Global Impact of Respiratory Disease

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Global Impact of Respiratory Disease

The World Health Organization (WHO), 2006, formed the Global Alliance Against Respiratory
Diseases (GARD) to bring together national and international organisations, institutions, and
agencies to improve the one billion people affected by chronic and acute respiratory diseases.

World leaders in 2015 adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda to
achieve these goals, including economic, social, and environmental development aspects of
sustainable development.

SDG goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages is an important goal that
governments and all stakeholders need to give rigorous attention. Better health raises people out
of poverty and leads to sustainable development.

Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) such as Chronic and Acute Respiratory diseases, Chronic and
Acute Respiratory diseases are the biggest killers of populations today. A strong global action
plan is needed to achieve SDG goal 3 of a 30% reduction of NCD by 2030.

The WHO Global Health Action Plan on NCDs has recognised the strong interaction between
NCD and infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries; to address the detection and
treatment of co-morbidities (I.e., TB) within health services reaffirms the need for a global
action plan.

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) emphasises the importance of

prevention, which should begin before birth, and addresses the connection between respiratory
diseases and the environment. Tobacco smoke, indoor air emissions from burning fuels, and
traffic and industrial pollution are all factors that contribute to respiratory problems.

Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) is an environmental, social and economic crisis in world
populations, and it needs to become a global priority on the world health agenda.

Global lung health advocates must persuade governments, policymakers, nongovernmental

organisations, sponsors, and civil society organisations to expand promotion and control
programmes in all countries.

The global impact of CRD's (tuberculosis, asthma, COPD, acute lower respiratory tract
infections and lung cancer) underestimation is mainly preventable and low costing.
Nicolai Khaltaev Chair of GARD.

Breathing and our respiratory well-being are taken for granted in modern societies, which is
dangerous because lung function is a vital organ susceptible to infection and damage from the

Respiratory diseases are the world's leading cause of death and disability.

Globally, 65 million people have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with 3 million
dying each year. Asthma, the most prevalent childhood chronic condition, affects 334 million
people worldwide, accounting for 14% of all children. Pneumonia kills millions of people every
year, and it is the leading cause of death for children under the age of five.

Approximately, 10 million people contract tuberculosis per year, with 1.4 million dying as a
result. COVID 19 has killed 3.4 million people and infected 167 million others. Lung cancer
claims the lives of 1.6 million people per year. Chronic respiratory disease takes the lives of 4
million people worldwide.

Two billion people are exposed to harmful smoke from burning fuels indoors, 1 billion inhale
polluted outdoor air with particulate matter 2.5 and above, and 1 billion experience exposure to
tobacco smoke. These human statistics have resulted in a global crisis (FIRS , 2017).

Many respiratory disorders are preventable by improving the quality of indoor and outdoor air.
Tobacco smoke, air pollution, and air containing micros, poisonous particles, fumes, or allergens
are all common sources of unhealthy air.

The most critical move is to reduce tobacco consumption. To avoid occupational lung disease
through controlling unhealthy air in the workplace and at home. Increasing women's health
equity and strengthening immunisation programmes to prevent pneumonia strains.

Improving respiratory health also entails improving global health networks, following existing
guidelines for health promotion and disease prevention, educating global populations, and
training medical personnel.

Strengthening global health systems, following existing guidelines for health promotion and
disease prevention, training medical personnel, and educating global communities can contribute
to improving respiratory health.
According to FIRS, reducing the burden of respiratory diseases should be an urgent priority for
global governments, policymakers, nongovernmental organisations, sponsors, and civil society
organisations to achieve SDGs and is essential for SDG 3.

Constantly exposed to particles, chemicals, and infectious organisms in ambient air, the lung is
the internal organ most susceptible to infection and damage from the external environment.

Two billion people globally are exposed to toxic smoke from biomass fuels, which are usually
inefficiently burned in poorly ventilated indoor stoves or fireplaces. One billion people breathe
dirty outdoor air, and another billion breathe cigarette smoke.

Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) morbidity and mortality occur in all world regions; however,
poverty, urbanisation, overcrowding, environmental exposures, and poor living environments
increase CRD incidence and prevalence, making lower-income populations more vulnerable
(FIRS, 2017).

Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) (tuberculosis, asthma, COPD, acute lower respiratory tract
infections and lung cancer) are an increasing social, economic and environmental global health
burden (GBD, 2015).

Tuberculosis, asthma, COPD, acute lower respiratory tract infections and lung cancer are the
most common causes of severe illness and death worldwide (FIRS, 2017).

COPD affects 65 million people worldwide, with around 3 million dying each year, making it the
third leading cause of death – and the figures are rising. Asthma affects approximately 334
million people worldwide, and it is the most common chronic disease in childhood, affecting
14% of children. Asthma is becoming more prevalent in children.. For decades, acute lower
respiratory tract infections have been among the top three causes of death and disability among
children and adults. Although the burden is difficult to quantify, lower respiratory tract infection
causes nearly 4 million deaths annually and is a leading cause of death among children under

Moreover, acute lower respiratory tract infections in children predispose to chronic respiratory
diseases later in life. Respiratory tract infections caused by influenza kill between 250,000 and
500,000 people yearly and cost between US$71 and 167 billion annually. In 2015, 10.4 million
people developed tuberculosis (TB) and 1.4 million people died. The most common lethal
neoplasm globally is lung cancer, which kills 1.6 million people each year and the numbers are
growing. In addition to these five, there are several respiratory disorders whose burden is
tremendous but less well quantified. More than 100 million people suffer from sleep-disordered
breathing. Millions live with pulmonary hypertension. More than 50 million people struggle with
occupational lung diseases.

More than 10% of all disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), a measure that measures the
amount of active and productive life lost due to an illness, are due to respiratory diseases.
Respiratory diseases are only second to cardiovascular diseases in terms of prevalence.

More than a billion people worldwide suffer from acute or chronic respiratory illnesses. COPD is
third, lower respiratory tract infection is fourth, tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancer is sixth,
tuberculosis is twelfth, and asthma is twenty-eighth in the top 30 causes of death.

Chronic respiratory disease claims the lives of four million people per year. Infants and small
children are particularly vulnerable. Every year, 9 million children under the age of five die, with
pneumonia being the leading cause of death. Living with these diseases causes enormous

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) is part of a global movement to raise
awareness of the enormous burden of respiratory diseases.

According to FIRS, reducing this burden should be a key strategy of the Sustainable
Development Goals.


Scope of the disease

COPD affects more than 200 million people in the world [2], 65 million of whom have moderate
or severe airway disease [2], and most studies show it is underdiagnosed by 72 to 93% [14]. This
is higher than reported for hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and many other important
disorders. Misdiagnosis is also common [15]. The high prevalence and severity of illness make
its economic cost high. The direct cost of COPD is 6% of total healthcare spending (€38.6 billion
annually) in the European Union and accounts for 56% of the total cost of treating respiratory
diseases [16]. The most important factor leading to the development of COPD is tobacco
smoking. Tobacco smoke causes destruction of lung tissue (emphysema) and obstruction of the
small airways with infl ammation and mucus (chronic bronchitis), leading to the cardinal
symptoms of COPD, namely shortness of breath and cough. Indoor and outdoor air pollution,
inhaled tobacco smoke and occupational dust, genetic syndromes (such as 1 -antitrypsin defi
ciency), childhood pneumonia and other diseases that involve the airways (such as chronic
asthma and TB) are also factors contributing to the development of COPD.


Discouraging individuals from starting to smoke tobacco and encouraging smokers to reduce
and quit smoking are the fi rst and most important priorities in preventing COPD. Chimney cook
stoves and other devices that decrease indoor smoke exposure lessen the risk of respiratory
infections in children and potentially the incidence of COPD in nonsmokers, particularly in
women. Childhood vaccines and prompt recognition and treatment of lower respiratory tract
infections will minimise the airway injury that predisposes to COPD in adulthood. COPD may
begin in childhood. Management of childhood asthma, controlling occupational exposure to dust
and fumes, and other environmental controls could have substantial benefi ts in reducing the
burden of COPD. Widespread population screening for COPD in asymptomatic adults is not
recommended but performing spirometry in populations with risk factors and respiratory
symptoms is. For example, clinicians should pursue a diagnosis for people exposed to smoke
from cigarettes and biomass fuels, occupational dusts and chemicals, and having a family history
of 1 -antitrypsin deficiency.


Spirometry is required to establish a clinical diagnosis of COPD and is the fi rst step in
treatment. Using spirometry avoids misdiagnosis and assists in evaluating the severity of the airfl
ow limitation. Identifi cation and reduction of exposure to risk factors are essential to prevent
and treat the disease. Avoiding air pollution and other precipitating factors is also important. All
individuals who smoke should be identifi ed and provided with assistance to enable them to quit.
Vaccination against seasonal infl uenza can reduce the risk of severe exacerbations triggered by
infl uenza [20]. COPD Forum of International Respiratory Societies 13 Along with removal of
respiratory irritants or triggers and early treatment of respiratory infections, inhaled
bronchodilators are the basic medicines that help these patients. Treatment with long-acting
bronchodilators, together with inhaled corticosteroids and other pharmacological and non-
pharmacological agents, can help patients with frequent exacerbations and severe airfl ow
obstruction. Patients with low blood oxygen levels may require supplemental oxygen. Long-term
oxygen therapy can increase survival and improve the quality of life in patients with very low
oxygen levels. Maintaining physical fi tness and activity is important because diffi culty
breathing may lead to a decreased activity and subsequent deconditioning. Therefore, exercise-
based pulmonary rehabilitation is important for many people with COPD [21]. Treating
coexisting illnesses can extend the life of many people. Clinical strategies are available that
outline the appropriate management of people with COPD [22]. Despite the availability of
clinical practice guidelines, several studies have shown that COPD is undertreated in its early as
well as advanced stages.

Control and elimination

The key element of reducing and controlling COPD is abolishing tobacco use. This is best
addressed through political and public health initiatives. Public health and societal efforts are
needed to reduce indoor smoke exposure and other COPD risk factors, and to develop
costeffective management protocols for COPD, especially in low-income settings. Age-specifi c
mortality rates from COPD are now declining, but the ageing world population makes this a huge
problem for decades to come. Research should lead to better understanding of how risk factors
and comorbidities interact to affect the severity of disease, and which other factors cause COPD
in smokers and non-smokers. Other important research questions include how best to identify
and treat mild COPD, and how to manage COPD in the context of concomitant conditions, such
as sleep apnoea, cardiovascular disease, depression, osteoporosis, diabetes, lung cancer, ageing
and frailty. This research is needed to build management plans on a sound knowledge base


Scope of the disease

Asthma afflicts up to 334 million people worldwide and its incidence has been increasing for the
past three decades. It affects all ages, races and ethnicities, though wide variation exists in
different countries and in different groups within the same country. It is the most common
chronic disease in children and is more severe in children living in non-affluent countries. In
these settings, underdiagnosis and under-treatment are common, and effective medicines may not
be available or affordable. The burden of asthma is high. It is one of the most frequent reasons
for preventable hospital admissions among children in high-income countries, but less
information is available from low- and middle-income countries. In some studies, asthma
accounts for more than 30% of all paediatric hospitalisations and nearly 12% of readmissions
within 180 days of discharge. It is not widely realised that asthma causes about 489,000 deaths
per year or more than 1,300 deaths per day. Recent evidence indicates that children with asthma
may have abnormal lung growth and are at risk for developing lifelong respiratory compromise
and COPD. The causes of the increase in global prevalence of asthma are not well understood.
Genetic predisposition, exposure to environmental allergens, indoor and outdoor air pollution,
lower respiratory tract infection early in life, airway microbiome makeup, dietary factors and
abnormal immunological responses may promote the development of asthma. The timing and
level of exposure to allergens, infection or irritants may be major factors leading to the
development of disease. Early viral infections and passive tobacco smoke exposure have been
associated with the development of asthma in young children. Airborne allergens and irritants
associated with asthma occur in the workplace and can lead to chronic and debilitating disease
among workers if the exposure persists.


The cause of most asthma is unknown and there is no effective strategy for primary prevention.
However, potentially modifi able risk factors for development of asthma include smoking during
pregnancy and use of broadspectrum antibiotics in the fi rst year of life. Asthmatics who smoke
have a more rapid decline in lung function than lifelong nonsmokers. Avoiding smoking during
pregnancy and avoidance of passive smoke exposure after birth can reduce asthma severity in
children. Epidemiological interventions involving workrelated asthma show that, in adulthood,
early removal of allergens or irritants may lead to better control of the disease, although the
burden and cost of the intervention need to be taken into account. There is little evidence for
effective single-strategy indoor allergen avoidance interventions in adults outside the
occupational context, except for remediation of dampness and mould. The use of maintenance
controller medication can effectively prevent intercurrent asthma attacks with a resultant decline
in lung function, and has been clearly shown to reduce mortality and hospitalisations [4].


Making a correct diagnosis is essential for treatment and improving access to spirometry will
help to reduce misdiagnosis. Asthma is generally a lifelong disease that is not curable, but
treatment with quality-assured essential asthma medicines can effectively control the disease.
Inhaled corticosteroids are the cornerstone of effective asthma control. When used appropriately,
that is, taken regularly with correct technique and a spacer or other device to assure inhalation,
these medicines can decrease the severity and frequency of symptoms of asthma. They also
reduce the need for reliever inhalers (rapidacting bronchodilators) and the frequency of severe
episodes (“exacerbations”) requiring urgent medical care, emergency room visits,
hospitalisations and death. Inhaled bronchodilators are important for providing quick relief from
asthma symptoms. Unfortunately, many people suffering from asthma do not have access to
effective quality-assured asthma medicines. Even though inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled
bronchodilators are on the essential drug list of the World Health Organization (WHO), they are
either unavailable or unaffordable in many settings [4, 26]. Lack of availability of medicines is
not the only reason people with asthma do not receive effective care. Widespread misconceptions
about the nature of the disease and its treatment often prevent people from using appropriate
treatments. Educational campaigns to encourage regular use of inhaled corticosteroids for
control, avoidance of exposures that trigger asthma attacks and provision of written asthma
action plans, so that the patient can respond to worsening asthma, are important parts of effective
asthma control programmes.

Control and elimination

Additional research is needed to better understand the earliest origins of asthma, the causes of
exacerbations and reasons for its rising prevalence in many countries. Elimination is a distant
vision. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) has provided
insights into the disease and facilitated standardised research on asthma in children that has
helped to defi ne the prevalence, trends and determinants of asthma and allergies worldwide.
This work and other research fi ndings are being incorporated into evidencebased strategies for
the management of asthma. Dissemination and implementation of these strategies will improve
asthma control. Making quality-assured inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators and spacer
devices widely available at an affordable price, and educating people with asthma about the
disease and its management are key steps to improve outcomes for people with asthma.
Strategies to reduce indoor air pollution, smoke exposure and respiratory infections will improve
asthma control and reduce the need for healthcare utilisation.

Acute lower respiratory tract infection

Scope of the disease

Lower respiratory tract infection and pneumonia are two of the leading causes of death,
accounting for more than 4 million fatalities annually. It is a particularly important cause of
death in low- and middleincome countries. Lower respiratory tract infection kills more people
than human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV), TB and malaria combined. It is the leading cause of
death in children under 5 years of age outside the neonatal period. Pneumonia killed 920,136
children aged under 5 years in 2015, accounting for 15% of the deaths in this age group. It is also
the second leading cause of years of life lost, due to premature mortality and one of the most
frequent reasons for hospitalisation. Risk factors for pneumonia include being very young or
elderly, crowded living conditions, malnutrition, HIV infection, lack of breastfeeding in infants,
lack of immunisation, chronic health conditions and exposure to tobacco smoke or indoor air
pollutants. Streptococcus pneumoniae remains the most frequent bacterial cause of pneumonia
and killed 393,000 children aged under 5 years in 2015. HIV infection increases the risk of
pneumonia caused by this organism twentyfold, although the incidence of severe disease has
declined with better immunisation and the use of antiretroviral therapy. Pneumonia can also lead
to chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchiectasis. Viral respiratory infections can occur in
epidemics and spread rapidly within communities across the globe. Every year, infl uenza leads
to respiratory tract infections in 5–15% of the population and severe illness in 3–5 million
people. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of acute respiratory
infection in children, causing almost 34 million episodes annually. More than 90% of deaths
from RSV respiratory infection in children occur in low- and middle-income countries.
Ominously, new respiratory pathogens are emerging. In 2003, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS), caused by a previously unrecognised coronavirus, rapidly spread throughout the world.
Its lethality mobilised international efforts that rapidly identifi ed the cause and the method of
spread. Stringent infection control measures reduced its spread effectively and no further cases
were identifi ed. The risk of another global epidemic caused by a new virus or a mutation in a
known virus has encouraged health offi cials and researchers to fi nd ways to limit or prevent
such a catastrophe. These events can stress national healthcare systems, leading to widespread
disaster. Respiratory viruses can spread quickly because of the ease of transmission, as has been
seen in past infl uenza pandemics.


Childhood respiratory disease can be prevented or ameliorated by several measures: improving

childhood nutrition and promoting breastfeeding (both of which improve immune status);
ensuring comprehensive immunisation; improving living conditions to prevent crowding;
avoiding tobacco smoke Acute lower respiratory tract infection Forum of International
Respiratory Societies 17 exposure from the time of conception through childhood; reducing
indoor air pollution; treating or preventing HIV infection; giving prophylactic antibiotics in
immunosuppressed children; and preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission. Several of these
measures are also appropriate for respiratory disease prevention in adults. Vaccination is one of
the greatest achievements of modern public health, yet many children are unimmunised against
preventable infections particularly in low- and middleincome countries. Countries with the
lowest immunisation rates account for more than two-thirds of the vaccine-preventable disease
burden and have the highest childhood mortality.


The success of prevention or treatment of many respiratory infections is dependent on the quality
of the healthcare system. Most bacterial infections are treatable with antibiotics and most viral
infections are selflimited. Yet millions of people still die of pneumonia. The failure to prevent
these deaths often results from lack of access to healthcare and effective preventive interventions
including immunisation. Comorbidities, such as HIV infection and malnutrition, and lack of
awareness and education may lead to advanced disease before the affected people seek medical
attention. Late presentation leads to greater treatment failure. The most effective way to manage
these diseases is through standard case management. Case management is defi ned as “a
collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and
advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and a family’s comprehensive health
needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective
outcomes” [29]. For childhood pneumonia, a standard approach to diagnosis and treatment has
been developed by the WHO in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness programme.
The cornerstone of pneumonia management is the appropriate diagnosis and use of antibiotics.
Supplemental oxygen is essential for effective treatment of severe pneumonia, although its
delivery is not available in many low- or middle-income countries. Enhancing availability of
oxygen delivery systems in these areas must be a global priority. In the management of adults
with pneumonia, several national guidelines have been developed and many studies have
documented that adherence to these guidelines is associated with better patient outcomes.

Control and elimination

Vaccines are essential for the control and elimination of many of these childhood diseases. The
development of new conjugate vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and
Haemophilus infl uenza type b have been important advances in prevention of pneumonia.
Vaccines against bacteria, such as S. pneumoniae, H. infl uenza type b and whooping cough
(pertussis) are highly effective for preventing lower respiratory tract infections. The infl uenza
vaccine is effective in preventing infl uenza. Vaccines against other viruses, such as measles, are
so effective that they are virtually eliminating the diseases. Vaccination programmes for
adolescents and adults, which are also effective, have frequently been neglected. Conjugate
vaccines must be available as part of expanded programmes for immunisation in all countries.
Development of improved vaccines with broader coverage is needed to control or eliminate
specifi c infections.


Scope of the disease

In 2015, there were 10.4 million new cases of TB. Of these, 1 million were children, which is
likely to be an underestimate because the diagnosis of paediatric TB is challenging. In 2015,
there were an estimated 480,000 new cases of multidrug-resistant TB, and an additional 100,000
people developed rifampicin-resistant disease [8]. Among new cases of TB, 11% of people also
had coinfection with HIV. In 2015, TB killed 1.4 million people, making it the greatest single
infectious agent cause of death and a leading cause of overall deaths in the world. When
combined with HIV, it killed another 400,000 people [8]. Twenty countries accounted for 84%
of the cases of TB [8]. The incidence of TB is falling at a rate of about 1.5% per year, which is
insuffi cient to end tuberculosis by the WHO’s stated goal of 2035. Deaths due to TB decreased
17% between 2005 and 2015, and age-standardised TB death rates decreased 34% [1]. The
treatment success rate is 83% for drug-sensitive TB, 52% for multidrug-resistant TB and 28% for
extensively drug-resistant TB [8]. The global case-fatality rate remains high at 17%, but varies
from less than 5% to more than 20% [8]. The cost of treating multiple drug-resistant TB is many
times the cost of treating drug-sensitive disease and strains TB control programme budgets [33,
34]. About 910,000 persons living with HIV and 87,000 children aged under 5 years began
treatment of latent TB in 2015, but this is only 7% of the eligible children [8]. Only recently has
TB in children begun to receive the attention it deserves. Paediatric TB has been largely ignored
because, in general, children are thought to not spread the disease. Moreover, TB is diffi cult to
diagnose in young children because they usually do not produce sputum. The high susceptibility
of infants and young children to extrapulmonary and disseminated disease adds to the
complexity of diagnosis. Consequently, diagnostic approaches for children have lagged.
Likewise, antituberculous drug formulations have not been developed for paediatric use until


In no disease is the phrase “treatment is prevention” truer than with TB. The factors promoting
the spread of infection relate to the chance that an uninfected individual is exposed to a person
with infectious TB: the more cases in the community, the more likely it is that an individual will
become infected. Factors promoting the development of disease in infected individuals generally
relate to the function of the immune system. The most potent factor causing an exposed person to
develop active tuberculosis is infection with HIV, but other conditions that affect immunity, such
as certain medications and the presence of poorly controlled diabetes, also increase the risk of
developing active disease. Inhaling only a few tuberculous bacteria can result in infection.
However, only about one in 10 people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis will develop
active disease, although the rate is much higher in young children and people with immunodefi
ciency conditions. TB lies dormant because the infection is contained by the body’s immune
system, but it can become active at any point in a person’s lifetime. This two-phase sequence by
which the disease develops provides an opportunity for prevention. By identifying persons who
are proven or are highly likely to have latent infection and treating those who have conditions or
circumstances that increase the risk of disease, the likelihood of developing active TB can be
substantially reduced. Several drug regimens have been documented to be effective for treating
latent tuberculosis. The current vaccine, Bacille–Calmette–Guérin (BCG), offers only partial
protection against TB but does reduce the risk of disseminated TB and tuberculous meningitis in
children. Research centres around the world are working on developing a better vaccine for TB.


Most cases of TB can be cured if diagnosed early and treated appropriately using standardised
approaches that are based on evidence derived from clinical trials. The International Standards
for Tuberculosis Care should be followed by providers in all healthcare sectors and countries.
The long duration of therapy (usually 6 months with four drugs in uncomplicated cases) makes
adherence to treatment challenging, especially in individuals who are taking other medications
for chronic diseases, such as HIV infection. Failure to take the full course of prescribed drugs
appropriately may result in relapse with drug-resistant disease, which is more diffi cult to treat
and poses a risk to others. For this reason, supervised or directly observed therapy is
recommended as the standard of care to ensure adherence throughout the course of treatment.
Treatment of patients with multidrug-resistant TB is a more complicated issue. Although the
standard has been to treat with fi ve or six drugs for 14–18 months, a recent trial has shown a
shorter course of therapy is better [37] and now recommended by WHO.

Control and elimination

In May 2014, the World Health Assembly approved the End TB Strategy, a comprehensive set of
principles and activities developed by WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Programme over a 2-year
period with broad global consultative input [38]. The activities within the Strategy are guided by
a set of four overarching principles: 1) government stewardship and accountability with
monitoring and evaluation; 2) strong coalition with civil society organisations and communities;
3) protection and promotion of human rights, ethics and equity; and 4) adaptation of the strategy
and targets at country level, with global collaboration. The Strategy provides an overall global
framework for TB control and, ultimately, elimination with targets of reducing deaths due to TB
by 95% and the incidence of the disease by 90% by 2035, compared with 2015. These principles
convey the responsibilities of government agencies, while at the same time indicating the
requirement for all health sectors and civil society to be involved and for services to be delivered
in an equitable manner with respect for human rights, with implementation of the strategy at
country level.

Three main areas of activities (or “pillars”) are necessary to achieve these targets:

• Pillar 1 Integrated patient care and prevention

• Pillar 2 Bold policies and supportive systems

• Pillar 3 Intensifi ed research and innovation

In all pillars, there are activities that represent new ways of thinking about TB on a global scale
and tend to unify approaches to control and elimination across low-, middle- and highburden
countries. Taken together, the principles and activities provide a comprehensive globally
applicable approach to TB control and elimination. Several areas have developed more detailed
and specifi c plans for TB elimination

Lung Cancer

Scope of the disease

Cancer is a major global problem, with about 14.1 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths in
2012, based on GLOBOCAN estimates. Of the major cancers, lung cancer remains the most
common in the world, with an estimated 1.8 million new cases in 2012. Most (58%) of these
occurred in the less developed regions. Lung cancer is also the most fatal cancer globally. In
2012, 1.6 million people died from lung cancer, accounting for 19.4% of the total deaths
attributable to cancer [9]. The ratio of mortality to incidence is 0.87. If lung cancer has spread to
other organs, the 5-year survival is only about 13%. Tobacco smoke causes most cases of lung
cancer by damaging DNA and mutating protective genes. Lung cancer risks correlate with the
amount and duration of smoking. Since DNA-damaged genes accumulate over time, lung cancer
may occur years after people begin or quit smoking. There are now more former smokers than
smokers worldwide, but former smokers are not free from cancer risk. Lung cancer can also
occur in people who have never smoked, which is especially true for Asians. Other risk factors
include passive exposure to tobacco smoke, biomass fuel, diesel exhaust, radon, asbestos, and
other environmental and workplace carcinogens. Although asbestos is now banned from
commercial use and production in most countries, these fi bres persist in the environment,
including insulation and fi reretardant materials inside and on the surface of many buildings, and
remain present in prior manufacturing sites. Some countries where its use is banned still produce
and market it to other countries.


Lung cancer is largely preventable through tobacco control. Public programmes that reduce
smoking are effective, but more are urgently needed, especially in countries where smoking is
increasing because the incidence of lung cancer follows increased smoking. Environmental
causes of lung cancer, such as radon and asbestos, can be monitored and reduced. Producers of
asbestiform materials should have increased regulations to minimise or eliminate exports of their
carcinogenic material. Countries must not be allowed to export asbestos to poorer countries.
Other known modifi able risk factors, such as biomass fuels, diesel exhaust and air pollution,
must also be addressed. Research is needed to determine other causes of lung cancer and how to
translate this knowledge into effective health policy.


Care of patients with lung cancer has become complex and is optimally provided by an expert
multidisciplinary team when available. In lower-income countries, access to care and cost-
effective treatments can reduce the human burden and societal impact of lung cancer. To guide
treatment and to determine prognosis, lung cancer patients undergo diagnostic and staging
processes. Early stage lung cancer is treated with curative intent surgery or radiation therapy.
Selective patients may benefi t from chemotherapy after surgical resection, while patients with
local advanced disease may benefi t from concurrent chemo-radiotherapy with or without
surgery. Although advanced stage lung cancer is not curable, many patients may have symptom
improvement and survival prolongation by effective treatment. Molecular targeted therapy
against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations and anaplastic lymphoma kinase
(ALK) re-arrangements attain tumour response rates of around 70%. However, cost is a major
barrier to these treatments. Symptom relief and palliative care must be considered throughout an
individual’s lung cancer journey to provide patient-centred care. The benefi ts of treatment must
be balanced against the risks of adverse effects in individual patients in order to achieve
highvalue healthcare. Access to care remains a major challenge in lower- and middle-income
countries, which emphasises the global need for affordable, cost-effective treatments and optimal
care. “Personalised therapy” directed to factors such as specifi c mutations may improve the
results of treatment. Such “precision medicine” and promising immunotherapeutics involve
costly tests and treatments, which are not universally available. Identifying and treating early
cancer is a potential lifesaving strategy. A recent largescale study showed that screening with CT
scans compared to chest radiography resulted in a 20% reduction in lung cancer-specifi c deaths.
The use of screening for lung cancer has been demonstrated, in principle, in high-income
countries, but much cheaper and more accessible methods are needed for low-income settings.

Control and elimination

The overarching strategy for elimination of lung cancer depends on smoking cessation by
helping current smokers to stop, and by reducing the number of people who start smoking.
Legislation to regulate tobacco use and its promotion, to eliminate exposure to cigarette smoke in
public areas, and to raise taxes on tobacco products are proven techniques that decrease tobacco
use. These efforts are particularly important in countries where smoking rates are high or rising.
Reducing the risk from other lung carcinogens such as air pollution, which is now classifi ed as
carcinogenic to humans, is needed. Comparative effectiveness research into strategies aimed at
tobacco use reduction and cessation through public policy is needed. Better screening, early
diagnosis and identifying molecular targets for effective and cost-effective modern treatment
should improve lung cancer outcomes. Globally, efforts to reduce inequity of care and access to
effective and affordable treatments are also vital for addressing the lung cancer crisis around the

Other important respiratory conditions and concerns

The lungs are the organ most affected by unhealthy air in the workplace, and occupational lung
disease is a common health hazard that takes a huge toll, causing death, disability and
absenteeism. Exposure to asbestos causes lung fibrosis (asbestosis) and mesothelioma. Exposure
to mineral dust causes silicosis or coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, and exposure to organic
antigens causes hypersensitivity pneumonitis and asthma. These diseases may be preventable by
assuring clean air in the workplace. Importantly, inhalation of toxic material both inside and
outside the workplace can cause acute and large-scale health problems.
Sleep-disordered breathing (or sleep apnoea) is a common condition affecting 1–6% of
adults. Sleep apnoea is more common in older individuals; one study reported that up to 24% of
men aged 30–60 had obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea causes fragmented sleep and
hypoxia, which is recognised to cause daytime somnolence and increased accidents. More
recently, it has also been associated with many other illnesses, such as hypertension,
cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, poor cognitive function and neuropsychiatric disorders –
not to mention effects on alertness causing problems with safety-sensitive activities.
Furthermore, it appears to worsen many other illnesses. Current recognition of Paediatric sleep
disorders as causes of morbidity and mortality is prevalent. Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
described in 5% of children tested but exceeds 10% in some paediatric populations. A critical
health condition that affects 1% of the world has tremendous world health significance. The best
preventive measures for sleep apnoea are maintaining healthy body weight and doing physical

Pulmonary hypertension occurs in about 1% of the population in the world and up to

10% of those aged over 65 years. Much of this is related to left ventricular failure and lung
disease, but schistosomiasis, HIV infection, rheumatic heart disease and sickle cell disease are
other prominent causes. Treatment and prevention of pulmonary hypertension vary depending on
the cause and controlled by alleviating the underlying conditions.

Pulmonary embolism is a common life-threatening disease estimated to occur in 6–20

per 10,000 European inhabitants annually, but the number is likely to be much higher because
both mild and severe cases go unrecorded and often can be a diagnostic challenge. Mild cases
may be self-limited and not reported, and end-of-life cases are usually associated with other
severe diseases, erroneously reported as the cause of death instead of pulmonary embolism.

Pulmonary embolism is associated with age, many different health conditions, genetic
predisposition and physical inactivity. Treatment is generally with anticoagulants. The
respiratory system is at the forefront of two current global health concerns – climate change and

Climate change affects respiratory diseases by several means. Temperature is associated

with air pollution, which affects many respiratory conditions. Ozone production increases with
higher temperatures because higher temperature speeds volatile organic compounds and nitrogen
oxides to produce ozone. Climate change affects the incidence and severity of respiratory
infections by affecting vectors and habitats and changing the transmission patterns of viruses.
Weather events may alter human host response and susceptibilities to infectious and non-
infectious diseases. The deliberate use of biological agents or chemicals to inflict casualties has
been outlawed globally since 1925. In 1972, the United Nations’ Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention “prohibited the development, production, accumulation, acquisition, and retention of
biological agents or toxins.” The lungs are particularly vulnerable to biological or chemical
terrorism because of the causative agents disseminated through the air. Defending against such
attacks requires research to understand how best to protect the lungs.

What can be done to combat respiratory disease?

Prevention The fi rst step for respiratory health is to prevent illness before it occurs.
Identifying and ameliorating the factors that cause or promote respiratory diseases can prevent
them. Because respiratory diseases are often linked to the environment, respiratory conditions are
more preventable than most other system diseases. The cost of prevention is only a fraction of
the cost of treatment. Preventing and combating respiratory disease is a highly cost-effective
“best buy” described by the WHO [46]. Prevention starts before birth. In utero and childhood
exposure are major determinants of chronic adult respiratory disease. Paediatric factors
associated with COPD in adults include maternal and paternal asthma, maternal smoking,
childhood asthma and severe respiratory infections [47]. Furthermore, smoking in the
grandmother increases the risk of asthma in both the mother and grandchild, even if the mother
does not smoke. The deleterious effects of nicotine and tobacco smoke exposure are augmented
if certain genes’ alleles are present in either the mother or the foetus [47]. Antenatal and early
child exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution affect lung growth and are associated with
accelerated lung function decline later in life [47]. Breathing unhealthy air is a cause or
contributor to most respiratory conditions. The most common sources of unhealthy air are
tobacco smoke, indoor air pollution from the smoke of burning fuels, unhealthy air in the
workplace, air pollution from traffi c and industrial sources, and air containing microbes, toxic
particles, fumes or allergens. Improving the quality of the air is an important step in promoting
respiratory health. The best measure to prevent lung disease is to reduce tobacco use. Smoking
was estimated to be responsible for one in seven deaths in men and one in 15 deaths in women
globally in 2004 [48]. It is projected that as many as 1 billion people will die from tobacco
smoking in the twenty-fi rst century [49]. Of these deaths, most will result from cardiovascular
or respiratory disease, including lung cancer and COPD. In the USA, current smokers are 25
times more likely to die of lung cancer than those who never smoked [50]. The rate of death
from all causes is three times higher in smokers than non-smokers and life expectancy is
shortened by 10 years in smokers [51]. In Europe, the total health cost of tobacco is about €544
billion annually, which represents about 5% of the European Union GDP [52]. Passive smoke
exposure also leads to respiratory disease. Since 1964, about 2.5 million non-smokers died from
health problems caused by exposure to secondhand smoke [53]. In children, second-hand smoke
causes ear infections, asthma attacks, bronchitis and pneumonia. It increases the risk for sudden
infant death syndrome. Heart disease and stroke are also increased. An estimated 34,000 heart
disease deaths and more than 7,300 lung cancer deaths have been attributed to second-hand
smoke annually in the USA [53]. Intensive educational campaigns in Western Europe and North
and South America have decreased the number of smokers in many countries, but the tobacco
industry moved its What can be done to combat respiratory disease? Forum of International
Respiratory Societies 29 target to susceptible populations in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa to
increase sales of its products. More than 300 million Chinese smoke more than 2 trillion
cigarettes per year – more than the next four highest tobaccoconsuming nations combined. In
China, a person dies every 30 seconds from tobacco use [54]. Tobacco smoking is a solvable
global problem. The fi rst international treaty developed for purposes of health was the WHO’s
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control [55]. The treaty is an important mechanism by
which governments can control the tobacco industry by using laws, regulations, administrative
decisions and enforcement measures. Effective strategies, termed MPOWER [49], have been
developed by the WHO TobaccoFree Initiative to support implementation of the Framework to
prevent and reduce smoking and the demand for tobacco products. Much more remains to do,
particularly in low- and middle-income countries to mitigate the pernicious impact of tobacco
smoking. Poor indoor air quality is an important contributor to respiratory disease. About 50% of
all households in the world and 90% of rural households use fuels that allow smoke to be present
in the living area, exposing over 2 billion people to noxious smoke [56]. The WHO estimates
that 4.3 million deaths per year can be attributed to indoor air pollution. Most disease and death
attributable to exposure to poor indoor air quality occurs in women and children, especially in
low-income families [57]. Exposure to indoor smoke used for heating and cooking leads to
COPD, lung cancer and, in children, pneumonia and asthma [57]. People with lung disease are
particularly susceptible to the effects of outdoor air pollution. Increased concentrations of
airborne fi ne particles are associated with increased hospital admissions and deaths [58]. It is
estimated that poor air quality in Europe leads to an average loss of 8.6 months of life
expectancy [59]. There is a growing body of evidence that air pollution affects the unborn child,
leading to enhanced susceptibility to infection, and respiratory and cardiovascular disease later in
life [60]. Children, especially those with chronic lung disease, are also more susceptible to the
adverse effects of air pollution [61]. The environmental risks are greater in low- and middle-
income countries and among the disadvantaged and low socioeconomic sections of society.
Appropriate nutrition and physical activity are critical for health. Both malnutrition and obesity
contribute to respiratory diseases. Obesity is linked to obstructive sleep apnoea in Western
societies and to asthma, heart disease and diabetes. Malnutrition is an important risk factor for
childhood pneumonia and severe illness. Prevention of respiratory disease entails strengthening
healthcare systems, using established guidelines for health promotion and disease prevention,
training medical personnel and educating the populace. Treatment and cure Once disease occurs,
the goal is to lessen its effects and cure it if possible. Reducing its effects is best accomplished
by early detection, prompt diagnosis and early effective treatment. Successful treatment is based
on sound medical evidence, is cost-effective and is generally in accordance with standardised
guidelines. Patients and healthcare workers can manage diseases better if they are properly
trained and necessary resources are available. The WHO, FIRS member organisations and other
governmental agencies or respiratory societies have developed recommendations for standards of
care for specifi c clinical conditions. Unfortunately, effective and uniform implementation,
promotion and adherence to these standards have been lacking. Great medical breakthroughs are
only signifi cant when they reach the communities and patients that need them. In recent
decades, medicine has increased the length and quality of life, although changing lifestyles, new
types of infection and changing environments have created new challenges. These advances have
brought costs. Healthcare for those who are ill or dying is expensive. Increasing healthcare costs
have threatened the fi nancial health of many nations. On the other hand, work losses secondary
to ill health affect national productivity. The economic development of countries is linked to the
health of its citizens. Poor health, both individual and public, along with lack of education and
lack of an enabling social structure are major impediments to a country’s development and are
the roots of poverty. Healthcare delivery can be readily improved with programmatic research,
education, a trained work force, funding, infrastructure and an effi cient system in which to
operate. Evidence-based guidelines should be implemented system wide. Specifi c targeted
national (or regional) interventions should prioritise interventions that are effective, easy to
implement and monitor, and that target persons most at risk. For example, in asthma, this could
include a programme with early treatment with inhaled corticosteroids, reduction in exposure to
tobacco smoke and appropriate education in the use of inhalers [62]. Economic barriers limit
access to care even in resource-rich settings. Many people simply cannot afford to obtain good-
quality care. In resource-poor settings, many people do not seek care from the public health
system because it is lacking, of poor quality or inaccessible. In many countries, public healthcare
systems are seen as a drain on public funds. They are vulnerable to abrupt change in funding,
which depends on the political and economic climate. In some countries, health insurance
systems limit medications and services. Direct patient costs are greater in resource-poor
countries where up to 90% of the money spent on healthcare may be paid directly from the
patients to the providers. About 150 million people experience fi nancial catastrophes from
healthcare costs annually [63]. Governments may defi ne an essential package of care, but that
care may not be adequate. Restrictions on healthcare should depend on evidencebased standards
of care. Disease control and global reduction or elimination Controlling and eliminating
respiratory diseases requires optimal use of the current, effective tools coupled with additional
research. Basic, clinical and public health research all have important roles in reduction and
elimination of respiratory disease. The investment in respiratory research has paid enormous
dividends. The rate of pneumonia and TB is decreasing worldwide [8], as is tobacco use in
certain countries. These successes must stimulate the world to consolidate and extend these gains
to more countries and more diseases. It cannot be a short-sighted rationale for reducing effort.
People are living longer and are healthier, and we are on the threshold of even greater advances.
Many diseases now have genetic profi les and scientists are working hard to uncover their basic
mechanisms. The complicated network of cells, signals and structures is being revealed and used
to identify susceptible individuals, develop better diagnostic tests and fi nd new treatments.
Equally important is research on how to apply new research fi ndings to help people and control
disease. The results of clinical trials are distilled into guidelines on how best to prevent and
manage an illness. These evidence-based recommendations can be powerful tools to secure
uniform highquality medical care throughout the world. Knowledge created through research is
crosscultural and enduring, but it must be applied to be valuable. In addition to public health
measures, developing healthcare capacity requires the education and training of clinicians and
researchers. Governments, professional societies and global governmental and charitable
organisations must act together to assure the next generation is well equipped to meet the health
needs of the world.


Respiratory Societies Respiratory diseases are an enormous challenge to life, health and
productive human activity. Prevention, control and cure of these diseases and promotion of
respiratory health must be a top priority in global decisionmaking in the health sector. The
control, prevention and cure of respiratory diseases are among the most cost-effective health
interventions available – a “best-buy” in the view of the WHO. Investment in respiratory health
will pay manifold dividends in longevity, healthy living days and national economies. Public
awareness and control of the environment are important steps to preventing respiratory diseases.
The key controllable factors are reduction in tobacco smoking and improvement in air quality,
which includes reduction in second-hand tobacco smoke, smoke from indoor fi re, and unhealthy
public and workplace air. Strengthening childhood immunisation programmes and greater
availability of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine must be a priority in low-income countries.
Prevention and timely treatment of HIV infection can have major impact in reducing the burden
of respiratory illness. Effective training of healthcare workers and making available medications
and appropriate diagnostics are keys to better lung health. FIRS calls on all governments,
communities, healthcare practitioners and individuals to promote these effective preventive
measures that have reduced tobacco consumption in many countries. The health benefi ts of
clean air policies are far reaching. Several studies have shown improvement in air quality has
reduced deaths and hospitalisations for heart and lung diseases. Legislation and political action
on clean air makes a difference. The respiratory societies of the world believe that everyone has
the right to breathe clean air [59] and we ask lawmakers to enact and enforce clean air standards
in all countries. Finally, research in respiratory diseases is the hope for today and the promise for
tomorrow. Research must answer many questions: how do lung diseases arise, how do they are
spread, who is vulnerable, and what actions can be used control or cure them, to name a few.
Research must also help us understand what keeps people healthy. Measures developed from the
research must be cost-effective and widely applicable. Increased funding to support respiratory
research is needed.


FIRS calls for these essential actions to reduce the burden of respiratory disease and
improve global health: 1. Increase public and policy makers’ awareness that respiratory health is
essential to global health and that childhood respiratory disease may have long-term negative
consequences on adult health by advocating at world health meetings and through publications
and media postings 2. Reduce, and then eliminate, the use of all tobacco products through
universal support of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 3. Adopt WHO standards,
at a minimum, to reduce ambient, indoor, and occupational air pollution for all countries 4.
Promote universal access to quality healthcare, including the availability of affordable, quality-
assured, essential medicines and universal coverage for childhood and adult immunisations,
including new conjugate vaccines by advocacy through WHO and government programmes 5.
Improve early diagnosis of respiratory diseases through improving awareness and access to
current procedures and the development of new tools through world health meetings and
publications 6. Increase education and training of health professionals in respiratory disease
worldwide though programmes of the FIRS societies, WHO and other governmental and non-
governmental organisations 7. Standardise the monitoring of the prevalence, severity and
management of respiratory diseases to enable development of wellinformed national strategies
though programmes of WHO and governmental and non-governmental organisations 8. Increase
respiratory research to develop programmes, tools and strategies to better prevent and treat
respiratory diseases though advocacy for governmental and nongovernmental research

Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS). (2017).

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