Thermo Excercise

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1. A steam turbine receives 35 kg/min of steam with h = 3722.04 KJ/kg and a velocity of 30.5 m/sec. It leaves the turbine
at 275 m/sec and 3070.7 KJ/kg enthalpy. Heat loss due to radiation is 24.6 KW. Find the power output of the turbine in
System: Open System (Steam Turbine)
m = 35 kg/min = 0.5833 kg/sec
h1 = 3722.04 KJ/kg
v1 = 30.5 m/sec
v2 = 275 m/sec
h2 = 3070.7 KJ/kg
Q = 24.6 KW
PE = 0
W = 429.5 KW
2. The enthalpy of air is increased by 139.6 KJ/kg in a compressor. The rate of air flow is 16.4 kg/min. The work input to
the air is 48.2 KW. Assuming KE and PE are negligible, compute the heat loss in KW.
System: Open System (Air Compressor; work done on the system)

3. A closed system containing a gas expands slowly in a piston /cylinder from 600 KPa and 0.10 m 3 to a final volume of 0.50
m3. Determine the work done if the pressure distribution is determined to be;
a) PV = C
b) PV1.4 = C
For a Closed System
W  1 PdV
PV  C
P1V1  P2V2  C
1 2 2 dV
W  C1 dV  C1
 V2 
W  P1V1 ln 

 V1 
W  600(0.10) ln  96.57 KJ
4. A hydraulic pump is handling 8.5 m3/min of water ( = 1000 kg/m3) through a 20 cm ID suction line
and a 15 cm ID discharge line. The suction gauge is on the pump centerline and reads 254 mm Hg
vacuum. The discharge gauge is 6 m above the pump centerline. If the work done on the water is
100 KW, find the reading of the discharge gauge in KPa. (1 HP = 0.746 KW)
5. Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 5 MPa and 500 C, and after a steady-state, steady- flow process, the exhaust is 0.01
MPa and x = 95%. Neglecting KE and PE between inlet and exit points of the turbine, Determine
a) the work in KW for a steam flow rate of 1 kg/sec
b) the steam flow rate if the turbine work is 500 KW.
6. The diameters of the suction and discharge pipes of a pump are 152 mm and 102 mm, respectively. The discharge
pressure is read by a gauge at a point 1.5 m above the pump centerline and the suction pressure is read by a gauge 61
cm below the pump centerline. If the discharge pressure gauge reads 137.9 KPa and the suction gauge reads a vacuum of
253 mm Hg, when gasoline (S=0.75) is pumped at the rate of 34 L/sec, find the power delivered to the fluid. If the pump
is 75% efficient and is driven by a 3-phase, 440 V, 0.9 Power Factor and 92% efficiency induction motor, Determine the
cost of power for 24 hrs operation if power costs P 0.30/KW-hr, and the line current drawn by the motor.
A turbine receives steam at 2 MPa and 500 C at a velocity of 10 m/sec.The steam leaves the turbine at 101 KPa and 373 K with a
velocity of 50 m/sec. Thermal energy is lost from the turbine walls at a rate of 5 KJ/hr. The potential energy due to
elevation difference between the inlet and exit can be neglected. Calculate the power developed by the turbine if 4000
kg/hr of steam pass through the turbine.
8. Work is done by a substance in a reversible nonflow manner in accordance with V = 700/P m 3, where P in KPa. Evaluate
the work done on or by the substance as the increases from 70 KPa to 700 KPa.


No. 20 (First Law; Pure Substance; Closed System)

A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 5 kg of superheated water vapor at 1000 KPa and 250 C. The system is now
cooled at constant pressure until the water reaches a quality of 50%. Calculate the work done and the heat transferred.
T From Steam Table:
At 1000 KPa and 250C (superheated)
h = 2942.6 KJ/kg
2 U = 2709.90 KJ/kg
S = 6.9247 KJ/kg-C
U = 0.2327 m3/kg
S At 1000 KPa and x = 50%
h = 1770.46 KJ/kg
Q U = 1672.64 KJ/kg
S = 4.3626 KJ/kg-C
= 0.097784 m3/kg
tsat = 179.91C

U1 2709.9 KJ/kg ; h1 2942.6KJ/kg

U2 1672.64KJ/kg ; h2 1770.46KJ/kg
Q  ΔU  W
ΔU m(U2 - U1 ) 5(1672.64- 2709.9) 5186.3 mKJ
W m Pd υ mP( υ2  υ1 ) 5( 1000)( 0.97784 0.2327)  674.58 KJ (work is done on the system)
Q  5860.88 KJ (heat is rejected)
No. 21 (First Law; Pure substance; Open system)
Steam flows steadily through a turbine with a mass flow rate of 3 kg/sec. The inlet steam conditions are 7000 KPa and 500 C.
The steam expands in the turbine and leaves at 20 KPa with 95% quality. Neglecting PE and KE, determine the actual work
output of the turbine for heat loss of 290 KJ/kg.
From Steam Table
At 7000 KPa and At 20 KPa and x =
500C 95% W
h = 3410.3 h = 2491.78 Q 2
U = 3073.4 U = 2346.43
S = 6.7975 S = 7.5547
Q 
Δ h=0.04814
ΔKE  ΔPE  W  = 7.2666
Q  Δh  0  0  W
W Q  Δh
W m Q  ( h2  h1 )
W 3 (  290)  ( 2491.78  3410.3 ) 1885.6 KW

No. 22 (First Law:Open system) m  ρV  1.26( 8.5 )  10.71 kg/min  0.1785kg/sec
An air compressor handles 8.5 m3/min of air with a density of 1.26 kg/m3 and
a pressure of 101 KPaa and discharges at 546 Q  ΔU  Δ(Pυ )  ΔKE  ΔPE  W KPaa with a density of 4.86
kg/m3. The changes in specific internal energy W  Q - ΔU - Δ(Pυ ) - ΔKE - ΔPE across the compressor is 82
KJ/kg and the heat loss by cooling is 24 KJ/kg. W  Q - (U2 - U1 ) - (P2υ2 - P1υ1 ) - 0 - 0 Neglecting changes in
kinetic and potential energies, find the work in KW.
P P 
W  Q - (U2 - U1 ) -  2  1 
 ρ2 ρ1 
 546 101  KJ
2 W  ( 24)  ( 82)      138.2
1  4.86 1 .26  kg
Q W  0.1785(-138.2)  24.67 KW
W  24.67 KW (Work is done on the system)
No. 24 (First Law: Closed System)
A closed gaseous system undergoes a reversible process in which 30 KJ of heat are rejected and the volume changes from 0.14
m3 to 0.55 m3. The pressure is constant at 150 KPa. Determine the change in internal energy of the system and the work done.
Q  ΔU  W
W  PdV

at P C
W P dV P(V2 - V1 )

W 150( 0.55  0.14) 61.5 KJ
ΔU Q - W -30 - 61.5 -91.5KJ

No. 25 (First Law: Open System; Adiabatic Nozzle)

Steam with a flow rate of 1360 kg/hr enters an adiabatic nozzle at 1378 KPa, 3.05 m/sec with a specific volume of 0.147 m 3/kg
and with a specific internal energy of 2510 KJ/kg. The exit conditions are, P = 137.8 KPa, specific volume = 1.099 m 3/kg, and
internal energy = 2263 KJ/kg. Determine the exit velocity in m/sec.

Q  Δh  ΔKE  ΔPE  W 1 2

0  Δh  ΔKE  0  0
ΔKE  Δh For Adiabatic Q
2 2 = 0 and for a
v 2  v1
 ( h2  h1 ) Nozzle W = 0
2( 1000)
v 2  2( 1000)( h1  h2 )  v 12
h U  Pυ
h1 2510  ( 1378)( 0.147) 2712.6 KJ/kg
h2 2263  ( 137.8 )( 1.099) 2401.9 KJ/kg
v 2 788.3 m/sec

No. 26 (Pure Substance; Closed system)

A 0.5 m3 tank contains saturated steam at 300 KPa. Heat is transferred until the pressure reaches 100 KPa. Determine the heat
transferred and the final temperature.
300 1
Q 100
Process: Constant Volume V
W=0 υ
Q = U 0.5
Q = m(U2 – U1) m 0.825 kg
From Steam Table at P = 300 KPa (saturated vapor)
U1 = 2543.6 KJ/kg
1 = 0.6058 m3/kg

From steam Table at 100 KPa

g = 1.694 m3/kg ; f = 0.0010432 m3/kg
fg = g - f = 1.693 m3/kg
Ug = 2506.1 KJ/kg ; Uf = 417.36 KJ/kg ; Ufg = 2088.7 KJ/kg
2 = 1
2 = 0.0010432 + x2(1.693) = 0.6058
x2 = 0.357 = 35.7%
U2 = 417.36 + (0.357)(2088.7) = 1163.465 KJ/kg
Q = 0.825(1163.465 – 2543.6) = -1138.6 KJ
Q = 1138.6 KJ (Heat is rejected from the system)

No. 27 (Pure Substance; Closed System)

A rigid steel tank contains a mixture of vapor and liquid water at 65 C. The tank has a volume of 0.5 m 3, the liquid phase
occupying 30% of the volume. Determine the amount of heat added to the system to raise the pressure to 3.5 MPa.
From Steam Table: T
At 65C
f = 1.0199 x 10-3 m3/kg ; g = 6197 x 10-3 m3/kg 3500
Uf = 272.02 KJ/kg ; Ufg = 2191.1 KJ/kg ; Ug = 2463.1 KJ/kg
VL = 0.30(0.5) = 0.15 m3 6 1
Vv = 0.70(0.5) = 0.35 m 3

V 0.15
mL  L  147.07 kg
υ f 1.0199x 10 3
Q  ΔU  W
V 0.35
mV  v  W 0PdV
υg 6197x 10 3 
at V 
m mL  mv 147.1265 kgC ; dV 0
W 0
mv 0.0565
x  Q0Δ.0004
m 147.1265
υ fg ( 6197  1.0199)10 3 6195.9801x 10 3
υ  1.0199  0.0004( 6195.9801) 10 3 3.4 x 10 3
U1 272.02  0.0004( 2191.1) 272.896 KJ/kg

At 3500 KPa
Uf = 1045.43 KJ/kg ; Ufg = 1558.3 KJ/kg
f = 1.2347 x 10-3 ; g = 57.07 x 10-3
fg = 55.8353 x 10-3 m3/kg
3.4 = 1.2347 + x2(55.8353)
X2 = 0.039
U2 = 1045.43 + 0.039(1558.3) = 1105.86 KJ/kg
Q = m(U2 – U1) = 147.1265(1105.86 – 272.896) = 122,551 KJ

No. 28 (Pure Substance; Closed System; Constant Temperature)

Saturated vapor water at 200C is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston. The initial volume of the cylinder is 25 L. The steam
then expands in a quasiequilibrium isothermal process until the final pressure in the cylinder is 200 KPa, and in so doing does
work against the piston. Determine the work done during the process. (Isothermal process is a constant temperature process)
At 200C (Psat = 1 .5538 MPa) T
1 = 127.36 x 10-3 m3/kg W
U1 = 2595.3 KJ/kg: S1 = 6.4323 200 1 2
At 200 KPa and 200C KPa
Tsat = 120.23C

2 = 1080.3 x 10-3 m3/kg
U2 = 2654.4 KJ/kg; S2 = 7.5066

m 0.1963kg
127.36 x10 3
Q  ΔU  W
Q TΔS 473(7.5066  6.4323) 508.14 KJ/kg
ΔU ( 2654.4  2595.3 ) 59.1KJ / kg
W Q  ΔU 449.04 KJ/kg
W 0.1963( 449.04) 88.15 KJ

No. 29 (Pure Substance: Nonflow System; Constant Pressure)

A cylinder fitted with a piston has a volume of 0.1 m 3 and contains 0.5 kg of steam at 0.4 MPa. Heat is transferred to the steam
until the temperature is 300C, while the pressure remains constant. Determine the heat transferred and the work for this
V 0.1
υ1    0.2 m 3 W
m 0.5

At 0.4 MPa and  = 0.2 m3 (saturated mixture)

x1 = 0.4311
U1 = 1444.65 KJ/kg U
h1 = 1524.65 KJ/kg
S1 = 3.9835 KJ/kg-K

At 0.4 MPa and 300C (superheated vapor)

U2 = 2804.8 KJ/kg
h2 = 3066.8 KJ/kg
h  U  Pυ S2 = 7.5662 KJ/kg-K T

dh  dU  Pd υ  υdP
But at P  C, dP  0
dh  dU  Pd υ  dQ P = 400
Q  Δh
Q  ΔU  W
W  PdV at P  C

W  P( υ2 - υ1 )
Q = m(h2 – h1) = 0.5(3066.8 – 1524.65) = 771.08 KJ
U = m(U2 – U1) = 0.5(2804.8 – 1444.65) = 680.08 KJ
W = Q - U = 771.08 – 680.08 = 91 KJ

No. 30(Pure Substance; Open System; Nozzle)

Superheated vapor steam enters a turbine nozzle at 3000 KPa, 350 C, with a low velocity and exits the nozzle at 1600 KPa with a
velocity of 550 m/sec. The steam flow rate is 0.5 kg/sec. Calculate the quality or temperature of the steam exiting the nozzle and
also the exit area of the nozzle.

From Steam Table

At 3000 KPa and 350C
h1 = 3115.3 KJ/kg
Q  Δh  ΔKE  ΔPE  W
0  Δh  ΔKE  0  0
Δh   ΔKE
 v 2  v12  1 2
h2  h1    2 
 2( 1000) 
 v 2  v12  For Adiabatic Q
h1  h2   2  = 0 and for a
 2( 1000)  Nozzle W = 0
but v 1 is negligible
 v22 
h1  h2   
 2( 1000) 
h2  h1 
2( 1000)

h2 = 2964.05 KJ/kg
From Steam Table or Mollier Chart (superheated state)
At P = 1600 KPa and h = 2964.05 KJ/kg
t = 269.4C
 = 0.14835 m3/kg
Av From Continuity Equation
mυ2 0.5( 0.14835)
A2    0.000135 m 2
v2 550
A  d2
d  0.0131 m  1.31 cm

Ideal Gas; Nonflow system

A closed system containing a gas expands slowly in a piston /cylinder from 600 KPa and 0.10 m 3 to a final volume of 0.50 m3.
Determine the work done if the pressure distribution is determined to be; (a) PV = C; (b) PV 1.4 = C
No. 31 (Ideal Gas)
An ideal gas has a mass of 1.5 kg and occupies 2.5 m 3 while at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 200 KPa. Determine the
ideal gas constant for the gas.
m = 1.5 kg PV  mRT
V = 2.5 m 3
PV 200( 2.5 ) KJ
R   1.11
T = 300K mT 1.5( 300) kg  K
P = 200 KPa
No. 32(Ideal Gas)
A 6 m3 tank contains helium at 400K and is evacuated from atmospheric pressure to 740 mm Hg vacuum. Determine
a) the mass of helium remaining in the tank
b) the mass of helium pumped out
c) the temperature of the remaining helium falls to 10C , what is the pressure in KPa
For Helium:
R = 2.077 KJ/kg-K
Cp = 5.1954 KJ/kg-K
Cv = 3.1189 KJ/kg-K
P1 = 101.325 KPa
P2 = 760 – 740 =20 mm Hg = 2.67 KPa
V1 = V 2 = 6 m3
T = 400K
PV  mRT
101.325( 6 )
m1   0.732 kg (original mass of helium in the tank)
2.077( 400)
m2   0.02 kg (mass of helium remaining in the tank)
mp  0.732 - 0.02  0.712 kg (mass of helium pumped out)
If the temperatur e falls to 283K
P  1.96 KPa

No. 33 (Ideal Gas)

A 5 m3 tank contains chlorine at 300 KPa and 300K after 3 kg of chlorine has been used. Determine the original mass and
pressure if the original temperature was 315K.
For Chlorine: R = 0.1172 KJ/kg-K
V1 =V2 = 5 m3
P2 = 300 KPa ; T2 = 300K
m2 = (m1 – 3) kg
T1 = P2V2  m2 RT 2 315K
300( 5 )  ( m1  3 )( 0.1172)( 300)
m1  45.66 kg
P1V1  m1RT 1
45.66( 0.1172)( 315 )
P1   337.15 KPa
No. 34 (Ideal Gas)
Given that carbon monoxide has a temperature of 500K and a specific volume of 0.4 m3/kg, determine the absolute pressure in
KPa. For CO, M = 28.

8.3143 8.3143 KJ
R   0.2969
M 28 kg - K
PV  mRT
m P
RT 0.2969( 500)
P   371.125 KPa
υ 0.4
No. 35 (Ideal Gas)
For a certain ideal gas R = 0.270 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.25. Determine Cp, Cv and M.
Rk 0.270( 1.25 )
Cp    1.35 KJ/kg - K
k 1 1.25  1
Cv   1.08 KJ/kg - K
k 1
8.3143 8.3143
M   30.8 kg/kg mol
R 0.270

No. 36 (Ideal Gas; Avogadro’s Law)

At 2068.44 KPa, 37.8C, 0.142 m3 of methane have a total mass of 1.82 kg. Using avogadro’s principle find the mass of carbon
dioxide contained in a 0.85 m3 tank at 2068.44 KPa, 37.8C. For Methane (CH4): M = 16; For CO2: M = 44

m  Mn
1.82  16n
nCH4  0.11375
nCO 2 
From Avogadro' s Law
nCO 2 nCH4

m 0.11375

44( 0.85 ) 0.142
mCO 2  30 kg

No. 37 (Ideal Gas)

A drum π 15 cm in diameter and 102 cm long contains acetylene at 1724 KPa and
V  ( 0.15 ) 2 ( 1.02 )  0.018 m 3
300K. 4 After some of the acetylene was used, the pressure was 670 KPa and the
P1V  m1RT 1 temperature was 294K.
1724( 0.018) a) What proportion of the acetylene was used?
m1   0.324 kg b) What volume would the used acetylene occupy at 100 KPa and
0.3195( 300)
For m2   0.128 kg Acetylene: R = 0.3195 KJ/kg-K
0.3195( 294)
mo  m1 - m2  0.196 kg
mo 0.196
 x 100%  60.5%
m1 0.324
m RT 0.196( 0.3195)( 288)
V0  o o   0.18 m 3
Po 100
No. 1
A. How many kilograms of nitrogen must be mixed with 3.6 kg of CO 2 in order to produce a gaseous mixture that is
50% by volume of each constituent?
B. For the resulting mixture, determine M and R and the partial pressure of N 2 if that of the CO2 is 138 KPa.
For CO2: M = 44 ; k = 1.288
For N2: M = 28 ; k = 1.399

y i Mi y i Mi 8.3143 8.3143 KJ
xi   R   0.231
M 36 kg - K
y M i i M
M  0.50( 28 )  0.50( 44)  36 yi 
0.50( 28 )
x N2   0.39 138
36 0.50 
0.50( 44)
xCO 2   0.61 P  276 KPa
m 0.50  2
xi  i 276
mCO 2 PN2  0.50( 276 )  138 KPa
xCO 2 
mCO 2  mN2
0.61 
3.6  mN2
mN2   3.6  2.3 kg

No. 2
One mole of a gaseous mixture has the following gravimetric analysis; O 2 = 16% ; CO2 = 44%; N2 = 40%.
a) the molecular weight of the mixture
b) the mass of each constituent
c) the moles of each constituent in the mixture
d) the gas constant R
e) the partial pressure for P = 207 KPa
yi  M
 M
x i 0.16 0.44 0.40
 M



 0.0293

yO2  0.171
yCO 2  0.341
y N2  0.488
M  y M  34.14 kg/kg
i i mol

R  0.244 KJ/kg - K
yi  i
nO2  0.171; nCO 2  0.341; nN2  0.488

Gas Mixture
A blower compresses 0.02 m 3/sec of gaseous mixture that has the following volumetric analysis: CO 2 = 11% ; O2 = 8% ; CO =
1% ; N2 = 80% ; from 101 Kpa and 27 C to 180 KPa. Assuming the compression to be isentropic, find the work in KW.
For CO : For O : For CO: For N :
M =44 M = 32 M = 28 M = 28
K = 1.288 K = 1.295 K = 1.399 K = 1.399

No. 3
A 0.23 m3 drum contains a gaseous mixture of CO 2 and CH4 each 50% by mass at P =689 KPa and T = 311 K. 1 kg of O2 is added to
the drum with the mixture temperature remaining at 311K. For the final mixture, Find
a) the gravimetric analysis
b) the volumetric analysis
c) the Cp and Cv
d) the total pressure P

yi 
 Mi For
x i 0.50 0.50 CO2: M = 44 ; k = 1.288; Cv = 0.656
 Mi


 0.043
CH4: M = 16 ; k = 1.321; Cv = 1.62
yCO 2  0.26 O2: M = 32 ; k = 1.395; Cv = 0.658

yCH4  0.74 mi
xi 
M  0.26( 44 )  0.74( 16 )  23.3 kg/kg mol m
R  0.357 KJ/kg - K mCO 2  0.50( 1.43)  0.715 kg
PV  mRT mCH4  0.50(1.43)  0.715 kg
689(0.23) with 1 kg of O2 added
m  1.43 kg
0.357( 311) m  0.715  0.715  1  2.43 kg
V 3 m 3 0 .715
;P 101 KPa ; T 308  K ; y CH 4 60% ; y O 2 40%

x 0.60(16)
 0.29  29%
 0.40(32) 22.4
8.3143 KJ
R 0.715

xCH422.4  0.29
kg - 29
PV mRT2.43
mxO   0.42  42%
b) m 2.65 kg
xi  xi 0.29 0.29 0.42
 MM0.60(16)
 
44 16

0.429 32
CH 4
 0.17  17%
yCO 2 0.40(32)
xO2  0.571
y CH4  022.4
.48  48%
m CH 4
c)  02.65
yO42 
x CH .35  35%
m CH 4 1.137 kg
mMO  
17( 44 )  0.48
- 1.137 16 )  kg
(1.513 0.35( 32)  26.36 Kg/kg mol

a) KJ
C  
x C  0.29( 0.656 )  0.29( 1.62)  0.42( 0.658)  0.9364
at y CH 4v 0.50 ;i yViO 2 0.50 kg - K
M 0.50(16)  0.50(32) 24
8.3143 KJ
R 8.3143  0.315 KJ
R 26
.36  0.346 kg - K
kg -  K
0.50(16) KJ
p C
xCCH v  R  1.2514
24 kg - K

x O 2 0.67
d) 1.137  m CH 4
x CH 4 
2.65  m CH 4
PV  mRT
1.137  m CH
( 0.315 )( 311)

P  m CH  1035 KPa
0. 23
m CH - 0.39 kg ; therefore some CH 4 is removed from the mixture because it is negative.

m 2.65 - .39 2.26 kg

b) y CH 4 0.50 ; y O 2 0.50
M 0.50(16)  0.50(32) 24
8.3143 KJ
R 0.346
24 kg -  K
A 3 m3 drum contains
x CH 4 
101 KPa and 308K of 60% CH4 and 40% O2 on a volumetric basis.
Determine: ( For O2: M = 32;
24 k = 1.395 ; For CH : M = 16; k = 1.321)
x O 2 0.67
a) The amount of CH4 in kg that must be added at 308K to change the volumetric analysis to
1.513  m O
50% for0.67
 component. 2

2.65  m
b) The amount of O2 in kg Othat must be added at 308K to change the volumetric analysis to

m O 0.796
50% for each component.

m 2.65  0.796 3.446 kg

c) The new mixture pressure in KPa for conditions (a) and (b)
c) for condition a;
2.26(0.346 )(308)
P 80.28 KPa
For condition b :
3.446(0.34 6)(308)
P 122.41 KPa

Steam enters and adiabatic turbine at 1 MPa and 600C and exits at 50 KPa and 150C. Determine the work per kg of steam.
At 1 MPa and 600C (superheated state)
h1 = 3697.9 KJ/kg
S1 = 8.029 KJ/kg-K
At 50 KPa and 150C (superheated state)
h2 =2780.1 KJ/kg
S2 = 7.9401 KJ/kg-K
W= (h1 – h2) = 917.8 KJ/kg
No. 12 (Pure Substance; Steam Turbine)
A steam turbine receives 5 kg/sec of steam at 2 MPa and 600 C and discharges the steam as a saturated vapor at 100 KPa. The
heat loss through the turbine is 6 KW. Determine the power.
At 2 MPa and 600C (Superheated state)
h1 = 3690.1 KJ/kg
At 100 KPa and x = 1(saturated vapor)
h2 = 2675.5 KJ/kg
m 1
Q Δh  ΔKE  ΔPE  W W
ΔKE 0 ; ΔPE 0
W Q - Δh Q= m
Δh 5(2675.5 - 3690.1)  5073 KW -6K

W (-6) - (-5073) 5067 KW

No. 13(Pure Substance; Nozzle)

A nozzle receives 5 kg/sec of steam at 0.6 MPa and 350 C and discharges at 100 KPa and 200C. The inlet velocity is negligible,
the heat loss is 250 KJ/kg, determine the exit velocity.
From Steam Table
At 600 KPa and 350C
h1 = 3165.7 KJ/kg
At 100 KPa and 200C 1 2
h2 = 2875.3 KJ/kg
Q Δh  ΔKE  ΔPE  W Q = -250 KJ/kg
ΔPE 0 ; W 0
ΔKE Q - Δh
v 2 2 - v12
Q  Δh
2( 1000)
v 1 0
v 2  2( 1000) Q  Δh 
v 2  2000 (  250 )  ( 2875.3  3165.7 )
v 2 284.3

No. 15 (Pure substance)

A 2 m3 tank contains a saturated water vapor at 40C. Determine the pressure and mass in the tank.
From steam table at 40C saturated vapor; vg = 19.523 m3/kg
From Table 1 at 40C the saturation pressure is 7.384 KPa


19.523 


m 0.1024 kg

No. 16 υ  V (Pure Substance)

Determine m the volume occupied by 2 kg of steam at 1000 KPa and 500C.
V From steam table at 1000 KPa and 500C, v = 0.3541 m3kg
0.3541 
V 2( 0.3541) 0.7082 m 3


P = 1000
No. 17 (Pure substance)
Steam has a quality of 90% at 200 C. determine the enthalpy and the specific volume.
From saturated liquid and saturated vapor table, at 200C
vf = 0.001157 m3/kg ; hf = 852.48 KJ/kg
vg = 0.127642 m3/kg ; hg = 2793.15 KJ/kg

For the properties located at the wet region (Region II)

r = rf + xrfg

x = 0.90

hfg = hg – hf = 2793.15 – 852.48 = 1940.67 KJ/kg
vfg = vg - vf = 0.127642 – 0.001157 = 0.126485 m3/kg

Psat =90%
h = hf + xhfg
h = 852.48 + 0.90(1940.67) = 2599.083 KJ/kg

v = vf + xvfg
v = 0.001157 + 0.90(0.126485) = 0.115 m3/kg

No. 18 (Pure Substance: Throttling Calorimeter)

A throttling calorimeter is connected to the main steam line where the pressure is 1.75 MPa. The calorimeter pressure is 90 KPa
and 105 C. Determine the main steam quality.
From steam table at 1.75 MPa; hf = 878.50 KJ/kg ; hg = 2796.4 KJ/kg

At 90 KPa and 105C; h = 2687.55 KJ/kg

h1 = h at 1.75 MPa and unknown quality T
h2 = h at 90 KPa and 105 C
P2 = 90

h1 = h 2
P1 =

h1 = hf1 + x1(hfg1) = h2
1 x1 =

2687.55 = 878.5 + x1(2796.4 – 878.5)


x1 = 0.9432 = 94.32%

No. 19 (Pure substance)

A vessel having a volume of 0.4 m 3 contains 2 kg of a liquid and water vapor mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 0.6 MPa.
a) the mass and volume of liquid
b) the volume and mass of vapor
From steam table at 0.6 MPa (600 KPa) g = 0.3157 m3/kg ; f = 0.001101 m3/kg

V 0.4
υ  0.20 m 3 /kg
m 4
υ υ f  xυ fg υ f  x( υg  υ f )
0.20 0.001101 x( 0.3157  0.001101)
x 0.6322
mv 1.2644 kg
m mv  mL
mL 0.7356 kg
VL υ f ( mL ) 0.0008 m 3
Vv υg ( mv ) 0.3992 m 3
N0. 14 (Isothermal Process; Open system; Ideal Gas)
An ideal compressor compresses 12 kg/min of air isothermally from 99 KPa and a specific volume of 0.81 m 3/kg to a final
pressure of 600 KPa. Determine the work and the heat loss in KW.
For Isothermal Process Open system with ΔKE 0 and ΔPE 0
P2 P

W - VdP -P1V1ln mRT 1 ln 1
P1 P2
P1υ1 RT 1
99( 0.81)
T1  279.4 K
W 12( 0.287 )( 279.4 ) ln
 1733.8 KJ/min  29 KW
W 29 KW (work is done on the system)
No. 15(Isometric Process; Ideal Gas)
Air from the discharge of a compressor enters a 1 m 3 storage tank. The initial air pressure in the tank is 500 KPa and the
temperature is 600 K. The tank cools, and the internal energy decreases 213 KJ/kg. Determine
a) the work done
b) the heat loss Tank
c) the change of enthalpy m3
d) the final temperature T1 = Q
For Air: 600K
R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K P1 = 500
k = 1.4 At V  C
Cv = 0.7175 KJ/kg-K W 0
Cp = 1.0045 KJ/kg-K Q mΔU
ΔU C v (T2 - T1 )
P1V mRT 1
500( 1)
m 2.9 kg
0.287( 600)
Q 2.9(-213)  617.7 KJ
Q 617.7 KJ (heat is rejected)
- 213 0.7175(T2 - 600)
T2 303 K
Δh mC p ( T2  T1 ) 2.9( 1.0045)( 303  600)  865 KJ

No. 1 (Constant Volume; Ideal Gas)

A reversible nonflow constant volume process decreases the internal energy by 316.5 KJ for 2.3 kg of a gas for which R = 0.47
KJ/kg- K and k = 1.35. For the process, determine
a. the work
b. the heat
c. the entropy change if the initial temperature is 478  K
U = -316.5 KJ
m = 2.3 kg
R = 0.47 KJ/kg-K
k = 1.3
T1 = 478K
At V = C ; Q = U = mCv(T)
R 0.47
Cv   1.567 KJ/kg -  K
k  1 1.3  1
Q - 316.5 2.3(1.567)(T2 - 478)
T2 390 K
a. W = PdV = 0
b. Q = -316.5 KJ
Q = 316.5 KJ (heat is rejected)
T2 390 KJ
ΔS mCv ln 2.3( 1.567 ) ln  0.733
T1 478 K
No. 2 (Isothermal; Ideal Gas)
A mass of kg of air contained in cylinder at 800 KPa, 1000  K expands in a reversible isothermal process to 100
KPa. Calculate
a. the heat Q
b. the entropy change
Given: Process T = C or PV = C (for Air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.4)
m = 1 kg ; P1 = 800 KPa ; T1 = 1000K ; P2 = 100 KPa
a. At T = C for ideal Gas, Q = W
V P 800
Q W mRT 1 ln 2 mRT 1 ln 1 1( 0.287 )( 1000) ln
V1 P2 100
Q W 597KJ
Q 597 KJ
ΔS   0.597
T 1000 K
No. 3 (Isobaric; Ideal gas)
A piston - cylinder containing air expands at a constant pressure of 150 KPa, from a temperature of 285 K to a
temperature of 550K. The mass of air is 0.05 kg, determine the heat Q, the work W, U , h and S for the

P = 150 KPa; T1 = 285K; T2 = 550K; m = 0.05 kg
For Air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K ; k = 1.4; Cp = 1.0045 KJ/kg-K; Cv = 0.7175 KJ/kg-K
At P = C; Q = h = mCp(T2 – T1)
Q = 0.05(1.0045)(550 – 285) = 13.3 KJ
h = 13.3 KJ
W = P(V2 – V1) = mR(T2 – T1) = 0.05(0.287)(550 – 285) = 3.8 KJ

No. 4 (Polytropic; Ideal Gas)

In a turbine 4500 kg/min of air expands polytropically from 425 KPa and 1360 K to 101 KPa. The exponent n =
1.45 for the process. Find the work done and the heat transfer.
Given: m = 4500 kg/min ; P1 = 425 KPa; T1 = 1360K ; P2 = 101 KPa; PVn = C
n = 1.45 ; KE and PE are negligible
For Air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K; k = 1.4; Cp = 1.0045 KJ/kg-K;
Cv = 0.7175 KJ/kg-K
 n 1 
nmRT 1  P2  n 
W Q  Δh      1
1  n  P1 
 
n 1
k n P  n
Q mC n ( T2  T1 ); C n Cv  ; T2 T1  2 
 1 n   P1 
 1.45 1 
1.45( 4500)( 0.287 )( 1360)  101  1.45  33.938 KW
W  1
60( 1  1.45 )  425  
 
 1.45 1 
4500(0.7175)(1.4 - 1.45)(1360)  101  1.45
Q  1  2926 KW
60( 1  1.45 )  425  
 
Q 2926 KW (heat is rejected)
N0. 5 (Throttling Process; Pure Substance)
A throttling calorimeter is connected to the desuperheated steam line supplying steam to the auxiliary feed
pump on a ship. The line pressure measures 2.5 MPa (hf = 962.11 KJ/kg ; hfg = 1841 KJ/kg). The calorimeter
pressure is 110 KPa and the temperature is 150C (h = 2775.6 KJ/kg). Determine the line steam line quality.
h2 = 2775.6 KJ/kg
h2 = h1 = hf1 + x1(hfg1)
2775.6  962.11
x1   98.5%

No. 6 (Isometric with Paddle work; Ideal Gas)

A closed constant volume system receives 10.5 KJ of paddle work. The system contains oxygen at 344 KPa, 278 K,and occupies
0.06 m3. Find the heat (loss or gain) if the final temperature is 400 K.(For O2: M = 32; k = 1.395; R = 0.2598 KJ?kg- K; Cp = 0.9185
KJ/kg-K; Cv = 0.6585 KJ/kg-K) W
Q = U + W – Wp PV mRT
At V = C ; W = 0 344( 0.06 )
m 0.285 kg W
0.2598( 278) p
ΔU mCv(T2 - T1 ) m
ΔU 0.285(0.6585)(400 - 278)
ΔU 22.9 KJ
Q  ΔU - Wp 22.9 - 10.5
Q 12.4 KJ

No. 7 (Isentropic; Pure Substance)

Steam contained in a 22.6 L piston-cylinder at 1400 KPa and 250 C, expands isentropically until it becomes saturated vapor.
a) the final pressure
b) the work required
c) the final volume
W 250 T 1 P 1
C 1400 1
U P2 P 2
2 2
From Steam Table
At 1400 KPa and 250C (superheated vapor)
1 = 0.1635
U1 = 2698.3
h1 = 2927.2
S1 = 6.7467
At S1 = S2 to saturation curve (by interpolation)
P Sg hg Ug 
620 6.7490 2758.3 2568.5 0.306
P2 6.7467 2758.39 2568.6 0.30452
1 5
630 6.7436 2759 2569.0 0.301

P2  620 6.7467  6.7490 Q  ΔU  W

630  620 6.7436  6.7490 Q0
P2  624.26 KPa W   ΔU
υ1  1
m  0.138 kg
W  0.138(2568.61 - 2698.3)  17.93 KJ
υ2 
V2  0.304525( 0.138)  0.04202 m 3  42.02 L

No. 8 (Isentropic; Pure Substance; Steam turbine)

Steam flows steadily through a turbine with a mass flow rate of 2.52 kg/sec. The inlet steam conditions are 7000 KPa and 500 C.
The exit steam pressure is 20 KPa and the expansion is isentropic. Determine the turbine work in KW.
From Steam Table(superheated state)
m 1
At 7000 KPa and 500C
h1 = 3410.3
U1 = 3073.4 2
S1 = 6.7975 Q m
At S1 = S2 to 20 KPa (saturated mixture region) =
h2 = 2239.45 0
U2 = 2110.47
x2 = 84.3%
Q  Δh  ΔKE  ΔPE  W
Q  0 (for adiabatic)
ΔKE and ΔPE are negligible
W  - Δh  -(h2 - h1 ) KJ/kg
W  m(h1 - h2 ) KW
where m is the mass flow rate in kg/sec
W  2.52( 3410.3  2239.45 )  2959.54 KW
No. 9 (Polytropic Process; Closed System)
In a piston-cylinder 0.5 kg of air expands polytropically, n = 1.8, from an initial pressure of 5 MPa and an initial volume of 0.07 m 3
to a final pressure of 500 KPa. Calculate the system work and heat in KJ.
P 1
1 =C
U 2
Q 2

m = 0.5 kg
PVn = C ; n = 1.8
P1= 5000 KPa ; V1 = 0.07 m3
P2 = 500 KPa
Req’d. W and Q
For a Closed System; PVn = C

 n 1   1.8  1 
P1V1  P2  n  5000( 0.07 )  500  1.8
W    1     1  280.3 KJ
1  n  P1  ( 1  1.8 )  5000  
   
P1V1  mRT 1
5000( 0.07 )
T1   2439K
( 0.5 )( 0.287 )
n 1
T2  P2  n
 
T1  P1 
T2  877K
kn  1.4  1.8  KJ
C n  Cv    0.7175   0.35875
 1n   1  1.8  kg  K
Q  mC n ( T2  T1 )  0.5( 0.35875)( 877  2439)  280.2 KJ
Q  280.2 KJ (heat is rejected)

No. 10 (Isometric Process; Ideal Gas)

A closed rigid container has a volume of 1 m 3 and holds air at 344.8 KPa and 273 K. Heat is added until the temperature is 600 K.
Determine the heat added and the final pressure. (For Air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg- K; k = 1.4)
V = 1 m3
P1 = 344.8 KPa; T1 = 273K P T
T2 = 6002K 2
At V  C; W  0
Q  ΔU  mC v (T2 - T1 ) 1 1
PV 344.8( 1)
m   4.4 kg V V
RT 0.287( 273)
R 0.287 KJ
Cv    0.7175
k - 1 1.4  1 kg - K
Q  4.4( 0.7175)( 600  273)  1032.34 KJ
No. 11(Pure Substance; Steam Turbine)

1. If 6 L of a gas at a pressure of 100 KPa are compressed reversibly according to PV 2 = C, until the volume becomes 2 L,
Find the final pressure and the work.

Isometric Process; Ideal Gas

1500 L of steam at 4 MPa and 600C is cooled at constant volume process to 400C. For the process, determine
a) the change of enthalpy in KJ
b) the change of internal energy in KJ
Isentropic Process; Ideal Gas
One kg of air is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston at a pressure of 0.40 MPa and a temperature of 600 K. The air is now
expanded to 0.15 MPa in an isentropic process. Calculate the work done by the air. (W = 107.01 KJ)
Polytropic Process; Ideal Gas
Nitrogen in a cylinder-piston system at 0.10 MPa and 20 C is compressed to 500 KPa in a polytropic process where n = 1.3. For 1
kg of the gas calculate the work and the heat transfer. For N 2: M = 28; k = 1.399. (W = -130.4; Q = -32.2)
Isentropic Process; Pure Substance
Steam enters a steam turbine at a pressure of 1000 KPa, a temperature of 300 C, and a velocity of 50 m/sec. The steam leaves
the turbine at a pressure of 150 KPa and a velocity of 200 m/sec. For a steam flow rate of a0 kg/sec, determine the power
developed by the turbine assuming the process to be isentropic. (W = 3775 KW)
Isentropic Process; Pure Substance; Nozzle
Steam enters a steam nozzle at 1000 KPa, 300 C with a velocity of 30 m/sec. The pressure of the steam at the nozzle exit is 300
KPa. Determine the exit velocity of the steam from the nozzle assuming isentropic steady state, steady flow process with
negligible changes in potential energy.
Isentropic Process; Air Turbine
Air expands in an air turbine from a pressure of 450 KPa and a temperature of 550 K to an exhaust pressure of 150 KPa.
Assuming the process to be isentropic with KE = 0 and PE = 0, Calculate the power developed in KW for 10 kg/sec of air
flowing through the turbine. (for air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K ; k = 1.4)
Ideal Gas; Entropy change
One kilogram of oxygen is heated from 300K to 1500K. Assume that during this process the pressure dropped from 200 to 150
KPa, Calculate the change in entropy in KJ/K. (For O2: M = 32; k = 1.395)
Pure Substance; Isentropic process; Closed System
A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains steam at 300 C, 2 MPa, at which point the cylinder volume is 100 L. The steam
now expands, doing work against the piston until the final pressure is 300 KPa. How much work is done by the steam during the
process if the process is assumed to be isentropic.
Isothermal Process; Ideal Gas
A mass of 1 kg of air contained in a cylinder at 800 KPa, 1000 K expands in a reversible isothermal process to 100 KPa. Calculate
the final temperature and the work done for the process.
Isentropic Process; Ideal Gas
A mass of 1 kg of air contained in a cylinder at 800 KPa, 1000 K expands in a reversible isothermal process to 100 KPa. Calculate
the heat transfer and the change of entropy for the process.
Processes; Ideal Gas
A cylinder fitted with a piston contains 1 kg of argon gas (M = 40 ; k = 1.666) at 100 KPa, 300 K. The gas is now compressed
reversibly to a pressure of 600 KPa. Calculate the work required if the process is:
a) Isentropic
b) Isothermal
c) Polytropic with n = 1.3
Three Process; Ideal Gas
A cylinder fitted with a piston contains air at ambient conditions, 100 KPa and 20 C, at which point the volume is 1 m 3. The air is
now compressed to 800 KPa in a reversible polytropic process with exponent n = 1.2, after which it is expanded to 100 KPa in a
reversible adiabatic process.
a) Show the process on the PV and TS diagram
b) determine the final temperature and the net work
Polytropic Process; Ideal Gas
Air is contained in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. Initially the cylinder contains 500L of air at 150 KPa, 20 C . The air is
then compressed reversibly in a polytropic process until the final pressure is 600 KPa at which point the temperature is 120 C.
a) The polytropic exponent n
b) The final volume of the air
c) The work done on the air and the heat transfer for the process
d) The net change in entropy for the process
Isentropic Process; Pure Substance
Steam enters a turbine at 2 MPa, 400 C, expands in a reversible adiabatic process and exhaust at 10 KPa. Changes in Kinetic and
Potential energies are small between the inlet and exit conditions of the turbine. The power output of this turbine is 800 KW.
What is the mass flow of steam through the turbine?
Isentropic Process; Ideal Gas; Nozzle
Consider a reversible adiabatic nozzle flowing nitrogen gas at the rate of 0.2 kg/sec. The state at the nozzle inlet is 500 KPa,
200C, with a velocity at this point of 10 m/sec, and the pressure at the nozzle exit is 100 KPa. Determine the nozzle exit velocity
and cross sectional area.
Isentropic Process; Open system
Air enters a turbine at 600 KPa, 1000K and expands isentropically to 100 KPa. Calculate the exit temperature and the work
output per kg of air.
Isentropic Process; Water pump
Consider the liquid pump in a steam power plant cycle. Water leaves the condenser and enters the pump at 10 KPa, 35 C and
exits from the pump at a pressure of 10 MPa. Assuming the pumping process to be isentropic, calculate
a) the work required per kg of water
b) the water temperature at the pump exit

Isometric Process; Ideal Gas

A reversible nonflow constant volume process decreases the internal energy by 316.5 KJ for 2.268 kg of a gas for which R =
0.430 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.35. For the process, determine:
a) the work in KJ
b) the heat in KJ
c) the change in entropy in KJ/K if t1 = 204.4C.
Isobaric Process; Nonflow; Ideal Gas
Consider that 1 kg of air has a decrease in internal energy of 22 KJ while its centigrade temperature is reduced to one-third of
the initial temperature during a reversible nonflow constant pressure process. Determine
a) the initial temperature inC
b) the final temperature inC
c) the heat in KJ
d) the work in KJ
e) the entropy change in KJ/K
For air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K
k = 1.4
Isentropic Process; Steady flow; Ideal Gas
Oxygen expands isentropically through a nozzle from an initial pressure and initial temperature and with an initial velocity of 50
m/sec. There is a decrease of 38K in temperature across the nozzle. Determine; a) the exit velocity in m/sec, b) for inlet
conditions of 410KPa and 320K find the exit pressure.
For Oxygen: R = 0.2598 KJ/kg-K; k = 1.39
Polytropic Process; Open system;Ideal Gas
A natural gas pipeline distributes gas throughout the country, pumped by a large gas turbine driven centrifugal compressor.
Assume that the natural gas is methane, the pipe diameter is
0.2 m, and the gas enters the compressor at 300K and 105 KPa. The velocity of the methane entering the compressor is 4
m/sec. The compression process is isentropic and the discharge pressure is 700 KPa. Determine
a) the discharge temperature inK
b) the mass flow rate in kg/sec
c) the power required in KW
For Methane(CH4)
M = 16
k = 1.321

Isentropic Process; Open system; Ideal Gas

Oxygen expands isentropically through a nozzle from an initial pressure and initial temperature and with an initial velocity of 50
m/sec. There is a decrease of 38K in the temperature across the nozzle. Determine
a) the exit velocity in m/sec
b) for inlet conditions of 410 KPa and 320K, find the exit pressure in KPa.
For O2: M = 32; k = 1.395
Isometric Process; Ideal Gas
A reversible nonflow constant volume process decreases the internal energy by 316.5 KJ for 2.268 kg of a gas for which R =
0.430 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.35. For the process, determine:(a) the work in KJ; (b) the heat in KJ; (c) the change in entropy in KJ/ K if
t1 = 204.4C.
Isobaric process; nonflow; ideal gas
Consider that 1 kg of air has a decrease in internal energy of 22 KJ while its centigrade temperature is reduced to one-third of
the initial temperature during a reversible nonflow constant pressure process. Determine; (a) the initial temperature in C; (b)
the final temperature inC; (c) the heat in KJ; d) the work in KJ; (e) the entropy change in KJ/ K
For air: R = 0.287 KJ/kg-K; k = 1.4
Ideal Gas; Nonflow system
A closed system containing a gas expands slowly in a piston /cylinder from 600 KPa and 0.10 m 3 to a final volume of 0.50 m3.
Determine the work done if the pressure distribution is determined to be; (a) PV = C; (b) PV 1.4 = C
Pure Substance; Isobaric
A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 5 kg of superheated water vapor at 1 MPa and 250 C (h = 2942.6 KJ/kg; u =
2709.9 KJ/kg). The system is now cooled at constant pressure until the water reaches a quality of 50%. Calculate the work done
during the process.
at 1 MPa
hf = 762.81 KJ/kg; uf = 761.68 KJ/kh
hfg = 2015.3 KJ/kg ufg = 1822.0 KJ/kg
Q = U + W Q = m(h2 - h1)
U = m(U2 - U1) h2 = hf2 + x2hfg2
h2 = 762.81 + 0.50(2015.3)
U2 = Uf2 + x2Ufg2 h2 = 1770.46 KJ/kg
U2 = 761.68 + 0.50(1822.0) Q = 5( 1770.46 - 2942.6)
U2 = 1672.68 Q = -5860.7 KJ
W = Q - U
U = 5(1672.68 - 2709.9) W = -5860.7 - (-5186.1)
U = -5186.1 KJ W = -674.6 KJ
at P = C, Q = mh W = 674.6 KJ (work done on the system)
Pure Substance; Open System
Steam enters a steam turbine at a pressure of 1 MPa, a temperature of 300 C, and a velocity of 50 m/sec. The steam leaves the
turbine at a pressure of 150 KPa and a velocity of 200 m/sec. If the turbine inlet is 4 m higher than its outlet, determine the kw
power produced for a steam flow rate of 25 kg/sec, considering isentropic expansion.
at 1 MPa ant 300C
h = 3051.2 KJ/kg
s = 7.1229 KJ/kg-K
at 150 KPa(0.150 MPa)
hf = 467.11 KJ/kg ; hfg = 2226.5 KJ/kg ; hfg = 2226.5 KJ/kg
sf = 1.4336 KJ/kg-K ; sfg = 5.7897 KJ/kg-K ; sg = 7.2233 KJ/kg-K
h1 = 3051 KJ/kg
S1 = S2 = 7.1229 KJ/kg-K KE = 18.75 kJ/KG
at S1 = S2 to 0.150 MPa PE = g(Z2 - Z1)
S2 = Sf2 + x2Sfg2 1000
7.1229 = 1.4336 + x2(5.7897) PE = 9.81(-4)/1000
x2 = 0.983 PE = -0.03924 KJ/kg
h2 = hf2 + x2hfg2 h = (2655.76 - 3051)
h2 = 467.11 + 0.983(2226.5) h = -395.24 KJ/kg
h2 = 2655.76 KJ/kg W = m(Q - h - KE - PE)
Q = h + KE + PE + W W = 9413.231 KW
KE = v22 - v12
KE = (200)2 - (50)2


Carnot Cycle

1. A Carnot engine operating between 775 K and 305K produces 54 KJ of work. Determine the change of entropy
during heat addition. (S12= 0.115 KJ/K)
TH  TL 775  305 T Q
e   0.606
TH 775 T A
e TL
54 R
QA   89 KJ S
89 KJ
ΔS   0.115
775 K

2. A Carnot engine operates between temperatures of 1000K and 300K The engine operates at 2000 RPM and
develops 200 KW. The total engine displacement is such that the mean effective pressure is 300 Kpa.
a) the thermal efficiency (71%)
b) the heat added ( 286 KW)
c) the total engine displacement in m3/cycle ( 0.02 m3/cycle)

1000 Q300
eT  0.70 TH
TH 11000
A 2 Q
W  eQ A A
TL 200 Q
QA  4 Q  286 3KW
0.70 R
W  Pm(VD ) S

200 m3 min 60 sec rev

VD   0.67 x x x
300 sec 2000rev min cycle
VD  0.02 m 3 cycle

3. A Carnot refrigerator rejects 2500 KJ of heat at 353K while using 1100 KJ of work. Find
a) the cycle low temperature
b) the COP
c) the heat absorbed or refrigerating capacity
W  QR  QA
1100 T 2500  QQA TH
3 2
QA T1400 KJ R Q
 A 
W 4 TH QTL 1 Q
1400 TL A S TLA

1100 353  TL
1100TL  494 ,200  1400TL
TL  197.7K
COP  1.2727

4. A Carnot engine requires 35 KW from the hot source. The engine produces 15 KW of power and the temperature of the sink is
26C. What is the temperature of the hot source in C.(250.25C)
5. A Carnot engine operating between 775 K and 305 K produces 54 KJ of work. Determine
a) the heat supplied (90.6 KJ)
b) the S during heat rejection (-0.12 KJ/K)
c) the thermal efficiency of the engine (59.65)
6. A refrigeration system operates on the reversed Carnot cycle. The minimum and maximum temperatures are -25 C and 72C,
respectively. If the heat rejected at the condenser is 6000 KJ/min, determine:
a) the power required in KW ( 28.6 KW)
b) the tons of refrigeration developed (20.45 tons)
7. A reversed Carnot cycle is used for refrigeration and rejects 1000 KW of heat at 340 K while receiving heat at 250 K. Determine:
a) the COP (2.78)
b) the power required in KW (265 KW)
c) the refrigerating capacity in Tons (209 TR)
8. A Carnot engine operates between temperature levels of 397C and 7C and rejects 20 KJ/min to the environment. The total
network output of the engine is used to drive heat pump which is supplied with heat from the environment at 7 C and rejects
heat to a home at 40C. Determine:
a) the network delivered by the engine in KJ/min (28 KJ/min)
b) the heat supplied to the heat pump in KJ/min (237 KJ/min)
c) the overall COP for the combined devices which is defined as the energy rejected to
the home divided by the initial energy supplied to the engine. (5.5)

Carnot Cycle
A Carnot refrigerator is maintaining foodstuffs in a refrigerated area at 2 C by rejecting heat to the atmosphere at 27 C. It is desired
to maintained some frozen foods at -17C with the same sink temperature of 27C. What percent increase in work input will be
required for the frozen foods unit for the same quantity of heat Q A removed.

Carnot Engine
A Carnot heat engine receives 90 KJ from a reservoir at 627 C. It rejects heat to the environment at 27 C. One third of its work
output is used to drive a Carnot refrigerator. The refrigerator rejects 60 KJ to the environment at 27 C. Find
a) the work output of the heat engine in KJ
b) the efficiency of the heat engine
c) the temperature of the low temperature reservoir of the refrigerator in C
d) the COP of the refrigerator
Carnot Engine
A Carnot engine operates between temperature levels of 397 C and 7C and rejects 20 KJ/min to the environment. The total network
output of the engine is used to drive heat pump which is supplied with heat from the environment at 7 C and rejects heat to a home
at 40C. Determine
a. The network delivered by the engine in KJ/min
b. The heat supplied to the heat pump in KJ/min

Diesel Cycle
An air standard diesel cycle engine operates as follows; Inlet temperature = 30 C; temperature ter compression 700C; W = 590.1
KJ/kg; and QA = 925 KJ/kg. Determine
a) the compression ratio
b) the maximum cycle temperature inC
c) the cut - off ratio


1. A 15 000 KW steam power plant operates on a Rankine cycle. Steam enters the turbine at 5 MPa and 400 C and exhaust to the
condenser at 25 mm Hg. Cooling water enters the condenser at 20 C and leaves with a temperature rise of 10C. Calculate
a. the steam flow rate in kg/sec
b. the heat absorbed by the boiler in KJ/hr
c. the cycle thermal efficiency
d. the heat rejected in the condenser in KJ/min
e. the L/min of condenser cooling water

1 T

W P1
4 =
2 t P4
ile Cond 3 P2 2
Q rr enser Q =
A P3
4 P 3 S

P1 = 5 MPa = 5000 KPa ; t1 = 400C At 3 to 4
P2 = 25 mm Hg = 3.33 KPa Δh υΔP
From Steam Table or Mollier Chart h4 - h3 υ3 ( P4  P3 )
At 5000 KPa and 400C
h4 108.29  0.001003( 5000  3.33)
h1 =3195.7 ; S1 = 6.6459
At S1 = S2 to 3.33 KPa h4 113.3 KJ/kg
h2 = 1982.11 ; x2 = 76.79%
At 3.33 KPa saturated liquid
h3 = 108.29 ; S3 = 0.3788 ; 3 = 0.001003 m3/kg

a) Steam flow rate

Wt = ms(h1 – h2) KW
15,000 = ms(3195.7 – 1982.11)
ms = 12.4 kg/sec
b) Heat absorbed by the boiler
QA = ms(h1 – h4)
QA = 38,221.8 KW = 137,598,480 KJ/hr
c) Cycle thermal Efficiency

W Wt  Wp
e 
Wp ms ( h4  h3 ) 62.12 KW
e 39 %
d) Heat rejected in the condenser (QR)
QR = ms(h2 – h3)(60) KJ/min
QR = 1,394,122.08 KJ/min
e) Cooling water flow rate in L/m
QR = mwCPw(tw) 33 ,296.44
Vw  33.363 m 3 / min 33 ,363 L/min
mw = 33,296.44 kg/min 998
Density of water at 20C = 998 kg/m3

4. A medium size steam power plant operating on a Rankine cycle generates steam at 2.5 MPa and 580  C and expands to a
condenser pressure of 7 KPa. Determine the quality of steam exiting the turbine and the cycle thermal efficiency.
From table 3 (page 49) at 2.5 MPa and 580C: h = 3641.1 KJ/kg; s = 7.5438 KJ/kg-K
From table 2 (page 8) at 7 KPa (0.007 MPa): hf = 163.4 KJkg ; hfg = 2409.1 KJ/kg
sf = 0.5592 KJ/kg-K ; sfg = 7.7167 KJ/kg-K
f = 0.001008 m3/kg
4. Steam enters a turbine at 1.4 MPa and 320 C. The turbine internal efficiency is 70% and the net load requirement is 800 KW.
The exhaust is to the back pressure system maintained at 175 KPa. Find the steam flow rate. (2.6 kg/sec)
From table 3 at 1.4 MPa and 320C: h = 3084.3 KJ/kg ; s = 7.0287 KJ/kg-K
From table 2 at 175 KPa (0.175 MPa): hf = 486.99 KJ/kg ; hfg = 2213.6 KJ/kg
s f = 1.4849 KJ/kg-K; sfg = 5.6868 KJ/kg-K
f = 0.001057 m3/kg



2 t’


ile Cond
Q rr enser Q

4 P 3




h1 3084.3 KJ/kg ; S1 7.0287

At S1 S2 to 175 KPa
h2 2644.94 KJ/kg ; x2 97.49%
h1 - h2'
ηt 
h1 - h2
Wt' 0.70( 3084.3  2644.94) 307.552 KJ/kg
h3 486.99 KJ/kg
h4 - h3 υ3 (P4 - P3 )
Wp h4 - h3 υ3 (P4 - P3 ) 0.001057(1400 - 175) 1.295 KJ/kg
W Wt' - Wp 306.257 KJ/kg
800 ms (306.257)
ms 2.6 kg/sec
9. A steam power plant operating on a reheat-regenerative cycle producing 60 MW of electricity receives steam at 7 MPa
and 500 C.There are two steam extraction stages at 2 MPa and 0.2 MPa. The remainder of the steam at 2 MPa is
reheated to 480 C. The turbine exhausts at 0.004 MPa to the condenser. Determine:
a) the mass fraction extracted in kg/kg of throttled steam
b) the mass flow rate of steam entering the turbine in kg/sec
c) the total pump work in KW
d) the condenser cooling water flow rate in kg/sec if the allowable temperature rise in cooling water temperature
is 10 C.
e) the fuel consumption in kg/hr for a steam generator efficiency of 85% and heating value of fuel used of 5,200

(1 –


(1 –

g 0
– m1
Rehe m1 ) 1 2 3
ater )

g W


2 4
m 5t

B (1-
oil 1

Q oil
er m m1-

er m2)
A 2 Cond



(1 –

Pu Pu Pu r (1-
1 m 1 Ope 9 m 8 Ope 7 m 6 m1-
p (1 0 n n
1 p (1- p (1- m2)
W1 Hea W 2 Hea W 3
m1 -
kg) ter m1) ter
P 1 P 2 P m2)
1 2 3

At 7 MPa and 500 C (Superheated region)

h1 = 3410.3 S1 = 6.7975 1 = 0.048140
At S1 = S2 to 2 MPa (Superheated region)
h2 = 3042.09 S2 = 6.7975 2 = 0.127615
At 2 MPa and 480 C (Superheated region)
h3 = 3423.6 S3 = 7.3708 3 = 0.170784
At S3 = S4 to 0.2 MPa (Superheated region)
h4 = 2809.69 S4 = 7.3708 4 = 1.008124
At S== S5 to 0.004 MPa (saturated mixture)
h5 = 2329.66 S5 = 7.3708 5 = 31.5855
At 0.004 KPa (saturated liquid)
h6 = 121.46 S6 = 0.4226 6 = 0.001004
At 6 to 7;  = C ; S = C ; h = P
h7 = 121.66 S7 = 0.4226 7 = 0.001004
At 0.2 MPa (Saturated liquid)
h8 = 504.7 S8 = 1.5301 8 = 0.001061
At 8 t0 9;  = C ; S = C ; h = P
h9 = 506.61 S9 = 1.5301 9 = 0.001061
At 2 MPa (Saturated liquid)
h10 = 908.79 S10 = 2.4474 10 = 0.001177
At 10 to 11;  = C; S = C ; h = P
h11 = 914.675 S11 = 2.4474 11 = 0.001177
Fraction of Bled Steam:
h10  h9 kg
m1 
h2  h9 kg
h  h kg
m2 ( 1  m1 ) 8 7
h4  h7 kg

Turbine Work:

Wt  ( h1  h2 )  ( 1  m1 )( h3  h4 )  ( 1  m1  m2 )( h4  h5 )
Pump WorK:

WP 1 ( h11  h10 )
WP 2 ( 1  m1 )( h9  h8 )
WP 3 ( 1  m1  m2 )( h7  h6 )
W P WP 1  WP 2  WP 3

Net Cycle Work:

W =Wt - WP KJ/kg

Steam Flow Rate:

60 ,000
ms  kg/hr

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