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Smart Antenna FYP

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2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)

Smart Antenna Design And Implementation For

Prof. Rajveer Yaduvanshi Ms. Nishtha
Department of ECE Department of ECE
Delhi, India Delhi, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Wireless communication has eased out human role as function parameter to all wireless equipment’s
life by eradicated wires jargons running around electronic onboard in the smart vehicle [8]. There used to be many
systems for extending connections. Wireless sensors have made antennas installed on roof of the vehicle to cater to serve all
human life comfortable. Self-driving cars will be the era of next above mentioned requirements due to different operating
generation vehicles. These vehicles will be housing many frequency bands [9]. There is a need of omnidirectional,
integrated sensors for taking autonomous decisions while in directional and isotropic antennas to make if smart vehicle.
route. These vehicles have communication capability with Navigational services need directional antennas and
infrastructure as well as self. They are equipped with facilities broadcasting reception need omnidirectional antennas [10].
of infotainment and entertainment. Communication wirelessly
Sensors for safety and security are in built with advanced
with self and surrounding have utmost need of compact and
efficient integrated antennas for these automotive vehicles.
features i.e. Remote Key Entry (RKE) [11]. Survey has
MIMO based antenna has been proposed for diversity revealed that monopole antenna , dipole antenna, helical ,
reception along with compact size and futuristic aesthetic Printed inverted F type antenna (PIFA) , Compact inverted
design. Experimental results have been compared with type antenna ( CIFA ) ,meander line patch and Dielectric
simulated with close proximity. Self-reliance vehicles resonator antenna(DRA) has been proposed by many authors
embedded with Nano DRA have been unique features of this for omnidirectional, directional and isotropic purpose to
research. Futuristic design of automotive vehicles should be be used for automotive applications [12]. 0.1to 500
self-driving and self-charging with possible integration of Nano MHz is received with printed on glass antenna. These are
antennas and Long Range Radar (LRR) as sensor. Overview of meander line patch antenna and 500 to 2500 MHz, 24 to 77
smart vehicle antennas has also been included. Possible GHz is received with Shark fin type integrated antenna
efficient and compact antennas for use of smart vehicles have having dielectric resonator antenna.
been proposed.
Presently 150 KHz to 1600 KHz band is assigned for AM
Keywords— Long Range Radar, Diversity, Sensor, MIMO, radio and 80 to 108 MHz is meant for FM radio [13]. 217.5
Smart vehicle, Multiband, Compact and Integrated Nano to 250 MHz band is allocated for DAB. 174 to 240MHz ,
antenna. 470 to 840MHz are reserved for VHF TV[14]. 315,413 and
434MHz are allotted for remote key entry and tyre pressure
I. INTRODUCTION monitoring, omnidirectional for RKES and Isotropic for
Smart vehicles can communication wirelessly, can sense TPMS 15]. 900, 1800 and 2300 MHz are used for GSM.
and see surrounding even when visibility is zero due to fog. 1575 to 1602 MHz is used for GPS for surveillance. 2.1 to
Hence, sensors are used in vehicles to communicate with 2.3GHz is used for SDAR. 2.4 to 2.5 GHz is meant for Wi Fi
infrastructure for collection and monitoring of data such as and Bluetooth. 2.3, 2.5 and 3.5 GHz is used for Wi Max and
display of outside temperature and traffic status of routes 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz is used for Wireless local area network
along with Real time status of passengers in board using (WLAN) [16]. ETC is allotted 900MHz and 5.8 GHz[17].
biomedical wearable sensors [1]. The vehicles need for Short range radar (SRR) ,Long Range Radar(LRR) Collision
communication must be independent of position and avoidance radars are operating in 22 to 77GHz range [18].
mobility [2]. The vehicle capability shall be defined to serve Vehicle to vehicle communication is operating at 5.9 GHz.
entertainment and infotainment of present era [3]. Smart ZigbeeTx/Rx are operating at 4.9 to 6 GHz frequency
vehicle in smart city is an excellent combination for futuristic spectrum[19].4.4 to 4.9 GHz is used for international Mobile
living [4]. Antennas make it possible to have wireless Telecommunication (IMT) [20]. Polarization and gain of
communication between two nodes. Hence vehicle to each type of antenna shall have different role in
vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure, vehicle to satellite and vice communication. They can be used to supplement diversity
versa,all need wireless communication for mobility [5]. and range extension respectively in communication. Isolation
Hence antenna plays a vital role to make all vehicles , frequency ratio and power ratio are important parameters
autonomous or smart. These vehicles are facilitated with for compact and multiband antennas [21]. SRR and LRR are
surveillance needs i.e. Global Positioning System ( GPS ), used to activate safety of the vehicle by activating breaking
Cellular services i.e Global System for Mobile system before collision. TPMS sensor monitor tyre pressure
Communications( GSM), AM/FM RADIO, Digital Audio of all the four wheels. Temperature sensor monitors inside
Broadcasting (DAB), Satellite Digital Audio Radio System( and out temperature of vehicle. If wireless embedded jacket
SDARS),RKES,VHF TV, Tyre Pressure Monitoring System is worn by the passenger, his pulse rate /heart rate/ blood
(TPMS), COLLISION AVOIDANCE SENSOR, Electronic pressure / body temperature etc. can be monitored remotely.
Toll Collection System (ETCS),Wi Max, Wi-Fi , WLAN and Communication with environment while in move can update
Blue Tooth services[6]. 4G and 5G communication features status about food joint, airport, cinema, shopping complex,
becomes the need of hour in all smart vehicles to enable traffic, train and others. Thus, self-driving car becomes a
them to real time decision [7]. Signal quality plays crucial possibility with embedded wireless sensors. M/s AGC has

978-1-5386-7401-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 19:46:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)

developed integrated glass antennas [22]. M/s Zhejiang JC between two antennas should be minimum. They can be
Antenna Co. Ltd. M/s SIGNAXO , M/s Jiashan Jinchang determined using far field method. Glass integrated antenna,
Electron Co.Ltd , M/s JC Antenna HK Co Ltd and M/S G- meander line patch, Dielectric resonator antenna and active
Antetech Industrial Co., Ltd [23] . Congestion pre antenna (Shark fin antenna) to facilitate service required for
information makes an important criterion to an intelligent automotive self-driving and self -charging vehicle. LRR and
vehicle. Dash board, top of front glass roof top and rear side SRR antenna based on DRs are integrated in front side of the
glass are best places for installation of automotive antennas vehicle. Figures 1-8 are used to validate working of Long
[24]. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) is a pulsed laser range radar at 24GHz radiations used as scanning. Figure 8-
light system used to scan and capture images of surroundings 12 have been used to know about working, radiation
as three dimensional view. These radars generally operates in validation of NDRA at 192 THz.
mm Wave range of frequencies. M/s Vellodyne for LIDAR.
Laser sensor are used to scan 360 front side environment.
Vehicle can see up to 100 meters even in fog when visibility
is low. Thus, real time object recognition when embedded
with navigation features makes the car intelligent and self

This research article intends to minimize or decrease

number of antennas, reduction in size of antenna with add on
services to the make it advanced smart vehicle.
Amalgamation of meander line and dielectric resonator Figure 1(a). Aperture coupled rectangular dielectric
antenna have optimized for application to automotive resonator antenna
vehicles with minimal volume requirements.
AM/FM/DAB/VHF TV/RKE antennas are integrated in car
wind shield glass and all other services such as SDAR, TPM,
GPS, GSM, ETC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,WLAN and SRR,SPRR
Collision avoidance are integrated in Shark fin type antenna.
Compact plastic box i.e. redome houses a single MIMO
dielectric resonator antenna toe all features of infotainment
and entertainment. Defected ground plane structure (DGS)
has been used to reduce mutual coupling. Higher order
modes have been used for compactness. The article proposed Figure 1 (b) Equivalent Circuit of RDRA
design of Long range radar car sensor at 24 GHz with proto
type model with simulated and measured results. Also,
quantum antenna for wireless charging has also been
presented and supported with simulated results. Possible use
of all type of vehicle antennas have been tabulated in table 1.
As futuristic antenna NDRAs can be used for long range
scanning and navigation during bad weather .and fog at
terahertz frequency and higher order modes.
The proposed design includes Meander line patch
antenna for AM/FM/VHF TV and DAB in one part with the
use of FM chip antenna and meander line antennas and Figure 1( c ) Rectangular DRA HFSS Model
GPS/GSM/ ETC/Wi Fi/Bluetooth/SDAR and SRR with LRR
on other corner of PCB embedded with Dielectric resonator
antennas at mm Wave and Microwave frequencies using
Boundary conditions are shown as PEC for electric
fundamental and higher order mode concepts. There should
walls and PMC for magnetic walls, further n x E=0 and
be proper Isolation between working antennas with
n.h=0 for PEC walls ; n x H=0 and n.E=0 for PMC walls.
minimum frequency ratio and desired power ratio in each
Integration of |E2| in cavity volume = Integration of | H2 |in
multi band antenna. The mm wave SRR AND LRR can be
same cavity volume. Micro strip line and transcendental
fixed in front side of the vehicle to detect any object
equations are given below:
approaching close by. ETCS antenna is communication with
beacon installed at toll gate. Micro strip line calculation
GPS antenna is designed to communicate with satellite
GPS as directive antennas. The FM/AM/DAB/VHF TV (1)
operating in omnidirectional pattern. Automated vehicle
should have diversity and pick up signal facing different
directions. In MIMO architecture, good isolation <-25 dB Here A=1.5299
between two radiation operating bands and diversity
𝑤 8exp⁡(𝐴)
parameters. Reflection coefficient better (S11) ECC = (2)
ℎ exp(2𝐴)−2 for W/h < 2
(Envelop correlation coefficient) to assess coupling fields

978-1-5386-7401-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 19:46:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)

w 𝐹⃗1∗ (𝜃𝜑)⁡𝑎𝑛𝑑⁡𝐹⃗2∗ (𝜃𝜑) are far field pattern. The same can
= 1.91181, w = 0.30588
h be obtained using s parameters as
∗ 𝑠 |+|𝑠 ∗ 𝑠 |2
Effective permittivity is: 𝐸𝐶𝐶 = 12 21⁡ 22
(1−(|𝑠11 |2 +|𝑠21 |2 ))+(1−(|𝑠22 |2 +|𝑠12 |2 ))
εr +1 εr −1 12h 2
εeff = +( ) (1 + ) (3) Where S11, S22 are reflection coefficients and S12 and S21
2 2 w
are mutual coupling coefficients.
Transcendental Equation for resonant frequency
calculation Diversity gain , 𝐷𝐺 = 10√1 − |0.99𝐸𝐶𝐶|2 (11)
2 2 2
𝜀𝑟 𝑘𝑜2 = 𝑘𝑥 + 𝑘𝑦 + 𝑘𝑧 ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡(4)
𝑚𝜋 𝑛𝜋 𝑝𝜋
Where 𝑘𝑥 = 𝑘𝑦 = 𝑘𝑧 = (5)
𝑎 𝑏 𝑑
𝑘𝑦 𝑏
𝑘𝑦 tan = √(𝜀𝑟 − 1)𝑘𝑜2 − 𝑘𝑦2 (6)

A RDRA of dimensions 12mm x 12 mm x 12.4 mm,

operating at 24 GHZ with with εr = 10, Lst =30 mm, Wst =30
mm, Wsl =1 mm, Lsl =5 mm has been fabricated and mounted
on a FR4 ( εr = 4.4 and tanδ=0.0019) substrate of thickness
1.6 mm and microstip feedline width was set to have 50 ohm
and ground plane 30x30 mm. two higher modes have been
excited. The ground plane dimensions are taken more than
DRA as given below Lg =L+6h, where h is the height of the
substrate, Wg =W+6h +6h. Resonant frequency of DRA is
calculated by the formulation given below: Figure 2 (a) MIMO antenna with two ports

𝑐 2 2 2
𝑓𝑟 (𝑚, 𝑛, 𝑝) = √(𝑚𝜋) + (𝑛𝜋) + (𝑝𝜋) (7)
2𝜋 √𝜀𝜇 𝑎 𝑏 2𝑑 III. RESULTS

Simulated and Measured results at 24 GHz of LRR antenna

0.4𝜆0 𝜀𝑟 +𝜀𝑠
Slotlength,⁡𝑙𝑠 = and 𝜀𝑒 = (8) and 190 THz of quantum antenna. Large range radar (LRR)
𝑓𝜀𝑒 2
automotive antenna placed in anechoic (an echo free
measurement set up) chamber antenna and Nano DRA.
Where 𝜆0 ⁡ is the wavelength and ⁡𝜀𝑒 the effective Measured and simulated results of both type of antennas
permittivity 𝜀𝑟 ⁡𝑎𝑛𝑑⁡𝜀𝑠 are the dielectric constant of the have presented in figures 1 to 11. The vehicle could use
rectangular dielectric resonator and substrate respectively. collision avoidance or the ability to range to a target, LTI
laser sensors are used to provide vehicle guidance and
Slot width is 𝑊𝑠 = 0.2𝐿𝑠 measurements.
And the stub length is 𝐿𝑠𝑡 =

Where 𝜆0, 𝜆𝑔 are free space and guided wavelengths.

Mathematical Formulations used:
Meander line Patch antenna resonant frequency is
calculated as fr =

c is velocity of light , L length of antenna and

∈𝑒𝑓𝑓 effective permittivity of the substrate. Meander line
antennas are used for RFID in electronic toll collection with Fig 3 (a) LRR sensor placed on both side inside air fin at
elliptical polarization. Backscattering takes place due to bumper in Audi car
mismatch between chip and antenna of RFID.
The diversity parameters are ECC (Envelope correlation
coefficient), DG(Directive gain),MEG ( mean effectiv10e
gain) and CCL( signal transfer rate). MEG is gain of antenna
(MIMO) under certain defined Environmental conditions.
|∬ 𝐹⃗1∗ (𝜃𝜑).𝐹⃗2∗ (𝜃𝜑)𝑑Ω|
𝐸𝐶𝐶 = 2 2 (9) Figure 3.(b) RDRA anechoic chamber measurement
∬|𝐹⃗1∗ (𝜃𝜑)| 𝑑Ω ∬|𝐹⃗2∗ (𝜃𝜑)| 𝑑Ω

978-1-5386-7401-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 19:46:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)

23GHz 24GHz 25 GHz 26 GHz 27 GHz 28GHz

Axial ratio below 3dB Figure 8 (a) Radiation Pattern at 24 GHz phi 0 and the +/
Figure 4 (a) Measured axial ratio is below 3dB for - 90 degree
circular polarization

Nano CDRA design and Implementation:

Figure 5(a) Gain measured and simulated at phi 0 degree,
theta +- 90 degree at 24GHz

Figure 9 (a) Structure of Quantum antenna or NANO


S. No. Parameter Value

1 Radius ‘r’ 0.250 µm
2 Height ‘h’ 0.325 µm
23GHz 24GHz 25 GHz 26 GHz 27 GHz 28GHz 3 Permittivity 11.9 f/m
4 Input frequency 473 THz
Gain maximum 9.7
5 Radiated frequency 192 THz
6 Gain 10.5 dB
Figure 6 (a) Measured gain of LRR antenna at 24 dBi 7 Substrate Arlon
8 Dimension of the substrate 4.6 X 4.5 µm
Table 1 Dimensions of Nano DRA

Figure 10 S11 of Quantum DRA or Nano DRA

Figure 7 (a) S11 of LRR sensor antenna

978-1-5386-7401-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 19:46:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)

antennas one at 24 GHz for use as large range radar sensor

(LRR) and another as Nano DRA (NDRA) for use of energy
extraction directly from satellite at 192 terahertz. These
NDRAs using higher order modes can replace of LIDAR
for long range scanning and aircraft landing system during
of foggy weather.

Figure 11 Radiation of Quantum antennas

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 19:46:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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