Advertising and Public Relation

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Mid Term Exam

Department : Communication Studies

Subject : Intro to Advertising And PR
Student Name: iqra
Roll no : 1003
Submitted To: Mam Sobia Abid
Question 1: Define and explain advertising
with examples and Outdoor advertising is
increasing in many countries. Is this a good
thing? What products do you think are
suitable for outdoor advertising?

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
presentation & promotion of ideas, goods,
or services by an identified sponsor.
Examples of advertising
the new TVC of Shan foods, they are
showing an emotional bond between
father and daughter. In this ad, they
have smartly addressed the stereotype
of females being financially dependent
on males as it starts with daughter
coming home late from office and her
father is waiting for her. The narrative is
clear that the mother is no more alive
adding the first emotional hit. And thus,
begins the revolutionized yet perfectly
scripted ad as father is using the recipe
book of his wife to cook perfect meal of
his daughter’s birthday. And the ad ends
with a beautiful message that, “Pyar say
khana banana aur khelana, kisi ek ka
kaam nai”.
Another ad of Shan Food

One Biryani One Family is a Shan Ad that

shows a man meeting his girl’s family for
the first time. The family belongs to
Punjab, and they idealize that toxic
definition of masculinity. They tease the
man for not being healthy, athletic, and
being emotional. But events take such a
turn that he offers to cook for them. The
idea that a man offers to cook showed
the ad denouncing that cooking is a
woman’s responsibility
Outdoor advertising is increasing in
many countries. Is this a good thing?
I think outdoor advertising is a good
thing because outdoor advertising is less
expensive than print or digital
marketing, outdoor advertising produces
more impactful results on a smaller
budget, making it a great option for
companies or practitioners who have
less to spend on advertising.
Additionally, unlike digital or print ads,
outdoor advertising is more long term.
When you buy media space for an
outdoor advertisement, you are buying
location and length of time. The length
of time your outdoor advertisement is
available to consumers is key in securing
brand familiarity with them.
What products do you think are
suitable for outdoor advertising?
All the products in the market are
suitable for outdoor marketing.
But outdoor marketing of food items is
more appropriate because people like to
buy food items while traveling so that
they can eat and enjoy them while
During the trip, when people look at the
billboard and there is an ad for a food
item, it attracts people.
Question 2: Write down the role of
advertising in Marketing and Promotion
mix and on television you have seen
many ads of different products, service
and ideas, so answer these following
short question from advertising of now
a days in Pakistani TV media
a) What is your favorite ad? Why?
b) What is the ad you dislike most?
c) Make a summary of the elements of a
good ad.

The some role of advertising in

promotion of the product are as follows:
1. Awareness
Brand Loyalty
Brand Image
Expansion of Markets
Educating the Customers.
One of the important roles of advertising
is to create awareness of the product or
services such as brand name and price.

Advertising helps to inform the target
audience about the product.
Product information is very much
required, especially when the product is
introduced in the market, or when
product modification is undertaken.
Proper product information can help the
consumers in their purchase decision.
When business firms offer similar
products, the firm must not only inform
the customers about the product’s
availability, but also persuade them to
buy it. Through persuasive messages,
the marketers try to provide reasons
regarding the superiority of their
products as compared to others
available in the market.
Promotion is required to build or
reinforce attitudes in the minds of target
audience. The marketers expect the
target audience to develop a favorable
attitude towards their brands. Positive
attitude towards the brand helps to
increase its sales.
If target customers already have a
positive attitude towards a firm’s
product or service, then a reminder
objective may be necessary. The
reminder objective is necessary because
the satisfied customers can be targets
for competitors’ appeals. Well-
established brands need to remind the
customers about their presence in the
Brand Loyalty:
advertising helps to develop brand
loyalty. Brand loyalty results in repeat
purchases and favorable
recommendations to others by existing
Brand Image:
An advertiser helps to develop a good
image of the brand in the minds of
target audience. There are several
factors that can be of help to audience.
There are several factors, such as the
character of the personality that
endorses the brand, the content of the
advertising message, the nature and
type of packaging and the type of
programs or events sponsored, that can
help to develop brand image in the
minds of target audience.
Expansion of Markets:
Successful ads results in expansion of
the markets. A marketer may intend to
expand markets from the local level to
the regional level, from the regional
level to the national level, and from the
national level to the international level.
For this purpose, the marketer may
undertake various techniques of
Educating the Customers:
Promotion may be undertaken to
educate the customers. For instance,
some of the advertising is undertaken to
educate the audience regarding the use
of the product, handling operations, and
so on.
a) What is your favorite ad? Why?
I generally observe the advertisements
that come on television and i love
watching the advertisements that also
promote a social message among the
citizens. So I like the Dastak Cooking Oil
TVC which is released on World’s Food
Day promoting the idea of splitting
your food’s plate with someone in
need. The ad shows the story of a boss
and his clerk who always cleans up the
boss’s plate and eats whatever’s
leftover. The idea promoted is that the
food we’re wasting must be the source
of the day’s biggest reward for
someone else. So practice donating,
splitting your food, and sharing.

b) What is the ad you dislike most?

This one and many advertisements of
this particular fairness cream are
downright stupid and have absolutely
zero logic. Apparently, by being fair
skinned, You can postpone wedding
plans set by parents, You can get a job
and also build a house in 3 years and you
can find handsome guys as well…

c) Make a summary of the elements

of a good ad.
Demographics Before a company can
decide to create an effective TV
commercial, it must consider its target
markets and ensure that TV is an
effective medium to capture attention.
Goals An effective commercial should
start with a measurable goal. Identifying
a goal can help you come up with an
idea for your commercial, plan your
budget, determine which channel to play
it on and what time of day it should air.
Budget Your budget indicates where
your television commercial plays and
how often, as well as which resources
you can afford. Audio Equipment If you
plan on using music, voices or sound
effects in your commercial, proper audio
equipment is essential. If the sound
quality of your commercial is poor, your
commercial will appear unprofessional
Video Equipment Select a video
recorder that allows you to capture
crisp, clear video for your television
commercial Lighting Proper lighting is
an essential for creating an effective
television commercial, whether you're
shooting outdoors or indoors
Script Well-planned commercials follow
a script to ensure that all key details are
mentioned in an effort to attract
customers and persuade them to learn
more about the product or service.
Cast Whether you're promoting a food
product or professional service, you will
likely need to find a cast. Depending on
your budget, you may be able to secure
local talent or celebrities. Product
Placement When potential customers
watch a commercial, they need a visual
representation of the product or service.
This means it is essential to show your
company logo, product packaging and
even the product in use.

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