An Advanced Energy Efficient and High Performance Routing Protocol For MANET in 5G

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No.

12, December 2018

An Advanced Energy Efficient and High Performance

Routing Protocol for MANET in 5G
Vu Khanh Quy1, Nguyen Tien Ban2, and Nguyen Dinh Han1*
Faculty of Information Technology, Hung Yen University Technology and Education, Viet Nam
Faculty of telecommunications 1, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract—Nowadays, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are different from previous generations, 5G will be the
applied in various aspects such as rescue, military, medical unified technology system that supports a much larger
applications and smart cities. Also, they are expected to be so and more diverse set of devices. Moreover, 5G will need
popular in 5G as they possess intrinsic and advanced features of to be able to increase data transfer rate, reduce latency
the future communication technology. A MANET in 5G will be
and energy efficiency.
a radio system aimed at extremely high data rate, low latency,
lower energy and cost. To support this, routing protocols in the
MANETs in 5G can reach unprecedented levels of
MANET must be flexible, energy-efficient and highly flexibility and intelligence than ever. Fig. 1 illustrates an
performance achievable. In addition, increasing the network example of a complicated and powerful MANETs with
lifetime has recently become a mandatory requirement in design rich multimedia applications.
of any routing protocol for MANETs. In this paper, we propose Fortunately, important results established for
a new energy-efficient and high performance routing protocol traditional MANETs can be extended to MANETs in 5G
extended from AODV to meet the above requirements. We [12]. In this work, we extend a well-known routing
equip the new protocol with a novel powerful costing function protocol, named ad-hoc on-demand distance vector
that is able to select high throughput, lower energy-consumed
(AODV for short), to obtain a new energy-efficient and
and longer lasting routes for data transmission. The simulation
results will prove this assertion.
high performance routing protocol for MANETs in 5G.
Our new routing protocol has two stages: route
Index Terms—Routing protocol, energy saving, AODV, discovery and route maintenance. We modify the route
discovery procedure so that nodes’ energy-related
information can be collected in this stage. There are two
kinds of information that each node has to provide, those
are: the total remaining energy and the estimated energy-
Energy savings are now a mandatory demand of most consumed rate. We form routing metrics to represent the
aspects of information and communications. This information, and then use these metrics as an input to
requirement has a significant impact on the design of new define a cost function for a given route. The cost function
wireless communication systems. It also requires knows about the total energy consumed by all nodes in a
improvement in existing ones [1], [2]. Mobile Ad-hoc route. It can also know about the number of hops (i.e.
Networks (MANETs) was born in the 1970s as a type of hop-count) and the node with the lowest remaining
wireless networks to exchange data very conveniently. energy. As a result, the cost function can select
Indeed, MANETs have advanced features such as, self- appropriate routes among candidates. The selected routes
organization and self-configuration that support low cost will be high throughput, lower energy-consumed and
network connection without using predefined longer lasting routes for data transmission.
infrastructure [3].
In recent years, MANETs has a number of real II. RELATED WORK
applications for people in areas such as healthcare [4],
In the last few years, the field of energy efficiency and
rescue, disaster recovery [5], entertainment [6], military
performance improvement in MANETs has been studied
[7], smart traffic [8], [9]. In addition, MANETs can also
and achieved several positive results. We may summarize
be used in the many other areas, as indicated in [10].
main approaches to this area as follows:
Therefore, it promises an important contribution to the
Approach towards the use of mobile agents [13], the
development of future Internet.
authors proposed a load distribution algorithm, namely
The next generation (5G) of mobile ad-hoc networks is
MAR-AODV (Mobile Agent – AODV), as a modified
shaping up and is expected to become a main
Ad-hoc on demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol
communication technology of the Internet. In [11],
which uses mobile agents to improve the performance of
MANETs. The focus of this study is a method to select
Manuscript received March 25, 2018; revised November 25, 2018. the route that can ensure the load balancing traffic in a
Corresponding author email: [email protected] network.

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2018

The simulation results show that the probability A very recent approach to improving MANETs
congestion of MAR-AODV is lower than that one of performance is to use multi-parameter cost functions to
AODV protocol. Particular, in [14] the authors proposed calculate and make the decision to choose the route is
an on-demand routing protocol for 5G MANETs, named currently of special interest to researchers for data
A_WCETT (Advance Weighted Cumulative Expected transmission. In [15], authors propose a multi-metric
Transmission Time), improved from AODV. This routing protocol with a cost function based on a set of
protocol works on multi-channel radio environments and three parameters: the length of queue, the link quality and
is based on the mobile agent technology. The results of hop count. Depending on the actual working condition of
simulation shows that, the A_WCETT protocol with the the network, one or more parameters may be involved in
improvement of parameter ∝ and routing method (based calculating the route cost. The simulation results show
on mobile agent) is better performance than the that routing protocol with the new cost function
traditional protocols. outperforms the conventional AODV protocol as it gains
a better achievable performance.

Fig. 1. An example of Mobile Ad-hoc Network applied in 5G.


The AODV routing protocol (Ad-hoc On-Demand


Distance Vector) [16] and DSR (Dynamic Source

Routing) [17] has been standardized by the IETF (The S B F D
Internet Engineering Task Force) for the MANETs. This
is an on-demand routing protocol that operates on the
principle that whenever a data transfer is required, the
source node will discover and find a route to the
destination node. RREQ packet
The route discovery process begins with the source
RREP packet
node sending broadcast the path finder packets, RREQ
(Route Request). Then, these packets will be forwarded RERR packet

through the intermediate nodes to finally reach the Fig. 2. Three stage of reactive protocols.
destination node (Fig. 2, red line). The destination node
or intermediate node (the node knows about the route to The reactive protocols don’t pre-build a route to
the destination) will respond by sending unicast RREP transfer data from source to destination. The route will be
determined by each the node when the data arrives, based
(Route Reply) packet back to source node (Fig. 2, green
on the system state information that the node receives. At
the same time, it uses a sequence number of destination
When the source node receives the RREP packet, the or source to identify new routes as well as avoid repeat
route is established and it can start transmitting data. routing. It does not have a mechanism for storing routing
Beside the route discovery function, AODV also has information.
route maintenance procedures that use error packets, Although the reactive protocols use less resources,
RRER (Route Error) (Fig. 2, yellow line). energy savings and better support for the features of Ad-

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2018

hoc network architecture/organization such as: self- The route discovery process begins with the source
organizing, self-configuring and mobile. However, using node sending broadcast the pathfinder packets RREQ
AODV for the MANETs in 5G will require many (Route Request) with header modified (MinEnergy,
improvements to optimize network performance as well TotalEnergy, AODV RREQ Header). Then, these packets
as energy consumption. will be forwarded to the intermediate nodes to finally
reach the destination node.
IV. PROPOSED ROUTING PROTOCOL A different point from the traditional packet forwarding
method is that, at each intermediate node, when receiving
The main goal of the proposed routing protocol is to the RREQ packet, the intermediate node performs a
increase the network lifetime and improve the overall procedure, named Energy-check, and is described by the
performance of MANETs. The details of our protocol schema as shown in Fig. 4.
design will be provided in the next subsections. This schema has two main tasks, as follows:
A. Protocol Description (1) Determine the lowest remaining energy in the route
(2) Determine the total energy remaining in the route
Like AODV routing protocol, which has been
Finally, the destination node sends the RREP (Route
standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Reply) packet identifier with the modified header
Force) for the MANETs. AERP is an on-demand routing
(MinEnergy, TotalEnergy, AODV RREP Header) to the
protocol that operates on the principle that whenever a
source node. In this way, the source node receives all
data transfer is required, the source node will discover
candidate routes as shown in Fig. 5. The detail about
and find a route to the destination node.
routing mechanism of the protocol proposed is described
in Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Describe the calculation mechanism and route selection of the proposed routing protocol.

Received B. Routing Metrics

The first, we consider the main reason for energy
consumption. The energy consumed at a node due to the
No Update
following activities:
MinEnergy? - Transmit/receive packets: the node consumes a
certain amount of energy when each packet is
Yes transmitted or received;
Update No - Overhearing from the neighbor nodes: due to the
Destination Forward
node? RREQ
nature of radio waves, when a node transmits
information, it sends broadcasts to all nodes in the
Yes communication area. Receiving and processing
Final Energy-check unneeded packets will consume the energy of the

Fig. 4. Energy-check procedure

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2018

Our routing protocol uses two main parameters to emaining battery capacity of S and D nodes have value is
calculate the cost of a route as follows: 5/10.
- Remaining battery capacity of the node: the selected With the information about the cost of the route
routes will be ones that evolve richer energy nodes; obtained, using the costing function (Equation 2), the
- Hop count: choosing the route with the least hop AERP routing protocol will select route 3 with cost value
number and the most energy-efficient is the best AERP = 0.86, as shown in Table I.
way to save energy and to improve throughput.
Therefore, we propose the cost function to determine a TABLE I. THE CALCULATE AND DETERMINE AERP METRICS
route in a given MANET as follows:
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃+1 Route P+1 𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐴𝐸𝑅𝑃
𝐸𝑖 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
AERP = ∑(1 − ) (1)
𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 1 4 0.65 0.80 1.45

where: 2 5 0.38 0.50 0.88

3 5 0.36 0.50 0.86
𝐸𝑖 , is the remaining energy of node 𝑖;
4 5 0.56 0.60 1.16
𝐸max , is the initial energy of each node;
C. Modified the RREQ Packet Structure
𝑃, is the hop number that the packet needs to pass
from the source node to the destination node. According to our proposal, in the process of
E calculating the routing cost, the node must to obtained the
At a time T0 , Ei ≈ E𝑚𝑎𝑥 , therefore: (1 − i ) ≈ 0 ,
E𝑚𝑎𝑥 total remaining battery capacity of the route and the
AERP ≈ 0; until Tt , after a period of time operate, the lowest remaining battery capacity in the route. An
mobile node consumes energy, therefore, Ei ≪ E𝑚𝑎𝑥 , effective way is to insert this information into the header
≈ 0, AERP ≈ P. Thus, the value of AERP is in the of the RREQ packet. This technique has been proposed in
many recent studies [3], [7], [14], [15], which has the
range, AERP ∈ [0, P]. The variation of AERP depends on
advantage of not significantly increasing the packet size
the remaining battery capacity of the node in the route.
and affecting the overall performance of the entire
As the remaining battery capacity of the nodes
network. We extend the RREQ packet as shown in Fig. 6.
decreased, the value of the AERP function increases. As a
result, the route with the highest total remaining battery S 2/10 2/10 D
capacity will be selected. However, the Equation (1) is
limited: it can't be eliminated the route with the highest
S 5/10 8/10 8/10 D
total remaining battery capacity but contains the node has
energy is lowest (the node has the remaining battery
capacity near the threshold). S 6/10 8/10 8/10 D

To solve this issue: the total remaining battery capacity

of the entire route and the node has energy is lowest in S 4/10 9/10 9/10 D
the route. We propose to extend the equation 1 by adding
Fig. 5. An Illustrated candidate route after the discovery phase
the lowest remaining battery capacity parameter, as
follows: Type Reversed Last Hop 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑛
hop count
∑ (1− 𝑖 ) 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐸𝑗 RREQ ID
𝑖=1 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝐴𝐸𝑅𝑃 = ( ) + (1 − ( )) (2) Destination IP Address
𝑃+1 1≤𝑗≤𝑃 𝐸max

⏟ Destination Sequence Number
(𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦) Originator IP Address
(𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦)
Originator Sequence Number
There are two ways to explain the Equation (2). First, Residual Energy Field
we can see that the balance between the total energy of Fig. 6. RREQ structure when adding fields to store energy information
the route and the lowest remaining battery capacity in the
route. Second, it shows the relationship between the most V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
influential node with the nodes in the route. Put In this section, we set up a simulation on the NS2
parameter the lowest remaining battery capacity into the software to evaluate the performance of the MANET
equation can be seen as an attempt to balance these two according to the criteria presented in subsection 5.1. The
problems. Specific examples of how to calculate AERP protocols tested are: AODV, DSR and the protocol we
values with different values are shown in Fig. 5 and Table proposed in Section IV, called AERP.
Assume, there exist 4 routes between a pair of source A. Criteria for Performance Evaluation
nodes (S) and the destination node (D); each node has the We consider the performance of the protocol based on
remaining battery capacity as shown in Fig. 5. The the following criteria:

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2018

1) Packet Dilivery Ratio (PDR): defined as the ratio C. Simulation Results

percentage of packets received by the destination Fig. 6 shows the simulation result by the criterion:
node on the total number of packets sent from the Average residual energy of the node with the case has 30
source node. We use the average packet delivery end-to-end connections. The results show that the average
ratio, denoted is 𝑃𝐷𝑅, which is the ratio percentage residual energy of node in the AERP protocol is always
of the total number of packets received per total
higher than the AODV and DSR protocols and increases
packet sent during the entire process of performing a
at the end of the simulation. This is perfectly consistent
simulation and determined by the follows equation:
with theoretical calculations. Due improved, the AERP is
PDR = × 100% (3) not only based on the number of hop as AODV, but also
integrated the energy of the node is in the cost function.
2) Average residual energy of node: defined by the As a result, higher-energy total routes will be selected
total energy in the system/the total number of nodes and lifetime of nodes is longer. Therefore, the
at that time. Unit is Joules (J), as follows equation: performance of the network is significantly improved at
∑𝑛 𝑡 the end of the simulation and will be analyzed in detail in
𝑖=1 𝐸𝑖
Average residual energy(𝑡) = (4) the next section.

3) Network lifetime: the period of time from the

network operate until one of the first network nodes
is out of energy or more exactly, the node's energy
level decreases to the threshold. Unit is seconds (s).
Pr , is the total number of packets received by the
destination nodes in the entire simulation process
Ps , is the total number of packets sent by the source
node in the entire simulation process
𝐸𝑖𝑡 , is the energy of node 𝑖 at time 𝑡
n, is the number of mobile node of system
B. Setup Simulation
Our simulation system consists of 300 mobile nodes,
arranged randomly in an area of 2000 × 2000(m). We use
the IEEE 802.11 standard and the UDP traffic type. Fig. 6. The average residual energy of node with the case of 30 end-to-
end connections
Simulations performed in 350(s). The number of end-to-
end connections is: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40. The Initially, when nodes are full of energy, the route
simulation parameters are summarized in Table II. selection mechanism of AODV and AERP are basically
the same. When the node has about 20% of the original
energy level, the AERP can switch to another route,
Parameter Value unless it is the only route to reach the destination.
Simulation Time 350 s Simulation with cases different the number of end-to-end
connections have similar results. Due, in this study, we
Simulation Area 2000 m ×2000 m
present only a simulation result graph for the case of 30
Number of Nodes 300 end-to-end connections as Fig. 6.
MAC Layer 802.11

Traffic Type CBR

Bandwidth 2 Mbit/s

Size of Packets 512 byte

Transport Layer UDP

Mobility Model Random Way Point

Mobile Node Speed 2 m/s
Transmission Range 250 m
Initialization energy 7J
Transmission Power 1.2 W
Receive Power 0.25 W
Overhearing Power 0.01 W
Fig. 7. Evaluation performance on metric: Network Lifetime

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Journal of Communications Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2018

Fig. 7 shows the performance of the network based on called AERP. The AERP protocol uses a routing cost
metric: network lifetime and Fig. 8 shows network function that forces the shortest route selection
performance based on metric: average packet delivery mechanism and the highest total residual energy of the
ratio. Observing the results, we find that the network entire route for the purpose of restricting the use of the
lifetime and average packet delivery ratio of both route containing the node, which the remaining battery
protocols are decreasing as the number of end-to-end capacity is too low. The proposed routing protocol can
connections increases. However, the AERP protocol restrict the nodes out of energy, the simulation result
always shows better performance than the AODV and show, the AERP protocol improves the average resident
DSR protocols in both of case. Because, as the number of battery remaining of nodes, network lifetime as well as
connections increases, network traffic will increase, average packet delivery rates better than the AODV
which causes congestion. This is the main reason that the protocol. However, routing information security has not
average packet delivery rate and the lifetime of both yet been considered. In the future, we will focus on the
protocols are the downtrends. design of high-performance routing protocols in the
In Fig. 7, the lifetime of AERP is always higher than MANETs.
AODV. Due, AERP not only chooses route has the
smallest hop count, but also it is certainly the most ACKNOWLEDGMENT
energy-efficient route. This mechanism always helps
This research was supported by Center for Research
AERP to increase the lifetime of the network higher than
and Applications in Science and Technology, Hung Yen
the AODV protocol.
University of Technology and Education, under grant
number UTEHY.T029.P1718.01.

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Vu Khanh Quy was born in Hai Duong

Province, Viet Nam, in 1982. He
received the B.S. degree from Hung Yen
University of Technology and Education
(UTEHY), in 2007 and the M.Sc. degree
from Posts and Telecommunications
Institute of Technology (PTIT), in 2012.
He is currently a Ph.D. at
Telecommunication Faculty 1, PTIT. His
research interests include Wireless Communications, Mobile
Ad-hoc Computing and Next Generation Networks.

©2018 Journal of Communications 749

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