DLL Reprouctive Quarter-Week-1

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School Grade Level Five

Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 5

Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time August 22 – 26 Quarter SECOND

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

How the parts of the human How the parts of the human How the parts of the human QUIZ
A. Content Standards
reproductive system work reproductive system work reproductive system work 10 items multiple choice

Practice proper hygiene to care Practice proper hygiene to Practice proper hygiene to
B. Performance Standards of the reproductive organs care of the reproductive care of the reproductive
organs organs

C. Learning Competencies/ describe the parts of the describe the parts of the describe the parts of the
Objectives Write the LC code reproductive system and their reproductive system and their reproductive system and
for each functions functions their functions

S5LT-IIa-1 S5LT-IIa-1 S5LT-IIa-1

Parts and Functions Parts and Functions Parts and Functions
1.1Humans 1.1Humans 1.1Humans
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 TG pp. K to 12 TG pp. K to 12 TG pp. K to 12 TG pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages K to 12 LM pp. K to 12 LM pp. K to 12 LM pp. K to 12 LM pp.

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials for Model of the reproductive Model of the reproductive

Learning Resource Portal system system
B. Other Learning Resources Charts Charts Charts Charts
Can you tell me again what are Can you tell me again what
A. Reviewing previous lesson
the 5 R’s of waste management? are the 5 R’s of waste
or presenting the new lesson
Show a model of the Show a model of the
B. Establishing a purpose for Reproductive System of Male Reproductive System of Male
the lesson and Female and Female
C. Presenting examples/ Describe each parts Describe each parts
instances of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Tell the function of each part Tell the function of each part
and practicing new skills #1
Discuss some ways on how to Discuss some ways on how
E. Discussing new concepts
take care of the reproductive to take care of the
and practicing new skills #2
sysytem reproductive sysytem
F. Developing mastery Group the children. Tell them to Group the children. Tell
(Leads to Formative label each part on the board them to label each part on
Assessment 3) using metacards the board using metacards
Show a picture of a pregnant Show a picture of a pregnant
G. Finding practical mother. Emphasize that the mother. Emphasize that the
application of concepts and female reproductive system is female reproductive system
skills in daily living designed for conception, is designed for conception,
pregnancy and childbirth. pregnancy and childbirth.
What are the parts of male What are the parts of male
H. Making generalizations and reproductive system? Tell how reproductive system? Tell
abstractions about the lesson to take care of them how to take care of them

I. Evaluating learning 10 items matching type 10 items matching type

Games, Boys versus Girls. Each Games, Boys versus Girls.
J. Additional activities for group will label the parts. The Each group will label the
application or remediation first group who finish wins. parts. The first group who
finish wins.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?



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