Cursed Daedric Armor. Should I Smelt It or Sell It - Skyrimrequiem

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Publicado por u/Blueberry-Abject hace 1 día

 12  Cursed daedric
Cursed daedric armor.
armor. should Ishould
smelt … I smelt it or sell it?
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Help spoiler

I killed some daedric's the other day and they dropped their cursed armor. I wanted to
know if I should sell it to the store or smelt it down for ebony ingots. I've already been to
that mine at the orcs near windhelm. other than that place I don't know anymore mines
to get ore without googling it. I want the ingots I think more than the gold unless
vendors will start selling ebony ingots soon. i'm currently lvl 29 on this character. thanks
in advance for the help. this is a 3tweaks playthrough btw.

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heckur · 1d
Eating mages for breakfast

unless vendors will start selling ebony ingots soon

That will never happen, unless 3tweaks modifies that.

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Buckleyisdeadagain · 18h

He who smelt it dealt it

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Publicado por u/supercooljoe01 hace 5 días

Help What are some good creature and quest mods that pair well with
This mod fixes most problems I have with the base game, except the emptiness of the world,
and the fact that it removes level scaling means that a lot of creature or quest mods (at least
quest mods that add in their own NPCs or creatures) will have issues. What are your

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Publicado por u/agd25 hace 4 días

Discussion De-leveled Fallout 4

I have been playing a lot of permadeath Fallout 4 recently, and am wondering what would need
to be done to de-level the game, similar to Requiem, just without all the other changes
hopefully. Does anyone know exactly what needs to be done to de-level a BGS game. I assume
that all NPC's and leveled lists need to be set to be static, but is there anything else that I am
missing? Is this better done via encounter zones? I noticed that Requiem doesn't touch these.

I also had an idea to give the player a static level instead, so when you level up you are knocked
down a level straight afterwards. Maybe this would be easier. Can anyone that knows the inner
working of Requiem let me know how they think this would go?

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Publicado por u/Berserkerz_ hace 2 días

Discussion New playthrough: Ultimate skyrim or Serenity?

Hello everyone,

I want to start a new playthrough with a requiem wabbajack modlist. I already gave a look to all
of them and I can't decide between theese two.

I love ultimate skyrim because I like survival mods (frostfall ecc.) but I feel like its graphics and
the fact that it doesn't have new quests leaves it behind.

Serenity lacks the survival mods (which is a big downside for me) but has improved graphics,
new quests, i saw it even has ESF companions (like ultimate skyrim).

Since Ultimate skyrim for SE will come soon ( I hope ) do you advise me to play serenity and
wait for the new ultimate skyrim to come out?

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Publicado por u/Overbunded hace 1 día

Help Requiem and Live another life

Hello , first of all , been playing on requiem for around 90 hours with literally no CTD's or any
kind problems whatsoever . Im using around 40-50 mods , compatibility patches and all.

Everything worked perfectly ,until I installed Live Another Life mod , since I wanted to try a full
mage char .

Problem is: Everytime I click New Game it does nothing , the menu disappears and only the
Skyrim's Logo stays . Its literally a black screen with the logo , the music still plays .

LAL's description says that it should be listed above requiem in the load order , i tried both ,
putting it higher on the mod list and at the bottom but it just won't work . LOOT says everything
is fine .
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S ti i i it tibl ith i ? I th k df it?
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Publicado por u/Nickenion hace 4 días

Help Tips for fighting enemies that use shields (w/ melee)?
I've been playing requiem for quite a while now, and although I know how to deal with a fair
share of enemies, the ones still giving me trouble are shield users. They often just slowly close
in on me with their shields up, and rarely act aggressively, even when they have the advantage,
instead just bashing me three to four times and then actually striking.

The way it is now, I either let my followers distract them, and then hit them from behind where
they're vulnerable, or just smash their shield again and again until they lose stamina and start
taking significant damage, but in scenarios where there isn't a lot of room to work with, or
there's just so many enemies to keep track of, both of these options get rather difficult.

Is there anything that I'm missing?

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General Discussion Thread- 2021 W24

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Mod Now w 4.0 is Archery still terrible vs Dragon Priests?

Didn't want to waste time with archery if it still is terrible when other builds are 100x more


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Publicado por u/Agitated_Company5816 hace 2 días

Help Requiem 4.0.2 No stamina drain whilst moving backwards?

I’m new to vanilla requiem and instantly fell in love with the mechanics and noticed when
Buscarbandits when I’m moving backwards my stamina doesn’t drain, only when I move 
diagonally it drains like back and left or back n right is that intended or is there an issue on my

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