18CS43 - OS (Module1)

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Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering &

Technology, Mysuru
Department of CSE/ISE

Subject Presentation

18CS43 – Operating System

Faculty: Prof. Sandesh R
Subject Details

Module 1: Introduction to Operating Systems

Module 2: Multi-Threaded Programming
Module 3: Deadlocks
Module 4: Virtual Memory Management
Module 5: Secondary Storage Structures and Protection, Case studies

Department of CSE/ISE, VVIET, Mysuru 2

Subject Details
Subject Code 18CS43 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture / Hours 3 Exam Marks 60
Total No. of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03

Course outcomes:
The students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate need for OS and different types of OS

2. Apply suitable techniques for management of different resources
3. Use processor, memory, storage and file system commands
4. Realize the different concepts of OS in platform of usage through case studies

Department of CSE/ISE, VVIET, Mysuru 3

Subject Details
Text Books:

1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne,

Operating System Principles, 7th edition, Wiley-India, 2006

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Module 1:
Introduction to operating systems, System structures: What operating
systems do; Computer System organization; Computer System architecture;
Operating System structure; Operating System operations; Process
management; Memory management; Storage management; Protection and
Security; Distributed system; Special-purpose systems; Computing
environments. Operating System Services: User - Operating System
interface; System calls; Types of system calls; System programs; Operating
system design and implementation; Operating System structure; Virtual
machines; Operating System generation; System boot.
Process Management Process concept: Process scheduling; Operations on
processes; Inter process communication
• An operating system is a program that manages the computer
• It also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an
intermediary between the computer user and the computer hardware.
• Mainframe operating systems are designed primarily to optimize
utilization of hardware.
• Personal computer (PC) operating systems support complex games,
business applications, and everything in between. Operating systems
for handheld computers are designed to provide an environment in
which a user can easily interface with the computer to execute
• Thus, some operating systems are designed to be convenient, others
to be efficient, and others some combination of the two.

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What Operating Systems Do
• A computer system can be divided roughly into four components:
the hardware, the operating system, the application programs, and
the users.

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What Operating Systems Do?
• The hardware—the central processing unit (CPU), the memory,
and the input/output (I/O) devices—provides the basic computing
resources for the system.
• The application programs—such as word processors, spreadsheets,
compilers, and web browsers—define the ways in which these
resources are used to solve users' computing problems.
• The operating system controls and coordinates the use of the
hardware among the various application programs for the various
• We can also view a computer system as consisting of hardware,
software, and data.
• The operating system provides the means for proper use of these
resources in the operation of the computer system

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User View
• The user's view of the computer varies according to the interface
being used.
• Most computer users sit in front of a PC, consisting of a monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and system unit. Such a system is designed for
one user to monopolize its resources.
• In other cases, a user sits at a terminal connected to a mainframe or
minicomputer. Other users are accessing the same computer
through other terminals.
• These users share resources and may exchange information. The
operating system in such cases is designed to maximize resource
utilization to assure that all available CPU time memory, and I/O are
used efficiently and that no individual user takes more than her fair

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System View
• From the computer's point of view, the operating system is the program most
intimately involved with the hardware.
• A computer system has many resources that may be required to solve a problem:
CPU time, memory space, file-storage space, I/O devices, and so on.
• The operating system acts as the manager of these resources.
Facing numerous and possibly conflicting requests for resources, the operating
system must decide how to allocate them to specific programs and users so that it
can operate the computer system efficiently and fairly.
• A slightly different view of an operating system emphasizes the need to control
the various I/O devices and user programs.
• An operating system is a control program.
• A control program manages the execution of user programs to prevent errors and
improper use of the computer.
• It is especially concerned with the operation and control of I/O devices.

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Computer-System Organization
1. Computer-System Operation
2. Storage Structure
3. I/O Structure

• Computer-System Operation
A modern general-purpose computer system consists of one or more CPUs and a
number of device controllers connected through a common bus that provides access
to shared memory

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Computer-System Organization
• For a computer to start running—for instance, when it is powered up or rebooted—it needs to
have an initial program to run. This initial program, or bootstrap program, tends to be simple.
• Typically, it is stored in read-only memory (ROM) or electrically erasable programmable read-
only memory (EEPROM), known by the general term firmware, within the computer hardware.
It initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers to memory
• The bootstrap program must know how to load the operating system and to start executing that
• The operating system then starts executing the first process, such as "init," and waits for some
event to occur.
• The occurrence of an event is usually signaled by an interrupt from either the hardware or the
• Hardware may trigger an interrupt at any time by sending a signal to the CPU, usually by way of
the system bus.
• Software may trigger an interrupt by executing a special operation called a system call (also
called a monitor call).
• When the CPU is interrupted, it stops what it is doing and immediately transfers execution to a
fixed location.

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Storage Structure
• Computer programs must be in main memory (also called random-
access memory or RAM) to be executed. Main memory is the only large
storage area (millions to billions of bytes) that the processor can access
• Ideally, we want the programs and data to reside in main memory
permanently. This arrangement usually is not possible for the following
two reasons:
1. Main memory is usually too small to store all needed programs and
data permanently.
2. Main memory is a volatile storage device that loses its contents when
power is turned off or otherwise lost.
• Thus, most computer systems provide secondary storage as an extension
of main memory. The main requirement for secondary storage is that it be
able to hold large quantities of data permanently.
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Storage Structure
• The wide range of storage-systems can be organized in a hierarchy.
• The higher levels are expensive, but they are fast.
• The lower levels are inexpensive, but they are slow.

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I/O Structure
• Storage is only one of many types of I/O devices within a computer.
• A large portion of operating system code is dedicated to managing I/O, both because of
its importance to the reliability and performance of a system and because of the varying
nature of the devices.
• A general-purpose computer system consists of CPUs and multiple device controllers
that are connected through a common bus.
• Each device controller is in charge of a specific type of device. Depending on the
controller, there may be more than one attached device.

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I/O Structure
• To start an I/O operation, the device driver loads the appropriate registers
within the device controller.
• The device controller, in turn, examines the contents of these registers to
determine what action to take (such as "read a character from the
keyboard")- The controller starts the transfer of data from the device to
its local buffer.
• Once the transfer of data is complete, the device controller informs the
device driver via an interrupt that it has finished its operation.
• The device driver then returns control to the operating system, possibly
returning the data or a pointer to the data if the operation was a read.
• For other operations, the device driver returns status information.

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Computer-System Architecture
1) Single-Processor Systems
2) Multiprocessor Systems
3) Clustered Systems

Single Processor Systems

• The system has only one general-purpose CPU.
• The CPU is capable of executing a general-purpose instruction-set.
• These systems range from PDAs through mainframes.
• Almost all systems have following processors:
1) Special Purpose Processors
Include disk, keyboard, and graphics controllers.
2) General Purpose Processors
Include I/O processors.
• Special-purpose processors run a limited instruction set and do not run user-processes.

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Computer-System Architecture
Multiprocessor Systems
• Such systems have two or more processors in close communication, sharing the
computer bus and sometimes the clock, memory, and peripheral devices.
1) Increased Throughput
By increasing no. of processors, we expect to get more work done in less time.
2) Economy of Scale
These systems are cheaper because they can share
→ peripherals → mass-storage → power-supply.
If many programs operate on same data, they will be stored on one disk & all
processors can share them.
3) Increased Reliability
The failure of one processor will not halt the system.
• Two types of multiple-processor systems:
1) Asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP) and
2) Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)
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Computer-System Architecture
Multiprocessor Systems
1) Asymmetric Multiprocessing
• This uses master-slave relationship (Figure 1.6).
• Each processor is assigned a specific task.
• A master-processor controls the system.
The other processors look to the master for instruction.
• The master-processor schedules and allocates work to the slave-processors.
2) Symmetric Multiprocessing
• Each processor runs an identical copy of OS.
• All processors are peers; no master-slave relationship exists between processors.

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Computer-System Architecture
Multiprocessor Systems

1) Many processes can run simultaneously.
2) Processes and resources are shared dynamically among the various processors.

1) Since CPUs are separate, one CPU may be sitting idle while another CPU is overloaded.
This results in inefficiencies.

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Computer-System Architecture
Clustered Systems
These systems consist of two or more systems coupled together.
• These systems share storage & closely linked via LAN.
Working procedure:
• A cluster-software runs on the cluster-nodes.
• Each node can monitor one or more other nodes (over the LAN).
• If the monitored-node fails, the monitoring-node can
→ take ownership of failed-node‟s storage and
→ restart the applications running on the failed-node.
• The users and clients of the applications see only a brief interruption of service.

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Computer-System Architecture
Clustered Systems
Two types are:
1) Asymmetric and
2) Symmetric
1) Asymmetric Clustering
• One node is in hot-standby mode while the other nodes are running the applications.
• The hot-standby node does nothing but monitor the active-server.
• If the server fails, the hot-standby node becomes the active server.
2) Symmetric Clustering• Two or more nodes are running applications, and are monitoring
each other.

1) Used to provide high-availability service.
•High-availability is obtained by adding a level of redundancy in the system.
2) This mode is more efficient, as it uses all of the available hardware.
• It does require that more than one application be available to run.

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Operating System Structure
1. Batch Systems
2. Multi-Programmed Systems
3. Time-Sharing Systems
Batch Systems
• Early computers were physically enormous machines run from a console.
• The common input devices were card readers and tape drives.
• The common output devices were line printers, tape drives, and card punches.
• The user
→ prepared a job which consisted of the program, the data, and control information
→ submitted the job to the computer-operator.
• The job was usually in the form of punch cards.
• At some later time (after minutes, hours, or days), the output appeared.
• To speed up processing, operators batched together jobs with similar needs and ran them
through the computer as a group.

1) The CPU is often idle, because the speeds of the mechanical I/O devices.
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Operating System Structure
Multi-Programmed Systems
• Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the CPU always
has one to execute.
• The idea is as follows:
1) OS keeps several jobs in memory simultaneously.
2) OS picks and begins to execute one of the jobs in the memory. Eventually, the job
may have to wait for some task, such as an I/O operation, to complete.
3) OS simply switches to, and executes, another job.
4) When that job needs to wait, the CPU is switched to another job, and so on.
5) As long as at least one job needs to execute, the CPU is never idle.

• If several jobs are ready to be brought into memory, and if there is not enough room for all
of them, then the system must choose among them. Making this decision is job scheduling.
• If several jobs are ready to run at the same time, the system must choose among them.
Making this decision is CPU scheduling.

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Operating System Structure
Time Sharing Systems
• Time sharing (or multitasking) is a logical extension of multiprogramming.
• The CPU executes multiple jobs by switching between them.
• Switching between jobs occur so frequently that the users can interact with each program while it is
• Many users are allowed to share the computer simultaneously.
• CPU scheduling and multiprogramming are used to provide each user with a small portion of a time-
shared computer.
• To obtain a good response time, jobs may have to be swapped in and out of main memory to the disk
(called as backing store).
• Virtual memory is a technique that allows the execution of a job that may not be completely in
• Advantage of virtual-memory:
1) Programs can be larger than physical memory.
• Main requirements:
The system must provide a file-system.
The system must provide disk-management.
The system must provide CPU-scheduling to support concurrent execution.
The system must provide job-synchronization to ensure orderly execution.
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Operating System Operations
• Modern OS is interrupt driven.
• Events are always signaled by the occurrence of an interrupt or a trap.
• A trap is a software generated interrupt caused either by
→ error (for example division by zero) or
→ request from a user-program that an OS service be performed.
• For each type of interrupt, separate segments of code in the OS determine what action
should be taken.
• ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) is provided that is responsible for dealing with the
Dual Mode Operation
• Problem: We must be able to differentiate between the execution of
→ OS code and
→ user-defined code.
Solution: Most computers provide hardware-support.
• Two modes of operation (Figure 1.9):
1) User mode and
2) Kernel mode
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Operating System Operations
Working principle:
1) At system boot time, the hardware starts in kernel-mode.
2) The OS is then loaded and starts user applications in user-mode.
3) Whenever a trap or interrupt occurs, the hardware switches from user-mode to kernel-
mode (that is, changes the state of the mode bit to 0).
4) The system always switches to user-mode (by setting the mode bit to 1) before
passing control to a user-program.

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Operating System Operations
Working principle:
1) At system boot time, the hardware starts in kernel-mode.
2) The OS is then loaded and starts user applications in user-mode.
3) Whenever a trap or interrupt occurs, the hardware switches from user-mode to kernel-
mode (that is, changes the state of the mode bit to 0).
4) The system always switches to user-mode (by setting the mode bit to 1) before
passing control to a user-program.
Dual mode protects
→ OS from errant users and
→ errant users from one another.

• Privileged instruction is executed only in kernel-mode.

• If an attempt is made to execute a privileged instruction in user-mode, the hardware
treats it as illegal and traps it to the OS.
• A system calls are called by user-program to ask the OS to perform the tasks on behalf of
the user program.

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Operating System Operations
• Problem: We cannot allow a user-program to get stuck in an infinite loop and never
return control to the OS.
Solution: We can use a timer.

• A timer can be set to interrupt the computer after a specific period.

• The period may be fixed (for ex: 1/60 second) or variable (for ex: from 1ns to 1ms).
• A variable timer is implemented by a fixed-rate clock and a counter.

Working procedure:
1) The OS sets the counter.
2) Every time the clock ticks, the counter is decremented.
3) When the counter reaches 0, an interrupt occurs.
• The instructions that modify the content of the timer are privileged instructions.

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Process Management
The OS is responsible for the following activities:
1) Creating and deleting both user and system processes
2) Suspending and resuming processes
3) Providing mechanisms for process synchronization
4) Providing mechanisms for process communication
5) Providing mechanisms for deadlock handling
• A process needs following resources to do a task:
→ memory and files.
• The resources are allocated to process
→ when the process is created or
→ while the process is running.
• When the process terminates, the OS reclaims all the reusable resources.
• A program by itself is not a process;
1) A program is a passive entity (such as the contents of a file stored on disk).
2) A process is an active entity.
• Two types of process:
1) Single-threaded process has one PC(program counter) which specifies location of the next instruction to
be executed.
2) Multi-threaded process has one PC per thread which specifies location of next instruction to execute in
each thread
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Memory Management
• The OS is responsible for the following activities:
1) Keeping track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom
2) Deciding which processes are to be loaded into memory when memory space becomes
3) Allocating and de-allocating memory space as needed.
• Main memory is the array of bytes ranging from hundreds to billions.
• Each byte has its own address.
• The CPU
→ reads instructions from main memory during the instruction-fetch cycle.
→ reads/writes data from/to main-memory during the data-fetch cycle.
• To execute a program:
1) The program will be
→ loaded into memory and
→ mapped to absolute addresses.
2) Then, program accesses instructions & data from memory by generating absolute addresses.
3) Finally, when program terminates, its memory-space is freed.
• To improve CPU utilization, keep several programs will be kept in memory
• Selection of a memory-management scheme depends on hardware-design of the system.

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Storage Management
1. File-System Management
2. Mass-Storage Management
3. Caching
File System Management
The OS is responsible for following activities:
– Creating and deleting files.
– Creating and deleting directories.
– Supporting primitives for manipulating files & directories.
– Mapping files onto secondary storage.
– Backing up files on stable (non-volatile) storage media.
• Computer stores information on different types of physical media. For ex: magnetic disk,
optical disk.
• Each medium is controlled by a device (e.g. disk drive).
• The OS
→ maps files onto physical media and
→ accesses the files via the storage devices
• File is a logical collection of related information.
• File consists of both program & data.
• Data files may be numeric, alphabets or binary.
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Storage Management
Mass Storage Management
• The OS is responsible for following activities:
1) Free-space management
2) Storage allocation and
3) Disk scheduling.
• Usually, disks used to store
→ data that does not fit in main memory or
→ data that must be kept for a “long” period of time.
• Most programs are stored on disk until loaded into memory.
• The programs include
→ compilers
→ word processors and
→ editors.
• The programs use the disk as both the source and destination of their processing.
• Entire speed of computer operation depends on disk and its algorithms.

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Storage Management
• Caching is an important principle of computer systems.
• Information is normally kept in some storage system (such as main memory).
• As it is used, it is copied into a faster storage system called as the cache on a temporary basis.
• When we need a particular piece of information:
1. We first check whether the information is in the cache.
2. If information is in cache, we use the information directly from the cache.
3. If information is not in cache, we use the information from the source, putting a copy in the
cache under the assumption that we will need it again soon.
• In addition, internal programmable registers, such as index registers, provide high-speed cache for
main memory.
• The compiler implements the register-allocation and register-replacement algorithms to decide
which information to keep in registers and which to keep in main memory.
• Most systems have an instruction cache to hold the instructions expected to be executed next.
• Most systems have one or more high-speed data caches in the memory hierarchy
• Because caches have limited size, cache management is an important design problem
• Careful selection of cache size & of a replacement policy can result in greatly increased

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Protection and Security
• Protection is a mechanism for controlling access of processes or users to resources defined by OS.
• This mechanism must provide
→ means for specification of the controls to be imposed and
→ means for enforcement.
• Protection can improve reliability by detecting latent errors at the interfaces between subsystems.
• Security means defense of the system against internal and external attacks.
• The attacks include
→ viruses and worms
→ DOS(denial-of-service)
→ identity theft.
• Protection and security require the system to be able to distinguish among all its users.
1) User identities (user IDs) include name and associated number, one per user.
 User IDs are associated with all files (or processes) of that user to determine access control.
2) Group identifier (group ID): can be used to define a group name and the set of users
belonging to that group.
 A user can be in one or more groups, depending on operating-system design decisions.

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Distributed System
• This is a collection of physically separate, possibly heterogeneous computer-systems.
• The computer-systems are networked to provide the users with access to the various
• Access to a shared resource increases
→ computation speed
→ functionality
→ data availability and
→ reliability
• A network is a communication path between two or more systems.
• Networks vary by the
→ protocols used
→ distances between nodes and
→ transport media.

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Distributed System
• Networks are characterized based on the distances between their nodes.
→ A local-area network (LAN) connects computers within a building.
→ A wide-area network (WAN) usually links buildings, cities, or countries.
→ A metropolitan-area network (MAN) could link buildings within a city.

• The media to carry networks are equally varied. They include

→ copper wires,
→ fiber strands, and
→ wireless transmissions.

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Special Purpose Systems
1. Real-Time Embedded Systems
2. Multimedia Systems
3. Handheld Systems
Real-Time Embedded Systems
• Embedded computers are the most prevalent form of computers in existence.
• These devices are found everywhere, from car engines and manufacturing robots to
VCRs and microwave ovens.
• They tend to have very specific tasks.
• The systems they run on are usually primitive, and so the operating systems provide
limited features.
• Usually, they prefer to spend their time monitoring & managing hardware devices such
→ automobile engines and
→ robotic arms.
• Embedded systems almost always run real-time operating systems.
• A real-time system is used when rigid time requirements have been placed on the
operation of a processor.
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Special Purpose Systems

Multimedia Systems
• Multimedia data consist of audio and video files as well as conventional files.
• These data differ from conventional data in that multimedia data must be
delivered(streamed) according to certain time restrictions.
• Multimedia describes a wide range of applications. These include

→ audio files such as MP3

→ DVD movies
→ video conferencing
→ live webcasts of speeches

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Special Purpose Systems
Handheld Systems
• Handheld systems include

→ PDAs and
→ cellular telephones.

• Main challenge faced by developers of handheld systems: Limited size of devices.

• Because of small size, most handheld devices have a

→ small amount of memory,

→ slow processors, and
→ small display screens.

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Computing Environments
1. Traditional Computing
2. Client-Server Computing
3. Peer-to-Peer Computing
4. Web-Based Computing
Traditional Computing
• Used in office environment:
 PCs connected to a network, with servers providing file and print services.
• Used in home networks:
 At home, most users had a single computer with a slow modem.
 Some homes have firewalls to protect their networks from security breaches.
• Web technologies are stretching the boundaries of traditional computing.
 Companies establish portals, which provide web accessibility to their internal servers.
 Network computers are terminals that understand web computing.
 Handheld PDAs can connect to wireless networks to use company's web portal.
• Systems were either batch or interactive.
1) Batch system processed jobs in bulk, with predetermined input.
2) Interactive systems waited for input from users.
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Computing Environments
Client-Server Computing
• Servers can be broadly categorized as:
1) Compute servers and
2) File servers
1) Compute-server system provides an interface to which a client can send a request to
perform an action (for example, read data).
 In response, the server executes the action and sends back results to the client.
2) File-server system provides a file-system interface where clients can create, read, and
delete files.
 For example: web server that delivers files to clients running web browsers.

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Computing Environments
Peer-to-Peer Computing
• All nodes are considered peers, and each may act as either a client or a server.
1) In a client-server system, the server is a bottleneck;
but in a peer-to-peer system, services can be provided by several nodes distributed
throughout the network.
• A node must first join the network of peers.
• Determining what services are available is done in one of two general ways:
1) When a node joins a network, it registers its service with a centralized lookup service
on the network.
 Any node desiring a specific service first contacts this centralized lookup service to
determine which node provides the service.
2) A peer broadcasts a request for the service to all other nodes in the network. The node
(or nodes) providing that service responds to the peer.

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Computing Environments

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Computing Environments
Web-Based Computing
• This includes
→ PC
→ handheld PDA &
→ cell phones
• Load balancer is a new category of devices to manage web traffic among similar servers.
• In load balancing, network connection is distributed among a pool of similar servers.
• More devices becoming networked to allow web access.
• Use of operating systems like Windows 95, client-side, have evolved into Linux and
Windows XP, which can be clients and servers

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Module 1

Chapter 2


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Operating System Services
• An OS provides an environment for the execution of programs.
• It provides services to
→ programs and
→ users.

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Operating System Services
• Common functions helpful to the user are:
1) User Interface
 Almost all OS have a user-interface (UI).
 Different interfaces are:
i) CLI (Command Line Interface)
This uses
→ text commands and
→ method for entering the text commands.
ii) Batch Interface
Commands & directives to control those commands are entered into files, and those
files are executed.
iii) GUI (Graphical User Interface)
The interface is a window-system with a pointing-device to
→ direct I/0
→ choose from menus and
→ make selections.

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Operating System Services
2) Program Execution
 The system must be able to
→ load a program into memory and
→ run the program.
 The program must be able to end its execution, either normally or abnormally.

3) I/O Operations
 The OS must provide a means to do I/O operations because users cannot control I/O
devices directly.
 For specific devices, special functions may be desired (ex: to blank CRT screen).

4) File-System Manipulation
 Programs need to
→ read & write files (or directories)
→ create & delete files
→ search for a given file and
→ allow or deny access to files.
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Operating System Services
5) Communications
 In some situations, one process needs to communicate with another process.
 Communications may be implemented via
1. Shared memory or
2. Message passing
 In message passing, packets of information are moved between processes by OS.

6) Error Detection
 Errors may occur in
→ CPU & memory-hardware (ex: power failure)
→ I/O devices (ex: lack of paper in the printer) and
→ user program (ex: arithmetic overflow)
 For each type of error, OS should take appropriate action to ensure correct & consistent

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Operating System Services
• Common functions for efficient operation of the system are:
1) Resource Allocation
 When multiple users are logged on the system at the same time, resources must be allocated to
each of them.
 The OS manages different types of resources.
 Some resources (say CPU cycles) may have special allocation code.
2) Accounting
 We want to keep track of
→ which users use how many resources and
→ which kinds of resources.
 This record keeping may be used for
→ accounting (so that users can be billed) or
→ gathering usage-statistics.
3) Protection
 When several separate processes execute concurrently, it should not be possible for one process to
interfere with the others or with the OS itself.
 Protection involves ensuring that all access to resources is controlled.
 Security starts with each user having authenticated to the system by means of a password.

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User Operating-System Interface
• Two ways that users interface with the OS:
1) Command Interpreter (Command-line interface)
2) Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1) Command Interpreter
• Main function:
To get and execute the next user-specified command.
• The commands are used to manipulate files i.e. create, copy, print, execute, etc.
• Two general ways to implement:
1) Command interpreter itself contains code to execute command.
2) Commands are implemented through system programs. This is used by UNIX.
2) Graphical User Interfaces
• No entering of commands but the use of a mouse-based window and menu system.
• The mouse is used to move a pointer to the position of an icon that represents
→ file
→ program or
→ folder
• By clicking on the icon, the program is invoked.
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System Calls
• These provide an interface to the OS services.
• These are available as routines written in C and C++.
• The programmers design programs according to an API. (API=application programming
• The API
→ defines a set of functions that are available to the programmer.
→ includes the parameters passed to functions and the return values.
• The functions that make up an API invoke the actual system-calls on behalf of the

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System Calls
• Benefits of API:
1) Program portability.
2) Actual system-calls are more detailed (and difficult) to work with than the API
available to the programmer.
• Three general methods are used to pass parameters to the OS:
1) via registers.
2) Using a table in memory & the address is passed as a parameter in a register.
3) The use of a stack is also possible where parameters are pushed onto a stack and
popped off the stack by the OS.

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System Calls

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Types of System Calls
1. Process control
2. File management
3. Device management
4. Information maintenance
5. Communications
Process Control
• System calls used:
 end, abort
 load, execute
 create process, terminate process
 get process attributes, set process attributes
 wait for time
 wait event, signal event
 allocate and free memory

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Types of System Calls
• A running program needs to be able to halt its execution either normally (end) or
abnormally (abort).
• If program runs into a problem, error message may be generated and dumped into a file.
This file can be examined by a debugger to determine the cause of the problem.
• The OS must transfer control to the next invoking command interpreter.
 Command interpreter then reads next command.
 In interactive system, the command interpreter simply continues with next command.
 In GUI system, a pop-up window will request action from user. How to deal with
new process?
• A process executing one program can load and execute another program.
• Where to return control when the loaded program terminates?
The answer depends on the existing program:
1) If control returns to the existing program when the new program terminates, we must
save the memory image of the existing program. (Thus, we have effectively created a
mechanism for one program to call another program).
2) If both programs continue concurrently, we created a new process to be

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Types of System Calls
• We should be able to control the execution of a process. i.e. we should be able to
determine and reset the attributes of a process such as:
→ job's priority or
→ maximum execution time
• We may also want to terminate process that we created if we find that it
→ is incorrect or
→ is no longer needed.
• We may need to wait for processes to finish their execution. We may want to wait for a
specific event to occur.
• The processes should then signal when that event has occurred.

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Types of System Calls
2) File Management
• System calls used:
 create file, delete file
 open, close
 read, write, reposition
 get file attributes, set file attributes
• Working procedure:
1) We need to create and delete files.
2) Once the file is created,
→ we need to open it and to use it.
→ we may also read or write.
3) Finally, we need to close the file.
We need to be able to
→ determine the values of file-attributes and
→ reset the file-attributes if necessary.
• File attributes include
→ file name
→ file type
→ protection codes and
→ accounting information.
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Types of System Calls
3) Device Management
• System calls used:
 request device, release device;
 read, write, reposition;
 get device attributes, set device attributes;
 logically attach or detach devices.
• A program may need additional resources to execute.
• Additional resources may be
→ memory
→ tape drives or
→ files.
• If the resources are available, they can be granted, and control can be returned to the user
program; If the resources are unavailable, the program may have to wait until sufficient
resources are available.
• Files can be thought of as virtual devices. Thus, many of the system calls used for files
are also used for devices

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Types of System Calls

• In multi-user environment,
1) We must first request the device, to ensure exclusive use of it.
2) After we are finished with the device, we must release it.
• Once the device has been requested (and allocated), we can read and write the device.
• Due to lot of similarity between I/O devices and files, OS (like UNIX) merges the two
into a combined file-device structure.
• UNIX merges I/O devices and files into a combined file-device structure.

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Types of System Calls
4) Information Maintenance
• System calls used:
 get time or date, set time or date
 get system data, set system data
 get process, file, or device attributes
 set process, file, or device attributes
• Many system calls exist simply for the purpose of transferring information between the
user program and the OS.
• For ex,
1) Most systems have a system call to return
→ current time and
→ current date.
2) Other system calls may return information about the system, such as
→ number of current users
→ version number of the OS
→ amount of free memory or disk space.
3) The OS keeps information about all its processes, and there are system calls to access this
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Types of System Calls
5) Communication
• System calls used:
 create, delete communication connection
 send, receive messages
 transfer status information
 attach or detach remote devices
• Two models of communication.
1) Message-passing model and
2) 2) Shared Memory Model
Message Passing Model
• Information is exchanged through an IPC provided by OS. (IPC=inter process
• Steps for communication:
1) Firstly, a connection must be opened using open connection system-call.
2) Each computer has a host-name, such as an IP name. Similarly, each process has a
process-name, which is translated into an equivalent identifier. The get hostid & get
processid system-calls do this translation. accept connection system-call.
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Types of System Calls
3) Then, identifiers are passed to the open and close system-calls.
4) The recipient-process must give its permission for communication to take place with
accept connection system-call.
(The processes that will be receiving connections are called daemons processes).
5) Daemon processes
→ execute a wait for connection system-call and
→ are awakened when a connection is made.
6) Then, client & server exchange messages by read message and write message
system calls.
7) Finally, the close connection system-call terminates the communication.

• Advantages:
1) Useful when smaller numbers of data need to be exchanged.
2) It is also easier to implement than is shared memory.

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Types of System Calls
Shared Memory Model
• Processes use map memory system-calls to gain access to regions of memory owned by
other processes.
• Several processes exchange information by reading and writing data in the shared
• The shared memory
→ is determined by the processes and
→ are not under the control of OS.
• The processes are also responsible for ensuring that they are not writing to the same
location simultaneously.

• Advantage:
1) Shared memory allows maximum speed and convenience of communication
• Disadvantage:
1) Problems exist in the areas of protection and synchronization.

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System Programs
• They provide a convenient environment for program development and execution.
(System programs also known as system utilities).
• They can be divided into these categories:
Six categories of system-programs:
1) File Management
 These programs manipulate files i.e. create, delete, copy, and rename files.
2) Status Information
 Some programs ask the system for
→ date (or time)
→ amount of memory(or disk space) or
→ no. of users.
 These information is then printed to the terminal (or output-device or file).
3) File Modification
 Text editors can be used to create and modify the content of files stored on disk.
4) Programming Language Support
 Compilers, assemblers, and interpreters for common programming-languages (such
as C, C++) are provided to the user.
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System Programs
5) Program Loading & Execution
 The system may provide
→ absolute loaders
→ relocatable loaders
→ linkage editors and
→ overlay loaders.
 Debugging-systems are also needed.
6) Communications
 These programs are used for creating virtual connections between
→ processes
→ users and
→ computer-systems.
 They allow users to
→ browse web-pages
→ send email or
→ log-in remotely.
 Most OSs are supplied with programs that
→ solve common problems or → perform common operations.
Such programs include: web-browsers, word-processors, spreadsheets and games.

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Operating System Design & Implementation
Design Goals
• The first problem in designing a system is to
→ define goals and
→ define specifications.
• The design of the system will be affected by
→ choice of hardware and
→ type of system such as
1) batch or time shared
2) single user or multiuser
• Two basic groups of requirements:
1) User goals and
2) System goals

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Operating System Design & Implementation
1) User Goals
• The system should be
→ convenient to use
→ easy to learn and to use
→ reliable, safe, and fast.
2) System Goals
• The system should be
→ easy to design
→ implement, and maintain
→ flexible, reliable, error free, and efficient.
Mechanisms & Policies
• Mechanisms determine how to do something.
• Policies determine what will be done.
• Separating policy and mechanism is important for flexibility.

• Policies change over time; mechanisms should be general.

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Operating System Design & Implementation


• OS's are nowadays written in higher-level languages like C/C++, .net etc
• Advantages of higher-level languages:
1) Faster development and
2) OS is easier to port.
• Disadvantages of higher-level languages:
1) Reduced speed and
2) Increased storage requirements.

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Operating System Structure
1) Simple Structure
2) Layered Approach
3) Micro-kernels
4) Modules
Simple Structure
• These OSs are small, simple, and limited system.
• For example: MS-DOS and UNIX.
1) MS-DOS was written to provide the most functionality in the least space.
• Disadvantages:
i) It was not divided into modules carefully.
ii) The interfaces and levels of functionality
are not well separated.

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Operating System Structure
2) UNIX was initially limited by hardware functionality.
• Two parts of UNIX :
1) Kernel and
2) System programs.
• The kernel is further separated into a series of interfaces and device drivers.
• Everything below the system-call interface and above the physical hardware is the
• The kernel provides following functions through system calls:
→ file system
→ CPU scheduling and
→ memory management.
• Disadvantage:
1) Difficult to enhance, as changes in one section badly affects other areas.

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Operating System Structure

Figure: Traditional UNIX system structure

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Operating System Structure
Layered Approach
• The OS is divided into a number of layers.
• Each layer is built on the top of another layer.
• The bottom layer is the hardware.
The highest is the user interface
• A layer is an implementation of an abstract-object.
i.e. The object is made up of
→ data and
→ operations that can manipulate the data.
• The layer consists of a set of routines that can be invoked by higher-layers.
• Higher-layer
→ does not need to know how lower-layer operations are implemented
→ needs to know only what lower-layer operations do.
• Advantage:
1) Simplicity of construction and debugging.
• Disadvantages:
1) Less efficient than other types.
2) Appropriately defining the various layers.(„.‟ a layer can use only lower-layers, careful
planning is necessary)
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Operating System Structure
• Main function:
To provide a communication facility between
→ client program and
→ various services running in user-space.
• Communication is provided by message passing.
• All non-essential components are
→ removed from the kernel and
→ implemented as system- & user-programs.
• Advantages:
1) Ease of extending the OS.
2) Easier to port from one hardware design to another.
3) Provides more security & reliability.(If a service fails, rest of the OS remains
4) Provides minimal process and memory management.
• Disadvantage:
1) Performance decreases due to increased system function overhead.
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Operating System Structure

Figure: Architecture of a typical microkernel

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Operating System Structure
• The kernel has
→ set of core components and
→ dynamic links in additional services during boot time( or run time).
• Seven types of modules in the kernel:
1) Scheduling classes
2) File systems
3) Loadable system calls
4) Executable formats
5) STREAMS modules
6) Miscellaneous
7) Device and bus drivers
• The top layers include
→ application environments and
→ set of services providing a graphical interface to applications.
• Kernel environment consists primarily of
→ Mach microkernel and
→ BSD kernel.
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Operating System Structure
• Mach provides
→ memory management;
→ support for RPCs & IPC and
→ thread scheduling.
• BSD component provides
→ BSD command line interface
→ support for networking and file systems and
→ implementation of POSIX APIs
• The kernel environment provides an I/O kit for development of
→ device drivers and
→ dynamic loadable modules (which Mac OS X refers to as kernel extensions

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Virtual Machines
• The fundamental idea behind a virtual machine is to abstract the hardware of a single
computer (the CPU, memory, disk drives, network interface cards, and so forth) into
several different execution environments, thereby creating the illusion that each separate
execution environment is running its own private computer.
• Creates an illusion that a process has its own processor with its own memory.
• Host OS is the main OS installed in system and the other OS installed in the system are
called guest OS.

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Virtual Machines
• The virtual-machine concept is useful, it is difficult to implement.
• Work is required to provide an exact duplicate of the underlying machine. Remember
that the underlying machine has two modes: user mode and kernel mode.
• The virtual-machine software can run in kernel mode, since it is the operating system.
The virtual machine itself can execute in only user mode.

• Able to share the same hardware and run several different execution environments(OS).
• Host system is protected from the virtual machines and the virtual machines are
protected from one another. A virus in guest OS, will corrupt that OS but will not affect
the other guest systems and host systems.
• Even though the virtual machines are separated from one another, software resources can
be shared among them. Two ways of sharing s/w resource for communication are:
 To share a file system volume (part of memory).
 To develop a virtual communication network to communicate between the virtual

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Virtual Machines
• Multiple OS can be running on the developer’s system concurrently. This helps in rapid
porting and testing of programmer’s code in different environments.
• System consolidation – two or more systems are made to run in a single system.
Examples: VMWare
• VMware is a popular commercial application that abstracts Intel 80X86 hardware into
isolated virtual machines. The virtualization tool runs in the user-layer on top of the host
OS. The virtual machines running in this tool believe they are running on bare hardware,
but the fact is that it is running inside a user-level application.
• VMware runs as an application on a host operating system such as Windows or Linux
and allows this host system to concurrently run several different guest operating systems
as independent virtual machines.

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Virtual Machines
Example: The Java Virtual Machine
• Java was designed from the beginning to be platform independent, by running Java only
on a Java Virtual Machine, JVM, of which different implementations have been
developed for numerous different underlying HW platforms.
• Java source code is compiled into Java byte code in .class files. Java byte code is binary
instructions that will run on the JVM.
• The JVM implements memory management and garbage collection.
• JVM consists of class loader and Java Interpreter. Class loader loads compiled .class files
from both java program and java API for the execution of java interpreter. Then it checks
the .class file for validity.

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Operating-System Generation
• OSes may be designed and built for a specific HW configuration at a specific site, but
more commonly they are designed with a number of variable parameters and
components, which are then configured for a particular operating environment.
• Systems sometimes need to be re-configured after the initial installation, to add
additional resources, capabilities, or to tune performance, logging, or security.
• At one extreme the OS source code can be edited, re-compiled, and linked into a new
• More commonly configuration tables determine which modules to link into the new
kernel, and what values to set for some key important parameters. This approach may
require the configuration of complicated make files, which can be done either
automatically or through interactive configuration programs; Then make is used to
actually generate the new kernel specified by the new parameters.
• At the other extreme a system configuration may be entirely defined by table data, in
which case the "rebuilding" of the system merely requires editing data tables.
• Once a system has been regenerated, it is usually required to reboot the system to
activate the new kernel. Because there are possibilities for errors, most systems provide
some mechanism for booting to older or alternate kernels.

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System Boot
• Operating system must be made available to hardware so hardware can start it.
• Small piece of code – bootstrap loader, locates the kernel, loads it into memory, and
starts it
• Sometimes two-step process where boot block at fixed location loads bootstrap loader.
• When power initialized on system, execution starts at a fixed memory location Firmware
used to hold initial boot code
• Booting means starting a computer by loading the kernel.
• Bootstrap program is a code stored in ROM.
• The bootstrap program
→ locates the kernel
→ loads the kernel into main memory and
→ starts execution of kernel.
• OS must be made available to hardware so hardware can start it.

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Module 1

Chapter 3

Process Management

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Process Overview
Process concept
• A process is a program under execution.
• Its current activity is indicated by PC (Program Counter) and
the contents of the processor's registers.
The Process
Process memory is divided into four sections as shown in the
figure below:
• The stack is used to store local variables, function
parameters, function return values, return address etc.
• The heap is used for dynamic memory allocation.
• The data section stores global and static variables.
• The text section comprises the compiled program code.
• Note that, there is a free space between the stack and the
heap. When the stack is full, it grows downwards and when
the heap is full, it grows upwards.

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Process Overview
Process State
A Process has 5 states. Each process may be in one of the following states –
1. New - The process is in the stage of being created.
2. Ready - The process has all the resources it needs to run. It is waiting to be assigned to
the processor.
3. Running – Instructions are being executed..
4. Waiting - The process is waiting for some event to occur. For example the process may
be waiting for keyboard input, disk access request, inter-process messages, a timer to go
off, or a child process to finish.
5. Terminated - The process has completed its execution.

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Process Overview
Process Control Block
For each process there is a Process Control Block (PCB), which stores the process-specific
information as shown below –

• Process State – The state of the process may be new, ready, running, waiting, and so on.
• Program counter – The counter indicates the address of the next instruction to be
executed for this process.

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Process Overview
• CPU registers - The registers vary in number and type, depending on the computer
architecture. They include accumulators, index registers, stack pointers, and general-
purpose registers. Along with the program counter, this state information must be saved
when an interrupt occurs, to allow the process to be continued correctly afterward.

• CPU scheduling information- This information includes a process priority, pointers to

scheduling queues, and any other scheduling parameters.

• Memory-management information – This include information such as the value of the

base and limit registers, the page tables, or the segment tables.

• Accounting information – This information includes the amount of CPU and real time
used, time limits, account numbers, job or process numbers, and so on.

• I/O status information – This information includes the list of I/O devices allocated to
the process, a list of open files, and so on.

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Process Scheduling
• Objective of multiprogramming:
To have some process running at all times to maximize CPU utilization.
• Objective of time-sharing:
To switch the CPU between processes so frequently that users can interact with each
program while it is running.
• To meet above 2 objectives: Process scheduler is used to select an available process for
program- execution on the CPU.

Scheduling Queues
• Three types of scheduling-queues:
1) Job Queue
 This consists of all processes in the system.
 As processes enter the system, they are put into a job-queue.
2) Ready Queue
 This consists of the processes that are
→ residing in main-memory and
→ ready & waiting to execute.
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Process Scheduling

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Process Scheduling
 This queue is generally stored as a linked list.
 A ready-queue header contains pointers to the first and final PCBs in the list.
 Each PCB has a pointer to the next PCB in the ready-queue.
3) Device Queue
 This consists of the processes that are waiting for an I/O device.
 Each device has its own device-queue.
• When the process is executing, one of following events could occur:
1) Theprocess could issue an I/0 request and then be placed in an I/0 queue.
2) The process could create a new subprocess and wait for the subprocess's termination.
3) The process could be interrupted and put back in the ready-queue.

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Process Scheduling
Schedulers are software which selects an available program to be assigned to CPU.
• Three types of schedulers:
1) Long-term scheduler
2) Short-term scheduler and
3) Medium-term schedulers

• A long-term scheduler or Job scheduler – selects jobs from the job pool (of secondary
memory, disk) and loads them into the memory. If more processes are submitted, than
that can be executed immediately, such processes will be in secondary memory. It runs
infrequently, and can take time to select the next process.
• The short-term scheduler, or CPU Scheduler – selects job from memory and assigns
the CPU to it. It must select the new process for CPU frequently.
• The medium-term scheduler - selects the process in ready queue and reintroduced into
the memory.

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Process Scheduling

• Processes can be described as either:

1) I/O-bound Process
 Spends more time doing I/O operation than doing computations.
 Many short CPU bursts.
2) CPU-bound Process
 Spends more time doing computations than doing I/O operation.
 Few very long CPU bursts.

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Process Scheduling
• Why long-term scheduler should select a good process mix of I/O-bound and CPU-bound
processes ?
Ans: 1) If all processes are I/0 bound, then
i) Ready-queue will almost always be empty, and
ii) Short-term scheduler will have little to do.
2) If all processes are CPU bound, then
i) I/0 waiting queue will almost always be empty (devices will go unused) and
ii) System will be unbalanced.
• Some time-sharing systems have medium-term scheduler.
 The scheduler removes processes from memory and thus reduces the degree of multiprogramming.
 Later, the process can be reintroduced into memory, and its execution can be continued where it
left off. This scheme is called swapping.
 The process is swapped out, and is later swapped in, by the scheduler.

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Process Scheduling
Context Switch
• Context-switch means saving the state of the old process and switching the CPU to
another process.

• The context of a process is represented in the PCB of the process; it includes

→ value of CPU registers
→ process-state and
→ memory-management information.

• Disadvantages:
1) Context-switch time is pure overhead, because the system does no useful work while
2) Context-switch times are highly dependent on hardware support.

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Operations on Processes
1) Process Creation and
2) Process Termination
Process Creation
• A process may create a new process via a create-process system-call.
• The creating process is called a parent-process.
The new process created by the parent is called the child-process (Sub-process).
• OS identifies processes by pid (process identifier), which is typically an integer-number.
• A process needs following resources to accomplish the task:
→ CPU time
→ memory and
→ I/0 devices.
• Child-process may
→ get resources directly from the OS or
→ get resources of parent-process. This prevents any process from overloading the

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Operations on Processes
• Two options exist when a process creates a new process:
1) The parent & the children execute concurrently.
2) The parent waits until all the children have terminated.
• Two options exist in terms of the address-space of the new process:
1) The child-process is a duplicate of the parent-process (it has the same program and data as
the parent).
2) The child-process has a new program loaded into it.
• Process creation in UNIX
• In UNIX, each process is identified by its process identifier (pid), which is a unique integer.
• A new process is created by the fork() system-call.
• The new process consists of a copy of the address-space of the original process.
– Both the parent and the child continue execution with one difference:
1) The return value for the fork() is zero for the new (child) process.
2) The return value for the fork() is nonzero pid of the child for the parent-process.
• Typically, the exec() system-call is used after a fork() system-call by one of the two processes to
replace the process's memory-space with a new program.
• The parent can issue wait() system-call to move itself off the ready-queue.

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Operations on Processes

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Operations on Processes
Process Termination
• A process terminates when it executes the last statement (in the program).
• Then, the OS deletes the process by using exit() system-call.
• Then, the OS de-allocates all the resources of the process. The resources include
→ memory
→ open files and
→ I/0 buffers.
• Process termination can occur in following cases:
→ A process can cause the termination of another process via TerminateProcess()
→ Users could arbitrarily kill the processes.
• A parent terminates the execution of children for following reasons:
1) The child has exceeded its usage of some resources.
2) The task assigned to the child is no longer required.
3) The parent is exiting, and the OS does not allow a child to continue.
• In some systems, if a process terminates, then all its children must also be terminated.
This phenomenon is referred to as cascading termination.
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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
• Processes executing concurrently in the OS may be
1) Independent processes or
2) Co-operating processes.
• A process is independent if
i) The process cannot affect or be affected by the other processes.
ii) The process does not share data with other processes.
• A process is co-operating if
i) The process can affect or be affected by the other processes.
ii) The process shares data with other processes.
• Advantages of process co-operation:
1) Information Sharing
 Since many users may be interested in same piece of information (ex: shared file).
2) Computation Speedup
 We must break the task into subtasks.
 Each subtask should be executed in parallel with the other subtasks.
 The speed can be improved only if computer has multiple processing elements such as
→ CPUs or
→ I/O channels.
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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
3) Modularity
 Divide the system-functions into separate processes or threads.
4) Convenience
 An individual user may work on many tasks at the same time.
 For ex, a user may be editing, printing, and compiling in parallel.
• Two basic models of IPC:
1) Shared-memory and
2) Message passing.

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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
Shared-Memory Systems
• Communicating-processes must establish a region of shared-memory.
• A shared-memory resides in address-space of the process creating the shared-memory.
Other processes must attach their address-space to the shared-memory.
• The processes can then exchange information by reading and writing data in the shared-
• The processes are also responsible for ensuring that they are not writing to the same
location simultaneously.
• For ex, Producer-Consumer Problem:
Producer-process produces information that is consumed by a consumer-process
• Two types of buffers can be used:
1) Unbounded-Buffer places no practical limit on the size of the buffer.
2) Bounded-Buffer assumes that there is a fixed buffer-size.

• Advantages:
1) Allows maximum speed and convenience of communication.
2) Faster
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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
Message-Passing Systems
• These allow processes to communicate and to synchronize their actions without sharing the same
• For example, a chat program used on the WWW.
• Messages can be of 2 types:
1) Fixed size or
2) Variable size.
1) If fixed-sized messages are used, the system-level implementation is simple.
 However, the programming task becomes more difficult.
2) If variable-sized messages are used, the system-level implementation is complex.
 However, the programming task becomes simpler.
• Two operations:
1) send(P,message): Send a message to process P.
2) receive(Q,message): Receive a message from process Q.
• Advantages:
1) Useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data („.‟ No conflicts need be avoided).
2) Easier to implement.
3) Useful in a distributed environment.
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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
• Three methods for implementing a link:
1) Direct or indirect communication. (Naming)
2) Symmetric or asymmetric communication. (Synchronization)
3) Automatic or explicit buffering.
• Processes that want to communicate must have a way to refer to each other. They can use
either direct or indirect communication.

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Inter Process Communication (IPC)

• Message passing may be either blocking or non-blocking (also known as synchronous

and asynchronous).

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Inter Process Communication (IPC)
• Messages exchanged by processes reside in a temporary queue.
• Three ways to implement a queue:
1) Zero Capacity
 The queue-length is zero.
 The link can't have any messages waiting in it.
 The sender must block until the recipient receives the message.
2) Bounded Capacity
 The queue-length is finite.
 If the queue is not full, the new message is placed in the queue.
 The link capacity is finite.
 If the link is full, the sender must block until space is available in the queue.
3) Unbounded Capacity
 The queue-length is potentially infinite.
 Any number of messages can wait in the queue.
 The sender never blocks.
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