CSC I - Fina 739 - Ch6-7 Q&A

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Class Sample Questions

Which of the following levels of government utilize T-Bills, marketable long and short
term bonds and CSBs to finance debt? (6.30)
a) Municipal Government
Provincial Government
Federal Government
All levels of government

C: Federal Government

Bond quality is determined by which factors

Liquidity and return
Credit and market conditions
Credit and liquidity
Nature of assets pledged and market condition

B: Credit and Market Conditions

In North America the majority of bonds pay interest?


B: Semi-Annually
What does “term to maturity” mean?
The maturity date of the bond
The date the bond is purchased
The date the bond can be called prior to maturity
The remaining life (number of years left) of a bond at the time of purchase

D: The remaining life (number of years left) of a bond

Another name for a callable bond is?
Extendible bond
Retractable bond
Redeemable bond
Variable bond

C: Redeemable Bond
Class Sample Questions

Which of the following statements are true with regards to callable bonds in Canada?
Most corporate and provincial bond issues are callable
All Government of Canada bonds and municipal debentures are non-callable
All bonds are callable
Only corporate bonds are callable
i, ii

C: I, II

All of the follow statements are correct with respect to the market performance of
Market price is influenced by its investment value and the price of the common shares
Prices rise to increases in the price of common share
Prices decline to decrease in the price of common share
All of the above

E: None of the above

When the price of the common shares moves, what will happen to the convertible
debenture’s value?
When the stock is well below the conversion price, the convertible debenture acts like a
straight debenture
When the stock price reaches the conversion price, a premium appears
When the common stock rises above the conversion price, the conversion price will rise
in price accordingly and is then said to be “selling off the stock”
All of the above
None of the above

D: All of the above

Class Sample Questions

What is meant by the payback period on a bond, as it applies to a convertible bond?

This is the time it takes the convertible to recoup its premium through its higher yield,
compared with the dividend that is paid on the stock
This is the time it takes the convertible to reach a premium above the coupon rate
This is the time it takes the convertible to reach a premium above the maturity value
This is the time it takes the convertible to reach a premium above the dividends paid on
the convertible common shares

A: This is the time it takes the convertible to recoup its premium through its
higher yield, compared with the dividend that is paid on the stock

All of the following are protective provisions are designed to safeguard the
bondholder’s position, except?
Working capital requirements
The forced conversion clause
The after-acquired clause
The closed end mortgage provision

B: The forced conversion clause

All of the following statements are correct with regards to Government of Canada
treasury bills, except?
They are sold at a discount and mature at par
The difference between the par value and the issue price represents the interest income
and return on investment
They are sold by auction by the Minister of Finance through the Bank of Canada, every
two weeks
The issue terms are 30, 60, 90, 180 and 365

D: The issue terms are 30, 60, 90, 180 and 365

Which of the following typically issues Serial or Instalment Debentures?

Federal Government
Provincial Government

C: Municipalities
Class Sample Questions

A brokerage firm sold a client a bond from its inventory of bonds. What is the role of
the brokerage firm in this transaction?

B: Principal

CSC VOLUME ONE: Chapters 6 – 7, Test #1

1. If the yield of a bond is greater than its coupon rate...
a) it is trading at a discount.
b) it is trading at a premium.
c) the investor is losing money.
d) the investor is making money.

2. Canada Savings Bonds should be understood as…

a) liquid, negotiable, and marketable.
b) marketable and liquid, but not negotiable.
c) marketable and negotiable, but not liquid.
d) liquid, but neither negotiable nor marketable.

3. The Canada Yield Call feature means...

a) that the Government of Canada reserves the right to call in bonds at
any time.
b) that the Government of Canada reserves the right to call in bonds at
any time at par value plus accrued interest.
c) that the corporate issuer can call its bond based on a yield spread
with an equivalent Government of Canada bond.
d) that the corporate issuer can call the bond at any time, as long as
Government of Canada bonds with similar maturities are also callable.

4. Which of the following bonds would most likely provide the investor with the
highest yield?
a) A 10-year straight bond.
b) A 10-year callable bond.
c) A 10-year retractable bond.
d) A 10-year convertible bond.

5. Currently, there is a 5% convertible debenture that is trading at 95. Each

face value is convertible into 20 common shares. Since the convertible bonds
were issued, interest rates have increased sharply. Therefore, it is most likely
that the price of the common shares is closest to...
a) $45.00
Class Sample Questions

b) $47.50
c) $50.00
d) $55.00

6. All of the following statements are true with respect to treasury bills except…
a) they pay interest at maturity.
b) the difference between the issue price and par represents the return
on investment.
c) they are short-term government obligations offered in denominations
of $1,000 to $1,000,000.
d) they are sold every two weeks at auction by the Minister of Finance
through the Bank of Canada.

7. A real return bond issued by the Government of Canada uniquely protects the
investor against…
a) the risk of default.
b) the risk of inflation.
c) the risk of deflation.
d) the risks of inflation and default.

8. The Province of Ontario issues a provincial bond with a ten-year maturity and a
guaranteed bond, also with a ten-year maturity. We would expect that the
guaranteed bond has a…
a) lower yield.
b) higher yield.
c) similar yield.
d) Provinces do not issue guaranteed bonds.

9. A railway company wants to borrow from the capital markets. You would
recommend that it considers issuing…
a) warrants.
b) collateral trust bonds.
c) subordinated debentures.
d) equipment trust certificates.

10. A strip bond….

a) is sold at par and matures at par. It makes regular interest payments.
b) is sold at a discount and matures at par. It makes regular interest
c) is sold at a premium and matures at par. It makes regular interest
d) is sold at a discount and matures at par. It does not make regular
interest payments.

11. Which of the following is least likely to be true of GICs?

a) All GICs are non-redeemable.
Class Sample Questions

b) Many GICs offer compound interest.

c) GICs can be used as collateral for loans.
d) CDIC does not cover GICs with maturities in excess of five years.

Please refer to the following bond quote for Questions #12 and #13…
Issue Coupon Maturity
Bid Ask Yield
PQR Int’l 6.00 1 July/10 101.40 101.60 5.63%

12. How much would it cost to buy $100,000 face of this bond?
a) $100,000
b) $100,000 plus accrued interest
c) $101,400 plus accrued interest
d) $101,600 plus accrued interest

13. Since this security was issued, interest rates have increased slightly. Given this
fact, which of the following is most likely true?
a) PQR’s credit quality has improved.
b) The company’s business has deteriorated.
c) Moody’s has changed PQR’s debt rating from AA to A.
d) None of the above provides a reasonable explanation.

14. A bond’s present value is found by…

a) adding the present value of the bond’s coupon payments and the
present value of the bond’s principal to be received at maturity.
b) adding the present value of the bond’s coupon payments and the
future value of the bond’s principal to be received at maturity.
c) adding the future value of the bond’s coupon payments and the
present value of the bond’s principal to be received at maturity.
d) adding the future value of the bond’s coupon payments and the future
value of the bond’s principle at maturity.

15. What is the present value of the second coupon of a 5% semi-annual pay bond
trading at 92, assuming a discount rate of 7%. (Base your answer on $1,000
a) $21.47
b) $21.84
c) $23.34
d) $43.67

16. An 8% annual pay bond with face value of $100,000 is currently trading at 92.
has three years to maturity. Should an investor with a 10% discount rate
purchase this security?
a) Yes, because its present value of $95,026 is more than its current
Class Sample Questions

price of $92,000.
b) No, because its present value of $95,026 is less than its issue price of
c) Yes, because its current market price of $92,000 is less than its issue
price of $100,000.
d) No, because the discount rate of 10% exceeds the bond’s 8%

17. A T-Bill with 80 days to maturity is priced at 99.25. What is its effective yield?
a) 3.40%
b) 3.42%
c) 3.45%
d) 4.32%

18. A semi-annual bond with a 5% coupon is currently trading at 94. It has four
years to maturity. Its current yield is…
a) 2.50%
b) 5.00%
c) 5.32%
d) Insufficient information.

19. An investor goes into a bank and sees that a one-year GIC is paying 2%. This
refers to its…
a) real return.
b) nominal return.
c) inflation-adjusted return.
d) Both a) & c)

20. The graph depicting the term structure of interest rates is known as the…
a) yield curve.
b) bond curve.
c) real return graph.
d) nominal return graph.

21. According to Expectations Theory, if the yield curve is upward-sloping…

a) the market expects the economy to slip into recession.
b) the market expects interest rates to be lower in the future.
c) the market expects interest rates to be higher in the future.
d) the market expects more supply to come to the market in the future.

22. Duration measures…

a) interest rate risk.
b) reinvestment risk.
c) Both interest rate risk and reinvestment risk.
d) Neither interest rate risk nor reinvestment risk.
Class Sample Questions

23. Which of the following bonds would likely be least volatile?

a) 5-year GOC bond with a 5% coupon.
b) 5-year GOC bond with a 10% coupon.
c) 10-year GOC bond with a 5% coupon.
d) 10-year GOC bond with a 10% coupon.

24. An investor held a $250,000 face value 5% Government of Canada semi-

pay bond that matures October 15th, 2020. When it was trading at 98, he sold it.
If the trade settles on June 24th, the buyer of the bond owes the seller of the bond
accrued interest of…
a) $2,397.26.
b) $3,676.37.
c) $3,869.86.
d) $8,630.14.

25. Bond indexes are least likely to be used…

a) to construct bond index funds.
b) as a performance measurement tool.
c) as a guide to the performance of the bond market.
d) by the Bank of Canada to help conduct monetary policy.

Chapters 6 – 7, Test #1 – Answers

1.A 6 – 9.
2.B 6 – 9/10.
3.C 6 – 11/12.
4.B 6 – 10/16.
5.B 6 – 13/15.
6.A 6 – 18.
7.B 6 – 19.
8.C 6 – 20.
9.D 6 – 22.
10.D 6 – 10.
11.A 6 – 25.
12.D 6 – 26/27.
13.A 6 – 26/28.
14.A 7 – 5.
15.C 7 – 5/11.
$25/1.0352 = $23.34
16.A 7 – 5/11.
Solve for PV: 3 = N… 10 = I/Y... 8 = PMT… 100 = FV… [CPT][PV]… 95.026
The bond’s present value of $95,026 exceeds its $92,000 market price.
17.C 7 – 11/12.
.75/99.25 x 365/80 x 100 = 3.45%
18.C 7 – 12.
5/94 x 100 = 5.32%.
Class Sample Questions

19.B 7 – 15/16.
20.A 7 – 16/17.
21.C 7 – 17/18.
22.A 7 – 23.
23.B 7 – 19/22.
24.A 7 – 28/30.
Days to next coupon payment: 70
250,000 x .05 x 70/365 = $2,397.26
25.D 7 – 30.

CSC VOLUME ONE: Chapters 6 – 7, Test #2

1. What increases the leverage potential for bonds and debentures, compared to
preferred shares?
a) Companies are legally required to make interest payments on bonds
and debentures; they are not legally obligation to make dividend
payments on preferred shares.
b) Companies are legally required to make dividend payments on
preferred shares; they are not legally obligated to make interest
payments on bonds and debentures.
c) Interest payments on bonds and debentures are not a tax-deductible
expense for the corporation; preferred dividend payments are a taxdeductible
d) Interest payments on bonds and debentures are a tax-deductible
expense for the corporation; preferred dividend payments are not a
tax-deductible expense.

2. In November 2000, BCE issued a 20 year bond. Which of the following

statements is true?
a) It should be considered a short-term bond.
b) It should be considered as a medium-term bond.
c) It should be considered as a long-term bond.
d) It could be considered either as a medium-term or long-term bond.

3. Which of the following class or classes of bonds are issued with a feature known
as the Canada Yield call?
a) Corporate bonds
b) Provincial bonds
c) Government of Canada bonds
d) Government of Canada and Provincial bonds

4. What is the purpose of the purchase fund provision?

a) It requires companies to retire a set amount of debt every year.
Class Sample Questions

b) It acts as a price support if the price of the bonds falls at or below a

stipulated price.
c) It forces investors to surrender some of their bonds if the price ever
falls below par value.
d) It forces investors to surrender some of their bonds if the price ever
rises above par value.

5. Which of the following fixed income products would most likely provide an
investor the highest return?
a) A 10-year debenture.
b) A 10-year extendible bond.
c) A 10-year retractable bond.
d) A 10-year convertible debenture.

6. XYZ Company issued a 10-year convertible bond, each $1,000 face value
convertible into 50 common shares. The bond had the forced conversion
featured attached to it. That feature would most likely be utilized if the price of
the common shares were…
a) below $20 per share.
b) at $20 per share.
c) above $20 per share.
d) Insufficient information.

7. All of the following are common protective provisions found in Canadian

corporate bonds except…
a) debt test.
b) negative pledge.
c) retractable debt test.
d) limitation on sale and leaseback.

8. Which of the following is not true with respect to the federal government and
the .Government of Canada bonds that it issues?
a) All Government of Canada bonds are callable.
b) Investors assign the highest quality ratings to federal government
b) The federal government is the largest single issuer of marketable
bonds in the Canadian bond market.
c) Canadian bonds will have higher yields than American bonds if the
market thinks that Canadian bonds are riskier.

9. The gains from treasury bills are taxed as…

a) capital gains.
b) interest income.
c) Either capital gains or interest income: It is the investor’s choice.
d) Either capital gains or interest income: It is Revenue Canada’s
Class Sample Questions

10. Canada Premium Bonds are issued with a higher interest rate than Canada
Savings Bonds because…
a) Canada Savings Bonds can be held by anyone. Canada Premium
Bonds can be purchased by bona fide Canadian residents only.
b) Canada Savings Bonds are available exclusively with the compound
interest option. Canada Premium Bonds only provide regular interest.
c) Canada Savings Bonds can be purchased only between October and
April of each year. Canada Premium Bonds are only sold one day per
d) Canada Savings Bonds can be cashed at their par value plus any
accrued interest at any time. Canada Premiums Bonds can be
redeemed only once a year without penalty.

11. An investor purchases a real return bond with a real coupon rate of 3% when
inflation is 2%. If inflation would increase to 4%, the investor would receive…
a) a lower nominal return and a lower real return.
b) a lower nominal return and a higher real return.
c) a higher nominal return and the same real return.
d) a higher nominal return and a higher real return.

12. Serial debentures or instalment debentures are typically issued by…

a) corporations.
b) municipalities.
c) provincial governments.
d) the federal government.

13. You are managing the portfolio of a high net-worth client. There is a strip
on the market with a very attractive 7% yield. If you had the choice of buying it in
your client’s trading account or RRSP account, you would recommend…
a) buying it in the trading account because the gains from a strip bond
are treated as capital gains.
b) buying it in the trading account because the interest income that your
client would receive annually would take care of the tax
c) buying it in the RRSP account because although interest income is
received each year, it is not enough to take care of the tax
d) buying it in the RRSP account because cash is not received until the
strip bond matures, but the client is responsible for making annual
cash payments on the interest income from it.

14. The Bank of Nova Scotia wants to raise investment capital in the United States
finance its expansion. It contracts with a US underwriter to sell a new issue of
bonds, denominated in US currency in the US market. This is an example of
Class Sample Questions

a) foreign bond.
b) international bond.
c) North American bond.
d) Free Trade Zone bond.

15. Interest rates are extremely low. A risk-averse investor believes that the stock
market is going to do much better than the fixed-income market, but wants the
security associated with GICs. You would recommend the purchase of…
a) laddered GICs.
b) instalment GICs.
c) index-linked GICs.
d) interest-rate linked GICs.

16. Which of the following is not one of the independent rating services for bonds
b) Moody’s Canada
c) Standard and Poor’s
d) TSX Bond Rating Service

17. Which of the following corporate bonds would be most likely to receive an
a) A clothing retailer that recently IPO’d.
b) A forestry company that has a great deal of debt.
c) An insurance company that has been in business for fifty years.
d) None of the above – only government securities receive AAA ratings.

18. The higher the discount rate…

a) the higher the present value of the bond’s income stream. The
present value of the bond’s principal is unaffected.
b) the higher the present value of the bond’s income stream and the
higher the present value of the bond’s principal.
c) the lower the present value of the bond’s income stream. The present
value of the bond’s principal is unaffected.
d) the lower the present value of the bond’s income stream and the
lower the present value of the bond’s principal.

19. An 7% annual pay bond with face value of $100,000 has two years to maturity
and is current trading at 102. Should an investor with a discount rate of 6%
purchase this security?
a) No. The investor will incur a $2,000 loss when the bond matures.
b) No. The bond’s present value of $101,833 is below its $102,000
purchase price.
Class Sample Questions

c) Yes. The bond’s coupon rate exceeds the investor’s discount rate.
d) Yes. The bond’s present value of $107,574 exceeds its $102,000
purchase price.

20. A T-Bill with 340 days to maturity is priced at 98.25. What is its effective
a) 1.63%
b) 1.66%
c) 1.88%
d) 1.91%

21. A semi-annual bond with a 6% coupon is currently trading at 102. It has three
years to maturity. Its current yield is…
a) 5.88%
b) 5.92%
c) 5.97%
d) 6.00%

22. Reinvestment risk is the risk that…

a) interest rates may have fallen by the time the bond matures.
b) interest rates may increase and the value of the bond will fall.
c) more debt will be issued and the price of all debt in the marketplace
will suffer as a result.
d) coupon payments may have to be reinvested at a lower rate than
what prevailed when the bond was issued.

23. A weakness of Liquidity Preference Theory is that…

a) it does not explain a flat yield curve.
b) it does not explain an upward-sloping yield curve.
c) it does not explain a downward-sloping yield curve.
d) it does not explain the impact of reinvestment risk.

24. A bond is priced at 102. Its duration is 5. If interest rates increase by 1.5%, the
bond will be priced at…
a) 94.35.
b) 107.50.
c) 109.50.
d) 109.65.
25. A bond with face value of $250,000 and a 5% coupon matures December 1,
It was sold at a price of 99 on Monday October 29th, 2013. Including accrued
interest, approximately how much would the buyer of the bond have to pay the
a) $247,750
b) $250,000
c) $252,750
Class Sample Questions

d) $255,250
Chapters 6 – 7, Test #2 – Answers
1.D 6 – 6.
2.A 6 – 9.
3.A 6 – 11.
4.B 6 – 15/16.
5.A 6 – 12/16.
6.C 6 – 13/15.
7.C 6 – 16.
8.A 6 – 17.
9.B 6 – 18.
10.D 6 – 18/19.
11.C 6 – 19.
12.B 6 – 20/21.
13.D 6 – 10.
14.A 6 – 23.
15.C 6 – 25.
16.D 6 – 27.
17.C 6 – 27/28.
18.D 7 – 5/11.
19.B 7 – 5/11.
Solve for PV: 2 = N… 6 = I/Y... 7 = PMT… 100 = FV… [CPT][PV]… 101.833
The bond’s present value of $101,833 is below its $102,000 market price.
20.D 7 – 11/12.
1.75/98.25 x 365/340 x 100 = 1.91%
21.A 7 – 12.
6/102 = 5.88%
22.D 7 – 14/15.
23.C 7 – 18.
24.A 7 – 23/24.
102 x .05 x 1.5 = 7.65 price change. Because interest rates went up, the bond’s
price will go
down to 94.35.
25.C 7 – 28/30.
Days to next coupon payment: 153
250,000 x .05 x 153/365 = $5,239.73 accrued interest
250,000 x .99 = $247,500 principal amount
Total cost: $252,739.73

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