MRP Svim
MRP Svim
MRP Svim
Guided by Submitted By
Mrs. Khushboo Jain Prachi Panchal
Associate Professor, SVIM MBA (FT) 3 rdsem
Presentation inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the
success of any venture.
Last, but not the least, my parents are also an important inspiration for me. So with
due regards, I express my gratitude to them
1. Introduction
2. What is training?
3. What is development
3.1 Importance of Training and Development
3.2 Main Objectives of Training and Development
4. Methods of training
5. Literature review
6. Research Methodology
7. Sample characteristic
8. Data collection
9. Data Interpretation
Development refers to development of an employee in the areas of principle
& techniques of management, administration, organization and allied areas.
It is long term planning based on conceptual & general knowledge. It is a
continuous process in all organization
3.1 Importance of Training and Development
Optimum Utilization of Human Resource
Human resources need to be polished and trained to enhance the potential.
Training and development of employees helps to make the best use of the
employee’s overall worth to the organization.
Creating a Highly Skilled, Motivated and Enthusiastic Workforce
The existing workforce is trained to increase their productivity, and
motivated to contribute their best towards the organization. The employees
will be more confident about themselves and enthusiastic about their job.
They will adapt to technological changes and innovations more readily.
Increase Productivity
Knowledge about usage of sophisticated machinery and new technology is
imparted to employees which will enable them to use the equipment more
efficiently and thereby increase productivity.
Build Team Spirit
Training often takes place in groups where the trainees are encouraged to
interact with each other and discuss organizational issues. This helps to
create team spirit among the employees.
Healthy Work Environment
Training and development programs help to modify the thought and
behavior process of the employees in such a way that is conducive to
building a healthy work environment
Personal Growth of Employees
Development programs provide opportunities to the employees to enhance
their skills and knowledge and help them to achieve better career growth.
Promote Learning Culture
The employees are encouraged to continuously learn new concepts and
update their talents. This helps to promote a learning culture within the
organization which would greatly help in its future sustenance and growth.
Improve Employee Morale
When employees are trained to become better performers, they feel a sense
of accomplishment. They realize that they are effectively contributing
towards organizational goals and thus get a morale boost.
Better Managerial Skills
Training and development programs inspire the employees to think, plan,
solve problems and take important decisions. This hones up their
managerial skills.
1. Increased Productivity
2. Quality Improvement
3. Learning time Reduction
4. Safety First
5. Labor Turnover Reduction
6. Keeping yourself Updated with Technology
7. Effective Management
Importance of Training Objectives
Training objectives are one of the most important parts of training programs.
The counter argument here is the resources are always limited and the
training objective actually leads to the design of training. It provides clear
guidelines and develops the training program in less time because objective
focus specifically on needs. It helps in adhering to plan.
Training objectives tell the trainee what is expected out of him at the end of
the training program. Training objectives are of great significance from a
number of stakeholder perspectives.
Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees.
The various methods under Behavioral approach allow the trainee to behave
in a real fashion. These methods are best used for skill development.
The various methods that come under Behavioral approach are:
Games and simulations
Business Games
Case Studies
Equipment Stimulators
In-Basket Technique
Role Plays
Both the methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, but through
different means.
Training Design- Training design can be easy to get wrong. Designing and
producing an effective training session can be a really difficult task. Not
only do you have to make sure the knowledge/skill/attitude you are training
is factually correct but you also have to present it in a form which is easily
digested by you.
Training Implementation- To put a training program into effect according
to a definite plan or procedure is called training implementation. Training
implementation is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can
lead to the failure of the whole training program. Even the best training
program will fail due to one wrong action.
The Indian IT industry has a prominent global presence today largely due to
the software sector. Promotion of the software industry and protection of the
hardware industry from external competition has resulted in this skewed
growth. More recently however, policy changes have led to a tremendous
influx of leading multinational companies into India to set up manufacturing
facilities, R&D Centers and offshore software development facilities. The
domestic market for both software and hardware is getting revitalized. All
these developments have had a significant impact not only on the economy
but also the environmental and social milieu.
In this day and age, organizations are forced to thrive on the cutting-edge
competition using the most appropriate technology. For this, managing HR
is more effective through appropriate training to the organizational
workforce. Training might thus mean showing a machinist how to operate
his new machine; a new salesperson, how to sell his firm's product; or a new
supervisor how to interview and appraise employees.
For analyzing the existing training and development program of private
sector organization and employees' attitude, we have conducted an empirical
study on 'employees' attitude towards training and development' in private
sector manufacturing and business organizations. Based on this research, we
have come to certain conclusions about employees' mindset towards training
and development in private sector organizations.
6. Research Methodology
Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) proposed four types of knowledge that research
contributed to education as follows:
6.2 Methodology
To know the benefits that employees get by the training and development.
Sampling Unit – It define the target employees that will be sample i.e. It
answers who is to be surveyed. In this study, the sampling unit is the
employees of IT companies.
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents. The
questionnaire was structured type and contained questions relating to
different dimensions of IT companies’ preference among service classes
such as level of usage, factors influencing the usage of employees.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
10-15yrs 1
usion: From this we conclude that there are some employees who are experience,
and some are fresher. So we better understand what they learn from the company
b. Do you agree that training is well planned?
1 Strongly Agree 12
2 Agree 11
3 Neutral 5
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly disagree 1
Conclusion: From this survey we concluded that most of the people strongly
agree that this training is well planned.
3. Do you agree that training is of sufficient duration? Particular Number of responses
1 Strongly Agree 13
2 Agree 11
3 Neutral 4
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly disagree 1
Conclusion : We concluded that most of the people strongly agree that this
training is of sufficient duration.
4. Are training programs helpful in the long run? Particular Number of responses
1 Strongly Agree 10
2 Agree 9
3 Neutral 6
4 Disagree 3
5 Strongly disagree 2
Conclusion: From this survey we concluded that most of the people strongly agree
that the training programs are helpful for the long run.
2 Agree 8
3 Neutral 6
4 Disagree 3
Conclusion: From this survey we concluded that 43% of the people strongly agree
that the training programs are helpful in personal growth.
2 Agree 8
3 Neutral 6
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly disagree 0
Conclusion: From this survey we concluded that 50% of the people are strongly
agree about the present training system.
7. Do you agree that instructors respond to trainees' doubts? Particular Number of
1 Strongly Agree 16
2 Agree 7
3 Neutral 4
Conclusion : From this survey we concluded that 59% of the people strongly agree
that instructors respond to training doubts.
2 Agree 7
3 Neutral 4
4 Disagree 7
5 Strongly disagree 1
Conclusion : From this survey we concluded that 36% people strongly agree that
those training are handled by a component faculty.
2 Agree 8
3 Neutral 4
4 Disagree 9
Conclusion : From this survey we concluded that 30% people strongly agreed
and 30% people disagreed that training helps in performing a job more
10. Do you agree that training has helped reduce absenteeism?
S.No Particular NO. of reponses
1. Strongly agree 5
2. Agree 5
3. Neutral 5
4. Disagree 9
5. Strongly disagree 6
Conclusion : From this survey we had concluded that most of the people
disagrees that training has helped reduce absenteeism.Some of them strongly
agree,agree and neutral about this.
11.Do you agree training has helped in changing the attitude of the employees? Particular Number of
1 Strongly Agree 15
2 Agree 8
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 4
Conclusion : From this survey we conclude that 50% of people strongly agree
that training has helped in changing the attitude of the employees.
12. Do you agree that training has helped in motivating employees and giving
them job security? Particular Number of
1 Strongly Agree 20
2 Agree 5
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly disagree 0
Conclusion : From this survey we had concluded that 66% people are strongly
agree that training has helped in motivating employees and giving the job
2 GD 5
3 Other 5
4 Disagree 0
Conclusion : From this survey we concluded that over 66% of the population
choses interviews that must be used to identify training needs.
14. Training reduces constant supervision do you agree with this statement? Particular Number of responses
1 Strongly Agree 10
2 Agree 6
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 7
5 Strongly disagree 4
Conclusion : From this survey we had concluded that 33% people strongly agress
that “Training reduces constant supervision”.
15. Do you agree that training helps to do the job with more commitment? Particular Number of responses
1 Strongly Agree 23
2 Agree 4
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 0
5 Strongly disagree 0
Conclusion : From this survey we conclude that 765 people strongly agree that
training helps to do the job with more commitments.
16. Do you agree that training helps to understand the job clearly? Particular Number of responses
1 Strongly Agree 19
2 Agree 5
3 Neutral 3
4 Disagree 3
5 Strongly disagree 0
Conclusion : From this survey we had concluded that 57% of the population
strongly agree that training helps to understand jobs clearly.
2 Agree 5
3 Neutral 2
4 Disagree 0
5 Strongly disagree 0
Conclusion : From this we conclude that 77% people strongly agree that the
training is on the basis of development needs.
18. Training giving to you helps you to cope up with the constantly changing
technology for performing the job? Particular Number of
1 Strongly Agree 18
2 Agree 10
3 Neutral 2
4 Disagree 0
5 Strongly disagree 0
usion : From this survey we conclude that 60% of people strongly agree that it
helps us to cope with the constantly changing technology for performing the jobs.
19. Is there a well-designed incentive training policy in the company?
S.No Particular Number of responses
1. Strongly agree 10
2. Agree 7
3. Neutral 6
4. Disagree 4
5. Strongly disagree 3
Conclusion : From this survey we had concluded that 33% of the population
strongly agree that there is a well- designed incentive training policy in the
10. Conclusion