Physical Education-Grade 12: (Recreational Activities)

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Physical Education- Grade 12 Historical Development of Recreation: A brief overview

(Recreational Activities)  Renaissance Period (1350-1600)

 Upper-class
OVERVIEW  Painting, music, literature, science and education
 Well-educated man could ride, fence, dance and paint
A review of current literature indicates that people who participate in sports club and  Great cultural movement in the arts and education
organized recreational activities enjoy better mental health, are more alert, and more
resilient against stresses of modern living. Participation in recreational groups and  Reformation Period (1500s-1600s)
socially supported physical activity is show to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.  Protestant work ethic introduced to colonial America
Violent crime also decreases significantly when participation in community activities  Recreation and leisure were earned through daily hard work
increases.  Work before play
 Ample time for recreation and leisure=lazy and loafer

 Industrial Revolution (1700-1900)

 Working-class
-no time or energy
-few leisure opportunities
-visiting the taverns or pubs
 Middle class
-modeled upper class
-playing the piano, singing and drama
 Upper class
-enjoyed many forms of recreation
- bird watching, fishing, cricket, polo and hunting
 Roaring 20s
RECREATION  People began to recognize the need to enjoy leisure time
Anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. Some people enjoys  Hard work followed by deserved recreation and leisure
nature hikes, others are mountain climbing. The idea behind these activities is to -touring in the newly invented automobile
expand the mind and body in a positive and healthy way. -the Charleston in illegal after-hours clubs
It relaxes your mind and body. It relieves your day to day tension Universal need of -gambling


 Depression Years (1929-1945)

 Recreation became less formal
 People came together
-played their musical instruments
Worksheet No. 1
-had picnics at the local beaches Essay: How Recreation started?
-went swimming
-conducted square dances
-made ice cream were the norm
 Big bands and swing music were popular Points 5 3 2 1
 Attending the movie theaters (with sound)

 Modern Era (1950-Present)

 Fundamental changes in 1950s
- + middle-class citizens had extra money for fun and leisure
- + finish work each evening with leisure activities
- + faster transportation=travel
- + early retirement and enjoyment
- + municipal multipurpose recreational activities
- + technological advancements took over for PA
 Present
- although technology can provide hours or recreation, it does not
necessarily promote a healthy and active lifestyle

 Recent Development
 Shift in recreation priorities from working long hours
 Family recreational activities are on the rise
-more family time
-adapted programs and facilities
-parents spend time on children’s recreation
 Adult sports leagues, golf, skiing and fitness memberships
 Do we live to work or do we work to live?



Worksheet No. 2
Give your own Analysis on each Values derived from Recreation

Values Derived from Recreation Own Analysis

1. Mental Health

2. Physical and Health Growth

3. Emotional Stability

4. Psychological Awareness

5. Social Fitness


TYPES OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Forms and Activities of Recreation:

Recreation is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which
Recreation is an activity of leisure, which is an essential element of human biology are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the surrounding social
and psychology. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, construction.[2] Recreational activities can be communal or solitary, active or passive,
pleasure or health benefits and are considered to be fun. Recreation refers to outdoors or indoors, healthy or harmful, and useful for society or detrimental.Some
the time spent in an activity one loves to engage in, with an intent to feel refreshed. It recreational activities – such as gambling, recreational drug use, or delinquent activities –
is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine.It is a positive change may violate societal norms and laws. A list of typical activities could be almost endless.
from the stereotypical lifestyle. Recreational activities give enjoyment because
while recreating one engages in something he likes. They are a source of joy and Worksheet No. 3
provide relaxation for one’s mind and body. Recreational activities can be grouped Define the following recreational forms and give atleast 3 examples each
into two groups: indoor and outdoor activities. with pictures.

Firstly, indoor activities are also a part of the recreation programme. Indoor 1. Hobby
recreation activities are undertaken on the comfort of ones home or more specifically 2. Bricolage
indoor and they are to recreate the mind and soul.For such indoor recreation 3. Games
activities there are well-established clubs or recreation centers offer a varied 4. Outdoor Recreation
programme of activities throughout the year. Activities on offer include basketball, 5. Performing arts
swimming, volleyball, chess, table tennis, bowling, singing, reading, listening to music, a) Dance
watching movies and more of the same. For example, basketball is the most popular b) Music creation
indoor sport and second most popular team sport after soccer. Basketball has many c) Visual arts
health benefits as it demands lot of physical work.There is a quote saying d) Drawing
“Basketball does not build character.It reveals it.” e) Literature
f) Painting
Secondly, outdoor sports like the ones mentioned, also provide us with the means to g) Photography
exercise and hence happen to be one of the best forms of recreation. Outdoor Organized Recreation
recreation sport examples include nature walks, river rafting, cycling, camping,
fishing, hiking, adventure park, surfing and sports. Outdoor recreational activities can Many recreational activities are organized, typically by public institutions, voluntary
range from nature walks to river rafting. Organized recreational activities are often group-work agencies, private groups supported by membership fees, and commercial
planned by private clubs or government organizations. Sports, cultural activities and enterprises.
social gatherings are some of the organized ones. Clubs and recreation centers offer a
variety of recreational programs for people of different ages and varied interests. Worksheet No. 4
Research and list down examples of each Organized Recreation with
In conclusion, recreational activities can be classified as indoor activities and outdoor pictures. Use short bond paper.
activities. Such activities are fairly significant for human psychology.


Benefit of participating in various recreational activities

Worksheet No. 5
Give 10 examples of each type of Recreational Activities and then identify if
it’s indoor or outdoor recreation. (1 example is already given)

 Camping -outdoor recreation

 Parties -

 Arts and Crafts -

 Song -


Benefits of Recreation
 Beyond the Physical
-Physical activity and recreation are embedded in a more holistic
perspective on health
 Personal Benefits
- Promotes physical fitness and active living
-Develops fine and gross motor skills
- Improves self-confidence
- Gives a more positive outlook on life
- Decreases stress
- Creates a more positive self-image
- Provides the opportunity to learn new skills
- improves problem solving, tolerance of others and leadership
- promotes spiritual growth
- gives opportunity to take calculated risks
- allows to set short-term and long-term goals
 Social Benefits
-provides opportunities to develop friendships
- improves social skills
- reduces feelings alienation
- introduces new learning environments
- promotes sharing, nurturing and understanding of others
- builds strong family ties
-promotes ethnic and cultural harmony
- improves group development
 Economic Benefits
-Lower medical costs
-lowers job absenteeism
-increases job stability and productivity
- spurs economic growth
- builds a sense of community
-decreases crime and vandalism
- boosts tourism


 Environmental Benefits Factors Affecting Our Recreational Interests and Pursuits

-Protects and preserves environmentally sensitive areas
- results in cleaner, well-maintained facilities  Early Educational Experiences
-preserves cultural and historical sites -We are introduced to recreation early in our lives
-increases awareness in environment issues -We learn that we can make choices when it comes to our participation
-improves community image -We begin to feel the benefits of recreation
 Family influences
- traditional family attitudes and actions send strong messages
- parents that value physical activity introduce their children to sports
Worksheet No. 6 - from early introductions, we can modify our activities as we grow
Make a Poster and Slogan on - we can move on to a more challenging level
How does recreation contribute to human happiness. Use 1/8  Social (Peer) influences
size illustration board. - as we continue to grow our recreational pursuits become increasingly
influenced by our peers
- important to choose our friends wisely
Good Very good Outstanding Excellent - social interactions is one of the most compelling reasons for PA
Points 5 10 15 20  Cultural influences
Creativity - views about recreation are understood differently across cultures
Neatness - different cultures can encourage or forbid certain forms of recreation (e.g.
Content dancing)
 Media and other influences
- commercialization of sport and PA
- distorted interpretations of what it means to be healthy (e.g. body image)
- drug abuse, eating disorders and a host of other mental and physical
- it should be more about finding who you are
- some advertisers and certain forms of media are slowly realizing this

Worksheet No. 7
What/who influences you in doing your most recreational activity? How are
you influenced by them?


Barriers to Recreation and Leisure Pursuits

 Economic Factors
-high programs registration fees, equipment costs, and transportation issues Worksheet/Activity No. 8
- however, recreation doesn’t need to be expensive (e.g. walking, swimming, Group Project
public hiking trails, basketball at the community courts) Select a recreational activity you enjoyed the most and make a Vlog about
 Perceived Lack of Necessary Physical and Social Skills it.
- if I can’t do something well, the I should not do it at all- NOT TRUE
- just because you don’t think you are a “natural” at a particular activity Upload your video on facebook.
doesn’t mean you can’t do it
- try, try again Note: You can see your group mates after completing all
- it is fun to try new things worksheets/activities
 Time Constraints
- Issue for families with working parents
>time conflicts Rubrics:
> too much like work and not enough like fun Like Wow Love
- a popular excuse that the activity will take too long to commit to Points 10 15 25
> you can always make time for things that are important Contents
 Works and Family commitments Creativity
- it is a possible to accommodate both job and family Concept
- an active workforce is a productive workforce Virtual Audience Impact
- family activities (Numbers of WOW react)
 Other Constraints Total points 100
-lack of motivation, poor self-image
-age and gender
-lack of facilities
- lack of participants
-lack of available resources
- physical or mental challenges
- user fees
- time of occurrence
- equipment and supplies
- quality of facility maintenance

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