Introduction MET 262-2

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Dr. (Eng.) Madhubhashitha Herath

Department of Engineering Technology, Faculty of
Technological Studies, Uva Wellassa University
Semester 4
Course Code: MET 262-2
Course Name: Mechanics of Materials
Credit Value: 02
Core/Optional Core
Hourly Theory Practical
30 NIL 70

Course Aim/Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course student will be able to

• Identify the different loading conditions and analyze the effect of them for
generated stresses and strains.

• Analyze deformations and stresses due to torsion and bending on uniform


• Transform stresses and strains calculate principal stresses, maximum

shear stress, principal strains and shear modulus
Course Content:

Axially Loaded members

Deformation members under axial loading, Poisson’s ratio,
multi axial loading(generalized hook`s law), bulk
modulus, shearing strain,
Stress-strain relationship for fiber reinforced composite
materials, stress and strain distribution under axial
loading; Saint-Venant’s principle, stress concentration,
plastic deformation, and residual stress.
Course Content:

Deformations in a circular shaft, stresses in the elastic range,
angle of twist in the elastic range, statically
indeterminate shafts, design of transmission shafts,
plastic deformations in circular shafts, circular shafts
made of elasto-plastic materials, residual stresses in
circular shafts, torsion of non-circular members, torsion
of thin-walled hollow shafts.
Course Content:

Symmetric member in pure bending, deformations of a
symmetric member in pure bending, stresses and
deformations in the elastic range, deformations in the
transverse cross section, bending of members made of
several materials, plastic deformations, eccentric axial
loading in a plane of symmetry, un-symmetric bending,
shear and bending moment diagrams, design of
prismatic beams for bending. 6
Course Content:

Transformation of Stress and Strain

Transformation of plain stress, principle stresses (maximum
shearing stress), Mohr’s circle for plane stress, general state of
stress, application of Mohr’s circle for the three dimensional
analysis of stress, Yield criteria for ductile materials under plane
stress, fracture criteria for brittle materials under plane stress,
stresses in thin walled pressure vessels, transformation of plane
strain, Mohr’s circle for plane strain, three-dimensional analysis
of plane strain measurement of strain, (strain Rosette)
Assessment Strategy:

Continuous Assessment
Final Assessment
Quizzes: 10%
Theory Practical Other
Mid-term: 20%
60% - -
Assignments: 10 %

Recommended Reading:

• Ferdinand, P. Beer, (2012), Mechanics of Materials,

6th edition, (McGraw-Hill Publishers), ISBN: 978-0-07-


• James, M. Gere and Barry, J. Goodno, (2009), Mechanics

of Materials, 8th edition (Cengage Learning Publishers),

ISBN-13: 978-1-111-57773-5 ISBN-10:1-111-57773-0

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