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Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students can:

 Define impulse
 Describe relationship of impulse with momentum
 Solve problems related to impulse

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: IMPULSE
b. Reference : Grade 9 Learner Activity Sheet 4th Quarter,
Science Learner’s Module 9 pg 260-264
c. Materials: powerpoint presentation, laptop

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greetings

 Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

B. Prayer

 Before anything else, let us all pray. May I Dear God Almighty,
call on the class president to lead us in Thank you for this day. Thank you for giving
prayer? us the sun to brighten up our day. Thank you
for giving us food to nourish every cell in
our body. Please forgive our sins and help us
to be good creations of your creative hands.
Just as the flow of electrons increases as
voltage source increases, increase the flow of
your blessings as we increase our faith in
You, the source of everything. Please be our
Polaris and guide us in our journey through
life this day.
All these we ask in the Name of the One who
bears your DNA,

C. Checking of Attendance

 Do we have any absentees today? No Ma’am we do not have any absentees


Before we continue, let me first give you our rules

for online learning.

 Always keep your microphones muted.

 Do not use the chatbox during discussion.
 Use the raise hand button if you have any
questions or if you want to answer.
D. Checking of Assignment

 Do we have any assignment? Yes, Ma’am.

 We will check your assignment as we go on

with our discussion.
E. Review of Past Lesson

Before we proceed to our topic today, let’s have a

recall of what we have discussed about momentum.

Let us have this activity called “Do You

Remember?”. We will have a brief recall of what Yes, Ma’am!
we have discussed on our last meeting.
What did we discuss last time? We discussed about momentum.
What is momentum? Momentum is the quantity that describes an
object’s resistance to stopping.
How do we get the momentum of a moving object? p=mv
What is the unit of momentum? kgm/s
What is the relationship of mass and velocity with Momentum is directly proportional with
momentum? mass and velocity.

Excellent! Now, you are now ready for our new


F. Motivation

Watch the video:

US Marshals Airbag Scene

What happened in the scene? They had an accident.

How did they survive the impact? The airbags inflated.
How do you think airbags saved them?

We will find the answer later after our discussion.

G. Sharing of the lesson’s objectives

These are the objectives that we have to

achieve at the end of the lesson:

 Define impulse”.
 Describe relationship of impulse with
 Solve problems related to impulse

Everybody, read.

Does anyone have any questions? The students will read the objectives.

None, Ma’am.
H. Lesson Proper

Last time, we talked about momentum. Today, we

are going to have a new lesson. This one is still in
connection with our previous topic which is
momentum. Let us have a short activity.

In this activity, we will be able to determine how
momentum can change.

A bus is on its way traveling to Bicol. To reach

Bicol, it needs to pass through the old zigzag road
in Atimonan, Quezon.
a. What will happen to the velocity of the bus? a. The velocity of the bus will decrease.
Will it increase? Or decrease? Or will it stay
the same?
After the zigzag road is a straight path.
b. What will happen then to the velocity of the b. It will increase.
bus? Will it increase? Or decrease? Or will
it remain same?
c. Is there a change in the momentum of the c. There is a change in momentum
bus? Why do you say so? because there is a change in velocity.
Some of the passengers got off the bus in Sta.
d. What will happen to the mass of the bus? d. The mass of the bus will decrease.
e. Is there change in the momentum of the e. Yes, there is a change in momentum
bus? because there is a change in mass.
Why do you say so?

In our activity, we have learned that when there is a

change in the velocity or mass of an object, there
will also be a change in momentum. Again, what is Momentum is directly proportional with
the relationship of mass and velocity to mass and velocity.

Good job!

This change in momentum is called impulse.

It is represented by the variable I.
Always remember that momentum is the product of
mass and velocity.
In our activity, we observed that there is a change in
momentum. To change the momentum of an object,
force is needed. Force multiplied by the time of
contact is known as impulse. It is a certain amount
of force applied for a certain amount of time to
cause a change in momentum.
Wherein F is force , t is time and I is impulse.
Since impulse is equal to the change in momentum
and momentum is equal to the product of mass and
velocity, therefore, we can say that impulse is equal
to the product of force and time and mass and
The unit for impulse is Newton-second (N.s) or
kilogram meter per second (kg.m/s). Did you notice They have the same unit.
that impulse and momentum have the same unit? It
is because impulse is equal to the change in
Bodies change their momentum through collision.

Let us have a sample problem.

Fernando Jose hits a 0.05 kg golf ball, giving it a

speed of 65m/s. What impulse does he impart to the

m= 0.05 kg
=65 m/s

Always remember that impulse is the change in

momentum and momentum only changes if there is
a change in mass or velocity. In our example, there
is a change in velocity from being at rest to being in
motion. Therefore, there is a change in momentum.


=0.05 kg . 65m/s
=3.25 kg.m/s

Notice that the unit of impulse is the same with the

unit of momentum.

Now let us solve another problem.

Fernando Jose hits a 0.05 kg golf ball, giving it a

speed of 65m/s. If he is in contact with the ball of
0.09 s, what magnitude of force did he apply to the

Given: m= 0.05 kg
Δv =65 m/s
t=0.09 s

To get the formula that we can use this simple

method. We will transfer one variable to the
denominator of the other side of the equation so that
the variable or quantity that we are looking for will



Now, let us find the find the value of the force.

=0.05kg . 65m/s
0.09 s
=36.11 kg.m/s2 or 36.11 N (Newton)

Rearranging our formula tells us the relationship of

force of impact to the momentum of a body and the
time of contact.

We can say that force of impact is directly

proportional to the momentum of a body and
inversely proportional to the time of contact.

This means that if an object has a higher

momentum, the impact force will be greater. But
impact force can be lessened if we extend the time
of contact. Therefore, the greater the time of
contact, the lesser the force of impact.

Let us move on. What do you think is the impulse An object moving with a constant
of an object moving with a constant momentum? momentum has zero impulse since impulse is
Constant means no change. change in momentum.

I. Generalization

 What is impulse?  Impulse is the change in momentum.

 How do we calculate the impulse of an  I=Δp or I=Ft; kg.m/s

object? What is its unit?

 What is the relationship of the change in  The product of force and time is
momentum with force of impact and time of equal to the product of mass and
contact? velocity. Ft=mv

 How do we lessen the force of impact?  We lessen the force of impact by

extending the time of contact.

J. Application

Prolonging the time of contact decreases the

force of impact. Airbags increase the time of
contact between the driver and the crashing
vehicle. Thus, decreasing the force of
impact. Since the force of impact is
decreased, there will be less injury.

Airbags are installed in cars to ensure the

safety of passengers. How do airbags protect
us from injuries? In the video clip that I
have shown you, how did the airbags
protected the passengers?

IV. Assessment/ Evaluation

True or False
1. Objects moving with constant momentum have zero impulse.
2. Force of impact is directly proportional with time of contact.
3. Impulse is equal to the change in momentum.
4. All moving objects have momentum.
5. A moving object that has a change in velocity has a change in momentum.

Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the best answer.

6. How do we lessen the force of impact?

a. By increasing the time of contact
b. By decreasing the time of contact
c. None of the above
7. How do we get the impulse of an object?
a. I=Ft b. I=Fm c. I=tm
8. How do airbags protect the driver from injuries?
a. It increases the time of contact which increases the force of impact.
b. In decreases the time of contact which decreases the force of impact.
c. It increases the time of contact which decreases the force of impact.
9. What is the unit of force?
a. kg.m/s2 b. Newton c. both choices are correct
10. What is the unit of impulse?
a. kg.m/s b. kg.m/s2 c. kgm2/s

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