My Assignment On Schooling and Socialisation

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Name: Anand Raj class B.A.B.Ed.

Roll number: 04 semester 3 rd Subject: education paper: schooling

and socialization Exam: 2nd internal test

Question 1: What are the determinants of identity formation? Describe each determinant with

Answer: before discussing the determinants of Identity formation I would like to start writing my
answer why asking a question Who are we?

It's often an evolving answer. When we consider who we are — or rather, who we believe ourselves to
be — many of us cite our backgrounds, beliefs, experiences and interests. But what is our true identity,
and what are the building blocks that create the person we identify as throughout our lives?


To determine which factors influence our identity formation, we must first define what an identity is.
What do we mean when we say identity? According to the dictionary, identity is:

1.The distinguishing character or personality of an individual.

2.The relation established by psychological identification.

3.The condition of being the same with something described or asserted.

4.The sameness of essential or generic character in different instances.

These four definitions highlight different points of view. We may have created an identity within
ourselves based on our psychological identification. However, distinguishing traits that inform our
identity are equally subjective from others' perspectives. We may identify as confident or trustworthy,
while others may label us arrogant, meek or unreliable.

How is our identity cultivated in our minds and the minds of others? Psychologists state that we must
first discover our personal potential then choose a purpose for living. After we've identified how to use
our potential, we must find opportunities to implement it in ways that fulfill our sense of purpose. As we
age, we continue to develop our identity by re-evaluating our potential and realigning our sense of
purpose. What factors influence identity formation? In a sense, every stimulus we experience
consciously and subconsciously throughout our lives has an impact on the way we and society create
and label our identities. Identity formation and evolution are impacted by a variety of internal and
external factors like society, family, loved ones, ethnicity, race, culture, location, opportunities, media,
interests, appearance, self-expression and life experiences.


Does our identity begin its cultivation from the moment we're born? Surprisingly not. Our identity is
influenced long before we are even conceived. The fact is that our society — indiscriminate of the
customs or cultures within it — has already begun shaping one's identity through years of categorization
and labelling based on traits and expected behaviours. Before we're born, these pre-determined groups
are already crafted so we can be sorted. Many of these broad traits are based on appearances such as
gender and skin colour. Others include ethnicities, religious, financial and social statuses. Even aging, a
natural part of life for all men and women, incurs a pre-determined assumption. These pre-determined
thoughts within our society can be helpful or harmful, particularly in instances in which one group is
either celebrated or discriminated based on elements of their identity.Society can act as a positive and
negative force on our identity. The concept of collectivism, in which we view ourselves in relation to
others within our society, is just as important as individualism.

For example: suppose we find a group that shares aspects of our identity and either helps us accept or
change how we identify ourselves helps us throughout our lives.


While all of our relationships with our society are influential, our families and loved ones have a
significant impact on our identity formation. As they are the first we are exposed to, we consciously and
subconsciously look to our parents, siblings and extended family members for the building blocks of our
identity formation. Unsurprisingly, this influence is a two-way street — as we learn and develop our
identity, our loved ones' identities evolve because of our impact on their lives.Throughout our early
developmental years.

For example:we may embody the title of son, daughter, brother or sister. How strongly we identify
with these labels is influenced by variables like the size and type of family we belong to and the level of
support or conflict that we receive from our family. In many cases, the level of support or conflict is
influenced by factors in our parents' lives that contribute to their identities, such as financial status or
level of education. Aside from our familial relationships, our platonic and romantic relationships also
change who we are. As our relationships become more serious, the valence and size of our concept of
self changes as well. We can gain and lose traits — both positive and negative characteristics — that
become hallmarks of our identities. These relationships can also positively and negatively influence
important facets or our self-concept, such as causing us to lose interest in things that we enjoy or fall
out of touch with our religious or cultural attachments.


One of the most complex and multifaceted factors that influence identity formation is ethnicity, race
and culture. These aspects of our lives are continually evolving, both in the way the members of each
group define their group and how society chooses to define these groups. While we have no control
over our race and ethnicity, we can decide to immerse or distance ourselves from the cultures, religions
and customs that we're born into.All of these factors influence our identities from the moment we're
born, especially when our families identify strongly with these associations. Along with creating a
foundation for our system of beliefs, these factors also influence our behavior and attitudes. Each
cultural group may express their emotions, approach problems or conduct their lives in a way that is
vastly different from another group.

For example: Many people have a strong sense of pride when it comes to these factors. However, how
our environment reacts to features like our skin colour, heritage or cultural customs can either
strengthen or weaken our sense of pride in that aspect of our identity. The attitudes and behaviours
directed at us influence the way we respond, specifically in the way we express or repress this aspect of
our identity.


Location and opportunities are perhaps two of the most variable influences on our identities. The
country we're born in, the town we live in and the community we're part of impact our sense of self. The
current government, economy and even the time in which we live impacts how we see ourselves and
the world. The geography and cultures of our town influence our productivity, creativity and happiness.

Our contentment with our identity has a lot to do with the opportunities our location affords us. If we
feel isolated, out of place or unaccepted in the collective identity, we may come into conflict with our
personal identity. Research has found that different variables within our physical surroundings can
change the way we perceive our lives. While it might not change our personality, it can reinforce our
existing thoughts about our identity.

For example :If a boy is born in a well developed society then he will surely get more opportunities to
develop his personality and widening the horizon of knowledge because he will get more chance to
share his ideas or views on any topic. This helps him to form his identity in the way which he want to
form. On other hand the boy who is born in orthodox society may not get much opportunity today block
his personality and hence his identity get affected.


Our hobbies and personal interests are also essential elements of our identity. When we first get to
know someone else, a common conversational thread concerns their interests. Their favourites movies
and bands, how they relax or have fun and what activities they like and dislike give us information on
which we base our initial opinions. The intangibles, such as their hopes, dreams and favourite memories,
can also shed light on how they seem to perceive themselves.

For example if a person has interest in biology then it is obvious that he is not going to become an
engineer. This shows that our careers are also strongly tied to our identities. While our perception of
ourselves can enhance or limit our potential as employees, the role that we hold can influence our
personal identity. Job insecurity can strain our sense of self, while success in our role can reinforce our
identity. However, those who hold several positions in different industries may find that their multiple
career identities challenge their sense of singular personal identity.

Question 03: Describe the influence of media and social media in identity formation in
contemporary society.

Answer: Identity formation is a vital processof any person’s life due to allowing individuals to
see their roles in various groups and society. The enactment of identity is performed through
people’s communication with others and the relationships between the participants of this
communication process. Social media plays an important role in the construction of identity. The
impact of social media on people’s identity is made through individual and collective differentiators
that make it possible for people to relate themselves to specific groups or communities. Social media
have several advantages over traditional means of sharing information. The biggest asset of social
platforms is the number of users that one can share opinions with or whose feedback one can
receive within a short time. As a result, it is easy for social websites to affect the way people
construct their identities. social media promote the “expression, exploration, and experimentation” of
identity. It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of this scholar. First of all, it is easier for individuals
to express their identity on the Internet since there are no place or time restrictions. One can post a
picture or video, share a link, or join some group, and it will immediately become known to other
users. Declaring one’s views, likes, or dislikes, is a part of identity expression. By doing so, people
inform others of their preferences and social groups with which they associate themselves.The
process of exploring identity by means of social media is related to the possibility of viewing the
unlimited amount of content. However, this activity is not limited by people’s search for their
identification. Social platforms are also exploited by users and organizations to seek individuals with
common opinions and attitudes. As a result, social media become the “active power” that helps to
establish communities of like-minded users This function of social platforms helps both to develop
the identity and look for those who support similar ideas.Another important role of social platforms is
the possibility of experimenting with identity. Sometimes, a person does not know exactly on what
side of the argument he or she is or what resolution to a conflict he or she would prefer. In such
cases, users can try themselves in different roles until they make sure which one they prefer. It is
possible to join a variety of virtual communities and see which of them suits the person best.
Experimentation, along with expression and exploration, helps individuals to establish their identities.
Because of the rapid development of social communities, there is a variety of words and word-
combinations employed to explain the terms associated with an online identity. Such concepts as
“digital identity,” “digital rights and liabilities,” “digital health,” and others are actively used in relation
to social media. These neologisms indicate that media has become an inseparable element in the
process of defining identity and it also affect our identity formation in many ways. I am going to
describe two such ways in which media plays important roles in shaping our identity:

1.Ethnicity: understanding ethnicity is complicated because the uniqueness that distinguishes

each group makes it difficult to draw general conclusions. A focus on the common elements that
apply across groups could lead to a better understanding of ethnic Identity. Race and ethnicity are
not only physical attributes of people, but also seeing and understanding the world. Media creates
meaning about race and ethnicity and plays an important role in shaping the way we understand
race and ethnicity as part of our Identity,our history,our social institutions and our everyday life.
Students of different ethnicity on a survey said, they watched television primary not just as a vehicle
for entertainment but also as a learning tool and a point of entry into the wider world.

2. Gender and sexuality: media is the central element of modern life, wild gender and sexuality remain
the core how we think about our identities. Media has a direct and straightforward effect on its
audience. There is growing concern about young people's exposure to sexual content through television
and other electronic media and about its potential effects on their sexual attributes, believes and
behaviours. Sexual content in media can effect any age group. we exposed to sexual content in media
during our developmental period when gender roles, sexual attitudes, and sexual behaviour Are being
shaped may be particularly at risk because the cognitive skills that allow us to critically analyse messages
from the media and to make decisions based on the possible future outcomes are not fully developed.

Conclusion: Identity formation is a crucial process of any person’s life the process of defining
which may be promoted by social media. The effect of social platforms on individuals’ identity is
produced with the help of both individual and collective differentiators. By using these features,
people can relate themselves to particular communities or groups. Thus, the role of social media in
the process of identity formulation cannot be overestimated.

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