Course Project 2020-21

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EDME2204 Discrete Mathematics

Course Project 2020-21
The Course project consists of two counting problems. This year, our problems are very
interesting. In the past, we have had counting problem involving primes, triangle numbers and
paths. Invariably, you would have to use a computer program to find the solution. There is no
requirement for any programming language and the choice is up to you. I recommend Python in
any case if you chose to go that route.

You can start working on your project from the very first week of the course. You may
need to revise some earlier work you had done in other courses such as modulo arithmetic, and
you may also need to get comfortable with Python and its development environment. So, I do
recommend that you start early.

The first problem deals with houses on a long street in Belgium, and the second deals
with eggs in a basket. You may be able to deal with these problems without using a computer
programming language but you are free to offer your ingenious solutions. In our second problem,
we are going to vary a bit and use an application package to find a solution. Of course, you are
free to provide a solution by any other means but the method you use must be clear. Also, this
year, you are going to make up one of the problems yourself. If you follow the
recommendations, you will be required to upload the Excel file apart from your report.

Each problem is worth 50. The course project is calculated so that the percentage
contribution to the course mark is 10%. The upload folder will allow three upload files: report,
excel workbook, and computer program for Problem 1 (if required). Also, the project must be
finished and uploaded by April 11. You will not be able to upload later than this date.

Problem 1. Houses on my street

This problem is set in the Belgian town of Louvain.

There is a man who lives on a long street, numbered on his side one, two three, four and so on,

and that all the numbers on one side of him added up exactly the same as the numbers on the

other side of him.

We have a trivial solution for x = 1:

If there are 8 houses, we have…

These are solutions but he said that he knew that there were more than 50 houses on his street so

this is not the solution we are looking for. How many houses are there on the street and what is

the number of the house the man lives in? Note: The problem has an infinite number of solutions

so just quote the smallest number in the range required.

Your marks will be allocated for:

 Mathematical conceptualisation/formulation of the problem [20]

 Computational method [20]

o Program code [10]

o Checking functionality for known solutions [3, 3]

o Computational accuracy of solution [4]

 Other Solution (algebraic) [20]

 Accuracy of solutions and presentation. [10]

Remember, we need the number of houses on the street and the number of the house the man

lives in.

You may offer an algebraic solution, or develop a computer program in your favourite language

to compute the answer. If you do use a computer program, it would need to be properly

developed and tested and you would need to upload the program code so that the solution can be


Problem2. Eggs in a basket

This is a very peculiar counting problem. Basically, we want to solve:

It is an application of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. The workings of the method can

be seen in this video (Use CTRL-click): Chinese Remainder Theorem - YouTube

You are not expected to present the theory. Of course, if you want to, feel free but please

make sure that what you write, you understand. If any errors are encountered they will go against

your mark for that section.


Follow through and see that the correct answer is indeed generated by the method. Show

all steps in the method.

Problem 2.1 [10]

A bag has a certain number of pens. If you take out three pens at a time, 2 pens are left. If

you take 4 pens at a time 1 is left, and if you take 5 pens at a time 3 pens are left in the bag. What

is the smallest number of pens in the bag?

Use the template provided to return an answer. Make a copy of the worksheet labelled

Problem 1 on which to input your data for this problem. Once the answer is produced,

PrintScreen the worksheet to paste it in the report you submit. You must also submit the Excel

workbook with this problem solution as a worksheet named “Problem 2.1” as shown in the

illustration above.

Problem 2.2

Now, we shall turn to the woman with the basket. Here is the problem again:

Adjust the template to deal with the problem of the woman and the eggs in the basket.

Remember that we can insert extra rows by right-clicking on the row heading. You will need to

make sure that the correct formulae are being inserted with the new template.

a) Formulate the problem in terms of the mod equations. [5]

b) Simplify (combine) equations if possible. [5]

c) Solve it using the template. [5]

d) Check your result using whatever means you prefer. [10]

Your Excel workbook will now have a third worksheet named “Problem 2” on which the

solution will be presented.

Provide all the necessary Print Screens so that your solution can be verified.

Problem 2.3

Finally, create a problem of your own which can be solved using this method and provide

the solution with the checked answer. [10]

Your Excel workbook will now have yet another worksheet named “Problem 2.3” on

which the solution to this problem is presented. Remember that your problem will have to be

well stated and conceptualised in mathematical terms so that the solution can apply.

You will also need to check your solution using another method as explained above.


Don’t forget to save your Excel file which can be uploaded with the Project document. The

DropBox permits you to upload three files at most. This includes the project document (use the

project template provided) and the accompanying files.



Epp, S. (1998) Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 2nd ed. Brooks/Cole

Grange, J. (2011). APA Formatting 6th Edition in MS Word. [YouTube]. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018) Owl Purdue Writing Lab. Retrieved from

Appendix: Marking Rubric for Course Project

Statement of Problem A short synopsis of the problem A fair statement of the problem Poor unclear statement of
which shows that the student but without any clear idea of problem with no effort to
understands the requirements. what is required. understand what the solution
5 requires.
5-4 3-2 1-0
Approach to Solving Proving a brief but excellent Proving a satisfactory Proving a poor (or no)
problem mathematical justification for mathematical justification for mathematical justification
the approach used to solve the the approach used to solve the for the approach used to
problem. problem. solve the problem.
10 10-7 6-4 3-0
Algorithm/Pseudocode Provides a brief but excellent Provides a clear description of Provides an unclear
and clear description of an an algorithm with pseudocode/ description or none at all of
algorithm with pseudocode/ flowcharts for solving the an algorithm with
10 flowcharts for solving the problem. pseudocode/ flowcharts for
problem. A dry-run is done on solving the problem.
the algorithm and produces
acceptable results.
10-7 3-0
Dry Run A dry-run is done on the A dry run of sorts is evident. Unsatisfactory or no dry run
algorithm which tests its 3-2 evident.
5 correctness. 1-0
Code Properly documented correct Fair code with some user Poor code without any
code for solving the problem documentation. The code may documentation. No proof
20 with testing. be in error and there is no test that the code actually works
run. or produces the result
20-16 15-11 10-0
Testing Comprehensive testing of the Some testing of the solution. Unsatisfactory or no testing
Solution 6-4 of solution.
10 10-7 3-0
Output Results Provides a table of output Provides a table of output Some output provides but
results which point to a correct results which are incorrect. presented in an unorganized
10 solution of the problem. manner and not relevant.

10-7 6-3 2-0

Conclusion Providing an excellent Providing a fair conclusion Providing a poor conclusion
conclusion highlighting the highlighting the results highlighting the results
results obtained and obtained and commenting on obtained and commenting on
20 commenting on the accuracy the accuracy with some idea of the accuracy.
including an idea of the an estimated correct answer.
estimate answer from a
different source or using a
different method. 15-10
20-16 9-0
Mechanics of Writing Use of the required format Use of the required format Use of the required format
citing at least three valid citing at least two valid citing one or no valid
references for the problem. The references for the problem. The references for the problem.
10 paper is presented in a clear, paper is presented in a The paper is presented in an
neat format with logical flow of satisfactory format with logical unclear format with poor
ideas and perfect grammar. The flow of ideas and with some logical flow of ideas and
paper follows APA guidelines. grammatical errors. The paper many grammatical errors.
follows APA guidelines. The paper does not follow
10-7 APA guidelines.
6-4 3-0
Total = 100

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