Final Assessment-Samuel A. Garcia

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SCI 403-Physics 1
Second Semester AY 2019-2020

Name: Samuel A. Garcia Score: __________

Section: ICE-1202 Date: June 1, 2020

I. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer completely at the end of each statement/question.

*It is the rate of flow of charge. ELECTRIC CURRENT

*It is the mass of a substance divided by its volume. DENSITY

*It is the component of the force parallel to the surface. INCLINED PLANES

*Forces that the objects within the system exert on each other. NON CONTACT FORCES

*It is a diagram that represents the object and the forces acting on it. FREE BODY DIAGRAM

*It is the amount by which a pressure P differs from atmospheric pressure. 105 Pa

*It is the force that the object exerts on the scale with which it is in contact. APPARENT WEIGHT

*It is the natural tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity. INERTIA

*It states that every particle in the universe exerts an attractive force on every other particle.

*It states that the work done by a net force is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy. WORK

*It states that the impulse produced by a net force is equal to the change in the object’s momentum.

*It is the upward force that a fluid applies to an object that is partially or completely immersed in it.

*They are action-at-a-distance forces because they arise without physical contact between two objects.

*It is commonly used to mean the tendency of a rope to be pulled apart due to forces that are applied at

*It is an extreme kind of unsteady flow and occurs when there are sharp obstacles or bends in the path of
a fast-moving fluid. TURBULENT FLOW

*He showed that the electric force and the magnetic force could be explained as manifestations of a single
electromagnetic force. JAMES CLERK MAXWELL

*It states that the magnitude of the buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid that the partially or
completely immersed object displaces. ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE

*It is an idealized kind of motion that occurs when a moving object experiences only the acceleration due
to gravity, which acts vertically downward. PROJECTILE MOTION

*It states that an object continues in a state of rest or in a state of motion at a constant velocity unless
compelled to change that state by a net force. NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION

*It is one component of the force that a surface exerts on an object with which it is in contact—namely,
the component that is perpendicular to the surface. NORMAL FORCE

*This device is a tube sealed at one end, filled completely with mercury, and then inverted, so that the
open end is under the surface of a pool of mercury. BAROMETER

*He developed three important laws that deal with force and mass and which provide the basis for
understanding the effect that forces have on an object. ISAAC NEWTON

*It states that any change in the pressure applied to a completely enclosed fluid is transmitted
undiminished to all parts of the fluid and the enclosing walls. PASCAL’S PRINCIPLE
*It states that whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an
oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on the first object. NEWTON'S THIRD LAW OF

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Highlight (purple) the letter of the correct answer for each

*A force does positive work on a particle that has a displacement pointing in the +x direction. This same
force does negative work on a particle that has a displacement pointing in the +y direction. In which
quadrant of the x, y coordinate system does the force lie?

(a) First (b) Second

(c) Third (d) Fourth

*In circuit A the battery that supplies energy has twice as much voltage as the battery in circuit B.
However, the current in circuit A is only one-half the current in circuit B. Circuit A presents _____ the
resistance to the current that circuit B does.

(a) one-half (b) twice

(c) four times (d) the same
*An ideal ammeter has _________ resistance, whereas an ideal voltmeter has ________ resistance.

(a) zero, infinite (b) infinite, zero

(c) zero, zero (d) infinite, infinite

*A power boat, starting from rest, maintains a constant acceleration. After a certain time t, its
displacement and velocity are r and v. At time 2t, what would be its displacement and velocity, assuming
the acceleration remains the same?

(a) 4r and 2v (b) 4r and 4v

(c) 2r and 2v (d) 2r and 4v

*Which of the following statements can be explained by Newton’s first law?

(A): When your car suddenly comes to a halt, you lunge forward.
(B): When your car rapidly accelerates, you are pressed backward against the seat.

(a) A but not B (b) B but not A

(c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B

*A single resistor is connected across the terminals of a battery. Which one or more of the following
changes in voltage and current leaves unchanged the electric power dissipated in the resistor?

(A) Doubling the voltage and reducing the current by a factor of two
(B) Doubling the voltage and increasing the resistance by a factor of four
(C) Doubling the current and reducing the resistance by a factor of four

(a) A (b) A, B
(c) B, C (d) A, B, C

*How does the resistance of a copper wire change when both the length and diameter of the wire are

(a) It does not change.

(b) It increases by a factor of two.
(c) It decreases by a factor of two.
(d) It increases by a factor of four.

*The net external force acting on an object is zero. Which one of the following statements is true?

(a) The object can only be stationary.

(b) The object can only be traveling with a constant velocity.
(c) The object can only be traveling with a velocity that is changing.
(d) The object can be either stationary or traveling with a constant velocity.

*In Case A an object is moving straight downward with a constant speed of 9.80 m/s, while in Case B an
object is moving straight downward with a constant acceleration of magnitude 9.80 m/s 2. Which one of
the following is true?

(a) A nonzero net external force acts on the object in both cases.
(b) A nonzero net external force acts on the object in neither case.
(c) A nonzero net external force acts on the object in Case A only.
(d) A nonzero net external force acts on the object in Case B only.

*A 10-kg suitcase is placed on a scale that is in an elevator. In which direction is the elevator accelerating
when the scale reads 75 N and when it reads 120 N?

(a) Upward in both cases

(b) Downward in both cases
(c) Upward when it reads 75 N and downward when it reads
(d) Downward when it reads 75 N and upward when it reads

*Your car is traveling behind a jeep. Both are moving at the same speed, so the velocity of the jeep
relative to you is zero. A spare tire is strapped to the back of the jeep. Suddenly the strap breaks, and the
tire falls off the jeep. Will your car hit the spare tire before the tire hits the road? Assume that air
resistance is absent.

(a) Yes. As long as the car doesn’t slow down, it will hit the tire.
(b) If the tire falls from a great enough height, the car will hit the tire.
(c) If the car is far enough behind the jeep, the car will not hit the tire.
(d) No. The car will not hit the tire before the tire hits the ground, no matter how close you are to the jeep.

*All of the following, except one, cause the acceleration of an object to double. Which one is the

(a) All forces acting on the object double.

(b) The net force acting on the object doubles.
(c) Both the net force acting on the object and the mass of the object double.
(d) The net force acting on the object remains the same, while the mass of the object is reduced by a
factor of two.

*In which one of the following situations could an object possibly be in equilibrium?

(a) A single force acts on the object.

(b) Two perpendicular forces act on the object.
(c) Three forces act on the object; the forces all point along the same line but may have different
(d) In none of the situations described in (a), (b), and (c) could the object possibly be in equilibrium.

*During the final stages of descent, a sky diver with an open parachute approaches the ground with a
constant velocity. There is no wind to blow him from side to side. Which one of the following statements
is true?

(a) The sky diver is not in equilibrium.

(b) The sky diver is in equilibrium because no forces are acting on him.
(c) The force of gravity is the only force acting on the sky diver, so that he is in equilibrium.
(d) The sky diver is in equilibrium because two forces act on him, the downward-acting force of gravity
and the upward-acting force of the parachute.

*In which one of the following circumstances could mechanical energy not possibly be conserved, even if
friction and air resistance are absent?
(a) A car moves up a hill at a constant velocity.
(b) A car moves along level ground at a constant velocity.
(c) A car moves up a hill, its velocity continually decreasing along the way.
(d) A car moves down a hill, its velocity continually increasing along the way.

III. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and write FALSE if it is not.
Write your answer completely at the end of each statement/question.

*When an object is accelerating, it is in equilibrium. FALSE

*The resistivity of a material depends on the temperature. TRUE

*For every action there is an equal, but opposite, reaction. FALSE

*The mass of an object is a quantitative measure of inertia. TRUE

*The weight always acts upward, toward the center of the earth. FALSE

*An object is in equilibrium when the object moves at a constant velocity. TRUE

*When an object moves at a constant speed in a constant direction, its velocity is constant. TRUE

*In unsteady flow, the velocity of the fluid particles at any point is constant as time passes. FALSE

*If the objects stick together after the collision, the collision is said to be completely elastic. FALSE

*Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another.

*The voltage across all the resistors in series is the product of the individual voltages across each resistor.

*The total linear momentum of a system of objects is the vector sum of the momenta of the individual
objects. FALSE

*The force of kinetic friction between two surfaces opposes any impending relative motion of the
surfaces. FALSE

*The kinetic energy increases when the net force does positive work and decreases when the net force
does negative work. TRUE

*Parallel wiring means that the devices are connected in such a way that there is the same electric current
through each device. FALSE

*The total power delivered to any number of resistors in series is equal to the power delivered to the
equivalent resistance. FALSE

*Kirchhoff’s junction rule states around any closed-circuit loop, the sum of the potential drops equals the
sum of the potential rises. TRUE

*A force is conservative if the work it does on an object moving between two points depends on the path
of the motion between the points. FALSE

*Arrows are used to represent the forces. It is appropriate to use arrows, because a force is a scalar
quantity and has both a magnitude and a direction. FALSE

*In projectile motion: The time to reach maximum height from any vertical level is greater than the time
spent returning from the maximum height to that level. TRUE

*Work is a scalar quantity and can be positive or negative, depending on whether the force has a
component that points, respectively, in the same direction as the displacement or in the opposite direction.

*Weight is an intrinsic property of matter and does not change as an object is moved from one location to
another. Mass, in contrast, is the gravitational force acting on the object and can vary, depending on how
far the object is above the earth’s surface or whether it is located near another body such as the moon.
IV. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Fill in the blank the missing word/s for each statements.

*An object in motion has KINETIC energy.

*An incompressible, nonviscous fluid is called an IDEAL LIQUID

*The work is zero if the force is PERPENDICULAR to the displacement.

*Impulse is a vector quantity and has the same direction as the FORCE.

*A VOLTMETER is an instrument for measuring the voltage between two points in a circuit.

*When the charges flow only in one direction around a circuit, the current is called DIRECT CURRENT

*A force is CONSERVATIVE if the work it does in moving an object around any closed path is zero.


*The two general types of forces are:

CONTACT FORCES - involve physical contact between objects

FIELD FORCES - don't involve physical contact between objects

*The three fundamental forces which have been discovered:




“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”

Prepared by:

Engr. Apryll Joy A. Hernandez


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