Conduct Initial Counseling and Expectations As An NCO and Soldier

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The key takeaways from the counseling form are the expectations, responsibilities and guidelines for an NCO in performing their duties.

The expectations of an NCO according to the counseling form include adhering to Army Values, taking responsibility for their actions and those of their Soldiers, treating people with dignity and respect, putting the mission and welfare of Soldiers first, and maintaining integrity.

Some responsibilities of an NCO discussed in the counseling form include mentoring and developing Soldiers, ensuring Soldiers' proficiency in Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, maintaining physical fitness standards, providing guidance on personal finances, and communicating effectively up and down the chain of command.


For use of this form see FM 22-100.

AUTHORITY: 5 USC 301, Departmental Regulations; 10 USC 3013, Secretary of the Army and E.O. 9397 (SSN)
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To assist leaders in conducting and recording counseling data pertaining to subordinates.
ROUTINE USES: For subordinate leader development IAW FM 22-100. Leaders should use this form as necessary.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure is voluntary.
Name (Last, First, MI) Rank / Grade Social Security No Date of Counseling
Organization Name and Title of Counselor


Purpose of Counseling: (Leader states the reason for the counseling, e.g. Performance/Professional or Event-Oriented counseling and includes
the leaders facts and observations prior to the counseling):
Conduct initial Counseling and Expectations as an NCO and Soldier


Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling.

Key Points of Discussion:

While assigned to Risk Management as an Operations NCO in USARNORTH, you will adhere to the following
 Army Values tell you what you need to be, every day in every action. It is values that make the whole greater
than the sum of its parts. They are nonnegotiable and apply to everyone all the time and in every situation.
 Loyalty: You are expected to be loyal to the Army, the unit, the chain of command, your peers and our Soldiers.
You should not only take pride in your profession as a Soldier but also instill that same pride in our Soldiers so
as to develop their loyalty.
 Duty: Fulfill your obligations. Simply put, complete all tasks assigned or implied to the best of your ability.
Take responsibility for your actions or inactions as well as those of our Soldiers.
 Respect: Consistently be professional and treat people with dignity. Remember that respect is a two-way street.
All Soldiers and Civilian employees will be treated fairly IAW EO and DOD policies .
 Selfless Service: The accomplishment of the mission and the welfare of our Soldiers will always be uppermost
in your mind. Your personal interests and needs will always come after that of our Soldiers and the mission.
This is the one of the truest tests of an NCO.
 Honor: All encompassing is your honor. Your values represent your character and influence. An honorable
character is one sought by others to achieve.
 Integrity: Simply stated, your word! Your truthfulness and your choice of the hard right over the easy wrong
will define you as an NCO with integrity. You cannot straddle the line between right and wrong and represent
the NCO Corps. You have an obligation to do what is right both legally and morally.
 Personal Courage: Facing fear, danger or adversity whether physically or morally. Standing up for what is
right even if it threatens your personal safety or position.

See continuation sheets

See Continuation of Counseling

This form will be destroyed upon: reassignment (other than rehabilitative transfers), separation at ETS, or upon retirement. For separation requirements
and notification of loss of benefits/consequences see local directives and AR 635-200.

Plan of Action: (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be
specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate’s behavior and include a specific time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below):

 Adhere to the Army Values, the NCO Creed and the Warrior Ethos
 Properly identify any existing issues and take action immediately
 Ensure the NCO clearly understands the expectations contained in this counseling
 Section Leadership will provide consistent guidance and feedback on performance that will re enforce the contents
of this counseling.

Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate
agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate):
Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above

Individual counseled remarks:

Signature of Individual Counseled: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Leader Responsibilities: (Leaders responsibilities in implementing the plan of action):

 Correct any issues the NCO may have immediately at the lowest level
 Follow up on any issues that could not be immediately resolved
 Unit leadership will provide consistent guidance and feedback to re enforce policies and standards

Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and
provides useful information for follow-up counseling):

Counselor: ____________________ Individual Counseled:_________________ Date of Assessment: ______________

Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling.
DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse)

Continuation of Counseling

Date of Counseling:

Subject: NCO Expectations Counseling

Strive to remain both technically and tactically proficient in your current duty assignment as an Operations
NCO within the Risk Management Section. Perform these duties according to existing policies and local
SOP. You need to have a working knowledge of all equipment and supplies necessary to complete those
duties. Risk Management is the focal point of the PMO and everything comes through our shop. You
should demonstrate a desire to better yourself. This includes reading; writing and speaking to communicate
with those you interact. You will also be required to make sound judgments after weighing alternatives and
forming objective opinions and conclusions. The Army Values will guide you in making the right

Physical Fitness/Military Bearing:

Bottom line up front, combat readiness depends upon total fitness. You are responsible for not only your
fitness but also the readiness of our Soldiers. Their strength, endurance, stamina, flexibility, speed, agility,
coordination and balance can be honed under your supervision and/or involvement. You will be active in
Physical Training within the PMO and with HHB. Your goal is that our Soldiers maintain the Army
Standards with the desire and initiative to exceed them. Military bearing is composed of appearance and
attitude. An on-the-spot correction is your tool to reinforce military bearing. Attention to detail will be
given to the wear of the military uniform and regulatory policies will be held IAW AR 670-1. A
professional demeanor and attitude will be maintained at all times.

To influence others is as much an art as a skill. You must learn your Soldiers; meet their needs while
maneuvering them to accomplish the mission that fulfills the Army’s needs. SET THE EXAMPLE!!!! By
word and deed, you must be a positive role model to effectively lead Soldiers and be a relevant member of
the Risk Management Section. You are always available, you are always watched and you are always
representing the NCO Corps, the Army and the country. I expect you to inspire and develop excellence in
our Soldiers by counseling frequently, listening constantly and providing direction and purpose when
needed. Our Soldier’s motivation and commitment are a direct reflection of our ability to lead and
 The chain of command will be utilized in all matters.
 The NCO Support Channel will be used in conjunction with the Chain of Command to
include your Civilian Leadership IOT to expedite and assure continuity and consistency.
 Equal Opportunity polices have command emphasis at DOD level. Personal views that
conflict with these polices will not interfere with day to day operation of duties. Views
inconsistent with EO policies will not be tolerated.
 Monthly counseling for junior enlisted and quarterly counseling for NCOs will be conducted
and documented. It is the Soldier’s right to receive counseling and your duty to ensure that it
is happening.
 Assure Communication at all levels. I am available 24 hours a day to assist you as needed,
but only if I am aware of the need. Keep me informed and ensure that all interactions are
clear and understood. Solicit feedback.
 Eagerly accept increased responsibility and use available resources. Frequently assess
yourself to find areas that need strengthening. Utilize your peers and civilian counterparts as
references and confidants. Instill these traits into your subordinates.

Page 3 of 6 Pages (including original 4856)

Continuation of Counseling

Date of Counseling:

Subject: NCO Expectations Counseling

As an NCO, you will be expected to train Soldiers to survive on the battlefield, perform their military
occupational specialties, and realistically reach attainable challenging training goals. You must allow room
for error so that our Soldiers can learn from mistakes, but you must reinforce the reality that those mistakes
will not be repeated. Training does not stop once your orientation checklists are completed. You must
continue to educate those who have not had the same experiences as you have. Training will be tough and
demanding without being reckless. It is our job to ensure that quality training is being conducted. The best
way to demonstrate your care and concern for our Soldiers is to train them well and leave a legacy of
knowledge and experience that they will reflect upon to guide their future.

Responsibility and Accountability:

Proper care, maintenance, use, handling and conservation of personnel, equipment, supply, property, and
funds are NCO business. You are responsible for all equipment and supplies you’ve signed for and any
other property under your control. These factors relate directly to mission accomplishment and require your
undivided attention. You will be aware of where your Soldiers are during duty hours, what their
disposition is after sick call and why they were there, where they live and their general family situations.
You will also accept responsibility for yourself and your Soldiers while developing the same quality in
each of them. Ensure that our Soldiers fully understand timeliness and that they must be present at the
appointed time and place for all duties, details, training, etc. When required to be absent, they will exercise
prudent judgment and discretion by returning to their primary place of duty in a timely manner.

Additional Expectations:
 MEDPROS: All leaders will obtain MEDPROS access so as to monitor their Soldiers status.
 Reenlistment: Ensure you and your Soldiers utilize the reenlistment counselor to discuss benefits,
entitlements and options. Plans should be made at a minimum of 1-2 years prior to ETS. You are
the Army’s gatekeeper for quality Soldiers and should always work to retain such Soldiers.
ACAP should be planned a year out from ETS and supported to allow a successful transition.
 Military Progression Schools: Encourage, plan ahead and volunteer to go as soon as possible to
all NCOES schools, ASI producing schools and SQI producing schools. Education: Military
correspondence courses are mandatory for career progression. You and your Soldiers should
attend every military school offered and seek schools frequently. Numerous schools exist and all
have training value as well as promotional value. Civilian education is highly recommended and
encouraged to expand the Soldier’s knowledge and assist in career goals. Seek opportunities for
your Soldiers, you are their advocate. Don’t become stagnate at your current rank or position.
 Promotion: You are the gatekeeper for promotion as well. Your ability to counsel and mentor
will directly relate to the quality of tomorrow’s leadership. Prepare yourself and your Soldiers for
the promotion and competition boards and instill the fact that they should always think two grades
ahead. Soldiers should volunteer and actively seek to appear before Soldier and NCO of the
Month boards. Ensure they update their records frequently and are aware of changes to the
promotion system as they occur.
 WTBD: Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills have replaced CTT and are to be trained at the lowest
level to assure Soldiers maintain proficiency in their Warrior Skills. Assure your Soldier’s
proficiency by providing hip pocket training. These tasks should be second nature with immediate
response. WTBD should never be considered pencil drills or training to time events. Task,
Condition and Standard are clearly stated and achievable with proper reinforcement. This will
prepare you and your Soldiers by ensuring survival skills in time of deployment and war.

Page 4 of 6 Pages (including original 4856)

Continuation of Counseling

Date of Counseling:

Subject: NCO Expectations Counseling

 PT/Weight Standards: You will be knowledgeable of you and your Soldier’s last APFT score and
weight standard. Set goals to improve for their next APFT that is achievable. Minimum
requirements should never be considered the standard for a Soldier that has surpassed them.
Encourage a routine PT schedule throughout the week to maintain physical fitness.
 Drugs & Alcohol: Illegal use of drugs and alcohol abuse will not be tolerated. Help is available! I
will recommend maximum punishment for founded charges of illegal drug usage.
 Housing: Quality of living is a concern of all Leaders and you will be aware of our Soldiers living
conditions and issues. Speak to your Soldiers to arrange a visit to assess their quality of living.
Relay the fact that this visit is not an inspection, but a sincere interest in their quality of life.
 Teamwork: Teamwork fosters loyalty and assistance should always be given freely to fellow
Sections and Soldiers. We need to maintain loyalty and develop trustworthiness within our
 Insubordination: Insubordination has no place here.
 Communication: Communication comes from the top and not done laterally. It is your charge to
stop any rumors that are not supported by facts.
 Leaves: All leaves should be submitted 14 days from the start of the leave period.
 Indebtedness: The management of finances is each Soldier’s responsibility. As an NCO, you will
maintain your financial stability and provide guidance and assistance to assure our Soldiers do not
extend their income beyond the limits. Repercussions are serious and assistance is available,
inform them to ask before it is too late.

I will ensure you have the available resources or the direction toward those resources to
accomplish all assigned tasks. I will ensure you are given the opportunity to excel and meet your goals as
long as you maintain the motivation and dedication to succeed. I will manage and monitor your progress,
providing guidance and assistance as needed. I will give you purpose, direction and motivation. I will
ensure to emulate a positive role model and adhere to the Army Standards and Values.

Printed Name of NCO ____________________ Printed Name of Rater ___________________

Signature of NCO ________________________ Signature of Rater ______________________

Page 5 of 6 Pages (including original 4856)

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