Impact of Advertisement On Children Behaviour - Sanjukta Banerjee

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I hereby declare that the study entitled “The impact of Advertisement on Behaviour” is being
submitted by me as my final year dissertation project in the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of Master of Business Administration. The study is based on
secondary source of data as well as on primary data/information source. The material
borrowed from similar titles other sources and incorporated in the dissertation has been duly
acknowledged. The matter embodied in this project report has not been submitted to any
other university or institution for the award of degree. This project is my original work, and it
has not been presented earlier in this manner. This information is purely of academic interest.

Signature: Date:

(Bengal Institute of Business Studies)

This is to certify that Sanjukta Banerjee, Reg. No. of 2020-2022; Roll No:
PG/VUOAP01/MBA-IS, a bona fide student of this college has completed his dissertation as
per guidelines. He has done this completely on her own and it is an original work and not
copied from any resource.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Assistant Professor

Bengal Institute of Business Studies


I would like to express my thanks of gratitude to my guide as well as prof. Tanumoy Das for
his valuable mentoring and inputs who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the topic entitled “Advertisement, a major role in children behaviour” which also
helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things. I am
thankful to them. Secondly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot
in finishing this project within the limited time. I am making this project not only for marks
but also to increase my knowledge on consumer behaviour towards Branding in current

Thanks again to all who helped me.

Sanjukta Banerjee

Advertisements are considered as one of the most effective sources to influence children’s
behaviour. Advertisement is regarded as a type of market influence. It encourages
competition, which is beneficial to the development of a free market. It promotes competition
and prevents monopolies. Nowadays, watching television commercials is a common way for
people to pass the time, and it is frequently used to influence viewers' purchasing decisions.
The evidence that marketing to children is harmful is growing. Recent developments in
advertising and marketing have had a negative impact on almost every area of children's
lives. There are lot of negative and positive impact of television advertisements on children.
Parents, advocacy groups, and policymakers are all worried about the impact of children's
television ads. These effects may be influenced by children's understanding of TV ads, or
their ability to differentiate between TV shows and advertisements, as well as their
understanding of advertising in general. Many parents believe that contemporary Television
advertisements are changing the behaviour of their children. Advertisements influence
people's lifestyles and value systems. Via advertising, materialistic attitudes have triumphed
over moral thought in India. Children demand more of the goods whose ads they want.
According to the research, children are influenced by television advertisements, especially for
items such as chocolate, cookies, nutritional supplements, toothpaste, and toys. According to
them, TV ads have a lot of impact on children who may resort to blackmailing and nagging
their parents to purchase the advertised products. In today's commercial culture, advertising is
the most popular and effective form. Whereas a few parents opine that TV ads are a source of
knowledge to them. Confectionery companies in India spend a lot of money on advertising
their goods. The study aims to know impacts of advertisement on the children of Kolkata
from 5yrs-14yrs by collecting the data. The current study is best on the primary data.
Different household of Kolkata and area besides Kolkata where questionnaires were
circulated. With technological advances, a wide range of media outlets have entered the
advertising industry and television being one of the most influencing part of the
advertisement. Children are exposed to the selling message directly by the advertisement.
Television advertisement are designed to influence customer’s mind. The study is to focus on
children’s behaviour. An attempt has been made to know the children’s television viewing
habit and effect of advertisements to measure this impact descriptive research design is used
as the study is followed structured design with predetermined objectives. The survey research
is followed, and data will be collected through questionnaire. Children's attitudes and values
are shaped by advertisements, which affect every part of their lives. There are different
effect of various forms of TV advertising on children's purchasing habits, such as food
advertisements, violent advertisements, music advertisements, commercial exposure, and
advertisement repetition. Advertisers' selling messages are broadcast on television to
children. Television is an important part of every home, and each family would have at least
one package. Thus, children are born into a world where television is still present. The effect
of advertising on children is increasing by the day. Finally, we have some findings,
limitations, conclusions and suggestions which has been written in this paper. Quality
knowledge, information intrusiveness, and likeable advertisements all had positive, negative
and important effects on children's purchasing behaviour, according to the report. The study
suggests providing high-quality, factual, reliable, and timely product details, as well as using
well-known and likeable celebrities in television commercials. Total 85 questionnaire 71
responses received. This research discusses its positive and negative effects, as well as how
to mitigate those effects and take precautionary steps. The findings revealed that all
independent variables have a positive and meaningful association with children's conduct.
The findings of the study indicate that people of all socioeconomic classes believe that
television commercials have had a significant impact on their children's behaviour. The aim
of this study is to see if children enjoy watching television so much that they prefer it to
social interaction, physical activity, and developmental activities, or if it is just something
they do for fun. The research focuses on the unconstructive behaviours of children who have
been influenced by their environment television advertisement and outcomes of parent-
children conflicts created by television advertisement. The paper has found that numerous
negative outcomes are there regarding parent-children conflicts derived by television
advertisements. Parents who want to protect their children from unwanted commercial abuse
should have a good understanding of these problems, according to the researchers, and the
government should take the appropriate steps to regulate children's targeted ads. The majority
of the respondents' conduct changes after seeing the commercials, according to the report, the
majority of respondents want to purchase the items after seeing the commercials, and they
tell their parents about it. Children are also trained by television commercials on a variety of
subjects. It can also help them develop healthy habits and civic awareness. The research also
reveals that the majority of children want to carry out what they see on television. Consumer
loyalty is boosted by advertising. It enables them to choose goods that are more useful, less
expensive, and of higher quality. According to the findings, television not only entertains
young children, but also forces them to demand those things. As a result, all aspects of TV
advertising's effect on children have spoiled their habitual behaviour, resulting in annoyance,
family disputes and animosity, increased family budget, increased demand for less nutritious
goods linked to obesity and poor health, imitate celebrities, and so on, although providing
minimal benefits. This is an aspect that cannot be overlooked. Today's interactive television
is a vast ocean of information that the previous generation was denied access to.  The
research yields valuable conclusions and suggestions. The keywords of this abstract are
television advertisement children behaviour parents and all.
This research aims to determine which side of the coin is more effective. Is television
advertising a source of annoyance for our teenagers, or is it attempting to mould them into
better people of the future? Finally, in this paper, there are some observations, shortcomings,
assumptions, and recommendations.


10 APPENDIX 60-62

Google and Facebook now generate 20% of global ad sales, dethroning television ad revenue
in the United States (the largest advertising market) to become the largest ad revenue
producer. ironically when it comes to India, both Google and Facebook are spending huge
monies on TV ads to promote their respective brands. Proponents of digital marketing who
predicted the death of traditional television marketing in India a few years ago (due to high
costs and lack of personalization) might dismiss this as a passing trend, but the reality is that
traditional television advertising in India is far from dead and will continue to thrive in the
years ahead.


Advertising, in its broadest sense, has been a part of economies since the dawn of commerce.
In the marketplace, merchants have always worked out the advantages of their products. A
3000-year-old Babylonian tablet demanding the return of a slave is the oldest recorded
published advertising. Prior to the invention of newspapers, shop signs and broadsides
affixed to walls, posts, or trees were traditional advertising devices in all civilizations. From
the days when cities and markets first started, hawkers called out their wares, marking the
beginning of Indian advertising. Advertising in India has gone through many transformations.
For the colonial citizens in India, pre-independence ads were all about ladies products, gents
clothing, travel, restaurants and hotels, and entertainments. From the earliest days of cities
and markets, hawkers called out their wares, signalling the beginning of Indian advertising.
Automobiles, power, and house lifts were all considered luxuries during those times.
Commercial television ads began in a small way on January 1, 1976, and since then, revenue
from commercial advertising has skyrocketed. Satellite television has ushered in epochal
shifts in entertainment, as well as an increased understanding of global trends and lifestyles.
It has also significantly increased media choices and influenced the forms and contents of
ads, which is now richer and more emotional in imagery. The last two decades of economic
liberalisation have brought both problems and opportunities for advertising. Both
domestically and globally, Indian goods and services face fierce competition. As India
became more industrialised, especially after 1992, mass-appeal ads began to parallel mass
production of products. Name wars from around the world are now being fought on Indian
soil. As a result of globalisation, Indian advertising companies have begun to enter the world
of multinational collaborations. In India, the forms and methods of presenting advertising
have been rapidly changing. The first advert was broadcast on Vivid Bharati in 1967, and the
first television commercial was broadcast in 1978 Zee TV, the first India-targeted satellite
channel, began broadcasting in 1991. With the rise of cable and satellite, as well as an
increase in print titles, 1995 saw a huge media boom. In the history of Indian ads, the year
1976-77 was a watershed moment. Various businesses have begun to advertise on television
and sponsor various programmes. This was the year that Door darshan (DD) began accepting
commercials. During this decade, public relations, concerts, and other new campaigns were
launched by numerous companies and ad agencies. The public's attention was drawn to the
growing variety and quantity of goods available throughout the country through national
advertisements because of industrial production, the need for a mass market arose, so that
anything produced could be sold rather than piling up in warehouses. In India, television
commercials have traditionally aided brands in increasing trade penetration as well as
increasing shelf space within stores by pumping more stock. As a result of globalisation,
Indian advertising companies have begun to enter the world of multinational collaborations.
In India, the forms and methods of presenting advertising have been rapidly changing.

Children's Attitudes, Behaviour, and Advertisements on Television

Television plays an important role in the daily lives of people all over the world, especially
children. In the case of children, television is the most influential medium. As a result,
television advertisement has proven to be a successful tool for producers looking to boost
sales. Children's buying habits are influenced not only in the present but also in the future by
television advertising. When they are exposed to commercial practises, children learn
consumption motivations and values; they gain awareness of advertisements, goods, labels,
pricing, and shopping; and they begin to develop strategies for buying requests and
negotiation. Children's attitudes toward ads affect not only their product buying actions, but
also other aspects of their behaviour. Children's attitudes toward advertising have a major
impact on the demand for branded goods. Furthermore, different age groups' cognitive shifts
result in different attitudes toward ads. Aside from ads, there are other powerful factors that
lead to product or brand requests. When a product is sold to children, they are more likely to
focus on the specific aspects of the product and, as a result, ignore the abstract nature of the
relationship between the marketers and the advertising's target audience. Advertising is a
form of marketing communication in which a product, service, or concept is promoted or sold
through the use of a publicly endorsed, non-personal message. Businesses who want to
advertise their goods or services are usually advertisement sponsor.

Types of Advertisement:

There are two forms of advertising: “sponsored programmes” and “announcements” in


a. Sponsored Programmes:

It's a form of telecast in which an advertiser pays for the time and sponsors a storey,
Supported programmes have the following advantages:

1. It establishes a brand for the advertising agency and its services.

2. The software may be tailored to the sponsor's needs and product. Play, or film. He seizes
the opportunity to promote his product or service.

b. Announcement:

An announcement is a form of telecast that is shown to the audience in the interval between
the supported programme and the station break. Since the advertiser is not paying for the
funded time, he just pays for the duration of the commercial. This is the sort of advertising
that the majority of advertisers choose.

The benefits of making announcements are as follows:

1. It is very cost effective.

2. It is the most adaptable; and

3. It works well for short-term commercials. The length of these television advertisements
can be 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds.
Television Attracts a captive Audience: Other benefits of TV commercials include a target
audience and no additional competition. A TV commercial, even if only for a few seconds,
places the product in the spotlight. In comparison, advertisements in newspapers, telephone
directories, and other print media may be small and put next to rival advertising. Since
listeners often turn through the radio dial, marketers may need to advertise on several stations
to reach their target markets, and customers may come into contact with competitors' items.
Advertisements on television are distracting, capable of interrupting a viewer's other
activities in order to watch and listen to your pitch.

Advantage of Television Advertising:

Grabs Attention, imagine going into millions of people's homes around the country to show
them why the product is better, quicker, stronger, higher, or lasts longer, and even
demonstrating it right in front of them. One of the most appealing features of television
advertisements is the opportunity to reach out to potential consumers right where they are. It
is the equivalent of poking someone on the shoulder and saying, "Hey, look at this!"

Combines sight and sound, To get people to read about your product, you use persuasive
headlines and graphics in print ads. You can only hope that they read the entire commercial,
examine the artwork, and connect the dots to comprehend the message you want them to get.
Speech and sound effects are advantages of radio, but there are no visuals. You're relying on
them to see the product the way you want them to. Advertisements on television are
distracting, capable of interrupting a viewer's other activities in order to watch and listen to
your pitch.

Fosters emotion and empathy, Good television commercials are more than just walking,
talking announcements. You get to choose how your audience will respond. Laugh and smile.
Weep. Make a move. You are putting on a skit or a short play for their entertainment. You
may make it funny or light-hearted, thought-provoking or tragic. You can try to do that with
print, but you will not be able to monitor how the words are read, including the appropriate
focus and emotional pauses. You can bring the emotion into radio, but it is not as effective
without the visual effect.
Innovation of Advertisement, TV advertising, when pitted against digital advertising, is
severely criticized for its extremely high cost as well as lack of targeting capabilities leading
to humongous wastage. However, with the advent of geo-targeted TV advertising through
likes of Amagi and programmatic TV ad buying (that allows the brand to target the relevant
audience through personalization), these limitations are bound to get addressed and TV
advertising is set to become more efficient and contemporary.

Disadvantage of Television Advertising:

It is a big production, Even a 30-second commercial, or the 10- and 15-second clips that
have become common in recent years, necessitate a significant amount of effort. You will
need to employ a screenwriter or an advertising firm, as well as actors and a director. It takes
an entire day or more to rehearse, shoot, and retakes. And if you have hired an agency or a
producer to do these duties for you, you can always attend the shoot to see what is going on
and how your goods are being viewed. Most significantly, you have the ability to intervene if
things are not going as expected. It is time-consuming and exhausting, but it is preferable to
being disappointed with a final product you do not want.

Costs can be prohibitive, Money is the reason why national chains advertise on TV but your
local boutique does not. Television advertising is very costly, despite its many benefits. An
advertisement costs a lot of money to make. Another way to stretch your budget is to
purchase airtime for your commercial. Cutting corners on production will backfire, resulting
in a subpar advertisement that people will associate with your product.

Changes are difficult and costly, Do you want to change something about your ad? It is not
as easy as changing the text in your print ad. A TV commercial will almost always need to be
re-shot, or at least that portion of it will, because it is difficult to pick up action in the middle
of an ad and have the same feel as the first time.

Frequency is essential, TV commercials, like print advertisements, must be seen several

times before a viewer remembers them. Print is expensive, and television is even more so.
However, if you are going to advertise on television, it's not worth your time and resources
unless you can afford to air the commercial many times. The more times your target group
sees your commercial, the more likely they are to believe they know and trust you. These
television advertising advantages and disadvantages are essential to think about as personal
viewing preferences change. As experts in the pros and cons of TV advertising, no one’s
better equipped than we are to help you narrow down the best ad campaign for you while
maximising the advantages of the medium of television. In conclusion, despite the growing
popularity of digital advertising globally and in India, television advertising will continue to
be important and profitable in India for the reasons mentioned above. Brands will adopt an
omnichannel marketing strategy to take advantage of the benefits of television and digital
advertising, and some conventional platforms, such as outdoor, radio, and cinema, may
struggle to expand in the future.

Nowadays television is one of the best medium of communication. Nearly 90% of customer
decisions to buy products and services are influenced by advertising. This involves not only
conventional media like television, print, radio, and outdoor signage, but also newer ideas
like online and mobile ads. In India, brands rely heavily on powerful storytelling to elicit
emotional responses from their audiences and maintain brand awareness. TV commercials
are self-selective in nature, due to their higher cost which stricter standards, and help brands
who want to advertise on TV develop a strong reputation and premium perception. With so
many advertisement mediums to choose from, company owners can be unsure of the
advantages of television advertising over others. TV commercials can help you reach a wider
audience in a targeted manner, in a format that viewers are familiar with and trust. In reality,
television advertising outperforms all other forms of advertising, making it a wise investment
of advertising dollars. The marketing race to keep a brand top of mind, build brand value, and
retain brand loyalty has expanded its net to include children to the point that it has lost its
way and is walking on immoral grounds, leaving our children vulnerable. The most common
leisure activity in India is watching television, with the average Indian child watching two to
four hour a day. Other benefits of television ads include the ability to target particular
markets and the ability to broaden reach by promoting more social media interaction.
Advertisers may reach their audience by buying ad spots during shows that are likely to be
seen by their target demographic. One of the benefits of TV ads is the ability to reach a large
number of people with a single ad spot. Children are no longer naive flowers, but rather
seasoned shoppers who are well-versed in the different goods and brands on the market.
Television has grown in popularity in India, and advertising is a multibillion-dollar industry
that has a significant effect on children's actions and attitudes. The collection, purchase, and
use of products and services by consumers is referred to as consumer conduct. Advertising
has the greatest effect of all marketing arms because it receives the most attention and is the
most appealing media for children. It is necessary to define such guidelines to limit ads.
geared toward children Television advertisements are designed to influence consumer
behaviour by encouraging consumerism, principally to switch brand or to remain loyal to the
brand they are currently using, to some extent advertising may also be concerned with create
a market for new brands. Many children are starting to believe that the India and Indians they
see on television are the only ones worth learning from and emulating. Television is quickly
becoming the most influential factor in human social behaviour; it is undeniably a powerful
source of social influence. We discovered that television advertisements impose a way of life
on the vast majority of Indian children that is totally foreign to them. Children prefer
television to relatives, friends, siblings, and games as their best companion. In today's hectic
world, the majority of families are nuclear, with a single child, and both parents’ work; these
are the primary factors that draw children to television. Children who watch too much
television are prone to laziness, idleness, and are less likely to participate in sports and snack
on high-fat, high-energy foods. Advertising to children is a hot topic of discussion because of
its perceived effect on children's consumption. In the last year, the rules governing ads to
children have largely evolved/ Children prefer advertisements over shows because they can
learn the whole storey in a brief period. Many advertisers of large multinational corporations
use television as their primary means of communication to promote their products to the
general public. Spending a lot of money to expand their product with various qualities and
requirements all over the world in order to reach the public and also to raise awareness and
interest in their products. The advertising agency first researches the market to determine the
target demographic and their needs. There are three main objectives of advertising to inform,
advertisements are used to increase brand awareness and brand exposure in target market.
Informing potential customer about the brand and. Second objective is to persuade,
persuading customers to perform a particular task is a prominent objective of advertising. The
third objective is to remind, is to reinforce the brand message and to reassure the existing and
potential customer about the brand vision. The possible influence of TV advertisement on
children it is important to make certain crucial distinction between them and adult
consumer’s children do not always have the means to by many advertising items. While
today's children have more personal disposable income than in the past, they are still often
dependent on their parents for income. This condition often changes with age. Children may
be encouraged to approach their parents with requests to buy products as a form of
advertising. Children are more valuable consumers who must be considered if businesses
want to grow their market share. It is necessary to remember that children do not have buying
rights but can influence their parents or guardians to purchase items for them. The intention
to limit children's advertisements stems from three concerns. First, advertising is thought to
encourage superficiality and ideals focused on material products and consumption. Second,
children are seen as naive customers who are easy targets for marketers' sophisticated
persuasion. Third, advertisement has an effect on children's desire for everything from toys to
snacks. Advertising to children is a hot topic of discussion because of its perceived effect on
children's consumption. In the last year, the rules governing ads to children have largely
evolved. These demands establish a hostile atmosphere between children and their parents.
Children who watched television often were more likely to request ads than infrequent
audiences. Surveys have shown that children are more likely to buy items that they
commonly eat, such as breakfast cereals, cookies, confectioner products, or desserts, or
products that they are particularly interested in such as toys or some musical instruments
those with special sales Items that are often requested differ significantly according to the
child's age, with requests for toys and soft drinks declining with age and becoming more
common for younger children, and demand for clothes or records being more common
among children aged 5-14yrs. Children as young as 5 years old were unable to discern
advertisements from programmes a few years ago; however, by the age of 7 or 8, children
had learned to recognise the persuasive intent of advertising and distinguish it from facts.
Children as young as 12 years old will express a critical perception of advertising, sometimes
being cynical or distrustful of it. Children are increasingly exposed to a variety of
advertisements and marketing messages in an environment dominated by consumerist
culture, with communications that are not necessarily aimed at them having equal effect on
their attitudes and actions as those that are. Humans can acquire awareness in a wider context
and even get or gather world information in a fraction of a second thanks to television.
Television will encourage people to do some things and motivate them to take action.
Television influences social behaviours as well as human actions, lifestyle, moral beliefs, and
consequences. Television is quickly becoming the most important factor to human social
behaviour it is undeniably a significant source of social impact. Children’s concentration on
viewing television advertisement can often contribute to product request, and children force
parents to buy unwanted products after seeing advertisements. Children may be encouraged
to approach their parents with requests to buy products as a form of advertising. Children
who watched a lot of television were more likely to ask for advertisements than children who
only watched a little. Children are an extremely vulnerable consumer demographic that are
readily swayed, and they do not often gravitate toward ad environments that elicit the
emotions necessary to alter their purchasing intentions. The advances in technology,
particularly in computer graphics, allow for greater versatility, variability, and imagination in
the creation of advertising. Children are the most impressionable demographic in society, so
many commercials are targeted at them. Children are not only a desirable consumer segment,
but they are also a powerful market since they affect the buying patterns of other family
members. Children are becoming a more common target for Indian marketers because they
are only consumer group who does not change their preferences often and is easy to influence
through advertising. When parents refuse their children’s demands that have been triggered
by ads, parent-child disputes arise, which have a cumulative impact on children's behaviours.
Several studies have found a clear link between rises in non-nutritional food ads and
childhood obesity rates. Children's purchase decision is also impacted by their television
viewing hours, because when they watch more television, they see more advertisements and
buy more products. Most children spend nearly 1 to 4 hours per day watching television that
means on an average child spend 20-28hrs per week Infront of television. Children under age
of 10yrs have difficulty in understanding television advertisements. However, children over
10yrs have a good understanding level they can make decisions. The children who are below
10 however even if they don’t understand the advertisement much still, they make decision
by seeing how colourful and how much they are attractive. Kids are like sown seeds that are
supposed to develop and produce good results. This is only possible if their lives are properly
directed. Tv is the most powerful medium for influencing people through its content, which is
infotainment. The goal of our research is to investigate the impact of television
advertisements on children's attitudes, behaviour, and lifestyle choices. Children get easily
influenced by food advertisement, advertisement with cartoon or even advertisement with
celebrities. The attitudes of children toward advertisement have a significant impact on the
demand for advertised products. Children acknowledge it at face value and believe the words
in adverts without any question mark. Today's kids are less gullible flowers and more expert
shoppers who are well-versed in the distinct goods and products on the marketplace. When
parents watch tv advertisements, they feel that their children's behaviour changes. Television
commercials may have a harmful effect on children and if they see one, they want to buy the
advertising product. Refusing such requests often leads to conflict. They think that children
should be protected from commercials. Even most countries have laws governing the
distribution of successful messages, especially those sent via television and the internet. The
benefits of ads cannot possibly outweigh the drawbacks of others. Children also become
obstinate and bother their parents in order to persuade them to purchase a particular item.
They always assess an item based on its face value and recommend buying it regardless of
whether it is useful or not and whether it is within the family's budget. Today's children are
well-versed in the different brands available and are conscious of the items they use or eat.
They choose carefully based on their needs, style, and preferences, among other factors. Kids
lose the real sense of living a life free of material possessions after seeing advertisements and
developing a habit of using those brands. Furthermore, some ads use images of endurance
sports or stunts performed by professionals, for example, an energy drink company often uses
bike stunts in its advertisements. Parents are constantly having to say no to children whose
desires have been piqued by successful advertisements, as the demand of children increasing
day by day. A higher level of media literacy does not always imply a "cognitive shield"
against advertisement effectiveness. Children's attitudes toward ads affect not only their
product buying actions, but also other aspects of their behaviour. Children's attitudes toward
advertising have a major impact on the demand for branded goods. Furthermore, various age
groups develop different behaviours as a result of cognitive changes,towards commercials
Despite the fact that these ads provide reminders about not imitating the stunts, children
ignore these warnings and attempt to mimic these behaviours at home, this is unsafe and may
even result in serious injuries to the children. Obesity, poor nutrition, and excessive viewing
of television programmes and advertisements lead to violent behaviour in adolescents.
Children are motivated by commercials that emphasise oral hygiene, the use of nutritional
supplements, and other healthy habits. For example, a commercial depicting a young girl
collecting coins to open her own savings account inspired many young children to do the
same. Despite the fact that television commercials are more expensive to produce than other
forms of advertising and commercial air time can be costly, promotional content on television
is the most influential since consumers trust it more than other mediums. For example, if a
child sees another child of her age polishing shoes to help her grandfather, she will also want
to make her family and friends happy by helping them. Furthermore, ads that promote the
habit of comparing two brands, two things, or two people instil in children the desire to do so.
When they see advertisements like this, they begin to compare themselves to their families,
colleagues, and siblings. They can think of themselves as inferior or superior to others at
For example, an advertisement that showed some children teasing a child because he was
taking a little longer to wash his hands, presumably because he was not using the brand being
advertised, was not a good example for children to see. Moreover, some advertisements
depict children behaving in unacceptable ways, such as talking back or not respecting elders,
ads like this create a very bad impact on children mind. For parents, their children are their
most asset. While there are no official estimates, it is estimated that the average consumer
now sees between 6,000-10,000 advertisements every day. So, a kid will see on an average
3000-5000 ad on a day. After seeing the repetition of the ads which are aimed for the
children, they create an impact on their behavioural pattern. As compared to the same time in
2019, ad volumes in January 2021 increased by 19%. Though ad volumes are increasing
across genres, the fastest growing are kids' channels, which have grown 35 percent, followed
by music channels, which have grown 31 percent, and movies, which have grown 28 percent,
according to BARC (Broadcast Audience Research Council) India.
Advantages of Advertising:

▪ Reduces per-unit cost: The wide appeal of advertisements increases the demand for the
product which benefits the organization as it capitalizes on the economies of scale.

▪ Helps in brand building: Advertisements work effectively in brand building. Brands who
advertise are preferred over those which does not.

▪ Helps in launching new product: Launching a new product is easy when it is backed by an

▪ Helps in reducing customer turnover: Strategic advertisements for new offers and better
service helps reduce customer turnover.

▪ Attracts new customers: Attractive advertisements help the brand in gaining new customers
and expanding the business.

▪ Educates the customers: Advertisements inform the customers about different products
existing in the market and also educates them in what they should look for in an apt product.

Disadvantages of Advertising:
▪ Increases the costs: Advertising is an expense to the business and is added to the cost of the
product. This cost is eventually borne by the end consumer.

▪ Confuses the buyer: Too many advertisements with similar claims often confuses the buyer
in what to buy and should he buy the product or not.

▪ Is sometimes misleading: Some advertisements use smart strategies to mislead the


▪ Only for big businesses: Advertising is a costly affair and only big businesses can afford it.
This makes small businesses out of competition with big businesses who get to enjoy a
monopoly in the market.

▪ Encourages the sale of Inferior products: Effective advertisements even lead to the sale of
inferior products which are not good for the consumers.

The most important task of advertising, according to the AIDA model, is to get exposure,
which is the same as creating awareness. Advertising must catch people's attention and
educate them about the goods or features available on the market.
Literature Review

The concept of advertising has been a significant occurrence in the business set up. It has
always been used by marketing gurus to attract customers’ attention for new products in the
market. Advertising is critical in delivering relevant product knowledge and news to
consumers making buying decisions (Latif & Abideen, 2011; Xiong & Bharadwaj, 2013).
Television has been seen as having superior merit over the other media as has been perceived
as a mixture of audio and video features, it recommends products with instant validity and
fame and offers the highest chance for creative advertising. Quality of data contained a
television advertisement may affect the opinion of consumers towards the business and its
products/services. Any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of an idea,
products, or services by an established sponsor with the aim of making sales is considered
advertising (Kotler, 2013) The purpose of advertising is to raise awareness, sponsor
products, explain their advantages, and convince children to buy, but because people's
perceptions vary, it may have a broder sociological impact. As a combination of audio and
video elements, television (TV) has been regarded as having superior value over other media;
it provides brands with immediate authenticity and fame and offers the greatest opportunity
for innovative advertisement (Kavitha, 2006). The presence of the product in advertising
includes such annoyances that encourage the child to observe that the product is for them.
The awareness in that the children ask again and again their parents to buying those products
they may not otherwise purchase. Children have the ability to deem their wishes in relation to
the products that are commercialized. This also helps him when he is out shopping with his
parents. The child not only remembers the product description, but also the pointless
product/brands for which he/she negotiates with their parents. The repetition of the
advertisement triggers them most to buy the product. However, this was not always the case,
as shown by ads for children's toys that were targeted for adult TV audiences rather than
children (Gross, 2010). The memory of a child is so strong that if it pays attention to
something it remembers it. As a result, the child saw a brand and wanted that brand during
shopping with their parents. In their research, Galst and White (1976) attempted to
determine the effectiveness of television ads in influencing children's purchase-related
actions. The credibility of an advertising is determined by a variety of factors, most notably
the company's credibility and the message's bearer (Lafferty, Goldsmith, & Newell, 2002).
They exposed children to food ads in an experimental setting before observing how effective
food commercials are at shaping product and brand selection in a real-world setting (while
shopping with their mothers). The child's learning observation is very strong because it can
consume any type of information from any source. Since children play such an important role
in buying decisions, marketers target them not only in homes but also in schools and other
institutions. A single advertisement may have a minimal impact, but frequent exposure to
commercials may result in a strong fondness for the commercialised item over others. Bisht
(2013) discovered that advertisements inspire and assist customers in making informed
product and brand choices, and that television advertisements influence youth buying
decisions. Attractive advertising has a major impact on children's attitudes and performance,
especially in terms of purchasing behaviour request for purchase. Research found that
children who were exposed to more children's television (and its advertising) made more
demands for food, toys, cereals, and fast food were all promoted. According to Atkin (1981),
children who were exposed to more children's television (and its advertising) made more
demands for toys. Toys, cereals, and fast food were marketed. The positive relationship
between food commercials and children leaves a lasting impression on the food that children
consume and demand (Borzekowski & Robinson, 2001). After a certain age child begin to
lose interest in toys and develop a preference for items with a social purpose, such as books,
music and sporting goods. It is difficult to say if advertisements affect children's mindsets
and actions, or whether attitudes and behaviours decide what they see. Marketers also work
hard to boost their product’s “nag factor”-a term which refers to how often and how
passionately children pressure parents to buy an item. Television commercials have become
an essential part of people's daily lives. However, the most crucial aspect of advertisement is
to get people to notice their stuff and buy it. Margaret and Andrea's study (2008) were
valuable because it took a different approach to research than the conventional approach in
the literature, focusing on what advertising does to children rather than the long-established
question, "What does advertising do to children?" Advertising was a big hit with the kids in
the study, and they found it to be a lot of fun. The time spent watching TV can be short or
long; however, it is a true measure that when a child watches a TV ad, it saves the
commercial's favourite features in its mind for future processing. TV commercials not only
affect people's feelings, but also provide a powerful message that has a far-reaching impact
on their everyday lives (Kotwal, Gupta, & Devi, 2008). Advertising can be said to be the
driving force behind influencing customer expectations and triggering a behavioural response
(Jones & Czerniewicz, 2010). Adverts are viewed by children aged 5 to 14 years old who
are in between specified stages 1-3 hr a day. The time spent watching TV can be short or
long; nevertheless, it is a true measure that when a child watches a TV advert, it saves the
commercial's favourite features in its mind for future processing. Since children play such an
important role in buying decisions, marketers target them not only in homes but also in
schools and other institutions. According to Buijzen and Valkenburg (2003), television
advertisements increase the number of requests for marketed goods, which also increases the
number of product denials because parents cannot fulfil all their children's requests. The child
is dissatisfied as a result of this. They discovered a direct connection between unhappiness
and commercial exposure. This may also be due to the fact that when a kid watches, A single
advertisement may have a minor impact, but frequent exposure to commercials may result in
a strong preference for the commercialised item over others. In addition to commercials,
parents, teachers, friends, and personal experience may all affect buying decisions. The
child's learning observation is very strong because it can consume any type of information
from any source. Other considerations can include the children's socioeconomic status and
cultural background, as well as their parents' educational levels. Advertisement designers are
using child actors in their campaigns. As a result, the children responded favourably. The
advertisement character that seemed to be similar in age and lifestyle to the child can be
easily identified by the child (Kinsey, 1987). Today's children are more educated than their
parents. This is because today's children are subjected to television advertisements, banner
advertising, billboards, logos, and product promotions almost from birth (Singh & Ram,
2010). The gap is that children have the skills to measure not every aspect of the advertising
as the child learns for the advertisement, so the child not only purchases its relevant product
but can also demand that for the parents if the child looks out for adult's products/brands.
Negative exposure to commercialising on television has very instinctive commercialising
effects on children. (2001, Kunkel). Even though there have been significant critiques,
children pestering their parents to buy a product is a function of their cognitive growth in
terms of their perception of marketing (Roland-Lévy, 2010).

Advertising is a part of Marketing and is one of the most innovative sectors. Indeed,
advertising has grown to such proportions that many people are unsure of the distinctions
between marketing and advertising. One of the most important aspects of advertising is to set
the product or service apart from the competition. A consumer can only distinguish between
services based on the value provided by the companies in comparison to rivals.

The main objective of this research is to find out the theoretically and experimentally the
relation between TV advertisements with children’s behaviour. Our specific objectives

 To find out what kind of advertisements influence the children behaviour most, by
this objective we will get to know which type of advertisement impact children
behaviour most.
 To find out the responses of TV viewing hours influence the children, the most
important part the how much time children spent on television.
 To find out how parental income and parental working status influence the children’s
behaviour, by this objective we will know how with decent family income and both
working parents have impact on children behaviour for demanding any product.
 To find out TV advertisement have positive effect or negative effect on children
behaviour, by this objective we will get a brief idea how advertisement effecting kids
mind how they react when they do not get the product they demand, or how their
behaviour change with negative advertisement.


A scientific inquiry or study of a subject, topic, or event is known as research. The primary
goal of research is to uncover the truth that has been concealed and has yet to be found.

The basic types of research are as follows:

Pure and fundamental Analysis: It is carried out of intellectual curiosity and is not always
problem oriented. Its aim is to expand awareness, which could lead to the discovery of a new
theory or the refinement of an existing one. Fundamental research also includes assessments
of human behaviour that are carried out with the aim of making overviews regarding human

Descriptive research: It includes surveys and fact finding and queries of different kinds in
social science and Business The word ex post facto research or descriptive research
experiments is often used in research. The key feature of this approach is that the researcher
has little influence over the variables. The methods of research utilised in descriptive research
or survey methods all kinds including comparative and correlative methods.

Exploratory research: It is a preliminary investigation of a new issue for which the

researcher knows little or nothing. The aim of this study may be to come up with new ideas,
increase the researcher's real-life family's familiarity with the problem, or come up with a
specific formulation of the problem.

Quantitative vs Qualitative: Quantitative analysis is focused on quantitative measures of

certain characteristics which can be applied to phenomena that can be expressed numerically.
Qualitative analysis, on the other hand, is concerned with qualitative phenomena. In
behavioural science, qualitative research is particularly relevant.

Proposed research methodology: in this research I propose to use a mix of quantitative as

well as qualitative methods to collect data and strengthen the methodology.

Data that has been previously gathered and is being considered for reuse for new questions
for which the data gathered was not originally gathered is known as secondary data.

Questionnaire: A questionnaire is a research tool that consists of a series of versions or other

forms of prompts used by teams to gather data from respondents. A research questionnaire
typically consists of a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions. Long-term
open-ended questions allowed the respondent to expand on their ideas.

The information gathered from a data collection questionnaire may be qualitative or


Plans for data analysis: The data will be analysed using a combination of qualitative and
quantitative analysis methods. The factors underlying the research issue were identified using
a collection of proper statistical methods.
The target population is based on the households of Kolkata which have children of both
gender age 5 to 14 years and have television in their house in this research I took 70
responses which helped me to know my subject better. in this result the response I got from
that I collect the information about my paper.



The data was collected from the residents of Kolkata and nearby places concentrating on the
children of age 5 to 17 years old. In this point we will calculate our result with our objectives.
Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the impact of television advertisements
on children's behaviour. The analysis is based on the objectives we decided.

Below we will see graphical representation and the analysis of the responses we got from the
survey done by the parents of the children. From the 71 response which factor influence the
children most and also why the factors influence them.

Here is the result by which we will see what are the factors that impact the children’s
1. Age of Parent


In the responses we got from the parents of the targeted group of children aged 5-14yrs. From
the responses we can see most of the parents age mostly between 35-40yrs. 11.3% parents are
35 yrs. old. 18.3% parent are 37 yrs. old. 19.7% parent are 38 yrs. old.


By this question we will get a brief idea of the monthly household income of the family.
From these 71 responses 50.7% family’s monthly income is 41,000 and above. 31% of the
household income is between 31,000-40,000 and 14.1% are below 31,000. The prior reason
of this question to get a brief idea of lifestyle of the children that how they are leading their
3.Both parents are working


The main objective of this question to know how many households both parents
have working. According to the response 60.6% parents are both working and 39.4%
both parents are not working. By this survey we will get to know how much time
parents get to spend with their children.


By this response we will get to know how many children the parents have. From these 71
responses 73.2% (52) parents have one children 25.4% (18) parents have 2 children. By this
we can know how much nagging a child can do to make their parents by the product.


The purpose of this question to find out how much time children spend watching the TV.
Because this is the main point which effect the behaviour of the children most. From the
response we can see 43.7% children spend 3-4 hrs a day watching tv 40.8% children spend 1-
2 hrs daily watching tv. And 15.5% children spend 15.5% 5-6 hrs a day on tv. So, we can See
most of the children spend 1-4 hrs in total on watching tv.


The main objective of this project is to know that what kind of advertisement children are
most willing to watch and influence them the most. 46.5% children get influenced by the
food advertisement. 25.4% children get influenced by the advertisement done by the
celebrities. 12.7% love to watch musical and sports advertisement. 11.3% get influenced by
the brands which use cartoon advertisement.



The purpose of this question is to know how many children get influenced by the
advertisement art first glance. The tv advertisement grab attention of the 49.3% children at
first sight. 28.2% children do not get influenced by the tv ad at first sight. 22.5% parents do
not know whether their child get influenced by the tv ad at first sight or not.



By this question we will get to see whether children get influenced by the repetition of the
advertisement or not. From these responses done by the parents we can see 60.6% children
get influenced by the repetition of the advertisement. 28.2% parents do not know that either
their children get influenced by the repetition of advertisement or not. And 11.3% do not get
influenced by the repetition of the advertisement.



The objective of this question to know when parents say no to their child to buy the particular
product which they want how they take it. From this pie chart, we can clearly see that 47.9%
children take the no negatively that means majority of the students get upset when their
parents say no to buy a product. 31% parents do not know that how their children react when
they say no to their demand. 21.1% children take rejection from their parents positively.



Keeping all the factors in mind we asked the parents that if there is a policy like no tv for
children that will be good or bad. 59.2% parents said no to this kind of policy. 29.6% parents
are not so sure about this policy and 11.3% parents said yes that no television for children is
good policy to keep their children away from demanding unnecessary products.

From these 71 surveys mostly children who has a decent family income both parents are
working tend to watch the tv for a longer time and get influenced by the advertisement and
make demands to their parents. They are much more attracted by the food advertisement and
start nagging their parents to buy the product for them. According to the result shared above
children spends on an average of 4hrs regularly Infront of television. So, it is natural that they
will get influenced by the advertisement at first sight and of course by the repetition of the
same advertisement.

Most of the parents are both working so naturally they will try to fulfil their child demand
and whenever they say no, they took that negatively. Its effect the behaviour of the children
in a negative manner. Very few took that rejection in a positive way.

So, as now we know food advertisement create more impact on children and the
advertisement in which celebrities are present. Basically, children love to eat the unhealthy
food which are great in taste. The people who make advertisement they know how to impact
a child mind by a 10-30 sec advertisement.
Some food products which are more popular in children are like Dairy Milk, Oreo, Maggi,
Lays, other dairy products, Frooti, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy this kind of junk food are very
much popular in kids. Even the kids aged 11-14 are likely to have the tendency to get
influenced by the soft drinks like Coca-Cola thumbs up and many more. Also, some of our
famous celebrities promote this kind of brands which also do a psychological thing on
children mind that they think if it is promoting by their favourite celebrity, they will buy the
product. Like Alia Bhatt promoting Sunfeast Dark fantasy of course it will create impact on
children mind and seeing the advertisement repeatedly they will surely get influenced to buy
the product, more food brands advertised by the celebrities like ITC snack Brand Bingo,
Thumbs up endorsed by Ranveer Singh. Ranbir Kapoor promoting Lays, Pepsi etc. And some
brands don’t even need any big celebrities to promote like, Cadbury Dairy Milk they have
already created a great impact everyone’s mind and they are very much popular among kids.

Also, some other brands apart from food which are endorsed by any celebrity create an
impact on children behaviour. like many e-commerce websites endorse themselves by the
help of on celebrities on television.

Like Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt promoting flipkart on television by a very catchy and
innovative advertisement, like they keep kids with Ranbir and alia in which they use kids
voice as adults which amaze children in both ways seeing their favourite celebrity along with
kids make them end up browsing flipkart and of course they will make demand to their
parents. Children responded favourably to advertisements because the creators used child
actors. Apart from flipkart Myntra also advertised themselves by celebrities like Virat Kohli
who is of course loved by the children very much and any product which is endorsed by him
will create an impact on their mind, Anushka Sharma Kiara Advani also endorsing Myntra,
As we all know now little girls aged 10-14yrs old are very much into fashion seeing their
favourite actresses giving

Advertisement of a fashion ecommerce website that will create an impact on their behaviour
and they start making demand to their parents to buy the thing for them. Some food delivery
app and food delivery brands also advertise themselves through television like Zomato,
Swiggy, Domino’s, Pizza Hut, KFC, we all know consuming them on a daily basis is very
unhealthy especially for kids but nowadays children are likely to order from this site and
consume them. Basically, from both primary and secondary research that the advertisement
aimed the children to influence their parent to change in their buying behaviour. their tv
viewing habit make an active participation in buying decision the children not only ask their
parents to buy the product which create an impact on them but also get involved in the
process. Some of the advertisement use cartoon characters which create a great impact on that
by the secondary research we get to know in some kids there are tendency in imitate their
favourite superhero character. From the survey we can see 47.9% parents sometime say no
their kids in order to their demand which create a negative impact on child mind and that
cause strains in a child-parent relationship.

The food advertisement which are shown in television are mostly unhealthy high calorie food
consuming them almost everyday lead to many early age diseases. They are unconcerned
about the price of the commodity or whether it is safe or unhealthy for them when making a
purchase. According to the survey most of them parents are both working so it is very natural
nowadays that, they will not give so much attention to their kid’s food habits and also, they
will end up buying them what they want because even sometimes they say no to buy such
unhealthy food the children become very aggressive which is a very negative impact of the
advertisement on them. In determining the impact of television advertising on the children’s
buying behaviour, multiple regression analysis was performed. Quality of knowledge,
information intrusiveness, celebrity affiliation, material reputation, and likability of
advertising were used as independent variables while customer purchasing behaviour was
used as the dependent variable. Children used to use items that their parents purchased for
them, and they were the “user” in the purchasing decision process. However, in recent
decades, this has changed radically, with children now acting as "initiators" of needs,
"influencers" on parents to purchase goods, and “deciders" of purchase decisions. Nowadays
even parents give some amount of money to their children by which they food items which
they see in the television and buy the brand they are familiar with. Children enjoy
commercials and are drawn to those that feature child models, celebrities, animals, and
cartoon characters. According to one study, children see a food commercial every 5 minutes
while watching TV, and they often watch more than 180 minutes per week. In the cartoon
channels there are mostly food advertisement which attract them of course and those
advertisement are done by the cartoon character which are popular in kids. Marketers use this
animated advertisement to catch more and more attention of the children.
So, from this research we can see children behaviour depending on many factors.

 Exposure to advertisement.
 Repetition of advertisement
 Food advertisement
 Violent advertisement
 With a decent family income
 Working parents
 Advertisement with celebrities
 Music and sports advertisemet
 Availability of mobile, tv, internet
 Tv viewing hours.


Overall comments that popped out from this research and findings that when the commercial
interrupts the show sometimes children get irritated but mostly they get excited by seeing
them sometimes when they see the advertisement they even want to meet the character. The
impact of the advertisement make it real and make them buy the product
Children do spend their free time watching television. They do, however, enjoy playing and
engaging with their mates. With a considerable group of parents and children this research
explodes, to determine the degree to which children between the age of 5-14yrs age have an
impact on their parents' product choices and consumption habits. Furthermore, overexposure
to television ads has the effect of making children more vulnerable and aggressive. Children's
markets have become increasingly relevant to producers and advertisers in recent years.
Children today shop independently at a far younger age than previous generations and are
increasingly influencing their families' purchasing decisions. Children's perceptions of
television and their reactions to television commercials have led us to believe that television
is one of the most powerful forces in their lives. Children are more affected by television
commercials than by any other form of advertising. Children are unconcerned about the cost
of the item they want to purchase. They are often unconcerned about whether these products
are safer for them. In the case of confectionary product ads, the advantages and disadvantages
should be shown. Since children have little comprehension, marketers do not try to convince
them to purchase the product seen in the commercial. Advertisers must not take advantage of
children's inexperience. Celebrities can easily attract children, so they should not be used to
promote confectionary goods directly or indirectly persuade children to purchase the product
that he/she is selling seen using the item. It is the responsibility of parents to monitor what
their children are watching on television and whether commercials have a strong impact on
them, especially when it comes to confectionary items, parents should try to convey to their
children the benefits and drawbacks of using it. Marketers should pay special attention to
children because they are naive and easily imitate others. Parents should sit down with their
children and watch television with them, discussing the shows and how they vary from
children-targeted television advertisements. They should also set aside time to spend with
their children as a family. It is difficult to segment the market for children because their
behaviour is nearly identical regardless of gender, medium of research, or age such as
demographic factors. As a result, in the case of children's goods, advertisers should carefully
plan their marketing strategies. The government should take steps to regulate television
advertising, especially that directed at children, and create an authorised regulatory body to
oversee it. Furthermore, time limits for advertising should be imposed, as well as a limit on
the number of advertisements that can be broadcast in one hour. Advertisements affect not
just their product choices, but also their habits, participation in family buying decisions,
interactions with parents, and so on. More advertisements with a social message or
attempting to instil a positive habit should be released; this would result in a win-win
situation for all parties.

On the other hand, there are some suggestion and recommendation for the marketers by
which they can impact more children. Companies should conduct more social awareness
programmes to develop their brands, and catchy slogans should be used to increase brand
awareness and recall. To grow their brands, companies should conduct more social awareness
programmes, and catchy slogans should be used to increase brand awareness and recall.
Advertisers must rely on catchy music or some kind of fun or witty feature in the Ad in order
to capture the attention of early teens and teens. Companies can offer a variety of gifts to
children, such as doll accessories, toys, vehicles, games, tattoos, and so on, to immediately
trigger demand. Advertisers should use more imaginative animations or cartoon characters
when marketing goods to children under the age of fourteen. The implication is that when
celebrities make product advertisements on television, children like them because they
respect and want to be like them, but this does not have a significant impact on children's
buying intentions, particularly if the celebrity doing the advertisement is unfamiliar to the
children. Parents must watch television while their children watch television so that they can
control and operate the television and teach their children which advertisements they are
allowed to see and which they are not, in case of working parents their should be any
guardian with them.

For the parents who let their children use mobile phone often or even gave them their
personal mobile should restrict them a little bit in order to control their behaviour on
purchasing product by seeing tv advertisement. It is recommended that parents limit their
children's television viewing time and encourage them to play outside games. Parents should
restrict their children's television viewing time and allow them to engage in outdoor
activities. It was recommended to parents that they exercise caution when buying products. It
is recommended that parents be educated to make their children more mindful of
commercials, after which the children should begin to make sensible and proper decisions.
Allowing your children to watch something that is potentially harmful to them at a young
age, as well as having a separate television set for them in their home, causes issues because
parents must call their children while they are watching television, which encourages
children to watch television with their parents. Parents do not always stay with their children,
so parents must negotiate with them and inform them about the commercial and what it is for.
Do not let your children watch television freely like, sets a time limit for them to be in there
and gradually develops so that if a commercial appears, they can simply change the station.
Parents can make them compete for their television time by having them complete homework
or activities, or by having them play outside for a while. Enable the children to follow the
guidelines and rules you established for them, as well as the time limits you established for
watching television. Start at a young age, so you can develop and mould your children at any
time and in any form when they are young, but not when they are older. After seeing
advertisements on television, children persuade their parents to buy such things. Children are
less conscious of the risks associated with eating chocolate and other confectionary products.
As a result, parents must educate their children about unhealthy foods and their

Here are some recommendations for

Providers and Clinicians:

Educate parents about the pervasiveness of marketing (especially in new media settings) and
the negative consequences of increased advertising exposure in children. Medical
professionals should also actively advise parents to keep track of their children's marketing
contact exposure.


Increased pressure should be applied to advertisers to ensure that their practises are
developmentally acceptable and open, taking into account the difficulties that children
experience in navigating an ever-changing and sometimes confounding persuasion setting
(eg, alcohol advertising).


Interventions that improve children's advertisement awareness and help them communicate
critically with commercial messages in developmentally acceptable ways should be
prioritised by those working directly with children and/or designing curricula for children.
Educators can also interact with young people explicitly and learn about the various ways
advertisers approach this demographic.

Despite the rise in popularity of online advertising in recent years, a funnel of new brands
advertising on television has continued to expand, and this trend is expected to continue in
the future. So, these are some suggestion and recommendation on the basis of research that
have been done.

Since we are working on dissertation, our research has certain limitations. These limitations
are due to a lack of time. We were only given a limited amount of time to conduct research
on this research subject, so we were unable to complete it. A broad variety of research means
that our scale of research was not very high, as it was an average research based on the
amount of time, we had available. A broad variety of research means that our scale of
research was not very high, as it was an average research based on the amount of time, we
had available. The respondents' lack of understanding of the term’s independent variables and
dependent variables in our questionnaire was a drawback of our research. As a result, we
needed to first define the terms independent variables and dependent variables. However,
some respondents were able to comprehend them fully. The limitation in our study was that
the respondents were not very educated in order to understand English language fully, which
means that they were not able to understand completely what our questions really meant for
them to understand. Another drawback of the analysis was our respondents' lack of
seriousness when it came to filling out the questionnaire.

We propose the following based on the existing gaps in the research literature:
An interdisciplinary content analysis aimed at quantifying and monitoring youth marketing
message exposure through mobile and digital media channels. Such a study would involve
ethnographers, computer scientists, behavioural scientists, public health experts to consider
the issues associated with monitoring ads on new media devices. Identifying developmental
(e.g., Executive function and theory of mind abilities) and environmental (e.g.,
Socioeconomic status) influences that could moderate these effects. Determine the most
successful ways to improve receptivity to safe messages and increase security against
unhealthy marketing messages based on the findings of the first two proposals. Identifying
the most efficient ways to improve receptivity to healthy messages and increase defence
against unhealthy marketing messages based on the findings. In the case of confectionary
product ads, the advantages and disadvantages should be shown. Since children have limited
comprehension, marketers should refrain from actively persuading them to purchase the
product depicted in the advertising.

Also, while conducting this research, we discovered areas that were not part of our original
research objectives; some of these areas are described below and may be of interest for future

 An analysis of the gender component of television commercials.

 To do a more in-depth analysis, use several case studies or simply use more than one
focus group.
 What makes kids like such commercials based solely on their design and/or
 Conducting a related study that compares children from two different countries.

So, this is both the limitation and the future scope of the study.

Without a doubt, television is an outstanding medium in that it allows us to see the whole
world right outside our house. Nowadays, we use it for both recreational and educational
purposes. Currently, TV viewers can see a portion of commercials during commercial breaks
in the centre of their favourite shows. These respondents agree with the argument that
television advertisements have an effect on children's purchasing decisions. The
advertisement makes the children look for the product in the store and internet. Children
educate themselves by watching television programmes about famous people, our customs
and rituals, epics, wildlife, and other moral tales. Inspite of all these TV is called as idiot box,
it leads children in wrong way such as more time watching causes health problems like
eyesight effect, obesity, disturb sleep and prompt to do stunts causes dangerous children have
an effect on their parents' purchasing decisions. Human beings have a strong propensity to be
drawn to negativity rather than positives, and children with immature minds are drawn to
misleading ads. Both sides of a coin TV has both advantages and disadvantages, but we
should use it wisely because it is entirely under our control. Parents should keep an eye on
their children when watching television, and they should keep tight control of television
viewing times. Parents should teach their children about the world around them. They should
maintain strict rules and regulations on advertising as a government part. Since the ad
elements that appeal to viewers vary by age, careful preparation of the element should be
performed based on the target market. Because of the constant repetition of TV commercials,
children's expectations and understanding of goods are growing stronger by the day. As a
result, the children's minds and behaviours are influenced by the frequency of television
advertising to purchase the product advertised in the television advertisement that is repeated
regularly. The negative portrayal of children's actions in television advertising by reverse
gender actors and performers has a significant impact on their behaviour. The violence
depicted in television commercials has an effect on children's attitudes, as we know that
violence contributes to violent and disruptive behaviour in children, and an aggressive
attitude leads to violence. Food ads have an impact on children because they copy the food
that is advertised on television as well as the activities performed by their favourite actors or
personal favourite superstars in the commercial. The infant wants to purchase and consume
the foods and products advertised on television. Marketers should pay attention to this. When
they build the right promotional campaigns advertisements for children's items. It would also
reduce these forms of disputes, as well as their negative consequences. According to the
current report, children are overwhelmed as a result of strong advertising and a plethora of
television outlets, and they nag their parents to buy things they don't want. Peer influence
have also a great impact on children if some of their friends bought any product by seeing
television advertisement the other kids also start nagging to buy the products. Pester power is
used when they want to buy their desired product from television advertisement. Pester
increases when children watch more tv. If children's ads sent the wrong message, or if
children's learning needs to be improved, there must be a morally correct message sent to
them. So, with a few exceptions, no matter what context you come from, what level of
parental education you have, or what living standards you have, whether your children watch
television, they will be affected by television commercials in the same way. The new
technology also gives advertisers access to accurate details about children's media viewing
behaviours. Obtain them, and then refine them to be more targeted This study suggests that
organisations should create appropriate television advertisements that do not damage parent-
child relationships; this is an ethical responsibility of the company. Children should be very
careful who they hit, as it is very innocent and easily copied. Children are so easy that
celebrities, whether directly or indirectly, confections, he / she has shown that the commodity
can be used to convince children to purchase their items. If your children are watching
television, particularly if they are heavily influenced by advertisements for sweets, see what
parents have tried to explain to them about the benefits and drawbacks of such items. Since
children value creativity and innovation, advertisement messages that are inventive and
imaginative should be used. Advertisements affect not just their product choices, but also
their habits, participation in family buying decisions, interactions with parents, and so on.
Some television ads are better than television programmes, according to children's attitudes
toward television advertisements in general and the effect of television advertising on
children in particular. When they go shopping, the first thing that comes to mind is to buy the
advertised products. Advertising has a greater impact on children's attitudes and actions in
this case. Children do not use the knowledge they encounter in advertisements in the way that
advertisers intended, posing numerous challenges for advertisers. As a result, businesses are
becoming more selective about the types of advertisements they target at children in order to
capture their attention.

Based on the findings the conclusion can be made:

When a child develops an interest in a product advertised on television, they can engage in
behaviours such as begging or bargaining with their parents.

Children's interest in a product advertised on television is influenced by their peers.

Children annoy, and the more they watch television, the more they use their annoyance

To summarise the discussion, I believe that while publicising is necessary for an organisation
to remain competitive, it is also necessary for organisations to adhere to certain values and an
implied rule in order to avoid the negative effects of publicising.



Impact of advertisement on children’s behaviour.

This is a survey to know the advertisement playing a crucial role in a children behaviour.

1. Name (Parent)


2. Age (Parent)


3. Household Income (Monthly) 


b. 21,000-30,000

c. 31,000-40,000

d. 41,000-above

4. Both parents are working? 



5. No. Of children having age of 5-14yrs


6. TV viewing hours

a. 1-2

b. 3-4

c. 5-6

7. What kind of advertisement influence them the most?

a. Musical and Sports Advertisement

b. Food Advertisement

c. Cartoon Advertisement

d. Advertisement in which celebrities are present

e. Others

8. Are your children influenced by the advertisement at first sight?




9. Do your children get influenced by the repetition of advertisement?




10. How your children take when you sometime say no to buy the product?
Don't know
11. Is no television for toddlers and babies are good policy? *

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