General Knowledge NTS Important MCQs

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1. The United Nations was founded on ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE

A. March 24, 1945
B. October 24, 1945
C. March 24, 1949 1. B
D. October 24, 1950 2. A
3. D
2. Which country from the following is 4. D
NOT the member of UNO? 5. C
A. Vatican City 6. C
B. Afghanistan 7. A
C. North Korea 8. B
D. Vaitnam 9. D
10. D
3. The International Court of Justice is 11. The motto of UNO is _________.
located in _________. A. It's your world!
A. New York B. Life for All!
B. Washigton C. Peace!
C. Geneva D. Love and Peace!
D. The Hague
12. The world's highest mountain is in
4. There are __________ members __________.
of SAARC. A. China
A. 5 B. Pakistan
B. 6 C. Nepal
C. 7 D. India
D. 8
13. The headquarter of Red Cross is in
5. Organization of Islamic Cooperation
A. New York
(OIC) has __________ official B. Washigton
languages. C. Geneva
A. 1 D. The Hague
B. 2
C. 3 14. World Trade Organization was
D. 4 established in __________.
A. 1980
6. There are _________ non-permanent B. 1985
members of the security council. C. 1990
A. 5 D. 1995
B. 7
C. 10 15. The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was
D. 15 signed in __________.
A. 1945
7. The currency of Indonesia is B. 1947
_________. C. 1949
A. rupiah D. 1951
B. dinar
C. rangit 16. Which country, on the map of world,
D. riyal appears as "Long Shoe"?
A. Portugal
8. The D-8 is an organization of eight B. Italy
________ countries. C. Greece
A. developed D. Hungary
B. developing
C. Asian 17. Which from the following countries is
D. African NOT a member of D-8?
A. India
9. The European Union's working capital B. Pakistan
is in _________. C. Nigeria
A. London D. Turkey
B. Lisbon
C. Austria 18. The largest ocean of the world is
D. Brussels __________.
A. Atlantic
10. The headquarter of NATO is located in B. Pacific
_________. C. Indian
A. New York D. None of these
B. Paris
C. Geneva 19. Which from the following countries does
D. Brussels NOT yeild veto-power?

A. United States C. Malta

B. United Kingdom D. Estonia
C. Canada
D. France 28. The currency of Israel is _________.
A. Euro
20. OIC changed its name from B. Shekel
C. Forint
Organisation of the Islamic Conference
D. Krone
to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
in _________. 29. The largest democratic country in the
A. 1991 world is _________.
B. 1999 A. United States
C. 2001 B. United Kingdom
D. 2011 C. China

30. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is

11. A
located in _________.
12. C
A. Makkah
13. C
B. Madina
14. D
C. Jeddah
15. C
D. Riyadh
16. B
18. B
19. C 21. B
20. D 22. A
21. The most powerful organ of United 23. D
Nations is _________. 24. B
A. General Assembly 25. D
B. Security Council 26. C
C. Secretariat 27. A
D. International Court of Justice 28. B
29. D
22. The headquarter of Green Peace 30. C
International is located in _________. 31. The highest part of the Earth is
A. Amserdam __________ .
B. Geneva A. Mount Everest
C. Lisbon B. K2
D. Austria C. Norway
D. North Pole
23. 3 May is observed Internationally as
_________. 32. The lowest part of the Earth is
A. Labour Day __________ .
B. Environment Day A. Dead Sea
C. Earth Day B. Mariana Trench
D. Press Freedom Day C. South Africa
D. South Pole
24. The Capital of Canada is __________.
A. Tirane 33. The deepest part of the Earth is
B. Ottawa __________ .
C. Athens A. Dead Sea
D. Luxembourg B. Mariana Trench
C. South Africa
25. Suez Canal is between __________. D. South Pole
A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea
B. Red Sea and North Sea 34. The headquarter of Amnesty
C. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea International is in _________.
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea A. Amserdam
B. Geneva
26. The C. London
permanent Secretariat of SAARC is D. Berlin
located in __________.
A. Islamabad, Pakistan 35. The headquarter of Transparency
B. New Delhi, India International is in _________.
C. Kathmandu, Nepal A. Amserdam
D. Colombo, Sri Lanka B. Geneva
C. London
27. Which from the following countries is D. Berlin
NOT a member of European Union?
A. Norway 36. The biggest Island of the World is
B. Ireland _________.

A. Iceland D. Scotland
B. Greenland
C. England 45. Vienna is the capital of _________.
D. Sri Lanka A. Austria
B. Switzerland
37. 22 April is observed Internationally as C. Cyprus
_________. D. Denmark
A. Labour Day
B. Environment Day 46. The capital of Czech Republic is?
C. Earth Day A. Nicosia
D. Press Freedom Day B. Dublin
C. Bern
38. Yellow Sea lies between __________. D. Prague
A. America and Canada
B. England and France 47. AFP is the news agency of _________.
C. China and Korea A. Germany
D. Norway and Sweden B. France
C. Syria
39. The smallest Sea of the World is D. Yemen
A. Dead Sea 48. ANTARA is the news agency of
B. Red Sea _________.
C. Baltic Sea A. Indonesia
D. Arabian Sea B. Syria
C. Yemen
40. World's famous bridge "Golden Gate" is D. Jordan
in __________.
A. San Francisco 49. Emirates is an airline of __________.
B. New Delhi A. Saudi Arabia
C. France B. Qatar
D. Sydney C. UAE
D. Malaysia
50. Qantas is an airline of __________.
A. Saudi Arabia
31. A
B. Australia
32. A
33. B
D. Malaysia
34. C
35. D
37. C MCQS
38. C
39. C 41. B
40. A 42. D
41. Which country is called "Land of 43. C
thousand islands"? 44. B
A. Malaysia 45. A
B. Indonesia 46. D
C. Ireland 47. B
D. Finland 48. A
49. C
42. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising 50. B
approximately __________ islands. 51. The world's longest bridge, Danyang–
A. 10,000 Kunshan Grand Bridge, is in
B. 12,500 __________ .
C. 15,000 A. United States
D. 17,500 B. Russia
C. China
43. Which country is called the "Land of D. Canada
Golden Fibre"?
A. United States 52. The world's longest bridge over water,
B. South Korea Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, is in
C. Bangladesh __________.
D. India A. United States
B. Russia
44. Which country is called the "Land of C. China
thousand Lakes"? D. Canada
A. Indonesia
B. Finland 53. What was the nationality of Alfred
C. Iceland Nobel?

A. American C. 7
B. British D. 8
C. German
D. Swedish 62. The Largest Continent (by Area) of the
World is __________.
54. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in A. Asia
__________ . B. Europe
A. 1895 C. Africa
B. 1901 D. North America
C. 1907
D. 1913 63. The second Largest Continent (by
Area) of the World is __________.
55. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in A. Asia
__________ fields. B. Europe
A. 5 C. Africa
B. 6 D. North America
C. 7
D. 8 64. The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the
World is __________.
56. The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field A. Antarctica
of "Peace" was awarded to? B. Australia
A. European Union (EU) C. Africa
B. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation D. Europe
C. Organisation for the Prohibition of 65. The Earth's Oceanic water is divided in
Chemical Weapons (OPCW) __________ oceans.
D. United Nations Security Council A. 5
B. 6
57. SANA is the news agency of C. 7
_________. D. 8
A. Saudi Arabia
B. UAE 66. The Earth's Largest ocean is
C. Syria __________ .
D. Yemen A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
58. Saba is the news agency of C. Indian
_________. D. Pacific
A. Indonesia
B. Syria 67. The Earth's second Largest ocean is
C. Yemen __________ .
D. Jordan A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
59. KLM is an airline of __________. C. Indian
A. Australia D. Pacific
B. Germany
C. Netherlands 68. The Earth's Smallest ocean is
D. Austria __________ .
A. Atlantic
60. Etihad Airways is an airline of B. Arctic
__________. C. Indian
A. United Arab Emirates D. Pacific
B. Qatar
C. Russia 69. The world's Largest Lake is?
D. Canada A. Caspian Sea
B. Lake Superior
D. Great Bear Lake
51. C
70. The hottest desert of the world is?
52. A
A. Sahara Desert
53. D
B. Arabian Desert
54. B
C. Cholistan Desert
55. B
D. Arctic Desert
56. A
57. C
60. A
61. The Earth surface is divided in 61. C
__________ Continents. 62. A
A. 5 63. C
B. 6

64. B
66. D
67. A
68. B
69. A 71. D
70. A 72. B
71. The first Secretary General of United 73. D
Nations was? 74. C
A. Dag Hammarskjold 75. D
B. Kurt Walheion 76. B
C. U Thant 77. B
D. Trygue Lie 78. A
79. C
72. World War I was began in? 80. D
A. 1912 81. NATO is a/an __________ alliance.
B. 1914 A. military
C. 1916 B. economic
D. 1918 C. regional
D. cultural
73. World War I was end in?
A. 1912 82. The oldest news agency in the world
B. 1914 is?
C. 1916 A. AFP
D. 1918 B. WAFA
74. World War II was began in? D. CNN
A. 1935
B. 1937 83. The Suez Canal is in __________ .
C. 1939 A. Nigeria
D. 1941 B. Libya
C. Egypt
75. World War II was end in? D. Palestine
A. 1939
B. 1941 84. The Delaware river is in __________ .
C. 1943 A. United States
D. 1945 B. Canada
C. China
76. The world's deadliest conflict was? D. United Kingdom
A. World War I
B. World War II 85. The main structural work of the Eiffel
C. Mongol Conquests Tower was completed in?
D. Taiping Rebellion A. 1883
B. 1885
77. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the C. 1887
city of Hiroshima on? D. 1889
A. 3 August 1945
B. 6 August 1945 86. The height of Eiffel Tower is
C. 9 August 1945 __________ feet.
D. 12 August 1945 A. 1063
B. 1067
78. What was the name of Atomic Bomb C. 1073
that dropped on the city of Hiroshima? D. 1077
A. Little Boy
B. Fat Boy 87. Reuters is the news agency of
C. Little Man __________ .
D. Fat Man A. United States
B. United Kingdom
79. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the C. France
city of Nagasaki on? D. Germany
A. 3 August 1945
B. 6 August 1945 88. WAFA is the news agency of
C. 9 August 1945 __________ .
D. 12 August 1945 A. Palestine
B. Iraq
80. What was the name of Atomic Bomb C. Qatar
that dropped on the city of Nagasaki? D. Egypt
A. Little Boy
B. Fat Boy 89. The capital of Saudi Arabia is?
C. Little Man A. Makkah
D. Fat Man B. Madina

C. Taif D. 1964
D. Riyadh
98. 8 March is observed internationally as?
90. The currency of Qatar is? A. Women's Day
A. Dollar B. World Water Day
B. Dinar C. World Health Day
C. Dirham D. Human Rights Day
D. Riyal
99. 22 March is observed internationally
A. Women's Day
B. World Water Day
C. World Health Day
81. A D. Human Rights Day
82. A
83. C 100. 7 April is observed internationally as?
84. A A. Women's Day
85. D B. World Water Day
86. A C. World Health Day
87. B D. Human Rights Day
88. A
89. D
90. D
91. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation MCQS
(OIC) was founded on __________ .
A. September 25, 1966 91. D
B. September 25, 1967 92. D
C. September 25, 19698 93. C
D. September 25, 1969 94. B
95. B
92. The OIC was founded in __________ . 96. D
A. Saudi Arabia 97. A
B. Iraq 98. A
C. Qatar 99. B
D. Morocco 100. C
101. The soviet media theory had its roots
93. The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" of in
the United Nations suspended A. Italian Fascist philosophy
operation on November 01, 1994, with B. Free enterprize approach of west
the independence of _________. C. German ideology
A. Chad D. Japanese imperialist edicts
B. Sudan
C. Palau 102. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is
D. Tunisia A. Lek
B. Taka
94. The United Nations has __________ C. Shilling
principal organs. D. Kyat
A. 4
B. 5 103. JEEVIKA, is the Rural Livelihoods
C. 6 project of which of the following State
D. 7 Governments
A. West Bengal
95. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) B. Punjab
was founded on __________ . C. Bihar
A. 27 December 1944 D. Uttar Pradesh
B. 27 December 1945
C. 27 December 1946 104. What is the capital of Vietnam
D. 27 December 1947 A. Dhaka
B. Ajmaan
96. The social network site "Twitter" was C. Hanoi
launched on __________ . D. none of these
A. July 15, 2003
B. July 15, 2004 105. Hitler party which came into power in
C. July 15, 2005 1933 is known as
D. July 15, 2006 A. Labour Party
B. Nazi Party
97. The National Aeronautics and Space C. Ku-Klux-Klan
Administration (NASA) was formed in? D. Democratic Party
A. 1958
B. 1960 106. For which of the following disciplines
C. 1962 is Nobel Prize awarded

A. Physics and Chemistry 111. Who made the design of Pakistan's

B. Physiology or Medicine first Stamp Ticket
C. Literature, Peace and Economics A. Rehmat Ali
D. all of these B. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai
C. Waqar-ul-Hassan
107. Garampani sanctuary is located at D. none of these
A. Diphu, Assam
B. Junagarh, Gujarat 112. Which bay of the Atlantic, between
C. Kohima, Nagaland northern Spain and western France, is
D. Gangtok, Sikkim noted for its rough seas and high tides
A. Bay of Biscay
108. Eritrea, which became the 182nd B. Bay of Arizona
member of the UN in 1993, is in the C. Bay of northern hemisphere
continent of D. none of these
A. Asia
B. Africa 113. Thomas Cup is associated with which
C. Europe Game
D. Australia A. bedminton
B. football
109. The height of all 4 Minars of Badshai C. hockey
Mosque are D. none of these
A. 170 feet
B. 172 feet 114. Largest Arms Importer of the World is
C. 175 feet A. Africa
D. 177 feet B. China
C. India
110. Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, D. Bangladesh
New York is the world's
A. largest railway station 115. Ariana is airlines of which country
B. highest railway station A. China
C. longest railway station B. Indonesia
D. none of these C. Pakistan
116. FFC stands for
A. Foreign Finance Corporation
101. C B. Film Finance Corporation
102. B C. Federation of Football Council
103. B D. none of these
104. C
105. B 117. What name is given to members of the
106. D Roman Catholic Society of Jesus
107. A A. Jesus
108. B B. Jesuits
109. D C. both a and b
110. A D. none of these

o 118. Epsom (England) is the place
associated with
A. horse racing
o History (World History) B. polo
o History of United States C. shooting
o Mathematics D. snooker
o Physics
119. Who was the first person to address
MCQs of General the United Nations in Hindi
A. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Knowledge B. Narendra Modi
General Knowledge Multiple Choice C. Atal Behari Vajpayee
Questions (MCQs) Page-12. The following D. Manmohan Singh
MCQs are from general topics like: History, 120. The availability of cash and other
Geography, Atmosphere, Science & cash-like marketable instruments that
Literature, International Organizations and are useful in purchases and
events. Find answers to the Multiple Choice investments are commonly known as
A. marketability
Questions (MCQs) at the bottom of the page.
B. cash crunch
Pages: 1 | 2 ... 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 C. credit
| 16 | 17 | 18 ... 20 | 30 D. liquidity


128. Of which Caribbean country is
Montego Bay the main tourist centre
111. B A. Toronto
112. B B. New York
113. A C. Jamaica
114. C D. Paris
115. D
116. B 129. The name of which Roman god
117. B means 'shining father' in Latin
118. A A. mercury
119. C B. jupiter
120. D C. venus
121. When did Fatima Jinnah joined All D. pluto
India Muslim league
A. 1939 130. The largest peninsula in the world is
B. 1927 A. Arabia
C. 1947 B. Asia
D. 1949 C. Africa
D. Europe
122. First human heart transplant operation
conducted by Dr. Christian Bernard on
Louis Washkansky, was conducted in
A. 1968 121. A
B. 1967 122. B
C. 1958 123. D
D. none of these 124. D
125. A
123. Which sign of the zodiac is also called 126. C
The Waterbearer 127. D
A. Scorpio 128. C
B. Leo 129. B
C. Gemini 130. A
D. Aquarius 131. The 16th NAM (Non-Aligned
Movement) Summit 2012 was held in
124. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 A. Tehran
A. states that no one was to be B. Delhi
imprisoned without a writ or warrant C. Singapore
stating the charge against him D. London
B. provided facilities to a prisoner to
obtain either speedy trial or release 132. Which one of the following countries
in bail made an exit from Kyoto Protocol
C. safeguarded the personal liberties of A. France
the people against arbitrary B. India
imprisonment by the king's orders C. Canada
D. all of these D. China

125. Which of the following is NOT a 133. Quid-e-Azam's mother tongue was
missile developed by the Defence A. Gujrati
Research and Development. B. Urdu
Organisation (DRDO) C. Hindi
A. Shaurya D. none of these
B. Agni
C. Pinaka 134. Which SAARC Member Country has
D. Brahmos Largest Literacy Rate
A. Bangladesh
126. The 3rd SAARC Ministerial Level Meet B. Sri Lanka
on Poverty held in which among the C. China
following countries D. Indonesia
A. Bangladesh
B. India 135. Pakistan's National Flag was prepared
C. Nepal by
D. Buhtan A. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai
B. Liaqat Ali
127. Which common childhood illness C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
related to shingles is also called D. Ameer-ud-din Qadwai
A. measles 136. How many counters has each player
B. mumps in a game of backgammon
C. polio A. 15
B. 12

C. 10 C. inflation
D. 16 D. none of these

137. Which Country is the Second largest 145. First Afghan War took place in
Arms Exporter of the World A. 1838
A. India B. 1837
B. Russia C. 1839
C. China D. 1840
D. America
146. Gulf cooperation council was originally
138. Which is the largest Oil Producing formed by
Member Country of OPEC A. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
A. Kuwait Saudi Arabia and United Arab
B. Bahrain Emirates
C. Qatar B. Second World Nations
D. Saudi Arabia C. Third World Nations
D. Fourth World Nations
139. Which food item takes its name from
the French for twice cooked 147. First China War was fought between
A. burger A. China and Britain
B. pizza B. China and France
C. biscuit C. China and Egypt
D. none of these D. China and Greek

140. Which Country has the oldest 148. Pakistan's first coin was issued on
monarchy A. 3rd june 1948
A. Turkey B. 6th june 1949
B. Japan C. 3rd January 1948
C. Rome D. none of these
D. Ireland
ANSWERS: QUIZZES GENERAL 149. Attock fort was constructed by
A. Jahangeer
B. Aurangzeb
C. Akbar
131. A D. none of these
132. C
133. A 150. Mancher lake situated in
134. B A. Sawat
135. D B. Dadu
136. A C. Muree
137. B D. Gilgit
138. D
139. C
140. B
141. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of 141. A
which country 142. D
A. Russia 143. B
B. China 144. A
C. India 145. C
D. Afghanistan 146. A
147. A
142. Pakistan's standard time was 148. C
suggested by 149. C
A. Liaqat Ali 150. B
B. Maulana Mazhar-ud-din 151. What are the flat, treeless plains of
C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali Argentina called
D. Proffessor Muhammad Anwar A. Pampas
B. Moss
143. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to C. Lichen
which country D. none of these
B. Fiji 152. What name is given to the programs
C. India run by a computer, as opposed to the
D. UK hardware
A. program
144. Guarantee to an exporter that the B. software
importer of his goods will pay C. input
immediately for the goods ordered by D. output
him, is known as
A. Letter of Credit (L/C) 153. Who wrote David Copperfield
B. laissezfaire A. Charles Dickens
B. William Wordsworth

C. Shakespeare
D. none of these 163. Hindenburg Line is in between
A. India and China
154. The name of which animal is an B. Germany and Poland
Aboriginal term meaning 'no water' C. France and Germany
A. Rat D. India and Pakistan
B. Snake
C. Koala 164. Highest Dam in world is
D. Lizard A. Hirakud Dam on the river Mahanadi-
155. Which animal has the biggest eyes of B. Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej
any living creature C. The Grande(Switzerland)
A. Elephant D. none of these
B. Kangaroo
C. Owl 165. The first prime minister of Bangladesh
D. Horse was
A. Liaqat Ali
156. The Wrigley Building is located in B. Mujibur Rehman
which US city C. Yahya Khan
A. New York D. Zia-ul-Haq
B. Chicago
C. Hawai 166. Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization
D. none of these is in
A. Khatmandu
157. Which is known as City of B. Larkana
Skyscrapers C. Quetta
A. New York D. Taxilla
B. Paris
C. Belgium 167. Which country is largest in area
D. Chicago A. China
B. Canada
158. The capital of Canada is C. Russia
A. Toronto D. India
B. Brussels
C. Ottawa 168. The largest planet is
D. Bogota A. Jupiter
B. Mercury
159. Driest place in the world is C. Venus
A. Death Valley(California) D. Earth
B. Sahara(Africa)
C. Barmer(Rajasthan) 169. In which country did the rottweiler
D. none of these originate
A. America
160. Largest Museum in the world is in B. Africa
A. USA C. China
B. China D. Germany
C. Africa
D. Europe 170. Which colour is produced by adding
ANSWERS: QUIZZES GK together yellow and cyan
A. Green
B. Red
151. A
C. Blue
152. B
D. Pink
153. A
155. D
156. B 161. A
157. A 162. B
158. C 163. B
159. A 164. C
160. A 165. B
161. World environment day is on 166. D
A. 5th June 167. C
B. 5th May 168. A
C. 2 June 169. D
D. 2 May 170. A
171. Where the biggest Salt Mine located in
162. The world oldest known city is Pakistan
A. Tokyo A. Mangora
B. Damascus B. Jhelum
C. Paris C. Sawat
D. Beijing D. none of these

178. A
172. The most beautiful stone-Marble is 179. B
extracted from which province of 180. D
Pakistan 181. Who was the first president of the
A. Punjab United States of America
B. Sindh A. George Washington
C. NWFP B. George Harrison
D. Baluchistan C. Robert Zemeckis
D. none of these
173. On which area of the moon did
Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins make 182. Which is the national flower of
their landing on 20 July 1969 Pakistan
A. Sea of Tranquility A. Lilly
B. unkonown place of moon B. Rose
C. centre of moon C. Jasmine
D. none of these D. Tulip

174. What name is more commonly given 183. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor
to a tree of the genus Taxus Jahangir
A. Oak A. Sialkot
B. Yew B. Multan
C. Plum C. Lahore
D. Gum D. Karachi

175. The longest river in Pakistan is 184. Which city in Switzerland was the
A. River Ravi headquarters of the League of Nations
B. River Sindh A. Brussels
C. River Cheenab B. Geneva
D. River Jehlum C. Canberra
D. none of these
176. In which cartoon series do the
characters Chef and Cartman appear 185. At which sport have Keiji, Okada and
A. Tom and Jerry Yuko Hasama been world champions
B. The Snow white A. Bedminton
C. Cindrella B. Polo
D. South Park C. Table tennis
D. Karate
177. In which country is the port of Dieppe
A. Turkey 186. In which US state is the port of Tarpon
B. Germany Springs
C. France A. Florida
D. Italy B. Hawaii
C. Virginia
178. In which country are the headquarters D. none of these
of the multinational company Nestle
A. Switzerland 187. Ice cream was first produced in which
B. Venice country in the 17th century
C. Japan A. England
D. Norway B. Italy
C. France
179. Which two primary colours are mixed D. Germany
to make purple
A. red and green 188. The total Area of the Capital of
B. red and blue Pakistan 'Islamabad' is
C. red and yellow A. 800 sq Km
D. red and white B. 850 sq Km
C. 900 sq Km
180. What type of creature is a fulmar D. 907 sq Km
A. A reptile
B. An insect 189. What is the official language of Mexico
C. A dog A. Spanish
D. A bird B. French
D. English
171. A
190. What is the standard monetary unit of
172. C
173. A
A. Lira
174. B
B. Penny
175. B
C. Euro
176. D
D. Dollar
177. C


D. Switzerland
181. A
200. What is the capital of Libya
182. C
A. Kabul
183. C
B. Ajmaan
184. B
C. Doha
185. D
D. Tripoli
186. A
188. D MCQS
189. A
190. A 191. A
191. What is the capital of Queensland, 192. B
Australia 193. C
A. Brisbane 194. A
B. Brussels 195. D
C. Beijing 196. A
D. Doha 197. B
198. C
192. In which century did the Crimean War 199. C
take place 200. D
A. 18th 201. What are the three main languages of
B. 19th Switzerland
C. 17th A. German, French and Italian
D. 16th B. German, French and English
C. German, French and Spanish
193. In which US state is the city of D. English, French and Italian
A. Virginia 202. The Second largest city of Pakistan is
B. Hawai A. Rawalpindi
C. Florida B. Lahore
D. none of these C. Multan
D. Quetta
194. Who starred as Superman in the
1970s and 1980s film series 203. The large moon Miranda is a satellite
A. Christopher Reeve of which planet of the solar system
B. John Belushi A. Neptune
C. Cilla Black B. Pluto
D. none of these C. Uranus
D. Jupiter
195. Which is the national bird of Pakistan
A. Markhor 204. Of which country is Margrethe II the
B. Parrot reigning queen
C. Pigeon A. Turkey
D. Chakor B. Switzerland
C. Denmark
196. Who was the second wife of King D. Italy
Henry VIII of England
A. Anne Boleyn 205. Mount Cook is the highest mountain of
B. Queen Elizabeth which nation in the South Pacific
C. Lady Diana A. Canada
D. none of these B. Brazil
C. Australia
197. The Painted Desert lies in which US D. New Zealand
A. Florida 206. What sort of creature is a margay
B. Arizona A. Dog
C. Hawaii B. Cat
D. Virginia C. Bird
D. Insect
198. In which year did the Titanic sink on its
maiden voyage 207. In which European city are the
A. 1913 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the
B. 1914 Kremlin
C. 1912 A. Moscow
D. 1915 B. Paris
C. Brussels
199. Which country is the world's largest D. Manchester
producer of coffee
A. Taiwan

208. How many white stars are on the 216. Which river flows through the Sea of
national flag of the USA Galilee
A. 20 A. River Nile
B. 30 B. River Beijing
C. 40 C. River Jordan
D. 50 D. None of these

209. A howdah is a seat used for riding on 217. Gatun Lake is part of which canal
the back of which animal A. Indus canal
A. Horse B. Pacific canal
B. Bull C. both a and b
C. Elephant D. Panama Canal
D. Donkey
218. In US politics, who carries the
210. In which US state is the city of San nickname 'the Veep'
Diego A. President
A. California B. General Secretory
B. Arizona C. Vice-President
C. Florida D. Clerk
D. Virginia
ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 219. Which is Australia's largest city by
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
201. A C. Perth
202. B D. None of these
203. C
204. C 220. How many squares has a chessboard
205. D A. 24
206. B B. 52
207. A C. 45
208. D D. 64
209. C
210. A
211. Who was the Greek goddess of war MCQS
and wisdom
A. Athena 211. A
B. Lakshmi 212. B
C. Ganga 213. A
D. None of these 214. B
215. B
212. What is the world's largest living 216. C
mammal 217. D
A. Elephant 218. C
B. Blue Whale 219. A
C. Shark 220. D
D. Giraffe 221. What colour is the ball worth three
points in snooker
213. In 1976, Israeli troops stormed a A. Red
hijacked plane at which Ugandan B. Green
airport C. Black
A. Entebbe D. Yellow
B. Turin
C. Venice 222. Which country is the most popular
D. None of these destination for foreign tourists
A. France
214. What is the name of the large salty B. Germany
lake which lies between Israel and C. Switzerland
Jordan D. Australia
A. Salt Lake
B. Dead Sea 223. The Flathead Lake Monster is said to
C. Death Lake exist in which US state
D. None of these A. Florida
B. Arizona
215. In which sport is the term 'hookcheck' C. Virginia
often used D. Montana
A. Polo
B. Ice hockey 224. Who wrote Arms and the Man and
C. Football Man and Superman
D. Bedminton A. William Wordsworth
B. Shakespeare

C. George Bernard Shaw 233. To which country did the Dc-10 belong
D. None of these which exploded in air over Niger on
September 19,1989
225. Which US president was assassinated A. UK
by John Wilkes Booth B. Israel
A. Richard Branson C. Suriname
B. Abraham Lincoln D. France
C. Nicholas Monsarrat
D. George Bush 234. On Which sea is the island of Corfu
226. What sort of creature is a hairstreak A. Black sea
A. Bird B. Mediterranean sea
B. Butterfly C. Adriatic Sea
C. Cat D. Baltic Sea
D. Dog
235. What was the United States largest
227. What number is between five and one single land acquisition
on a dartboard A. Louisiana Purchase
A. 20 B. Garsden Purchase
B. 10 C. Alaska
C. 3 D. Maxican Cessation
D. 15
236. What is the second largest desert in
228. Which continent comprises the land the world after the Sahara desert
around the South Pole A. Gobi Desert
A. Asia B. Arabian Desert
B. Africa C. Kalahari Desert
C. Europe D. Libyan Desert
D. Antarctica
237. What country was Band Aid's 1984
229. Which English romantic poet wrote record produced to raise money for
Endymion A. Bangladesh
A. William Wordsworth B. Ethiopia
B. Shakespeare C. Kenya
C. John Keats D. Morocco
D. George Bernard Shaw
238. For the Olympics and World
230. Which bird with a distinctive call lays Tournaments, the dimensions of
its eggs in the nests of other birds basketball court are
A. Sparrow A. 26 m x 14 m
B. Parrot B. 28 m x 15 m
C. Humming bird C. 27 m x 16 m
D. Cuckoo D. 28 m x 16 m
239. Each year World Red Cross and Red
Crescent Day is celebrated on
A. May 8
221. B B. May 18
222. A C. June 8
223. D D. June 18
224. C
225. B 240. Who was the first U.S President who
226. B was not from Massachusetts or Virginia
227. A A. James Madison
228. D B. James Polk
229. C C. Andrew Jackson
230. D D. None of these
231. Who was the first Emperor in China
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Kublai Khan MCQS
C. Qin Shi Huagdi
D. None of these 231. C
232. D
232. Which body of water separates the 233. D
North Island and South Island of New 234. C
Zealand 235. A
A. Bass Strait 236. B
B. Megellan Strait 237. B
C. Strait of Bonifacio 238. B
D. Cook Strait 239. A
240. C

241. Federation Cup, World Cup, Allywyn B. Contributor to the use of deductive
International Trophy and Challenge principles of logic as the basis of
Cup are awarded to winners of geometry
A. Tennis C. Propounded the geometrical
B. Volleyball theorems
C. Basketball D. All of these
242. Famous sculptures depicting art of
love built some time in 950 AD - 1050
AD are 241. B
A. Khajuraho temples 242. A
B. Jama Masjid 243. C
C. Sun temple 244. C
D. Mahabalipuram temples 245. D
246. A
243. In what state is the geographic center 247. C
of the United States located 248. B
A. Montana 249. D
B. North Dakota 250. D
C. South Dakota 251. DRDL stands for
D. Wyoming A. Defence Research and
Development Laboratary
244. Fire temple is the place of worship of B. Department of Research and
which of the following religion Development Laboratory
A. Taoism C. Differential Research and
B. Judaism Documentation Laboratary
C. Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion) D. None of these
D. Shintoism
252. In which future U.S state did Custer
245. Who was the first cartoonist to win a make his famous Last Stand
Pulitzer Prize for a comic strip A. Montana
A. All Capp B. North Dakota
B. Berke Breathed C. Oklahoma
C. Charles Schulz D. Texas
D. Garry Trudeau
253. What author confessed' "My stories
246. Georgia, Uzbekistan and written when sober are stupid"
Turkmenistan became the members of A. Arthur conan Doyle
UNO in B. Earnest Hemingway
A. 1992 C. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. 1991 D. Leo Tolstoy
C. 1993
D. 1994 254. What Kansas city's name means
'potato' in the Kansa language
247. Germany signed the Armistice Treaty A. Abeline
on ____ and World War I ended B. Topeka
A. January 19, 1918 C. Omaha
B. May 30, 1918 D. Wichita
C. November 11, 1918
D. February 15, 1918 255. Who was the first Indian Chief of Army
Staff of the Indian Army
248. During World War II, when did A. Gen. K.M. Cariappa
Germany attack France B. Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari
A. 1941 C. Gen. Maharaja Rajendra Singhji
B. 1940 D. None of these
C. 1942
D. 1945 256. How tall is the pitcher's mound in
major League Baseball
249. In what city did james Mclamore and A. 6 inches
David Edger ton open the first Burger B. 14 inches
King in 1954 C. 18 inches
A. Colorado Springs, Colorado D. 10 inches
B. Indianapolis, Indiana
C. Sacramento, California 257. FRS stands for
D. Miami, Florida A. Fellow Research System
B. Federation of Regulation Society
250. Euclid was C. Fellow of Royal Society
A. Greek mathematician D. None of these

258. What device's invention was the main 266. Who was the first person to sail to the
reason for demise of the Pony Express southern tip of Africa, in 1488
A. Radio A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Telegraph B. James Cook
C. Telephone C. Bartholomew Dias
D. Train D. None of these

259. During World War I Germany was 267. First International Peace Congress
defeated in the Battle of Verdun on the was held in London in
western front and Romania declared A. 1564 AD
war on the eastern front in the year B. 1843 AD
A. 1914 AD C. 1845 AD
B. 1915 AD D. 1545 AD
C. 1912 AD
D. 1916 AD 268. What was the only Grand Slam event
that eluded Monica seles in both 1991
260. What is the highest peak in the 48 and 1992
contiguous U.S states A. Australian open
A. Mount Elbert B. French open
B. Mount Rainier C. U.S open
C. Mount Whitney D. Wimbledon
D. Pikes Peak
ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 269. Dr. Zakir Hussain was
A. the first Muslim president of India
B. first vice president of India
C. first president of Indian National
251. A Congress
252. A D. first speaker of Lok Sabha
253. C
254. B 270. In Robinson Crusoe, what does the
255. A title character name the native he
256. D befriends
257. C A. Wednesday
258. B B. Thursday
259. D C. Friday
260. C D. Saturday
261. Hamid Karzai was chosen president of
Afghanistan in
A. 2000 MCQS
B. 2002
C. 2001 261. B
D. 2003 262. C
263. D
262. Durand Cup is associated with the 264. B
game of 265. A
A. Hockey 266. C
B. Bedminton 267. B
C. Football 268. D
D. Volleyball 269. A
270. C
263. What playwright's The Glass 271. Hockey was introduced in the Asian
Menagerie appeared on Broadway and Games in
was made into three movies A. 1958 in Tokyo
A. Arthur Miller B. 1962 in Jakarta
B. David Mamet C. 1966 in Bangkok
C. Noel Coward D. 1970 in Bangkok
D. Tennessee Williams
272. How many acres are in square mile
264. What was the first U.S city to host the A. 1.6
winter Olympics B. 32
A. Denver C. 640
B. Lake Placid D. None of these
C. Salt Lake city
D. Squaw Valley 273. ESCAP stands for
A. Economic and Social Commission
265. Headquarters of UNO are situated at for Asia and Pacific
A. New York, USA B. European Society Council for Africa
B. Haque (Netherlands) and Pacific
C. Geneva C. Economic and Social Commission
D. Switzerland for Africa and Pacific
D. None of these

C. ports that are exempted from

274. Which U.S President was born the payment of customs duty on articles
earliest of commerce, primarily to encourage
A. James Madison tourism
B. George Washington D. none of these
C. John Adams
D. Thomas Jefferson 282. Which U.S. state has the second most
area that is covered by water
275. Firdausi was A. Florida
A. a poet B. Alaska
B. well known for his epic 'Shahnama' C. Michigan
C. Both option A and B D. Minnesota
D. None of these
283. East Timor, which became the 191st
276. The Partridge Family TV show, what member of the UN, is in the continent of
did the singing family travel in A. Asia
A. RV B. Africa
B. Van C. Europe
C. Station wagon D. South Africa
D. Bus
284. What was English trumpeter John
277. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is Shore's claim to fame in 1711
at A. Creator of the modern trumpet
A. Dehradun B. First trumpeter in an orchestra
B. Darjeeling C. Inventor of the tuning fork
C. Marmago D. Saved from a bullet by his trumpet
D. Dispur
285. GNLF stands for
278. Which position did Doug Harvey play A. Gorkha National Liberation Front
in the NHL B. Gross National Liberation Form
A. Center C. Both option A and B
B. Right wing D. None of these
C. Left wing
D. Defense man 286. What college's men's basketball team
below is not nicknamed the Wildcats
279. During the first crusade, crusaders A. Arizona
reached Jerusalem and captured it in B. Cincinnati
A. 1000 AD C. Kansas State
B. 1099 AD D. Kentucky
C. 1200 AD
D. 1500 AD 287. Fa-Hien was
A. the first Buddhist pilgrim of China to
280. What was venetian artist Titian's last visit India during the reign of
name Chandragupta Vikramaditya
A. Vecchietta B. the discoverer of Puerto Rico and
B. Veneziano Jamaica
C. Vecellio C. the first Buddhist pilgrim of India to
D. None of these visit China
288. What is the title character's name in
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
271. A Shylock
272. C A.
273. A B. Bassanio
274. B C. Balthasar
275. C D. Antonia
276. D
277. B 289. Which U.S subway system has the
278. D most miles of track
279. B A. Boston
280. C B. New York
281. Free market is C. San Francisco
A. a condition in the international D. Washington, D.C
market where nations do not impose
customs duty or other taxes on 290. In 1967, which country below did not
import of goods fight Isreal in the Six day war
B. market where the price of a A. Egypt
commodity is determined by free B. Jordan
play of the forces of supply and C. Lebanon
demand D. Syria


299. How many no- hitters did Nolan Ryan
throw in his career, the most by any
Major League Baseball pitcher
281. B A. 4
282. C B. 7
283. A C. 5
284. C D. 6
285. A
286. B 300. In which country are the aptly named
287. A Snowy Mountain located
288. D A. Australia
289. D B. Canada
290. C C. Russia
291. In which major U.S professional sport D. Turkey
does the home team not usually wear
A. Major League Baseball MCQS
B. National Basketball Association
C. National Football League 291. C
D. National Hockey League 292. B
293. D
292. Who was the gypsy heroine of The 294. B
Hunchback of Notre Dame 295. C
A. Daniella 296. A
B. Esmeralda 297. D
C. Gabriela 298. A
D. Jasmine 299. B
300. A
293. How many continents border the
Arctic Ocean
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3

294. Which U.S President first appeared on

the face of the dime on Jan 30, 1946
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Franklin Roosevelt
C. George Washington
D. Thomas Jefferson

295. Who was the only golfer to win the

British open in three different decades
in the 20th century
A. Bobby Jones
B. Jack Nicklaus
C. Gary Player
D. None of these

296. What author's first novel was Hike and

the Aeroplane
A. Sinclair Lewis
B. E.M. Forster
C. Somerset Maugham
D. Zane Grey

297. What profession was the first to

accept what we now call tips
A. Actors
B. Plumbers
C. Doctors
D. Barbers

298. What was the first Peanuts television

A. A Charlie Brown Christmas
B. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
C. It's the Great Pumpkin
D. None of these

C. Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A)

D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

10. What was the name of Imam Bukhari

Islamic knowledge (R.A)?
A. Muhammad bin Ismaeel
1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged B. Muhammad Ismaeel
to __________ family. C. Muhammad Ibraheem
A. Hashmi D. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem
C. Makki
D. Madni 1. A
2. A
2. In the begining Prophet Muhammad 3. C
(PBUH) worked as a shepherd for 4. D
__________. 5. D
A. Banu Saad 6. B
B. Banu Asad 7. D
C. Banu Ummayya 8. D
D. Banu Makhzoom 9. C
10. A
3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had 11. Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of
__________ sons. __________.
A. 1 A. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
B. 2 B. Prophet Nooh (A.S)
C. 3 C. Prophet Yaqoob (A.S)
D. 4 D. Prophet Shoaib (A.S)

4. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had 12. Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time

__________ daughters. of __________ ?
A. 1 A. Lunar eclipse
B. 2 B. Solar eclipse
C. 3 C. earthquake
D. 4 D. heavy rain

5. In the "Sacrilegious wars", when 13. __________ takes out souls of life
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 bearing creatures.
years of age, Quraish and their allies A. Jibrael (A.S)
were lead by __________. B. Mikael (A.S)
A. Abu Jahal C. Israfeel (A.S)
B. Abu Lahab D. Izraeel (A.S)
C. Umayah bin Khalaf
D. Harb bin Umayah 14. Name the Angel who was appointed to
deliver messages to Prophet
6. To what Prophet the Zabur was Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah?
revealed by Allah? A. Jibrael (A.S)
A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) B. Mikael (A.S)
B. Prophet Dawood (A.S) C. Israfeel (A.S)
C. Prophet Moosa (A.S) D. Izraeel (A.S)
D. Prophet Essa (A.S)
15. Cave Hira is in the _________
7. To what Prophet the Injeel was mountain.
revealed by Allah? A. As-Safa
A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) B. Sil
B. Prophet Dawood (A.S) C. Uhud
C. Prophet Moosa (A.S) D. An-Noor
D. Prophet Essa (A.S)
16. The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface
8. What companion of Prophet (PBUH) of Earth is?
was awarded with the title of "The sold A. Masjid-ul-Haram
of Allah"? B. Masjid-e-Nabavi
A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) C. Masjid-e-Aqsa
B. Umar Farooque (R.A) D. Quba Masjid
C. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) 17. Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) who was daughter of Umar
9. What companion of Prophet (PBUH) Farooq (R.A)?
was awarded with the title of "The lion A. Aisha (R.A)
of Allah"? B. Juwairyyah (R.A)
A. Umar Farooque (R.A) C. Hafsah (R.A)
B. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) D. Maimoonah (R.A)

C. Sunnat
18. What was the relation between Prophet D. Mustahib
Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S)?
A. Prophet Ismail (A.S) was father of 27. The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was
Prophet Ishaq (A.S) compiled by __________ .
B. Prophet Ishaq (A.S) was father of A. Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
Prophet Ismail (A.S) B. Imam Shafi (R.A)
C. Brothers C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
D. Cousins D. Imam Malik (R.A)

19. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in 28. The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar,
Madina for __________ years. was compiled by __________ .
A. 8 A. Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
B. 9 B. Imam Shafi (R.A)
C. 10 C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
D. 11 D. Imam Malik (R.A)

20. Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by 29. In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is
__________. called__________ .
A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) A. Istilam
B. Umar Farooq (R.A) B. Sayee
C. Usman Ghani (R.A) C. Ramee
D. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) D. Tawaf
30. The first migration of the Companions
and relatives of the Prophet
11. D
Muhammad (PBUH) was to
12. A
__________ .
13. D
A. Makkah
14. A
B. Madina
15. D
C. Ethopia
16. D
D. Baghdad
17. C
19. C
20. D 21. C
21. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in 22. C
__________ Hijrah. 23. D
A. 36 24. B
B. 38 25. B
C. 40 26. A
D. 42 27. D
28. A
22. The heads of Zakat are __________ . 29. A
A. 6 30. C
B. 7 31. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is called
C. 8 with the name "Ahmed" in Surah
D. 9 _________ .
A. Ya-Seen
23. Which country is called the "Land of B. Muhammad
Prophets"? C. Saff
A. Saudi Arabia D. Muzzammil
B. Iraq
C. Syria 32. "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"
D. Palestine is stated in Surah _________ .
A. Ya-Seen
24. There are _________ farz in wuzoo. B. Muhammad
A. 3 C. Muzzammil
B. 4 D. Fath
C. 5
D. 6 33. Allah says, "Wives of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of
25. "Saha Satta" are __________ books of believers" in Surah _________ .
Hadith. A. Aal-e-Imraan
A. 5 B. Yaaseen
B. 6 C. Muhammad
C. 7 D. Ahzaab
D. 8
34. The name "Muhammad" has been
26. Eid Prayer is __________ . mentioned _________ times in the Holy
A. Wajib Quran.
B. Farz A. 1

B. 2 messengers, a __________ seal was

C. 3 made.
D. 4 A. Golden
B. Silver
35. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah C. Metallic
twice?. D. Wooden
A. Aal-e-Imraan
B. Al-Namal 49. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet
C. Yaaseen Muhammad (PBUH) selected
D. Muhammad __________ skillful archers to stay on a
mountain (side).
ANSWERS: Quran MCQs A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
31. C
D. 50
32. D
33. D
50. What was the relation between Prophet
34. D
Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon
35. B
41. The color of the first Islamic flag was
A. Prophet Moosa (A.S) was father of
_________ .
Prophet Haroon (A.S)
A. White
B. Prophet Haroon (A.S) was father of
B. Black
Prophet Moosa (A.S)
C. White and Black
C. Brothers
D. Green
D. Cousins
42. The "Battle of Yermuk" was fought ANSWERS: ISLAMIC STUDIES QUIZ
between Muslims and _________ .
A. Romans 41. A
B. Jews 42. A
C. Iranis 43. C
D. Christians 44. A
45. C
43. Masjid Qiblatain is in _________ . 46. B
A. Makkah 47. B
B. Madina 48. B
C. Taif 49. D
D. Palestine 50. C

44. In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is

called__________ .
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
D. Tawaf

45. In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called

__________ .
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
D. Tawaf

46. In Hajj, traveling seven times between

Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is
called __________ .
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
D. Tawaf

47. The first Ummayed Caliph was

_________ .
A. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
B. Ameer Muawiyah (R.A)
C. Abu Ubaidah (R.A)
D. Amr bin Al-Aas (R.A)

48. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his

messengers to the kings beyond Arabia
calling them to Islam. In order to
authenticate the credentials of his

10. The Book "Higher than Hopes" is a

biography of __________ .
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
D. Mother Terasa
Current affairs
1. B
1. Al-Tehrir Square is in __________. 2. A
A. Damascus 3. B
B. Cairo 4. D
C. Tripoli 5. B
D. Istanbol 6. B
7. D
2. The Secretary of States of United 8. C
States is ___________ . 9. A
A. John Kerry 10. A
B. Joe Biden 11. Which from the following countries has
C. Hillary Clinton no armed forces?
D. James F. Dobbins A. Niger
B. Nigeria
3. The Vice President of United States is C. Iceland
___________ . D. Latvia
A. John Kerry
B. Joe Biden
C. Hillary Clinton 12. Who is Secretary General of NATO?
D. James F. Dobbins A. Lord Ismay
B. Anders Fogh Rasmussen
4. 38th parallel is a boundary line between C. Willy Claes
__________ . D. Hillary Clinton
A. United States and Canada
B. Pakistan and India
C. Turkey and Cyprus 13. 2016 Olympics will held in ________.
D. South and North Korea A. London
B. Rio de Janeiro
5. Channel Tunnel is an Under Sea Rail C. Doha
Tunnel that linked ___________ . D. Beijing
A. America and Mexico
B. England and France
C. France and Germany 14. 2022 FIFA world cup will held in
D. England and Germany _________.
A. Qatar
6. MI-5 is the secret agency of B. Russia
__________ . C. UK
A. United States D. not decided yet
B. United Kingdom
C. Israel
D. France 15. European Union has __________
member states.
7. The largest producer of Uranium is A. 27
__________ . B. 28
A. Canada C. 39
B. Russia D. 30
C. China
D. Kazakhstan
16. The Euro currency is used by
8. The largest emitter of Carbondioxide in __________ countries.
the atmosphere is __________ . A. 17
A. Canada B. 18
B. Russia C. 19
C. China D. 20
D. Kazakhstan

9. The Book "Long Walk to Freedom" is 17. "Kashmir" is a disputed area between
written by __________ . __________.
A. Nelson Mandela A. India and Sri Lanka
B. Henry S. Commager B. India and Bangladesh
C. Bill Clinton C. India and Pakistan
D. Mother Terasa D. Bangladesh and Pakistan

25. The River Thames is located in

18. "Northern Cyprus" is a disputed area A. England
between __________. B. Scotland
A. Cyprus and Czech Republic C. Ireland
B. Cyprus and United Kingdom D. Finland
C. Cyprus and Greece
D. Cyprus and Turkey
26. In London Olympics 2012, the gold
medal, in Men's Field Hockey was won
19. The secretary general of OIC is by __________.
_________. A. Germany
A. Ahmed Saleem B. Holland
B. Syed Ali Mousavi C. Australia
C. Prince Salman D. India
D. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu

27. The Most populous city in the world is

20. The official languages of NATO are __________.
___________. A. Beijing
A. English and French B. Buenos Aires
B. English and German C. Shanghai
C. English and Spanish D. Tokyo
D. English, French and German
28. US special representative for
Afghanistan and Pakistan is
11. C
__________ .
12. B
A. Seth Jones
13. B
B. John Kerry
14. A
C. Richard Holbrooke
15. B Croatia has become the 28th member
D. James Dobbins
of the EU on 1 July 2013.
16. B Lativa has become the 18th member
of the Eurozone on 1 January 2014.
29. The secretary general of OIC is
17. C
18. D
A. Ahmed Saleem
19. D
B. Syed Ali Mousavi
20. A
C. Prince Salman
21. The Taj Mahal in India, was built by
D. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
Mughal emperor __________.
A. Aurangzaib
B. Shah Jahan
30. The head of state of the United
C. Akbar
Kingdom is _________ .
D. Humayun
A. Queen Elizabeth I
B. Queen Elizabeth II
C. Queen Elizabeth III
22. The Sino-Indian War between China
D. Queen Elizabeth IV
and India was occurred in __________.
A. 1956
B. 1959

21. B
23. The 2013 Summer Universiade was 22. C
held in ________. 23. B
A. Moscow 24. A
B. Kazan 25. A
C. Astana 26. A
D. Beijing 27. C
28. D
29. D
24. In London Olympics 2012, the most 30. B
medals were won by _________. 31. US special representative for
A. America Afghanistan and Pakistan is
B. Russia __________ .
C. China A. James Dobbins
D. United Kingdom B. John Kerry
C. Joe Biden
D. John Mccain


32. India has constructed Baglihar Dam on
31. A
_________ River.
32. C
A. Sindh
33. A
B. Ravi
34. A
C. Chenab
35. B
D. Sutluj
36. A
37. D
38. A
33. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was
39. C
_________ .
40. D
A. Anwar Sadat
41. World's oldest operational space launch
B. Dr. Abdul Salam
facility is located in ________.
C. Dr. Muhammad Younus
A. America
D. Yasir Arafat
B. Russia
C. Kazakhstan
D. India
34. Qantas is an airline of __________ .
A. Australia
B. Sudan
42. The first human who traveled into
C. Malaysia
space was _________ .
D. France
A. Neil Armstrong
B. Yuri Gagarin
C. Sergei Korolev
35. AFP is a news agency of __________ .
D. John Glenn
A. Switzerland
B. France
C. Germany
43. In which country It is mandatory for all
D. Sweden
male citizens aged 18–27 to serve 1
year in Armed Forces?
A. America
36. The oldest news agency in the world is
B. Canada
_________ .
C. Russia
D. Israel
44. Which country is the world's top
supplier of weapons?
A. America
37. The headquarter of Transparency
B. Russia
International is located in _________.
C. Israel
A. New York
D. Germany
B. Washigton
C. Paris
D. Berlin
45. Which from the following countries is
NOT the member of BRIC?
A. America
38. NATO is a/an __________ alliance.
B. Russia
A. military
C. China
B. economic
D. India
C. regional
D. cultural
46. The President of India is __________ .
A. Sonia Gandhi
39. The Suez Canal is in __________ .
B. Dr. Abdul Kalam
A. Nigeria
C. Chidambaram
B. Libya
D. Pranab Mukherjee
C. Egypt
D. Palistine
47. The headquarter of Human Rights
Watch is located in __________ .
40. The Suez Canal connects the
A. Washington
__________ .
B. New York
A. Red Sea and the Arabian Sea
C. Berlin
B. Red Sea and the North Sea
D. Brussels
C. Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian
D. Mediterranean Sea and the Red
48. North Atlantic Treaty, that
formed NATO, was signed in
__________ .

A. 1949 D. Bhutan
B. 1955
C. 1961
D. 1967 56. Which from the following countries does
NOT yeild veto-power?
A. United States
49. World War II began by German B. United Kingdom
invasion on __________ . C. Canada
A. Russia D. France
B. France
C. United Kingdom
D. Poland 57. Which from the following countries is
NOT a non-permanent member of
50. __________ has the world's largest Security Council.
natural gas reserves. A. Rwanda
A. Saudi Arabia B. Luxembourg
B. Iran C. Argentina
C. Russia D. Sweden
D. Canada
58. Al-Jazeera TV Channel belongs to
41. C A. Qatar
42. B B. Kuwait
43. C C. Egypt
44. B D. Bahrain
45. A
46. D
47. B 59. The newest member of the Eurozone is
48. A _______.
49. D A. Lativa
50. C B. Croatia
51. Secretary General UNO Ban-Ki-Mon C. Bulgaria
belongs to __________. D. Cyprus
A. South Korea.
B. North Korea
C. Japan 60. The Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline is also
D. China called __________.
A. friendship pipeline
B. future pipeline
52. Currently, there are __________ C. peace pipeline
member states of the United Nations. D. unity pipeline
A. 190
B. 193
C. 196
D. 197 51. A
52. B
53. A
54. D
53. Currently, __________ countries hold
55. C
the status of Observer States in 56. C
the United Nations. 57. D
A. 2 58. A
B. 3 59. A
C. 4 60. C
D. 5 61. On 5 November 2013 __________
launched its first rocket to Mars.
A. China
54. There are __________ members B. Israel
of SAARC. C. Iran
A. 5 D. India
B. 6
C. 7 62. On 1 December 2013 China launched
D. 8 its first __________ rover mission.
A. Moon
B. Mars
55. Secretary General SAARC Ahmed C. Jupiter
Salem belongs to __________. D. Earth
A. Pakistan
B. India 63. On 28 January 2013 __________ sent
C. Maldives monkey into space.

A. China
B. Israel 72. The oldest tennis tournament in the
C. Iran world is __________ .
D. India A. Wimbledon
B. French Open
64. Taksim Square is in ___________ . C. Australian Open
A. Cairo D. US Open
B. Istanbol
C. Tripoli 73. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships
D. Damascus Singles (Men) title was won by
__________ .
65. Taliban opened their political office in A. Roger Federer
___________ . B. Rafael Nadal
A. Riyad C. Novak Djokovic
B. Dubai D. Andy Murray
C. Doha
D. Musqat 74. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships
Singles (Women) title was won by
66. The Chelyabinsk Meteor hits __________ .
__________ on 15 February 2013. A. Serena Williams
A. America B. Marion Bartoli
B. Canada C. Maria Sharapova
C. Mexico D. Ana Ivanovic
D. Russia
75. The fastest century record in ODI of
67. ___________ bought Nokia Mobile Shahid Afridi was broken by
business. __________ .
A. Microsoft A. Sachin Tendulkar
B. Google B. Chris Gayle
C. Yahoo C. AB de Villiers
D. AOL D. Corey Anderson

68. ___________ bought Motorola Mobile 76. The 2010 FIFA World Cup was won by
business. ___________ .
A. Microsoft A. Brazil
B. Google B. Germany
C. Yahoo C. Spain
D. AOL D. Argentina

69. Man Booker International Prize 2013 77. The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be
was won by __________ . hosted by __________ .
A. Alice Munro A. Brazil
B. Margaret Thatcher B. Russia
C. Lydia Davis C. Qatar
D. Malala Yousafzai D. France

70. Due to ammonia leak from a cold 78. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will be
storage unit in __________ 15 people hosted by __________ .
were killed. A. Brazil
A. Shanghai B. Russia
B. Moscow C. Qatar
C. Tokyo D. France
D. Toronto
ANSWERS: MCQS OF CURRENT AFFAIRS 79. The 2022 FIFA World Cup will be
hosted by __________ .
A. Brazil
61. D
B. Russia
62. A
C. Qatar
63. C
D. France
64. B
65. C
80. The World Snooker Championship
66. D
2013 was won by __________ .
67. A
A. Steve Davis
68. B
B. Mark Williams
69. C
C. Stephen Hendry
70. A
D. Ronnie O'Sullivan
71. The fastest person of the world is
__________ .
B. Usain Bolt
C. Dwain Chambers 71. B
D. Justin Gatlin 72. A

73. D
74. B 90. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2013 was
75. D awarded to ___________ .
76. C A. Margaret Thatcher
77. A B. Alice Munro
78. B C. Sir David Frost
79. C D. Peter O'Toole
80. D
81. The lowest temperature ever recorded ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQs
on the Earth is __________ .
A. -83.2 °C
81. C
B. -86.2 °C
82. A
C. -89.2 °C
83. A
D. -92.2 °C
84. B
85. B
82. The lowest temperature was recorded
86. C
in __________ .
87. D
A. Antarctica
88. D
B. Russia
89. C
C. Canada
90. B
D. Germany
91. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was
awarded to ___________ .
83. The highest temperatures ever
A. Martin Karplus & Michael Levitt
recorded on the Earth is ________.
B. Francois Englert & Peter W. Higgs
A. 56.7 °C
C. Thomas C. Sudhof & James E.
B. 57.7 °C
C. 58.7 °C
D. Lars Peter Hansen & Robert J.
D. 59.7 °C
84. The highest temperature was recorded
in __________ .
92. Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge,
A. Los Angeles
is the wife of __________ .
B. California
A. Prince Harry
C. Tripoli
B. Prince Charles
D. Doha
C. Prince William
D. Prince George
85. Who is Angela Merkel?
A. Prime Minister of Germany
B. Chancellor of Germany
93. The Sinai Peninsula is in __________ .
C. Prime Minister of France A. Egypt
D. Chancellor of France B. Libya
C. Jordan
86. Who is François Hollande?
D. Syria
A. President of Germany
B. Prime Minister of Germany
C. President of France 94. According to Forbes Magazine the most
D. Prime Minister of France powerful man on the Earth is
87. The current director of the Central A. Barack Obama
Intelligence Agency (CIA) is B. Vladimir Putin
__________ . C. Xi Jinping
A. James Clapper D. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
B. Thomas Donilon
C. Denis McDonough
D. John Brennan 95. Angela Merkel was elected as
Chancellor of Germany for the
88. On 27 February 2013 Iraq's state __________ time.
airline, after 20 years, begins flights to A. first
__________ . B. second
A. America C. third
B. Israel D. fourth
C. Iran
D. Kuwait
96. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is
89. The Nobel Prize for Peace 2013 was __________ .
awarded to ___________ . A. Shahbaz Sharif
A. Barak Obama B. Nawaz Sharif
B. Malala Yousafzai C. Asif Zardari
C. Organisation for the Prohibition of D. Ishaq Dar
Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
D. United Nations Security Council

97. The President of Iran is __________ . B. Samuel Johnson

A. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad C. San Antonio Spurs
B. Hassan Rouhani D. Martin Kaymer
C. Mohammad Javad Zarif
D. Ali Khamenei 105. Thomas Mueller, who scored the first
hat-trick of the 2014 FIFA World Cup,
represents which country
98. The No.1 Tennis Player is __________ A. France
. B. Italy
A. Serena Williams C. Germany
B. Maria Sharapova D. England
C. Victoria Azarenka
D. Venus Williams 106. In which among the following
countries Asia's first solar-wind power
system has been inaugurated recently
99. The Defence Secretary of United States A. Bhutan
is __________ . B. China
A. John Kerry C. India
B. Hillary Clinton D. Nepal
C. Chuck Hagel
D. John McCain 107. King Juan Carlos, who recently
decided to abdicate, has been monarch
100. The Currency of Lativa is __________ A. Belgium
. B. Denmark
A. Dollar C. Luxembourg
B. Euro D. Spain
C. Lev
D. Lek 108. Which among the following institutes
have gained the top slot in the
inaugural "QS University Rankings:
A. IIT Delhi
91. B B. Beijing Institute of Technology
92. C C. Moscow State University
93. A D. Tsinghua University of China
94. B
95. C 109. The winner of 20th Senior National
96. B Women's Football Championships is
97. B A. Mizoram
98. A B. Manipur
99. C C. Sikkim
100. B D. Odisha
101. Which among the following countries
has published the world's first Modern 110. Recently, India has become the
Slavery Bill, recently permanent signatory of the Washington
A. USA Accord. This accord is an international
B. Britain accreditation agreement for which
C. Russia among the following types of
D. Switzerland educational degrees
A. Arts and Humanities
102. Recently, "Felipe VI" has been sworn B. Medical Science
in as the new king of C. Engineering
A. France D. Social Sciences
C. Spain MCQS
D. Germany
101. B
103. Who among the following has won the 102. C
FIDE World Rapid Chess championship 103. A
title, recently 104. A
A. Magnus Carlesen 105. C
B. Vishwanthan Anand 106. D
C. Teimor Radjabov 107. D
D. Fabiabi Caruana 108. D
109. B
104. Who among the following has been 110. C
chosen as the next United Nations High 111. Who on 20 April 2014 won the Monte
Commissioner for Human Rights by the Carlo Masters Tennis
U.N General Assembly A. Roger Federer
A. Prince Zeid al Hussein

B. Stanislas Wawrinka 120. What is Bluefin 21 which was

C. Bob Bryan deployed on 14 April 2014 to find the
D. Ivan Dodi remains of the missing Malaysian
airplane MH370 in the Indian Ocean
112. Scientist of which University on 17 A. A submarine
April 2014 designed the world's first B. A robot submarine
floating nuclear plants C. An undersea buoy
A. Massachusetts Institute of D. A robot
B. Purdue University
C. Wisconsin University
D. University of Washington
111. B
113. Name the new book of Hillary Clinton 112. A
that was due to released on 10 June 113. C
2014 114. B
A. Living History 115. D
B. It Takes a Village 116. D
C. Hard Choices 117. A
D. A Terrible Beauty 118. D
119. C
114. What is the name of new Earth-size 120. B
planet found in the habitable zone on 121. Who has been appointed as the new
17 April 2014 Union Finance Secretary on 15 April
A. KI-238 2014
B. KEPLER-186f A. Ashok Singhal
C. KOI-238 B. Arvind Mayaram
D. CHANDRA-186f C. R P Watal
D. Ravi Mathur
115. In April 2014, India became a net
exporter of steel after how many years 122. Which Indian agency has set up
A. 5 years Sports Integrity Unit on 15 April 2014 to
B. 3 years investigate cases related to fraud in
C. 7 years sports
D. 6 years A. Central Vigilance Commission
B. Criminal Investigation Department
116. Who won the Whangarei Rally of the C. Central Bureau of Investigation
FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship D. Union Ministry of Sports
held in New Zealand recently
A. Jan Kopecky, Czech Republic 123. Piramal Enterprises Ltd decided on 17
B. Glenn Macneall, Australia April 2014 to acquire 20 percent stake
C. Mark Pedder, Australia in which Indian company
D. Gaurav Gill, India A. Vodafone India
B. Shriram Capital
117. Who won the OUE Singapore C. Sundaram Finance
Badminton Open 2014 held in the third D. Sun Pharma
week of April 2014
A. Simon Santoso, Indonesia 124. What is the name of a new software
B. Deepika Pallikal, India app was developed to help the illiterate
C. Saina Nehwal, India farmers
D. Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia A. Sandesh Pathak
B. Messenger Reader
118. According to the US Department of C. Sandesh Vahak
Homeland Security report released on D. Padho Kishan
16 April 2014, temporary workers of
which community accounted for the 125. The European Parliament on 15 April
largest number of non-immigrants 2014 approved the Banking Union
residing in the US in 2012 reforms. In this context consider the
A. Chinese following statements. (I). To establish a
B. Mexican new oversight system known as the
C. African Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
D. Indian under the European Central Bank
(ECB).(II). A fund of 55 billion euros (76
119. Scientists of which University created billion dollars) will be set up to cover the
the first 3D model of the malaria cost of closures. Which is/are correct
parasite genome in April 2014 A. I only
A. Harvard University B. II only
B. Indian Institute of Science C. Both I and II
C. University of California D. Neither I nor II
D. University of Washington

126. The world on 18 April 2014 celebrated nuclear programme. Which among the
the World Heritage Day to celebrate the following country is denoted here as +1
International Day for Monuments and A. UK
Sites. What is the theme for the year B. Germany
2014 C. China
A. World Heritage Convention D. Australia
B. World Heritage and Sustainable
Development 133. Recently, Tennis player Maria
C. Heritage of Commemoration Sharapova has claimed her second
D. None of the above French Open title in 2014. Maria
Sharapova is from
127. Name the person, who has been A. United States
appointed as the 22nd Navy Chief of B. Russia
India C. France
A. Shekhar Sinha D. Romania
B. Sunil Lamba
C. Satish Soni 134. A pacific island country has recently
D. Robin K Dhowan sued nine nuclear weapon states
(including India in the International
128. Google on 14 April 2014 bought a firm Court of Justice) over failure to disarm.
that is a maker of high-altitude solar- Identify the country from the given
powered drones to bring internet options
access to the remotest parts of the A. The Federated States of Micronesia
world and also to solve problems B. Philippines
related to it. Name the firm acquired by C. Marshall Islands
Google D. Kiribati
A. Solar Drone Company Ascenta
B. Titan Aerospace 135. World's largest polluter country has
C. DeepMind Technologies recently decided that for the first time it
D. None of the above will impose an absolute limit on its
carbon emissions. This country is
129. Name the author of the book Crusader A. England
or Conspirator? Coalgate and other B. India
Truths C. Japan
A. PC Parekh D. China
B. Sanjaya Baru
C. RK Yadav 136. Recently, Japanese firm Softbank has
D. Nikhil Chandwani unveiled a robot which can read human
emotions. The robot has been named
130. Name the woman who has been as
recently appointed as the Next Chief A. Humanoid
Justice of Delhi High Court B. Peeper
A. Justice Gita Mittal C. Mindset
B. Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed D. Beetle
C. Justice Reva Khetrapal
D. Justice Gorla Rohini 137. Recently, United States has unveiled
ANSWERS: LATEST CURRENT AFFAIRS a clean energy policy to cut carbon
emission from existing power plants by
30 per cent by the year
A. 2030
121. B B. 2020
122. C C. 2040
123. B D. 2050
124. A
125. C 138. Who among the following has won the
126. C Ceat International Cricketer of the year
127. D award for 2013-14
128. B A. M S Dhoni
129. A B. Shakib Al Hasan
130. D C. Virat Kohli
131. Supreme Court of India on 17 April D. Glenn Maxwell
2014 said that the national auditor, the
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) 139. Irish author Elimear McBride won the
is empowered to audit the revenues of 2014 Bailey's women's prize for fiction
A. Private Telecom Companies for her novel
B. Private Electricity Companies A. Americanah
C. Private Manufacturing Companies B. The Goldfinch
D. All the Private Companies C. A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing
D. Burial Rites
132. Iran is currently in negotiations with
the so called P5+1 group over its

140. Indian Railways launched a portal on squash tournament held at Houston,

15 April 2014 with an aim to improve United States on 14 April 2014
energy efficiency in Indian Railways, 1. Charlotte Fish
which will facilitate railways in saving 2. Jan Koukal
energy up to 15 percent by the year 3. Nour El Sherbini
2020. Name the portal 4. Svante Sandell
B. RAILAIMED 135.145. Along which coast of India a
C. IRCTCSAVER 45-day long ban on fishing was
D. RAILSAVER imposed from the midnight on 14 April
1. East Coast
2. West coast
3. Along the coast of A & N
131. A Islands
132. B 4. Both (a) & (b)
133. B
134. C 136.146. A state Government has
135. D refused to repatriate all the Bru
136. B refugees lodged in six Tripura relief
137. A camps within three months. Name the
138. C state that has refused to repatriate the
139. C Bru Refugees within 3 months
140. D 1. Assam
131.141. Stockholm International Peace 2. Sikkim
Research Institute (SIPRI) on 14 April 3. Manipur
2014 released theTrends in world 4. Mizoram
military expenditure, 2013. According
to this the world military expenditure in 137.147. Name the report released by
real terms has declined since 2012 by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
1. 1.9 percent which has highlighted that Arab
2. 2.9 percent countries will have to come up with
3. 2.5 percent bold economic policy reforms for
4. 3.0 percent economic stability and job creation
1. Towards New Horizons-Arab
132.142. India born poet Vijay Seshadri Economic Transformation
on 14 April 2014 won the prestigious amid Political Transitions
2014 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry 2. Arab Economic
category for his collection of poems Transformation amid Political
published in 2013. Name the Transitions - the new Horizons
collection of the poems for which he 3. New Horizons-Arab Economic
was awarded Transformation amid Political
1. The Goldfinch Transitions
2. Toms River: A Story of 4. None of the above
Science and Salvation
3. The Internal Enemy: Slavery 138.148. Who won the Millennium
and War in Virgini Technology Prize 2014 given in the
4. 3 Sections second week of April 2014
1. Physicist Saul Perlmutter
133.143. Supreme Court of India in its 2. Chemist Roger S Goody
landmark judgment of 15 April 2014 3. Physicist Stuart Parkin
recognised transgender as the third 4. None of the above
category of sex. In its judgement the
Apex Court claimed transgenders as 139.149. Name the renowned
socially and economically backward. cinematographer and Dada Saheb
The decision came while hearing PIL Phalke awardee, who died on 7 April
(Public Interest Litigation) in which 2014 at his residence in
case Shankarapuram
1. Shatrughan Chauhan & Anr 1. B. N. Sircar
Vs Union of India & Ors 2. V K Murthy
2. National Legal Services 3. Pankaj Mullick
Authority (NALSA) Vs Union of 4. Raichand Boral
India & Ors
3. Champakam Dorairajan Vs 140.150. Which country won the T20
State of Madras Women Cricket World Cup 2014
4. S.R. Bommai Vs Union of 1. England
India 2. Australia
3. New Zealand
134.144. Who won the Women's 4. South Africa
Champion Fiberlass Texas Open 151. Recently Iran and Pakistan conducted
a Joint Military Exercise to promote the

military cooperation between Tehran November 2014. Name the region

and Islamabad. Where was the whose authorities have sent the
exercise held referendum proposal
A. Tehran A. Cantabria
B. Lahore B. La Rioja
C. Strait of Hormuz C. Navarre
D. Aligoodarz D. Catalonia

152. Who won the Singapore Open 2014 of 160. Name the city which on 7 April 2014
badminton on 13 April 2014 received its first passenger train
A. Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia A. Dispur, the capital of Assam
B. Saina Nehwal, India B. Itanagar the capital of Arunachal
C. P V Sidhu, India Pradesh
D. Simon Santoso, Indonesia C. Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram
D. Agartala, the capital of Tripura
153. Which Indian industrialist on 10 April ANSWERS: LATEST WORLD AFFAIRS
2014 was appointed as a member of
the Board of Boao Forum for Asia
A. Mukesh Ambani 151. C
B. N Narayan Murthy 152. D
C. Ratan Tata 153. C
D. Gautam Adani 154. B
155. A
154. Who has been re-elected as the Prime 156. C
Minister of Hungary on 8 April 2014 for 157. D
a consecutive second term 158. A
A. Attila Mesterhazy 159. D
B. Viktor Orban 160. B
C. Gordon Bajnai 161. Name the novel of Indian American
D. Peter Medgyessy novelist, Jhumpa Lahiri's that has been
shortlisted for the 2014 Baileys
155. Ernesto Gainza on 7 April 2014 set a Women's Prize for Fiction on 8 April
new Guinness record for skydiving 2014
using the world's smallest parachute. A. Americanah
He belongs to which country B. The Undertaking
A. UAE C. Burial Rites
B. UK D. Lowland
D. Saudi Arabia 162. Iwao Hakamada, the Japanese boxer
was recently awarded with an honorary
156. What is the name of the battery championship belt by World Boxing
unveiled by an Israeli startup on 8 April Council (WBC). Hakamada was freed
2014 that charges a smartphone in less from death row on 27 March 2014 after
than 30 seconds how many years in prison following a
A. MamoDot murder conviction
B. SpeedoDot A. 28
C. Nanodots B. 36
D. Bulletdots C. 48
D. 52
157. Name the first Indian cricketer, who
has featured on the cover page of the 163. Name the team that won the 4th
Wisden Cricketers' Almanack published Hockey India Junior Men National
in London Championship 2014 (Division A) by
A. Sunil Gavaskar defeating Odisha 6-2 in the finals at
B. Kapil Dev Chennai, Tamil Nadu
C. Virat Kohli A. Punjab
D. Sachin Tendulkar B. Jharkhand
C. West Bengal
158. World Bank on 9 April 2014 projected D. Haryana
that the economic growth rate of India
for the fiscal year 2014-2015 will be 164. Who was recently crowned as the fbb
A. 5.5% Femina Miss India 2014
B. 5.7% A. Navneer Kaur Dhillion
C. 6.1% B. Koyal Rana
D. 6.6% C. Jhataleka Malhotra
D. Gail Nicole Da'Silva
159. The lawmakers of Spain on 8 April
2014 voted to reject the request by the 165. India was defeated by Sri Lanka in the
authorities of a region to hold a ICC Twenty World Cup 2014 final
referendum on independence on 9 match at Shere Bangla stadium of

Mirpur, Dhaka. Who captained the Sri

Lankan side in the final 172. Supreme Court of India on 29 April
A. Lasith Malinga 2014 rule designated an authority
B. Mahela Jayawardena person to record statement of rape
C. Kumar Sangakkara victims within 24 hours instead of police
D. Lahiru Thirimanne officials. Name the authority
A. Judicial Magistrate
166. Sri Lanka on 6 April 2014 won the ICC B. Judge of a High Court
Twenty World Cup 2014 title after C. Collector of the District
defeating India by six wickets in the D. None of the above
final match at Shere Bangla stadium of
Mirpur, Dhaka. Who was adjudged as 173. National Basketball Association (NBA)
the Man of the series of the tournament on 1 May 2014 banned Los Angeles
A. Lasith Malinga Clippers owner for life and fined him 2.5
B. Virant Kohli million dollars over an alleged racist
C. Kumar Sangakkara remark on African-American spectators
D. MS Dhoni in the stand. Name the owner
A. Michael Jordon
167. Who won the Bahrain Grand Prix on 7 B. Donald Sterling
April 2014 C. Bruce Levenson
A. Nico Rosberg D. Michael Gearon
B. Vettel
C. Lewis Hamilton 174. Name the Indian-American whose
D. Nico Hulkenberg name was confirmed by US Senate as
the federal judge in Illinois
168. Ebola detected recently in Guinea of A. Vijay Gandhi
African Continent is caused by B. Ami Bera
A. Anopheles mosquito C. Vijay K Nambiar
B. Fungi D. Manish Shah
C. Bacteria
D. Virus 175. Name the city that on 1 May 2014
agreed to allow construction of a place
169. Who discovered the non-insulin drug of worship in form of a full-fledged
candidate for diabetic patients in the Gurudwara in the city
second week of April 2014 A. Johannesburg
A. William Bayliss B. Cape Town
B. Murray Gell-Mann C. Accra
C. Arnab De D. Kisumu
D. Paul Dirac
176. Which film got the highest awards in
170. Name the footballer who was named different categories in the IIFA Awards
as the Professional Footballers’ 2014
Association Player of the Year at an A. Chennai Express
award ceremony on 28 April 2014 in B. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag
London C. Shaadi ke Sideeffects
A. Luis Suarez of Liverpool D. Aashiqui 2
B. Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester
United 177. The US Green Building Council
C. Eden Hazard of Chelsea released the list of LEED outside United
D. None of these States, what is the rank of India
B. Rank 5
C. Rank 3
D. Rank 7
161. D
162. C 178. Who is the President and CEO of the
163. A Nokia
164. B A. Satya Nadella
165. A B. Rakesh Agrawal
166. B C. S. D. Shibulal
167. C D. Rajeev Suri
168. D
169. C 179. Who won the Asian Continental Chess
170. A Championship 2014
171. Name the recipient of the 2014 A. Rustam Kasimdzhanov of
Canada India Foundation Chachalani Uzbekistan
Global Indian Award B. Adhiban of India
A. Deepak C. Yu Yangyi of China
B. Ratan Tata D. Abhijeet Gupta of India
C. NR Narayana Murthy
D. Sam Pitroda

180. Sania and Cara Black of Zimbabwe A. Namibia

together how many titles they won B. Mauritius
along with WTA Portugal Open 2014 C. Burundi
A. 3 titles D. Nigeria
B. 5 titles
C. 1 title 186. Name the person who stepped down
D. 4 titles from his role as UN's Messenger of
ANSWERS: LATEST MCQS OF WORLD Peace amid the reports of his
engagement with a human Rights
A. Tom Hanks
171. C B. George Clooney
172. A C. Will Smith
173. B D. Bradley Cooper
174. D
175. A 187. Name the sports authority that on 29
176. B April 2014 announced an increase of
177. C 10.8 percent in the total prize amount
178. D for the year
179. B A. International Cricket Association
180. A B. World Archery Federation
181. Who won the women's doubles title at C. Wimbledon
the WTA Portugal Open 2014 held in D. Federation International de Football
Portugal on 3 May 2014 Association
A. Eva Hrdinova of Cezech and Valeria
Solovyeva of Russia 188. Name the Indian who on 28 April 2014
B. Sania Mirza of India and Cara Black won the prestigious Goldman
of Zimbabwe Environmental Prize for the year 2014
C. Vera Dushevina of Russia and that is commonly called as the Green
Arantxa Parra Santonja of Spain Nobel
D. Hao-Ching Chan of Chinese Taipei A. Helen Holden
and Liezel Huber of US B. Ramesh Agrawal
C. Rudi Putra
182. Name the Indian veteran trap shooter D. Suren Gazaryan
who on 2 May 2014 jumped to the third
spot in the world rankings. He achieved 189. Name the company that on 26 April
the rank after winning gold at the ISSF 2014 completed the acquisition of
World Cup in Tucson, USA, in March Nokia's mobile handset business
2014 A. SAP based in Germany
A. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore B. Adobe Systems based in the US
B. Abhinav Bindra C. Oracle based in the US
C. Heena Sindhu D. Microsoft based in the US
D. Manavjit Singh Sandhu
190. Name the former American
183. President of India on 2 May 2014 middleweight boxer, who died on 20
conferred Gallantry Awards on 55 April 2014 following a battle with
personnel for their distinguished service prostate cancer
and bravery at Rashtrapati Bhavan in A. Tommy Morrison
New Delhi. Who of the following is not B. Rubin Hurricane Carter
the recipient of Kriti Chakras C. Ultimate Warrior
A. Balwinder Singh D. Earl Weaver
B. Bhrigu Nandan Choudhary
C. Lohit Sonowal
D. Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar
181. B
184. Archaeologists have discovered a 182. D
granary with walls of mud-bricks during 183. A
just-concluded excavation at a 184. C
Harappan civilisation site. The 185. A
excavation work was done from 186. B
January to April 2014. Name the place 187. C
where the granary was discovered 188. B
A. Dholavira 189. D
B. Lothal 190. B
C. Rakhigarhi 191. Name the publisher that will publish a
D. Ganweriwala book Hard Choices of Hillary Rodham
185. Name the African country that will use A. Bloomsbury Publishing
India-made Electronic Voting Machines B. Simon & Shuster
(EVMs) in the countries Presidential C. Harper Collins P
Election, scheduled in November 2014 D. Penguin Random House

192. The Supreme Court of India has 198. Gabriel Garcia Marquez died on 17
directed that woman employee of the April 2014 in Mexico. In which field he
central government can get an received nobel price in 1982
uninterrupted leave for ________ years A. Economy
for childcare and it includes needs like B. Chemistry
examination and sickness C. Literature
A. One D. Physics
B. Two
C. Three 199. Who won inaugural Richmond Open
D. Four 2014 of Squash
A. Rachael Grinham
193. Hero MotoCorp on 21 April 2014 B. Susan Devoy
announced that it has entered C. Tania Bailey
Bangladesh in two wheeler segment D. Joshna Chinappa
through a joint venture of 55:45 with a
Bangladesh firm. Name it 200. Recently, European Parliament on 15
A. Tagaz April 2014 approved the Banking Union
B. Aftab Automobiles reforms. The banking reforms will
C. Nitol Niloy provide a set of rules to supervise the
D. Walton Hi-Tech Industries eurozone banks and deal with any
future failures. What was the name
194. The Chariman of Rajya Sabha, Hamid given to the set of the rules
Ansari in April 2014 administered oath A. Single Resolution Mechanism
to four members as Rajya Sabha (SRM)
member on four vacant seats of Odisha B. Single Supervisory Mechanism
in his Chamber in Parliament House. (SSM)
One of the four members who took the C. Mechanism for the banking norms
oath of the Upper House of the D. European banking standards
Parliament is also a Chairman of IPL, ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS
name him
A. AU Singh Deo
191. B
B. Kalpataru Das
192. B
C. Sarojini Hembram
193. C
D. Ranjib Biswal
194. D
195. A
195. Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and
196. D
Industry (KCCI) on 23 April 2014 asked
197. A
private telecom company to
198. C
immediately withdraw its controversial
199. D
advertisement on Pashmina Shawls.
200. A
Name the company who has been
201. Asian Bowling Federation 2014 was
held on 19 April 2014. Who won the
A. Idea Cellular
women's title
B. Vodafone
A. Kritsanakorn Sangaroon
C. Reliance
B. Benchawan
D. Airtel
C. Tanaprang Sathean
D. Angkana Netrviseth
196. The All India Football Federation
(AIFF) on 22 April 2014 launched the
202. BMW Malaysian Open 2014 held at
AIFF Academy Certification to set a
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 20 April
standard of youth development in the
2014. Who won the tittle
country, through certification model.
A. Magda Linette of Poland
Which of the following is not a part of
B. Zhang Shuai of China
the Criteria of certification under which
C. Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia
the academies will be assessed and
D. Donna Vekic of Croatia
A. Coaching staff and qualifications
203. World Malaria Day 2014 was
B. Facilities
celebrated on which day
C. Training schedule, training sessions
A. 25 March 2014
D. None of the above
B. 25 April 2014
C. 20 April 2014
197. What is the theme of the 2014
D. 20 March 2014
International Mother Earth Day
A. Green Cities
204. Who was appointed as India's first
B. Stand-Up For Mother Earth
Ambassador to the separate Indian
C. Interactive Dialogue on Harmony
Mission to Association of Southeast
with Nature
Asian Nations (ASEAN) & East Asia
D. None of the above
A. Angkana Netrviseth
B. Navneeth kumar
C. Suresh Kumar Reddy

D. Susan Devoy 211. According to the latest available data

as of June 2014, what was India's
205. Who won the Asian Continental Chess economic growth in 2013-14
Championship 2014 A. 4%
A. Rustam Kasimdzhanov of B. 4.7%
Uzbekistan C. 5.3%
B. Adhiban of India D. 5.7%
C. Yu Yangyi of China
D. Abhijeet Gupta of India 212. Who among the following is the
current (June 2014) Prime Minister of
206. A professor of Indian origin was Bhutan
named as one of the ten Solar A. Jigme Thinley
Champions of Change on 19 April 2014 B. Kinzang Dorji
for solar deployment across America by C. Yeshey Zimba
the White House. What is the name of D. Tshering Tobgay
the professor
A. Navneeth kumar 213. Recently, which country has
B. Sathya Nadella announced it would start an anti-
C. Rajendra Singh terrorism partnership fund, which will be
D. None of the Above used to help train other countries to
take on rising extremism
207. A company of US has developed a A. USA
life-sized Atlas Anthropomorphic robot B. Russia
called Atlas as a part of a challenge to C. France
create a robot that could go at the D. Canada
places, which are dangerous to
humans. Name the company that has 214. What is the name of NASA's
developed the robot Spectrograph launched recently to
A. Boston Dynamics study birthplace of stars
B. iRobot designs A. IUE
C. Robot Operating System B. CHESS
D. Adept MobileRobots C. WiSE
208. The biennial conference of the 21-
member Western Pacific Naval 215. The 23rd World Economic Forum on
Symposium from 21 April to 25 April East Asia was recently concluded in
was held in which country A. Thailand
A. Vietnam B. Philippines
B. Singapore C. Vietnam
C. Papua New Guinea D. Indonesia
D. China
216. Recently, which two countries have
209. Name the first US male athlete to win settled a maritime border dispute after
the Boston Marathon in three decades 20 years of negotiations
(since 1983) A. China and Japan
A. Wilson Chebet B. China and Vietnam
B. Frankline Chepkwony C. Philippines and Indonesia
C. Rita Jeptoo D. Vietnam and Indonesia
D. Meb Keflezighi
217. Which among the following project has
210. Name the team that replaced India been awarded the 2014 United Nations
from the top position in the rankings of Public Service award, recently
ICC Twenty20 rankings released on 8 A. Mobile Seva project
April 2014 B. Kisan Card scheme
A. England C. PDS scheme
B. South Africa D. C-DAC
C. Sri Lanka
D. Australia 218. Which among the following countries
Football Cup 2014
A. Vietnam
201. A
B. India
202. D
C. Australia
203. B
D. Japan
204. C
205. B
219. As per the latest data which country
206. C
has replaced Mauritius as the top
207. A
source of foreign direct investment into
208. D
209. D
A. Japan
210. C
B. Saudi Arabia

C. Singapore
D. China 227. Recently, the first multilateral talk on
Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LARs) or
220. Which among the following countries Killer robots was held at
has won the 2014-Uber Cup A. Zurich
tournament B. Geneva
A. China C. Moscow
B. Pakistan D. New York
C. Japan
D. India 228. What is the name of world's first
ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS electric aircraft which has successfully
completed its maiden voyage, recently
A. Flying Fan
211. B
B. E-Fan
212. D
C. Spark
213. A
D. E-Ray
214. B
215. B
229. Which among the following countries
216. C
has topped the list of World Mothers
217. A
218. D
A. Australia
219. C
B. Sweden
220. A
C. Finland
221. Madhav Mantri, who passed away
D. Britain
recently, was India's oldest
A. Hockey Player
230. Who among the following has been
B. Football Player
named World Snooker Player of the
C. Cricketer
D. Tennis Player
A. Ronnie O'Sullivan
B. James Wattana
222. Which among the following countries
C. Steve Davis
is hosting the 2014 Men's Hockey
D. Mark Selby
World Cup tournament
B. Netherland
C. Germany 221. C
D. Australia 222. B
223. D
223. Which among the following countries 224. A
has won the South Asian Basketball 225. A
Association Championship-2014 226. D
A. Bangladesh 227. B
B. Maldives 228. B
C. Sri Lanka 229. C
D. India 230. A
231. Who among the following has won the
224. Recently, which among the following Spanish Grand Prix-2014
countries has released postage stamps A. Romain Grosjean
to commemorate the 100 years of India B. Nico Roseberg
Cinema C. Lewis Hamilton
A. Brazil D. Ssebastian Vettel
B. South Africa
C. England 232. Recently, World Health Organisation
D. France has declared which disease as a public
health emergency of international
225. Recently, the World-Anti Doping concern
Agency (WADA) has banned inhalation A. Tuberculosis
of which gases after deciding it could B. Polio
be used to enhance athletics C. Malaria
performance D. Encephalitis
A. Xenon
B. Neon 233. Which among the following parties has
C. Krypton won the national election of South
D. Helium Africa held recently
A. African National Congress
226. Which city will host the 2015 B. Democratic Alliance
European Games the inaugural edition C. The Economic Freedom Fighter
of the European Games D. Democratic Social Party
A. Paris
B. Zurich 234. Recently, United Nations has voted to
C. Danube establish a Medal for exceptional
D. Baku

courage in the name of an unarmed UN B. RuPay

peacemaker from Senegal C. IndPay
A. Eugene-Richard Gasana D. RupeeCard
B. Prince Zeid al Hussein
C. Henry Dussent 242. As per the new study conducted by
D. Mbaye Diagne the World Health Organisation (WHO),
which Indian city is considered to be
235. Recently, which among the following most polluted in the world
countries has imposed ban on import of A. Raipur
chilli pepper from India B. Bhopal
A. Saudi Arabia C. Delhi
B. Iran D. Gwalior
C. South Africa
D. Chile 243. In which of the following countries
world's highest tunnel for high-speed
236. Who among the following has won train has been opened recently
men's single Mandrid Master title-2014 A. China
A. Kei Nishikori B. Russia
B. Roger Federer C. Japan
C. Rafael Nadal D. Singapore
D. Andrew Murray
244. As per the latest study, which Jupiter's
237. Recently, Tata Trust and which of the moon is believed to have club sandwich
following banks signed a pact to work ocean capable of supporting life
together for poverty alleviation and rural A. Europa
development B. Ganymede
A. State Bank of India C. Callisto
B. Canara Bank D. Adrastea
C. HDFC Bank
D. 245. The Government of India is presently
negotiating a bilateral Board Based
238. The new protocol "Declaration on Trade and Investment Agreement
Automatic Exchange of Information in (BTIA) with
Tax Matters" on tax data exchanges A. MERCOSUR
has been signed recently in B. ASEAN
A. Geneva C. SAARC
B. Paris D. European Union
C. Zurich
D. Moscow 246. Recently, World Health Organisation
(WHO) has imposed international travel
239. Which among the following countries restriction on which of the following
will chair ASEAN for 2014 for the first countries over polio fear
time A. Pakistan, Syria and Afghanistan
A. Myanmar B. Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon
B. Philippines C. Pakistan, Syria and Nigeria
C. Brunei D. None of these
D. Cambodia
247. According to latest World Bank report
240. Among the European Union which of the following are the world's
Countries, the largest investment most expensive economies
currently comes to India from A. Switzerland and Norway
A. France B. Sweden and Norway
B. Germany C. Denmark and Norway
C. Italy D. Switzerland and Netherland
ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 248. Recently, which among the following
has become the world's first Island to
secure a constant supply of electricity
231. C
by combining wind and water power
232. B
A. Victoria Island
233. A
B. Honshu
234. D
C. Sumatra
235. A
D. El Hierro
236. C
237. A
249. Recently, scientists have created a
238. B
world's first "solar" jet fuel under the
239. A
project named "Solar-Jet" fuel by using
240. D
A. Water and Hydrogen
241. What is the name of India's own card
B. Water and Oxygen
payment network that has been
C. Water and Carbon dioxide
dedicated to the nation, recently
D. Water and Nitrogen
A. MoneyCard

C. Steven Gerrand
250. What is the India's ranking in the latest D. Daniel Sturridge
Freedom of the Press Index - 2014
A. 56 257. Recently, which of the following firm
B. 63 has acquired Nokia handset business in
C. 89 India
D. 78 A. Google
C. Microsoft
D. Motorola
241. B
242. C
258. Recently, NTT Docomo has
243. A
announced its decision to exit its mobile
244. B
phone joint venture with the Tata Group
245. D
by selling its entire stake in the country.
246. B
Docomo is a telecom company from
247. A
which country
248. D
A. China
249. C
B. Singapore
250. D
C. South Africa
251. Former Indian Air Force Chief N K
D. Japan
Browne has been appointed as India's
next ambassador to
259. The world's first museum dedicated to
A. Pakistan
the pro-democracy protests in Beijing
B. Netherland
Tiananmen Square has opened in
C. Australia
A. Shanghai
D. Norway
B. Hong Kong
C. Bangkok
252. According to World Bank report, India
D. New Delhi
has replaced which among the
following countries to become third
260. The theme of "World Malaria Day-
largest economy based on purchasing
2014" is
power parity (PPP)
A. Invest in Future. Defeat Malaria
A. Japan
B. Create Awareness, Curb Malaria
B. China
C. No Mosquitoes No Malaria
C. Russia
D. Say Good Bye to Malaria
D. Singapore
253. The 2014 winner of prestigious
Goldman Environmental Prize is 251. D
A. Ramesh Agarwal 252. A
B. Srinivas Acharya 253. A
C. Raman Choudhary 254. C
D. Sunil Nayak 255. B
256. B
254. The "Operation Clandestine Fox" 257. C
which is in news recently, is a code 258. D
name refers to 259. B
A. Searching of missing Malaysian 260. A
Flight in Indian Ocean 261. Recently, which South Asian country
B. Russian military exercise along as signed a 10 year pact that would
Ukraine border allow US military in that nation
C. A campaign to hack the Microsoft's A. Thailand
internet explorer B. Afghanistan
D. An operation by Indian force to C. Philippines
check Bangladeshi migrants D. Japan

255. Recently, which one of the following 262. Which among the following state has
international groupings has temporarily been ranked top in creation of new jobs
banned the import of Alphonso Mango in the manufacturing sector as per the
and four vegetables from India on poor National Sample Survey latest data
quality issue A. Gujrat
A. SACU B. West Bengal
B. European Union C. Karnataka
C. MERCOSUR D. Maharashtra
263. Recently, which of the following
256. Who among the following has been countries has decided to deploy drones
named as professional Footballers to monitor and stop the poaching of
Association player of the year 2013 elephants and rhinos in all its national
A. Eden Hazard parks and reserves
B. Luis Suarez A. Kenya

B. South Africa 265. C

C. Nigeria 266. A
D. Uganda 267. B
268. A
264. Who among the following has been 269. D
adjudged as outstanding "Asian Men's 270. B
Player of the Year 2013" by Asian 271. Recently, which among the following
Squash Federation countries has conducted "Maritime
A. Ramit Tandon Cooperation-2014" multilateral military
B. Mahesh Mangaonkar exercise to celebrate 65th anniversary
C. Harinderpal Sandhu of its navy
D. Saurav Ghosal A. Russia
B. Singapore
265. A new economic term GIRO is being C. India
reporting in newspapers recently, what D. China
does GIRO stands for
A. Government Internal Resource 272. Recently, a product called "Palcohol"
Order gained widespread attention worldwide.
B. Government Internet Related Order What does Palcohol refers to
C. Government Internal Revenue Order A. New kind of drug
D. Government Internal Record Order B. Powdered alcohol product
C. Food capsules for astronauts
266. Recently, which among the following D. Genetically modified food products
leading confectionary manufacturer has
been renamed as Mondelez India 273. "Peace Angel 2014" is a joint military
Foods Limited exercise concluded recently between
A. Cadbury which two countries
B. Nestle A. China and Pakistan
C. Nilagiris B. India and Bangladesh
D. Mother Dairy C. China and Bangladesh
D. India and Pakistan
267. Who among the following has won
World Women's Senior Snooker 274. The "Yonaguni" island which is in
Championship-2014 news recently, is a inhabited island
A. Umadevi Nagaraj belongs to which country
B. Chitra Magimairaj A. China
C. Shoba Krishnan B. Vietnam
D. Vidya Pillai C. Japan
D. Finland
268. According to the Global Information
Technology Report 2014, which country 275. The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction-2014 has
was placed first in terms of leveraging been awarded to Donna Tartt, for her
information and communication novel
technologies (ICT) A. The Son
A. Finland B. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul
B. Brazil C. The Goldfinch
C. Sweden D. The Secret History
D. Singapore
276. Which among the following has been
269. Recently, Viktor Orban has been re- named 2014 world car of the year
elected as Prime Minister of which A. Mazda 3
country B. BMW 4
A. Spain C. Audi A3
B. Holland D. Duster
C. Philippines
D. Hungary 277. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who passed
away recently, was a famous novelist
270. Which among the following is the from
NASA's moon probe, which recently A. Sri Lanka
crashed into the lunar surface thus B. Colombia
ending its operation C. South Africa
A. LCDEE D. Singapore
C. LDCEE 278. Due to lack of funds, which among the
D. LEDCC following countries has withdrawn as
ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS the host of the 2019 Asian Games
A. Vietnam
B. Sri Lanka
261. C
C. Cambodia
262. B
D. Thailand
263. A
264. D

279. Recently, Justice G Rohini has D. Egypt

became the first ever woman Chief
Justice of 286. Which of the following countries /
A. Bombay High Court regions was recently making news for
B. Karnataka High Court "Sunflower Student Movement"
C. Madras High Court A. Hong Kong
D. Delhi High Court B. Taiwan
C. Tibet
280. Recently, which of the following D. Australia
member countries of commonwealth
organisation announced suspending of 287. "Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca" has
funding to the Commonwealth over recently become the youngest-ever
rotating chair Sri Lanka's alleged rights president of
abuses A. Namibia
A. Canada B. Maldives
B. India C. Malta
C. Singapore D. Nigeria
D. Pakistan
ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 288. Who among the following has become
the first Indian piston shooter to be rank
no.1 in the world ranking, recently
271. D
A. Heena Sidhu
272. B
B. Anjali Bhagwat
273. A
C. Rani Sarnobat
274. C
D. Annu Raj Singh
275. C
276. C
289. "Heartbleed" which is being reporting
277. B
in newspapers recently, is a
278. A
A. A new heart related disease
279. D
B. Software bug
280. A
C. Chemical weapon
281. Recently, India and which of the
D. New variety of cherry
following countries have reached an
agreement to include a new cross-
290. Recently, which one of the following
boundary landscape in the Hindu Kush
countries was ordered to halt its
Himalayan Region
whaling programme by the International
A. Nepal and China
Court of Justice
B. Nepal and Bhutan
A. Japan
C. Bhutan and Bangladesh
B. South Korea
D. Bangladesh and Nepal
D. Australia
282. The theme of "World Green Economy
Summit-2014" which concluded at ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS
Dubai is
A. Global Partnership, Sustainable 281. B
Future 282. A
B. Partnership for Better Future 283. C
C. Global Partnership, Better Future 284. D
D. Partnership for Sustainable 285. A
Development 286. B
287. C
283. Manuel Valls has been recently 288. A
appointed as Prime Minister of 289. B
A. Italy 290. A
B. Austria 291. In which among the following
C. France countries, the Multilateral Humanitarian
D. Belgium Assistance / disaster relief (HA/DR)
Exercise, KOMODO was conducted
284. Recently, United Kingdom 2014 Asian recently
award for outstanding achievement in A. South Korea
sports was won by B. Indonesia
A. Virat Kohli C. Brunei
B. R Ashwin D. New Zealand
C. Suresh Raina
D. M S Dhoni 292. Recently, two large industrial firms viz.
Lafarge and Holcim announced plans
285. Recently, which of the following for a merger. These two firms are
countries has overtaken South Africa to specialized in production of
become Africa's largest economy A. Building Materials
A. Nigeria B. Engineering Goods
B. Ethiopia C. Petrochemicals
C. Kenya D. Home Appliances

294. B
293. Which among the following countries 295. D
has won the coveted ICC Laureus Spirit 296. A
of Sports award 2014 297. C
A. India 298. D
B. Pakistan 299. A
C. Afghanistan 300. A
D. Australia

294. In context to astronomy, "Charkilo"

which is in news recently is
A. Meteorite
B. Miniature Planet
C. Asteroid
D. Comet

295. Recently, which bank became the first

state-run lender to allow withdrawal of
funds to individuals from ATM's without
an account in the bank
A. United Bank Of India
B. State Bank Of India
C. Corporation Bank
D. Bank Of India

296. Recently, WHO-India has launched

IVR 2020 programme to protect and Composed by:
increase the number of
A. One-horn Rhinos Research work & Partner:
B. Tigers Team
C. Indian Bustard
D. Asiatic Lions

297. Recently, it was reported in Thanks to:

newspaper that CERT-In has detected
a new smartphone virus which can Digital Mind Storm
compromise the data stored on the
user's phone. The virus is named as
A. Killer
B. Ebola
C. Dendroid
D. SmartX

298. Which among the following countries

clinched the South Asian Handball
Championship 2014
A. Bangladesh
B. Afghanistan
C. Pakistan
D. India

299. The name of world's first gun for

woman launched recently is
A. Nirbheek
B. Shravya
C. Jhansi
D. Kalpana

300. Which among the following national

parks has been nominated to
UNESCO's world heritage site status
for 2014
A. Great Himalayan National Park
B. Jim Corbett National Park
C. Anshi National Park
D. Bannerughatta National Park

291. B
292. A
293. C

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