RHP Bearings

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RHP Super Precision

Angular Contact
Ball Bearings
RHP Super Precision
Angular Contact
Ball Bearings
Introduction 5
Materials and Limiting Temperatures 5
Dimensions 5
High Point of Radial Runout 5
Preload Levels 6
Universal Face Control 6
Matching 6
Sets of Bearings 6
Limiting Speeds 7
Lubrication 8
Oil Lubrication 8-9
Oil Type 9
Grease Lubrication 9
Axial Preload Values for Paired
Angular Contact Ball Bearings 10-11
Axial Stiffness Values for Paired
Angular Contact Ball Bearings 12-13

Bearing Tables Series 19 (79**) 14-15

Series 10 (70**) 16-17
Series 02 (72**) 18-19

Accuracy of Associated Components 20

Recommended Shaft and Housing Tolerances 21
Bearing Tolerances 22
Designation System 23

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 3

The NSK Group is one of the world’s leading Modern machine tool building is placing
manufacturers of rolling bearings, automotive increasing demands on bearing performance
components, precision and mechatronic in terms of higher rotational accuracy and
products. speeds. NSK can meet these needs with its
extensive range of super precision bearings
The Group has over 40 manufacturing units which demonstrate the following distinct
around the world, employing over 23,000 features:-
people and is represented by sales offices and
Authorised Distributors almost everywhere.
• Extreme accuracy
This brochure outlines the range of standard
RHP Super Precision bearings. In addition to
this standard range, NSK can provide super • High rotational speed
precision bearings such as higher speed
capability angular contact ball bearings, • Quiet and smooth running
cylindrical roller bearings, radial ball bearings
and double direction thrust ball bearings. A • Minimum friction and heat generation
complementary range of linear guides and ball
screws are also available in addition to
mechatronic products such as Robot Modules™ • Controlled rigidity
and Direct Drive Megatorque Motors®.


Introduction Dimensions
Since single row angular contact ball bearings RHP Super Precision bearings are made in
have a contact angle they can sustain accordance with the International Standards
significant axial loads in one direction together Organisation’s dimension plans. Full details
with radial loads. Because of their design two are given in the bearing Tables 8-10 on pages
opposed bearings or a combination of more 14-19.
than two bearings must be used.
The tolerances adopted conform to
Three series of super precision bearings are internationally recognised standards as
available, ISO series 19, 10 and 02, with shown in Table 1.
preferred contact angles of 15º and 25º (fig. 1).
The standard cage is laminated phenolic resin Precision grade P3 is an intermediate
which is outer ring guided. The material and precision grade offering P2 runout tolerances
design provide for high speed and quiet with P4 external tolerances.
running. Table 1

The many combinations of contact angle and RHP P4 P3 P2

preload allow precise selection to cope with the
most arduous requirements of speed and British Standards
EP7 - EP9
capacity. Institute (BS292)

Anti-Friction Bearing
Manufacturers Association ABEC7 - ABEC9
(AFBMA, Standard 20)

International Standards
Class 4 - Class 2
Organisation (ISO 492)

= contact angle
High Point of Radial Runout
RHP Super Precision bearings are marked at the
point of maximum ring thickness. The high point
of radial runout is indicated by a small circle or
burnished spot on the inner ring face (fig. 2a)
Fig. 1 and by a ‘V’ line on the outside diameter of the
outer ring (fig. 2b). The bearings can then be
mounted with these marks axially aligned with
each other and opposed to the shaft or housing
Materials and eccentricities in order to minimise assembled
runout. The ‘V’ line on the outer ring indicates
Limiting Temperatures the direction of the contact angle.
The material for the rings and rolling elements
is a carbon chrome bearing steel similar
to BS970:534A99/535A99 or SAE52100.
Components are through hardened and heat
treated for stability and optimum life.

Maximum recommended operating

temperature is 120ºC for laminated phenolic
resin caged bearings. If higher temperatures
are required please consult NSK.
Fig. 2a Fig. 2b

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 5

Preload Levels Matching
The ring faces of angular contact ball bearings Super precision angular contact ball bearings
are adjusted at manufacture so that, when the are supplied singly, in pairs and in multiple
bearings are mounted in a back-to-back or sets with matched bores and outside
face-to-face arrangement and clamped diameters. Matching improves load sharing
together, a predetermined force exists when bearings are mounted close together.
between them. To provide for a wide variety of
applications a choice of standard preload The size variation of the bore and outside
levels are available: diameters of sets of bearings is generally 1/3rd of
the tolerance. The bore and outside diameters
Suffix EL = extra light preload of all bearings within a set will be within the
Suffix L = light preload specified size deviation tolerance, but will not
Suffix M = medium preload necessarily be the same as each other.
Suffix H = heavy preload
Super precision bearings are graded (fig. 3a)
The preload most frequently selected is “light” and the deviation in microns from nominal size
which is suitable for use in most applications is marked on the face of each ring (fig. 3b).
where loads and speeds are not extreme. The grades are also marked next to the
designation on the end of the box (fig. 3c).
As preload levels affect the maximum speed
capabilities of pairs or sets of bearings, Nominal dia.

reference should be made to the section on Fig. 3a Total OD tolerance

‘Limiting Speeds’, page 7.

Nominal bore
Total bore tolerance
Although four preload levels are offered as
standard, other preloads can be supplied to
fulfil unusual technical requirements. In such
cases advice should be sought from NSK.

Universal Face Control

Super precision angular contact ball bearings 7014CTRDULP3
are universally faced. This means that the RR 5 D: -4
inner and outer rings are the same width and d: -3
the relative positions of the faces on both Fig. 3b MADE IN ENGLAND

sides of each bearing are adjusted to give the Fig. 3c

required preload. The bearings can be
mounted back-to-back or face-to-face
without affecting the preload value. When
mounted in tandem they will share load Sets of Bearings
equally. For heavily loaded applications, or where greater
rigidity is required, it may be necessary to use
Pre-adjustment of the preload during a multiple bearing set. The composition of the
manufacture eliminates the need to measure set can be varied according to the loads to be
bearing face steps and to produce custom imposed.
made spacers of differing widths to achieve
In certain cases specific configurations may be
the required preload.
required as shown in fig. 4. Due to the special
matching a ‘V’ line is included on the outside
diameter of the bearings to ensure that they
are mounted in the correct order. As standard
the ‘V’ points in the direction of maximum
axial capacity when the load is applied to the
inner ring. The order of the bearings must not
be changed, nor must they be interchanged
between sets.




Fig. 4

Limiting Speeds
Limiting speeds are listed in the bearing Speeds quoted for oil lubrication assume that
tables. They should be regarded as a guide oil/air lubrication is used and those for grease
rather than an absolute figure since maximum lubrication assume the use of a premium
speed can be affected by a variety of quality high speed synthetic grease. The use
circumstances. They apply on condition that of other types of grease may influence the
the bearings are operating under normal speed capability. Suggested factors for a
temperature conditions, are adequately selection of greases are shown in Table 2
protected from contamination and that the overleaf. To obtain the bearing speed multiply
inner ring is the rotating member. the tabulated speed by the appropriate factor.

The tabulated speeds assume a light external When bearings are used as back-to-back pairs
load and are for single bearings under a spring or sets the recommended limiting speeds are
preload which is adequate to maintain rolling reduced in accordance with Table 3 overleaf. If
contact without significant slip or spin the bearings are mounted face-to-face the
between balls and raceways. limiting speeds are reduced by a further 50%.
For spring loaded tandem pairs the speed
factor is 0,95

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 7

Table 2
Oil Lubrication
Grease Type Factor
Extremely small amounts of oil are usually
enough to lubricate a bearing satisfactorily.
Any excess oil increases the drag forces
Klüber Isoflex NBU15 1,00 during rotation and energy is dissipated as
Klüber Isoflex Super LDS18 0,83
As speed increases precise control over the
amount of oil is needed. Experience has shown
Klüber Isoflex Topas NB52 0,83 that this is best achieved by an ‘oil/air’ system
in which accurately metered amounts of oil are
carried in an airstream and injected into the
Klüber Isoflex NCA15 0,83
bearing. The airflow also helps to exclude
contaminants from the spindle. The optimum
flow may need to be determined
Table 3
A guide to the delivery rate for normal operating
Pairs Sets of Three Sets of Four speed can be estimated from the following:

V = 0,15 x d x B (mm3/hour)

Extra light 0,85 0,70 0,65

A guide to the flow rate for high speed

Light 0,80 0,65 0,60 operation is:

Medium 0,60 0,50 0,45 V = 7x10-6 x B x Dm x N (mm3/hour)

Where V = oil flow rate (mm3/ hour)

Heavy 0,40 0,35 0,30
d = bearing bore (mm)
B = bearing width (mm)
Note: The speed factor for spring loaded tandem
pairs is 0,95 Dm = mean bearing diameter (mm)
N = maximum spindle speed (rpm)

A bearing is lubricated for three main reasons: The delivery can then be increased or
(1) to minimise any sliding friction that occurs decreased until the minimum operating
between raceways, rolling elements temperature is achieved.
and cage,
(2) to provide corrosion protection for the For normal operating speeds nozzles parallel
accurately ground and polished surfaces, to the spindle axis provide adequate
(3) to dissipate generated heat. lubrication (fig. 5a). For constant high speed
operation nozzles that are angled to the
To ensure the successful operation of a spindle spindle axis have proven advantageous
assembly, the importance of correct (fig. 5b).
lubrication cannot be over emphasised. Two
basic types of lubricant are in general use; oil
and grease.

Grease Lubrication
The main advantages of grease lubrication are
that it provides an economical method of
achieving minimal lubrication and
maintenance free operation over long periods.
It also eliminates the need for an external
lubrication system, permits the use of simple
closures and provides some degree of
protection against the ingress of
contaminants. However, grease lubrication
Fig. 5a lacks the cooling effect and constant
lubrication replenishment provided by oil/air.
Consequently bearing speeds with grease
lubrication are lower.

The grease type must be selected according

to the operating conditions. It has been found
that many applications can be satisfied with a
selection from the greases in Table 2, page 8.

Whichever type of grease is selected, care

must be taken in applying the correct quantity
Fig. 5b and space should be provided to
accommodate any excess grease expelled
during running.

To use such a nozzle requires more detailed For low and medium speed spindles (<60% of
knowledge of the bearing geometry and this the maximum speed of the bearing set) the
can be obtained from NSK. recommended grease quantity is 30% of the
internal volume, for higher speeds this can be
Adequate drainage must be provided to reduced to 20% and for very high speed
prevent a build up of oil inside the spindle and spindles (>80% of the maximum speed of the
around the moving parts which could generate bearing set) 10-15% is recommended.
additional heat and cause subsequent bearing Internal volumes are given in the bearing
failure. Tables 8-10 on pages 14-19. If too much
grease is packed into the bearing abnormal
The oil should be filtered before filling the heat generation occurs causing the grease to
lubricator, the maximum particle size should deteriorate. To avoid this risk it is necessary to
not exceed 5µm. ‘run in’ spindles for a sufficient time to
distribute the grease. It is recommended that
Oil Type the spindle is progressively run up to full
A good quality lubricant must be selected to speed in a series of suitably sized speed
minimise oxidation and foaming. It must be increments whilst monitoring the temperature.
clean and free from moisture to reduce wear. The temperature should be allowed to
Its viscosity should be just high enough to stabilise at each speed increment before
allow an effective elasto-hydro dynamic (EHD) increasing the speed. If the temperature
film to be formed in the pressure zones of the reaches 70ºC the spindle should be stopped
bearing. Lubricant viscosity varies rapidly with and allowed to cool before restarting it.
temperature and the probable operating
temperature should be considered when
selecting the type of oil.

Many spindles run over a wide speed range

and some compromise may be necessary.

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 9


Table 4



Bore Code EL L M H EL L M H EL L M H
Reference N N N N N N N N N N N N

00 12 25 49 100 14 29 69 150
01 12 25 59 120 19 39 100 200
02 14 29 69 150 19 39 100 200

03 12 25 59 120 14 29 69 150 24 49 150 290

04 19 39 78 150 24 49 120 250 34 69 200 390
05 19 39 100 200 29 59 150 290 39 78 200 390

06 24 49 100 200 39 78 200 390 60 120 290 590

07 34 69 150 290 60 120 250 490 75 150 390 780
08 39 78 200 390 60 120 290 590 100 200 490 980

09 50 100 200 390 75 150 340 690 125 250 540 1 080
10 50 100 250 490 75 150 390 780 125 250 590 1 180
11 60 120 290 590 100 200 490 980 145 290 780 1 570

12 60 120 290 590 100 200 540 1 080 195 390 930 1 860
13 75 150 340 690 125 250 540 1 080 220 440 1 080 2 160
14 100 200 490 980 145 290 740 1 470 245 490 1 180 2 350

15 100 200 490 980 145 290 780 1 570 270 540 1 230 2 450
16 100 200 490 980 195 390 930 1 860 295 590 1 370 2 750
17 145 290 640 1 270 195 390 980 1 960 345 690 1 670 3 330

18 145 290 740 1 470 245 490 1 180 2 350 390 780 1 860 3 730
19 145 290 780 1 570 270 540 1 180 2 350 440 880 2 060 4 120
20 195 390 880 1 770 270 540 1 270 2 550 490 980 2 350 4 710

21 195 390 880 1 770 320 640 1 470 2 940 540 1 080 2 650 5 300
22 195 390 930 1 860 370 740 1 770 3 530 635 1 270 2 940 5 880
24 270 540 1 270 2 550 415 830 1 960 3 920 700 1 400 3 210 6 350

26 320 640 1 470 2 940 490 980 2 260 4 510 760 1 520 3 400 6 740
28 320 640 1 470 2 940 500 1 000 2 210 4 420 925 1 850 4 110 8 300
30 395 790 1 790 3 560 575 1 150 2 560 5 100 1 110 2 220 4 960 9 970

32 425 855 1 930 3 840 625 1 250 2 930 5 840

34 485 970 2 180 4 310 780 1 560 3 560 7 150
36 595 1 190 2 650 5 340 930 1 860 4 160 8 320

38 605 1 210 2 790 5 600 1 030 2 060 4 640 9 340

40 785 1 570 3 570 7 110 1 150 2 300 5 170 10 350
44 845 1 680 3 770 7 480

48 910 1 820 4 120 8 200

52 1 180 2 360 5 290 10 650
56 1 320 2 650 6 020 11 970


Table 5



Bore Code EL L M H EL L M H EL L M H
Reference N N N N N N N N N N N N

00 19 39 78 150 19 39 100 200

01 19 39 100 200 29 59 150 290
02 19 39 100 200 34 69 200 390

03 19 39 78 150 24 49 120 250 39 78 200 390

04 29 59 120 250 39 78 200 390 60 120 290 590
05 34 69 150 290 50 100 200 390 75 150 340 690

06 39 78 150 290 60 120 290 590 100 200 440 880

07 50 100 250 490 75 150 390 780 125 250 590 1 180
08 60 120 290 590 100 200 440 880 145 290 740 1 470

09 75 150 340 690 100 200 490 980 170 340 880 1 770
10 75 150 390 780 120 250 590 1 180 195 390 980 1 960
11 100 200 440 880 170 340 780 1 570 245 490 1180 2 350

12 100 200 440 880 170 340 780 1 570 295 590 1 470 2 940
13 100 200 490 980 195 390 880 1 770 345 690 1 670 3 330
14 145 290 690 1 370 245 490 1 080 2 160 390 780 1 860 3 730

15 145 290 740 1 470 245 490 1 180 2 350 415 830 1 960 3 920
16 170 340 780 1 570 320 640 1 470 2 940 465 930 2 160 4 310
17 220 440 980 1 960 320 640 1 470 2 940 540 1 080 2 450 4 900

18 245 490 1 080 2 160 390 780 1 770 3 530 635 1 270 2 940 5 880
19 245 490 1 180 2 350 415 830 1 860 3 730 685 1 370 3 140 6 280
20 295 590 1 270 2 550 415 830 1 960 3 920 785 1 570 3 530 7 060

21 295 590 1 370 2 750 490 980 2 260 4 510 885 1 770 3 920 7 850
22 320 640 1 470 2 940 590 1 180 2 650 5 300 980 1 960 4 410 8 830
24 440 880 1 960 3 920 635 1 270 2 940 5 880 1 140 2 280 5 180 10 350

26 490 980 2 160 4 310 785 1 570 3 430 6 860 1 200 2 410 5 500 11 000
28 490 980 2 260 4 510 785 1 570 3 660 7 270 1 480 2 970 6 650 13 480
30 625 1 250 2 880 5 860 930 1 850 4 070 8 250 1 810 3 620 7 990 16 350

32 665 1 330 3 230 6 290 1 080 2 160 4 700 9 380

34 775 1 550 3 520 7 110 1 270 2 550 5 900 11 600
36 1 010 2 020 4 420 8 830 1 550 3 100 6 820 13 560

38 1 035 2 070 4 550 9 110 1 660 3 320 7 560 15 130

40 1 280 2 560 5 840 11 620 1 850 3 700 8 360 16 820
44 1 310 2 620 6 020 11 990

48 1 430 2 870 6 620 13 220

52 1 930 3 870 8 700 17 380
56 2 110 4 220 9 680 19 260

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 11


Table 6



Bore Code EL L M H EL L M H EL L M H
Reference N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm

00 12 17 23 32 13 18 27 38
01 14 18 26 37 16 21 33 46
02 16 20 29 43 17 23 34 48

03 15 20 30 43 16 21 31 45 19 25 42 59
04 19 26 35 48 21 28 42 59 23 30 49 70
05 21 28 43 61 24 32 48 68 26 36 53 76

06 25 33 45 65 29 39 59 83 32 43 66 94
07 29 39 55 78 36 49 68 94 37 50 75 108
08 32 42 63 88 39 51 77 110 44 60 90 126

09 37 50 66 94 43 58 85 121 49 67 94 132
10 39 51 78 111 46 63 96 136 52 69 102 143
11 45 58 90 127 51 69 102 145 56 74 117 163

12 46 60 93 128 53 70 110 158 64 86 126 179

13 53 71 104 146 61 82 117 164 71 95 141 200
14 59 79 119 168 68 88 135 190 75 100 148 210

15 61 79 120 171 70 92 144 202 81 108 157 220

16 62 80 124 173 76 103 152 216 83 109 159 224
17 73 97 138 191 78 106 161 225 88 120 177 251

18 79 102 156 219 87 117 172 242 97 126 187 263

19 81 105 165 231 93 124 176 246 98 130 192 271
20 83 112 164 231 97 127 187 264 101 137 202 285

21 86 116 167 235 103 134 198 277 108 144 216 305
22 89 120 173 244 104 137 203 286 117 156 228 321
24 102 135 200 278 116 153 225 317 128 170 247 345

26 108 148 214 302 126 167 244 344 138 183 262 367
28 111 150 218 309 132 174 248 349 152 202 288 406
30 124 166 239 334 141 187 267 374 167 222 318 447

32 134 179 258 361 147 197 288 403

34 151 200 288 403 160 213 309 435
36 158 211 302 425 179 238 342 479

38 162 217 315 443 188 251 360 507

40 183 244 352 493 198 264 379 533
44 193 256 368 515

48 211 281 405 568

52 215 286 410 577
56 242 322 461 648


Table 7



Bore Code EL L M H EL L M H EL L M H
Reference N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm N/µm

00 29 41 51 67 29 41 58 73
01 31 45 60 81 36 49 70 92
02 33 43 65 84 43 57 83 111

03 34 46 62 81 41 52 75 99 46 60 87 116
04 43 60 75 103 51 68 97 128 59 73 104 140
05 56 70 95 123 61 79 99 133 68 90 124 167

06 61 77 99 131 68 89 129 171 85 107 147 192

07 70 94 127 170 78 107 149 198 95 118 167 218
08 72 97 139 182 95 127 168 223 104 136 195 258

09 87 114 160 207 99 132 181 238 115 147 212 280
10 94 124 175 235 118 154 208 278 129 163 233 306
11 112 144 198 263 127 170 235 307 141 181 255 337

12 117 150 198 267 134 179 241 317 155 202 281 374
13 125 161 223 289 157 196 272 356 177 221 314 414
14 138 183 249 334 170 218 293 390 188 238 331 438

15 142 188 267 347 179 229 316 418 199 253 352 466
16 156 203 274 367 187 245 343 448 200 258 356 472
17 172 229 306 402 196 257 352 462 217 283 383 507

18 188 253 340 449 218 275 374 494 239 304 416 556
19 195 262 363 475 227 287 392 525 240 308 419 557
20 197 266 346 463 235 299 417 548 251 325 441 587

21 203 264 368 490 246 317 430 571 267 348 471 624
22 222 284 391 517 258 330 447 588 280 368 496 660
24 244 328 441 580 281 361 491 654 315 409 559 739

26 262 346 460 611 305 396 536 710 334 435 595 788
28 273 348 479 635 317 413 569 750 373 481 654 870
30 308 393 540 719 351 446 601 800 416 532 719 960

32 330 422 592 775 376 482 649 858

34 376 478 653 867 401 514 707 929
36 397 514 693 917 450 577 779 1 028

38 409 531 717 949 460 599 819 1 084

40 453 585 801 1 057 493 631 860 1 141
44 466 604 828 1 095

48 513 666 914 1 210

52 530 687 937 1 238
56 591 767 1 047 1 384

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 13

79** r
Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings r r

D 1 dT d d1 D2 D

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
Basic r r1 static d1 D1 D2 load centre volume lubrication
dynamic jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT (DIN 628-6)
mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7903CTRSU 71 400 44 200 5 000 2 940 6,6
17 30 7 0,3 0,15 19,5 27,5 28,8 0,9 21,8 0,016
7903A5TRSU 59 300 36 800 4 750 2 800 9,0

7904CTRSU 58 800 36 400 6 950 4 250 8,3

20 37 9 0,3 0,15 22,5 34,5 35,8 1,8 26,1 0,037
7904A5TRSU 50 100 31 000 6 600 4 050 11,1

7905CTRSU 50 700 31 400 7 850 5 400 9,0

25 42 9 0,3 0,15 27,5 39,5 40,8 2,0 31,1 0,042
7905A5TRSU 44 400 27 500 7 450 5 150 12,3

7906CTRSU 45 200 27 900 8 300 6 250 9,7

30 47 9 0,3 0,15 32,5 44,5 45,8 2,3 36,1 0,049
7906A5TRSU 39 800 24 600 7 850 5 950 13,5

7907CTRSU 39 900 24 700 12 100 9 150 11,0

35 55 10 0,6 0,3 40 50 52,5 3,6 42,6 0,074
7907A5TRSU 35 200 21 800 11 400 8 700 15,5

7908CTRSU 36 000 22 300 15 100 11 700 12,8

40 62 12 0,6 0,3 45 57 59,5 5,6 47,9 0,108
7908A5TRSU 31 500 19 500 14 300 11 200 17,9

7909CTRSU 32 400 20 000 16 000 13 400 13,6

45 68 12 0,6 0,3 50 63 65,5 6,2 53,4 0,128
7909A5TRSU 28 400 17 600 15 100 12 700 19,2

7910CTRSU 31 100 18 600 16 900 15 000 14,2

50 72 12 0,6 0,3 55 67 69,5 6,7 57,9 0,129
7910A5TRSU 26 300 16 300 15 900 14 200 20,2

7911CTRSU 26 900 16 600 19 100 17 700 15,5

55 80 13 1,0 0,6 61 74 75 8,5 64,0 0,179
7911A5TRSU 23 600 14 600 18 100 16 800 22,2

7912CTRSU 24 900 15 400 19 400 18 700 16,2

60 85 13 1,0 0,6 66 79 80 9,3 69,0 0,191
7912A5TRSU 21 600 13 400 18 300 17 700 23,4

7913CTRSU 23 000 14 200 20 200 20 500 16,9

65 90 13 1,0 0,6 71 84 85 9,9 74,0 0,205
7913A5TRSU 20 000 12 400 19 100 19 400 24,6

7914CTRSU 20 700 12 800 28 100 27 800 19,4

70 100 16 1,0 0,6 76 94 95 16,1 80,9 0,335
7914A5TRSU 17 600 10 900 26 500 26 300 27,8

7915CTRSU 19 300 11 900 28 600 29 300 20,1

75 105 16 1,0 0,6 81 99 100 17,1 85,5 0,354
7915A5TRSU 16 300 10 100 26 900 27 700 29,0

7916CTRSU 18 100 11 100 29 000 30 500 20,7

80 110 16 1,0 0,6 86 104 105 18,2 90,5 0,372
7916A5TRSU 15 000 9 300 27 300 29 000 30,2

7917CTRSU 16 500 10 200 39 000 40 500 22,7

85 120 18 1,1 0,6 92 113 115 24,7 98,8 0,533
7917A5TRSU 13 900 8 800 36 500 38 500 32,9

7918CTRSU 15 400 9 500 41 500 46 000 23,4

90 125 18 1,5 0,6 97 118 120 25,6 102,8 0,559
7918A5TRSU 13 200 8 400 39 500 43 500 34,1

7919CTRSU 14 400 9 000 42 500 48 000 24,1

95 130 18 1,5 0,6 102 123 125 26,9 107,7 0,584
7919A5TRSU 12 700 8 200 40 000 45 500 35,2

Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Table 8

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
Basic r r1 static d1 D1 D2 load centre volume lubrication
dynamic jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT (DIN 628-6)
mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7920CTRSU 14 000 8 500 50 000 54 000 26,1
100 140 20 1,5 0,6 107 133 135 36,3 116,0 0,786
7920A5TRSU 12 300 8 000 47 500 51 500 38,0

7921CTRSU 13 400 8 200 51 000 57 000 26,7

105 145 20 1,5 0,6 112 138 140 37,8 119,5 0,819
7921A5TRSU 11 800 7 700 48 000 54 000 39,2

7922CTRSU 12 900 7 900 52 000 59 500 27,4

110 150 20 1,5 0,6 117 143 145 39,3 124,5 0,851
7922A5TRSU 11 300 7 400 49 000 56 000 40,3

7924CTRSU 11 800 7 600 72 000 81 000 30,1

120 165 22 1,5 0,6 127 158 160 55,1 136,3 1,149
7924A5TRSU 10 300 6 700 67 500 77 000 44,2

7926CTRSU 10 800 7 000 78 500 91 000 32,8

130 180 24 2,0 1,0 139 171 174 69,8 149,3 1,524
7926A5TRSU 9 500 6 200 74 000 86 000 48,1

7928CTRSU 10 200 6 500 79 500 95 500 34,1

140 190 24 2,0 1,0 149 181 184 74,8 158,1 1,618
7928A5TRSU 8 900 5 800 75 000 90 000 50,5

7930CTRSU 9 300 6 000 102 000 122 000 38,1

150 210 28 2,5 1,0 160 200 204 108,2 171,8 2,515
7930A5TRSU 8 200 5 300 96 500 115 000 56,0

7932CTRSU 8 800 5 700 106 000 133 000 39,4

160 220 28 2,5 1,0 170 210 214 113,3 181,8 2,668
7932A5TRSU 7 800 5 100 100 000 125 000 58,3

7934CTRSU 8 400 5 400 113 000 148 000 40,8

170 230 28 2,5 1,0 180 220 224 117,0 191,8 2,841
7934A5TRSU 7 400 4 800 106 000 140 000 60,6

7936CTRSU 7 800 5 000 145 000 184 000 45,3

180 250 33 2,5 1,0 190 240 244 173,7 205,6 4,196
7936A5TRSU 6 800 4 500 137 000 174 000 66,6

7938CTRSU 7 500 4 800 147 000 192 000 46,6

190 260 33 2,5 1,0 200 250 254 183,2 215,4 4,383
7938A5TRSU 6 500 4 300 139 000 182 000 69,0

7940CTRSU 7 000 4 500 189 000 244 000 51,2

200 280 38 2,5 1,5 212 268 273 252,1 229,0 6,210
7940A5TRSU 6 100 4 000 178 000 231 000 75,0

7944CTRSU 6 500 4 200 190 000 256 000 53,8

220 300 38 2,5 1,5 232 288 293 278,0 249,0 6,665
7944A5TRSU 5 700 3 700 179 000 242 000 79,6

7948CTRSU 6 000 3 900 200 000 286 000 56,5

240 320 38 2,5 1,5 252 308 313 296,1 271,4 7,224
7948A5TRSU 5 300 3 400 189 000 270 000 84,3

7952CTRSU 5 500 3 500 256 000 365 000 64,5

260 360 46 2,5 1,5 272 348 353 511,5 299,2* 11,936
7952A5TRSU 4 700 3 100 241 000 345 000 95,3

7956CTRSU 5 000 3 300 272 000 410 000 67,2

280 380 46 2,5 1,5 292 368 373 533,9 319,2* 12,853
7956A5TRSU 4 400 2 900 256 000 390 000 99,9

* Not specified in DIN 628-6: 1999-07

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 15

70** r
Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings r r

D 1 dT d d1 D2 D

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
Basic r r1 static d1 D1 D2 load centre volume lubrication
dynamic jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT (DIN 628-6)
mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7000CTRSU 92 400 57 000 5 300 2 490 6,4
10 26 8 0,3 0,15 12,5 23,5 24,8 0,9 16,1 0,019
7000A5TRSU 76 700 47 400 5 150 2 410 8,2

7001CTRSU 84 000 52 000 5 800 2 900 6,7

12 28 8 0,3 0,15 14,5 25,5 26,8 1,0 18,3 0,020
7001A5TRSU 69 300 43 000 5 600 2 790 8,7

7002CTRSU 71 400 44 200 6 250 3 400 7,6

15 32 9 0,3 0,15 17,5 29,5 30,8 1,4 21,3 0,031
7002A5TRSU 58 800 36 400 5 950 3 250 10,0

7003CTRSU 64 100 39 600 6 600 3 800 8,5

17 35 10 0,3 0,15 19,5 32,5 33,8 1,9 23,5 0,040
7003A5TRSU 53 600 33 700 6 300 3 650 11,1

7004CTRSU 53 600 33 100 11 100 6 550 10,1

20 42 12 0,6 0,3 25 37 39,5 3,1 28,2 0,069
7004A5TRSU 47 400 29 300 10 600 6 250 13,2

7005CTRSU 47 500 29 300 11 700 7 400 10,8

25 47 12 0,6 0,3 30 42 44,5 3,8 32,9 0,079
7005A5TRSU 42 000 26 000 11 100 7 100 14,4

7006CTRSU 42 000 26 000 15 100 10 300 12,2

30 55 13 1,0 0,6 36 49 50 5,3 39,5 0,114
7006A5TRSU 37 000 22 900 14 400 9 800 16,4

7007CTRSU 37 600 23 200 19 100 13 700 13,5

35 62 14 1,0 0,6 41 56 57 7,0 44,6 0,150
7007A5TRSU 33 100 20 500 18 200 13 000 18,3

7008CTRSU 34 000 21 000 20 600 15 900 14,7

40 68 15 1,0 0,6 46 62 63 8,2 50,0 0,189
7008A5TRSU 29 700 18 400 19 500 15 100 20,1

7009CTRSU 30 500 18 800 24 400 19 300 16,0

45 75 16 1,0 0,6 51 69 70 11,2 55,6 0,238
7009A5TRSU 26 800 16 500 23 100 18 300 22,0

7010CTRSU 28 000 17 300 26 000 21 900 16,7

50 80 16 1,0 0,6 56 74 75 12,0 60,6 0,259
7010A5TRSU 24 700 15 200 24 600 20 800 23,2

7011CTRSU 25 000 15 400 34 000 28 600 18,7

55 90 18 1,1 0,6 62 83 85 16,9 67,3 0,375
7011A5TRSU 21 600 13 400 32 500 27 200 25,9

7012CTRSU 23 000 14 200 35 000 30 500 19,4

60 95 18 1,1 0,6 67 88 90 18,0 72,5 0,407
7012A5TRSU 20 000 12 400 33 000 29 100 27,1

7013CTRSU 21 600 13 300 37 000 34 500 20,0

65 100 18 1,1 0,6 72 93 95 19,0 77,5 0,435
7013A5TRSU 18 400 11 400 35 000 32 500 28,2

7014CTRSU 19 300 11 900 47 000 43 000 22,1

70 110 20 1,1 0,6 77 103 105 26,3 83,7 0,606
7014A5TRSU 16 300 10 500 44 500 41 000 31,0

7015CTRSU 18 100 11 100 48 000 45 500 22,7

75 115 20 1,1 0,6 82 108 110 27,8 89,4 0,639
7015A5TRSU 15 100 10 000 45 500 43 500 32,1

Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Table 9

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
r r1 load centre volume lubrication
Basic dynamic static d1 D1 D2 jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT (DIN 628-6)
mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7016CTRSU 16 500 10 200 58 500 55 500 24,7
80 125 22 1,5 0,6 87 118 120 36,4 96,5 0,851
7016A5TRSU 14 300 9 200 55 500 52 500 34,9

7017CTRSU 15 600 9 500 60 000 58 500 25,4

85 130 22 1,5 0,6 92 123 125 38,2 101,5 0,894
7017A5TRSU 13 700 8 800 57 000 55 500 36,1

7018CTRSU 14 600 8 700 71 500 69 000 27,4

90 140 24 1,5 1,0 99 131 134 49,3 108,6 1,161
7018A5TRSU 12 800 8 200 68 000 65 500 38,8

7019CTRSU 14 000 8 600 73 500 73 000 28,1

95 145 24 1,5 1,0 104 136 139 51,8 113,3 1,211
7019A5TRSU 12 200 7 900 69 500 69 500 40,0

7020CTRSU 13 400 8 400 75 500 77 000 28,7

100 150 24 1,5 1,0 109 141 144 53,4 118,6 1,264
7020A5TRSU 11 800 7 600 71 000 73 500 41,1

7021CTRSU 12 700 8 200 88 000 89 500 30,7

105 160 26 2,5 1,0 115 150 154 68,0 125,1 1,574
7021A5TRSU 11 100 7 200 83 500 85 000 43,9

7022CTRSU 12 000 7 700 106 000 104 000 32,7

110 170 28 2,5 1,0 120 160 164 88,3 131,9 1,927
7022A5TRSU 10 500 6 900 100 000 99 000 46,6

7024CTRSU 11 200 7 200 112 000 117 000 34,1

120 180 28 2,5 1,0 130 170 174 93,5 142,3 2,082
7024A5TRSU 9 800 6 400 106 000 111 000 49,0

7026CTRSU 10 200 6 500 129 000 137 000 38,6

130 200 33 2,5 1,0 140 190 194 131,8 156,2 3,229
7026A5TRSU 8 900 5 800 122 000 130 000 55,0

7028CTRSU 9 600 6 200 132 000 145 000 39,9

140 210 33 2,5 1,0 150 200 204 141,0 165,7 3,414
7028A5TRSU 8 400 5 500 125 000 138 000 57,3

7030CTRSU 8 900 5 800 151 000 168 000 42,6

150 225 35 2,5 1,5 162 213 218 171,2 178,1 4,164
7030A5TRSU 7 900 5 100 143 000 160 000 61,2

7032CTRSU 8 400 5 400 171 000 193 000 45,8

160 240 38 2,5 1,5 172 228 233 210,8 190,4 5,146
7032A5TRSU 7 400 4 800 162 000 183 000 65,6

7034CTRSU 7 800 5 000 205 000 234 000 49,8

170 260 42 2,5 1,5 182 248 253 281,3 203,4 6,905
7034A5TRSU 6 800 4 500 193 000 223 000 71,1

7036CTRSU 7 400 4 700 228 000 276 000 53,8

180 280 46 2,5 1,5 192 268 273 346,4 217,1 9,219
7036A5TRSU 6 400 4 200 216 000 262 000 76,6

7038CTRSU 7 000 4 500 247 000 305 000 55,2

190 290 46 2,5 1,5 202 278 283 363,7 227,1 9,444
7038A5TRSU 6 100 4 000 233 000 291 000 79,0

7040CTRSU 6 600 4 200 265 000 340 000 59,7

200 310 51 2,5 1,5 212 298 303 470,8 240,9 12,452
7040A5TRSU 5 800 3 800 250 000 325 000 85,0

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 17

72** r
Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings r r

D 1 dT d d1 D2 D

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
Basic r r1 static d1 D1 D2 load centre volume lubrication
dynamic jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT*

mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7200CTRSU 84 000 52 000 5 400 2 610 7,2
10 30 9 0,6 0,3 15 25 27,5 1,2 18,1 0,032
7200A5TRSU 69 800 43 200 5 200 2 510 9,2

7201CTRSU 76 100 47 000 7 900 3 850 7,9

12 32 10 0,6 0,3 17 27 29,5 1,7 19,6 0,036
7201A5TRSU 63 000 39 200 7 650 3 700 10,1

7202CTRSU 67 200 41 600 8 650 4 550 8,8

15 35 11 0,6 0,3 20 30 32,5 2,2 22,6 0,045
7202A5TRSU 56 200 34 800 8 350 4 350 11,3

7203CTRSU 58 800 36 400 10 900 5 850 9,8

17 40 12 0,6 0,3 22 35 37,5 3,1 25,9 0,065
7203A5TRSU 50 100 31 000 10 500 5 600 12,6

7204CTRSU 50 700 31 300 14 600 8 050 11,5

20 47 14 1,0 0,6 26 41 42 4,7 30,5 0,104
7204A5TRSU 44 400 27 500 14 000 7 750 14,8

7205CTRSU 44 900 27 800 16 600 10 200 12,7

25 52 15 1,0 0,6 31 46 47 6,2 35,5 0,128
7205A5TRSU 39 800 24 600 15 900 9 800 16,5

7206CTRSU 39 200 24 200 23 000 14 700 14,2

30 62 16 1,0 0,6 36 56 57 8,8 42,4 0,194
7206A5TRSU 34 700 21 400 22 100 14 100 18,7

7207CTRSU 34 300 21 200 30 500 19 900 15,7

35 72 17 1,1 0,6 42 65 67 12,4 49,2 0,281
7207A5TRSU 29 900 18 500 29 100 19 100 21,0

7208CTRSU 30 600 18 900 36 500 25 200 17,0

40 80 18 1,1 0,6 47 73 75 15,5 55,5 0,366
7208A5TRSU 26 800 16 500 34 500 24 100 23,0

7209CTRSU 28 000 17 300 41 000 28 800 18,2

45 85 19 1,1 0,6 52 78 80 18,8 60,2 0,407
7209A5TRSU 24 700 15 200 39 000 27 600 24,7

7210CTRSU 25 400 15 700 43 000 31 500 19,4

50 90 20 1,1 0,6 57 83 85 21,7 65,2 0,457
7210A5TRSU 22 600 14 000 41 000 30 500 26,3

7211CTRSU 23 000 14 200 53 000 40 000 20,9

55 100 21 1,5 1,0 64 91 94 27,8 72,0 0,603
7211A5TRSU 20 000 12 400 50 500 38 000 28,6

7212CTRSU 20 700 12 800 64 000 49 000 22,4

60 110 22 1,5 1,0 69 101 104 35,1 79,0 0,779
7212A5TRSU 17 700 11 000 61 000 47 000 30,8

7213CTRSU 18 700 11 500 73 000 58 500 23,9

65 120 23 1,5 1,0 74 111 114 41,1 86,2 1,007
7213A5TRSU 15 600 10 400 69 500 56 000 33,1

*Not specified in DIN 628-6: 1999-07

Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Table 10

Primary dimensions Limiting speeds Load ratings Abutment dimensions Effective Internal PCD of Mass
Basic r r1 static d1 D1 D2 load centre volume lubrication
dynamic jets
Bearing d D B min min oil/air grease Cr Cor min max max a dT*

mm rev/min N mm mm cm3 mm Kg
7214CTRSU 17 500 10 800 79 500 64 500 25,1
70 125 24 1,5 1,0 79 116 119 47,5 90,9 1,085
7214A5TRSU 15 000 9 900 76 000 61 500 34,7

7215CTRSU 16 400 10 100 83 000 70 000 26,2

75 130 25 1,5 1,0 84 121 124 51,5 95,9 1,186
7215A5TRSU 14 300 9 400 79 000 66 500 36,4

7216CTRSU 15 200 9 200 93 000 77 500 27,7

80 140 26 2,5 1,0 90 130 134 63,7 102,8 1,419
7216A5TRSU 13 300 8 700 88 500 74 000 38,6

7217CTRSU 14 300 8 500 107 000 90 500 29,7

85 150 28 2,5 1,0 95 140 144 78,5 109,8 1,782
7217A5TRSU 12 500 8 100 102 000 86 500 41,4

7218CTRSU 13 400 7 800 123 000 105 000 31,7

90 160 30 2,5 1,0 100 150 154 95,1 116,7 2,206
7218A5TRSU 11 800 7 500 117 000 100 000 44,1

7219CTRSU 12 700 7 600 133 000 112 000 33,7

95 170 32 2,5 1,5 107 158 163 118,3 123,6 2,634
7219A5TRSU 11 100 7 200 127 000 107 000 46,9

7220CTRSU 12 000 7 500 149 000 127 000 35,7

100 180 34 2,5 1,5 112 168 173 139,2 130,6 3,173
7220A5TRSU 10 500 6 900 142 000 121 000 49,6

7221CTRSU 11 300 7 300 162 000 143 000 37,7

105 190 36 2,5 1,5 117 178 183 165,1 137,4 3,777
7221A5TRSU 10 000 6 500 155 000 137 000 52,4

7222CTRSU 10 800 7 000 176 000 160 000 39,8

110 200 38 2,5 1,5 122 188 193 192,5 144,4 4,453
7222A5TRSU 9 500 6 200 168 000 153 000 55,1

7224CTRSU 10 100 6 400 199 000 192 000 42,4

120 215 40 2,5 1,5 132 203 208 225,7 156,3 5,426
7224A5TRSU 8 800 5 700 189 000 184 000 59,1

7226CTRSU 9 300 6 000 207 000 209 000 44,1

130 230 40 3,0 1,5 144 216 223 244,8 168,9 6,229
7226A5TRSU 8 200 5 300 196 000 199 000 62,0

7228CTRSU 8 600 5 500 238 000 254 000 47,1

140 250 42 3,0 1,5 154 236 243 301,7 182,6 7,899
7228A5TRSU 7 600 4 900 226 000 242 000 66,5

7230CTRSU 8 000 5 100 270 000 305 000 50,6

150 270 45 3,0 1,5 164 256 263 374,6 196,5 10,034
7230A5TRSU 7 000 4 600 258 000 290 000 71,5

*Not specified in DIN 628-6: 1999-07

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 19

Table 11
Accuracy of
Permissible errors of form and position of
Associated Components components on machine tool spindles
Super precision ball bearings have relatively
thin rings and will take up the shape of the P4 P2 & P3
mating shaft or housing, thus transferring any
∆d IT2 IT1 (IT0)
errors in form to the bearing raceway.
Abutment faces on the associated parts must
∆D IT3 IT1
be square to the axis of the shaft, or the
bearing rings may be misaligned, resulting in ∆S IT2 IT1
increased runout and higher running
temperatures, particularly on high speed ∆e IT2 IT2
IT = standard ISO tolerance grade
To obtain satisfactory results errors of form
should not exceed the values given in figs. 6 Table 12
and 7, and Tables 11 and 12.
0.001mm units
The housing should be robust so that when it Nominal diameter of shaft and/or housing (mm)
is attached to the machine it is not distorted. over 6 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250 315
When the inner ring is the rotating member, including 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250 315 400
bearings are generally mounted with an
interference fit on the shaft. A transition fit
IT0 0,6 0,8 1 1 1,2 1,5 2 3 4 5
should be selected for the housing for locating
bearings and a clearance fit selected for sliding
IT1 1 1,2 1,5 1,5 2 2,5 3,5 4,5 6 7
IT2 1,5 2 2,5 2,5 3 4 5 7 8 9
Recommended shaft and housing tolerances
are given in Tables 13 to 15. IT3 2,5 3 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 13

IT = standard ISO tolerance grade

Fig. 6

d d1 D D1
d1 d
D1 D
d — d1 = ǵd
D — D1 = ǵD

d — d1 = ǵd
D — D1 = ǵD

Out of round of shaft or housing Deviation from cylindrical form ǵe

of shaft or housing
Fig. 7 ǵe

300mm 300mm

Misalignment of bearing seatings Run-out of abutment faces

Recommended Shaft Tolerances
Table 13

Shaft Limits in µm
Nominal shaft over - 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250
diameter d (mm) including 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250 315
Shaft limits P4 & P3 max. +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3,5 +4 +5
min. -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 -6 -5
P2 max. +0,5 +0,5 +0,5 +0,5 +2 +2 +3 +4 -
min. -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -4 -
Resultant fit P4 & P3 mean 2T 2T 2T 3T 3T 3T 3,5T 4T 5T
P2 mean 0,5T 0,5T 0,5T 0,5T 1,9T 3T 3,2T 3,8T -

T = interference fit
These shaft limits apply when the inner ring rotates and the load line is constant in direction. For other conditions consult NSK.
Tighter shaft fits may be necessary to avoid loosening at speeds over 1.8 x 106 DmN, please consult NSK for advice since this will
affect the preload.

Recommended Housing Tolerances

Table 14

Housing Limits (Locating Bearings) in µm

Nominal housing over 18 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315
bore D (mm) including 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315 400
Housing limits P4 & P3 max. +5 +5 +5 +5 +7 +7 +7 +10 +11
min. 0 0 0 -2,5 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4
P2 max. +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +7
min. 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -2,5 -2,5 -4
Resultant fit P4 & P3 mean 5C 5C 5C 5C 6,5C 7C 7C 10C 10C
P2 mean 3,9C 3,9C 3,9C 5C 5C 5,2C 5C 5C 6,5C

C = clearance fit
These housing limits apply when the inner ring rotates and the load line is constant in direction. For other conditions consult NSK.

Recommended Housing Tolerances

Table 15
Housing Limits (Sliding Bearings) in µm
Nominal housing over 18 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315
bore D (mm) including 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315 400
Housing limits P4 & P3 max. +7 +7 +7 +11 +17 +17 +19 +24 +25
min. +2 +2 +2 +3,5 +7 +7 +9 +11 +10
P2 max. +7 +8 +9 +11 +13 +13 +15 +17 +21
min. +3 +4 +5 +7 +8 +7 +7,5 +9,5 +10
Resultant fit P4 & P3 mean 7C 7C 7C 11C 16,5C 17C 19C 24C 24C
P2 mean 6,9C 7,9C 8,9C 11C 13C 13,2C 15C 17C 20,8C

C = clearance fit
These housing limits apply when the inner ring rotates and the load line is constant in direction. For other conditions consult NSK.

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 21

Bearing Tolerances
Table 16

Inner Ring Tolerances in µm

Nominal bore diameter over 0,6 10 18 30 50 80 120 150 180 250
d (mm) including 10 18 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315

Deviation of mean bore diameter

∆ P4 & P3 -4 -4 -4 -5 -5 -6 -7,5 -7,5 -10 -13
(+0) P2 -2,5 -2,5 -2,5 -2,5 -3,8 -5,1 -6,4 -6,4 -7,5 -

Radial runout of an assembled

bearing inner ring P4 2,5 2,5 2,5 4 4 5 6 6 7,5 10
Kia P3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 5 5 -
P2 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 5 5 -

Reference face runout with bore

Sd P4 2,5 2,5 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 10
P3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 3,8 3,8 -
P2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 3,8 3,8 -

Raceway groove runout with

reference face P4 2,5 2,5 4 4 4 5 7 7 7,5 10
Sia P3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 5 5 -
P2 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 5 5 -

Width B-deviations
∆ P4 & P3 -40 -80 -120 -120 -150 -200 -250 -250 -300 -350
(+0) P2 -40 -80 -120 -120 -150 -200 -250 -250 -300 -

Width B-deviations
(face adjusted rings) P4 & P3 -250 -250 -250 -250 -250 -375 -375 -375 -500 -500
∆ (+0) P2 -250 -250 -250 -250 -250 -375 -375 -375 -500 -

Width B-variation of individual ring

V P4 & P3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 4 4 5 5 5 7,5
P2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 4 4 -

Table 17
Outer Ring Tolerances in µm
Nominal outside diameter over 18 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315
D (mm) including 30 50 80 120 150 180 250 315 400

Deviation of mean
outside diameter P4 & P3 -5 -5 -5 -7,5 -9 -10 -10 -13 -13
∆ (+0) P2 -3,8 -3,8 -3,8 -5 -5 -6,4 -7,5 -7,5 -10

Radial runout of an assembled

bearing outer ring P4 4 5 5 5 7 7,5 10 10 13
K ea P3 2,5 2,5 3,8 5 5 5 6,4 6,4 7,5
P2 2,5 2,5 3,8 5 5 5 6,4 6,4 7,5

Outer diameter runout

with reference face P4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7,5 10
SD P3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,8 3,8 6
P2 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,8 3,8 6

Raceway groove runout with

reference face P4 5 5 5 5 7 7,5 10 10 13
S ea P3 2,5 2,5 3,8 5 5 5 6,4 6,4 7,5
P2 2,5 2,5 3,8 5 5 5 6,4 6,4 7,5

The width deviation (∆ Cs) and width variation (VCs) for an outer ring is the same as that of the inner ring (∆ Bs and VBs) of the same bearing.

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings

7 0 10 C TR DU L P3

7 TYPE 7 Single row angular contact ball bearing

9 19
0 10
2 02

00 - 10mm 02 - 15mm
10 BORE CODE 01 - 12mm 03 - 17mm
04 upwards multiply by 5 to obtain bore size in mm

C 15°

Normal type ( steel ball )
Ceramic ball type

TR CAGE MATERIAL & LOCATION TR Outer ring guided phenolic cage

SU Single universal
DU DU, DB, DF, DT Paired unit
QU, DBB, DFF, DBT, DFT Quad set

EL Extra light P**, CP** Special preload

L Light A**, CA** Special axial clearance
H Heavy


P4 Class 4 7
P3 PRECISION GRADE P3 Dimensional accuracy P4, running accuracy P2
P2 Class 2 9

Denotes standard feature, no indicator necessary
Denotes mean figure given in µm
Denotes possible reference indicator may appear
1 In the old RHP design, construction is before the contact angle

RHP Super Precision Angular Contact Ball Bearings 23

NORTHERN ROAD, NEWARK, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, TEL: (905)-890-0740, FAX: (905)-890-0434
NG24 2JF, UK
TEL: 01636-605123, FAX: 01636-605000 NSK NEW ZEALAND LTD.
e-mail: [email protected] 3 TE APUNGA PLACE, MT. WELLINGTON,
www.nskbearings.com AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND
TEL: (09)-276-4992, FAX: (09)-276-4082
TEL: (01) 30-57-39-39, FAX: (01) 30-57-00-01 TEL: (03)-9764-8302, FAX: (03)-9764-8304
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TEL: 0-21-02-4810, FAX: 0-21-02-4812290
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TEL: (02)-995-191, FAX: (02)-9902-5778 TEL: 734-761-9500/800-366-7471,
e-mail: info-it@nsk FAX: 734-761-9510


“LA FERRERIA” TEL: 305-261-7824, FAX: 305-261-6246
TEL: (93)-575-4041, Fax: (93)-575-0520
e-mail: info-es@nsk

TEL: 48-22-645-1525, FAX: 48-22-645-1529

Tel: +90-216-442-7106, Fax: +90-305-5505
Every care has been taken to ensure the information in this
publication is accurate but no liability can be accepted for
any errors or omissions.
© Copyright NSK 2002
The contents of this publication are the copyright
of the publishers

Printed in England Ref:C859/B/E/I/03.02

A member of the NSK Group

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