Consumption of Electronic Waste in Quality Enhancement of Road

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J. Environ. Res. Develop.

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 9 No. 3A, January-March 2015
Short Communication (T-III)
Tapase Rajashree1, Kadam Digvijay* and Tapase Anand2
1. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Annasaheb Dange
College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta, Sangli, Maharashtra (INDIA)
2. Department of Civil Engineering, K. B. P. College of Engineering and Polytechnic,
Satara, Maharastra (INDIA)

Received September 13, 2014 Accepted January 27, 2015

The work consists of an experimental approach towards waste management and finding an alternative
to conventional materials in flexible pavements. Most of the electronic waste is recyclable or
repairable, but number of worthless electronic pieces causes higher transportation cost for their
processing which may be higher than its scrap value. So, such electronic waste is disposed very
casually, which may cause serious health and pollution problems. Also the disposal of electronic
waste is difficult because of non-degradable plastic contents and metals like lithium, copper and
aluminum, which may lead to adverse effects on the environment. To deal with the problem, here an
attempt is made to study the use of electronic waste as an alternative to conventional material like
aggregate in a DBM layer of flexible pavement. Number of laboratory tests are carried out by
replacing aggregates partially by shredded electronic waste. The outcomes from the laboratory
investigation proves the suitability of electronic waste in road construction with substantial cost
saving. So, disposal of hazardous electronic waste in the pavement can prove to be one of the
alternatives to make the earth greener and pavements more durable.
Key Words : Waste management, Electronic waste, Pavement, Non-degradable plastic,
Ecofriendly disposal

INTRODUCTION and unsafe exposure during recycling and

disposal operations like landfills and
Due to the modernization, falling prices and
incineration. Use of such materials as an
application of new and upgrading techniques, the
alternative to conventional material in the
electronic equipments are gathering much
construction industry may not only helps in
attention across the globe. As modern and most
reducing the manufacturing cost of a particular
upgraded version is bought, the older one
item, but also has numerous indirect benefits
becomes scrap which results in a fast-growing
such as reduction in landfill cost, saving in
surplus of electronic waste around the globe. energy and protecting the environment from
Most of the electronic waste is recyclable or possible pollution effects. Electronic waste,
repairable, but number of worthless pieces causes abbreviated as e-waste, consists of discarded
higher transportation cost for their processing old computers, televisions, refrigerators, radios
which may be higher than its scrap value. So, basically any electrical or electronic appliance
such electronic waste is disposed very casually, that has reached its end of life.
which may cause serious health and pollution On the other hand, with increased industriali
problems. zation and growth of population there is an
All electronic scrap components, may contain increase in demand for traditional road
contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, construction materials such as bitumen, cement,
or brominated flame retardants. E-waste may aggregate etc. the question is about sustainable
involve significant risk as leaking of materials development. For the same, the need arises to
*Author for correspondence find an alternative to such type of conventional
J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 9 No. 3A, January-March 2015
materials which are on the verge of getting mould. For accuracy averaging from 3 tests was
exhausted. done. It is reported by various researchers from
With developments in science and technology, their laboratory investigations that materials like
the use of non-decaying materials such as plastic, waste plastic, electronic waste can be
blast furnace slag, scrap tyres, electronic waste, successfully used in road construction. As per the
etc. offer an economically viable and sustainable results available almost 10% of the bitumen can
alternative towards increasing demand for better be replaced by plastic waste in the bituminous
road construction. layer dry process and 7.5% bitumen can be
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES replaced by plastic through wet process 3,4
M. S. Ranadive et. al.5 investigated that filler
To study the use of electronic waste in a DBM replacement of fly ash and e-waste for asphalt
layer of flexible pavement. To find an alternative and aggregate respectively enhances properties
method for disposal of electronic waste in eco- of bituminous concrete along with the reduction
friendly way. To find a suitable alternative over in cost. The bitumen used to be about 60-70
conventional materials with cost reduction and penetration grade with 4.5 %, 5 % and 5.5%, 6 %
improvement in strength and other parameters in along with 5%, 10% and 15% replacement of e-
flexible pavements. To use waste materials in waste for aggregate by volume.6
flexible pavement without increasing cost per It is reported that, flow rate increases along
unit and without sacrificing durability. with increase in bitumen, that also with
In this work, focus has been given on the strength increase in e-waste content, as cohesive
of flexible pavement and disposal of electronic properties of aggregates are reduced after
waste in ecofriendly way. To deal with the addition with e-waste.7,8 They also found that,
problem, attempt is made for use of electronic modified mix with 5.5 % bitumen content and
waste as a partial volumetric replacement to 10 % e-waste replacements gives the best
aggregate. results for stability. Standard control mix
MATERIAL AND METHODS samples give 2.4gm/cc bulk density, wherein
it decreases with increase in e-waste addition.
Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) has served Sample of a modified mix of 5.5% bitumen
reasonably well in the past but there is a need to content and 10% e-waste content gives
re-examine its design to with stand increased reduced 3.12 % bulk density. This paper
stresses. Most asphalt technologist believes that explains that modified mixes show the
fundamental changes must be made in the varying nature of percentage air voids and
composition of DBM and its testing methods. V.M.A and thus a perfect zone is not
Though, there are many methods being followed, observed. Overall it is observed that 5.5 %
the basic principle behind them is to arrive at the bitumen content with 10 % e-waste gives
optimum binder content, given the gradation maximum stability.9-11
selected and the mechanical properties desired. Thus the paper gives that partial replacement of
The most common method which simulates the e-waste is technically feasible, where 5.5 %
field conditions being practiced is the Marshall bitumen content and 10 % e-waste replacements
Stability method.1 In this paper, the specimen attains 11.28 % higher stability than control mix.
used is prepared as per standard Marshall In case of cost effectiveness 10 % aggregate and
stability test (ASTM D 1559), which is the 5.33 percent bitumen saving is achieved so
cylindrical 100mm diameter compacted with construction cost is reduced.
Marshall compacting hammer on either side with
75 number blows and loaded circumferentially.2
Overall, 60 specimens were prepared for Bitumen is a sticky, black and highly viscous
different percent of bitumen content. It was liquid or semi-solid, in some natural deposits. It
4.5%, 5%, 5.5% and 6% by weight of the is also the residue or by-product of fractional
aggregates. Also, aggregates were partially distillation of crude petroleum. Bitumen
replaced by electronic waste in shredded form composed primarily of highly condensed poly
with 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% by volume of cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, containing 95%
J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 9 No. 3A, January-March 2015
carbon and hydrogen. The bitumen of 80/100 bitumen are given in Table 1. Number of tests
penetration grade are used as binders in the were carried out on aggregate the results
present work and the physical properties of obtained are shown in Table 2.
Table 1 : Physical properties of bitumen
Results Permissible as
S/N Tests conducted Unit Reference
obtained per MORTH4
1 Ductility cm IS 1208-1978 70.54 cm 75 cm minimum
2 Softening point °C IS 1205-1978 48.25°C 40°C-55°C

3 Penetration mm IS 1203-1978 90 80/100

4 Specific gravity g/c IS 1202-1978 1.03 ≥ 1.00

Table 2 : Physical properties of aggregates

Actual Permissible value as per
S/N Property Name of the test
value MORTH4
Crushing strength 19.7 % 30 % Maximum
1 For strength Los Angeles abrasion 16.77 % 30 % Maximum
Impact value 14.45% 24 % Maximum
Average specific Specific gravity 2.6 2-3
3 Water absorption Water absorption 1.26 % 2 % Maximum
Flakiness 12 % 30 % Maximum
5 Particle shape
Elongation 14 % 30 % Maximum
Coating and stripping
6 Stripping of bitumen aggregate Minimum retained 95%
97 %
Experimental results from tests performed on content with a 7.5 % aggregate replaced by
bituminous concrete specimens to know the e-waste shows increased stability keeping all
stability, flow value, bulk density, percent the other parameters within limits. But as the
air voids and percent V.M.A. are obtained. e-waste percentage goes on increasing
Considering stability as main parameter, it beyond 7.5% decrease in stability is
is observed (Fig. 1) that at 5.5 % bitumen observed.

8 Control Mix
Stabilty (KN)

7 7.5% aggregate
6 replaced by e-waste
10% aggregate
5 replaced by e-waste
12.5% aggregate
4 replaced by e-waste
3 15% aggregate
replaced by e-waste
4.5 5 5.5 6
Bitumen content

Fig. 1 : Stability (KN) Vs Bitumen content (Percentage)

J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 9 No. 3A, January-March 2015
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