Electrical Works Technical Specifications (General) : Sr. No.D E S C R I P T I O N Page No

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E.2.2 WIRES & CABLE 13-14
E.2.5 FANS 17-18
E.2.11 EARTHING 35-36
E.3 TESTING 37-38

E-1- TECHNICAL PROVISION___________________________________________________

E.1.1 General

The general instructions are given to the tenders elsewhere in this contract documents. The
additional instruction in the following paragraphs are given in order to invite the tenderer’s
attention towards some major points pertaining to electrical work only and to assist them in
preparing tenders. These instructions shall be deemed as Technical Provision of the

E.1.2 Scope of work

The work consists of furnishing all tools, plants, labour material and equipment and
performing the internal and external electrical works comprising of:

a) Light and Power Wiring / Accessories

b) Fan, light and other fixtures
c) Wires and Cables
d) L.T.Switchgear
e) Distribution Equipment
f) Public Address System
g) Fire Alarm System
h) Loop Induction System
i) Exerthing System
j) External Lighting
k) Any other system / item given in the drawings but not mentioned above

The work shall be carried out in strict accordance with the conditions of Contract, special
Conditions, Drawings, Technical Specification and as per items of Bill of Quantities and
including the responsibility of all related work necessary for their proper functioning,
testing, commissioning and satisfactory operation and performance including maintenance
for the period specified elsewhere. The contractor shall provide for all required technical
and non – technical personel, skilled and non- skilled labour, construction equipment,
transportation etc. as required for the completion of work is strict according with the
Technical Specification laid herein- after.

E.1.3 Prequalification

The Electrification work shall be carried out only by a licensed Contractor authorized to
undertake such work under the provision of Electricity Act.1910 and the Electricity Rules,
1973 as adopted and modified by the Government of Pakistan.

E.1.4 Qualification

A licensed Electrical Contractor should have the following qualifications:

a) Must have in his employment a competent graduate Electrical Engineer registered

with Pakistan Engineer Council, Islamabad.
b) Must posses a valid Electrical Contractor’s License issued by the Electric Inspector
of the region where the site is situate
c) Must have in its employment an Electrical Supervisor having certificate of
competency who will exclusively supervise this work.
d) Must have necessary tools, plant and instruments.
e) Must have adequate experience of similar works.

If a contractor does not posses the above qualifications he shall be allowed to sublet
the Work to a competent Sub-Contractor provided an application for his pre-
qualification is made to the Engineer for his approval. Decision of the Engineer in
this case shall be binding on the Contractor.

E.1.5 Rules and Regulations

The installation in general shall be carried out in conformity with the Electricity Rules,
1937, and the latest edition of the Regulations for the electrical Equipment of Buildings
issued by the institution of Electrical Engineers London (I.E.E). However, in case of
conflict between these specifications and the I.E.E Regulations, these Specifications shall
be followed.

E.1.6. Standards

The latest relevant British specifications and Codes, Pakistan Standard Specifications,
VDE, I.E.C and I.E.E recommendations shall be applicable and be followed for the
equipment specified herein.

E.1.7 Climatic Conditions

All equipment supplied shall withstand, without developing any defect, the following
climatic conditions:-

Maximum Ambient Temperature = 1130 F or 450 C

Minimum ambient Temperature = 280 F or (-) 2.20C
Maximum Humidity = 90%

E.1.8 Specifications

The Contractor shall furnish all material and equipment at site, conforming fully to the
specifications given herein and to the accepted standards as laid down by British Standards,
the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, and the Pakistan Standard institution. It is
not the intent of these specifications to include all details of design and construction of
various material and equipment to be supplied under this contract. The contractor shall
supply and install all material and equipment specified herein and also all installation and
small material such as nuts, bolts, washers, shims angles, leveling material, insulation, tape,
solders, etc and all such other material whether specified herein or otherwise required for
complete installation as intended by the Specifications.

All material and equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be new and in all respects
conformed to the high standard of engineering design and workmanship, perform and
function as herein specified and fully meet the quality level and raggedness requirement of
the Specifications. All material and equipment which have to be supplied and installed by
the Contractor shall be passed / approved by the Engineer, even if the same is exactly in
accordance with the Bill of Quantities and drawings.

E.1.9 Submittal

The Contractor after the award of works, shall submit for approval of the Engineer all
drawings and samples / catalogues of equipment, appliances, fixtures and accessories that
are to be furnished under the contract. After final approval a sufficient number of copies of
drawings / catalogues as desired shall be furnished for distribution. Samples, catalogues
and drawings shall be clearly marked to indicate, the item furnished. Samples of all
fixtures, and not a few, shall be submitted.

E.1.10 Approval of Drawings and Data

The contractor shall provide detailed electrical drawings, wiring diagrams, foundation
details, etc. for all electrical switch gear, fuse gear and all other systems etc. for the
Engineer’s review and approval. Three sets of equipment drawings shall be provided for
obtaining approval.

The manufacture of electrical equipment shall be started only after the above mentioned
drawings and data are approved.

The time required for review and approval shall be considered included in the total time of
completion of job.

E.1.11 Drawings & Data

Three sets of drawings and data for each equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor for
the Engineer’s approval before commencement of fabrication and manufacture. The
drawings to be supplied by the Contractor shall be as follows:-

Structural Drawings showing:-

- Arrangements
- Dimensional Plans, elevations and front view
- Foundation Plan, anchor bolt locations
- Incoming and outgoing cable terminating positions
- Terminal block locations
- Earthing arrangement

Electrical Drawings showing:-

- One-Line diagram
- Detailed wiring diagram
- All interconnections
- Instrument transformers
- Relays, their locations and internal wiring diagrams
- Other electrical devices including meters instruments and their wiring diagram
- Signal and alarm circuits

E.1.12 Shop Drawings

The design drawings do not show conduit routes and depict only the position of various
fixtures and outlets. All the planning for the conduit routes shall be carried out, well in
advance of the actual execution of work, by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. For this purpose the Contractor shall prepare shop drawings and obtain prior
approval of the Engineer. Three prints of each shop drawings shall be submitted for
obtaining approval.

No piece of Work shall be allowed to be executed at site without the availability of these
approved shop drawings. These shop drawings shall clearly depict the load balancing chart
of each Distribution Board. Time required for the preparation and approval of shop
drawings shall be considered to have been included in the total time allowed for the
completion of the work.

E.1.13 Setting out of work

The Contractor shall set out the Work himself and if any discrepancy is found, he shall
report the matter to the Engineer and shall act as directed. If any defective or modified
setting out is carried out by the Contractor on his own, he shall rectify or make it good at
his own cost.

E.1.14 Programming

The Contractor shall keep pace with the Work of the Civil Contractor and any other
Specialist contractor. The Engineer shall be kept informed about the programme and the
progress of Work so that there is no hindrance in the execution of Work at site.

E.1.15 Protection

The Contractor shall take care not to damage the structure, material, equipment and
property belonging to and / or installed by t other Contractor during execution of work and
shall repair and make good all losses at his own cost, if found guilty in the opinion of the

E.1.16 Change of Specifications

No change in Specification of the equipment/ material will be allowed at any stage, except
with the approval of the Engineer and if mentioned in the tender submitted.

E.1.17 Purchase of Equipment / Material

All the equipment and material e.g. transformers, switch gear, fuse gear, cables,
conduits, light fixtures and fans will be purchased direct from the manufacturer /
authorized dealer to ensure the use of genuine martial will be, produced as and when

E.1.18 Manufactures and brands

Where brands and names of Sub-station equipment or any other system are specified by
name, alternative can be offered provided these are equal in quality to those satisfaction.
Satisfaction of the Engineer in this respect shall be essential and prior approved for such
deviation shall have to be obtained by giving details in the tender submitted. However all
equipment for any one substation or system shall be from one manufacturer only.

E.1.19 Factory Tests
All routine type tests on switch gear, fuse gear, and other equipment shall be performed at
the manufacture's factory in the presence of the Engineer. The Contractor shall inform the
Engineer about the data and time of tests on each equipment at least two weeks in advance.
All test results shall be made available at site store to the Contractor for installation. Any
lead and lift upto and within the site of work shall be at the cost and responsibility of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure safe handing and proper protection after material
the material and equipment are issued to him at site store and shall provide and maintain
required plant and equipment for handing, proper protection ahd installation at his own

E.1.21 Spare Parts List

A list of spare parts required for one year's operation of each equipment where deemed
necessary together with unit price of each part, shall be supplied by the Contractor.

E.1.22 Guarantee

The Contractor shall furnish written guarantee in triplicate of the manufacturer for
successful per performance of each equipment. Such guarantee shall be for replacement
which may be found defective in material or workmanship. The guarantee shall cover a
minimum period of 1-2 monks effective from the date of completion certificate.

E.1.23 As- Built Drawings

The Contractor shall, during the progress of work. keep a care-flit record of all changes
and revisions where the actual installation differs ;one that shown on. shop drawings.
These changes and revisions shall be -accurately carried out or, the shop drawings and
submitted to the Engineer for approval. After approval these drawings shall become the
property of the Owner. These updated and approved shop drawings depicting clearly all
changes and revisions at site shall be called As-Built Drawings. R--Producible tracings
with two sets of prints of all these. As-Built Drawings shall be handed over to the
Engineer. Final payment will be withheld until the receipt of the approved As-Built

E.1.24 Test Reports

The Contractor Shall be responsible for submitting the test reports certificates and get
the installation inspected and passed by the Regional Electric inspector.

E.1.25 ESCO Retirement

The Contractor on behalf of the Owner shall submit application for Electrical Connection,
liase with ESCO and carry out necessary formalities and shall be responsible for obtaining
the required electrical load / extension in load. Any special requirement of ESCO shall be
complied with by the Contractor. The Owner shall arrange to deposit all amounts, on
demand, to ESCO for providing service connections and security deposits thereof.

E-2 - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS_____________________________________________


E. 2.1.1 Conduit Pipe

The conduit for wiring of lights, socket outlets and other systems shall be made of
PVC manufactured by as approved manufacturer conforming to BSS 6099.

The conduit shall have following wall thickness and standard weights :-

Pipe Size: Wt/100M. Wall thickness

3/4" dia 3.4 Kg. . 04" to .05"

I" dia 4.5 g.. 045" to.055"

Steel conduit shall conform to BSS 31/latest and shall be of ‘ International’ , Hilal
and/or "Premier " brands. The conduit shall be enameled with good quality non-
Cracking and non-flaking black paint.

E.2.1.2 Flexible -Pine

Flexible conduit shall be furnished and- installed where necessary for convenient
dismantling and/or avoiding vibrations to be transmitted. Flexible conduit shall be
spiral interlocked type made of steel strip construction and coated with zinc.

E.2.1.3 Conduit Accessories

E. The use of factory made round PVC junction boxes is prohibited. Only cast iron
junction boxes of 2-1/4" dia and 2-1/4" long; conforming to BSS. 31/latest having
nipples to receive PVC. pipe with force fit shall be used for ceiling outlets. The wall
type junction box shall also be of cast iron having minimum. dimensions of 2-1/4" dia
and 1-4/1" Iong. Each junction box shall be provided with one piece cover which shall
be fitted on the box with chromium plated screws.

E. Conduit accessories such as switch boxes, socket cutlet boxes, pull boxes and
Inspection boxes shall be made of 16 SWG sheet steel having dust tight covers. All
boxes shall have required number of conduit entry holes and earth terminals for
connecting 1 .C.C. All the rectangular or square shaped boxes shall have nipples to
receive PVC conduit with three fit. All these boxes shall be painted inside and outside
with Powder Coating. Shapes and sizes of these boxes shall be deter mined on each

E. Manufacture smooth bends shall be used where conduit changes direction.
Bending of conduit by heating or otherwise shall be allowed only at special
situations with the permission of the Engineer. Use of sharp 90 degree bends and
tees is prohibited. Bends shall have enlarged ends to receive the conduit without
any reduction in the internal diameter of the PVC pipe

E. All accessories e.g. boxes, couplings, bends, solid plugs, bushes, reducers, check
nuts etc. Shall be equal in quality to the specified conduit.

E. where inspection boxes occur in floor slabs a special non -ferrous metal floor trap
shall be installed over the box to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

E. The use of looping in box -shall be allowed in places where floor slab thickness
permits 90 degree bends in conduit.

E.2.1.4. Installation Instructions

The Contractor shall furnish all labour and material for the installation of conduit as

E. Conduit shall be installed concealed in RCC ceiling slabs, columns, walls and
Floors etc. Recessed conduit shall be laid over the first tier of reinforcement and
under ne second tier of reinforcement before pouring of concrete. All conduit
outlet boxes to be concealed shall be laid finally flush with the soffit of the slab or
beam. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement firmly so that the alignment
is not disturbed by vibrators. All the outlet boxes installed shall be stuffed and
their-cover plates fixed so as prevent concrete entering the outlet boxes.

Under no circumstances shall chassis be made for recessing conduit in the RCC
structure after it has been cast without the permission of the Engineer. Where
conduits have to be concealed in Cement concrete or brick masonry, chassis shall
be made with appropriate tools not deeper than required. The conduit shall then be
fixed in the chassis before covering it up with at least 20r11in thick plaster_
conduit ends pointing upward shall be properly plugged to avoid entry of foreign
E. The drawings do not show conduit routes and all the planning for arranging
conduit routes shall be carried Out by the Contractor 10 the satisfaction of the
E. The entire conduit system shall be essentially completed before the wire pulling is
taken in hand. Each conduit run shall be tested fro continuity and obstructions. Al
obstructions shall be cleared in an approved manner. Water and moisture that has
entered any section of the conduit installation must be dried with suitable swabs to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

E. Adequate expansion joints shall be provided in all conduit runs passing across the
expansion joints in file concrete slabs of the buildings. A typical arrangement is shown
on drawing.
E. Pull boxes shall be installed in conduit runs at intervals Mentioned below to facilitate
die pulling length or wires:-

i) Straight runs - 20 meters

ii) Runs with one 90 degree Bends -15 riveters
iii) Runs with two 90 degree Bends - 10 meters

The minimum length of inspection/pull boxes should be four times the cable
manufacturer’s recommended bending radius of the cable.

E. The conduit shall be terminated at pull boxes, distribution boards and switchboards in
an approved manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer without any additional cost to
the Owner.

E. Conduit runs between two outlets shall not contain more than two quarter bends or one
90 degree bend.

E. All the free ends of conduit shall be solidly plugged till such time as final and proper
terminations are made.

E. All conduits of a system shall be run at least 6" away from the other systems and
services where conduit one of system crosses the other it shall do so at right angle i.e-
90 degree.

E. All multiple runs of conduit shall be arranged symmetrically.-

E. Exposed runs of conduit where required shall be firmly fixed by means of hospital
type saddles, clamps and brackets etc. to the surfaces of walls, columns and ceiling.
Rawal plugs or Phil plugs may be used for fixing saddles, clamps and d b rackets etc.
The spacing between two saddles may not be more than 30". They straight nuns on
walls may be-18" to 24" below the ceiling and in the event of any obstruction one to
beams the reins may be routed around them. The conduit shall have a minimum
clearance of 6 mm from the surface supporting it. Purpose made special clips and
brackets may be required at some situations to support the conduit.

E. No conduit less than 20 mm die shall be used for point wiring and 25mm dia for
circuit Wiring. The size of conduit shall however be determined from the number of
wires required in the conduit ruts according to number of wires allowed as per IEE

E.2.1.5 Measurement

E. All conduit work including all accessories shall be measured on the basis of actual
numbers of light points, fan points, call bell points and / or 5 A or 15 A socket outlet
points installed as shown on the drawings. Conduit required for circuit wiring shall be
deemed to have been included in the point wiring.

E. for other systems the conduit work shall be on actual measurement basis on the
running length installed in feet or meters as the case may be.

Section E.2.2 Wires, Cables and Cords______________________________________________

E.2.2.1 Wires & Cords

The wires & cords for conduit wiring shall be single core,made of stranded copper
conductors, PVC insulated, tested to B.S 6004, 1975. The voltage grade shall be
300/500 volts or 450/750 V unless otherwise specified on drawings and Bill of
Quantities. The cables shall be of as approved manufacturer. The size of the wire
shall be as Follows:-

i) for light fan point wiring with 1.5 MM square (or 3/.029) or as specified in
the BOQ.

ii) for light circuit wiring with 2.5 MM square (or7/.029) or as specified in the
ii) for power plug 15 A wiring with 4 MM square (or7/.036) or as specified in
the BOQ.

iii) for Main to Sub Main wiring 7/.044 (6 MM square), 7/.064) (16MM
square), 19/.044(25 MM square) or as specified in the BOQ.

E.2.2.2 Installation Instructions

E. The Contractor shall furnish all material and labor to pull in and install wires and
cables as required. The Contractor shall also supply , without extra cost, wire
accessories e.g. plugs, solder, clamps, supports, bushes, fixing pins, adhesive tapes,
connectors , identification tags, straps, filling compound and earthling clips etc. as
are required to be furnished for complete wiring installation in accordance with
standard practice. The pulling of wires shall be taken in hand only when all conduit
system is complete.

E. The wiring of the installation shall be strictly in accordance with the scheme, cable
sizes and circuit details as shown on drawings and specified in E.2.2.1.

E. All wiring shall be continuous between terminations and use of connectors or joints
is not be allowed. Spur and Tee connections are strictly prohibited. Looping in
system shall be followed throughout.

E2.2.2.4 Manufacturers recommended lubricant shall be allowed to facilitate pulling of

wires. Use on any kind of oil and soap s prohibited.

E. All wires occupying the same conduit shall be pulled together. Wires and cords at
the time of pulling shall not be subjected to a bending radus more than 10 times the
over all diameter of cables. Cable manufacturers recommendation of pulling speed
and pulling tension on cables shall govern the pulling operation.

E. Not more than three circuit wire shall be bunched in the same conduit. Wires of two
different phases, however, shall not be run or terminated in the same outlet box for
single phase wiring of lights, switches and sockets.

E. Moulded plastic connectors shall be provided for a joint between light point wiring
and light fixture wiring and housed in the outlet box provided for this purpose. The
connector after terminations are made shall be wrapped in PVC insulation tape.

E. The quantity and the size of the wire contained in any one conduit shall not be in
excess of the , numbers permitted by I.E.E regulations.

E. All points and circuits wiring shall be solidly earthed by 14 SWG (2.5 mm square)
insulated wire to serve as E.C.C which shall be run inside the conduit.

E. All 5A& 15A sockets shall be wired separately and distinctly from light point

E.2.2.3 Measurement
Similar to steel conduit –Section E.2.1.5

Section E.2.3. – Wiring Accessories_________________________________________________

E.2.3.1 switches

E. Indoor switches controlling lights and fans shall be single pole, 5A, one or two way,
suitable for 250V, 50Hz. The body of the switches shall be made of moulded
plastic, one, two, three or four gang with integral built in moulded plastic face plate
suitable for fixing on a sheet steel outlet box. The switch contacts shall be silver
alloy tipped and these shall operate with inspection. The switches shall be Piano
type, ivory white in color and made by approved manufacturer the switches shall
comply with BSS 3676/1969. Dimmer switches shall conform the BSS 800.

E. Weather proof switches on lighting circuits shall be rotary type with quick make
quick break action rated 5 Amps, 250V,50Hz

E.2.3.2S Switch Socket Outlet Units

E. Switch and socket units shall be single, pole,3 pin rated 5A,15a or multi pin 13A,
250V,50Hz.these shall be moulded plastic type with ivory white integral built-in
face plate. Each socket shall have its control switch by the side of it on a common
face plate. Thus the complete unit specified in BOQ shall be as switch and a socket
outlet unit. The switch socket outlet unit shall comply with BBS 546 and BSS 5733
or BSS 3052. Bells/ buzzers and bell bushes shall be suitable for operation on 230
Volts and quality acceptable to the Engineer.

E. Weather proof switch units shall have a cast iron outlet box with threaded conduit
entry holes or nipples rubber gasket and a spring loaded sheet steel cover.

E2.3.2.3 Ceiling roses shall conform to BSS 67/1969. Lamp batten holders shall conform to
BSS 5042 Part-I

E.2.3.3 Installation Instructions

All the switches and switch socket outlet units shall be installed on 16 SWG Thick
Sheet steel outlet boxes of appropriate sizes having 5 mm thick ivory white Perspex
face plate fixed recessed in walls or columns. All sheet steel boxes shall have
conduit entry nipples and earth terminals for connecting 14 SWG insulated earth
continuity copper conductors.

E.2.3.4 Measurement

E. The number of units installed shall be taken as the basis of measurement.

Section E.2.4 Point wiring, Circuit Wiring and Socket outlet wiring

E.2.4.1 General
The work included under this Section consists of furnishing all labour, material,
services and skilled supervision necessary for the construction, erection, installation
and connection of all circuits and equipment specified herein or shown on to
drawing and/ or normally required for an installation of this type including but not
limited to testing of the installation and its handing over to the Owners. The extent
of work specified herein and/or shown on the drawings represent the minimum
requirements. The installation on the whole should conform to the best norm of
requirements. The installation on the whole should conform to the best norm of
workmanship and shall be accomplished by workmen, licensed and skilled in this
type of work.

E.2.4.2 Measurement

E. Point Wiring

For the purpose of measurement of light/fan point wiring the following work shall
be deemed to constitute the work of a point wiring:-
a) Providing and fixing conduit from a switch to wall/ceiling outlet of fan/fixture
including final sub-circuit conduit form distribution board to the switch as
descried in Section E.2.1.
b) Providing and pulling of wires from switch to fan/fixure outlet including
providing and pulling of final sub-circuit winfring in the conduit laid as in (a)
above and as described in Section E.2.2
c) Providing & pulling ECC as in clause E.2.2.9

E. Socket Outlet Wiring

1) For 5A sockets on the light switch board and also away from the board the basis
of the measurement shall be the same as in Section E.

2) For 13/15A sockets outlets the work shall comprise as under:-

a) Providing and fixing conduit from distribution board to the socket outlet as
described in Section E.2.1
b) Providing and pulling of wires in the conduit as in (a) above as described in
Section E.2.2.

c) Providing and pulling ECC as in clause E.

E. Call Bell Point Wiring

This shall be identical to Section E.2.4.1 i.e wiring for light points.
Section E.2.5-


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