UASGenap21-Kls-J-Mochammad Farel Adhitabima-6032201161

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MATA KULIAH : Manajemen Pemasaran (Kls J) Nomor Mhs : 6032201161
HARI/TANGGAL N A M A MHS : Mochammad Farel
: 26 Juni 2021 Adhitabima
WAKTU : 110 Menit

In 1882, pharmacist Paul C. Beiersdorf established his company with a patent for
medical plasters. Beiersdorf sold his company to Oscar Troplowitz in 1890. By 1911, Oscar
Troplowitz had developed the world’s first stable skin cream based on a water-in-oil emulsion.
He named the product Nivea, derived from the Latin words nix, nivis, meaning “snow” or “of
snow.” With this brand name, the core benefit of Nivea was being highlighted: Nivea
protected the skin so that it stayed white as snow—the ideal of female beauty in Europe at the
beginning of the last century.
By 1914, the company had already generated 42 percent of their sales outside of
Germany and was doing business in 34 countries. Fourteen years after its market introduction,
Nivea underwent what we would today call a relaunch. Before 1925, Nivea crème was sold in
an off-white tin with the brand name written in green cursive lettering. With the relaunch, the
package design was modernized. The dye of the tin was changed to blue, a color that is today
associated with the brand, and the typography was changed to a more modern font.
Furthermore, the positioning strategy was switched to keep up with the social changes of that
time. Nivea now allowed its consumers to get a “healthy suntan” to reflect the changed ideals
of beauty. After a difficult period during World War II, Beiersdorf started anew. In many
countries, the Nivea trademarks were lost since they had been seized by the victorious nations.
Soon after the war, Beiersdorf started buying back the trademarks. In 1963, it introduced
innovative products like the world’s first “liquid cream,” Nivea Milk. With Nivea Men After
Shave Balsam, Beiersdorf introduced in 1980 the first aftershave product that soothed the skin.
By the 1990s, Nivea was the world’s leading skin care brand with a standardized global brand
policy. It had expanded its product line into new areas, like makeup, men’s facial crème, and
deodorants. In only 10 years after standardizing its global brand policy, sales had quadrupled
and Nivea became Beiersdorf’s largest brand. But not all product line extensions were
successful and several of the company’s inter-national ventures were failures. The purchase of
C-Bonsin 2007, China’s number two hair care brand, was a flop.
Even in Western Europe, Nivea sales dropped for several years in a row. Nevertheless,
Nivea continued its inter-national expansion strategy with a series of local product adaptations
while the brand appearance was standardized. In Asian countries, for example, facial products
sold much better since they contained ingredients promoting a fair complexion whereas in the
Middle East local fragrances like musk were used.
In 2011, Beiersdorf started to restructure Nivea’s product portfolio and brand
appearance. Above all, Nivea’s current square logo was redesigned to resemble the classic
Nivea logo. It now mirrors the famous tin packaging with a round blue logo with the brand
name Nivea placed prominently in the middle. All Nivea products underwent these logo
changes to reconnect the brand to its core product, Nivea crème. Tests showed that with the
new logo Nivea’s visibility at the points of purchase had improved. In addition, the package
design of most Nivea products was changed. For example, the cap of all body lotion packages
was reshaped. It is now tilted toward the user and has a more inviting look and feel.
Nivea for Men was renamed Nivea Men to strengthen the brand’s position in the fast growing
market for men’s cosmetics. Also, the product line of Nivea was rearranged. Several products
and categories, that were less successful and not enough in sync with the brand’s slightly
reshaped core values—trust, care, and closeness—were abandoned. All in all, the product
portfolio was reduced by approximately 25 percent, especially in over-segmented categories
like deodorants. Beauty was dropped as an additional core value of the brand that had been
added in the 1990s. Consistently, makeup products were withdrawn from the product line. But
the innovation process still continued. With In-Shower Body Moisturizer, Nivea introduced a
highly innovative and successful product to be used on wet skin that is faster and more
convenient to use than traditional body lotion.
Today, Nivea is one of the strongest face care brands. Around 30 percent of all women
around the world use Nivea products. The global brand awareness for Nivea is 93 percent.
Nivea is the market leader in the skin care segment in 46 countries and has repeatedly been
voted the Most Trusted Skin Care Brand by consumers in12 European countries.
Sources: Gregor Kessler, “Neue Rezeptur,” Capital, October 18, 2012; Michael Brandtner,
“Innovation & Branding,” A3BOOM, September 25, 2014; Frauke Schobelt, “Weltweit neues Design:
Beiersdorf adelt die Dose,” w&v, January 15, 2013; Beiersdorf,; Nivea,

Questions from the article

1. What were the key steps in maintaining Nivea’s leading position in the global facial care
market? (20 points)

2. Explain the connection between cultural norms and product choice. What is Nivea’s
strategy in respecting cultural diversity while pursuing a global brand strategy? (20 points)

Questions from the theory:

Please explain briefly from your understanding of:
3. Brand Equity Elements (20 points)
4. Omni Channel strategy (20 points)
5. Marketing Communication program (20 points)
Please write down your answer in this following pages then named your file : UASGenap21-
Kls-A/E/J-Your Name-No.Mhs  UASGenap21-Kls-J-ariosetiadi-2210002319 then email to
[email protected]


1. What were the key steps in maintaining Nivea’s leading position in the global facial
care market?
 Product
Nivea has always been an explorer & pioneer in innovation and came up with adding
many new products going from simple skin creams to skin care and people &
cosmetics, under its brand according to changes and market circumstances.
 Brand Identity
Nivea manages to create a great brand identity every time. The company has changed
its logo, packaging and appearance to make it look modern and global. Every identity
that changes always has an aesthetic correlation without leaving the core value of the
 Strategic Planning
By strengthening the brand's position in the men's cosmetic market, changing the name
Nivea For men to Nivea Men, it shows that Nivea keep on focuses heavily on research
and has identified the new market.
• Pricing Strategy
By being the market leader in the skin care segment in 46 countries and has repeatedly
been voted the Most Trusted Skin Care Brand by consumers in 12 European countries.
The economical price factor with quality products makes Nivea superior compared to
competitors. Nivea always maintain the strategy of keeping price low that results in
more sale and finally more profits.
 Global Expansion
Although Nivea’s sales in Western Europe had decreased significantly, Nivea kept on
expanding globally, but with a series of regional adaptations to suit local requirements.

2.Explain the connection between cultural norms and product choice. What is Nivea’s
strategy in respecting cultural diversity while pursuing a global brand strategy?

A cultural norms has a huge influence on their thought processes and behaviours.
Because it’s so influential on how people perceive the world around them, their place
in it, and how they make decisions, it tends to play a role in determining how and why
we consume goods and services. Here's Nivea's strategy for respecting cultural
diversity while pursuing a global brand strategy :
 Nivea always tries to understand the cultural psychology and geography from each
segment of a country and then makes products according to the conditions of each
 Here is an example of a respectful form from Nivea : in Asian countries, facial
products sell much better because they contain ingredients that promote fair skin. In
the Middle East, Nivea focuses on producing musk fragrances because of the high
demand there.
 Nivea has also launched its first ever hand cream in India known as “Busy Hands” with
Deep Restore Serum which restores the lost moisture to give soft smooth hands
focusing on the importance of hand care in festive season (Diwali & Holi).
 In Hot countries, Nivea Sun offers a complete range of spray and tanning products
from children to adults. This shows that Nivea is concerned with the dangers of sun

3. Brand Equity Elements :

Brand equity is the added value endowed to products and services with consumers. It
may be reflected in the way consumers think, feel, and act with respect to the brand, as
well as in the prices, market share, and profitability it commands. Brand Equity, the
value of a brand, is largely determined by four key elements: brand awareness, brand
attributes and associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty.

Brand awareness is the extent to which people are familiar with the distinctive qualities
or image of your particular brand of services. Enhancing this is critical to gaining
valued traffic.

Tendency to be inspired by a certain quality brand based on previous experience.
Brand attribution assumes that people draw on their past experience with your brand
and that previous experience will influence future purchasing decisions.

This is what your customers think about your service and your ability to meet
expectations. This may have little or nothing to do with actual service excellence, but it
can be based on image and influence engagement. However, customers value quality as
a total brand experience. Increasing this perceived value will enhance the perceived
experience and thus, increase sales.

Brand loyalty is the result of brand awareness, brand attribution, perceived quality, and
previous experiences. This is important. Brand loyalty is also influenced by one's
preferences. Loyal customers will buy services from the brand of choice, regardless of
convenience or price.

4. Omni Channel Strategy

omnichannel marketing is the strategy when multiple channels work seam- lessly together
and match each target customer’s preferred ways of doing business, regardless of whether
customers are online, in the store, or on the phone.

The omni channel marketing strategy consists of the following four components.

• Marketing platforms, we need to identify and increase their presence in the

channels where consumers are present, both online and offline.
• Consistency, not only through presence, communication, and user experience,
but also through the processes applied to marketing strategies.
• Personalized, brands can attract and engage consumers by reaching them
through the right specific message at the right time.
• Optimization, this strategy is an iterative process. Brands must measure metrics
that are relevant to their marketing activities and optimize process and message
delivery over time.

Starbucks, as one of the companies with the Best Omni-Channel Experience of

At a glance, the Starbucks rewards app will reveal why many consider it one of the
companies that have successfully implemented an omni-channel experience with their

First, you get a free gift card that you can use every time you make a purchase.
However, unlike traditional customer loyalty programs, Starbucks actually allows you to
check and reload your card by phone, website, in-store, or in the app. Any changes to
your card or profile will be updated across all channels in real-time.

When you stand in line to get Starbucks Coffee and then you realize you don't have
enough balance, you don't need to worry because all you have to do is top up your
balance through your mobile banking application and the cashier will know instantly that
your balance has increased when you swipe your card.

5. Marketing Communication program

The most important thing in the concept of marketing communication is the way of
marketing to the targeted segment. If the marketing that is done is interesting enough, the
products not only get the possibility of the product being sold, but the customer will come
back again to buy.

The first thing that makes marketing communication important is creating brand
awareness for the community. This applies to both new and long-established companies.

Second, marketing communication or marketing communication plays a role in changing

people's perceptions. This is done because sometimes, misunderstandings often occur in
the community regarding a product or service from a company.
The third objective of this method is to motivate buyers to buy again. This is usually done
through persuasive advertising, which emphasizes a greater benefit to the product or
service being sold than competitors.

Types of examples of marketing communications program :

 Advertising Promotion
 Promotion of Public Relations
 Promotion Through Sales Promotion
 Promotion Through Events & Experience
 Promotion Through Direct Selling

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