Enabling A Digital and Analytics Transformation in Heavy Industry Manufacturing
Enabling A Digital and Analytics Transformation in Heavy Industry Manufacturing
Enabling A Digital and Analytics Transformation in Heavy Industry Manufacturing
by Milan Korbel, Stuart Sim, Ken Somers, and Joris van Niel
© Getty Images
December 2019
In earlier articles, we have shown how digital Critically, projects also require people whose
and advanced analytics (DnA) technologies have skills bridge these different groups. Data
significant potential to improve manufacturing engineers develop more efficient information
operations in heavy industry. We have explained that technology systems such as databases, fast
to capture that potential at scale, companies need data processing, or new and more reliable data
a systematic approach to identify, develop, and roll sources. Data scientists use those systems to
out the technologies and approaches that offer the unlock new insights or knowledge from the data
most value to them. And we have shown how the by developing analytical techniques and efficient
best approach for a given organization will depend algorithms. Translators frame business problems
on its current level of digital maturity, its goals, and in a way that digital specialists understand, and
on the nature and distribution of those opportunities. use their domain knowledge to evaluate and
continuously refine the resulting DnA solutions
In this article we turn our attention to four critical (Exhibit 1).
enablers: talent, data, technology, and agile delivery.
Companies need these enablers in some form With the exception of tactical interventions,
for every digital initiative they run, and together where most of the necessary talent may be
they comprise an engine to power any heavy provided by the external supplier contracted
manufacturer’s successful DnA transformation. to deliver the project, talent can be a critical
Carefully thinking through the development of roadblock in digital projects. And it won’t be
digital muscles helps an organization avoid the solved by the market alone. With a wave of
need to repeat work or reinvent the wheel, aids digitization underway across industries, skilled
the efficient use of resources, and promotes the data scientists and other technical specialists are
adoption of standardized approaches that are easier in short supply globally. Furthermore, becoming
to scale, replicate, and sustain. much more efficient in those roles requires
an in-depth understanding of manufacturing
Let’s look at each in turn: processes and other company-specific
knowledge, alongside digital and analytics
Digital and analytics projects are skill-intensive While some external hiring is almost always
activities. Recent advances in software and necessary to fill capability gaps and kick-start
hardware have done much to improve the digital programs, many critical new skills are
accessibility and usability of new technologies, but best developed in-house (Exhibit 2). Homegrown
their successful application still requires people who capability-building efforts can’t meet an
understand the capabilities and limitations of digital organization’s demand for PhD-trained data
approaches, and who know how to get the best out scientists, but they can produce large numbers
of the available tools. of skilled and competent digital practitioners,
who are essential for the application of new tools
In heavy industrial manufacturing, digital projects at scale. Heavy-industry manufacturers are well
require new capabilities—and often new roles—in positioned in this regard, since their existing
three areas of the business. They need people with workforce is already technology savvy. For them,
expertise in the company’s products and production the shift to digital is a natural step: for example,
processes. They need technology specialists with an automation engineer already understands the
expertise in areas such as software development, building blocks of robotics technology.
robotics, and automation. And they need digital
specialists who can run agile projects or design an Companies embarking on large-scale
effective user experience. transformation programs (whether focused
Exhibit 1 projects require new roles spanning three core business functions.
Digital projects require new roles spanning three core business functions.
Business-domain expert
Robotics &
automation Data
IT Digital Scrum master
expert scientist
Data architect
Agile coach
1. User experience
2. User interface
Source: McKinsey
or enterprise-wide) may set up a dedicated digital digital projects does much to eliminate fear of new
academy to develop skills at all levels of the approaches, while also making their benefits clear.
organization. These academies provide online, Staff can usually see immediately how digital tools
classroom-based, and experiential training tailored can improve their working lives.
to the objectives of the program and the needs of
different stakeholder groups. Senior managers
may be provided with a broad overview of digital Data
approaches, for example, while translators and Most heavy-industry players already have the
digital specialists dive deeper into specific tools. majority of the data they need. But an important
new requirement in digital projects is to extract that
In-house academies also make it easier to deliver data from silos across the organization, and bring
specific training on a just-in-time basis, so staff can it together in a unified, accessible form. Executives
apply new skills immediately on real projects. In line sometimes worry that a digital transformation will
with general best practices in capability building, require them to rip out and replace their existing
learning should then be reinforced with continual data infrastructure. Many have uncomfortable
coaching and mentoring in the workplace. Working memories of the large-scale IT projects of the past,
this way, academies don’t just build skills—they which were expensive, complex, and prone to failure.
also change mind-sets. Hands-on involvement in
Local IT
Data In-house
Quality & process scientist capability
technologists building
Today’s reality is different. Modern data platforms shift reports may exist only on paper, for example,
or data-integration systems can be set up as a and non-networked or analog sensors may need to
new layer that sits above existing systems and be upgraded or replaced. The important rule, which
interacts flexibly with them. This may involve the avoids failures and minimizes costs, is to gradually
use of a data lake, fed by streams of data from a integrate only the data that is needed for ongoing
variety of operational technology (OT) sources, DnA projects.
such as sensor networks, process-control
systems, or other manufacturing-automation Once companies understand their data, they need
equipment—or from higher-level IT sources, such to manage it. That requires robust governance
as enterprise resource planning systems. polices and processes along with rigorous
standardization—using consistent naming
The process isn’t entirely plug-and-play: some conventions and a single “data dictionary” to
data sources may require additional action prior ensure future digital projects can identify the data
to integration. Historical maintenance records or they need (Exhibit 3).
Data isExhibit 3
a critical resource that requires effective governance.
Data is a critical resource that requires effective governance.
2 Data
Policies, prioritization
6 standards, &
privacy &
1 security
Data vision
and goals
5 Data
7 Data
4 Metadata
and data
1 Data vision and goals to set the direction of the program and focus investment
3 Data prioritization to focus effort on the data that matters the most
4 Metadata and data lineage to describe the data and where it comes from
5 Data quality and controls to ensure data is clean and data risks are managed proactively
7 Data retention to control the amount of data needed to process and manage
8 Data privacy & security to protect data assets and ensure sensitive information is safeguarded
Web 2019
Enabling a digital and analytics transformation in heavy-industry manufacturing
Exhibit 4 of 4
3 Development
• Soundness and reasoning of the:
- Methodological approaches selected
- Modeling techniques used
4 Output • Quality of the model outcomes in terms of accuracy (eg back-testing &
benchmarking), precision (eg sensitivity tests) and robustness (ie model’s ability to
maintain its performance)
6 Ongoing
• Completeness and appropriateness of the ongoing monitoring plan
• Soundness of defined KPIs and acceptance criteria for model performance
8 Model
• Model governance (eg ownership, escalation process)
• Model controls
Milan Korbel is a senior expert in McKinsey’s Melbourne office, Stuart Sim is a partner in the New Jersey office, Ken Somers
is a partner in the Antwerp office, and Joris van Niel is a senior expert in the Amsterdam office.