Article 1365-1367
Article 1365-1367
Article 1365-1367
Q. The transfer of the subject land (the parcel of land that the respondents claimed that
Leodegaria Angeles purchased from Ramon Velazquez) is invalid. By the terms of the
document that the parties initially executed, the contract is one of sale. However, in one of the
clauses in the document, it appears that the supposed seller did not reserve the right to
repurchase the property, but bound himself to return the principal interest.
Article 1365. No, if two parties agree upon the mortgage or pledge of real or personal
property, but the instrument states that the property is sold absolutely or with a right of
repurchase, reformation of the instrument is proper.
Q. Jellybee donated the trademark for his fried chicken to Mangdo without conditions. In this
case, the act is essentially gratuitous and Mangdo has no just cause for complaint.
According to Article 1367. When one of the parties has brought an action to enforce the
instrument, he cannot subsequently ask for its reformation.
Q. Article 1367 When one of the parties has brought as action to enforce the instrument, he
cannot subsquently ask for its reformation. Illustrate and explain.
Anna who is need of money negotiated a contract of chattel mortgage with Ben using
Anna’s Car for security. Through machination perpetrated by Ben, Anna signed a document of
sale believing that it was a chattel mortgage. Later Ben filed a case against Anna for delivery of
the car based on the deed of sale. The action failed. Ben can no longer seek the reformation of
the instrument to consider it a chattel mortgage. He is estopped for the law has deemed him to
have waived the action for reformation.
Q. D borrowed P 5,000 from C. The debt is evidence by a promissory note excited by D on the
due date, C informs D that he will no longer collecting the debt and delivers the note to D. D
accepts C' s generosity. Can there be a reformation of contract?
There shall be no reformation in simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition is
imposed. This is so because a donation is an act of liberality on the part of donor whose desire
must be respected. However, if the donation is conditional and the condition does not reflect the
true intention of the donor, reformation is allowed so as to show such real intent. (Art.1366)
Here, the contract is void as it contrary to law. Therefore, there shall be no reformation of contract
when the real agreement is void. (Article 1366)