MATH 31B - Week 1 Exponential, Inverse Functions, and Logarithmic Functions (I)

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MATH 31B - Week 1 [email protected].

Exponential, Inverse Functions, and Logarithmic Functions (I)
Exponential and logarithmic functions are widely used in many mathematical models, and so it is
important to be able to do calculus with them.

Exponential Functions

It is interesting to note that there is a function which equals its own derivative.

(Derivative of e x ) There is a unique positive real number e with the property:

d x
( e ) =e xThe number e is irrational, with approximate value e ≈2.718 .

Therefore, we also have ∫ e x dx=e x +C .


Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of f ( x )=e−x at x=1.


By chain rule, f ' ( x )=−2 x e− x , and so at f ' ( 1 )=−2 e−1. Also when x=1, f ( 1 ) =e−1.
So the equation of the tangent line is y−e−1=−2 e−1 ( x−1 ).

Find ∫ e2 x +5 dx .

Use substitution u=2 x +5, and so du=2 dx . Then
1 1 1
∫ e2 x+5 dx=∫ 2 eu du= 2 eu +C= 2 e 2 x+5 +C
1. Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of f ( x )=x e−x at x=1.
2. Find a> 0 such that the tangent line to f ( x )=x 2 e−x at x=a passes through the origin.
2 e√x
3. Find: (a) ∫ 2 x e2 x dx , dx
(b) ∫
4. Find the area between the curves y=2e x and y=2e− x on the interval [ 0 , 1 ].

Inverse Functions and its Derivatives

We will define the notion of inverse of a function and how to compute its derivative.

(Inverse Function) Let f have domain D and range R. If there is a function g with domain R such that
g ( f ( x ) )=x for x ∈ D and f ( g ( x ) )=x for x ∈ R then f is said to be invertible, and the function g is
called the inverse function of f, denoted by f −1.

The relation between the domain and the range of f and f −1 is as follows: The domain of f is the
range of f −1, and conversely the range of f is the domain of f −1.

To check if a function f has an inverse, we use horizontal line test.

The graph of y=f −1 ( x ) is the reflection of the graph of y=f ( x ) about the line y=x .

(Derivative of the Inverse) Suppose f is differentiable and invertible with inverse g ( x )=f −1 ( x ). If
f ' ( g ( b ) ) ≠ 0, then g' ( b ) exists and
g' ( b )= '
f ( g ( b) )

Calculate g' (1 ) , where g is the inverse of the function f ( x )=x +e 2 x .

Using the above formula, it remains to know the value of f ' at g ( 1 ). But here we cannot determine
the inverse function explicitly. But we have f ( 0 )=1, and so by definition of inverse, g ( 1 )=0 .
' 1 1 1
Also, f ' ( x )=1+2 e 2 x. Therefore, g (1 ) = ' = ' = .
f ( g (1)) f (0) 3


Recall the definition of logarithms (which you have seen before): y=log b x is equivalent to x=b y
Logarithm to the base e of x is denoted by ln x .

Basic properties of logarithms:

1. log b xy=log b x+ log b y .
2. log b ( x / y )=log b x−log b y.
3. log b x =n ⋅ log b x
log a x
4. (Change of base) log b x=
log a b

Finally, we add to our repertoire of calculus formulae with the following results.

More differentiation formulae:

d x
1. ( b )=b x ln b for any constant b> 0.
2. ¿
d f '(x)
3. ( ln f ( x ) ) = , by chain rule.
dx f (x)

Logarithms also allow us to perform logarithmic differentiation, a useful technique to differentiate

product or quotient of several factors, or functions of the form y=f ( x )g ( x ).

( x +2 )3 ( x 2−5)
Find the derivative of f ( x )= .
√ x 2+1
2 1 2
Take ln on both sides to get ln f ( x )=3 ln ( x +2 ) + ln ( x −5 )− ln ( x + 1 ) . Now differentiate:
f ' ( x) 3 2x x
= + 2 − 2 , and so f ' ( x ) is obtained by just multiplying the right hand side with the
f ( x ) x+ 2 x −5 x +1
given f ( x ).

5. Find the derivative of: (a) y=x sin x , (b) y= ( ln ( ln x ) )
6. Find all local maxima and local minima of the function y=ln x / x in the domain x >0.
Check that they are really local minima/maxima.

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