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The document provides a numerology reading for an individual named Urvashi Desai, outlining various numbers that are analyzed and their meanings.

The Life Path number is 9, indicating someone who is philanthropic, humanitarian, and socially conscious with a focus on improving the world.

There are three cycles in a person's life according to numerology - the first from age 1 to 28, the second from age 28 to 54, and the third from age 55 onwards.




About Secluded Truth

Founded by Dipti, Secluded Truth is an Institute for Self Awareness. Dipti is a qualified
Chartered Accountant (CA) and choose to follow her intuition and walk on spiritual
path. Since 2005, she has helped many individuals to chalk out their life plans and lead
a healthy life both physically and emotionally.

Self-Awareness tools

 Tarot Card Reading

 Reiki Healing & Training
 Past Life Regression Therapy
 Numerology
 Spiritual Counseling & Meditation Techniques
 Handwriting Analysis

Dipti N. Jaiswal, Mobile - +91 9860630338, Email – [email protected]

**** By Appointment Only ****




Birth Date -- Oct 01, 1969


About your Personal Reading

This reading was composed for you personally and is based on your full name your
date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce yourself. Your Personal
Numerology Reading describes all aspects of your chart as they are understood in
numerology, accurately and in-depth.

Each topic starts with a short introduction telling you how it affects you. This is
followed by the number itself. The meaning of your number is then explained in
easy to read language. You don't need to know anything about numerology to be
able to enjoy and benefit from this reading. Following is a brief description of core
numbers that are significant in your reading.

The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to learn. The Expression
number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general direction in life. The Day
you were born is very closely connected to your Life Path. It reveals specific talents
you possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with your Life Path. The
Personality reveals how people tend to see you. It also demonstrates what
characteristics you are projecting to the world. The Heart's Desire demonstrates
the identity of the soul that joined the earth -- you, the spiritual being.

I hope you will enjoy your reading.

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The Central Focus of your life: Lessons to be learnt

Urvashi, you are the philanthropist, humanitarian, socially conscious, and are
deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have great compassion and
idealism. You are a utopian, and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of
your utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in
giving that you will find much satisfaction.

You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the
minute details. You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into
your larger plans and take over the areas you find uninteresting. The person with a
9 Life Path is rarely prejudiced or accepts social biases of people. Instead, they
evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. They are the
true egalitarian.

Urvashi, you are imaginative and creative, especially at harmoniously arranging the
beauty already potential in the environment. These abilities can lead you into such
fields as interior decorating, landscape art, and photography. But because of your
strong social consciousness, you can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge,
minister, teacher, healer, and environmentalist. Vocations that require self-
sacrifice and have a clear social impact are common among 9s.

You are often disappointed by the realities of life: the shortcomings of others, or of
yourself. Somehow, you don't want to accept the imperfections of the world, a
feeling that drives you constantly to try to improve upon it. But rather than be
satisfied with your efforts, and those of others, you relentlessly push on, striving
for greater accomplishments. You are often unsatisfied with the results. In short,
you lack the perspective that would otherwise make it possible for you to enjoy life
more fully, and accept its natural limitations.

You have a controlled enthusiasm and the ability to finish what you start. A key to
your personality is the necessity of sacrifice. You have to learn to let go of material
possessions and relationships, the inherent lesson being that holding on too tightly
to anything causes pain.
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Money comes to you through mysterious or unexpected ways: inheritance; the

benevolence of someone who was inspired by your work; or a lucky investment.

Conversely, if you pursue money for its own sake, after giving up on your larger
dreams, you're likely to find yourself empty handed. The most successful and
satisfying road for a nine is giving; sharing and sacrificing for a larger goal, without
expecting anything in return.

Urvashi, your greatest chance at success is to tie your personal fortunes to an

endeavor that makes the world a better place for others. Very often, this turns into
a highly successful and lucrative enterprise, providing amply for you and your
family. Your life rests on the axiom that the more you give, the bigger your reward.
You are romantic, but your love is more impersonal. You tend to be focused on
your dreams.

When you are not in harmony with your true nature, you can fall to moodiness, or
become aloof, and withdrawn. You can become timid, uncertain, and ungrateful,
putting the blame for your troubles on others or the world. You have a gift for
examining your life objectively, and at some distance. Be honest with yourself. By
openly facing your shortcomings, as well as your strengths, you develop
equilibrium. You are thus able to love and better understand yourself and all of life.

Who you are

You are a leader, Urvashi. You have a great ambition and a strong drive for
success. You are highly independent and dislike the restrictions of having to work
with others. You easily become frustrated with the routine. Urvashi, you are a
pioneer, a gambler, and an initiator. You are very creative; you possess a keen and
rapid mind.
You have excellent business instincts and with the appropriate training can run
large organizations and big businesses.

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You use information for a specific purpose. Knowledge is a practical tool in your
hands; you dislike information or knowledge for its own sake.
Urvashi, you possess a broad vision and a great capacity for motivating others.
Urvashi, you have great will power that will be tested, especially during the years
28 to 56. But your opportunity for accomplishment is enormous.
You are generally open to the ideas of others, but you can be extremely stubborn
and hardheaded once you become attached to your plans.

Avoid laziness and procrastination. You are given to anger and frustration, and
have a tendency to force the issue at times when things are not developing as
rapidly as you would like.

Your determination, will power, and inventiveness are the keys to your success and
will likely bring you much personal reward and financial success.

This indicates the orientation or goal of your life

Urvashi, you are the humanitarian. You are attracted to a cause or a movement
whose purpose is to make a better world. You are extremely idealistic, sometimes
to the point of being naive about people or methods. You have great compassion
and seek to create a more humane society. You are drawn to those who suffer
physically or are at the hand of injustice. You are the righter of wrongs. Your
deepest intention is to transform the world.

You are willing to sacrifice in order to advance your cause. Indeed, this seems to be
a theme in your life. From time to time, you find yourself involved in a project
whose very life depends upon your willingness to sacrifice something that relates
directly to your ego.

You are highly idealistic. You are also a visionary, with the ability to influence and
direct the masses. Deep inside, you long for the love and approval of the many,
and seek fame. Part of your hunger for fame has to do with your need for
validation; you are your own harshest critic.
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Urvashi, you realize your greatest satisfaction when you are involved in some
activity that directly benefits the public good. Politics, law, protection of the
environment, teaching, and healing are areas in which you would succeed.

You have a broad view of humanity and are not shackled with prejudice. You
should have friends and associates from all walks of life, all colors and religious

People fascinate and enrich you. A wide diversity of people and experiences
stimulate and bring forth qualities within you that would otherwise lay dormant.

You have an abundance of artistic talent. Many with your Expression number find
themselves in the arts, especially in literature, painting, and the visual and
performing arts.

The number 9 indicates the completion of a cycle or a block of learning. The 9

Expression suggests that you have reached the point where a breakthrough can
occur; during this lifetime you can apply all that you have learned along your
evolutionary path and complete a major stage in your development. This is why we
find many geniuses with the 9 Expression.

You have the ability to synthesize many diverse bits of knowledge into a unified
whole. Urvashi, your appearance is important. You are keenly aware of how others
perceive you. As a result, others see you as a person with a great deal of control.
Conversely, you are charismatic. Despite the cool and distant personality you
project, people are attracted to you.

You tend to express your love somewhat impersonally. You tend to be preoccupied
with your vision or cause, and sometimes overlook the needs of those closest to
you. You need to be reminded to give your love more personally and more openly.

Ironically, you are a very loving and sincere person, but often neglect to express
what you truly feel.

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In the same way, you can overlook your own needs. You can avoid sharing of your
deeper feelings, creating a reservoir of emotion. You tend to postpone your
personal satisfaction in favor of some larger work. Try to be more spontaneous
and courageous about showing your real self, including your vulnerability.

Your basic belief in the goodness of humanity is unshakable. This causes you to
encourage the best in people, but occasionally makes you vulnerable to being
taken advantage of. You are not a very good judge of character.
The surest way to personal satisfaction is for you to become part of some larger
social cause. Your nature is to serve. You are happiest when you feel you are
helping to advance the human race.


What your short name indicates.

This number makes you better equipped for the daily struggle of life. This is a
powerful number with good leadership abilities. It is independent, individualistic,
original and innovative. It adds courage and a willingness to take risks. This
number makes you more determined and goal oriented.


This number indicates the dreams closest to your heart.

You like to live a stable, well organized life. You dislike sudden changes. You prefer
orderliness in all things. You have a systematic mind that is reflected in everything
you do. You can establish and maintain a routine. You are exacting with details
and quite thorough.

You like to carefully analyze a problem and then tackle it in a logical and practical
approach. You want to be dependable, a rock of strength and an example of
discipline for others.

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Work is central to your life, but you may have a tendency to overdo it; you can
easily become a workaholic if you're not careful. You have a great deal of energy
and can accomplish a lot.

You want a family and you are a good parent. You may carry the discipline and the
need for orderliness too far, especially in your family, making children and spouse
feel oppressed and limited. Flexibility is your key to harmony and balance in life.
For you, structure is more important than freedom, which you tend to interpret as
chaos. But others do not have your need for well defined systems, in fact, they
may feel deeply inhibited and uncomfortable with it. The peace you get from
orderliness may represent a prison to someone else.

Urvashi, you need and want much love, but you are not very demonstrative. You
can be a little rigid and stubborn.

You are honest and unpretentious. You detest liars and affectations.
You can be very determined and tenacious. You are the bedrock of any enterprise.
You have the courage to go into the nitty gritty of a problem and come up with a
solution. Try not to lose sight of the larger picture and dream while you plumb the
depths of the bottom line.


Your inner desires and the limits that you put on your potential.

With a 1 Minor Heart 's Desire, you draw from yourself more strength and
determination. Urvashi, you try to be more original, innovative, and independent.
You value courage and the will to meet adversity head on.

You are more willing to lead, and less willing to follow. You are less easily
influenced and intimidated. You are willing to stand alone and are better able to
fight for what you think is right.

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What first impression you would make.

Urvashi, you are a stimulating person. You brighten social gatherings with your
fresh and original ideas. Your conversation tends to be sprinkled with novelty and
wit. You have a quick tongue and charisma. You are probably an excellent
salesman. There is a lot of nervous energy within you looking for an outlet.

You love your freedom and you see this life as an ongoing adventure. You are
upbeat and optimistic. This is infectious for those you meet. As a result, you
inspire others.

You have a strong and attractive body, with good muscle tone. Your movements
are supple, graceful, and athletic.

Urvashi, your bane is that you love to indulge your senses with food and drink and
can easily gain weight. Discipline is a necessity for you. The negative side of a 5
Personality Number can give rise to an addictive personality.

You like to dress fashionably and can get away with more colorful clothes.
However, you should be aware of the value of quality and the power of modesty.

You have a kind of swashbuckling personality. People see you as the adventurer
that you are. They expect the unexpected from you, and when they don't you
often surprise them. You have a quick and eclectic mind. You attract information
from all directions, but you can be a bit superficial, skimming over the surface of a
wide diversity of subjects.

This may cause you to be a bit of a dilettante. You can get away with it much of the
time, but for your own success and happiness, you should try to ground knowledge
and deepen your understanding.

Urvashi, your versatility and adaptability make you capable of getting the most out
of virtually every opportunity in life. You decide quickly on a course of action and

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your timing is usually good. You radiate with the potential for success, which
attracts others who can further you along your path.

This will have a profound impact age35 onwards.

Urvashi, your concern for the well being of society will grow more powerful as you
come to maturity. You will be drawn to doing much public service. The long-term
good of your community and even the world will occupy your thoughts

As you mature, your appreciation for the arts and beauty in any form will also
increase. It is quite possible that you will be actively involved in the arts, if that is
not already the case, often as a benefactor.

Service to humanity is fundamental to your life. You will grow in understanding

and wisdom as you mature. Involvement with international affairs or humanitarian
service offers you much satisfaction.

Since you have few 9s in your chart, you will gain a sense of your personal place
among the human race. You will feel you belong and that you have provided
something of lasting value for the future.

How can you improve?

Your Life Path / Expression Bridge number is 0

The single digit values of your Life Path number and your Expression number are
the same. This is considered fortunate, and an opportunity to make real progress in
the areas of life expressed by the repeated number.

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Your Heart's Desire / Personality Bridge number is 1

Urvashi, you should rely more on your own strengths and abilities. Be more
decisive; don't beat around the bush and be straightforward when expressing your
thoughts and feelings. You need to take charge more often. Get off the beaten
path and find original ways of doing things. Do not try to be conventional, or try so
hard to behave according to the expectations of others.

(Numerology is based on the understanding that we enter life with certain strengths
&weaknesses. Karmic lessons are areas that we are currently weak in and must be
faced and worked on in this life.)
You have a Karmic Lesson
Urvashi, you must learn to be more diplomatic and tactful, to stay in the
background when necessary and sometimes to accomplish something without the
need to be praised and rewarded. Learn to be part of a team.
You must learn to be more sensitive to other peoples' needs and feelings. You will
regularly find yourself in a situation where the only road to success is through
patience and attention, requiring you to work closely cooperatively with others.

Urvashi, you have a major issue with commitment and responsibility to others. You
have a hard time committing to marriage and other important personal
relationships. You have to learn to show true emotion. You may feel isolated and
alone, but do not understand why. The reason is that very often you form
relationships yet remain heavily guarded, putting up a show of emotion without
truly communicating affection or care. This can make the bond between you and
others superficial. You must learn to establish sincere relationships.
Urvashi, you will learn the importance of close friends and lasting relationships.
You will learn to give and, when necessary, sacrifice. This is the one true way to
true friendship and lasting love.

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Your strength and talent- It shapes your personality.

Urvashi, you have a strong drive to stand out. You have a great ambition and
desire to accomplish. You are highly competitive and want to be the best and the
first in everything you do. You are highly energetic and creative. You are capable
of influencing and even dominating others. You have highly developed political
skills, and can succumb to manipulation unless your ideals are high. Ironically, there
are times when you lack confidence, especially at an earlier age, but you have the
strength to overcome this obstacle.

Warm, generous and compassionate, you would do well and be quite happy in any
undertaking that not only supplies you with a decent living but also is for the good
of all. Urvashi, you are artistic, the nine is responsible for many of our creative
geniuses, however these talents are often suppressed, sometimes coming to the
surface at middle or old age. You have a strong desire for insight and universal
knowledge. You are emotional, your feelings are not always sensible and they too
are often suppressed.

You can get caught up in dreams and ideals without being practical but with
enough fire and enthusiasm to attract support. Your oratorical abilities save many
a situation. You are driven to do your own thing and are quite independent.

How you would balance yourself in difficult situation.

Use tact and diplomacy, Urvashi. Be less emotional. Be courageous in your

approach to the solution you seek, rather than backing away from problem
because you fear confrontation. Work hard to diffuse tension; your innate talent is
to find a mutually satisfying solution to all. You are willing to compromise.

Be more optimistic and lighthearted. Urvashi, try not to blow problems out of
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proportion. You are overly sensitive and have to work to be more balanced.
Balance and harmony are there for you the minute you apply yourself to any
problem. Urvashi, you can be the peacemaker.


Your way of thinking…

Urvashi, you are always aware of the expectations of others, and you hold off
on expressing your opinion until everyone has had their say; then you point to the
mistakes and the things that were overlooked. Your success in solving problems
and in finding answers is the result of a process of elimination, more than it is a
matter of stringing together logical answers.

Indicates character and deeper self.

Accumulation and loss -- especially money -- are weighted equally in your life.
Indecisiveness and selfishness are at the root of the problem. Learn to size up
situations more quickly and then be ready to give your energy and commitment.
Urvashi, you are very creative, intuitive and intelligent, and have a knack for
showing up at the right time and the right place. You tend to be "lucky"! You are
attractive and charming and can be quite glamorous.


Your ability to assess a situation and react to it

Urvashi, you can appear indifferent to your surroundings and somewhat aloof. You
are well-balanced and can survive many a stormy time. In time of trial, you
withdraw within yourself finding solace and answers, in your creative and analytical
mind. You may be a bit of a loner and do not easily share your feelings with others.

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Challenges that you will face on your life path


This will be faced between Age 0-35
This is a less demanding challenge. Growth is allowed to take place without one
particularly serious obstacle. This does not mean that there will not be challenges
on your path, but there is no single and consistent challenge during this period.

Urvashi, you are being challenged to stay faithful and focused on your highest
ideals. There is an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, and discover the inner
being that is you.


This will be faced from 0 till 35-40

Your challenge deals with distorted idealism. Urvashi, your ideals are unrealistically
high, making life difficult for you and others. You have a hard time being satisfied
with anything you do, or with what others do for you. You lack gratitude. This
prevents you from seeing the beauty in your life. You may also suffer from rigid
thinking, which keeps you from having a clear perspective that would otherwise
awaken you to the many good things you have received.

At bottom, this challenge is about having blinders on. You are unable to see a
broader view, which makes you think you have all the answers. This keeps away
information and perspectives that would be helpful to you.

Your desire to be of service to others is sincere. However, it may be blocking you

from seeing the necessity of working on your own inner development.

Urvashi, you can be domineering and righteous, often telling others what is right
and what is wrong. You often feel a lack of appreciation from others.

There is an opportunity to be of service, to teach and heal, but you will have to
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achieve a balanced perspective between your idealism and your resistance to

personal transformation.


This will be faced during entire Lifetime
Same As Above.


These cycles shape you as an individual.

Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 27) is 2

Urvashi, this Pinnacle causes you to be extremely sensitive, intuitive, and full of
insight. It is a period that requires patience and the development of inner
You are being asked to use gentle power and persuasion to obtain your desired
goals. Direct approaches, forceful displays, and confrontations will likely work
against you.

You will find the most satisfactory roles to be supportive. You are now a gifted
advisor, a diplomat and a peacemaker. Your insight into other people's feelings
and motivations is so acute that you seem to be able to see right to the core of
things. But rather than use these gifts to create differences between people, you
must use them to create peace, to mend rifts, to harmonize.

Urvashi, your challenge during this period is to bring balance to duality in every
form, and at every level. You will recognize the value of both sides of an argument
and be able to see the middle ground where peace can be made. You can create
the atmosphere in which both sides can compromise and work harmoniously. You
are the glue that keeps people and important projects together.

The weaknesses you must face and overcome are too much sensitivity. You may be
tempted to indulge your feelings, to be too easily hurt. You may lack self-
confidence, especially at the beginning of the Pinnacle when your heightened
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sensitivity and awareness make you conscious of your own shortcomings. You may
succumb to fear and hesitation. All of this can lead to emotional turmoil.

Urvashi, you need courage and the willingness to reach out for support.
Your sensitivity will make you acutely appreciative of beauty and harmonious
environments. At the same time, you need beauty and harmony around you.

You have an increased appetite for music and the arts in general. You may find
that your musical talents coming to the surface. If you do not already play an
instrument, give in to any inclination to take one up.

A person in a 2 Pinnacle who uses his or her sensitivity, understanding, and insight
is very appreciated by others. You may not fully realize just how much others
appreciate and respect you. This may cause you to feel undervalued, or that you
are not getting the recognition you deserve.
You appear shy and humble, particularly if this is your first Pinnacle, but inside
there is much pride that must be kept in check.

You may want to hide from the tumult of life, or from difficult situations. This may
tempt you to color the facts in order to protect harmony. Be careful of this
tendency, because it often backfires.

You have an eye for precision and detail. Your taste in all aspects of life is
enhanced and you possess a certain class that others admire. If you make the most
of these qualities, your appearance is considerably improved, making you both
attractive and graceful.

The world depends on those who maintain harmony and balance.

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 28 until age 36) is 8

Urvashi, under the influences of this Pinnacle, you will have greatly enhanced
talent for dealing successfully with business and finances. This is a time of material
growth, a time of expansion and reward. It is the cycle of harvest.

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The 8 Pinnacle also increases your personal power. You have sound judgment and
vision. In fact, this is the basis of your financial success.

People sense your power and effectiveness. They defer to you much more easily,
and look to you for answers. This makes it easier for you to use power without
having to be a bully or force your way through situations. They perceive your
ableness and want to join you in your vision. Others have faith in you.

You will be able to organize large enterprises. Problems do not threaten you so
much as provide a challenge. You yourself sense your enhanced personal powers
and feel a growing sense of stability and centeredness. You will be capable of
influencing matter in an almost magical way. As a result, you are extremely goal
oriented, moving toward the realization of your dreams with confidence and

Urvashi, your challenge during this period is to maintain a hold on your human and
spiritual values. You must remain balanced between heaven and earth. There will
be enormous temptations to make money and status your only priorities, excluding
the more human or immaterial matters entirely. This will undoubtedly lead to
losses. You are being tested and instructed in the real value of money -- it's natural
place in life. If money is placed on a high altar, overshadowing all other facets of
life, you will become its slave.

If you are balanced in your approach to money, and have proper perspective, this
can be a truly rewarding period, both materially and spiritually. That is the true
promise of the 8.

The number 8 symbolizes the balance between the finite and infinite, matter and
spirit. It offers a great opportunity to grow.

Your Third Pinnacle (from age 37 until age 45) is 1

Urvashi, this is a period requiring much independence, courage, resiliency, and

initiative. You must bounce back after many difficult experiences. The challenge of
this Pinnacle is to gain will power.
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There is not a lot of support from others or from family. You must draw from your
own strength. You will have to guard against self pity or surrender. Keep focused
on your dreams. This Pinnacle will require an iron will to keep hold of your goals,
and also the flexibility to maneuver around difficulties, and bend with the winds of
This is a period of rapid self-improvement and growth. You will be forced to use
every talent and capability you possess. You will need to be resourceful.

Urvashi, you must continually put out effort, but with it comes great reward.
Without it, there is no accomplishment nor satisfaction, only a negative attitude
toward life. Be careful not to become too self centered, headstrong or self
important. Be strong but flexible. Be open to the counsel of others, but make up
your own mind. The benefit of this Pinnacle number is a strong sense of your
individuality and strength. You will know what you are made of. There are many
hidden gifts in this period, perhaps the greatest of which is faith.

Your Pinnacle provides you with the characteristics of leadership, boldness, and
daring. You will have many unconventional ideas and the skill and courage to make
them a reality. Your abilities to manage and organize people and institutions are
greatly enhanced. You have vision and confidence in the worth of your dreams.
These characteristics provide great opportunity for success and major

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 46) is 8

Same As First Pinnacle.

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Life is roughly divided in three period cycles-
1.Opening 2.emergence 3.self-expression

Your First Cycle (from birth until age 27) is 1

This is a period of much intensity. It requires fortitude, courage, and flexibility.

Urvashi, you will be forced to use every one of your talents in order to achieve your
own personal individuality and independence. This is a period of integration and a
focusing on your life's dream. Your grip on your direction will be tested, but
somehow the resources are available to overcome any obstacle and emerge from
this time all the stronger. It is a time requiring independence, resilience, and
strength, but these characteristics become integral part of your personality. This
cycle marks a time of progress.

Your Second Cycle (from age 28 until age 54) is 1

Same As Above.

Your Third and last Cycle (from age 55) is 7

A time to specialize, a time to think deeply and contemplate the deeper questions
of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. Urvashi, you are attracted to the fields
of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become an expert in a
specific area.

You have excellent intuition and a mind that can penetrate beneath the surface of
any subject you commit to. Focus your energies and thoughts. This is a period of
inner development. Meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are means of
inner enrichment. Develop wisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times
because of the desire to spend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing
your deeper feelings with others. The inner life is so compelling that you will want
to immerse yourself in it. Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching,
counseling, or simply talking to others.

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This is a year to be organized and practical. Take care of details. Commit yourself
entirely to your goals.

Urvashi, your concentration and ability to focus will be much improved over last
year. You will have an attitude of realism and determination.

There can be a sense of limitation and some frustration this year. However, it is a
year of important opportunities that must be seized. There can be considerable
work-related travel.

You must be flexible this year to make full use of the opportunities that present
themselves. It will require a combination of perseverance, hard work, and

You will receive recognition for your efforts and support from your friends and
Family. It is a good year to buy real estate or remodel your home. It is also a good
time to take care of projects which have been postponed for to long.

Fulfill your obligations and do not be afraid to spend some of that hard earned
money. Selling and trading during this year usually is quite successful.

This is the year to work on your foundation and prepare yourself for the many
changes that will undoubtedly come next year.

As a result of your hard work, there will be much satisfaction and a feeling of

January and February will bring some important change, a new opportunity

March requires self-reflection and reshaping of your plans. It is a good time to

meditate on what lies ahead. June brings a new and important step -- a
breakthrough, perhaps -- in your work. October brings changes and a sense of
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chaos. Urvashi, you may feel threatened by the changes that are on the horizon.
But November brings assistance in the form of a promotion or additional financial


This is a year of dynamic change, Urvashi. Many surprises will come your way. Be
open and ready to embrace new opportunities.

Do not be overly careful this year. This is a year in which a major step forward can
take place if you are willing to take some calculated risks and do a little gambling.
Wisdom and prudence is the key, but you will definitely be faced with choices that
require fast action and a willingness to act before all the facts are in.

This is an exciting year in which you will be required to promote yourself in order to
take full advantage of the opportunities that await you.

There will be increased opportunity to travel and possibly a change of residence.

You may be tempted by the desires of the flesh: too much food, alcohol, sex, and
drugs. Be careful and discriminate. You could make mistakes in these areas.

You will have some unexpected adventures and lucky breaks this year.

This can be an unsettling year if you try to cling to outmoded methods or

characteristics. This a year to throw off the old and adopt the new. It is a rebirth
and a release after last year's struggle.

This is a year in which change takes place consistently, and particularly so in April
and May. July is a breakthrough, a time to enjoy life. September can be intense,
while October requires tact and balance in relationships.

Know Thyself!!!
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