Lessons 5-6: Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

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Lasang, Davao City

Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

(EL 108)

3rd Trinal


Name: Laru-an, Lexy T.
3rd Trinal


Corrections rather than just identifying the mistakes, you will make sure they are
answering from what they know rather than making lucky guesses. You can assign one
point to each answer and another point to each correction on the test.

Answer the following questions:
1. What is assessment?

The assessment in the class is vital in order to monitor the academic performance of
the learners. It will serve as a tool to identify if the learners understand and adapt the
lesson clearly. Assessment will also provide a space to know other problems that would
probably give hint for certain development.

2. What is grammatical assessment?

Type of assessment that focuses on the grammatical aspect of a learner. Assessment in

grammar helps the student to be more linguistically good and be more advanced in
their linguistic context construction. Assessing grammar would help them whether the
students applied the rules and principles of the language or certain course.

3. What are the types of assessment?

 Diagnostic assessments.
 Formative assessments.
 Summative assessments.
 Ipsative assessments.
 Norm-referenced assessments.
 Criterion-referenced assessments.

4. Why is it important to assess the students’ grammar?

Assessment in grammar helps the student to be more linguistically good and be more
advanced in their linguistic context construction. Assessing grammar would help them
whether the students applied the rules and principles of the language or certain course.

5. Write something about your experiences as a student. (In at least three

For how many years of being a learner it is fun, exciting and exhausting. Being a
learner it is always a remarkable experience. I can say that I am learner that full of
happy moments and at the same time, a lazy one. To be a learner means a lot for me.
For the reason that, I learn a lot not just academically but because I was surrounded
as well by people who are full of wisdom and that makes me learn as well about life.

Once a learner, you can always feel weary and worries. Weary and worries, that is
caused by the tasks that is given to you as a learner. In this case, you may feel like
you’re giving up and doubts are always in your head. Yet until now I am still continuing
and still see the brightest future ahead of mine. Even how weary I am, I am still right
here standing and continuing to soar high in midst of challenges.

To become a learner, we should always see the brightest future ahead as long as
we are given a chance to pursue our dreams. Whatever the challenges that may come
into our way we should always put in our minds that God is behind in us. We have God
that is willing to be with us even in the midst of trials. Always remember that we must
keep on going. One day, we will be able to declare in ourselves that this is it the
dreams I chase and now I have it already and one day we can say that thank you God
for not letting me gave up on my dreams.

ACTIVITY 4: Simple Present Tense
Complete the following sentences in your own words. Use the correct form of the
verb in parentheses.
1. Joshua (study) Joshua studies the lesson well..
2. Mylene (wish) Mylene wishes to become a great writer.
3. They both (teach) They both teach English subject.
4. She (cook) She cooks the food.
5. We (go) We go as your representatives.
6. He (do) He does the making of cards.
7. Dan (carry) Dan carries a box of fruits.
8. Marty (go) Marty go to thecity.
9. Mother (wash) Mother washes the clothes.
10. They both (clean) They both clean the kitchen.
11. The students (submit) The students submit their projects ahead of
12. You (buy) You buy the product online.
13. I (watch) I watch the movie.
14.Our visitors (bring) Our visitors bring foods.
15. The trees (grow) The trees grow fast.

ACTIVITY 5: Simple Past Tense

Change the following sentences to question form. Begin each question with the
words enclosed in parentheses.
1. Jimmy went to Rizal Park after his class. (when)
When did Jimmy went to Rizal Park?
2. He went straight into the Japanese Tunnel. (where)
Where did he went straight?
3. He sat there for an hour. (how long)
How long did he sat there?
4. Merlyn arrived at three o’clock. (what time)
What time did Merlyn arrived?
5. She paid the taxi driver 80 pesos. (how much)
How much did she paid for the taxi driver?
6. Dante and Rina met last year. (when)
When did Sante and Rina met?
7. They have been friends for 30 days. (how many days)
How many days they have been friend?
8. They talked for two hours. (how long)
How long did they talked?
9. They went to eat at the Deaf and Dumb Restaurant. (where)
Where did they went to eat?
10.They went home after eating. (when)
When did they went home?

11.The children enjoyed swimming in the beach. (where)
Where did the children enjoyed swimming?
12.The boys were waiting for their teacher for 30 minutes. (how long)
How long did the boys waited for their teacher?
13.The group decided to stay in their friend’s home before their flight. (when)
When did the group decided to stay in their friend’s home?
14. Rica and Mica hid behind the bush. (where)
Where did Rica and Mica hid?
15. Mrs. Cortez cooked the crabs by boiling. (how)
How did Mrs. Cortez cooked the crabs?

ACTIVITY 6: (Comprehension) Read the following situations and choose from the
alternatives the best decision to take. Underline the letter of your chosen answer.
1. Smoking causes pollution, lung cancer, and unnecessarily taxes your
a. I will stop smoking now.
b. Never mind, smoking helps me become “macho”.
c. I will stop smoking next month.
2. You are riding a fully loaded bus. You are comfortably seated but you saw an
apparently weak person standing.
a. I will pretend as if I am asleep to avoid the person.
b. I won’t mind the weak person; I have all the right to what I am paying.
c. I will offer my seat.
3. When you entered the classroom, there was a piece of paper scattering at
the middle of the room quite far from you.. it seems that nobody in class
cared to pick it up. You will …
a. Pretend that I did not see the paper, it is not my responsibility anyway.
b. I won’t mind. Other students near the paper will pick it up.
c. Take it upon myself to pick up the paper. After all, any garbage around
will affect everybody including me.
4. You withdrew money from your ATM. You punched in 1,000 Php but were
surprised to see sixty 1,000 bills being dispense by the machine.
a. I will report the incident to any authority present at that time and
surrender the money.
b. I will discretely get the money as if it was mine.
c. I will get the money but use it to help my poor neighbors.
5. During examination time, your instructor told everyone to cover their papers.
Toward the end of the period, you had no answers for at least ten items. You
saw your neighbor’s paper carelessly exposed and the answers you need
were there.
a. I will not copy but remind my neighbor to cover his paper.
b. It is my chance to get a high grade. I will copy my neighbor’s answer.
c. I will ask my neighbor a favor to let me copy for at least 5 items.

6. The person you’re talking to has an unpleasant body odor. You will …
a. stop talking and leave her as fast as you can.
b. continue talking even if you don’t like the smell.
c. talk with her for a while then be polite and excuse yourself after.
7. You were discussing with somebody but he seems not to listen to you.
a. Stop talking and leave behind.
b. Get angry with the person.
c. Continue talking but do something to attract his attention.
8. You happen to interact with a Muslim. You’re talking about your favorite
food. You are going to …
a. discuss my favorite food except pork.
b. tell him that my favorite food is pork lechon.
c. discuss all the food I like regardless of whether he would like or not.
9. In the Philippines, the price of goods and services is heavily affected by the
price of oil. Once there is an increase in the price of oil, there is also an
increase in the price of almost anything. Assuming that today the price of oil
c\decreased. The effect of this is ….
a. The prices of goods and services will also be reduced.
b. The prices of goods and services will be the same.
c. The prices of good and services may possibly be decreased.
10.In an election, the winning candidate for mayor was petitioned because of
alleged electoral fraud, the winner had 17,050 votes while the loser had
15,500 votes. The total registered voters in the town was 32,500. It is safe to
say that …
a. The winner employed flying voters.
b. There may be a slight error in the counting.
c. The petition has no basis.

ACTIVITY 7: Below is a paraphrase of the book of James 1:1-4,12. Complete the
verses by filling the blanks with the verbs given in the list below.

Trials and Temptation

According to James, trials test our faith and develop our

perseverance; and that perseverance finishes its work so that one may mature and
He assures blessings of the man who persevere under trials. One
who stands the tests receive the crown of life that God promises to those who obey
Him and remains faithful to the end.

remains test
obey develop
receive finishes
stands promises
persevere assures

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