Navigation Questions: A) 1950 Ft/min

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1. An aircraft at FL330 is required to commence descent when 65 NM from a VOR and to

cross the VOR at FL100. The mean GS during the descent is 330 kt. What is the
minimum rate of descent required?

a) 1950 ft/min
b) 1850 ft/min
c) 1750 ft/min
d) 1650 ft/min

2. An aircraft is departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2 000 ft and the QNH is
1003 hpa. The TAS is 100 kt, the headwind component is 20 kt and the rate of climb is
1 000 ft/min. Top of climb is FL 100. At what distance from the airport will this be

a) 10.3 nm
b) 11.1 nm
c) 15.4 nm
d) 13.3 nm

3. Given:
A descending aircraft flies in a straight line to a DME
DME 55 nm, altitude 33 000 ft
DME 43.9 nm, altitude 30 500 ft
M = 0.72
GS = 525 kt
The descent gradient is:

a) 4.1%
b) 3.7%
c) 3.5%
d) 3.9%

4. Given:
ILS GP angle = 3.5°
GS = 150 kt
What is the approximate rate of descent?

a) 700 ft/min
b) 350 ft/min
c) 300 ft/min
d) 900 ft/min

5. An aircraft is descending down a 6% slope whilst maintaining a GS of 300 kt

The rate of descent of the aircraft is approximately:

a) 10 800 ft/min
b) 900 ft/min
c) 1 800 ft/min
d) 3 600 ft/min
6. An aircraft at FL350 is required to cross a VOR/DME facility at FL110 and to commence
descent when 100 nm from the facility. If the mean GS for the descent is 335 kt, the
minimum rate of descent required is:

a) 1390 ft/min
b) 1340 ft/min
c) 1290 ft/min
d) 1240 ft/min

7. You are on an airfield elevation 2000ft, QNH 1003. You want to climb to FL50, your rate
of climb is 1000 ft/min, your TAS is 100 and you have a headwind of 20. What is the
distance it takes to get to FL50?

a) 4.8 nm
b) 4.4 nm
c) 3.6 nm
d) 4.0 nm

8. An aircraft at FL350 is required to commence descent when 85 NM from a VOR and to

cross the VOR at FL80. The mean GS for the descent is 340 kt. What is the minimum
rate of descent required?

a) 1600 ft/min
b) 1800 ft/min
c) 1700 ft/min
d) 1900 ft/min

9. An aircraft at FL290 is required to commence descent when 50 NM from a VOR and to

cross that VOR at FL80. Mean GS during descent is 271 kt. What is the minimum rate of
descent required?

a) 1700 ft/min
b) 1900 ft/min
c) 1800 ft/min
d) 2000 ft/min

10. The outer marker of an ILS with a 3° glide slope is located 4.6 nm from the threshold.
Assuming a glide slope height of 50 ft above the threshold, the approximate height of an
aircraft passing the outer marker is:

a) 1450 ft
b) 1400 ft
c) 1350 ft
d) 1300 ft


11. An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent at 120 nm from a VOR and to
cross the facility at FL130. If the mean GS for the descent is 288 kt, the minimum rate of
descent required is:

a) 920 ft/min
b) 860 ft/min
c) 890 ft/min
d) 960 ft/min
12. Given: ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG, GS = 150 kt. What is the approximate rate of descent?

a) 1000 ft/min
b) 800 ft/min
c) 900 ft/min
d) 700 ft/min

13. Given: TAS = 197 kt. True course = 240°, W/V = 180/30 kt. Descent is initiated at FL 220
and completed at FL40. Distance to be covered during descent is 39 nm. What is the
approximate rate of descent?

a) 950 ft/min
b) 1400 ft/min
c) 800 ft/min
d) 1500 ft/min

14. You are departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2000 ft. The QNH is 1013
hPa. 10 nm away there is a waypoint you are required to pass at an altitude of 7500 ft.
Given a groundspeed of 100 kt, what is the minimum rate of climb?;

a) 920 ft/min;
b) 1080 ft/min;
c) 750 ft/min;
d) 590 ft/mins;

15. An aircraft at FL350 is required to descend to cross a DME facility at FL80. Maximum
rate of descent is 1800 FT/MIN and mean GS for descent is 276 kt. The minimum range
from the DME at which descent should start is:

a) 59 nm
b) 49 nm
c) 69 nm
d) 79 nm

16. An aircraft is maintaining a 5.2% gradient is at 7 NM from the runway, on a flat terrain; its
height is approximately:

a) 2210 ft
b) 3640 ft

c) 1890 ft
d) 680 ft

17. An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent when 100 NM from a DME facility
and to cross the station at FL120. If the mean GS during the descent is 396 kt, the
minimum rate of descent required is approximately:

a) 1650 ft/min
b) 1000 ft/min
c) 2400 ft/min
d) 1550 ft/min

18. An aircraft at FL390 is required to descend to cross a DME facility at FL70. Maximum
rate of descent is 2500 FT/MIN, mean GS during descent is 248 kt. What is the minimum
range from the DME at which descent should commence?

a) 68 nm
b) 63 nm
c) 53 nm
d) 58 nm

19. An aircraft is descending down a 6% slope whilst maintaining a G/S of 300 kt. The rate of
descent of the aircraft is approximately:

a) 10800 ft/min
b) 3600 ft/min
c) 1800 ft/min
d) 900 ft/min

20. Given: aircraft height 2 500 ft, ILS GP angle 3°. At what approximate distance from THR
can you expect to capture the GP?

a) 7.0 nm
b) 14.5 nm
c) 8.3 nm
d) 13.1 nm

21. Assuming zero wind, what distance will be covered by an aircraft descending 15 000 ft
with a TAS of 320 kt and maintaining a rate of descent of 3000 ft/min?

a) 16.0 nm
b) 19.2 nm
c) 26.7 nm
d) 38.4 nm

22. An aircraft homing to a VOR/DME loses 2 500 feet in 11.1 nm change of DME range.
What is the gradient of the slope?


a) 4.1%
b) 3.5%
c) 3.9%
d) 3.7%

23. At 65 nm from a VOR you commence a descent from FL330 in order to arrive over the
VOR at FL 100. Your mean groundspeed in the descent is 240 knots. What rate of
descent is required?

a) 1420 feet/min
b) 1630 feet/min
c) 1270 feet/min
d) 1830 feet/min

24. You are on ILS 3-degree glideslope which passes over the runway threshold at 50 feet.
Your DME range is 25 nm from the threshold. What is your height above the runway
threshold elevation? (Use the 1 in 60 rule and 6000feet = 1 nautical mile)

a) 8010 feet
b) 7450 feet
c) 6450 feet
d) 7550 feet

25. On a 12% glide slope, your groundspeed is 540 knots. What is your rate of descent?

a) 6550 feet/min
b) 4820 feet/min
c) 8740 feet/min
d) 3120 feet/min

26. You are homing to overhead a VORTAC and will descend from 7500 QNH to be 1000
AMSL by 6 nm DME. Your groundspeed is 156 knots and the ROD will be 800 feet/min.
At what range from the VORTAC do you commence the descent?

a) 27.1 nm
b) 15.8 nm
c) 11.7 nm
d) 30.2 nm

27. At 04h22 you are 185 nm from a VOR at FL 370. You need to descend at a mean
descent rate of 1800 ft/min to be at FL 80 overhead the VOR. Your groundspeed in the
level cruise is currently 320 knots. In the descent your mean G/S will be 232 knots. What
is the latest time to commence descent?

a) 04h37
b) 04h41
c) 04h44

d) 04h51

28. What rate of descent is required to maintain a 3.5° glideslope at a groundspeed of 150

a) 850 fpm
b) 800 fpm
c) 600 fpm
d) 875 fpm

29. By what amount must you change your rate of descent given a 10 knot increase in
headwind on a 3° glideslope?

a) 50 feet per minute increase

b) 30 feet per minute increase
c) 50 feet per minute decrease
d) 30 feet per minute decrease

1 IN 60 RULE

30. Given: Distance W to 'B' is 100 NM, Fix obtained 40 NM along and 6 NM to the left of
course. What heading alteration must be made to reach 'B’?

a) 15° Right
b) 6° Right
c) 9° Right
d) 18° Right

31. Given: Distance W to 'B' is 90 nm, Fix obtained 60 nm along and 4 nm to the right of
course. What heading alteration must be made to reach 'B’?

a) 8° Left
b) 16° Left
c) 12° Left
d) 4° Left

32. The distance between two waypoint is 200 nm. To calculate compass heading the pilot
used E2° magnetic variation instead of W2°. Assuming that the forecast W/V applied,
what will the off track distance be at the second waypoint?

a) 0 nm
b) 14 nm
c) 7 nm
d) 21 nm

33. The distance between positions A and B is 180 NM. An aircraft departs position A and
after having travelled 60 nm, its position is pinpointed 4 nm left of the intended track.
Assuming no change in wind velocity, what alteration of heading must be made in order
to arrive at position B?

a) 4° Right
b) 2° Left
c) 8° Right
d) 6° Right

34. Given: Distance A to B = 120 nm, After 30 nm aircraft is 3 nm to the left of course. What
heading alteration should be made in order to arrive at point 'B?

a) 4° right
b) 6° right
c) 8° left
d) 8° right


35. Given: Pressure Altitude 29000 FT, OAT-55°C. Calculate the Density Altitude?

a) 33 500 ft
b) 27 500 ft
c) 26 000 ft
d) 31 000 ft

36. Given: Airport elevation is 1000 ft. QNH is 988 hPa. What is the approximate airport
pressure altitude? (Assume 1 hPa = 27 FT)

a) 320 ft
b) 680 ft
c) 320 ft
d) 1680 ft

37. Given: Aircraft at FL 150 overhead an airport. Elevation of airport 720 FT. QNH is 1003
hPa.; OAT at FL150 -5°C. What is the true altitude of the aircraft? (Assume 1 hPa = 27

a) 15 280 ft
b) 14 160 ft

c) 15 840 ft
d) 14 720 ft

38. An aircraft is flying at FL150, with an outside air temperature of-30°, above an airport
where the elevation is 1660 ft and the QNH is 993 hPa. Calculate the true altitude.
(Assume 30 ft = 1 hPa)

a) 15210ft
b) 17 160 ft
c) 13 660 ft
d) 14 120 ft

39. Given: Pressure Altitude 29000 FT, OAT-55°C. Calculate the Density Altitude?

a) 31000 ft
b) 27500 ft
c) 26000 ft
d) 33500 ft

40. Your pressure altitude is FL55, the QNH is 998, and the OAT is +30°C. What is Density

a) 6980 feet
b) 7750 feet
c) 8620 feet
d) 10020 feet

41. OAT = +35°C, Pressure alt = 5000 feet. What is true alt?

a) 4550 feet
b) 5550 feet
c) 4290 feet
d) 5320 feet

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