2018-Me-184 MM

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Name : Khizer Nauman

Roll No : 2018-ME-184

Experiment No. I
“Parametric analysis of simply supported beam
subjected to point load.”
To analyze the parametric effect on deflection and slope of the
simply supported beam subjected to point load at the mid of span
• Influence of span length on deflection & slope
• Effect of width and thickness on deflection & slope
• Effect of material on deflection & slope
• Locating the point of maximum deflection

• Beam apparatus
• Vernier calliper
• Dial indicator
• Weights and hanger
• Balance
• Meter rod
• Rectangular beam of different cross-section and materials
• Level indicator

• Beam
“Any structural member whose cross section is much smaller as
compared to its length and undergoes lateral load, known as Beam”.

The loads applied to the beam result in reaction forces at the beam's
support points. The total effect of all the forces acting on the beam is
to produce shear forces and bending moments within the beam, that
in turn induce internal stresses, strains and deflections of the beam.
Beams are characterized by their manner of support, profile (shape
of cross-section), equilibrium conditions, length, and their material.
A statically determinate beam, bending (sagging) under a uniformly
distributed load.
• Types of beams
Beams are classified as follow.
 According to end supports:-

1. Simply Supported Beam:

Simply supported beam is supported at both ends. One end of the
beam is supported by hinge support and other one by roller support.
This support allow the horizontal movement of beam. This beam
type undergoes both shear stress and bending moment.

2. Continuous Beams:
When we talk about types of beams we cannot forgot continuous
beam. This beam is similar to simply supported beam except more
than two support are used on it. One end of it is supported by hinged
support and other one is roller support. One or more supports are
use between these beams. It is used in long concrete bridges where
length of bridge is too large.
3. Overhanging Beams:
Overhanging beam is combination of simply supported and
cantilever beams. One or both ends of this beam are overhanged.
This beam is supported by roller support between two ends. This
type of beam has heritage properties of cantilever and simply
supported beam.

4. Cantilever Beams:
Cantilever beams a structure member of which one end is fixed and
other is free. This is one of the famous type of beam use in trusses,
bridges and other structure member. This beam carry load over the
span which undergoes both shear stress and bending moment.

5. Fixed beams:
This beam is fixed from both ends. It does not allow vertical
movement and rotation of the beam. It is only under shear stress
and no moment produces in this beams. It is used in trusses, and
other structure.

According to cross section:-

A beam may have different cross sections. The most common cross
sections of beam are as follows.

1. I Beam:
An I-Beam, also known as H-beam (for universal column, UC), w-
beam (for "wide flange"), universal beam (UB), rolled steel joist (RSJ),
or double-T (especially in  Polish,  Bulgarian,  Spanish,  Italian  and 
German), is a beam with an I or H-shaped cross-section. The
horizontal elements of the  I are flanges, and the vertical element is
the "web". I-beams are usually made of structural steel and are used
in construction.

The web resists shear forces, while the flanges resist most of the
bending moment experienced by the beam. The Euler-Bernoulli
beam equation shows that the I-shaped section is a very efficient
form for carrying both bending and shear loads in the plane of the
web. On the other hand, the cross-section has a reduced capacity in
the transverse direction, and is also inefficient in carrying torsion, for
which hollow structural sections are often preferred.. It has high
resistance of bending.

2. T beam:
A T-beam (or tee beam), used in construction, is a load- bearing
structure of reinforced concrete, wood or metal, with a T-
shaped cross section. The top of the T-shaped cross section serves as
a  flange or  compression member in resisting compressive stresses.
The web (vertical section) of the beam below the compression flange
serves to resist shear stress and to provide greater separation for the
coupled forces of bending.
The T-beam has a big disadvantage as compared to an I-
beam because it has no bottom flange with which to deal
with tensile forces. One way to make a T-beam more efficient
structurally is to use an inverted T-beam with a floor slab or bridge
deck joining the tops of the beams. Done properly, the slab acts as
the compression flange.
According to equilibrium conditions:-
1. Statically determinate beam:
A beam is called determinate beam if it can be analyze by the basic
equilibrium condition. The support reaction can be found by using
basic equilibrium condition. These conditions are Summation when
all horizontal forces are zero. Summation of all vertical forces is zero.
Summation of all moments is zero.
Example: Simply supported beam, Cantilever beam etc.
2. Statically indeterminate beam:
If the beam cannot be analysis by using basic equilibrium condition,
known as statically indeterminate beam. The end reaction find out by
using basic equilibrium condition with combination of other
conditions like strain energy method, virtual work method etc.
Example: Continuous beam, fixed beam.

According to Geometry:-
1.Straight beam
 In ultrasonic testing, a longitudinal wave emitted from an ultrasonic
search unit in a wavetrain which travels perpendicularly to the test

Straight beam of uniform cross-section

2. Curved beam
In strength of materials and the theory of elasticity, a body whose
geometric shape is formed by the motion in space of a plane figure
(called the cross section of the curved beam); its center of gravity
always follows a certain curve (the axis), and the plane of the figure
is normal to the curve.

3. Tapered beam
A tapered steel beam is a built up I-beam that is wider at one end
than the other, giving a tapered appearance to the member. Tapered
beams are also called wedge beams or slant beams.
• Check the zero error and least count of the measuring devices.
• Measure the width and height of beam cross section with the
Vernier calliper.
• Position and fix the two supports on the beam apparatus to get
the desired length of the beam.
• Position the beam over the two supports and verify that the
length of the beam between two supports is as desired.
• Level the whole apparatus using the leveling screws at the
bottom and level indicator.
• Mark the center of the beam and place a hanger at this
• Mount a dial gauge, above the beam at this location, such as
the knob of the dial gauge is in contact with the beam.
• Mount another dial gauge at a point on the beam at a distance
(say X) from one of the supports of the beam.
• Measure this distance X.
• Apply a small load by adding a weight on the hanger.
• Note the deflections in both the gauges.
• Keep adding weights with regular increments and note the dial
gauge reading for each successive addition.
• Note the dial gauge readings while unloading the weights one
by one.
• Calculate the mean deflection, and slope at both locations from
this experimental data and compare with the theoretical
• Change the beams to incorporate the effect of material.
Observations and Calculations

Least Count of Vernier Callipers = 0.1 mm or 0.01 cm

Least Count of dial gauge =
Length of the beam = L =
Width of the beam cross section = b =
Height of the beam cross section = h =
Let X =
Modulus of elasticity = E = 29 x 10^6 psi for Steel
17 x10^6 for red Brass(85Cu15Zn)
10.4 x 10^6 psi for Al.

• Specimen Calculations

Moment of Inertia:-
Moment of inertia of rectangular cross section = 𝐼=𝑏 /12
Experimental Value of Deflection:-
At center:
Deflection at center =
At distance ‘X’:
Deflection at ‘X’ = y(x)exp = [y(x)1 + y(x)2]/2

Experimental Value of Slope at X =

• Derivation

Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Point Load

Let’s consider a simply supported beam of span length L subjected to
concentrated load at mid-point. The beam is symmetrical so equal
reactions will be transferred at the support ends.

As flexural formula or equation of elastic curve is

Moment at any point upto middle of the beam is 𝐼

M=F x

Integration twice yields


• Boundary Conditions
• At x=0, y=0 (Support)
• At x=L/2 , y=ymax. So dy/dx=0

Substituting boundary conditions yields

So, Deflection equation becomes;

Theoretical deflection (Equation of elastic curve) produced in the

beam can be given as[Beer Johnston];

And Theoretical Slope

• Tables

For Moment of Inertia

Sr.No. Load Deflection Slope Deflection Slope Mean Absolute

Loading Unloading Mean =dy/dx (Actual-

For Different Materials

Sr.No. Load Deflection Slope Deflection Slope Mean Absolute

Loading Unloading Mean =dy/dx (Actual-
Span Length

Sr.No. Load Deflection Slope Deflection Slope Mean Absolute

Loading Unloading Mean =dy/dx (Actual-

For Point of Application of Load

Sr.No. Load Deflection Slope Deflection Slope Mean Absolute

Loading Unloading Mean =dy/dx (Actual-

Results and Discussions

Lab Session 02
“Parametric Analysis of Fixed end Beam subjected to point load”
• Objective
To analyze the parametric effect on deflection and slope of the simply supported
beam subjected to point load at mid of span length.
• Influence of span length on deflection & slope
• Effect of width and thickness on deflection & slope
• Effect of material on deflection & slope
• Locating the point of maximum deflection

• Apparatus
• Beam apparatus
• Vernier caliper
• Dial indicator
• Weights and hanger
• Balance
• Meter rod
• Rectangular beam of different cross-section and materials
• level indicator

• Diagram

Figure 2.1 Fixed end beam

• Theory

• Beam
A beam is any geometrical figured element, having a perfect cross-section that can bear
lateral load.
• Types of beams
• Simply Supported Beam.
• Over-hanging beam.
• Cantilever beam.
• Propped Beam
• Fixed Beam
• Continuous Beam

Simply Supported Beam

A simply supported beam is a type of beam that has pinned support at one end and roller
support at the other end. Depending on the load applied, it undergoes shearing and
bending. It is the one of the simplest structural elements in existence. The following image
illustrates a simply supported beam.

Figure 2. Simply supported beam

Over-hanging beam
An overhanging beam is a beam that has one or both end portions extending beyond its
supports. It may have any number of supports. If viewed in a different perspective, it
appears as if it has the features of simply supported beam and cantilever beam.

Figure 2.3 Overhanging beam

Cantilever beam
A cantilever beam is a type of beam of which, one end is fixed and load is applied on its
other end. Like this, in case of cantilever beam, reaction forces and moments will be
introduced at the fixed end. It means that reaction force will be like static reactions. As we
have studied in previous sections that
• Where the motion (Translation) is prevented, a reaction force is introduced.

• Where the rotation is prevented, reaction moment is introduced.

Figure 2.4 Cantilever beam

Fixed Beam
As the name suggests, fixed beam is a type of beam whose both ends are fixed.

Figure 2.5 Fixed beam

Continuous Beam
A continuous beam has more than two supports distributed throughout its length. It can be
understood well from the image below.
Figure 2.6 Continuous beam

• Procedure
• Check the zero error and least count of the measuring devices.
• Measure the width and height of beam cross section with the Vernier caliper.
• Position and fix the two supports on the beam apparatus to get the desired length of
the beam.
• Position the beam over the two supports and verify that the length of
the beam between two supports is as desired.
• Level the whole apparatus using the levelling screws at the bottom and level
• Mark the center of the beam and place a hanger at this location.
• Mount a dial gauge, above the beam at this location, such as the knob
of the dial gauge is in contact with the beam.
• Mount another dial gauge at a point on the beam at a distance (say X)
from one of the supports of the beam.
• Measure this distance X.
• Apply a small load by adding a weight on the hanger.
• Note the deflections in both the gauges.
• Keep adding weights with regular increments and note the dial
gauge reading for each successive addition.
• Note the dial gauge readings while unloading the weights one by one.
• Calculate the mean deflection, and slope at both locations from this
experimental data and compare with the theoretical results.
• Change the beams to incorporate the effect of material.

• Observations
• Specimen Calculation
Moment of Inertia:
Moment of inertia of rectangular cross section = 𝐼=𝑏ℎ 3 /12

Experimental Value of Deflection:

At center:

At distance ‘X’:

Experimental Value of Slope at X:

• Derivation
The simply supported beam of span length L subjected to concentrated load at mid-point.
The beam is symmetrical so equal reactions will be transferred at the support ends.

Figure 2.7 Fixed end Beam subjected to point load

According to flexure formula:

Moment at any point up to middle of beam:

By double integration:
Boundary Conditions:
At x=0, y=0 (support)

So, deflection equations become:

Theoretical deflection produced in the beam can be given as:

At x=L/2


Theoretical Slope:

Experimental Slope:


And theoretical Slope is:

• Table and Datasheet

• Effect of moment of inertia on load deflection curve

Table 2.1 Deflection and slope of FEB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %
No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of beam material on load deflection curve

Table 2.2 Deflection and slope of FEB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of span length on load deflection curve

Table 2.3 Deflection and slope of FEB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of changing load position from either support on load deflection curve

Table 2.4 Deflection and slope of FEB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %
No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n


Lab Session 03
“Parametric Analysis of Cantilever Beam subjected to point load”
• Objective
To analyze the parametric effect on deflection and slope of the simply supported
beam subjected to point load at mid of span length.
• Influence of span length on deflection & slope
• Effect of width and thickness on deflection & slope
• Effect of material on deflection & slope
• Locating the point of maximum deflection
• Apparatus
• Beam apparatus
• Vernier caliper
• Dial indicator
• Weights and hanger
• Balance
• Meter rod
• Rectangular beam of different cross-section and materials
• level indicator

• Diagram

Figure 3.1 Cantilever beam

• Theory

• Beam
A beam is any geometrical figured element, having a perfect cross-section that can bear
lateral load.

• Types of beams
• Simply Supported Beam.
• Over-hanging beam.
• Cantilever beam.
• Propped Beam
• Fixed Beam
• Continuous Beam

Simply Supported Beam

A simply supported beam is a type of beam that has pinned support at one end and roller
support at the other end. Depending on the load applied, it undergoes shearing and
bending. It is the one of the simplest structural elements in existence. The following image
illustrates a simply supported beam.
Figure 3. Simply supported beam

Over-hanging beam
An overhanging beam is a beam that has one or both end portions extending beyond its
supports. It may have any number of supports. If viewed in a different perspective, it
appears as if it has the features of simply supported beam and cantilever beam.

Figure 3.3 Overhanging beam

Cantilever beam
A cantilever beam is a type of beam of which, one end is fixed and load is applied on its
other end. Like this, in case of cantilever beam, reaction forces and moments will be
introduced at the fixed end. It means that reaction force will be like static reactions. As we
have studied in previous sections that
• Where the motion (Translation) is prevented, a reaction force is introduced.

• Where the rotation is prevented, reaction moment is introduced.

Figure 3.4 Cantilever beam

Fixed Beam
As the name suggests, fixed beam is a type of beam whose both ends are fixed.

Figure 3.5 Fixed beam

Continuous Beam
A continuous beam has more than two supports distributed throughout its length. It can be
understood well from the image below.

Figure 3.6 Continuous beam

• Procedure
• Check the zero error and least count of the measuring devices.
• Measure the width and height of beam cross section with the Vernier caliper.
• Position and fix the two supports on the beam apparatus to get the desired length of
the beam.
• Position the beam over the two supports and verify that the length of
the beam between two supports is as desired.
• Level the whole apparatus using the levelling screws at the bottom and level
• Mark the center of the beam and place a hanger at this location.
• Mount a dial gauge, above the beam at this location, such as the knob
of the dial gauge is in contact with the beam.
• Mount another dial gauge at a point on the beam at a distance (say X)
from one of the supports of the beam.
• Measure this distance X.
• Apply a small load by adding a weight on the hanger.
• Note the deflections in both the gauges.
• Keep adding weights with regular increments and note the dial
gauge reading for each successive addition.
• Note the dial gauge readings while unloading the weights one by one.
• Calculate the mean deflection, and slope at both locations from this
experimental data and compare with the theoretical results.
• Change the beams to incorporate the effect of material.

• Observations

• Specimen Calculation
Moment of Inertia:
Moment of inertia of rectangular cross section = 𝐼=𝑏ℎ 3 /12

Experimental Value of Deflection:

At center:

At distance ‘X’:

Experimental Value of Slope at X:

Theoretical deflection

At x=L/2
Theoretical Slope:

• Table and Datasheet

• Effect of moment of inertia on load deflection curve

Table 3. 1 Deflection and slope of CB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of beam material on load deflection curve

Table 3.2 Deflection and slope of CB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of span length on load deflection curve

Table 3. 3 Deflection and slope of CB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n

• Effect of changing load position from either support on load deflection curve

Table 3. 4 Deflection and slope of CB

Sr. Loa Deflection Slop Deflectio Slop Absolute %

No d e n e differenc differenc
. e e
Loadin Unloadin Mea
g g n


Discussion and Conclusion


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