Ups Installation Method Statement

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11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131

ABN: 48 304 075 720

Contact Person: Dean Spicer

Contact Number: 9878 9006


Format 1
Various Service Clients for Service work and small
Various sites as required

Be warned. Any reproduction of this safety management system or associated documents

without the express permission of the company and the National Electrical and
Communications Association may immediately initiate legal action against that person or

Issue Revision Date Description Originator Approved

00 13.0 June 2015 All SWMS – Format 1

13.1 May 2018 All SWMS – Format 1



Copy Number:

Approved By: Position: Date:

Issued To: Date:


SWMS No. Task Title Revision

001 Conduit Installation, Placed Prior to Pouring Concrete

002 Conduit Installation, In Ground
003 Conduit Installation, Walls and Ceilings
004 Cable and Ladder Tray Installation

005 Using Portable Ladders

006 Installing Light Fittings

007 Installation of Switchboards
008 Installation of Lighting Looms
009 Installation of Cable Supports

010 Installation of Mains

011 Installation of Switchboard Connections
012 Installation of SubMains
013 Installation of Power and Light Cabling
014 Installation of Power Points
015 Manual Handling

016 Working with Elevated Work Platforms

017 Erecting and Using Mobile Scaffolds

018 Dismantling Mobile Scaffolds

019 Working at Heights
020 Installation of New Work in Existing Switchboards
021 Working in Risers
022 Installation of Pyrotenax, (MIMS) Cable

023 Isolation and Testing of Energy Sources

024 Installation of Equipment Racks

025 Installation of Fibre Optic Cable
026 Installation of Trunk Cabling
027 Installation of Outlet Cabling
028 Installation of Outlets
029 Working on Energised Low Voltage Equipment / Apparatus
030 Installing Ceiling Mounted Lights and Speakers
031 Installation of New Racks / Cabinets
032 Heat Shrink Cable Joints and Lugs

SWMS No. Task Title Revision

033 Installation of SELV Cabling [Data/Security/Nurse Call, etc]

034 Installation of Data / TV / Nurse Call Points
035 Installing light poles
036 Trenching with a small excavator
037 Installation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System

038 Energise and Commission Installation

039 Test & Tag Electrical Equipment

I have been consulted on the implementation of the Safe Work Method Statements
(SWMS) listed above, and I have read and understood the SWMS’s and agree to
work to the requirements of these Safe Work Method Statements.

Name Signature Date

Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director……………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements



Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 001 – CONDUIT INSTALLATION, PLACED PRIOR TO
POURING CONCRETE, and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and mark out. Sun exposure 2 Wear long sleeves shirt and hat. Apply sunscreen to exposed 3 Supervisor/
skin. Ensure adequte water available. Regular rest breaks during Worker
periods of extreme sun exposure.
Slips, trips & falls 3 Ensure work areas, in particular, walkways are clear of tripping 3 Supervisor/
hazards Worker
3. Install disposable lids for conduit boxes to timber Walking on unstable 2 Use kneel boards or walkways 3 Worker
reinforcing steel
4. Lay conduit and accessories. Cuts & abrasions. 3 Wear gloves for hand protection 3 Worker
Chemical glues 3 Refer to Conduit glue MSDS for correct chemical handling 3 Worker
5. Tie down conduit. Cuts & abrasions 3 Wear gloves for hand protection 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 3 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task
be worn at all times on site

No previous particular experience required On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
To AS 3000 Standards and client specifications Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, Industry Standard
for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites December 2010 AS 4836 - Safe work on LV
electrical installations

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

None Hand tools to be checked daily
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name : Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature: ………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision .

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements



Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On

I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 002 – CONDUIT INSTALLATION, IN GROUND and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check area for other services and confirm locations of Electric shock / 1 “Dial before you dig”. Ensure location of other services is confirmed 3 Supervisor/
any gas lines, power cables, telephone cables, water or Explosion and obtain appropriate access permits. Isolate existing services Worker
sewer lines and tree roots. where possible.
Visual inpection for buried marker tape. Excavate manually near
existing services.
Sun Exposure 2 Wear long sleeves shirt and hat. Apply sunscreen to exposed skin. 3 Supervisor/
Ensure adequte water available. Regular rest breaks during periods Worker
of extreme sun exposure.
Tripping 3 Ensure work area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards . 3 Supervisor/
3. Check layout and mark out Tripping 3 Ensure work area is clear– Wear safety footwear 3 Worker
Chemical Exposure 3 Refer to Line Marking Spray MSDS for correct chemical handling 3 Worker

4. Excavating trenches Mobile Plant 1 Refer to SWMS 036 Trenching with excavator. 3 Supervisor/
Electric shock / 1 “Dial before dig”. Ensure location of other services is confirmed and 3 Supervisor/
Explosion obtain appropriate access permits. Isolate existing services where Worker/
possible. Operator
Visual inpection for buried marker tape. Excavate manaully near
existing services.
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible
4. Excavating trenches (continued) Falling in trenches 2 Ensure trenches and surrounding area are as even and flat as 3 Worker
practical . Barricade work area. Provide warning lights if necessary
Trench collapse 2 Provide shoring, benches or battering in accordance with the 3 Worker
Code of Practice for Safety Precautions in Trenching Operations
Manual handling 2 Where possible excavate trench with excavator. 3 Worker
If excavating trench manually warm up first, share the workload,
and have regular short breaks

5. Lay conduit Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear of obstacles. Where required get 3 Worker
assistance to handle large conduits.
Chemical exposure 2 Refer to Conduit Glue MSDS for correct chemical handling 3 Worker

6. Restore ground to client’s specifications Manual handing, 3 Where possible back fill and remove excess spoil with excavator. 3 Worker
If back filling manually warm up first,share the workload, and have
regular short breaks
Tripping 3 Ensure area is clear and level. 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 3 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task
be worn at all times on site
Excavator operator to be trained and conmpetent Barricading to be used as appropriate On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Engineering details to include depth of trenches in accordance with AS Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
3000 and client's specifications. Trenches to be shored in accordance Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, Industry Standard
with the Code of Practice for Safety Precautions in Trenching for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites December 2010, Code of Practice for Safety
Operations 1998. Precautions in Trenching Operations 1998, Code of Practice for Manual Handling, Code of
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Practice for Plant. AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Hand tools for trenching, barricades, warning lights, detection equipment. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg excavator Batteries for barricading warning lighting
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature: …………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements



Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 003 – CONDUIT INSTALLATION, WALLS AND CEILINGS
and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and mark out Slips, trips & falls 3 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
Wear safety footwear Worker
3. Check equipment is tagged Electric Shock 1 Use only correctly tagged and calibrated equipment 3 Worker
4. Secure fixings and supports Debris and noise from 2 Use minimum drilling speed consistent with effective work. 3 Worker
drilling Ensure drill bits are sharp
Use goggles for eye protection, suitable respiratory and hearing
Struck by falling objects 2 Wear safety helmet. Restrict pedestrian movement in work area 3 Worker
Falling 2 Mobile scaffolds locked 3 Worker
Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005
EWP trained and appropriately certificated where necessary
Use fall protection equipment when working at heights
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 3 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, Industry Standard
any elevated work platform/s. for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites December 2010.Code of Practice Manual
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Handling. Code of Practice for Plant. AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements



Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 004 - CABLE AND LADDER TRAY INSTALLATION, and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and mark out Slips, trips & falls 3 Ensure work area, in particular walkways are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
Wear safety footwear Worker
3. Secure fixings and supports using correct type and size Debris and noise from 2 Use minimum drilling speed consistent with effective work. 3 Worker
of bolts and fixings drilling Use a PI respirator as a minimum where appropriate
Use eye protection eg, full face shield, goggles
Use hearing protection
Ensure drill bits are sharp.
4. Cut cable ladders or trays to fit using drop saw or Noise, eye injuries 2 Ensure workpiece is clamped. Use eye and hearing protection 3 Worker
100mm angle grinder Cuts and abrasions 2 Use gloves when handling cable tray 3 Worker
5. Remove sharp edges and protruding fixings Burns and fires from 2 Follow Hot Work procedures Ensure fire extinguisher available at 3 Worker
cutting and welding the worksite.
6 Secure ladders or trays to support Working at heights, 1 Use fall protection where appropriate 3 Worker
falls Use fall protection in accordance with SWMS 019 Use ladders in
accordance with SWMS 005
6 Secure ladders or trays to support (continued) Cuts and abrasions 2 Wear protective gloves when handling cable tray 3 Worker
Struck by falling objects 2 Wear safety helmet Restrict traffic movement in work area 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manualling aids or get assistance 3 Worker
when handling large or heavy objects. Follow manual handling risk
control procedures SWMS 015
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

6 Secure ladders or trays to support (continued) Cuts and abrasions 2 Wear protective gloves when handling cable tray 3 Worker
Struck by falling 2 Wear safety helmet Restrict traffic movement in work area 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manualling aids or get assistance 3 Worker
when handling large or heavy objects. Follow manual handling
risk control procedures SWMS 015
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 2 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010, Code of Practice for Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant. Compliance
Code Prevention of Falls

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, ladders. Hazard Identification Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom lift, cherry picker Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature : …………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements



Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 005 – USING PORTABLE LADDERS and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client:Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
1.Select appropriate ladder with regard to compliance with Electric shock 1 Metal or wire reinforced ladders shall not be used for any work 3 Worker
the relevant part of AS1892 and the work to be done where there may be a live electrical installation.
2.Inspect the ladder for condition Falling 2 Inspect ladders. Do not use damaged ladders. 3 Worker
3.Handling extension ladders. Manual Handling 2 Two man carry of large extension ladders. 3 Worker
Ladder falling on 2 Two person lift to stand ladder up – one person footing ladder. 3 Worker
person. Ladder tied into position or footed until top of ladder can be
Fingers caught in 2 Fingers away from ladder rungs while extending. 3 Worker
ladder rungs while
extending ladder
4.Position ladder to ensure stability Falling 2 Position ladders a minimum of 1 metre from edges of slabs or 3 Worker
Ladder slipping into floors. Increase this distance as working heights increase.
dangerous location Straight or extension ladders to be secured at top and bottom.
Ladders need to extend 1 metre above landing level and to be
long enough to work at least 1 metre from the top of the ladder.

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

4.Position ladder to ensure stability (Continued) Angle of ladder should be nominally 1 in 4 3 Worker
Always face the ladder when ascending or descending a ladder
keep two hands and one foot on the ladder.
Fall protection to be used when working above 2.0 m
5.Using the ladder. Falling 2 Hoist tools and equipment with rope – keep both hands free for 3 Worker
Dropping tools on 2 Barricade area to prevent persons from walking under ladder 3 Worker
others. while in use.
Do not overload pockets or tool belts with items that may fall out.
Ensure footwear is appropriate and free from mud or oil.
6.Step Ladders Falling on others 2 Erect stepladders on even and level surface. 3 Worker
Tie ladder to permanent structure if possible.
Clear people form the immediate area if possible.
7.Working on step ladders Falling 2 Employees instructed to not use top steps. 3 Worker
Not to straddle the step ladder
Not to reach out too far
Not to place tools and equipment on the top step unless
designed for the task
8.Removal of ladder Falling 3 Leave base of ladder tied until the top is untied 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Tradesman and others trained and competent in the use of Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
portable ladders and working around electricity site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task
be worn at all times on site.

No previous particular experience required Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
others from working below elevated work. personnel.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Ladders to be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1892 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
on LV electrical installations, Compliance Code Prevention of Falls. Code of Practice Manual

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Ladders complying with the relevant part of Australian Standard AS 1892. Ladders to be checked daily.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 006 – INSTALLING LIGHT FITTINGS and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and mark out. Struck by falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people. Barricade work area 3 Supervisor/
3 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear of trip hazards Wear Supervisor/
Slips, trips & falls
safety foot wear Worker
3. Receive lights on site and confirm correct numbers and Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
types assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures in accordance with SWMS
4 Confirm cabling requirements. Electric shock 1 Test and confirm cables before commencing work. Isolate and fit 3 Worker
danger tags as appropriate
5. Install light fitting base or bracket and terminate cabling Electric shock 1 Ensure power tools and leads are tagged 3 Worker
or plug into lighting socket. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms in accordance with SWMS 019 and 3 Worker
SWMS 005
6. Complete the fitting of any other parts. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms in accordance with SWMS 019 and 3 Worker
SWMS 005
7. Confirm fitting is secure and installed to specifications. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker
8. Clear area and remove isolation DANGER Tags Hand injuries 2 Use protective gloves. 3 Worker
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 4 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010, Code of Practice for Manual Handling Compliance Code Prevention of Falls
Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 007 – INSTALLATION OF SWITCHBOARDS and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards Document site specific hazards and control measures Supervisor/
2. Confirm installation specifications. N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
3. Mark out location ensuring coordination with other Tripping 3 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear of trip hazards Wear 3 Supervisor/
services.Prepare installation area and confirm adequate safety footwear Worker
space including door swing for maintenance Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

4. Use crane or other mechanical handling equipment if Struck by object 2 Ensure lifting aids are suitable for the task 3 Worker

5. Receive switchboard on site including test certificates. Falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people and barricade area 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6. Transfer switchboards to installation location Falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people and barricade area 3 Worker
Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015

7. Install switchboard to manufacturer’s and client’s Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
specifications. assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Risk Responsible
8. Commission switchboard Electric shock, 1 Carry out pre-commission test and isolation procedures 3 Worker
explosion Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures Clean area
Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Trained in the use of manual handling lifting equipment. On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
Certificated dogman / rigger to sling load dependent upon personnel.
size and weight and lifting method

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
lifting equipment. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010, Code of Practice for Manual Handling ,Code of Practice for Plant.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Appropriate Mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment to be checked in accordance with Statutory and
mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment manufacturers recommendations
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature: …………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 008 – INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING LOOMS and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check drawings to confirm loom locations and N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
specifications. Worker
3. Receive cable and sockets bases on site and confirm Struck by falling object 2 Keep lifting area clear of people 3 Worker
correct types, sizes and numbers. Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
Hand injuries manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015 3 Worker
3 Wear gloves, Use tools appropriately
4. Construct lighting looms to client’s specifications. Hand injuries 3 Use correct tool to cut & strip wire.Wear gloves. 3 Worker
5. Label each loom with distribution board and circuit Potential Electric shock 1 Use only correctly tagged equipment 3 Worker
6. Install looms to client’s specifications. Falls from height 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 Use fall protection as 3 Worker
appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
7. Confirm socket locations and fixings to client’s Falls from height 2 Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with WMS 019 3 Worker
8. Install circuit feeds and switch wires to client’s Electric shock, 1 Do not work live. Isolate and tag out circuits. 3 Worker
specifications. Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
9. Clean area. Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

No previous particular experience required On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009 AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant. Compliance Code
Prevention of Falls

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, ladders Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 009 – INSTALLATION OF CABLE SUPPORTS and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residua Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level l Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawing and specifications Tripping and exposed 3 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards Wear 3 Supervisor/
nails safety footwear Worker

3. Receive cable supports on site confirming correct type, Struck by falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people 3 Worker
size and number Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
4. Mark out route of cable supports to specifications Falling from height 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 Use fall protection in 3 Worker
confirming clearance of other services accordance with SWMS 019
5. Install supports to client’s specifications supporting as Electric shock 1 Ensure power tools and leads are tested and tagged 3 Worker
necessary Falling from height 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
6. Confirm tightness of fixings Falling from height 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Struck by falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people 3 Worker

7. Install cable supports Falling from height 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection in accordance with SWMS 019
8. Clean area Hand injuries 3 Wear gloves 3 Worker
Additional items identified on site

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 2 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling Code of Practice for Plant. Compliance Code
Prevention of Falls
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 010 – INSTALLATION OF MAINS and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring

Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Liaise with Supply Authority to coordinate to supply. N/A N/A N/A Supervisor
Obtain Supply Authority Certificates and check drawings. N/A N/A N/A

3. Coordinate shutdowns with client. N/A N/A N/A Supervisor

4. Receive mains on site. Falling objects 2 Keep lifting and work area clear of people Barricade area 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
5. Shut down and install DANGER Tags. Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
Lock out required circuits
6. Remove existing mains terminations if applicable. Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
Install mains to specification
7. Terminate new mains to specifications. Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
Hand Injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
8. Confirm installation to drawings and specifications and Potential Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE and identify cables before commencing work 3 Worker
ensure connections are tight
9. Clean area Hand Injuries 3 Wear protective gloves. 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

10. Test installation Potential Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE and identify cables before commencing work 3 Worker
Isolate as required
11. Liaise with Supply Authority for inspection and test. N/A N/A N/A Supervisor

12. Remove DANGER Tags N/A N/A N/A Worker

13. Energise supply Potential Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures 3 Supervisor/
Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation Worker
14. Install signs or labels as required Hand injuries 3 Use tools appropriately 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 3 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe
elevated work platform/s. work on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Sites December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls
Code of Practice for Plant.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS:
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval

This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 011 – INSTALLATION OF SWITCHBOARD
CONNECTIONS (NEW SWITCHBOARD) and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Confirm switchboard meets and has been installed N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
to specifications Worker
3. Confirm cables to be connected meet specifications and N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
all cables have been installed. Check any specific Worker
requirements have been met.
4. Group cables together as they enter switchboard and fix Hand injuries 3 Use suitable gloves 3 Worker
with cable ties.
5. Separate cables into groups of like destination. Seal or Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
plug any unused cable entries. Isolate and Lock Out as required
6. Mark each conductors prior to removing any secondary N/A N/A N/A Worker
7. Group conductors of like destinations and fix into a Hand injuries 3 Use suitable gloves 3 Worker
loom system
8. Align and terminate each conductor into its correct Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
location. Isolate and Lock Out as required
Hand injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
9. Check and tighten all terminations and connections Potential Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work 3 Worker
Isolate and Lock Out as required
10. Confirm installation meets specifications N/A N/A N/A Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responisble

11. Install labels, signs or markings as required N/A N/A N/A Worker

12. Clean switchboard Hand injuries 3 Use suitable gloves 3 Worker

13. Confirm all circuits have been completed and N/A N/A N/A Worker
DANGER Tag any incomplete circuits.

14. Test and commission switchboard using relevant Potential Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures 3 Supervisor/
procedures. Confirm phase rotation of all 3 phase Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation Worker

15. Complete records N/A N/A N/A Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant.. Compliance Code
Prevention of Falls

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 012 – INSTALLATION OF SUBMAINS and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawings and specification layout and Tripping and exposed 3 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
mark out nail Wear safety foot wear Worker
3. Plan installation so as to work towards the main Potential Electric shock 1 Connections to the main switchboard to be made only when it is 3 Supervisor/
switchboard. CONFIRMED NOT LIVE Isolate and Tag Out Worker
4. Confirm cable specifications and condition. N/A N/A N/A Worker

5. Install cable to client’s specifications. Potential Electric shock 1 Ensure that no bare conductors can contact any live parts. 3 Worker
Effectively insulate both ends of all cables near any live parts.
Restrain the ends of all cables near any live parts.
Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015.
Hand Injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
6. Terminate submains to specifications. Electric shock 1 Isolate main switchboard and install DANGER TAGS. 3 Worker
CONFIRMED NOT LIVE before making any connections
7. Clean area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Risk Risidual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8. Test installation Electric shock 1 CONFIRMED NOT LIVE and identify cables before commencing 3 Worker
9. Remove DANGER TAGS N/A N/A N/A Worker

10. Energise main switchboard. Electric shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures as per SWMS 038 - 3 Supervisor/
Energise & Commission Intallation Worker
11. Install signs or labels are required. Hand injuries 3 Use tools appropriately 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
others personnel.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009 AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010, Code of Practice for Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls
Code of Practice for Plant

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer……………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 013 – INSTALLATION OF POWER AND LIGHT CABLING
and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responnsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawings and specification layout and Tripping 3 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
mark out Wear safety foot wear Worker
3. Plan installation so as to work towards the main Electric shock 1 Connections to the main switchboard to be made only when it is 3 Supervisor/
switchboard. CONFIRMED NOT LIVE. Isolate and Lock Out & Tag Worker
4. Confirm cable specifications and condition. N/A N/A N/A Worker

5. Install cable to client’s specifications. Electric shock 1 Ensure that no bare conductors can contact any live parts. 3 Worker
Effectively insulate both ends of all cables near any live parts.
Restrain the ends of all cables near any live parts.
Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6. Terminate submains to specifications. Electric shock 1 Isolate main switchboard and install DANGER TAGS. 3 Worker
CONFIRMED NOT LIVE before making any connections
Hand Injuries 3 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

7. Clean area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

8. Test installation Electric shock 1 CONFIRMED NOT LIVE and identify cables before commencing 3 Worker
9. Remove DANGER TAGS N/A N/A N/A Worker

10. Energise main switchboard. Electric shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures as per SWMS 038 - 3 Supervisor/
Energise & Commission Intallation Worker
11. Install signs or labels are required. Hand injuries 3 Use tools appropriately 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to be
used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010, Code of Practice for Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls.
Code of Practice for Plant.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, manufacturers recommendations
boom lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 014 – INSTALLATION OF POWER POINTS and I have read
and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout to drawings and specifications and N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
confirm with client Worker
3. Check walls, cavities and ceilings for other services . Explosion/ Electric 1 Confirm location of any existing water pipes, gas lines, power or 3 Worker
shock telephone cables
Isolate, Lock out & Tag other services as required
Falls 2 Use fall protection as appropriate in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker
Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005
Personal injury 3 Ensure area is clear 3 Worker
Wear safety footwear, use suitable gloves
4. Check equipment is tagged Electric Shock 1 Use only correctly tagged tools and equipment 3 Worker

5.Fit power point mounting brackets as required Debris and noise from 2 Use minimum drilling speed consistent with effective work Use 3 Worker
drilling appropriate respiratory, eye and hearing protection Eg. Full face
shield or goggles
Keep drill bits sharp
Falls 2 Use fall protection as appropriate in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker
Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005
6. Tape or insulate ends of new cable to prevent electrical Potential Electric Shock 1 Use suitable insulating material 3 Worker
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

7. Run Cables Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work -Isolate, Lock Out & 3 Worker
Hand injuries 3 Wear gloves 3 Worker
8. Connect power points Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work -Isolate, Lock Out & 3 Worker
Falling 2 Use ladder or elevated work platform as appropriate 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
9. Confirm fittings are secure and installed to Electric shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work -Isolate, Lock Out & 3 Worker
specifications Tag

10. Clear area and remove Isolation and DANGER Tags Hand Injuries 3 Wear gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to be
used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010 Compliance Code Prevention of Falls. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of
Practice for Plant.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
.Portable pipe and services detection equipment Hazard Identification to manufacturers recommendations
be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

SWMS Title: MANUAL HANDLING SWMS 015 Page 1 of 6

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 015 – MANUAL HANDLING and I have read and understood
the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

SWMS Title: MANUAL HANDLING SWMS NO. 015 Page 3 of 6

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible
Risk Assessment N/A N/A Consider the task at hand and assess the risk factors which are N/A Supervisor/
likely to cause manual handling injuries, taking into account the Worker
following factors –
 Actions and movements used;
 Layout/condition of work environment;
 Posture of the body whilst working;
 Duration and frequency of the task;
 Weight and position of the object and its intended final location;
 Nature of the object;
 Work organisation;
 Age, skill and experience of the worker;
 Force applied.
Risk Control N/A N/A When a manual handling risk has been identified, take steps to N/A Supervisor/
control it by – Worker
 Redesigning the task to remove or minimise the risk;
 If redesign is not possible, use mechanical aids (where
practicable) to assist in the task and remove the manual
handling risk;
 If neither is possible, then provide particular training/ education
to the worker(s) to control the risk.
Preparation: Assess size, shape, condition and weight of Slips, trips and falls. 2 Ensure personnel are trained in manual handling and/or effectively 3 Supervisor/
load(s). supervised. Worker
If load is heavy or awkward, get help. DO NOT TRY TO LIFT ON
Use team lifts for heavy, long or awkward loads and control and
coordinate team movements with signals.
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
SWMS Title: MANUAL HANDLING SWMS NO. 015 Page 4 of 6
Hazard Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Actions / Controls for Prevention
Identification Level Risk Responsible

Preparation: Assess workflow and work area. Slips, trips and 2 Eliminate unnecessary manual handling- Use mechanical aids where 3 Supervisor/
falls. possible. Worker
Allow for frequent rest periods and job rotation.
Organise a smooth work flow.
Ensure personnel are trained in safe lifting procedures.
Ensure workplace is uncluttered and well lit & floor surfaces are even and
non slip.
Lift and carry objects. Muscular 2 Allow for frequent rest periods and job rotation. 3 Worker
skeletal Ensure new workers are adequately supervised.
Perform all movements in a controlled, balanced and comfortable position.
stress / injury Minimise repetitive bending, twisting and over reaching movements.
Slips, trips and 2 Use correct lifting techniques, including- 3 Worker
falls.  Position your feet as close as possible to the load.
 Adopt a balanced position with your knees bent.
Lacerations and 2 3 Worker
 Get a safe secure grip diagonally across the object with the palms of your
abrasions. hands.fingertips.
Crush injuries. 2  Beware of sharp edged materials – wear safety gloves. 3 Worker
 Keep your upper body erect and as straight as possible.
 Tuck your chin in, draw your shoulders back and use your body weight to
take up the load weight – ensure a proper grip.
 Take a deep breath, keep your head up and begin to lift the load by
straightening your legs.
 Complete the lift with your head held straight.
 Hold and carry the load close to your body to reduce the strain on your
arms, shoulders and back.
 Use your body weight to counter-balance the load weight by leaning
slightly backwards as you move.
 Use your feet to change direction – do not twist your body, hips or
 Avoid carrying loads that obstruct your view, particularly on inclines,
declines or stairways.
 Avoid repetitive lifts from below mid-thigh height and above shoulder
 Avoid single handed repetitive lifts and avoid lifting while leaning over to
reach the load.
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
SWMS Title: MANUAL HANDLING SWMS NO. 015 Page 5 of 6
Hazard Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Actions / Controls for Prevention
Identification Level Risk Responsible

Lower and stack objects Muscular 2  Ensure your feet and body face the spot in which the object is to be 3 Worker
skeletal placed.
stress/injuries.  Bend your knees, keep your back up straight and hold the object close
to your body.
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: MANUAL HANDLING SWMS NO. 015 Page 6 of 6

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site. Supervisor and employees to be instructed in correct Manual
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Personal protection equipment (PPE) to be worn at Handling techniques. See NECA Toolbox Talk 61 - Manual
all times. Handling.

No previous experience required. Seek assistance with manual handling when Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
required assessment and control eg, SWMS

Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work site

for hazards.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007.Code of
Practice for Manual Handling

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Manual handling aids- trolley, stands, winches etc Ensure manual Handling Aids are fit for puropose
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 016 -WORKING WITH ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS
and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

NB: - Only holders of appropriate Certificates of Competency may operate certain types of elevated work platform
1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check that machine is safe to use mechanically. Machine failure, 1 Check logbook, hydraulics, tyres, audible alarm, and warning 3 Worker
personal injury lights

3. Check electrical equipment on machine. Electric shock 1 Check general purpose outlet, residual current device and earth 3 Worker
continuity between earth pin and machine frame. Trip test RCD.

4. Check surfaces on which the machine is to be used. Machine instability 1 Use machine only on stable, level surfaces in accordance with the 3 Worker
Personal injuries manufacturers instructions.

5. Secure working area. Pedestrians 1 Barricade working area, Use a spotter as required, erect signs. 3 Worker
Falling objects 1 Tie tools on, and secure objects left at height. 3 Worker

6. Prevent falls. Personal injuries 1 Use harness with lanyard and shock absorber. Ensure 3 Worker
attachment point is appropriate. Stay wholly within the bucket at
all times. Enter or exit bucket only while lowered. Do not use
EWP in high winds

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

7. Check services in work area. Electric shock 1 Isolate as required. Ensure required clearance from conductors 3 Worker
and power lines. Use spotter in proximity to overhead services

8. Emergency retrieval Suspension 1 Lower via emergency control on EWP 3 All

Notify Site Management – Activate Site Incident response All
procedure as per Site OHS Co Ordination Plan
Use another EWP or build scaffolding to support body weight All
where possible.
Plant Failure 1 Lower via emergency control on EWP 3 All
Use another EWP tp transfer personnel All

9. Storing EWP Unauthorised use 1 Park EWP in designated area and away from access ways 3 Supervisor/
Remove and secure key Worker

10. Recharging Electric Shock / 1 Use only RCD protected supply to recharge machine 3 Supervisor/
Explosion Recharge in a dry well ventilated area away from access ways. Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
A Certificate of Competency for Elevated Work Platforms is Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
required for any operators of boom type elevated work site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
platforms over 11.0 m capacity

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g. competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
Safety Harnesses to be worn at all times.

Trained Spotters are to be used for operations near Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
electrical conductors others from working below elevated work. personnel.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of elevated work Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
platform/s AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for Plant 1995. Compliance
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Code Prevention of Falls

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature: …………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 017 – ERECTING AND USING MOBILE SCAFFOLDS and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

NB: - Only holders of appropriate Certificates of Competency may erect scaffolds over 4.0 metres high
1. Erect scaffold in accordance with the manufacturers or Unstable ground. 1 Place appropriate soleboards under standards. 3 Worker
supplier’s instructions. Falling. 1 Ensure handrails are fitted as erection proceeds. 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
Ensure safe distances are maintained from powerlines
Manual Handling. 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
2. Check surfaces on which the scaffold is to be used. Collapse. 2 Use scaffold only on stable, level surfaces in accordance with the 3 Worker
Scaffold instability . manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Secure working area. Personal injuries. 2 Barricade working area, erect signs, tie tools on, and secure 3 Worker
objects left at height.
4. Observe safe work procedures. Personal injuries. 2 Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Stay wholly 3 Worker
within the scaffold at all times.
Use appropriate fall protection. Ensure SWL is observed and
wheels are locked when in working position.
Do not use the Scaffolding in high winds
5. Check services in work area. Electric Shock 1 Ensure required clearance from conductors and power lines 3 Worker
Use a spotter as required when moving scaffolding in the vicinity
of overhead services.
Additional Site Sprcific requirements Supervisor/
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
A Certificate of Competency for Scaffolding relevant to the Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
scaffolding being erected is required for any persons site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
erecting scaffolding over 4.0m high

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect Training on specific scaffolding type and basics to be
Guide for Employees (Red Book). others from working below elevated work. conducted for erection and use under 4.0 m high

All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of scaffolding. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
Scaffolds to be designed to Australian Standard AS 4576 AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for Plant 1995. Compliance
Ensure design and erection takes in to account any overhead powerlines Code Prevention of Falls 2008. Code of Practice Manual Handling.
or conductors
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Hazard Identification to be conducted for scaffolding plant used Scaffold to be used and inspected as per manufacturers and clients requirements
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 018 – DISMANTLING MOBILE SCAFFOLDS and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

NB: - Only holders of appropriate Certificates of Competency may alter or dismantle scaffolds over 4.0 m high
1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
1. Dismantle scaffold in accordance with the Falling 1 Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker
manufacture’s or supplier’s instructions. Electric shock. 1 Ensure safe distances are maintained from conductors.Isolate, 3 Worker
Lock Out & Tag conductors where possible. 3 Worker
Overturning. 2 Remove lower ties only when the scaffold is dismantled down to
that level. 3 Worker
Falling objects. 2 Ensure work platform is clean prior to dismantling.Keep area clear
of pedestrians 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Personal injury. 2 Ensure ropes for lowering equipment are securely tied. 3 Worker
2. Secure working area. Petrsonal injury 2 Barricade working area and erect signs. 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
A Certificate of Competency for Scaffolding relevant to the Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
scaffolding being erected is required for any persons site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
erecting scaffolding over 4.0m high

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect Training on specific scaffolding type and basics to be
Guide for Employees (Red Book). others from working below elevated work. conducted for alteration and use under 4.0 m high

All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Australian Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of scaffolding. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
Scaffolds to be designed to Australian Standard AS 4576 AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for Plant 1995. Code of
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Hazard Identification to be conducted for scaffolding plant used Scaffold to be used and inspected as per manufacturers and clients requirements
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 019 – WORKING AT HEIGHTS and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

Working at heights can be in the form of :- Falling. 1 Recommended controls for fall protection can be in three forms or 3 Supervisor/
a combination of either :- Worker
Working on a roof, on the top of a tank, from an elevated Personal injury 2 3 Supervisor/
platform, from a ladder, a building façade, a building under 1. Fall prevention – placing a physical barrier to Worker
construction / renovation, working on a structure e.g. steel, prevent personnel working where they can fall
timber, concrete, slippery surface, sloping surface, e.g. Walls, Mesh screening, Guardrailing / Handrails, Fixed
working over water, in or near lift shafts, within 2.0 m of an barricading set back 3.0m from any fall potential
edge where there is the potential to fall 2.0 m or more.
2. Fall restraint – limiting personnel from reaching the point of
potential fall
e.g. Parachute type full body safety harness with a
limited length inertia reel connected to a fixed point or static line.
Roofing kneel boards to spread the load over a span

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

Or 3. Fall arrest – providing personnel with protection if they do fall

e.g. Industrial safety nets, parachute type full body safety harness
Where there is potential for personnel to come within connected to a fixed length lanyard and shock absorber connected
2.0m of falling 2.0m or more to a fixed point or static line, or a parachute type full body safety
harness connected to an inertia reel to a fixed point
or static line

Further forms of working at height which provide varying degrees of

protection include :-

Swing stages, Mast climbing work platforms, Scaffolding, Crane

man / work box, Elevated Work Platforms, Ladders – in some cases
personnel need to be trained and certificated to operate this
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Personnel will need to be trained and confident at working Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
at heights site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Appropriate Certificates of Competency will be required by Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect Training in the use of specific plant and inspection and
personnel for particular operations working at height, e.g. others from working below elevated work. maintenance of equipment to be conducted for the type of
scaffolding, dogman, rigger, crane operator, elevated work Fall protection equipment to be worn where equipment / plant to be used.
platform operations required
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of elevated work Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
platform/s. Australian Standard AS 4576 Scaffolding General, AS 2550 AS 4836 - Safe work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for Plant 1995, Compliance
Cranes – Safe Use. AS 1891 Industrial Fall Arrest Systems and Devices, Code Prevention of Falls 2008. Code of Practice Manual Handling.
AS 2626 Industrial Safety Belts and Harnesses.
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Cranes, Elevated Work Platform/s, scaffolding in accordance with manufacturers
lift, cherry picker, cranes, swingstages, crane work box. Ensure recommendations Fall arrest / protection equipment must be checked prior to every use by a
compatibility of components particularly for fall protection / restraint / competent, trained person
arrest equipment
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 020– INSTALLATION OF NEW WORK ON EXISTING
SWITCHBOARDS (NOT LIVE WORK) and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check drawings and specifications N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
3. Arrange isolation of section of, or complete switchboard, N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
with client Worker
4. Isolate section of, or complete switchboard, or install Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work Follow Standard 3 Worker
insulating barriers Safe Working Procedures Isolate, Lockout & Tag
5. Fit DANGER Tags to isolation devices N/A N/A N/A Worker

6. Test that work area has been safely isolated Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work Follow Standard 3 Worker
Safe Working Procedures Isolate, Lockout & Tag
7. Complete installation to client's specifications Electric Shock 1 Test and identify cables before commencing work Confirm NOT 3 Worker
LIVE before commencing work Isolate, Lockout & Tag
8. Check and tighten all terminations and connections Electric Shock 1 Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing work Follow Standard 3 Worker
Safe Working Procedures Isolate, Lockout & Tag
9. Confirm installation meets specifications N/A N/A N/A Worker

10. Fit DANGER Tags to any incomplete work N/A N/A N/A Worker

11. Install labels, signs or markings as required N/A N/A N/A Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

12. Clean work area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

13. Test and commission switchboard using relevant Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Work Procedures 3 Worker
procedures. Confirm phase rotation of all 3 phase Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation
14. Complete records N/A N/A N/A Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 4th year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

SWMS Title: WORKING IN RISERS SWMS 021 Page 1 of 4

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 021 – WORKING IN RISERS , and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

SWMS Title: WORKING IN RISERS SWMS NO. 021 Page 3 of 4

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawing and reference to specification Tripping and exposed 3 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear Wear safety footwear 3 Supervisor/
layout and mark out. nails Worker
3. Check for access to riser and have clear working area Falling, falling objects 2 Wear safety helmets 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
Provide training and use entry permits when appropriate
4. Check for confined spaces Confined space 2 Implement Confined Space Procedure if necessary 3 Worker

5. Check for adequate lighting Work restrictions 3 Use supplementary lighting if necessary 3 Worker

6. Protect all openings to risers Falling 2 Builder to provide protection 3 Worker

7. Install warning signs Object falling 2 Using appropriate sign eg,“DANGER MEN WORKING ABOVE” 3 Worker
Barricade area below

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: WORKING IN RISERS SWMS NO. 021 Page 4 of 4

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 3 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Confined Space training and Sentry training if deemed a Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
Confined Space others from working below elevated work. personnel.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010, Compliance Code- Confined Spaces 2008. Code of Practice Manual Handling.
Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools Hand tools to be checked daily.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 022INSTALLATION OF PYROTENAX, (MIMS) CABLE, and
I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawing and specification layout and Slips, trips & falls 3 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
mark out Wear safety footwear Worker
3. Confirm cable specification and condition. N/A N/A N/A 3 Worker
4. Confirm cable supports on conduits have been installed Falls 1 Refer to SWMS 004, cable and ladder tray installation 3 Worker
to specifications. Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005
5. Install rollers on other protection to client’s Falls 2 Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker
6. Install cable stands to client’s specifications. Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
7. Install cable manually with rope or winch as appropriate Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
to client’s specification. assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
8. Cut any excess cable and seal exposed ends to Hand injuries 2 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
manufacturer’s recommendations Use tools in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction
9. Locate/dress cable to fix in position to client’s Falls 1 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
specification. Use fall protection as appropriate, as per SWMS 019
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 4 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work site for Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at all Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the
at all times on site. task.

No previous particular experience required On the job skills training to be conducted by

Supervisor to personnel.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant 1995 Compliance
Code Prevention of Falls 2008.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Use manufacturers recommended tools and equipment Check all tools on a daily basis
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 023 – ISOLATION AND TESTING OF ENERGY SOURCES
, and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Identify ALL energy sources to be isolated. Electric Shock 1 Use PPE designed for electrical testing 3 Supervisor/
3.Isolate ALL power sources associated with the works to Electric Shock 1 Ensure power sources where inadvertent contact could occur in the 3 Supervisor/
be carried out as per site requirements and install course of works to be conducted are also isolated. Worker
insulating barriers.
4.Fit DANGER TAGS to isolation devices. Electric Shock 1 Isolate, Lockout and Tag required curcuits 3 Worker

5.Check testing equipment for integrity and ensure it is in Electric Shock 1 Prove electrical testing equipment is working correctly before 3 Worker
good working order. proving apparatus is de-energised.

6.Test that works area has been safely isolated. Worker

Electric Shock 1 Confirm de-energisation before commencing work 3
Install prohibited area signage or barricade isolation
Follow Standard Working Procedures
7.Confirm installation or repair to client’s specifications. N/A N/A N/A Worker

8.Fit DANGER TAGS to any incomplete work. N/A N/A N/A Worker

9.Test and commission new installation or repairs Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Working Procedures 3 Worker
following relevant procedures. Confirm phase rotation of Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation
all 3-phase equipment.

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

10.Re-energise equipment and apparatus and return to service. Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Working Procedures 3 Supervisor/
Refer to SWMS 038 - Energise & Commission Intallation Worker
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor. site for hazards and maintain control measures. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
All personnel to maintain a tidy work site.
Guide for Employees (Red Book). competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.

Previous experience required.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Insulated mat, Insulated gloves and insulated testing equipment, visual
signage and barricades.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 024 – INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT RACKS, and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Confirm installation specifications N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
3. Mark out location ensuring coordination with other Hand injuries, tripping 2 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear 3 Supervisor/
services. Prepare installation area and confirm adequate Wear safety footwear. Wear protective gloves Worker
space including door swing for maintenance.
4. Arrange for crane or other mechanical handling Struck by object 2 Ensure lifting aids are suitable for the task 3 Worker
equipment if needed.

5. Receive equipment rack on site. Inspect for damage. Falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people 3 Worker
Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement manual
handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6. Transfer equipment rack to installation location Falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement manual
handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
7. Install equipment rack to manufacture’s and client’s Electric Shock 1 Isolate, lockout & Tag. Confirm DEAD before commencing work 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement manual
handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Hand injuries 2 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8.Clean area Hand injuries 2 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor site hazards assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor to hold current Australian Communications
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Authority Licence type BCL F

No previous experience required.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. AS3080 and client’s specifications Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010 Code of Practice Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant 1995 Compliance
Code Prevention of Falls 2008.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name : Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director……………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 025 – INSTALLATION OF FIBRE OPTIC CABLE, and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Check location to drawing and specification layout and Tripping and exposed 2 Ensure area is clear 3 Supervisor/
mark out. nails Wear safety footwear Worker
3.Confirm cable specifications and conditions. N/A N/A N/A Worker
4.Confirm cable supports on conduits have been installed Falls 2 Refer to SWMS 004, Cable and ladder installation 3 Worker
to specifications.
5.Install rollers or other protection to client’s specifications. Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as per SWMS 019
6.Install cable stands to client’s specification. Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
7.Install cable manually with rope or winch as appropriate Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
to client’s specification.
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Hand injuries 2 Wear gloves 3 Worker
8.Cut off excess cable and seal exposed ends to Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Use fall protection as as per SWMS 019
Hand injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

9.Locate/dress cable and fix in position to client’s specification Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as per SWMS 019
Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor work site hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor to hold current Australian Communications
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Authority Licence type BCL F

No previous experience required. EWP training is using EWP

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. AS3080 and client’s specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

SWMS Title: TRUNK CABLING SWMS 026 Page 1 of 5

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer……………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 026 - TRUNK CABLING, and I have read and understood
the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Check location to drawing and specification layout and Slips, trips & falls 3 Ensure area is clear 3 Supervisor/
mark out. Wear safety footwear Wear Eye Protection Worker
3.Confirm cable specifications and conditions. N/A N/A N/A Worker

4.Confirm cable supports on conduits have been installed Falls 2 Refer to SWMS 004, Cable and ladder installation 3 Worker
to specifications. Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005
5.Install rollers or other protection to client’s specifications. Falls 2 Use fall protection as per SWMS 019 3 Worker
Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6.Install cable stands to client’s specification. Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Hand injuries 2 Wear gloves 3 Worker
7.Install cable manually with rope or winch as appropriate Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
to client’s specification. Use fall protection as per SWMS 019
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person

Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8.Cut off excess cable and seal exposed ends to Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
manufacturer’s recommendations. Use fall protection as as per SWMS 019
Hand injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
9.Locate/dress cable and fix in position to client’s specification Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as per SWMS 019
Hand injuries 2 Use tools in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor work site hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor to hold current Australian Communications
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Authority Licence type BCL F

No previous experience required. EWP training if using EWP

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. AS3080 and client’s specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 027– INSTALLATION OF OUTLET CABLING, and I have
read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Check location to drawing and specification layout and Tripping and exposed 2 Ensure area is clear 3 Supervisor/
mark out. nails Wear safety footwear Worker
3.Plan installation so as to work towards the required floor N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
distributor. Worker
4.Confirm cable specifications and conditions. N/A N/A N/A Worker
5.Install rollers or other protection to client’s specifications. Electric shock 1 Isolate, lockout & tag adjacent services as required. 3 Worker
Ensure that no bare conductors can contact any live parts.
Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 006 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6.Terminate submains to specifications Electrics shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. Confirm DEAD before commencing work. 3 Worker
Effectively insulate and restrain both ends of all cable near any
live part
Hand injuries 2 Use correct tools to cut & strip cable. Wear gloves 3 Worker
7.Clean Area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8. Test installation Electric Shock 3 Follow Standard Working Procedures 3 Worker

9.Install signs or labels are required. Hand injuries 2 Use tools appropriately . Wear gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor work site hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor to hold current Australian Communications
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Authority Licence type BCL F

No previous experience required. EWP training if using EWP

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. AS3080 and client’s specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009 AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 028– INSTALLATION OF OUTLETS, and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout to drawings and specifications and N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
confirm with client Worker
3. Check walls, cavities and ceilings for other services . Explosion/ Electric 1 Confirm location of any water pipes, gas lines or power or 3 Worker
shock telephone cables
Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate in accordance with SWMS 019
Hand Injuries 3 Ensure area is clear 3 Worker
Wear safety footwear, Wear protective gloves
4. Check equipment is tagged Electric Shock 1 Use only correctly tagged tools and equipment 3 Worker

5.Fit outlet mounting brackets as required Debris and noise from 2 Use minimum drilling speed consistent with effective work Use 3 Worker
drilling appropriate respiratory, eye and hearing protection Eg. Full face
shield or goggles
Keep drill bits sharp
Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate in accordance with SWMS 019
6. Tape or insulate ends of new cable to prevent electrical Potential Electric Shock 1 Use suitable insulating material 3 Worker
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

7. Run Cables Electric Shock 1 Isolate, Lock out & tag. Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing 3 Worker
Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
8. Connect outlets Electric Shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing 3 Worker
Falling 2 Use ladder or elevated work platform as appropriate 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019
9 Confirm fittings are secure and installed to specifications Electric shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing 3 Worker
10. Clear area and remove Isolation and DANGER Tags Hand Injuries 3 Wear gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of trades assistant or apprentice working under a Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
qualified Supervisor work site hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor to hold current Australian Communications
Guide for Employees (Red Book). Authority Licence type BCL F

No previous experience required. EWP training is using EWP

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. AS3080 and client’s specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 029 – WORKING ON ENERGISED LOW VOLTAGE
EQUIPMENT/ APPARTUS, and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Confirm the requirements regarding work on energised N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
equipment and apparatus. Worker
3.Obtain work approval and confirm any client site/safety N/A N/A Confirm Additional items identified on site and include in SWMS Supervisor/
instruction. Client/Worker
4.Check scope of works to confirm whether work be re- N/A N/A Supervisor/
scheduled so it may be isolated? Client/Worker
5.Confirm with client that works meet the requirements N/A N/A Client Authorisation_____________________________________ Supervisor/
regarding work on energised equipment and apparatus Client/Worker
and the risk of harm would be greater if the circuits were
de-energised before work commenced.
6.Confirm that person/s carrying out the work are N/A N/A Confirm qualifications of workers performing the task. Supervisor
appropriately qualified, competent, confident and trained
for the task.
7.Carry out Risk assessment in respect of the works to be Risks not identified 1 Include all parties in the risk assessment 3 Supervisor/
carried out. Client/Worker
8.Confirm appropriate test equipment, tools, barriers, Personal Injury 2 Follow PPE inspection requirements 3 Worker
accessories, clothing, personal protective equipment Replace any suspect or faulty equipment
(PPE), working kit are used and maintained, and first
check operation of test apparatus.

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

9.Confirm you have a safety observer who is competent to Electric Shock 1 Do not proceed with task if Safety Observer is not available 3 Supervisor
perform the task being observed and is also competent in
electrical rescue and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
10.Clearly Identify the isolation point and the entry/exits Unauthorised Entry 1 Erect barriers/ropes/signage installed to prevent unauthorised 3 Supervisor/
are clear of obstructions. entry. Worker
11.Working persons shall confirm procedures such as: Electric Shock 1 Follow agreed rescue plan 3 Supervisor/
Safety Observer stands, turn off this switch, put the rescue Worker/ Safety
hook around my arm, leg or belt and pull this way and
apply cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Observer

12.Carry out scope of works provided you have an Electric Shock 1 Develop a SWMS for the specific task to be completed 3 Supervisor/
appropriate safe system of work and you are confident. Worker
Hand Injuries /Cuts 3 Use Hand Tools in Correct Fashion ,Wear protective gloves . 3 Worker
13.Test and commission new works and re-install covers. Electric Shock 1 Follow Standard Safe Working Procedures as per SWMS 038 - 3 Worker
Energise & Commission Intallation
Hand Injuries and Cuts 3 Use Hand Tools in Correct Fashion 3 Worker
Wear protective gloves
14.Clean work area, remove and pack away equipment. Hand Injuries / Cuts 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

15.Complete appropriate documentation (switchboard N/A N/A N/A Worker

schedules, update drawings and work book)

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Must be a licensed electrician. Electrician to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor and electrician to be trained in hazard
and site hazards identification, risk assessment and control eg, SWMS.

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain a tidy work site Supervisor & electrician to be appropriately trained,
Guide for Employees (Red Book). qualified and competent in OH&S and electrical practices
for the task.
Previous experience required. Safety observer who is competent to perform the task
being observed and is also competent in electrical rescue
and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker mechanical handling equipment, appropriate test
equipment, barriers, clothing, personal protective equipment (PPE),
Insulated tools and mats, and pre-checked test equipment.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 030– INSTALLING CEILING MOUNTED LIGHTS AND
SPEAKERS, and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and mark out. Slips, Trips Falls 3 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
Wear safety foot wear Worker
3. Receive equipment on site and confirm correct numbers Struck by falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people. 3 Worker
and types Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
4. Confirm cabling requirements. Electric shock 1 Test and confirm cables before commencing work. Isolate, 3 Worker
Lockout &Tag as required.
5 Terminate cabling to light or speaker and mount Electric shock 1 Ensure power tools and leads are tagged 3 Worker
speaker/light to ceiling. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms appropriately in accordance with 3 Worker
SWMS 019
6. Complete the fitting of any other parts. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms appropriately in accordance with 3 Worker
SWMS 019
7. Confirm fitting is secure and installed to specifications. Falling 2 Use ladders or work platforms appropriately in accordance with 3 Worker
SWMS 019
8. Clear area and remove isolation DANGER Tags Hand injuries 3 Use gloves. 3 Worker
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Min’of Cert2 of Communications Cabling (with relevant Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
endorsement) or trainee working under the effective site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
supervision of the above qualified Worker

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Austel Technical Standard 009 – 1997 Floor capacity Code of Practice for Manual Handling Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications
sufficiently engineered to carry weight of elevated work platform/s. Cabling Provider Rules 2000. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Falls 2008. Code of Practice for Plant 1995

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 031 – INSTALLATION OF NEW RACKS / CABINETS, and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Confirm installation specifications N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
3. Mark out location ensuring coordination with other Tripping 2 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear.Wear safety 3 Worker
services. Prepare installation area and confirm adequate footwear.
space including door swing for maintenance. Hand Injuries 2 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
4. Arrange for crane or other mechanical handling Struck by object 2 Ensure lifting aids are suitable for the task 3 Worker
equipment if needed.
5. Receive equipment rack on site. Inspect for damage. Falling objects 2 Keep lifting area clear of people . 3 Worker
Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
6. Transfer equipment rack to installation location Falling objects 2 Keep transfer area clear of people 3 Worker
. Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
7. Install equipment rack to manufacture’s and client’s Electric Shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. Confirm DEAD before commencing work 3 Worker
specifications. Manual handling 2 Implement manual handling risk control procedures 3 Worker
Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8.Clean area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Min’of Cert2 of Communications Cabling (with relevant Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
endorsement) or trainee working under the effective site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
supervision of the above qualified Worker
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Trained in the use of manual handling lifting equipment. On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
Certificated dogman / rigger to sling load dependent upon personnel.
size and weight and lifting method

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Austel Technical Standard 009 – 1997 Floor capacity Code of Practice for Manual Handling Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications
sufficiently engineered to carry weight of lifting equipment. Cabling Provider Rules 2000. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Falls 2008. Code of Practice for Plant 1995.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Appropriate Mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment to be checked in accordance with Statutory and
mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment manufacturers recommendations
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 032 – HEAT SHRINK CABLE JOINTS AND LUGS, and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Hazard Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Actions / Controls for Prevention
Identification Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Clean cable sheath to remove any oil, grease, water, dirt Cut injury 2 Remove any sharp edges or burrs 3 Worker
etc by wiping the cable ends and connector/link Wear cut resistant gloves where appropriate

3.Select tube, boot, cap size to suit cable size NA NA NA NA Worker

4.Cut tube to length and fit to cable Cut injury 2 Use side cutter where practical 3 Worker
Wear cut resistant gloves where appropriate

5.Crimp conductor connection or lug and centre the tubing Manual handling 3 Use appropriate tool to crimp lug / sleeves 3 Worker
over the splice connectors/links Hand injuries 3 Use crimping tools correctly 3 Worker
Continued over page

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

6.Apply broad gentle heat evenly to all sides of heat shrink Burns and fire 2 Wear appropriate PPE – Non flamable Long sleeves and long 3 Worker
material trousers.Face shield insulated gloves for handling hot items.
 Larger heat shrink materials require use of flame Use heat gun where possible to avoid open flame
 Start at centre and work to one end first
Complete site hot work permit if using open flame
 If using a gas burner, use the cooler, soft flame
Ensure fire extinguisher is available when using open flame
 Do not hold the torch still in one position or concentrate the
hot inner flame of the torch on the tubing; this may cause Check for flammable substances (including gas) before using
open flame
 Keep the heat source moving around the circumference of
the insulator to ensure uniform shrinkage Use shield / reflector to protect other areas and get uniform heat
 Installation is complete when the tubing conforms to coverage
the link and if present, adhesive flow is apparent at Do not touch the heat shrink product until it cools
both ends
Ensure no one inadvertently touches hot parts of heating
gun/torch after use
7. Disposal of spent butane/gas canisters Fire / explosion 2 Do not puncture or incinerate spent container 3 Worker
Environmental 2 Refer to butuane / gas MSDS for correct disposal procedure

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
others from hot work. personnel.
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards December 2010. Code of Practice Manual Handling.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director……………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 033 – INSTALLATION OF SELV CABLING
(DATA/SECURITY /NURSE CALL ETC), and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Hazard Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Actions / Controls for Prevention
Identification Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check location to drawings and specification layout and Electric shock 1 Avoid all contact with non SELV services. Isolate, lockout & tag 3 Worker
mark out nearby services as required.
Slips Trip Falls 3 Ensure area, in particular walkways, are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor/
Wear safety foot wear Worker
3. Plan installation N/A N/A N/A Supervisor/
4. Confirm cable specifications and condition. Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 3 Worker
Use fall protection as appropriate, as per SWMS 019
5. Install cable to client’s specifications. Electric shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. CONFIRMED NOT LIVE 3 Worker
Ensure that no bare conductors can contact any live parts.
Effectively insulate both ends of all cables near any live parts.
Restrain the ends of all cables near any live parts.
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Hand Injuries 3 Use the correct tool to cut & strip cables. Wear gloves 3 Worker
6. Clean area Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

7. Test installation Electric shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. CONFIRMED NOT LIVE and identify 3 Worker
cables before commencing work

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible
8. Install signs or labels are required. Hand injuries 3 Use tools appropriately 3 Worker
Wear protective gloves

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Min’of Cert2 of Communications Cabling (with relevant Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
endorsement) or trainee working under the effective site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
supervision of the above qualified Worker
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Austel Technical Standard 009 – 1997 Floor capacity Code of Practice for Manual Handling Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications
sufficiently engineered to carry weight of elevated work platform/s. Cabling Provider Rules 2000. Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Falls 2008. Code of Practice for Plant 1995
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom manufacturers recommendations
lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 034 – INSTALLATION OF DATA /TV / NURSE CALL
POINTS, and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout to drawings and specifications and Slips, trips falls 2 Ensure area is clear.Wear safety footwear 3 Supervisor/
confirm with client

3. Check walls, cavities and ceilings for other services and Electric shock 1 Isolate, lockout and tag adjacent services as required 3 Worker
confirm location of any water pipes, gas lines or power or /Explosion
telephone cables Falls 2 Use ladders in accordance with SWMS 005 Use fall protection as 3 Worker
appropriate in accordance with SWMS 019 .
Hand Injuries 2 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
4. Check equipment is tagged Electric Shock 1 Use only correctly tagged tools and equipment 3 Worker

5.Fit mounting brackets as required Debris and noise from 2 Use minimum drilling speed consistent with effective work Use 3 Worker
drilling appropriate respiratory, eye and hearing protection Eg. Full face
shield or goggles
Keep drill bits sharp Use ladder or work platform appropriately

6. Avoid all non SELV cables. Electric Shock 1 Isolate, lockout and tag. Use suitable insulating material 3 Worker

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Work Method / Task Description Risk Residual Person
Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

7. Run Cables Electric Shock 1 Isolate, Lockout & Tag. Confirm NOT LIVE before commencing 3 Worker
Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker
8. Connect outlets Hand injuries 3 Use hand tools in correct manner 3 Worker

9. Confirm fittings are secure and installed to Falling 2 Use ladder or elevated work platform as appropriate 3 Worker
specifications Use fall protection as appropriate, in accordance with SWMS 019 3 Worker

10. Clear area Hand Injuries 3 Wear protective gloves 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Min’of Cert2 of Communications Cabling (with relevant Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
endorsement) or trainee working under the effective site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
supervision of the above qualified Worker
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work. personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
be used if using EWP.
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Austel Technical Standard 009 - 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997, Telecommunications Cabling Provider Rules 2000. Code of
Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of elevated work Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008. Code of Practice for Plant
platform/s. 1995
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily. Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with
.Portable pipe and services detection equipment Hazard Identification to manufacturers recommendations
be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom lift, cherry picker
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer……………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 035 – INSTALLING LIGHT POLES, and I have read and
understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2. Check layout and crane access for standing & Electric Shock 1 Ensure unload area is clear of overhead services 3 Supervisor/
unloading poles. Crane Op.
Pedestrians & traffic 2 Implement pedestrian & traffic control. 3 Supervisor/
Crane Op.
Slips, trips & falls 2 Ensure area, in particular, walkways are clear of trip hazards 3 Supervisor.
Personal Injury Wear safety foot wear, gloves, helmet & Hi Vis Clothing. Worker/
Crane Op.
3. Receive poles & lights on site and confirm correct Struck by falling object 2 Check access.Keep lifting area clear of people.Barricade work 3 Worker
numbers and types area.
Hand injuries 2 Wear protective gloves. 3 Worker
4. Install cable underground or overhead Electric Shock 1 Test and confirm cables before commencing work. Isolate, 3 Worker
Lockout & fit danger tags as appropriate where running near
live equipment. Test for DEAD.
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
5. Check light fitting base or bracket and terminate cabling Falling from heights 2 Use ladders or work platforms appropriately in accordance with 3 Worker
into fitting. SWMS 019 and SWMS 005.
Struck by falling object. 2 Keep lifting area clear of people. Barricade work area 3 Worker
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

6. Check crane or other lifting equipment and operator’s Pedestrians 1 Keep lifting area clear of people. Barricade work area 3 Worker
qualifications are up to date. Ensure spotter available to Use spotter to control unauthorised access
prevent pedestrians entering work area & traffic Unsafe equipment 1 Pre op check of equipment 3 Worker
management as required Overhead cables. 1 Use spotter as required 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
7.Install pole, ensure it is secure and installed to Struck by falling object. 1 Barricade work area. 3 Worker
Manual handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
Hand injuries 3 Wear protective gloves. 3 Worker
8.Complete the fitting of any other parts and wiring to the Falling. 2 Use ladders or work platforms appropriately in accordance with 3 Worker
light poles.
SWMS 019 and SWMS 005.
Manual handling. 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Worker
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
9.Cable connections & testing Electric Shock 1 Confirm all connected cables are isolated & tagged 3 Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 4 or apprentice Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
working under the effective supervision of a qualified site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.
Elevated Work Platform training and national certification Barricading to be used as appropriate to protect On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
as required dependent upon equipment to be used. others from working below elevated work, crane personnel. Training on specific elevated work platform to
Traffic Management and other plant and equipment. be used if using EWP.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards and client's Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
specifications. Floor capacity sufficiently engineered to carry weight of Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe work
elevated work platform/s. Footings and rag bolts correct size for size and on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction Sites
weight of poles. December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Code of Practice for Plant 1995

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Scissor lift, boom Elevated Work Platform/s in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and log book.
lift, cherry picker Truck crane in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and log book.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 036– TRENCHING WITH A SMALL EXCAVATOR, and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Operator must be competent in operating excavator Personal injury 2 Excavator must only be operated by trained and authorised 3 Supervisor/
operators. Operator
3. Check that the machine is safe and fit for use Machine failure, 2 Conduct daily logbook check of equipment before use, unsure 3 Operator
Personal injury warning lights/ alarms working. Tag out unsafe equipment.
4.Inspect work area Machine tipping 1 Ensure area is clear and the ground is stable and suitable for the 3 Operator
machine to operate on
5.Secure work area Personal Injuries 1 Barricade work area where necessary. Signage as required. 3 Supervisor/
Appoint spotter where necessary to prevent unauthorised access Operator
to work area.Provide warning lights at night if necessary.
6. Check services in area Electric shock, 1 “Dial before you dig” Locate underground services before 3 Supervisor/
explosion operating machine. “Look up and live” Do not operate in areas Operator
where overhead electrical hazards exist.
7. Operate excavator Electric Shock, 1 Isolate Lockout & Tag services. Use Spotter - visual inspection for 3 Operator
Explosion marker tape. Excavate manually near existing services.
Fall from machine 1 Operator must wear seat belt 3 Operator
Noise, dust 2 Keep Doors shut if fitted. Signage on machine to indicate PPE to 3 Operator
be worn
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

8. Trenching Trench collapse 1 Store spoil suitable distance from edge of trench. Use shoring, 3 Operator
benches or battering in accordance with Code of Practice for
Safety Precautions in Trenching Operations.
Person buried 1 No person to enter trench, trench not to be deeper than 1.5m. 3 Operator
Separate SWMS required if trench is ≥ 1.5 metres or if a person is
to enter the trench.
9. Laying conduit in trench Manual Handling 2 Ensure work area is clear. Use manual handling aids or get 3 Operator
assistance when handling large or heavy objects. Implement
manual handling risk control procedures as per SWMS 015
10. Backfill Tripping 3 Ensure ground is even and free from trip hazards on completion of 3 Operator
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
WorkSafe Certificate for High Risk Work not required, Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
however operator, however Operator must be be trained site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
and competent.
Familiarisation induction of the specific excavator to be All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
operated. all times. Required Personal Protective Equipment competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
. (PPE) to be worn at all times on site.

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety Barricading and signage to be used as appropriate On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to
Guide for Employees (Red Book). to protect others from working in the working area personnel.Training on the specific small excavator to be
of the small excavator comducted..
Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Engineering details to include depth of trenches in accordance with AS Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
3000 and clients specifications.Trenches to be shored in accordance with Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe
the Code of Practice for Safety Precautions in Trenching Operations 1998 work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for Safety Precautions in Trenching
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Operations 1998.Code of Practice Manual Handling. Compliance Code Prevention of Falls 2008.
Code of Practice for Plant 1995
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Barricades, signs, warning lights, detection equipment. Hazard Daily Log book check of excavator to be conducted by operator in accordance with manufacturers
identification required for excavator. recommendations and log book.
Excavator to be maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and log book.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer……………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 037– INSTALLATION OF A GRID CONNECTED
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM , and I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Site Inspection Slips,Trips 2 Ensure work area is clean & tidy. Ensure access path is clear of 3 Supervisor/
obstructions/hazards. Worker/Client
3.Accessing Roof Falls 1 Use correct ladder for accessing roof. Check ladder for damage 3 Worker
prior to use. Secure ladder.
4.Working on Roof Falls 1 Identify suitable anchor points for harness. Use fall prevention 3 Worker
equipment. Ensure fall prevention equipment is safe and that all
staff working on the roof are trained in fall prevention equipment
usage. Refer to SWMS 019 -Working at Heights.
UV Radiation 2 Wear protective clothing and broad brim hat. 3 Worker
Apply sunscreen to exposed skin.
5.Install brackets and module mounting rails Electric shock 1 Ensure electric drill is tested and tagged. Protect electricity lead 3 Worker
from damage on roof /guttering or use battery drill. 3 Worker
Equipment Falling 2 Barricade area below work area 3 Worker
Manual Handling 2 Use mechanical lifting aids or team lifts where required.
Noise 3 Use hearing PPE when drilling 3 Worker
Eye Injuries 3 Use eye protection when drilling. 3 Worker
6.Run DC Cabling Falls 1 Check work area for potential slips, trips & falls hazards. Use fall 3 Worker
protection equipment where required.

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: Installation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System SWMS NO. 037 Page 4 of 5
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible
7.Lift and Install Solar Modules Equipment Falling 1 Barricade area below work area 3 Worker
Electric Shock 1 Connect PV panels after completing DC Isolator Ensure electric 3 Worker
drill is tested and tagged. Protect electricity lead from damage or
use battery drill.
Manual Handling 2 Use mechanical lifting aids or team lifts where required. 3 Worker
8.Mount and Terminate DC Array Isolator Noise 3 Use hearing PPE when drilling 3 Worker
Eye Injuries 3 Use eye protection when drilling. 3 Worker

9.Mount Inverter- Electric Shock 1 Ensure Drill and Lead is Tested and Tagged 3 Worker
Drilling of Installation Mounts Manual Handling 2 Lift inverter with assistance. 3 Worker
Noise 3 Use Hearing Protection when Drilling 3 Worker
Eye Injuries 3 Use Eye Protection when Drilling 3 Worker
10.Connect Inverter Electric Shock 1 No LIVE Work. Isolate panels at roof top isolator. Tag Out 3 Worker
Isolate 240V Supply. Tag Out
11.Test and Commission the Installation Explosion 1 Refer to SWMS 038 Energise and Commission Installation 3 Supervisor/
Test Polarity of DC Array prior to energization Worker
Wear protective clothing and Eye protection
12.Hand Over N/A N/A N/A Worker

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

Worker/ Client

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: Installation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System SWMS NO. 037 Page 5 of 5

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of Electrical Worker Grade 5 or 2 year Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
apprentice working under the effective supervision of a site for hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
qualified Electrical Worker minimum Grade 5

Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety All personnel to maintain tidy work area on site at Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task.
be worn at all times on site.

Trained in the use of manual handling lifting equipment. On the job skills training to be conducted by Supervisor to

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
Installation to be in accordance with AS 3000 Standards. AS 4086 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
Secondary batteries for Stand alone power Systems, AS 4509 Stand Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe
alone Power Systems, AS 4777 Grid connect of energy systems via work on LV electrical installations, Code of Practice for prevention of falls in housing construction,
invertors, AS 5033 Installation of Photovoltaic arrays, and client's Code of Practice for Manual Handling. Code of Practice for Plant 1995
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Portable hand tools, electrical power tools, drills, leads and ladders. Hand tools and ladders to be checked daily.
Hazard Identification to be conducted for plant used eg. Appropriate Mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment to be checked in accordance with Statutory and
mechanical lifting / manual handling equipment manufacturers recommendations
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1


Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer…………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 038 – ENERGISE AND COMMISSION INSTALLATION, and
I have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Undertake / confirm Site Specific Hazard identification Site specific issues 3 Do inspection and review tasks & identify site specific hazards 3 Sup./ Worker
(Document identified hazards and control measures) Worker & Public safety 3 Check test equipment and PPE, consult with workers involved
3 Sup./ Worker
Unauthorised persons 3 Clear area and use appropriate barricades and signage
3 Sup./ Worker
Observe No live work policy
3.Identify ALL energy sources and confirm isolated Electric Shock 1 Do not work live 3 Sup./ Worker
Isolate and tag out

4.Undertake visual inspection to confirm installation work Minor injury 3 Refer visual inspection requirements of AS3000 3 Sup./ Worker
is complete to client’s specifications. Use PPE as appropriate
5.Complete connections to switchboard. Electric Shock 1 Ensure all circuits are suitably identified 3 Sup./ Worker
Do not work live
6.Remove bonding leads in preparation for energising. Electric Shock 1 Ensure all circuits are Isdolated and tagged 3 Worker

7.Check your test device/equipment for integrity and N/A N/A Before test, prove testing equipment is working correctly N/A Worker
ensure is in good working order.
8.Test new installation and/or repairs prior to energising. Electric Shock 3 Refer inspection and test requirements of AS3000 3 Worker
Personal injury Follow Standard Working Procedures refer AS3017
Check for exposed conductors and terminate all prior to energising
Ensuring all ends are terminated and tails are secured out of
reach so that no inadvertent contact can be made

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Resposible

9.Replace removable switches (off) and rack-in Minor injury 3 Confirm test equipment is operational 3 Worker

10.Remove locks and out-of-service / danger tags Electric shock 1 Locks and Danger Tags to be removed by person who placed and 3 Worker
signed tag
11.Energise and test wiring, and check equipment and Electric Shock 1 Sequence the energising and test & check, by sections (eg 3 Worker
apparatus as operational before return to service. polarity)
Confirm phase rotation of all 3-phase equipment
Confirm operational and safe prior to handover
Follow Standard Working Procedures
12.Tidy up installation and work areas Minor injury 3 Use PPE as appropriate 3 Worker
Remove equipment from site

13.Remove signage and barriers Minor injury 3 Use PPE as appropriate 3 Worker

14.Handover installation to client N/A N/A Complete Certificate of Electrical Safety and other paperwork. Worker
Provide relevant paperwork to client and submit to authorities, as
Additional items identified on site Supervisor/

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).


Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum Electrical Worker Grade 5 Supervisor and to carry out daily inspections of Supervisor to be trained in hazard identification, risk
worksite hazards. assessment and control eg, SWMS
Previous exerience at this task required All personnel to maintain a tidty worksite. Supervisor to be appropriately trained, qualified and
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn at competent in OH&S and electrical practices for the task
all times.
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety ‘Test before you touch’ every time.
Guide for Employees (Red Book).

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Australian Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Installations to be in accordance with AS 3000, AS 3012, AS 3017 and Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
clients standards.. Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards work on LV electrical installations, Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction
Sites December 2010, Code of Practice Manual Handling.
Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals
Hand tools. Insulated test equipment, insulated gloves,Insulated mats. Confirm insulated testing equipment is working correctly.
Barricades and warning signs. Integrity of Insulating glove to be checked.
Lock out equipment and Danger Tags.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 039 – TEST AND TAG ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, and I
have read and understood the SWMS and agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

SWMS Title: Testing & Tagging Electrical Equipment SWMS NO. 039 Page 3 of 5
Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:
Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

1. Inspect work area and review SWMS on site Site specific hazards 3 Document site specific hazards and control measures 3 Supervisor/
2.Confirm workplace and task requirements Site specific issues 3 Do inspection and review tasks 3 Sup./Worker
Worker safety 3 Check test equipment and PPE, consult with workers involved 3 Worker
Public access and 3 Clear area and use appropriate barricades and signage 3
unauthorised persons Observe No live work policy

3.Ensure that work complies with AS3760 Inadequate 1 Person undertaking work must be competent 3 Worker
Check operation of test equipment. knowledge Refer to codes and standard
Overlook fault Involve employees in preparation

4.Unplug equipment from the supply. Electric shock 1 Switch off at socket and disconnect plug 3 Worker

5.Undertake visual and physical inspection for damage and Minor cuts from sharp 3 Apply due care in inspection 3 Worker
defects in appliance, accessories, connectors, plugs and edges Wear protective gloves where appropriate
extension outlet sockets.
6.Check flexible cords are effectively anchored to equipment, Hand injuries and 3 Apply due care in inspection 3 Worker
plugs and sockets. cuts Wear protective gloves where appropriate
7.Test earth continuity resistance not exceeding 1 ohm. Hand injuries and 3 Apply due care in inspection 3 Worker
cuts Wear protective gloves where appropriate
8.Test insulation resistance not less than 1 megohm. Hand injuries and 3 Apply due care in inspection 3 Worker
cuts Wear protective gloves where appropriate
RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).
SWMS Title: Testing & Tagging Electrical Equipment SWMS NO. 039 Page 4 of 5
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

9.Alternatively use leakage current test at rated voltage Electric shock 1 Protect equipment with RCD or isolating transformer. 3 Worker
Class I – 5mA max Note the protective Refer to stringent precautions to be followed when doing live
Cords and Class II – 1mA max earth conductor may be testing in the COP Low voltage electrical work and prepare a
live whilst testing separate risk assessment and SWMS for this work
10.Prepare and fit tag to compliant equipment. N/A N/A Tags do not have to be colour coded. Worker
Complete equipment log / register as a record and provide
client with copy.
11.Take faulty items out of service and advise client of N/A N/A N/A Worker
issue so client can arrange repair / replacement Client

Additional items identified on site Supervisor/


RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: Testing & Tagging Electrical Equipment SWMS NO. 039 Page 5 of 5

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work
Minimum of apprentice working under a qualified Supervisor to carry out daily inspections of work Supervisor and employees to be trained in hazard
Supervisor or a Person trained and deemed competent in site for hazards. identification, risk assessment and control. Eg SWMS
the task All personnel to maintain a tidy work site. Person to be trained in testing either as an electrician or a
Industry and Site induction including the NECA Safety Personal protection equipment (PPE) to be worn at certified Portable Appliance Tester (PAT).
Guide for Employees (Red Book). all times.
Stop work rather than accept a safety risk.

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards
AS 3760 and client’s specifications. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,
All PPE used to meet & be maintained to Australian Standards Electricity Safety Act 1998, Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009, AS 4836 - Safe
work on LV electrical installations , Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction
Sites March 2002, Code of Practice for Plant 1995 Code of Practice Manual Handling.

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

Insulation resistance meter (mega) and ohmmeter. Test instruments to be checked daily.
Portable Appliance Tester unit where appropriate. All PPE and test equipment to be checked before use.
RCD or isolation transformer.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720 Format 1

SWMS Title: SWMS 040 Page 1 of 5

Person responsible for ensuring
Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0
compliance with this SWMS:

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required

Recips Approval
This SWMS has been approved for use.

Name: Dean Spicer………………………………………………Signature ……………………………………………………..Position: Director…………………………………….Date……/……../………..

Implement the SWMS
1.Review the SWMS on site with the relevant employees and contractors 5. Each team member to sign onto the SWMS before starting work. Team members to stop work
2.identify and document the high risk Construction Work to be performed immediately if the SWMS cannot be complied with.
3. Identify and document the Site PPE requirements for the task. 6. Observe work being performed. If controls are inadequate, Stop work, review the SWMS , implement
additional controls and re-brief the team
4. Document any additional work methods, tasks and hazards identified on site and the control measures
required to mitigate the associated risks 7.Sign onto the amended SWMS before recommencing after any SWMS revision.

This task involves the following High Risk Contruction Work –

where there is a risk of a person fall ing more than 2 metres on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
on telecomunications towers on or near chemical, fuel or refridgerant lines
involving demolition on or near energised electrical installationsor services
involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos in an area that may have a contaminated or flamable atmosphere
involving structural alterations that require tempory support to prevent collapse involving tilt- up or precast concrete
involving a confined space on or adjacent to roadways or railways used by road or rail traffic
involving a trench or shaft if the excavated depth is more than 1.5 metres at workplaces where there is any movement of powered mobile plant
Involving a tunnel in an area where there are artificial ezxtremes of temperature
involving the use of explosives in, over or adjacent to water or other liquids where there is a risk of drowning

Mandatory Site PPE requirements

Hazard has the potential to kill or permanently or temporarily disable
1 Almost Certain A Catastrophic 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Risk

2 Likely B Major 2 1 1 2 2 2 Class Medium
Hazard has the potential to cause lost time injury or illness
3 Occasional C Moderate 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 Risk
4 Unlikely D Minor 4 2 2 2 3 3 Class Low
Hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that may require First Aid
5 Rare E Insignificant 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 Risk

SAFE PLACE 1.Eliminate any risk to health or safety associated with the work such as isolate and lock out the energy at it’s source .
Risk Control Best Option 2.Reduce the risk to health or safety by any one or any combination of the following:
Identify the control options and  Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance
choose the control measure that is as  Isolating persons from the hazard, such as barricading, fencing or guardrailing, or
close to level 1 as is reasonably  Using engineering controls, such as lifting devices.
practicable. SAFE PERSON
3.Use administrative controls, such as changing the way the work is done.
Worst Option
4.Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.

Worker Sign On
I the undersigned have been consulted on the development and implementation of this Safe Work Method Statement, SWMS 040 –, and I have read and understood the SWMS and
agree to work to the requirements of this Safe Work Method Statement.

Rev Rev Rev Rev

Name Signature Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date
No. No. No. No.
Recips. 11/56 Norcal Road Nunawading Vic. 3131. ABN: 48 304 075 720

SWMS Title: SWMS NO. 040 Page 3 of 5

Person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this SWMS: Dean Spicer Contact Number: 9878 9006 Date: 02/05/2018 Revision:13.0

Project / Client: Various Service Clients for Service work and small installations Location: Various sites as required
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: SWMS NO. 04- Page 4 of 5
Risk Residual Person
Work Method / Task Description Hazard Identification Actions / Controls for Prevention
Level Risk Responsible

RISK LEVELS: CLASS 1 (high), CLASS 2 (medium), CLASS 3 (low).

SWMS Title: SWMS NO. 04- Page 5 of 5

Personnel Qualifications and Experience Required Personnel Duties and Responsibilities Training Required to Complete Work

Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals / Referenced – Codes of Practice / Regulations / Legislation
Australian Standards

Plant / Equipment Required (Mobile or Static) Maintenance Checks / Calibration Intervals

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