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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

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Flow measurement using free over-fall in generalized trapezoidal channels T

based on one velocity point method

Ehsan Abraria, , Mustafa Ergila, Mohammad Karim Beiramib
Civil Eng. Department, Faculty of Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta. North Cyprus, Via Mersin 10, Turkey
Civil Eng. Department, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran


Keywords: A free over-fall offers the possibility of being used as a flow measuring device in hydraulic structures with a
End depth single depth measurement of the end section. Due to its practical importance, considerable attention has been
Flow measurement paid to investigate free over-falls for different channel cross-sections using various approaches. This paper
Free over-fall presents a new theoretical approach for computing the end depth ratio (EDR) relationship for the generalized
Generalized trapezoidal channel
trapezoidal channel cross-sections at free over-falls in sub critical flow regimes from which the end depth dis-
Geometric center
One velocity point
charge (EDD) can be computed. The generalized trapezoidal channel is a geometric shape that is defined
mathematically with a single equation where five widely known prismatic channel cross-sectional shapes can be
generated (trapezoidal, inverted triangular (Δ), rectangular, parabolic, and triangular). This suggested theore-
tical approach uses one velocity point at the geometric center of the end section based on the energy and the
continuity equations. Relevant experimental and theoretical results were utilized in order to examine the sug-
gested method through the statistical measuring indices (percentage difference and the correlation coefficient
(R2)). The computed results show very close agreements with the earlier works. Furthermore, simple equations
are also generated using the regression curve fitting technique in order to estimate the direct discharges (Q)
using the end depth (ye) for each of the above mentioned channel cross-sections.

1. Introduction coupling the EDR with the upstream Froude number, another re-
lationship between the end depth and the flow discharge (Q) can be
A free over-fall is an interesting phenomenon in open channel as a obtained and is referred to as the end depth discharge (EDD). Therefore,
flow measuring device that has a sudden drop where the flow separates this enables the free over-fall to be used as a flow measuring device in
at the sharp edge and forms free nappe. In channels with mild (M) or open channels for both sub and super critical flow regimes.
steep (S) slope, the approaching flow is either at sub critical or at super A pivotal experimental work was carried out by Rouse [1] to de-
critical condition, respectively. termine the end depth ratio (EDR), which was found to be 0.715 for
From the upstream section to the end section, the water surface rectangular channel cross-section for free over-falls in sub critical flow
curvature gradually decreases forming a control section. At the up- regime, enlightens the researchers to relate the end depth to the critical
stream section where the critical or normal depth occurs, the pressure depth. Since then, this feature attracted the interest of the investigators
gradient through the depth of the fluid is hydrostatic since the vertical where several studies have been done to determine the EDR of free
component of the acceleration is weak, whereas at the outfall (end over-fall in different channel cross-sections for both sub and super
section), the pressure at the upper and the lower points of the free critical flow regimes from which the end depth discharge (EDD) values
nappe is zero and the flow is accelerated due to the draw down effect, were calculated. Jeager [2] used the Boussinesq approximation to
thus reducing the depth of water as the brink is approached, ensuring a compute the EDR in horizontal rectangular channels and obtained a
strong departure from the hydrostatic pressure distribution that pre- value of 0.725 for sub critical flows. Diskin [3] theoretically derived a
vails in open channel. The depth of the flow at the end section (ye ) is general equation for the end depth of free over-fall with the trapezoidal
known as the end depth or the brink depth. Previous studies have found channel cross-section in sub and super critical flow regimes. Rajar-
a relationship between the end depth ( ye ) and the upstream depth (ycr or atnam and Muralidhar [4] theoretically studied the flow over mild
yn) and defined this relationship as the end depth ratio (EDR). By slope for channels with exponential cross-sections and derived a general

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Abrari).

Received 16 November 2018; Received in revised form 30 July 2019; Accepted 12 August 2019
Available online 14 August 2019
0955-5986/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Abrari, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

equation for the EDR. In 1968, Rajaratnam and Muralidhar studied the
smooth rectangular free over-fall in more details experimentally [5]. Ali
and Sykes [6] applied the free vortex theory to calculate the EDR of the
free over-fall in a sub critical flow regime for exponential channel cross-
sections. Hager [7] used the theoretical method in order to calculate the
EDR in rectangular channel cross-section for both flow regimes. Keller
and Fong [8] theoretically investigated the trapezoidal free over-fall for
sub critical flow regime. Ferro [9] experimentally showed that, the
value of the EDR is not influenced due to the width changes of the
rectangular channel cross-sections of the free over-fall at sub critical
flow regimes. Murty Bhallamudi [10] theoretically computed the EDR Fig. 1. Sketch of free over-fall in generalized trapezoidal channel cross-sections.
in the trapezoidal and exponential free over-falls by using the mo-
mentum equation for both flow regimes. Ferro [11] obtained the EDR
and the EDD relationships for the rectangular, triangular channel cross- directly proportional to the flow depth ‘y’. The sketch of the generalized
sections for sub and super critical flow regimes by applying the sharp- trapezoidal channel cross-sections is shown in Fig. 1.
crested weir theory. He also used super position of the rectangular and A = η1 y + (−1) η3 η2 y η4 (1)
the triangular channel cross-sections in order to compute the EDR and
the EDD for the trapezoidal channel cross-section in both flow regimes. The coefficients η1 and η2 and the exponent's η3 and η4 are the
Dey and Ravi Kumar [12] utilized two theoretical approaches to de- parametric constants used for defining the channel cross-sectional
termine the EDR and the EDD of the inverted triangular (Δ) channel shapes of the generalized trapezoidal channel which are given in
cross-sections in sub critical flow regime. Ahmad [13] carried out an Table 1.
experimental study of free over-fall in sub critical flow regime within
triangular channel cross-sections. Ahmad [14] theoretically studied the 3. Methodology
free over-fall based on sharp-crested weir theory to determine the EDR
and the EDD in the rectangular channel for both flow regimes. Beirami The brink concept of free over-fall is used to determine the dis-
et al. [15] used the theoretical approach to obtain the EDR and the EDD charge using the known end depth. As shown in Fig. 1 in mild slope
relationships of the free over-fall in different channel cross-sections for channels, due to the effect of the existing end section, the uniform flow
sub critical flow regimes. Vatankhah [16,17] used the sharp-crested depth gradually decreases along the flow direction forming the gradu-
weir theory to obtain the EDR and the EDD relationships for the gen- ally varied flow (GVF) M2 type curve up to the critical flow depth of an
eralized trapezoidal and the exponential (power-law) channel cross- unknown location and then on until the end section, the rapidly varied
sections in sub critical flow regimes. Abrari et al. [18] used the free flow (RVF) surface profile occurs. This approaching flow is at sub-cri-
vortex theory to compute the EDR and the EDD relationships for ex- tical regime and the critical depth occurs somewhere upstream of the
ponential channel cross-sections for super critical flow regimes. Abrari end section. The end depth to the critical depth ratio (EDR) is generated
et al. [19] used the energy and the continuity equations in order to by applying the continuity and the energy equations between the up-
calculate the EDR and the EDD values for the generalized trapezoidal stream and the downstream sections. To obtain the EDR relationship,
and the exponential channel cross-sections in sub critical flow regime. the velocity value at the geometric center of the channel cross-section is
Abrari et al. [20] utilized the sharp-crested weir theory by inserting a considered as an average velocity at the end section. Applying energy
brink pressure effect based on the experimental data sets of Rajaratnam equation between the upstream critical section and the downstream end
and Muralidhar [21] to compute the EDR and the EDD relationships for section, this velocity was computed theoretically (Fig. 1). The stream-
the generalized trapezoidal channel cross-sections for both flow re- lines at the brink section are assumed to be parallel to each other.
In this paper, a new and partly simple approach that is not applied 3.1. EDR
yet for analyzing the free over-fall from the generalized trapezoidal
channel at sub critical flow regime is introduced. The energy equation is Referring to Fig. 1, based on energy equation, the selected velocity
used in order to compute the velocity equation for the geometric center equation at the end section can be written as:
(centroid) of the generalized trapezoidal channel cross-section so as to
vec = 2g (Hcr − y‾ ) (2)
have a less complex model with a better generalization capability. The
present model yields the EDR and the EDD relationships of the gen- where.
eralized trapezoidal channel cross-sections through the application of EGL: the energy grade line (m), Hcr = ycr + vcr2/(2g): the total en-
the continuity equation. This approach eliminates the need of an ex- ergy head (m), ycr: the critical flow depth (m), ye: the end flow depth
perimentally determined pressure coefficient. The main advantage of (m), y‾ : the centroidal depth at the end section, measured from the
this study is its generality. Furthermore, for engineers in practice, a bottom to the centroid of that relevant cross-section (m), and g: the
simple and direct solution of the discharge prediction from the known gravitational acceleration (m/s2). Note that the subscripts ‘cr’ and ‘e’
value of the end depth is generated for each channel cross-section. The denote the flow conditions at the critical section and at the end (brink)
computed results verified based on the relevant experimental works and section, respectively. Similarly, the subscript ‘ec’ refers to the center of
the other theoretical studies. the end section.
According to continuity equation, the average discharge (Q) is de-
2. Geometry of generalized trapezoidal channels termined as:
Q = vec Ae (3)
The generalized trapezoidal channel cross-section is defined math-
ematically (Eq. (1)) where, by changing the coefficients η1 and η2 and where vec: the average velocity at the centroidal depth of the end sec-
the exponents η3 and η4 five widely known prismatic channel cross- tion (m/s), and Ae is the flow area at the end section (m2).
sectional shapes (trapezoidal, inverted triangular (Δ), rectangular, As mentioned earlier, in a free over-fall with a mild slope channels,
parabolic, and triangular) can be generated. By this way, all the above the water surface passes through the critical section somewhere up-
mentioned cross-sectional shapes are presented in a compacted single stream of the end section. Hence, by the definition of the upstream
equation where the equation is based on the general flow area and is critical Froude number (Frcr) for different channel cross-sections, one

E. Abrari, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

Table 1
Coefficient η1, η2 and exponent η3, η4 for different cross-sections of the generalized trapezoidal channel.
Cross-sections Type Cross-sections Shape η1 η2 η3 η4

Trapezoidal B m 0 2

Inverted triangular B m 1 2

Rectangular 0 B 0 1

Parabolic 0 2T/(3y0.5) 0 1.5

Triangular 0 m 0 2

E. Abrari, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

can obtain:
Fcr = =1
g 0.5Acr1.5 (4)
By inserting Acr (Eq. (1)) and Tcr for the generalized trapezoidal
channel into Eq. (4), the discharge equation of the generalized trape-
zoidal channel cross-section for critical flow condition is given as:
g 0.5 [η1 ycr + (−1) η3 η2 ycrη4 ]1.5
[η1 + (−1) η3 η2 η4 ycrη4 − 1]0.5 (5)
where Tcr = ∂Acr / ∂ycr =η1 + (−1) η3 η2 η4 ycrη4 − 1.
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (3) and then by equating the computed
discharge from Eq. (3) with Eq. (5) and simplifying, a generalized
equation for the EDR is determined as:
η4 − 2 η4 − 2
⎡ η
(η4 + 1) + 2(−1) η3 ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
η −1
1 + (−1) η3 ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ Ncr4⎤
η −1
⎢ ⎝ η2 ⎠
+ ⎝ η2 ⎠ ⎥
⎢ η
η4 − 2
η −1 η
η4 − 2
η −1 ⎥
⎢ (η4 + 1) + (−1) η3 (η4 + 1) ⎛ 1 ⎞ Ncr4 1+ (−1) η3 η4 ⎛ 1 ⎞ Ncr4

⎝ η2 ⎠
⎟ ⎜

⎝ η2 ⎠

⎣ ⎦
η4 − 2 1.5
⎡ η ⎛ η1 ⎞ η − 1⎤
Ncr4 ⎥ Fig. 3. Comparison between the previous theoretical EDR results and the
η4 − 2 ⎢1 + (−1) 3 η ⎜ ⎟

⁎ ⎡ (−1) η3

Ncrη4 − 1 EDRη4 + EDR⎤ −
⎦ ⎡

⎝ ⎠2

⎛ η1 ⎞
η4 − 2

η − 1⎤
Ncr4 ⎥
0.5 =0
computed EDR values of the suggested method for the trapezoidal channel
⎢1 + (−1) 3 η4 η ⎜ ⎟

⎣ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎦

(6) Bhallamudi [10], Beirami et al. [15], Vatankhah [16], and Abrari et al.
where. [19] were computed and compared with the EDR results of this study
and were given in Fig. 3. The statistical measuring indices with respect
EDR = ye/ycr = Ne/Ncr to this study were determined to compare each case result as detailed in
Ne = η2ye/η1 Figs. 2 and 3. Note that, out of 169 computed values, based on the
Ncr = η2ycr/η1 above mentioned experimental studies, 78% was within ± 5% devia-
tion range, whereas the whole data sets were falling within ± 10%
3.1.1. EDR of trapezoidal and inverted triangular channels deviation range proving the correctness of this suggested method.
Since the equation defining the general trapezoidal channel cross- For the inverted triangular (Δ-shaped) channel cross-section, a
section reveals no single representative EDR value, other than the flow curve with respect to two non-dimensional parameters (2mye)/B and Q
depth at the end section (ye), the channels side slope (m) and the (2 m)2.5/(g0.5B2.5) is established. For comparison of the EDR values
channels bed width (B) were also introduced as influencing parameters. computing from the suggested approach with the theoretical and the
Hence, a graph between two non-dimensional parameters Ne = mye/B experimental studies of Dey and Ravi Kumar [12] and the theoretical
versus Q* = Qm1.5/(g0.5B2.5) was prepared based on the theoretical study of Beirami et al. [15] and Abrari et al. [19], two statistical
results of this study and the experimental data sets of Diskin [3], Keller measuring indices (the correlation coefficient (R2) and the percentage
and Fong [8], Rajaratnam and Muralidhar [21] and Pagliara and Viti differences) were used as given in Fig. 4. The values of these statistical
[23] and presented in Fig. 2. indices indicated very close agreement with these compared results.
Similarly, the EDR graphs of the theoretical studies of Murty

Fig. 2. Comparison between the relevant previous experimental studies with Fig. 4. Comparison between (2mye)/B versus Q(2 m)2.5/(g0.5B2.5) of the re-
the suggested method results based on Ne = mye/B versus Q* = Qm1.5 /( g 0.5B2.5) levant theoretical and experimental studies with the theoretical results of this
of the trapezoidal channel cross-section. study, for the inverted triangular (Δ-shaped) channel cross-section.

E. Abrari, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

3.1.2. EDD of trapezoidal and inverted triangular channels

Since one of the main aims of this study is to estimate the discharge
values, the direct discharge equations in terms of the end depth were
proposed for flows at sub critical regimes. Therefore, by substituting
Ncr = η2ycr/η1 into Eq. (5) the general dimensionless discharge (Q*)
equation was determined:
η1 η4 − 2

Q⁎ =
⎡Ncr + (−1) η3

() η2
Ncr4 ⎤

g 0.5η12.5 η1 η4 − 2 η − 1
⎡1 + (−1) η3 η ( )
4 η2
Ncr4 ⎤
⎣ ⎦ (7)

In most of the practical problems, the end depth is known and it is

desirable to compute the discharge directly with respect to this depth.
Hence, by substituting Ncr = Ne/EDR into Eq. (7), the dimensionless
discharge value (Q*) in terms of Ne was generated:
η1 η4 − 2 Ne η4

Q = ⎣

( )
⎡ Ne + (−1) η3
EDR ( ) ( ) ⎤⎦
η2 EDR

η4 − 2 0.5
Ne η4 − 1
⎡1 + (−1) η3 η4 η1
⎣ η2 ( ) ( ) ⎤⎦ EDR (8) Fig. 6. Comparison between the experimental and the approximated discharge
for the inverted triangular (Δ-shaped) channel cross-section with symmetric
Inserting the calculated EDR of Eq. (6) into Eq. (8) for η1 = B, sides at sub-critical flow regime.
η2 = m, η3 = 0, and η3 = 2, the EDD values were obtained for the tra-
pezoidal channel cross-section at sub critical flow. Based on two non-
technique, the following dimensionless discharge (Q*) equation for the
dimensional parameters Ne = mye/B and Q* = Qm1.5/(g0.5B2.5), the
flow at sub critical regime for the inverted triangular channel cross-
experimental data sets of Diskin [3], Keller and Fong [8] and Pagliara
section with symmetric sides is approximated:
and Viti [23] for the trapezoidal channels with symmetric sides were
used to verify the theoretical results of this study through the two (1.334Ne − 0.630Ne2)1.5 2
statistical measuring indices; the correlation coefficient (R2) and the Q⁎ = R = 0.997, RMSE = 3.391⁎10−3
(1 − 1.911Ne )0.5 (10)
percentage difference; as detailed graphically in Fig. 5.
Using the curve fitting technique, a non-linear equation was as well The approximated equation for the inverted triangular channel
established for practical use. To evaluate its accuracy, based on the cross-section was compared with the exact values of the suggested
exact values of Q*, the correlation coefficient (R2) and the root mean method through the statistical measuring indices values (RMSE and R2),
square errors (RMSE) were determined as detailed in Eq. (9). Both in- implying highly acceptable level of accuracy. To show the correctness
dices indicated that there is a small deviation for the proposed di- of the suggested method for the inverted triangular channel cross-sec-
mensionless discharge (Q*) equation. Therefore, the suggested equation tion, the experimental data measured by Dey and Ravi Kumar [12] were
can be utilized when quick and accurate estimates are required. used. As can be seen from Fig. 6, this comparison clearly indicated that
there is an acceptable level of compatibility with the experimental data
(1.360Ne + 1.194Ne2)1.5 2 set.
Q⁎ = R = 0.999, RMSE = 3.985⁎10−3
(1 + 1.452Ne )0.5 (9)

Substituting the calculated EDR values from Eq. (6) into Eq. (8) for 3.1.3. EDR and EDD of rectangular, parabolic, and triangular channels
η1 = B, η2 = m, η3 = 1 and η3 = 2 and using the curve-fitting As η1 = 0 for rectangular, parabolic, and triangular channel cross-
sections, by inserting the value of Ncr = ∞ into Eqs. (5) and (6) sepa-
rately, the general equations of the EDR and the EDD were computed:
η + 1 ⎞ η4
EDR = ⎜⎛ 4 ⎟

⎝ η4 + 1 ⎠
3 (11)

g 0.5η2 ye (η4 + 0.5)

Q= 0.5
η4 (EDR)(η4 + 0.5) (12)

By substituting η4 into Eq. (11) for the above-mentioned channel

cross-sections separately, the EDR values were computed for each cross-
section and detailed in Table 2. Afterward, the EDD Equations were also
obtained using Eq. (12) for different channel cross-sectional shapes. For
the sake of comparison, the previous theoretical and experimental
works are also shown in this table. To ensure that, the computed EDR
and EDD parameters have an adequate accuracy, the % difference va-
lues were computed and are indicated in this table. The EDR value
obtained based on critical flow depth is 0.707 for rectangular channel
cross-section, which is close to the EDR value of Rajaratnam and
Muralidhar [4] and Murty Bhallamudi [10]. The computed EDR value
for the parabolic channel is 0.769 which is very close to the previously
Fig. 5. Comparison between the experimental and the approximated discharges obtained EDR values by Rajaratnam and Muralidhar [4] and Abrari
for the trapezoidal channel cross-section with symmetric sides at sub-critical et al. [19]. As shown in Table 2, the calculated value of the EDR is
flow regime. 0.809 for the triangular channel with sub critical flow regime. This

E. Abrari, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101615

Table 2
Comparison between the computed results of the suggested method and the other relevant experimental and theoretical studies for rectangular, parabolic, and
triangular channel cross-sections.
Cross-section Investigator(s) Nappe EDR %Difference EDD (m3/s) %Difference

Rectangular Rouse [1] C 0.715 −1.13 1.654g0.5 η2ye1.5 1.66

Jeager [2] U 0.725 −2.55 1.620 g0.5η2ye1.5 3.69
Rajaratnam and Muralidhar [4] C 0.715 −1.13 1.654 g0.5η2ye1.5 1.66
U 0.705 0.28 1.689 g0.5η2ye1.5 −0.42
Kraijenhoff and Dommerholt [22] U 0.714 −0.99 1.657 g0.5η2ye1.5 1.49
Ferro [9] U 0.76 −7.5 1.509 g0.5η2ye1.5 10.29
Hager [7] U 0.696 1.56 1.722 g0.5η2ye1.5 −2.38
Murty Bhallamudi [10] U 0.705 0.28 1.689 g0.5η2ye1.5 −0.42
Ferro [11] U 0.715 −1.13 1.654 g0.5η2ye1.5 1.66
Ahmad [14] C 0.78 −10.33 1.453 g0.5η2ye1.5 13.61
U 0.758 −7.21 1.514 g0.5η2ye1.5 9.99
Beirami et al. [15] U 0.702 0.71 1.702 g0.5η2ye1.5 −1.19
Vatankhah [17] U 0.715 −1.13 1.654 g0.5η2ye1.5 1.66
Abrari et al. [19] U 0.719 −1.7 1.639 g0.5η2ye1.5 2.56
Abrari et al. [20] U 0.714 −0.99 1.657 g0.5η2ye1.5 1.49
This study U 0.707 – 1.682 g0.5η2ye1.5 –
Parabolic Rajaratnam and Muralidhar [4] U 0.772 −0.39 1.370 g0.5η2 ye2 0.80
Ali and Sykes [6] U 0.747 2.86 1.463 g0.5η2 ye2 −5.94
Murty Bhallamudi [10] U 0.758 1.43 1.421 g0.5η2 ye2 −290
Beirami et al. [15] U 0.764 0.65 1.399 g0.5η2 ye2 −1.30
Vatankhah [17] U 0.777 −1.04 1.351 g0.5η2 ye2 2.17
Abrari et al. [19] U 0.772 −0.39 1.370 g0.5η2 ye2 0.80
This study U 0.769 – 1.381 g0.5η2 ye2 –
Triangular Rajaratnam and Muralidhar [4] U 0.795 1.73 1.255 g0.5η2ye2.5 −4.5
Ali and Sykes [6] U 0.798 1.36 1.243 g0.5η2ye2.5 −3.5
Murty Bhallamudi [10] U 0.795 1.73 1.255 g0 η2ye2.5 −4.5
Ahmad [13] U 0.802 0.87 1.228 g0.5η2ye2.5 −2.25
Beirami et al. [15] U 0.805 0.49 1.216 g0.5η2ye2.5 −1.25
Vatankhah [17] U 0.817 −0.99 1.171 g0.5η2ye2.5 2.5
Abrari et al. [19] U 0.806 0.37 1.212 g0.5η2ye2.5 −0.92
Abrari et al. [20] U 0.800 1.11 1.235 g0.5η2ye2.5 −2.83
This study U 0.809 – 1.201 g0.5η2ye2.5 –

C: confined nappe.
U: uncofined nappe.

value is also very close to the EDR values by Beirami et al. [15] and experimental and theoretical studies through the statistical measuring
Abrari et al. [19]. Hence, unlike the trapezoidal and inverted triangular indices (R2 & RMSE) for different channel cross-sections. This new
channel cross-sections, a constant EDR value for three typical cross- suggested method has corresponded satisfactory with the relevant
sections in a sub critical flow regime was obtained, separately. Since previous works.
EDD relationships are computed by inserting the calculated EDR values
into Eq. (12), Table 2 enables the estimation of the EDD to be evaluated Appendix A. Supplementary data
from a single measurement of the water depth at the end section with
an adequate accuracy for different channel cross-sections. Therefore, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
the analysis of Table 2 reveals that, the proposed approach for com- doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2019.101615.
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