Assessment of The Impact Strength of The Denture Base Resin Polymerized by Various Processing Techniques

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Original Research

Assessment of the impact strength of the denture base resin

polymerized by various processing techniques

Rajashree Jadhav, SV Bhide, PS Prabhudesai

Department of Prosthodontic
and Implantology, Bharati
Vidyapeeth Dental College and Aim: To measure the impact strength of denture base resins polymerized using short and long
Hospital, Pune, India
curing cycles by water bath, pressure cooker and microwave techniques.
Materials and Methods: For impact strength testing, 60 samples were made. The sample
dimensions were 60 mm × 12 mm × 3 mm, as standardized by the American Standards for
Testing and Materials (ASTM). A digital caliper was used to locate the midpoint of sample.
The impact strength was measured in IZOD type of impact tester using CEAST Impact tester.
The pendulum struck the sample and it broke. The energy required to break the sample was
measured in Joules. Data were analyzed using Student’s “t” test.
Results: There was statistically significant difference in the impact strength of denture base
resins polymerized by long curing cycle and short curing cycle in each technique, with the long
curing processing being the best.
Conclusion: The polymerization technique plays an important role in the influence of impact
strength in the denture base resin. This research demonstrates that the denture base resin
Received : 06-01-11 polymerized by microwave processing technique possessed the highest impact strength.
Review completed : 28-04-11
Accepted : 16-7-11 Key words: Denture base resin, impact strength, microwave polymerization

Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymers were energy absorbed by a material when a sudden blow strikes
introduced as a denture base material in 1937.[1] Since its it. Ideally, the denture base should have sufficiently high
inception, acrylic resin denture base material has been impact strength to prevent breakage on accidental dropping.
studied extensively for its physical, mechanical and chemical Numerous factors have been accounted for influencing impact
properties. These materials are low in strength, resulting in strength and the effects of residual monomer content. The
denture fractures. The fracture of acrylic resin dentures is an processing technique used to polymerize the denture base
resin has been found to be an important factor. Therefore,
unresolved problem in Removable Prosthodontics despite
a need was felt to assess the influence of curing variables on
numerous attempts being made to determine its causes.[2]
the impact strength of acrylic resin denture base material.
Fracture may occur because of unsatisfactory transverse,
impact, flexural fatigue strength.[3] The fracture of the denture The water bath processing technique has been the most
occurs usually out of the mouth, and is a high-strain-rate conventionally used technique. In spite of many advantages
fracture due to the denture being dropped on the floor, or bent of this technique like ease of polymerization, simplicity
and fractured in cleaning. Rarely does a complete denture and cost-effectiveness, a major disadvantage is the long
break in the mouth.[4] Impact strength is a measure of the processing time required. There has been in a constant quest
for faster and newer techniques.
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Rajashree Jadhav In 1968, Nishii et al. introduced microwave processing
E-mail: [email protected] for polymerization of denture base resin. Various studies
were conducted on microwave polymerized denture base
Access this article online resins by Kumara et al. and it has been demonstrated that
Quick Response Code: Website: this technique can produce denture bases with comparable physical and mechanical properties in less time.[5]
*** Muley first reported pressure cooker polymerization
technique which was further investigated by A. B. Sidhaye
DOI: and J. H. Undurwade.[6] Conventional acrylic resin material
can be used for this technique.
19 Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 2013
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Influence of the processing technique on the impact strength of denture base resin Jadhav, et al.

Impact strength is an important characteristic of the base resin in a constant temperature water bath at 74°C
denture base resin; therefore, this investigation will (165°F) for 8 hours with no terminal boiling.
evaluate and compare the impact strength of denture
base resins polymerized by the conventional water The short curing cycle involved polymerization of the resin
bath, microwave and pressure cooker polymerization at 74°C for 90 minutes in a water bath and then increasing
techniques. the temperature of the water bath to 100°C and processing
for 30 minutes at 100°C. Ten samples were cured using water
bath long cure and 10 samples were cured using water bath
short cure method.
This in vitro investigation was designed to measure the
impact strength of denture base resins polymerized using The microwave polymerization technique
long cure polymerization and short cure polymerization For microwave polymerization technique, the same
cycles by waterbath, microwave and pressure cooker standardized procedure for formation of the mold and packing
techniques [Figures 1-3]. was used. A domestic microwave oven of 2450 MHz frequency
was used for the polymerization.[7] The long curing cycle
For impact strength testing, 60 samples were made. involved polymerization of the resin for 10 minutes at 540
The sample dimensions were 60 mm × 12 mm × 3 mm, W, as recommended by the manufacturer. The short curing
as standardized by the American Standards for Testing cycle involved polymerization of the resin for 7 minutes at 600
and Material (ASTM) [Figures 4 and 5]. For qualitative W. Ten samples were cured using microwave long cure and
and quantitative analysis of residual monomer, the same 10 samples were cured using microwave short cure method.
specimens were used after testing for impact strength.
The pressure cooker polymerization technique
Water bath polymerization The flasking, [Figure 6] mixing of the resin and then packing
The long curing cycle involved polymerization of denture of the mold were all done according to the standardized
procedure, which is the same as that followed for the water
bath technique.

A 6-l capacity domestic pressure cooker was filled with 250

ml of water and kept on the gas flame to boil. The lid was
placed without locking. As the water started boiling at 100°C,
the clamped flask with acrylic resin was packed into it, placed
in the boiling water and the lid was locked in position. When
the pressure inside the cooker reached 760 mm Hg, which

Figure 1: Materials and equipments used for water bath processing

Figure 2: Materials and equipments used for microwave processing

Figure 3: Materials and equipments used for pressure cooker

processing Figure 4: Schematic representation of specimen dimensions

Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 2013 20

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Influence of the processing technique on the impact strength of denture base resin Jadhav, et al.

was indicated by a low, continuous whistle, the flame was Testing of the sample
reduced and the pressure was maintained. Impact test
The samples were subjected to IZOD type of impact tester
For the long curing cycle, the pressure was maintained for using CEAST Impact tester [Figure 7]. Digital calliper was
30 minutes. The flame was then turned off and the cooker used to locate the midpoint of the sample. The midpoint
was allowed to cool for 10 minutes so that the lid could be was marked using a marking pen. The sample was placed in
opened. Thus, the total time that the flask was subjected a metal fixture so that the middle of the sample coincided
to a temperature above 100°C was 40 minutes for the long with the striking pendulum. The pendulum struck the
curing cycle. sample until fracture of the material was obtained [Figure 8].
The energy required to break the sample was measured
For a short curing cycle, the pressure was maintained for in Joules. Impact strength was calculated using following
20 minutes from the time the flame was reduced after the formula:
low hissing sound of the whistle. The flame was turned off
after 20 minutes and the cooker was allowed to cool for 1Joule=1kgm 2/sec2
10 minutes. Therefore, the total time the flask was above
100°C was 30 minutes. Ten samples were cured using 1
pressure cooker long cure and 10 samples were cured using 1J = × 100 kg cm
short cure method.
Energy (kg cm)
Impact strength=
The samples recovered from the flasks after polymerization Thickness (cm)
were finished and polished. The finished and polished samples
were stored in water at room temperature for 24 hours.

Figure 6: Base flasking of the metal strips for water bath processing
and pressure cooker processing and Microwave processing technique
Figure 5: Metal strips to create mold space

Figure 8: Samples of long curing cycle, in a water bath and samples

Figure 7: IZOD type of impact testing machine (CEAST Impact tester) after impact testing

21 Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 2013

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Influence of the processing technique on the impact strength of denture base resin Jadhav, et al.

RESULTS cooker for impact strength. This shows that microwave long
cure had better impact strength as compared to water bath
The study was carried out to analyze the effect of long cure and pressure cooker long cure. But the difference
processing time (long cure and short cure) and technique between microwave long cure and water bath long cure
(conventional heat cure water bath polymerization, was not statistically significant, whereas the difference
microwave polymerization, pressure cooker polymerization) between microwave long cure and pressure cooker long
on denture base resin. The assessment of important cure or water bath long cure and pressure cooker long cure
properties like impact strength and quantitative and was statistically significant.
qualitative analysis of residual monomer were done.
Graph 2 was obtained on statistical analysis of samples cured
For impact strength testing, IZOD type of impact testing by short cure cycles of water bath, microwave and pressure
was done using CEAST impact tester. The energy required cooker for impact strength. This shows that microwave short
to break the samples was recorded in Joules and impact cure had better impact strength as compared to water bath
strength of each sample was calculated using the formula: short cure and pressure cooker short cure. But the difference
Energy (kg cm) between microwave short cure and water bath short cure
Impact strength =
Thickness (cm) was not statistically significant, whereas the difference
between microwave short cure and pressure cooker short
These data obtained were statistically analyzed.
cure or water bath short cure and pressure cooker short cure
It can be seen from Table 1 that there was a significant was statistically significant.
difference in the impact strength obtained by the long cure and
short cure in all three methods (P<0.05). It could be concluded Graph 3 shows the comparison of mean between water bath
that long cure processing technique was better than short cure long cure, microwave long cure, pressure cooker long cure
processing technique for polymerization of denture base resin.
The findings from Table 2 are as follows:
• There was significant difference between water bath 0HDQ
processing technique and pressure cooker processing 0LFURZDYH

technique (P<0.05). It shows that water bath curing
technique was better than pressure cooker curing

technique. 3UHVVXUH 

• There was no significant difference in the impact
strength values obtained by water bath curing technique
and microwave curing technique (P>0.05). :DWHUEDWK

• There was significant difference in the impact strength
values obtained by pressure cooker curing technique      
and microwave curing technique (P<0.05). It shows that 0HDQ 6'
microwave curing technique was better than pressure
cooker curing technique. Graph 1: Comparison of impact strength of denture base resin among
long curing cycles

Graphical presentation of the results obtained

Graph 1 was obtained on statistical analysis of samples cured &RPSDULVRQRI0HDQ 6'LQ6KRUW&XUH
by long cure cycles of water bath, microwave and pressure 0HDQ

Table 1: Comparison between the long cure and short cure
processing techniques
Processing technique t value P value Significance


Water bath 6.82 <0.05 S FRRNHU

Pressure cooker 5.23 <0.05 S
Microwave 1.96 <0.05 S


Table 2: Comparison between the different processing

Methods t test P value Significance         

Water bath and pressure cooker 2.99 <0.05 S 0HDQ 6'

Water bath and microwave 0.03 >0.05 NS
Graph 2: Comparison of impact strength of denture base resin among
Pressure cooker and microwave −3.06 >0.05 S
short curing cycles

Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 2013 22

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Influence of the processing technique on the impact strength of denture base resin Jadhav, et al.

Table 3: Mean and standard deviation (SD) amongst water bath, microwave and pressure cooker long cures and short cures
Long cure  No. Mean SD Short cure No. Mean SD
Water bath 10 7.54 0.86 Water bath 10 6.73 0.54
Microwave 10 7.59 0.81 Microwave 10 6.83 0.78
Pressure cooker 10 6.43 0.79 Pressure cooker 10 4.75 0.64

Table 4: Comparison between the long cure and short cure

6.83 SC
Microwave processing techniques
7.59 LC
Processing technique  t value P value Significance
Water bath 6.82 <0.05 S
Pressure 4.75
Pressure cooker 5.23 <0.05 S
cooker 6.43 Microwave 1.96 <0.05 S

Water bath 7.54
handle and a cost-effective procedure. The water bath heat
processing technique involves the activation of the initiator,
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 i.e. benzoyl peroxide, creating the first free radicals which
Mean start the polymerization. The temperature required to
generate free radicals is above 60°C (140°F). The exothermic
Graph 3: Comparison of impact strength of denture base resin between polymerization reaction increases as the temperature
long and short curing cycles
increases. At 100.8°C (3213.4°F), the methyl methacrylate
boils and creates porosities in the resin. This is because as the
and water bath short cure, microwave short cure and pressure
exothermic reaction progresses, heat is liberated which does
cooker short cure. This graph shows that in all three curing
not escape easily due to the unfavorable thermic gradient.[9]
methods, long cure cycle was better than short cure cycle.
As the heat cannot be directly produced in the denture base
Impact strength in long curing cycle was greater than in short material inside the mold, heat has to be produced indirectly
curing cycle regardless of the processing technique [Table 3]. by the heating up of the water. The heat dispersion is low
and may result in voids in the denture base resin. To control
Impact test this thermic gradient, it is necessary to polymerize the
The samples were subjected to IZOD type of impact tester denture base resin at a much slower rate, approximately 8
using CEAST Impact tester. The energy required to break hours for complete polymerization. The relatively longer
the sample was measured in Joules. time required for processing is a major disadvantage of the
water bath polymerization technique.
There was significant difference in the impact strength
obtained by the long cure and short cure in all three methods To compensate for this disadvantage, a faster or a short
(P<0.05) [Table 4]. It could be concluded that long cure curing cycle was introduced. The high level of residual
processing technique was better than short cure processing monomer content and porosity in denture base resins
technique for polymerization of the denture base resin. polymerized by this technique has been a frequent problem.
This research demonstrates that the impact strength of
Graph 3 shows that in all three curing methods, long cure denture base resins polymerized by this technique is inferior
cycle was better than short cure cycle. Impact strength in when compared to denture base resins polymerized using a
long curing cycle was greater than in short curing cycle. long curing cycle or alternative polymerization procedures.

DISCUSSION The microwave polymerization technique evaluated in this

research was first introduced by Nishii et al. in 1968.[10] The
PMMA has been used as a denture base material for more polymerization procedure by this technique takes less than
than 70 years. The properties that have contributed the most 10 minutes, which has been claimed as a major advantage.
to the success are excellent appearance, simple processing Studies also have reported better dimensional accuracy,[7]
and easy repair.[8] An inherent disadvantage is the liability transverse strength,[5,7] lesser residual monomer content and
of an acrylic resin to break as a result of fatigue failure in porosities[10] of microwave polymerized denture base resin.
the mouth or impact failure outside the mouth. Porosity and
residual monomer decrease the impact strength. In this technique, microwaves are used to generate heat
inside the resin. The microwaves are electromagnetic waves
Processing technique has been found to have profound produced in the microwave oven. Domestic microwave
influence on the impact strength. Through years, the water ovens can be used for this purpose, which uses a frequency of
bath heat processing technique has been the most widely 2450 MHz.[11] It gives a wavelength of about 12 cm (5 inches).
used polymerization technique. It is an easy, simple to The methyl methacrylate molecules orient themselves in the
23 Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(1), 2013
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Influence of the processing technique on the impact strength of denture base resin Jadhav, et al.

electromagnetic field of the microwave and their directions In this research, the long curing cycle chosen was for
change nearly 5 billion times in a second. The numerous 30 minutes under steam pressure and the shorter curing
intermolecular collisions that occur cause rapid heating, cycle was of 20 minutes, the same time used as in the study
and therefore less time is required for the polymerization. [12] done by A. B. Sidhaye and J. H. Undurwade.[6]
As the temperature increases, the number of monomer
molecules decreases and the residual monomer content is For testing impact strength, IZOD type of impact tester
reduced to a minimum. (CEAST impact tester) was used. The energy required to
break each sample was calculated in Joules and the impact
The polymerization heat is dissipated more effectively, faster strength was calculated.
and with lesser risk of porosity.
The findings of this research demonstrate that the samples
Though the results are promising, the use of costly processed by a long curing cycle in a microwave possessed
equipment is a disadvantage. Conventional resin cannot the highest impact strength values when compared to
be used for this technique. The non-metallic flasks are samples processed by water bath and pressure cooker
expensive and have a tendency to break after being used processing techniques.
for several times. The use of a pressure cooker for denture
polymerization was first reported by Muley in 1976.[6] The microwave processing technique produced samples
The polymerization in a pressure cooker is a relatively with higher impact strength values, but the difference was
easy, simple and cost-effective technique, which uses not statistically significant when compared to the water
conventional equipment and acrylic resin for processing. bath technique.
Another advantage of using a pressure cooker is that the
required pressure of 760 mm Hg above atmospheric pressure The water bath technique produced samples with higher
is achieved in less than 5 minutes, while an autoclave impact strength values when compared to pressure cooker
requires 20–30 minutes to obtain the same pressure values. processing technique. The difference is statistically
The relatively lesser time required by this technique to significant.
polymerize denture base resins as compared to water bath
technique can be attributed to the important role played CONCLUSION
by pressure in accelerating the polymerization. A pilot
study was demonstrated that the earlier the rise of pressure • The type of polymerization technique plays an
in a pressurized chamber, the lesser was the chances of important role in influencing the impact strength of
porosities. It was earlier thought that the boiling point denture base resin.
of monomer at an absolute pressure of 1520 mm Hg (i.e. • The microwave polymerization technique produced
pressure in the pressure cooker) could be much higher denture bases with highest impact strength.
than 120°C. However, the boiling point of monomer at this • The water bath polymerization technique also produced
pressure can be determined by the formula of Maron and equally good results. In all the techniques, the long
Prutton, which is used for calculating the boiling point of curing cycle proved to be better in producing denture
liquids above the normal atmospheric pressure:[6] bases with higher impact strength as compared to short
curing cycle.
P2 HV (T 2 − T1)
Log 10 = = =
P2 = pressure under consideration; P1 = atmospheric
pressure We would like to thank Dr. C. V. Avdhani, Dr. Prakash
HV = heat of evaporation (8974.9 in case of methyl Wadgaonkar, and Dr. Harshawardhan Pol from National Chemical
methacrylate) Laboratory and Dr. Rahul Prasad from Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental
R = 1.987 (gas constant in case of methyl methacrylate) College and Hospital for their help.
T2 = boiling point at P2
T1 = boiling point at P1. REFERENCES
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