Lea 2 Industrial Security Management

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Industrial Security Management

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the circle corresponding to the letter of your
choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. What law governs the operation, administration of security agency, and activities,
qualifications, duties and licensing of security guards, watchmen and private
a. R.A. 6975 b. R.A. 9262 c. R.A. 6425 d. R.A. 5487

2. The first things first in security?

A. Personnel Security
B. Physical Security
C. Industrial Security
D. Information Security
3. The most important in security because it involves people.
A. Physical Security
B. Security Guard
C. Personnel Security
D. VIP Security
4. The defense-in-depth principles in security management is known as
A. Barrier System
B. Security Defense
C. Compartmentalization
D. Protective Barriers
5. The main purpose of protective lighting in security industry.
A. Psychological deterrent
B. Monitoring
C. Identification
D. Crime Prevention

6. A fact-finding probe to determine a plant adequacy and deficiency in all aspects

of security.
A. security awareness program B. security guidance
C. security education D. security survey
7. Among the classification of documents which do you think is the least priority?
A. Secret B. Top secret
C. Restricted D. Confidential
8. Among the visitors movement control, which of the following is the most
A. Visitor’s logbook B. Escort
C. Visitors entrance D. Time traveled
9. An industrial complex must established its first line of physical defense. It must
A. the building itself B. communication barrier
C. perimeter barriers D. window barriers
10. Are physical barriers constructed by men that tend to delay the intruder.
A. Animal Barriers B. Energy Barriers
C. Human Barriers D. Structural Barriers
11. Canine unit is an example of what type of barrier?
A. Structural Barriers B. Human Barriers
C. Animal Barrier D. Energy Barrier
12. Change key, Sub master key, master key, grand master key. Which group should
they belong?
A. Key control B. Keying system
C. Types of key locks D. Types of locking devices
13. It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to national economy and
A. Relative necessity B. Relative vulnerability
C. Relative security D. Relative critically
14. It refers to the importance of the establishment with reference to the national
economy and security.
A. Risk analysis B. Relative vulnerability
C. Risk assessment D. Relative criticality
15. It is the protection of high ranking officials from harm, kidnapping, and similar
A. Asset protection B. Physical security
C. Document security D. VIP security
16. It is the weakest link in the security chain.
A. Managers B. Personnel
C. Barriers D. Inspections
17. May duplicate the system in whole or in part and is used during power failure or
A. Emergency lighting B. Movable lighting
C. Standby lighting D. Stationary Luminary
18. Physical security which deals with the protection of processes, patents, and other
A. Operational security B. Crisis security
C. Document security D. Communication security
19. PBI stands for…
A. Partial Background Investigator
B. Partial Background Investigation
C. Philippine Background Investigator
D. Philippine Background Investigation
20. The following are Political Field of security except one:
A. International Security B. National Security
C. Human Security D. Financial Security
21. The part of security measure which informs at once the authority about intrusion
in an establishment.
A. Alarm B. speed information
C. signal D. tactical notice
22. They are also referred to as the BLUE ARMY.
A. SAF B. Government Security Guard
C. Private Security Guard D. Philippine Army
23. This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near the object to be
A. Central Station System B. Proprietary syste
C. Local Alarm D. Auxiliary Alarm
24. What is the importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national
economy or security?
A. Relative criticality B. Relative security
C. Relative necessity D. Relative vulnerability
25. What is the next planning step after the need to plan is recognized?
A. Evaluate alternatives B. Formulate the objectives
C. Execute the plan D. Gather and analyze data
26. What type of documents does the very important documents regarding
negotiation for major alliances belong?
A. Secret B. Top secret
C. Restricted D. Confidential
27. Under physical security, what should be placed between the prospective intruder
and target installation?
A. Barrier B. Net
C. Hazard D. Risk
28. Used by the writer when he has forgotten something or to attract attention.
A. Attention Line B. Greetings
C. Carbon Copies D. Post Script
29. A new Private Security Agency shall be issued a temporary license to operate
that is good for:
A. six months B. one year and six months
C. one year D. two years
30. The following are the qualifications for Security Consultant except:
A. Master in Public Administration
B. Master in Business Administration
C. Master in Criminology
D. Bachelor of Law
31. The person who has the power to revoke for cause the license issued to security
guard is:
A. PNP Director General B. PNP – CISC
C. DILG Secretary D. Chief Security Officer
32. A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license to operate must
possess at least 70 licensed firearms and a minimum of:
A. 100 Guards B. 150 Guards
C. 200 Guards D. 1000 Guards
33. The latest amendment of the implementing rules and regulations of Private
Security Agency Law was on:
A. March 7, 1996 B. October 8, 1994
C. January 8, 1994 D. October 18, 1994
34. The security force maintained and operated by any corporation for its own
security unit only is known as:
A. Government Security Unit B. Company Security Unit
C. Private Detective Agency D. Private Detective Unit
35. The required type of training while applying for a new security guard license is:
A. In Service Training B. On Job Training
C. Pre Licensing Training D. Specialized Training
36. Branch offices of Private Security Agency shall be established and maintained in
other provinces and cities with a minimum of 10 security guards and maximum
A. 30 guards B. 20 guards
C. 25 guards D. 15 guards
37. The dead line for filing of application of the renewal of license shall be:
A. February 28 every year B. July 31 every year
C. May 26 every year D. June 1 every year
38. The minimum age qualification in order to be issued a security guard license to
exercise the profession is:
A. 18 years old B. 21 years old
C. 20 years old D. 25 years old
39. This type of additional protective measures usually placed above the perimeter
barrier serves as the look-out of the guard forces in giving security in the area of
A. Tower guard B. Top guard
C. Top wire D. Guard control
40. Private Security Agency having less than the required minimum number of
guards shall be given a license to operate is good for:
A. 6 months B. 8 months
C. 1 year D. 2 years
41. The surety bond required to Security Agency employing a number of 200 – 499
security guards is:
A. 50 thousand pesos B. 150 thousand pesos
C. 100 thousand pesos D. 200 thousand pesos
42. The use of firearms by Private Detective shall be:
A. required B. mandatory
C. discretionary D. optional
43. The basic load of ammunition per unit of a duly licensed firearm shall not exceed:
A. 20 loads B. 30 loads
C. 25 loads D. 50 loads
44. It is a fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy and deficiency in all
aspects of security.
A. security inspections B. security survey
C. special survey D. supplemental survey
45. It is the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to
their work.
A. security education B. security indoctrination
C. security training D. security awareness
46. It is an authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to a
compound or installation thereof.
A. controlling B. access list
C. exclusion area D. controlled area
47. It is the key elements in the security survey system of a plant or installation.
A. security guard B. human guard
C. company guard D. agency guard
48. It is a term used in England for lock pickers, safecrackers, and penetrators of
restricted rooms or areas.
A. Doppler effect B. duress code
C. Peterman D. fail safe
49. It is a practical test of a plan or any activity to test its validity, it is also an
operational readiness exercise.
A. dry run B. run through
C. controlling D. fire drill
50. It is the susceptibility of the plant or establishment to damage, loss or disruption
of operation due to various hazard.
A. relative criticality B. relative vulnerability
C. all of the above D. none of these

51. It includes records that are irreplaceable, reproduction of which does not have
the same value as the original records.
A. useful records B. vital records
C. important records D. non-essential records
52. In case of fire, what is the first thing that a security guard should do?
a. evacuate the building c. sound the fire alarm
b. secure the important things d. call the owner of the building in his post

53. In cases not covered by instructions, what should be the action of the security
a. decide on his own c. ignore the situation
b. call the superior officer d. ask his partner

54. The following are functions of a private detective except one:

a. prosecute an offense c. locating missing person
b. background investigation d. conduct surveillance work

55. A desirable quality of a security guard as it determines his effectiveness.

a. self-control b. tactfulness c. confidence d. d. alertness

56. What would be the sanction to a security guard on duty who is caught drunk or
drinking intoxicating liquor while on post?
a. he should be arrested c. render basic training
b. cancel his security guard license d. assign him to another place

57. Crime prevention strategies to deter criminal incidents are example of.
a. Risk Reduction c. Risk Avoidance
b. Risk Spreading d. Risk Transfer

58. What do you call the combination of compatible intrusion and detection device so
arranged and wired as to support one another?
a. master keying system c. security lighting
b. security cabinet d. security alarm system.

59. What is the reason on why alarm systems are not enough in controlling the
a. because it only assist the security personnel but not a replacement.
b. because it serves as deterrent to would-be thieves.
c. because it can be easily tamper by intruders.
d. because it is a first line of defense

60. Allan is a former military and was discharge in the service because of his
derogatory actions. He now wants to apply as a security guard, is he qualified?
a. Yes, because he is a former military
b. Yes, because he already know how to use firearm
c. No, because he was dishonorably discharge in military
d. No, because he is a former military

61. Protective lighting is considered as the single most cost-effective deterrent to

crime, why?
a. because it denies access or exit of unauthorized person.
b. because it defines limits of an area.
c. because it likely noticed the attacks.
d. because it creates a psychological deterrent

62. A natural person, not a member of the regular police force, or the AFP, who does
detective work for hire, reward or commission.
a. security supervisor c. private detective
b. security guard d. intelligence agent

63. What is the minimum academic requirement to become a security guard?

a. college level c. elementary graduate
b. high school graduate d. college graduate

64. Do security guards have the duty to assist the police in the preservation and
maintenance of peace and order?
a. No, it is only the responsibility of the police.
b. Yes, because the nature of the responsibility of the security guard is similar to
the police.
c. No, because it is not stated in the general functions of the security guard.

65. In case of any sign of disorder, strike or riot, what shall the security guard should
a. participate in the disorder c. notify the police
b. call the security agency d. just watch the disorder, strike or riot
66. What do you call any physical means to impede, delay or prevent intrusion into a
protected area?
a. physical barrier c. security guard
b. security alarm system d. security force

67. If you are a security guard, what will you do if someone is attempting or giving
unauthorized access in restricted, limited and controlled areas?
a. ignore the person c. call the police
b. take him into custody d. shoot the person

68. The following are the functions of private detective except one:
a. background investigation c. fabricating information
b. locating missing person d. conduct surveillance work

69. To whom should the security guard first keep his allegiance?
a. to his agency c. to the government
b. to the establishment where d. to his partner guard he is assigned.

70. Which of the following is the duty of a security director?

a. Develops, administers and coordinates research and development on
logistical matters
b. Performs necessary program and fiscal administration
c. Principal adviser to the president on matters involving security operations
d. He is responsible for the enforcement and implementation of rules and

71. What is the minimum number of licensed security guard employed to be able for
the private security agency to qualify for the issuance of license to operate.
a. 100 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400

72. Aspect of security which involves the application of security measures for the
proper protection and safeguarding of classified information.
a. security clearance c. declassify
b. certificate of destruction d. document security

73. Refers to the administrative determination that an individual is eligible for access
to classified matter.
a. security clearance c. document security
b. classification authority d. declassify

74. The act of changing the assigned classification of matter.

a. declassify c. upgrading
b. regrading d. compartmentation

75. One who steals with preconceived plans and takes away any or all types of items
for economic gain.
a. casual pilferer c. systematic pilferer
b. occasional pilferer d. individual pilferer

76. When is classification of matter should be made?

a. As soon as possible
b. When the time comes if the document is needed
c. After the information in the document was already used

77. The following are examples of top secret matters except one.
a. Military-police defense class/plans
b. Major government project
c. Strategies, plan documenting overall conduct of war
d. Hotel plans and estimates

78. The weakest link in security chain.

a. document b. personnel c. barrier d. lighting

79. Grant of access to classified matter only to properly cleaved persons in the
performance of their official duties.
a. declassify c. compartmentation
b. reclassify d. upgrading

80. Information that in some special way relates to the status or activities of the
possessor and over which the possessor asserts ownership.
a. top secret information c. secret information
b. propriety information d. confidential information

81. A chance or likelihood that a loss will take place indicated by a mathematical
statement concerning the possibility of an event occurring.
a. risk analysis c. criticality
b. countermeasures d. probability

82. How does the pilferer locate items to be pilfered?

a. survey b. inventory c. audit d. identify

83. What is penetration security inspection?

a. An inspection which is published to the office prior to the actual inspection
b. An inspection which is known only to certain selected personnel
c. An inspection conducted in such a manner that personnel are not aware that
such action is taking place

84. If you are a superior of an installation, what will you do to countermeasure the
casual pilferer?
a. Screening and background checks on applicants to weed out potential thieves
b. Place guards and electronic surveillance on all exits
c. Set example of integrity and desirable moral climate for employees in the

85. Counterintelligence service performed to determined compliance with established

security policies and procedures.
a. security survey c. security access
b. security inspection d. security hazard

86. Which of the following is a definition of asset?

a. Examinations of the vulnerability probability and criticality of potential threats
and include natural and man-made risk.
b. A chance or likelihood that a loss will take place
c. Information, facility, material, or activity which has a positive value to its

87. Who has the responsibility in eliminating or removing the risk totally from the
business, government or industrial environment?
a. risk manager c. security manager
b. general manager d. detachment commander

88. The following are examples of natural barriers except one:

a. walls b. cliffs c. canyons d. rivers

89. A line of protection surrounding but somewhat removed from a protected area,
such as fence.
a. physical barrier c. inside perimeter
b. outside perimeter d. physical security

90. Which of the following is correct?

a. A clear zone of 30 feet or more should exist between perimeter barrier.
b. Alarm is a device use for apprehending criminals.
c. Installing perimeter barriers assist in more efficient and economical
employment of guards.

91. What will happen if an installation has a weak physical security?

a. It can render its functions without thinking of hazards.
b. It will be vulnerable from inside and outside hazards.
c. It will reach the highest security measures.

92. If you will add a top guard to a wall, what should be the degree of its angle?
a. 90 degrees c. 20 degrees
b. 20 degrees d. 45 degrees

93. It is a house like structures above the perimeter barriers.

a. top guard c. elevators
b. guard control stations d. guard tower

94. What type of light is the most widely used in illuminating parking areas?
a. street lights c. search lights
b. fresnel lights d. floodlights

95. The following are true about protective lighting except one.
a. serves as deterrent to violators
b. assist in security force
c. security lighting is idle on rainy days
d. serves as essential elements in physical security program

96. A common light bulbs found in the home is called.

a. quartz lamp c. incandescent lamp
b. vapor lamps d. fresnel lights

97. Which of the following is not a type of protective lighting?

a. stationary luminary c. standby lighting
b. photoelectric device d. movable lighting

98. What is the difference between natural and structural barriers?

a. natural barriers is composed of security guards while structural is a building
b. natural barriers are man-made barriers while structural is a geographical
features which is difficult to overcome
c. natural barriers is a geographical features which is difficult to overcome while
structural barrier are man-made barriers.

99. What you will do if you discover any sign of attempts to break in into the
establishment that you are guarding?
a. report for investigation
b. ignore the signs of attempt
c. discover who made the attempt
d. ask the employer if who made the attempt

100. It is a lighting which consists of stationary or portable manually operated

a. emergency lighting c. standby lighting
b. movable lighting d. controlled lighting

101. Structure or physical device capable of restricting, deterring or delaying

illegal access to an installation.
a. barrier b. alarm c. lighting d. security

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