Intro To Vision Sensors EN

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The Case for Automation with Machine Vision

Types of sensors................................................ 3

Vision sensors: a class apart........................... 4

Vision sensors vs. vision systems.................. 5

Vision sensor components............................... 6

Solving applications with visions sensors..... 7

Vision tools......................................................... 8

Choosing a vision sensor solution.................. 9

Conclusion.......................................................... 9

The Cognex difference...................................... 9

2 Introduction to Vision Sensors

By Brian Benoit, Cognex Corporation

Of the billions of products manufactured and inspected each day, few could be made without some level of
industrial automation. Modern manufacturing demands high quality control standards. Manual inspection is
slow, prone to error, and impeded by product size, space constraints, lighting conditions, and fast production
line speeds. Automated inspection, by contrast, maximizes throughput, increases quality, and lowers
manufacturing costs.
Most manufacturers use automated machinery like sensors because they are well-suited for repetitive
inspection tasks. Sensors are faster, more objective, and work continuously. They can inspect hundreds, or even
thousands, of parts per minute, providing more consistent and reliable inspection results.
But all sensors are not created equal. Low-cost photoelectric sensors can perform only a limited number of
simple tasks, such as position verification and basic counting. They cannot distinguish between patterns or
colors. And with their rigid mounting setup, they cannot handle misalignment or variability common in most
work cells. Vision sensors offer greater flexibility, perform multiple inspection types within a single image, and
generate additional rich data for quality and process improvement.
This guide provides an introduction to vision sensors and their common applications in factory automation. It
is designed to help manufacturers determine whether vision sensors are right for them, and if so, to help them
identify their needs.

Introduction to Vision Sensors 3

There are a number of ways to extract data from a production line. In factory automation, sensors are used in
work cells to gather data for inspection or to trigger other devices. These sensors fall into multiple categories;
photoelectric, fiber optic, proximity, ultrasonic, and vision are the most common.
All factory automation sensors are fast, with multiple readings per second required for most applications. Data
output is typically binary, delivered as a “yes/no,” “present/absent,” or “pass/fail” result. In some cases, sensors
provide simple measurement outputs, though they are not designed for precision and accuracy. Most sensors
typically support several communications protocols in order to communicate with upstream and downstream
equipment and notify systems whether a part is present or passes inspection.

Photoelectric Sensors Fiber Optic Sensors

Proximity Sensors Ultrasonic Sensors Vision Sensors

Figure 1: Sensors fall into multiple categories and can act complementarily.

In some cases, different types of sensors act as complementary technologies. Photoelectric sensors may be
used in conjunction with vision sensors to communicate whether a part is on its way in order to trigger the
camera in a machine vision system. Consider a fill-level inspection system at a brewery. Each bottle passes
through an inspection sensor, which triggers a vision system to flash a strobe light and take a picture of the
bottle. After acquiring the image and storing it in memory, vision software processes and analyzes it and issues
a pass/fail response based on the fill level. If the system detects an improperly-filled bottle—a fail—it signals a
diverter to reject the bottle. An operator can view rejected bottles and ongoing process statistics on a display.

4 Introduction to Vision Sensors

Vision sensors exhibit several characteristics which
make them especially effective for factory automation.
Not to be confused with the digital sensors inside a
camera, vision sensors are a category of machine
vision system designed to perform simple presence/
absence inspections and deliver pass/fail results
in unstructured environments. Vision sensors
combine a camera’s ability to take pictures with the
processing power of a computer to make decisions
about the position, quality, and completeness of a
manufactured part or product. Vision sensors include
a library of software tools that perform different types
of inspections, even performing multiple types of
inspections and delivering multiple pass/fail results
from a single acquired image. Critically, and unlike
other classes of sensors, vision sensors can handle Figure 2. Vision sensors perform simple error-proofing applications,
multiple inspection points per target. Vision sensors such as presence/absence and pass/fail inspections.
can also detect their targets by pattern, feature, and
color. They can detect specific parts within a very
wide region of interest, and can do so dynamically as
the part moves along the line.

Vision sensor advantages

Vision sensors provide fast pass/fail, yes/no, and go/no-go results to solve automated inspection challenges in
ways which differ from other sensor types.

Identifies features photoelectric Optimizes illumination, brightness,

sensors cannot and image contrast
Vision sensors locate and inspect Modular vision sensors can be outfitted
highly patterned features that other with flexible lighting and filter options to
sensors cannot. create better images and achieve more
consistent and reliable results.
Eliminates external triggers
Vision sensors overcome imprecise Handles misalignment and variability
part positioning using patented Vision sensors can detect objects
multi-image analysis to determine regardless of their speed or position on
whether a part is present. the line--no mechanical fixturing required.

Inspects multiple part features Easy to use

A single vision sensor can perform Simple development environments
multiple inspection types in a are designed for both new and
target image. existing users.

Works on a smart display or PC

Operators can set up new parameters or
adjust existing inspections on a PC for
easy interaction on the factory floor.

Introduction to Vision Sensors 5

Vision sensors perform inspections first by locating
the part in the image, then by looking for specific
features on that part. Once the field of view (FOV) is Vision sensors solve advanced
set, an operator can run vision tools within the entire
range of the target to inspect multiple features for their
presence/absence detection by:
presence, completeness, or orientation—all in a single
image. And even though data output is binary, data ▪▪ Detecting a part by finding an
in aggregate can be used downstream to improve actual part feature
processes and perform diagnostics on a particular
▪▪ Inspecting features that other
work cell. Unlike any other sensor, a vision sensor can
sensors cannot
handle misalignment and predictable variability in a
work cell, so operators can use them in pre-configured ▪▪ Inspecting multiple part features
cells without needing to make a number of costly simultaneously
and time-consuming changes. Whereas point source
sensors must be perfectly aligned in order to function, ▪▪ Overcoming varying part positions
vision sensors are designed to handle a high degree on the line
of variability. An object can therefore be inspected in
any position on the belt.
Vision sensors generally require no programming, and provide easy guided set-up through user-friendly
vision software interfaces. Most are easily integrated into larger systems to provide single- and multiple-point
inspections with dedicated processing. Most offer built-in Ethernet communications, which enable users to
exchange data with other systems to communicate results and trigger subsequent stages of an inspection. A
network of vision sensors can be easily linked to plant and enterprise networks, allowing any workstation in the
factory to view results, images, and data for process control. Depending on the specific system or application,
vision software configures camera parameters, makes the pass/fail decision, communicates with the factory
floor, and supports HMI development.


Vision sensor inspects part Pass/Fail result Data is collected

Figure 3. Vision sensors combine the power of a machine vision system with the simplicity and affordability of an industrial sensor,
easily solving simple inspections and communicating results.

6 Introduction to Vision Sensors

2D Vision
Selecting the right machine vision solution generally
depends on the application’s requirements, including
development environment, capability, architecture,
 
and cost. In some cases, vision sensors and machine
vision systems may both be able to satisfy an
operation’s needs. Different models are designed to
 
meet varying price and performance requirements.
Vision sensors are similar to machine vision systems

in their powerful vision algorithms, self-contained and
industrial-grade hardware, and high-speed image
 
acquisition and processing. They are both designed to
perform highly-detailed tasks on high-speed production
lines. And while all perform inspections, they are
Code Reading

engineered for different tasks. While machine vision
systems perform guidance and alignment, optical

character recognition, code reading, and gauging
and metrology, vision sensors are purpose-built
to determine the presence/absence of parts and generate simple pass/fail results. Vision sensors are also
distinguished by their relative ease-of-use and quick deployment.
Vision sensors lack the most sophisticated vision tools available on standalone machine vision systems but can
perform a great number of vision tasks in factory automation and logistics environments. Vision sensors are also
more affordable than machine vision systems and require less expertise to run.


Vision sensors share many common components with vision systems, including lighting, lenses, image sensors,
controllers, vision tools, and communications protocols. Most machine vision hardware components, such as
lighting modules, sensors, and processors are available commercially off-the-shelf (COTS). In many cases, they
can also be purchased as an integrated system with all components in a single device.
Lighting: Illuminates the part being inspected, allowing its features to stand out so they can be clearly seen
by camera.
Lens: Captures the image and presents
it to the sensor in the form of light.
Image sensor: Converts light into a
digital image which is then sent to the
processor for analysis.
Vision Processing Tools: Processes
and optimizes an image for analysis;
reviews the image and extracts required
information; uses algorithms to run the
necessary inspection and make a related
decision. Processing
Communications: A discrete I/O signal Part being Lighting Lens Image Tools
or data sent over a serial connection to a inspected Sensor
device that is either logging information
or using it. Figure 4. A sensor’s compact, modular, powerful vision tools, and dedicated
processing can be easily configured to solve a wide range of applications.

Introduction to Vision Sensors 7

Companies in a wide range of industries including heavy manufacturing, food
and beverage, automotive, electronics, logistics, and transportation rely on vision
sensors to perform simple pass/fail inspections that help ensure products and
packaging are error-free and meet strict quality standards. By using vision sensors
at key process points, defects can be caught earlier in the manufacturing process
and equipment problems can be identified more quickly.
The first step in any sensor application is to locate, or fixture, the object or feature
of interest within the camera’s FOV. Pattern-matching and edge tools do this,
detecting even challenging part features such as clear objects, printed text, and
rough dimensions which photoelectric sensors cannot.
Once the sensor has a reference, it uses pattern, pixel count, brightness,
contrast, and edge tools to perform an inspection. The data is compared to the
inspection’s specifications, tolerances, or thresholds to make a decision, which is
communicated as a binary data output.

Vision tools are what ultimately set machine vision sensors apart from other sensors. Vision technology plays a
very important role for even the most basic presence/absence inspections. Typical vision tools include pattern,
pixel count, brightness, contrast, and edge tools. Notably, a vision sensor can inspect multiple targets within a
single image, as well as perform multiple inspection types relying on different tools.

Pattern Tool: Used to reference an inspection tool, as well as to perform inspection and counting.
Performs best on patterns with sharp contrast and on targets small enough to allow variability and
asymmetry in the FOV.

Pattern tool confirms that the gasket is present and installed in the correct area.

Brightness Tool: Returns the average pixel brightness for a region of interest. Illumination must be
stable and predictable.

Brightness tool confirms the presence of all 10 capsules by showing the greatest delta between pass/fail areas.

8 Introduction to Vision Sensors

Contrast Tool: Compares contrast across an entire region of interest. A useful tool if there are
unpredictable changes in failed parts.

High contrast in the target area indicates the presence of a diode.

Edge tool: Inspects for a high contrast “edge” along a specific path. Can set thresholds
to eliminate noise.

Multiple edge tools measure pixels to detect a clean edge on a drill burr.

Pixel count tool: Returns the total number of pixels between a set range. This works well for large
FOV applications.

Pixel count tool confirms the presence of 13 separate hole punches within one target by determining pixel value.

Color Pixel Count: Returns a number of pixels within a specified region of interest that meet trained
colors. This works best if illumination is applied evenly, since hotspots can cause problems.

Color pixel count tool confirms the integrity of packaging by identifying pixel values of colors trained in the region of interest.

Introduction to Vision Sensors 9

Technology and application requirements for automated inspections are constantly evolving. Development
environment, lighting, and modularity are some of the most important features to consider when selecting a
vision sensor.

Standardized Set-Up Environment

Even novice vision users should be able to easily set up, configure, and install a vision sensor. When selecting
a vision sensor, consider not only current inspection needs but also future applications that may require more
powerful and flexible vision systems. Fast processing and a reliable communications link to other factory
automation equipment are essential.

Integrated Lighting
Factory environments and space constraints can make it difficult to achieve proper lighting conditions. This
can be problematic for vision sensors, which rely on even, diffuse lighting to fixture parts and perform robust
inspections with brightness, contrast, and pixel count tools. Vision sensors typically come with integrated lighting
and can be connected to additional external lighting if required. Selecting a vision sensor with built-in lighting
saves money on external illumination and mounting fixtures.

Flexible, Modular Design

It can be difficult to mount a vision sensor in the precise location to achieve optimal FOV, image resolution, and
part illumination. Vision sensors with small form factors, which fit into any space and can be configured for in-line
and right-angle mounting installation, help get inspections up and running quickly. Modular design simplifies
optical paths and cable routing and allows users to change lights, optics, and lenses in the field for quick line
changeovers or application modifications. Models with autofocus lenses eliminate the need to manually refocus
or adjust mounting height.

Figure 5. The In-Sight 2000 series offers a modular design with field changeable lights,
lenses, filters, and covers. An integrated LED ring light produces even, diffuse illumination
across the entire image, minimizing the need for costly external lighting.

10 Introduction to Vision Sensors

Compared to the other types of sensors on the market, vision sensors greatly expand the types of simple
inspections a manufacturer can perform and provide information beyond whether a part is simply present or
absent. Vision sensors can inspect multiple elements per target, differentiate between colors, and respond well
to misalignment and planned variability. By reducing defects and increasing yield, machine vision sensors can
help manufacturers streamline their operations and increase profitability. With an array of vision tools and the
possibility to perform multiple inspections per target, vision sensors can cut down on cycle time and improve
product quality downstream.


Whatever your environment, resource constraints, and specific tool needs, Cognex sensors can help. At
speeds up to 6,000 parts per minute, Cognex vision sensors set new standards for value, ease of use, and
flexibility thanks to a powerful combination of proven Cognex In-Sight® vision tools, simple set-up, and a
flexible, modular design. In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors are compact, configured for inline and right-angle
mounting installation in tight spaces. Field-changeable, integrated optics and lighting adjust to changing
application requirements and eliminate the cost of external lighting. The In-Sight Explorer EasyBuilder
interface provides a fast, step-by-step application setup which allows even novice users to achieve extremely
reliable inspection performance in nearly any production environment. In-Sight 2000 vision sensors are
configured with In-Sight Explorer software—the world’s most widely used environment for configuring and
maintaining machine vision applications.

For more information about Cognex vision sensors, visit

About the author

Brian Benoit is Senior Product Marketing Manager for Sensor Products at
Cognex Corporation. Prior to joining Cognex, Brian worked at Collaborative
Robots, where vision technology serves as a fundamental component.

Introduction to Vision Sensors 11

Cognex machine vision systems are unmatched in their ability to inspect,
identify and guide parts. They are easy to deploy and provide reliable,
repeatable performance for the most challenging applications.

Cognex In-Sight laser profilers and 3D vision systems provide ultimate
ease of use, power and flexibility to achieve reliable and accurate
measurement results for the most challenging 3D applications.

Cognex vision software provides industry leading vision technologies,
from traditional machine vision to deep learning-based image analysis,
to meet any development needs.

Cognex industrial barcode readers and mobile terminals with patented
algorithms provide the highest read rates for 1D, 2D and DPM codes
regardless of the barcode symbology, size, quality, printing method or surface.

Companies around the world rely on Cognex vision and barcode reading
solutions to optimize quality, drive down costs and control traceability.

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