Mathematician/Scientist Lookalike (January 28, 2019) : 5. I. Ii. Iii. IV
Mathematician/Scientist Lookalike (January 28, 2019) : 5. I. Ii. Iii. IV
Mathematician/Scientist Lookalike (January 28, 2019) : 5. I. Ii. Iii. IV
1. Each year level should have two representatives for Mathematician/Scientist Lookalike.
2. Each representative will be assigned with mathematician/scientist to be impersonated
through drawn by lot process.
3. During the contest, the participant shall bring with him/her a picture of the
Mathematician/Scientist he/she is impersonating posted on a 1/8 size cardboard.
4. The participant shall prepare a 1 to 2-minute introduction regarding the life, works, and
contributions of the Mathematician/Scientist he/she impersonating.
5. There will be an interview of every participant about the important contribution of his/her
impersonated Mathematician/Scientist.
6. The following are the criteria for judging:
Resemblance to the face (costume and make up) – 25%
Showmanship (stage presence and overall impact) – 25%
Introduction About the Mathematician/Scientist – 25%
(mastery, confident, rapport)
Interview – 25%
7. The judge’s decision is final and irrevocable.
7. The Quiz covers from First Grading to the First to Third Grading lessons in Math,
Science and ICT.
8. The questions will be given in multiple -choice form, identification or problem solving
9. Questions will be read by the Quizmaster. Each team will answer each question with the
allotted time given which will start then when the Quizmaster says “go”.
10. After the time allotted for each question expires, the contestants will be asked to stop
writing and to raise their answers facing the Panel of Judges. The quizmaster shall then
publicly announce the answer and the Panel of Judges will announce the contestants
who got the correct answer.
11. Complaints should be aired by the contestant only before the next question is read. The
decision of the Panel of Judges is final and irrevocable.
12. Wrong spelling and illegible answers are considered wrong. Final answers must be
written legibly.
13. At the end of each round, scores will be added together with the scores of the previous
14. At the end of the Difficult Round, scores from the previous two rounds will be added to
the scores of the said Round. The contestant with the highest score will be declared
champion and the winner. The second and the third highest score earners will be
declared 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up, respectively.
15. If there is a tie, clincher questions will be given. The first contestant who will gain point
over the other shall be considered as the winner in the tie-breaker.
16. Any violation of the aforementioned rules and regulations will result to the forfeiture of
titles, prizes and privileges awarded to the contestant concerned.