WISEMAN DAVID - Simulation and Early Design Studies - Paper For Process Systems 05
WISEMAN DAVID - Simulation and Early Design Studies - Paper For Process Systems 05
WISEMAN DAVID - Simulation and Early Design Studies - Paper For Process Systems 05
Peter Hand, Isandla Coal Consulting David Wiseman, David Wiseman Pty Ltd
Box 3106, Edenvale, 1610, South Africa Box 94, Blackwood, SA 5051, Australia
Phone & Fax: +27 11 455 4755 Phone & Fax: +61 8 8370 2584
[email protected] [email protected]
Pre-feasibility, feasibility and early design studies call for a particular approach to simulation
and process flowsheeting if such tools are to provide useful assistance to the design process.
Often there is insufficient information available to allow the use of more complex models
needed for detailed simulation and it is necessary to rely on a combination of relatively
simple, physically based models, together with experience of similar processes in operation.
However, there is frequently enough information to allow simulation based sizing of major
equipment more accurate than intuition, particularly in circuits involving recycles. The
information derived from simulation can give broad brush estimates of the number of modules
required, scale of machines needed etc.
Relatively simple simulation can be a useful and important tool in harnessing both formal
design and “rule of thumb” techniques in order to assess basic and advanced plant circuit
design. Oversimplification however is not without its attendant problems including potential
loss of valuable detail.
Examples and case studies are provided of an approach that attempts to walk the line
between sufficient detail to make the simulation worthwhile while working within the bounds of
the quality and amount of data typically available at this stage of the design study.
Modelling, Simulation
The requirements of pre-feasibility, feasibility and other early design studies present a difficult
environment for process calculations. There is often a lack of detailed process information (in
some cases a lack of any process information). As a consequence, the calculations must be
based on any or all of “standard approaches”, heuristics or broad “rules of thumb”,
“guesstimation”, “what similar operations do”, or “what was used last time”.
In current practice, calculations of this nature are typically performed in a spreadsheet such
as Microsoft’s Excel™ (by far the most common tool of choice for ad-hoc calculations by
process engineers), or by using more specifically mathematically focussed tools such as
Matlab™ or MathCAD™.
In this paper we detail an approach based on using Excel™, but applying structure such that
the implicit ad-hoc nature of the spreadsheet is brought somewhat under control, while still
allowing the user the flexibility of approach that early design study calculations require. The
additional benefits that working in the spreadsheet environment provide are also highlighted.
Other issues include the need to document sources of data, laboratory results, calculation
methodology and so on.
The problems are particularly apparent at the early design stage, where the groups involved
may be small, or may in fact be consultants outside of the organisation responsible for later
refinement and implementation of the design. In this instance, there is a further consideration;
handover of the appropriate document set to the next group in the design process.
Not all of the documents listed are appropriate to early design studies, for example, it would
be unusual to develop detailed P&IDs at this point in the design process and process review
stages such as HAZOP studies often depend on those documents.
Application of structure to the spreadsheet
If the documents required for early design can be maintained within a single source
document, many of the above problems can be alleviated. The spreadsheet is a strong
candidate as a suitable host “container” for such documents, since many of them require
calculations in their own right.
To implement this requires that process unit models are defined in such a manner that the
interconnecting data flows between the model calculations can be rearranged simply. Two
approaches help facilitate this. The first is the definition of a suitable stream structure and the
second is the isolation of the individual unit models from the overall process model.
In the spreadsheet environment, the stream structure can be implemented simply as a range
of cells, one range for each stream. One and two dimensioned arrangements of data are
relatively straightforward, higher dimensioned problems require a little more creativity, but are
still quite achievable.
Stream Summary
Fine Ore Cu Clnr Cu Rghr Cu Rghr Cu Rghr
Feed Tail Conc Feed Tail
tph Galena 4.919 0.55 0.55 1.85 5.47 3.62
tph Sphalerite 16.615 1.05 1.05 1.50 17.66 16.16
tph Tetrahedrite 0.003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
tph Chalcopyrite 1.707 0.24 0.24 1.39 1.95 0.56
tph FeSG 52.38 1.65 1.65 1.88 54.03 52.15
tph NSG 24.376 1.15 1.15 1.38 25.52 24.14
tph Water 132.558 10.82 10.82 4.31 143.37 225.49
Figure 4. Example 2D data structure (Size by Density - One stream from a Coal Wizard
generated workbook)
Isolation of individual process unit models requires that inputs to and outputs from the actual
process calculations are defined as separate ranges (mirroring the stream structures), in
much the same way that parameters are passed into and retrieved from a subroutine or
function in a conventional programming language. Once these “interfaces” between the
structured stream data and the process unit calculations are defined and the process unit
Model Summary
Split to Cyc
Size Mean Overflow
+7.5 10.61 0.000
+3.75 5.30 0.000
+1.88 2.66 0.000
+0.94 1.33 0.002
+0.47 0.66 0.103
+0.24 0.34 0.464
+0.12 0.17 0.716
+0.06 0.08 0.819
-0.06 0.04 0.861
The Wizard template workbooks take two forms; those whose pre-defined components are
suitable for a specific process domain (e.g. the Limn:CoalWizard has a two dimensional size
by density structure with unit model worksheets specific to coal processing plants), and those
whose structures and unit models are meant for subsequent user modification and
enhancement (e.g. the Limn:Generic 1D VerticalWizard has a simple one dimensional -
vertical spreadsheet range – stream structure with simple splitter, combiner, reactor type unit
model worksheets).
The template stream data structures and unit model worksheets provided by the
Limn:WizardPack are designed to be further modified by the user, in one of two ways.
The simplest and most common approach, particularly where a process domain specific
wizard is close enough to the final requirements, is to run the Wizard, then to modify the
resulting worksheets in the target workbook, to achieve precisely the stream structure and
unit model nuances desired.
Alternatively, a pre-defined Wizard template may itself be edited and modified to form the
basis of a new “user defined Wizard” containing stream structures and unit models as
explicitly defined by the user, which can then be used in site specific studies or for frequently
required problem domains. The user defined Wizards provide a way of encapsulating process
knowledge held within an organisation into a format that can be used in the future in a
standardised and structured manner, not just by the original Wizard developer, but by others
who perhaps lack the specific process understanding or modelling expertise.
Being provided with pre-packaged data structures and process models in this manner and the
tools with which to ally them to a flowsheet, is attractive to an end user in that it reduces set
up time and speeds up the modelling process. In doing so, it encourages the use of a well
structured approach by default. Adoption of a common approach and consistent structure
within any calculation system has of course, many flow-on benefits, in terms of accessibility
by others, ease of updates, modifications and the general maintainability of the completed
Calculations at appropriate levels of detail
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." A. Einstein
At the early design stage, available process data are usually limited. In these instances, it is
difficult to apply complex models with detailed tuning parameters. The fallback is usually to
adopt a simpler form of model, for example separation efficiency curves, standard breakage
data and so on. In a suitable environment it is possible to combine these with other
established design calculations to size equipment based on the model calculated flowrates.
In the case of crushers, for example, manufacturer’s grading curves may be appropriate, or in
flotation circuits, simple grade (e.g. 2 product formula) or recovery models may suffice to
allow determination of likely process flows, which can then form the basis of equipment sizing
Model Summary
Feed Crusher Audit Check
Solids t/h 327.179 327.179 OK
Water t/h 0.50 0.50 OK
w/w % Solids 99.847 99.847 -
Pulp SG 3.487 3.487 -
Volume m3/h 93.98 93.98 -
P80 118.743 42.005 -
% -25 3.192 43.63 OK
Model Parameters
Crusher Models available NB. This model produces a product size distribution
based on curves fitted to data obtained from various
Hammer Mill manufacturer's literature.
Jaw Crusher (Hard Ore)
The distributions are obviously indicative only, but
Jaw Crusher (Average Ore) should provide a useful starting point where no other
information exists.
Cone Crusher (Hard Ore)
Gyratory Crusher
Product Size
Size Mean Distribution
+100 118.74 0.015
+71 84.26 0.398
+50 59.58 3.925
+35 41.83 16.004
+25 29.58 25.815
+18 21.21 20.676
+13 15.30 12.389
+9 10.82 7.296
-9 7.35 13.483
Feed Crusher
Water t/h 0.50 0.50
Size Mean
+100 118.74 124.89 0.048
+71 84.26 106.998 1.301
+50 59.58 56.649 12.84
+35 41.83 18.864 52.362
+25 29.58 7.009 84.46
+18 21.21 4.292 67.648
+13 15.30 3.043 40.534
+9 10.82 2.236 23.871
-9 7.35 3.198 44.115
For screens, an efficiency curve approach to determining circuit flowrates may be tied to, for
example, the industry standard VSMA screen sizing calculations. As an example, in figure 7,
the left hand side tables perform the efficiency curve calculations for the simple screening
model. The model cutpoint parameter (d50c) is scaled to the screen aperture which is in turn
derived from deck and panel types chosen by the user (via drop down lists from manufacturer
provided tables stored elsewhere in the worksheet). The calculated flowrate data, together
with the deck and panel information, plus several other required data values are combined on
the lower right section of the page to complete the standard VSMA screen sizing calculations
to produce estimates of bed depth and required screen area.
Model Summary
Scalper Scalper
Feed Audit Check
Oversize Undersize
Solids t/h 500.00 327.179 172.821 OK
Water t/h 5.00 0.50 4.50 OK
w/w % Solids 99.01 99.847 97.462 -
Pulp SG 3.415 3.487 3.291 -
Volume m3/h 147.857 93.98 53.877 -
P80 118.743 118.743 49.628 -
% -25 17.858 3.192 46.013 OK
Equipment Parameters
Screen Slope (degrees from horizontal) 5.00 Screen Sizing Parameters
Screen Width (m) 2.00 Width 2.00 m
Slope 5.00 degrees from horizontal
Model Parameters Velocity 75 ft /2Min = 38.1 cm / sec
Figure7. Example of a screening model incorporating a standard design methodology with the
process flow calculations.
The above two examples provide specific instances of the generic approach where process
calculations, appropriate to the level of available data, are encapsulated in a unit model
worksheet together with industry standard design heuristics, providing easy and consistent
access to established calculation methods. Using “pre-defined” unit model worksheets in this
way promotes consistency between engineers in the same company, as well as making audit
by outsiders (e.g. consultants providing review functions) much easier .
The encapsulation approach can be extended further to include process unit specific financial
and process calculations on the same worksheet, ensuring that the financial results are based
on up to date and appropriate process data. Reliability is also improved, since the financial
calculations are in close proximity to the process assumptions on which they are based.
Constraint controllers
In many simulation situations, but particularly during early design studies,
where the results are driven by broad requirements (such as a final assay
grade, or a particular flow rate constraint in certain sections of the circuit), it is
necessary to vary certain process parameters to achieve the desired result
from the simulation system. Limn:Solve implements constraint controllers as
part of the flowsheet solution (Figure 8), in a manner analogous to an integral
only plant control loop. This feature adjusts user defined parameters
automatically during the solution to drive the overall system to the desired
values, removing the need for manual adjustments and trial and error
repetitions of the solution.
The constraint controller approach is also extremely useful as a replacement
for “difficult” direct process calculations. In cases where it may be necessary
to calculate the entire system “in reverse” to determine an input value, the
application of a constraint controller to “search” for the solution rather than
performing the calculations explicitly, can be very effective.
Plant Yield
Controlled Variable 38.53
Measured Variable 49.17
Setpoint 49.00
Maximum Output 70.00
Minimum Output 0.00
Controller K -0.001000
Errort-1 -0.173
Control Enabled
Iterations Between Control Actions 1
Start Control at Iteration 1
Figure 8. Example of constraint control user interface cell ranges during simulation run.
Error Checking
The Limn:Solve solution engine must parse the drawn flowsheet to
determine process topology or connectivity. In the process it can optionally
warn the user of flowsheet situations that may not be desirable, such as
isolated (unconnected) process units or streams, missing feed streams and
so on. As the engines accesses the spreadsheet data ranges associated with
units and streams on the flowsheet, if required, it can also perform checks for
consistency and completeness.
The input data (independent variables) can be as simple as a set of process cut-points, or as
complex as specifying the blending strategy for a plant fed from multiple mining areas.
Automating the process of testing several/many sets of input data and recording the results
within the same spreadsheet workbook once again means that the relationship between
calculation system and results is maintained, allowing straightforward validation/re-checking
by others, or repetition of the tests, should overall plant or individual process model conditions
20.00 5,600
The other issues such as the need to document sources of data, laboratory results,
calculation methodology and so on, can of course be accommodated using standard
spreadsheet tools, from simple pasting of scanned documents into appropriate pages of the
workbook (laboratory tests next to the model whose parameters are derived from them etc.),
to more complicated tasks such as importing of assay information about potential feedstock
material from mine geological databases.
Version control is an important issue. Keeping all process calculations and supporting
information in a single source workbook can contribute positively in this area. Having the
process calculations provide the drivers to the other design calculations, and having all
calculations open and available for checking provides a useful audit trail, should it be
necessary to validate or re-do the calculations at a later date.
Using standard tools, it is also possible to provide outsiders with access to the results of
calculations, as well as the supporting documentation, without necessarily giving access to
the detailed calculations. Apart from hard copy printing, printing the workbook pages to an
Adobe™ PDF file provides a convenient medium for electronic transfer.
Existing personal computing desktop tools have sufficient processing power and provide
attractive options as platforms for process design calculations, particularly in the early stages
of a project. The adoption of a standardised, structured approach within a calculation and
design system can leverage the generic power of these environments.
The key to ensuring an efficient and error free approach is the development of the process
unit models and any associated sizing, financial or other calculations in such a manner that
they can be re-used simply and consistently. This can be achieved by careful definition of
process stream structures (the connection between the processes) and associated
spreadsheet ranges and the use of these same structures to define the inputs and outputs for
the individual process unit models.
Automation of the process of combining the user drawn flowsheet with the stream structure,
individual models, summary pages and such other standard worksheets as are required by
the particular application, is also an important step in ensuring consistency of results.
With these “enabling technologies” in place, there is no reason why a spreadsheet cannot
become both the platform for calculation as well as the repository for documentation of the
entire early design study.