Week 2 World Religion Answer Sheet

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Name: Rada, Karl Hendricks B. Date: 10/17/20

Grade & Section: 12 – Efficiency Teacher: Mrs. Estella Marie Oclares


1. How important is the role of Abraham in the development of monotheistic religion

Abraham is one of the most prominent figures in the monotheistic religion in the west. The three major
monotheistic religions are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity that is consider as the Abrahamic religions. Abraham
is known as the first person to spread the view that there is only one “God Most High” as his family and other
people from the west presume that there is more than one. With his teachings, it led to the creation of the three
major monotheistic religion. Abraham’s patriarchal image is a primary character in these religions as the society
before was predominated by men. He becomes the epitome of faith and devotion as based on primary sources
as he followed all of God’s commandments to him. His lineage becomes fundamental in propagating the
monotheistic belief that creates different perceptions and views on what is God and how to worship him. With
this, Abraham has a significant role in the development of monotheistic religion.

2. How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia, in the Indian subcontinent
and in China?

Geography has a significant function in religious events and expansion. It demonstrates how religion is
expressed on the Earth, its connection with the topography and environment of the territory. In the monotheistic
religions in West Asia, mountainous terrains played a primary role in their beliefs and traditions. They consider
that through these high places, God manifests himself to the people of the land, and it is the only place where
they can communicate as it is the closest part where humans can reach the sky that they believe God lives. In
Christianity, it played a significant role in how God gave his commandment to the people. On the other side, the
Indian subcontinent has a tropical environment and has vast rivers. These characteristics of the region have a
connection with various beliefs of different religions that occurred in the area. In Hinduism, they referred to the
Ganges river as a holy place as they believe it is pure and can cleanse their soul. The connection between
geography and religions in the eastern end is similar to the Indian subcontinent. Through nature, they saw the
relationship of them with their gods and on what principle they must depend. The eastern end’s geography also
affects the expansion of these religions in the region. Thus, we can conclude that geography has an impact on
the various beliefs and events in different religions in the world.

3. What are the major points of difference between dharmic religions and Abrahamic religions?

The difference between Dharmic religions and Abrahamic religions is their perception of the supreme beings and
understanding of life and the universe. Abrahamic religions believe that there is one God that created the world.
While in dharmic religions, there are people who believe in various gods and goddesses that have distinct roles,
some consider their ancestors are the one that guides them, and, other people do not believe in any supreme
beings. The traditions and faith of Abrahamic religions focus more on worshipping God and his characteristics.
In dharmic religions, they concentrate more on living righteous and being one with nature.

Activity 1: Origin of the World Religion

1. Time of Abraham, the patriarchal of Israel 2000 BCE
2. Time of Moses, the Hebrew leader of Exodus. 1200 BCE
3. Hindus compiled their holy texts, the Vedas. 1100-500 BCE
4. Time of Buddha, founder of Buddhism. 563-83 CE
5. Time of Confucius, Founder of Confucianism. 551-479 BCE
6. The Hindu book, Bhagavad Gita, was written. 200 BCE
7. Time of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and founder of Christianity. 2 to 4 BCE
8. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 32 BCE
9. The New Testament was written by the followers of Jesus Christ. 40-90 BCE
10. Beginnings of Shintoism (no known founder). 100 CE
11. Time of Lao Tze, founder of Daoism. 500-580 CE
12. Time of Muhammad, who recorded the Quran as the basis of Islam. 570-632 CE

1. Why is Abraham important to the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

Abraham is one of the religious figures that is viewed differently by the three major religions in the world: Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. The commonality between the three religions is they believe that Abraham receives
revelations and graces from God and that he makes Abraham the Father of All Nations due to his obedience
and submission to God. However, they contradict each other when it comes to his religion and his lineage.
Muslims say that Abraham or Ibrahim in Islam is the prototype figure of a Muslim or the one who submits, and
his son Ishmael from Hagar is the one that will expand the teachings of them. Jews disprove Muslims
presumption as they believe that Abraham is the first Jew, and he receives the covenant from God, and his son
Isaac from Sarah is the one that was favored by God, which Christians seconded. Abraham turns into the Father
of All Nations that God has promised him as he becomes the basis of the occurrence of these religions.

2. How can we compare the nature of religion based on their historical foundation?

All religion starts in a different timeline and places, and we can say that it affects why they are distinct from one
another. Hinduism takes root in the Indus river valley in 3000 BCE, and it expands to South Asia. After many
years, Abraham was born, and Judaism has created that spread throughout Israel. The establishment of the two
religion takes place in two different civilizations and times. We can say that the nature of religion relies on the
environment where it occurs and the time when it takes place.

3. How is religion affected by geography and culture?

Geography and culture are some of the aspects that affect various religions in their beliefs and traditions. We
can also say that geography and culture is the one that helps create religion. But how are they connected or
affected by each other? According to Oxford Dictionary, geography is the study of the physical features of the
earth and its atmosphere and human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of
populations and resources, land use, and industries. And culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and
achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social groups. Our beliefs and cultures can be affected by
the place we are dwelling in, as it is the source of our needs and resources for our daily lives. As the area is
significant in our lives, we tend to give interpretations and connect them to our beliefs. In dharmic religions like

Hinduism, they associate the environment with their gods and goddesses they have, like the river Ganges.
Hindus link the river to a goddess named Ganga, which symbolizes Purity. As the river has a characteristic of
cleanliness in ancient times, they perceive it as a gift from the goddess and that the water in the river will help
them cleanse their soul. As a result, Hindus consider the river as a holy site. Culture can also influence religion
in its view about supreme beings. In China, practicing respect towards your parents and ancestors is an
obligation, and Confucianism adopts it. It became a norm in their religion that they must observe ancestral
worship or filial piety. These are just some situations where geography and culture can influence religion’s belief
as almost all the existing religions have been affected by it.

Activity 2: Holy Mountain Challenge

Holy Location Significance

Mount 2. Noah’s Ark landing place as stated in
Ararat 1. Eastern part of Turkey
the book of genesis

Mount Sinai 4. Where the Ten Commandments was

3. Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
received by Moses

Mount Zion 5. Israel (Jerusalem) 6. The city of David and temple mount

7. Israel 8. The site of Transfiguration of Jesus


1. Why is Mountains important in the bible?

Many events in the bible happened in the mountain. Like, the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses, Jesus
temptation from the devil, and his Transfiguration. And that shows how it is significant in Christianity. Early
Christians symbolized mountains as a place that is close to God due to its elevation from the land. It also
considers the distance of it from the sky, which they perceive as heaven. God also communicates with his people
in these mountains. These mountains become essential in the bible because of the occasions that happened in
2. Why is Jerusalem known as the city of David and Temple Mount?

In the Bible and some primary sources, it said that David conquers the Jebus which, is the former name of
Jerusalem that is inhabited by the Philistines. And he names it to himself and thus, becomes the City of David.
Bible Historians also said that the City of David is bound within the Temple Mount and not the whole of Jerusalem.
The Temple Mount is the place where David built his house above the elevated part of the City’s highlands, and
as he brought the ark of the covenant, put it in a tent. When Solomon, son of David, succeeded the throne, he
decided to create a temple on it for the covenant.

3. What is the significance of the Temple Mount for Christianity?

Some events happened in the Temple Mount or also called Mount Moriah. Christians believe that it is a place
where Abraham sacrifices his son Isaac, where David built his house and his son Solomon build the first temple.
They consider it as the Presentation of Jesus as a baby, his criticisms towards the hypocrisy of Scribes and
Pharisees, and the proclamation of Himself the Messiah takes place. As Jesus walked within this land, and
Christians considered him as God, it is a place that is important in Christian beliefs.

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