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Table of Contents

Unit Information..................................................................................................................4

Assessment Overview..........................................................................................................5

Practical Work Placement Hours..........................................................................................6

Resource requirements........................................................................................................6

Student Instructions – Assessment 1 - Research Task............................................................7

Assessment 1 - Research Task..............................................................................................8

Student Instructions – Assessment 2 - Case studies............................................................52

Assessment 2 – Case studies..............................................................................................53

Student Instructions – Assessment 3 - Portfolio..................................................................61

Assessment 3 –Portfolio – Work plan template...................................................................63

Student Instructions –Assessment 4 - Portfolio...................................................................67

Assessment 4 – Portfolio....................................................................................................69

Student Instructions – Assessment 5 - Workplace Reflection Diary......................................74

Student Instructions – Assessment 6 - Supervisor Report....................................................75

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This Student Assessment document outlines the requirements for the assessment of Cluster 1:
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide
practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development.

These units are part of the CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (Release

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically (Release 1)

1. Identify and respond to legal requirements
2. Identify and meet ethical responsibilities
3. Contribute to workplace improvements

CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice involves (Release 2)

1. Identify learning frameworks
2. Apply the learning framework

BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development (Release 1)

1. Organise and complete own work schedule
2. Monitor own work performance
3. Co-ordinate personal skill development and learning

Unit Information

These units can be accessed at at the following links:




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Assessment Overview

A variety of assessment methods allows for the discrete assessment of knowledge integrated with
skills. There are five assessment activities.

Assessment Assessment
Number Method Assessment Description

You need to provide a written response to all 60 questions

1 Research Task which address the knowledge requirement of the unit.

You are required to provide a written response relating to

2 Case Study three case studies involving working within legal and ethical
boundaries in an approved learning framework

You are is required to collect a range of workplace

Portfolio documents as part of a portfolio to demonstrate you can
3 organise your work schedule, monitor the work plan and
coordinate professional development for continuous

You are required to create a portfolio of evidence of how

Portfolio the principles and practices of the learning framework
4 outcomes are implemented in the regulated education and
care service

You will demonstrate your skill and knowledge by

Workplace documenting and reflecting on the allocated work
Reflection placement tasks and how the task relates back to the
5 Diary (see National Quality Framework, Standards, National Laws and
separate Regulations and relevant sections of the approved learning
document) framework.

The assessor will have an interview with the workplace

Supervisor supervisor to discuss the student’s workplace performance.
6 report (see

Please note: You are required to demonstrate a satisfactory result in all assessment activities in
order to be assessed as competent in all units. Final assessment results are to be recorded on the
Assessment Summary Report.

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Practical Work Placement Hours

It is expected that you will complete a minimum work placement of 120 hours over the duration of
the course in a regulated education and care service. The practical assessment activities completed
during this cluster may be recorded as a portion of those 120 hours of work placement time.

You are required to record your practical workplace placement hours in the CHC30113 Certificate III
in Early Childhood Education and Care Practical Work Placement Logbook provided to you by the
assessor at the beginning of this course.

The practical work placement log book is one document that will record all placement hours across
the course. It is advised that the assessor makes periodical checks to ensure you are accumulating
enough hours throughout the course.

Resource requirements

The following facilities and resources are to be available specifically for the assessment:
- Assessors that satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF
mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
- A regulated education and care service.
- Organisational policies and procedures, standard operating procedures.
- The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate III, Second Edition ©2016 | Walker, Miller
McGraw-Hill Higher Education — Australia & New Zealand.

Access via the internet:

- Guide to the National Quality Framework.
- Guide to the National Quality Standard.
- Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services
National Regulations.
- Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia.
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Australian Child Protection legislation.
- Universal declaration of human rights.

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Student Instructions – Assessment 1 - Research Task

This task requires you to complete a written response knowledge assessment involving 60 short
response questions. The questions within this assessment relate directly to the integrated
knowledge contained within the unit of competencies and are fundamental to your ability to
perform workplace tasks correctly. You must answer all questions correctly to satisfactorily complete
this assessment.

Assessment procedure

You will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the
conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time
needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. If you have provided incorrect responses, you will be engaged in a one on one
discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold
the required knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated
knowledge and must retain the completed written assessment as evidence of the completed
assessment activity
Resource Requirements
To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:
 The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate III, Second Edition ©2016, Walker, Miller McGraw-
Hill Higher Education — Australia & New Zealand.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 13
Via the internet:
1. Guide to the National Quality Framework.
2. Guide to the National Quality Standards.
3. Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services
National Regulations.
4. Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
5. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Australian Child Protection legislation.
- Universal declaration of human rights.
The following limitations apply:

 Your responses are to be recorded in writing or may be provided verbally.

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Assessment 1 - Research Task

Access Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Answer
questions 1-5:

1. Briefly, describe Principle one: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. List two
example of how this can be implemented in the workplace.

.Teachers are supportive to children, will be understanding the thinking process of children also
how children are feeling. They can have a good attitude and help the child by communicating
effectively. The child learns about people as well and who they can trust.
This can give them a safe feeling and help them to learn and explore.

1. A teacher can talk with children, and engage in activities to help develop child skills.
2. A teacher could read, sing, play, dance with the child to eventually help to develop in life .

2. Briefly, describe Principle two: Partnerships. Name two ways an educator can demonstrate
principle two.

This begins with the teacher meeting the parents and finding common ground, also having a wide
network of people to relate to, others in the community. The teacher should keep informed in the
community and helping out where possible with parents and children.

1 .The teacher is always ready to improve and develop their skills

2 .The teacher can also keep in touch with advents that happen including schedules events
Timetables keeping records of the children progress.

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3. Identify and give a brief description of principle three. Give two example of how principle
three can be implemented in the workplace.

High expectations and equity.

Teachers of childcare always have the strong belief, that all children can do well at learning, and
Progress , specially when the parents and others around can give praise to their children and believe
in them.
1 . By the teacher give encourage and tell child they are doing well
2. By teacher having a good relationship with parents and communities having a network
of people to help them.

4. Principle four is respect for diversity. Give a brief description of principle four. Give two
example of how principle four can be implemented in the workplace.

Allowing children to explore their culture, respecting their diversity values language traditions,
Lifestyles histories race.
1. The teacher can talk in a group and discuss to the children about different types
of cultures and people they might meet to help them understand.
2. Looking out make sure there is quality in is the class making sure to uphold
children rights.

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5. Identify and give a brief description of principle five. Give two example of how principle
five can be implemented in the workplace

Teacher also learning about the child wondering what can improve also to help learning and
develop with the child they always be in professional manner , always ready to learn and
cooperate with children.

1. They have richness in community and develop good friendships, they also make very good
2. The teacher self reflects about the day, and thinks what could improve, or how can do better
about their work.

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For the questions 6 – 12, access My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia.

6. Name the 5 learning outcomes for children

1. children have a strong sense of identity, they learn to interact in relation to others with
care, empathy and respect

2.children are connected with and contribute to their world and respond to the condition or
result of being changed with resprct.

3.Children have a strong sense of wellbeing by providing warm relationships

4.Children are confident and involved learners, they make choices and show leadeship

5.Children are effective communicators, they can use verbal and non-verbal language

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7. Name three ways an educator could support outcome one from My Time, Our Place:
Framework for School Age Care in Australia.

How they can improve child performance, have knowledge group, organisation communities.
6. By Teachers helping with learning reading singing ,reflect and using good teaching
7. Using guide of pedagogy in daily lives in deal with certain matters.
8. They can reflect on how they have been teaching, and have knowledge children age, how
they are, Where they come from, how to make good decision.

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8. Outcome two is: Children are connected with and contribute to their world. Choose one of
the dot points from the My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia
outcome two and discuss what evidence a child needs to demonstrate that outcome

children become sensible of fairness

 They make choices and problem solve to get their needs particular contexts
 They think minutely about fair or unfair

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9. What evidence does a child need to demonstrate for outcome three? In what ways does
the educator facilitate this?

They show happiness look healthy and feel safe while also connected to others

By recognise their communicate with needs of their body eg. Thirst, hunger, child needing a rest

Through physical activity.、

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10. Name three ways the childhood educator could support outcome four.

 Encourage children for talking about their ideas with discussion.

 To give their attention to children for some patterns pictures diagrams to help them relate and
discover the environment in learning.

 They recognise and value the childrens environment in learning.

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11. What evidence does a child need to demonstrate outcome five? In what ways does the
educator facilitate this?

1. Children are effective communicators

 They start to engage in verbal non verbal talk, can make messages.
 Can relate through play music art
 They can share their experiences to other groups.
 They listen to the teacher and responds to what is asked.
 They have some understanding of English and general understanding of sounds, and
interaction with others.
2.Educator will actively enjoy reading stories, showing children multimedia teaching, helping to learn
numbers, doing some crafts, involved in roleplay, having games puzzles play with blocks doing
activities with the children.

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12. List two examples of how each outcome can be implemented in a regulated education and
care service.

1. children have a strong sense of identity

 educators spend time with children ,listening and responding sensitively as they express
their ideasand needs

 support the development of children ‘s friendships

2.children are connected with and contrirute to their world

 encourage children to listen to others and to respect diverse perspectives
 work together with children to show respect, care for the natural environment

3.children have a strong sense of wellbeing

---understanding and respect for all children , show care

---build upon and extend children’s ideas

4.children are confident and involved learners

---encourage children to communicate and make visible their own ideas
---develop their own confidence with technologies available to children in the setting

5.children are effective communicators

---allow children to direct their own play experiences with their peers

---read and share some books and newspapers with children

For questions 13-16 , access the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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13. According to the Convention, Article 3 is ‘Best interests of a child’. Describe how this
relates to the approved frameworks for a regulated education and care service and how
your role contributes to achieving its desired outcome.

 That there is a standard regulation that must be fully implemented, to, which has been
created by The Government, in which the safety of the child is of the most importance. And
institutions, and services are responsible for the protection of children, health and safety,
with professional care.

Me being well informed of the rules and regulations and knowing what is expected and
understanding the laws, I can make sure that the standards of childcare will held in high regard and
will remain there always.

14. Identify and name article 4. Describe how this relates to the approved frameworks for a
regulated education and care service and how your role contributes to achieving its desired

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Article 4

Governments should make these rights available for children

Government is responsible to protect childrens rights and their families rights enabling them to
grow and prosper

I can also help in that role by informing the children of their role as well that they have rights of
protection from the Government.

15. Identify and name article 19. Describe how this relates to the approved frameworks for a
regulated education and care service and how your role contributes to achieving its desired

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Governments should be responsible for all and make sure children are cared for properly.

Children are protected from abuse any form of violence or harm sexual or other wise, if there is
abuse by parents or any carer in charge.

My role as a carer is to make sure the child is looked after and cared for properly.

16. Identify and name article 28. Describe how this relates to the approved frameworks for a
regulated education and care service and how your role contributes to achieving its desired

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All children have the right to a good education, and is compulsory to go to school
Discipline should be measured with dignity and respect.
All counties around the world shall work towards achieving one goal relating to elimination of
ignorance and illiteracy. Wealthier countries should help poorer countries achieve this goal.

I will follow the relevant law and regulation, help by being a good carer and keeping the Childs
education as my main concern, Giving them every opportunity to learn and grow.

17. In a regulated education and care service, name all the key participants who would be
responsible for implementing the relevant learning frameworks, organisational standards
and policies and procedures.

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Those included can be teachers, managers, directors, owners along with parents

and government.

18. Give a description of what ethical practice means.

To be fair when dealing with difficult matters, having openness and being candid.
Have honesty and be beyond reproach
Keeping account books, schedules and procedures up to date.

Not having secrets , hiding things, or behaving in a suspicious manner.

19. List two common ethical issues in a regulated education and care service and describe one
strategy for each to managing these.

1、A friend drops off her child at the centre, and asks you to give special attention to the

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child,and can give extra moneyif I can give special treatment for her child, or in her job she can
help me gain better influence.I Will need to inform the friend everybody gets treated fairly and
equal, not take any money or favours.

2、If the carer has heard talking about others, or parents, but talk is not productive,then
thecarershould politely remind them about such matters, to be ethical and not discuss parental

20. Identify 5 laws and regulation relevant to a regulated education and care service.

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 The human rights and equal opportunity commission act 1992
 The disability discrimination act 1992
 The racial discrimination act 1997
 The sex discrimination act 1984
 The age discrimination act 2004

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21. Identify two organisational standards, policies and procedures of a regulated education
and care service. Explain how they link in to the overarching frameworks of the education
and care service

1. Educational program and practice.

Education centres must have policies and proper documents to be following Regulation of the
Education and Care Services National Regulations.

2. Relationships with children.

Childrens rights are have at their means, education and care at high standards , learning in safe and
monitored care centres . Health practices including hygiene must be observed and practiced. For the
well being and continuing welfare of children preventing accidents following the safety guide.

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22. Discuss how you can enhance sustainability in the workplace. List an example under the
following headings


To be engaged in the looking after the environment,

learn how to compost rubbish
This can be through giving children information about caring for the
environment. Being an example as well by showing children how to
care for the environment.
The carer can help children learn by helping save water
To not have to use too much plastics,
And to show the care of natural recourses, explaining trees producing
oxygen, encourage growing some seeds.


To teach Children to not waste their food, and always eat properly
, saving precious resources and money.
Not using too much water if not needed, and be aware
of saving in other areas where possible.

Workforce and social

For child care worker to be positive healthy to continue with
friendships and staff members communities and workmates, including
families, children, parents and friends.
Helps the workforce and social development in a sustainable way

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For questions 23-24 access the Australian child protection legislation.

23. For your state (jurisdiction), name the relevant Principle act

Adoption Act 1988  (SA)

Child Protection Review (Powers and Immunities) Act 2002 (SA)

Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 (SA)

Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006 (SA)

Children's Protection Act 1993 (SA)

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24. Name the other relevant acts or legislation for your state in terms of child protection

 Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016 (SA)

 Children and Young People (Safety) Bill 2017 (SA)

 Children’s Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2005 (SA)

 Domestic Violence Act 1994 (SA)

 Family and Community Services Act 1972  (SA)

Young Offenders Act 1994  (SA)

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25. What are your legal responsibilities if you suspect abuse of a child?

If there is reasons that a child is at risk of some harm, the care worker should report these
incidents to the supervisor.

To deal with such matters If neglect on my part could be also penalised for not reporting
incidences which relate to harm of child.

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26. Identify 3 relevant standards or codes of practice that are relevant to the childcare sector

Educati onal program and practi c

Quality Children's health and safety
Quality Physical environment

---building code of Australia (BCA) is maintained by the Australia building codes board(ABCB) on
behalf of the Australian and state and territory governments. An ECEC service requires a certificate
of final inspection by a licensed building practitioner on completion of any building work.

-----equal employment opportunities (EEO), EEO legislation ensures equal access to employment,
training and promotion regardless of age, disability, gender, race or religion. The legislation links to
anti-discrimination acts including sexual and racial discrimination legislation.

------the national quality standards set a national benchmark for the quality of education and care
services, it focus on achieving outcomes for children through high-quality educational programs.

27. Name three types of records that you may manage in the workplace.


medical information

incident report

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28. Give an example of what requires mandatory reporting in a regulated education and care
1. Mandatory child family community Australia

If there is a sign of child abuse or sexual abuse or child is mistreated. This must be reported to the

Supervisor in charge.

29. Give a definition of informed consent and an example in a regulated education and care

With the special education process, informed consent is for those parents that have the legal
rights with protection. Educating Centre cannot do certain things without parents approval.

If the center is going on a trip somewhere with the children, it is important to have parents
approval, by form of consent.

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30. Why are there practitioner/client boundaries in a childhood education setting?

This is so the work is kept at a professional level, to not have to be caught up in someone else’s social
problems, professional boundaries must be kept.
So the carer can do their work, in a proper manner and conduct .

31. Give a definition of “code of conduct” and then an example of how this is evident in the
child care setting.

This is set out for the proper behaviour between the carer staff and children.

Code of conduct ensures that the right procedures are followed, and everyone involved in the child
centre knows how to behave properly and in a well organised manner.

This is evident through how well presented the staff are, through hygiene, how clean and tidy the
centre is, how well behaved and managed the children are. The level of staff competence and the
knowledge they exhibit in their daily lives. How well informed and how well the parents are treated.

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32. Access the Model Code of Practice - First Aid in the Workplace. Why does this code of
practice exist?

First Aid in the Workplace and the practices code exist, because of sometimes dangerous situations
may occur and the carer must find there way through sometimes hazardous
situation, for maybe them staff or the children.

An example If teaching the children, make sure they all understand in a fairness and non judgmental
belief, always telling them to be kind to others and strangers.
Letting them know everyone is equal all have feelings, and can make people upset if people be
unkind to others, for what ever reason.

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This means all people have the fundamental rights and freedom

Gives everyone the universal right to free speech, freedom liberty the right to social security to
justice, health and education.

35. What is the difference between a human rights and human needs?

Human rights are to do with the laws and the legality for peoples lives.

They are born with these rights as a human

Human needs are what people are need to be able to live and maintain strong life

Like food water and air and a place to live .

36. What framework relating to human rights is used by the childhood education sector?

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Framework that all children have the right to an education
Children have the rights to be protected by law.

37. What employment award does a childcare worker come under?

Children’s service award 2010

38. According to the employment award, what are the ‘ordinary hours of work and rostering?

Normal and regular hours of work legislated, does not include overtime.

Rostering is having a requirement with a certain time and day to be working.

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39. Name 5 key responsibilities as a childcare worker?

To be responsible for the children kept safe

Making sure things are kept tidy

Keeping children busy, giving activities to do

Prepare food for child

Change nappies

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40. Name a limitation of the childcare worker. Why is it a limitation?

limitation a child care worker faces is not enough time to do things, everything goes quickly, and so
many things need to be done.

The care worker is limited because of all the things that have planned, sometimes they have to rush
around finding things, getting displays out or changing the child, must find time for all this.

41. What is the key learning framework relevant to your role as an educator and explain the
relationship it has with other approved frameworks.
Belonging, being and becoming: the early year learning framework for Australia(EYLF), this is the key
learning framework under the national law and regulations, which profile practices that support and
promote children’s learning.
The EYLF is link to the national quality standard framework; they are both focused on children’s
leaning, development, right and relationship.
Educators acknowledge each child’s uniqueness in positive ways, make children feel safe and
supported , they can develop knowledgeable and confident self identities.

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42. List the types of laws that are relevant in a regulated education and care service. List a
minimum of four.

Public sector law

Education law

Children's services law

Working with children law 

Education and Care Services National Law

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43. Discuss the difference between a legal and an ethical problem. Give an example of both.

The legal one is Government regulated and this is government rules that must be followed.

The ethical one is how you feel morally about situations and things in general with a conscience.
For example:
--- A parent request information about a child other than their own, a staff member giving the
information to the parent. This is seemed as an unethical act.

----- If a staff member in childcare centre believe or notices a child suspected abuse, the staff didn't
report to the supervisor in charge, this is an unlawful act.

44. Explain duty of care and what it means in a legal context for child care

This means duty of care for the child it is very important that the child be protected from certain
accidents that could happen.

Duty of care is making sure the carer does every thing possible, to make sure there is very little risk
for the child. If the carer is negligent in their duties and a child is hurt, The carer could face a heavy

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45. What are the rights and responsibilities of a child?

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The right to be treated properly with dignity

The right to health nutrition

The right to clean water and electricity

The right to be looked after by an adult

The right to be treated as an equal

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46. Describe what principles and practices you use for upholding the rights of the client
(parent and child).

Principles and practices to protect the rights of parents and child by using ethical work practices
By adhering to legislative practices having ethical guidelines as established by services and policies..
They should respect the rights of the child according to the convention.
Legislative practice as anti discrimination laws, with child protection.
Recognizing child and parents rights through convention as respect for rights of peoples freedom
According to the

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47. What are the principles and practicess of confidentiality?

This is where the information given about the client is strictly between you and the client, to not
divulge any information to others being family workmates or friends.

Practices is to shred all information about the client if not needed, and store in locked files
information that is kept.

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48. What are your rights and responsibilities as a worker in the child care industry?

My rights as a carer is to be treated with consideration, with fairness and with respect.

Follow procedures and rules of the centre, making sure everything is in tune.

Look after the children involve them in play and group communicating.

Going to planned meetings and parents events.

Help in the daily teaching of children, watching the development and learning, updating the childs

Make sure the facility is always clean and tidy.

Keep in contact with parents informing them of their child.

If need at times fill out incident and accident reports.

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49. Describe the strategies and the steps you would take to manage a complaint.

To listen to the parent and gain an clear understanding of what the problem is, writing down the
complaint and then to reassure the parent the complaint will be looked into.

If the issue has not been rectified, to then notify the Supervisor who can take the complaint further
if needed.

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50. Describe ethical decision making and the underpinning principles of ethical decision

These are standards of right and wrong in decision making to make the right decision can sometimes
be hard.

With an ethical decision is maybe to see a workmate come to work with noticing alcohol behaviour.
But this goes against code of conduct for childcare, and risk to the children and this is a workmate,
but you must report them for breaking the education law.

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The carer must get more information about the situation, must state only the facts about what they
Then notify the Supervisor about the abuse giving more proof as well.

Take down all relevant information about the child name address etc.
Which may lead to a mandatory report being filled out as well.

52. One principle of goal setting is the SMART method. What does this acronym stand for?

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specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

53. List how you could identify your learning and development needs as an educator in the
early childhood sector.

By reflective procedure working out through the day if an improvement is needed.

Watching how other carers are managing things seeing if something can be learnt from them as well.
Always having an open mind, to different ideas and suggestions.

54. Give your best description of what time management is and give two examples of how you
manage your time in your role.

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Working out how much time you can spend in the day doing different projects or assignments, to set
goals and achieve them.
1. Give my self a goals to follow, with all activities written down for the day, allowing for a set
number of things to achieve for that day.

2. Making sure to arrive early, and prepare for the day, have books lunches prepared before hand.
Having paperwork ready answering calls and be organised allowing for any office work to be
completed as well. So activities wont be in the way.

55. Identify three ways a regulated education and care service can measure performance.

1. By keeping up to date records, of staff and discussing with the parents their opinion.
2. Provide opportunities for reflection, ask the staff how they feel about work.
3. Productivity of the child centre How is it managing the workload.

56. List two signs of workplace stress.

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Hard to sleep

57. List two recommendations on how educators can look after themselves and minimise
workplace stress.

They can keep a friendly attitude towards each other supporting each other talking to management
if any problems arise .

Have a bit of a laugh as well, taking breaks, having holidays.

58. List four examples of feedback that can be obtained in a regulated education and care

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 51 of 79

Feedback from parents

From other staff members

How the children are feeling

Other services connected to the centre

59. Why is it important to analysis feedback, particularly if it is only from one source? i.e. one
staff member.

Feedback is important to find out if any problems exist, a staff member might be upset, and if it’s not sorted
out this could become more of a problem, for other staff members and management.

60. Receiving feedback at work can sometimes be overwhelming. Discuss how you could
ensure that when receiving feedback, you are appreciating that the other person has taken

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 52 of 79

the time and trouble to provide feedback. Discuss how you would respond to feedback
from another staff member.

To show the person that, I was thankful for their opinion, and let them know the feedback is
important to the running of the centre and management.

Tell the other staff member, they are valuable to the centre and their opinions matter, thanking
them for giving their time, for having a discussion or for filling out the form, for letting me know
some valuable information.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 53 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an
approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work
priorities and development.

Student Instructions – Assessment 2 - Case studies

The assessment task

The assessment task requires you to develop appropriate responses to 3 different legal or ethical
issues relevant to your work role as an early childhood educator. You must review each scenario and
draft a response explaining how you would response to these scenario and what work practice
improvements would you suggest preventing such issues arising again. You are to prepare a
response of no more than 250 words for each case study.
Your responses should be guided by the requirements of the National Quality Framework,
Standards, National Laws and Regulations and the Early Years Learning Framework relating to
working within legal, ethical and approved learning frameworks.
The skills within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge contained within the
units of competency and are fundamental to your ability to perform workplace tasks correctly. You
must demonstrate all skills to satisfactorily complete this assessment.

Assessment procedure

You will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the
conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time
needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. If you have provided incorrect responses, you will be engaged in a one on one
discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold
the required knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated
knowledge and must retain the completed written assessment as evidence of the completed
assessment activity.
Resource Requirements
To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:
 The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate III, Second Edition ©2016, Walker, Miller
McGraw-Hill Higher Education — Australia & New Zealand.
o Chapter 1
o Chapter 2
o Chapter 13
Via the internet:
 Guide to the National Quality Framework.
 Guide to the National Quality Standards.
 Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care
Services National Regulations.
 Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
The following limitations apply:
If you require more time, you may negotiate with the assessor

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Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Assessment 2 – Case studies

1. Draft a response explaining how you would respond to this scenario and what work practice improvements would you suggest prevent such issues
arising again.

Scenario: At a staff meeting in a child care centre, a staff member makes the comment, “It would be much easier for us if we worked with
the children and didn’t have to think about their parents.” Several other staff members laugh at this comment and say they agree
with him. No one challenges this opinion. This comment came after a parent made a complaint that her request for her daughter
to participate in a certain type of learning activity wasn’t met. The parent felt the request was “shrugged off”.

Requirement: Draft a response of what type of issue we are dealing with. What are some methods to ensure a parent doesn’t feel this way
Specifically, you need to identify:
- Identify a potential work practice improvement to enhance workplace responsiveness or to prevent such issues arising

Notes: The response should not be more than 250 words in length and should demonstrate knowledge of how;
- staff adhere to legal requirements in work practice according to workplace policies and procedures and scope of role
- Recognising potential or actual breaches of legal requirements or unethical conduct and report it according to
organisation procedures
- Recognising own personal values and attitudes and consider non-judgmental practice, using effective problem-solving
techniques when exposed to competing value systems
- Recognising potential and actual conflicts of interest and take appropriate action
- Identifying situations where work practices could be improved to meet legal and ethical responsibilities, particularly
 children in the workplace
 codes of conduct
 complaints management

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 55 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

 discrimination
 duty of care
 practice standards
 practitioner/client boundaries
 privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
 policy frameworks
 records management
 rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients

The Staff are not following care centre procedures, they don’t have a very strong partnership
Connection with the parents. Ignoring parents request, even though the parent
was quite certain that their was a particular activity advertised.
To make sure staff are connecting with parents, by keeping them informed
Through mobile and emails always keeping them up to date
With activities, and explaining clearly what they are.
Work practice improvement is to make sure staff are connecting and understanding
what the parents want and relating in a positive way with them.
To have staff meetings informing all staff of their behaviour and duty of care at the care centre
To inform staff through letters, forms at the staff bulletin board about the
 codes of conduct between worker and client, to behave in a professional manner
 If there are complaints to list them in the designated area.
 To not discrimate between parents
 Duty of care must be practiced
 A level of professionalism to be observed
 The framework that all centres apply by the rules
 That records are kept of all transactions at the Care centre

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Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

For staff to be reminded that the rights of parents must be observed

2. Draft a response explaining how you would respond to this scenario and what work practice improvements would you suggest prevent such issues
arising again.

Scenario: You are in the staff kitchen on a break and two other staff members are talking about some of the children in each of their
rooms. One staff member is talking about how one child’s parents have just separated and the mother has requested that
the father does not do pick up’s. The staff member proceeds to tell the other staff member that she suspects family
violence has occurred as she had reported her suspicions in the past to her supervisor.
The two staff members proceed to talk about the case without realising that they could be heard from the hall. A parent
who was picking up a sick child overheard the conversation.

Requirement: Draft a response of what type of issue we are dealing with. What are some methods to ensure this doesn’t happen again?
Specifically, you need to identify:
- how these impact individual workers, and the consequences of breaches
- Identify a potential work practice improvement to enhance workplace responsiveness or to prevent such issues
arising again.

Notes: The response should not be more than 250 words in length and should demonstrate knowledge of how;
- staff adhere to legal requirements in work practice according to workplace policies and procedures and scope of
- Recognising potential or actual breaches of legal requirements or unethical conduct and report it according to
organisation procedures
- Recognising own personal values and attitudes and consider non-judgmental practice, using effective problem-
solving techniques when exposed to competing value systems

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 57 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

- Recognising potential and actual conflicts of interest and take appropriate action
- Identifying situations where work practices could be improved to meet legal and ethical responsibilities,
particularly around;
 children in the workplace
 codes of conduct
 complaints management
 discrimination
 duty of care
 practice standards
 practitioner/client boundaries
 privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
 policy frameworks
 records management
 rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients

Response This can cause unrest in the care centre, with the parents and care workers, The parents finding out what the care workers were
saying about another parent. Parents can lose their trust in the care workers also the care centre.

The care workers are going against care centre policies and may be exposing confidential information.
The information of suspicion has been reported to the supervisor, no real evidence known.
To inform staff, of the code of conduct in the workplace.
All complaints to be reported to the supervisor.
To remind staff there is no discrimination between parents.
That duty of care is to observed.

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Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Staff should have a quality standard of work.

The level of professionalism must be practiced.
All private information is not to be disclosed amongst staff and parents.
Staff to follow the policy and framework of Government standards.
Management keep records of all incidences.
All Staff and Clients have rights to be respected and treated with dignity.

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Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

3. Draft a response explaining how you would respond to this scenario and what work practice improvements would you suggest prevent such issues
arising again.

Scenario: A parent of a child in the 3-5-year-old children’s room asked staff not to allow her child to join in the singing of Happy
Birthday to other children as this practice conflicted with the family’s religious beliefs. The parent was shocked to see a
photo of the group displayed on the notice board which included her child singing Happy Birthday to her child’s best friend.
She complained to the centre’s director about this matter

Requirement: You are the staff member that allowed the child to sing happy birthday. Draft a response on how you would handle your
supervisor asking why this happened and how you would go about it differently in the future.
Specifically, you need to identify:
- What the potential ethical issue is and what parties are involved
- how these impact individual workers, and the consequences of breaches
- Identify a potential work practice improvement to enhance workplace responsiveness or to prevent such issues
arising again.

Notes: The response should not be more than 250 words in length and should demonstrate knowledge of how;
- staff adhere to legal requirements in work practice according to workplace policies and procedures and scope of
- Recognising potential or actual breaches of legal requirements or unethical conduct and report it according to
organisation procedures
- Recognising own personal values and attitudes and consider non-judgmental practice, using effective problem-
solving techniques when exposed to competing value systems
- Recognising potential and actual conflicts of interest and take appropriate action

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 60 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

- Identifying situations where work practices could be improved to meet legal and ethical responsibilities,
particularly around;
 children in the workplace
 codes of conduct
 complaints management
 discrimination
 duty of care
 practice standards
 practitioner/client boundaries
 privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
 policy frameworks
 records management
 rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients

Response An ethical issue developed because the carer did not do what the parents requested.
This became a problem for the parent the carer and child centre and possibly others.
The carer was me, we were busy at the time, we noticed the child was feeling left out and started to
Get depressed, started crying, we were short staffed, the child’s best friend whose birthday it was became upset too.

The children were becoming upset as well, so I let the child join in to sing happy birthday, being mindful that the parents request
was being ignored.

The breach was not obeying the parents requests, and the parents losing their trust in the carers or the centre again.
To help the parents develop trust again, at the centre, I will take the full responsibility for this, and will apologise to the parents as

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 61 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

To deal with these types of situations in future we will have more staff on hand, so if any similar incident were to happen, we
would take the child to do other activities, before the party actually starts.

Follow up meetings will be implemented to inform staff of any new developments which may arise in the future,
So as a similar thing can be avoided.
We will also do our best to honour the parents requests and keep in touch to let them know in case something similar happens
again in the future.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 62 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Student Instructions – Assessment 3 - Portfolio

The assessment task

You are required to collect a range of workplace documents as part of a portfolio to demonstrate
you can organize your own work schedule, monitor your work plan and coordinate your professional
development for continuous improvement.

In consultation with colleagues and the workplace supervisor, you must undertake a self-analysis of
your current skills. From this analysis, you must identify personal learning and professional
development needs to address your skill gaps in relation to your current role and organisational
requirements. Once you have identified your skills gap, you must list your work goals to be
implemented in the work plan. The work plan will need to have clear work goals, objectives or Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) that address work outcomes in the skill gap area, according to
organisational requirements.

The work plan should assess and prioritise workload to ensure tasks are completed within identified
timeframes. You should also allocate additional time to allow for contingencies for affecting factors.

You will need to implement and monitor your work plan over a period of time and adjust your work
performance through self-assessment to ensure you are achieving work goals, objectives and KPIs.

You will need to ensure that feedback on performance is actively sought and evaluated from
colleagues, work place supervisor and clients at progressive stages of the work plan. This feedback
should be reflected on and adjustments, if any, to the work plan documented.

The portfolio should contain:

- A document that identifies personal learning and professional development needs to
address skill gaps.
- A work plan with clear work goals, objectives or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- A reflection on how you monitored your work plan and what, if any, adjustments to
performance were made.
- Evidence of feedback from colleagues and workplace supervisor.
- A final report that records professional development opportunities undertaken and
reflecting on how this activity has facilitated continuous learning and career development.
Your responses should be guided by the requirements of the National Quality Framework,
Standards, National Laws and Regulations and the Early Years Learning Framework relating to
working within legal, ethical and approved learning frameworks.
The skills within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge contained within the
units of competency and are fundamental to your ability to perform workplace tasks correctly. The
assessment must be conducted in a regulated education and care service. You must demonstrate all
skills to satisfactorily complete this assessment.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 63 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Assessment procedure

You will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the
conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time
needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. If you have provided incorrect responses, you will be engaged in a one on one
discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold
the required knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated
knowledge and must retain the completed written assessment as evidence of the completed
assessment activity.

Resource Requirements

To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:

- Assessors that satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF
mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
- A regulated education and care service
- The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate III, Second Edition ©2016, Walker, Miller
McGraw-Hill Higher Education — Australia & New Zealand
o Chapter 1
o Chapter 2
o Chapter 13
- Guide to the National Quality Standard
- Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services
National Regulations
- Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
- Sample Job Description - Early Childhood Educator Assistant


The following limitations apply:

- Students requiring more time must negotiate with the assessor

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 64 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Assessment 3 –Portfolio – Work plan template

My Skills - what can I already do? * refer to Sample Job Description - Early Childhood Educator

I can type, make good decisions, complete records balance books , I Can drive, teach children, I
Can cook, Can mend clothes, Can look after gardens, Can make and provide lunches, Can do

Skills development – what 3 areas do I want to focus on in order to start my placement?

Need to focus on making good decisions, teaching children

3. Pass the First Aid text and get the DCSI

get organised

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 65 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Goal 1

Have a placement job in childcare

My goal

My objective - how will I

I will find care centre jobs from computer
achieve my goal?

Reflection – write a paragraph on how you achieved your goal. Were there challenges?
Did you need to change anything?

I ask around all places and told friends to look out for a placement, in their work area childcare.
yes, having courage to ask if any one needed help. my attitude to not be afraid.

Goal 2

Challenge myself to do my best with learning in childcare

My goal

I will listen to the supervisor or someone working at the centre, for

My objective - how will I
more knowledge.
achieve my goal?

Reflection – write a paragraph on how you achieved your goal. Were there challenges?
Did you need to change anything?

I got up early get ready arrive early at child centre, and make sure check all children arrive ready
for the day.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 66 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Goal 3

Develop my communication skills

My goal

Listening to people, how they speak ,asking them write it down, so

My objective - how will I can read as well.
achieve my goal?

Reflection – write a paragraph on how you achieved your goal.

Were there challenges?
Did you need to change anything?

Going on internet to listening to people speak , copy their words, watching how they pronounce
each word they are saying

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 67 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

Final report:
Summarise what worked well for you, and what you would do differently.
Comment on how this activity has supported your professional development and continuous
I learn how to pronounce words correctly, also learnt how to study body language.

I can uses what I learned about people having different needs and desires in use with childcare

a little bit difficult

Feedback from trainer/assessor/supervisor/mentor

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 68 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 69 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Student Instructions –Assessment 4 - Portfolio

The assessment task

You are required to create a portfolio of evidence of how the principles and practices of the learning framework outcomes are implemented in the
regulated education and care service.

Collaborate with colleagues and provide evidence of the following;

- document two examples of how the learning framework is demonstrated in the service
- document one example of how EACH principle of the learning framework is reflected in the service
- document your own involvement in three examples of pedagogical practices with the supervisor and others in the service

Please submit a 500-word reflection of how you discussed practice with supervisor and others

Assessment Conditions

Complete these questions in your own time away from the learning environment. You will have access to the relevant learning resources for this
assessment. The Assessor should refer to the resources section of the assessor instructions for specific resources, information and equipment needed. The
assessor will set a time and date that the assessment is required to be submited. There is no time limit on this assessment.

Reasonable adjustment

Students may provide verbal responses to questions as a method of reasonable adjustment where this is required according to the student’s needs.
Additional time may also be allocated if this is required.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 70 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Assessment procedure
You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment. You may seek
clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If you require more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time needed
with your assessor. Following the assessment, your responses will be assessed and marked as appropriate. Students who have provided incorrect responses
are to be engaged in a one on one discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold the required
knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated knowledge in the assessment recording tool and retain the completed
written assessment as evidence of the completed assessment activity.

Resource Requirements
To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:
 The Early Childhood Educator for Certificate III, Second Edition ©2016, Walker, Miller McGraw-Hill Higher Education — Australia & New Zealand.
- Chapter 13
Via the internet:
9. Guide to the National Quality Framework.
10. Guide to the National Quality Standards.
11. Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
12. Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
13. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Australian Child Protection legislation.
- Universal declaration of human rights.

If you require more time to complete the assessment activity, this can be negotiated with your trainer.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 71 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Assessment 4 – Portfolio

1. Children feel needed and connected know they belong having respect for family and community social network.
Provide two
examples of how
the learning
framework is
demonstrated in
the service

2. Our belief as a country is diverse and multicultural we respect different nationalities helping children to prosper
from all beliefs to which we celebrate enriching all lives.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 72 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships

Provide one Respond____ pay attention, listening to the children
example of how Build trust ___talk , sing , comfort and encourage
EACH principle of Freedom of choice____ promote play, provide safe environment.
the learning Encourage children’s confidence
framework is
reflected in the Principle 2: Partnerships with families
service Educators to achieve desired learning outcomes
Pairing with locals to educate children
Collaborate with services e.g. Police (road safety)
Communicate clearly decisions with parents

Principle 3: High expectations and equity

Help children express creativity
Make them feel safe and happy
Through play and games children develop confidence and team
Belonging and respect for other

Principle 4: Respect for diversity

Provide resources of different cultures
Encourage children to share ideas

Principle 5: Ongoing learning and reflective practice

Discuss and think deeply about a concern
Improved understanding of children

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 73 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise
personal work priorities and development.

3. Creating classroom and applied learning environments in with all children are engaged, challenged, fell safe to take
Provide three risks and are supported to learn
examples of your
involvement with
practices in the

4. Working to build children’s beliefs in their own capacities to learn successfully and their understanding of relationship
between effort and success

5. Routinely evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and using these evaluations to make adjustments to practice.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 74 of 79

Write a 500-word reflection of how you discussed practice with supervisor and others:
Listening to the teacher giving a talk about the National quality Frameworks, which are the National Law, the national regulations, National Quality
Standard and approved leaning Frameworks. I found it sometime difficult to understand the leaning framework-Belonging, Being and Becoming is part of
our studies to progress into child care. I tried hard to listen and understand but as we worked as a group to learn principles in early education.
For the beginning, it was difficult for me to understand the course. We were in a group together. And it felt better that there were people similar to me,
and willing to listen to me for ideas as well. We had some ideas of what to do and we listened to each other, at times I stayed quiet and listened because
other people had some good information that I could learn from as well.
Reflecting as a parent, I have also learned how important it is to honour the rights of the child, sometimes even though want to do the right thing
because of not knowing about child rights parent can cause more harm. I was not fully understand the unicef legislative law until now but can see that it
is very important for the safety of the child too. As I was listening to different subjects, I was also writing down important notes on sheet of paper to help
me remember what I was taught at class. This was very helpful for me when doing homework, sometimes I became confused and overwhelmed by some
questions in the book. Then I remembered my notes that I had written, and could find some answers that I needed as well.
It was good to talk to the others so I could ask some questions about something I found hard to understand, and they could explain it better to me so I
could understand more clearly. After the few weeks I can see now how to write the answers to the questions, and also how to find some answers from
the information booklet early learning framework.

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EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 76 of 79
Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development.

Student Instructions – Assessment 5 - Workplace Reflection Diary

The assessment task

NB this assessment is located in the separate document “CHC30113 Workplace Reflection Diary”.

This assessment activity requires you to implement and reflect on the tasks outlined in the
workplace reflection diary. You are also required to reflect on how the task relates back to the
National Quality Framework, Standards, National Laws and Regulations relating to working within
legal, ethical and approved learning frameworks. You will also be required to identify relevant
sections of the approved learning framework to demonstrate your knowledge of a holistic education
and care system.

During the Certificate III of Early Childhood Education and Care, you are required to complete a
minimum work placement of 120 hours. This assessment activity must be completed during a
portion of the 120 hours of work placement time. It is recommended to allocate time either at the
end or during each shift to properly document the activities relating to the key areas.

There are four key areas you are required to provide evidence of performing within the workplace.
This includes:
- Contribute to workplace improvements
- Apply the learning framework
- Reflect on own practices
- Identify and respond to legal requirements

The four key areas and their related tasks are listed within the workplace reflection diary. Each task
has space to record the details of three separate instances of when you have performed these tasks.
You are encouraged to record three separate instances for each task.

The work must be conducted in a regulated education and care service directly supervised by the
workplace supervisor. You must document your work activities and have them signed off by your
workplace supervisor to verify these entries. Once you have addressed all key areas, you are
instructed to submit the completed workplace reflection diary to the assessor for review.

Assessment procedure

You will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the
conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time
needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. If you have provided incorrect responses, you will be engaged in a one on one
discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold
the required knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated
knowledge and must retain the completed written assessment as evidence of the completed
assessment activity.

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 77 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development.

Resource Requirements

To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:

 A regulated education and care service.
 MADEC CHC30113 Workplace Reflection Diary.
 Workplace supervisor.

The following limitations apply:
 You must complete the workplace reflection diary based on your work placement within a
regulated education and care service.
 You must provide details of at least three examples of performing each task in the workplace.
 You also need to reflect on how the task relates back to the National Quality Framework,
Standards, National Laws and Regulations and the approve learning framework.

Student Instructions – Assessment 6 - Supervisor Report

The assessment task

NB this assessment is located in the separate document “Workplace Supervisor Report”.

This task requires the assessor to engage with your workplace supervisor from a regulated education
and care service and have a discussion about your demonstrated behaviours and skills performed
consistently over the period of the work placement.

You will provide the workplace supervisor a copy of the supervisor report at the beginning of the
work placement. This will ensure the workplace supervisor can allocate tasks appropriately, and you
have sufficient time to complete the tasks. This also ensures that the workplace supervisor can
adequately prepare their comments for the discussion with the assessor.

The assessor should record the workplace supervisor responses on the supervisor report and retain
the completed supervisor report as evidence of the completed assessment activity. This report acts
as supplementary evidence to supports your competency and does not replace the assessment tasks
required for completion of this cluster.

Assessment procedure

You will be provided a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to seek clarification on the
conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment
task. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time
needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked
as appropriate. If you have provided incorrect responses, you will be engaged in a one on one
discussion to moderate your knowledge verbally. The assessor must have confidence that you hold
the required knowledge. The assessor will record their observations about your demonstrated

EDU/CHC30113/C1SAKv1 Student Assessment Kit Date of Issue: 25 January 2019 78 of 79

Student Assessment Kit - Cluster 1: CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically, CHCECE009 Use an approved
learning framework to guide practice and BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development.

knowledge and must retain the completed written assessment as evidence of the completed
assessment activity.

Resource Requirements
To complete this assessment task, the following resources are required:
 A regulated education and care service.
 The workplace supervisor.
 MADEC CHC30113 Supervisor report.


The following limitations apply:

1. The discussion is to be conducted with the workplace supervisor at a convenient time negotiated
by both the workplace supervisor and the assessor
2. The Assessor is to complete the supervisor report template (Not the supervisor

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