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Arithmetic Progression
1.The nth term of an AP is 6n +2 ,find the common difference.
2.If 8th term of an AP is 31 and the 15th term is 16 more than 11th term find AP. Ans
3.Which term of an AP 5,15,25,….. will be 130 more than its 31st term ? ans44
4.If the 10th term of an AP is 52 and 17th term is 20 more than 13th term find AP . ans
5.Which term of the sequence 20,19 ¼, 18 ½ ,17 ¾ …..is the first negative term? Ans 28
6.The sum of 5th term and 9th term of an AP is 72 and sum of 7th and 12th term is 97,Find AP
Ans 6,11,16,21……

7. The sum of three numbers in A.P is 27 and their product is 405,find the numbers. Ans
3,9,15 or 15,9,3

8.If m times the mth term of an AP is equal to n times its nth term then find (m+n)th term .
ans 0

9.In a flower bed there are 23 rose plants in the first row,twentyone in the second
row,nineteen in the third row and so on.There are five plants in the last row.How many rows
are there in the flower bed? Ans 10
10.The 17th term of an AP is 5 more than twice its 8th term.If the 11th term of the AP is 43
find nth term.
Ans 4n-1
11.The sum of three numbers in AP is -3 and their product is 8 find the numbers. Ans -4,-
1,2 or 2,-1,-4
12.If 2x,x+10,3x+2 are in AP find x. ans 6
13.Find the sum of first 20 terms of an AP in which 3rd term is 7 and 7th term is two more
than thrice of its 3rd term ans 740
14.The sum of first 6 terms of an AP is 42.The ratio of its 10th term to 30th term is 1:3
.Calculate the first and thirteenth term of AP. Ans 2,26
15.Find the sum of all natural numbers between 250 and 1000 which are divisible by 3? Ans
16.How many terms of the series 54,51,48……. be taken so that their sum is 513? Explain
the double answer. 18 or 19
17.If Sn = 5n²+3n then find its nth term. Ans 10n-2

18.In an AP ,the sum of first n terms is

19.200logs are stacked in the following manner: 20 logs in the bottom row,19 in the next
row, 18 in the next and so on. In how many rows 200 logs are placed and how many logs are
there in the top row.
Ans n=16,5
20.A factory produces 1200 units in the third year and 1400 units in the seventh year
.Assuming that the production increases uniformly by a fixed number every year ,find the
production in i) first year ii) 10th year iii) 8 years ans 1100,1550,10200
21.Find the sum of those integers between 1 and 500 which are multiples of 2 as well as 5.
Ans 12250
22. The 2nd and 45th term of an arithmetic progression are 10 and 96 respectively. Find the first term
and the common difference and hence find the sum of the first 15 terms. Ans 330
23. If the 3rd and 9 terms of an AP are 4 and -8 respectively. Which term of this AP

is zero? n =5
24. How many three digit numbers are divisible by 7? Ans 128
25.Find the 12th term from the end of AP -2,-4, -6, ……………-100. Ans -78

Prove the following



3.√ = sec





8.(cosecA -sinA) (secA – cosA) =




12.If sin

13.If sec = sin

14.Prove that

16.(cosA-coseA)² + (sinA -secA)² = (1-secA cosecA)²

17.( )( )


19.tan²A -tan²B =


21.Prove the following identity sec / sec −1 + sec /sec +1 = 2cosec²A

Heights and Distances

1.A person standing on the bank of a river,observes that the angle subtended by a tree on the
opposite bank is 60.When he retreats 20m from the bank,he finds the angle to be 30.Find the
height of the tree and breadth of the river. Ans 17.32m,10m
2.Two pillars of equal height and on either side of a road ,which is 100m wide.The angles of
elevation of the top of the pillars are 60 and 30 at a point on the road between the pillars.Find
the position of the point between the pillars and height of each pillar. Ans25m
3.The angles of depression of the top and bottom of 8m tall building from the top of a
multistoried building are 30 and 45 resp.Find the height of the multistoried building and the
distance between the two buildings. Ans 18.928m
4.A vertical tower stands on a horizontal plane and is surmounted by a vertical flagstaff.At a
point on the plane 70m away from the tower,an observer notices that the angles of elevation
of the top and bottom of the flag staff are respectively 60 and 45 .Find the height of the flag
staff and that of the tower. Ans51.24m,70m
5.As observed from the top of a 75m tall light house ,the angles of depression of two ships
are 30 and 45 respectively.If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same side of the light
house find the distance between two ships. Ans 54.9m
6.From the top of a cliff, a man observes a car moving on the road beneath him.If it takes 40
seconds for the angle of depression to change from 30 to 60 find the time taken to reach the
base of the cliff. Ans 20 sec
7.A vertical pole and a vertical tower are on the same level ground.From the top of the
pole,the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 60 ad the angle of depression of the foot
of the tower is 30.Find the height of the tower if the height of the pole is 20m. ans
Linear Inequations
1.Solve the following inequations and represent on the number line

4x-19 ans -4

2. ans -3

Solve and represent on number line


2.-2 3.

4.Given :
A= {x: 11x-5>7x+3,x
B= { x: 18x-9
Find the range of set A

5.If x .Also represent the solution on number line .

ans x

Quadratic equations and Word Problems

1.Find the values of k for which the roots are real and equal

i) 4x²-3kx +1=0 ans

ii)kx² +kx +1 = -4x² -x ans5,-3

iii)x² -2kx +7k -12 = 0 ans4,3
iv)x²- 2(k+1)x + k² = 0 ans -1/2
v)(k+1)x² - 2 (k-1)x + 1=0 ans 0,3
2.Find the value of k for which kx² +6x + 1=0 has real roots. Ans k
3. Solve 3x²-x-7 =0 give your answer correct to two decimal places. Ans 1.70,-1.37
4.If -5 is a root of the quadratic equation 2x²+px-15 = 0 and the quadratic equation p(x²+x)+k
=0 has equal roots find k
5.The sum of squares to two consecutive multiples of 7 is 637.find the multiples
Ans 14,21
6.The difference of two numbers is 5 and the difference of their reciprocals is 1/10 find the
numbers. Ans 10,5
7.The sum of squares of two consecutive odd numbers is 394.find the numbers. Ans 13,15
8.If the price of the book is reduced by Rs5 , a person can buy 5 more books for Rs 300.Find
the original price of the book. Ans Rs 20
9.A journey of 192km from a town A to town B takes 120 minutes more by an ordinary
passenger train than a super fast train.If the speed of the faster train is 16km/hr more ,find the
speed of the faster and the passenger train . ans32,48
10.The difference of squares of two numbers is 180.The square of the smaller number is 8
times the larger number find two numbers. Ans 18,12 or 18,-12
11. A two digit number is such that the product of its digits is 12.When 36 is added to this
number ,the digits interchanged their places.find the number.
12.Solve and give your answer to 3 significant figures ; (x-3)² + 3x -15 =0 ans

13.Solve using quadratic formula and correct to 2 decimal places : x -

14. In an auditorium ,the number of rows was equal to the number of seats in each row.If the
number of rows is doubled and the number of seats in each row is reduced by 5,then the total
number of seats is increased by 375.How many rows were there? Ans 25
15.A car covers a distance of 400km at a certain speed.Had the speed been 12km/hr more,the
time taken for the journey would have been 1 hour 40 minutes less.Find the original speed of
the car.
Ans 48km/hr
16.A school bus transported an excursion party to a picnic spot 150km away..While
returning ,it was raining and the bus had to reduce its speed by 5km /hr and it took one
hour longer to make the return trip.Find the time taken to return. Ans 6hrs 9.A trader buys
x articles for a total cost of Rs 600

i) write down the cost of one article

ii)if the cost per article were Rs 5more ,the number of articles that can be bought for Rs 600
would be four less. Write down the equation in x for above situation and solve it to find x

17.A piece of cloth costs Rs 300.If the piece was 5 metre longer and each meter of cloth costs
Rs 2 less,the cost of the piece would have remained unchanged.How long is the original piece
of cloth and what is the rate per metre? Ans 25m, Rs 12
18.A farmer wishes to grow a 100m² rectangular garden.Since he has with him only 30m
barbed wire,he fences three sides of the rectangular garden letting compound wall of his
house act as the fourth side fence.Find the dimensions of his garden. Ans 20m x 5m,
10m x 10m
19.Forty years hence, Mr Pratap’s age will be the square of what it was 32 years ago.Find his
present age . ans41yrs
20..The speed of the boat in still water is 15km/hr.It can go 30km upstream and return
downstream to the original point in 4 hrs 30 minutes.Find the speed of stream. Ans
Ratio and proportion

1 .If

2.If ( )

3.If a,b,c,d are in continued proportion,prove that

√ √ √ √

4.Using properties of proportion ,solve for x if = 17/8

√ √
5.Find x ,
√ √

6.If b is the mean proportional between a and c prove that

7. Find two numbers such that the mean proportional to them is 12 and third proportional is
96 ans 6,24

8.If a:b :: c:d then prove that

9.If p,q r are in continued proportion then prove that (pqr)²( )

10.Given that

11.If 7x – 15y = 4x +y find the value of x:y .Hence use componendo and dividend to find the
values of ans 131/125
12.If ans 5/3 ,76/49

13.If prove that x/a = y/b

√ √
14.If y= then find the value of x. ans 2ay/y²+1
√ √

Matrices, Factor and Remainder Theorem

1) If * +* + [ ] find the value of x and y.

2.Given ; * + [ ] find the order of matrix M ii) The Matrix M

3.Given A = * + * + find A² - AB + B

4. Using the remainder theorem factorise completely 3x³ + 2x² - 19 x + 6

5.The polynomials ax³ - 7x² + 7x – 2 and x³ - 2ax² +8x – 8 when divided b x – 2 leave the
same remainder.Find the value of a. (2)
6.What number to be added to 2x³ - 3x² - 8x so that the resulting polynomial leaves the
remainder 10 when divided by 2x + 1. (7)
7.Find the remainder on dividing 3x³ + 5x² - 11x – 4 by 3x + 1. ( 1/9)
8.When x³ + 3x² - kx + 4 is divided b x-2 the remainder is k.Find the value of the constant k.
9.Show that (x+3) is a factor of 2x² -x-21 .hence factorise 2x² - x- 21. Ans (x+3) (2x-7)
10.Given that x+2 and x + 3 are factors of 2x³ + ax² + 7x – b .determine the values of a and b.
11.If 2x³ + ax² + bx – 2 has a factor (x+2) and leaves a remainder 7 when divided by 2x- 3
find the values of a and b.Hence factorise the polynomial completely. (ans 3,-3)

12.Find the values of x,y, a and b when [ ] * +

13.If A = * + * + find a matrix X such that X + A = B

14.If * + * + find the matrix M.

15.Find x and y if [ ]* + * +

16.Find x and y if * +* + * + [ ]

17.If A = * + evaluate A² - 4A
18.Let A = * + * + and C = * +Find A² - A + BC

19.If A = * + show that A² - 6A + 9I where I is the identity matrix of order 2

20.Find a matrix A such that A .* + * +

21.Let M be the matrix such that M × * + [ ]

State the order of M and ii) find M (ans 1x2,[ ]

22.Given * + * + Write down i) the order of the matrix X ii) the matrix X

23.Given A = * + * + * +and BA = C² find the values of p and q.

24.Evaluate * +* + ans * +

25.For what value of ‘ a’ the polynomial g(x) is a factor of f(x) = x³ - 2x² +ax – 3a ,
g(x) = 2x² - 3x ans a =0
26.Without actual division prove that (x-2) ,(x+7) are the factors of x³ +2x² - 29x + 42.
1.Mrs Goswami deposits Rs 1000 every month in a recurring deposit for 3 years at 8% per
annum.Find the matured value. Ans 40440
2.Shipa has a 4 year recurring deposit account in Bank of Maharashtra and deposits Rs 800
per month .If she gets Rs 48200 at the time of maturity find
i) the rate of interest ii) total interest earned by Shilpa ans 12.5% ,9800
3.Mr Chaturvedi has a recurring deposit in Grindlays Bank for 4 ½ years at 11% p.a simple
interest .If he gets Rs 101418.75 at the time of maturity find the monthly instalment . ans
4.Mrs Mehta has a recurring deposit account in a bank for 4 years at 10% p.a .She gets Rs
6370 as interest on maturity find the monthly instalment ii) maturity amount ans 650,37570
Midpoint and Section Formula, Equation of lines
1.AB is a diameter of a circle with centre C= (-2,5).If A= (3,-7) find the length of radius AC
b) the co ordinates of B
2.A point P divides the line segment AB in the ratio 2:3 .If the coordinates of A and B are
(2,1) and (-3,6) respectively,find if P lies on the line 3x+7y = 21 ans P(0,3)
3.Wihtout using distance formula,show that the points A(4,-2) ,B(-4,4) and C(10,6) are the
vertices of right triangle.
4.Find the equation of a line which passes through (5,4) and makes an angle of 60 with the
positive direction of x axis. Ansy=√ √
5.The equation of a line is 2x+3y-7=0 Find the slope of a line
ii) equation of a line perpendicular to the given line and passing through the intersection of
the lines x-y+2 = 0 and 3x+y-10=0 ans -2/3, 3x-2y =-2
6.The coordinates of the vertices of triangle PQR are P(7,4) ,Q(5,-9) and R(-1,-1) Find the
equation of the altitude through P. ans 3x-4y=5
7.The coordinates of two points A and B are (1,6) and (-1,-6) Find
i) equation of AB ii) the coordinates of the point where the line AB intersects the y axis.
Ans y-6x=0,(0,0)
8.A(1,4) ,B(3,2) and C(7,5) are the vertices of a triangle ABC. Find
i) the coordinates of the centroid G of triangle ABC
ii) equation of a line ,through G parallel to AB ans (11/3,11/3) ,3x+3y =22
9.Find the value of k if the lines kx-5y+4=0 and 4x-2y+5 = 0 are perpendicular to each other.
Ans -5/2
10.If x-2y+k=0 is a median of the triangle whose vertices are A(-1,3),B(0,4) and C(-5,2) then
find the value of k. ans k= 3/4
11.In what ratio does the point (-4,6) divide the line segment joining the points A(-6,10) and
B(3,-8)? Ans 2:7
12.Find the equation of right bisector of the line segment joining the points A(3,-4) and B(5,-
6) ans x-y-9=0
13.Show that the points P (a,b+c) ,Q (b,c+a) and R (c,a+b) are collinear.
14.A (5,4) ,B (-3,-2) and C (1,-8) are the vertices of a triangle ABC .Find
i) the slope of the altitude of AB ii) slope of median AD iii) slope of the line parallel
to AC
15.Find the equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines 5x-8y
+23=0 and 7x+6y – 71 = 0 and perpendicular to the line 4x-2y = 3
Ans (5,6) and 2y+x-17=0
16.Find the equation of the perpendicular from the point P (1,-2) on the line 4x-3y -5 =0
.Also ,find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular. Ans (1/5,-7/5);3x=4y +5=0
17.ABCD is a parallelogram where A (x,y) ,B (5,8),C (4,7) and D (2,-4) find the coordinates
of A ii) equation of diagonal BD Ans (3,3),y= 4x-12
18.Find the points of intersection of the lines 4x+3y = 1 and 3x-y+9=0.If this point lies on the
(2k-1)x – 2y = 4 ,find the value of k .Ans -2
19.Find the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1,-2) on the line 2x-y+1=0
Ans (-1,-1)
20.The line 4x-3y+12=0 meets X axis at A .write down the coordinates of A
ii) determine the equation of the line through A and perpendicular to 4x-3y+12=0
21.Write down the equation of the line whose gradient is 3/2 and which passes through P
where P divides the line segment joining A (-2,6) and B (3,-4) in the ratio 2:3.
Ans 2y=3x +4
22.Show that P (3,m-5) is a point of trisection of the line segment joining the pointsA(4,-2)
and B (1,4).Hence find the value of ‘m’ ans 5
23.The line segment joining A (2,3) and B(6,5-) is intercepted by the x axis at the point
K.Write down the ordinate of the point K.Hence find the ratio in which K divides AB.
Also find the coordinates of the point K . ans : 0, Ratio 3:5,(7/2,0)
24.The midpoint of the line segment joining (2a,4) and (-2,2b) is (1,2a+1) .Find the values of
a and b.
Ans a=2,b=3
25.ABC is a triangle and G(4,3) is the centroid of the triangle. If A= (1,3) B=(4,b) and C (a,1)
find a and b.Find the length of side BC. Ans a=7,b=5 ,5 units.
26.A line segment joining A(-1,5/3) and B (a,5) is divided in the ratio 1:3 at P ,the point
where the line segment AB intersects the y axis. Calculate the value of a ii) coordinates of P
ans a=3 , P(0,5/2)
27.The points (k,3),(2,-4) and (-k+1,-2) are collinear.find k ans -1/3
28.The equation of a line is 3x-4y+12 = 0.It meets the x axis at point A and y axis at point
i) coordinates of points A and B
ii) length of intercept AB, cut by the line within the coordinate axes. Ans A(-4,0) B(0,3)
AB =5
29.ABCD is a rhombus.The coordinates of A and C are (3,6) and (-1,2) resp.Write down the
equation of BD. Ans x+y=5
1. An integer is chosen at random from 1 to 50. Find the probability that the
number is:
(i) divisible by 5
(ii) a perfect cube
(iii) a prime number.
2.A fair dice is rolled. Find the probability of getting
(i) 3 on the face of the dice
(ii) an odd number on the face of the dice
(iii) a number greater than 1 on the face of the dice
3.One card is drawn at random from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards.What probability that
the card drawn is i) an ace card ii) a queen iii) a red jack iv)a
black king v)10 of red suit.
4.From a pack of 52 playing cards face cards of clubs are removed and then well
shuffled.From the remaining cards a card is chosen at random .Find the probability of getting
a) a face card b) a black card c) a club
5.A bag contains 8 green balls and some red balls .If the probability of drawing a red ball is
half that of green ball then find the number of red balls in the bag.
6.A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 12 white,16 red and 20 green balls.
Determine the probability that the ball drawn is i) white ii) red iii)not green iv)
red or white
7.A card is drawn from a pack of cards numbered from 1 to 100.Find the probability of
drawing a number which is a perfect square. Ans 1/10
8.Albert chooses a card at random from these shown below:

What is the probability that the card is i) M ii) A or E iii) U

9.The die is thrown once.What is the probability of getting
i)A positive integer ii)an integer greater than -3 iii) smallest integer.
10.From a pack of 52 cards all cards whose numbers are multiples of 3 are removed. A card
is drawn at random. What is the probability that the card drawn is
i) a face card ii) an even numbered red card? Ans3/10, 1/5
11.Cards marked with the numbers 2 to 101 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly .One
card is drawn from this box.Find the probability that the number on the card is
i) an even number ii) a number less than 14 iii) a number which is perfect square iv) a
prime number less than 20 ans ½ ,3/25,9/100,2/25
12.A box contains cards numbered 3,5,7,9….35,37.A card is drawn at random from the
box.Find the probability that the number on the drawn card is a prime number. Ans 5/9
13.Cards marked with numbers 13,14,15……60 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly
.One card is drawn at random from the box. Find the probability that number on the card
drawn is i) divisible by 5 ii) a number is a perfect square. Ans 5/24 ,1/16
14.From a pack of 52 playing cards Jacks,Queens ,kings and Aces of red colour are
removed.From the remaining a card is drawn at random.Find the probability that the card
drawn is i) a black queen
ii) a red card iii) a black jack iv) picture card ans1/22 ,9/22,1/22,3/22
15.Find the probability that a number selected from the number 1 to 25 is not a prime number
when each of the given numbers is equally likely to be selected. Ans 16/25

1.A shopkeeper buys an article whose printed price is Rs 4000 from a wholesaler at a
discount of 20% and sells it to a customer at the printed price.If the sales are intrastate and
the rate of GST is 12% find
i) the price of the article inclusive of GST at which shopkeeper bought it.
ii)the amount of tax under GST paid by the shopkeeper to the state government.
iii)the amount of tax (under GST) received by central government.
iv)Amount which the consumer pays for the article. Ans 3584,48,240,4480
2.A retailer buys a TV from a manufacturer for Rs 25000.He marks the price of the TV 20%
above his cost price and sells it to a consumer at 10% discount on the marked price.If the
sales are intrastate and rate of GST is 12% find :
i) marked price of the TV
ii) consumer’s cost price of TV inclusive of tax (under GST)
iii)GST paid by the retailer to the central and state governments.
Ans 30000,30240,120,120
3.Ms Chawla goes to a shop to buy a leather coat which costs Rs 885 .The rate of GST is
18%.She tells the shopkeeper to reduce the price such an extent that she has to pay Rs 885
inclusive of GST. Find the reduction needed in the price of the coat. Ans 135.
4.A shopkeeper sells an article at the listed price of Rs 1500.The rate of GST on the article is
18%.If the sales are intrastate and the shopkeeper pays a tax (under GST) of Rs 27 to the
central Government,find the amount inclusive of tax at which the shopkeeper purchased the
article from the wholesaler. Ans 1416.


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