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The key takeaways are the importance of diet in healing and maintaining health, and that diet can help shift the body's pH to a more neutral state.

The text emphasizes that diet is an essential component of any treatment and that without proper nutrition, treatment outcomes may be jeopardized.

Terrain refers to the body's inner environment. Diet can help correct the dynamics within this environment and shift the pH balance from too acidic, which can allow pathogens to flourish, to a more neutral state.


Innovative Medicine
Diet Plan
A Guide for Optimal Healing through Eating
1 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan
“Let food be thy medicine
medicine be thy food.”

- Hippocrates

This diet program is similar to the program provided to patients at the world renowned New York Center for Innovative Medicine. Before starting any diet, you should
speak to your doctor. Do not rely on the information in this plan as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If
you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. This diet plan is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

2 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


The Importance of Diet

in Healing

Diet is an essential component of any treatment,

whether conventional, alternative, or through an
advanced Innovative Medicine approach. Without proper
fuel and nutrition, your treatment and resultant outcome may
become jeopardized. One of the key phases to any successful
treatment plan is restoring the body’s natural terrain. NOTES FROM DR. SZULC

What does terrain mean? When we speak about terrain, we are referring to your inner “Our internal biological environment
is composed of many complicated
environment. One critical factor of this inner environment is pH balance. When the body’s
systems that are regulated primarily
terrain is too acidic it can create an environment for pathogens to flourish and grow, and on the basis of pH or acid/base
makeup and temperature. All
for toxins to accumulate. Effective correction of the dynamics within this vast matrix that essential enzymatic and metabolic
composes the inner environment of the body is paramount to correcting the chronic functions such as the Krebs cycle,
which is how cells manage energy,
recurring health problems perplexing our society, and diet plays an important role. can only function in an optimal
pH and temperature environment.
Our internal temperature remains
Whenever we have a polluted terrain, there will always be: relatively constant at 98.6 degrees
• Compromised immune functioning Fahrenheit unless we have a fever
or are hypothermic. This leaves pH
• Poor function of the organs as the main regulating tool for our
internal environment.
• Opportunistic organisms that will take advantage of impaired biological tissue
milieu and acidic environment Most disease and illness is created
and functions optimally in acidic
environments. Our body’s ability to
By maintaining a diet focused on alkaline food, we can help shift the terrain in the body to a regulate itself and function properly
breaks down when our internal
more neutral state, allowing the body to perform its natural protective functions that we all environments are too acidic. Cancer
inherently possess. The goal of your diet should be to bring your pH to a neutral level – not and a huge host of other immune
system malfunctions and degenerative
too acidic and not too alkaline. However, due to our normal modern diets that are heavily diseases occur in acidic environments.
Acidic environments are also
focused on dairy, sugar, and meat, a majority of us are too acidic.
optimal for promoting the growth of
pathogenic microbes. Shifting towards
a more alkaline environment when
Although this diet plan may seem strict, it is advised you establish and maintain a healthy we are overly acidic is essential to
relationship with food while understanding the fundamental importance of sticking to the restoring health and internal balance.”

dietary guidelines. Food is necessary for energy production, helping the body perform
necessary metabolic functions. However, it can also be used as a tool to help improve the
function of your organs and help support a healthy immune system.

3 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Your Recommended Healing Diet

It is important for the bulk of your diet to come from whole plant-based foods. This includes all leafy greens &
vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, and oats) and fruit.

Here is a general list of what to eliminate, avoid, and eat freely:

F O O D S T O E L I M I N AT E F O O D S T O A V O I D limit to 2-3 times per week F O O D S T O E A T in moderation

• Dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, butter) • Meat, Protein; you may choose from the • Water: Drink at least 2 liters (around 8 cups)
• Pork/Red meat following (2-3 times per week max): of filtered water every day – add fresh lemon
• Organic free-range chicken or turkey juice for combined benefits
• Prepackaged food (chips, boxed cereal, • Wild caught fish
granola bars, popcorn, pretzels, crackers, • Vegetables
• Pasture raised eggs (boiled or poached only)
protein bars) • Fruits
• Orange and grapefruit (too much can • Nuts, seeds, legumes and whole
• Alcohol overstimulate your liver during the detox process)
• Caffeine (found in coffee, sports drinks, • Honey grains
tea) • Brown rice
• Stevia • Quinoa
• Protein shakes/powders • Amaranth
• Sugar (unless it is from a natural source like fruit) • Buckwheat
• Frozen food • Millet
• Canned food • Oats
• Packaged bread, cookies, bagels, & See a complete list of foods on next page »
• All fried foods

• Eat fresh, natural foods - try and avoid eating leftovers (nutrients diminish greatly and
bacteria begins to grow)
• Do not microwave food
• Chew your food very slowly
• Avoid drinking any type of liquid with your meals (slows down digestion)
• Avoid eating fruit in the evenings (the best time is in the morning)
• Always wash fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking them even if they are
• Eat with gratitude and satisfaction (savor each bite without remorse, guilt or regret)
• Eat an amount that makes your stomach feel half-full (this will be enough to achieve satiety)

T H E C H I N A S T U D Y A N D A C A S E F O R A P L A N T- B A S E D D I E T

While we know you have a number of different dietary options and plans, we’d like to make the case
for you to adopt a more plant-based diet. “The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study
of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And
Long-term Health” is a book that is based on one of the largest comprehensive studies of human
nutrition ever conducted, launched via a partnership between Cornell University, Oxford University,
and the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine, with data collected over a span of 20 years.
The book shows multiple, peer-reviewed animal studies, in which researchers discovered that they
could actually turn the growth of cancer cells on and off by raising and lowering doses of casein, the
main protein found in cow’s milk. In addition to cancer and heart disease that respond to a whole
foods, plant-based diet, their research showed it may also help protect you from diabetes, obesity,
autoimmune diseases, bone, kidney, eye, and brain diseases. In all, the 419 page book makes a very
compelling argument that we humans are much healthier when we minimize meats and processed
foods, and focus on fruits, vegetables, and all plant-based foods.

4 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Foods to Eat
To some, the elimination of foods like dairy, red meat, sugar, and frozen and canned foods may seem extremely
prohibitive. This simply isn’t true, and after you see how many foods are available for you to eat, you’ll have a new
appreciation for this diet plan. Some of these are superfoods you may have never heard of, but we want to take a worldly
and interesting approach to expose you to new foods that will benefit your health.

Here is a more detailed list of foods that you may eat:

listed in alphabetical order

• Acai • Chia Seeds • Mangosteens • Pepper • Shallot

• Almonds • Chicory Root • Millet • Pickles • Spinach
• Amaranth • Cinnamon • Mulberries • Pineapple • Spirulina
• Apple cider vinegar • Cocoa • Mung Beans • Pistachios • Squash
(raw, unpasteurized) • Coconut Flour • Mushrooms • Plums • Strawberries
• Apples • Coconut Oil • Mustard Greens • Pomegranate • Sweet Potato
• Arugala • Cranberries • Nectarines • Pumpkin • Tomatoes
• Asparagus • Cucumbers • Oats • Pumpkin Seeds • Turmeric
• Avocado • Dandelion • Oca • Quinoa • Turnip
• Bananas • Dandelion Green • Okra • Radishes • Walnuts
• Barley • Dark Chocolate • Olives • Rambutan • Watercress
• Bee pollen • Dates • Onions • Raspberries • Watermelon
• Beet Kvass • Dragon Fruit • Oranges • Rutabaga • Wheatgrass
• Beets • Eggplant • Papaya • Sauerkraut • Yacon Root
• Bell Peppers • Endive • Parsnip • Scallion • Yams
• Berries • Figs • Peaches • Seaweed • Zucchini
• Black Garlic • Flaxseeds
• Blackberries • Garlic
• Blueberries • Ginger
• Bone Broth • Goji Berries
• Brazil Nuts • Green Beans
• Broccoli • Green Peas
• Broccoli Rabe • Hemp Milk
• Brown Rice • Hemp Seed
• Brussel Sprouts • Jackfruit
• Buckwheat • Jerusalem Artichoke
• Buddha’s Hand (Fo • Jicama Root
Shou) • Kefir
• Burdock Root • Kelp (Arame)
• Cabbage • Kimchi
• Cacao • Kiwano
• Camu Camu • Kiwi
• Cantaloupe • Kombucha
• Carambola (Star Fruit) • Konjac Root
• Carrots • Leeks
• Cashews • Lemon
• Cauliflower • Lentils
• Celery • Lettuce
• Chaga Tea • Lucuma
• Chard • Maca Powder
• Cherimoya • Macadamia Nuts
• Cherries • Mango

5 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Go Organic
This diet plan recommends that you buy organic, non-GMO produce whenever
possible. Conventional fruits and vegetables use high amounts of pesticides
that have been shown to cause a host of health issues including many types
of cancer, hormonal & reproductive problems, birth defects, impaired brain
development, and behavioral disorders – just to name a few.

Keep reading below to learn more.

Why Quality Needs to Come First

While healing or looking to improve your current state of health, you should always place quality first. In no other realm is
quality more important than in health and medicine. It is for this reason we ask you place the quality of your food first,
over cost and convenience. Treat your body like a high-performance Ferrari. You wouldn’t put the cheapest gas into
this fine-tuned machine; you’d want it to run efficiently with a high octane gas. The same goes for your body. Here are a
few other reasons to eat nutrient-dense, non-GMO, high quality organic foods:

• N U T R I T I O N A L LY A B U N D A N T
One study showed that organic fruits and veggies contain 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, 13.6% more
phosphorus, and 18% more polyphenols than non-organic fruits and veggies.

• H E L P S T O P R E V E N T D I S E A S E
Research shows organic crops have higher levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants. How much more? Approximately 69% more flavonones,
50% more flavonols, and 19% more phenolic acids.

• L O W E R T O X I C I T Y
The use of pesticides is truly rampant. These toxic elements make their way into our bodies and can act as neurotoxins that may
contribute to chronic neurodegenerative disorders, most notably Parkinson’s disease. Pesticides are found four times more frequently and
in higher amounts in conventional crops versus organic crops.

6 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Avoiding Toxic Pesticides

The following is a list from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that does regular pesticide testing. The ‘Dirty
Dozen’ is a compilation of the most highly contaminated sprayed fruits and vegetables available at supermarkets.
The ‘Clean Fifteen’ includes the produce with the least amount of pesticides found.


1. Strawberry 1. Avocados
2. Apple 2. Sweet Corn
3. Nectarine 3. Pineapples
4. Peach 4. Cabbage
5. Celery 5. Sweet peas, frozen
6. Grapes 6. Onions
7. Cherries 7. Asparagus
8. Spinach 8. Mangos
9. Tomatoes 9. Papayas
10. Sweet bell peppers 10. Kiwi
11. Cherry tomatoes 11. Eggplant
12. Cucumbers 12. Honeydew melon
13. Grapefruit
*Leafy Greens and hot peppers have recently been 14. Cantaloupe
found to carry toxic pesticides. Remember to always 15. Cauliflower
peel the skin off any fruits and vegetables.

Cleaning Your Produce

We recommend that you wash your produce before you cook it due to bacteria,
parasites, and pesticides. Even if the vegetables are organic, there is always a risk
of contamination with bacteria and parasites that occurs during transport. These
organisms are microscopic and can’t be seen by the naked eye. Cooking them at
high temperatures does not guarantee that they will be destroyed. One study found
that 9 out of 10 pre-cut ready to eat salad greens available at grocery stores had
protozoan parasites on them.


• 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 1-tablespoon salt
• 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
• 1-cup cold tap water

Mix all ingredients together into a spray bottle. Spray

vegetables or fruit right before eating or cooking and
then rinse with water.

7 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Mental Attitudes and Emotions

An often forgotten part of any diet is the mental attitudes and emotions a patient is carrying during the diet.
Negative attitudes and emotions affect our internal pH levels because they are considered to be acidic. When we burden
ourselves with negative attitudes, we stimulate certain neurotransmitters that build up in the brain and eventually are
metabolized into acids. Negative attitudes also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response).

As Dr. Thomas K. Szulc (Medical Director of the New York Center for Innovative Medicine) states:

“Our autonomic nervous system is like the bridge between our energetic aspects (thoughts, emotions) and
our physical bodies. It has two major components: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic
nervous system is the part of our nervous system that keeps us alert, active and in work mode. It is also
responsible for the flight or fight response which is associated with stress, anxiety and depression. The
parasympathetic nervous system is the rest and relaxation response. It’s the part of the nervous system
we experience when we are calm, relaxed and at ease. These two aspects of our autonomic nervous
system are supposed to be in balance and in harmony with one another. They are the rest/work or yin/
yang aspects of ourselves. The cells of our body excrete toxins and waste material when the body is in
a more parasympathetic state. When we are overly stressed and filled with negative emotions we are in
a sympathetic state and hinder the cells ability to excrete waste products. Waste material and toxins are
considered acidic and a build up of them causes an overly acidic internal environment. Nicotine and
caffeine stimulate the sympathetic nervous system in addition to being acidic themselves.”


We can consciously stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system through proper breathing and
relaxation exercises. One such breathing exercise advocated by NYCIM is the Buteyko Breathing
Method. The method is a strategy to retrain dysfunctional breathing based on the theory that many
diseases result from an abnormal breathing pattern. To be more specific, conditions such as asthma,
high blood pressure, sleep apnea, panic disorders, high blood pressure, etc. are believed to be the
body’s responses (a defense mechanism) to hyperventilation or in simple terms; over-breathing.

» Learn more with a short guide on the Buteyko Method

8 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will I be able to get enough protein?
Yes. One of the myths of modern nutrition is that high levels of protein are good for us and
are needed for muscles and recovery. Your body only needs 8-10% of your daily calories
to come from protein. In fact, prominent athletes such as Serena and Venus Williams, Tom
Brady, and Olympian Carl Lewis all eat plant-based diets with little to no animal protein.

With the dramatic increase of meat consumption in the U.S. and other developed nations
over the past century, we now as a society consume anywhere from three to five times
more protein than needed for optimal health. For most people, daily intake should
be approximately 30 to 70 grams of protein a day, and from high quality sources. As a
reference, green peas have approximately 8 grams of protein per cup. Over consumption
of protein, especially animal protein, increases carcinogenic activity and is associated with
numerous health risks.
“Can a world-class athlete get enough protein from a vegetarian diet to compete? I’ve found that a person does
not need protein from meat to be a successful athlete. In fact, my best year of track competition was the first Diets that are rich in animal protein
year I ate a vegan diet.” cause people to excrete more calcium
than normal through their kidneys
- Carl Lewis, US track and field athlete; nine-time Olympic gold medalist and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Countries with lower-protein diets
have lower rates of osteoporosis and
Will I gain weight from this diet? hip fractures.

No. Most actually experience weight-loss due to the elimination of all processed foods and
limited amount of animal protein which in turn reduces the acidity of the body. Again, the
main goal is to get your body back to a natural state of healing. This diet plan emphasizes
that weight-gain or weight-loss should not be your greatest concern initially. Restoring your
health is of paramount importance, and that is the goal of this diet.

Can I have yogurt since it has probiotics?

Probiotics are indeed important, but it is recommended that you receive them from other
foods such as organic sauerkraut, organic kombucha, organic kefir, organic apple cider
vinegar, or organic beet kvass. Most yogurts have refined sugar and other additives, and
the quality of probiotic cultures may be compromised. You may also be prescribed a high-
quality probiotic supplement if necessary.

Can I have cheese if it’s organic?

Dairy creates a great deal of mucus within the body, making the detox process of eliminating
toxins and improving your lymphatic system more difficult. Too much mucus results in
a sluggish lymphatic, digestive, and respiratory system. Your body absorbs 80% of its
nutrients via the small intestine. Too much mucus can build up in the intestines creating
an accumulation of gunk within the folds of the intestinal walls. This eventually leads to
malabsorption and digestive issues. Most commercial cheeses are also filled with heavy
metals to help them age faster. Heavy metals wreak havoc on the body and can disrupt the
function of your nervous system.

9 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I have alcohol if I’m at a party or a special event?

We recommend abstaining from any form of alcohol while healing. As you detoxify, the aim
is to improve the function of your organs of elimination (liver, kidneys and lymphatic system).
Alcohol can interfere with this process by putting a strain on your liver.

Do I have to stay away from gluten?

Unless you have a gluten-allergy or sensitivity, this diet plan doesn’t necessarily enforce
“gluten-free.” This term has become very trendy over the past decade creating a lot of
misinformation. Just because a label says “gluten-free” does not mean that it’s healthy. It
is advised you incorporate a variety of healthy organic grains into your diet. These include
quinoa, barley, millet, chia seeds, farro, amaranth, spelt, oats, brown rice, and buckwheat.
Stay away from prepackaged breads, muffins, cookies, bagels, and cereals.

Can I have decaffeinated coffee?

While this plan does ask that you avoid caffeine during your treatment because it puts a
stress on your adrenal glands and dehydrates you, “decaffeinated” coffee may actually be
worse for you than regular coffee. One of the primary methods to decaffeinate coffee is
through the addition of chemical solvents, and recent studies suggest it may have a harmful
effect on bone density and your cardiovascular system.

Can I have chocolate?

Worry more about ‘processed-free’,
While a small amount won’t significantly impact your progress, you should stay away from rather than gluten-free.
as much sugar as possible. Sugar increases the acidity within your body, which in turn works
against our efforts to bring you back to a more neutral state.

Why do I have to limit animal protein so much? NOTES FROM DR. SZULC

Animal protein creates an acidic environment and multiple studies suggest that people who “At the present time, milk is a
processed food. Milk is pasteurized,
consume animal protein compared to plant protein have a higher risk of mortality and an
homogenized, and has antibiotics and
increase in cardiovascular diseases. Animal protein is considered a carcinogen and puts hormones as well as other substances
stress on the kidneys, as well as speeds the aging process. that are fed to the cow. I strongly
advise everybody to limit consumption

How am I going to be able to get enough calcium without of milk products.

consuming dairy? Cows pass along these foreign

substances into the milk we drink. I
have even heard of cases where people
Approximately one-third of calcium found in milk is actually absorbed by the body. Green have gone into anaphylactic shock
vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, bok-choy, spinach, and broccoli have a much from drinking milk in which the cow
higher percentage of bioavailable and absorbable calcium. Replace your dairy intake with was treated with penicillin, and the
fresh green vegetables and legumes and you will receive all the calcium your body requires. person was allergic to penicillin.”

10 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan



There are some great resources that provide wonderful recipes and cooking ideas
to implement your Innovative Medicine Diet Plan in creative and delicious ways.

Purchasing Organic Food

Where you can find quality sources of organic food.

• Local Harvest
Local Harvest connects people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it.

• Thrive Market
Organic brands delivered to your door for less.

Recipes and Cookbooks

Recipes and meal ideas for healthy eating and for dietary limitations.

• Forks over Knives

Videos and resources on how and why to transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet. “You have to
• Center for Nutrition Studies
Promoting optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research.
love yourself.
• Simply Quinoa That’s the
Simple and healthy recipe ideas.
single most
• Elena’s Pantry
Easy, healthy and Paleo based recipes. powerful
• The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
Recipes that show how a vegetarian diet is the optimal way to meet your nutritional needs. thing. Out
of that
Books & Literature
Enlightening readings on food, nutrition, and diet.
How are
• Schnitzer-Intensive Nutrition
A secret book that is highly recommended by Dr. Szulc. you eating?“
• The China Study - Nia Peeples
The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and the implications for health.

• The Gerson Therapy

A proven nutritional program for cancer and other illnesses.

11 | The Innovative Medicine Diet Plan


“In order to restore balance to our bodies and achieve optimal health
and wellness, we need to be very conscious of what we put in our
bodies and the mental attitudes and emotions we promote. By eating
more alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables, promoting positive
mental attitudes and consciously learning to relax, we can greatly
affect our health in positive and affirming ways.”
- Thomas K. Szulc, MD
12 | The
12 |Innovative
The NYCIM Medicine
Diet Plan
Diet Plan

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