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The Teeny Tiny Ghost

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The Teeny Tiny

by Kay Winters
illustrated by Lynn Munsinger

The Teeny Tiny

by Kay Winters
illustrated by Lynn Munsinger

New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney

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ISBN 0-590-96698-7
Text copyright C 1997 by Kay Winters. Illustrations copyright O 1997 by Lynn Munsinger. All rights reserved.
Published by Scholastic Inc.. 555 Broadway, New York. NY 10012. by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers.
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First Scholastic printing. September 1998
Typography by Elynn Cohen
>w/nce there was a timid

teeny tiny ghost.

He lived in a teeny tiny house

ith two teeny tiny black cats.


The teeny tiny ghost

went to Teeny Tiny School.

He learned his

teeny tiny alphabet,

shivered at spooky stories,

and heard about Halloween.

He had never been out on that night,

but it sounded very scary.

Each day after school

the teeny tiny ghost

tried to do his homework.

"Haunting is very hard,"

he told his teeny tiny black cats.

They sat on the windowsill to watch.

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First he 6oooooed,
then he whooooocd,

till he made the rafters rumble

and he had to hide his teeny tiny head.

Then he howwwwwkd
and he yeowwwwwkd
till the echoes came a-calling
and he had to hide his teenv tinv head.

"I'll never learn,"

wailed the teenv tinv ghost.

Tm so timid, I scare mvself


And a teenv tinv tear

slid down his cheek.

His teenv tinv cats

climbed on his lap,

licked his teenv tinv face,

and purrrcd their teeny tinv purrs.

On Halloween night some eerie yellow lights
bobbed by the house of the teeny tiny ghost.
"What's that?" he said,

holding his cats close.

And his teeny tiny heart

beat bumpety-bump.

Then he heard RAP TAP TAP

on his teeny tiny door.
"Whoooos there?"
called the teeny tiny ghost.
"Let us in," cried the voices,

and they sounded very big.


The teeny tiny ghost

looked around.
Could he hide?
He slipped inside the

grandfather clock.

But he shivered and shook

till he made the clock chime

BING . . . BONG . .

BING . . . BONG . . .BING.

The teeny tiny ghost

thought his head would explode.

He undid the latch and escaped.

came the knocking
on his teeny tiny door.

"Let us in!" cried the voices,

and they sounded very loud!

The teeny tiny cats

mewwwcd and meowwwcd.

"Don't be afraid,"

said the teeny tiny ghost.

"I wont run away.

I'll keep you safe.

We have to be

very very brave."

The teeny tiny ghost

took a long large breath.

He hufffcd
and he pufffed

till he felt very big.

He 6oooed,
and he whooocd,

till he felt very bold.

He howwwwwkd,
then he yeowwwwwlcd,
and he sounded very loud.
Then he heard hands clapping,

and he heard voices cheering,

"Bravo! for the teeny tiny ghost/

"It's Halloween! Trick or treat!"

cried the ghosts from his school,

and they pranced about

in costumes and masks.

His best friend, Gilbert,

wore a blue sailor suit.

He tooted tiny tunes

on a teeny tiny horn.

His teeny tiny teacher
had a hat and cape.

'You can be a magician

with your teeny tiny cats!

Then the teeny tiny ghost

and his teeny tiny friends

sailed up the street on parade.

They tapped on teeny windows,
they rapped on tiny doors,

while jack-o'-lanterns smiled

in the bat-black night.

tiny cats:


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