheet:  Adventitious Presence (AP) or Low Level
Presence (LLP),
82. Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, The Economics of Adventitious Presence Thresholds in the EU
Seed Market, Food Policy 43 (2013) 237.
83. Case C-442/09, Bablok v. Freistaat Bayern, EUR-Lex 62009CJ0442, at 8 (Sept. 6, 2011).
84. Kalaitzandonakes, supra note 82, at 237.
85. Pamela Rosalía Narváez Torres, Detección de polen convencional y geneticamente modi-
ficado de soya, glycine max l., en la miel de abeja, apis mellifera, de los estados Campeche
y Yucatán (“Detection of Conventional Pollen and Genetically Modified Soy, Glycine Max
L., in the Honey, Apis Mellifera, of the States of Campeche and Yucatán”), Universidad
Autonoma de Mexico (2013),
86. Id. at 37.
87. Id. at 86.
88. See Vogel, supra note 80, at 86.
89. Brandon Mitchener, Standard Bearers: Increasingly, Rules of Global Economy Are Set in
Brussels, Wall St. J., Apr. 23, 2002, at A1; Editorial, Regulatory Imperialism, Wall St.
J. (Oct. 26, 2007), (on file
with author).
90. See id.; see also David A. Wirth, The EU’s New Impact on U.S. Environmental Regulation,
31 Fletcher F. World Aff. 91, 104 (2007). Similarly, multinational restaurant retailers

Notes to pages 183–186 349

operating in the EU, including McDonalds, have requested their contract farmers to
produce only non-GMO crops to mitigate consumer backlash in the EU. See Prakash &
Kollman, supra note 43, at 632.
91. U.S. Traders Reject GMO Crops that Lack Global Approval, Reuters (May 6, 2016),
lack-global-approval-idUSKCN0XX2AV [].
92. Id.
93. See Centre du Commerce International, Developpement des Produits et
des Marches, Cacao: Guide Des Practiques Commerciales, 115 (2012).
94. Regulation (EU) 2015/1933 of 27 October 2015 Amending Regulation (EC) No
1881/2006 as Regards Maximum Levels for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in
Cocoa Fibre, Banana Chips, Food Supplements, Dried Herbs and Dried Spices, 2015
O.J. (L 282); see also EU Commission Updates the Regulation of PAHS in Foodstuffs, SGS
(Nov. 19, 2015),
sion-updates-the-regulation-of-pahs-in-foodstuffs [].
95. Council Regulation (EEC) No. 315/93 of 8 February 1993 Laying down Community
Procedures for Contaminants in Food, 1993 O.J. (L 37).
96. Drying cocoa artificially is one the main issues because when smoke comes into contact
with cocoa beans, one risks higher levels of polycyclic aroma to hydrocarbons. See Moki
Kindzeka, New European Union Import Laws Hurt African Cocoa Exports, Deutsche
Welle (May 28, 2013),
hurt-african-cocoa-exports/a-16842178 [].
97. Ntaryike Divine, Jr., European Regulations Worry Cocoa Exporters, Voice of Africa
News (Feb. 1, 2013, 7:03 PM),
worry-african-cocoa-exporters/1595716.html [].
98. Cameroon, Observatory Econ. Complexity,
profile/country/cmr/ [] (last visited Apr. 22, 2019); Top
10 Cocoa Producing Countries, WorldAtlas (last updated Sept. 28, 2018), https://www. [
99. Cameroon, Observatory of Econ. Complexity,
profile/country/cmr/ [] (last visited Apr. 22, 2019).
100. Divine, Jr., supra note 97.
101. Kindzeka, supra note 96.
102. EU Tightens Laws on African Cocoa Exports, Ventures Africa ( June 3, 2013), http:// [
103. Cameroon Refurbishing Cocoa Drying Ovens to Meet EU Rules, Reuters (Sept. 4, 2013),
cocoa-drying-ovens-to-meet-eu-rules/ [].
104. Steve Jaffee & Oliver Masakure, Strategic Use of Private Standards to Enhance International
Competitiveness: Vegetable Exports from Kenya and Elsewhere, 30 Food Pol. 316 (2005).
105. Commission Regulation 753/2002 of 29 April 2002 laying down rules for applying
Council Regulation No. 1493/1999 as regards the description, designation, presentation,
and protection of certain wine sector products, 2002 O.J. (L 118); Council Regulation
(EC) No 479/2008 of 29 April 2008 on the Common Organisation of the Market
in Wine, Amending Regulations (EC) No 1493/1999, (EC) No 1782/2003, (EC) No
1290/2005, (EC) No 3/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2392/86 and (EC)
No 1493/1999, 2008 O.J. (L 148), 39.
106. Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of 29 April 2008 on the Common Organisation
of the Market in Wine, Amending Regulations (EC) No 1493/1999, (EC) No 1782/2003,

350 Notes to pages 186–188

(EC) No 1290/2005, (EC) No 3/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2392/86 and
(EC) No 1493/1999, 2008 O.J. (L 148), 34;Jacob Gaffney, European Union Standardizes
Wine Labels, Wine Spectator (May 18, 2002),
webfeature/show/id/European-Union-Standardizes-Wine-Labels_21288 [https://perma.
107. The Liquor Products Act 60 of 1989, art. 10 (S. Afr.).
108. WESGRO Cape Town & Western Cape Research, Sector: Wine, 16 (2016),
109. Citrosuco, Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2013-2014 [Citrosuco
Sustainability Report 2013-2014], 12 (2014),
dade/relatorio-de-sustentabilidade.html [].
110. Citrosuco, Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2016-2017 [Citrosuco
Sustainability Report 2016-2017], 16 (2017),
sustentabilidade/relatorio-de-sustentabilidade.html [].
111. Citrosuco, Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2013-2014 [Citrosuco
Sustainability Report 2013-2014] (2014),
lidade/relatorio-de-sustentabilidade.html [].
112. JBS, “A Maior Empresa Do Mundo, Em Produtos de Origem Animal” [The World’s
Largest Company in Products of Animal Origin], (last visited
May 23, 2019) [].
113. JBS S.A., Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2016-2017 [JBS S.A. Sustainabiliy
Report 2016-2017], 115, 116 120 (2017),
JBS%20RAS%202016%20PT%20170502%20Final.pdf [
PNMP]. For example, the company developed a program, which it called “Origin,” to
provide consumers the origin of the beef. The program targets the Brazilian market, but
it is based on the EU requirement to trace all stages of beef production.
114. Linda Kleemann, Awudu Abdulai & Mareike Buss, Certification and Access to Export
Markets: Adoption and Return on Investment of Organic-Certified Pineapple Farming in
Ghana, 64 World Dev. 79 (2014).
115. Dela-Dem Doe Fianko et. al., Does GlobalGAP Certification Promote Agricultural
Exports? (Global Food Discussion Papers 112) (2017).
116. About Us, Agricola Famosa,
[] (last visited May 23, 2019).
117. Etsuyo Michida, Vu Hoang Nam & Aya Suzuki, Emergence of Asian GAPs and its
Relationship to GlobalG.A.P. (IDE Discussion Paper No. 507) (2015); Sam F. Halabi
& Ching-Fu Lin, Assessing the Relative Influence and Efficacy of Public & Private Food
Safety Regulation Regimes:  Comparing Codex & GlobalG.A.P. Standards, 72 Food
& Drug L.J. 262, 294 (2017); Maya Kaneko, “Apple Exporters Hope to Stay Ahead
in Quality Race,” Japan Times (Mar. 24, 2006),
W7j36C-ZOZ0 [].
118. Maria Weimer & Ellen Vos, The Role of the EU in Transnational Regulation of
Food Safety:  Extending Experimentalist Governance?, in The Role of EU in
Transnational Regulation:  Extending Experimentalist Governance?
51 ( J. Zeitlin ed., 2015).
119. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Apr. 15, 1994,
Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 1A, art. III,
1867 U.N.T.S. 493 [not reproduced in I.L.M.].
120. Maria Weimer & Ellen Vos, supra note 118, at 61–68.

Notes to pages 188–191 351

121. In-person interview with Sabine Juelicher, Director of Directorate-General for Health
and Food Safety, European Commission ( July 18, 2018).
122. Ministry of Agriculture and Supply, Minister’s Office, Normative Instruction No. 10,
of April 27, 2001 (Repealed by Normative Instruction 55/2011 / MAPA), http://www.
dezembro-de-2011.pdf/view []
123. Coimma, A Carne Produzida No Brasil Tem Hormonio? [Does the Meat that Comes From
Brazil Contain Hormones?], Coimma Blog (Oct. 06 2014),
br/balancas-e-troncos/A_carne_produzida_no_Brasil_tem_hormonio.html [https://]; Meg Cristina de Campos Pires. Análise sobre o comércio entre
Brasil e União Europeia e as barreiras não tarifárias que o afetam [Analysis on the com-
merce relationship between Brazil and the European Union and the non-tariff barrier that
affects it], (Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista) 3 (2012).
124. Brazil Exports Only 20% of Beef Produced and RevenuesReach U.S. $5.9B, Comex (Mar.
6, 2016),
carne-bovina-produzida-e-receita-chega-a-us-59-bi/ [].
125. Jale Tosun & Maurıcio de Moraes, Marcondes Import Restrictions and Food-Safety
Regulations: Insight from Brazil, 7 Latin Am. Pol. 377, 380, 387 (2016).
126. This National Plan refers to a sector-specific version of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Supply’s existing federal inspection and surveillance program to evaluate
and monitor food production chains. Id. at 385.
127. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28
January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establish-
ing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food
safety, 2002 O.J. (L 31).
128. Taiwan lifayuan (台灣立法院), Xingzheng yuan han qing shenyi
`shipin weisheng guanli fa xiuzheng caoan’an, dì 5 tiáo hé dì 9 tiáo
(行政院函請審議「食品衛生管理法修正草案」案, 第5條和第9條) [The pro-
posal of Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, Article 5 and Article 9], Lifayuan guo-
hui tushu guan wangzhan (立法院國會圖書館網站) (May 31, 2014)  (Chinese text [https://].
129. Mariko Kubo, The Changing World of Food Labelling Regulations,
Leatherhead Food Research White Paper No. 23 (2016).
130. European Commission Press Release, European Union and United States Agree to
Historic New Partnership on Organic Trade (Feb. 15, 2012),
press-release_IP-12-138_en.htm [].
131. European Commission Press Release MEMO 17/4686, “Fact Sheet: The New Organic
Regulation” (updated Apr. 19, 2018),
4686_en.htm [].
132. Tosun & de Moraes, supra note 125, at 390–91.
133. Id. at 391.
134. GMOs Globally, GMO Answers, [https://] (last visited May 23, 2019).
135. Labeling Around the World, Just Label It!
center/labeling-around-the-world/ [] (last visited May 23,
136. Stewart, supra note 56, at 9.
137. On the current status of GMO regulation in LatinAmerican countries. See Eric
Katovish, The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms in Latin America: Policy

352 Notes to pages 191–193

Implications for Trade, Biosafety, and Development (PhD thesis, University of

Minnesota) (2012).
138. Ley No. 29811, Ley que Establece la Moratoria al Ingreso y Producción de Organismos
Vivos Modificados al Territorio Nacional por um Periódo de 10 Años, D.O. 09.12.2011,
art. 1 (Peru).
139. See Ley No. 300, Ley Marco de la Madre Tierra y Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien,
art. 24(7)–(9).G.O. 15.10.2012 (Bolivia); Constitución Política de Ecuador 2008
art. 401.
140. See Brazil, Ministry of Justice Directive No. 2,658/03 (2004), which establishes guide-
lines for the use of a transgenic logo to label all foods/food products/feeds whenever
their GMO-content exceeds 1% tolerability benchmark.
141. See Uruguay’s Decreto No 34.901, stating in Article D.1774.83 that “[f ]‌oods that have
been genetically engineered or that contain one or more ingredients from them, that
exceed 1% of the total components, must be labelled.” (translation supplied).
142. Katovish, supra note 137.
143. Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constituional Court], septiembre 8, 2015, Sentencia
C-583/15 (Colom.), [
htm [].
144. Sentencia C-583/15 (2015), supra note 143, at 1.
145. Stewart, supra note 56 at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9.
146. Id. at 2.
147. Patrycha Dabrowska-Klosińska, The EU and Transnational Regulation of GMOs, in
Extending Experimentalist Governance? The European Union and
Transnational Regulation 83, 100–01 ( Jonathan Zeitlin ed., 2015).
148. Id. at 99.
149. S.  Res. 764, 114th Cong. § 1 (2016) (enacted) (amending the Agricultural Marketing
Act of 1946 by adding a GMO food disclosure standard); National Bioengineered Food
Disclosure Standard, Pub. L. No. 114-216, 130 Stat. 834 (2015) (codified at 7 U.S.C. §§
150. BE Disclosure & Labeling, USDA,
[] (last visited May 23, 2019).
151. GE Food Labeling:  States Take Action, Center for Food Safety ( Jun. 10, 2014),
action [].
152. 22 M.R.S.A. §§2592(1)(C)(2013) as enacted by P.L. 2013, ch. 436, §1 and affected by §2.
153. The Mellman Group, Memo to “Just Label It!” Re:  Voters Want GMO
Food Labels Printed on Packaging (2015), http://4bgr3aepis44c9bxt1ulx
154. GMOs Part of U.S.-E.U. Trade Negotiations, Just Label It!, http://www.justlabelit.
org/gmos-part-of-u-s-e-u-trade-negotiations/ [] (last
visited May 24, 2019).
155. Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, of the European Parliament and of the Council of
18 December 2006 Concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Establishing a European Chemicals Agency, 2007
O.J. (L 136) 3 [hereinafter REACH].
156. See Melody M. Bomgardner, Facts & Figures of the Chemical Industry, Chem. & Eng’g
News, July 4, 2011, at 33–67.
157. Council Directive 76/769/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws, regu-
lations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on

Notes to pages 193–195 353

the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations. See David
Langlet & Said Mahmoudi, EU Environmental Law and Policy 309 (2016).
158. See REACH, supra note 155, art. 5; Joanne Scott, From Brussels with Love:  The
Transatlantic Travels of European Law and the Chemistry of Regulatory Attraction, 57
Am. J. Comp. L. 897, 898‒99 (2009).
159. See Doaa Abdel Motaal, Reaching REACH:  The Challenge for Chemicals Entering
International Trade, 12 J. Int’l Econ. L. 643, 645 (2009); Scott, supra note 158.
160. European Environmental Law: After Lisbon 452 ( Jan H. Jans & Hans H.B.
Vedder, eds., 4th ed., 2012).
161. Id. at 453.
162. See TFEU art. 191(2); cf. Case C-180/96, United Kingdom v.  Comm’n, 1998 E.C.R.
I-2269, para. 99.
163. See Commission White Paper: Strategy for a Future Chemicals Policy, at 7‒8, 28, COM
(2001) 88 final (Feb. 27, 2001).
164. Id. at 6. The exception being chemicals that are imported or produced at a rate of less
than 1 ton annually.
165. Registered Substances, European Chems. Agency,
mation-on-chemicals/registered-substances [] (last
updated May 17, 2019).
166. Wirth, supra note 90, at 102.
167. Mitchell P. Smith, Environmental and Health Regulation in the
United States and the European Union: Protecting Public and Planet
26 (2012).
168. Id.
169. Id. at 35.
170. Id. at 37.
171. Id. at 38.
172. European Comm’n, Special Eurobarometer 468:  Attitudes of
European Citizens Towards the Environment 9 (2017), http://
DocumentKy/81259 [].
173. Id. at 10.
174. Commission White Paper: Strategy for a Future Chemicals Policy, 7, COM (2001) 88 final
(Feb. 27, 2001).
175. Lyndsey Layton, Chemical Law Has Global Impact, Washington Post ( June 12,
AR2008061103569.html (on file with author).
176. Dieter Pesendorfer, EU Environmental Policy Under Pressure: Chemicals Policy Change
Between Antagonistic Goals?, 15 Envt’l Pol. 95, 103–04 (2006)
177. Smith, supra note 167, at 41.
178. Id.
179. Pesendorfer, supra note 176, at 106.
180. Smith, supra note 167, at 42.
181. See Lawrence A. Kogan, Exporting Precaution: How Europe’s Risk-Free
Regulatory Agenda Threatens American Free Enterprise 40‒43 (2005).
182. See, e.g., Anne Pouillot et  al., REACH:  Impact on the US Cosmetics Industry?, 8 J.
Cosmetic Dermatology 3, 5–6 (2009).
183. Henrik Selin & Stacy D. VanDeveer, Raising Global Standards: Hazardous Substances
and E-Waste Management in the European Union, 48 Envir. 6, 13 (2006)
184. Id.
185. Id.

354 Notes to pages 195–198

186. Pesendorfer, supra note 176, at 105.

187. Selin & VanDeveer, supra note 183, at 13.
188. Layton, supra note 175.
189. Id.
190. Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton & Rachel Massey, European Chemical Policy and
the United States: The Impacts of REACH, 25 Renewable Resources J. 15, 16 (2007).
191. Id.
192. Id.
193. Pesendorfer, supra note 176, at 101.
194. Id.
195. Selin & VanDeveer, supra note 183, at 64.
196. Smith, supra note 167, at 41.
197. Ackerman, supra note 190, at 16.
198. See Wirth supra note 90 at 102‒03.
199. See Scott, supra note 158, at 939‒40; Selin &. VanDeveer, supra note 183, at 7, 14. This
is consistent with David Vogel, Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental
Regulation in a Global Economy, 5–8 (1995).
200. See Kerstin Heitmann & Antonia Reihlen, Techno-Economic Support on
REACH: Case Study on “Announcement Effect” in the Market Related
to the Candidate List of Substances Subject to Authorisation 5, 9
201. Lyndsey Layton, Chemical Law Has Global Impact, Wash. Post ( June 12, 2008), http://
html (on file with author).
202. Preservatives, Johnson & Johnson,
Ingredients/Preservatives [] (last visited May 23, 2019).
203. Ingredients, Johnson & Johnson,
Ingredients [] (last visited May 23, 2019).
204. Layton, supra note 175.
205. Vogel supra note 80, at 169.
206. Risk & Policy Analysts, Insights on the impact of REACH & CLP
implementation on industry’s strategies in the context of sustain-
ability:  Final report prepared for ECHA 22 (2017),
16c8-fbea-8b41-9ff683aafe5c [].
207. Vogel, supra note 80, at 217.
208. Your Questions, L’Oreal,’or%C3%A9al-
answers/product---ingredient-safety/your-questions []
(navigate to “Other Ingredient,” “Nanomaterials”) (last visited May 24, 2019).
209. Id.
210. Id.
211. Risk & Policy Analysts, Insights on the impact of REACH & CLP
Implementation on Industry’s Strategies in the Context of
Sustainability:  Final Report Prepared for ECHA, 21 (2017), https://echa.
a0a6f46f-16c8-fbea-8b41-9ff683aafe5c [].
212. Brazilian Association of Public Ministry of Environment, “Reach: Legislation to Control
the Entry of Chemical Into the EU Already Affects Brazil,” Jusbrasil (Mar. 7, 2013),
da-entrada-de-produtos-quimicos-na-ue-ja-afeta-brasil?ref=topic_feed [https://perma.

Notes to pages 198–200 355

213. The H&M Group, Annual Report, 2017, 47 (2017).

214. Chemicals Management, H&M Group,
commitments/use-natural-resources-responsibly/chemicals.html [
YHN5-Y6PY] (last visited May 24, 2019),
215. H&M Group, Sustainability Commitment (2016),
Sustainability%20Commitment_en.pdf [].
216. Vogel, supra note 80, at 204.
217. Vogel supra note 80, at 217.
218. See Mark Schapiro, New Power for ‘Old Europe,’ Nation, Dec. 27, 2004, at 11, 12;
Chemical Spotlight: The Chemical Industry in the United States, Select USA, https:// []
(last visited May 24, 2019).
219. See Lyndsey Layton, supra note 201.
220. See, e.g. Michael Greshko et al., A Running List of How President Trump is Changing
Environmental Policy, Nat’l Geo.,
how-trump-is-changing-science-environment/ [] (last
updated May 3, 2019).
221. Eric Lipton, Why Has the E.P.A. Shifted on Toxic Chemicals? An Industry Insider Helps
Call the Shots, N.Y. Times (Oct. 21, 2017),
trump-epa-chemicals-regulations.html (on file with author).
222. Eric Lipton, The E.P.A.’s Top 10 Toxic Threats, and Industry’s Pushback, N.Y. Times (Oct.
21, 2017), (on file
with author).
223. Global REACH?, Euphor, (20 June 2017),
reach/ [].
224. Id.
225. European Commission Press Release MEMO/06/488, Q and A on the New Chemicals
Policy, REACH (Dec. 13, 2006),
488_en.htm?locale=en [].
226. Sorin Burnete & Pilasluck Choomta, The Impact of European Union’s Newly-Adopted
Environmental Standards on Its Trading Partners, 10 Studies in Bus. & Econ. 5, 12 (2015).
227. European Chem. Agency, Report on the Operation of REACH and CLP
2016, 111 (2016),
clp_2016_en.pdf [].
228. Katja Biedenkopf, Chemicals: Pioneering Ambitions with External Effects in European
Union External Environmental Policy:  Rules, Regulation and
Governance Beyond Borders 189, 194–96, 199–201 (Camilla Adelle, Katja
Biedenkopf & Diarmuid Torney eds., 2018).
229. Biedenkopf, supra note 228, at 199–200.
230. See, e.g., Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous
Wastes and Their Disposal, March 22, 1989, 1673 U.N.T.S. 126, 28 I.L.M. 657 (1989)
(entered into force May 5, 1992); Rotterdam Convention on the Transboundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 10 Sept., 1998, 2244 U.N.T.S.
337, 38 I.L.M. 1 (1999) (entered into force Feb. 24, 2004); Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants, May 22, 2001, 2256 U.N.T.S. 119, 40 I.L.M. 532 (2001)
(entered into force May 17, 2004).
231. See Yoshiko Naiki, Assessing Policy Reach: Japan’s Chemical Policy Reform in Response to
the EU’s REACH Regulation, 22 J. Envtl. L. 171, 178 (2010).
232. Scott, supra note 158, at 920–28.
233. Id. at 914–20.

356 Notes to pages 200–202

234. Scott, supra note 158, at 914–20.

235. Id. at 910–14.
236. Angela Logomasini, Trust in Government:  A Bad Strategy for the Chemical Industry,
Competitive Enter. Inst. (Apr. 1, 2016),
bad-strategy-chemical-industry []; Jeff Tollefson, Why
the Historic Deal to Expand US Chemical Regulation Matters, Nature (May 25, 2016),
tion-matters-1.19973 [].
237. Katja Biendenkopf, EU Chemicals Regulation, in Extending Experimentalist
Governance? The European Union and Transnational Regulation 107,
130 ( Jonathan Zeitlin ed., 2015).
238. Id. at 129–35.
239. Id. at 127–28.
240. Id. at 130.
241. Tollefson, supra note 236.
242. See, e.g., Daniel E. Uyesato & Lucas Bergkamp, Reformed TSCA and REACH: How
do They Compare?, Hunton, Andrews, Kurth (Oct. 23, 2017), https://www.
compare-2/ [].
243. Id.
244. Id.
245. Ondrej Filipec, U.S. Chemical Policy Under Review: How Much Europeanisation, 5 East.
J. Euro. Studies 159, 2 (2014).
246. Biendenkopf, supra note 237, at 125.
247. Id. at 126.
248. Id. at 127.
249. Id. at 126.
250. See, e.g., Leslie E. Kersey, Note, Trans-Atlantic REACH:  The Potential Impact of the
European Union’s New Chemical Regulations on Proof of Causation in U.S. Federal
Courts, 36 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 535 (2009).
251. Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products Group, Inc., 969 F.Supp.2d 101, 105–08 (D. Mass.
252. Act on Registration and Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances (Act No. 11789,
Enactment on May 22, 2013, Enforcement on Jan 1, 2015)  (화학물질의 등록 및
평가 등에 관한 법률, 법률 제11789호, 2013. 5.  22. 제정, 시행 2015. 1.  1.) [herein-
after “K-REACH”], (English full text available at Korean Law Translation Center
(한국법제연구원 법령번역센터):
do?hseq=31605&lang=ENG; See also, K-REACH Amendment 2019—Live Updates,
Chem Safety PRO,
Amendment.html [] (last updated 10 Mar. 2019).
253. Biendenkopf, supra note 237.
254. For example, Articles 10 and 14(1) of K-REACH impose a materially similar disclosure
requirement on both importers and manufacturers as Articles 7, 10, and 14 of REACH.
255. See, e.g., Differences between K-REACH and EU REACH, ChemSafetyPRO ( Jan.
31, 2017),
REACH_and_EU_REACH.html [].
256. Compare REACH, supra note 155, Art. 7 and K-REACH, supra note 252, Art. 10; see also
How to Comply with Amended K-REACH Regulation 2019, ChemSafetyPro (Dec. 31,
2015), [https://] (last updated Sept. 17, 2018).

Notes to pages 202–204 357

257. Environmental Safety & Health Association for High Technology, Comparison
Between EU REACH, Korea REACH and Taiwan REACH (2013), http://
comparison%20EU,KOREA,TAIWAN.pdf [].
258. See Registered Substances, supra note 165.
259. K-REACH Registration, ChemSafetyPro (Dec. 31, 2015), https://www.chemsafetypro.
com/Topics/Korea/Korea_REACH_Registration.html [
FUZH] (last updated Apr. 19, 2019).
260. Korea Trade-Investment Protection Agency (대한무역투자진흥공사), Global
Business Report 07-031, “Local Responses to EU REACH and Implications” (“EU
화학물질등록승인제도(REACH)에 대한 현지 대응사례 및 시사점”), at 6-7, 06
Aug. 2007,
261. Ministry of Environment (대한민국 환경부), Speech by Man-Hee Lee, the former
Minister of Environment (환경부 장관 이만의 연설문) “EU REACH’s Effect on
Korean Trade and Strategies for Response” (“EU 新화학물질제도(REACH)가
무역에 미치는 영향 및 대응방안”), 15 July 2008,
262. Id.
263. K-REACH Legislative Comment (화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률,
제정·개정이유), Korea Ministry of Government Legislation, National Law Information
Center (법제처국가법령정보센터)
do?lsId=011857&chrClsCd=010102 []
264. Enactment of Act Concerning Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances,
Ministry of the Environment (Oct. 29, 2013), [].
265. Yoshiko Naiki, Assessing Policy Reach: Japan’s Chemical Policy Reform in Response to the
EU’s REACH Regulation, 22 J. Environ. L. 171, 191. (2010).
266. The Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture
(Kagakubushitu Shinsa Kisei Hou), Act No.117 of 16 October 1973 (as revised by Act
No. 39 of May 20, 2009).
267. Naiki, supra note 265, at 187.
268. Id. at 186–87.
269. Id. at 186.
270. Id. at 192
271. Katja Biedenkopf & Dae Young Park, A Toxic Issue?:  Leadership in Comprehensive
Chemicals Management, in Environmental Leadership:  A Reference
Handbook, 782, 792–93 (Deborah Rigling Gallagher ed., 2012).
272. Id. at 793.
273. Id.
274. Id.
275. The Strictest Standard by EU Now Put China Produced Toys in the “Desperate Position”?
CIF News ( July 22, 2013), [https://perma.
cc/ZXR5-W2TW]; Chen Yu, Four Mandatory National Standards for the Safety of
Children’s Toys, China Econ. Net (May 30, 2014),
xfp/201405/30/t20140530_2898420.shtml [].
276. Huo Yifu, The Standard Outline of the “Children’s Mat Safety Requirements” is Published
in Shanghai, China Quality News Network (Oct. 27, 2017),
cn/zgzlb/content/2017-10/27/content_5032161.htm [].

358 Notes to pages 204–209

277. Id.
278. Zhou Huiyan, The New Standard for Floor Mats is Expected to be Released
Next Year, Xinmin Newspaper (Oct. 20, 2017),
msrx/2017/10/20/31326884.html [].

C h a p t er   7
1. Index of Legislation, in Manual of European Environmental Policy, IEEP (2012), https://[
2. Diarmuid Torney, European Climate Leadership in Question:  Policies
Toward China and India 36 (2015).
3. Yumiko Nakanishi, Introduction: The Impact of the International and European Union
Environmental Law on Japanese Basic Environmental Law, in Contemporary Issues
in Environmental Law: The EU and Japan 1, 4 (Yumiko Nakanishi ed., 2016).
4. Jerry McBeath & Jonathan Rosenberg, Comparative Environmental
Politics 3 (2006).
5. Treaty on European Union (Maastricht text) art. 130r, July 29, 1992, 1992 O.J. (C 191) 1,
28-29; Id. art. 2, at 5.
6. Treaty of Amsterdam Amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties Establishing
the European Communities and Certain Related Acts art. 3c, Oct. 2, 1997, 1997 O.J. (C
340) 1, 25.
7. Treaty of Lisbon Amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishing
the European Community art. 174, Dec. 13, 2007, 2007, O.J. (C 306) 1, 87.
8. Id. art. 10A, at 1, 23-24.
9. Suzanne Kingston et al., European Environmental Law 70–71 (2017).
10. Case C-176/03, Comm’n v. Council, 2005 E.C.R. I-07879.
11. Case C-441/17 R, Comm’n v. Poland, EUR-Lex 62017CO0441(02) (Nov. 20, 2017).
12. See Directive 2002/95/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January
2003 on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Equipment, 2003 O.J. (L 37) 19.
13. See id.
14. Directive 2011/65/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on
the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment, 2011 O.J. (L 174) 88.
15. Directive 2012/19/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 2012 O.J. (L 197) 38.
16. Katja Biedenkopf, The Multilevel Dynamics of EU and U.S. Environmental Policy: A Case
Study of Electronic Waste, in L’Union Européenne et les États-Unis: Processus,
Politiques et Projets 189, 192 (Yann Echinard et al. eds., 2013).
17. Id.
18. Council Directive 74/577/EEC, of 18 November 1974 on Stunning of Animals Before
Slaughter, 1974 O.J. (L 316) 10.
19. Id. The “Five Freedoms” consist of: (1) Freedom from hunger and thirst; (2) Freedom
from discomfort; (3) Freedom from pain, injury, and disease; (4) Freedom to express
normal behavior; and (5) Freedom from fear and distress.
20. 40 Years of Animal Welfare, Eur. Commission,
files/animals/docs/aw_infograph_40-years-of-aw.pdf (last visited Feb. 7, 2019) [https://]; Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union art. 12, Mar. 30, 2010, 2010 O.J. (C 83) 47, 54.

Notes to pages 209–211 359

21. EU Animal Welfare Strategy:  2012-2015, Eur. Commission (2012), https://ec.europa.

eu/food/sites/food/files/animals/docs/aw_brochure_strategy_en.pdf [https://perma.
22. Milestones in Improving Animal Welfare, Eur. Commission (2012), https://ec.europa.
eu/food/sites/food/files/animals/docs/aw_infograph_milestones_en.pdf [https://perma.
23. The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Factsheet, Eur. Commission (2016),[https://perma.
24. Torney, supra note 2, at 39.
25. Id.
26. Id. at 12.
27. McBeath & Rosenberg, supra note 4, at 58.
28. Atlas of European Values:  Trends and Traditions at the Turn of the
Century 119 (Loek Halman, Inge Sieben & Marga van Zundert eds., 2011).
29. Didier Bourguignon & Nicole Scholz, Chernobyl 30 Years on: Environmental and Health
Effects, Eur. Parliament: Think Tank (Mar. 22, 2016), http://www.europarl.europa.
eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=EPRS_BRI(2016)581972 [https://perma.
30. Introduction to Acid Rain, Enviropedia,
Rain/Acid_Rain_Introduction.php (last visited Jan. 30, 2019)  [https://perma.
31. R. Daniel Keleman, Globalizing European Union Environmental Policy, 17 J. Eur.
Pub. Pol’y 335, 340 (2010) (citing Jürgen Hofrichter & Karlheinz Reif, Evolution of
Environmental Attitudes in the European Community, 13 Scandinavian Pol. Stud. 119
32. European Comm’n, Report, Special Eurobarometer 468:  Attitudes of European Citizens
Towards the Environment, Open Data Portal 5 (Nov. 2017),
[hereinafter Special Eurobarometer 468] [].
33. European Comm’n, Report, Special Eurobarometer 459:  Climate Change, Open Data
Portal 5 (Sept. 2017),
report_2017_en.pdf [hereinafter Special Eurobarometer 459] [
34. Id.
35. Special Eurobarometer 468, supra note 32, at 5–6.
36. Id. at 6.
37. Special Eurobarometer 459, supra note 33.
38. Bruce Stokes et al., Global Concern About Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting
Emissions: U.S., China Less Worried; Partisan Divides in Key Countries, Pew Res. Center
24 (Nov. 5, 2015),
Pew-Research-Center-Climate-Change-Report-FINAL-November-5-2015.pdf [https://].
39. Keleman, supra note 31, at 340.
40. Torney, supra note 2, at 39–40.
41. Id.
42. Javier Delgado-Ceballos et  al., Environmental Nongovernmental Organization

Coalitions: How the Green 10 Influences European Union Institutions, in Environmental
Leadership: A Reference Handbook 254 (Deborah Rigling Gallagher ed., 2012).
43. Tom Delreux & Sandra Happaerts, Environmental Policy and Politics in
the European Union 133 (2016).

360 Notes to pages 212–215

44. Delgado-Ceballos et  al., supra note 42, at 258–59. See also for details on each
group: Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 130–32.
45. Delgado-Ceballos et al., supra note 42, at 259–62.
46. David Coen, Environmental and Business Lobbying Alliances in Europe:  Learning from
Washington?, in The Business of Global Environmental Governance 197, 209
(David Levy & Peter J. Newell eds., 2005).
47. Ludwig Krämer, Environmental Governance in the EU, in Environmental
Protection in Multi-layered Systems:  Comparative Lessons from the
Water Sector 11, 23–24 (Mariachiara Alberton & Francesco Palermo eds., 2012).
48. Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 135.
49. Biedenkopf, supra note 16, at 203.
50. Kingston et. al, supra note 9, at 27–28.
51. Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 244.
52. Press Release, European Comm’n, Energy Union: Commission Takes Action to Reinforce
EU’s Global Leadership in Clean Vehicles (Nov. 8, 2017),
release_IP-17-4242_en.htm [].
53. Keleman, supra note 31, at 343.
54. Press Release, European Comm’n, Speech by Commissioner Arias Cañete at the Brussels
Europe Power Market Event (Oct. 24, 2016),
SPEECH-16-3526_en.htm [].
55. Keleman, supra note 31.
56. Press Release, European Comm’n, Environment: Fewer Risks from Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( July 20, 2011),
release_IP-11-912_en.htm []; Otto Pohl, European
Environmental Rules Propel Change in U.S., N.Y. Times, July 6, 2004, at F4.
57. RoHS Compliance / Lead Free, Fujitsu,
corporate/subsidiaries/fcai/rohs/ (last visited Jan. 31, 2019)  [
QFNT]; Oracle Global Position on Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), Oracle, green/rohs-position-185078.pdf (last
visited Jan. 31, 2019) [].
58. Katja Biedenkopf, E-Waste Governance Beyond Borders—Does the EU Influence US
Environmental Policy? 15 (2010) (unpublished manuscript), https://refubium.fu-
Borders-445.pdf ?sequence=1&isAllowed=y [].
59. Id.
60. Hiawatha Bray, Tech Firms Face EU Toxics Test: Limits on the Use of Hazardous Materials
Pushes US Electronics Makers to Innovate, Boston Globe ( June 1, 2006), http://archive.
test/ [].
61. Id.
62. Id.
63. The Impact of RoHS—Now and In the Future, HKTDC ( July 1, 2008), http://info.hktdc.
com/productsafety/200807/psl_ele_080701.htm [].
64. Katja Biedenkopf, Institute for European Studies, Policy Recycling?
The External Effects of EU Environmental Legislation on the United
States, 241 (2011).
65. Id.
66. Id.
67. Hitachi Group to Eliminate 6 Chemical Substances Targeted in RoHS by March 2005
Shifting to Lead-Free Solder by March 2004 in Japan and by March 2005 Worldwide,

Notes to pages 215–216 361

Hitachi (Dec. 1, 2003), [https://].
68. Id.
69. Top 15 Semiconductor Sales Leaders—2018F, AnySilicon (Nov. 12, 2018), https://anysilicon.
com/top-15-semiconductor-sales-leaders-2018f/ [].
70. Corporate Social Responsibility Report, TSMC 48 (2017),
csr/2018_tsmc_csr/english/pdf/e_all.pdf [].
71. MediaTek is a fabless semiconductor company that provides system-on-chip solutions for
wireless communications, HDTV, DVD and Blu-ray, and cell phone. Corporate Social
Responsibility Report, MediaTek 139 (2015),
(last visited Feb. 7, 2017) [].
72. Overcome ROHS, EU’s First Environmental Regulation, Sci. Times (June 6, 2016),
99%98%E A%B2%BD%E A%B7%9C%EC%A0%9C -rohs%EB%A5%B C -
%EB%84%98%EC%96%B4%EB%9D%BC [].
73. Id.
74. EU RoHS II (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive), Samsung, https:// (last visited June 3,
2019) [].
75. Justin McCurry, Cosmetics Testing: Will Japan Go Cruelty-Free?, Japan Today (Oct. 26,
go-cruelty-free [].
76. Cosmetics Industry, Cosmetics Eur.,
industry/ (last visited Feb. 8, 2019) [].
77. See Id.
78. Id.
79. David Bach & Abraham L. Newman, Governing Lipitor and Lipstick: Capacity, Sequencing,
and Power in International Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Regulation, 17 Rev. Int’l Pol.
Econ 665, 685 (2010).
80. Id. at 688.
81. Shiseido to Abolish Testing Cosmetics on Animals, Japan Times (Mar. 2, 2013), https://
testing-cosmetics-on-animals/#.WtO-hq3MzBI [].
82. Koa, including Biore, Curel, and Nivea products, halted animal testing in 2015. Kao Group
Confirms Its Policy of “Neither Conducting Nor Outsourcing Animal Testing in Cosmetics,”
Animal Rts. Center (June 25, 2015),
id=608 []. Kose issued a similar statement in 2014. Kose
Group Promotes Alternatives to Animal Testing, Beauty Packaging (Oct. 16, 2014),
group-promotes-alternatives-to-animal-testing/ [].
83. Japan Cosmetics Makers Win OECD Approval for Animal Testing Alternative, Nikkei Asian
Rev. (Nov. 2, 2016),
win-OECD-approval-for-animal-testing-alternative [].
84. McCurry, supra note 75.
85. Guidelines for Supplier’s Assessment, Kao,
procurement/supplier-guidelines/ (last visited Jan. 31, 2019) [].
86. Sophia Yan, In China, Big Cosmetics Firms are Selling Products Tested on Animals, CNBC
(Apr. 19, 2017),
selling-products-tested-on-animals.html [].

362 Notes to pages 216–219

87. Email Correspondence with Shiseido Customer Care Team (Mar.–Apr. 2018) (on file
with author).
88. Case C-592/14 European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients v. UK Secretary of State
for Business, EUR-Lex 62014CJ0592 (Sept. 21, 2016), paras. 12–14.
89. Id.
90. Id. paras. 43, 45.
91. Humane Soc’y Int’l ( June 30, 2014),
releases/2014/06/china-implements-rule-change-063014.html [
92. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the Impact
of Animal Welfare International Activities on the Competitiveness of European Livestock
Producers in a Globalized World, at 9, COM (2018) 42 final ( Jan. 26, 2018).
93. Cleandro Pazinato Dias et al., The Brazilian Pig Industry Can Adopt European Welfare
Standards: A Critical Analysis, 45 Ciência Rural 1079, 1081 (2015).
94. Id. at 1085.
95. Council Directive 93/119/EC, of 22 December 1993 on the Protection of Animals at the
Time of Slaughter or Killing, 1993 O.J. (L 340) 21.
96. Id. art. 5(1)(c).
97. James Moynagh, EU Regulation and Consumer Demand for Animal Welfare, 3
AgBioForum 107, 110 (2000).
98. European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Animal Welfare in the
European Union, Eur. Parliament 32 ( Jan. 2017),
RegData/etudes/STUD/2017/583114/IPOL_STU(2017)583114_EN.pdf [https://]; see also Beef—Market Report, Gov’t Can., https://web.
politiques/reports_beef-boeuf_rapports.aspx?lang=eng (last modified Feb. 4, 2014).
99. Directive 97/2/EC first phased out the use of veal crates and regulated the diets of calves,
and was replaced by Council Directive 2008/119/EEC, of 18 December 2008. Council
Directive 97/2/EC, 1997 O.J. (L 25) 24; Council Directive 2008/119/EC, 2009 O.J. (L
10) 7.
100. HSUS Report: The Welfare of Animals in the Veal Industry, Humane Soc’y 8–12 ( July,
hsus-the-welfare-of-animals-in-the-veal-industry-b.pdf [hereinafter HSUS Report]
[]. See also Am. Veterinary Med. Ass’n., Literature Review
on the Welfare Implications of the Veal Calf Husbandry, AVMA (Oct. 13, 2008), https://
Veal-Calf-Husbandry-Backgrounder.aspx [].
101. HSUS Report, supra note 100, at 1.
102. Id. at 2. Arizona legislated 2006, in effect 2012; Colorado 2008, effective 2012; California
effective 2015; Maine legislated 2009; Michigan legislated 2009; Ohio legislated 2010,
Rhode Island legislated 2012.
103. Id. at 2; Animal Care & Housing, Am. Veal Ass’n,
animal-care-housing/ (last visited Feb. 8, 2019) [].
104. HSUS Report, supra note 100, at 2.
105. Id. at 14.
106. Council Directive 2007/43/EC, 2007 O.J. (L 182) 19.
107. Poultry Welfare:  Matching the New EU Regulatory Framework, DELACON
Dossier 5 (2011), [
108. European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies, supra note 98, at 31.

Notes to pages 219–220 363

109. Council Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the Protection of
Animals During Transport and Related Operations and Amending Directives 64/432/
EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97, 2005 O.J. (L 3) 1.
110. Case C-424/13, Zuchtvieh-Export GmbH v. Stadt Kempten, EUR-Lex 62013CJ0424
(Apr. 23, 2015).
111. David Mahoney, Zuchtvieh-Export GmbH v.  Stadt Kempten:  The Tension Between
Uniform, Cross-Border Regulation and Territorial Sovereignty, 40 B.C. Int’l & Comp.
L. Rev. 363, 364–66, 371 (2017).
112. Clair Gammage, A Critique of the Extraterritorial Obligations of the EU in Relation to
Human Rights Clauses and Social Norms in EU Free Trade Agreements, Eur. & World,
Oct. 10, 2018, at 12.
113. Joanne Scott, Extraterritoriality and Territorial Extension in EU Law, 62 Am. J. Comp.
L. 87
114. Id. at 89.
115. Directive 2003/87/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October
2003 Establishing a Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading Within
the Community and Amending Council Directive 96/61/EC, 2003 O.J. (L 275)  32
[hereinafter Directive 2003/87/EC].
116. See Directive 2008/101/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19
November 2008 Amending Directive 2003/87/EC So as to Include Aviation Activities in
the Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading Within the Community,
2009 O.J. (L 8) 3 [hereinafter Directive 2008/101/EC].
117. Kati Kulovesi, Climate Change in EU External Relations: Please Follow My Example (or
I Might Force You to), in The Eternal Environmental Policy of the European
Union: EU and International Law Perspectives 115, 117 (Elisa Morgera ed.,
2012); Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 246.
118. Kulovesi, supra note 117.
119. The European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme:  A Violation of International
Law:  Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Aviation of the H.  Comm. on Transp. &
Infrastructure, 112th Cong. 34-36 (2011) (statement of Hon. Nancy N. Young, vice presi-
dent of Environmental Affairs, Air Transport Association of America, Inc.).
120. Id. at 4–5.
121. See Directive 2008/101/EC, supra note 116, ¶17; see also Joanne Scott & Lavanya
Rajamani, EU Climate Change Unilateralism, 23 Eur. J. Int’l L. 469, 482‒83 (2012).
122. See Scott & Rajamani, supra note 121, at 475.
123. Id.
124. See Case C-366/10, Air Transp. Ass’n of Am. v.  Sec’y of State for Energy & Climate
Change, EUR-Lex 62010CJ0366 (Dec. 21, 2011).
125. See US Aviation Sector Finally Challenges EU Emissions Scheme, CAPA ( July 6, 2011),
eu-emissions-scheme-54825 []. According to the
plaintiffs, the ETS Directive violates a number of international agreements, including
the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), the Kyoto
Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the
Air Transport Agreement between the United States and the EU and its member states
(Open Skies Agreement).
126. Press Release No. 139/11, Court of Justice of the European Union, The Directive
Including Aviation Activities in the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme is Valid 2 (Dec. 21,
pdf [].
127. Kulovesi, supra note 117, at 143; Torney, supra note 2, at 134.

364 Notes to pages 220–223

128. Torney, supra note 2, at 134; Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 215.
129. Torney, supra note 2, at 134.
130. Id. at 158.
131. Id. at 134.
132. Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 215.
133. Historic Agreement Reached to Mitigate International Aviation Emissions, ICAO (Oct.
6, 2016),
mitigate-international-aviation-emissions.aspx [].
134. Id.
135. ICAO Council Adopts New CO2 Emissions Standard for Aircraft, ICAO (Mar. 6, 2017),
standard-for-aircraft.aspx [].
136. Reducing Emissions from Aviation, Eur. Commission (Nov. 23, 2017), https:// [
5LLW]; See also Regulation (EU) 2017/2392, of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 13 December 2017 Amending Directive 2003/87/EC to Continue Current
Limitations of Scope for Aviation Activities and to Prepare to Implement a Global
Market-Based Measure from 2021, 2017 O.J. (L 350) 7.
137. Janina Scheelhaase et. al, EU ETS Versus CORSIA—A Critical Assessment of Two
Approaches to Limit Air Transport’s CO2 Emissions by Market-Based Measures, 67 J. Air
Transport Mgmt. 55, 58 (2018).
138. European Parliament, Environmental Policy:  General Principles and Basic Framework,
Fact Sheets on Eur. Union,
sheet/71/environment-policy-general-principles-and-basic-framework [https://perma.
139. Biedenkopf, supra note 16, at 194.
140. Id.
141. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive
2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Equipment, at 2, COM (2017) 38 final ( Jan. 26, 2017). See also, Henrik Selin
& Stacy D. VanDeveer, Raising Global Standards: Hazardous Substances and E-Waste
Management in the European Union, Environment, Dec. 2006, at 6, 14–15.
142. Biedenkopf, supra note 16, at 194.
143. Id. at 194–95.
144. Id. at 202.
145. The United States introduced federal legislation that would amend the Toxic Substances
Control Act of 1976 to establish uniform national standards similar to RoHS in 2009
in the Environmental Design of Electrical Equipment Act (EDEE Act), but that bill
did not leave the subcommittee. Environmental Design of Electrical Equipment Act
(EDEE) Act, H.R. 2420, 111th Cong. (2009).
146. Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 25214.9–.10.2 (West 2003); see also Restrictions
on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in Electronic Devices, Cal.
Department Toxic Substances Control,
the-use-of-certain-hazardous-substances-rohs-in-electronic-devices/ (last visited Feb. 1,
2017) [hereinafter What is RoHS] [].
147. On September 23, 2003 the California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003
was signed into law. Cal. Pub. Res. Code §§ 42460‒42486 (West 2004)  The
Electronic Waste Recycling Act establishes a specialized program for recycling such
devices by charging consumers a fee upon purchase. See E-Waste More Information,
Cal. Department Toxic Substances Control,

Notes to pages 223–224 365

ewaste/e-waste-more-information/ (last visited Feb. 1, 2019) [hereinafter E-Waste More

Information] [].
148. What is RoHS, supra note 146.
149. See Cal. Pub. Res. Code, supra note 147. The EU’s RoHS Directive is referenced in §
150. How Do the California Restrictions on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
(RoHS) Law and Regulations Compare to the European Union’s RoHS Directive?,
Cal. Department Toxic Substances Control,
and-regulations-compare-to-the-european-unions-rohs-directive/ (last visited Feb. 1,
2019) (emphasis in original) [hereinafter How Does the California RoHS Compare to the
EU RoHS?] []. For more on how the EU influenced
California, see Biendekopf, supra note 64, at 248–55.
151. See Cal. Pub. Res. Code, supra note 147, at §§ 42463, 42465.2(b); Cal. Health &
Safety Code § 25214.10(b) (West 2006); Joanne Scott, From Brussels with Love: The
Transatlantic Travels of European Law and the Chemistry of Regulatory Attraction, 57
Am. J. Comp. L. 897, 942 (2009).
152. How Does the California RoHS Compare to the EU RoHS?, supra note 150.
153. Covered Electronic Devices, Cal. Department Toxic Substances Control, (last visited Feb. 1, 2019)  [https://]; Cal. Health & Safety Code, supra note 151, § 25214.10.1(a)
(1); E-Waste More Information, supra note 147.
154. See Biedenkopf, supra note 58, at 13.
155. Id. at 14.
156. S. 981, 217th Leg., Reg. Sess. (N.J. 2016); See also State of N.J. Dep’t of Envtl. Protection
Div. of Solid & Hazardous Waste, E-Cycle N.J.,
ewaste/ (last visited Feb. 1, 2019) [].
157. Ind. Code Ann. § 13-20.5-1-1 (c)(6)(A)(ii) (LexisNexis 2017).
158. H.R. 854, 85th Leg., Reg. Sess., at 2(b)(1) (Minn. 2007).
159. 415 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 150/30 §30(a) (LexisNexis 2009).
160. N.Y. Envtl. Conserv. Law §27-2605(1)(f ) x (Consol. 2010).
161. E-Waste, NYPSC, (last visited Feb. 1, 2019) [https://perma.
162. Nat’l Inst. of Standards & Tech., Compliance FAQs: RoHS, Standards.Gov, https:// (last visited Feb. 1, 2019) [https://].
163. Restriction of Hazardous Substances, SGS,
ments/brochures/sgs-cts-ee-global-rohs-brochure-a4-en-10-web.pdf (last visited Feb. 1,
2019) []; see also Sorin Burnete & Pilasluck Choomta,
The Impact of European Union’s Newly-Adopted Environmental Standards on Its Trading
Partners, 10 Stud. Bus. & Econ. 5, 11 (2015).
164. Burnete & Choomta, supra note 163; Global Regulation of Substances in Electronics,
ChemicalWatch,(Mar. 2013),
of-substances-in-electronics (on file with author); Substance Regulations RoHS and
REACH Continue to Expand Globally and Undergo Restriction Updates, 3BLMEDIA
(Aug. 1, 2016),
REACH-Continue-Expand-Globally-and-Undergo-Restriction-Updates [https://].
165. Burnete & Choomta, supra note 163.
166. Directive 2000/53/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September
2000 on End-of Life Vehicles, 2000 O.J. (L 269) 34.

366 Notes to pages 224–225

167. End of Life Vehicles, Eur. Commission,

index.htm (last visited Jan. 10, 2018) [].
168. See Act on the Recycling of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles, Act.
No. 8405, enacted on Apr. 27, 2007, enforced on Jan. 1, 2008, , as amended (S. Kor.)
(전기ㆍ전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률, 법률 제 8405호, 2007.4.27
제정, 2008.1.1 시행). For English summary of the law, see Korea RoHS/ELV/WEE,
WEEE.html (last updated Mar. 2019) [].
169. Legislative Comment to Act on the Recycling of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
and Vehicles (Act No. 8405, enacted on Apr. 27, 2007, enforced on Jan. 1, 2008, as
amended (S. Kor.) (전기ㆍ전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 제정이유,
법률 제 8405호, 2007.4.27 제정, 2008.1.1 시행), Korea Ministry of Government
Legislation, National Law Information Center (법제처 국가법령정보센터), http://
ef Yd=20080101&nwJoYnInfo=N&efGubun=Y&chrClsCd=010202#0000 [https://]
170. ECO-Assurance System, APEC-VC Korea ( July 15, 2016),
apec-vc/xml/img/envdb/16Data-36_ECO-Assurance_System_.pdf [https://perma.
cc/59FN-CQMV]. See also, Eco-Assurance System for Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and Vehicles (“EcoAs”) (환경성보장제 (EcoAs)), Korea Env’t. Corp.
(한국환경공단), (last visited Aug. 5,
2019) [].
171. Recycling Policy, MoE, (last vis-
ited Jan. 10, 2018) [].
172. EcoAs, supra note 170.
173. Id.
174. Joon Rae Kim (김준래), Re-Use of Resources Increases Competitiveness of Manufactures
(폐자원 활용이 제조사 경쟁력 높인다), Sci. Times Korea (Nov. 26, 2014),
(last accessed Aug 5, 2019) [].
175. John Quick, Manufacturing Environmental Laws, Directives, and Challenges, in
Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication: A Practical Guide to
Optical Networking 157 (Casimer DeCusatis ed., 4th ed. 2013).
176. Id.
177. Gary Nevison, Japanese “RoHS” Marking Requirements, Element14 ( July 15, 2010),
marking-requirements (on file with author).
178. Yoshiko Naiki, Assessing Policy Reach: Japan’s Chemical Policy Reform in Response to the
EU’s REACH Regulation, 22 J. Environ. L. 171, 182 (2010).
179. See comparative chart in China RoHS 2 2019, ChemSafetyPRO ( Jan. 1, 2016), http://
(updated Apr. 16, 2019) [].
180. Id.
181. Biedenkopf, supra note 64, at 5.
182. Law No. 14321, Dec. 23, 2011, A.D.L.A 2300 (Arg.).
183. Madeline Kadas et al., Growing Attention to Product Stewardship Initiatives Seen in Latin
America, 29 Int’l Env’t Rep. 596, 600 (2006).
184. Brazil to Propose RoHS-like Regulation for Electronics, Chemical Watch ( Jan. 4,
electronics (on file with author).

Notes to pages 226–228 367

185. Council Directive 1999/74/EC, of 19 July 1999 Laying Down Minimum Standards for
the Protection of Laying Hens, 1999 (L 203) 53.
186. European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies, supra note 108, at 31.
187. Council Directive 2008/120/EC, of 18 December 2008 Laying Down Minimum
Standards for the Protection of Pigs, 2009 (L 47) 5.
188. 40 Years of Animal Welfare, supra note 20.
189. Wayne Pacelle, Brazil Adds Its Might to the Movement to End Gestation Crates, Humane
Soc’y Int’l (Nov. 25, 2014),
crates.html [] [hereinafter BRF Announces Phase-out of
Confinement of Breeding Sows].
190. Id.
191. Call to Follow NZ Lead in Banning Sow Stalls, Sydney Morning Herald (Dec. 6,
banning-sow-stalls-20101206-18ltl.html [].
192. Sow Stalls to be Banned, Nat’l Bus. Rev. (Dec. 1, 2010), article/
sow-stalls-be-banned-134068 [].
193. Nat’l Animal Welfare Advisory Comm., Animal Welfare (Pigs) Code of
Welfare 2010 Report (2010).
194. Pacelle, supra note 189.
195. Lindsay Patton, 9 States That Have Banned Cruel Gestation Crates for Pigs, One Green
Planet ( Jan. 27, 2015),
have-banned-cruel-gestation-crates-for-pigs/ [].
196. Interview with Peter Zapfel, European Comm’n DG Climate Action, in Brussels, Belg.
( July 17, 2018).
197. Mirabelle Muûls et al., Evaluating the EU Emissions Trading System: Take it or Leave
It? An Assessment of the Data after Ten Years 3 (Grantham Inst., Briefing Paper No.
21, 2016),
Grantham-BP-21_web.pdf [].
198. Delreux & Happaerts, supra note 43, at 213.
199. Jan H. Jans & Hans H.B. Vedder, European Environmental Law:  After
Lisbon 435 (4th ed., 2012).
200. Id.
201. Nicolas Koch et  al., Causes of the EU ETS Price Drop:  Recession, CDM, Renewable
Policies or a Bit of Everything?—New Evidence, 73 Energy Pol’y 676 (2014), https://
pdf [].
202. Interview with Peter Zapfel, supra note 196.
203. Kulovesi, supra note 117, at 135.
204. See, e.g., EU and Switzerland Sign Agreement to Link Emissions Trading Systems, Eur.
Commission (Nov. 23, 2017),
sign-agreement-link-emissions-trading-systems_en [].
205. Directive 2003/87/EC, supra note 115, art. 25(1).
206. Justin Dabner, Fiscal Responses to Climate Change in Australia:  A Comparison with
California, 31 Australian Tax Forum 131 (2016).
207. Act on the Allocation and Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permits (온실가스
배출권의 할당 및 거래에 관한 법률), Act. No. 11419, enacted on May 14, 2012, enforced
on November 15, 2012, as amended (S. Kor.); Enforcement Decree on the Allocation and
Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emission Permits (온실가스 배출권의 할당 및 거래에
관한 법률 시행령), Presidential Decree. No. 24180, enacted and enforced on Nov 15,
2012, as amended (S. Kor.). For more details on K-ETS in English, see also, Republic of

368 Notes to pages 228–229

Korea: An Emissions Trading Case Study, IETA,

pdf (last updated Sept. 2016) [].
208. For discussion on implementation of K-ETS, see What Now for South Korea’s Emissions
Trading Scheme, Carbon Pulse ( July 5, 2016),
[]; see also Emissions Trading Worldwide:  Status
Report 2016, International Carbon Action Partnership 18 (2016), https://
Online.pdf [].
209. Korea Emissions Trading Scheme, ICAP,
%5D=47 [] (last updated Jan. 25, 2019).
210. Yoojung Lee (이유정), EU Implements ETS  .  .  .  Korean Corporations are Under
Pressure (EU, 탄소배출권 강행 . . . 한국기업 '발등의 불'), HankYung (한국경제)
( Jan. 5, 2012), [https://perma.
211. Notice of Legislation—K-ETS Enforcement Decree (온실가스 배출권거래제 시행령
입법예고), Ministry of Environment (환경부) ( July 23, 2012), http://www.;jsessionid=0EzCFbnBeDVwzPXTiIIs9jTkDXK
182166&decorator= [] [translation by author].
212. Presidential Committee on Green Growth (대통령직속 녹색성장위원회), Key
Questions and Answers Related to K-ETS (온실가스 배출권의 할당 및 거래에
관한 법률」관련 주요 질의·답변 자료) (May 14, 2012),
kr/?p=51732 [] [translation by author].
213. About the Project, EU-Korea ETS Project, menuId=menu21 (last visited Feb. 1, 2019) (on file with author).
214. Joint Press Release, EU-Korea ETS Project, EU and the Republic of Korea Launch €
3.5 Million Emissions Trading System Cooperation Project ( July 8, 2016)  https:// [
215. EU-Korea ETS Project, supra note 213.
216. Torney, supra note 2, at 131
217. ETS Detailed Information:  China, ICAP 1,
[]. (last updated Jan. 25, 2019).
218. Torney, supra note 2, at 131.
219. Interview with Peter Zapfel, supra note 196.
220. Anatole Boute, The Impossible Transplant of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme:  The
Challenge of Energy Market Regulation, 6 Transnat’l Envtl. L. 59 (2017).
221. The Introduction of Euro 5 and Euro 6 Emissions Regulations for Light Passenger and
Commercial Vehicles, RSA,
light%20passengercommvehicles.pdf (last visited Feb. 8, 2019)  [https://perma.
222. Press Release No. 10165/07, Council of the European Union, Motor Vehicle Emissions
(Euro 5 and 6) (May 30, 2007),
docs/pressdata/en/misc/94369.pdf [].

Notes to pages 229–237 369

223. Russia:  Heavy-Duty:  Emissions, Transport Polic’y, https://www.transportpolicy.

net/standard/russia-heavy-duty-emissions/ (last visited Feb. 8, 2019)  [https://perma.
224. Azat Timerhanov, Krupnejshie napravlenija jeksporta avtomobilej iz Rossii [Russian Car
Export Largest Destinations], ABTOCTAT [AutoStat Analytic Agency] ( June
30, 2017), []
[translation by author].
225. Gleb Fedorov, Russia Gradually Catching Up as It Switches to Euro 5 Fuel, Russ. Beyond
(June 17, 2014),
up_as_it_switches_to_euro_5_fuel_37491.html [].
226. Id.
227. Antidizel’nyj Standart:  Chto Nuzhno Znat’ o Evro-6 [Anti-diesel Standard:  What
to Know About Euro-6], Autonews (Mar. 19, 2015),
news/58259f779a794747431204b2 [] [translation by
228. Discussion Document on the Review of Fuel Specifications and Standards for South Africa,
Suid-Afrika/ Republic of South Africa Government Gazette no. 34089, 8 Mar. 2011, at
26, 29 (These include California, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and
34089%208-3%20Energy.pdf [].
229. SAPIA, Annual Report 5 (2017),
Reports/SAPIA_AR%202017_FA_lowres.pdf [].
230. Repeal of the Amendment Regulations Regarding Petroleum Products Specifications and
Standards Published on 1 June 2012 in Notice No. R. 431 Government Gazette No: 35410,
Suid-Afrika/Republic of South Africa Government Gazette no.  40979, 13 July 2017,
at 4,
Regulations-regarding-Petroleum-Products-Specifications-and-Standards.pdf [https://].
231. SAPIA, supra note 229, at 5, 6. The capital investment required to implement Cleaner
Fuels II is estimated at R40 billion. Id. at 6.
232. SAPIA, supra note 229, at 25.
233. Discussion Document on the Review of Fuel Specifications and Standards for South Africa,
supra note 228, at 21.
234. SAPIA, supra note 229, at 25.
235. See Discussion Document on the Review of Fuel Specifications and Standards for South
Africa, supra note 228, at 9, 23.

C h a p t er   8
1. See Leo Cendrowicz, Is Europe Finally Ready for Genetically Modified Foods?, Time
(Mar. 9, 2010),,8599,1970471,00.html
2. See id.
3. Frédéric Simon, Reach ‘Monster’ will Devour EU Innovation, Chemical Industry Warns,
Euractiv (Apr. 29, 2016),
reach-monster-will-devour-eu-innovation-chemical-industry-warns/ [
4. Oversight on EPA Toxic Chemical Policies:  Hearing Before the S.  Comm. on Env’t &
Pub. Works, 110th Cong. 122–23 (2008) (statement of Jim DeLisi, President, Fanwood
Chemical, Inc.).

370 Notes to pages 237–241

5. Trade Barriers that US Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Perceive as Affecting Exports
to the European Union, Inv. No. 332-541, USITC Pub. 4455, at 3–5 (Mar. 2014) (Final).
6. The survey targeted CIOs, CISOs, General Counsels, CCOs, CPOs, and CMOs in com-
panies with more than 500 employees.
7. Pulse Survey: US Companies Ramping Up General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Budgets, PwC,
content/uploads/2018/03/pwc-gdpr-series-pulse-survey-1.pdf (last visited Mar. 30,
2019) [].
8. Videoconference Interview with Riccardo Falconi, Legal Dir., Uber (Sept. 21, 2018).
9. Amendments by the European Parliament to the Commission Proposal for a Directive of the
European Parliament and of the Council on Copyright in the Digital Single Market and
Amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC, A8-0245/2018 ( June 29, 2018).
10. Editorial, EU Copyright Reforms are Harsh but Necessary, Fin. Times (Mar. 26, 2019), https:// (on file with author).
11. Anthony I. Ogus, Regulatory Paternalism:  When is It Justified?, in Corporate
Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in Europe,
Japan, and the US 303 (Klaus J. Hopt et al. eds., 2005).
12. See Cendrowicz, supra note 1.
13. Travis Bradford, The Energy System: Technology, Economics, Markets,
and Policy 447 (2018).
14. Interview with John Frank, Vice President, Microsoft, in Brussels, Belg. ( July 16, 2018).
15. Id.
16. Brad Smith, Facial Recognition Technology: The Need for Public Regulation and Corporate
Responsibility, Microsoft:  Microsoft on Issues ( July 13, 2018), https://blogs.
public-regulation-and-corporate-responsibility/ [].
17. See Stephanie Hare, We Must Face Up to the Threat Posed by Biometrics, Fin. Times (Aug.
8, 2018), (on
file with author).
18. John C. Coffee, Jr., Racing Towards the Top?: The Impact of Cross-Listings and Stock Market
Competition on International Corporate Governance, 102 Colum. L. Rev. 1757 (2002).
19. For example, Microsoft views its pro-privacy stance as a source of competitiveness.
Interview with John Frank, supra note 14.
20. See Jun Le Bao Zai Wei Xian Zeng She Xue Sheng Nai Sheng Chan Xian, Zhi
Li Yu Wei Geng Duo Hai Zi Ti Gong Xin Xian You Zhi De Hao Niu Nai
(君乐宝在威县增设学生奶生产线 致力于为更多孩子提供新鲜优质的好牛奶)
[ Jun Le Bao Recently Sets Production Line of Student Milk in Xingtai City, and Aims to
Produce Fresh and High-quality Milk for More Children], Junlebao Dairy ( Jan. 2018), [].
21. See Post Hearing Information Pack, China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited, HKEXnews
at 151-152 ( June, 2014),
ltn20140715042.pdf [].
22. See Sun Jie (孙杰), 2016 Ru Ye Wan Li Xing Shang Ban Cheng Shou Gong Wo Guo Sheng Ru
Zhi Liang Wen Ding Ke Kao (2016乳业万里行上半程收官 我国生乳质量稳定可靠)
[First Half of Quality Promotion of Dairy Industry in 2016 has Completed, and the qual-
ity of raw milk in China is stable and reliable], People’s Network (Nov. 28, 2016), [https://perma.
23. See Lawrence A. Kogan, Exporting Precaution:  How Europe’s Risk-
Free Regulatory Agenda Threatens American Free Enterprise 101–02

Notes to pages 241–242 371

(2005), [

24. Editorial, Tax Affairs of American Tech Groups Come Under Fire, Fin. Times (Oct. 3,
2017), (on file
with author).
25. Why Big Tech Should Fear Europe: To Understand the Future of Silicon Valley, Cross the
Atlantic, Economist (Mar. 23, 2019),
why-big-tech-should-fear-europe [].
26. Philip Stephens, Opinion, Europe Rewrites the Rules for Silicon Valley, Fin. Times (Nov.
3, 2016), (on file
with author)
27. Mark Scott, E.U. Rules Look to Unify Digital Market, but U.S. Sees Protectionism, N.Y.
Times (Sept. 13, 2016),
google-facebook-apple.html. (on file with author)
28. Interview by Kara Swisher with Barack Obama, in Silicon Valley (Feb. 13, 2015), https://
29. Jonathan Golub, Global Competition and EU Environmental Policy:  Introduction and
Overview, in Global Competition and EU Environmental Policy 1, 19, 23
( Jonathan Golub ed., 2013).
30. Fredrik Erixon, The Rising Trend of Green Protectionism: Biofuels and the European Union
2 (European Centre for Int’l Political Econ., Occasional Paper No. 2/2012, 2012), https://
31. Lawrence A. Kogan, Trade Protectionism: Ducking the Truth About Europe’s GMO Policy,
N.Y. Times (Nov. 27, 2004),
protectionism-ducking-the-truth-about-europes-gmo-policy.html. (on file with author)
32. See, e.g., Dr. Bernard D. Goldstein, Opinion, The EU’s Distortion of Public Health Unfairly
Hurts US Agricultural Produce, Hill ( Jan. 29, 2018),
produce []; The New Tool Against Forestry in
Developing Countries, World Growth 3 (2010),
33. See Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council
and the European Economic and Social Committee:  A Strategic Vision for European
Standards:  Moving Forward to Enhance and Accelerate the Sustainable Growth of the
European Economy by 2020, at 2‒3, COM (2011) 311 final ( June 1, 2011).
34. See, e.g., Emma Tucker, Plastic Toy Quandary that EU Cannot Duck, Fin. Times, (Dec. 9,
1998), at 3.
35. See Commission Decision 2004/134/EC of 3 July 2001, 2004 O.J. (L 048) 1.
36. John R. Wilke, U.S. Antitrust Chief Chides EU for Rejecting Merger Proposal, Wall St.
J. ( July 5, 2001), (on file with
37. See, e.g., William J. Kolasky, Deputy Assistant Attorney Gen. Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep’t
of Justice, Address Before the Seminar on Convergence Sponsored by the Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs (Oct. 28, 2002),
competition [].
38. Wilke, supra note 36.
39. Commission Decision of 28 June 2000 Declaring a Concentration Incompatible with the
Common Market and the EEA Agreement, Case COMP/M.1741—MCI WorldCom/

372 Notes to pages 242–244

Sprint, 2003 O.J. (L 300)  1; Commission Decision of 11 October 2000 Declaring a

Concentration to be Compatible with the Common Market and the EEA Agreement, Case
COMP/M.1845—AOL/Time Warner, 2001 O.J. (L 268) 28; Summary of Commission
Decision of 1 February 2012 Declaring a Concentration Incompatible with the Internal
Market and the Functioning of the EEA Agreement, Case COMP/M.6166—Deutsche
Börse/NYSE Euronext, 2014 O.J. (C 254) 8; Summary of Commission Decision of 30
January 2013 Declaring a Concentration Incompatible with the Internal Market and the
Functioning of the EEA Agreement, Case COMP/M.6570—UPS/TNT Express, 2014
(C 137) 8.
40. Press Release, European Comm’n, Antitrust:  Commission Fines Google €4.34 Billion
for Illegal Practices Regarding Android Mobile Devices to Strengthen Dominance of
Google’s Search Engine ( July 18, 2018),
4581_en.htm [].
41. Summary of Commission Decision of 27 June 2017, Case AT.39740—Google Search
(Shopping), 2018 O.J. (C 9) 11.
42. Press Release, European Comm’n, Antitrust:  Commission Fines Google €1.49 Billion
for Abusive Practices in Online Advertising (Mar. 20, 2019),
abusive-practices-online-advertising_en [].
43. Earlier this year, the Commission fined Qualcomm $1.2 billion for its exclusive deal-
ing contracts with Apple on the computer chips market. See Summary of Commission
Decision of 24 Jan. 2018, Case AT.40220—Qualcomm (Exclusivity Payments), 2018 O.J.
(C 269) 25.
44. In a separate competition action, the Commission also ordered Ireland to recover €13
billion in illegal state aid from Apple. See Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1283 of 30
Aug. 2016, on State Aid SA.38373 (2014/C) (ex 2014/NN) (ex 2014/CP) Implemented
by Ireland to Apple, 2017 O.J. (L 187) 1.
45. Summary of Commission Decision of 13 May 2009, Case COMP/C-3/37.990—Intel,
2009 O.J. (C 227) 13. In September 2017, the European Court of Justice overturned the
fine levied by the Commission in its decision. Case C-413/14 P, Intel Corp. v. Comm’n,
EUR-Lex 62014CJ0413 (Sept. 6, 2017).
46. Commission Decision of 24 May 2004, Case COMP/C-3/37.792—Microsoft, 2007 O.J.
(L 32) 23.
47. See Steve Lohr, Antitrust Cry from Microsoft, N.Y. Times, Mar. 31, 2011, at B1, https://
Type=PAYWALL (on file with author); Brad Smith, Adding Our Voice to Concerns About
Search in Europe, Microsoft on Issues (Mar. 30, 2011),
48. See, e.g., Ben Homewood, Google ‘Abuses’ Highlighted in the Wake of Record Anti-Trust Fine,
Google ( July 19, 2018),
lighted-in-the-wake-of-record-anti-trust-fine/073231 [].
49. See, e.g., Richard Smirke, Europe and Copyright: A Comprehensive Look at the Continent’s
Digital Plans, Billboard (Apr. 28, 2016),
business/7349853/digital-single-market-music-business-european-union [https://perma.
50. See Sam Schechner & Stu Woo, EU to Get Tough on Chat Apps in Win for Telecoms, Wall
St. J. (Sept. 11, 2016),
win-for-telecoms-1473607662 (on file with author).
51. Case COMP/M.7881, AB InBev/SABMiller, EUR-Lex 32016M7881 (May 24, 2016).

Notes to pages 244–248 373

52. Summary of Commission Decision of 1 February 2012 Declaring a Concentration

Incompatible with the Internal Market and the Functioning of the EEA Agreement, Case
COMP/M.6166—Deutsche Börse/NYSE Euronext, 2014 O.J. (C 254) 8.
53. Summary of Commission Decision of 29 March 2017 Declaring a Concentration
Incompatible with the Internal Market and the Functioning of the EEA Agreement, Case
COMP/M.7995—Deutsche Börse/London Stock Exchange, 2017 O.J. (C 240) 7.
54. Commission Decision (EU) 2016/2326, of 21 October 2015 on State Aid SA.38375
(2014/C ex 2014/NN) Which Luxembourg Granted to Fiat, 2016 O.J. (L 351) 1.
55. Press Release, European Comm’n, State Aid: Commission Opens In-depth Investigation
into Italian State Loan to Alitalia (Apr. 23, 2018),
IP-18-3501_en.htm []; Press Release, European Comm’n,
State Aid: Commission Opens In-depth Investigation into measures in Favour of Ryanair
at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport in Germany (Oct. 26, 2018),
release_IP-18-6222_en.htm [].
56. Anu Bradford et al., Is EU Merger Control Used for Protectionism? An Empirical Analysis,
15 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 165, 188 (2018).
57. Id.
58. David Vogel, The Politics of Precaution:  Regulating Health, Safety,
and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States 27 (2012).
59. Id.
60. Interview with Cyril Jacquet, Senior Legal Advisor in the Legal Affairs Unit, ECHA, in
Helsinki, Fin. ( Jan 4, 2018).
61. See Regulation (EU) 995/2010, of the European Parliament and of the Council of
20 October 2010 Laying Down the Obligations of Operators Who Place Timber and
Timber Products on the Market, 2010 O.J. (L 295) 23.
62. See, e.g., Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament: A European One Health Action Plan Against Antimicrobial Resistance, COM
(2017) 339 final ( June 29, 2017).
63. Appellate Body Report, European Communities—Measures Prohibiting the Importation
and Marketing of Seal Products, ¶ 5.203, WT/DS400/AB/R; WT/DS401/AB/R (Apr.
29, 2014).
64. See, e.g., US Airline EU ETS Case Against the UK to be Referred to European Court as
NGO Coalition Joins Actions,,
news.php?viewStory=1129 (last visited Apr. 2, 2019) [].
65. See, e.g., Kimberly Elliott & Janeen Madan. Can GMOs Deliver for Africa? (Center for
Global Development, CGD Policy Paper 080, 2016)
can-gmos-deliver-africa [].
66. Marnus Gouse et al., Genetically Modified Maize: Less Drudgery for Her, More Maize for
Him? Evidence from Smallholder Maize Farmers in South Africa, World Dev., July 2016,
at 27.
67. Ademola A. Adenle, Response to Issues on GM Agriculture in Africa: Are Transgenic Crops
Safe?, BMC Res. Notes (Oct. 8 2011),
cles/10.1186/1756-0500-4-388 [].
68. Robert Paarlberg, GMO Foods and Crops:  Africa’s Choice, 27 New Biotechnology
609, 610–11 (2010).
69. See, e.g., Jan Zielonka, Europe as Empire:  The Nature of the Enlarged
European Union 9–22 (2006).
70. See Zaki Laïdi, The Unintended Consequences of European Power 9–10 (Les Cahiers
Européens de Sciences Po. No. 5, 2007),
dkt13evdojn1lbo9786c100s2 [].

374 Notes to pages 248–250

71. Jan Zielonka, Europe as a Global Actor:  Empire by Example?, 84 Int’l Aff. 471, 475
72. Id. at 477, 483.
73. Raffaella A. Del Sarto, Normative Empire Europe: The EU, Its Borderlands and the Arab
Spring, 54 J. Comm. Market Stud. 215, 222–23 (2016).
74. Id. at 227.
75. Id.
76. See, e.g., Editorial, Regulatory Imperialism, Wall St. J. (Oct. 26, 2007), https://www. (on file with author); Angelos Sepos, Imperial
Power Europe? The EU’s Relations with the ACP Countries, 6 J. Pol. Power 261 (2013).
77. Mark Scott & Laurens Cerulus, Europe’s New Data Protection Rules Export Privacy
Standards Worldwide, Politico ( Jan. 31, 2018),
78. Id.
79. Lawrence A. Kogan, Exporting Europe’s Protectionism, 77 Nat’l Int. 91, 99 (2004).
80. See, e.g., Margrethe Vestager, Competition Commissioner, Opening Remarks at the ICN
Merger Workshop: Merger Review: Building a Global Community of Practice ( June 3,
2016); The Rt Hon Sir Leon Brittan QU, Vice-President of the European Commission,
Address at the WTO High Level Symposium on Trade and the Environment (Mar. 15,
81. See generally Ian Manners, Normative Power Europe:  A Contradiction in Terms?, 40 J.
Common Market Stud. 235, 235 (2002).
82. See Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union art. 3(5), May 9, 2008, 2008
O.J. (C 115) 13 17. See also Ian Manners, The Normative Ethics of the European Union, 84
Int’l Aff. 45, 46 (2008).
83. José Manuel Barroso, Europe’s Rising Global Role, Project Syndicate (Dec. 16, 2009), (on file with
84. Joseph Stiglitz, Opinion, The EU’s Global Role, Guardian (Mar. 29, 2007), https://www. [
85. See, e.g., Press Release, European Comm’n, The Copenhagen Climate Change
Negotiations:  EU Position and State of Play (Nov. 9, 2009),
press-release_MEMO-09-493_en.htm?locale=en [].
86. See id.
87. See Clean-Air Turbulence, Economist, July 9‒15, 2011, at 16.
88. See, e.g., Mark Leonard, Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century (2005).
89. E.g., Kalypso Nicolaïdis & Robert Howse, ‘This is my EUtopia . . .’: Narrative as Power, 40
J. Common Market Stud. 767, 789 (2002); see also Thomas Diez, Europe’s Others and
the Return of Geopolitics, 17 Cambridge Rev. Int’l Aff. 319, 325, 330–35 (2004).
90. See, e.g., Oxfam Int’l, Adapting to Climate Change: What’s Needed in Poor Countries, and
Who Should Pay (Oxfam Briefing Paper 104, 2007),
default/files/reports/Adapting%20to%20Climate%20Change.pdf [
91. Hosein, Ian, 2004, Presentation at the 45th International Studies Association
Convention:  International Relations Theories and the Regulation of International
Dataflows:  Policy Laundering and Other International Policy Dynamics (Mar. 17–20,
2004) (
pages73882/p73882-1.php) [].

Notes to pages 250–252 375

92. Julian Schwartzkopff, Splendid Isolation? The Influence of Interest Groups on EU Trade
Policy (Berlin Working Paper on European Integration No. 12, 2009), https://www.
Ressourcen/arbeitspapiere/2009-12_Schwartzkopff_SplendidIsolation.pdf [https://perma.
93. Joseph H.  H. Weiler et  al., 1995. European Democracy and its Critique:  Five Uneasy
Pieces (European Univ. Inst. Working Paper RSC No. 95/11, 1995),
handle/1814/1386 [].
94. See Robert O. Keohane et al., Democracy-Enhancing Multilateralism, 63 Int’l Org. 1
95. Citizens United v. FEC, 130 S. Ct. 876 (2010).
96. Andreas Dür et  al., Political Influence of Business in the European
Union (2019).
97. Joanne Scott, From Brussels with Love:  The Transatlantic Travels of European Law
and the Chemistry of Regulatory Attraction, 57 Am. J.  Comp. L. 897, 920–28 (2009);
see also generally Katerina Linos, The Democratic Foundations of Policy
Diffusion:  How Health, Family and Employment Laws Spread Across
Countries (2013).
98. See Alasdair R. Young, Political Transfer and “Trading Up”?:  Transatlantic Trade in
Genetically Modified Food and U.S. Politics, 55 World Pol. 457, 474 (2003).
99. Scott, supra note 97, at 923.
100. Id. at 920–28.
101. Id. at 927 (citing News Release, Scientists, Physicians, Health Advocates, Parents to
Obama: Chemical Exposure is an Urgent Crisis in the United States (Nov. 20, 2008), https:// []).
102. Donna McCann et  al., Food Additives and Hyperactive Behaviour in 3-Year-Old and
8/9-Year-Old Children in the Community:  A Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-
Controlled Trial, 370 Lancet 1560 (2007).
103. Elizabeth Grossman, Banned in Europe, Safe in the U.S., Ensia ( June 9, 2014), https:// [].
104. Quick Minutes:  Food Advisory Committee Meeting March
30–31, 2011, U.S. Food & Drug Admin. (FDA), https://wayback.archive-it.
CommitteesMeetingMaterials/FoodAdvisoryCommittee/ucm250901.htm (last visited
Apr. 3, 2019).
105. Michael F. Jacobsen, Strong FDA Action on Food Dyes Urged, CSPI (Mar. 30, 2011), []; Gardiner
Harris, Artificial Dye Safe to Eat, Panel Says, N.Y. Times (Mar. 31, 2011), https://www. (on file with author); April Fulton,
FDA Probes Link Between Food Dyes, Kids’ Behavior, NPR (Mar. 30, 2011), https://www.
[]; Stephanie Gleason, Artificial Food Dyes Scrutinized
by FDA, Wall St. J. (Mar. 29, 2011),
8704471904576228550619608050 (on file with author).
106. Why M&M’s Are Made with Natural Coloring in the EU and Not the U.S., WBUR
(Mar. 28, 2014),
107. Katie Lobosco, Kraft Ends Mac and Cheese Fake Coloring. Will It Still Be Yellow?, CNN
Business (Apr. 20, 2015),
macaroni-cheese-fake-color/index.html?iid=EL [].

376 Notes to pages 252–255

108. Amy Kuperinsky, Mars to Remove Artificial Colors from M&M’s and Other Candy, NJ.
Com (Feb. 6, 2016),
remove_artificial_colors_from_mms.html [].
109. See Otto Pohl, European Environmental Rules Propel Change in U.S., N.Y. Times, July 6,
2004, at F4 (on file with author).
110. See Joseph Turow et al. Americans Reject Tailored Advertising and Three Activities that
Enable It (Annenberg Sch. for Commc’n, Departmental Paper No. 524, 2009), https:// [].
111. Regulation: The Right Way to Get Rid of It: America Needs Regulatory Reform, Not a Crude
Cull of Environmental Rules, Economist (Mar, 2, 2017),
leaders/2017/03/02/the-right-way-to-get-rid-of-it [].
112. For California, REACH can be described as having been “both a catalyst and a resource
for regulatory reform.” Scott, supra note 97, at 898.
113. See Community Waste Prevention Toolkit: Computer Factsheet, Inform, https://www. (last visited
Apr. 3, 2019), []; Scott Cassel, Product Stewardship: Shared
Responsibility for Managing HHW, in Handbook on Household Hazardous
Waste, 159, 198–99 (Amy D. Cabaniss ed., 2008).
114. Katja Biedenkopf, E-Waste Governance Beyond Borders—Does the EU Influence US
Environmental Policy? 11 (2010) (unpublished manuscript) ( https://refubium.fu-berlin.
Borders-445.pdf ?sequence=1&isAllowed=y) [].
115. R. G. Lipsey & Kelvin Lancaster, The General Theory of Second Best, 24 Rev. Econ.
Stud. 11 (1956).
116. Chad Damro, Market Power Europe, 19 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 682, 689 (2012).
117. Agreement Between the European Parliament and the European Commission on
the Establishment of a Transparency Register for Organisations and Self-employed
Individuals Engaged in EU Policy-making and Policy Implementation, 2011 O.J. (L
191)  29; Transparency Register, (last updated Mar. 25, 2019)  [https://perma.
118. Statistics for the Transparency Register, Transparency Register, http://ec.europa.
View (last updated Mar. 25, 2019) [].
119. Id. (data filtered according to non-EU countries).
120. Adam Satariano, G.D.P.R., a New Privacy Law, Makes Europe World’s Leading Tech
Watchdog, N.Y. Times (May 24, 2018),
technology/europe-gdpr-privacy.html. (on file with author).
121. Emilia Korkea-aho, ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Brussels’: Third Country Lobbying and the Making
of EU Law and Policy, 18 Cambridge Y.B. Eur. Legal Stud. 45, 48, 57 (2016). This
commitment is manifested in Article 11 of the TEU, which places a proactive duty on the
Commission to consult the affected parties. Third party actors subject to, or affected by,
EU rules are seen as stakeholders in this process, falling under the TEU Article 11 duty
for consultation.
122. Id. at 52.
123. See generally Bill Wirtz, EU-Funded Lobbying is Expensive and Undemocratic,
EUObserver (Sept. 21, 2017), [https://]; Rinus van Schendelen, More Machiavelli in
Brussels: The Art of Lobbying the EU 319–20 (2002).
124. Eric Lipton & Danny Hakim, Lobbying Bonanza as Firms Try to Influence European
Union, N.Y. Times (Oct. 18, 2013),

Notes to pages 255–258 377

europe/lobbying-bonanza-as-firms-try-to-influence-european-union.html (on file with

125. Korkea-aho, supra note 121, at 59.
126. REACH Background: Internet Consultation on Draft Chemicals Legislation (the REACH
System), Eur. Commission,
background/internet_cons_en.htm (last updated June 8, 2016)  [
127. Korkea-aho, supra note 121, at 60.
128. Id. (citing H.R. Comm. on Government Reform, Minority Staff Special
Investigations Div., A Special Interest Case Study:  The Chemical
Industry, the Bush Administration, and European Efforts to Regulate
Chemicals (2004), [herein-
after Special Interest Case Study]).
129. Robert Levine, Laying Down the Law: How the Music Business Came Together to Score
Two Political Wins, Billboard (Sept. 20, 2018),
130. Who We Are, GGHH, (last visited Apr. 3, 2019),
131. See Chemicals, GreenHospitals.Net,
(last visited Apr. 3, 2019), [].
132. Korkea-aho, supra note 121, at 50–51.
133. Our Members, DigitalEurope, (last visited Apr. 3,
2019), [].
134. DIGITALEUROPE, Response to European Commission Consultation on the Legal
Framework for the Fundamental Right to Protection of Personal Data (Nov. 20, 2009),
en.pdf [].
135. Dür et al., supra note 96.
136. Id.
137. Mehreen Khan & Tim Bradshaw, Apple and Facebook Call for EU-style Privacy Laws
in US, Fin. Times (Oct. 24, 2018),
ab8e-6be0dcf18713 (on file with author).
138. See generally David Vogel, Trading Up:  Consumer and Environmental
Regulation in a Global Economy (1995).
139. This is particularly valuable if a chemical company can show that it produces a safer
alternative compared to its competitor’s “substance of very high concern,” as this would
lead to automatic denial of the competitor’s substance. See Scott, supra note 97, at 930.
140. See Special Interest Case Study, supra note 128.
141. See Matt Murray et al., Oceans Apart: As Honeywell Deal Goes Awry for GE, Fallout May
Be Global, Wall St. J., June 15, 2001, at A1.
142. See the E.C.J. case discussed by Murray et al., supra note 141; see also Joshua Chaffin & Andrew
Parker, Blow to US Airlines in Emissions Fight, Fin. Times (Oct. 6, 2011), http://www.
(on file with author).
143. Telephone Interview with Anthony Gardner, Former US Ambassador to the EU ( July
30, 2018).
144. For instance, the Bush administration preempted California’s regulations on GHG
emissions. See 42 U.S.C. § 7543(a) (2006). The EPA also denied California’s first

378 Notes to pages 258–260

application for a preemption waiver. See Letter from Stephen L. Johnson, Administrator,
EPA, to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California (Dec. 19, 2007), https://www. [https://perma.
145. See Adam Liptak, Trump v. California: The Biggest Legal Clashes, N.Y. Times (Apr. 5, 2018),
(on file with author).
146. See Hiroko Tabuchi, Brad Plumer and Coral Davenport, E.P.A. Readies Plan to Weaken
Rules That Require Cars to Be Cleaner, N.Y. Times (Apr. 27, 2018), https://www.nytimes.
com/2018/04/27/climate/epa-emissions-california.html (on file with author); see also
David Sloss, California’s Climate Diplomacy and Dormant Preemption, 56 Washburn
L.J. 507 (2017).
147. See Young, supra note 98, at 458–59.
148. See, e.g., Brian Coleman, Clinton Hints at U.S. Retaliation If EU Blocks Boeing Merger,
Wall St. J., July 18, 1997, at A2,
(on file with author).
149. Deborah Platt Majoras, Deputy Asst. Att’y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep’t of Justice,
Remarks Before the Antitrust Law Section State Bar of Georgia: GE–Honeywell: The
U.S. Decision 14 (Nov. 29, 2001),
150. Daniel Michaels, Chinese Envoy Backs Shunning of Airbus, Wall St. J. (Mar. 9, 2012),
(on file with author). However, the EU insisted it would not back down. See Joshua
Chaffin, EU Defies Carbon Trade War Threats, Fin. Times (Mar. 20, 2012), https:// (on file
with author).
151. Tom Delreux & Sandra Happaerts, Environmental Policy and Politics
in the European Union 133, 215 (2016).
152. Jim Brunsden, EU Seeks to End Long-Running Row over Curbs on US Beef, Financial
Times (Sept. 3, 2018),
68cf89602132 (on file with author).
153. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade art. XX, Oct. 30, 1947, 61 Stat. A-11, 55 U.N.T.S.
194 [hereinafter GATT].
154. See Appellate Body Report, European Communities—Measures Concerning Meat
and Meat Products (Hormones), WT/DS26/AB/R, WT/DS48/AB/R ( Jan. 16,
1998) (adopted Feb. 13, 1998),
pdf [hereinafter Appellate Body Report] [].
155. Appellate Body Report, supra note 154, at 28.
156. See id. at 20–23.
157. Id. at 7.
158. Appellate Body Report, supra note 154.
159. See Press Release, Office of the U.S. Trade Rep., U.S. Files WTO Case Challenging
EU Restrictions on U.S. Poultry Exports ( Jan. 16, 2009),
eu-restrictions-us-p [].
160. John H. Jackson et  al., Legal Problems of International Economic
Relations 367 (5th ed. 2008).
161. Id.
162. See Renée Johnson & Charles E. Hanrahan, Cong. Research Serv., R40449,
The U.S.-EU Beef Hormone Dispute (2010). The EU has further continued to
gather scientific evidence to justify its import ban and challenge US retaliation. After

Notes to pages 260–263 379

another round of WTO litigation and a mixed and inconclusive Appellate Body rul-
ing, both the EU’s import ban and the United States’ retaliation remain in force. See
also Press Release, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, WTO’s Appellate Body
Vindicates Continued U.S. Imposition of Sanctions After the EU Claimed Compliance
in the EU–Hormones Dispute (Oct. 16, 2008),
163. See Johnson & Hanrahan, supra note 162. And even if the EU were to comply, access of
GMOs to its markets would remain limited. The WTO only ruled on the EU’s mora-
torium for authorization of GMOs. The EU’s strict requirements on traceability and
labeling of GMO products remain intact, considerably limiting the producers’ ability to
penetrate the European market, given EU consumers’ distrust of GMO foods.
164. See GATT, supra note 153, art. III.
165. However, on privacy, see the general exception clause in Article XIV of GATT, which
explicitly authorizes states to restrict trade to “protection of the privacy of individu-
als.” See Gregory Shaffer, Globalization and Social Protection:  The Impact of EU and
International Rules in the Ratcheting Up of U.S. Privacy Standards, 25 Yale J. Int’l L. 1,
50 (2000) (quoting GATT, supra note 153, art. XIV).
166. See Anu Bradford, International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO,
48 Harv. Int’l L.J. 383 (2007).
167. Dominique Sinopoli and Kai Purnhagen, Reversed Harmonization or Horizontalization
of EU Standards?: Does WTO Law Facilitate or Constrain the Brussels Effect? 34 Wisc.
Int’l L.J. 92 (2016).
168. Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, Apr. 15,
1994, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 2, 1869
U.N.T.S. 401.
169. See Shaffer, supra note 165, at 54–55.
170. See Jonathan R. Macey, Regulatory Globalization as a Response to Regulatory Competition,
52 Emory L.J. 1353, 1359 (2003).
171. See generally, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
(CORSIA), Int’l Civ. Aviation Org.,
protection/CORSIA/Pages/default.aspx []. The US
commitment to CORSIA is less certain under the Trump administration. See, e.g.,
Allision Lampert & Victoria Bryan, U.S. Airlines Affirm Aviation Emissions Deal After
Trump’s Paris Pullout, Reuters ( June 6, 2017),
airlines-iata-climatechange-idUSKBN18X2WX [].
172. Philip Blenkinsop, EU Deeply Disagrees with U.S. on Trade Despite Détente, Reuters
(Aug. 30, 2018),
with-u-s-on-trade-despite-detente-idUSKCN1LF1E0 [].
173. Sewell Chan, Greenpeace Leaks U.S.-E.U. Trade Deal Documents, N.Y. Times (May 2, 2016),
deal.html (on file with author).
174. At times, the United States may therefore concede and adopt the EU standard, in par-
ticular if it faces domestic demand to do so following any lobbying activity by its own
export-oriented companies that are already subject to EU rules and that therefore seek
to level the playing field domestically.
175. See Daniel W. Drezner, Globalization, Harmonization, and Competition: The Different
Pathways to Policy Convergence, 12 J. Eur. Pub. Pol’y 841, 845 (2005).
176. See id.
177. See discussion of the “Better Regulation Agenda” in ­chapter 2.
178. Id.

380 Notes to pages 263–268

179. See discussion in ­chapter 3.

180. For example, the EU’s 2012 regulation on the verification of greenhouse gas emis-
sions simplified and even removed many verification procedures for small emitters.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 600/2012, of 21 June 2012 O.J. (L 181) 1, art. 33.

C h a p t er   9
1. See Dominic Wilson & Roopa Purushothaman, Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050
(Goldman Sachs, Global Econ., Paper No. 99, 2003),
insights/archive/archive-pdfs/brics-dream.pdf [].
2. GDP Growth (Annual %), The World Bank, https://data.worldbank.
org/ind icator/N Y.G D P.M K T P.K D. Z G ?end=2017&lo cations=EU-US -
CA&start=2010&view=chart [].
3. GDP Growth (Annual %), The World Bank
ind icator/N Y.G D P.M K T P.K D. Z G ?end=2017&lo cations=EU- C N-I N-
ID&start=2010&view=chart [].
4. Jean Fouré, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Lionel Fontagné, The World Economy in 2050: A
Tentative Picture, (CEPII, Working Paper No. 27, 2010), 48
PUB/wp/2010/wp2010-27.pdf [].
5. Report for Selected Country Groups and Subjects, IMF,
1&a=1 [].
6. The Long View: How Will the Global Economic Order Change by 2050?, PwC, 4, 8, (Feb.
report-feb-2017.pdf [].
7. Fouré, Bénassy-Quéré & Fontagné supra note 4, at 4.
8. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European
Commission, Global Europe 2050, 5 (2012),
sciences/pdf/policy_reviews/global-europe-2050-report_en.pdf [
9. The Global Economy in 2030:  Trends and Strategies for Europe,
Centre for European Policy Studies, 61 (Daniel Gros & Cinzia Alcidi
eds., 2013),
generated/document/en/The%20Global%20Economy%20in%202030.pdf [https:// Y4Z3]
10. Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó fǎn lǒngduàn fǎ (中华人民共和国反垄断法) [Anti-
Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China] (promulgated by the Standing
Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Aug 30, 2007, effective Aug. 1, 2008), http://english.mof-
11. Michael T. Roberts & Ching-Fu Lin, 2016 China Food Law Update, 12 J. Food L. &
Pol’y 238 (2016).
12. Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó wǎngluò ānquán fǎ (中华人民共和国王老安全法)
[People’s Republic of China Cybersecurity Law] (promulgated by the Standing Comm.
Nat’l People’s Cong., Nov. 7, 2016, effective June 1, 2017),
xinwen/2016-11/07/content_2001605.htm [].
13. Alex L. Wang, Explaining Environmental Information Disclosure in China, 44 Ecology
L. Q. 865, 882 (2018).

Notes to pages 268–272 381

14. Benjamin van Rooij, Regulating Land and Pollution in China: Lawmaking,

Compliance, and Enforcement; Theory and Cases, 48 (2006), (citingLindsay
Wilson, Investors Beware:  The WTO will not Cure all Ills with China, 2003 Colum.
Bus. L.  Rev. 1007, 1020 (2003); Donald C. Clarke, China’s Legal System and the
WTO: Prospects for Compliance, 2 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 97, 111 (2003))
15. Wang, supra note 13, at n. 101.
16. Dan Harris, China Business Regulation Rising, China Law Blog, ( July 31, 2010),
17. See David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan, Introduction to Dynamics of Regulatory
Change:  How Globalization Affects National Regulatory Policies 9
(David Vogel & Robert A. Kagan eds., 2004).
18. Karen Ward, The World in 2050:  Quantifying the Shift in the Global Economy, HSBC
Global Research, 53 ( Jan. 4, 2011),
content/canada4/pdfs/business/hsbc-bwob-theworldin2050-en.pdf [
19. Ward, supra note 18, at 6.
20. Emily Feng, Northern China Suffers Smog Pollution After Air Targets Relaxed, Fin. Times,
(Nov. 15, 2018),
(on file with author).
21. Martin Wolf, The future might not belong to China, Fin. Times ( Jan. 1, 2019), https:// (on file with author) (dis-
cussing a 2018 study “Long-Term Global Economic Outlook” conducted by Capital
22. Id.
23. China exports, imports and trade balance By Country and Region 2016, World
Integrated Trade Solution,
24. See Jean Blaylock, If you thought chlorine-washed chicken was scary, wait until you see what
else Liam Fox has planned for a UK-US trade deal, The Independent, ( July 26, 2017,
10:30 AM),
trade-deal-us-ttip-deregulation-a7860706.html [].
25. Withdrawal of the United States From the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and
Agreement, 82 Fed. Reg. 8,497 ( Jan. 23, 2017).
26. Eleven countries that were parties to the proposed TPP concluded The Comprehensive
and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP):  Australia,
Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and
Vietnam. See Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership,
Government of Canada,
agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/cptpp-ptpgp/index.aspx ?lang=eng
27. Doug Palmer, U.S. aims to reshape world trade rules with regional pacts: Biden, Reuters
(April 5, 2013),
world-trade-rules-with-regional-pacts-biden-idUSBRE9340TD20130405 [https://].
28. The Canadian Press, Harper hails Trans-Pacific Partnership, promises $4.3B to pro-
tect dairy farmers, (Oct. 5, 2013, 5:24 PM EDT), http://www.lfpress.
farmers [].

382 Notes to pages 272–276

29. U.S. not invited to TPP meeting in Chile; ministers to meet again at APEC, INSIDE US
TRADE (Mar. 15, 2017)
chile-ministers-meet-again-apec (on file with author).
30. European Union Intellectual Prop. Office, Guidelines for Examination
of European Union Trade Marks (2017),
lr2_en.pdf [].
31. Geographical Indications An Introduction, World Intellectual Property
Organization, 31,
wipo_pub_952.pdf [].
32. Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Canada-E.U., Annex 20-A, (Oct. 30,
33. EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, Annex 12-A, unsigned.
34. See TPP Final Text, Office of the Trade Representative, arts. 18.30–18.36, [https://].
35. See TPP Final Text, supra note 34, art. 18.32.
36. See Shawn Donnan, TPP deal lifts hopes for US-EU trade pact, Financial Times (Oct. 6,
2015), (on file with
37. See The Third Industrial Revolution, Economist, Apr. 21, 2012, at 15.
38. Additive manufacturing is an industrial production technology that builds 3D objects by
adding layer upon layer of material (such as plastic or metal) in precise geometric shapes.
While traditional manufacturing often requires removing material through milling or
carving, additive manufacturing lays down or adds material to create a 3D object.
39. Richard Kelly & Jörg Bromberger, Additive Manufacturing: A Long-Term Game Changer
For Manufacturers, McKinsey,
manufacturers [].
40. Kelly & Bromberger, supra note 39.
41. Id.
42. Id.
43. Id.
44. Regulation (EC) 2018/302, 2018 O.J. (L 060I).
45. See generally Parliamentary report urges Australians to bypass online geo-blocks that can dou-
ble prices for IT products, ABC (July 30, 2013, 12:14 AM),
46. Allison McDonald, Matthew Bernhard, Luke Valenta, Benjamin VanderSloot, Will Scott,
Nick Sullivan, J. Alex Halderman & Roya Ensafi, 403 Forbidden: A Global View of CDN
Geoblocking, 2018 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ‘18), Oct. 31–Nov. 2, 2018,
Boston, USA, 11, [
47. Regulation 2018/302 supra note 44, paras. 22–26.
48. European Commission Press Release IP/18/6844, Antitrust:  Commission fines Guess
€40 million for anticompetitive agreements to block cross-border sales, (Dec. 17, 2018).
49. Interview with John Frank, Vice President, Microsoft, in Brussels, Belg. ( July 16, 2018).
50. Luca Lombardo, Genetic Use Restriction Technologies:  A Review, 12 Plant
Biotechnology J. 995, 995.
51. Lombardo supra note 50, at 995.

Notes to pages 276–280 383

52. Id. at 1000.

53. See discussion in Lombardo, supra note 50, at 995.
54. GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income), Eurostat,
http :// .eu/nui/ ?quer y=B O OKMARK_
DS-406763_QID_23BE6D65_UID_-3F171EB0&layout=UNIT,L, X,0;GEO,
IT EM,B1G Q ;&rankName1=INDICATOR S_1_2_-1_2&rankName2=NA-
nt=true&lang=EN&cfo=%23%23%23%2C%23%23%23.%23%23%23 [
VF8Y-8N7T] (last visited Jan. 11, 2019).
55. See Richard G Whitman, On Europe—Margaret Thatcher’s Lasting Legacy, Chatham
House (Apr. 9, 2013),
[]; Gordon Rayner & Christopher Hope, Cut the EU red
tape choking Britain after Brexit to set the country free from the shackles of Brussels, The
Telegraph (Mar. 28, 2017, 3:19 PM),
cut-eu-red-tape-choking-britain-brexit-set-country-free-shackles/ [
56. Is the UK a Winner or Loser in the EU Council?, Guardian, https://www.theguardian.
com/world/datablog/2015/nov/02/is-uk-winner-or-loser-european-council [https://].
57. Brexit: Impact Across Policy Areas, House of Commons Briefing Paper No. 07213, Aug.
26, 2016, 24.
58. Bilateral trade between United Kingdom and European Union (EU 28), Trademap,
%7c%7c%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c2%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c1 [].
59. See infra notes 70–72 and 83–86 and accompanying text.
60. The Internet Now Contributes 10 Percent of GDP to the UK Economy, Surpassing the
Manufacturing and Retail Sectors, BCG (May 1, 2015)
press/1may2015-internet-contributes-10-percent-gdp-uk-economy-12111 [https://perma.
cc/7B3S-PMWU]; “Brexit Could Put Data Sharing in Jeopardy,” Chatham House
(Mar. 10, 2016),
put-data-sharing-jeopardy [].
61. European Union Committee, Brexit:  the EU Data Protection Package,
2017–19, HL Paper 7, at 5 (UK).
62. Internet Now Contributes, supra note 60.
63. European Union Committee, supra note 61, at 5.
64. On Data Protection Brexit means mirroring EU rules, confirms UK minister, TechCrunch,
rules-confirms-uk-minister/ [].
65. On Data Protection, supra note 64.
66. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the
European Parliament and of the Council, (Apr.27, 2016), OJ 2016 L 119/1, Art. 45.
67. Case C-362/14, Maximillian Schrems v.  Data Protection Commissioner,
ECLI:EU:C:2015:650, (Oct. 6, 2015), 21–22.
68. European Union Committee, supra note 61, at 50.
69. Investigatory Power Act 2016, c. 4, § 87, (UK).
70. European Union Committee, supra note 61, at 41.
71. Id. at 41.

384 Notes to pages 280–282

72. Id. at 42.

73. Kate Allen, UK finance industry dominates European scene, Fin. Times (Sept. 5, 2018), (on file with
74. Orcun Kaya, Jan Schilbach & Kinner Lakhani, Brexit Impact on Investment Banking in
Europe, Deutsche Bank Research ( July 2, 2018), 6,
banking_in_Europe.PDF [].
75. Kaya, Schilbach & Lakhani, supra note 74, at 7.
76. Passporting, Bank of England,
authorisations/passporting [].
77. See The Single Rulebook, European Banking Authority,
regulation-and-policy/single-rulebook [].
78. This will happen automatically if the United Kingdom exits without a deal. Of course, the
United Kingdom could negotiate an agreement to the contrary under some deal with the
79. Commission Staff Working Document, EU equivalence decisions in financial services pol-
icy:  an assessment, European Commission (Feb. 27, 2017), 6,
info/sites/info/files/eu-equivalence-decisions-assessment-27022017_en.pdf [https://]; J. Deslandes, C. Dias & M. Magnus, Third country equivalence
in EU banking and financial regulation, Directorate-General for Internal
Policies, European Parliament, Mar. 2019,
RegData/etudes/IDAN/2018/614495/IPOL_IDA(2018)614495_EN.pdf [https://].
80. Commission Staff Working Document, supra note 79, at 7.
81. Eddy Wymeersch, Third-Country Equivalence and Access to the EU Financial Markets
Including in Case of Brexit 4, J. Fin. Reg. 209, 212.
82. Commission Staff Working Document, supra note 79, at 8.
83. Gavin Finch, Hayley Warren & Will Hadfield, The Great Brexit Banker Exodus That
Wasn’t, Bloomberg (last updated Jan. 31, 2019),
84. Will Hadfield & Steven Arons, Money Is Flooding Out of London While the U.K.
Bickers Over Brexit, Bloomberg ( Jan. 23, 2019),
85. Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Dec.18,
2006), 2006 O.J. (L 396).
86. Environmental Audit Committee, The Future of Chemicals Regulation
after the EU Referendum, 2016-17, HC Paper 912, 3, https://www. [https://].
87. Statistics, European Chemicals Agency (last visited June 4, 2019), https://echa. [] (last
accessed June 4, 2019).
88. Bruce Lourie, Without EU regulations on chemicals, the UK will be a toxic dumping
ground, Guardian,
regulations-chemicals-brexit-uk-cancer-eu [].
89. Susanne Baker, Initial techUK views on chemical legislation after EU exit, techUK (Oct.
26, 2016),
chemical-legislation-post-brexit [].

Notes to pages 282–285 385

90. Cut EU red tape: Report form the Business Taskforce, Prime Minister’s Office,
(updated Feb. 24, 2014),
ness-taskforce [].
91. UK Chemical trade bodies:  ‘soft’ Brexit now more likely, ChemicalWatch, https://
92. The Future of Chemicals Regulation, supra note 86, at 5–6.
93. See Charles Grant, How Brexit is Changing the EU, Centre for European Reform
( July 15, 2016),
brexit-changing-eu [].
94. See Ben Clements, IEA Brexit Prize: Britain outside the European Union, Institute
of Economic Affairs, 19–20,
Clement%20BREXIT%20entry_for%20web_0.pdf [].
95. See Judy Dempsey, Judy Asks: Does Europe Have an Alternative to Populism?, Carnegie
Europe (Aug. 30, 2018), [https://].
96. See William A. Galston, The rise of European populism and the collapse of the center-left,
Brookings Institution (Mar. 8, 2018),
ter-left/ [].
97. See, e.g., Gains and losses of political parties at the German general election on September
24, 2017 in comparison to the previous election, Statista,
statistics/753651/german-election-2017-party-gains-and-losses/ [
98. Population structure and ageing, Eurostat,
explained/index.php/Population_structure_and_ageing [
99. Better regulation: Why and how, European Commission,
how_en [].
100. Intelligence Act of July 24, 2015,;jsessi
101. Atack Patrick, UK interior minister calls for end to WhatsApp ‘hiding place’ for terror sus-
pects, Euronews (last updated Mar. 27, 2017),
102. See, e.g., Joined Cases C‑203/15 and C‑698/15, Tele2 Sverige AB v. Post-och telestyrelsen,
Secretary of State for the Home Department v. Tom Watson, ECLI:EU:C:2016:970,
(Dec. 21, 2016).
103. See Piotr Buras, Poland, Hungary, and the slipping façade of democracy European
Council on Foreign Relations ( Jul. 11, 2018),
commentary_poland_hungary_slipping_facade_of_democracy [https://perma.
cc/8MMB-2TKS]; Italy budget:  Parliament passes budget after EU standoff, BBC
(Dec. 29, 2018), [https://perma.
cc/37B8-7MR7]; Katya Adler, Europe’s migration crisis: Could it finish the EU?, BBC
( June 28, 2018), [https://perma.

386 Notes to pages 285–286

104. See Legal acts—statistics, EUR-Lex,

acts-statistics.html []. The cited figures consist of both
new (basis) and amending acts.
105. Legal acts—statistics, supra note 104.
106. Higgins and Kanter, Order of Business for E.U.  in Brussels? Weeds, Then ‘Brexit,’ N.Y.
Times ( June 28, 2016),
eu-summit-agenda.html?_r=0 (on file with author).
107. European Commission Press Release MEMO 18/5715, State of the Union 2018: A fully
equipped European Border and Coast Guard—Questions and Answers, (Sept. 12,
2018), [https://perma.


For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–​53) may, on
occasion, appear on only one of those pages.

3D printing, 274 Alter, Karen, 75

5G telecommunication systems, 88–​89, Ammori, Marvin, 162
314n115 Amsterdam Treaty (1999), 207–​8, 209
  Andean Tribunal of Justice (ATJ), 67–​76
acid rain, 210–​11 Anheuser-​Busch (AB) InBev, 104,
acquis communitaire, 69–​70,  71–​72 127–​28,  244
activist pressure, 62 animal welfare
ADA (azodicarbonamide), 181, 348n72 Australia, 226
additive manufacturing, 274, 382n38 Canada, 226
adequacy decision, 149, 168 China,  216–​17
administrative rule making, 38–​39, 41 cosmetics manufacture, 215–​17
Africa. See also specific countries de facto Brussels Effect, 215
agriculture, 186 de jure Brussels Effect, 225
Economic Community of West African European Convention for the Protection
States, 79–​80, 312n79 of Animals, 209
food safety, 186, 189–​90 Five Freedoms, 209, 358n19
agriculture. See also GMOs Japan, 216
Africa, 186 Lisbon Treaty, 209
Brazil, 186, 189, 190–​91 livestock production, 217–​19
Brexit, 282 Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of
Chernobyl,  210–​11 Animals, 209
Common Agricultural Policy, 14–​15 United States, 226
competition law exemption, 117–​18 Anti-​Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Department of Agriculture, 32 (ACTA),  85–​86
exports to EU, 184 AOL/​Time Warner merger, 110
exports to EU, US, 180, 192 Apple
Food and Agriculture Organization, 73 competition investigations, 104
food exports, success, 171–​72 data protection, 143
GlobalGAP,  186–​87 European Commission cases, 99
Kenya, 189 Ireland tax revenue ruling, 99, 242–​43,
single standard, 60 315n5, 372n44
South America, 186 privacy policy adoption, 143
Airbnb, data privacy, 144 Qualcomm exclusive dealings, 99, 107,
Alesina, Alberto, 28 242–​43,  372n43

388 Index

Argentina benefits, Brussels Effect, 235–​63

chicken meat export, 218–​19 better, defined, 235
data protection, 149, 150 cost increases and innovation
motor vehicle emission control deterrence?, 236
standards,  73–​74 vs. costs to achieve, 235
REACH, 199–​200 foreign attempts constraining, 253–​57
RoHS,  223–​24 regulations criticisms, 235–​36
Artegoddam, 45 regulatory imperialism?, 247
Asia. See also specific countries and topics regulatory protectionism?, 241
assessment,  233–​34 welfare, measuring, 235
Australia Biden Joe, 271–​72
animal welfare, 192–​226 Biedenkopf, Katja, 200–​1, 203–​4, 214
climate change and emissions Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs),
trading,  227–​28 149–​50
competition laws, 116, 122 Bing, right to be forgotten, 146–​47
EU exports from, 28–​29, 94–​95 bonus caps, bankers’, 51
Facebook,  145–​46 brand equity, 240
geo-​blocking,  275 branding, global, 61
GMO regulation, 180 Brazil
online regulatory stringency, 168–​69 5G,  88–​89
REACH-​style law, 199–​200 agriculture, 186, 189, 190–​91
Austria beef exports, 189
acid rain, 210–​11 competition laws, 122
chemical regulation, 195 copycat litigation, 125–​26
GMOs, 176 cosmetics, 198
hate speech online, 166–​67 data protection, 147–​48, 153
automobiles exports to EU, 28–​29
additive manufacturing, 274 food safety and exports to EU, 186, 187,
California Effect, 59–​60 189,  190–​91
emissions standards, 10–​11, 229 GMO regulation, 180, 191
foreign direct investment, 59–​60 honey exports to EU, 189, 190–​91
RoHS,  214–​15 motor vehicle emission control
standardized mass production, 63 standards,  73–​74
Aviation Directive, 219–​20, 259 pork exports to EU, 217
aviation regulations REACH, 196, 198
Aviation Directive, 219–​20, 259 RoHS, 223–​24, 225
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme slaughtering conditions, 218
for International Aviation, 90, 221, 261 Brexit, xvi
emissions trading scheme, 68, 96, 219, 226, agriculture, 282
246, 261 on market size, 287
External Aviation Policy, 71–​72 on non-​divisibility, 287
  on regulatory capacity, 287
Bao, Jun Le, 240 on stringent regulations, 287
bargaining power, conditional market Brexit, Brussels Effect
access, 69 regulatory freedom illusion, 277
Barroso, Jose Manual, 249 Brussels Effect, 25–​65, 67–​70. See also
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision specific countries and topics
(BCBS),  72–​73 benefits, 235–​63 (see also benefits, Brussels
beef Effect; specific benefits)
hormone-​treated, EU import ban, 260, de facto (see de facto Brussels Effect)
378–​79n162 definition, xiv, 7
origins certification, 186, 350n113 de jure (see de jure Brussels Effect)
Beijing Effect, 25, 64 EU interests from, x
replacing Brussels Effect?, 266 future, 265–​88 (see also external
Beke, Laura, 85 challenges; internal challenges)

Index 389

global regulatory influence mechanisms, seal products ban, 246–​47

67–​78 (see also global regulatory slaughtering, 218
influence mechanisms) on Transpacific Partnerships, 271–​72
inelastic targets, 25–​26, 48 treaty partners, EU, 70–​71
limits, 91 cap-​and-​trade. See emissions trading
market size, 25–​26 scheme (ETS)
normative stand, ix–​x capitalism, varieties, 40
origins, ix capital mobility, international, 51, 304n163
plus, case studies, 95–​96 Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
REACH, 49, 74–​75, 93–​94 Scheme for International Aviation
regulatory capacity, 25–​26, 30 (CORSIA), 221, 261
Brussels Effect, non-​divisibility, 25–​26, 53–​58 carbon trading, 226–​27, 229
economic, 58 Cartagena Agreement, 75
fundamentals, 53 cartel regulation and enforcement, 105.
legal, 56 See also merger control
technical, 57 EU, 89–​90, 314n122
Brussels Effect, stringent regulations, foreign jurisdiction EU
25–​26,  37–​41 outsourcing,  123–​24
administrative rule making preference and investigations,  110–​12
precaution tendency, 38–​39, 41 remedies, 56
fundamentals, 37 US, 314n122
markets vs. government, 38–​39 vitamins, 111, 320n82
BSE, 37–​38, 172 case studies, 93–​97
bureaucracy Brussels Effect plus, 95–​96
EU, quality, 33 digital economy, 93–​94, 131–​69 (see also
EU, size, 32–​33 digital economy)
US,  32–​33 financial regulation, 95
business. See institutional influence format, 94
BVO, 181 inelasticity, 95, 96
  market competition, 93–​94, 99–​129
California (see also market competition, case
hazardous substances and electronic studies)
waste, 223 non-​divisibility,  96
REACH, 200 policy areas, 93–​94
ROHS law, 252–​53 RoHS regulation, 96–​97
California Consumer Privacy Act, 146, 154–​55 stringent regulations, 95–​96
California Effect, ix, 59–​60 Cassis de Dijon, 10
California Electronic Waste Recycling Act Cathode Ray Tubes, 111
of 2003, 223, 364n146 Census, 137
Cambridge Analytica, 131–​32, 141, 155, 158, 168 central counterparties (CCPs), 50, 51
Cameroon, food safety, 185, 187 Cerulus, Laurens, 248
Canada Charter for Fundamental Rights,
animal welfare, 226 132–​33,  156–​57
aviation emissions, 219–​20 chemical safety, 93–​94, 193–​99
climate change and emissions trading, 227 de facto Brussels Effect, 196
competition law, 116, 122 de jure Brussels Effect, 199
copycat litigation, 122–​23 as imperialism, 248–​49
data protection, 149 legislation, major, 193
EU-​Canada Comprehensive Economic policy,  93–​94
Trade Agreement, 85–​86 political economy, 194
exports to EU, 28–​29 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 210–​11
GDPR, 280 China. See also Beijing Effect
Geographical Indications, 272 animal welfare, 216–​17
GMO regulation, 191–​92 competition law, 117–​18
REACH, 199–​201, 203 dairy industry, EU standards, 240

390 Index

China (Cont.) competition, market

data protection, 153–​54 case studies, 93–​94, 99–​129 (see also
emissions trading, 88–​89 market competition, case studies)
5 G technology, 88–​89, 314n115 policy,  93–​94
GDP, 267, 268 political economy, 102
GDP, PPP-​adjusted, 267 Competition and Consumer Commission of
GDP per capita, 269 Singapore (CCCS), 116​
GMO regulation, 180, 191 competition enforcement, EU
hazardous substances and electronic US companies as targets, 242–​43
waste, 225 winners, other US companies, 243
on market size, 287 competition investigations
motor vehicle emission control high-​tech companies, US, 104
standards,  73–​74 Microsoft,  62–​63
on non-​divisibility, 287 competition law, 100
purchasing power parity, 267 Apple taxes owed to Ireland, 99, 242–​43,
REACH, 200, 203–​4 315n5, 372n44
on regulatory capacity, 287 cartels, 105, 110–​12
on stringent regulations, 287 on company nationality, 49
chocolate, EU import market, 184–​85 competition investigations, 62–​63
citizen activism, 246–​47 consumer welfare, 102–​3, 316n32
Citizens United,  250–​51 corporate compliance, 114
civil law tradition, 79 criminal penalties, 101, 315n19
class action lawsuits, EU, 43, 301n103 divisibility of remedies, 112–​13
Clayton Act, 100–​1, 315n15 dominance, 100–​1,  112–​13
climate change enforcement, EU, 106–​7, 318n57
de facto Brussels Effect, 219 EU vs. US, 100–​1
de jure Brussels Effect, 226 exported abroad, from EU, 99–​100
global response necessity, 249 foreign agencies and courts, 76
cocoa, 184–​85, 349n96 foreign parties, 68
Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal forum of choice, 108
Hate Speech Online, 156, 158 global regulatory hegemony, EU, 99–​100
IT company signatories, 161–​63 (see also market competition, case
Twitter, 131, 158, 164–​65, 248–​49 studies)
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 73, 188 global regulatory landscape, 121–​22
College of Commissioners, 7–​8 India, 76–​77, 117
collusive delegation, 250 inelasticity,  108–​9
Colombia intellectual property rights enforcement,
data protection, 188, 194 69–​70,  309n28
EU norms export to, 75–​76 merger control, 109–​10
food safety, 191 objectives, 102
GMOs, 178, 191 other countries’ emulation, 79
market competition, 191 protectionism, 103, 104–​5
Colombian Constitutional Court (CCC), 76 regulatory capacity, 106–​7
commerce. See also specific topics regulatory competence, 36–​37, 106–​7
global, Europeanization of, xiv shared views, 40–​41
Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), 88 competition law, legislative borrowing, 115
Commodity Futures Trading Commission China,  117–​18
(CFTC), US, 88 enforcement institutional model, 122
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base Ethiopia,  100–​1
(CCCTB), 46 form, 120
community law, direct effect, 75–​76 India, 117
companies. See institutional influence Latin America, 119
competence maximizers, 17 linguistic and historical connections, 121
competences, regulatory, 32–​33, 34–​35, 36–​37 preferential trade agreement leveraging, 121

Index 391

reasons,  119–​20 GDPR, 237

Singapore,  116–​17 increased, as innovation deterrence?, 236
South Africa, 115–​16 reduction from, 239
competition regulations Council of the European Union, 7–​8, 32
EU, goals, 103, 317n36 Council v. Commission, 208
US,  40–​41 credit default swaps (CDS), 50
compliance, corporate, 114 Croquet, Nicolas A. J., 84
conditional market access, 69  
consumer awareness, 62 Damro, Chad, 26
Brussels Effect, measuring, 235 data localization, 146
consumer health and safety. See health and data protection. See also GDPR (General
safety, consumer Data Protection Regulation)
consumer need, satisfying, 237–​38 criticism abroad, 140
consumer welfare EU-​US regulatory divergence, 140–​41
competition law, 102–​3, 316n32 motivations, external, 137
costs,  238–​39 motivations, internal, 136–​37
Cook, Tim, 148 Nazi regime, 136
cooperative mechanisms, 68. See also treaties non-​divisibility,  164–​68
coordinated market economy, 40 policy,  93–​94
copycat legislation, 78 political process, contested, 137
copycat litigation, 77–​78 regulation,  19–​20
Anheuser-​Busch (AB) InBev, 127–​28 right to be forgotten, 134–​35, 146–​47,
attraction, 128 166–​67, 343n291
definition,  122–​23 data protection, case studies, 131, 132–​55
de jure Brussels Effect, 122 de facto Brussels Effect, 142 (see also
dominance cases, 124 de facto Brussels Effect, data
enforcement, foreign jurisdiction EU protection, case studies)
outsourcing,  123–​24 de jure Brussels Effect, 147
Google,  125–​27 legislation, major, 132
informational benefit, 123 political economy, 136
market competition, case studies, 122 data protection, legislation, major
merger control, 127–​28 Charter of Fundamental Rights, EU,
Microsoft Windows Media Player, 124–​25 132–​33,  156–​57
SABMiller,  127–​28 data protection authorities, 135–​36
copyright, 238, 255, 275 Data Protection Directive, 133,
Copyright Directive, 238, 243 134–​35,  136–​37
corporate compliance, 114 ePrivacy Regulation, 133–​34
corporate law, 49–​50 European Courts, 134–​36
corporate tax, harmonization, 46 GDPR, 133
cosmetics data protection, standards and laws, 152–​53
activist pressure, 62 China,  153–​54
animal welfare, 3, 95–​96, 209, 215–​17, 230–​31 India, 154
chemical safety and REACH, 193, 197–​98 Latin America, 153
Costa/​Enel,  75–​76 South Africa, 152
cost-​benefit analysis (CBA), 43–​45, 235 United States, 151–​52
costs Uruguay, 150
consumer welfare, 238–​39 data protection authorities (DPAs), 135–​36
innovation, 236, 237–​38 Data Protection Directive, 133, 136–​37
market entry, 27 Article 12, 134–​35
REACH, 237 Census, as impetus, 137
costs, Brussels Effect, 235 Debham, Elizabeth, 279
distributional, 238 de facto Brussels Effect, 8, 67–​68, 82, 83–​84
vs. economic benefits, 240 Apple taxes owed to Ireland, 99, 242–​43,
foreign countries on, 236 315n5, 372n44

392 Index

de facto Brussels Effect (Cont.) countries,  96–​97

chemical safety, 196 definition,  114–​15
corporate compliance, 114 food safety, 188
countries,  96–​97 globalization retreat on, 270
market competition, case studies, 106 persistence, 129
de facto Brussels Effect, competition law proliferation,  114–​15
cartels,  110–​12 de jure Brussels Effect, data protection
divisibility of remedies, 112–​13 adequacy decision, 149, 168
dominance, 100–​1,  112–​14 Argentina, 150
forum of choice, 108 Binding Corporate Rules, 149–​50
inelasticity,  108–​9 case studies, 147
non-​divisible remedies,  112–​13 China,  153–​54
regulatory capacity, 106–​7 European standard influence, 147–​48
de facto Brussels Effect, data protection, case EU-​US Privacy Shield, 151–​52
studies, 142 incentives, 150
Airbnb, 144 India, 154
Apple, 143 Japan, 150
California Consumer Privacy Act, Latin America, 153
146,  154–​55 South Africa, 152
consumer demand, 144–​45 South Korea, 151
data localization, 146 standards and laws, 152–​54
Facebook, 143–​44,  145–​46 United States, 151–​52
Google and Spain, 145 Uruguay, 150
LA Times, 145 US influence, dwindling, 154–​55
Microsoft, 144 de jure Brussels Effect, environment, 221–​26
non-​divisibility,  142–​43 animal welfare, 225
privacy by design and privacy by default, 144 climate change and emissions trading, 226
recruiting even-​handedness, Article 29, 144 hazardous substances and electronic
regulatory capacity and stringency, 142 waste, 222
right to be forgotten, 146–​47 de jure Brussels Effect, food safety
Sonos,  144–​45 Brazil, 189, 190–​91
strength, 142 Colombia, 191
Yahoo!, 145 GMOs,  190–​92
de facto Brussels Effect, environment, 213–​19 Middle East and North Africa, 189–​90
animal welfare, 215 organic food production, 190
climate change and emissions trading, 219 South Korea, 191
hazardous substances and electronic Taiwan,  189–​90
waste, 214 de jure Brussels Effect, market competition
de facto Brussels Effect, food safety, 179 case studies, 114–​22
African agricultural producers, 186 competition law, 99–​100
artificial dyes, 180–​82 copycat litigation, 122
Brazil, 186 legislative borrowing, 115
chemicals, 181 Delaware Effect, 4–​5
divisibility feasibility, 182 DeLisi, Jim, 237
GlobalGAP,  186–​87 Del Satro, Raffaella, 248
Kenya, 185, 187, 191–​92 Denison, Richard, 201
operational feasibility, 182 derivatives, over-​the-​counter,  50
South Africa, 186 Derivatives Regulation, extraterritoriality, 68
stringent regulatory standards, 179–​80 digital economy, 93–​94, 131–​69
de facto Brussels Effect, merger control, 109–​10 digital economy, case studies, 93–​94, 131–​69.
AOL/​Time Warner, 110 See also specific topics
divestiture requirement, 110 Cambridge Analytica, 131–​32, 141, 155,
de jure Brussels Effect, 8, 83–​84 158, 168
chemical safety, 199 Commission’s regulatory, 131–​32

Index 393

data protection, 131, 132–​55 South Africa, 89–​230

hate speech online, 131, 155–​60 South Korea, 87–​229
digital tax, 51–​52 United States, 86
Directive 2010/​13/​EU, 157, 339n231 environmental regulations and policy, 93–​94,
Directorates-​General (DGs), 8 207–​31. See also specific topics
distributional costs, 238 acid rain, 210–​11
Dodd–​Frank Wall Street Reform and Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 210–​11
Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 47 citizen perceptions, EU vs. US, 37–​38
dominance Council v. Commission, 208
competition law, 100–​1, 112–​14 Eco-​Management and Auditing
copycat litigation, 124 Scheme,  12–​13
downward harmonization, 10–​12 emissions trading scheme, 209–​10, 219, 226
Drezner, Daniel, 26 on European businesses, 246
due diligence duties, US importers, 47, Germany and the Netherlands’ on, 14
303n148 Green parties, 211
dyes, artificial food hazardous substances and electronic
EU,  180–​82 waste, 208–​9, 214, 222
US,  251–​52 as imperialism, 248
  leadership, EU, 212–​13
Eco-​Management and Auditing Scheme legislation, major, 207
(EMAS),  12–​13 “Limits to Growth,” 210
Economic Community of West African Maastricht Treaty, 35
States WAEMU, 79–​80, 312n79 multilateralism and global treaties, 207
economic non-​divisibility, 58 NGOs,  211–​12
data privacy, 142–​43 originating countries, 10–​11
economic policies. See also specific types political economy, 210
pro-​regulation ideology,  39–​40 precautionary principle, 207–​8
social market, 39–​40 public opinion, 211
economic power, xv–​xvi. See also specific purpose, 19
topics Sustainable Fishing Partnership
economy Agreements,  71–​72
digital, 93–​94, 131–​69 (see also digital Waste Electrical and Electronic
economy) Equipment Directive, 208–​9, 222
digital, case studies, 93–​94, 131–​69 environment regulations and policy, de facto
political, 102 Brussels Effect, 213–​19
Ecuador, competition law, 119 animal welfare, 215
Egan, Erin, 148 climate change and emissions trading, 219
elasticity. See also inelasticity hazardous substances and electronic
terminology, 48, 304n153 waste, 214
elastic regulatory targets, 48 environment regulations and policy, de jure
emissions trading scheme (ETS), 68, 209–​10 Brussels Effect, 221–​26
Aviation Directive, 219–​20, 259 animal welfare, 225
aviation regulations, 68 climate change and emissions trading, 226
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme hazardous substances and electronic
for International Aviation, 221 waste, 222
China,  88–​89 ePrivacy Regulation, 133–​34
de facto Brussels Effect, 219 equity, brand, 240
de jure Brussels Effect, 226 equivalence regime, 281
extraterritorial, suspension of, 221 Erbakan v Turkey, 157
international resistance, 220–​21 Ethiopia, competition law, 100–​1
non-​EU airlines in, countries opposing, EU-​Canada Comprehensive Economic
257–​58, 377n142 Trade Agreement, 85–​86
policy,  93–​94 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights,
Russia,  88–​89 132–​33,  156–​57

394 Index

EUHACCP certification, 182, 348n74 European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), 69–​70

EU-​Korea trade agreement, vagueness, 84, European Parliament (EP), 7–​8
313n97  bureaucracy, 32
European Central Bank (ECB), EU power as competence-​maximizer, 17
via, 72 empowerment, 35
European Commission, 7–​9 regulatory state expansion, 17
bureaucracy, 32 European regulatory agencies (ERAs), 33, 74
as competence-​maximizer, 16, 17 European Securities Markets Authority
competition investigations, US high-​tech (ESMA), 51, 88
companies, 104 European Union (EU). See also specific
foreign policy power, 17 topics
GE/​Honeywell, merger control, 103–​4, anti-​EU sentiments, rise of, 283
109, 242 demise, predictions, ix
GE/​Honeywell, United Technologies global market regulation, xiii–​xiv
complainant, 108 global regulatory hegemon, ix–​x (see also
governance via regulation, 16–​17 specific topics)
mergers, blocking and superpower, influential, xiii–​xiv
restructuring,  103–​4 weakness, misperceived, xiii
motivation, commitment to Europe, 33 EU-​US Privacy Shield, 151–​52
pro-​integration agenda, 17 e-​waste. See hazardous substances and
pro-​regulation agenda, 15 electronic waste regulations
European Commission against Racism and ex ante regulations, 41, 42–​43, 44, 120
Intolerance (ECRI), 159–​60 expertise, decision-​making,  13–​14
European Convention, 157 export market, EU as
European Convention for the Protection of for American corporate giants, 29
Animals, 209 by country, 28–​29
European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) by industry, 29
rulings, 157 External Aviation Policy, 72–​73
European Court of Justice (ECJ, CJEU), 9 external challenges, 266–​73
activist court and judicial integration, 36 Beijing Effect replacing Brussels Effect?, 266
Cassis de Dijon, 10 globalization retreat on de jure Brussels
as competence-​maximizer, 17 Effect, 270
Costa/​Enel,  75–​76 technology revolution on non-​divisibility,
Google Spain v. Mario Costeja, 75, 134–​35 273
precautionary principle and Artegodan, 45 external regulatory agenda, emerging, 18–​21
pro-​integration tendencies, 17, 18 external motives: global norm setting, 21
right to be forgotten, 134–​35, 166–​67, fundamentals, 18
343n291 internal motives: single market, 19
United Brands, 115, 117 extraterritoriality,  67–​68
Van Gend & Loos,  75–​76  
European Courts Facebook
data protection, 134–​36 Cambridge Analytica, 131–​32, 141, 155,
foreign litigants, 75 158, 168
regulatory capacity, 36 China blocking, 168–​69
regulatory state expansion, 17 Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal
European Data Protection Board (EDPB), Hate Speech Online, 158
133, 152 competition investigations, 104
European Food Safety Authority, 76, 174, data protection, 143–​44, 145–​46
179–​80 European Small and Medium Enterprises
European Framework Decision, 161 market revenue, 160–​61, 341n256
Europeanization, of global commerce, xiv. GDPR support, 148–​49
See also specific topics geo-​blocking,  166
European Merger Control Regulation geo-​blocking, Austria ruling, 165, 166–​67,
(EMCR), 100 342n286

Index 395

hate speech online, 160–​61 foreign countries. See also specific countries

hate speech online, universal rules, 164–​65 on EU regulation costs, 236
privacy policy adoption, 143–​44 foreign direct investment (FDI)
facial recognition technology, in capital-​intensive industries, 59
regulation, 239 international capital mobility on, 51, 304n163
false negatives, 39, 43, 102 foreign direct investment (FDI), in
false positives, 39, 43, 102 technology, 59
Feryn,  156–​57 foreign government response to Brussels
Feyissa, Hailegabriel, 119 Effect, 257. See also specific countries
financial passporting, Brexit on, 280–​81, United States, 257–​62
384n78 World Trade Organization challenges,
financial sector 259–​61
regulation, case studies, 95 foreign litigants, European Courts, 75
financial transaction tax, 51, 304n165, foreign policy, Commission power, 17
304n167 foreign sovereigns, regulatory interference,
firms, foreign. See also institutional 250–​51
influence; specific firms forum of choice
response to Brussels Effect, 254 competition choice, 108
Fisher, Linda, 197 for foreign company litigation against
5G telecommunication systems, 88–​89, 314n115 foreign companies, 256
Five Freedoms, animal welfare, 209, 358n19 freedom of expression, 155–​56. See also hate
food. See also GMOs speech online
economic importance, 172 free speech, 155–​56. See also hate speech online
emotional importance, 172 future, Brussels Effect, 265–​88. See also
export market, EU, 184 specific topics
import market, EU, 184–​85 external challenges, 266–​73
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 73 internal challenges, 277–​83
food dyes, artificial  
UK,  180–​82 gambling, online, 46, 302n131
US,  251–​52 GDPR (General Data Protection
food safety Regulation). see also data protection
de jure Brussels Effect, 188 applications, 133
European Food Safety Authority, 76, 174, cost, 237
179–​80 enforcement responsibility, 16–​17, 32–​33
history, 171 European Data Protection Board, 133
legislation, major, 173 fines, 34
political economy, 175 fundamentals, 133
food safety regulations. See also GMOs; as global, unashamedly, 142
specific countries exporting to EU global reach, as imperialism, 248
BSE (mad cow disease), 37–​38, 172 as gold standard, 148
Cameroon, 185, 187 Google Spain v. Mario Costeja, 75,
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 73, 188 134–​35
de facto Brussels Effect, 179 India, 48
European Food Safety Authority, 76 lobbying, by foreign firms, 255
on food producers, European, 245 motivations, external, 137
history, 171 motivations, internal, 136–​37
as imperialism, 248 other countries’ emulation, 79
policy,  93–​94 Parliament support, 17–​18
regulation, 47 political process, contested, 137
scandals, 172 single market, legislative history, 20
foreign attempts constraining Brussels technical non-​divisibility,  57–​58
Effect, 253 territorial reach, 133
foreign firms, 254 UK mirroring and emulation, 279
foreign governments, 257 US corporate support, 148–​49

396 Index

GE/​Honeywell, merger control, 103–​4, 109, global regulatory influence

242 mechanisms,  67–​78
United Technologies complainant, 108 EU law appeal as template, 78
General Data Protection Regulation. See European Courts and foreign litigants, 75
GDPR (General Data Protection fundamentals, 67
Regulation) treaties and institutions, 69
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) GMOs. See also food safety
programs, 85 adventitious presence, 182–​83
human rights violations, 297n27 European resistance, 172–​73
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GURTS (terminator seeds), 276–​77
See GMOs GMOs, regulation, 12–​13
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies agricultural standards, 60
(GURTS),  276–​77 Brazil, 180
geo-​blocking, 165,  274–​76 de facto Brussels Effect, 39
Facebook, Austria ruling, 165, 166–​67, de facto Brussels Effect, Australia, 180
342n286 on European food producers, 245
Geographical Indications (GIs), 272 on hunger and poverty, 247
Germany legislation, major, 174–​75
animal welfare, 219 McDonalds, EU, 184, 348–​49n90
Brexit,  282–​83 non-​divisibility,  182–​84
competition law, 105–​6 political economy, 176–​79
data protection and privacy, 10–​11, 135–​36, precautionary principle, 45
137, 159 technical non-​divisibility, 58
emissions regulations, 10–​11 as trade protectionism, 241
emissions trading scheme, 209–​10 WTO ruling, 260, 379n163
environmental regulations and policy, Google
10–​11, 14,  39–​40 comparison shopping rulings, 62–​63
food safety, 172 competition investigations, 104
G-​20,  72–​73 copycat litigation, 125–​27
gambling, online, 46 data protection, Spain, 145
GDP, 269 data storage and business
geo-​blocking,  165 practices, 57
GMOs, 10–​11, 176, 177–​78 European Commission, cases and fines,
Google advertising revenue from, 29 34, 78, 99
influence on EU, 39–​40 geo-​blocking,  165
Maastricht Treaty, 45 hate speech online, 160–​61, 164–​65
MEPs, 8 market importance, EU, 106
Network Enforcement Act, 159 market share, 29, 142
REACH, 196 privacy protections, 61–​62
social market economy model, 39–​40 protectionism, 104
South African wine imports, 186 right to be forgotten, 146–​47
worker health and safety, 11–​12 Google Shopping, 113
GlobalGAP,  186–​87 Google Spain v. Mario Costeja, C.131/​12, 75,
global governance, 18 134–​35
Global Green and Health Hospitals governance
(GGHH), 255 global, 18
globalization via regulation, European Commission,
retreat, on de jure Brussels Effect, 270 16–​17
unilateral, 89 governments, foreign. See also specific
global regulatory hegemony, EU, ix–​x. countries
See also specific topics response to Brussels Effect, 257
benign, 249 government vs. markets, 38–​39
competition law, 99 Gray, C. Boyden, 103–​4
influence, 121–​22, 294n63 Green 10, 211–​12

Index 397

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 209–​10. policy,  93–​94

See also emissions trading Snapchat, 161, 162–​63, 341n261
scheme (ETS) Twitter, xiv, 131, 158, 164–​65, 248–​49
2012 EU regulation, 262–​63, 380n180 voluntary commitments and standards,
Greenleaf, Graham, 147–​48 160, 161–​62, 163
Green parties, 211 hate speech online, regulation, case studies,
green protectionism, 241 131,  155–​60
gross domestic product (GDP), 27, 28 Brussels Effect, 160
China, 267, 268 Charter for Fundamental Rights, 156–​57
EU, future, 267 Erbakan v Turkey, 157
India, 267 European Convention, 157
PPP-​adjusted,  267 European Court of Human Rights
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, rulings, 157
27–​28 Facebook,  160–​61
China, 269 Feryn,  156–​57
gross national income (GNI), 27–​28 Google,  160–​61
Group of Twenty (G-​20), 72–​73 legislation, major, 156
GURTS,  276–​77 participatory and voluntary approach, 158
  penalizing requirement, 157
Hachez, Nicolas, 85 political economy, 159
Hancock, Matt, 279 Snapchat, 161
harmonization YouTube,  160–​61
downward,  10–​12 hazardous substances and electronic waste
expertise, country, 13–​14 regulations,  93–​94
issue salience, 13–​14 de facto Brussels Effect, 214
upward,  10–​12 de jure Brussels Effect, 222
wealth, country, 13–​14 US states’ adopting, 252–​53
harmonization, market-​driven, 67–​68, hazardous waste standards, 30
86, 90, 91 health and safety, consumer, 93–​94, 171–​206.
advantages, 82 See also specific topics
harmonization, regulatory chemical safety, 93–​94, 193–​99
minimum, 10 de facto Brussels Effect, 196
pursuit, 10 de jure Brussels Effect, 199
rationale and goal, 9–​10 legislation, major, 193
harmonization, treaty-​driven, 67–​68, 82, 83, 86 political economy, 194
definition, 82 food safety, 47, 93–​94, 171–​88
multilateralism, persistence, 86 de facto Brussels Effect, 179
rationale,  88–​89 de jure Brussels Effect, 188
standard setting, 88–​89, 90, 314n115 European Food Safety Authority, 76
harmonization article, 34 history, 171
Hart-​Scott-​Rodino Act,  315n15 legislation, major, 173
hate speech online, regulation, xiii–​xiv, 46 political economy, 175
Austria, Facebook case, 166–​67 Hooghe, Lisbet, 33
Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal human rights violations, WTO on trade
Hate Speech Online, 131, 156, 158, limits and, 297n27
161–​63, 164–​65,  248–​49  
digital company regulation, 157–​58 impact assessment, 43–​44
European Framework Decision, 161 imperialism, regulatory
free speech/​freedom of expression, 155–​56 chemical safety, 248–​49
geo-​blocking,  165 environmental regulations and policy, 248
inelasticity, 164 food safety regulations, 248
#MediaAgainstHate,  159–​60 GDPR, 248
“No Hate Speech Movement,” 159–​60 REACH,  248–​49
non-​divisibility,  164–​67 regulatory, 247

398 Index

incidental externalities, 21 Commission commitment and preference,

India 15–​16
competition law, 117 via regulation, 15–​16
data protection, standards and laws, 154 integration through regulation, European, 9
GDP, 267 intellectual property (IP) rights
GDP, PPP-​adjusted, 267 enforcement, 69–​70, 309n28
GDPR effect on, 48 internal challenges, 277–​83
General Motors withdrawal from, anti-​EU sentiments, rise of, 283
60–​61 Brexit, regulatory freedom illusion, 277
motor vehicle emission control international law. See also specific topics
standards,  73–​74 stagnation, 83
purchasing power parity, 267 International Maritime Organization
inelasticity (IMO), 74
case studies, 95, 96 International Monetary Fund (IMF)
competition law, 108–​9 member state coordination, EU, 72, 310n34
hate speech online, 164 power via, EU, 72
market, EU regulation, xiv–​xv International Organization for Securities
terminology, 48, 304n153 Commissions (IOSCO), 88
inelastic targets, xvii–​xviii, 25–​26, 48 Ireland, Apple tax revenue ruling, 99, 242–​43,
initial public offering (IPO), stock exchange 315n5, 372n44
choice,  49–​50  
Injunctions Directive (2009), 43, 301n103 Japan
innovation, Brussels Effect cosmetics manufacture, animal welfare, 216
costs, 236 data protection, 150
positive effects, 239 GlobalGAP, 187
innovation, dynamic costs, 237–​38 GMOs, 180, 191
insider trading rules, SEC enforcement, 84 hazardous substances and electronic
Institute for the Integration of Latin America waste, 215, 224–​25
and the Caribbean (INTAL), 76 REACH, 200, 203
institutional influence, 72–​75 Jatar, Anan Julia, 119
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 73 Jong-​hyun, Park, 151
European Central Bank, 72 Jourova, Ver, 22
Food and Agricultural Organization, 73 Juncker, Jean-​Claude, 212
Group of Twenty (G-​20), 72–​73  
International Maritime Organization, 74 Kardasheva, Raya, 14–​15
International Monetary Fund, 72 Kenya
Organization for Economic Co-​operation agriculture and food safety, 185, 187, 189
and Development, 72–​73, 88 GMOs,  191–​92
UN Economic Commission for Europe, Khokhlov, Evgeny, 119
73–​74 K-​REACH, 200,  202–​3
World Bank, 72  
World Health Organization, 73 labor protections, 11–​12
World Trade Organization, 72–​73 labor rights, in trade agreements, 84–​85
institutions, regulation-​generating, 7 labor standards, 83
bureaucratic growth, 32–​33 child labor, 61–​62
College of Commissioners, 7–​8 exporting, 62, 307n217
Council of the European Union, 7–​8 regulation, 62
Directorates-​General,  8 LA Times, data protection, 145
European Commission, 7–​9 Latin America
European Court of Justice, 9 competition law, 119
European Courts, 9 data protection, standards and laws, 153
European Parliament, 7–​8 hazardous substances and electronic
integration, European waste, 225

Index 399

Institute for the Integration of Latin market competition

America and the Caribbean, 76 policy,  93–​94
Lavenex, Sandra, 74 political economy, 102
leading standard, 54 market competition, case studies, 93–​94,
legal non-​divisibility, 56 99–​129
legislation, copycat, 78. see also copycat de facto Brussels Effect, 106
litigation de jure Brussels Effect, 114–​22
legislation, major. See also specific types de jure Brussels Effect, copycat
chemical safety, 193 litigation, 122
competition law, 100 de jure Brussels Effect, legislative
data protection, 132 borrowing, 115
environment, 207 legislation, major, 100
food safety, 173 political economy, 102
GMOs,  174–​75 market-​driven harmonization, 67–​68, 86,
hate speech online, 156 90, 91
privacy regulation, 135–​36 advantages, 82
supremacy and direct effect, 36 definition, 82
legislative borrowing market economy
de jure Brussels Effect, 115 coordinated, 40
EU law as template, 78 liberal, 40
market competition, case studies, 115 market entry, adjustment costs, 27
“Limits to Growth,” 210 market power, 26
Lisbon Treaty, 18, 22–​23 limitations,  29–​30
animal welfare, 209 market regulation
data protection, 132–​33 EU internal, xiv–​xv
environmental protections, 207–​8 global, xiii–​xiv
European values, 39 market size, xvii–​xviii, 25–​26
stringent regulation preference, 39 Brexit, 287
transformative mandate, institutions, 70 case studies, 94–​95
litigation. See copycat litigation; specific topics China on, 287
and types Marx, Axel, 84–​85
livestock production, animal welfare, 217–​19 #MediaAgainstHate,  159–​60
lobbying EU, by foreign firms, 254–​56 MediaTek, 215, 361n71
GDPR, 255 merger control, 100–​1. See also cartel
REACH, 255 AOL/​Time Warner, 110
success, lack of, 255–​56 competition law, 109–​10
  divestiture requirement, 110
Maastricht Treaty EU protectionism and, US study of, 245
environmental protections, 207–​8 GE/​Honeywell, 103–​4, 109, 242
Parliament empowerment from, 35 GE/​Honeywell, United Technologies
precautionary principle, 45 complainant, 108
Social Protocol, 11–​12 Microsoft
voting since, on environmental policy, 35 Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal
mad cow disease, 37–​38, 172 Hate Speech Online, 158
Majone, Giandomenico, 16, 36 data protection, 144
majority, qualified, 13–​14, 35, 38 pro-​privacy stance, competitiveness from,
Maledy, Omer Gatien, 185 240, 370n19
Manners, Ian, 81 Windows Media Player, 113–​14, 124–​25
market military power, xv–​xvi
EU distrust, xv minimum harmonization, 10
vs. government, 38–​39 multilateralism, xv
market access. See also specific topics environmental regulations and policy, 207
conditional, 69 treaties, EU, 68

400 Index

multilateralism (Cont.) Organization for Economic Co-​operation

treaty-​driven harmonization, persistence, and Development (OECD),
82–​83,  86 72–​73,  88
  over-​the-​counter derivatives,  50
National Electronics Stewardship Institute  
(NESPI), 376n113 package deals, 14–​15
Nazis, hate speech online, 159 Park, Dae Young, 203–​4
the Netherlands passporting, financial, Brexit on,
climate change, 209–​10 280–​81,  384n78
environmental regulations and policy, paternalism, regulatory, 238–​39
10–​11,  14 Pauwelyn, Joost, 83
hate speech online, 157 Peifer, Karl-​Nikolaus, 140–​41, 147–​48,
REACH and chemicals regulation, 195 Pescatore, Pierre, 76
South African wine exports to, 186 pharmaceutical market standards, 29–​30
strong government and welfare state, Pichai, Sundar, 161
39–​40 policy laundering, 250
Network Enforcement Act (Germany), 159 policymaking, Europeanisation, 36
Neunier, Sophie, 69 political economy
Newport, Peter, 282 chemical safety, 194
New Zealand data protection, 136
animal welfare, 226 environment, 210
competition law, 122 false negatives and false positives, 39, 43, 102
data protection, 149 food safety, 175
massacre, hate-​motivated mosque, 131–​32, GMOs,  176–​79
168–​69 hate speech online, 159
Transpacific Partnership, 271 market competition, 102
Nicolaidis, Kalypso, 69 Pollack, Mark, 17
“No Hate Speech Movement,” 159–​60 precautionary principle, 207–​8
non-​divisibility, 25–​26, 53–​58,  128–​29 environment,  207–​8
Brexit, 287 GMO regulation, 45
case studies, 96 Maastricht Treaty, 45
data privacy, 142–​43 REACH, 45
data protection, 142–​43, 164–​68 as unsustainable, 236–​37
definition, 53 precautionary risk culture, 37–​38
economic, 58 precaution tendency, 38–​39, 41, 42–​43,
fundamentals, 53 45–​46
GMOs,  182–​84 preferential trade agreements (PTAs), 69,
hate speech online, 164–​67 70–​71,  87
leading standard, 54 on competition law legislative borrowing,
legal, 56 121
REACH,  196–​97 Transatlantic Trade and Investment
technical, 57 Partnership, 261, 273
technology revolution on, 273 Transpacific Partnership, 271–​72
non-​divisibliity, xvii–​xviii privacy by default, 144
norm setting, global, 21 privacy by design, 144
  privacy regulation, 19–​20. See also data
Office of Information and Regulatory protection; GDPR (General Data
Affairs (OIRA), 44 Protection Regulation)
Olivier, Gerard, 76 Google,  61–​62
O’Neill, Paul, 103 legislation and court rulings, 135–​36
online gambling, 46, 302n131 privacy rights
online hate speech. See hate speech online, as fundamental, 132, 326–​27n4
regulation US vs. EU, 140–​41

Index 401

Privacy Shield, EU-​US, 151–​52, 154–​55 China on, 287

Product Stewardship Institute, 376n113 definition,  30–​31
protectionism degree, on global regulatory authority, 31
citizen activism and, 246–​47 stringent rule propagation of, 31
competition law, 103, 104–​5 regulatory competences, 32–​33, 34–​35, 36–​37
detection difficulty, 104–​5, 244 regulatory freedom, Brexit and illusion of,
envy-​driven,  241 277
Google, 104 regulatory globalization, unilateral, xiv–​xv.
green, 241 See also specific topics
merger control, US study, 245 regulatory paternalism, 238–​39
regulatory, 241 regulatory power. See also specific types and
purchasing power parity (PPP), 267 topics
  relevance,  xv–​xvi
Qualcomm, 242–​43, 372n43, regulatory protectionism, 241
competition investigations, 104 Regulatory Scrutiny Board, 44
European Commission cases against, 99 regulatory sovereignty, Brussels Effect on,
qualified majority, 13–​14, 35, 38 247
reputational benefits, 240
race to the bottom, 52–​53 Restriction of Hazardous Substances
race to the top, 52–​53 Directive. See RoHS (Restriction of
REACH,  193–​99 Hazard Substances) Directive
adoption, 193 right to be forgotten, 134–​35
Brussels Effect, 49, 74–​75, 93–​94 Bing,  146–​47
corporate criticisms, 236–​37 data protection, 146–​47
cost, regulatory compliance, 237 European Court of Justice, 166–​67,
de facto Brussels Effect, 196 343n291
de jure Brussels Effect, 199 Google,  146–​47
foreign company litigation against foreign RoHS (Restriction of Hazard Substances)
companies, 256 Directive, 49, 208–​9, 304n155
impact, global, 193 on American companies, 214
as imperialism, 248–​49 case studies, 96–​97
legislation, major, 193 China, 225
lobbying, by foreign firms, 255 de facto Brussels Effect, 214
objectives, key, 19 de jure Brussels Effect, 222–​24
policy,  93–​94 Japan,  224–​25
political economy, 194 Latin America, 225
precautionary principle, 45 South Korea, 215, 224
recruiting even-​handedness, 144 United States, 222–​23, 364n145
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RFFI), US states’ adopting, 252–​53
226–​27 Rosen, Jeffrey, 162
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, ROW (rest of the world) firms, 105
and Restriction of Chemicals. rule making preference, administrative,
See REACH 38–​39,  41
regulations. See also specific types rules, EU. See regulations
Commission governance via, 16–​17 Russia
integration through, European, 9 Chernobyl,  210–​11
key institutions generating, 7 (see also competition law, 100–​1, 122
specific institutions competition law, Google, 125
normative appeal, 81 data localization, 146
origins, member states, 10–​11 data privacy, 168
regulations, stringent. See stringent regulations diamonds, Alrosa, 112–​13
regulatory capacity, xvii–​xviii, 25–​26, 30, 36–​37 emissions, Euro-​5/​6 standards,  229–​30
Brexit, 287 emissions trading, 88–​89

402 Index

Russia (Cont.) RoHS, 222

exports to EU, 28–​29 stringent regulations, 38, 39–​40
General Motors withdrawal from, 60–​61 trade partner access to, 68, 70–​71
GMOs, 191 Treaty of the Functioning of the European
hate speech regulation, online, 160, 163 Union,  34–​35
right to be forgotten, 75 Snapchat, hate speech online, 161, 162–​63,
SABMiller, 127–​28, 244 Snowden, Edward, 24, 131–​32, 139, 141, 151
Safe Harbor agreement, 154–​55 Soare, Jadir, 84–​85
safety. See health and safety, consumer social market, 39–​40
sanctioning authority, 34 EU commitment, 300n89
Sandberg, Sheryl, 143–​44 Social Protocol, 11–​12
Sarbanes–​Oxley Act of 2002, 47 soft norms, 84, 313n97
scale economies, 58–​59 Sonos, data protection, 144–​45
Schrems, 151 South Africa
Schrems, Max, 139–​40, 149–​50 competition law, 115–​16
Schwartz, Paul, 140–41, 147–48 data protection, standards and laws, 152
Scott, Mark, 248 emissions trading, 89–​230
Sherman Act (1890), 100–​1 food safety and labeling, 186
Siemens/​Alstrom,  105–​6 General Motors withdrawal from, 60–​61
Singapore South America. See also specific countries
competition law, 116–​17, 120–​21 agriculture, 186
RoHS,  223–​24 South Korea
Transpacific Partnership, 271 data protection, 151
Single European Act (SEA), 13, 31–​32, 34 emissions trading, 87–​229
environmental protections, 207–​8 food safety, 191
Parliament empowerment, 35 hazardous substances and electronic
regulatory reforms, 38 waste, 215, 224
single market, 19, 26. See also Single REACH, 200, 202–​3
European Act (SEA) Spain
anti-​EU sentiments on regulations for, competition law, 79–​80, 119
284, 285, 286 data privacy, 150
building, consciously, 31–​32 GDP, 269
chemical safety and REACH, 193, 194, 282 GMOs, 174, 176, 177–​78
Commission’s pro-​regulation agents, Google noncompliance with regulations
15,  17–​18 of, 145
competition law, 100, 102 Google Spain v. Mario Costeja, C-​131/​12,
countries joining EU, 28 75,  134–​35
data protection, 136–​37 labor standards, 11–​12
Digital Single Market Strategy, 222, 241 Spolaore, Enrico, 28
environment, 207 standards and standardization. See also
externalizing, as imperialism, 247–​49 specific topics
externalizing, citizen activism, 246–​47 contracts, benefits, 57, 306n188
externalizing, foreign advocacy leading standard, 54
groups, 251 treaty-​driven harmonization and spread,
financial industry, 280 88–​89, 314n115
food safety, 73, 171, 180 US accession and adoption, 262, 379n174
GDPR, 256 Stasi, 136
institutions and regulations for, 7, 26 stem cell research, 52
integration via regulation, EU, 9 Stiglitz, Joseph, 249
law as template, EU, 80 stock market regulation, 49–​50
regulatory capacity, EU, 31–​32, 33, Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of
34–​35,  36–​37 Animals, 209

Index 403

stringent regulations, xvii–​xviii, 25–​26, external regulatory agenda,

37–​41 emerging,  18–​21
Brexit, 287 integration through regulation,
case studies, 95–​96 European, 9
China, 287 3D printing, 274
domestic preference, 37 Tiebout sorting, 53
EU preference vs. US, 37 tort liability and litigation, 41–​43
fundamentals, 37 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA),
ideology: markets vs. government, 194,  200–​2
38–​39 amendment, 223, 364n145
preference heterogeneity on, 46 trade. See also World Trade Organization
process: administrative rule making (WTO); specific topics
preference and precaution tendency, EU on, xiv–​xv
38–​39,  41 EU policy, 22–​23
wealthy countries, 37 power in and through, 69
Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), trade agreements. See also specific types
193–​94, 197–​98, 255, 256, 377n139 Generalized System of Preferences
supremacy, doctrine of, Costa/​Enel,  75–​76 programs, 85
Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreements international, enforcement
(SFPAs),  71–​72 difficulties,  85–​86
swaps, 50 international, EU standards and
Szpunar, AG, 146–​47 regulations in, 84
  labor rights, 84–​85
Taiwan modern mixed, 85–​86
animal welfare, 226 preferential trade agreements, 69,
food safety, 189–​90 70–​71,  87
hazardous substances and electronic trade protectionism, GMO regulation as,
waste, 215, 222, 223–​24 241
REACH, 199–​200 trade wars, on markets, xv–​xvi
Tatham, Alan, 81 Transatlantic Trade and Investment
tax Partnership (TTIP), 261, 273
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Transpacific Partnership (TPP),
Base, 46 271–​72,  383n55
corporate, harmonization, 46 Transparency Register, 254, 376n118
digital,  51–​52 treaties, 34–​35, 69–​71. See also specific
technical non-​divisibility, 57 treaties
data privacy, 142–​43 bilateral and multilateral, 68
technology revolution. See also specific enforcement difficulty, 83
companies and topics External Aviation Policy, 72–​73
additive manufacturing, 274, 382n38 preferential trade agreements,
geo-​blocking,  274–​76 69,  70–​71
GMO cultivation and GURTs, 276–​77 Sustainable Fishing Partnership
on non-​divisibility, 273 Agreements,  71–​72
3D printing, 274 Treaty Establishing the Transport
terminator seeds, 276–​77 Community,  71–​72
territorial extension treaty-​driven harmonization, 67–​68, 82, 83,
(extraterritoriality),  67–​68 86,  88–​89
TFEU. See Treaty of the Functioning of the definition, 82
European Union (TFEU) multilateralism and, persistence, 86
theory, 7–​24. See also specific topics rationale,  88–​89
Brussels Effect, defined, 7 standard setting, 88–​89, 90, 314n115
European Commission pro-​regulation Treaty Establishing the Transport
agenda, 15 Community,  71–​72

404 Index

Treaty of Dakar, 312n79 Van Gend & Loos,  75–​76

Treaty of Rome, 312n79 Vestager, Margarethe, 105–​6
Treaty of the Functioning of the European Veterinary and Food Office (FVO), 188
Union (TFEU), 100 vitamins cartel, 111, 320n82
Article 102, 100, 103, 316n32 Vogel, David, ix, 37–​38
competition law, 79, 106–​7, 318n57 vs. other forms of influence, 82–​86
harmonization article, 34–​35  
Treaty on the European Union (TEU), Waldfogel, Joel, 54–​55
Article 11, 254–​55, 376n121 Washington Effect, 25, 53, 64
Trump, President Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
globalization retreat, 270–​72 Directive (WEEE), 208–​9, 222
international treaties/​agreements waste management
withdrawal, xvi California Electronic Waste Recycling
Turing, Dermot, 50 Act of 2003, 223, 364n146
Twitter hazardous waste standards, 30
Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal regulation, 52
Hate Speech Online, 131, 158, repurposing, China, 52, 305n175
164–​65,  248–​49 Waste Electrical and Electronic
GDPR enforcement, 142 Equipment Directive, 208–​9
hate speech online, xiv, 164–​65 wealth, country, on decision-​making, 13–​14
tyranny of alien majorities, 54–​55 Whetstone, Rachel, 165
tyranny of regulated alien minority, 55 Wilders, Geert, 157
tyranny of the majority, 54–​55 Wilkish, George, 214
  Windows Media Player, 113–​14, 124–​25
UN Economic Commission for Europe World Bank (WB), EU power via, 72
(UNECE),  73–​74 World Health Organization (WHO), 73
unilateralism World Trade Organization (WTO)
international affairs, US, xv dysfunctional, 24
regulatory globalization, EU, xiv–​xv establishment, 18
United Brands, 115, 117 EU power via, 72–​73
United States. See also specific topics foreign government challenges to EU
animal welfare, 226 regulation,  259–​61
Brussels Effect, government response, GMO regulation, 260, 379n163
257–​62 human rights violations and trade
data protection, 151–​52 limits, 297n27
emissions trading, 86 scandals, 24
hazardous substances and electronic trade talk problems, xv–​xvi
waste,  222–​23  
REACH, 200 Xiohong, Ma, 118
RoHS, 223, 364n145  
universalism, xv Yadov, Yesha, 50
universal principles, 22 Yahoo!, data protection, 145
upward harmonization, 10–​12 yoga mat chemical, 181, 348n72
Uruguay YouTube
data protection, standards and laws, 149, Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal
150, 153 Hate Speech Online, 158
GMOs, 32, 191 hate speech online, 160–​61
hazardous substances and electronic users, by EU country, 160–​61, 341n257
waste regulations (See hazardous  
substances and electronic waste Zielonka, Jan, 247–​48
regulations) Zuckerberg, Mark, 148–​49

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