Workplace Flexibility Framework

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10 commitments towards
workplace flexibility.
Kapsch TrafficCom | April 2021
Workplace flexibility 2

Why workplace flexibility?

A little introduction. Our goals.

 Through our surveys and interviews, we have learned that workplace flexibility is an
important issue for many people in our organization.
 Globally, more than two thirds of all employees stated that they would like to work Be a good employer and attract
remotely 50% of their time or more. the talents of tomorrow

 As a first step, we want to provide a global framework that can be used as a basis
for specific agreements and rules in various locations and teams.
 We are aware of the large variety of jobs in our company and are not excluding Enable effective collaboration
anyone, but – admittedly – many statements will mostly affect people in office- in remote and hybrid settings
based environments.
 Two things that are explicitly out of scope for this document due to their location-
specific nature: working time regulations and office space design. Reduce office and travel related
 Whenever we say “we” in the following statements, we mean everyone at Kapsch CO2 emissions and costs
TrafficCom Group. All employees, leaders, board members and owners.
Workplace flexibility 3

1. We trust all employees to choose

the best workplace for themselves
and in the best interest of Kapsch
Workplace flexibility 4

2. We offer as much
flexibility as possible, for
every location, every team,
and every employee.
Workplace flexibility 5

3. We focus on the result of the

work and not on where it is
Workplace flexibility 6

4. We understand that
workplace flexibility does not
mean unlimited working time or
permanent availability.
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5. We meet in person on a
regular basis (e.g. weekly team
meetings in the office).
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6. We define standards for

remote and hybrid meetings
(e.g. use of camera, tools,
Workplace flexibility 9

7. We communicate and collaborate effectively as a team by

using social collaboration tools.
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8. We understand that having the

right environment and
equipment for remote work is a
shared responsibility.
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9. We provide training resources for

remote working (e.g. collaboration,
technical applications, life balance).
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10. We ensure that our

leaders are trained and
supported in leading
remote teams.
Workplace flexibility 13

Beate Fabian
Christina Haderer
Christoph Dovits
Elizabeth Haugh
Evelyn Miksits
Margarete Nowinska

For Mission re/invent

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